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《The Kite Runner》(Khaled Hosseini)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: x7d7书名:The Kite Runner作者:Khaled Hosseini豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Riverhead Trade出版年份:2004-4页数:372内容简介:《The Kite Runner(追风筝的人)》是一个阿富汗作家的处女作,霸占了美国两大权威畅销书排行榜《纽约时报》排行榜、《出版商周刊》排行榜长达80余周,声势超过红透全世界的丹·布朗的《达·芬奇密码》。 这本小说太令人震撼,很长一段时日,让我所读的一切都相形失色。文学与生活中的所有重要主题,都交织在这部惊世之作里:爱、恐惧、愧疚、赎罪……——著名作家伊莎贝拉·阿连德作者简介:卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini),1965年生于阿富汗喀布尔市,后随父亲迁往美国。胡赛尼毕业于加州大学圣地亚哥医学系,现居加州。“立志拂去蒙在阿富汗普通民众面孔的尘灰,将背后灵魂的悸动展示给世人。”著有小说《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner,2003)、《灿烂千阳》(A Thousand Splendid Suns,2007)、《群山回唱》(And the Mountains Echoed,2013)。作品全球销量超过4000万册。2006年,因其作品巨大的国际影响力,胡赛尼获得联合国人道主义奖,并受邀担任联合国难民署亲善大使。


An epic tale of fathers and sons, of friendship and betrayal, that takes us from the final days of Afghanistan"s monarchy to the atrocities of the Taliban reign. This unforgettable story of redemption is based on the best-selling book “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini.

The Kite Runner,追风筝的人英语读后感800字

"The Kite Runner" is the American writer Khaled Hu Hussey, Afghanistan"s first novel. Amir, the hero of the book, was born in a wealthy family. Although his mother died at the time of his birth, his father doted on him very much. Amir also has a faithful servant, and his playmate, Hassan, whose story revolves around Amir and Hassan, about the betrayal and redemption of humanity. After reading this novel, my heart can not calm down for a long time. First of all, the protagonist Aril"s cowardice makes me angry. He saw that his servant was raped, but he did not step forward. In this scene, my heart was cold. Hassan was not only his servant, but also his playmate. Not only did he not step forward when Hassan was raped, but because he could no longer face Hassan, he asked his father to di *** iss Hassan and Hassan. Because of the unreasonable demands by the father refused, he stole his birthday gift to Hassan to set him up, Hassan also know her to frame him, but he did not explain, but admit stealing. Hassan suffered physical harm, he not only did not fort Hassan, but also let Hassan lost his job, it is worse. Later, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Amir"s father took Amir fled to Pakistan, home to Lasingham management, then Amir went to the United States and a girl in a family, at this time Lasingham call Amir, want him to return to Pakistan, because Hassan and his wife Amir in the care of the house, by the intruder shot. And their son and therefore into the sun orphanage, but Amir still did not want to go back, Lasingham had no choice but to speed Amir, Hassan is his father"s illegitimate child, Amir went back home. The Seoul Alai, servant of Hassan identity is not worth to cherish him, sympathy? Do not say first in Hassan when he was young, dedicated, Hassan sacked after Hassan a still not return to help him take care of the house, in that Hassan was shot, he was still pletely indifferent. But he changed his attitude only after he knew that Hassan was his half brother. When I knew that Hassan was Amir"s half brother and sister, I was more sympathetic to the sad reminders of this life. It is the same father, his brother is a glamorous young master, while they can not see the light of illegitimate child, although ironically even when his brother"s servant, the brother in his hurt did not help but also recalled Amir to one disaster after another, after Hassan did, I the anger has apparently reached the peak. No wonder Amir"s father was so partial to Hassan at the beginning. You are his son, he took Amir to the foreign life had another son home to ignore, even being shot, how can he be so eccentric? It makes me not only think of the movie "Tangshan earthquake" fragment, when my sister and brother can only choose one of the o, my mother finally choose to rescue his brother, the sister, abandoned by her mother, that is what a cruel thing. And Hassan"s life experience and experience, so that my mood can not calm down for a long time. After reading the book, I have a lot of insights, the human nature has more insights. There is no perfect person in the world. But when we met we can help people, we should try to help them, but not to escape the darkness, so that they can feel our concern, so that they no longer have the dark effect.

