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Leonard Cohen 的 In My Secret Life中文意思

In My Secret Life 在我心底In My Secret Life 在我心底,I saw you this morning 今晨我看到了你,You were moving so fast 您走的如此匆忙,(注意,这很可能是作者的梦境!)Can"t seem to loosen my grip on the past 对过往仍旧念念不忘。And I miss you so much, There"s no one in sight 我如此想念你,眼里再无他人。And we"re still making love,In My Secret Life 在我心底,我们一直在相爱。In My Secret life 在我心底。I smile when I"m angry 我愤怒时微笑,I cheat and I lie 我欺骗和撒谎。I do what I have to do To get by 我做必须做的,只为活下去。But I know what is wrong 但我知道什么是错And I konw what is right 我也知道什么是对的And I"d die for the truth In My Secret Life 在我心底,我可为真理而牺牲。In My Secret Life  在我心底。Hold on Hold on my brother ,My sister hold on tight 坚持,兄弟,坚持,我的姊妹。I finally got my orders 我终将得到启示,I"ll be marching through the morning 我将穿过黎明。Marching through the night 穿过黑夜。,Moving cross the borders of my secret life 穿越心底的桎梏。 Looked through the paper 看着新闻信息,Makes you want to cry 令你伤怀。Nobody cares if the people live or die 无人在意人民的生死And the dealer wants you thinking,世界需要你去思考,That it"s either black or white 不管黑与白。Thank God it"s not that simple ,in my secret life 感谢上天,在我心底,它没那么简单。  I bite my lip 我谨慎语言,I buy what I"m told From the latest hit To the wisdom of old 我默默忍受着新鲜或古老的知识所告知我的一切。(全盘接受,不管您喜不喜欢,你都得买buy下。)But I"m always alone 但我一致独行,And my heart is like ice 我心如冰雪。And it"s crowded and cold,in my secret life 在我心底,它是拥塞和寒冷的。in my secret life 在我心底。in my secret life 在我心底。



mobile phone是单词还是词组

mobile phone是单词还是词组mobile phone 移动电话mobilephone 手机

mobile phone是什么意思


mobile phone怎么读

mobile phone[英][u02c8mu0259ubail fu0259un][美][mou02c8bil fon]移动电话; 这里有读法http://fanyi.baidu.com/#en/zh/mobile%20phone

mobile phone是什么意思

mobile phone[英][u02c8mu0259ubail fu0259un][美][mou02c8bil fon]移动电话; 复数:mobile phones例句:1.The leading mobile phone brands are international. 领先的手机产品都是国际品牌。2.Why would anyone need a mobile phone? 为什么每个人都需要一部手机呢?

Mobile phone 是什么意思

mobile phone英 [u02c8mu0259ubail fu0259un] 美 [mou02c8bil fon][释义]移动电话;[网络]手提电话,手机; 行动电话; 移动电话,手机;[例句]This plug-in can send Short Message Service ( SMS) messages to a Sametime partner " s mobile phone.这个插件可以向Sametime合作伙伴的移动电话发送SMS消息。[其他]复数:mobile phones

mobile phone是什么意思

mobile phone翻译成中文意思是手机。

cellphone和mobile phone区别

cellphone和mobile phone的区别具体如下:通信含义的不同,cell phone是指数字式蜂窝移动电话,mobile phone是指移动式电话。解释含义的不同,cell phone就是指手机,mobile phone是移动手机便携手机的意思。使用群体不同,cell phone为美式英语,在加拿大和美国使用得比较多。mobile phone为英式英语,在欧洲使用比较广泛。Cellphone和mobile phone都是指移动电话,用于打电话、发送短信、上网等功能。它们是英语中移动电话的两种不同称呼而已。在英国和澳大利亚,人们普遍使用mobile phone这个词;而在美国和加拿大,人们更倾向于使用cellphone,或cell phone这个词。除此之外,在其他地区,可能会有不同的称呼方式,比如smartphone、iPhone等。随着科技的进步,移动电话的功能不断扩展,其名称也有所变化,但仍然使用cellphone和mobile phone作为最基本的称呼。在某些英语教材或语言学术研究中,可能会将cellphone和mobile phone作出一些明确的区分。比如mobile phone指限制了位置的电话,而cellphone是为了便于携带而设计的电话。但这些区分并没有在日常生活中得到广泛的应用。综上所述,cellphone和mobile phone指的都是同一种设备,只是不同的称呼方式。因此,在日常使用中,我们可以根据自己的习惯和所处的地区选择不同的词汇。



用 *** iles写作文

1. 用the power of *** iles写作文 No matter how large the difficulties and frustration, no matter how much is lost and sadness, you just need to Insist *** ile, keep calm , hard work,and use a *** ile to create your confidence . You will be more stronger and nothing can stop you until you will have the last laugh. That"s the power of *** iles. Someone said that life is like a mirror, if you *** ile upon it, I *** iles back upon you,but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will get a similar look in return.Like the beauty of the language, *** ile is also powerful .Sang Lan is one of the Chinese gymnasts.When she faced the accidental injury she also kept *** ile and did"t give up.So she won the people"s respect and praise.See that, *** ile can make your life better.It makes the frustration people lost confidence and courage to live,and this is the power of *** iles. Let us learn to *** ile, it gives us the progress of power! 2. 以 *** iles 为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文 Do you want to be happy?have a try,start each day with a *** ile! *** iles have lots of role.For example, *** iles can help us happy and *** art.Smiles also can help us out of the trouble.Smiles help us make more friends.Smilrs make us be healthy. Still etc.What and why?To live with *** ile.。 3. 题目为 *** iles 的英语作文 Smiles show love and friendship. Teacher"s *** iles encourage us. Mother"s *** iles warm us. Friend"s *** iles make us close. When you *** ile, you"re so happy. When you *** ile, you"re so sweet. When you *** ile, you"re so friendly. When you *** ile, you"re so beautiful. When you *** ile, you"re so encouraging. When we *** ile, the world will be so wonderful. Life is a long journey. Why not cover it with *** iles? 4. 写一篇英语作文,题目:The power of *** iles(微笑的力量)不少于 作业不会,学霸帮你 立即下载 满意回答 The Power of Smile Besides music, *** ile perhaps is the most beautiful language without borders beeen different people.In our childhood when we are babies,the first thing that we learn is to *** ile which is before"Mum and Dad".Smile has no difference among people,no mttter who you are and where you are from.When we have a problem,conflict or misunderstanding, only *** ile can help us conmmunicate and release;when we are facing with some difficulties, only *** ile can help us overe.We will never fet the *** ile in the faces of the volunteers of the Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo which show our friendship, generosity and the warmness.And we will never fet the *** ile in the faces of the waiters in a restaurant,the door-boy at the hotel gate,the teacher in the class and the doctors in the hospital.All these *** iles are so beautiful that we feel the world is so nice,and the relation beeen people is so amazing.You will certainly think that life is sunny and attractive every day with a *** ile. 刘玉恒2011 | 20 5. Learn to Smiles 的英语作文 Learn to *** ile Smiling is good for our health. We should learn to *** ile at ourselves. When we face to the problems and trouble we should learn to *** ile. We should learn to *** ile at others. You will find it easy to municate with the others.It will bring happiness to the others. Smiling is a special language which everyone knows about it .It can spread the friendship and shorten the distance among people. So let"s learn to *** ile. (这可是我自己写的哟!不是用翻译的哦!) 6. 《the power of *** iles》为题写英语作文 The Power of Smile Besides music, *** ile perhaps is the most beautiful language without borders beeen different people.In our childhood when we are babies,the first thing that we learn is to *** ile which is before"Mum and Dad".Smile has no difference among people,no mttter who you are and where you are from.When we have a problem,conflict or misunderstanding, only *** ile can help us conmmunicate and release;when we are facing with some difficulties, only *** ile can help us overe.We will never fet the *** ile in the faces of the volunteers of the Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo which show our friendship, generosity and the warmness.And we will never fet the *** ile in the faces of the waiters in a restaurant,the door-boy at the hotel gate,the teacher in the class and the doctors in the hospital.All these *** iles are so beautiful that we feel the world is so nice,and the relation beeen people is so amazing.You will certainly think that life is sunny and attractive every day with a *** ile.。 7. Twelve Sincere Smiles的作文全文中文翻译 有了美丽的中国一定会有美丽的上海。 不同的国家有不同的魅力。在中国黄浦江是我国的母亲河之一。 也有高耸入云的“金茂大厦”,它高420.5米,共有88层,还有白天登上的东方明珠。 上海也是一个充满魅力的城市,它也是充满热情的地方。 在上海最有特色的节日是---春节在这个传统的节日里,到处喜气洋洋,家人欢聚一堂,热闹非凡。春节也体现了我们国家的人民对亲情的重视,春节到了,即使在外很远的人也要赶回家看望父母,陪伴父母度过这个节日,根据春节的传统习俗,置办一些节日的必需品,开展各种各样的活动。 对于我们来说,有很多春节的传统习俗都是我们熟悉的,比如“贴春联、窗花”,“放鞭炮”,“吃年夜饭” ,“收红包”等等等等。我的外公写着一手好字,所以每当春节来临之际,外公总是亲自写春联,然后我们爬上爬下的把春联贴在门上,不仅为节日增添了喜气,还可以供人欣赏,比买来的春联还要有意义。 说完“贴春联”,再来说说放鞭炮吧。那“噼里啪啦”的鞭炮声此起彼伏,震耳欲聋。 可是我们还太小,放鞭炮很危险,如果我们一个人放鞭炮的话,很有可能会发生意外,所以常常需要父母的陪伴一起来放鞭炮,这样的话,即可以防止危险的发生啊! “收红包”一定是我们这些小孩子喜欢春节最重要的理由之一了。其实压岁钱压也是长辈们对于我们的一个祝福,希望我们能够平平安安的生活,因为以前压岁钱也叫“押岁钱”、“压祟钱”,因为岁与祟是谐音,压岁钱可以压住邪祟,所以给我们压岁钱也是长辈们对于我们今后生活的一个美好的期许。 “吃年夜饭”是春节里最重要的一个传统习俗之一。一家人团聚在一起,享受着天伦之乐。 饭桌上,家人们互相祝福,爽朗的笑声在屋顶上盘旋。春节,是我们国家最重要的节日之一,它传承并发扬了中华民族传统文化。 在我眼里,中华民族传统文化,就是传承民族的精神,而我们,首先要将民族精神牢牢地记在心间,时刻向这个方向努力,这样才能为美丽中国显出自己的一份力量。 8. 【Aspecial *** ile作文】 A lot of people and things, even a glance, a *** ile can change our life in school. Zhang Bei his first met with a *** ile.The past he was alone, without friends, was to make friends with people.Day of a *** ile he changed his life. he tried to students;……Now he was not lonely, and made many good friends, and they play.From this case, i see *** iles can bring many people help, i am a love of girls, because i think that a *** ile can bring in everyone, so when i was little, i"ll have a hope, that is :I hope that the world every man can keep a *** ile, every *** ile can let people fet the worries and troubles, even though you are faced with a *** ile, why don"t count your life!Smile, may make you fet everything, let us laugh and *** ile to everyone!。

