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I will call at the James" this afternoon. the XX"s XX一家 the Smiths" 史密斯一家 the Campbells" 康宝一家





英语姓氏读法,只读名字可以吗?比如Mr Jame,

如果名字是Jame Mill你应该称呼对方为Mr Mill或者JameMr Jame是错的,不能这么叫



如何评价诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主,DNA 之父詹姆斯·沃森 Jame

作为一名生物从业工作者,对于克里克、沃森这两位先哲我还是相当了解的,当年年仅三四十岁的二人凭借对DNA分子双螺旋结构的独到见解获得了诺奖,至今在中国生物界乃至教育界仍被传为一段出名要趁早的佳话。故事的起因源于几天前theatlantic.com的一篇报道,FB、google+上被疯狂转载,大概内容如下:年纪将近90的James Watson,迫于生计,不得不将当年的诺奖奖章出手,贴补家用,目前已被估价2000W$。事件本身的真实性不容置疑,只是对于James Watson本人的了解,出售诺奖奖章应该不是出于本意,媒体大肆评价的James Watson当年祸从口出,因种族歧视言论将自己逼上了绝路,或者说此等言论只是James Watson研究的结果,最终是记者臆测并发表的,等等云云。不管如何,这件事情对James Watson的影响还是很大的,公司买断合同,再也没有讲座邀请,巨额的研发经费以及生活所需迫使现在不得不出售当年的诺奖奖章。James Watson在学术上的贡献是有目共睹的,现今为止,诸多研究无出其右,或者说都是在James Watson 的基础上研究再研究,他开创了一个全新的领域,一个全新的视野,为目前乃至今后的分子生物学研究指引了一个明确的方向,单单这一点,就是值得我们尊敬的。


Jame"s 所有格




ZOWIE GEAR 卓威奇亚 G-SR。以下是Avangar俱乐部CSGO职业选手Ali “Jame” Djami(外号J6me、六神、6神)所使用的鼠标、键盘、显示器、耳机等硬件外设、以及视频画面设置、准心(准星)和视角控制台指令参数等:_配件外设显示器:ZOWIE GEAR 卓威奇亚 XL2540(购买地址)鼠标:ZOWIE GEAR 卓威奇亚 EC2-A(购买地址)鼠标垫:ZOWIE GEAR 卓威奇亚 G-SR (购买地址)键盘:雷蛇 Razer 黑寡妇蜘蛛Blackwidow X(购买地址)耳机:金士顿 Kingston HyperX Cloud Ⅱ(购买地址)显卡:英伟达GEFORCE RTX 1080 TI(购买地址)DPI:1600灵敏度:0.625eDPI:1000HZ:500开镜时灵敏度:1.00鼠标加速:关系统灵敏度:6原始输入:开画面分辨率:1280×960宽高比:4:3缩放模式:黑边HZ:240

迷失中ana lucia和sawyer(james)最后有在一起么

Ana Lucia和Sawyer?这哪跟哪啊?他们好像没在一起过吧。。James开始时喜欢上Kate 后来和Juliet等人一同闪回30年前(不是非常清楚其中机理 过程解释起来也很复杂。。)并当上了达摩组织的安全主任(当然不叫这个名字,就是负责安保工作的官职) 而Jack、Kate等人离开了岛屿,James和Juliet日久生情,就在一起了。后来Kate再次出现时,James似乎仍然对她旧情难忘,但第五季结束时,Juliet落下深井,James痛不欲生的说道:"dare you leave me!" 再加上大结局时,James最后是和Juliet在一起的(Kate当然跟了Jack)可以说James心中最爱的还是Juliet至于Ana Lucia被Michael杀死后基本就没有出现了(最终季中有短暂出场)其实这其中的过程一句两句是很难说清楚的 建议还是自己慢慢把这部剧从头欣赏一遍吧





