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音标是["su025cu02d0k(u0259)l],但如果你不会拼音标的话,我用汉字拼给你,就是读字音:瑟口  这个单词就是读瑟口

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection1,2,3,4是什么意思

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection使命召唤:现代战争3收集Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Collection使命召唤:现代战争3收集




你可以试试 色儿扣


圆形circle英语,动词、名词,作及物动词的意思是“画圆圈;环绕…移动”,作不及物动词的意思是“盘旋,旋转;环行”,作名词的意思是“循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物”。短语搭配:Parhelic circle幻日环。Kreisau Circle克莱稍集团。circle bundle圆丛。圆形:是指在一个平面内,围绕一个点并以一定长度为距离旋转一周所形成的封闭曲线叫做圆(Circle)。圆有无数条对称轴,对称轴经过圆心。圆具有旋转不变性。圆形是一种圆锥曲线,由平行于圆锥底面的平面截圆锥得到。圆形规定为360°,是古巴比伦人在观察地平线太阳升起的时候,大约每4分钟移动一个位置,一天24小时移动了360个位置,所以规定一个圆内角为360°。这个°,代表太阳。圆是一种几何图形。根据定义,通常用圆规来画圆。 同圆内圆的直径、半径的长度永远相同,圆有无数条半径和无数条直径。圆是轴对称、中心对称图形。对称轴是直径所在的直线。 同时,圆又是“正无限多边形”,而“无限”只是一个概念。圆可以看成由无数个无限小的点组成的正多边形,当多边形的边数越多时,其形状、周长、面积就都越接近于圆。所以,世界上没有真正的圆,圆实际上只是一种概念性的图形。(当直线成为曲线即为无限点,因此也可以说有绝对意义的圆)

有财务同学吗 销售确认单里的revenue和collection是什么意思

revenue: is income that a company receives from its normal business activities, usually from the sale of goods and services to customers. 销售款Collection account is the term used to describe a person"s loan or debt which has been submitted to a collection agency through a creditor.欠款 如果贵公司是债权人,那就是应收款.

square the circle是什么意思

意思是:化圆为方,表示做很难做到的事情例句1.It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician. 从数学家面前混过去比「化圆为方」还难。2.Capital controls could square the circle, but these are never watertight资本管制有可能解决这个难题,但这些手段决非无懈可击。词汇解释:square 英[skweu0259(r)] 美[skwer] n. 平方; 广场; 正方形; 方格; adj. 平方的; 正方形的; 成直角的; (尤指在生意上) 公平的; adv. 四四方方地; 成直角地; 正直地; 坚定地; [例句]Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌circle 英[u02c8su025c:kl] 美[u02c8su025c:rkl] n. 圆; 圈子; 圆状物; 一圈; vt. 圈出,包围; 绕…运转; vi. 环绕,盘旋; [例句]The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。




意思不一样。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 revenue /u02c8ru025bvu026au02ccnjuu02d0/ CET4 TEM4 ( revenues )1. N-UNCOUNT Revenue is money that a company, organization, or government receives from people. (公司、组织或政府的) 收入 [商业] [also N in pl]例:...a boom year at the movies, with record advertising revenue and the highest ticket sales since 1980.…电影业欣欣向荣的一年,广告及票房收入都创下1980年以来的最高纪录。EVY abbr. 每一个(every);特使文档(Envoy document)

英语选择填空: 1.I‘m busy now。 Please take my daughter( )her school (for,at,to)

1 , to 2, of 3, speaking of hurt play go going coughs


circle 英["su025c:kl] 美[u02c8su025aku0259l] n. 圆,环;循环,周期;圆状物;圈子,党派 vt. 圈出,包围;绕…运转 vi. 环绕,盘旋 [例句]Find new people to circle. 找到新的可圈的人.




circle 英[ˈsɜ:kl] 美[ˈsɜ:rkl] n. 圆; 圈子; 圆状物; 一圈; vt. 圈出,包围; 绕…运转; vi. 环绕,盘旋; [例句]The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。

circle 用中文怎么读

中文意思是圆圈 念奢科




circle这个英语单词名字含义为循环,周期,圆,圈子,圆形物,circle作为英语动词使用时,及物动词含义为画圆圈,环绕…移动,不及物动词含义为盘旋,旋转,环行。 扩展资料   circle短语搭配   economic circle 经济圈,经济周期   in a circle 成圆圈   life circle 生活圈,循环生活,生活周期   arctic circle 北极圈


round 和around的意思相近,但用法不完全相同.异同如下:around round 作介词用的around与round通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:You can see the post office round/around that corner.(绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局.但是一定要区别它们的不同之处:round可以用作形容词、副词、介词、动词、名词;而around只能用作副词或介词.例如:The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词).He has round face (用作形容词).The river rounded the stones.(用作动词) 1.在表示"圆形运转,回到原处","环绕","周围"时,英语用round,但美国人用around,例如:The earth revolves round(around)the sun(地球绕太阳运行).They sat round(around)the table.(他们围着桌子而坐) New things are happening all round(around) us(新事物在我们周围不断发生) There is a small restaurant round(around)the corner(绕过街角有一家小餐馆).2.美国人以及部分英国人也常用around表示"到处","无目的地","附近","左右"等较为模糊的概念,例如 The news that President Clinton was coming spread rapidly around the campus(Clinton 总统就要到来的消息很快地就在校园里传开啦) 3.around 还可以表示"不止一处","在许多地方","在不同地方".但在美国英语里,一般只用around,例如:The students are standing around(学生们在到处站着) They are rushing around in New York.(他们在New York到处奔波).


