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Story of an Office Lady --- 日本人になら通じるかも

呃...写成这样都能理解~~~达人啊那句话直接翻译成i decided to change my image不就得了么敞篷车 convertible not be a high miss.......完全不知所云

上班族的女性office lady,那男性呢?

office worker 或office staff 都行

Office Lady 歌词

歌曲名:Office Lady歌手:大囍门专辑:大囍门 同名专辑大囍门--------Office lady Lyric Upload By IcepinewuOffice lady make me crazyOffice lady u are so sexyOffice lady u are a beautyOffice lady u are my babyoh oh office lady 实在是正点到不行 看到你的长发飘逸香味扑鼻 大大的眼睛 令人吸引 (光鲜亮丽)真正的美女 气质的香气 (office lady)只有你能够打动我的心就是你我说 只有你能够令我迷恋 实在是美丽到不行实在按耐不住我的爱意现在就要朝著office lady 向前去office lady 我一睁开眼看到你就对你著迷不能呼吸 心跳加快 头晕脑胀快要窒息全都因为你那致命的吸引力我的身体瞬间僵硬 像个奴隶被掌控被你的魔力Oh baby 就是因为你让我茶不思饭不想心里想的都是你整齐的服仪温柔带著甜美的书卷气息令人疯狂想起种种的原因让我迷恋著你 office ladys修长的美腿配上完美的身材曲线迎面而来的就是那传说中的office lady阵阵的香气再加上过人的自信就算是倾家荡产也心甘情愿被你吸引看见你那连衣服也藏不住完美比例就让我血液如排山倒海般冲到我的脑袋里我心跳个不停 看到目不转睛喔我确定已被你吸引老天爷多眷恋我 赐给我这等诱惑发型香味到穿著 搭配的面面俱到淡妆的表情 简单却又不失骄傲Office lady 我愿意为你上教堂祈祷经过你的身边传来阵阵成熟的女人味你有魔鬼的身材一样也有天使的脸上半身的胸部一直到下半身的屁股呈现的完美弧度宝贝我又一次向你臣服office lady baby you make me crazy正点的美女就在我的面前你的脸 快转向这边 帅哥在这边 要对你放电就在等这一天oh oh oh my god上天创造你 创造台湾经济奇迹创造了多少office lady 真是神奇激励了多少无聊上班族的士气 上班打卡变得多麼有趣office lady 加把劲 我们为你打气洋装穿在你们的身上 真是紧到不在紧穿到高到不能在高的短裙制服藏不住令人遐想的sexy body公司里的美女office lady如果没有你 董事长大人他一定撑不下去总经理的外遇 通常都发生在秘书的身上office lady你的魅力实在太大没有办法叫我不去上班 你是我工作的精神支柱因为看见你我就彷佛就看见圣母玛莉亚你是女神psyche 令多少人著迷我实在是不行 实在挡不下去

Office Lady 歌词

歌曲名:Office Lady歌手:大囍门专辑:大囍门 同名专辑大囍门--------Office lady Lyric Upload By IcepinewuOffice lady make me crazyOffice lady u are so sexyOffice lady u are a beautyOffice lady u are my babyoh oh office lady 实在是正点到不行 看到你的长发飘逸香味扑鼻 大大的眼睛 令人吸引 (光鲜亮丽)真正的美女 气质的香气 (office lady)只有你能够打动我的心就是你我说 只有你能够令我迷恋 实在是美丽到不行实在按耐不住我的爱意现在就要朝著office lady 向前去office lady 我一睁开眼看到你就对你著迷不能呼吸 心跳加快 头晕脑胀快要窒息全都因为你那致命的吸引力我的身体瞬间僵硬 像个奴隶被掌控被你的魔力Oh baby 就是因为你让我茶不思饭不想心里想的都是你整齐的服仪温柔带著甜美的书卷气息令人疯狂想起种种的原因让我迷恋著你 office ladys修长的美腿配上完美的身材曲线迎面而来的就是那传说中的office lady阵阵的香气再加上过人的自信就算是倾家荡产也心甘情愿被你吸引看见你那连衣服也藏不住完美比例就让我血液如排山倒海般冲到我的脑袋里我心跳个不停 看到目不转睛喔我确定已被你吸引老天爷多眷恋我 赐给我这等诱惑发型香味到穿著 搭配的面面俱到淡妆的表情 简单却又不失骄傲Office lady 我愿意为你上教堂祈祷经过你的身边传来阵阵成熟的女人味你有魔鬼的身材一样也有天使的脸上半身的胸部一直到下半身的屁股呈现的完美弧度宝贝我又一次向你臣服office lady baby you make me crazy正点的美女就在我的面前你的脸 快转向这边 帅哥在这边 要对你放电就在等这一天oh oh oh my god上天创造你 创造台湾经济奇迹创造了多少office lady 真是神奇激励了多少无聊上班族的士气 上班打卡变得多麼有趣office lady 加把劲 我们为你打气洋装穿在你们的身上 真是紧到不在紧穿到高到不能在高的短裙制服藏不住令人遐想的sexy body公司里的美女office lady如果没有你 董事长大人他一定撑不下去总经理的外遇 通常都发生在秘书的身上office lady你的魅力实在太大没有办法叫我不去上班 你是我工作的精神支柱因为看见你我就彷佛就看见圣母玛莉亚你是女神psyche 令多少人著迷我实在是不行 实在挡不下去

To be an office lady 是什么意思


linda was a office lady,的短文改错?




OLOffice Lady怎么读

欧非死 勒底

office lady是什么意思

office ladyn.办公室女郎办公室女职员;白领丽人;办公室女性复数:office ladies 例句1.If as a office lady, I recommend you the elegant one.如果作为职业女性,我推荐你端庄这款。2.How difficult it is to be a white-collar office lady!是多么困难是白领女职员!3.In China the office lady is also at the forefront of another new fashion: investing in the stock market.在中国,白领丽人还站在另一种新时尚的前沿:股市投资。4.Another is the female office lady market.另外一个则是白领女性市场。5.A collection of clips that Crabby Office Lady decided should go together.“Office小姐”决定组合在一起的剪辑集合。


Office Lady,简称OL,即白领丽人,意思指打扮衣着入时,且具备一定办事能力,美丽与智慧兼备的办公室女性文职人员。“OL”此简称源自日本女性杂志“女性自身”编辑长樱井秀勋所创。受日本文化影响,“OL”之称呼早年已在香港及台湾地区被广泛使用。女性白领职场中的心理困扰1、心理疲劳随着阅历的增长,职业女性对工作的新鲜感逐渐减少,不少人出现了莫名的疲劳感,这种来自心理的疲劳感降低了工作效率,也会削弱职业女性未来发展的竞争力。2、自信心不足事业发展不顺利的时候,很多女性怀疑自己的能力,这在很大程度上是因为她们自信心不足,过多地消耗了她们的精力和时间,减弱了她们追求成功的动力,影响了工作效率。3、年龄恐慌症由年龄而产生的恐慌心理在职业女性中很普遍,这主要是因为她们可能随时被老板解雇,又因年过35岁而被众多招聘信息排斥。4、对自己认识不清职业进展到一定阶段,很多女性对自己的认识反而模糊了。有的女性会在机会面前瞻前顾后,犹豫不决,有的会过于追求变化,而放弃有发展前途的工作。

谁知道一首英文歌La Ballade of Lady And Bird的寓意

黑暗中的呼喊,是无助的,在茫茫世界中,这渺小的力量显得微不足道,然而返回的是无助的回音,只留下他们在孤单的长桥边感受着风的温度。而他们留下的是幻灭的一跃。 是绝望,还是希望?无人知道。其实没有什么寓意



求Lady And Bird的For You And I 的歌词!!!

somewhere late at nightthe merman called the breezefound an out of sightand simply watched at easethe sea was cold as iceand lonely as it seemsthe wind came to my eyesand woke me from a dreamand it"s over now for you and ifor you and iand it"s over now for you and ifor you and iout there in the sandi waited for the dawnto bring me thoughts from other landsand then you came alongand it"s over now for you and ifor you and iand it"s over now for you and iyou and isomewhere late at nightthe merman called the breezefound an out of sightand simply watched at ease

lady and bird のinside歌词?

How can someone feel like we did out thereHave you lost the dream that was in our handsIs it ok now Find me Inside every heartbeatInside every worryKeep me in your heart againFind meInside every heartbeat (over the hills again)Inside every worryInside your heartInside every worryInside your heartYou ran awayAnd I would not stayIs it your timeOr is it mineIs it your timeFind me Inside every heartbeatInside every worryKeep me in your heart againFind meInside every heartbeat (over the hills again)Inside every worryInside your heart

La Ballade Of Lady And Bird这首歌想传达什么意思?