The Kite Runner_追风筝的人英语读后感800字

"The Kite Runner" is the American writer Khaled Hu Hussey, Afghanistan"s first novel. Amir, the hero of the book, was born in a wealthy family. Although his mother died at the time of his birth, his father doted on him very much. Amir also has a faithful servant, and his playmate, Hassan, whose story revolves around Amir and Hassan, about the betrayal and redemption of humanity. After reading this novel, my heart can not calm down for a long time. First of all, the protagonist Aril"s cowardice makes me angry. He saw that his servant was raped, but he did not step forward. In this scene, my heart was cold. Hassan was not only his servant, but also his playmate. Not only did he not step forward when Hassan was raped, but because he could no longer face Hassan, he asked his father to dismiss Hassan and Hassan. Because of the unreasonable demands by the father refused, he stole his birthday gift to Hassan to set him up, Hassan also know her to frame him, but he did not explain, but admit stealing. Hassan suffered physical harm, he not only did not comfort Hassan, but also let Hassan lost his job, it is worse. Later, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Amir"s father took Amir fled to Pakistan, home to Lasingham management, then Amir went to the United States and a girl in a family, at this time Lasingham call Amir, want him to return to Pakistan, because Hassan and his wife Amir in the care of the house, by the intruder shot. And their son and therefore into the sun orphanage, but Amir still did not want to go back, Lasingham had no choice but to speed Amir, Hassan is his father"s illegitimate child, Amir went back home. The Seoul Alai, servant of Hassan identity is not worth to cherish him, sympathy? Do not say first in Hassan when he was young, dedicated, Hassan sacked after Hassan a still not return to help him take care of the house, in that Hassan was shot, he was still completely indifferent. But he changed his attitude only after he knew that Hassan was his half brother. When I knew that Hassan was Amir"s half brother and sister, I was more sympathetic to the sad reminders of this life. It is the same father, his brother is a glamorous young master, while they can not see the light of illegitimate child, although ironically even when his brother"s servant, the brother in his hurt did not help but also recalled Amir to one disaster after another, after Hassan did, I the anger has apparently reached the peak. No wonder Amir"s father was so partial to Hassan at the beginning. You are his son, he took Amir to the foreign life had another son home to ignore, even being shot, how can he be so eccentric? It makes me not only think of the movie "Tangshan earthquake" fragment, when my sister and brother can only choose one of the two, my mother finally choose to rescue his brother, the sister, abandoned by her mother, that is what a cruel thing. And Hassan"s life experience and experience, so that my mood can not calm down for a long time. After reading the book, I have a lot of insights, the human nature has more insights. There is no perfect person in the world. But when we met we can help people, we should try to help them, but not to escape the darkness, so that they can feel our concern, so that they no longer have the dark effect.

残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(37)

"Really? You"d do that?" He threw me a puzzled look. "Do what?" "Eat dirt if I told you to "I said. I knew I was being cruel like when I"d taunt him if he didn"t know some big word. But there was something fascinating--albeit in a sick way--about teasing Hassan. Kind of like when we used to play insect torture. Except now he was the ant and I was holding the magnifying glass. "如果我让你吃泥巴,你会吃吗?"我说。我知道自己这样很残忍,好像以前,我总是拿那些他不懂的字眼来戏弄他,但取笑哈桑有点好玩--虽然是病态的好玩,跟我们折磨昆虫的游戏有点相似。不过现在,他是蚂蚁,而拿着放大镜的人是我。 His eyes searched my face for a long time. We sat there o boys under a sour cherry tree suddenly looking really looking at each other. That"s when it happened again: Hassan"s face changed. Maybe not "changed" not really but suddenly I had the feeling I was looking at o faces the one I knew the one that was my first memory and another a second face this one lurking just beneath the surface. I"d seen it happen before--it always shook me up a little. It just appeared this other face for a fraction of a moment long enough to leave me with the unsettling feeling that maybe I"d seen it someplace before. Then Hassan blinked and it was just him again. Just Hassan. "If you asked I would "he finally said looking right at me. I dropped my eyes. To this day I find it hard to gaze directly at people like Hassan people who mean every word they say. "But I wonder "he added. "Would you ever ask me to do such a thing Amir agha?" And just like that he had thrown at me his own little test. If I was going to toy with him and challenge his loyalty then he"d toy with me test my integrity. I wished I hadn"t started this conversation. I forced a *** ile. "Don"t be stupid Hassan. You know I wouldn"t." Hassan returned the *** ile. Except his didn"t look forced. "I know " he said. And that"s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too. "Here it es " Hassan said pointing to the sky. He rose to his feet and walked a few paces to his left. I looked up saw the kite plummeting toward us. I heard footfalls shouts an approaching melee of kite runners. But they were wasting their time. Because Hassan stood with his arms wide open *** iling waiting for the kite. And may God--if He exists that is--strike me blind if the kite didn"t just drop into his outstretched arms. IN THE WINTER OF 1975 I saw Hassan run a kite for the last time.