圆英语circle,动词、名词,作及物动词的意思是“画圆圈;环绕…移动”,作不及物动词的意思是“盘旋,旋转;环行”,作名词的意思是“循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物”。 扩展资料   The children stood in a circle.   孩子们站成一圈。   The plane flew around in a tight circle.   飞机绕着小圈盘旋。   All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre.   圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。


sales指的是收入,而sales revenue指的是net sales,或者简单说就是revenue。举例来说,销售手表的收入是 2000元,这个被记为sales,而卖家承诺如果10天内付款给予买方1%的现金折扣,那么对于卖家而言net sales即你题目里面的revenue实际是1980元,这20元就是你所问的为什么国外财务报表sales比revenue大的那一点。

使命的召唤5出现Call of Duty?Console错误




使命召唤7进不去 错误Call of duty(R)singleplayer-ship console

检测一下配置把。如果是在游民星空下载的,端就不会存在问题。系统:WindowsXP、Vista、Windows7CPU:Core 2 Duo E6600 或 AMD Phenom X3 8750 或更高显卡:支持Shader 3.0或更高 256MB显存 NV GeForce 8600GT / ATI Radeon X1950Pro 或更高内存:2GB硬盘:12GB声卡:DirectX 9.0c兼容DirectX:9.0c注:游戏安装过程总共需要24G空间,包括下载和安装过程所需临时空间。安装后将会有16G临时数据可以删除。


circle没有周长的意思。circle 英 ["su025cu02d0kl]     美 ["su025cu02d0rkl]    n. 圆圈;圈子;包厢。v. 划圈;包围;盘旋;环绕。circle的基本意思是“圆,圆周; 圈; 环状物”,是可数名词。circle还用于指“…界”(多用复数),也可指具有共同利益或兴趣的人形成的“圈子”(多用单数)。作此解时,circle前一般不用冠词。circle也可指剧院、电影院、音乐厅等之内的半圆形“楼座”。The dancers were standing in a circle around the fire.舞者们围着篝火站成一圈。A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。He has a large circle of friends.他有一大群朋友。



call of duty black ops bundle 是什么意思

call of duty black ops bundle使命召唤黑人行动包重点词汇call of邀…一同去,找opsopen profiling specification (World Wide Web) 万维网开压型说明书; operating productive system 生产运转系统; operations 运算; 作战; 工作,操作( op的名词复数 )bundle捆; 一批; 一大笔钱; 风趣的人; 收集,归拢,把…塞入; 额外免费提供,赠送软件; 匆匆送


读音:["su025cu02d0k(u0259)l]circle意为:n.循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vi.盘旋,旋转;环行vt.画圆圈;环绕…移动短语:circleline 环线;地铁环线;环形线;环状线basecircle [机] 基圆;坡底岩circlepacking 圆堆砌;圆填充;圆包装例句:1、they shut him from their circle. 他们把他排除在他们的圈子外。2、she bent the wire intoa circle. 她把铁丝弯成圆圈。3、any two diameters ofa circle intersecteachother. 圆周内两直径必相交。




circle ,读音:英 ["s__kl] 美 ["s__rkl]一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


circle[英][u02c8su025c:kl][美][u02c8su025c:rkl]n.圆; 圆状物; 一圈; 圈子; vt.圈出,包围; 绕…运转; vi.环绕,盘旋; Similarly, three quarters of a circle is three halves of pi. 同样,圆的四分之三是圆周率π的3个一半。





ring round circle 这三个词有什不同?

circle 指外形程圈状round 也指圆形的外型,但是还可以包括球状,类似于3D形态的圆形物



Crux的《Circle》 歌词

歌名:轮回(Circle)演唱: 幼稚园杀手(Kindergarten Killer)●●我们都曾拥有天真的笑声谁又能感受到岁月的无情和轮回少年时常常思考未来多年后,我们将走到生命的边缘无力地回忆既往青春在飞,飞到哪个方向?黄昏里,只有老人能读懂孩子的笑容可是谁又读懂了那些轮椅上的孤独?生死轮回在浩瀚无边的宇宙间只是一瞬之间风吹过了,残留下落叶生命的过客带不走属于自己的岁月人世间从未改变过它的温度冰冷的心,无依无靠的梦人们总在思念着离开的亲人为什么不去真正关心这些还活在身边的老人?从小到大,父母无条件地关心呵护着我们长大了,我们却冷落了他们有了自己的事业,爱情和家庭遗忘了是谁给我们带来了生命来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们都伸出一双温暖的手,满足他们最后的渴求来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们握紧那些冰冷的手,陪伴他们走到生命的尽头步入黄昏,就像一个婴儿,整个世界充满了失控感寂寞地渴望着保护,同情和关爱不想在离开的时候仍然留下遗憾学会感恩,让他们临终前觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人天堂,究竟存不存在?生命花开花落,每个人都会有对死亡的恐惧我们都在寻找精神寄托,需要一个解脱这是一条黑暗而又漫长的走廊在黑暗中,老人倍感孤独,他们的今天就是我们明日的写照儿女们都不愿陪在他们身边,在这个社会人们眼里只有金钱你可曾想过,当夕阳西下的时刻,自己将会面临一个什么样的结果?在儿女的陪伴中幸福地离开?还是在陌生的病床上宁静地死去?来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们都伸出一双温暖的手,满足他们最后的渴求来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们握紧那些冰冷的手,陪伴他们走到生命的尽头孩子们不懂事地穿梭于清晨的阳光我们对前途无限憧憬书写着自己的故事老人们看着我们,一定回忆了他们的童年时光和成长回忆一幕一幕就像一部电影风风雨雨,风风云云,辛酸而又甜蜜当回过神来的时候,才发觉时间已经远远不够而晚年所渴望的,亲人一双温暖的手已经足够社会步入老龄化如此迅速人生的一个轮回原来如此仓促衰老后给国家、社会和家庭带来沉重的负担这就是生命的循环,游戏的规则无论你经历过多少的坎坷和快乐善待吧,给予他们临终的关怀,关爱吧让这个世界少一份痛苦的存在来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们都伸出一双温暖的手,满足他们最后的渴求来去匆匆的身影,感叹着岁月的无情,轮回的生命一页又一页,一代又一代,当生命即将终结的时候让我们握紧那些冰冷的手,陪伴他们走到生命的尽头﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏http://music.baidu.com/song/2889658


[英]u02c8su025c:kl [美]u02c8su025c:rkl

circle什么意思中文 circle中文翻译什么意思

1、circle的意思是循环,盘旋,句中作为名词和动词使用。 2、circle词汇分析:n.循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vi.盘旋,旋转;环行vt.画圆圈;环绕…移动。 3、短语:osculatingcircle[数]密切圆;Parheliccircle幻日环;KreisauCircle克莱稍集团;circlebundle圆丛。


