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joyside边远毕业于星海音乐学院。1、2001年3月成立于北京。乐队的最初成员是吉他主唱:边远,贝斯:刘昊,鼓:辛爽。2、2002年春天,辛爽离队,李锦成为乐队的鼓手。同年7月乐队录制了第一张DEMO,其中包括《THE SAVIOUR JOHNNY ROTTEN》、《EVERYFUCKINGDAY》等7首歌。3、体现出乐队简练、原始的根源朋克摇滚风格。10月,鼓手李锦因一些不幸被迫退出了乐队,乐队也因此瘫痪了2个月。4、2003年1月,新鼓手范博的加入,终于使乐队焕然一新,经过了无数次的排练和演出,乐队的风格和经验也越来越成熟。5、5月,阳阳成为乐队的吉他手,又给乐队注入了新的活力,乐队的现场演出也更有表现力。7月,乐队进棚录制了第二张小样《EVERYTHING SUCKS》。星海音乐学院简介:1、星海音乐学院前身为1957年创办的广州音乐学校,后数易校名。1958年设置为广州音乐专科学校;1965年初与广东舞蹈学校合并为广东艺术专科学校。2、1969年与广州美术学院合并为广东人民艺术学院;1978年3月复名为广州音乐专科学校;1981年6月经国务院批准设为广州音乐学院。3、1985年12月,为纪念广东籍人民音乐家冼星海,更名为星海音乐学院。4、学校有广州大学城校区和沙河校区两个校区,占地面积22.5万平方米,建筑面积19.43万平方米,教学、科研仪器设备资产总值0.983亿元。


Joyside乐队,主唱边远(后排中)、贝斯刘昊(前排中)、吉他刘虹位(后左)、鼓手关铮(前左),最右为新成员明垚(右上)陆成(右下)。乐队供图 Joyside成立于2000年的北京。2006年,Joyside原吉他手和鼓手退出,刘虹位和关铮加入。经历三任吉他手和四任鼓手,最终阵容定格为主唱边远,吉他手刘虹位,贝斯手刘昊,鼓手关铮。乐队在今年继续茁壮成长,有了两位新成员,吉他手明垚、键盘陆成,家族成员增加至六人。从《乐队的夏天2》(以下简称《乐夏》)节目中一开始被年轻乐队“瞄准”,到边远在舞台上“撒星星”,刘昊因他魔性的笑声出圈,有人议论重组的Joyside不再像过去那样粗砺躁动了。 音乐曾是他们生活的全部,如今,千禧年的年轻人已经长大,那些浓烈的爱恨情仇,曾经以为是生命的全部,都随着时间成为了生命的一部分。边远一如20年前,瘦高、安静,像一个落魄贵族,话不多,只是在别人称呼他为“边老师”的时候,他会每一次都认真纠正,“别叫我老师,叫我边远。”刘虹位文质彬彬,像是乐队里的发言人,讲起话来侃侃而谈,气质老成却是乐队里年纪最小的一个;刘昊依然一副大哥做派,随和、亲切,前前后后张罗;关铮当了爸爸,却保持着“帅气而不自知”的纯真气质。 采访最后,问及每个人现在是否成为了20年前、乐队刚刚成立时想象中未来的自己,边远突然问到,“这是最后一个问题吗?那我先说吧。”他不动声色,“那个时候我觉得第二年自己就要死了,因为我爱的人早早死了,没想到我活到了现在,还活得挺好。” 说完,边远起身离席,“不好意思,我先走了。我的电影快要开场了。” Joyside演出。乐队供图 第一篇:关键词解码这些年的Joyside #解散之后# 刘昊: 我这些年开酒吧,接触各行各业的人,基本上三教九流都接触过,对我来说是一种成长。我会调整自己的状态,去接受新的事物,去善待别人,这对我来说是挺难的一件事,但我一直努力争取去做好。之前我动不动就急,脾气特别不好。 刘虹位: 要讲好一个故事的话,生活当中必须得亲自去到那儿体验。以前我不了解中国,所以我选择步入 社会 ,去了解它。比如以前我想写一首在地铁里面的歌,只是坐在家里想象,但是如果我真的去坐地铁,从天安门到通州,然后下地铁去上班,自己经历了全过程给我的刺激会更加明显。以前是一个想象的空间,但是想要表达得更好,得亲自去体验。这是生活,音乐还是离不开生活。解散之前我们还都很年轻,那个时候没有这么多对琐碎日常的体验,生活就是摇滚、乐队、演出。所以当时写的歌大多数都是一些对星空、宇宙的表达。 边远: 基本上我一直在做音乐,也没有做别的。这十年我听了更多的音乐,更广泛的类型。音乐对于我来说,现在可能会有更多的思路和想法。 关铮: 在这十年当中,我有家庭了,有了孩子。有孩子你得想法挣钱,对吧?剩下的事对我自己来说差不多,我也一直在干点别的琐碎的事,同时也一直玩着乐队,时不时聚着聚着就解散了。生活一直都差不多,排练、演出,偶尔教点课。现在儿子五岁了,在杭州,我在北京,也没办法天天送孩子上学。我儿子也会看《乐夏》,里面的三个叔叔他都认识,有时候他们小朋友问,你爸是干吗的,他会说我爸是明星。 #音乐占比# 刘昊: 音乐对我来说一直占的比重很大,而且我一直也没有离开过这个行业。我做酒吧,要做现场音乐。因为我们经历过这个时段,一年只有一两次演出机会,所以我也希望尽可能去帮一些新乐队能够有一个机会演出。 边远: 我也一直没离开过音乐,这两个字在我手里、生命里一直在穿梭。十年前音乐是我的全部,我可以为它去死,它是我的生命,现在我觉得音乐就是我生命中挺美好的一部分。我喜欢音乐,我做自己喜欢的事。我觉得把音乐从高处放下来之后,它反而变得更大,更宽广,可以承载和容纳更多的东西。 关铮: 音乐对我来说就是生命中不可缺少的。我是打鼓的,没法去独奏,我需要一个乐队来配合他们,一起展现出音乐给大家。玩乐队,大家凑在一块,今天创作出来的音乐可能是这样的,但是谁稍微改动一下,比如键盘给我一个新的想法,会启发另外一种感觉,互相给彼此不一样的灵感。这件事让我觉得特别有成就感。 Joyside在《乐夏》中的舞台。图来自节目微博 #十年变化# 刘虹位: 学习,生活,做企业,去农村,感受生命。这一年一直在产生新的动机,大家也都在用新的方法去合作,运用了很多新的 科技 去创作音乐,找到了新的感觉。 刘昊: 做音乐,做生意,听歌,喝酒。感觉就是,当年那种在一起做音乐的快乐又回来了。改变是肯定有改变的,每个人都有各自的工作要忙,创作和排练的方式也比以前更专业、更成熟了。 边远: 成长。我就是写歌,尝试些新的东西。 关铮: 玩乐队,教鼓课,和朋友们在一起。 #Joyside谈“摇滚之王”# 乐队被贴上什么标签都可以。如果一个观众因为在节目上看到我们,因此对Joyside感兴趣,从乐队第一张专辑第一首歌开始听,慢慢知道乐队演变过程到现在上节目的这些歌曲,了解到乐队的进化,这是有趣的。 第二篇:乐队经历篇 “乐夏”:大家一起做了一场 游戏 《乐夏》中Joyside合作Miumiu。图来自乐队微博 在《乐队的夏天2》中,Joyside一出场,就收到了其他乐队热情的欢呼声。这支具有传奇色彩的乐队,曾于2009年解散,此后的十年间,成员各忙各的领域,散落各地。2019年,他们重新组在了一起,并于今年一起登上《乐夏》的舞台。对于上节目,主唱边远将它形容为“一场 游戏 ”,并且是“大家一起做了一场 游戏 。”节目中也反复出现了乐队解散又重组的镜头,营造出乐队成员之间“剪不断”的兄弟情,对此Joyside大家会心一笑,“这样很正常,因为表现兄弟情‘接地气"。” 由《乐夏》带来的热度、话题以及商业利益,Joyside统统欢迎。在他们看来,《乐队的夏天》就像阳光去照耀音乐圈的(乐队)野孩子,野生生长的花也可能长成了一个参天大树。 相较于十年前,那支把“这里没有你们要的 时尚 ,我只爱你们的钞票”印在海报上的乐队,出现在《乐夏》舞台上的Joyside似乎少了过去那种“酒精和尼古丁浑蛋”的气质。但乐队并不太在意,在他们看来,每个阶段的Joyside都有不同的特质,而现在的他们只是一支在2019年重组复出、“成立才两年的新乐队”,“不同时期不同状态都是我们当下的写照。”他们只想感受新的每一天,做每个阶段里全新的音乐,不想被那些别人打的标签和符号束缚住。 被打上“摇滚之王”的标签多年,在Joyside看来,摇滚是非常自由的一种音乐形式,跟传统的音乐不太一样,摇滚乐之所以吸引年轻人,是因为年轻人就想跟别人不一样,也想要听不一样的音乐,所以摇滚乐很容易吸引到标榜特立独行、向往自由的人,但这只是听摇滚乐的第一层。“在此之后,他(她)会慢慢发现音乐中传递的是自己的生活轨迹,歌词或者旋律表达了自我,才有可能真正爱上摇滚乐。” “说来说去,摇滚这个词儿就是做你自己”,Joyside说,“所谓的摇滚或者朋克精神,就是一种独立思考的能力。” 成长:一支乐队解散在巡演的路上太正常 十二年前,Joyside在成都参加音乐节演出。图来自乐队微博 从2009年告别到2019年宣布重组,过去的十年时光中,Joyside只存在在模糊的影像记录和上一代摇滚乐迷们的口口相传里。Joyside解散的十年,正是社交网络兴起的十年。尽管缺席于粉丝流量的时代,但互联网江湖上仍然有关于他们的传奇故事:今年的爆款网剧《隐秘的角落》导演辛爽曾经是乐队成员,他们被誉为中国摇滚乐的“地下之王”和“伟大的乐队”。节目里的出场,背后是不少明星大腕的视频声援,年轻乐队在看到他们时惊呼:“他们是我组乐队的原因。” 2000年初Joyside于北京宣告正式成立。第二张小样“Everything Sucks”发布后没多久,他们便登上了当年的迷笛音乐节,被乐评人评价为:“新一代北京朋克的骄傲。” 十年前,Joyside的广告挂在西单一整面墙上。Joyside有着极强的个人风格,乐队总是带着浓浓的酒意踏上舞台,醉倒在台前,或者坚持演出完醉倒在台下。Joyside经历过两次欧洲巡演,两个月内走了巴黎、伦敦、柏林等大城市,演了50多场,是少数亮相欧洲音乐节的中国摇滚乐队,并且在欧洲受到乐迷追捧。 从客观上说,那个时候Joyside自身发展并没有什么阻碍,甚至可以说是“如日中天”,但乐队成员对未来发展的规划意见不同,想法也不一样。那个时期刘虹位想多唱中文歌,不想再玩地下摇滚乐,要走主流市场,但边远觉得没必要,他只想做自己。 分歧无法调和,刘虹位率先提出不玩了之后,其他人都很生气,觉得很不好,但大家的心气也不高。乐队回国之后在西安巡演时大吵了一架。2009年9月12日,Joyside在北京鼓楼的Mao酒吧做告别演出。 如今再回忆起当年这段经历,“一支乐队解散在巡演的路上是太正常了。”刘昊说。 如果用谈恋爱来做比喻,Joyside的解散可以看作是因为吵架、赌气而分手,而并不是感情走到了尽头,“如果感情走到了尽头的话,就没有现在咱们还坐在这儿了。”刘昊说。 当年因为唱英文歌还是中文歌而争论不休,甚至成为最终解散的导火线。如今这些都已然不再是问题。这个夏天,穿着红裤子、白西装的主唱边远,在《乐夏》的舞台上和贝斯手刘昊、吉他手刘虹位表演了他们的中文首秀《太空浪子》。 重组:我们希望自己现在就是一支新乐队 Joyside演出。乐队供图 2019年愚人节当天,Joyside宣布重组,很多乐迷甚至都以为这是个玩笑罢了。谈及十年后重组,刘昊说,冥冥之中总有这种想法,就像一张窗户纸需要有人捅破,乐队经历了太多爱恨情仇,有一股强大的信念使他们重聚,命不该绝,缘份未尽。2018年底,乐队成员一起吃了顿火锅,决定重组,2019年4月正式官宣,用了不到半年。“2009年我们解散,2019年我们重组,想通了很多事情,解决了很多问题,想继续前行,用了十年。” 2019年6月乐队举办了以“The Joker is Back——十年回归”为名的三城巡演,边远、刘昊、刘虹位、关铮四个人以乐队的形式站上舞台,关铮觉得一切都回来了,好像这十年大家还一直在一起玩儿乐队,没有什么变化,哥儿几个还是原来那股劲头,在现场看见了好多很多年没见的朋友,“那一刻感觉时空错乱了。”变化还是有的,做新专辑的时候,刘虹位给一首歌的编曲加了很多弦乐,和边远产生了分歧。刘虹位退了一步,“要在十年前,我不会,这个时候我就学会了。”他已懂得考虑乐队其他人的建议。 如今,乐队在今年有了两位新成员,吉他手明垚、键盘陆成。在他们看来,Joyside一直都是Joyside,无论解散前和重组后唱着什么歌,Joyside的精神一直在延续,“就是特别真诚的感觉。” 重生后的乐队在新时代下,要面临新的问题。对于大部分年轻人而言,对这个成立于20年前的乐队很陌生,他们只是在《乐夏》当中看到了Joyside“摇滚之王”的标签,更何况,这个标签也给乐队带来了距离感。“如何拥抱年轻人是个很重要的问题”,刘虹位说,“年轻人就听到你这一首歌,他不会觉得这是摇滚之王,反而会觉得和乐队之间的距离很远。我们希望自己现在就是一支新乐队,我们新的音乐能够被更多人去接受,所以我们放下了极端的表达。” 在参加完《乐夏》之后,乐队被央视邀请去录制节目,和大众之间的接受度越来越近。刘虹位坦言,“之前我们可能很难想到,央视会邀请一支摇滚乐队去演出。现在央视接受了我们,我们也接受了央视,而且观众也都很喜欢我们,愿意去接受我们的音乐。” 编辑 田偲妮 校对 陈荻雁