求Nat king cole的所有专辑及曲目

  Night Nights  歌曲 01. Night Lights  02. I Got Love  03. Stay  04. Mr. Juke Box  05. I Just Found Out About Love  06. Dame Crazy  07. Too Young To Go Steady  08. Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow  09. The Shadows  10. Believe  11. To The Ends Of The Earth  12. Never Let Me Go  13. I Promise You  14. The Way I Love You  15. Once Before  16. Make Me  17. Sometimes I Wonder  18. I Need A Plan  19. I Am Willing To Share This With You  20. The Story"s Old  1998年《The Legendary》  歌曲 01. Ramibilin" Rose  02. Pretend  03. Ungorgetable  04. Nature Boy  05. Smile  06. (I love Yoy) For Sentimental Reasons  07. Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer  08. Mona Lisa  09. Answer Me, My Love  10. Too Young  11. Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup  12. A Blossom Fell  1998年《When I Fall In Love》  歌曲 01. When I fall in love  02. Unforgettable  03. Love is here to stay  04. Autumn leaves  05. Smile  06. Stardust  07. A nightingal sang in berkely square  08. Love is mang spendored thing  09. Tenderly  10. Blue gardenia  11. Waklin my baby back home  12. Love letters  13. Let"s fall in love  14. There goes my heart  15. Let there be love  16. The more I see you  17. When you"re smiling  18. Dear lonely hearts  19. Too young  20. The very thoungt of you  21. For all we know  22. Darling je vous aime beaucoup  1970年1月1日《20 Golden Greats》  歌曲 01. Sweet Lorraine  02. Straighten Up And Fly Right  03. Nature Boy  04. Dance Ballerina Dance  05. Mona Lisa  06. Too Young  07. Love Letters  08. Smile  09. Around The World  10. For All We Know  11. When I Fall In Love  12. The Very Thought Of You  13. On The Street Where You Live  14. Unforgettable  15. It"s All In The Game  16. Ramblin" Rose  17. Portrait Of Jennie  18. Let There Be Love  19. Somewhere Along The Way  20. Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer  2000年《The Essential Nat King Cole》  这张2000最新发行的精选辑中,收录了12首Nat King Cole在1950年至1962年间大家耳熟能详的作品,可说是将他璀璨的歌唱生涯,作了一个最佳的回顾。  歌曲 01. Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days  02. Unforgettable  03. Pretend  04. Ramblin" Rose  05. Smile  06. A Blossom Fell  07. It"s All In The Game  08. Stardust  09. Nature Boy  10. Red Sails In The Sunset  11. Too Young  12. Mona Lisa  13. When I Fall In Love  14. Love Letters  15. Answer Me My Love  16. He"ll Have To Go  17. Sweet Lorraine  18. It"s Only A Paper Moon  19. Somewhere Along The Way  20. Darling Je Vous Aime Beacoup  2000年《Rockin" Boppin" & Blues》  歌曲 01. I"m An Errand Boy For Rhythm  02. Straighten Up And Fly Right  03. Gee Baby, Ain"t I Good To You  04. Easy Listenin" Blues  05. (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66  06. The Frim Fram Sauce  07. Baby, Baby All The Time  08. Chant Of The Blues  09. I Think You Get What I Mean  10. Ooh, Kickeroonie  11. Blues In My Shower  12. If I Were You, Baby, I"d Love Me  13. Walkin"  14. Send For Me  15. Beale Street Blues  16. Wee Baby Blues  17. Joe Turner Blues (Live)  18. Mr. Cole Won"t Rock & Roll (Live)  2000年《 Best of Nat King Cole》  歌曲 01. Unforgettable  02. You Stepped Out of a Dream  03. It"s Only a Paper Moon  04. Somebody Loves Me  05. The End of a Beautiful Friendship  06. The Sand and the Sea  07. When You"re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You)  08. Mona Lisa  09. Autumn Leaves  10. Cuba  11. Crazy Rhythm  12. Thou Swell [Live]  2000年《[font title="Canta Espanol /26 Grandes Exitos"]Canta Espanol /26 Grandes Exitos[/font]》  歌曲 01. Aquellos Ojos Verdes  02. Cachito  03. Ansiedad  04. Te Quiero, Dijiste  05. Tres Palabras  06. Quizas, Quizas, Quizas,  07. Acercate Mas  08. Solamente Una Vez  09. Vaya Con Dios  10. Nao Tenho Lagrimas  11. Maria Elena  12. Las Mananitas  13. El Bodeguero  14. Adelita  15. Fantastico  16. Perfidia  17. Las Chiapanecas  18. Ay, Cosita Linda  19. Noche De Ronda  20. Nadie Me Ama  21. La Feria De Las Flores  22. Adios Mariquita Linda  23. Suas Maos  24. Capullito De Aleli  25. La Golondrina  26. No Me Platiques  2006年2月1日《Nat King Cole-The Pianist》  歌曲 01. Cole Capers  02. Blues In My Shower  03. Three Little Words  04. How High The Moon  05. Penthouse Serenade  06. Somebody Loves Me  07. Laura  08. Down By The Old Mill Stream  09. If I Should Lose You  10. Rose Room  11. Honeysuckle Rose  12. The Man I Love  13. Body And Soul  14. Bop-Kick  15. I Know That You Know  16. What Is This Thing Called Love  17. All Aboard  18. Sweet Georgia Brown  19. Lester Goose Chase  20. Wild Goose Chase  21. Swingin" The Blues  22. Miss Thing  23. Rib Town Shuffle  24. Fudge Wudge  在参考资料里有他相关的传记(包括在哪个公司录音)但是却没有每张专辑所属的公司,sorry

we happy few进不去,显示:Failed to open descriptor file

打开文件包失败 这是这句话的意思重新安装试试

You learn to take life as it comes at you to make each day count.

你好!You learn to take life as it comes at you to make each day count.要学会接受生活之际,你每天计数。

Katherine Kathleen 和Kathryn这三个可以做英文名字吗?它们的中文意思是什么?