残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(36)

I remember one overcast winter day Hassan and I were running a kite. I was chasing him through neighborhoods hopping gutters weaving through narrow streets. I was a year older than him but Hassan ran faster than I did and I was falling behind. "Hassan! Wait!" I yelled my breathing hot and ragged.[qh]"哈桑,等等我。"我气喘吁吁地大喊,有些恼怒。 He whirled around motioned with his hand. "This way!" he called before dashing around another corner. I looked up saw that the direction we were running was opposite to the one the kite was drifting. 他转过身,挥挥手:"这边!"说完就冲进另外一个拐角处。我擡头一看,那个方向与风筝跌落的方向恰好相反。 "We"re losing it! We"re going the wrong way!" I cried out. "我们追不到它了!我们跑错路了!"我高声叫道。 "Trust me!" I heard him call up ahead. I reached the corner and saw Hassan bolting along his head down not even looking at the sky sweat soaking through the back of his shirt. I tripped over a rock and fell--I wasn"t just slower than Hassan but clumsier too; I"d always envied his natural athietici *** . When I staggered to my feet I caught a glimpse of Hassan disappearing around another street corner. I hobbled after him spikes of pain battering my scraped knees. "相信我!"我听见他在前面说。我跑到拐角处,发现哈桑低首飞奔,根本就没有擡头看看天空,汗水浸透了他后背的衣服。我踩到一块石头,摔了一跤--我非但跑得比哈桑慢,也笨拙得多,我总是羡慕他与生俱来的运动才能。我站起身来,瞥见哈桑又拐进了另一条巷子。我艰难地追着他,摔破的膝盖传来阵阵剧痛。 I saw we had ended up on a rutted dirt road near Isteqial Middle School. There was a field on one side where lettuce grew in the summer and a row of sour cherry trees on the other. I found Hassan sitting cross-legged at the foot of one of the trees eating from a fistful of dried mulberries. 我看到我们最终停在一条车辙纵横的泥土路上,就在独立中学旁边。路边有块田地,夏天会种满莴苣;路的另外一边有成排的酸樱桃树。只见哈桑盘起双腿,坐在其中一棵树下,吃着手里的一捧桑椹干。 "What are we doing here?" I panted my stomach roiling with nausea. "我们在这干吗呢?"我上气不接下气,胃里翻江倒海,简直要吐出来。 He *** iled. "Sit with me Amir agha." 他微笑:"在我这边坐下,阿米尔少爷。" I dropped next to him lay on a thin patch of snow wheezing. "You"re wasting our time. It was going the other way didn"t you see?" 我在他旁边颓然倒下,躺在一层薄薄的雪花上,喘着气。"你在浪费时间。它朝另外一边飞去了,你没看到吗?" Hassan popped a mulberry in his mouth. "It"s ing " he said. I could hardly breathe and he didn"t even sound tired. 哈桑往嘴里扔了一颗桑椹:"它飞过来了。"我呼吸艰难,而他一点都不累。 "How do you know?" I said. "你怎么知道?"我问。 "I know." "我知道。" "How can you know?" "你是怎么知道的?" He turned to me. A few sweat beads rolled from his bald scalp. "Would I ever lie to you Amir agha?" 他朝我转过身,有些汗珠从他额头流下来,"我骗过你吗,阿米尔少爷?" Suddenly I decided to toy with him a little. "I don"t know. Would you?" 刹那间我决定跟他开开玩笑:"我不知道。你会骗我吗?" "I"d sooner eat dirt " he said with a look of indignation. "我宁愿吃泥巴也不骗你。"他带着愤愤的表情说。

kite runner讲的个什么故事啊

2000年美国加利福利亚,知名作家阿富汗人Amir(Khalid Abdalla 饰)接到一个电话,将他带回了童年的岁月…… 1978年阿富汗喀布尔,Amir(Zekiria Ebrahimi 饰)是富家少爷,仆人Ali的儿子Hassan(Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada 饰)是 他忠实的跟班与玩伴。二人参加了一场传统的斗风筝比赛,Amir经历了终身难忘的事情,两人的命运随之改变:Ali和Hassan离开了Amir家,音信全无;随着阿富汗战争的爆发,Amir和父亲移民到美国,过上了新的生活。 电话是父亲的老朋友Rahim(KhanShaun Toub 饰)打来的,希望Amir能够到阿富汗去找Hassan的儿子Sohrab (Ali Danish Bakhty Ari 饰),等待Amir的,除了满目疮痍的家乡、不堪回首的往事,还有难以启齿的秘密。