Joyside乐队最初成立的两年里也许是北京最好的朋克乐队,除了音乐秉承了70年代sex pistols、dead boys式的old school punk风格外,乐队成员略带颓废的着装、行事的古怪风格以及语不惊人死不休的气概也让人觉得Joyside乐队仿佛是sex pistols与21世纪北京摇滚的又一次借尸还魂。



we enjoy living in China,其中in China是状语还是宾补


We enjoy living in China中"in china"在句中担当什么成分,用于修饰谁???


We enjoy living in China 在该句中是做"状语"吗? 用来修饰全句的吗???

WE 主语 enjoy 谓语 living in china 宾语 in china 宾补/状语 (修饰LIVING)

帮忙写一英语作文 关于Enjoy Music

Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐) Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life. 在所有使我快乐的事中,唱歌是我最喜欢做的一件事。我唱歌不是为特别的目的。简言之,我为快乐万唱。我唱什么歌并无限制,只要它能发泄我的情绪,稚快乐的声音传给周遭的人就好了。能够引起他们的共鸣更是一件令人满意、兴奋的事。把欢乐散布四方不是件坏事,是吗?你可以看出,唱歌是我的第二生命。 Music in my life Music is an important part in my life,I even can"t live without music. Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I"d like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it"s mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself! I"m not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can"t hear them clearly.I can"t stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted! In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can"t live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I"m gonna fight him and never give up!

我的笔记本是明基Joy book R43型号的,


Joy To The World 歌词

歌曲名:Joy To The World歌手:Mandisa专辑:Shades Of Christmas: Jazz & BluesJoy To The World(a christmas prayer)Nicholas JonasNicholas JonasJOY TO THE WORLD ( A CHRISTMAS PRAYER )singer:NICHOLAS JONASAlbum: NICHOLAS JONAS(未发行)Every year at ChristmasAll I can seeAre pictures of the things I wantAround the treeBut this year"s a little differentI"m not thinking of myselfSo my prayer for this ChristmasIs for somebody elseSo I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkGod I know you"re listeningAnd you can hearThe need of every broken heartAnd all their tearsI don"t have a lot to offerJust this one simple prayerThat this Christmas everyone would knowSomebody cares…So I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkI pray that every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warmThat not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come trueI pray…Humanity would riseAnd join with meAnd together we"ll singJoy To the World (To all the world)Peace (Peace) for every boy and girl (for every boy and girl)(Talking bout hope) Hope when life is hard (when life is hard)Light when everything seems darkI pray that (I pray) every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warm(Not a single child) That not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come true…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girl

高手来啊!!!! 电脑老蹦出"中国第一的运动休闲门户"把整个桌面都挡住了.怎么才能除掉这玩意啊??


enjoy game 什么意思??!~


my father enjoys the books_by akasha为什么答案是written?要省略was?为什么?

