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My Jolly Sailor Bold 水手之歌 哪位大侠能把翻译后的歌词给贴下 3Q 最好有中文唱的 给个地址 谢谢

MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD我那快乐勇敢的水手Upon one summer"s morning, I carefully did stray,一个夏日清晨,我小心的踱着步子Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay,在Wapping(建于18世纪伦敦城的一处堡垒)墙下,我遇到一个快乐的水手Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem"d to be in pain,与他交谈的可爱女子,看来似乎很伤心Saying, William, when you go, I fear you will ne"er return again.她说威廉啊,你这一走,恐怕永远也不回来了His hair it does in ringlets hang, his eyes as black as soles, (soundtrack中改为his hair hangs in ringlets...)他的头发自然卷曲,他的眼睛乌黑深邃My happiness attend him wherever he goes,无论他走到哪里,我都快乐相随From Tower Hill, down to Blackwall, I will wander, weep and moan,从Tower Hill到Blackwall(两地均属古伦敦城),我将一路游荡,带着眼泪和惆怅All for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return.都只为我那快乐勇敢的水手,直到他归来那天My father is a merchant — the truth I will now tell,我现在就道出原委——我的父亲是个商人And in great London City in opulence doth dwell,现居于大伦敦城中,殷实富庶His fortune doth exceed u20a4300,000 in gold,他的家财多过30万镑金两And he frowns upon his daughter, ‘cause she loves a sailor bold.而女儿是他的心病,因为她爱上个穷水手A fig for his riches, his merchandize, and gold,不在乎那些富有、家产和金币True love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold:真爱深印我心,我只要那个勇敢的水手Should he return in poverty, from o"er the ocean far,即便他航行迢迢千里,归来仍一贫如洗To my tender bosom, I"ll fondly press my jolly tar.我依然敞开温柔的怀抱,深情地拥抱我快乐的水手(tar义指水手)My sailor is as smiling as the pleasant month of May,我的水手微笑着,正似美妙的五月一般晴朗And oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway,我们经常漫步在Ratcliffe大道上Where many a pretty blooming girl we happy did behold,那里有许多年轻美丽的女孩儿Reclining on the bosom of her jolly sailor bold.依偎在属于她们的快乐勇敢的水手怀中My name it is Maria, a merchant"s daughter fair,我的名字是Maria,一名商人的女儿And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year,我已经离开父母,抛弃了一年3000镑的富足生活Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be来吧,美丽的金发女孩,不管你是谁Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea,爱上了投身汹涌大海的快乐勇敢水手While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn,每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨,都为远去的他担忧揪心And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return.又在心中坚定地祈祷,总有一天他会平安归家My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,我的心被爱神之箭射中,金钱在我眼中皆如粪土There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold没有什么能带给我安慰,除了我那快乐勇敢的水手没有用中文唱的。

my jolly sailor bold,翻译成中文是什么意思

My Jolly Sailor Bold

JOLLY BEAN注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

JOLLY BEAN商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JOLLY BEAN还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

the jolly butcher 歌词

歌曲名:the jolly butcher歌手:Great Big Sea专辑:upOh won"t you come along with me loveCome along with me!Come for one night and be my wifeAnd come along with meWell it is of the jolly butcher as you might plainly seeAs he roved out one morning in search of companyHe went into a tavern and a fair girl he did seeAh come for one night, be my wife, oh come along with meHe called for liquor of the bestAnd he makes such fortune playCome have a drink, it will make us thinkThat it is our wedding dayWell he called for a candle to light their way to bedAnd when he had her in the room these words to her he said,"A sovereign I will give to you, for to embrace your charmsAnd all that night, that fair young maid, lied in the butchers" armsOh, Early the next morning be sure it went his wayHe looked unto that fair young maid and unto her did say,"That sovereign that I gave to you, do not think me strange,Well that sovereign that I gave to you will you give me back me change!"Well about a 12 months later he roved out once moreAnd he went into the tavern where he"d often been beforeHe wasn"t in there very long when his fair maid he did seeAnd she brought forth a baby three months old and placed it on his kneeWhen he saw the baby, he began to curse and swearAnd he said unto that fair young maid, "Why did you bring him here?!""Well he is your own, kind sir", she said, "Do not think me strange,Well that sovereign that you gave to me, I gives you back your change!!"