kite your new look排顺序

排序是:look your new kite,全句意思是:看看你的新风筝。重点词汇:kite英[kau026at]释义:n.风筝;鸢(猛禽);<非正式>空头支票,非法支票;<非正式>大三角帆;非法(或秘密)的信件(便条);风筝形四边形;<古>剥削者,掠夺者;<英,非正式>飞机。v.增加(费用);飞,飞奔;<美,非正式>使用(非法支票)骗钱,涂改(支票)。【名】(Kit)(英)凯特,(塞)基特(人名)。[复数:kites;第三人称单数:kites;现在分词:kiting;过去式:kited;过去分词:kited]短语:kite surfing风筝冲浪;鹞子冲浪;冲浪风筝;风帆。词语使用变化:kiten.(名词)。1、kite的基本意思是“风筝”,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。2、fly a kite除了表示“放风筝”,还可表示“试探舆论”。词源解说:直接源自古英语的cyta,意为风筝。

China is the birthplace of kites,from()kite flying spread to kreaon,japan and india

B 这是一个定语从句,中国是风筝的故乡,从中国,风筝传到了韩国日本和印度非限定性定语从句还原回去时 Kite flying spread to Kreaon Japan and India from China. 还有 你原句中的 spread 的形式应该有错误吧,spreaded

glue the paper on the banboo and tie a string to the kite,什么意

你好!glue the paper on the banboo and tie a string to the kite胶的纸风筝竹笋和领带字符串

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 歌词

歌曲名:Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!歌手:The Beatles专辑:Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club BandFor the benefit of Mr. Kitethere will be a show tonight on trampolineThe Hendersons will all be therelate of Pablo Fanques"fair, what a sceneOver men and horses hoops and gartersand lastly through a hogshead of real fireIn this way Mr. K will challenge the worldThe celebrated Mr. Kperforms his feats on Saturday at BishopsgateThe Hendersons will dance and singas Mr. Kite flies through the ring, don"t be lateMessers K. and H. assure the publictheir production will be second to noneAnd of course Henry the Horse dances the waltzThe band begins at ten to sixwhen Mr. K performs his tricks without a soundAnd Mr. H will demonstrateten somersets he"ll undertake on solid groundHaving been some days in preparationa splendid time is guaranteed for allAnd tonight Mr. Kite is topping the bill

jim sometimes___(fiy)a kite in a park

flies 吉姆有时在公园放风筝。因为是sometimes,所以用一般现在时。而Jim是第三人称,所以谓语用单数。

what happened? my kite fly away还是flew away?


一般疑问句 ourkitesflyawayfast

Our kites fly away fast一般疑问句:Do your kites fly away fast?你们的风筝很快就飞走了吗?你们的风筝很快就飞走了吗?

A.child B.chick c.kite 哪个中的i读音不同

chick [tu0283u026ak] child [tu0283au026ald] kite [kau026at] chick不同






kite 英 [kaɪt]     美 [kaɪt]     过去式: kited过去分词: kited现在分词: kiting第三人称单数: kites 基本释义n.风筝;鸢n.空头支票v.用空头支票骗人;使上升用作名词 (n.)A boy is flying a kite in the piazza. 一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller. 我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。A kite will never be a good hawk. 鸢永不会变成隼。Yellow-billed kite soars in the sky 黄嘴鸢横空长啸。She got caught kite flying in Philadelphia. 她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。查看更多 用作动词 (v.)The bill was due before payday, so I had to kite the check. 工资还没发,帐单就到期了,于是我只好开空头支票。Meat prices kited. 肉价飞涨




一,以s x ch sh 结尾的名词加es 如watch(手表)watches二,以f fe结尾的名词要把f或fe改加es如knife(刀)knives三,以辅音字母加y把y改i加es如fly(苍蝇)flies四,直接加s,所以是kites




kite 英[kaɪt] 美[kaɪt] n. 风筝; 鸢(猛禽); 空头支票; 光棍; vt. 涂改(支票); 使上涨; 上升; vi. 使用空头支票; 轻快地移动;