my father enjoys the books written by Akasha. written是过去分词做后置定语,修饰books. 句子也可以写为 my father enjoys the books (which/that were) written by Akasha.括号里的可以省略,因为(which/that were) written by Akasha 是定语从句,起修饰作用,而不是一个单独的主句. 而 keys are used for opening the door.钥匙是用来开门的.这是一个独立的句子,如果省略了be动词(are)的话,句子就不对了. 被动语态 be used for 举个例子 This key is used for opening my room.is不能省略 I lost the key (which/ that is) used for opening my room.括号的能省略. 缘由如上.,3,过去分词作后置定语,其实是省略了WHICH WAS的定语从句 ,即 my father enjoys the books(which was written ) by akasha 而Keys (are ) used for opening the door.是被动语态( 是简单句) 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!什么是过去分词作后置定语。。。因为句子的成分已...,2,你好: 这里考的是 : 过去分词做后置定语的用法,而不是被动语态的用法, 意思是"akasha写的..." ,修饰 the books. 第二句中, be used for doing sth 意思是"被用作做....." 这里的was 不能省略, 因为, 省略了was , 句子就没有谓语动词了, 句子结构就...,1,第一句是后置定语从句,可以省略 第二句没有谓语,缺的词就是作为谓语存在怎么能省略呢。,1,答案是 written 。 这是 用过去分词作定语。 因为句子已经有了谓语动词 enjoys ,所以不能 加 was 。 keys【are 】used for opening the door. 本句是被动语态。are used 作谓语,所以be 动词不能省略。 祝你开心。,0,全句:my father enjoys the books (which was)written by akasha. 句子中已经有了动词enjoy, 后面的written 用来说明books 的。 定语从句了,可以省略which was。 你说的后面那个句子不能省去was, be use for 说明钥匙是用来开门滴。,0,一、 这句句子其实省略了that was My father enjoys the books (that/which was written) by akasha. (1) (that/which was written by akasha)这个短语是对books进行修饰的。 (2) 省略that/whic...,0,my father enjoys the books_by akasha为什么答案是written?要省略was?为什么这句又不省keys_used for opening the door?

A woman is at the cinema, and she is enjoying the film very much, but there is a man in the nex...

小题1:D小题1:A小题1:C小题1:B小题1:B 小题1:根据A woman is at the cinema, and she is enjoying the film very much, but there is a man in the next seat,可知他们在电影院,故选D。小题1:根据but there is a man in the next seat, 可知选A小题1:联系上文and he begins looking at the floor under her.及下文描述,可知这个女人不高兴,故选C。小题1:根据One of my teeth is in the chocolate!可知这个人的牙在巧克力上。故选B。小题1:根据Take this and be quiet, please. I am listening to the film.” 描述,可知这个女人主要是想好好地看电影。故选B

he ___(enjoy) manths class very much.


The world is his who enjoys it.这句英文是什么意思

The world is his who enjoys it 意思:世界是属于热爱它的人词汇解释world 英 [wu025c:ld] 美 [wu025c:rld];地球;领域;尘世例句:Some problems are the same the world over 有些问题在全世界都一样。enjoysv.喜欢;享有( enjoy的第三人称单数 );玩得快乐;enjoy yourself (祝愿时说)玩痛快些例句:He enjoys polemics, persuasion, and controversy. 他喜欢辩论、说服和争议。

i enjoy your class i will take you over the Ameri


Ambassador Hotel:Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, w..

小题1:C小题1:D小题1:C小题1:B 略

解释下,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged


The joy of gardening

正文 The joy of gardening 园艺的乐趣Planting cool-weather greens, as gardeners across the north-east of America are now doing, can seem nonsensical. Convenient, perpetually well-stocked supermarket shelves are available all week. But the same could be said of cooking: cheap and decent restaurants abound, so why bother to make your own meals? 正如美国东北部的园丁们现在所做的那样,种植耐寒的蔬菜似乎是荒谬的。便利的、永远存货充足的超市货架一整周都有蔬菜供应。但同样的道理也适用于烹饪:便宜又体面的餐馆比比皆是,何必要麻烦自己做饭呢?That attitude misconstrues the ultimate appeal of gardening: it mistakes the product for the purpose. It is true that a garden can yield peas that taste like the vibrant, green essence of spring; tomatoes and carrots of incomparable sweetness; and potatoes with the biscuity richness of earth itself. 这种态度误解了园艺的终极魅力: 它错把产出结果当成了目的。的确,菜园里能种出吃起来如春天般生机勃勃、绿意盎然的豌豆,无比甜美的番茄和胡萝卜,还有像饼干一样酥脆可口、散发着泥土芬芳的土豆。On the other hand, a garden, especially in the early years, can also yield little but frustration. Novice gardeners may plant the wrong crops for their soil. Squirrels have an infuriating habit of taking single bites of cucumbers, beans and tomatoes, then leaving the rest on the vine to rot. And even expert gardeners can lose a season"s harvest to unco-operative weather. 但另一方面,菜园也可能颗粒无收,只让人产生挫败感,尤其是在早期的时候。新手园丁可能会种植不适合其土壤的作物。松鼠们有一个令人恼火的习惯,就是只咬一口黄瓜、豆子和西红柿,然后把剩下的留在藤上任其腐烂。即便是专业的园丁也可能因为不配合的天气而失去一个季节的收成。No matter. The real joy of gardening is the time spent doing it. The deepest pleasure — as with cooking, writing, bringing up children or almost anything worthwhile — is in the work itself. 没关系。园艺的真正乐趣在于花时间去做这件事。最深层次的喜悦在于做的事情本身——就像烹饪、写作、抚养孩子或几乎任何有价值的事情一样。A gardener"s memories revolve not around the food produced, but around long summer afternoons with hands in the dirt, surrounded by family, if the garden is at home, or deepening acquaintances with friends and neighbours in an allotment or community garden. 一个园丁的脑海里不会总惦记着种植的食物,如果园子是在家里的话,ta 们会想着在漫长的夏日午后,双手在土地里劳作,身边是家人环绕;或者在一小块土地或社区的园子里,与朋友和邻居们相互认识,加深友谊。To garden is to patiently, lovingly and diligently help life flourish, in the ground and above it. 园艺就是耐心地、充满爱心地、勤勤恳恳地帮助生命蓬勃发展,无论是在土地里还是在地面上。主编:Maisie、阿翀 品控:Maisie 审核:Jack 重点词汇 gardening /ˈɡɑːr.dən.ɪŋ/ n. 园艺,园艺活 相关词汇:garden(n. 花园) 词性拓展:garden(v. 园艺活) 相关词汇:gardener(n. 园丁) 词根词缀:-er(表示人) nonsensical /ˌnɑːnˈsen.sɪ.kəl/ adj. 荒谬的;无意义的 词根词缀:non-(表示否定) 词根词缀:-ical(表示形容词) 搭配短语:a nonsensical argument 相关词汇:nonsense(n. 胡说八道) 相关词汇:sense(n. 理智) perpetually /pɚˈpetʃ.u.ə.li/ adv. 连续不断地;永久的 词根词缀:-ly(表示副词) 相关词汇:perpetual(adj. 持续的;永恒的) 搭配短语:the perpetual noise of the machines 搭配短语:the perpetual snows of the mountaintops 近义词:continuous stock /stɑːk/ v. 储存,存货 搭配短语:to stock a lot of food 词性拓展:stock(n. 库存) 搭配短语:out of stock 搭配短语:in stock decent /ˈdiː.sənt//ˈdis(ə)nt/ adj. 相当好的,体面的 搭配短语:a decent job misconstrue /ˌmɪs.kənˈstruː/ v. 误解,误会 词根词缀:mis-(表示否定) 近义词:misinterpret 相关词汇:construe(v. 理解) 例句:The word can be construed in two different ways. 近义词:interpret ultimate /ˈʌl.tə.mət/ adj. 终极的,最后的 近义词:final(adj. 最终的) 搭配短语:the ultimate goal yield /jiːld/ v. 产出,产生 搭配短语:to yield results 词性拓展:yield(n. 收益) pea /piː/ n. 豌豆 搭配短语:roast chicken with peas and carrots vibrant /ˈvaɪ.brənt/ adj. 充满活力的,生机勃勃的 相关词汇:vibrate(v. 振动) 搭配短语:Hong Kong is a vibrant city. essence /ˈes.əns/ n. 精油;本质,实质 英文释义:the most basic and important quality of something 搭配短语:vanilla essence(香草味的精油) 搭配短语:in essence(实质上) 例句:In essence what he said was very simple. biscuity /ˈbɪs.kɪti/ adj.(质地、香味、颜色等)像饼干的 相关词汇:biscuit(n. 饼干) 相关词汇:cookie(n. 曲奇饼) 文化补充:biscuit 在英国是饼干的统称,但在美国是指一种趁热吃的软饼,类似英国人吃的 scone(司康饼),在美式英语中,饼干的统称是 cracker。 novice /ˈnɑː.vɪs/ n. 初学者,新手 近义词:beginner 例句:I"m still a complete novice at skiing. infuriate /ɪnˈfjʊr.i.eɪt/ v. 使愤怒,使极为生气 词根词缀:in-(使置于某种状态) 词根词缀:-ate(表示动词) 相关词汇:fury(n. 愤怒) vine /vaɪn/ n. 葡萄藤;藤本植物,攀援植物 近义词:grapevine 搭配短语:vine leaves rot /rɑːt/ v. 腐败,腐烂 例句:Too much sugar will rot your teeth. harvest /ˈhɑːr.vəst/ n. 收获,丰收 搭配短语:the grain harvest 搭配短语:harvest time 词性拓展:harvest(v. 收割) 搭配短语:to harvest crops unco-operative /ˌʌn.koʊˈɑː.pɚ.ə.t̬ɪv/ adj. 不愿合作的,不配合的 词根词缀:un-(表示否定) 词根词缀:-ive(表示形容词) 相关词汇:cooperate(v. 合作) 词根词缀:co-(表示共同) 相关词汇:operate(v. 运作) revolve /rɪˈvɑːlv/ v. 再次转动,旋转 词根词缀:re-(表示再次) 词根词缀:volve(表示卷动) 搭配短语:revolve around 例句:Children seem to think that the world revolves around them. dirt /dɝːt/ n. 泥土;污垢 近义词:soil(n. 泥土) 相关词汇:dirty(adj. 肮脏的) acquaintance /əˈkweɪn.təns/ n. 认识的人;交情 词根词缀:-ance(表示名词) 相关词汇:acquaint(v. 使认识) 搭配短语:acquaint sb. with sth. allotment /əˈlɑːt.mənt/ n. 小块土地;分配物 词根词缀:-ment(表示名词) 相关词汇:allot(v. 分配) 搭配短语:allot to 搭配短语:to allot 2 hours a day to revision diligently /ˈdɪl.ə.dʒə adv. 勤奋地,勤勉地 相关词汇:diligent(adj. 勤奋的) 词义辨析:diligent, industrious 这两个词都有“勤奋”的意思,但 industrious 多指由习惯养成或天性形成的勤奋,而 diligent 多指为某个追求而勤奋努力。





