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John Lennon的《Remember》 歌词

歌曲名:Remember歌手:John Lennon专辑:John Lennon/Plastic Ono BandRemember when you were young?How the hero was never hungAlways got awayRemember how the manUsed to leave you empty handed?Always, always let you downIf you ever change your mindAbout leaving it all behindRemember, remember, todayAnd don"t feel sorryThe way it"s goneAnd don"t you worry"Bout what you"ve doneJust remember when you were smallHow people seemed so tallAlways had their wayDo you remember your Ma and PaJust wishing for movie stardomAlways, always playing a partIf you ever feel so sadAnd the whole world is driving you madRemember, remember, todayAnd don"t feel sorry"Bout the way it"s goneAnd don"t you worry"Bout what you"ve doneNo, no, remember, rememberThe fifth of November

新题I know ____John Lennon,but not the famous one

是a 翻译成中文就有答案了

john lennon是怎么死的?枪杀?

这是12月份里最暖和的一个夜晚,在纽约市区的DAKOTA高级公寓内的一间嵌成褐红色木门板的办公室里,JAY HASTINGS正等候着JOHN LENNON与YOKO ONO的深夜晚归。这位身材魁梧,蓄着胡须的27岁的年轻人,在DAKOTA公寓当看守门卫已有两年时间了。他一直说在他的这份工作当中,最美妙的莫过于认识了在DAKOTA公寓内拥有5间套房的JOHN和YOKO了。他还是小伙子的时候就是BEATLES的歌迷了,还收集了不少BEATLES的图片。但现在他不仅仅是个歌迷了。JOHN知道他的名字,当JOHN与YOKO外出或从录音室晚归回来时,他会叫他"BON SOIR,JAY"。有时还会开开玩笑。 此时已黑夜临近11点,正在看着杂志的HASTINGS突然听到外面"砰砰砰"枪声响起,紧接着传来一阵玻璃震荡破裂声。惊慌失措的他听到有人颤步跌爬在办公室的台阶上。是JOHN LENNON!!他踉跄的跌进,脸部极端昏迷而恐怖。YOKO跟在他的后面,惊恐万状的尖叫着,"JOHN被枪击了,JOHN被枪击了"。起初 HASTINGS还认为这只是个恶作剧。但JOHN挣扎着几步就瘫倒在地,握在手里的磁带也洒落满地。 HASTINGS拉动了叫唤警察的报警器,便冲到JOHN的身边,这位震惊悲痛的门卫小心翼翼地从因极度痛苦恐惧而扭曲变形了的JOHN的脸上摘下眼镜。迅速脱下身上的蓝色DAKOTA制服,盖住了JOHN的痉挛的身体,然后解下他的领带当止血带,可是他却发现已经无处可敷。鲜血正从LENNON的胸部,嘴巴里喷流而出。双眼虽然张开着,但目光已呆板无神。 YOKO发疯似的叫唤着医生与救护车。HASTINGS挂了911救护电话,然后跑到JOHN身边,安慰鼓励似的说:"没事的,JOHN,你不会有事的". 站在外头守卫的门卫跑进来告诉HASTINGS说,那个袭击者已经将枪扔在路边了。HASTINGS马上追赶出去,可是他发现这追赶毫无必要。因为那个枪击了LENNON的胖胖的年轻人此时正安静地站在西区第72街道上,正读着小说《麦田的守望者》。 两部警车呼啸而来,四名警官冲将而出,拔枪对准两眼发狂,一身血迹的HASTINGS,厉声命令:举起手来! "不是他",另一位门卫叫到。"他是这儿的工作人员"。 两位警官唰的将那嫌疑者围堵住,另两位则跟着HASTINGS冲进了公寓大楼。正当HASTINGS看到了破裂的窗户和通道上的血迹时,他意识到JOHN已死在他了的眼前。 不顾YOKO的哀求,警官将JOHN翻过身,查看了JOHN的伤口。他们说没法等急救车到来,便小心翼翼地抬起JOHN,HASTINGS紧紧抓住 JOHN的左臂与肩膀,在他们将JOHN抬出门时,他感觉到JOHN的骨骼有点碎裂似的,躯体乏力,四肢发软。他们把JOHN放进警车,开往罗斯福医院,而YOKO爬上另一辆车追随警车而去了。 HASTINGS则返回公寓内,等候消息。半个小时后,医院的通知书送到了DAKOTA公寓,JOHN WINSTON LENNON,40岁,父亲,丈夫,死亡。 四周围墙的高级公寓DAKOTA此时已处于警戒状态。在铁门紧琐的公寓外面,是得知JOHN遇害的噩耗后聚集而来的数以百计的人们在悲愤地吟唱着"ALL WE ARE SAYING IS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE(我们所呼唤的只是给和平一个机会)。DAKOTA公寓内的庭院,曾经是那么的宽敞明亮让人神情愉悦,而现在却被大批严肃紧张的纽约警察包围封锁得气象阴森而压抑。各个出入口都有武装警察驻守巡逻。地下室被封锁了。YOKO则被朋友与唱片制作人DAVID GEFFEN看守保护了。 对杀人事件习以为常的警官们强制性地占据了那间地板满是血迹的办公室。办公室的那部电话则响个不停。不但有人打电话来询问有关LENNON被枪杀的事。 90分钟后,十几名神情急切的刑侦人员不断的盘问HASTINGS:事件是什么时候发生的?JOHN在办公室里面吗?他跑吗?他说了什么?他倒下了吗? HASTINGS无法在脑中将事件的经过冷静清晰的整理过来。问题一个接一个地问,问得他头晕脑胀。他开始抽烟,一支接着一支。纽约市的那位神情严肃阴郁的法医ELLIOT博士也赶来盘讯HASTINGS,要他将事件的经过重复了一遍。当问话总算告个段落后,他发呆地坐在门边,喝着一杯野火鸡鸡尾酒,双眼失神地望着外边的围聚呼唱着的人群和撒满了门前嫣红的玫瑰。他没有换下那件血迹斑斓的白色衬衫。后来他谈到说,飘荡在那个温暖的夜空中的JOHN的音乐,听起来就像是葬礼上吟唱的挽歌。 凌晨两点,JOHN被枪杀过后3个小时,警方向出事地点所在的第20区派遣了增援警力并设置了路障。围聚在公寓外面的情绪激动人群越来越多。为防止不测事件的突发,警方还设立了配备了电话,无线电等通讯设备的前头部队。40多名便衣警察监视着现场的人群。然而,千余名沉浸于悲痛伤感之中的哀悼者只是默默的聚集在门前吟唱着JOHN的歌曲。 里面,HASTINGS点燃了又一支烟,凝视着外面的人群。大批的摄影记者,报道记者以及电视台的工作人员也赶来了,将他团团围住,频闪的镁光刺激的他无法看清事物。但他很欣慰有这么多的人们赶来表达对JOHN的敬意。他很难理解的是那些十几岁的年轻人--他们可没有像他一样与BEATLES共同成长起来的呀--为什么也会被JOHN的被杀事件所震惊。 警察穿梭奔走于位于西82街道的第20区附近。那儿,杀人嫌疑者被严重监护着。警方已确认他的名字叫MARK DAVID CHAPMAN,一个企图自杀的BEATLES的狂热歌迷,为了枪杀JOHN,曾经在DAKOTA公寓周围游荡守侯了3天时间。遇害那个下午,JOHN还曾给CHAPMAN在专辑上签了名。 "他真的是个好人啦"HASTINGS说,"一些流浪汉过来向他要钱,他就给了他10美元的钞票,那流浪汉便会欣喜若狂。在这儿,他从没为难过任何人,我几乎没有看到他对人怎么样了。" LENNON从没抱怨过他身边的什么。HASTINGS说,虽然有时有些形迹可疑的人在公寓周围游游荡荡什么的。守岗的门卫总是提醒他的司机将车直接开近公寓内。但12月8日这天,他的轿车停在了外面,而当LENNON与YOKO走过通道时,CHAPMAN就守侯在通道的窗户下,等着开枪猝击LENNON 了。 HASTINGS还静静地坐在那儿,什么也不说。一个值夜班的门卫来交接,并劝他回家休息。但HASTINGS说什么也不走。他回忆着与LENNON的极其平常的友情。 LENNON曾问过他如何修剪胡须,并叫他的助手去买HASTINGS推荐的剃须刀。几个月后,LENNON告诉HASTINGS他已经修掉了那把太招眼的大胡须。 "JOHN现在似乎更开心快乐了,因为他又开始创作音乐了,也更多的出现在公众场合了。"HASTINGS说,"与YOKO合作的新专辑听起来像忠贞的爱的告白,像那些庆贺银婚的恩爱夫妻一样,重新走入教堂誓约似的。LENNON与YOKO彼此都很相爱"。 4点半左右,DAKOTA公寓的管理人出来告诉外面的人群,请求他们关闭广播声音,因为YOKO难以入眠。 HASTINGS也决定去朋友家休息下。他拖着疲惫的步伐,走进空荡荡的地下室的更衣处,手里还抓着绿色纸杯与香烟,终于,他也困乏无力了,慢慢地脱下血迹斑斑的衬衣,迭起放入洗衣袋。然后换上衣服,走上楼梯,并停下安慰了在地下录音室的悲伤的JOHN的随处人员。 当HASTINGS走过那办公室时,东方已渐渐吐白。那儿一位看门人正在擦着地面上的血迹。HASTINGS穿过通道,离开了那门前撒满鲜花了的DAKOTA公寓。

用英语介绍john lennon 不用很长 内容大约是他是英国著名摇滚乐队披头士的成员,是一个音乐家,宣传和平


约翰·列侬 John Lennon 为什么被枪杀?


