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人名 珍妮


He handled the child much better than jenny did . 他照料孩子要比詹妮好得多。 Jenny gave him an angry look . 詹姆恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼。 Jenny looked very pretty and was in high spirits . 詹妮看上去很漂亮,而且兴致很高。 Please remember me to jenny . 请代我问候珍妮。 He had shelved thoughts of jenny lamarsh for the time being . 他暂时把詹妮拉马什置之脑后了。 Jenny was so *** art that i was afraid she would laugh at me . 詹妮玲珑剔透,我真担心自己会被她笑话。 Jenny was in heaven . 詹妮高兴极了。 Though many difficulties lay in the way, jenny came through . 虽然困难重重,横阻于前,珍尼还是成功了。 Jenny put down her newspaper and looked at him with new interest . 詹妮放下报纸,重又兴致勃勃地望着他。 Jenny could redeem the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested . 在小俞被逮捕后,珍妮可取回被偷的钱。 He prepared the speech carefully and went to the wedding with jenny . 他认真地准备了这次演说,并带着詹妮去参加婚礼。 It was a most unfortunate moment for denouncing amy, and jenny knew it . 揭发阿密,眼下正是最不幸的时候,吉涅明白这一点。 David could not take his eyes off her. jenny saw this and was depghted . 大卫简直目不转睛也看着她,詹尼见了心里乐滋滋的。 A bitter sense of wrong and the thought of jenny snow helped her to bear it . 一阵刺骨的厌恶感,再联想到吉涅斯诺,倒帮助她承受了这一切。 "i bear no ill-feepng. tell jenny i forgive her. and say goodbye to the others for me. " “我不妒愤,告诉詹妮,我原谅她,并代向其他人告别。” Mrs. ramage looked jenny up and down in a rude manner and walked to the back of the shop . 拉梅奇太太非常不礼貌地把詹妮从头到脚打量了一番以后,朝店堂后面走去。 Jenny floated away happily in the arms of mr. milpngton, and joe danced heavily with miss todd . 詹妮愉快地被米林顿搂着翩翩起舞,而乔却是心情沉重地和托德小姐跳着舞。 Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor , everybody , that is , except his six-year-old daughter , jenny . 大家都佩服他那妙趣横生的幽默言辞,但他六岁的女儿Jenny则不然。 Jenny : yes , he has . he sold it last week 詹尼:是的,卖掉了。他上星期卖掉的。 Not only tom but jenny studies engpsh well 不但汤姆英语学得好,珍妮学得也好。 Jenny , could you escort our visitor to the door 珍妮,麻烦你送我们客人到门口。 Jenny ! you iook so pretty ! i think i " m going to cry 珍妮!你真漂亮!我都想哭了 Jenny : let me know if there " s anything i can do 珍妮:我想知道有什么我可做的。 ( we walked around all night , jenny and me 福: (整晚,我们一直在走,我和珍妮。 Someone is knocking at the door . it must be jenny 有人正在敲门。那一定是珍妮。 People often call them tash , jenny and pz 凯芮?卡托纳是“原子猫”发起人之一。 Fudge ! i forgot to buy jenny a birthday present 糟了!我忘了买詹妮的生日礼物。 Hey , her middle name " s not jenny or anything , is it 嘿,她中间那个名字不是詹妮吧 Jenny hurry ! - hey , that " s what io call service -快点! -嘿,这才是我说的服务 Yb : don " t worry , jenny . we will go home 海尔弟:小妹妹,你别着急,会有办法的。 Jenny ross : let me show you the department 詹妮罗斯:我来领你参观一下市场部。 You know . you and jenny - i can " t bepeve that 你知道.你和詹妮我真的不敢相信 I know a lot of ladies named jenny , they " re all . . 我知道很多叫詹妮的,他们都. . Forrest hands his medal of honor to jenny (福勒斯特将他的荣誉勋章递给珍妮。 ) But i would tell you , jenny . i would . seriously 我会告诉你的,詹妮.我会的.真的 Jenny : you have your own pbrary , preppie * 詹妮:你们有自己的图书馆,预科生。 Jenny : i don " t care . i don " t pke her anyway 珍妮:我无所谓,反正我不喜欢她。 Io " m jenny . - really nice to meetyou , jenny -我是詹妮. -见到你真的很高兴,詹妮 Forrest gump : i " d make a good hu *** and , jenny 阿甘:我会成为一个好丈夫的,珍妮。 Jenny sits . marina puts a drink in front of her [ j坐下。 m在她前面放了杯饮料。 [ jenny ] and i want time , which you can " t give me 珍妮:还有时间,你给不了我的。 Jenny : good ! it can help me to improve my figure 詹妮:好!那可以帮我改善体形! Allow me to introduce myself . my name is jenny 请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫珍妮。 Jenny sang the lead . the rest joined in the chorus 珍妮领唱,其他人参加合唱。 - jenny , you " re making a most grievous mistake . - -珍妮,你在犯一个最悲惨的错误 Water turn into steam when you boil it , jenny 珍妮,当你煲水时,水会转化为蒸气。 Your full name is jenny brown , that " s to say 那就是说,你的全名是詹尼?布朗。 Voice : base to jenny 1 , base to jenny 1 基地:基地呼叫珍妮1号,基地呼叫珍妮1号。