Java 中 如果clone为什么必须实现Cloneable接口

因为clone声明的方法是接口所以实现接口的时候要全部实现接口所包含的全部方法这里的Cloneable接口就一个clone方法所以是这样..补充点public interface Cloneable此类实现了 Cloneable 接口,以指示 Object.clone() 方法可以合法地对该类实例进行按字段复制。 如果在没有实现 Cloneable 接口的实例上调用 Object 的 clone 方法,则会导致抛出 CloneNotSupportedException 异常。 按照惯例,实现此接口的类应该使用公共方法重写 Object.clone(它是受保护的)。请参阅 Object.clone(),以获得有关重写此方法的详细信息。 注意,此接口不 包含 clone 方法。因此,因为某个对象实现了此接口就克隆它是不可能的。即使 clone 方法是反射性调用的,也无法保证它将获得成功。 答案补充 是啊,这个时候实现的时候是根据用户自己去写里面的代码啊接口都是里面只有函数的声明,没有函数的实现所以这里的clone方法是用户自己去写的....... 答案补充 接口就是只有函数声明,没有函数实现;为什么要用这种,是因为在编写程序的时候一个类只能继承一个类,但是可以实现N个接口举个例子:interface yuyu{ public void tt() throw Exception;//这里定义为接口,就一定不能实现,实现会报错;//这个只有在后面使用的时候再实现它,使用接口的目的是为了代码的紧凑,//看起来比较直观....}public class demo implements yuyu{public void tt() throw Exception{//这里就要写代码进行具体实现!!!//这里可以实现N个接口,但是这里只是实现了yuyu,但是继承只能继承一个//还有这种的好处是,当很多类都要类似的方法的时候,//都可以实现这个yuyu接口,而很多的代码就可以不写了,大概就是这些原因吧...}} 答案补充 java中不是什么空接口,比如说序列化的接口Serializable这些具体含义以及作用(序列化就是一种用来处理对象流的机制,所谓对象流也就是将对象的内容进行流化。可以对流化后的对象进行读写操作,也可将流化后的对象传输于网络之间。)都是由JDK作用标识好了的,如果你不实现这个接口你将自己去写自己的那一套处理对象流的机制的规范所以在这里就为java程序员提供了很大的好处(简便),不知道我上面说的,你能不能明白..只有实现这个接口才能完成你要的功能...

Katherine Kathleen 和Kathryn这三个可以做英文名字吗?它们的中文意思是什么?


找一首歌,歌词是“I never wanna let you go, cause you are my baby......" 是一个女歌手唱的

never wanna let you go 歌手 Robby X


1楼看到15集,终于发现,Elena就是Katherrine说说这样认为的原因:1、Elena长得和Katherine一模一样。2、Katherine最后一次被亚洲女孩看见是1985年,而Elena现在18岁,算下来应该是1992年出生的。3、Elena自身就很多迷,她是被领养的,她的父母为何不办领养手续?为什么她父母后来又离奇死亡?她的家族和吸血鬼之间又有很多联系,这是为什么?4、Elena和Katherine之间绝对有千丝万缕的联系,这是所有观众都相信的,这联系是什么呢?很多人猜想是母女,绝对不会是母女这样简单,因为其一、吸血鬼应该不能生育;其二,编剧也不会荒唐的让有母女关系的人和同一个吸血鬼发生性关系;基三、即使是母女,也不可能如此相像。 因此推断,Katherine可能个人经历了一些什么事情,导致她变成婴儿,忘掉以前所有的事情,重新再活一次,于是就有了Elena。支持的顶一下!

英文歌词中有一句make it smile ,还有一句是,in my life,最后有一句是oh

最佳答案"What Makes You Beautiful"[Verse 1][Liam]You"re insecure,Don"t know what for,You"re turning heads when you walk through the door,Don"t need make-up,To cover up,Being the way that you are is enough,[Bridge][Harry]Everyone else in the room can see it,Everyone else but you,[Chorus][All]Baby you light up my world like nobody else,The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell,You don"t know,Oh oh,You don"t know you"re beautiful,If only you saw what I can see,You"ll understand why I want you so desperately,Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe,You don"t know,Oh oh,You don"t know you"re beautiful,Oh oh,That"s what makes you beautiful

"you are an apple in my eyes"求解释



Katherine and Kathryn 同样读法 系读 (Kath-er-rin) 读得快个 er 系听唔到 即系 (Kath-rin). Kathleen 系读 (Kath-LEEN) E 系长音 即系 照读 E. e.g. EAT LEAN 的长 E 音. 参考: I am an abc The pronounciation of katherine and kathryn is the same. The pronounciation of kathleen is similar but it has to change the "r" into "l".

you are the apple in my eyes的意思喔.


leaving 和living的区别,发音我也发不准




You are the apple of my eyes. 什么意思?不要直译成你是我眼中的苹果。

难道要翻译成 我的眼中 你的苹果 你才甘心?

You are the apple of my life?


You are the apple of my eye 请问这句话是什么意思?


you are the apple in 还是 of my eyes

in.you are the apple in my eyes.