圆形可以是circle,也可以是round。circle可作名词和动词,作为名词时,含义有圆形、圆周、圆形物、环状物;作为动词时,含义有盘旋、转圈、围绕…画圈、圈起等。 圆形是circle还是round circle英[u02c8su0259u02d0k(u0259)l]美[u02c8su0259rk(u0259)l] Round英[rau028and]美[rau028and] circular英[u02c8su0259u02d0kju028alu0259]美[u02c8su0259rkju0259lu0259r] round可以用作动词 round的基本意思是“(使)成圆形”,引申可表示“丰满起来”“环行”“拐弯”“使集拢”“围捕”,在表示“使圆满结束”“使文体完美”时,多与off连用。 round既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。 round用作动词的用法例句 He stood there looking all round.他站在那儿环顾四周。 His waist measures forty inches round.他腰围40英寸。 He turned his car round and steered for home.他调转车头把车开回家去。 round用作动词的用法例句 We rounded the corner at high speed.我们以高速度绕过拐角。 Over millennia ice and water have rounded the stones.在数千年之间冰和水把石头侵蚀成圆形。 The bill should have been $29.54 so I round it up to$30.账单本来应该是92.






circle意思是圆 读音:英音["su025c:kl] 美音[u02c8su025aku0259l]What is the of the circle?这个圆圈的直径是多少?Then what? Go through the park and around the circle.然后呢?穿过公园,绕过这个圆形广场。We met at a party, where he hovered around my conversational circle for a while and then came up to me and asked, "Are you with someone?我们在一次聚会上相遇,他在我谈话的圈子周围徘徊了一会儿,然后走到我面前,问我:“有人和你一起吗?”you dont have to be moving actually in a circle to have the acceleration.你不必真的在一个圆上运动以获得相应的加速度。The Circle Index is the functional representation of the circle.圆周率是圆的功能表现。measurement and instrument of addendum circle and dedendum circle diameter of odd tooth gears.奇数齿齿轮齿顶圆与齿根圆直径的测量及其量具。

Circle. 中文




Circle-Jerk圆的混蛋此结果来自百度翻译,长句或段落建议您使用翻译频道双语例句更多资料1. The process is not a circle but rather a spiral. 这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型的。来自柯林斯例句2. He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends. 他为人文雅,结交广泛。来自柯林斯例句3. They formed a circle and sang "Auld Lang Syne" 他们围成一个圆圈,唱起了《友谊地久天长》。来自柯林斯例句4. Oxford"s social circle was far too liberal for her taste. 牛津的社交圈过于开放,不合她的胃口.来自柯林斯例句5. He used a rope to mark off the circle. 他用绳子把那个圈围了起来。




读音:["su025cu02d0k(u0259)l]circle意为:n.循环,周期;圆;圈子;圆形物vi.盘旋,旋转;环行vt.画圆圈;环绕…移动短语:circleline 环线;地铁环线;环形线;环状线basecircle [机] 基圆;坡底岩circlepacking 圆堆砌;圆填充;圆包装例句:1、they shut him from their circle. 他们把他排除在他们的圈子外。2、she bent the wire intoa circle. 她把铁丝弯成圆圈。3、any two diameters ofa circle intersecteachother. 圆周内两直径必相交。

Lenka的《Sad Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Sad Song歌手:Lenka专辑:TwoSad SongLenkaDon"t tell me you wanna beThe kind of girl who"s drowningAnd don"t be holding on to anythingThat"s gonna keep you frowning darlingEveryone"s compelled to look into the mirrorWhen they"re cryingJust because your tears are prettyDoesn"t mean they"ll get you bySing me a sad song and make me feel betterSing me a happy song and I might start to cryBecause everything feels likeit"s going around in circlesAnd everyone knows that the world is upside downYou were once a little babyFull of optimistic wonderSo what got into you to make you thinkThat it could pull you under honeyCould it be that we were underThe impression life was perfectAnd when the bubble burstWe understood that every part of it hurtsSing me a sad song and make me feel betterSing me a happy song and I might start to cryBecause everything feels likeit"s going around in circlesAnd everyone knows that the world is upside downI"m going to color my glasses roseI"m going to follow where the rainbow goesAnd my pot of gold will be waitingSing me a sad song and make me feel betterSing me a happy song and I might start to cryBecause everything feels likeit"s going around in circlesAnd everyone knows that the world is upside downAnd everyone knows that the world is upside downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7170049

Let The Music Play 歌词

歌曲名:Let The Music Play歌手:Diana Ross & The Supremes专辑:Supreme Rarities: Motown Lost & Found-= Bailey Grey 《 Let the Music Play 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……I was five years old the first time I heard that music playFrom the back porch of that old farm house the music carried me awayI couldn"t help myself, I just had to see who could make that guitar singSo I followed the sound to an old oak tree,he had a guitar on his kneeHe said, "Hello my name is Moses, I need someone to set me freeI made a deal with the man with the gold in his hand, he"s gonna take my soul from meYou got a light in your eye and a song in your heart don"t ever let that fade awayYou better hold true to what"s been givin" to youor you might lose come judgment day"Let the music play, play onYou gotta sing like a bird on the wing until your days are doneLet the music play oh yeahFind it in your heart feel it in your soulLet the music play onI remembered his words when I hit the road with a band and a show to doOne day I got a call from the Southland that he wasn"t gonna make it throughSo I flew through the night just to be by his side as he went to give the devil his dueAnd he said these words with a light in his eyejust like I"m telling you……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……I took him by the hand and I prayed to the Lorduntil a light shown down from aboveAnd I fell to my knees when I heard the angels singLet the music play onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9893373

electrical circuit是什么意思



circuit trouble:线路故障.