看每个人的理解吧最近我也在听这首歌 :)我觉得lady有bird,bird有lady,起码比这更寂寞的事还有。

la ballade of lady and bird歌词的寓意是什么

keren annlai的《La Ballade of Lady and Bird---Lady & Bird》——《孤独绝望的女 人和小鸟》,一首叙事曲。自始至终舒缓而清冷的木吉他旋律中lady和bird 寒冷而孤寂的对话,lady和bird开始对话。 Bird :Lady? Lady :Yes Bird? Bird :It"s cold Lady :I know Lady :Bird...I cannot see a thing Bird :It"s all in your mind Lady :I"m worried Bird :No one will come to see us Lady :Maybe they come but we just don"t see them What do you see? Bird :I see what"s outside Lady :And what exactly is outside? Bird :It"s grown-ups Lady :Well maybe if we scream they can hear us Bird :Yeah, maybe we should try to scream Lady :Ok, Bird Lady & Bird :Heeeelp, Heeeelp Can you hear us now ? Hello ! Help ! Hello it"s me Hey ! Can you see Can you see me I"m here Nana come and take us Hello Are you there Hello Lady :I don"t think they can hear us Bird :I can hear you lady Bird o you want to come with me lady Lady :Will you be nice to me Bird Lady :You"re always be nice to me because you"re my friend Bird :I try but sometimes I make mistakes Lady :Nana says we all make mistakes Bird :Maybe we should scream more Lady :Yes, Bird let"s scream more Lady & Bird :Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help Hello ! Help ! Hello ! We"re lost ! Lady :I don"t think they cannot see us Bird :Nobody likes us Lady :But they all seem so big Bird :Maybe we should just jump Lady :What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us Bird :I don"t know let"s just see what happens Lady :Okay Bird :Come with me Lady :Shall we do it together Bird :Yeah Lady & Bird :1 2 3....Aaaaaaah Bird ady? Lady :Yes Bird Bird :It"s cold Lady :I know Lady :Bird...I cannot see a thing Bird :It"s all in your mind bird:喂! lady:怎么了,鸟儿? bird:好冷。 lady:我也是。鸟儿,我什么都看不到…… bird:都在你的心里面呢。 lady:我很担心。 bird:没有人会过来看我们的。 lady:也许他们来了,但我们没看到他们呢。你看什么呢? bird:我在看外面呢。 lady:外面究竟有什么啊? bird:外面都是大人…… lady:如果我们大声喊的话,说不定让他们能听到我们呢! bird:嗯,看来我们确实应该大声叫一下试试。 lady:好的,鸟儿。 她们满怀希望呼救了很久、很久…… lady、bird:救命啊!救命啊!你能听到我们吗?你好,救命啊!你好, 是我。嗨,你能看到, 你能看到我们吗?我在这儿呢!nana,来把我们带走吧!你好,你在那儿吗?你好…… 只好试着坚强,相互慰籍并鼓励。谁说我们不爱惜生命? lady:我觉得他们听不到我们。 bird:我能听到你,lady。你愿意跟我走吗? lady:你会对我好吗,鸟儿?你一直对我很好,因为你是我的朋友。 bird:我会尽力的,虽然我经常会犯一些错…… lady:nana说我们都会犯错误的。 bird:看来我们还是要更大声一点儿。 lady:是的,鸟儿。让我们再大声一点儿喊吧! 她们再次鼓足勇气呼救…… lady、bird:救命啊,救救我们!来人啊,救命啊!你好,救命啊!我们 走丢了…… 终归绝望。 lady:我想他们再也看不到我们了。 bird:没有人像我们这样儿…… lady:但他们看起来是那么高大。 bird:看来我们要尝试着自己跳一下…… lady:什么?要是我们从桥上跳下去,可能就再也没有人能看到我们了。 bird:我也不知道……,让我们跳下去看看会发生什么吧! lady:好吧! bird:跟我来! lady:我们一起跳好不好? bird:当然了。 在坚强的背面,绝望,哀号。 lady、bird:1、2、3……,啊………… 黑暗中。 bird:喂! lady:怎么了,鸟儿? bird:好冷。 lady:我也是。鸟儿,我什么都看不到…… bird:都在你的心里面呢. 你们去了另一个世界吗?在那里还好吗? 两个绝望的灵魂空荡的心底发出了声音, 有一点点温度的两个抱得 紧紧相互慰籍并鼓励, 竟怎么也抵挡不住内心世界的寒冷与凄绝。 就那么抱着,等到温度散尽之后兴许还怀着一丝幸福安静的死去。 心继续被啃噬。 在坚强的背面, 我看到了善良的人们行走在疼痛的荒野, 黎明的挖掘机,把梦一支支碾碎。 总能有一首歌,能把我的快乐瞬间瓦解,几乎没有来得及准备 那强烈的孤独无助一下子击倒了我..... It"s cold. I cannot see a thing. Nobody can hear me. Nobody ever will. Lady & Bird 是由法国女歌手Keren Ann和冰岛电子乐团Bang Gang的成员Bardi Johannsson 组成的临时乐队,La Ballade Of Lady & Bird 是用人声变调方式合成的童声。 曲子是说一个小女孩和一只不会飞的鸟,在光怪陆离的成人世界里迷失了。他们叫喊着,用最大的力气,却成为最微不足道的声响。被轻易的忽略了,没人注意的孩子的心 。 我们跳下去吧,从桥上跳下去,大人们会看见我们么。 不知道,试试,看会发生什么。

类似dream on(kelly sweet) Suicide is painless(lady&bird)这样的歌

sinead o"connor - a perfect indiannick cave - where the wild roses growblue foundation - as i moved on有张合辑叫《穿过骨头抚摸你》 差不多这样的

求lady & bird 的Stephanie says吉他谱! 谢谢!!!

inside lady&bird中文歌词

谈一场不后悔的恋爱曲 : 心 儿词 : 张 美 贤编 : Terry Chan你及时地出现 仿佛理想中期待却为何共我紧抱著 会突然双手放开这样平静分开 只因有更好存在你就如习惯寻觅替代 得到再更改如能不管多伤害 在最灿烂永远分开 爱便精采 然而不知的将来亦盼你在 你偏偏再次避开为何不知道悔改 想你的脑海有著奇迹般这能耐 能继续期待你感觉曾被爱 快乐时不想放开仍然不知道悔改 天与地隔开信任奇迹可以存在如有幸留住你 纯属意外因此更深爱你是云上色彩 仿佛梦里等待却为何共我紧抱著 会突然双手放开相恋结果分开有太多感觉无奈你就如习惯寻觅替代 应否说不该

求Lady and bird的歌词~最好中英对照!跪谢~

  Lady & Bird - Suicide Is Painless  自杀是没有痛苦的  Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾  The visions of the things to be 我看见的景象都成了幻影  Their pains are all withheld from me 我能看到  I realise, and I can see that 所有的痛苦离我而去  Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的  It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变  And I can take or leave it 我可以接受或者放弃它  If I please 如果我想  The game of life is hard to play 生活的游戏一点都不容易  I"m gonna lose it anyway 无论如何我会输掉它  The losing cards are ill some day lay 我一手的臭牌总有一天要摊开来  So this is all I have to say 这就是我要说的  Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的  It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变  And I can take or leave it 我可以选择或者放弃它  If I please 如果我想  The sword of time will pierce our skin 总有一天时间的剑会穿透我们的皮肤  It doesnt matter where it begins 不管从哪里开始  But as it works its way on in 当这个过程开始  The pain grows stronger, watch it grin 痛苦会越来越深,看它咧嘴而笑  Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的  It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变  And I can take it or leave it 如果我想  If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它  A brave man once requested me 曾有一个生活的勇者问我  To answer questions that are key 一个很重要的问题  Is it to be, or not to be? 要生存,还是死去  And I replied,oh why ask me? 为什么要问我呢?  Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的  It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变  And I can take it or leave it 如果我想  If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它  And you can do the same thing 如果你想  If you please 也可以做同样的事情  只找到这首,希望你喜欢O(∩_∩)O~

There Was An Old Lady 歌词

歌曲名:There Was An Old Lady歌手:The Engine Room Kids专辑:My First Car JourneyThere was an old lady who swallowed a fly.I dunno why she swallowed that fly,Perhaps she"ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,That wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that fly -Perhaps she"ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a bird;How absurd, to swallow a bird!She swallowed the bird to catch the spiderThat wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that fly -Perhaps she"ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a cat.Imagine that, she swallowed a cat.She swallowed the cat to catch the bird ...She swallowed the bird to catch the spiderThat wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that flyPerhaps she"ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a dog.What a hog! To swallow a dog!She swallowed the dog to catch the cat...She swallowed the cat to catch the bird ...She swallowed the bird to catch the spiderThat wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that flyPerhaps she"ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a goat.Just opened her throat and swallowed a goat!She swallowed the goat to catch the dog ...She swallowed the dog to catch the cat.She swallowed the cat to catch the bird ...She swallowed the bird to catch the spiderThat wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that flyPerhaps she"ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a cow.I don"t know how she swallowed a cow!She swallowed the cow to catch the goat...She swallowed the goat to catch the dog...She swallowed the dog to catch the cat...She swallowed the cat to catch the bird ...She swallowed the bird to catch the spiderThat wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.But I dunno why she swallowed that flyPerhaps she"ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a horse -She"s dead, of course.