enjoy oneself是什么意思

  enjoy oneself  英 [inˈdʒɔi wʌnˈself] 美 [ɛnˈdʒɔɪ wʌnˈsɛlf]  [释义]自得其乐; 逍遥自在; 作乐; 过得快活,感到愉快;  [网络]过得快乐; 玩得开心; 玩的开心;  [例句]To lose one"s inhibitions; enjoy oneself wholeheartedly.  放纵失去控制;全身心享受。



enjoy sport什么意思

enjoy sport意思是:运动享受。例句:1、The Games have been a great success in promoting international friendship and understanding, and in proving that being disabled does not mean you can"t enjoy sport. 这次运动会取得巨大成功,它增进了国际友谊和了解,向世人证明,残疾并不意味着不能享受运动。2、At school I was a prissy kid, too concerned with the way I looked to enjoy sport.在学校的时候我是一个拘谨的孩子,过分关注自己的形象以至于无法尽情享受体育的乐趣。3、There"s got to be outside activities, even if it"s not football, so they can be with their friends and enjoy sport. 即便不踢球也该有户外运动,这样他们才能交朋友并享受体育。4、We will continue to support our athletes, and to develop more opportunities for the public to enjoy sport and recreation. 我们会继续全力支持本港的运动员,并会开创机会,让市民共享康体活动的乐趣。5、In the air enjoy sport.在空中尽情戏耍。

enjoy是什么意思及用法 翻译enjoy的意思

英音 [in"dʒɔi] ;,美音 [in"dʒɔi] ;,动词 1. 及物动词: 从…获得乐趣 2. 及物动词: 享有(某事物) ,形容词 enjoyable,副词 enjoyably,名称 enjoyer,时态 enjoyed,enjoying,enjoys,这两个动词均含“欣赏”之意。 appreciate多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。 enjoy普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。,这些动词均有“有,具有,持有”之意。 have最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。 hold指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。 own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。 possess较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。 keep指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。 enjoy指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。,这些动词都有“喜欢、喜爱”之意。 like最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。 love不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。 enjoy指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。 fancy指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。 adore非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感 *** 彩。 prefer指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。,derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in,get pleasure from,have for one"s benefit,take delight in,have benefit from,they enjoy 他们享受…… ,enjoy yourselves vi.过得快乐 ,enjoy in affluence 养尊处优,生活富裕 ,enjoy oneself 自我欣赏,自娱;玩得痛快,过得愉快 ,enjoy the cool 乘凉 ,enjoy doing sports 喜欢运动 ,enjoy diplomatic immunities 【法】 享有外交豁免权 ,enjoy the esteem of others 受到他人的尊重 ,enjoy pleasure in good time phr. 及时行乐 ,enjoy great popularity 备受欢迎 ,enjoy v.1.[T]从…获得乐趣2.[T]享有(某事物)




1.enjoy后可加名词或代词、动词的-ing形式表示喜欢某物,后接反身代词(oneself)表示过得愉快、玩得高兴。 2.enjoy后接动词时必须接动词的ing形式,不能接动词原形或动词不定式。


Enjoy在英语中读作[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ],意思是享受;享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;(祝愿时说)玩痛快些,过愉快些,好好欣赏在英语句子中,enjoy可以这么用:1、 But the great masses could not enjoy the pleasure they enjoyed.但是,广大人民群众却没法享受到他们所享受的乐趣。People in this country enjoy a high standard of living.这个国家的人民享有很高的生活水平。2、 By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.总的说来,我在学校很开心。Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!3、 Everyone should enjoy the right of access to the countryside.人人都应享有进入乡村的权利。You know something? I"ve never really enjoyed Christmas.要我告诉你吗?圣诞节我从未真正快乐过。4、 Strange to say, I don"t really enjoy television.说来奇怪,我不大喜欢看电视。How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life?怎么会有人喜欢都市生活的压力呢?5、 The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.上个赛季,这个队伍只取得了中等成绩。I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave.我刚开始玩得起劲我们就得离开了。6、 His familiarity with the language helped him enjoy his stay.他通晓这种语言,所以逗留期间过得很惬意。I enjoy reading very much.我非常喜欢阅读。


英 [ɪn"dʒɔɪ]   美 [ɪn"dʒɔɪ]  释义:v. (动词)欣赏,喜爱享有,享受;利用乐于经历<古>与(女人)性交享受…的乐趣尽情享受例句:用作动词 (v.)Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。They enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.他们享受自己辛勤努力的成果。词组:enjoy over one"s wine 饮酒作乐enjoy to the full 玩得十分痛快enjoy the cool air 喜欢乘凉enjoy the esteem of one"s friends 受到朋友们的尊重


enjoyable加后缀able变形容词,有趣的,令人愉快的 也可以是joyful enjoy是jiy变的 joyful主要形容人


1. 表示“喜欢”“享受”等,其后可接动名词作宾语,但不能是不定式.如: 小孩子喜欢读故事. 误:Children enjoy to read stories. 正:Children enjoy reading stories. 2. 其后接反身代词,表示“过得快活”,与 have a good time同义.如: He enjoyed himself at the party. 他在晚会上玩得很开心. I hope you enjoy yourself this evening. 我希望你今晚过得愉快. 3. enjoy 一般只用作及物动词,所以在通常情况下其后不能没有宾语.如: A:Did you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗? B:Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. 是的,很喜欢 注意:上面答句中的代词 it 不能省略.同样,下面一句的代词 it 也不可省略(注:其后的 when 从句为状语从句而非宾语从句).如: She enjoyed it when he kissed her. 她很喜欢他吻她. enjoy 后不接宾语的唯一例外可能是:在美国口语中,有时单独用 Enjoy! 来表示请对方好好享用.如: Here"s your steak — enjoy! 这是你的牛排,好好享用吧.