2015-2016高二外研版周报第30期Book 7 Module 4 参考答案及部分解析[参考答案]1-5 CBABA 6-10CBABC11-15 ABACA 16-20BACAB21-25 ABBCB 26-30CCCAC31-35 BBCBD 36-40FCBEG41-45 CBDAB 46-50CABCA51-55 DBDCD 56-60DABDC61. feelings 62.on 63. national 64.has 65. have come 66.that 67. gradually 68. known 69. who / that 70.singing短文改错:71. ... being showing on ... showing → shown72. ... be banned showing ... banned后加from73. ... seen an advertisement ... an → the74. ... on the roads ... roads → road75. ... with blood pour ... pour → pouring76. I simple don"t ... simple→ simply77. ... which frightens people. frightens→ frighten78. ... so advertising methods. so → such79. ... we can be succeed ... 去掉be或succeed → successful80. ... less shocked advertisements. shocked→ shockingOne possible version:Dear Peter,I read on the Internet today that a talentshow for foreigners called “Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs” will be held atBeijing Television Station on July 18. I know you like singing, and you are inBeijing during that period. So I think this is a good chance for you to showyour singing talent and how well you"ve learned Chinese. If you"d like to try,you"ll have to go to the TV station to sign up before the end of June. If thereis anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.Yours,Li Hua部分解析阅读理解:第一节:A篇 (个人情况)本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了因缔造了Pink Floyd乐队而著称于世的英国歌手西德·巴勒特。21. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的He left the band in1968 after experiencing some kind of breakdown due to the pressures of stardomand touring可知,西德·巴勒特由于明星身份和巡回演出所带来的压力曾一度崩溃,所以他于1968年离开了Pink Floyd乐队。22. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的Barrett then left themusic business completely, deciding a musician"s life was not for him和He lived alone, quietly spendinghis time painting and gardening可知,西德·巴勒特结束了作为音乐人的生活。23. B。词义猜测题。由最后一段中的when fans orjournalists called on him he was polite ... Syd asked him to leave as he didn"tdo interviews any more以及文中对Syd Barrett的描述可知,西德·巴勒特过着隐居的生活,不想被媒体关注。B篇 (社会)本文是应用文。作者在信中建议杂志编辑多刊登一些关于女性科学家的文章。24. C。细节理解题。由第二段中的this work laid thefoundation for X-rays and atomic physics可知,玛丽·居里的工作为研究X射线和原子物理奠定了基础。25. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的her book The SeaAround Us made scientific knowledge about the sea ... a book that helped leadto improvements in the use of chemical pesticides可知,雷切尔·卡逊所著的两本书对大众都产生了很大的影响。26. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的I believe that we needto encourage young women to enter the field of science可知,作者对女性科学家的故事很感兴趣。27. C。写作目的题。由第一段中的Please publish morearticles about women scientists及最后一段中的I sincerely hope your magazine can publish more articles about thecontributions that women make to science可知,作者写这封信是想建议杂志编辑多刊登一些关于女性科学家及她们对科学所做贡献的文章。C篇 (现代技术)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了3-D打印技术在医疗上的应用。28. C。细节理解题。由Life-Saving Airway一节中的Even more remarkably ... It"sdesigned to eventually be absorbed into the body可知,3-D打印的人工气管能最终被人体吸收。29. A。推理判断题。由New “Bionic” Hands一节中的a special prosthetic design thatonly cost a few hundred dollars in materials ... a prosthetic far cheaper thanother choices that can run tens of thousands of dollars可知,3-D打印的仿生手优势在于其成本低。30. C。推理判断题。由A Practice Heart一节中的to “practice” risky operations和For a recent operation her doctor... print out a model可知,3-D打印的心脏能帮助医生在真正动手术之前多练习手术步骤。31. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的This is really thefirst time we"ve taken it to this stage, where everything has been planned andmodeled in advance — and worked sweetly可知,Adrian Sugar认为3-D打印的头骨效果很好。D篇 (自然)本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了海龟可以跟踪地球的磁场来准确找到它们的家。32. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的It"s not an easy way,though — the magneticfield turns slowly, and turtles have to change their nesting sites in response可知,地球磁场是变化的,海龟需要不断地调整来适应。33. C。段落大意题。由第四段中的provides scientistswith a rich population data set和researchers have been studying slight changes ...以及combined the citizen-science data...可知,第四段主要讲述了研究人员如何获取数据并进行研究的。34. B。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的It"s really creativework, the type that makes you think可知,Nathan Putman认为该研究有创新性且引人思考。35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的The results could alsoinfluence conservation ways for these endangered animals和the practice could affect theturtles" ability to find their way home可知,许多保护人士用铁丝笼把海龟的窝围起来是为了通过干扰磁场来留住海龟。第二节: 话题:购物 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了在机场省钱的四种方法。36. F。由该空前面的This covers the cost of ...food and drinks可知,F项内容“如果你计划在机场吃东西,这样可以更便宜”符合此处语境。37. C。由该段主题句Take an empty water bottle以及该空前的Take an empty ... in theairport可知,带一个空水瓶,在机场的饮水器上接水,这样你就可以节省花在昂贵饮料上的钱。38. B。由本段中的special offers and deals onproducts and meals可知,本段主要说明“要善于利用机场的折扣”。39. E。由该空前的find out where everything isbefore you arrive可知,E项“提前了解饮水器和便宜的吃的地方的位置”符合此处语境。40. G。G项中的“The more prepared you are”与该段主题句Get yourself prepared相呼应。语言知识运用:第一节: 话题:人际关系本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在生日那天和丈夫帮助一位男士修好车的故事。41. C。 “我”和丈夫花了一天时间去冒险,并“决定(decided)”去宾夕法尼亚州的费城吃晚餐。42. B。由该空前的At dinner与该空后的at a table可知,晚餐时我们与一位男士和他八岁的孩子“坐在(seated)”一桌。43. D。由下文中的we parted friendly可知,在吃饭时我们“有礼貌(polite)”地交谈了几句。44. A。由文中的描述可知,“当(As)”我们穿过停车场时,“我”听到有人在楼上叫我们。45. B。由上文中的from the level above可知,“我”“抬头看上去(looked up)”,看到那位男士和他的儿子正站在那儿冲我们挥手。46. C。由上下文的描述以及常识可知,隔着楼层说话需要“大声喊(shouted)”。47. A。由下文中的my husband and I walked up tothe second level to speak with him可知,我们“很难(difficult)”听到他在说什么。48. B。由上文中他们向我们借车用跨接引线以及该空后的his car haddecided that it didn"t want to turn on可知,“很明显(Obviously)”,他的车打不着。49. C。50. A。由下文中的the battery was indeed dead可知,经过“检查(checking)”,我们得出“结论(conclusion)”:电池没电了。51. D。由上文中的all of whom ignored our smallgroup可知,过往的路人都不理睬我们,“继续(kept)”走路。52. B。53. D。由下文的描述和nearby可知,我们“主动提出(offered)”开车送他们去“最近的(closest)”商店。54. C。由下文中的apologizing repeatedly becausehe knew it was my birthday可知,这位男士不愿意“麻烦(trouble)”我们。55. D。由上文中的he knew it was my birthday可知,“我”告诉他没有比帮助别人更好的“礼物(gift)”了。56. D。由上文中的drive him in our car to the ... store可知,我们开车到了附近的一家“超市(supermarket)”。57. A。由上文中的his car had decided that itdidn"t want to turn on可知,我们开车回到停车场去“发动(start)”他的车。58. B。由上文中的there was no better ... thanhelping out another可知,作者和丈夫非常乐意帮助这位男士,所以他们应该“拒绝(refused)”了这位男士给的钱。59. D。由文中的描述可知,能够帮助别人,作者和丈夫感到很“开心(happy)”。60. C。由上文中的he and his son would be ableto get home safely可知,他们能够安全回家,而不用一整夜“被困在(stuck)”停车场了。第二节:61. feelings。考查名词。设空处作expresses的宾语,表示“感受”, 且与problems并列,故填feelings。62. on。考查介词。on important occasions意为“在重要的场合”。63. national。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰song,故填national。64. has。考查主谓一致。high school和college前有each修饰,故谓语动词用单数形式has。65. have come。考查现在完成时。由时间状语Since that time可知应用现在完成时,故填have come。66. that。考查连接词。设空处引导表语从句,且从句中成分完整,故填that。67. gradually。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰has grown and changed,故填gradually。68. known。考查动词-ed形式作后置定语的用法。设空处作后置定语修饰music,且know与music之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填known。69. who / that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰people,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that。70. singing。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作by的宾语,且people与sing之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填singing。[选做题参考答案及解析][参考答案]I. 阅读理解:1-5 DBABCII. 完形填空:1-5 BCADC 6-10 ACADC 11-15 BADCB 16-20 ABDDB解析I. 阅读理解 话题:旅游与交通本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了旅客在换乘飞机的时候最容易丢失行李。1. D。段落大意题。由第一段中的you will have to put upwith wearing the clothes you stand up in for hours or days和you may be in a different climatezone, thousands of miles from home and forced to wear wholly unsuitable clothes可知,作者在第一段描述了丢行李的麻烦。2. B。词义猜测题。由第二段中的No airline is free frommistakes可推断,Even thebest airlines slip up from time to time的意思是:甚至连最好的航空公司有时也会出差错。3. A。推理判断题。由第四段的描述可知,希斯罗机场是一个非常繁忙的航空枢纽。4. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的The risk of baggagebeing lost when changing planes is higher than average at most airports可知,旅客在换乘飞机的时候,行李最容易丢失。5. C。细节理解题。由最后一段中的You should choosedirect flights whenever possible and check in well before the official time. Ifa change of plane is unavoidable可知,文章建议航空旅客尽量避免换乘航班。II. 完形填空 话题:社会本文是议论文。文章通过对比说明了女性司机比男性司机更安全、更谨慎。1. B。前后句之间表示转折关系,故用“然而(However)”。2. C。由上文中的others think that women makeworse drivers可知,此处指认为女司机是“更糟糕的(worse)”司机的想法是一种刻板印象。3. A。由上文中的women drove less than men可知,“开车(driving)”被认为是男性的职责。4. D。由下文中的this controversial question可知,人们对这个有争议的问题有“不同的(different)”看法。5. C。上下文表示让步关系,故用“尽管(although)”。6. A。由下文中的such as pedestrians andcyclists可知,此处指其他的道路“使用者(users)”。7. C。由上文中的stressful situations以及下文中的less likely to be involved in “road rage” incidents可知, 女司机在压力大的情况下更可能保持“冷静(calm)”。8. A。由下文中的so they take fewer risks可知,女司机比男司机更“谨慎(cautious)”。9. D。they are more responsible与they tend not to drive when tiredor after drinking alcohol之间表示因果关系,故用“因此(thus)”。10. C。上文中讲述了女司机的优点,由该空后的many people arguethat women cause accidents可知,本段要讲述女司机的另一面,故用“另一方面(On the other hand)”。11. B。由上文中的they may react slowly可知,女司机“缺乏(lack)”自信。12. A。由下文中的by children in the car可知,女司机在开车时很“容易(easily)”受到干扰。13. D。14. C。由上文中的Research以及下文中的have problems with the difference between left and right可知,研究“表明(shows)”,相比起男性,女性发现看地图更“难(difficult)”。15. B。由下文中的pay lower insurance可知,尽管女司机会有更多的事故,但是这些事故都是小事故,她们交的“保险(insurance)”也常常便宜。16. A。由上文中的women have accidents whenparking以及下文中的spatialawareness可知,女司机的空间感比较“差(poor)”。17. B。由上文对女司机造成事故的介绍以及该空前的In contrast可知,相比之下,男司机更容易“造成(cause)”严重的事故。18. D。由下文中的it is clear that ... andtherefore better drivers可知,女司机比男司机“更安全(safer)”。19. D。由上文中的why a woman"s personalitymakes her a more competent driver以及文中的描述可知,女性的“个性(personality)”决定了她们是更安全的驾驶员。20. B。由下文中的by the fact that ... pay lowerinsurance than men可知,女性总体来说事故少这一事实“支撑(supported)”了上面这一结论。

求高手给一下几首歌的歌词:Mindy Gledhill 《crazy love》和《i do adore》,希望有中文翻译,十分感谢!