La Ballade Of Lady And Bird的歌词意思是什么

Bird : Lady? 喂Lady : Yes Bird? 怎么了.bird?Bird : It"s cold 好冷Lady : I know 我也是Lady : Bird... I can"t see a thing bird...我什么都看不到...Bird : It"s all in your mind 都在你的心里面呢.Lady : I"m worried 我很担心Bird : No one will come to see us 没有人会过来看我们的.Lady : Maybe they come but we just don"t see them 也许他们来了,但我们没看到他们呢.What do you see? 你看什么呢?Bird : I see what"s outside 我在看外面呢.Lady : And what exactly is outside? 外面究竟有什么啊?Bird : It"s grown-ups 外面都是大人……Lady : Well, maybe if we scream they can hear us 如果我们大声喊的话.说不定让他们能听到我们呢!Bird : Yeah, maybe we should try to scream 嗯,看来我们确实应该大声叫一下试试Lady : Ok, Bird 好的,birdLady & Bird : He--lp, He--lp 救命啊!救命啊!Can you hear us now ? 你能听到我们吗?Hello ! 你好!Help ! 救命啊Hello it"s me 你好,是我.Hey 嗨Can you see 你能看到Can you see me 你能看到我们吗?I"m here 我在这儿呢!Nana come and take us .Nana,来把我们带走吧!Hello 你好Are you there 你在那儿吗?Hello 你好......Lady : I don"t think they can hear us 我觉得他们听不到我们.Bird : I can hear you lady 我能听到你,Bird : Do you want to come with me lady Lady.你愿意跟我走吗?Lady : Will you be nice to me Bird 你会对我好吗,bird?Lady : You"re always be nice to me because you"re my friend 你一直对我很好,因为你是我的朋友.Bird : I try but sometimes I make mistakes 我会尽力的,虽然我经常会犯一些错……Lady : Nana says we all make mistakes .Nana说我们都会犯错误的.Bird : Maybe we should scream more 看来我们还是要更大声一点儿.Lady : Yes, Bird let"s scream more 是的,bird.让我们再大声一点儿喊吧!Lady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help 救命啊,救救我们!来人啊,救命啊!BLady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help 救命啊,救救我们!来人啊,救命啊!Hello ! 你好Help 救命啊.Hello ! 你好We"re lost 我们走丢了......Lady : I think they cannot see us 我想他们再也看不到我们了.Bird : Nobody likes us 没有人像我们这样儿......Lady : But they all seem so big 但他们看起来是那么高大.Bird : Maybe we should just jump 看来我们要尝试着自己跳一下.......Lady : What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us 什么?要是我们从桥上跳下去,可能就再也没有人能看到我们了.Bird : I don"t know let"s just see what happens 我也不知道......让我们跳下去看看会发生什么吧!Lady : Okay 好吧!Bird : Come with me 跟我来!Lady : Shall we do it together 我们一起跳好不好?Bird : Yeah 当然了.Lady & Bird : 1 2 3....Aaaaaaah .1、2、3.......啊......Bird : Lady? 喂?Lady : Yes Bird.怎么了,bird?Bird : It"s cold 好冷。Lady : I knowLady : Bird...I cannot see a thing 我也是.bird,我什么都看不到.....Bird : It"s all in your mind 都在你的心里面呢

Lady & Bird的《Blue Skies》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Skies歌手:Lady & Bird专辑:Lady & BirdBlue SkiesLady & BirdBlue skies are in the middle of a winter stormWhile your blue eyes are looking at me like beforeStill those blue skies are in the middle of a winter stormWhile your blue eyes are looking at me like beforeI find youI find you happy for todayI mind youI mind you ever going to stayBlue skies are in the middle of a winter stormWhile your blue eyes are looking at me like beforeStill those blue skies are in the middle of a winter stormWhile your blue eyes are looking at me like beforeI find youI find you happy for todayI mind youI mind you ever going to stayThrough the window of my neighboursThere are fallen leavesIn my pillowThere are feathers i will waitUntil the morning lightWatch me before I goGo tonightIf the wind blows on my windowThere are fallen leavesWatch me before I goGo tonight

谁有La Ballads of Lady & Bird歌词得中文翻译啊?

鸟:喂! 女:怎么了,鸟儿? 鸟:好冷。 女:我也是。鸟儿,我什么都看不到…… 鸟:都在你的心里面呢。 女:我很担心。 鸟:没有人会过来看我们的。 女:也许他们来了,但我们没看到他们呢。你看什么呢? 鸟:我在看外面呢。 女:外面究竟有什么啊? 鸟:外面都是大人…… 女:如果我们大声喊的话,说不定让他们能听到我们呢! 鸟:嗯,看来我们确实应该大声叫一下试试。 女:好的,鸟儿。 女、鸟:救命啊!救命啊!你能听到我们吗?你好,救命啊!你好,是我。嗨,你能看到,你能看到我们吗?我在这儿呢!Nana,来把我们带走吧!你好,你在那儿吗?你好…… 女:我觉得他们听不到我们。 鸟:我能听到你,Lady。你愿意跟我走吗? 女:你会对我好吗,鸟儿?你一直对我很好,因为你是我的朋友。 鸟:我会尽力的,虽然我经常会犯一些错…… 女:Nana说我们都会犯错误的。 鸟:看来我们还是要更大声一点儿。 女:是的,鸟儿。让我们再大声一点儿喊吧! 女、鸟:救命啊,救救我们!来人啊,救命啊!你好,救命啊!我们走丢了…… 女:我想他们再也看不到我们了。 鸟:没有人像我们这样儿…… 女:但他们看起来是那么高大。 鸟:看来我们要尝试着自己跳一下…… 女:什么?要是我们从桥上跳下去,可能就再也没有人能看到我们了。 鸟:我也不知道……,让我们跳下去看看会发生什么吧! 女:好吧! 鸟:跟我来! 女:我们一起跳好不好? 鸟,当然了。 女、鸟:1、2、3……,啊…… …… 鸟:喂! 女:怎么了,鸟儿? 鸟:好冷。 女:我也是。鸟儿,我什么都看不到…… 鸟:都在你的心里面呢。

lady bird的中文歌词

Suicide Is Painless 自杀是没有痛苦的Through early morning fog I see 穿过晨雾The visions of the things to be 我看见的景象都成了幻影Their pains are all withheld from me 我能看到I realize, and I can see that 所有的痛苦离我而去Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变And I can take it or leave it 如果我想If I please 我可以接受或者放弃它The game of life is hard to play 生活的游戏一点都不容易I"m gonna lose it anyway 无论如何我会输掉它The losing cards are ill some day lay 我一手的臭牌总有一天要摊开来So this is all I have to say 这就是我要说的Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变And I can take it or leave it 如果我想If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它The sword of time will pierce our skin 总有一天时间的剑会穿透我们的皮肤It doesnt matter where it begins 不管从哪里开始But as it works its way on in 当这个过程开始The pain grows stronger, watch it brim 痛苦会越来越深,从伤口溢出Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变And I can take it or leave it 如果我想If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它A brave man once requested me 曾有一个生活的勇者问我To answer questions that are key 一个很重要的问题Is it to be, or not to be? 要生存,还是死去And I replied,oh why ask me? 为什么要问我呢?Suicide is painless 自杀是没有痛苦的It brings on many changes 它可以带来很多改变And I can take it or leave it 如果我想If I please 我可以选择或者放弃它And you can do the same thing 如果你想If you please 也可以做同样的事情