kite 英 [kaɪt]     n. 风筝;鸢n. 空头支票v. 用空头支票骗人;使上升用作名词(n.)Thechildrenareflyingkites.孩子们在放风筝。Aboyisflyingakiteinthepiazza.一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。Ilookedupintotheskyandsawthekitebecomesmallerandsmaller.我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。Akitewillneverbeagoodhawk.鸢永不会变成隼。Yellow-billedkitesoarsinthesky黄嘴鸢横空长啸。用作名词(n.)ShegotcaughtkiteflyinginPhiladelphia.她在费城到处开空头支票时被抓住。用作动词(v.)Thebillwasduebeforepayday,soIhadtokitethecheck.工资还没发,帐单就到期了,于是我只好开空头支票。Meatpriceskited.肉价飞涨。 。flya kite放风筝kite-风筝鸢(猛禽)使用(非法支kiteairship-系留气艇kiteballoonairshipkiteflying-签发通融票据kite-camera-俯瞰摄影机kite-mark-规格证明标记kitefish-银大眼鲳,银鸢鲳kiteflying-放风筝kitemark-风筝标识英国标准协kitembilla-锡兰梅


kite 英[kaɪt] 美[kaɪt] n. 风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍 vt. 涂改(支票);使上涨;上升 vi. 使用空头支票;轻快地移动 [例句]Or fly your kite on the same hill?还是总在同一高地放风筝?


kite[英][kaɪt][美][kaɪt]n.风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍vt.涂改(支票);使上涨;上升vi.使用空头支票;轻快地移动复数: kites 第三人称单数: kites 过去式: kited 过去分词: kited 现在分词: kiting双语例句 fly a kite放风筝2.A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。3.My brother is flying a kite in the park.我的弟弟在公园里放风筝。4.You should fly your kite against the wind.你应该迎着风放风筝。5.Give a lark to catch a kite.得了风筝,失了云雀。


kite 英[kaɪt]美[kaɪt]n. 风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍vt. 涂改(支票);使上涨;上升vi. 使用空头支票;轻快地移动[例句]Or fly your kite on the same hill?还是总在同一高地放风筝?to fly a kite放风筝2.A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝.3.My brother is flying a kite in the park.我的弟弟在公园里放风筝.4.You should fly your kite against the wind.你应该迎着风放风筝.5.Give a lark to catch a kite.得了风筝,失了云雀.


有的。kite,名词,风筝;kite,动词,放风筝,fly a kite。作为动词时,有现在进行时,加ing,例如:He is kiting in the square. 他正在广场上放风筝。








风筝英语kite读法:英[kaɪt],美[kaɪt]。名词:风筝;纸鸢;鸢;空头支票;风筝形四边形;飞机;大三角帆;高而轻的船帆;非法(或秘密)的信件;剥削者。动词:放风筝;开空头支票;涂改支票;飞;飞奔。fly a kite:试探舆论,开融通票据筹集资金。fly kite:放风筝。fly kites:放风筝。make a kite:制作风筝。box kite:箱形风筝。high as a kite:异常兴奋, 神情恍惚。as high as a kite:被毒品麻醉;喝醉。red kite:赤鸢。black kite:黑鸢。双语例句:1、I thought that I would fly a kite for a somewhat unfashionable theory.我想要为有点不合潮流的理论试探一下舆论。2、Word up, my brother, you got me high as a kite.听着,我的兄弟,你把我灌得烂醉如泥了。3、There"s a knack in/to flying a kite, which takes a while to master.放风筝要找窍门,得用些时间才能学会。4、Don"t take it too seriously; she is just flying her kite.别太当真,她在探你的口气。5、He wants to make a kite, but can"t do it himself.他想做个风筝,可是自己不会舞弄。



kite 前能不能用定冠词?

:kite 是可数名词。使用时前面应加冠词(a 或 the)。至于用什么介词得根据句子所表达的意思而定。无非得用什么介词,不能用什么...

kite的i 发音是什么?


kite怎么读 你学会了吗

1、kite英[kaɪt];美[kaɪt]; 2、n.风筝; 鸢(猛禽);v.使用(非法支票)骗钱; 涂改(支票); 3、[例句]The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don"t happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。 4、[其他]第三人称单数:kites 复数:kites 现在分词:kiting 过去式:kited 过去分词:kited.


kite 英[kaɪt] 美[kaɪt] n. 风筝; 鸢(猛禽); 空头支票; 光棍; vt. 涂改(支票); 使上涨; 上升; vi. 使用空头支票; 轻快地移动; [例句]The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don"t happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。

kite英语怎么读 单词kite怎么读

1、kite英[kaɪt]美[kaɪt],n.风筝; 鸢(猛禽);vt.使用(非法支票)骗钱; 涂改(支票)。 2、[例句]Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals. 风筝在沙滩上空时隐时现。


kites 1一般情况 加-s 1.清辅音后读/s/ map-mpas 2以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词 加-es 读/iz/ bus-buses 3以ce,se,ze,ge等结尾的词 加-s 4以辅音字母+y结尾的词 加y变i再加es


kite的意思是风筝;鸢;使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票)。kite读音:英 [kaɪt] 美 [kaɪt]

kite 的中文翻译

kite [kait] n.风筝 vi.使用空头支票;象风筝一样飞;轻快地移动 vt.骗钱;涂改(支票)