my jolly sailor bold的歌词

我那快乐勇敢的水手Upon one summer"s morning, I carefully did stray,一个夏日清晨,我小心的踱着步子Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay,在Wapping(建于18世纪伦敦城的一处堡垒)墙下,我遇到一个快乐的水手Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem"d to be in pain,与他交谈的可爱女子,看来似乎很伤心Saying, William, when you go, I fear you will ne"er return again.她说威廉啊,你这一走,恐怕永远也不回来了His hair it does in ringlets hang, his eyes as black as soles, (soundtrack中改为his hair hangs in ringlets...)他的头发自然卷曲,他的眼睛乌黑深邃My happiness attend him wherever he goes,无论他走到哪里,我都快乐相随From Tower Hill, down to Blackwall, I will wander, weep and moan,从Tower Hill到Blackwall(两地均属古伦敦城),我将一路游荡,带着眼泪和惆怅All for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return.都只为我那快乐勇敢的水手,直到他归来那天My father is a merchant — the truth I will now tell,我现在就道出原委——我的父亲是个商人And in great London City in opulence doth dwell,现居于大伦敦城中,殷实富庶His fortune doth exceed 300,000 in gold,他的家财多过30万镑金两And he frowns upon his daughter, ‘cause she loves a sailor bold.而女儿是他的心病,因为她爱上个穷水手A fig for his riches, his merchandize, and gold,不在乎那些富有、家产和金币True love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold:真爱深印我心,我只要那个勇敢的水手Should he return in poverty, from o"er the ocean far,即便他航行迢迢千里,归来仍一贫如洗To my tender bosom, I"ll fondly press my jolly tar.我依然敞开温柔的怀抱,深情地拥抱我快乐的水手(tar义指水手)My sailor is as smiling as the pleasant month of May,我的水手微笑着,正似美妙的五月一般晴朗And oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway,我们经常漫步在Ratcliffe大道上Where many a pretty blooming girl we did behold,那里有许多年轻美丽的女孩儿Reclining on the bosom of her jolly sailor bold.依偎在属于她们的快乐勇敢的水手怀中My name it is Maria, a merchant"s daughter fair,我的名字是Maria,一名商人的女儿And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year,我已经离开父母,抛弃了一年3000镑的富足生活Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be来吧,美丽的金发女孩,不管你是谁Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea,爱上了投身汹涌大海的快乐勇敢水手While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn,每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨,都为远去的他担忧揪心And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return.又在心中坚定地祈祷,总有一天他会平安归家My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,我的心被爱神之箭射中,金钱在我眼中皆如粪土There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold没有什么能带给我安慰,除了我那快乐勇敢的水手

My Jolly Sailor Bold的歌词

My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold. Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea. My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold. My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold 原曲歌词 Upon one summer"s morning, I carefully did stray, Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay, Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem"d to be in pain, Saying, William, when you go, I fear you will ne"er return again. His hair it does in ringlets hang, his eyes as black as soles, My happiness attend him wherever he goes, From Tower Hill, down to Blackwall, I will wander, weep and moan, All for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return. My father is a merchant — the truth I will now tell, And in great London City in opulence doth dwell, His fortune doth exceed ₤300,000 in gold, And he frowns upon his daughter, ‘cause she loves a sailor bold. A fig for his riches, his merchandize, and gold, True love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold: Should he return in poverty, from o"er the ocean far, To my tender bosom, I"ll fondly press my jolly tar. My sailor is as smiling as the pleasant month of May, And oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway, Where many a pretty blooming girl we happy did behold, Reclining on the bosom of her jolly sailor bold. Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea, While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn, And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return. My name it is Maria, a merchant"s daughter fair, And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year, My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.