求美剧『迷失』中James "Sawyer" Ford的资料

杰克-谢帕德(Dr. Jack Shephard):神经外科医生,对同样是医生却酗酒而亡的父亲心怀歉疚。坠机后并不情愿的他被推举为生还人群的领导,解决了许多棘手问题。凯特(Kate):在逃数年的犯人,犯有武装抢劫、袭击和拒捕罪,被引渡前往美国受审。坠机后勇敢地带领了第一支小组深入丛林探险,并把遭到绑架的克莱尔 和查理从伊桑手中救出。查理-佩思(Charlie Pace):英国乐队Drive Shaft的贝司手,弟弟是主唱,染有多年毒瘾的他在岛上得到了洛克的帮助得以戒毒。与成为朋友的克莱尔双双被 伊桑绑架,后又受到走私者坠毁的飞机中海洛因的诱惑。赫利(Hugo "Hurley" Reyes):赢得1亿多彩票却霉运连连,本来可以躲过的坠机也被他赶上了。幸好他生性乐观,不以为意,并不断用自己的幽默为大家鼓劲打气,私底下相信是自己的霉运连累了大家。香侬-露瑟福德(Shannon Rutherford):备受父亲娇宠溺爱的20岁女孩,遭男友骗财后,勾引上继母的儿子伯恩(Boone)。坠机后深信他们会获得营救,拒绝搭建帐篷。把Boone的死归咎于洛克,后来喜欢上萨伊德,因为他不愿杀死洛克又与他翻脸。



Jame 的音标该怎么标?



jame叫上帝是因为他是自从CSGO推出以来回合死亡率最低的职业选手,仅0.56的回合死亡率。且在EPL第十一赛季欧洲区C组的比赛中,jame带领AVA这个二流队伍(相对其对手),接连击败液体(原冠军队),g2-小蜜蜂(法国的希望),从而挺进四强。扩展资料:jame近年比赛:1、2019-09-14 BLAST Pro Series: Moscow 20192、2019-09-08 StarLadder Berlin Major 20193、2019-05-05 WePlay! Forge of Masters Season 14、2019-04-21 DreamHack Open Rio de Janeiro 20195、2019-01-20 CIS Minor Championship - Katowice 20196、2018-12-09 Bucharest Gaming Week Invitational7、2018-10-28 EPICENTER 20188、2018-09-30 MSl Gaming Arena 20189、2018-05-24 Adrenaline Cyber League 201810、2017-10-29 CIS Minor Championship - Boston 2018


jame叫上帝是因为他是自从CSGO推出以来回合死亡率最低的职业选手,仅0.56的回合死亡率。且在EPL第十一赛季欧洲区C组的比赛中,jame带领AVA这个二流队伍(相对其对手),接连击败液体(原冠军队),g2-小蜜蜂(法国的希望),从而挺进四强。扩展资料:jame近年比赛:1、2019-09-14 BLAST Pro Series: Moscow 20192、2019-09-08 StarLadder Berlin Major 20193、2019-05-05 WePlay! Forge of Masters Season 14、2019-04-21 DreamHack Open Rio de Janeiro 20195、2019-01-20 CIS Minor Championship - Katowice 20196、2018-12-09 Bucharest Gaming Week Invitational7、2018-10-28 EPICENTER 20188、2018-09-30 MSl Gaming Arena 20189、2018-05-24 Adrenaline Cyber League 201810、2017-10-29 CIS Minor Championship - Boston 2018







It Takes Two (Feat. James Sampson) 歌词

歌曲名:It Takes Two (Feat. James Sampson)歌手:Zindy专辑:Reach Out作词:小山内舞作曲:和田昌哉编曲:OCTOPUSSY街の风に冷たい粒家路を急ぐ群集にまぎれては待つ人がいることの痛み自分の弱さ 同时に感じてる君がもし いつの时だって仆のものならばたとえふたり重ねた手を放そうとしても心は置いていくからたとえ今は 同じ时を刻めなくてもいつかまた めぐり会えるから伏し目の美しい女性よ离れたときもときめきは止まない今はまだ 言い出せなくて风の歌だけ 闻き流すふたり恋人の呼び名は君のためだけにあるよたとえ仆が视线はずす仕草みせても心は君を见ているたとえ今は 违う景色眺めていてもきっとまた めぐり会えるから运命も越えられる奇迹も起こるはずさ信じ続ければだから今は ひとりで歩こうたとえ仆が重ねた手を放そうとしても心は置いていくからたとえ今は 违う景色眺めていてもきっとまた めぐり会えるから仆たちは めぐり会えるから终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8947843