Springer一篇文章Reviews Completed一个月了,什么情况

Reviews Completed的含义是所有审稿人都审完了,等待编辑做结论。只有等结果了,估计是修改。要拒的话,拒稿下结论的速度一般会比较快

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed做好了的评论Reviews回顾双语对照例句:1.Hotels need to establish a process for tracking new reviews. 酒店需要建立一个追踪最新评论的流程。completed[英][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad][美][ku0259m"pli:tu026ad]adj.完整的,包含全部内容的; v.完成; 使完善( complete的过去式和过去分词 ); 使完整; 填写(表格); .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

d circuit 是电线,电路circulation 是流通,循环 circle 是圆圈,围绕circumference 则是周围

wiley期刊的evaluating reviews是什么意思

evaluating reviews是审稿意见已回,等待编辑决定。不过不幸的是编辑决定再找多一个审稿人evaluation recommendation会在evaluating reviews后出现,关于这个状态大家说法不一,个人感觉可能是审稿意见返回后,编辑也参与审稿的一种状态

circle cycle circuit的区别

circle 1 circle circles A circle is a shape consisting of a curved line completely surrounding an area. Every part of the line is the same distance from the centre of the area. The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center. I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it. N-COUNT = ring 2 circle circles A circle of something is a round flat piece or area of it. Cut out 4 circles of pastry. ...a circle of yellow light. N-COUNT: usu N of n = ring 3 circle circles A circle of objects or people is a group of them arranged in the shape of a circle. The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones. We stood in a circle holding hands. N-COUNT: oft N of n = ring 4 circle circles circling circled If something circles an object or place, or circles around it, it forms a circle around it. This is the ring road that circles the city. ...the long curving driveway that circled around the vast clipped lawn. VB = encircle 5 circle circles circling circled If an aircraft or a bird circles or circles something, it moves round in a circle in the air. The plane circled, awaiting permission to land. There were two helicopters circling around. ...like a hawk circling prey. VB 6 circle circles circling circled To circle around someone or something, or to circle them, means to move around them. Emily kept circling around her mother. The silent wolves would track and circle them. VB = go round 7 circle circles circling circled If you circle something on a piece of paper, you draw a circle around it. Circle the correct answers on the coupon below. VB = ring 8 circle circles You can refer to a group of people as a circle when they meet each other regularly because they are friends or because they belong to the same profession or share the same interests. He has a small circle of friends. Alton has made himself fiercely unpopular in certain circles. N-COUNT: with supp 9 circle In a theatre or cinema, the circle is an area of seats on the upper floor. N-SING: the N 10 circle If you say that you have come full circle or have turned full circle, you mean that after a long series of events or changes the same situation that you started with still exists. We"ve come full circle and dark-blue jeans are once again the height of style. PHR: V inflects 11 circle If you say that someone is going round in circles or around in circles, you mean that they are not achieving anything because they keep coming back to the same point or problem. PHR: V inflects * progress cycle 1 cycle cycles cycling cycled If you cycle, you ride a bicycle. He cycled to Ingwold. Britain could save s4.6 billion a year in road transport costs if more people cycled. Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around the Vale of York. VB ?cycling The quiet country roads are ideal for cycling. N-UNCOUNT 2 cycle cycles A cycle is a bicycle. ...an eight-mile cycle ride. N-COUNT 3 cycle cycles A cycle is a motorcycle. (AM) N-COUNT 4 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of events or processes that is repeated again and again, always in the same order. ...the life cycle of the plant... The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle. They must break out of the cycle of violence. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 5 cycle cycles A cycle is a single complete series of movements in an electrical, electronic, or mechanical process. ...10 cycles per second. N-COUNT: usu pl 6 cycle cycles A cycle is a series of songs or poems that are intended to be performed or read one after the other. ...Wagner"s Ring cycle. N-COUNT: usu with supp circuit 1 circuit circuits An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around. Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit. N-COUNT See also closed circuit, short-circuit. 2 circuit circuits A circuit is a series of places that are visited regularly by a person or group, especially as a part of their job. He joined the professional circuit. It"s a common problem, the one I"m asked about most when I"m on the lecture circuit. N-COUNT: usu supp N 3 circuit circuits A racing circuit is a track on which cars, motorbikes, or cycles race. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT 4 circuit circuits A circuit of a place or area is a journey all the way round it. (FORMAL) She made a slow circuit of the room. N-COUNT: usu N of n

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circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

d circuit 是电线,电路circulation 是流通,循环 circle 是圆圈,围绕circumference 则是周围

circle, circuit, circular, circulate 的区别?

circuit:n. 巡回, 线路, 环形, 电路, 回路circulation n. 流通, 循环, 发行量, 消息传播 (音乐播放器的循环播放 呵呵) circlen. n 圆圈, 圈子,(这个可以有抽象概念 比如文化圈 娱乐圈 entertainment circle)circumferencen. n圆周, 周围, 周长(强调圆的边)如上 题目中acquaintance是抽象概念 所以用circle 选c


PESTEL分析模型(PESTEL Analysis) PESTEL分析模型又称大环境分析,是分析 宏观环境 的有效工具 ,不仅能够分析外部环境,而且能够识别一切对组织有冲击作用的力量.它是调查组织外部影响因素的方法,其每一个字母代表一个因素,可以分为6大因素:

Reviews Completed是什么意思

Reviews Completed的中文翻译_百度翻译Reviews Completed回顾完成




PEST 分析是指宏观环境的分析,宏观环境又称一般环境,是指影响一切行业和企业的各种宏观力量。对宏观环境因素作分析,不同行业和企业根据自身特点和经营需要,分析的具体内容会有差异,但一般都应对政治(Political)、经济(Economic)、技术(Technological)和社会(Social)这四大类影响企业的主要外部环境因素进行分析。简单而言,称之为PEST分析法 政治因素包含了租税政策、劳工法律、环境管制、贸易限制、关税与政治稳定。 经济因素有经济增长、利率、汇率和通货膨胀率。 社会因素通常着重在文化观点,另外还有健康意识、人口成长率、年龄结构、工作态度及安全需求。 科技因素包含生态与环境方面,决定进入障碍和最低有效生产水平,影响委外购买决策。科技因素着重在研发活动、自动化、技术诱因和科技发展的速度。 PEST分析与外部总体环境的因素互相结合就可归纳出SWOT分析中的机会与威胁。PEST/PESTLE、SWOT 与 SLEPT 可以作为企业与环境分析的基础工具。