如果不拉稀 应该就没什么问题吧。

迈赫迪vario home和MAZZER SUPER JOLLY哪个好用




Here are the seasons to be jolly 为话题展开的3分钟的英文对话


求my jolly sailor bold完整版,和清唱版,最后能有歌词~~~~

歌曲原唱是Hans Zimmer,电影中女演员Gemma Ward饰演的美人鱼翻唱了其中一部分,与电影情节十分契合。以下是我自己翻译的整首歌词。MY JOLLY SAILOR BOLD我那快乐勇敢的水手Upon one summer"s morning, I carefully did stray,一个夏日清晨,我小心的踱着步子Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay,在Wapping(建于18世纪伦敦城的一处堡垒)墙下,我遇到一个快乐的水手Conversing with a bouncing lass, who seem"d to be in pain,与他交谈的可爱女子,看来似乎很伤心Saying, William, when you go, I fear you will ne"er return again.她说威廉啊,你这一走,恐怕永远也不回来了His hair it does in ringlets hang, his eyes as black as soles, (soundtrack中改为his hair hangs in ringlets...)他的头发自然卷曲,他的眼睛乌黑深邃My happiness attend him wherever he goes,无论他走到哪里,我都快乐相随From Tower Hill, down to Blackwall, I will wander, weep and moan,从Tower Hill到Blackwall(两地均属古伦敦城),我将一路游荡,带着眼泪和惆怅All for my jolly sailor bold, until he does return.都只为我那快乐勇敢的水手,直到他归来那天My father is a merchant — the truth I will now tell,我现在就道出原委——我的父亲是个商人And in great London City in opulence doth dwell,现居于大伦敦城中,殷实富庶His fortune doth exceed u20a4300,000 in gold,他的家财多过30万镑金两And he frowns upon his daughter, ‘cause she loves a sailor bold.而女儿是他的心病,因为她爱上个穷水手A fig for his riches, his merchandize, and gold,不在乎那些富有、家产和金币True love is grafted in my heart; give me my sailor bold:真爱深印我心,我只要那个勇敢的水手Should he return in poverty, from o"er the ocean far,即便他航行迢迢千里,归来仍一贫如洗To my tender bosom, I"ll fondly press my jolly tar.我依然敞开温柔的怀抱,深情地拥抱我快乐的水手(tar义指水手)My sailor is as smiling as the pleasant month of May,我的水手微笑着,正似美妙的五月一般晴朗And oft we have wandered through Ratcliffe Highway,我们经常漫步在Ratcliffe大道上Where many a pretty blooming girl we happy did behold,那里有许多年轻美丽的女孩儿Reclining on the bosom of her jolly sailor bold.依偎在属于她们的快乐勇敢的水手怀中My name it is Maria, a merchant"s daughter fair,我的名字是Maria,一名商人的女儿And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year,我已经离开父母,抛弃了一年3000镑的富足生活Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be来吧,美丽的金发女孩,不管你是谁Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea,爱上了投身汹涌大海的快乐勇敢水手While up aloft, in storm or gale, from me his absence mourn,每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨,都为远去的他担忧揪心And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return.又在心中坚定地祈祷,总有一天他会平安归家My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,我的心被爱神之箭射中,金钱在我眼中皆如粪土There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold没有什么能带给我安慰,除了我那快乐勇敢的水手


Jolley ["du0292u0254li] 乔利(男子名)



女朋友对别的男人说the jolly days怎么回事?


Tis the season to be jolly中提示tis是什么意思

你好!Tis the season to be jolly这是个快乐的季节

南宁哪里可以学到jolly phonics自然拼读法呢?


my jolly sailor bold 歌词大意是什么意思?


holly jolly 什么意思




Jolly 多维仓鼠粮三线会喜欢吗?是渣粮吗

渣粮啊,渣的要死,放了好多诱食剂,里面全是瓜子和玉米片,面包虫 瓜子 玉米片吃多了不好,能吃饱,但绝对没营养

仓鼠粮 为什么 jolly祖莉牌的仓鼠粮是最渣粮?我朋友说成分几乎都是一样的, 怎么懂它一定是渣




jolly joker是什么意思?

形容活泼开朗的人。。。。 JOlly,这个意思应该很明确的JOKER这个次应该很熟悉,就是扑克中的小丑,jolly joker本意就是滑稽可笑的角色,也就是所谓的甘草了后来引申为活泼开朗的人,实际上是有几分调侃意味的。给别人当绰号那就是很明显的欺负人了。。。












adj:happy &cheerfuladv:very,really{这是老式英语的非正式用法}v:(以友好或开玩笑的方法)鼓励

英文名到底用Jolley还是Jolly? 女的英文名。



jolly可为多种词性,joyful只能作形容词。1.jolly可作adj,意为“快活的; 愉快的; 兴高采烈的; 有趣的”;也可作adv,意为“很; 非常”;v,意为“使高兴,使愉快; 打趣;开玩笑; 作乐”;n,意为“寻欢作乐; 奉承,逢迎; 皇家陆战队兵士; 老富豪”。例句The jolly festivity of the Last Night of the Proms.伦敦逍遥音乐会最后一晚的欢乐气氛。They were trying to jolly her out of her torpor.他们试着哄她摆脱无精打采。2.joyfuladj,译为“欢喜的;令人高兴的”。双语例句In joyful strains then let us sing.在快乐的张力然后让我们唱歌。There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful.没有什么你不可以是、做和拥有的----而且你的主导的意愿也会是快乐的了。By the way they listen to you or speak with you, a spark of the true you suddenly enters your awareness and you feel joyful and inspired after having been with them.通过他们对你的倾听或者讲述,一点真我的灵性闪光突然进入了你的意识并且在与他们相处之后你感觉到了喜悦和充满了灵感。