歌曲:守望麦田歌手:王菲 专辑:只爱陌生人 LRC歌词 HOT• 搜索 "守望麦田"mp3 打印预览 守望麦田曲:c. y. kong adrian chan 词:林夕编:c. y. kong风吹过麦田田总要收割也许留在我腑脏心给你碰撞如沙里采矿也许能令我发光共你就似星和云升和沉彼此怎麽挂碍美丽多於遗害共你就似风和尘同不同行与天地常在那怕没法再相爱空空两手来挥手归去阅过山与水水里有谁未必需要一起进退刻骨铭心来放心归去未算无一物深爱过谁一天可抵上一岁水蒸发成云抛弃的雨也许来自你的汗手经过脸庞旁人给你的吻也许留在我掌心歌曲:麦田守望者歌手:吴日言 专辑:two little LRC歌词 HOT• 搜索 "麦田守望者"mp3 打印预览 麦田守望者演唱:吴日言平凡中一脸友善旗袍不够艳浮华短花似年华未变繁荣里圣殿前没有珍珠冠冕拿块树皮做桂冠一般闪人潮中一刹碰面谁都不挂念平常心参于豪华盛宴从城市到麦田泥泞做我地毡即使我赤著脚亦快乐自然我未能做个小芭比游天下我亦能做片水仙花再往上爬世上人热爱布娃娃甜美吧我亦能艳压尘世上像落霞做赤足天使也不去选妃子并不是那么渴望被人写进伊索寓言没那些天使至少还有大志住不入那所圣殿仍能望向最辽阔大麦田霓虹灯闪照偶像眉梢都发亮随成长失去明媚卖相红玫瑰再漂亮明日没那样香给景仰到下世是那份善良我独来独往看风景游天下我自言自语再潇洒喝淡绿茶那没头没脑布娃娃完美吧我路遥路斜随处荡也相当优雅做赤足天使也不去选妃子并不是那么漂亮做人先有凄美故事没那些天使至少还有大志大海上有风有浪才能做到磨折当玩意做赤足天使也不嫁给公子在天地那么快活梦游一次写我故事没那些天使我都还有大志在天地吃苦过后才能做到最甜美幸运儿end歌曲:在路上歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:麦田守望者乐队 • 搜索 "在路上"mp3 打印预览 在路上也许我要得太多,都不想你难过也许应该简单活着,快乐痛苦不说我们没有理想,流浪没有方向只是梦中的麦田,守着一片金~黄想的美,美梦也无~常那永远到不了的远~方在路上和我~唱这一首歌如果我有方向,那就是远方钢铁是怎样炼成,流浪不靠坚强如果我有枪,早就上了镗如果能得到玫瑰,我只留下芳~香想的美,美梦也无常那永远到不了的远方在路上和我唱这一首歌,oh~总是梦中麦田,守着每一片金黄~哦丧失我的理想~,用生命把它埋葬总是梦中麦田,守着每一片金黄~丧失我的理想,用生命把它埋葬the end歌曲:绿野仙踪歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:麦田守望者乐队 • 搜索 "绿野仙踪"mp3 打印预览 嘿!你来吧来吧来参加我们的乌托邦我们穿过大街走小巷直到一片金黄哦我们迎着太阳一边走一边唱我们没呀没主张也不需要新衣裳森林田野和海洋任由我们徜徉哦我们的队伍不需要武装神彩飞扬我们唱走过每一片阳光我们有张张笑脸庞哦快乐咦哟嘿我们的队伍向太阳来吧分享这一份无恙嘿!我们啦啦!我们嘿嘿!我们形而上我们向太阳我们的乌托邦歌曲:牺牲歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:麦田守望者乐队 LRC歌词 HOT• 搜索 "牺牲"mp3 打印预览 话到嘴边却说不清近在眼前却看不明搞不懂这到底是什麽你说这到底算什么让一切都来吧让一切都去吧来一个比火更狂吧给我个比闪更快吧教我个比爱更假吧去你的比死更深吧让一切都来吧让一切都去吧冰凉中我折断四肢炙热中我融化消失水在空中化成宝石我看到一道彩虹我愿做牺牲以我的年轻这里实在太乱择也择不清我愿做牺牲以我的清醒让一切都去吧我愿做牺牲时刻准备着最后的彩虹包含着欲望包含着牵挂让一切都去吧歌曲:无题歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:麦田守望者乐队 LRC歌词 HOT• 搜索 "无题"mp3 打印预览 梦中蝴蝶无法捕捉梦象羽毛一样坠落梦无题也无日期恍惚之中的诱惑美丽它渴望不可及在眼前却遥遥无期我走走我停停这转动的世界让我想你的模样和一个什么样的自己最最最最最最最......say goodbye最最最最最最最......goodtime say oksay ok我走走我停停这幻想的时间让我听你的声音它来自你的呼吸嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟......让我抛开一切宿命也不需要任何道理歌曲:my sunday歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:麦田守望者乐队 LRC歌词 HOT打印预览 monday 我一夜没合眼tuesday 我在家睡一天wednesday 我又没回家睡thursday 我胡思乱想friday 无所事事saturday 洗洗睡吧monday 看看电视tuesday 约约姑娘wednesday 抽了两盒烟tuesday 我坐等天亮friday 无所事事saturday i want sundaymy sunday my sunday my sunday 编:jerrybye!^_^歌曲:一意孤行歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:我们的世界 • 搜索 "一意孤行"mp3 打印预览 一意孤行麦田守望者词 曲 编曲:麦田守望者也许随手画的涂鸦是最完美表达也许随口唱的旋律才当真啊我们如此漫不经意轻轻的落下也哭也笑也挣扎oh 喂不会我怎能忘了啊那天我们曾经一起出发在路上的人啊习惯了歌唱也许岸边坐的心都悲伤了你加快的步伐不要因为我停下记得那天我们一起出发也许出发我们永不能到达未远行路定我们一意非孤行一路心中随意歌待到雨晴时唱给你听未远行已同路定注定一意非孤行我们心中随意歌待到迟暮年蓦然回首间唱起你听在路上的人啊也都未必坚强也许靠了岸的心都已铁石心肠我们如此漫不经意轻轻的落下也哭也笑也挣扎oh 喂继续吧不要因为我停下记得那天我们一起出发纵然出发永远无法到达歌曲:super star歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:我们的世界 打印预览 super star麦田守望者词 曲 编曲:麦田守望者第一天早上学会了唱歌第二天的下午就会跳舞第三天晚上电视台采访"我是新人多捧场"第四天出门必须戴墨镜第五天就冲进了排行榜第六天唱片有一万种盗版第七个晚上得了奖他们说我们需要 super star她们说给我造一个偶像吧她抱怨昨天的那些已经宠够了我想换个新的报纸和杂志换了大头像新新的宝贝儿在广告里忙太多太多宠爱的目光新的一天开了张la la la la la……super super super star歌曲:刺客歌手:麦田守望者 专辑:我们的世界 • 搜索 "刺客"mp3 打印预览 刺客麦田守望者词 曲 编曲:麦田守望者他宁愿崩的粉碎 yeah yeah吓你个目瞪口呆 yeah yeah刺破你所有防备 yeah yeah爱让你如此纯粹他的碎片他的精神在风中狂飞舞他的信仰他的光荣与罪他宁愿崩的粉碎 yeah yeah吓你个目瞪口呆 yeah yeah去你的橙色警备 yeah yeah我爱你这样的纯粹他的碎片他的精神在风中狂飞舞他的信仰他的光荣与罪

La Ballade Of Lady & Bird在表达什么


求Lady Bird百度云资源,谢谢


Suicide Is Painless Lady Bird and 歌词


See me fall的中文歌词。lady&bird的

See Me Fall 歌词 Right here coming to life No one to blame Right now up and about A minute of fame I"ve been staying alive So many days No fear, happy or wise All through the way But I thought there was something In life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it all Right here coming to life Nothing to blame I"ve been up and about under the rain But I thought there was something in life to live for Yes I thought you were something in life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall That you see me And if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it all

谁知道LADY BiRD feat. ソンイ的sweet song的罗马歌词(不要日文的)

We say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!gogo goji ni mezamashi nante itsumo no shuumatsuhayaoki shita tte ii koto nante nai karaheijitsu no Office WorkMy joushi no tobacchiriwasureru tame ni mohea-meiku wa bacchiriSwing soundyureru Floor de odoruBright lightwatashi wa Cinderellamira-bo-ru ni kodama suru kirakira Soundtsuki yorimo kagayaiteWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove & Vibeasa made kanjitsudzukeyouWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove & Vibetomaranai watashi no Dance to the beatgozen reiji wo sugitemo tokenai mahouotogibanashi yorimo azayaka ni hibikufurasutore-ishon My kanjou kara sapparizero ni suru re-za-bi-muRed & Green & Blue dane yappariSwing soundBeat no namima oyoguBright lightwatashi wa MermaidTitle wakannai kedo konomi no kirakira Songhoshi yorimo kirameiteWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove & Vibeasa made kanjitsudzukeyouWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove & Vibetomaranai watashi no Dance to the beattatoeba mukashibanashi ni detekuru oujisama ga iru narabawagamama kiitekureru anata to asahi wo mi ni ikouWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove & Vibeasa made kanjitsudzukeyouWe say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet song for my lifeYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Cool beats move me nowYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!Sweet sound"s Groove Vibetomaranai watashi no Dance to the beat

有一首歌名叫Suicide Is Painless,是Lady & Bird 唱得,歌曲很轻缓

Suicide Is Painless -Lady Bird 编辑:№愛錢㎜夢飛 Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be 我透过清晨的迷雾看见心中所幻想的事物 The pains that are withheld for me 对我而言痛苦已不在 I realize and I can see 我能意识到并能看见 That suicide is painless 自杀是毫无痛苦的 It brings on many changes 它能带来很多变数 And I can take or leave it if I please 如果我高兴就能在得失间游刃有余 The game of life is hard to play 似游戏般的生活是如此难以继续 I"m going to lose it anyway 无论怎样我都有可能在生活中遇到挫折 The losing card I"ll someday lay 有一天我会放下那张失败的牌 So this is all I have to say 这就是全部我必须要说的 Suicide is painless 自杀是轻而易举的 It brings on many changes 它能带来很多变数 And I can take or leave it if I please 如果我高兴就能在得失间游刃有余 The sword of time will pierce our skins 时光的利刃会穿透我们的皮肤 It doesn"t hurt when it begins 刚开始时我们并不会感到刺痛 But as it works it"s way on in 随着时间的推移 The pain grow stronger watch it grin 痛楚会愈加强烈 Suicide is painless自杀是轻而易举的 It brings on many changes它能带来很多变数 And I can take or leave it if I please如果我高兴就能在得失间游刃有余 A brave man once requested me 有个勇敢的人曾要求我告诉他问题的答案 To answer questions that are key Is it to be or not to be 生存还是灭亡 And I replied "Oh why ask me." 而我回答道"哦,为什么问我." Suicide is painless自杀是轻而易举的 It brings on many changes它能带来很多变数 And I can take or leave it if I please如果我高兴就能在得失间游刃有余 And you can do the same thing if you please 只要你愿意你能做相同的事情.