《Johnnyandthe Bomb》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Johnny and the Bomb (Johnny Maxwell Trilogy, 3.)》(Terry Pratchett)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 6an3书名:Johnny and the Bomb (Johnny Maxwell Trilogy, 3.)作者:Terry Pratchett出版社:HarperCollins出版年份:2007-04-01页数:245内容简介:Twelve-year-old Johnny Maxwell has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This has never been more true than when he finds himself in his hometown on May 21, 1941, over forty years before his birth! </p>An accidental time traveler, Johnny knows his history. He knows England is at war, and he knows that on this day German bombs will fall on the town. It happened. It"s history. And as Johnny and his friends quickly discover, tampering with history can have unpredictable—and drastic—effects on the future. </p>But letting history take its course means letting people die. What if Johnny warns someone and changes history? What will happen to the future? If Johnny uses his knowledge to save innocent lives by being in the right place at the right time, is he doing the right thing? </p>Mixing nail-biting suspense with outrageous humor, Terry Pratchett explores a classic time-travel paradox in Johnny Maxwell"s third adventure. </p>

John Adams的《A New Day》 歌词

歌曲名:A New Day歌手:John Adams专辑:Hallelujah Junction「A New Day」作词∶露崎春女作曲∶Hiroyuki Matsuda歌∶露崎春女目を闭じれば浮かぶ Sweet old days四六时中 じゃれ合っていたねいつも泣けるような気持ちで思い出すのは何も起こらなくても二人 笑っていた日目を开ければ (It"s all brand new day)眩しい光 (Because you are here)あなたといればEveryday is a new day色んなこと 话してきたねすれ违ったことも今は宝物时を重ねてく强さに 甘えないでありがとうといつも言える二人でいたい手を伸ばせば (It"s all brand new day)届く温もり (Because you are here)かけがえのないEveryday is a new day毎日が新しいエピソードになる何かが変わっていってもyes we"ll be always here目を开ければ (It"s all brand new day)眩しい光 (Because you are here)あなたといればEveryday is a new day手を伸ばせば (It"s all brand new day)届く温もり (Because you are here)かけがえのないEveryday is a new day目を开ければ【 おわり 】

John Hiatt的《one kiss》 歌词

歌曲名:one kiss歌手:John Hiatt专辑:stolen momentsYou look just like Mona Lisa, babyHave you got something up your sleeve?You got your arms folded and your legs propped upOh, I must say, you"re looking relievedWas there some tension eased up on us, baby?Like two plates shifting on a fault?They sold Van Gogh"s Sunflowers the other daySome guy stuck 40 million in a bank vault!(Chorus)One kiss and we"re on our ownOne kiss it can mean so muchOne kiss and we"re almost homeOne kiss that"s the final touchThey shot that Galileo off to JupiterWe"ll have some pictures in about six yearsGonna stomp anything the Voyager sent backCause Galileo dreamed it, it"s hereNow Ralph Kramden never sent Alice to the moonBut you know he wanted toBut having a good friend like Norton to ease the pressureCan really work wonders on a fella"s point of view(Chorus)One kiss and we"re on our ownOne kiss it can mean so muchOne kiss and we"re almost homeOne kiss that"s the final touchOh it"s bringing me to my kneesThey lost all those kinescopesAll of those memoriesDoing the cool jerk togetherLet"s outlive our usefulness, babyLet"s stay in our own skin too longTill we"re so wrinkled all the hatchlings just laugh at usAs they crack out of their eggshells at the break of dawnWe"ll say "Oh are y"all just getting homeFrom a long night of self abuse?"Well me and the missus we were just gettingThe coffee pot to perkYeah, it"s a dirty job but ya knowWe"re still living it and loving itYou kids let us know when you"re finished with your artwork(Chorus 2x)One kiss and we"re on our ownOne kiss it can mean so muchOne kiss and we"re almost homeOne kiss that"s the final touch



John Stewart的《Gold》 歌词

歌曲名:Gold歌手:John Stewart专辑:True Rock (3 Cd Set)GOLD呗 B"z空を 黄金色に润(うる)ませて阳が消えてゆく街はざわめき今日の事 振り返るみんなの声が 闻こえたかい一人でも恐くない気がついただろう谁より一番あなたが真新しい勇気(ゆうき)くれるよ朝の光よりまぶしい微笑みは胸(むね)に染みる(しみる)火伤しそうな焦げ(こげ)ついた体丸めてゆっくりと目を闭じよう闇(やみ)に导(みちびく)かれて戦(たたか)いの记忆(きおく)を たどっても悔やむのは一夜(ひとよ)に歓びは永远に谁より一番あなたの心の平和を祈ろう何も心配しないでいいから明日へと无邪気(むじゃき)に进め欲望(よくぼう)にも期待(きたい)にも不安(ふあん)にも绝対(ぜったい)押しつぶされない惜し(おしい)まずに自分に火をつけて私を染め(そめる)ていったあなたの炎(ほのお)忘れない谁より一番あなたが无垢(むく)な情热(じょうねつ)をくれるよ透き(すき)とおる钟の音のようにさみしげな世界に响け(ひびく)谁より一番私があなたを最後まで见届け(みとどける)よう羽根にくるまれて寝るようにひたすら最高の瞬间を想え新しい日々が始まるよ

John Stewart的《Gold》 歌词

歌曲名:Gold歌手:John Stewart专辑:Airdream BelieverGoldOwl CitySkech it up and take a bowThere"re something they aren"t showingThere"s no need to look aroundYou"re the best we gotta goingShout out to the dreams you chaseShout out to the hearts you breakNothing"s gonna stop you nowI guess you"d better be goingYou never be farI keep it in earInside of my heartYou"re hereGoldYou"re fellow me timesThese sparkling shineCause what you got isGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-ohI know,I knowI don"t need the stars in the nightI found my treasureAll I need is you by my sideSo shine foreverGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-ohI know, You"re goldIt won"t take you long to getWhen you feel like you"re sorrowenSo write it down and don"t forgetYou gotta tell us your storyShout out to the friends back homeShout out to the hearts to knownYou gave nothing but the bestYaehAnd you can tell me your storyYou never be farI keep it in earInside of my heartYou"re hereGo-oldYou"re fellow me timesThese sparkling shineCause what you got isGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-ohI know,I knowI don"t need the stars in the nightI found my treasureAll I need is you by my sideSo shine foreverGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-ohI know, you"re goldCause what you got isGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-ohI know,I knowI don"t need the stars in the nightI found my treasureAll I need is you by my sideSo shine foreverGo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldO-o-o-o-o-o-o-oldI know,you"re goldYou"re goldYou"re gold


Dear John即分手信。所谓“Dear John letter”是指一个女子写给丈夫或男友表示分手的信件,通常是在写信人另有所爱的情况下所写,且往往写信人不能够或不想要当面告知男方这一情况。反之,如果是写给妻子或女友告知分手的信,则被称作“Dear Jane letter”。Dear,John歌手:比莉所属专辑:傻瓜就是我关上门,一个人,行李上车将心情,化妆成,初恋的快乐我要我,为自己,找回自我,找到些什么铃声响,Dear,John(口语)在电话那头你说话,很温柔,像一颗石头坚定的,锁住我,心头波涛,我想泪流(OS:原来)爱没有,遗弃我你的爱会将我灌醉,我没有所谓太过清醒怎么陶醉,你的爱像是杯太浓的咖啡,让我失眠彻夜好爱这种感觉(My,Love)关上门,一个人,行李上车将心情,化妆成,初恋的快乐扩展资料关于Dear John等于分手信的来历其实说法不一,但是人们普遍认为这个说法是从美国流传而来的。在第二次世界大战期间,无数的美国士兵远赴重洋去打仗,一去就是好几个月甚至几年。随着时间的流逝,很多士兵的妻子或者女朋友都决定不再等待他们的回归,而选择开始一段新的爱情。

“分手信”为什么叫“Dear John letter”

关于Dear John letter的详细解释,可以参考百度百科(。有一种说法认为John是很常见的英语人名,就像中文的张三李四一样,所以用来泛指普通人。如果男士写给女士的分手信,应该叫Dear Jane Letter。另外英文里面的John Doe/Jane Doe分别用来指男性和女性的“无名氏”。例如在CSI之类的美剧中,警察找到一具尸体,但暂时无法确认身份,就会说We"ve found a John Doe"s (Jane Doe"s) body.