enjoy [简明英汉词典] [in5dVCi] vt.享受...的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱


  enjoy表享有,享受; 欣赏的意思,那么你知道enjoy的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了enjoy的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   enjoy的短语:   enjoy oneself(v.+pron.)   过得快活,感到愉快 be happy; experience pleasure   Enjoy yourself! 好好玩吧!   I hope you"ll enjoy yourself.我希望你们能玩得高兴。   It"s about time you cast off that feeling of gloom and began to enjoy yourself.该是你摆脱忧愁的情绪,开始快活的时候了。   同义词辨析:   appreciate, enjoy   这两个动词均含"欣赏"之意。   appreciate :多用于文学方面,强调对事物有深入的理解能力,且能鉴赏。   enjoy :普通用词,使用广泛,程度不及appreciate,多指从外界事物中得到喜悦与满足,领略到乐趣,享受意味强。   have, hold, own, possess, keep, enjoy   这些动词均有"有,具有,持有"之意。   have : 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。   hold : 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。   own不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。   possess : 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。   keep : 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。   enjoy : 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。   like, love, enjoy, fancy, adore, prefer   这些动词都有"喜欢,喜爱"之意。   like : 最常用词,往往只表不太强烈的兴趣或关注,不带强烈的感情,除非另加修饰语。   love : 不但表示强烈的喜欢,而且含依恋之情,因此多用于能激起深厚情感的人或物。   enjoy : 指对能提供感观或智力上满足或快乐的东西表示欣赏或喜爱。   fancy : 指喜爱投合自己心意、嗜好或欲望等的人或物。   adore : 非正式用词,口语体。指非常喜爱,带强烈的感情色彩。   prefer : 指有选择性或偏向性的喜欢。   enjoy的短语例句:   1. I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.   我和别人一样愉快。   2. Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.   男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。   3. I have been a shooter for 16 years and enjoy my sport.   我从事射击运动已经16年了,很喜爱这项运动。   4. There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.   那里有两棵柠檬树,我不禁驻足品味柠檬的芬芳。   5. The average German will enjoy 40 days" paid holiday this year.   今年,德国人将平均享受40天的带薪假期。   6. I enjoy the omnibus edition of Eastenders on Sunday.   我喜欢看《伦敦东区》的周日连播版。   7. Many enjoy the mental stimulation of a challenging job.   很多人喜欢富有挑战性的工作所带来的强烈的精神刺激。   8. I myself enjoy cinema, poetry, eating out and long walks.   我本人喜欢电影、诗歌、外出吃饭和远途散步。   9. "Enter-taining is something that everyone in the country can enjoy," she averred.   “娱乐消遣是每个国民都能享受的事,”她坚定地说。   10. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.   他是个资深议员,其观点受到广泛尊重。   11. Take a well-earned rest and go out and enjoy yourself.   你理应休息一下,出去好好玩玩。   12. Be a little easier on yourself and enjoy yourself more.   对自己别太苛刻,让自己更快乐些。   13. They enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking and playing cards.   他们又是喝酒抽烟,又是打牌,玩得很痛快。   14. I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it.   我也喜欢帆板、网球、短柄墙球、游泳等等,不一而足。   15. I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds.   我喜欢葡萄酒的味道,喜欢品尝不同的口味。


enjoy加动词的ing,即动名词. enjoy doing=have a good time 度过美好时光

enjoy还可以用哪三个词来表示 谢谢 into fond of 三者都有喜爱,喜欢的意思. 用法: I enjoy reading. 同义句: I like reading(like+v-ing) I"m into reading(be+into+v-ing/sth) I"m fond of reading(同into)


enjoy是英语中的常用词,同时也是重点词汇,本篇将详细介绍enjoy的用法及搭配。 用法 1. 表示“喜欢”“享受”等,其后可接动名词作宾语,但不能是不定式。如: 小孩子喜欢读故事。 误:Children enjoy to read stories. 正:Children enjoy reading stories. 2. 其后接反身代词,表示“过得快活”,与have a good time同义。如: He enjoyed himself at the party.他在晚会上玩得很开心。 I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.我希望你今晚过得愉快。 3. enjoy一般只用作及物动词,所以在通常情况下其后不能没有宾语。如: A:Did you enjoy the film?你喜欢这部电影吗? B:Yes, I enjoyed it a lot.是的。 注意:上面答句中的代词it不能省略。同样,下面一句的代词it也不可省略(注:其后的when从句为状语从句而非宾语从句)。如: She enjoyed it when he kissed her.她很喜欢他吻她。 enjoy后不接宾语的唯一例外可能是:在美国口语中,有时单独用Enjoy!来表示请对方好好享用。如: Here"s your steak — enjoy!这是你的牛排,好好享用吧。 搭配 一、enjoy后接名词或代词。 二、enjoy后面可接动词的-ing形式。 三、enjoy后面可接反身代词(oneself),构成固定搭配enjoy oneself,意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴”,相当于have a good time。 四、enjoy后接动词时必须接动词的-ing形式,不能接动词原形或动词不定式(to do)。

enjoy的用法总结 有哪些常见用法

enjoy的基本意思是在感情和理智两方面对占有或使用某事物感到有乐趣和满足,即“以…为享乐”。可以作用于感官(某人享…眼福),也可作用于心灵(玩得愉快)。 enjoy的用法总结 enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。 enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。 enjoy的例句 I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person. 我和别人一样愉快。 I enjoy the omnibus edition of Eastenders on Sunday. 我喜欢看《伦敦东区》的周日连播版。 I have been a shooter for 16 years and enjoy my sport. 我从事射击运动已经16年了,很喜爱这项运动。 There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume. 那里有两棵柠檬树,我不禁驻足品味柠檬的芬芳。




英 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]   美 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] 词汇详解:一、释义v、享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受二、例句:I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment. 我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。三、语法:enjoy someone"s company:喜欢某人的陪伴扩展资料:enjoy近义词:own词汇详解:一、读音英 [əʊn]   美 [oʊn] 二、释义adj./pron、(用于强调)自己的,本人的;自己做的;为自己的v、拥有,有(尤指买来的东西);承认三、语法get your own back (on sb):(informal) 报复




enjoy的意思是:翻译享受…的乐趣,常见释义是:欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活。例句如下:Wish you enjoy this party.祝你在这次聚会玩得愉快。The returning soldiers enjoyeda rousing reception.归来的战士们受到了热烈的欢迎。Children enjoy drinking juice through a straw.孩子喜欢用吸管喝果汁。I enjoy pleasure as much as the next person.我和别人一样愉快。Enjoy the sun between 8 and 9 a.m。多享受早晨8-9点的阳光。I enjoy taking pictures, and I want to continue doing that.我喜欢拍照片 而且我要继续做这一行。Good and inexpensive goods enjoy customers" high praise.价廉物美的商品,深受顾客欢迎。


enjoy[英][ɪn"dʒɔɪ][美][ɛnˈdʒɔɪ]vt.享有,享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活vi.使过得快活第三人称单数: enjoys 过去式: enjoyed 过去分词: enjoyed 现在分词: enjoying双语例句1.His familiarity with the language helped him enjoy his stay.他通晓这种语言,所以逗留期间过得很惬意。2.I hope you enjoy your holiday. Go well!祝你假期玩得愉快。再见!3.These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受了。4.I enjoy socializing with the other students.我喜欢和同学来往。5.We now enjoy these comforts of which formerly we had only heard.我们现在享受到了过去只是听说过的那些舒适条件。


1. 表示“喜欢”“享受”等,其后可接动名词作宾语,但不能是不定式。如:小孩子喜欢读故事。误:Children enjoy to read stories.正:Children enjoy reading stories.2. 其后接反身代词,表示“过得快活”,与 have a good time同义。如:He enjoyed himself at the party. 他在晚会上玩得很开心。I hope you enjoy yourself this evening. 我希望你今晚过得愉快。3. enjoy 一般只用作及物动词,所以在通常情况下其后不能没有宾语。如:A:Did you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗?B:Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. 是的,很喜欢注意:上面答句中的代词 it 不能省略。同样,下面一句的代词 it 也不可省略(注:其后的 when 从句为状语从句而非宾语从句)。如:She enjoyed it when he kissed her. 她很喜欢他吻她。enjoy 后不接宾语的唯一例外可能是:在美国口语中,有时单独用 Enjoy! 来表示请对方好好享用。如:Here"s your steak — enjoy! 这是你的牛排,好好享用吧。






enjoy的形容词:enjoyable英 [ɪn"dʒɒɪəb(ə)l; en-]美 [ɪn"dʒɔɪəbl]adj. 快乐的;有乐趣的;令人愉快的   

enjoy怎么读 它是怎么使用的

1、读[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ],enjoy,英文单词,动词,作动词时意为“欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活”。 2、enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 3、enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。 4、enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。




enjoy 英[ɪn"dʒɔɪ] 美[ɛnˈdʒɔɪ] vt. 享有,享受;欣赏;喜欢;使过得快活 vi. 使过得快活 第三人称单数:enjoys;过去分词:enjoyed;现在分词:enjoying;过去式:... [例句]• Do you enjoy your work?•你喜欢自己的工作吗?