Jamelia的《Dj》 歌词

歌曲名:Dj歌手:Jamelia专辑:DjDjJameliacome on come on ah ah....You"re gonna rock to thisYou"re gonna rock to this10 o"clockWeekend bout to head out to the garden of edenGot my shelltoes and my kangolBefore I hit the door I got to grab my cellphoneBout to call my boys at see what"s upAre you rolling with the chick or whatMeet me at the spotI"ll be the one round the back in the drop topDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingTurn it up bump the baseCause we bout to tear the roof off this placeShake ya assCheak ya glassPut your hands up let the track blastThis beat"s so ridiculousI think the dancefloor"s about to bustEverybody on the wallBetter press it "cause it"s about to be the last callWe aint trying to leave the clubNow let me show you how to get a crunkHit the floor lock the doorIt"s time to goDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man andFeel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man and feel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblinggive me a beat I canI want a joint you canDj give me a beat I canI want a joint you canrock to woo rock wooRock to stafi nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2759828


My life is brilliant. 我的生命很精彩 My life is brilliant. 我的生命很精彩 My love is pure. 我的爱很纯真 I saw an angel. 我看到了天使 Of that I m sure. 这个我肯定 She smiled at me on the subway. 在地铁里她对我微笑 She was with another man. 虽然她和他一起 But I won t lose no sleep on that, 但是我不一定输,辗转一夜后 Cause I ve got a plan. 我(以为)有了可行的办法 You re beautiful. You re beautiful. 你好美!你好美! You re beautiful, it s true. 你真的好美 I saw you face in a crowded place, 在拥挤的地方我看到你 And I don t know what to do, 我不知道应该做什么 Cause I ll never be with you. 因为....... 我们不能在一起!? Yeah, she caught my eye, 我注视着她 As i walked on by. 缓缓的走过 She could see from my face that I was, 她应该可以看到我脸上难以掩饰的激动和兴奋 Fucking high, And I don t think that I ll see her again, 我想我是不会再有机会看到她 but we shared moment that will last till the end. 但是我们分享了这个永恒的瞬间 You re beautiful. You re beautiful. 你好美!你好美! You re beautiful, it s true. 你真的好美 I saw you face in a crowded place, 在拥挤的地方我看到你 And I don t know what to do, 我不知道应该做什么 Cause I ll never be with you. 因为....... 我们不能在一起!? You re beautiful. You re beautiful. 你好美!你好美! You re beautiful, it s true. 你真的好美 There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 她有天使般的笑容, When she thought up that I should be with you. 或许我“应该”和她在一起 But it s time to face the truth, 但是.......事实是 I will never be with you. 我们不可能在一起 !!