John Legend的《Heaven》 歌词

歌曲名:Heaven歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsLast night was the worst nightBeginning of the endOr maybe it beganBefore it here we go againThings got so dramaticThings got out of handWe said words we couldn"t imagineI don"t understandThere you go with the same old thingWhen things go wrong you always seem to blame meNow I would like to find what secrets hide in your mindWhere the end will goWill I ever knowHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsSo let"s make this night the best nightIt"s time for second chanceTurn the beat up on repeat and we can start to danceSometimes when we talking wordsDrowned on by the soundLet"s get back to touch and we"ll get back on solid groundLet"s hold handsLike a young romanceLet"s first kiss like the moment we first didCan we make loveLike back way in the dayWe can lose control, baby don"t say noHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsSo will you come back to meHeaven only knowsSo will you come back to meMake this night the best nightIt"s time for second chanceTurn the beat up on repeat and we can start to danceHeaven only knowsHeaven only knowsHeaven only knows

请翻译下Johnny Gill的Rub You The Right Way歌词,非翻译机器的追加分。

本报讯 (记者张媛)近日,因抢劫、偷盗罪获刑的袁宝洪,再次作为被告人在一中院受审,其被控罪名仍是抢劫和盗窃,chanel replica watches,而指控事实均为其自动交代,而警方当时并未控制的情形,其中波及289起盗窃跟3起抢劫。 司法机关门口砸车盗物 1967年诞生的袁宝洪,屡次因抢劫、盗窃,被劳教或判刑共计16年。2008年5月,其又因抢劫、盗窃被海淀法院判刑13年,“剥权”2年。裁决生效后,袁宝洪又交代了其在2002年至2006年年底,曾盗取车内财物289起及3起抢劫,这些此前均未被警方把握。 案卷材料显示,在袁宝洪主动交代的289起盗窃灵活车内财物的案件中,他负责撬砸机动车玻璃、后备厢,同伙“大个儿”(另案处置)负责放哨,两人多少分钟内就能“实现”一起案子。涉案地点除饭馆、小区、健身会所等人流量密集区域外,他们还在一些区县交通队、法院、检察院门前撬砸机动车,盗走车内的电脑等财物。 涉案卷宗近20卷 该案被移送至北京市检察院第一分院审查起诉。 检方确认了袁宝洪的供述及自首情节,并认定盗窃案的案值为757.38万余元。检方以涉嫌抢劫罪和盗窃罪,对袁宝洪提起公诉,并倡议法院以10年和15年对袁宝洪被控两罪名量刑。 7月13日,因为在案资料近20卷,一中院持续休庭审理了三天,该案尚未宣判。 ■ 追访 “写小传,记载289起案情” 袁宝洪案的公诉人为北京市检察院第一分院资深检察官徐焕。 徐焕称,袁宝洪是他近年来办理的盗窃犯罪案件中,罪恶最为重大、盗窃数额最大、犯罪历时最长的一名犯法职员,同时也是对余罪坦白最为主动、彻底的人。 徐焕称,提审时,能感到袁宝洪很聪慧。他到案后还写小传坦白作案情节,而不论是犯案伎俩,还是289起案件的时光、地点、情节等,陈说很清楚,这令办案人员觉得意外。同时,袁宝洪还能率领警方识别案发明场,辅助警方查破了大批积案。 “袁宝洪存在很强的反侦察才能。”徐焕表现,袁宝洪在289起涉嫌盗窃进程中,有的是大白天涉案,但其“探索”出一套涉案手腕,使得警方未能掌握其涉案事实。 徐焕先容,袁宝洪属于从重处分的累犯,但其能主动坦率余罪且有自首情节。该案宣判后,法院将此次刑期与原判刑罚合并,再减去袁宝洪已经履行的刑期,履行先并后减,终极断定其刑期。欢送发表评论我要评论 微博推举 | 本日微博热门(编纂:SN009)相关的主题文章:Sanitation workers lost 25 -year-old son had conti 暴跌649元 摩托双核双网XT882售4250元 Sanitation workers lost 25 -year-old son had continued guy phones home mother re

John Lehman的《Amnesia》 歌词

歌曲名:Amnesia歌手:John Lehman专辑:SimplyIan Carey & Rosettefeat. Timbaland & Brasco - Amnesia(Timbaland: Here we go)Staring at me, scratching your headWith that bewildered look on your faceYou don"t quite seem to recollect,It"s as if there isn"t a traceOf all the reasons that I got you leaveAll the ways you"ve done me wrongMaybe I can"t drive your memoryBy the time I"m done with this songYou"re a liar, a cheat, unfaithful don (unfaithful don)You threw away all our love and trust (love and trust)It"s so hard to see just who you areIt"s trigging with amnesiaAmnesia(Timbaland)I, I think you got me all wrong, girl (amnesia)I think, I think you got me all wrong (amnesia)I, I think you got me all wrong, girl (amnesia)I think you got me all wrong(Rosette)I know that you"d rather forgetAll of the pain you caused me insideYou need a good reality check,That"s why I"m walking out of your lifeSo all the images start flashing backAnd the picture is restoredLet me resurrect your solid pastTil there ain"t no dying anymoreYou"re a liar, a cheat, unfaithful don (unfaithful don)You threw away all our love and trust (love and trust)It"s so hard to see just who you areIt"s trigging with amnesia, amnesia(Brasco)She said I got amnesiaNo cards girl, I"m no readerThat dress make me a believerDon"t cheat youself, if I treat yaShe"s striding like a divaGot a glimpse, go out for her featuresI got approval from all my peopleIs she the one, is she a keeper?Cause you never know, how about love, babyMust be messed with them langs, babyI could be what they aim, babyGet a taste of this fame, baby, baby!Oh no, not meI never cheat, not meDon"t get left out aloneI think you got me all wrong(Rosette)You"re a liar, a cheat, unfaithful don (unfaithful don)You threw away all our love and trust (love and trust)It"s so hard to see just who you areIt"s trigging with amnesiaAmnesia(Timbaland)I, I think you got me all wrong, girl(I think that I don"t)I think, I think you got me all wrong(You"re playing yourself)I wouldn"t do you like that(Yes, you would)I think you got me all wrong, girl (no)I think you got me all wrong, girl(I think that I don"t)I think, I think you got me all wrong(You"re playing yourself)I wouldn"t do you like that(Yes, you would)I think you got me all wrong, girlAmnesia

John Parris Ultimate球杆好还是Stamford S1球杆更好?


she is my girl-john the whistler的完整歌词

she"s my girl she"s my queen she"s the hell of a dancershe"s all i ever need and she"s my best friend tooa russian little bird sends you up in a heavenshe"s my girl the story is trueshe wakes me in the night while i"m deeply asleepi get a glass of vodka and stand up on my feetand then we go to dance till the sunshine is therei feel like being dead but she really don"t carean eastern little girl has come from far awaya country is so cold every night every daybut she can be as warm as the rain in julyand i"m the only one who knows she can cryshe"s my girl she"s my queen she"s the hell of a dancershe"s all i ever need and she"s my best friend tooa russian little bird sends you up in a heavenshe"s my girl the story is trueshe wants to have ai say that it"s too crazy, she sees nothing wrongshe thinks that the whole world should move back to zshe says about her baby because that would be meshe"s my girl she"s my queen she"s the hell of a dancershe"s all i ever need and she"s my best friend tooa russian little bird sends you up in a heavenshe"s my girl the story is truean eastern little girl has come from far awaya country is so cold every night every daybut she can be as warm as the rain in julyand i"m the only one who knows she can cryshe"s my girl she"s my queen she"s the hell of a dancershe"s all i ever need and she"s my best friend tooa russian little bird sends you up in a heavenshe"s my girl the story is true

agep是Steven Johnson syndrome吗


Johnny Cash的《Wanted Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Wanted Man歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Best Of/20Th CenturyRev Theory - Wanted ManHead down on a pillow of concreteI won"t rest in peace either wayAnd I won"t be forgivenAnd I will never give inI"ll give you something if you wanna believeWon"t ever belongJust wanna be freeI"m a wanted manGot blood on my handsYou keep tellin" me to back downWon"t do itLivin" on the wrong side of a bulletI"m a wanted manNever stood a chanceRenegade from the day that I knew itLivin" on the wrong side of a bulletLaid down in a garden of envyTime is standin" still every dayAnd I won"t be forgivenAnd I will never give inI"ll save you something but I can not be savedWon"t ever belongJust wanna be freeI"m a wanted manGot blood on my handsYou keep tellin" me to back downWon"t do itLivin" on the wrong side of a bulletI"m a wanted manNever stood a chanceRenegade from the day that I knew itLivin" on the wrong side of a bulletAnd if i get out aliveI won"t be on my knees (Yeah, yeah)And if I get out alive...I"m a wanted manGot blood on my handsYou keep tellin" me to back downWon"t do itLivin" on the wrong side of a bulletI"m a wanted manNever stood a chanceRenegade from the day that I knew itLivin" on the wrong side of a bullet

谁知道这个johnne walker(威士忌)酒的年限及价格?

johnne walker的酒按价格从低到高有红牌,黑牌,绿牌,金牌,蓝牌和king GeorgeⅤ等。红牌我没有接触过,所以它的价格我不是很清楚,黑牌来货价大概是200元,不过在不同的地方价钱可以差很多,高星级酒店甚至达800元。我知道的只是这么多,不好意思。。。