enjoy是享受、喜欢的意思。enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。enjoy后可接名词,代词,反身代词或动名词,但不能接不定式。 enjoy造句: 1、I hope you enjoy. 2、Lastly, enjoy the process. 3、I really enjoy swimming. 4、Some people enjoy using incense. 5、Do you enjoy this dish? 6、Did you enjoy this post? 7、What did you most enjoy? 8、Jake: Well, I enjoy reporting. 9、Nothing splendid, we just enjoy being together. 10、I enjoy working in a coffeehouse. 11、I enjoy the book very much. 12、The agriculture accounts can enjoy dividend policy. 13、Ts enjoy ourselves and damn the consequences. 14、We enjoy talking about how to build our future! 15、Those who enjoy this kind of humour reek of madness.


enjoy读作英 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]、美 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]。词汇详解:一、释义v、享受xx的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受。二、语法:enjoy someone"s company:喜欢某人的陪伴。enjoy的双语例句如下:1、Enjoy what you do.享受你做的事情。2、I enjoy them all.我都喜欢它们。3、Which I enjoy!这个我喜欢!


enjoy读[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]。词汇详解:一、释义v、享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受。二、例句:I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment. 我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。三、语法:enjoy someone"s company:喜欢某人的陪伴。enjoy近义词:own词汇详解:一、读音英 [əʊn]   美 [oʊn] 二、释义adj./pron、(用于强调)自己的,本人的;自己做的;为自己的。v、拥有,有(尤指买来的东西);承认。三、语法get your own back (on sb):(informal) 报复。

急求JAMES JOYCE(乔伊斯)的英文简介(英汉对照)