其实是一样的,以下个人意见可供参考只是不同地方不同的叫法,在UK那里,PESTEL比较普及,不同的叫法只是方便记忆而已,大致上大同小异最常用的有PESTLE,PESTDG,他们分别是 P: police and legislation force 政策 例如: 环保制度,税收政策E: Economic force 经济 经济起伏,人口失业率等S: Social and Culture force 社会 文化习惯,收入分布T: Technology force 科技 新科技发展PESTLE 里面的L: Legal 合法的 公司法和合同法E: Environment 环境的 企业概况(数量,规模,结构,分布)PESTDG:D: Demographic 人口统计G: Globalisation 全球化文献 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEST_analysis

please find the revised one attached


revised letter是什么?


in what important ways was Aristotle different from Plato

在哪些重要途径,是亚里士多德不同于柏拉图The philosophies of Plato and Aristotle differ on many issues. One of the most important things to examine are their differing views on ethical theory. One can find many points of conflict between the ethical theories of Plato and Aristotle. However, one of the most important points are their differing views on the human function (ergon) and its role in ethics. We will examine two different arguments regarding the human function and compare the different goals of each. One of the most interesting contrasts between the ethical beliefs of Plato and Aristotle rests in their arguments on the human function. Towards the end of Book One of The Republic, Socrates is trying to prove to Thrasymachus that it is better to be just than unjust. He begins by establishing that everything has its own specific function, and that that function is “that which one can do only with it or best with it (Republic I 352e).” For example, the function of eyes is to see, and since a pruning knife is better suited to pruning than a butcher"s knife, its function is to prune. Having established this, Socrates goes on to argue that everything also has a virtue that relates to the performance of its function. The virtue of eyes would be sight and the virtue of the pruning knife would be its sharpness. An object that is deficient in its virtue is said to be incapable of performing its function well (a dull knife would not be able to cut properly). Having shown this, Socrates turns his attention to the human soul and its function. “Is there some function of a soul that you couldn"t perform with anything else, for example, taking care of things, ruling, deliberating, and the like? Is there anything other than a soul to which you could rightly assign these, and say that they are its peculiar function? ...What of living? Isn"t that a function of the soul? (Republic I 353d)” Thrasymachus agrees to Socrates" definition of the soul"s function and they go on to examine what the virtue of the soul is, that allows it to perform its function. From his previous argument regarding the importance of virtue in the performance of one"s function, Socrates extrapolates that a non-virtuous soul would do a poor job of ruling, deliberating, living…etc, while a virtuous one would do all of these things admirably. Socrates then references a previous point in the discussion, when he and Thrasymachus had established that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This allows Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a just man will live well and be happy, while an unjust man will not live well and be unhappy. The argument that Plato has put forth has one major flaw that is important to examine. When Socrates references his previous conclusion that justice is the virtue of the soul, it is unclear when such a conclusion was soundly argued for. Irwin comments on this problem “It is less clear, however, that Socrates is entitled to assume that justice is the human virtue. Although he has refuted Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is a virtue, he has not thereby proved that justice is a virtue. (Irwin P.179)” The refutation that Irwin is speaking of are two different arguments that Socrates presented to show that injustice is not the virtue of the soul. The first was when Thrasymachus stated that an unjust person would always be overreaching and trying to best his peers. Socrates responded by showing that this overreaching is not actually a good thing and would be a foolish way to live. The second argument is when Socrates demonstrates that injustice causes internal tension and strife that would be detrimental to the person. Thrasymachus believes that an unjust person would always choose injustice over justice. To this, Socrates responds by asking “Do you think that a city, an army, a band of robbers or thieves, or any other tribe with a common unjust purpose would be able to achieve it if they were unjust to each other? (Republic I 351c)” Thrasymachus agrees that injustice creates conditions under which it is impossible for people to work together. Socrates then applies this conclusion to the soul, stating that injustice prevents the different areas of the soul from working together and thus prevents them from working toward a common goal. Although these two arguments soundly refute Thrasymachus" claim that injustice is the human virtue, they do not prove that justice is the soul"s virtue. In the opening chapters of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle examines various types of good ends and concludes that happiness is the ultimate good to pursue. In chapter seven of Book I, Aristotle tackles the role of the human function in the pursuit of happiness/goodness. He first establishes that the good for anything that has a function rests in the performance of that function. Next, Aristotle tries to figure out whether there is a specific function for all human beings, or if a person"s function is only related to his role in society. “Then do the carpenter and the leatherworker have their functions and actions, while a human being has none, and is by nature idle, without any function? Or, just as eye, hand, foot and, in general, every part apparently has its functions, may we likewise ascribe to a human being some function besides all theirs? (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 29-33)” Believing that there is some function that is applicable only to humans, Aristotle attempts to figure out what this function is. First, he excludes the process of growth and nutrition, as neither are applicable only to humans. He also excludes what he calls the life of sense-perception, as this is also not solely a human trait. He finally concludes that the human function is to utilize the part of the soul that exhibits reason. Following this, he puts forth a set of arguments that connect the human function of utilizing reason, to the concept of the ultimate good end. Aristotle establishes that the function of any F is the same as the function of an exceptional F. The only difference is that the exceptional F is expected to do its job well. Combining this point with his idea that the human function is that which expresses reason, Aristotle shows that the excellent man"s function is to express reason in an excellent manner. Aristotle"s next step is to proclaim that all functions will be completed well when they are done in a way that displays the corresponding virtue (ex. The harpists function is said to be completed well when the playing of the harp expresses excellence). He then takes his last three points and reaches his conclusion. “Therefore, by d, e and f, the human good turns out to be the soul"s activity that expresses virtue. (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 1098a 10-17)” For Aristotle, the “human good” seems to be synonymous with the attainment of happiness. Thus, in order for a human being to be happy, he or she must live a life that successfully expresses reason. The major differences that can be seen between these two arguments are seen when we examine the goals of both Plato and Aristotle. Plato has two main goals behind his argument, the first is to refute the position that injustice is better than justice. Secondly, his human function argument helps to set up the idea of his model cities, in which each person has a function and the city is virtuous when everyone performs their own function. Aristotle is examining happiness as the ultimate end and is searching for ways to get to that end. Thus, by proving that this good is found in the expression of reason, Aristotle is able to prescribe a path to happiness. If one fulfills one"s function, expression of reason, and does so in an excellent manner, one will necessarily attain happiness. Another way in which the two arguments differ is on their actual conceptualization of what the human function is. For Plato, the human function is defined as deliberation, ruling, living and taking care of things. This differs greatly from Aristotle idea of the human function which is, to perform activities that express reason. Not only are these two definitions very different, but they illustrate the chasm between the ways that each philosopher is thinking of the concept of a human function. Plato thinks of it in terms of the person"s place in society. His ideas of ruling, deliberating…etc pertain to the community in which one lives, and one"s relation to it. Aristotle approaches the problem from a much more individualistic point of view. Expressing reason in one"s action does not have anything to do with a relationship with other people or a community, but relates only to the individual. In conclusion, the biggest difference between Plato"s argument and Aristotle"s is their conceptualization of the concept of the human function. Also, their goals are vastly different. Plato uses his argument to refute those who would argue that injustice is beneficial and to set up his model city, in which virtue for the city is derived from each person fulfilling their function. Aristotle, on the other hand, uses his argument to directly set up a method for achieving the ultimate good.