公众之敌最后结尾Johny说的byebye blackbird是什么意思




howard johnson是什么意思




john barry创作过哪些电影插曲

参与的电影:《 James Bond"s Greatest Hits 》 (2006) ...Himself《马达加斯加/狂野大自然 Madagascar 》 (2005) ...composer: theme "Born Free"《 Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic 》 (2003) ...《 Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic 》 (2003) ...Himself《 James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute 》 (2002) ...Himself《 The Making of "Zulu": Roll of Honour 》 (2002) ...《 Best Ever Bond 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Andere tijden de vergeten James Bond 》 (2002) ...composer: theme music (uncredited)《 Party at the Palace: The Queen"s Concerts, Buckingham Palace 》 (2002) ...(song "Goldfinger")《 The Making of "Zulu":...and Snappeth the Spear in Sunder 》 (2002) ...《 Party at the Palace: The Queen"s Concerts, Buckingham Palace 》 (2002) ...composer: song "Goldfinger"《拦截密码战 Enigma 》 (2001) ...《拦截密码战 Enigma 》 (2001) ...conductor《 The Real Shirley Bassey 》 (2001) ...Himself (interviewee)《 Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Back to "Somewhere in Time" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 The Music of James Bond 》 (2000) ...Himself《 A Song of Africa 》 (2000) ...《 Inside "From Russia with Love" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Cubby Broccoli: The Man Behind Bond 》 (2000) ...《 The Music of James Bond 》 (2000) ...still photos provided by《 Back to "Somewhere in Time" 》 (2000) ...《 Harry Saltzman: Showman 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Inside "Diamonds Are Forever" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 A Song of Africa 》 (2000) ...Himself《 John Barry: Licence to Thrill 》 (2000) ...Himself《随心所欲/从心所爱 Playing by Heart 》 (1998) ...《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...conductor《碧海奇缘 Swept from the Sea 》 (1997) ...《穿越时间之海 Across the Sea of Time 》 (1995) ...《哭泣的大地 Cry, the Beloved Country 》 (1995) ...《真爱一生 Scarlet Letter, The 》 (1995) ...《真爱一生 Scarlet Letter, The 》 (1995) ...conductor《炸弹专家/魔鬼专家/炮弹专家 Specialist, The 》 (1994) ...conductor《炸弹专家/魔鬼专家/炮弹专家 Specialist, The 》 (1994) ...《情深到来生 My Life 》 (1993) ...《桃色交易 Indecent Proposal 》 (1993) ...《桃色交易 Indecent Proposal 》 (1993) ...conductor《第63届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 63rd Annual Academy Awards, The 》 (1991) ...Himself - Best Score Winner《与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves 》 (1990) ...conductor《与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves 》 (1990) ...《化装舞会 Masquerade 》 (1988) ...《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...Orchestra Conductor (uncredited)《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...conductor《 Hearts of Fire 》 (1987) ...《天降神兵 Howard the Duck 》 (1986) ...《金童子 Golden Child, The 》 (1986) ...(songs)《佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了 Peggy Sue Got Married 》 (1986) ...conductor《佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了 Peggy Sue Got Married 》 (1986) ...《雷霆杀机/铁金刚勇战大狂魔 View to a Kill, A 》 (1985) ...《雷霆杀机/铁金刚勇战大狂魔 View to a Kill, A 》 (1985) ...conductor《走出非洲/远离非洲/非洲之旅 Out of Africa 》 (1985) ...《走出非洲/远离非洲/非洲之旅 Out of Africa 》 (1985) ...conductor《血网边缘 Jagged Edge 》 (1985) ...conductor《血网边缘 Jagged Edge 》 (1985) ...《直到九月 Until September 》 (1984) ...《棉花俱乐部 Cotton Club, The 》 (1984) ...《棉花俱乐部 Cotton Club, The 》 (1984) supervisor《危险的情人 Mike"s Murder 》 (1984) ...《金海豹 Golden Seal, The 》 (1983) ...《东游记 High Road to China 》 (1983) ...《007系列:八爪女 Octopussy 》 (1983) ...《007系列:八爪女 Octopussy 》 (1983) ...conductor《搞(口野)神探汉密特 Hammett 》 (1982) ...《搞(口野)神探汉密特 Hammett 》 (1982) ...conductor《大审判 Verdict, The 》 (1982) ...(from "Lion in Winter, The (1968)")《红伶劫 Frances 》 (1982) ...《体热 Body Heat 》 (1981) ...conductor《体热 Body Heat 》 (1981) ...《血盟兄弟 Legend of the Lone Ranger, The 》 (1981) ...《真正朋友 Inside Moves 》 (1980) ...《恩深情更深 Touched by Love 》 (1980) ...《冲出地狱海 Raise the Titanic 》 (1980) ...《时光倒流七十年 Somewhere in Time 》 (1980) ...conductor《 Murder by Phone 》 (1980) ...《师弟出马 Shi di chu ma 》 (1980) ...(uncredited) (Chinese version)《迷离夜合花 Night Games 》 (1980) ...《时光倒流七十年 Somewhere in Time 》 (1980) ...《 Corn Is Green, The 》 (1979) ...《007之登月计划 Moonraker 》 (1979) ...《汉诺瓦街 Hanover Street 》 (1979) ...《黑洞 Black Hole, The 》 (1979) ...《 Starcrash 》 (1979) ...《死亡游戏 Game of Death 》 (1978) ...《死亡游戏 Game of Death 》 (1978) producer (uncredited)《贝丝 Betsy, The 》 (1978) ...《第一次性接触 First Love 》 (1977) ...《肯尼迪--失落的英雄 Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy 》 (1977) ...《深深深 Deep, The 》 (1977) ...《 Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years 》 (1977) ...《合家欢 Gathering, The 》 (1977) ...《 White Buffalo, The 》 (1977) ...《铁金刚大战女魔星 Sporting Chance 》 (1976) ...(The Persuaders theme)《金刚 King Kong 》 (1976) ...conductor《金刚 King Kong 》 (1976) ...《罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian 》 (1976) ...《蝗虫之日 Day of the Locust, The 》 (1975) ...conductor《蝗虫之日 Day of the Locust, The 》 (1975) ...《废墟中的爱情 Love Among the Ruins 》 (1975) ...《勇气 Dove, The 》 (1974) ...《铁金刚大战金枪客 Man with the Golden Gun, The 》 (1974) ...《铁金刚大战金枪客 Man with the Golden Gun, The 》 (1974) arranger《激情 Tamarind Seed, The 》 (1974) ...conductor《激情 Tamarind Seed, The 》 (1974) ...《傀儡家庭 Doll"s House, A 》 (1973) ...《玻璃动物园 Glass Menagerie, The 》 (1973) ...《猛龙过江 The Way of the Dragon》 (1972) ...(uncredited)《爱丽斯漫游仙境 Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland 》 (1972) ...《与我同行 Follow Me! 》 (1972) ...《与我同行 Follow Me! 》 (1972) ...conductor《英宫恨 Mary, Queen of Scots 》 (1971) ...《小姐弟荒原历险 Walkabout 》 (1971) ...《大风云 Last Valley, The 》 (1971) ...conductor《大风云 Last Valley, The 》 (1971) ...《007系列:永远的钻石 Diamonds Are Forever 》 (1971) arranger《007系列:永远的钻石 Diamonds Are Forever 》 (1971) ...《新战海浮生 Murphy"s War 》 (1971) ...(main themes)《 They Might Be Giants 》 (1971) ...《 "The Persuaders!" 》 (1971) ...composer: theme music (24 episodes, 1971-1972)《 Monte Walsh 》 (1970) ...《午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 》 (1969) ...《午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 》 (1969) supervisor《 Appointment, The 》 (1969) ...(theme: foreign version)《女皇密使 On Her Majesty"s Secret Service 》 (1969) ...《女皇密使 On Her Majesty"s Secret Service 》 (1969) arranger《冬狮 Lion in Winter, The 》 (1968) ...《冬狮 Lion in Winter, The 》 (1968) ...conductor《富贵浮云 Boom 》 (1968) ...《 Deadfall 》 (1968) ...Symphony Conductor《 Deadfall 》 (1968) ...《芳菲何处 Petulia 》 (1968) ...《芳菲何处 Petulia 》 (1968) ...conductor《疯狂世家 Whisperers, The 》 (1967) ...《007系列:雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice 》 (1967) ...《007系列:雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice 》 (1967) arranger《凯德警长 Chase, The 》 (1966) ...《凯德警长 Chase, The 》 (1966) ...conductor《谍海群英会 Quiller Memorandum, The 》 (1966) ...conductor《谍海群英会 Quiller Memorandum, The 》 (1966) ...《狮子与我 Born Free 》 (1966) ...《 Wrong Box, The 》 (1966) ...《诀窍 Knack, The 》 (1965) ...《黑狱枭雄 King Rat 》 (1965) ...《雷霆万钧 Thunderball 》 (1965) ...conductor《雷霆万钧 Thunderball 》 (1965) ...《伊普克雷斯档案 Ipcress File, The 》 (1965) ...

Johnson dismissed traditional ideas lightly as no good on several occasions.


Manson为什么在03@ROCK AM RING踢JOHN 5

内幕是没有人知道地,就好像马特拉齐到底对齐达内说了什么,没有人知道。不过从乐队成员的全名大抵可以了解到这个人的心性。以M为例,Marilyn Manson,梦露+杀人狂。Fans的解读有两种:一种是J5抢了M的风头,一种是J5的演奏抢拍或者M慢拍了。


踢J5的时候是beautiful people


上次听人说他 加入罗柏僵尸了,是不是啊?


他和MANSON闹这个事情,也是很偶然.当时在2003年的NAMM乐器展上(全球最大的乐器展啊),JOHN 5当时还一直是依班娜GAX 系列的使用者,不过却一直没有见过自己的名字出现在依班娜的展台上(小日本真可恶),反之在FENDER的展台上,看见自己的名字和那些神一样的人放在一起:SRV 还有克来扑吨哪个级别的.他很兴奋,而FENDER愿意为JOHN 5出一个签名款,J 5很兴奋啊,立即全身投入他的签名TELE的制作中,因为他觉得只有那些超级大师才能在FENDER这样的LOGO下出签名款,可是 MANSON对这琴的外形一直不满意,无疑给J 5泼了盆冷水,MANSON甚至侮辱说那是乡村吉他,说J 5是个乡巴佬,实际这个是心理作用,TELE确实一直是做乡村音乐用的,几十年都是这样,已经是一个文化传统,J5很灰心. 再加上他当时有一些个人作品问世,很多乐评人去煽风点火说J 5是一个被低估的大师,在MANSON乐队中永远不能充分表现自己,2003年那段时间本来也是MANSON的低潮期,MANSON发胖的身体和开始衰老的嗓音,标志这个乐队已经慢慢衰弱, 2003年ROCK AM ING现场 MANSON口干舌燥情况下居然对J 5 大打出手,2人于是一起对打和辱骂,导致The Beautiful People 演完后整个现场被迫停止,MANSON以为这个事情是不可饶恕的,J 5也已经心灰意冷,于是正式离开MANSON,随后出版自己的个人吉他专机.