来って  过来来る【くる】【kuru】① 【自动词・カ变/三类】 来,在时间、距离方面向说话者的方向靠近。;到来,时间、季节等来临。;发生(异常状态)。;引起。;提起,说起,特别是……,表示强调某件事情。;表示动作,作用在空间向说话者移动。;表示动作、作用一直持续到现在。;表示动作和作用渐渐实现。;表示由某种状态慢慢变成另一种状态。;表示发生某种现象。 详细释义自动词・カ变/三类1. 来,在时间、距离方面向说话者的方向靠近。(话し手のいる方へ近づく)。いつ中国に来たのですか? 你是什么时候来到中国的?彼から二度手纸が来た。 他来过两次信。2. 到来,时间、季节等来临。(时间が経过して,その季节・时期・顺番になる)。3. 发生(异常状态)。(ある事态が出现する)。4. 引起。(「…からくる」の形で)…がその由来・原因となっている。…のために生ずる)。5. 提起,说起,特别是……,表示强调某件事情。(あるものを话题にとりあげて示す)。6. 表示动作,作用在空间向说话者移动。(话し手の方へ向かって动作が行われ,その话し手の方へ近づく意を表す)。7. 表示动作、作用一直持续到现在。(动作が継続・反复されて现在に至るまで続く意を表す)。8. 表示动作和作用渐渐实现。(戻ることを前提にして)动作が行われる意を表す。动作の実现・完了に重点が置かれる场合もある)。9. 表示由某种状态慢慢变成另一种状态。(事态が进行してある段阶に至る意を表す)。10. 表示发生某种现象。(ある事态が出现し,またある现象が现れる意を表す)。






kite的意思是风筝;鸢;使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票)。kite读音:英 [kaɪt]   美 [kaɪt]  中文释义:(1)n.风筝;鸢(猛禽)。(2)v.使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票)。用法:作名词时意为“风筝,人名;(塞)基特;(英)凯特”,在作及物动词时意为“骗钱;涂改(支票)”,作不及物动词时意为“使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动”。例句:The kite caught on the electric wires. 那个风筝勾住电线了。扩展资料:1、kite的短语搭配:(1)kite surfing 风筝冲浪 ; 鹞子冲浪 ; 冲浪风筝 ; 风帆。(2)Brahminy Kite 栗鸢 ; 大红鹰 ; 鹰科 ; 嗨抡杪轻揣。(3)kite liberator 少女杀手 ; 风筝解放者 ; 放风筝的人 ; 姹儿刺客。2、近义词:alter读音:英 [ˈɔːltə(r)]   美 [ˈɔːltər]  中文释义:v.(使)改变,更改,改动;修改(衣服使更合身)。例句:Little had altered in the village 村子里几乎没有什么变化。

The kite用单还是复数

单数。kite的基本意思是“风筝”,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。kite的复数形式为kites。The kite是泛指,指的就是风筝,所以是单数。








kite n. 风筝; vi. 使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞; vt. 骗钱; 例句: The kite has a span of 1.5 metres. 风筝宽1.5米。 扩展资料   The koala likes to fly a kite.   无尾熊喜欢放风筝。   He wanted to fly a kite, too.   他也想去放风筝。   When it"s windy, I fly a kite.   当天刮风的时候,我放风筝。   I"m sorry, I can"t fly a kite.   对不起,我不会放风筝。   The son started to fly the kite.   儿子开始放风筝。


风筝词典解释:n. 1. 鸢 2. 风筝 3. 骗子,贪心的人vi. 1. 【口】如风筝般飘动;轻快地行动 2. 迅速上升vt. 1. 使迅速上升


kiteskite 英[kaɪt]美[kaɪt]n. 风筝; 鸢(猛禽) 空头支票; 光棍;vt. 涂改(支票) 使上涨; 上升;vi. 使用空头支票; 轻快地移动;[例句]You should fly your kite against the wind.你应该迎着风放风筝。扩展资料名词变复数的规则1、一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如map→maps,bag→bags等;2、以s,sh,ch,x等结尾的词加“es”,如bus→buses,watch→watches等;3、以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为i加es,如baby→babies等;以元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkey→monkeys,holiday→holidays,storey→storeys(楼层);4、以o结尾的名词变复数时:加s的名词有:photo→photos,piano→pianos,radio→radios,zoo→zoos


kite的适当形式有5种,具体如下:1、第三人称单数: kites2、复数: kites3、现在分词: kiting4、过去式: kited5、过去分词: kitedkite的基本意思是“风筝”,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。fly a kite除了表示“放风筝”,还可表示“试探舆论”。词汇搭配:draw in a kite 收风筝。fly a kite 放风筝,试探舆论。let up a kite 放风筝。strike kite 击中风筝。近义词:rise 上升。mount 登上。ascend 上升。soar 翱翔。arise 出现。uprise 升起。