I Do AdoreMindy GledhillEverything you do it sends me Higher than the moon with every Twinkle in your eye You strike a match that lights my heart on fire When you"re near, I hide my blushing face And trip on my shoelaces Grace just isn"t my forté But it brings me to my knees when you sayHello, how are you, my darling today? I fall into a pile on the floor Puppy love is hard to ignore When every little thing you do, I do adoreWe"re as different as can be I"ve noticed you"re remarkably relaxed And I"m overly uptight We balance out each other nicelyYou wear sandals in the snow In mid-July I still feel cold We"re opposites in every way But I can"t resist it when sayChorusFinding words, I mutter Tongue-tied, twisted Foot in mouth, I start to stutter Ha, ha, Heaven help me 所有你送给我的东西比在你眼中被无数闪烁星星包围的月亮更加珍贵那根你点燃的火柴照亮了我的心每当你在我身边.我总是隐藏自己害羞的脸时不时胡乱得系弄我的鞋带.要知道优雅和美丽从来不是我的强项但当你说话时我总是不好意思的弯下头HI.亲爱的你现在还好吗?我坐在阶梯上陷入了沉思初恋总是很难忘记你做的每件小事,我都很喜欢我们是两个非常不同的人我注意过,你是个非常随意的家伙而我却总是个过度不安的女孩我们俩还真是很好的互补了你可以在下雪天穿双凉鞋而我在六月还会觉得冷我们的方式总是完全相反但我说这些时还是会忍不住哽咽噢~噢~~~噢我轻声低语着却无话可说我像喝醉般的不知所云结结巴巴的说着啊~~啊~上帝快来帮我一把吧 Song:Crazy LoveArtist:Mindy GledhillNobody knows that I am a secret spyI follow you home, careful to walk behind youI climb up your tree and hide in the leavesTo keep you from seeing who I amCall me obsessed, but I need to know your nameYour age, your address and where in the world you came fromIt"s silly to think that I"m on the brinkOf falling right off my rockerOh, I want to knowAll about your mom and your favorite songAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of obsessive-compulsive, crazy loveLate after dark, your light is on upstairsAnd I watch you dance as if you were Fred AstaireA little finesse, a sparkly dressAnd I could be Ginger RogersOh, I want to knowAll the books you read and your favorite sweetsAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of obsessive-compulsive, crazyLa, la, la I"m like a fireflyLa, la, la in the evening skyI"m all aglow whenever I see you walking byOh, I want to knowIf you ever plan to hold my handAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition of…Oh, I want to knowIf you ever plan to hold my handAnd why you hypnotize meWell, I tell you whatI"m the definition ofObsessive-compulsive crazy love歌曲:疯狂的爱艺术家:明迪格莱德希尔没有人知道我是一个秘密间谍我跟着你回家,小心地走在你后面我爬上你的树,藏在树叶让你看到我是谁叫我着迷,但我需要知道你的名字你的年龄,你的地址和世界上哪里你来自这是愚蠢的认为我在悬崖的边缘从我的右摇杆下降哦,我想知道所有关于你的妈妈和你最喜欢的歌和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是强迫性的定义,疯狂的爱天黑后晚,你的光在楼上我看你跳舞好像你是弗雷德·阿斯泰尔一个小技巧,一个闪亮的礼服和我可以是罗杰斯哦,我想知道所有的书你读到和你最喜欢的糖果和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是强迫性的定义,疯狂啦,啦,啦我像萤火虫啦,啦,啦傍晚的天空我所有的发红每当我看到你走过哦,我想知道如果你想握住我的手和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我是…的定义哦,我想知道如果你想握住我的手和你为什么施催眠术我好,我告诉你我的定义强迫性疯狂的爱

But the average young female in this country now is stylish and remarkably confident.


One of the characteristics of Italian is that articles and adjectives have inflectional

意大利语的特点之一是冠词和形容词有.....这句话是不是没说完 1. robust2. issimo3"a robust wine":un vino robusto "a very red face":una faccia rossissimo"a very dry wine" un vino seccoissimo不知道对不对

—I’m sorry to trouble you, madam. —_______ A.What for? B.My pleasure. C.It’s no matt



remarkable /rɪˈmɑːkəbəl/ 1ADJ Someone or something that is remarkable is unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them and be surprised or impressed. 不同寻常的; 非凡卓越的; 引人注目的He was a remarkable man.他是个非凡卓越的人。2ADV 不同寻常地; 非凡卓越地; 引人注目地Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema.草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。


remarkable的副词形式是remarkably。remarkable:adj.非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的;比较级: more remarkable最高级: most remarkable扩展资料Her election to the premiership set the seal on a remarkable political career.当选总理使她的政治生涯灿烂辉煌。She was a truly remarkable woman.她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。The resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable.两个签名的相似之处非常明显。What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment.他捕捉瞬间画面的"能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。

Glenn Miller的《Say It》 歌词

歌曲名:Say It歌手:Glenn Miller专辑:100 Success De Glenn MillerBooty Luv - Say ItWhy so serious?You look ridiculousTry to act so coolWhen I knowI make you deliriousI can tell you"re in to meBut spare me you"re routineWhy don"t cha come over hereAnd just bring me down on my knees?Be a man and tell me what you really wantI"m right here waiting for you to take me homeIf you got something to sayJust say it, say itIf you want my b-bodyCome get it, get it nowIf you got something to say thenJust get right down to itBoy if you want me, don"t be so shyJust say it nowIt"s so obviousYou look so curiousTrying to act to stare at meBut I"m so sexy it hurtsIf you wanna" get with meYou gotta" beg and pleaWhy don"t cha come over hereSo we can let off some steam?Be a man and tell me what you really wantI"m right here waiting for you to turn me on(Ooohhh!)If you got something to sayJust say it, say itIf you want my b-bodyCome get it, get it nowIf you got something to say thenJust get right down to itBoy if you want me, don"t be so shyJust say it nowIf you got something to sayJust say it, say it (say it now)If you want my b-bodyCome get it, get it nowIf you got something to say thenJust get right down to it (oh-yeah)Boy if you want me, don"t be so shyJust say it nowTomorrow I"ll be gone, you"ll regret itThere"s still some time left to come and get itIs it the way I move that makes you stop and stare?Or is it too much for you? Don"t you dareIf you got something to say (say, say)If you want my b-bodyIf you got something to say (say, say)If you want my b-bodyOhhhhh!If you got something to sayJust say it, say itIf you want my b-bodyCome get it, get it nowIf you got something to say thenJust get right down to it (come on, come say it to me, boy!)Boy if you want me, don"t be so shyJust say it now (say it now!)If you got something to sayJust say it, say itIf you want my b-bodycome get it, get it now (get it now!)If you got something to say thenJust get right down to itBoy if you want me, don"t be so shyJust say it nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2677176