翻译英文歌词,JOHN LENNON 的,谢谢啦!


(Covered with mud and shivering), John …… 括号中的格式正确么?

cover 是有覆盖的意思。但是 covering 和 covered 的实际意思还是有区别的。这么说吧,你会cover泥浆呢还是你会被cover泥浆呢? 这里主要强调的是被cover,所以用covered 。

歌词及翻译 Jack Johnson


约翰尼德普johnny depp演的一个电影,其中一个片段是他突然把女主角按在墙上亲。


我想要电影《忠奸人》里开头的一段插曲,比较悲伤迷离的吧。那部电影是Johnny Depp和阿尔帕西诺演的

不知道~关闭问题好可惜的啦·给我好波》》??呵呵 ~~

请问《加勒比海盗2》中男主角Jack船长(Johnny Depp)和女主角有没有感情戏?


关于玛丽莲曼森 他好想很变态 他都做过什么疯狂的事 求大神总结 还有为什么他和johnny depp关系那么好

曼森喜欢收集饭盒和假肢他其实平时挺文艺的 水彩画画的很好 开过个人画展 有很多他的作品的疯狂的事。。比如去颁奖额时候全身赤裸涂黑(搞那个米奇造型) 然后骑了头白猪 还有说在演唱会上撕圣经 然后有次往看台下面扔活的小鸡 其实也不算尺度太大吧谁说warner不能跟depp关系好的 囧 cob还跟布兰妮合唱“oops i did it again”呢。。哈哈

Johnny Depp演电影《查理和巧克力工厂》时多大?- -


Johnny Depp主演的 这个电影如何理解

影评写得真不错,我只知道片尾曲是rochester"s farewell,很凄美 我有这首歌,要得话邮箱给我我发给你

全民公敌到底是谁演的?will smith 还是johnny depp


求一篇英语演讲.关于加勒比海盗主角johnny depp的.3分钟左右.要有中文翻译。

I believe that most of people have seen the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".Is there anyone knows the leading actor? He is Johnny Depp Johnny Depp is one of the best famous film star in Hollywood.He has been one of the hottest celebrities in the world for nearly twenty years. His handsome looks and obvious acting talent ensure he is always ranked very high on lists such as this. Depp is also my favorite actor.He has many excellent films,such as Pirates of the Caribbean,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and so on.He always keeps a big smile on his face when meets his fans.I hope you can see some films of his,I"m sure that you will like him as well. Thanks。==============================================================三分钟够不??要不再给你发点德普的英文简介。。。。

Johnny Depp&Helena Bonham Carter的《My Friends》 歌词

歌曲名:My Friends歌手:Johnny Depp&Helena Bonham Carter专辑:Sweeney Todd,The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street, The Motion Picture Soundtrack『My Friend』作词:都筑真纪 / 作曲:中沢伴行 / 编曲:一色由比歌:川田まみ空 星 広がる大地〖天际 星辰 辽阔的大地〗几年(いくとせ)繋がる歴史〖若干年来的历史轨迹〗叹きの时を重ねた过去〖叹息时光重叠而成的过去〗翼持てない背中に〖无法拥有翅膀的背影〗独り震えても〖孤独在颤抖〗あの日教えてくれた〖那天你让我见识到〗苍く澄んだ风の彩(いろ)〖风儿清澈苍蓝的色彩〗心响く静かな勇気〖流淌胸膛 静谧的勇气〗爱しさと优しさを全部〖爱怜和温柔这所有一切〗そっと抱きしめ眠る〖悄悄拥抱着入梦〗浅い眠りの向こうで〖在浅浅睡意的里头〗あなたと逢う その时にはね〖当与你相逢的那个时候〗微笑んで あなたにLove you〖我必定面带微笑 对你说爱你〗过ぎゆく日々の最中(さなか)に〖在时光急速流逝的潮水中〗时々寂しくなって〖不时难免寂寞〗失う痛みや哀しみと〖失去痛楚和哀伤〗弱い心と体に〖无比脆弱的心身〗独り震えても〖独自在颤抖〗あの日出逢えた瞳〖那天邂逅你的瞳眸〗深く澄んだ海の色〖泛着深海湛蓝的色彩〗触れあえてた 爱しい时间(とき)に〖在互相依偎的美好时光中〗微笑んだ柔らかな素颜〖浮现你那柔和的笑脸〗そっと交わした言叶〖静心交谈的话语〗触れた温かな体〖相触碰的温暖身体〗伝えあった心と気持ち〖相互传递的心意和感受〗爱しさが 强さになる〖让怜爱之情化作坚强〗あの日见上げた空は〖那天所仰望的苍穹〗苍く澄んだ広い空〖是一片清澈蔚蓝的大空〗いつかきっとこの星の上〖终有一天我们会在这星球上〗微笑みで また出逢えるから〖面带微笑 再度遇见彼此〗出会い 别れ 过ぎてく〖相遇与别离 转折流逝〗时の 最中(さなか)に小さく〖于时光的流水中渐行渐远〗だけど强く繋がりあった〖然而仍然保存着一份情谊〗大切な やさしいひと〖把我维系着温柔而珍重的你〗同じ空见てた My Friend〖望着同一片天际的我的挚友〗终わり

johnny depp的one的歌词

有朋友给你歌词了.我就不复制粘贴了..呵呵..原唱U2 爱尔兰乐队 百度一下就有信息 了.

Johnny Depp 约翰尼德普 和 Winona Ryder 薇诺娜赖德 到底什么怎么分手啊?


有没有Johnny Depp的档案啊?


Johnny Depp的《The Joker》 歌词

歌曲名:The Joker歌手:Johnny Depp专辑:Dark ShadowsWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youTo make sure yesterday doesn"t repeatI took a shortcut homeI left on the street I knowThat they won"t find me hereI found out how to make my mamma proudBe real quiet, don"t talk to loudI try, I try to disappearMy life is for the takingBreak down as your wakingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThis is my last dayShould have had my first kissThanks to myself will I ever be missed I hopeWell maybe I don"t careI wear my T around my neckI Love so much, gotta love it to deathTonight, see the world through my eyesMy life is for the takingBreak down as your racingI"m ending all this painWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youWhen you find me in the mourningHanging on a warning (Oh)The Joke is on youYou said you were pretendingHere"s to a happy ending (Oh)The Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on youThe Joke is on you-BY TAKO哥-

关于 Johny Deep 约翰尼 德普


求Johnny Depp的所有电影?谢谢!




Johnny Depp的电影《来自地狱》结局是什么意思?


Johnny Depp 的老婆的简介...