地中海海脊增生复合体上(ODP Leg )的泥火山钻探研究

A.Robertson 船上科学家小组(Department of Geology and Geophysics,West Mains Road,Edinburgh University Edinburgh EH9 3JW,U.K.)摘要 160航次期间钻探了东地中海克里特岛南部米兰和那不勒斯两个泥火山。这些泥火山位于地中海海脊背面以软泥为主的一个增生复合体上,复合体系由非洲板块的新第三纪至全新世深海沉积物在欧亚板块之下向北俯冲造成的。只有靠钻探,才能确定泥火山的年代和地下构造。主要结论是,两个泥火山活动周期>1Ma,并且主要由以泥质为基质的砂岩和灰岩碎屑组成的多期碎屑流(沉积)组成。这些基质可能是来自位于俯冲滑脱带内地中海海脊增生复合体之下的晚中新世(Messinian期)超压富流体软泥,相反,石化碎屑主要来自中中新世地层,到那时为止,石化碎屑也许已成为上覆增生复合体的一部分了。对“泥质角砾岩”的碎屑流起源的认识改变了粘性软泥侵入的早期观点。关键词 地中海 泥火山 增生楔 大洋钻探计划(ODP)1 引言北京国际地质大会期间,中华人民共和国正在认真考虑成为大洋钻探计划的一个成员国。国际地质大会讨论会进行了ODP的讨论,尤其得到了与会的中国代表的热情支持。第一作者提交了一篇概括克里特岛南部地中海海脊两个泥火山钻探结果的论文。这是1995年春季和夏季在地中海进行的两个航次其中的一个(图1)。160航次有构造和古海洋两个目标。古海洋学涉及上新世至全新世深海富含有机物软泥,即腐泥的起源问题。构造方面的目标是双重的。第一个涉及Eratosthenes海山的碰撞过程,该海山是晚中生代至新第三纪的碳酸盐台地,沿东地中海的非洲和欧亚板块的活动板块边界同塞浦路斯南部相接。第二个目的即这里概括的涉及位于地中海海脊之上奇特的泥火山的成因,它是新第三纪—全新世期间非洲板块向欧亚板块下面俯冲造成的,是一个以软泥为主的增生楔。这项研究花了10天时间。160航次之后,161航次在西地中海又开展并进行了腐泥的研究及与阿尔沃兰海开启有关的张性地壳作用的调查。图1 ODP160航次米兰和那不勒斯两个泥火山970和971孔位的构造环境和位置图这个航次有构造和古海洋学方面两个目标。构造的目标是研究塞浦路斯南部Eratosthenes海山的环境和泥火山的成因,就像这里讨论的。古海洋学涉及富含有机物的深海沉积物,即最近5Ma期间整个地中海深海盆地聚集的腐泥的成因这篇短文遵循一种最新观点,原文实际上是在海上写成的,描述了当时深海钻探中海洋的某些令人兴奋的发现。大洋钻探计划为国际大洋科学界的协作和新发现提供了一个难得的机会。详细资料参见160航次原始报告和相关初步结果[1,2]。2 区域地质背景80年代后期,意大利科学家在克里特岛南部150km的地中海海脊发现了穹隆构造[3,4]。地中海海脊(长500km,宽100km)解释为增生的棱柱体,最近25Ma发育而成,是欧亚板块之下的非洲板块向北俯冲的结果。地震反射研究已发现了海底具有许多丘状构造特征,经取样,活塞岩心中含有奇特的像奶油冻一样结构的空虚软泥,称为泥砾。它们由软砂质、富粘土的基质中的硬的和软的岩石碎屑组成。这些丘状体最初被解释为底辟构造,是一些向上侵入到海底的相对粘稠的物质[3~6]。在1993年,联合国教科文组织发起的国际考察队乘俄罗斯考察船Gelendzhik号返回到该地区[7,8]。运用水下照相技术,他们发现了至少其中的一个构造——那不勒斯穹隆,目前还在喷出流体,并且周围环绕着细菌席。共生的冷泉群落包括带壳生物。深拖地震仪也发现了从中心喷口向外辐射的火山泥流。因而提出这样一个问题:软泥构造是像穹隆一样的粘性侵入体还是喷出的富碎屑的泥质沉积物火山锥?3 从米兰泥火山得到的结果第一个钻探的构造是东部的米兰穹隆(图2A)。地震反射资料发现它有像阔边帽似的形状,中心火山锥被终止在海底的倾斜侧翼包围着。穹隆侧翼下面的地震反射层向内倾斜,火山下面形成一个像碗一样的凹陷。这样独特的构造是怎样形成的?从外侧向两个构造的脊部钻一个浅孔<200m)剖面。在钻了几米深海钙质软泥后,采集到一个一个块状沉积物岩心,发现在坚硬的砂质粘土中散布着硬的及软的岩石碎片(图3)。在这之下,我们发现了几个层状深海沉积物薄层,依次被多层富粘土砂、粉砂和砾覆盖,其中某些代表了浊流沉积的证据。令我们吃惊的是船上古生物学家测定的年龄:最低富砾层之下的深海沉积物是1.75Ma。米兰构造很活跃,至少是周期性的,周期非常长。进一步的资料来自于地球物理方法的测井曲线。地层显微扫描仪发现了泥质碎屑流多次喷出形成的层状构造和至少半米厚的固结碎屑。图2 160航次中钻探的米兰泥火山(A)和那不勒斯泥火山(B)的岩性地层综合图它们显示出两个泥火山下面可见的地震反射层。米兰和那不勒斯泥质构造两翼之下的向内倾斜反射层的存在,用来表示泥火山作用期间渐进的沉陷过程。纵坐标的深度指海底以下深度最初认为富泥的角砾岩代表了从泥火山口喷出的碎屑流。它们从喷发中心喷出可分布多远?为了解决这个问题,我们从构造的侧翼又布了另一个钻孔。我们钻穿了周围海底中典型的沉积物(即半深海沉积物,磷酸盐软泥和腐泥),结果显示出泥火山喷发从米兰泥火山的喷发中心向外流动不到1km。因此,我们向泥质构造更靠近一点进行钻探,内翼的岩心显示出泥碎屑流的另一个证据,因而,脊部地区由可形成中心栓状构造的砂质物质组成。当船上的地球化学家处理他们的数据时感到很惊讶,从脊部点位采到的一些岩心明显充满气体。冰状的甲烷和水的混合物,称为笼形化合物(即气体水合物),存在于海底之下30~40m深处。从脊部采到的溶液盐度相对低,表示笼形化合物在采样过程中分解了,并且被带到了表面。相比之下,在较深处,孔隙水的盐度通常比地中海底层水大许多:这是因为假设下面存在的Messinian期蒸发盐的溶解作用所致。这种盐是在晚中新世,大约6~5Ma以前,当地中海海平面比现在低得多的时候,广泛沉淀下来的[9]。图3 米兰泥火山采到的厚的相对均质的泥质碎屑流的典型例子上部显示出“泥质角砾岩”的典型结构,被解释为碎屑流;暗的碎屑(中间)是石英砂岩,被解释为浊积岩;靠近照片下方均质的碎屑是大块的岩屑砂屑岩(砂岩);点位970A,岩心10X,剖面1的56~82.5cm处4 从那不勒斯泥火山得到的结果我们再一次采用了钻探钻孔剖面的方法(图2B)。首先,把钻探套管定位在希望采到的岩心的侧翼外边,然后确定泥火山锥羽毛状边缘的年代。我们正好定位在目标物上:在薄的深海沉积物下面,钻穿了类似米兰泥火山上的泥质角砾岩,然后直接进入标准的深海沉积物中,确定其年代为1.5~1.2Ma或者更老一些。为了找出这些角砾岩有多厚,又钻进了靠近中心火山锥底面的渠状断陷中。钻到180m以后,岩心钻取率很低,仍然处于富泥碎屑流中。在这里,发现了有油气存在的迹象:把样品放在紫外线下发出强烈的荧光。这样就面临着一个问题:我们为了安全的原因就要关闭这个钻孔吗?然而,这里没有活跃的油气移动的迹象,可继续进行我们计划的最大深度。由于钻孔条件比较差,试图用地球物理测井,也只有部分钻孔成功。然而,我们在解释为泥流的泥质角砾岩中发现了清晰的地层。钻探进入到脊部地区的顶端。那里的沉积物饱含气体,并含有刺激性的硫化氢气体。由于气体压力很高,已经采取了安全预防措施,它的成分表示其为与细菌降解作用有关的相对浅源成因。这不能构成安全事故,我们可以像计划的那样再对另外的几十米进行取样。不久我们采获的软泥开始变得发干,结霜成结晶盐,有的甚至含有小片的结晶石盐,推测年代为(Messinian)时期。下一步,我们重新把船定位到1993年Gelendzhik考察队发现的活动火山口处的脊部地区取样。取样进行得很顺利,当第三个岩心到达甲板时,还没有适当地进行处理,它就爆炸性地裂开了。软泥溅得到处都有!原因是由于温度提高,气体体积快速膨胀。幸运的是,除了弄样品的人和包装袋有些被弄脏之外,无人受伤。这是一个安全事故。