有谁可以翻译一下James Blunt的和中文歌词啊??谢谢

Goodbye My Lover我是否让你失望让你悲伤,我是否该背负罪恶感,接受审判因为我们开始时我就看到了结局是的,我看到了你的盲目,我知道我是赢家因此我坚持我自己是永恒的真理把你的灵魂丢进黑夜也许会有结束,但永不会停止有你的关怀,我会为你守侯你抚慰我的心灵我的灵魂你改变我的生活我的追逐爱是盲目的,我知道,当我的心灵也因为你而盲目.我吻过你的唇,拥你在怀中一起做梦,一起安睡太了解你,熟悉你的味道我已醉心于你再见我的爱再见我的朋友你是唯一你是我今生的唯一我爱做梦,但总有醒来的时候你摧毁不了我的精神--你带走我的梦当你再次上路时,请记住我记住我们一起的时光我难忘你的哭泣你的笑颜难忘你安静的睡脸我本应是你孩子的父亲,你一生的伴侣我们也相互了解对方的恐惧我们也消除了以往对彼此的怀疑我爱你,我发誓我的生活不能没有你再见我的爱再见我的朋友你是唯一你是我今生的唯一我仍然将你的手紧握我手中即使在我熟睡的时候我将及时承上我的灵魂,当我拜倒在你的石榴裙下再见我的爱再见我的朋友你是唯一你是我今生的唯一我的心已被你掏空,宝贝我的心已完全,完全地被你掏空Simona 希姆娜 You"re getting older 青春不再眷顾你 Your journey"s been Etched on your skin 往昔印刻在你的容颜 Simona 希姆娜 Wish I had known that 我真希望我能明白 We seemed so strong 曾经存在于我们之间的默契 We"ve been there and gone 我们匆匆而来,又转身离去...... I will call you up everyday Saturday night 我会在每周六约你 And we both stayed out "til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明 And we sang, "Here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“Here we go again” And though time goes by 纵使青春不再 I will always be In a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你 In 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973年 Singing "Here we go again" 吟唱着:“Here we go again” Simona 希姆娜 Wish I was sober 我希望我能保持清醒 So I could see clearly now 才能看清现实的一切 The rain has gone 暴风雨已经过去 Simona 希姆娜 I guess it"s over 是否一切已经结束了 My memory plays our tune The same old song 那首老歌还一直在我记忆中萦绕 I will call you up everyday Saturday night 我会在每周六约你 And we both stayed out "til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明 And we sang, "Here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“Here we go again” And though time goes by 纵使青春不再 I will always be In a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你 In 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973年 Singing "Here we go again" 吟唱着:“Here we go again” I will call you up everyday Saturday night 我会在每周六约你 And we both stayed out "til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明 And we sang, "Here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“Here we go again”a And though time goes by 纵使青春不再 I will always be In a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你 In 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973年 Singing "Here we go again" 吟唱着:“Here we go again” I will call you up everyday Saturday night 我会在每周六约你 And we both stayed out "til the morning light 心手相连,直到天明 And we sang, "Here we go again" 我们一起吟唱着:“Here we go again” And though time goes by 纵使青春不再 I will always be In a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你 In 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973年 Singing "Here we go again" 吟唱着:“Here we go again” And though time goes by 纵使青春不再 I will always be In a club with you 我也会一直在那个酒吧陪着你 In 1973 在那个令人难忘的1973年......

求james blunt 的的中文歌词

我是否让你失望让你悲伤, 我是否该背负罪恶感,接受审判 因为我们开始时我就看到了结局 是的,我看到了你的盲目,我知道我是赢家 因此我坚持我自己是永恒的真理 把你的灵魂丢进黑夜 也许会有结束,但永不会停止 有你的关怀,我会为你守侯 你抚慰我的心灵我的灵魂 你改变我的生活我的追逐 爱是盲目的,我知道, 当我的心灵也因为你而盲目. 我吻过你的唇,拥你在怀中 一起做梦,一起安睡 太了解你,熟悉你的味道 我已醉心于你 再见我的爱 再见我的朋友 你是唯一 你是我今生的唯一 我爱做梦,但总有醒来的时候 你摧毁不了我的精神--你带走我的梦 当你再次上路时,请记住我 记住我们一起的时光 我难忘你的哭泣你的笑颜 难忘你安静的睡脸 我本应是你孩子的父亲,你一生的伴侣 我们也相互了解对方的恐惧 我们也消除了以往对彼此的怀疑 我爱你,我发誓 我的生活不能没有你 再见我的爱 再见我的朋友 你是唯一 你是我今生的唯一 我仍然将你的手紧握我手中 即使在我熟睡的时候 我将及时承上我的灵魂, 当我拜倒在你的石榴裙下 再见我的爱 再见我的朋友 你是唯一 你是我今生的唯一 我的心已被你掏空,宝贝 我的心已完全,完全地被你掏空

james blunt首goodbye my lover点解?