风筝~Fly a kite


kite读音:英[kaɪt]美[kaɪt]。双语例句:1、The young man was accused of kiting fake checks.这个年轻人被指控开具假支票。2、There are all kinds of kites in the sky.天空中有着各式各样的风筝。3、I quickly kited into the dim room.我飞奔进入了那个昏暗的房间。4、Brad liked to fly a kite on windy days.Brad喜欢在大风天放风筝。5、The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.风筝宽1.5米。6、Willy asks if I"ve ever flown a kite before.威利问我以前是否放过风筝。7、I"m sorry, I can"t fly a kite.对不起,我不会放风筝。8、He wants to fly a kite there.他想在那里放风筝。9、A kite flies to the blue sky.风筝飞向蓝天。


KITE相对其他英语考试来说不严KITE(Kaplan International Tools for English)国际英语测试是由全球顶尖教育机构Kaplan开发的,基于云构架的、革命性的计算机自适应英语水平评估测试系统。例如布莱顿大学宣布已认可合作伙伴Kaplan集团的Kaplan"s English language test-KITE作为我们的内部语言测试。通过此在线测试,申请人可轻松参加在线考试,取得成绩后,则可代替雅思,以及UKVI认可的其他安全语言测试。从而匹配布莱顿大学的"学术英语课程Pre-sessional”,或满足直录顺利入读学位课程。

kite是什么意思中文 kite意思解释

1、n.风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍 2、vt.涂改(支票);使上涨;上升 3、vi.使用空头支票;轻快地移动 4、第三人称单数:kites 过去Fen词:kited 5、例句:The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes dont happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,Er当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会Xin怀感激。


有KITE全称 Kaplan International Tools for English, 是由全球教育机构Kaplan开发的基于云架构的,计算机自适应的英语水平测试系统KITE优势及简要介绍:Kaplan 自己的线上英语测试系统由监考系统 ProctorTrack 监考(会录制整个考试过程的视频)针对 Kaplan 预科学生完全免费(2次机会) 任何时间任何国家均可参加共5个部分-听力,阅读,语法,口语及写作 各部分满分为700




可能是上升的意思kite英 [kaɪt] 美 [kaɪt] n.风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍vt.涂改(支票);使上涨;上升vi.使用空头支票;轻快地移动第三人称单数: kites 复数: kites 现在分词: kiting 过去式: kited 过去分词: kited


Kite 是风筝;空头支票。


kite 风筝




kite[英] [kaɪt][美] [kaɪt]n.风筝; 鸢(猛禽); 空头支票; 光棍;vt.涂改(支票); 使上涨; 上升;[例句]I wouldn"t take what he said seriously; he was only flying a kite.我根本不把他说的当回事,他只是试探试探罢了。[复数]kites


insect 英[ˈɪnsekt]美[ˈɪnˌsɛkt]kite 英[kaɪt]美[kaɪt]两个i发音是不一样的分别是[ɪ]和[aɪ]


kite 风筝英[kait] 美[kaɪt]






kite英语读音:英 [kaɪt],美 [kaɪt]。kite,作名词时意为“风筝,人名;(塞)基特;(英)凯特”,在作及物动词时意为“骗钱;涂改(支票)”,作不及物动词时意为“使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动”。 kite基本含义 n.风筝; 鸢(猛禽); v.使用(非法支票)骗钱;涂改(支票); 第三人称单数:kites 复数:kites 现在分词:kiting 过去式:kited 过去分词:kited kite双语例句 Run with the kite like that. 像那样带着风筝跑。 I like my bike and my kite. 我喜欢我的自行车和风筝。 Do you like this kite? 你喜欢这只风筝吗?


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . kite本身就是名词风筝




这里的kite有同种东西的不同数量之分!如果只放一只风筝,就用单数(可以多个人一起放一个)如果放多只风筝,当然就用复数了.(这是按照正常逻辑思维) 英语语法表达中,一般有这样的区分:如果执行者即主语是单数,就用前者:I...




kite 英[kaɪt] 美[kaɪt] n. 风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍 vt. 涂改(支票);使上涨;上升 vi. 使用空头支票;轻快地移动 [例句]Or fly your kite on the same hill?还是总在同一高地放风筝?