他还没结婚涅。。是说他女友吧。。。凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝14岁出道就以一曲“Joe Le Taxi”红遍法国乃至欧洲,是80、90年代的法国最红的玉女明星。她出唱片,拍电影,出写真,拍广告,是法国史上第一位成功打入美国市场的女歌手。   在法国,瓦妮莎?帕拉迪相当有名气。现在,作为约翰尼?德普(Johnny Depp)的女友和他孩子的母亲,知道她的人越来越多。这无疑巩固了她做歌手时为自己赢得的名声。   瓦妮莎·帕拉迪1972年生于法国圣姆尔,4岁时,在舞蹈上显示 约翰尼·德普其艺术天赋,舞姿轻盈准确;7岁时,她演唱的"美丽的埃米丽"情真动听,赢得了听众的心。随后,她进军歌坛。当时,玛丽莲·梦露是她的偶象;但她也推崇60年代嬉皮士的风格,经常穿一身豹斑印花衣衫,外披皮制小坎肩,象嬉皮士一样四处演唱。正如所有精彩故事中的女主角那样,一开始她遇到不少挫折。没有人对她的唱片感兴趣;在大街上有人对她出言不逊;更有甚者在她住所墙上大涂不恭的漫画。一次民意测验,竟有人把小小的她列入"法国最可恨的人"之一。原因大概就是她不得体的造型,使人们把她想象成"荡妇"。一次,她上台演唱,人们向她喝倒彩。为了不被倒彩声所淹没,她用脚后跟踩着拍子坚持唱完。观众的不理解,反使她对艺术的追求更执着。终于在其14岁时,以一曲《知情的出租车》勇夺法国电台排行榜12周冠军及金唱片奖。这次成功让她重新燃起希望之火,唱片频出。不少对她持反对态度的人也改变了看法,觉得她并不是录音室内的"产物",而是个有实力的歌手。渐渐地,赞扬声替代了倒彩声。   16岁那年,她因为在《白色的婚礼》(NoceBlanche)中的出众表演获得了恺撒电影奖(这无疑是法语影片的奥斯卡奖),使行家及观众对其刮目相看,被誉为法国最有希望的影坛新人。也正是在这个时候,瓦妮萨发现自己对表演比对唱歌更有兴趣。她又先后出演了影片《爱丽莎的情人》(Elisa)和《术士的爱情》(Un Amour de Sorciere),她在电影方面的努力也可谓立竿见影。遗憾的是,1998年1月,瓦妮萨在加拿大遇到一场摩托雪橇事故,摔断了双腿。这使她在很长时间中都无法拍戏。92年,她为法国香奈尔"COCO"香水拍广告后,那清纯秀丽的造型,顿使那些诋毁她的污言秽语不击自破。   成名后的瓦妮莎本想在大西洋的另一端──美洲"消失"并"找回自我",过隐居的自由自在的生活;但自从她出了一张以自己名字命名的唱片后,瓦妮莎热浪席卷了整个美国。观众需要她,她也需要观众。每到一处人们都表现了对她的厚爱,唱片销售量高达100万张。 94年,她打算赴欧洲、日本和加拿大作巡回演出。如今,瓦妮莎·帕拉迪斯神采飞扬,信心百倍。她说,为了证明我对事业的真诚与执着,我将继续登台,因为在舞台上是无法弄虚作假的。最近,瓦妮莎?帕拉迪将注意力更多地集中在了电影和模特业,离她的音乐事业似乎越来越远了。虽然如此,她甜美曼妙的歌声仍然是她的音乐和她本人与众不同的标志。瓦妮莎?帕拉迪是一个漂亮而有才华的女人。面对成功,她仍然脚踏实地,头脑静。这是大家非常欣赏的品质。编辑本段德普和凡妮莎   " 没有人比我们俩更相爱."   “我相信一见钟情,但我对约翰尼的感觉甚至超过一见钟情。我在遇见约翰尼之前很多年就喜欢他了,这听起来很愚蠢,但就是那么回事。当我们遇见那一瞬间我们就知道,“那个人就是他了”,而事实证明我们是准的。我不相信还有任何两个人跟我们一样相爱。人们可能认为爱上一个那样的男人很容易,因为他是那么的有魅力。但是,约翰尼的内心比外在更吸引我。”   ——凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯   “走红毯就像是动物园里的动物。”   “很少有什么事比走红毯更让我害怕。约翰尼已经对首映式和走红地毯习以为常,但对我来说太可怕了。走红毯这事没法让我感到享受。对我来说幸福就是能与我的家人一起,做简单的事情如在花园里玩和在海滩上散步。”   ——凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯   1998年凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 在法国拍摄《第九道门》时结识约翰尼·德普,成功地让这位浪子成为居家型好男人的女人,也许只有凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝!   如今 已是约翰尼·德普 的妻子,育有一子一女,感情甚笃。   凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 2000年发行的专辑《Bliss》正是为丈夫德普和他们的女儿而做,约翰尼·德普为其中若干只歌曲做吉他手,而你也可以听到女儿 Lily-Rose Melody Depp 稚嫩的婴儿声音。《Bliss》专辑立时大卖,登上法国金曲排行榜第一名的宝座。   凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝 和约翰尼·德普 夫妇在好莱坞、巴黎、曼哈顿、巴哈马群岛都有房产,不过,他们主要是在好莱坞贝弗利山和法国南部Plan-de-la-Tour轮流住。 德普夫妇之前为ChanelRougeCoco唇膏代言时,凡妮莎帕拉迪丝唱了一首歌,名叫做《白日梦的好日子》。其实,GRAZIA觉得,真女人根本就不知道怎么做白日梦。她哪里需要干这个?反倒是很多女人都在做着成为她的梦,一场美得不能再美的梦。   凡妮莎帕拉迪丝曾经说过:Chanel这个词就像魔法一样,如铃铛般清脆,似歌声般缭绕,简直就是音乐;Coco是除了Chanel以外最好听的词。念起来简短有力,让人印象深刻。现在,第三个C字头的词来了,Cocoon。念起来是什么感觉?   还有谁比凡妮莎更自信更自我主张更独特品味更无拘无束?用约翰尼德普的话来说,“她就像一道闪电,充满光辉。她从不骄傲自负,她真是个可爱有趣又酷酷的女孩,我从未遇见过像她这样的人。”   德普当年被凡妮莎穿着露背装的背影迷住,时至今日仍然如痴如醉。世界上三分之二的人都是通过德普才认识了凡妮莎,虽然她在法国早已家喻户晓,是非常优秀的歌手、演员、模特;是“牙缝美女”的第一代掌门人……但在大多数的娱乐新闻中,她的名字前总是带着“海盗老婆”的提示语。   其实,凡妮莎并不是海盗老婆。她从未想过要和德普结婚,至少到目前为止没想过。在某次接受采访时,德普被问及为什么至今不婚,他说:“这会毁了她的姓。Vanessa Paradis是多么完美的名字啊。如果在她的姓变为“Paradis-Depp”,就像加里注解一样。其实从某种意义上来说我们已经结婚了,我们有两个小孩,她是我生命中的女人。如果她坚持认为我们应该结婚的话,我会毫不犹豫地娶她。如果她对我说‘嘿,让我们拴在一起吧。"我下一秒就会和她结婚。如果我们的小孩觉得我们应该结婚的话,我们也会这样做。”叽哩咕噜说这么多,表达的只是两个意思:第一,这女人太完美了,连名字都属于填一笔多余,少一笔可惜,第二,不是我不想结婚,我不求婚只是因为我没把握她会点头。   目前,凡妮莎的亲密爱人正在威尼斯紧锣密鼓地演电影,与其搭档的是世界上最著名的“拆迁办主任”安吉丽娜朱莉;电影还打出了堪比“史密斯夫妇续集”的宣传口号。后来,凡妮莎赤裸上身登上某时尚杂志的封面好事者忙不迭叫嚣:海盗老婆终于要对朱莉示威了。哈哈哈,用得着吗?朱莉瘦得形销骨立,凡妮莎如果真想示威,根本不用脱衣服,牙缝里的冷气就足够把她吹个大跟头。况且她现在还有更好的办法:CocoCocoon尺寸多多,宽大的旅行提袋,肩背的邮差包选一个最大的把德普装进去,直接拎回家。

弗莱迪海默和JOHNNY DEPP 拍过什么电影

查理与巧克力工厂 寻找梦幻岛

那首johnny depp的歌词及翻译~

Johnny Depp, You"re deep. I"d like to watch you when you sleep and smell the shirt in which you slept, Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp You"re hip. I"d like to bite your lower lip and scrunch your Edward Scissorhair, Johnny Bear. You"ve got tattoos One said "Wynona" I know. But you broke up with her and now it just says, "W(h)y no!" Johnny Depp You"re cool. You"re the harbinger of drool. Mow my lawn without a shirt, Johnny Dirt. John A John B John C John D John E he he. You like girls with foreign accents, Tiny waists I"m not a waif, but I could love you more than you would probably deserve! Johnny Depp You"re the bomb. If you come to meet my mom, I"d cry you single salty tear, Johnny Dear. John A John B John C John D John E he he..( Come see me after the show.) pp你是一个高深莫测的人,我喜欢在你睡觉的时候看着你,闻着你睡觉时穿的衬衫的味道。哦~pp pp你是一个嬉皮士,我喜欢咬住你的下唇,揉皱你爱德华样的剪刀头。可爱的pp 我知道你已经刺上了写着“薇诺娜”的花纹,但你与她分手了,现在那只写着“酒鬼”。 pp你非常酷!你是让我们兴奋地流口水的预兆。在我的草场上不穿着衬衫地刈草。脏兮兮的pp 一个John,两个John,三个John,四个John,五个John 他,就是他。 你喜欢有外国口音的女孩儿,细细的腰。我并不是一个流浪者,但是我可以爱你比你也许值得的要更多。 pp你是一个大炸弹。如果你来看我的妈妈,那我会为你流下一行咸咸的泪来。亲爱的pp 一个John,两个John,三个John,四个John,五个John 他,就是他。(演出后要来看我) 演唱者:Amy Anne

有关约翰尼·德普Johnny Depp的问题

本来想回答。。。NND ~都有准确答案了。看了下~基本都是正解。。他现在的女朋友只能叫女朋友。。不能说是老婆。。还没有举行婚礼。。不过总是传结婚的消息。其他都很准确

关于Johnny Depp 的英文介绍

Johnny Depp,I love you!老师有爱的话,就自然懂了嘿嘿

johnny deep 算不算好莱坞大牌?


Johnny Depp(约翰尼·德普)都演过哪些电影?