Dile Que是什么意思?跪求这首歌的歌词 是Enrique Iglesias唱的、拜托了


口语教程 say it right 2 ,第六页第三行的一句话;god bless her and all who sail in her 是什么意思,

God bless this ship and all who sail in her. 愿上帝保佑此船和所有乘此船航行的人。前面的her应指代ship

miss ripley 的剧情,每一集的,详细一点。

第1集  在日本福冈歌舞厅里,张美丽为了尽早替养父还清债好回到韩国找寻亲生母亲。她又在接待客人,看到客人手里的钞票,忍住屈辱拼命喝酒来取悦客人。  韩国酒店里,张明勋作为酒店总支配人,他冷静、慎重,可以称为是个完美男人。其下属报告有位女士整整三天都情绪激动要割脉自杀,不知道怎么处理,他过去后解决了这件事,把那位女士送进了医院。  张美丽在老板公寓外面提前点着了一支香烟,旁边有引爆线。她进去和老板谈判,还清了钱,拿到了契约书和户籍证,但老板不放她走,想让她和他做爱以作为利息。早都预料到老板会来这一套,这时房子里有了火光,美丽引诱了他一下,外面有人叫着火了,美里就拿着文件夹拼命往外跑向地铁站,老板在后一直追到车厢门关闭,还对美里嚷嚷着以后一定会把她找回来的。美里的好朋友帮着她把行李带到了地铁站,并祝福她到韩国后一定要幸福。美里也保证,她以后要开始一种全新的生活。  日本知名休闲度假公司的儿子宋裕贤从小就失去了生母,他心中深深埋藏了对生母的思念。他很善良,在地铁站看见小女孩央求着已经抱着弟弟的妈妈也抱抱她时,他会上前主动抱小女孩,无意中捡到一钱夹,他会把它交给相关工作人员联系。  张美丽在飞机上看见坐在对面的小女孩脖子上带的项链,想起她小时候的经历,她母亲扔下她和她父亲要离开时,曾送给美丽一个一模一样的项链,随后她父亲也过世了,她就成为一个孤儿被送进孤儿院,因为是孤儿,学校里的同学都嘲笑欺负她,由于她的任性和强势,她把书包都扔到垃圾筒里了,回到孤儿院罚站的经历。正想着,乘务员提醒她该下飞机了。  张美丽虽然身在韩国,但没有签证,如果没有正式工作,她会很快被遣返日本的。于是,她开始拼命地找工作。一边在小吃店打工,一边应聘合适的岗位。但是因为她只是高中毕业,面试都没有成功。  张美丽租的房子正好和宋裕贤是邻居。宋裕贤第一次看到她,就觉得她和她母亲长得很像,很愿意接近她。但是张美丽对于宋裕贤的搭讪无动于衷,总是表现得冷漠和置之不理。  张明勋和宋裕贤的继母成为留住东京大客户中村的竞争对手。张明勋也为这事烦恼着,因为他们酒店没有作为大客户翻译的合适人选,很多精通日语的职员对于福冈或傅中那边的方言并并不擅长,而这位大客户因为是老人,想留住他必须以合适的翻译为诱饵才行。他们酒店和日本文化中心也打了招呼,可一直也没消息。情急之中,他就去他哥哥的公司想挖来人才,正好那天张美丽也到他哥哥公司面试,结束时他哥哥恭喜张美丽同组的两位女士已经被录用了,明天就可以来上班。单独留下张美丽,并把门给反锁了,美丽以为会有什么意外的好消息呢,谁知他哥哥也是个色狼,看着美丽长得漂亮,但又嫌她无家庭背景无学历,还没有签证,就没录用她,但倒想占美丽便宜,美丽反抗着并在他背上咬了一下,惊来了保安。他哥还诋毁美丽威胁他签合同,美丽对这种贱男人真是恨之入骨,其实她并不是那种水性杨花并轻浮的女人,碰见这类事情,她总是很敏感。她心情沮丧地走出了公司。  张美丽在孤儿院时的好姐妹文熙珠,她父亲是著名的建筑设计师,六岁时和父亲走散了,就被送进孤儿院,后来又找到了她,她毕业于东京大学。她拿着自己的作品到日本文化中心去应聘,在过红绿灯时发现后面一个老奶奶摔倒了,善良的文熙珠就帮忙把老奶奶扶起来,慌忙中把她的一个装有设计图稿的文件夹落在路上了,她急忙赶往面试地点,差点错过了时间。面试官一听她父亲的名字,就相当地好奇,急于看她的作品,熙珠这才发现自己犯了这么大的疏忽。  张明勋请求他哥援助后,就上楼去找他妻子了,他妻子是个钢琴家,工作室就在楼上,他见门虚掩着,就直接推门进去了,谁料看见他妻子正和一外国人躺在地上做爱,他随即非常生气,那一外国人离开后,他妻子告诉他他如果想离婚的话她同意,因为她觉得明勋是那种为了权力可以出卖感情的人,他就是在利用她才得到今天的地位的,他从来都不会关心她,只是因为他父亲的关系才维持着婚姻,所以她出轨也是精神的需要。张明勋对于妻子的话没有否认,只是独自失落地离开了。他刚坐进公司楼下的车里,接到酒店的电话,日本文化中心那边有了合适的翻译小姐人选,他就着急开车回去。张美丽出了公司的大门,外面下起了雨,她就淋着雨精神恍惚地走着,正好被张明勋的车撞倒了,还好车及时停住,没有受伤。  张明勋忙关心她有没有受伤,她还处在刚才的对男士不信任和憎恶的情感中。就没好气地说了几句日语方言。张明勋听了出来,觉得可能她就是他一直要找的合适的人选,就一直追着她,给她说明他需要她的帮助。张美丽就和张明勋到了酒店的办公室,他详细介绍了这份工作,问美丽有什么要求,美丽提出必须是正式员工她才愿意。但明勋提出的条件是这是临时工作。美丽有点失望,就抱怨了句就算是东京大学毕业的也没办法成为酒店正式员工吗,明勋听到后反应很激动,就问她到底是不是东京大学毕业的。。。

韩剧miss ripley 第一集中扮演李多海老板的那个大叔是谁、好眼熟


有关于“learn to say no "的英语作文。(50-100)词 。很急。。。。。

百度知道愿意为您解答难题!Learn to say “no” For most of us , saying “no” is very difficult. We don"t want to offend or disappoint people. As a result, we have to spend too much of our time and energy on doing things, which seriously interferes our work. But it requires a great time and energy for us to pursue our goal. In fact, not only do we have to devote most of our time but also our heart and soul. Therefore, even if a request is legitimate and important, sometimes we just have to say “no” in order to prevent too great a toll on our time. And it is possible to decline a request in ways that do not seem rude or unkind. Here are some nice ways to say “no”. You may pay a compliment as you say “no”. Take a university professor, Delores, for example, when someone calls asking him to serve on their board, and he knows that he just can"t do it. He often say, “ I"m so glad you thought of me. I am a big fan of your orgnization, but my schedule just won"t allow me to accept your invitation.” You may also decline in a positive way. For example, “That"s a good product, but it"s not something we can use at this time,” is a gentle way to say “no”. Buy yourself some time. Seldom do you have to give a yes or no answer on the spot. Even if you feel strongly that your answer will be no. Buy yourself sometime by saying “Let me think about it”, “Let me talk it over with my family” and so on. 望采纳

几道英语题16. — Which one is your mother? — ______one in a purple?

C C D C D C D B C A D C A B C,1,几道英语题 16. — Which one is your mother? — ______one in a purple skirt under the big tree. (2009阜康) A. A B. An C. The D. / 17. —Who is the best friend of ______ at school? —I think Helen is. We often help each other. (2009阜康) A. mine B. his C. yours D. hers 18. —You will fail the exam you don"t work hard. —OK, I"ll try my best. (2009阜康) A. and B. though C. but D. if 19. — Are we going to have the sports meeting this week? — No. It is _____ till next week because of the bad weather. (2009阜康) A. put away B. put on C. put off D. put up 20. —I"m a little tired. Let"s go to the zoo by taxi. —We take a taxi. It"s not far from here. (2009阜康) A. can"t B. mustn"t C. couldn"t D. needn"t 21. — What would you like to drink? —__________, please. (2009阜康) A. Rice B. Meat C. Water D. Bread 22. Miss Green didn"t tell us in 2002, but now she lives in our school. (2009阜康) A. where does she live B. where she lives C. where did she live D. where she lived 23. — A new baby came to the earth ______ a sunny winter morning. — How nice. (2009阜康) A. in B. on C. of D. at 24. —_______ will you have the meeting? —Tomorrow morning. (2009阜康) A. What B. Why C. When D. Where 25. —How ______ the medicine tastes! ---Yes. But the medicine will really work soon after you take it. (2009阜康) A. terrible B. delicious C. sweet D. nice 26. —Were you often late for school last term, Tom? —No, _______. I got to school early every day. (2009阜康) A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never 27. — It"s time for dinner. Where is your father, Emma? — He ______ his bike in the yard. (2009阜康) A. clean B. cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean 28. —Hi, John. What are you going to do this Sunday? —_______. Do you have any ideas? (2009阜康) A. Nothing serious. B. Nothing much. C. No problem D. Thank you. 29. —Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon, Jack? — _ ,but I have a lot of work to do. (2009阜康) A. Yes, let"s go. B. I"d love to. C. No, I won"t. D. It doesn"t matter. 30. —What does the sign mean? —It means ________. (2009阜康) A. Plant trees. B. Be careful. C. Save water. D.Take care of the earth

韩剧miss ripley的结局是什么

《miss ripley》以完全没反转的剧情上演了大结局。女主角李多海面对自己曾以谎言搭建的人生,终于悔悟并开始了崭新的人,大结局如此明显且俗套。  《miss ripley》16集中,最后以之前相互对立的主角们纷纷彼此原谅相互和解的情节结尾,张美里(李多海 饰)原谅了亲生母亲李华(崔明吉 饰),并且向宋侑铉(朴有天 饰)展露真心进行了爱的表白,然后开始了崭新的人生。  李多海喊着说:“你知道过去的20年我是怎么活的吗,我原谅不了你,丢下9岁的孩子出走的人算什么妈妈”,“我因为酒鬼父母而到酒吧去工作,但是你把那些照片扔在我脸上,我怎么原谅你”,此刻的李华内心痛苦,哽咽不止。  李多海接到逮捕令被移送检查机关,她对于自己伪造学历和盗取设计图等嫌疑罪状供认不讳。  朴有天找到了接受检察官调查的李多海,朴有天说:“其实你做这些事情都和我有一定关系,对不起”。  李多海说:“我欺骗了你,不,不是欺骗,而是欺瞒”,接着,她表白说:“和你在一起那么长时间,我知道你是个好人,我心里还做梦呢,我心想,和这个人在一起的话,我是不是就能告别我那让我羞愧且后怕的过去了呢。说实在得,是我错过了你”,这是李多海第一次也是最后一次的吐露所有过往的爱的表白。  接着,一年过去了,张明勋放弃了做生意而再次当回了医生。朴有天爸爸为了李华改了户口,从感化所出来的李多海改变了和妈妈李华一起去美国的计划,而留在了韩国。李多海说着:“我想留在这,即使很辛苦我也想重新过活”,展开了自己崭新的人生。  李多海和朴有天都很想念彼此,即使是走到曾一起走过的街道和一起去过的地方,也没能再次相遇,电视剧就这样留有馀韵地落下了帷幕。 