jolly adj.1. 兴高采烈的;愉快的;快活的;有趣的2. [口语]令人愉快的;舒适的;惬意的3. 有节日气氛的;欢宴的4. [英国英语]大大的,彻头彻尾的5. [俚语]微醉的adv.[英国口语]很,非常vt.1. (用哄、捧、开玩笑等方式)使高兴,使愉快(常与along,up连用):I know she"s trying to jolly me along.我知道她在努力使我高兴。2. 开…的玩笑;打趣vi.[口语]开玩笑:She"s not a person that you can jolly with.她不是那种你可以与之开玩笑的人。作乐n.1. [口语]奉承,逢迎,恭维话2. 寻欢作乐3. [英国俚语]皇家海军陆战队队员;水兵4. 船载轻便工作艇(= jolly boat)5. [美国俚语]刺激;快感;劲儿6. [俚语]老年富豪,阔佬因此jolly具有多种词性

英文名到底用Jolley还是Jolly? 女的英文名。


Jolly是个中文什么字 请回答

词典结果:jolly[英]["du0292u0252lu026a][美]["du0292ɑ:lu026a]adj.快活的; 兴高采烈的; 愉快的; 有趣的; adv.很; 非常; vt.使高兴,使愉快; 打趣; vi.开玩笑; 作乐; n.寻欢作乐; 奉承,逢迎; 皇家陆战队兵士; 老富豪; 第三人称单数:jollies过去分词:jollied复数:jollies最高级:jolliest现在进行时:jollying比较级:jollier过去式:jollied

jolly phonics自然拼读法真的有效果吗?

当然有用了,并且用处非常大。自然拼读Phonics在国外已有百年以上的历史,是以英语为母语的国家的儿童阅读时普遍采用的一种学习方法。他是一种简单高效的教学法,让学生做到见词能读,听音能写。建立字母,字母组合和单词发音之间的直接联系,快速记忆单词,为早期阅读及解决拼读系统问题打下牢固的基础。并且能提升学生的学习自信心,让小朋友从小就掌握地道的英语发音。近年来, Phonics在国内越来越受到重视, 很多英语机构和老师都熟悉了自然拼读法Phonics。虽然清楚的知道Phonics的重要程度,但存在很多困扰:仅靠常规课堂进行渗透式教学,力度不够,持续性不强,很难让学生形成系统的拼读概念和意识。专门的自然拼读课程没有完善的教材配合,不是配套资料不齐全,就是趣味性不强,不易于课堂实际操作。

Jo Stafford的《Jolly Jo》 歌词

歌曲名:Jolly Jo歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:The Capitol Rarities 1943 - 1950『Jolly Jolly』词:chihiRo曲:Jin Nakamura编曲:中村仁 / JiLL-Decoy association歌:JiLL-Decoy associationANB系アニメ「RED GARDEN」Opening Theme基本はノリの悪い私が<基本上我是冷场的人>参加する<我也参加了>久々のドライブで皆ハイテンション<久违的兜风大家都情绪高涨>彼も来るの!<他也来了!>脉が今は无くとも<尽管如今已没有脉搏>绝対行きますとも!<绝对也是要参加去了!>「すっごいすっごいポーカーフェイスだとしたら…<「他打趣的说想过>アルよ」なんて<为什麼绷著一张扑克脸」>「海は日焼けするから<「去海边的话会晒黑>山にしよう」って<就去山上吧」>コートの季节なのに<明明是穿大衣的季节>勘违いしてる<却误会了>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>こんな嬉しくて<这一段>ちぎれそうな程<破碎的旅程中>笑っているのに<高兴的欢笑著>彼の背中<看著他的背影>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>绝えない笑颜の<漩涡中>涡の中で<不止尽的笑容>无駄に保守的なとこ<虽然想要打破那些>打破したいんだけど<保守的东西>スカートは结局履かずじまいなの<没有鞋或裙子飞舞的结局>次回こそは<下次才是>「定员オーバーしてます<「超过了规定的人数>窓昙ってるし」<窗户外天正阴」>彼がそう笑いながら<他这样笑著>半袖になってる<卷起袖子>窓を开けて<打开窗户>声を放り投げた<大声喊叫>こんな楽しい事<没有比这>他にはないのに<更令人愉快的事情了>彼の笑颜<看著他的笑脸>见ては胸つまる<心中充满感动>うかれた女の<沉浸於旋涡裏>涡の中で<心醉神迷的女人>寒いよって文句言いながら<一边抱怨著好冷啊>腕组んで飞び出した<一边抱著胳膊跑出去>冷たい星<抬头看见>砕いて散りばめた空<寒冷的天空中>见上げたら<散布的繁星>どうしてなの?<究竟是为什麼呢?>私の隣に<他突然出现在>突然彼がいて<我的身边>思わず黙る<我禁不住沈默了>「キレイ」って言う<「好漂亮啊」>彼の优しい声<他笑著说道>ぶれて裏返って<声音是>本当に笑えた<如此温柔>予想外の<虽然>寒さだったけれど<出乎意料的寒冷>久々に会えて<不过>企画者エライエライ<遇见久违的计画者>はしゃぎすぎた<天气太乾燥了>私达ぐったり<我们都精疲力尽>この日を永远に<这一天>覚えてたい<我们要永远记住>