Lady&Bird-see me fallRight here coming to life No one to blame Right now up and about A minute of fame I"ve been staying alive So many days No fear, happy or wise All through the way But I thought there was something In life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it all Right here coming to life Nothing to blame I"ve been up and about under the rain But I thought there was something in life to live for Yes I thought you were something in life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall That you see me And if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it all

求~~~~~Lady and Bird歌曲英文和翻译

他们迷路了,很冷,内心都很害怕,他们不停的说着话,安慰着对方.lady并不怪bird犯下的使他们迷失在这里的过错,她告诉他,任何人都会犯错.她说,你总是对我这么好,因为你是我最好的朋友.他们尝试着大声呼救,希望nana(巴比伦神话中的女神)带他们离开这里.可是没有任何人听到.他们经过很多的努力之后,仍然没有任何希望,这时bird提出,他们一起跳下去.lady说,一旦跳下去了,也许就真的没人能救他们了.bird说,"我也不知道,让我们看看会发生什么,和我一起来lady".他们就这样抱在一起,跳下去了.他们的叫声回荡了很久...... lady:我什么都看不见. bird:他们都在你的心里 阳光还是破碎的,来时的路已无法回去,破碎的割伤无法修 因为我们的经脉血管早已种下忧伤和苦痛. 即使有阳光,即使有"lady bird"优雅地歌唱. 温温暖暖,悠悠闲闲,懒懒洋洋.

有谁非常了解lady bird?能不能帮我介绍更多他们的音乐~

——手工匠 La Ballade Of Lady& Bird-----lady&bird 专辑曲目: Do what I do Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel (do what I do) Going away Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel Feel what I feel (do what I do) What do I do? Feel what I feel (do what I do) Going away What do I feel? Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel What do I do? Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel Stay where I stay Feel what I feel (do what I do) Feel what I feel Stay where I stay Going away You can see whatever You can see whatever You can see whatever You can be the same ever You can be the same ever Feel what I feel (do what I do) What do I do? Where should I stay Stay where I stay ... Feel what I feel (do what I do) Do what I do? Shepherd"s Song At first I wondered why they only speak to each other It took me some time to understand That they cannot see or hear any of the crowd After observing their childlike behaviour I understood They were two little children stuck in the bodies of grown ups To the girl I said You are Lady To the boy I said You are a bird but you cannot fly They knew about the presence of other people They knew about the sun And at some point right before the break of day They could see me, Not knowing that I come from the outside On the seventh day she looked up at me and said I am Lady And the boy said I am Bird but I cannot fly You are a bird Stephanie Says ( Velvet Underground ) Stephanie says That she wants to know Why she"s given half her life To people she hates now Stephanie says When answering the phone What country shall I say is calling From across the world That she"s not afraid to die The people all call her Alaska Between worlds so the people ask her "Cause it"s all in her mind It"s all in her mind Stephanie Says That she wants to know Why is it though she"s the door She can"t be the room Stephanie Says (Stephanie Says) But doesn"t hang up the phone (Hang up the phone) What seashell she is calling From across the world But she"s not afraid to die The people all call her Alaska Between worlds so the peeple ask her "Cause it"s all in her mind It"s all in her mind She asks you is it good or bad It"s such an icy feeling It"s so cold in Alaska, it"s so cold in Alaska It"s so cold in Alaska (lou reed写的歌) Walk Real Slow I"m wasting the hours floating in my bed And placing sunflowers over my head You"re facing the doorway waiting for a sign To stop me in some way from crossing the line And if you walk real slow Hereby I fall And if you walk real slow Hereby I"ll call your name You"re wasting the hours waiting in your bed And searching for flowers over my head I"m facing the doorway waiting for a sign To stop us in some way from crossing the line And if you walk real slow Hereby I fall And if you walk real slow Hereby I"ll call your name (x4) Suicide is Painless ( Mike Altman & Johnny Mandell ) Through early morning fog I see Visions of the things to be The pains that are withheld for me I realize and I can see That suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please The game of life is hard to play I"m going to lose it anyway The losing card I"ll someday lay So this is all I have to say Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please The sword of time will pierce our skins It doesn"t hurt when it begins But as it works it"s way on in The pain grow stronger watch it grin Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please A brave man once requested me To answer questions that are key Is it to be or not to be And I replied "Oh why ask me." Suicide is painless It brings on many changes And I can take or leave it if I please And you can do the same thing if you please. The Morning After It"s really hard to live for a long time Run in the Morning Sun Run run run Run run run Run in the morning sun Run run run Run in the break of dawn Blue Skies Blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm While your blue eyes are looking at me like before Still those blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm While your blue eyes are looking at me like before I find you I find you happy for today I mind you I mind you ever going to stay Blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm While your blue eyes are looking at me like before Still those blue skies are in the middle of a winter storm While your blue eyes are looking at me like before I find you I find you happy for today I mind you I mind you ever going to stay Through the window of my neighbours There are fallen leaves In my pillow There are feathers i will wait Until the morning light Watch me before I go Go tonight If the wind blows on my window There are fallen leaves Watch me before I go Go tonigh La Ballade of Lady and Bird Bird : Lady? Lady : Yes Bird? Bird : It"s cold Lady : I know Lady : Bird... I cannot see a thing Bird : It"s all in your mind Lady : I"m worried Bird : No one will come to see us Lady : Maybe they come but we just don"t see them What do you see? Bird : I see what"s outside Lady : And what exactly is outside? Bird : It"s grown-ups Lady : Well maybe if we scream they can hear us Bird : Yeah, maybe we should try to scream Lady : Ok, Bird Lady & Bird : Heeeelp, Heeeelp Can you hear us now ? Hello ! Help ! Hello it"s me Hey Can you see Can you see me I"m here Nana come and take us Hello Are you there Hello Lady : I don"t think they can hear us Bird : I can hear you lady Bird : Do you want to come with me lady Lady : Will you be nice to me Bird Lady : You"re always be nice to me because you"re my friend Bird : I try but sometimes I make mistakes Lady : Nana says we all make mistakes Bird : Maybe we should scream more Lady : Yes, Bird let"s scream more Lady & Bird : Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help Hello ! Help Hello ! We"re lost Lady : I don"t think they cannot see us Bird : Nobody likes us Lady : But they all seem so big Bird : Maybe we should just jump Lady : What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us Bird : I don"t know let"s just see what happens Lady : Okay Bird : Come with me Lady : Shall we do it together Bird : Yeah Lady & Bird : 1 2 3....Aaaaaaah Bird : Lady? Lady : Yes Bird Bird : It"s cold Lady : I know Lady : Bird...I cannot see a thing Bird : It"s all in your mind See Me Fall Right here coming to life No one to blame Right now up and about A minute of fame I"ve been staying alive So many days No fear, happy or wise All through the way But I thought there was something In life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it all Right here coming to life Nothing to blame I"ve been up and about under the rain But I thought there was something in life to live for Yes I thought you were something in life to live for But if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge Then don"t recall That you see me And if you hear me fall If you hear me fall If you see me walk upon a bridge You"ve seen it


歌名:See Me Fall作词:Lady And Bird歌手:Lady And BirdRight here coming to life 这里是生命的开始 No one to blame 无需责怪 Right now up and about 现在开始 A minute of fame 一分钟的光火 I"ve been staying alive 我曾经活着 So many days 太多日子 No fear happy or wise 没有害怕,高兴或者足够的智慧 All through the way 一直以来都是如此 But I thought there was something 但是,我觉得还是有些东西的 In life to live for 为某些东西而活 But if you hear me fall 但是如果你听见我在挣扎 If you hear me fall 如果你听见我在挣扎 If you see me walk upon a bridge 如果你看见我在桥上走着 Then don"t recall 他们没有回音 But if you hear me fall 但是如果你听见我在挣扎 If you hear me fall 如果你听见我在挣扎 If you see me walk upon a bridge 如果你看见我在桥上走着 You"ve seen it all 我把一切看在眼里 Right here coming to life 这是生命的开始 Nothing to blame 无需责怪 I"ve been up and about under the rain 我曾经走在上空但在飘雨之下 But I thought there was something in life to live for 但是我还是觉得有些东西可以为之而活 Yes I thought you were something in life to live for 对了,我认为你就是我那生活的意义 But if you hear me fall 但是如果你听见我在挣扎 If you hear me fall 如果你听见我在挣扎 If you see me walk upon a bridge 如果你看见我在桥上走着 Then don"t recall 他们没有回音 But if you hear me fall 但是如果你听见我在挣扎 If you hear me fall 如果你听见我在挣扎 If you see me walk upon a bridge 如果你看见我在桥上走着 You"ve seen it all 我把一切看在眼里 But if you hear me fall 但是如果你听见我在挣扎 If you hear me fall 如果你听见我在挣扎 If you see me walk upon a bridge 如果你看见我在桥上走着 You"ve seen it all 我把一切看在眼里

lady gaga 53 届格莱美 获奖感言(英文)快!!!