James Joyce was born in Dublin as the son of John Stanislaus Joyce, impoverished gentleman, who had failed in a distillery business and tried all kinds of professions, including politics and tax collecting. Joyce"s mother, Mary Jane Murray, was ten years younger than her husband. She was an accomplished pianist, whose life was dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and her husband. In spite of the poverty, the family struggled to maintain solid middle-class facade.From the age of six Joyce, was educated by Jesuits at Clongowes Wood College, at Clane, and then at Belvedere College in Dublin (1893-97). Later the author thanked Jesuits for teaching him to think straight, although he rejected their religious instructions. At school he once broke his glasses and was unable to do his lessons. This episode was recounted in A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN (1916). In 1898 he entered the University College, Dublin, where he found his early inspirations from the works of Henrik Ibsen, St.Thomas Aquinas and W.B. Yeats. Joyce"s first publication was an essay on Ibsen"s play When We Dead Awaken. It appeared in Fortnightly Review in 1900. At this time he began writing lyric poems. After graduation in 1902 the twenty-year-old Joyce went to Paris, where he worked as a journalist, teacher and in other occupations in difficult financial conditions. He spent in France a year, returning when a telegram arrived saying his mother was dying. Not long after her death, Joyce was traveling again. He left Dublin in 1904 with Nora Barnacle, a chambermaid (they married in 1931), staying in Pola, Austria-Hungary, and in Trieste, which was the world"s seventh busiest port. Joyce gave English lessons and talked about setting up an agency to sell Irish tweed. Refused a post teaching Italian literature in Dublin, he continued to live abroad.The Trieste years were nomadic, poverty-stricken, and productive. Joyce and Nora loved this cosmopolitan port city at the head of the Adriatic Sea, where they lived in a number of different addresses. During this period Joyce wrote most of DUBLINERS (1914), all of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the play, EXILES (1918), and large sections of Ulysses. Several of Joyce"s siblings joined them, and two children, Giorgio and Lucia, were born. The children grew up speakin the Trieste dialect of Italian. Joyce and Nora stayed together althoug Joyce fell in love with Anny Schleimer, the daughter of an Austrian banker, and Roberto Prezioso, the editor of the newspaper Il Piccolo della Sera, tried to seduce Nora. After a short stint in Rome in 1906-07 as a bank clerk ended in illness, Joyce returned to Trieste. In 1907 Joyce published a collection of poems, CHAMBER MUSIC. The title was suggested, as the author later stated, by the sound of urine tinkling into a prostitute"s chamber pot. The poems have with their open vowels and repetitions such musical quality that many of them have been made into songs. "I have left my book, / I have left my room, / For I heard you singing / Through the gloom." Joyce himself had a fine tenor voice; he liked opera and bel canto. In 1909 Joyce opened a cinema in Dublin, but this affair failed and he was soon back in Trieste, still broke and working as a teacher, tweed salesman, journalist and lecturer. In 1912 he was in Ireland, trying to persuade Maunsel & Co to fulfill their contract to publish Dubliners. The work contained a series of short stories, dealing with the lives of ordinary people, youth, adolescence, young adulthood, and maturity. The last story, "The Dead", was adapted into screen by John Huston in 1987. It was Joyce"s last journey to his home country. However, he had became friends with Ezra Pound, who began to market his works. In 1916 appeared Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an autobiographical novel. It apparently began as a quasi-biographical memoir entitled Stephen Hero between 1904 and 1906. Only a fragment of the original manuscript has survived. The book follows the life of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus, from childhood towards maturity, his education at University College, Dublin, and rebellion to free himself from the claims of family and Irish nationalism. Stephen takes religion seriously, and considers entering a seminary, but then also rejects Roman Catholicism. "-Look here, Cranly, he said. You have asked me what I would do and what I would not do. I will tell you what I will do and what I will not do. I will not serve that in which I no longer believe, whether it call itself my home, my fatherland, or my church: and I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using my defence the only arms I allow myself to use - silence, exile, and cunning." At the end Stephen resolves to leave Ireland for Paris to encounter "the reality of experience". He wants to establish himself as a writer. There once was a lounger named Stephen Whose youth was most odd and uneven --He throve on the smell --Of a horrible hell That a Hottentot wouldn"t believe in. (Joyce"s limerick on the book"s protagonist) At the outset of the First World War, Joyce moved with his family to Zürich, where Lenin and the poet essayist Tristan Tzara had found their refuge. Joyce"s WW I years with the legendary Russian revolutionary and Tzara, who founded the dadaist movement at the Cabaret Voltaire, provide the basis for Tom Stoppard"s play Travesties (1974).In Zürich Joyce started to develop the early chapters of Ulysses, which was first published in France, because of censorship troubles in the Great Britain and the United States, where the book became legally available 1933. The theme of jealousy was based partly on a story a former friend of Joyce told: he claimed that he had been sexually intimate with the author"s wife, Nora, even while Joyce was courting her. Ulysses takes place on one day in Dublin (June 16, 1904) and reflected the classic work of Homer (fl. 9th or 8th century BC?). The main characters are Leopold Bloom, a Jewish advertising canvasser, his wife Molly, and Stephen Dedalus, the hero from Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. They are intended to be modern counterparts of Telemachus, Ulysses, and Penelope. Barmaids are the famous Sirens. One of the models for Bloom was Ettore Schmitz (Italo Svevo), a novelist and businessman who was Joyce"s student at the Berlitz school in Trieste. The story, using stream-of-consciousness technique, parallel the major events in Odysseus" journey home. However, Bloom"s adventures are less heroic and his homecoming is less violent. Bloom makes his trip to the underworld by attending a funeral at Glasnevin Cemetary. "We are praying now for the repose of his soul. Hoping you"re well and not in hell. Nice change of air. Out of the fryingpan of life into the fire of purgatory." The paths of Stephen and Bloom cross and recross through the day. Joyce"s technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the mythology, history, and literature. From 1917 to 1930 Joyce endured several eye operations, being totally blind for short intervals. (According to tradition, Homer was also blind.) In March 1923 Joyce started in Paris his second major work, Finnegans Wake, suffering at the same time chronic eye troubles caused by glaucoma. The first segment of the novel appeared in Ford Madox Ford"s transatlantic review in April 1924, as part of what Joyce called Work in Progress. Wake occupied Joyce"s time for the next sixteen years - its final version was completed late in 1938. A copy of the novel was present at Joyce"s birthday celebration on February 1939. Joyce"s daughter Lucia, born in Trieste in 1907, became Carl Jung"s patient in 1934. In her teens, she studied dance, and later The Paris Times praised her skills as choreocrapher, linguist, and performer. With her father she collaborated in POMES PENYEACH (1927), for which she did some illustrations. Lucia"s great love was Samuel Beckett, who was not interested in her. In the 1930s, she started to behave erratically. At the Burghölz psychiatric clinic in Zurich, where Jung worked, she was diagnosed schizophrenic. Joyce was left bitter at Jung"s analysis of his daughter - Jung thought she was too close with her father"s psychic system. In revenge, Joyce played in Finnegans Wake with Jung"s concepts of Animus and Anima. Lucia died in a mental hospital in Northampton, England, in 1982.After the fall of France in WWII, Joyce returned to Zürich, where he died on January 13, 1941, still disappointed with the reception of Finnegans Wake. The book was partly based on Freud"s dream psychology, Bruno"s theory of the complementary but conflicting nature of opposites, and the cyclic theory of history of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744).乔伊斯出生于都柏林的儿子约翰stanislaus乔伊斯,贫穷的绅士, 如未能在酒厂的业务和尝试各种专业领域,包括政治和收税. 乔伊斯的母亲Mary Jane利,是10岁,比她的丈夫. 她是一位出色的钢琴家,他的生命是由罗马天主教会和她的丈夫. 尽管贫困的家庭竭力维持坚实的中产阶级的门面. 从6岁开始乔伊斯,于一九四三年由耶稣clongowes木学院, clane , 然后在丽高校在都柏林( 1893-97 ) . 稍后撰文感谢耶稣教他直认为,尽管他拒绝接受他们的宗教指令. 在学校,他曾一度打断了他的眼镜,而无法做他的教训. 这段叙述一个艺术家的画像作为一个年轻人( 1916 ) . 1898年他进入大学,都柏林 在那里他发现他的早期启示的作品易卜生,托马斯阿奎那和w.b. 耶茨. 乔伊斯的第一出版物是一篇关于易卜生发挥我们在睡梦中死亡. 看来,雷震在回顾1900年. 在这个时候,他开始写作抒情诗. 毕业后,于1902年21岁的乔伊斯前往巴黎,他在那里工作,作为记者, 教师和其他行业的财政困难的条件. 他花了在法国的一年,回国时抵达贺电说,母亲是奄奄一息. 不久后她去世,乔伊斯趟. 他离开都柏林在1904年与诺拉barnacle ,一位女服务员(已婚,他们在1931年) ,留在波拉,奥匈帝国, 而在的里雅斯特,这是世界上第七繁忙的港口. 乔伊斯发表英文教训,畅谈了成立一个机构,以出售爱尔兰花呢. 拒绝后的教学意大利文学在都柏林举行,但他仍然住在国外. 的里雅斯特年,是游牧,生活贫困,并富有成效. 乔伊斯与诺拉爱这个国际性港口城市为龙头的亚得里亚海, 当他们住在许多不同的地址. 在此期间乔伊斯写道大部分dubliners ( 1914 ) , 所有艺术家的画像作为一个年轻人,这部戏,流亡者( 1918 ) , 而大部份尤利西斯. 几个乔伊斯的兄弟姐妹们一起,和两个孩子, giorgio和鲁西亚,出生. 孩子长大speakin雅斯特方言的意大利人. 乔伊斯和诺拉在一起althoug乔伊斯爱上anny schleimer ,女儿是奥地利银行家 罗伯托prezioso ,报纸的编辑il piccolo della sera ,试图诱引诺拉. 经过短暂stint在罗马1906-07作为银行秘书名额疾病,乔伊斯返回雅斯特. 1907年乔伊斯出版了诗集,室内乐. 标题与会者建议,如作者事后表示,以健全的尿液玲玲变成妓女的便器. 诗与他们公开元音和重复这样的音乐素质,很多人已制成 歌曲. "我离开我的书, /我离开我的房间, /我听到你唱歌/透过阴郁. " 乔伊斯本人已被罚款男高音的声音; 他喜欢歌剧和美声唱法. 1909年乔伊斯开辟了电影院在都柏林举行,但这次事件失败了,他很快又回到里雅斯特 还打破和工作作为一名教师,花呢推销员,记者和讲师. 1912年,他在爱尔兰,试图说服maunsel有限公司履行合同出版都柏林. 工作包含一系列的短篇小说,对付普通百姓的生命,青年,少年,青壮年, 和成熟. 最后的故事中, "死" ,被改编屏幕由约翰休斯顿在1987年. 据乔伊斯的最后旅程,他的母国. 但是,他已经成了朋友,与庞德,他们开始向市场的作品. 在1916年出现了艺术家的画像作为一个年轻人,一本自传小说. 它显然一开始是一个半传记回忆文章斯蒂芬英雄, 1904年至1906年. 只是一个片段的原始手稿已经成活. 这本书采用生活中的主角,斯蒂芬dedalus ,从童年走向成熟,他的学历在大学学院 都柏林,与反抗摆脱债权家人和爱尔兰民族主义. 斯蒂芬以宗教的重视,认为进入一个福音,但也拒绝接受罗马天主教. "看看这里, cranly , 他说. 你问我什么我做什么,我不会做. 我会告诉你 我会做什么,我不会做的. 我不会说,我不再 相信,不论它自称是我的家,我的祖国,我的教会: 我将设法用语言来表达自己的某种方式的生命或艺术的自由,我可以和 作为全我所能,用我的辩护唯一的武器,我让自己使用-沉默,流放, 狡诈. " 在结束斯蒂芬决心离开爱尔兰前往法国巴黎,遇到"现实的经验" . 他是要建立自己作为一个作家. 从前有一个椅名叫斯蒂芬的青年是最奇怪不平衡-- throve他对气味-- 恐怖的地狱, hottentot不会相信吋(乔伊斯的打油诗对本书的主角)下午开始的 第一次世界大战期间,乔伊斯举家搬迁到苏黎世, 在列宁与诗人散文家特里斯坦文库已经找到了救星. 乔伊斯第一次世界大战几年传奇的俄国革命和文库, 创办者是达达运动在歌厅伏尔泰,提供了依据,为汤姆斯托帕德游戏travesties ( 1974年) . 在苏黎世的乔伊斯开始发展初章尤利西斯,这是首次在法国出版, 因为检查的麻烦,在英国和美国,这本书成为法律许可的1933年. 主题嫉妒是部分基于第一个故事,前一个朋友告诉乔伊斯: 他声称,他曾遭到性亲密与作者的妻子,诺拉,尽管乔伊斯是尊王她. 尤利西斯发生的前一天,在都柏林举行( 1916年6月, 1904年) ,反映了典型的工作荷马( fl.第九或第八世纪公元前? ) . 主要特点是布卢姆是一个犹太人广告助选,他的妻子莫莉,斯蒂芬dedalus , 英雄从艺术家的画像作为一个年轻人. 他们的本意是现代对口telemachus ,尤利西斯, penelope . barmaids是著名的警报器. 一个模式供坯实业schmitz ( italo svevo ) 小说家和商人,被乔伊斯的学生在校berlitz雅斯特. 这个故事,用意识流技术,并行的重大事件奥德修斯的归途. 不过,布鲁姆的冒险少英雄和他的同学是暴力较少. 布鲁姆使得他这次来的黑道出席了葬礼在glasnevin坟场. "我们现在祈祷,为他的灵魂. 希望你和没有地狱. 尼斯变化 空气. 出的fryingpan的生命之火的炼狱. " 山径斯蒂芬和Bloom十字架recross通过一天. 乔伊斯的技术创新,在艺术的小说,包括了广泛使用的内心独白; 他用一个复杂的网络符号parallels来自神话,历史和文学. 从1917年至1930年乔伊斯经历了几次眼部手术在内双目失明为短区间. (根据传统,荷马也是盲人) . 在1923年3月开始,乔伊斯在巴黎他的第二项主要工作, 芬尼根守灵,痛苦的同时慢性眼部麻烦,造成青光眼. 第一部分小说出现在福特madox福特的大西洋审查,在1924年4月, 作为乔伊斯什么所谓的工作进度. 继占领乔伊斯的时间,未来16年,其最后文本的完成,晚于1938年. 一份新颖出席乔伊斯的生日庆典1939年2月. 乔伊斯的女儿露西亚,出生在的里雅斯特1907年,成了荣格的病人在1934年. 在她十几岁,她学习舞蹈,后来在巴黎时报称赞她的技巧作为choreocrapher ,语言学家和表演. 与父亲同她合谋pomes penyeach ( 1927年) ,为她做了一些插图. 露西亚的大爱是贝克特,谁不关心她. 早在三十年代,她开始表现不寻常. 在burghölz精神科诊所,在苏黎世荣格那里工作,她被确诊患有精神分裂症. 乔伊斯留下惨痛在榕的分析,他的女儿荣认为她太接近她的父亲 psychic制度. 为了报复,乔伊斯发挥芬尼根守灵与荣格的概念和animus anima . 卢死在精神病院诺坦普敦,英格兰在1982年. 垮台后的法国,在二战期间,乔伊斯返回苏黎世,在那里他死于1941年1月13日, 还是失望接待芬尼根守灵. 这本书部分基于弗洛伊德梦心理学,布鲁诺的理论上的互补性,但矛盾的性质的对立, 和循环论历史维柯( 1668-1744


最好记一下( 46


  joy和joke有的关系:  1)joy 强调欢乐  [英][dʒɔɪ][美][dʒɔɪ]  n.喜悦,快乐,高兴; 令人高兴的事(或人); 成功; 好运;  vi.因…而高兴;  vt.高兴,使快乐;  Life is infinite creative joy.  生命是无限的创作喜悦。  Has your life brought joy to others?  你有没有为他人带去快乐呢?  Have you found joy in your life?  你找到生命的乐趣了吗?  2)joke强调玩笑性质  [英][dʒəʊk][美][dʒoʊk]  n.笑话,玩笑; 笑柄,笑料;  vt.& vi.开玩笑; 戏弄; 闹着玩; 说着玩;  You know that joke you told me last week?  你知道你上星期告诉我的笑话吗?  Do you think this is a joke?  你以为这是在开玩笑吗?



enjoy ourself 翻译?