JB接受访问 时被问及这首歌的用意: 问:You also call Goodbye My Lover your most personal track. What were the events that led to you writing the song? JB:Well the girl I was dating and I split up. I guess I wrote the song to say I"m pretty sad. I"m much better now though. If I find it difficult to explain my songs it"s because they reflect exactly the voices in my head particularly with that track. 有外国网友 声称JB这个前度女友为他怀了孕,后来她死了(未知什么原因),JB便写了这歌。 歌词内容:这对恋人分开了。对方是受到伤害。 他利用对方因爱他而赋予他的最大而永恒的权利,伤害了对方(常见的恋人悲剧),让对方的灵魂堕进黑暗中(这个暗喻重则引伸为死亡,轻则为残缺的心灵)。更恐怖的是,在二人一起之前,他已经预计到这个悲剧结局。 他仍然深爱对方。守候着她。因为他已经上了她的瘾,如果她会回来,他愿意跟她一生一世,做她BB的爸爸…梦中的他会紧握她的手…有一天他背负住他的灵魂跪在她脚旁…祈求她的寛恕? 她是他的唯一真爱。可能她是真的死了,也许对方没可能再回到他身边。自己只能够不断地对喊著:「再见!我的爱人!再见…我的擎友!」来跟心中的另一半作诀别。余下的是无限的空虚… 这首歌实在感动了许多人,虽然没有具体指出发生何事。但主人翁的自疚、悔恨、难舍难离、永恒的爱念加上永别的心痛…实在触动了许多怨侣的心灵。听说许多痴男怨女百听不厌,甚至落泪。 I Think It Me He Loves His Gf Until She Dies!!

James Bryan的《Systems》 歌词

歌曲名:Systems歌手:James Bryan专辑:Beautiful WorldChester Bennington of Linkin Park - SystemYou fell away,What more can I say?The feelings evolved,I won"t let it out,I can"t replace...Your screaming face,Feeling the sickness insideWhy won"t you die?Your blood in mine…We"ll be fine…Then your body will be mineSo many wordsCan"t describe my faceThis feeling"s evolvedSo soon to break outI can"t relateto a happy statefeeling the blood run insideWhy won"t you die?Your blood in mine…We"ll be fine…Then your body will be mineWhy is everything so fucking hard for me?Keep me down to what you think I should be!Must you tempt me and provoke the ministry?Keep on trying I"ll not die so easilyWhy is everything so fucking hard for me?Why is everything so fucking hard for me?Why won"t you die?Your blood in mine….We"ll be fine….Then your body will be minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8037124





Matthew James Moy是亚洲哪的血统?听说是美籍韩国人。是吗?就是破产姐妹里的餐厅老板!


CCTV5NBA西部半决赛放KOBE 和JAMES的那个短片里的插曲是什么








急求,全球第一位首席位风险执行官的jame lam先生的详细资料?