尽管我们不愿这样做,但别无选择。在我们收起了套管的时候,这次令人兴奋的东地中海泥火山探险结束了。很幸运,这是我们计划钻探的最后几个孔位,几乎没有任何资料丢失。5 讨论现在,我们了解了米兰穹隆是一个海底泥火山,至少1.5Ma前开始形成,那不勒斯构造也至少有1.5~1.2Ma(图4A、B)。相对于火山中心,地震反射层向内倾斜表明了火山锥发生了渐进的塌陷。早期的喷发形成了不稳定碎屑状沉积物的火山锥,包括泥质碎屑流和浊积层。然后泥流的大规模流出才开始了,深海聚集物到处散布,最后构成了目前的火山锥。气体水合物只能在有限的温度/压力范围内形成,如果有相对高温的流体从深部向上涌溢,它就不太稳定。与这点一致,已发现气体水合物与不太活动的米兰泥火山伴生。相比之下,喷出流体和气体很活跃的那不勒斯火山似乎缺少气体水合物。是什么力量驱动了靠近地中海海脊北部边缘的泥火山作用?该地区的深地中海盆地作为中生代特提斯海的残余物,是处于非洲板块和欧亚板块碰撞和关闭的最后阶段,增生楔的北部边缘向北插进克里特南部的陆壳之下。这个挤离带可能就是超压富流体沉积物的位置。通常情况下,上面明显加积的深海沉积物厚层阻止这种物质向上移动。然而,当引发了地中海海脊的后冲断层作用时,这就作为超压物质向上移动至海底的途径(图5)。至少部分充填物质可能来源于位于挤离带内部晚中新世的Messinian期无化石软泥。石灰岩和砂岩碎屑的可能成因是水力破碎和物理剥蚀的混合作用把它们从上覆中新世增生沉积物中挤离出来。富泥和富碎屑的物质被带到上面,最后喷出海底成为多期碎屑流。图4 米兰泥火山(A)和那不勒斯泥火山(B)的解释剖面图泥质碎屑流从中心火山口喷出,在沉陷的谷形洼地内部或者邻近地区聚集;1—喷出带;2—泥火山构造;3—地震反射层;4—晚中新世“M”反射层图5 地中海海脊泥火山的发育阶段第一阶段早期喷发作用形成了碎屑火山锥;第二阶段多碎屑流形成了泥火山的主要构造,它与边缘谷形洼地的渐进沉陷有关6 结论通过对东地中海泥穹隆的10天考察,我们对深海泥火山作用有了重要的发现。了解到米兰和那不勒斯泥穹隆是海底泥火山,也许类似于聚敛边缘下的环境,像巴巴多斯俯冲复合体。对于岩浆火山,这些泥火山似乎有几百万年的循环过程。更多的泥火山可在其它的海底构造活动地区被发现。毫无疑问,其它科学家不久将继续这种外来地质现象的考察。致谢 在所有的深海钻探航行中,如果没有船长,船员和海洋技术员的支持,将会一无所获。(周立君译,许东禹校)参考文献[1]Emeis,A.H.F.Robertson,C.Richter and the Shipboard Scientific Party.In:Initial Results of Ocean DrillingProgram,College Station,Texas,Ocean Drilling Program 1996,160.[2]Robertson,K.-C.Emeis(Co-Chief Scientists),C.Richter(Staff Scientist),M.-M.Blanc-Valleron,I.Bouloubassi,H.J.Brumsack,A.Cramp,G.J.Di Stefano,R.Flecker,E.Frankel,M.W.Howell,T.R.Janecek,M.-J.Jurado-Rodriguez,A.E.S.Kemp,I.Koizumi,A.Kopf,C.O.Major,Y.Mart,D.F.C.Pribnow,A.Rabaute,A.P.Roberts,J.H.Rullkotter,T.Sakamoto,S.Spezzaferri,T.S.Staerker,J.S.Stoner,B.M.Whiting,and J.M.Woodside.Mudvolcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge:Initial results of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 160.Geology,1996,24,239~242.[3]Cita,A.Camerlenghi,E.Erba,F.W.McCoy,D.Castradori,A.Cazzani,G.Guasti,M.Giambastiani,R.Lucchi,V.Nolli,G.Pezzi,M.Redaelli,E.Rizzi,S.Torricelli and D.Violanti.Discovery of mud diapirism in the MediterraneanRidge—A preliminary report.Boll.Soc.Geol.It.1989,108,537~543.[4]Camerlenghi,M.B.Cita,W.Hieke and T.S.Ricchiuto.Geological evidence of mud diapirism on the MediterraneanRidge accretionary complex.Earth Planet.Science Lett.,1992,109,493~504.[5]Camerlenghi,M.B.Cita,B.Della Vedova,N.Fusi,Mirabile L.and G.Pellis,Geophysical evidence of mud diapirismon the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex.Marine Geophys.Res.1995,17,115~141.[6]Staffini,S. Spezzaferri and F. Aghib. Mud diapirs of the Mediterranean Ridge:sedimentological andmicropalaeontological study of the mud breccia.Riv.Ital.Paleont.Strat.,1993,99,225~254.[7]Limonov,J.M.Woodside and M.K.Ivanov(Eds).Mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and shallowstructure of the Eratosthenes Seamount.Initial results of the geological and geophysical investigations during thethird“Training through-Research”Cruise of the R/V‘Glendzhik",(June-JuIy,1993).UNESCO Reports in MarineSciences,1994,64,173.[8]Premoli-Silva,E.Erba,S.Spezzaferri,and M.B.Cita,Age variation in the source of the diapiric mud breccias alongand across the axis of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex.Marine Geology,1996,132,175~202.[9]Hsu,M.B.Cita and W.B.F.Ryan,The origin of the Mediterranean evaporites.In:Initial Reports of the Deep SeaDrilling Project,13,U.S.Government Printing Office,Washington,D.C.,1973,1203~1231.