我就补充一下Arcade Fire的被静音的那两句是:Thank you to all our family. Holy shit Scott, I can"t believe we actually won. 然后Regine说完以后Win又说:Thank you. We"re gonna go play another song, cos we like music, so thank you to Grammy, thank you everyone, we"re so happy.广告一下:

Ladies Of The Canyon的《Forget Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me歌手:Ladies Of The Canyon专辑:Haunted Womanforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Russian President Vladimir Putin是什么意思


lady marmalade的歌词和中文翻译

歌手:CHRISTINA AGUILERA&MYA&PINK&LIL" KIM 专辑:Moulin Rouge CHRISTINA AGUILERA, MYA, PINK AND LIL" KIM: Lady Marmalade From Moulin Rouge Motion Picture Soundtrack Corrected by pohl eareckson. (Lil" Kim:) (QQ21209302 Power by OinkOink!! ) Where"s all My soul sisters Let me hear y"all Flow sisters Hey sister, go sister, Soul sister, flow sister Hey sister, go sister, Soul sister, go sister (Mya:) He met Marmalade down In old Moulin Rouge Strutting her stuff On the street She said, Hello, hey Joe You wanna give it a go, Oh Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da (Hey hey hey) Gitchi gitchi ya ya hee (Hee oh) Mocca chocolata ya ya (Ooh yeah) Creole Lady Marmalade (Oh) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Ce soir (oh oh) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (Yeah yeah yeah yeah) (Pink:) He sat in her boudoir While she freshened up Boy drank all that magnolia wine On her black satin sheets Is where he started to freak, Yeah Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da (Da da yeah) Gitchi gitchi ya ya hee (Ooh yeah yeah) Mocca chocolata ya ya (Yeah, yeah) Creole Lady Marmalade, Uh Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Ce soir (ce soir) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (Ooh) (Lil" Kim:) Yeah, yeah, aw We come through with the Money and the garter belts Let "em know we "Bout that cake, Straight out the gate We independent women, Some mistake us for whores I"m saying, why spend mine When I can spend yours Disagree, well that"s you And I"m sorry I"ma keep playing These cats out like Atari Wear high heeled shoes, Getting love from the dudes Four bad as* chicks From the Moulin Rouge Hey sisters, soul sisters Betta get that dough sisters We drink wine with Diamonds in the glass By the case, the Meaning of expensive taste We wanna gitchi gitchi ya ya (Come on) Mocca chocolata (What) Creole Lady Marmalade One more time, come on Marmalade (Ooh) Lady Marmalade (Ooh yeah) Marmalade (Oh) (Christina:) Hey, hey, hey Touch of her skin Feeling silky smooth, Oh Colour of cafe au lait, All right Made the savage beast inside Roar until he cried More, more, more (Pink:) Now he"s back home Doing nine to five (Nine to five) (Mya:) Sleeping the gray flannel life (Christina:) But when he turns Off to sleep, Memories keep More, more, more Gitchi gitchi ya ya da da (Da da) Gitchi gitchi ya ya hee (Oh) Mocca chocolata ya ya (Ooh) Creole Lady Marmalade Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Ce soir (ce soir) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (All my sisters, yeah) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Ce soir (ce soir) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (Oh) Come on, uh Christina Moulin Pink Lady Marmalade Lil" Kim Hey, hey, uh uh uh Uh uh uh uh Mya Oh oh ohh Rockwilder baby Lady Moulin Rouge Oh ooh Da dum da dum Misdemeanor here Creole Lady Marmalade, Ooh yes 淑女,我穿戴光亮的甲胄是你的骑士 而且我爱你 你已经做我我是什么 而且我是你的 我的爱,有这么多方法 我想要说,我爱你 让我在我的双臂中捉住你 永远地较多的 你已经离去而且使我成为一个如此愚人 我在你的爱方面是如此失去 而且全部我们一起属于 你不将会相信我的歌吗 淑女,我有想的这么多年 我有从不找你 你已经进入我的生活而且使我整个 永远地让我叫醒见你 每个和每个早晨 柔和地让我听到你在我的耳朵中耳语 在我的眼睛中我除了你之外见到没有人别的 像我们的爱一样没有其他的爱 而且是的, 表示惊讶是的 我将总是想要你需要我 我已经等候你为如此长的 淑女你的爱是我需要的唯一爱 而且在我旁边是我想要你是的地方 因为我的爱那里是某事我想要你知道 你是我的生活爱 你是我的淑女

"Lady M"是什么?

品牌名称:Lady M品牌源地:上海市价格区间:2-500产品定位:中档创 始 人:胡晓杭联系电话:400-089-6999官网网址:品牌定位:分享甜蜜 分享爱Lady M是来自纽约上东区的精品甜品店,创立于2004年,店铺坐落在纽约繁华的商业金融中心地段。Lady M蛋糕洁净明亮的全景落地窗吸引了无数消费者的注意。精美的蛋糕和北欧格调的装修提供给顾客优质的体验。Lady M蛋糕2017年,上海茂荷居食品有限公司成立,门店落户在上海陆家嘴国金中心商场,Lady M蛋糕随后在有着百年历史的新天地开设第二家分店。Lady M蛋糕历经13年的经营,Lady M蛋糕仍在美国蛋糕品牌中保持极高的热度。在全球经发展到几十家门店。仍然供不应求。

歌词中有oh my baby my lady 就记得这个~!抒情的~ 不知道是韩文歌还是英文歌~ 求解

my baby my lonly my lovely…ye ye ye 是一首韩文歌曲,这是最后一句,男的唱的,对吧,我也在找你找到了吗

有一首很劲爆的歌歌词里面有LADY GAGA是女生唱的,歌名是什么?

Judas---Lady Gaga

Lady With Purple High Heels 歌词

歌曲名:Lady With Purple High Heels歌手:黄贯中专辑:同根歌词吾爱OH LADY可否将我带返去你屋企日夜陪你红橙色的沟出的你 你使我记不起坐或是企谁人在眼前灵魂在兑现朦胧视线追赶着那七彩既诗篇可有新配方可有新地方可以不见光可以不用讲用冰冷的眼光束借代祈望谁人愿发现理智已不见浮游步法交叉在每一条神经线五点三十分我睇到个天都就黎光我坐向个巴士站对面眼光光好似俾人监生灌左一担猪肉汤个心bup bup噤跳仲有d慌我抹左一额汗好彩你重未落妆我个名 你个名 ho 都悭番唔驶讲反正少个唔少多个唔多你话你会记住我!唉~我都知道唔驶慌乱

一首英文歌曲 女的唱的歌曲开头是da dala dada daladala 歌词好像有 I WANT 什么的 很舒缓的


一首英文舞曲 歌词里有 lady lady lady easy lady

Easy Lady - Cool SensationMove on up,you"re such a sexy loveWhen you get on down,you"re better than anotherMove on uo,it"s such a hot sensationWhen you get aloneget alone, get alone, ohI can roll this nationGet on down,you"re trying out my waweYou just tye me,there"s no time for maybeCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyLady playing fashions trough the nightCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyPlaying real emotions,move on outMove on up,I"m gonna teach your loverGonna work on you,I hope you won"t discoverMove on up,you"re really down and fears meTry try harder,you know you must please meCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyLady playing fashions trough the nightCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyPlaying real emotionsCause i"m a lady lady are easy ladyLady playing fashions trough the nightCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyPlaying real emotions, move on outYou"re living inside meAh ah ah ahYou"re moovin on by meYou"re lover and passionAah ah ah ahMoovin and moovinShow me you can do itCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyLady playing fashions trough the nightCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyPlaying real emotionsCause i"m a lady lady are easy ladyLady playing fashions trough the nightCause i"m a lady lady lady easy ladyPlaying real emotions, move on out