《首席执行官》主要讲述了海尔的创业史、奋斗史、发展史。看完之后自己也有一种创业的激情,也渴望体会一下创业的成就感。 让我最感动的要数海尔人的创业精神和强烈的民族自尊心了。80年代,海尔仅是一个小工厂,为了生产出高质量的冰箱,花巨资引进了德国的生产线。为了强化工人的质量意识,当场将70多台不合格产品砸毁。因为,海尔人知道产品有了质量保证,企业才会有良好的信誉,才会得到消费者的承认,才会有生机和活力。 为了打造自己的品牌,为了生产多元化的产品,为了在世界上占有一席之地,海尔要建自己的工业园。但对一个刚刚起步的企业来说,15亿人民币的确是个天文数字。于是,向同行寻求支援,向银行寻求贷款。但都因“企业尚小,风险太大”而被拒绝,甚至遭到热嘲冷讽。但是,海尔人并没有因此而放弃,他们发扬艰苦奋斗的精神,领导和职工打成一片,携手共创自己的工业园。 也就是在这时,良好的工人素质,严格的企业管理,深深吸引了准备在华投资的美国AE公司。AE公司虽然愿意提供所有的资金,但因苛刻的合作条件,海尔人断然拒绝了。如果那样的话,海尔将失去自己的品牌,这又和海尔建工业园的目的相违背,同时也就失去了自己的尊严。最后,海尔的创业精神和强烈的民族自尊心打动了政府。于是,在政府的资助下,海尔工业园终于建成了。 一时间,海尔在全国打出了自己的品牌,但是在世界上却无自己的一席之地。于是,海尔毅然迈出了跨国的步伐。 90年代末期,海尔首先在法国打开了市场,并取得了显著业绩。这时,海尔产品的质量已经超过了AE公司的产品质量。于是AE又来了,他们居然想以低廉的价格买断海尔的四条生产线。否则,海尔将很难进入美国市场。有骨气的海尔人又拒绝了,打进美国市场的决心更坚定了。其中虽然经历了很多艰难,但海尔人是吓不倒的!2000年,它成功在美国建立了海尔冰箱厂。不久又在纽约获得金奖。从此海尔产品畅销世界! 正如海尔总裁所说的,一个企业要发展壮大,就要有自己的品牌,就要形成国际化的大公司,就要成为狼,这样才能与狼共舞;一个民族要发展强大,就不能只有一个名牌,而要需要很多名牌。 海尔人的创业精神让人可敬,海尔人的民族自尊心让人可畏,我们的海尔人是可敬可畏的! 愿我们的海尔永远如日中天,望我们的海尔人永远自强不息!

James的《Sit Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Sit Down歌手:James专辑:Fresh As A Daisy - The SinglesSit down鸡巴I"ll sing myself to sleepA song from the darkest hourSecrets I can"t keepInside of the daySwing from high to deepExtremes of sweet and sourHope that God existsI hope I prayDrawn by the undertowMy life is out of controlI believe this wave will bear my weight So let it flowOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyNow I"m relieved to hearThat you"ve been to some far out placesIt"s hard to carry onWhen you feel all aloneNow I"ve swung back down againIt"s worse than it was beforeIf I hadn"t seen such richesI could live with being poorOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyThose who feel the breath of sadnessSit down next to meThose who find they"re touched by madnessSit down next to meThose who find themselves ridiculousSit down next to meIn love, in fear, in hate, in tearsDownDownOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathySit down,sit down next to meSit down,sit down next to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7548741

James的《Sit Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Sit Down歌手:James专辑:The CollectionSit down鸡巴I"ll sing myself to sleepA song from the darkest hourSecrets I can"t keepInside of the daySwing from high to deepExtremes of sweet and sourHope that God existsI hope I prayDrawn by the undertowMy life is out of controlI believe this wave will bear my weight So let it flowOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyNow I"m relieved to hearThat you"ve been to some far out placesIt"s hard to carry onWhen you feel all aloneNow I"ve swung back down againIt"s worse than it was beforeIf I hadn"t seen such richesI could live with being poorOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyThose who feel the breath of sadnessSit down next to meThose who find they"re touched by madnessSit down next to meThose who find themselves ridiculousSit down next to meIn love, in fear, in hate, in tearsDownDownOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathySit down,sit down next to meSit down,sit down next to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/385738