please-take-it-easy请放松take it easy[英][teik it u02c8i:zi][美][tek u026at u02c8izi]不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等; 例句:1.Jeez, mind telling your subconscious to take it easy? 天哪,让你的潜意识放松点行吗?2.Take it easy! So what? 别发脾气你怎么了?

求eagle乐队的take it easy的翻译歌词!!

take it easy Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友Take it easy....放轻松Take it easy....放轻松Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮drive you crazy.使你疯狂make you crazy.使你疯狂Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后Take it easy....放轻松Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslowsuch a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过看了我一眼Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的Don"t say maybe...不要说也许I gotta" know if your sweet loveis gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我Take it easy....放轻松Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo....Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松

Like A Songbird That Has Fallen 歌词

歌曲名:Like A Songbird That Has Fallen歌手:Reeltime Travelers专辑:Cold Mountainlike a songbird that has fallen ------《冷山》Paths are there for us to followthis is gospel I believeAngels are around us flyingtruth and mercy to recievePictures of uncommon naturepainted by a masters handDraw me ever on life"s journeyrendered thus to understandAs a songbird that is fallenonly to regain the skyfrom this frozen shadow vally lay my weary headLove is from no distance callingfaithful as the rising sunWarms the bitter heart and heartache till the east of eden"s goneClouds of fear and misconceptionwax and wane as if the moonSo is in a sense forsakentill the will of God be knownAs a songbird that is fallenonly to regain the skyfrom this frozen shadow vally lay my weary headhttp://music.baidu.com/song/54371130

on one level什么意思?


Sound power level是什么意思

Sound power leve声功率级.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

In a hotel,What are the example of negative body language?Especially for the staff.






翻译一下啊 It is effective in mid- to-low current, low power applications, and as the power level i


通信 powerlevel 什么意思


wifi power level 是峰值还是均值


power level是什么意思

power level 英[u02c8pauu0259 u02c8levl] 美[u02c8pau028au025a u02c8lu025bvu0259l] [词典] 功率级; 功率电平,功率位准; 权级; [网络] 功率; 功率等级; 功率水平; [例句]The simulator has the same structure and power level.该模拟器与实际系统有相同的结构,相同的功率等级。
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