有谁知道Lady gaga唱的Dance in the dark歌词

lady gaga - paparazzilrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangwe are the crowdwe"re cuh-coming outgot my flash on it"s trueneed that picture of youit"s so magicalwe"d be so fantastic, ohleather and jeansyour watch glamorousnot sure what it meansbut this photo of usit don"t have a priceready for those flashing lights"cause you know that baby i...i"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be your...papa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzii"ll be your girl backstage at your showvelvet ropes and guitarsyeah cause you know i"m starting between the setseyeliner and cigarettesshadow is burnt, yellow dance and returnmy lashes are dry... but the teardrops i cryit don"t have a priceloving you is cherry pie"cause you know that baby i...i"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be yourpapa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzireal good, we"re dancing in the studiostop-stopped, that shit on the radiodon"t stop, for anyonewe"ll blast it but we"ll still have funi"m your biggest fani"ll follow you until you love mepapa-paparazzibaby there"s no other superstaryou know that i"ll be yourpapa-paparazzipromise i"ll be kindbut i won"t stop until that boy is minebaby you"ll be famouschase you down until you love mepapa-paparazzi 歌手名:Lady GaGa专辑名:The Fame Monster (Deluxe Edition)匹配时间为: 04 分 49 秒 的歌曲Lady Gaga - Dance In The DarkLrc by taTu @ 369 Lyrics Group☆QQ:417288035Silicone, saline, poison, inject me.Baby, I"m a free bitchI"m a free bitchSome girls won"t danceto the beat of the trackWon"t walk away, but she won"t look backShe looks good, but her boyfriend says she"s a messShe"s a mess, she"s a messNow the girl is stressedShe"s a mess, She"s a mess,She"s a mess, She"s a messBaby love to dance in the darkCuz" when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance in the darkBaby love to dance in the darkCuz when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance,love to dance in the darkDance dance dance☆taTu @369 QQ:417288035Vampers" kiss is a vampire bringMoonlights away, while she"s humming at itShe looks good, but her boyfriend says she"s a trampShe"s a tramp, she"s a vampBut she still does her danceShe"s a tramp, she"s a vampBut she still gives the danceKill em"Baby love to dance in the darkCuz" when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance in the darkDance dance danceBaby love to dance in the darkCuz when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance, love to dance in the darkDance dance danceIn the darkShe loves to dance in the darkDance dance In the darkShe loves, She loves to dance in the dark.Marilyn, Judy, Sylvia, Tell them how you feel girls.Work your ass Benet Ramsey haunt like liberachiFind your freedom in the musicFind your jesus, find your cupidYou will never fall apart DianaYou"re still in our heartsNever let you fall apartTogether we"ll dance in the darkBaby love to dance in the darkCuz" when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance in the darkBaby love to dance in the darkCuz when he"s looking she falls apartBaby love to dance, love to dance in the darkDance dance danceIn the darkLrc by taTu @ 369 Lyrics Group

ps找不到指定模块f:办公软件excelAdobeAdobe version cuecs3client3.0.0versioncue.dll重装没用帮


lady of the lake是什么意思

lady of the lake 湖上夫人(亚瑟王传说中的人物之一)

lady of the lamp 歌词

歌曲名:lady of the lamp歌手:Donovan专辑:sutrasIn the nightIn the dark nightThere"s a lightThat shines on meAnd the lady of the lamp sheDonovanlies by me and holds on tightIn my mindIn constand mindI am restlessYet sincereAnd the lady of the lamp fearsnothing. She"s the mystic kindIn this dark valeOne is rarely truly lovedAnd the lady of the lamp lovesonly me I am her grailIn the dawnIn the blue dawnAs the sun begins to riseThe lady of the lamp sighsdarkness passed and gonedarkness passed and gone


《The Elect Lady》(George MacDonald)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:fq54书名:The Elect Lady作者:George MacDonald出版社:Tutis Digital Publishing Pvt. Ltd.出版年份:2008-09-08页数:180内容简介:In a kitchen of moderate size flagged with slate humble in its appointments yet looking scarcely that of a farmhouse-for there were utensils about it indicating necessities more artificial than usually grow upon a farm-with the corner of a white deal table between them sat two young people evidently different in rank and meeting upon no level of friendship.

Lady Gaga的《The Queen》 歌词

歌曲名:The Queen歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Born This Way (Bonus Track Version)The QueenLady GagaOh, tonight I"m gonna show,Them what I"m made of, oh,The killer queen inside me is coming to say helloOh, tonight I will return,The fame and riches earned,With you I"d watch them all be burnedWoah oh, woah ohWhenever I start feeling strong,I`m called a bitch in the night,But I don"t need these 14 carat guns to win,I am a woman, I insist, it"s my lifeI can be, the queen that"s inside of meThis is my chance to release it,Be brave for you you"ll seeI can be, the queen you need me to beThis is my chance,To be the dance,Our dream is happening,I can be the queenI, wind and hurricane,The stormy sky and rain,When you run dry I"ll flood your painWoah oh, woah ohIn between the moments of,The lady I"ve become,A voice speaks through the noise like drums,Rhomp-a-bump-aWhenever I start feeling strong,I`m called a bitch in the night,But I don"t need these 14 carat guns to win,I am a woman, I insist, it"s my lifeI can be, the queen that"s inside of meThis is my chance to release it,Be brave for you you"ll seeI can be, the queen you need me to be.This is my chance,To be the dance,Our dream is happening,I can be the queenThe queen, the queen,Queen, queenStormy night come inside me like never before,Don"t forget me when I come crying to heaven"s doorI will fly on a challenger across the sky,Like a phoenix so you can remind them of the dream I boreWoah oh, woah oh, woah ohWoah oh, woah oh, woah oh

Lady Gaga的《The Queen》 歌词

歌曲名:The Queen歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Born This WayLady Gaga - The QueenOh, tonight I"m gonna show,Them what I"m made of, oh,The killer queen inside me is coming to say helloOh, tonight I will return,The fame and riches earned,With you I"d watch them all be burnedWoah oh, woah ohWhenever I start feeling strong,I`m called a bitch in the night,But I don"t need these 14 carat guns to win,I am a woman, I insist, it"s my lifeI can be, the queen that"s inside of meThis is my chance to release it,Be brave for you you"ll seeI can be, the queen you need me to beThis is my chance,To be the dance,Our dream is happening,I can be the queenI, wind and hurricane,The stormy sky and rain,When you run dry I"ll flood your painWoah oh, woah ohIn between the moments of,The lady I"ve become,A voice speaks through the noise like drums,Rhomp-a-bump-aWhenever I start feeling strong,I`m called a bitch in the night,But I don"t need these 14 carat guns to win,I am a woman, I insist, it"s my lifeI can be, the queen that"s inside of meThis is my chance to release it,Be brave for you you"ll seeI can be, the queen you need me to be.This is my chance,To be the dance,Our dream is happening,I can be the queenThe queen, the queen,Queen, queenStormy night come inside me like never before,Don"t forget me when I come crying to heaven"s doorI will fly on a challenger across the sky,Like a phoenix so you can remind them of the dream I boreWoah oh, woah oh, woah ohWoah oh, woah oh, woah oh

the old lady其中old是形容词作定语,那定冠词the也是定语吗?谢谢.

你好: the 也是定语, 和old 一起用来修饰 lady the 意思是"这个; 这位" , 带有限定意义, 它一般放在形容词定语的前面, 表示主语的数或者具体的指代关系 the old lady 意思是"这位老妇人" 希望对您有帮助! 不懂的请追问!

the old lady其中old是形容词作定语,那定冠词the也是定语吗?谢谢.

你好: the 也是定语, 和old 一起用来修饰 lady the 意思是"这个; 这位" , 带有限定意义, 它一般放在形容词定语的前面, 表示主语的数或者具体的指代关系 the old lady 意思是"这位老妇人" 希望对您有帮助! 不懂的请追问!



a lady once wrote a long story 翻译


The lady in blue

穿蓝衣服的女士sb. in (color)穿(颜色)的人

Lady In Red 歌词

歌曲名:Lady In Red歌手:Carlene Davis专辑:Total Recall Vol. 8I"ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so brightI"ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to danceThey"re looking for a little romanceGiven half a chanceAnd i"ve never seen that dress you"re wearingOr that highlights in your hairThat catch your eyesI have been blindThe lady in red is dancing with meCheek to cheekThere"s nobody hereIt"s just you and meIt"s where i wanna beBut i hardly know this beauty by my sideI"ll never forget the way you look tonightI"ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonightI"ve never seen you shine so bright you were amazingI"ve never seen so many people want to be there by your sideAnd when you turned to me and smiled it took my breath awayAnd i have never had such a feeling such a feelingSuch a feeling of complete and utter love, as i do tonightThe lady in red is dancing with meCheek to cheekThere"s nobody hereIt"s just you and meIt"s where i wanna beBut i hardly know this beauty by my sideI"ll never forget the way you look tonightI never will forget the way you look tonightThe lady in redMy lady in redI love you

The lady has l什么 h什么?