James的《Sit Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Sit Down歌手:James专辑:The Very Best Of Pop Music 1991-1992Sit down鸡巴I"ll sing myself to sleepA song from the darkest hourSecrets I can"t keepInside of the daySwing from high to deepExtremes of sweet and sourHope that God existsI hope I prayDrawn by the undertowMy life is out of controlI believe this wave will bear my weight So let it flowOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyNow I"m relieved to hearThat you"ve been to some far out placesIt"s hard to carry onWhen you feel all aloneNow I"ve swung back down againIt"s worse than it was beforeIf I hadn"t seen such richesI could live with being poorOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyThose who feel the breath of sadnessSit down next to meThose who find they"re touched by madnessSit down next to meThose who find themselves ridiculousSit down next to meIn love, in fear, in hate, in tearsDownDownOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathyOh sit downSit down next to meSit down, down, down, down, downIn sympathySit down,sit down next to meSit down,sit down next to mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/61982238



James Bryan的《Trust》 歌词

歌曲名:Trust歌手:James Bryan专辑:Beautiful Worldずっと信じている终わらない梦を 握りしめて Trust me my wayTRUST原属:これが私の御主人様 OP作词曲: 奥井雅美/编曲: 长冈成贡原唱:奥井雅美翻唱:栗林みな実BY:黑崎ルキアHands 手と手をつないで今というこの瞬间 -toki- までただ前を见つめ 每日を歩いてた私达Don"t mind 时にこの想い 空回りするけど‘ちょっとポジティブ"がいいんじゃない?自分らしいキャラでいいでもね...ハチャメチャなシナリオは爱すべき未来 -asu- に変わっていくTrust me my way...Blowing 頬をなでる风と一绪に心地好く 楽しめる速度でこれからもずっと変わらない想い终わらない梦を 握りしめて Trust me my wayCan"t 手に追えない事件 -koko-抱えきれない瞬间时々はあるよ でも笑颜绝やさずに歩いてるSo but たまに火がついて!? 激情もするけど‘ちょっとポジティブ"でいたいから自分をおさえこまずにでもね...过激なシナリオ达は爱すべき未来 -asu- を连れて来るよTrust me my way...Blowing 风が诱う“ため息を吹き飞ばしたら君らしい速度で行けばいい”きっと素敌な想い限りない空に 両手広げ Getting my wayねぇ どんな时も自分らしく生きることは简単じゃないけど...これからもBlowing 頬をなでる风と一绪に心地好く 楽しめる速度で行けばいいずっと笑颜のままで终わらない梦を 握りしめて Trust me my way终わったhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8037128

james Harper的中文名是?效力球队?


Auld lang syne 中英文歌词 要james taylor那个版本的 好的还加分

歌曲名称:Auld Lang Syne歌手:james taylor所属专辑:James Taylor At Christmas歌曲时长:3分38歌曲语言:英语英文歌词:Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne!For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,And gets a hand of thine;We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.Should auld acquaintance be forgot,And never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd days of auld lang syne!For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.And here"s a hand, my trusty friend,And gets a hand of thine;We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We"ll take a cup of kindness yetFor auld lang syne.中文歌词:怎能忘记旧日的朋友,而从未想到?怎能忘记旧日的朋友和天的友谊地久天长!友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。这里的一只手,我信赖的朋友,并得到你的手;我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。怎能忘记旧日的朋友,而从未想到?怎能忘记旧日的朋友和天的友谊地久天长!友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。这里的一只手,我信赖的朋友,并得到你的手;我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。友谊地久天长,我亲爱的,友谊地久天长,我们会接受一杯好意友谊地久天长。

James Otto的《Damn Right》 歌词

歌曲名:Damn Right歌手:James Otto专辑:Sunset ManJames Otto - Damn RightYou can always find me hereRaisin" hell and drinkin" beerWith all my good-time buddiesCuttin" up and havin" funYeah the jokes can be on meAnd I don"t mind usuallyI"m an easy-goin", back-slappin" son of a gunBut she just left meAnd that"s just left me undoneSo you don"t want to push your luck boys, not tonightJust don"t bring up her name one more timeIf you think I"m in the mood to pick a fightYou"re damn rightShe"s gone and I admit I was wrongBut I can"t quitThinkin" about how good our love used to beAnd the whiskey numbs the painBut in the morning when I wakeI"ll be hungover hangin" on to a memoryAnd I"ll order one more roundLose the Coke and keep the CrownAnd just drown my miseryAnd I"ll blind myself with liquor and neon lightsAlone and stoned out of my mindIf you think I"m flyin" high as a kiteYou"re damn rightNow I"m just tryin" to make it throughBut gettin" over you is a long, long roadAnd I"m a strong man, but it"s killin" meLettin" goAnd I"d love to say it ain"t, but I can"t lieYeah pretend that I got somethin" in my eyesIf you think I"m gonna break down and cryYou"re damn rightYou"re damn rightLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!http://music.baidu.com/song/21432255