防弹少年团的we are bulletproof,No,仅一天,进击的防弹,的音译,谢谢


Ripley‘s K函数

Ripley K 函数是点格局分析的常用方法,最大优势在于多尺度的空间格局分析



哪位好心人帮我写一篇violence on media and social crimes的英语作文,1400字的,谢谢谢谢

探析未成年人暴力犯罪的社会成因及对策Webblogs minors violent crime social causes and countermeasures The university of Chicago social scholar"s exploratory pointed out: "to accepted social norms from rail, not a mental from rail and mental illness caused by social environment, is caused by." This view explicitly reveal the crime and social environment relationship.Minors from objective aspect see violent crime is various social conflicts intensifying of results. Therefore, use of social policy, improve social environment, strengthen the social control, to overcome the social system, social culture and social and economic aspects of contradictions, social problems and precautionary minor violent crime is the basic link.Minors violent crime in large part because of idle is caused to society, and doing nothing. This not obtain employment first unemployment formation with no doubt about system problems.With the deepening of reform and opening-up, the development of national economy to a socialist market economy, further transition pattern change employment, especially the rapid increase of urban floating population and some large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for losses collapse and appear laid-off workers greatly increased, the employment unit requirements well educated, etc, are all great degree affecting minors employment situation, while waiting-for-job youth is psychological state on the most unstable groups.In this case, the party and government if can adopt a more flexible policy, conduct extensive vocational training, perfect social security system, actively resolve these people of employment and life outlet problem, can certainly greatly reduce idle minors crime phenomenon. Control the media violence, purify the media environment. Media violence for minors violent crime"s influence is not in question. The mass media development today, in the social role has not only confined to provide information service, in some sense was even in "the mold society".To this, the famous futurists al TuoFuLe in its temperature, the transfer of the right to put forward in "people want to prevent media empire to appear. In this kind of media power more powerful situation, how to control the media violence, let minors from media violence, away from the crime has been social circles as attention important questions.Therefore, our country government introduced a lot of measures Rich minors after-class life research shows that individual to the legitimate activities the investment of time, the more energy, the greater the possibility of crime is smaller, Conversely, crime may be big. In the current minors violent crime situation increasingly serious cases, only the whole society to participate, implement comprehensive governance, eliminate minors violent crime of various negative factors, blocking the source of his crime, minor crime social prevention work can achieve good effect. This is also a healthy and harmonious society"s responsibility.

learn to say no作文

Learn to say “no”For most of us ,saying “no” is very difficult.We don"t want to offend or disappoint people.As a result,we have to spend too much of our time and energy on doing things,which seriously interferes our work.But it requires a great time and energy for us to pursue our goal.In fact,not only do we have to devote most of our time but also our heart and soul.Therefore,even if a request is legitimate and important,sometimes we just have to say “no” in order to prevent too great a toll on our time.And it is possible to decline a request in ways that do not seem rude or unkind.Here are some nice ways to say “no”.You may pay a compliment as you say “no”.Take a university professor,Delores,for example,when someone calls asking him to serve on their board,and he knows that he just can"t do it.He often say,“ I"m so glad you thought of me.I am a big fan of your orgnization,but my schedule just won"t allow me to accept your invitation.” You may also decline in a positive way.For example,“That"s a good product,but it"s not something we can use at this time,” is a gentle way to say “no”.Buy yourself some time.Seldom do you have to give a yes or no answer on the spot.Even if you feel strongly that your answer will be no.Buy yourself sometime by saying “Let me think about it”,“Let me talk it over with my family” and so on.

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求一篇learn to say no 的演讲稿 五分钟的哦

To make it easy, there are three simple tips to say no to other people.The easiest way to reject others" requests is just saying, “Iu2019m sorry. I can"t do this right now.” Use a sympathetic, but firm tone. If pressured as to why, reply that it doesnu2019t fit with your schedule, and change the subject. Most reasonable people will accept this as an answer, so if someone keeps pressuring you, theyu2019re being rude, and itu2019s OK to just repeat, “Iu2019m sorry, but this just doesnu2019t fit with my schedule," and change the subject, or even walk away if you have to.However,if youu2019re uncomfortable being so firm, or are dealing with pushy people, itu2019s OK to say, “Let me think about it and get back to you.” This gives you a chance to review your schedule, as well as your feelings about saying "yes" to another commitment, do a cost-benefit analysis, and then get back to them with a yes or no. Most importantly, this tactic helps you avoid letting yourself be pressured into overscheduling your life and taking on too much stress.If you would really like to do what theyu2019re requesting, but donu2019t have the time (or are having trouble accepting that you donu2019t), itu2019s fine to say, “I canu2019t do this, but I canu2026” and mention a lesser commitment that you can make. This way youu2019ll still be partially involved, but it will be on your own terms.Well, in vast majority of situations, your self-care is always a valid excuse to say no. No need over-explain or defend your decision. Be graceful and honest. You might say something like: "I"m sorry, but it"s just not possible for me to do that," or, "I"ll have to decline but thank you anyway." As you practice saying no, it will get easier. Hope all the informations above are helpful to you, best regard.

relevant corresponding associate这个三个词都有“关联”之意,那么他们有什么区别呢?

be relevant to 是与XX有关的,但这个并非是具体对应,有可能只是意会。corresponding 一般是用在比如表格查找上,已有的东西,类似连线这种,有确定对应对象的。associated with 是相应的,更有“更合适”的意思

英语作文:How to protect whale如何保护鲸鱼(七十字左右,带翻译)网络上的大多雷




Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products.

是后置定语,也等于marketers who promote there products。举个更简单的例子,the boy standing there也就等于the boy who stands there.

求英语演讲稿:learn to say no

we"ve all been taught that we should help people. it is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. it may even win us favors in return. however, we must be realistic. we can"t say yes to every request. if we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. sometimes we simply don"t have the time to help. in this case, we must know how to say no politely.  when we need to say no, here is one method we can try. first, we should tell the truth. if we really can"t do something, we should just say so. second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. we must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. a true friend will understand. finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. it can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. in short, we cannot please everyone all the time. refusing favors is a part of life. 满意不?

一篇英语作文,,Learn to say no

Learn to say no Among different religions, have you ever sensed the coincidental similarity?Have you ever pondered what the similar essences are truly about? In my opinion, they are all asking people to restrain our natural desires, to say no to ourselves. Wise man says no to himself, not to others. The reason for any trouble or failure can be traced within ourselves. Even if we seem innocent, there must be a reason for someone to trip us up. We"d better examine our own behaviors, correct our faults and avoid similar mistakes thereafter. We are now facing the most unstable period in our life, youth. We run eagerly into the sparkling world, without sufficient judgment, precaution, and the consciousness of saying no. The world is fascinating, yet complicated. We are surrounded by all kinds of temptations from the outside. Yet I still believe it"s not the environment that affects us most. Someone with powerful ego goes along with the outside world just like anyone else and holds his ground silently at the same time. True power can hardly be seen. As time goes by, he who tells himself not to follow the trends blindly will certainly get his reward. Once I was climbing up Mount Huang, gasping for breath. An intriguing idea burst into my mind and supported my exhausted body during the rest of my journey—the mountain is me myself, just seems huger. It was my own weakness that I was overcoming, not the mount. Humanity is naturally weak, we say no to strengthen it gradually. Buddhists have to obey disciplines that make them say no to human weakness. They try to take off layers covering them to approach the undying inner self and to purify their spirits. They never drink to keep their self-discipline. My dad has a schoolmate that believes in Buddhism and he was once made drunken to answer questions subconsciously, in order to check. Rules are established to dismantle, so as saying no. When we are finally at the peak of cultivation after the long process of saying no to ourselves, it doesn"t matter if we slack off any more. Confucius said, "since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules." Life can be easy, for those people who are simply satisfied with playing cards. It can be tough, for us who have bigger ambitions and are willing to strive for them, who dare to say no to ourselves, to refuse the coziness for now, and fight for tomorrow. It won"t be hard for us later on when it comes to the time that we can get what we deserve. I think the restraint and diligence are worth suffering. Learn to say no, suffer now, enjoy then.