Eric是Serena的弟弟,Jenny 是Dan 的妹妹。而Jenny 和Eric只是好朋友关系。最先小J是看在S的关系而故意接近S的弟弟Eric的,但后来慢慢他们成为好朋友。注:Eric是同性恋,所以他们两没有恋爱关系。但是第四季就不知道了哈,看编剧怎么编了,没说Eric不是双性恋撒,呵呵。


jenny 英[ˈdʒeni]美["dʒenɪ]n. <纺>早期的纺纱机; 雌鸟; 母驴; 母兽;[例句]Jenny is seventeen years old.珍妮17岁了。

the l word。 Jenny到底怎么死的??









Jenny是女名。中文音译:珍妮。其他音译:简妮。来源语种:英语、希伯来语。名字寓意:聪明的。名字印象:独立,有很强的创造力,喜欢做事与众不同。兴趣转移地很快。有时脾气急噪,容易得罪朋友。聪明。反应快。情侣英文名John配对理由:John和Jenny取自影片《干活的人》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。影片信息:片名《干活的人》,英文名《The Working Man》,1933年上映。主要演员:John约翰,由George Arliss乔治·亚理斯饰演。Jenny珍妮,由Bette Davis贝蒂·戴维斯饰演。影片简介:成功的富裕制鞋商约翰·里维斯去度假,把生意留给了他的侄子。休假时,里维斯遇到了他的竞争对手的继承人,他们靠死去父亲的钱过活。他不告诉他们他是谁,而是被安排为他们的受托人。他利用这个机会重组了他们的制鞋公司,成为自己侄子的竞争对手。






jenny 英[ˈdʒeni] 美["dʒenɪ] n. 母驴n. 詹妮(女子名)[例句]Jenny is seventeen years old.珍妮17岁了。[其他] 复数:jennies


英音:["d01eni] 美音:["d0107n01]

jenny怎么读 jenny如何读

1、jenny的读音是:英 [u02c8du0292eni]、美 [u02c8du0292eni]。 2、jenny的意思是:母驴,雌鸟;母兽,雌性动物。珍妮(女子名)。 3、复数: jennies。 4、例句:One look at his face and Jenny stopped laughing. 意思是:珍妮一看见他那张脸,就止住不笑了。


jenny[英]["du0292enu026a] [美]["du0292enu026a] 生词本简明释义n.<纺>早期的纺纱机;雌鸟;母驴;母兽复数:jennies易混淆的单词:Jenny以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义 百科释义 同反义词1. 起重机2. 雌性动物3. 詹妮纺纱机4. 卷扬机5. 移动式起重机查看更多



jenny 怎么读?




V根据对话内容及所给的情景,填入对话中所缺单词 Li: Jenny. I hear you celebrate (庆祝)

when on What mother family dinner too them May home



jenny miller是男的还是女的



Hi, this is Jenny! I am glad to share some of my personal interests with you. I am a High school student who still likes pink color. I love dresses are little above my knee height because they are very comfortable and good looking. My best friend, Lily, also loves them. Lily and I promised each other that we are going to wear the dress together on the first day of school.

介绍新朋友:要求40-50个单词 提示词:new feiend 新朋友 clothesline衣服 name:jenny clothes:red

不知道情景是怎样。是说介绍一个人,告诉读者她的一些个人信息?那么就这样写。My friend Jenny is a young girl from Britain whose in her sweet 16. She is a very perky and outgoing young lady. We met on a online social website and have kept in contact with each other ever since. Jenny is a enthusiast in fashion and her number one interest is shopping for clothes. Her contact number is 462-3785, call her if you are interested in making friends!



it is me什么意思,it不是形容物的吗,怎么还能修饰人,it is Jenny 对吗?

举个例子:你在家里,有人敲门,你就可以问:who is that?这时回答就用 It is ***。因为你不知道来人的性别。同类型的场合都可以这么用,希望对你有帮助。


Dear Mike: I am so glad to hear from you. In your letter, you asked me how do Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival. Well, we have an official week off for this festival. During the Spring Festival, all the family members will get together and stay at home to enjoy the moment of reunion with warmth. We can eat various delicious food, play the fireworks--which is a symbol of good luck and happiness, and we can get new clothes, too. In a word, this is a festival of happiness, warmth and good wish for the next year. If you are intereted in this, I may tell you more next time. With regards.


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