long hair,这位女士长着长头发

求一篇《The lady or the tiger》的续写。谢谢。


The Lady Is A Tramp (1998 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (1998 Digital Remaster)歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Classic Sinatra - His Great Performances 1953-1960Frank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramp

Pina的《The Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady歌手:Pina专辑:Quick LookMeet Eddie, twenty-three years old.Fed up with life and the way things are going,he decides to rob a liquor store.("I cant take this no more, I cant take it no more homes")But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.And suddenly, his conscience comes into play...("Shit is mine, I gotta do this.. gotta do this")Alright, stop! (Huh?)Now before you walk in the door of this liquor storeand try to get money out the drawerYou better think of the consequence (But who are you?)Im your motherfuckin conscienceThats nonsense!Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunts cribsAnd borrow a damn dress, and one of her blonde wigsTell her you need a place to stayYoull be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor bladeYeah but if it all goes through like its supposed toThe whole neighborhood knows you and theyll expose youThink about it before you walk in the door firstLook at the store clerk, shes older than George BurnsFuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!Can you afford to blow this shit? Are you that rich?Why you give a fuck if she dies? Are you that bitch?Do you really think she gives a fuck if you have kids?Man, dont do it, its not worth it to risk it! (Youre right!)Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit (I will!)Dont even listen to Slim yo, hes bad for you(You know what Dre? I dont like your attitude..){sound of static}("Its alright cmon, just come in here for a minute")("Mmm, I dont know!")("Look baby..")("Damn!")("Yo, its gonna be alright, right?")("Well OK..")Meet Stan, twenty-one years old. ("Give me a kiss!")After meeting a young girl at a rave party,things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroom.Once again, his conscience comes into play... ("Shit!")Now listen to me, while youre kissin her cheekand smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drinkNow all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitchs earlobe..(Yo! This girls only fifteen years oldYou shouldnt take advantage of her, thats not fair)Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair? (Uh huh!)Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bareTil she passes out and she forgot how she got there(Man, aint you ever seen that one movie _Kids_?)No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail..{sound of static}{pickup idling, radio playing}Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker.After coming home from a hard days work,he walks in the door of his trailer park hometo find his wife in bed with another man.("WHAT THE FUCK?!?!")("Grady!!")Alright calm down, relax, start breathin..Fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheatinWhile you at work shes with some dude tryin to get off?!FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCHS HEAD OFF!!!Wait! What if theres an explanation for this shit?(What? She tripped? Fell? Landed on his dick?!)Alright Shady, maybe hes right GradyBut think about the baby before you get all crazyOkay! Thought about it, still wanna stab her?Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?Thats what I did, be smart, dont be a retardYou gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES??!

One day a man saw a lady on...


The lady in red 是什么意思


the lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large funny hat



The lady or the tiger "比喻两难之境。一边是遗传下来的半野蛮,半开化,是天性的自私,与占有欲,另一边是放弃,是保全,这使得两种选择都有极大的可能性。一边是残忍,一边是割舍,不同的人会有不同的选择,难以说哪种是对的,哪种是错的,或者都是错的,当权力凌驾于所谓的法律之上,早已无公平正义可言,这一悲剧是国家的悲剧,是年轻人的悲剧,是公主的悲剧,是少女的悲剧,也可以是老虎的悲剧。

What‘s the lady后面填什么

She"s a teacher/doctor/worker/farmer......

Having waited for two hours.the lady…请打开继续阅读?


跪求the lady or the tiger的中文译文。谢谢~~

民大 英专的?

the lady was on the platform这句话对吗?

对的,主系表结构。The lady was on the platform,那位女士在站台上。

the lady,or the tiger?你会选择哪个?(女生回答)

the lady

The lady【 wearing】 an expensive diamond necklace looked worried.为什么是wearing。不是wore

如果是wore的话这个句子就是两个动词(谓语)了,语法不通这个句子可以这么看The lady (wearing an expensive diamond necklace) looked worried真正的谓语是looked, 括号里面的人内容是修饰lady的

[the lady who is standing behind the counter.]怎么理解这个句子?


the lade she who is helped me这几个词怎么连词成句?

这个词连词成句是:She is the lade who helped me.



Bumkey的《The Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady歌手:Bumkey专辑:The FirstMeet Eddie, twenty-three years old.Fed up with life and the way things are going,he decides to rob a liquor store.("I cant take this no more, I cant take it no more homes")But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.And suddenly, his conscience comes into play...("Shit is mine, I gotta do this.. gotta do this")Alright, stop! (Huh?)Now before you walk in the door of this liquor storeand try to get money out the drawerYou better think of the consequence (But who are you?)Im your motherfuckin conscienceThats nonsense!Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunts cribsAnd borrow a damn dress, and one of her blonde wigsTell her you need a place to stayYoull be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor bladeYeah but if it all goes through like its supposed toThe whole neighborhood knows you and theyll expose youThink about it before you walk in the door firstLook at the store clerk, shes older than George BurnsFuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!Can you afford to blow this shit? Are you that rich?Why you give a fuck if she dies? Are you that bitch?Do you really think she gives a fuck if you have kids?Man, dont do it, its not worth it to risk it! (Youre right!)Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit (I will!)Dont even listen to Slim yo, hes bad for you(You know what Dre? I dont like your attitude..){sound of static}("Its alright cmon, just come in here for a minute")("Mmm, I dont know!")("Look baby..")("Damn!")("Yo, its gonna be alright, right?")("Well OK..")Meet Stan, twenty-one years old. ("Give me a kiss!")After meeting a young girl at a rave party,things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroom.Once again, his conscience comes into play... ("Shit!")Now listen to me, while youre kissin her cheekand smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drinkNow all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitchs earlobe..(Yo! This girls only fifteen years oldYou shouldnt take advantage of her, thats not fair)Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair? (Uh huh!)Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bareTil she passes out and she forgot how she got there(Man, aint you ever seen that one movie _Kids_?)No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail..{sound of static}{pickup idling, radio playing}Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker.After coming home from a hard days work,he walks in the door of his trailer park hometo find his wife in bed with another man.("WHAT THE FUCK?!?!")("Grady!!")Alright calm down, relax, start breathin..Fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheatinWhile you at work shes with some dude tryin to get off?!FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCHS HEAD OFF!!!Wait! What if theres an explanation for this shit?(What? She tripped? Fell? Landed on his dick?!)Alright Shady, maybe hes right GradyBut think about the baby before you get all crazyOkay! Thought about it, still wanna stab her?Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?Thats what I did, be smart, dont be a retardYou gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES??!

郑河尹的《The Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady歌手:郑河尹专辑:The LadyMeet Eddie, twenty-three years old.Fed up with life and the way things are going,he decides to rob a liquor store.("I cant take this no more, I cant take it no more homes")But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.And suddenly, his conscience comes into play...("Shit is mine, I gotta do this.. gotta do this")Alright, stop! (Huh?)Now before you walk in the door of this liquor storeand try to get money out the drawerYou better think of the consequence (But who are you?)Im your motherfuckin conscienceThats nonsense!Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunts cribsAnd borrow a damn dress, and one of her blonde wigsTell her you need a place to stayYoull be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor bladeYeah but if it all goes through like its supposed toThe whole neighborhood knows you and theyll expose youThink about it before you walk in the door firstLook at the store clerk, shes older than George BurnsFuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!Can you afford to blow this shit? Are you that rich?Why you give a fuck if she dies? Are you that bitch?Do you really think she gives a fuck if you have kids?Man, dont do it, its not worth it to risk it! (Youre right!)Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit (I will!)Dont even listen to Slim yo, hes bad for you(You know what Dre? I dont like your attitude..){sound of static}("Its alright cmon, just come in here for a minute")("Mmm, I dont know!")("Look baby..")("Damn!")("Yo, its gonna be alright, right?")("Well OK..")Meet Stan, twenty-one years old. ("Give me a kiss!")After meeting a young girl at a rave party,things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroom.Once again, his conscience comes into play... ("Shit!")Now listen to me, while youre kissin her cheekand smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drinkNow all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitchs earlobe..(Yo! This girls only fifteen years oldYou shouldnt take advantage of her, thats not fair)Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair? (Uh huh!)Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bareTil she passes out and she forgot how she got there(Man, aint you ever seen that one movie _Kids_?)No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail..{sound of static}{pickup idling, radio playing}Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker.After coming home from a hard days work,he walks in the door of his trailer park hometo find his wife in bed with another man.("WHAT THE FUCK?!?!")("Grady!!")Alright calm down, relax, start breathin..Fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheatinWhile you at work shes with some dude tryin to get off?!FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCHS HEAD OFF!!!Wait! What if theres an explanation for this shit?(What? She tripped? Fell? Landed on his dick?!)Alright Shady, maybe hes right GradyBut think about the baby before you get all crazyOkay! Thought about it, still wanna stab her?Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?Thats what I did, be smart, dont be a retardYou gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES??!

杨紫琼演的这the lady 是一部什么电影,能详细说下么?



the lady 这位女士
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