英语句子 paid and owned media are controled by market


Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products.能不能帮我分析一下


learn to say no

都是高新的 大家彼此彼此




http://www.502tv.com/html/1740.htmlhttp://www.502tv.com/html/1740.html《Miss.Ripley》韩剧DVD在线观看 《Miss.Ripley》全集高清优酷观看Miss.Ripley在线观看;http://www.502tv.com/html/1740.html----------------------------------------------------------------------------------韩剧Miss.RipleyDVD在线观看 电视剧Miss.Ripley完整版观看‘Ripley"讲了一个女人用谎言掩盖谎言,深陷谎言的泥沼,并因此差点像泡沫一样失去一切的内容,还有爱着这个有着贪婪的欲望的这个女人的两个男人,韩剧Miss.RipleyDVD在线观看 电视剧Miss.Ripley完整版观看在爱与幻灭之间的纠葛和原谅的传统爱情片。剧中李多海扮演因谎言而陷入危机的女子张美莉,散发出洒脱的魅力。张美莉是一个为了成功可以不惜尝试危险爱情的女人。金胜友扮演了出生在困难家庭中,以第一为目标,不屈不挠的角色张明勋

Miss Ripley 什么意思 Miss Ripley 什么意思 啊


我想问一下miss ripley 里的张美里大结局跟谁在一起啊,不知道的请不要回答。


谁知道miss ripley 的最后结局,宋欲贤有没有和张美丽在一起啊???亲,呢要答案呀。




miss ripley的大结局是什么啊?宋裕贤会和张美丽在一一起么???


c语言while和do- while循环有什么区别?

C语言中的while循环和do-while循环都是循环结构,用于重复执行一系列语句。但是它们有一些不同点:执行顺序不同: while循环在执行之前会检查条件是否成立,如果条件为真则执行循环体,否则跳过循环体。而do-while循环会先执行循环体,然后再检查条件是否成立。循环次数不同:在条件不成立的情况下,while循环不会执行循环体,而do-while循环会执行至少一次循环

C++中do{} while()的用法

do { for (a=0;a<7;a++) cin>>f[b][a]; cin>>s[b]; b++; } while (cin.good());

do while有几种循环?

do while循环语句如下:一、while语句1、 语法:while(表达式){循环体;}2、循环过程:(1)先判断表达式,是否为真,如果为真跳转到2,否则跳转到3(2)执行循环体,执行完毕,跳转到1(3)跳出循环二、do-while语句1、语法:do{循环体;}while(表达式)2、循环过程:(1)先执行循环体,执行完毕跳转到2(2)判断表达式的结果是否为真,如果为真,跳转到1,否则跳转到3(3)跳出循环三、do-while和while最大的区别:do-while至少能执行1次循环体,但是while可能一次都不执行



有天和李多海主演的miss ripley最后结局是什么?



c语言中where和dowhile循环的主要区别是:do while循环体至少无条件执行一次,while的循环体不是。

c语言中while和do while循环的主要区别是

C语言中while和do–while循环的主要区别如下:1、循环结构的表达式不同while循环结构的表达式为:while(表达式){循环体}。do-while循环结构表达式为:do{循环体;}while (条件表达);。2、执行时判断方式不同while循环执行时只有当满足条件时才会进入循环,进入循环后,执行完循环体内全部语句至当条件不满足时,再跳出循环。do-while循环将先运行一次,在经过第一次do循环后,执行完一次后检查条件表达式的值是否成立,其值为不成立时而会退出循环。3、执行次数不同while循环是先判断后执行,如果判断条件不成立可以不执行中间循环体。do-while循环是先执行后判断,执行次数至少为一次,执行一次后判断条件是否成立,如果不成立跳出循环,成立则继续运行循环体。4、执行末尾循环体的顺序不同while循环的末尾循环体也是在中间循环体里,并在中间循环体中执行,循环体是否继续运行的条件也在循环体中。do-while循环是在中间循环体中加入末尾循环体,并在执行中间循环体时执行末尾循环体,循环体是否继续运行的条件在末尾循环体里。参考资料来源:百度百科——while百度百科——do while

Ledisi的《Say No》 歌词

歌曲名:Say No歌手:Ledisi专辑:Turn Me Loose/It"S ChristmasLedisi - Say NoC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightNo please say yes‘cause I need to feel you next to meI need your love andI"m not gonna say no not tonightTonight is not the nightthat I"m gonna run from youMy body needs your touchand you"re not gonna hear no not tonightWhat I feel is taking overI lost myself, I"m throughCan"t control what I"m feelin""Been runnin; but I run back to youYour eyes is like a mirrorI know you feel it tooMight be a sin tonight this yearnin"only ends when I"m with youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightWe keep playing gamesA kiss here it"s all the sameIt"s time to go all the wayI want to know what I"ve been waiting forYou move just the oceanYour lips I can"t ignoreYour hands might know the secretsWe ain"t even deep and I want moreSee we can"t pretend likewe don"t want to taste the sweetnessChocolate caramel ice creamon a dream float with red wineMy mind is somewhere elseMy soul wants to exploreYou look at me and it"s overNo need for wordsYou know that I adore youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightI"m not gonna say noI"m not gonna say noI"m not gonna say noNot tonightWhatever you wantWhatever you wantI got it for youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/9370556

Please note that our offices are open 24 hours a day from 6AM PT Mon - 6PM PT Fri .

PT 是pacific time 太平洋时间在美国,不以美国首都华盛顿特区时间为准,而是把自东海岸至西海岸4517公里的地段(美国本土),划分为四个时区。一、东部时区——EASTERN TIME(ET) 华盛顿特区、纽约、波士顿、亚特兰大、费城、迈阿密等在此时区。北京时间为东部时间加十三个小时。二、中部时区——CENTRAL TIME(CT) 芝加哥、圣路易斯、新奥尔良、休斯顿等在此时区。北京时间为中部时间加十四个小时。三、山地时区——MOUNTAIN TIME(MT) 丹佛、凤凰城、盐湖城等在此时区。北京时间为山地时间加十五个小时。四、太平洋时区——CENTRAL TIME(CT) 洛杉矶、旧金山、圣地亚哥、拉斯维加斯、西雅图等在此时区。北京时间为 太平洋时间加十六个小时。 另外,夏威夷和阿拉斯加为第五时区,太平洋时间减两个小时即为夏威夷和阿拉斯加时间。 美国的夏时制从每年四月份的第一个星期日凌晨零点开始(时钟拨前一小时),每年十月份的最后一个星期日凌晨零点结束(时钟拨后一小时)。亚利桑那州、印第安娜州、夏威夷州不使用夏时制。

Ledisi的《Say No》 歌词

歌曲名:Say No歌手:Ledisi专辑:Turn Me LooseLedisi - Say NoC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightNo please say yes‘cause I need to feel you next to meI need your love andI"m not gonna say no not tonightTonight is not the nightthat I"m gonna run from youMy body needs your touchand you"re not gonna hear no not tonightWhat I feel is taking overI lost myself, I"m throughCan"t control what I"m feelin""Been runnin; but I run back to youYour eyes is like a mirrorI know you feel it tooMight be a sin tonight this yearnin"only ends when I"m with youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightWe keep playing gamesA kiss here it"s all the sameIt"s time to go all the wayI want to know what I"ve been waiting forYou move just the oceanYour lips I can"t ignoreYour hands might know the secretsWe ain"t even deep and I want moreSee we can"t pretend likewe don"t want to taste the sweetnessChocolate caramel ice creamon a dream float with red wineMy mind is somewhere elseMy soul wants to exploreYou look at me and it"s overNo need for wordsYou know that I adore youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightI"m not gonna say noI"m not gonna say noI"m not gonna say noNot tonightWhatever you wantWhatever you wantI got it for youC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonightC"mon we can do whatever we wantI don"t mind do whatever you wantIt"s alright do whatever you wantI"m not gonna say no not tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/547136


一楼二楼都对for语句是先判断循环条件,再执行循环语句. while语句则正好相反 回答者:马义德 - 助理 二级 9-19 18:28三楼就不对了,while语句同样可以先判断循环条件,再执行循环语句


可以的区别就是do while先执行再判断while 先判断再执行所以 当第一次进入循环有可能条件假时 用while当第一次进入循环条件必定真时 用do while 反过来也可以的
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