罪恶都市3 Sin City 3 (2009) (未证实) .... Wallace 朗姆酒日记 The Rum Diary (2009) .... Paul Kemp 暗影 Dark Shadows (2010) (未证实) .... Barnabas Collins 香特拉姆 Shantaram (2009) .... Lindsay 公敌 Public Enemies (2009.7.1) .... John Dillin帕纳萨斯博士的奇幻剧院 The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009) 理发师陶德 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007.12.21) .... Sweeney Todd 加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End (2007.5.19) .... Jack Sparrow 加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest (2006.6.24) .... Jack Sparrow 僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride (2005.9.16) (声演) .... Victor Van Dort 查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005.7.10) .... Willy Wonka 浪荡子 The Libertine (2004.9.16) .... Rochester 寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland (2004.9.4) .... Sir James Matthew Barrie 他们结婚了还有很多孩子 Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d"enfants (2004.8.25) .... L"inconnu 秘窗 Secret Window (2004.3.12) .... Mort Rainey 墨西哥往事三部曲之三 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003.9.12) .... Sands 加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003.6.28) .... Jack Sparrow 来自地狱 From Hell (2001.10.17) .... Inspector Frederick Abberline 大毒枭 Blow (2001.3.29) .... George Jung 浓情巧克力 Chocolat (2000.12.15) .... Roux 当黑夜降临 Before Night Falls (2000.10.12) .... Lt. Victor 纵情四海 The Man Who Cried (2000.9.22) .... Cesar断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999.11.19) .... Ichabod Crane 宇航员的妻子 The Astronaut"s Wife (1999.8.27) .... Commander Spencer Armacost 第九道门 The Ninth Gate (1999.12.24) .... Dean Corso 恐惧拉斯维加斯 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998.5.22) .... Raoul Duke 英雄少年历险记 The Brave (1997.6.9) .... Raphael 忠奸人 Donnie Brasco (1997.2.28) .... Donnie Brasco / Joseph D. "Joe" Pistone 千钧一发 Nick of Time (1995.11.22) .... Gene Watson 离魂异客 Dead Man (1995.5.10) .... William Blake 这个男人有点色 Don Juan DeMarco (1995.4.7) .... Don Juan 艾德·伍德 Ed Wood (1994.9.28) .... Ed Wood 不一样的天空 What"s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993.12.25) .... Gilbert Grape 邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon (1993.4.16) .... Sam 亚历桑那梦游 Arizona Dream (1993.9.9) .... Axel Blackmar 猛鬼街6 Freddy"s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991.9.13) .... Guy on TV 剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands (1990.12.14) .... Edward Scissorhands 哭泣宝贝 Cry-Baby (1990.4.6) .... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker 野战排 Platoon (1986.12.24) .... Private Gator Lerner 私人手段 Private Resort (1985.5.3) .... Jack 猛鬼街 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984.11.16) .... Glen Lantz

Johnny Depp 详细资料

全名:约翰·克里斯托弗·德普二世昵称:Mr. Stench(self-chosen)(臭先生)、Colonel、杰克船长   星座:双子座   出生地:美国Kentucky(肯塔基州)的Owensboro(欧温斯波洛)   身高:5尺10英寸或1.78米(IMDB官方请勿修改)   体重: 70 kg   家人:父亲(小布什,美国城市工程师)、母亲(Betty Sue Palmer服务员)、姐姐(Christie Dembrowski个人经理)、兄弟(D.P. Depp 作家,编剧)   前妻:Lori Anne Allison(1983-1985)   前女友:Sherilyn Fenn、Jennifer Grey、Winona Ryder(《剪刀手爱德华》女主角)、Kate Moss   现任女友:Vanessa Paradis   儿女:女儿Lily-Rose Melody Depp(born on May 27, 1999)、儿子John Christopher Depp III (但在家中他和Vanessa喜欢叫他Jack)(born on April 9, 2002)

Johnny Cash的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Original Album Classics(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调

Johnny Cash的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:American Iv: Man Comes Around(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调

John Mcdermott的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:John Mcdermott专辑:Danny Boy(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调

Beverley Martyn&John Martyn的《Woodstock》 歌词

歌曲名:Woodstock歌手:Beverley Martyn&John Martyn专辑:The John Martyn StoryWoodstockI came upon a child of GodHe was walking along the roadAnd I asked him "Tell me where are you going?”This he told me"I"m going down to Yasgur"s farmGonna join in a rock and roll bandGot to get back to the landAnd get my soul free”We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenCan I walk along beside youI have come here to lose the smogAnd I feel like I"m a partOf something turning round and roundAnd maybe it"s the time of yearMaybe it"s the time of manAnd I don"t know who I amBut life is for learning ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the gardenBy the time we got to WoodstockWe were half a million strongAnd everywhere was the songAnd the celebrationAnd I dreamed I saw the bomber jet planesRiding shotgun in the skyAnd they were turning into butterfliesAbove our nation ...We are stardust, we"re goldenAnd we"ve got to get ourselves back to the garden献给yaoyaoyanyihe制作哈哈哈哈哈哈

King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session) 歌词

歌曲名:King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session)歌手:UB40专辑:Signing OffAudio Adrenaline - KingToday I finally found a melody that fitsA melody that fitsToday I finally found a song that I can singA song that I can singYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeThe rulers of the earth will bow before Your throneThey"ll bow before Your throneThe nations You have made will worship You aloneThey"ll worship You aloneThey"ll sing for YouYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set free

请问JOHN PARRIS的官网是什么呢?我也想去订做一根,但找不到官网。您是台球高手,希望您能回复,谢谢!

“Your Song” Elton John歌词讲述的是什么故事?

在我内心深处,有一种很奇特的感觉, 自己不是那种压抑自己想法的人: 我并不富有,但是如果可能的话, 我会为我们购置一套足以让我们 一起相伴下去的大房子~ 我要是一名雕刻师的话.. 但是目前为止还不是,呵呵~~ 或者像他们一样, 在旅行中拿出些许让人沉睡的药粉。 我知道我的礼物并不好, 但是这也是我唯一能做好的! 就是我写的歌,为你的写的歌。 你可以对他们说,这首歌是属于你的; 虽然比较简单,但是却是用心来完成的。 我希望你不要太介意, 我也希望你不要太上心。 我只用自己的语言来倾诉, 世界因为你才另我变得充满活力。 我坐在房顶,写我写给你的歌。 踢开给我带来不便的青苔, 虽然它们并不多, 而且烈日依然在照着我。 我继续为你写歌,越写越有感觉。 原谅我,有些想写的,但是 终于还是忘了, 如果它们不是绿色的,而是蓝色的... ohh.. 我已经兴奋的无法用言语来形容, 就只你那双美丽的眼睛, 已经足以让我陶醉。 你能明白么? 你可以对他们说,这首歌是属于你的; 虽然比较简单,但是却是用心来完成的。 我希望你不要太介意, 我也希望你不要太上心。 我只用自己的语言来倾诉, 世界因为你才另我变得充满活力。

求Elton John的《Sad Songs (Say So Much) 》中英文歌词,谢谢!

Guess there are times 我猜总有这样的时刻,When we all need to share a little pain 我们都需要分享一点忧愁And ironing out the rough spots 消除那些艰难Is the hardest part when memories remain 回忆不断纠缠,这是最痛苦的And it"s times like these 就像这些时刻When we all need to hear the radio 当我们听广播的时候"Cause from the lips of some old singer 有个声音从苍老的歌手口中传出We can share the troubles we already know 我们可以讲讲早已彼此了解的麻烦Turn them on, turn them on 播放啊,播放啊Turn on those sad songs 播放那些悲伤的歌When all hope is gone 当希望渺茫时Why don"t you tune in and turn them on 为何不播放歌曲,然后沉浸在旋律的世界中They reach into your room 它们溜进你的房间Just feel their gentle touch 感受它们温柔的触摸When all hope is gone 当希望渺茫时Sad songs say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊If someone else is suffering enough 要是有什么人太痛苦了To write it down 将那写下When every single word makes sense 串联起每个单词Then it"s easier to have those songs around 那就更容易写成一首歌了Kick inside is in the line 歌词中那些激荡的That finally gets to you 最终会走进你的心房And it feels so good to hurt so bad 强烈痛苦的感觉却又那么好And suffer just enough to sing the blues 攒足痛苦就去唱唱蓝调So turn them on, turn them on 播放歌曲,然后沉浸在旋律的世界中Turn on those sad songs 播放那些伤感的歌When all hope is gone 在希望渺茫时Why don"t you tune in and turn them on 何不播放歌曲,然后沉浸在旋律的世界中They reach into your room 它们溜进你的房间Just feel their gentle touch 感受它们温柔的触摸When all hope is gone 在希望渺茫是You know sad songs say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊Sad songs, they say 悲歌,它们讲述着Sad songs, they say 悲歌,它们讲述着Sad songs, they say 悲歌,它们讲述着Sad songs, they say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊So turn them on, turn them on 播放歌曲,然后沉浸在旋律的世界中Turn on those sad songs 播放那些伤感的歌When all hope is gone 在希望渺茫时Why don"t you tune in and turn them on 何不播放歌曲,然后沉浸在旋律的世界中They reach into your room 它们溜进你的房间Just feel their gentle touch 感受它们温柔的触摸When all hope is gone 在希望渺茫是You know sad songs say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊When all the little bit of hope is gone 当希望全都没有了Sad songs say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊When all the little bit of hope is gone 当希望全都没有了Sad songs say so much 悲歌讲得多么多啊Read more: ELTON JOHN - SAD SONGS (SAY SO MUCH) LYRICS



Your Song - Elton John 的歌词

Your SongMusic by Elton JohnLyrics by Bernie TaupinAvailable on the album Elton JohnIt"s a little bit funny this feeling insideI"m not one of those who can easily hideI don"t have much money but boy if I didI"d buy a big house where we both could live inIf I was a sculptor, but then again noOr a man who makes potions in a travelling showI know it"s not much but it"s the best I can doMy gift is my song and this one"s for youAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI sat on the roof and kicked off the mossWell a few of the verses well they"ve got me quite crossBut the sun"s been quite kind while I wrote this songIt"s for people like you that keep it turned onSo excuse me forgetting but these things I doYou see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blueAnyway the thing is what I really meanYours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seenAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the world

Elton John的《Birds》 歌词

歌曲名:Birds歌手:Elton John专辑:Songs From The West CoastBic Runga - Birdsedit by q4828315Take your time make peace with the dayLying on the ground and cold feetAnd never mind what people will sayTalking is thoughtless and cheepI only said it to be kind,I wont pretend to be nieveAnd thoughts arrive like leaves on the pageTrying and hoping to beYou and i like birds in a cageDreaming how once we were freeThe evening closes on the wireI saw you hiding in the eevesDont leave me hanging all the whileA shadow underneath the treesI only want you to be mineI only want you to be freeIf either on of us is rightIt must be sealed to be believedah...I only want you to be mineI only want you to be freeah..