My Jolly Sailer Bold中的Bold是名词还是形容词,什么意思.

My Jolly Sailer Bold中的Bold,本身是形容词“勇敢的”,但是在此应当是作为船的名字“快乐勇敢号”。As black as soles的Soles是“鞋底”的意思,意为“像鞋底一样黑”。

jully jolly julie jaliy可以做英文名吗,哪个更好,中文名叫佳丽


Have A Holly Jolly Christmas 歌词

《Have A Holly Jolly Christmas》歌手: Bashful /DOC /Grumpy /Snow White所属专辑:《Princess Christmas》歌曲标签:流行歌词:Have a holly, jolly ChristmasIt"s the best time of the yearI don"t know if there"ll be snowBut have a cup of cheerHave a holly, jolly ChristmasAnd when you walk down the streetSay Hello to friends you knowAnd everyone you meetOh Ho the mistletoeHung where you can seeSomebody waits for youKiss her once for meHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn"t hearOh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas this year.Oh Ho the mistletoeHung where you can seeSomebody waits for youKiss her once for me.Have a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn"t hearOh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas this year.Have a holly, jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn"t hearOh by golly have a holly jolly Christmasjolly Christmasthis year.

海盗旗的英文为何是jolly roger?


Jolly Old Saint Nicholas 歌词

歌曲名:Jolly Old Saint Nicholas歌手:Alvin and The Chipmunks专辑:The Chipmunks Greatest Christmas HitsJolly old Saint Nicholas,lean your ear this way!Don"t you tell a single soulwhat I"m going to say:Christmas Eve is coming soon;now, you dear old manWhisper what you"ll bring to me;tell me if you can.Jolly old Saint Nicholas,lean your ear this way!Don"t you tell a single soulwhat I"m going to say:Christmas Eve is coming soon;now, you dear old manWhisper what you"ll bring to me;tell me if you can.Jolly old Saint Nicholas,lean your ear this way!Don"t you tell a single soulwhat I"m going to say:Christmas Eve is coming soon;now, you dear old manWhisper what you"ll bring to me;tell me if you can.


Jolly old Saint Nicholas lean your ear this way Don"t you tell a single soul what I"m going to say Christmas Eve is coming soon now you dear old man Whisper what you"ll bring to me tell me if you can When the clock is striking tvelve when I"m fast alseep Down the chimney broad and black with your pack you"ll creep All the stockings you will find hanging in a row Mine will be the shortest one you"ll be sure to know Johnny wants a pair of skates Susie wants a dolly Nelly wants a storybook she thinks dolls are folly As for me my little brain isn"t very bright Choose for me old Santa Claus what you think is right Jolly old Saint Nicholas lean your ear this way... Tell me if you can (jolly jolly jolly jolly old Saint Nick)

Holly Jolly Christmas 歌词

歌曲名:Holly Jolly Christmas歌手:Michael Bublé专辑:Christmas (Deluxe Special Edition)"Holly Jolly Christmas"Michael BubleHave a holly jolly ChristmasIt"s the best time of the yearWell I don"t know if there"ll be snowBut have a cup of cheerHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd when you walk down the streetSay hello to friends you knowAnd everyone you meetHo ho the mistletoeIs hung where you can seeSomebody waits for youKiss her once for meHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn"t hearOh by golly have a holly jolly ChristmasThis yearHo ho the mistletoeIs hung where you can seeSomebody waits for youKiss her once for meHave a holly jolly ChristmasAnd in case you didn"t hearOh by golly have a holly jolly ChristmasThis year