为什么是 We enjoyed ourselves,而不是 We enjoyed ourself


to enjoy ourself

Hawaii is a good place to enjoy (enjoy) ourself Disneyland is a good place to have (have) fun 句意:夏威夷是一个休闲的好地方,迪士尼是一个让自己快乐的地方. 多谢!

enjoy ourselves 和enjoy ourself哪个是对的


英语作文《enjoy myself》50词

As it is the winter holiday,I got up at 9 o"clock.As being a student means get up early and go to bed late,I felt happy and satisfied to have an adequate sleep.Then,I went to book shop with my best friend.We selected the suitable books to prepare for our new term in order to ensure that we can get a better result.After finishing buying books,we went to McDonald to have lunch.We chatted and laughed ,both of us had a good time today.I enjoy myself today.

英语Who else enjoys surprising怎么翻译?

Who else enjoys surprising可以翻译为“还有谁喜欢惊喜。”重点单词:surprising:英 [səˈpraɪzɪŋ]  美 [sərˈpraɪzɪŋ] adj. 令人惊讶的,出人意料的v. 使(某人)吃惊;意外发现,当场抓获,突然袭击;给……惊喜,使喜出望外(surprise 的现在分词)词形变换:比较级 more surprisin; 最高级 most surprising 相关短语:The Surprising Gifts 第二章Surprising Swords 奇妙的刀Language is not surprising 语不惊人双语例句:Surprising, all the children held hands and ran together. 令人惊讶的是,所有的孩子都手拉手一起跑。They discovered some surprising similarities between them. 他们发现它们之间有一些惊人的相似之处。The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising. 汉语受欢迎程度的增加令人惊讶。

enjoy in affluence怎么用?

Because of the rising income, people enjoy in affluence.

Be JOYFUL in hope, PATIENT in affliction, FAITHFUL in prayer翻译下

对希望开心 对折磨耐心 对祷告诚心


enjoy的使用方法:一、enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。They enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.他们享受自己辛勤努力的成果。二、enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。三、enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。四、enjoy后可接名词,代词,反身代词或动名词,但不能接不定式。I enjoy hunting. 我很享受打猎。五、一般来说,enjoy作为及物动词,后总是会带有一个宾语,当我们要表示“玩的很愉快”时,可用enjoy oneself。扩展资料enjoy的近义词有banquet , feast。一、feast英 [fiːst]  美 [fist] vt. 享受;款待,宴请n. 筵席,宴会;节日vi. 享受;参加宴会1、Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.午餐是一场盛宴,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶和水果,以及不限量的葡萄酒。2、The fruit was often served at wedding feasts.婚宴上常有水果供应。二、banquet英 ["bæŋkwɪt]  美 ["bæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会,盛宴;宴请,款待vt. 宴请,设宴款待vi. 参加宴会n. (Banquet)人名;(法)邦凯;(西)班克特1、She ushered at the banquet. 她在宴会上作招待员。2、They commemorated their victories with a grand banquet. 他们举行盛大宴会庆祝胜利。

Friends coming from afar so it is a joy for me.

Friends coming from afar so it is a joy for me.朋友们从远方来,这对我来说是一种快乐。(有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。)Friends coming from afar是短语,使用coming from是动名词,不是一个完整的句子。coming有着朋友正在到来的状态和意思。



enjoy和oneself 这两个词哪个是反身代词?


enjoy和have a good time的用法


arrive, visit,enjoy,pass,take的用法


enjoy和like的用法一样吗 后面都是加doing sth 或to do sth ?它们是什么意思?


enjoy by的用法 Now it is enjoyed by people all over

be enjoyed by somebody,是被动用法,被某人享受。翻译:现在它被全世界人民享受。(现在全世界人民都享受着它。)

like和enjoy和love的区别 、

一、侧重点不同enjoy在意义上侧重于“享受某种乐趣”like意为“喜欢、喜爱”,是一般用语,主要是指对某人或某物产生好感或发生兴趣,不带有感情色彩。love表示“爱、热爱、爱戴”,有强烈的感情,相当于like…verymuch,侧重于对祖国及较亲近的人的深厚感情。在口语中它往往又指一般的喜爱,这时与like的意思相近,可以互换。1、Ross had always enjoyed the company of women 罗斯总是喜欢有女人陪伴。2、I"d like nothing better than to join you girls 我最喜欢和你们女孩子在一起了。3、Ilove/liketakingalongwalkinthemorning.我喜欢早晨长距离散步。二、后面所接词不同enjoy后接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。enjoy还可以与反身代词连用,即“enjoyoneself”,表示“玩得很高兴”(=haveagoodtime)like后面可接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语。love后面也可以接名词、动名词或动词不定式。1、Howdidyouenjoytheconcert?你喜欢那场音乐会吗?2、Ilikethewayyou"vehadyourhairdone.我喜欢你这个发式。3、Helovestotalkabouthimself.他喜欢谈论自己。三、读音不同enjoy:英[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] 美[ɛnˈdʒɔɪ] like:英[laɪk] 美[laɪk] love:英[lʌv] 美[lʌv]扩展资料同义词:一、prefer意为“(比较)喜欢、宁愿”,相当于like…better,它的“喜欢”是带有选择性的,是在比较的情况下选择出来的,其后接名词、代词、动名词或不定式。I prefer goingbybike. 我宁愿骑车去。prefer常用于prefer…to… 结构中,意为“喜欢……而不喜欢……、宁愿……而不……”,其中to是介词,prefer与to后都接名词或动名词。二、adore英[əˈdɔ:(r)] 美[əˈdɔr,əˈdor] vt.崇拜;爱慕;非常喜欢;敬佩vi.崇拜;爱慕Sheadoresworkingwithchildren.她热爱为儿童工作。

英语里有 enjoy oneself doing sth的用法么?是什么意思?

enjoy oneself 过得快乐 [1] 可以单独使用 Did you enjoy yourself of the party? 你在宴会上愉快吗? One can"t enjoy oneself if one / he is too tired. "一个人如果太疲倦,就不能尽情享受。" [2] enjoy oneself doing sth She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for. "她开心地迫使这位售货员几乎把橱窗内所有的东西都拿出来看看,最后才买下她最初要看的那件衣服。"

“enjoy doing” 与“enjoy to do"的区别是什么?

enjoy常用作及物动词,意思是“喜欢” 、“乐于” 、“享受……的乐趣” .例句:Do you enjoy the film?你喜欢这部电影吗?enjoy后面可接动词的-ing形式的例句:Do you enjoy reading?你喜欢读书吗?enjoy后接动词时必须接动词的 -ing形式,不能接动词原形或动词不定式(to do)的例句:He enjoys playing football.他喜欢踢足球.

enjoy oneself的用法与搭配

enjoy oneself的用法与搭配:enjoy oneself doing sth.玩得开心,过得愉快。 或者说enjoy oneself in doing sth.意思一样,但in可以省略。 enjoy oneself 自我欣赏,自娱;玩得痛快,过得愉快。 扩展资料   “enjoy oneself”可单独使用,表示请自便,玩的开心,相当于have a good、have fun。   1、Whatever guest is natural metropolis be reluctant to part, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave.   无论什么客人自然都会依依不舍、流连忘返了。   2、Lose an opportunity to benefit from sth or enjoy oneself.   失去获得利益或获得乐趣的`机会。   "enjoy oneself doing sth"表示做某件事情非常的开心,陶醉于做某事,侧重于表现在“做什么”。   enjoy v.[T]从…获得乐趣;[T]享有(某事物)   oneself pron.(one的反身形式)(one作动词的主语时,oneself作动词或介词的宾语)自己;自身;(用以强调one)亲自;自己

enjoy oneself的用法

玩的高兴的意思enjoy oneself to the full 尽兴
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