在不少的少儿英文读物当中,经常会看到kite这个单词,究竟这个单词的真正含义是什么?应该怎么正确使用这个单词,下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 kite作为名词使用的时候意思是:“风筝,人名;(英)凯特”,在作及物动词使用的时候意思是:“骗钱;涂改(支票)”,作不及物动词使用的时候意思是:“使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞。 详细内容 kite surfing 风筝冲浪 ; 鹞子冲浪 ; 冲浪风筝 ; 风帆; Brahminy Kite 栗鸢 ; 大红鹰 ; 鹰科 ; 嗨抡杪轻揣。 kite liberator 少女杀手 ; 风筝解放者 ; 放风筝的人 ; 姹儿刺客; A Kite 纸鸢 ; 一个风筝 ; 少女杀手 ; 一只风筝。 box kite 遥控立体风筝 ; [轻] 匣形风筝 ; 箱形风筝图片; Stunt kite 运动风筝 ; 特技风筝。 Kite Festival 风筝节; life kite 救生发报风筝 ; 救生风筝; kite drag 帆布海锚 ; 浮锚。 Run with the kite like that. 像那样带着风筝跑。 I like my bike and my kite. 我喜欢我的自行车和风筝。 Do you like this kite? 你喜欢这只风筝吗?


kite的复数形式为kites,例如:两个风筝two kites。Kite的用法:kite的基本意思是风筝,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。fly a kite除了表示放风筝,还可表示试探舆论。kite后可接以as短语,动词不定式,名词,动名词,形容词,副词,介词短语或现在分词,过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。名词变复数规则1、一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,如bag→bags。2、以s、sh、ch、x等结尾的词加“es”,如bus→buses。3、以辅音字母+y结尾的词变复数时,变y为i加es,如baby→babies等;以元音字母+y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,如monkey→monkeys。4、以辅音字母o结尾的名词变复数,有生命的加es,没有生命的加s。如photo→photos;potato→potatoes。5、以f、fe结尾的名词变复数时,一般是把f、fe去掉,加ves;如half→halves。有些例外,可直接加s,如roof→roofs等。


名词, 风筝


英 [kaɪt]  n.风筝;纸鸢;鸢(鹰科鸢属、黑翅鸢属等属猛禽的统称);飞机;骗子;空头支票;vt.开具(空头支票);发行(虚假票据)筹款;vi.上升;开空头支票;变形:过去式 : kited;  现在分词 :kiting;  过去分词 :kited;同义词:toy; bird; plane; cheat; swindler; Comm; soar双语例句:1. I helped him rewind the kite string.我帮他把风筝线往回缠。2. I managed to disentangle the kite, which had become caught in the branches of a tree.我设法取下了缠在树杈上的风筝。kite的基本意思是“风筝”,指一种用纸或布扎起来的手工艺品,可以由线来牵引乘风飞翔。fly a kite除了表示“放风筝”,还可表示“试探舆论”。kite用作名词的用法例句:The children are flying kites.孩子们在放风筝。A boy is flying a kite in the piazza.一个小男孩在阳台上放风筝。I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller.我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。


kite的意思是风筝。1、读音英 [kaɪt]   美 [kaɪt]  2、解释n.  ( toy ) 风筝;纸鸢;( bird ) 鸢(鹰科鸢属、黑翅鸢属等属猛禽的统称);< 英,非正式 > ( plane ) 飞机vi. 使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动。3、例句 I managed to disentangle the kite, which had become caught in the branches of a tree.我设法取下了缠在树杈上的风筝。扩展资料:相关词rise1、读音英 [raɪz]   美 [raɪz]  2、解释vi. 上升;增强;起立;高耸;vt. 使…飞起;使…浮上水面3、例句Luther rose slowly from the chair.卢瑟慢慢地从椅子上站起来。soar1、读音英 [sɔː]   美 [sɔr]  2、解释vi. 高飞;飞腾;猛增,剧增;[ tree, building+ ] 高耸;屹立3、例句As the plane took off, the music soared.飞机起飞后,音乐声更大了。


1、n.风筝;鸢(猛禽);空头支票;光棍2、vt.涂改(支票);使上涨;上升3、vi.使用空头支票;轻快地移动4、第三人称单数:kites 过去Fen词:kited5、例句:The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes dont happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,Er当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会Xin怀感激。
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