Elton John的《Blue Eyes》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Eyes歌手:Elton John专辑:Love SongsBlue eyesBaby"s got blue eyesLike a deep blue seaOn a blue blue dayBlue eyesBaby"s got blue eyesWhen the morning comesI"ll be far awayAnd I sayBlue eyes holding back the tearsHolding back the painBaby"s got blue eyesAnd shes"s alone againBlue eyesBaby"s got blue eyesLike a clear blue skyWatching over meBlue eyesOoh I love blue eyesWhen I"m by her sideWhere I long to beI will seeBlue eyes laughing in the sunLaughing in the rainBaby"s got blue eyesAnd I am home againBlue eyes laughing in the sunLaughing in the rainBaby"s got blue eyesAnd I am home againThe End -- Ma Jiali 1999/08/08

Elton John的《Your Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Song歌手:Elton John专辑:爱的主题曲 with loveYour SongMusic by Elton JohnAvailable on the album Elton JohnIt"s a little bit funny this feeling insideI"m not one of those who can easily hideI don"t have much money but boy if I didI"d buy a big house where we both could liveIf I was a sculptor, but then again, noOr a man who makes potions in a travelling showI know it"s not much but it"s the best I can doMy gift is my song and this one"s for youAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI sat on the roof and kicked off the mossWell a few of the verses well they"ve got me quite crossBut the sun"s been quite kind while I wrote this songIt"s for people like you that keep it turned onSo excuse me forgetting but these things I doYou see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blueAnyway the thing is what I really meanYours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seen

Elton John的《Your Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Song歌手:Elton John专辑:Here And ThereYour SongMusic by Elton JohnAvailable on the album Elton JohnIt"s a little bit funny this feeling insideI"m not one of those who can easily hideI don"t have much money but boy if I didI"d buy a big house where we both could liveIf I was a sculptor, but then again, noOr a man who makes potions in a travelling showI know it"s not much but it"s the best I can doMy gift is my song and this one"s for youAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI sat on the roof and kicked off the mossWell a few of the verses well they"ve got me quite crossBut the sun"s been quite kind while I wrote this songIt"s for people like you that keep it turned onSo excuse me forgetting but these things I doYou see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blueAnyway the thing is what I really meanYours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seen

Elton John的《Rocket Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Rocket Man歌手:Elton John专辑:Lucca Italy 2011She packed my bags last night pre-flightZero hour nine a.m.And I"m gonna be high as a kite by thenI miss the earth so much I miss my wifeIt"s lonely out in spaceOn such a timeless flightAnd I think it"s gonna be a long long timeTill touch down brings me round again to findI"m not the man they think I am at homeOh no no no I"m a rocket manRocket man burning out his fuse up here aloneMars ain"t the kind of place to raise your kidsIn fact it"s cold as hellAnd there"s no one there to raise them if you didAnd all this science I don"t understandIt"s just my job five days a weekA rocket man, a rocket man

Elton John的《Amy》 歌词

歌曲名:Amy歌手:Elton John专辑:Honky ChateauWe Shot The Moon - AmyAmy would you be there for meIf I told you all my secretsWould you care or be scaredAnd Amy would you believe in meAll the complications that I bringThe complication of you and meBreak the spell cast on meThat I fell throughSmile for meIt"s your smile that I run toThe hardest thing to admitThat I love youSweet Amy don"t let fearTake me from youWe"ll find a wayAmy please don"t cry yourself to sleepRemember when I kissed youBy the stairwell where we hidAnd Amy please just laugh for meAll the distance in between usDon"t let distance now defeat usI can hardly wait, I can hardly waitThe futures right hereMaking no mistake, making no mistakeI can"t let goNeed you to break the spellPlease will you break the spell?Won"t you break the spell?God will you break the spell

Elton John的《Cold》 歌词

歌曲名:Cold歌手:Elton John专辑:Made In EnglandColdElton JohnYou don"t love him any moreHe threw your rag doll out the doorI keep my distance, I held my breathLove always ends up hanging by a threadLove hurts so muchLove leaves a scar"I don"t love you" is like a stakeBeing driven through your heartBut I don"t careI came back for youLove is cruel, but I don"t careI wanted you, and I"m cold, cold, coldYou said don"t cry to meHe said I"m a dead man if you leaveI have no feelings, I have no heartLove always cuts out the warm and tender partLove hurts so muchLove cuts so deepIt"s a hot sweat and a cold shakeLike drowning in your sleepBut I don"t careI came back for youLove is cruel, but I don"t careI wanted you, and I"m cold, cold,baby I"m coldLove hurts so muchLove leaves a scar"I don"t love you" is like a stakeBeing driven through your heartBut I don"t careI came back for youI don"t careI came back for youLove is cruel, but I don"t careI wanted you, I"m cold, cold,cold......coldso cold coldoh yeah I"m cold so coldcoldcold.....

Elton John的《Nikita》 歌词

歌曲名:Nikita歌手:Elton John专辑:Love SongsHey Nikita is it coldIn your little corner of the worldYou could roll around the globeAnd never find a warmer soul to knowOh I saw you by the wallTen of your tin soldiers in a rowWith eyes that looked like ice on fireThe human heart a captive in the snowOh Nikita You will never knowanything about my homeI"ll never know how good it feels to hold youNikita I need you soOh Nikita is the other sideof any given line in timeCounting ten tin soldiers in a rowOh no, Nikita you"ll never knowDo you ever dream of meDo you ever see the letters that I writeWhen you look up through the wireNikita do you count the stars at nightAnd if there comes a timeGuns and gates no longer hold you inAnd if you"re free to make a choiceJust look towards the west and find a friendOh Nikita You will never knowanything about my homeI"ll never know how good it feels to hold youNikita I need you soOh Nikita is the other sideof any given line in timeCounting ten tin soldiers in a rowOh no, Nikita you"ll never knowOh Nikita You will never knowNever know anything about my homeI"ll never know how good it feels to hold youNikita I need you soOh Nikita is the other sideof any given line in timeCounting ten tin soldiers in a rowOh no, Nikita you"ll never knowCounting ten tin soldiers in a rowCounting ten tin soldiers in a rowCounting ten tin soldiers in a row

Elton John的《Your Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Song歌手:Elton John专辑:The Greatest Hits 1970-2002Your SongElton JohnIt"s a little bit funny this feeling insideI"m not one of those who can easily hideI don"t have much money but boy if I didI"d buy a big house where we both could liveIf I was a sculptor, but then again, noOr a man who makes potions in a travelling showI know it"s not much but it"s the best I can doMy gift is my song and this one"s for youAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI sat on the roof and kicked off the mossWell a few of the verses well they"ve got me quite crossBut the sun"s been quite kind while I wrote this songIt"s for people like you that keep it turned onSo excuse me forgetting but these things I doYou see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blueAnyway the thing is what I really meanYours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seenAnd you can tell everybody this is your songIt may be quite simple but now that it"s doneI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the worldI hope you don"t mindI hope you don"t mind that I put down in wordsHow wonderful life is while you"re in the world

Elton John的《Dear John》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear John歌手:Elton John专辑:Jump Up!Echo(回声乐团) - Dear John作曲:Echo 填词:EchoBe like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light岁月的哨音正催促我寻找遗忘的感动年少轻狂之间 电子情人之外在我尘封的回忆中你所说的话却依然动容美丽男孩的脸编织和平与爱的梦请让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light耳提面命着我的风透露时光的线索青春无敌之间 蓝调乡愁之外而一切归於平淡之後那绚烂的夜却依然不朽战争尚未停歇劳动英雄的爱依旧请让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the lightOh brothers Come ladies用你所有已沉睡的狂想Oh brothers Come ladies看见自己在新世界的光Oh brothers Come ladies用你所有已沉睡的狂想Oh brothers Come ladies让我再一次对你说请让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the light是否能让我Be like Be like youWhen you give me all the lightOh brothers Come ladies用你所有已沉睡的狂想Oh brothers Come ladies看见自己在新世界的光Oh brothersBe like

Elton John的《Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Man歌手:Elton John专辑:Made In EnglandManElton JohnMade in EnglandMusic by Elton JohnMan stands in all his glorySitting at the crossroads of the same old storyMan got his make-up, wears it like a maskHides inside a child, lives inside a glassMan breathes his own deceitMan worships his own defeatOh I"m a man, I know what it feels likeI"m a man, working on the living part of lifeYou see through me, I understandBut don"t lose hope if you canHave a little faith in manShakespeare"s men got all the linesModern man lives back in timeMan got bravado in his big steel handsRuns with the wolf, sleeps with the lambMan falls, cuts and bleedsMan stumbles on his own beliefOh I"m a man, I know what it feels likeI"m a man, working on the living part of lifeYou see through me, I understandBut don"t lose hope if you canHave a little faith in manHe"s the hoax behind the thrillThe poison arrow, the bitter pillHard to swallow, hard to kill, hard to understandHe"s the light behind the hillThe broken promise, the iron willHard to kill, hard to understandOh I"m a man, I know what it feels likeI"m a man, working on the living part of lifeYou see through me, I understanddon"t lose hope if you canHave a little faith in manI know what it feels likeI"m a man, working on the living part of lifeYou see through me, I understanddon"t lose hope if you canHave a little faith in man
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