CSGO选手Jame被上帝的原因有很多,其中一个是比赛的时候头像很像耶稣,然后上帝的外号就这么来了,另一个原因是CSGO推出以来回合死亡率最低的职业选手,而而且James是在希伯来语中的意义为愿上帝保佑追随者,取代者,或欺骗者,本身实力也非常可观。Jame出生于1998年,如今24岁,来自俄罗斯,是队内的狙击手和指挥,现效力于outsiders,也就是改名后的Virtus.pro,上帝的大名就不用多说了,经典的Jametime保狙战术就是出自他手,虽然打法观赏性不强,胜在一手稳定。Jame职业生涯经历Jame首次出现在HLTV的相关记录是在2017年的SLTV Pro系列赛上,18岁的Jame与PASHANOJ,dimasick两名队友加入了一支名叫NOVA的队伍参加了那次赛事。随后他们以相似的阵容参加了同年的CIS Minor预选赛并且大获全胜,但随着队内一名选手遭遇VAC封禁,全队随即被取消了资格。“生活自然而然的让我接触了CS,在我们国家每个男生都知道这款游戏的存在,我不太记得我第一场比赛的经历了,但我肯定没有赢。”2017年8月,Jame加入了AVANGAR,这成为了他职业生涯中的关键一步。多亏了dimasick的邀请,得以让他认识了至今都与他同队的哈萨克斯坦双子星,Qikert和buster。“我是通过dimasick的引荐加入AVANGAR的,在此之前,我在HLTV上的数据还不错。与之前的队伍相比,AVANGAR的比赛态度,环队伍氛围和目标等方方面面都非常不同,这是我的第一支全职业战队。”

James Morrison的《Better Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Better Man歌手:James Morrison专辑:Napsterlive - July 10, 2006Artist: James MorrisonAlbum: UndiscoveredTitle: Better ManThere was a timeI had nothing to giveI needed shelter from the storm i was inAnd when it all got too heavyYou carried my weightAnd i want to hold youAnd i want to sayThat you are all that i needFor you, I give my soul to keepYou see me, love meJust the way i amI said For you i am a better manI said you are the reasonFor everything i doI"d be lost, so lost without youUnder the starsAt the edge of the seaThere"s no one aroundNo one but you and meWe"d talk for hoursAs time drifts awayI could stay here foreverAnd hold you this wayCoz you are all that i needFor you, I give my soul to keepYou see me, love meJust the way i amI said For you i am a better manI said you are the reasonFor everything i doI"d be lost, so lost without youno no noI"d be lost, so lost without youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10305448

求james morrison的wonderful world歌词

I"ve been down so low people look at me and they know, they can tell something is wrong like I dont belong, well, staring through a window standing outside there just to happy to care and I wana be like them but I"ll mess it up again, I tripped them out when God kicked outside everybody"s soul. Chorus: And I know that it"s a wonderful world But i cant feel it right now, I thought I was doing well but I just want to cry now, Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea, but I can only see when you"re here, here with me. Sometimes I feel so full that it just comes spilling out, it"s uncomfortable to see I give it away so easily, but if I had someone I would do anything and never never never never let you feel alone I wont, I wont leave u on your own, who am I to dream, dreams are for fools, they always let you down. Chorus: And I know that it"s a wonderful world But I cant feel it right now, I thought i was doing well but I just want to cry now, Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea, but I can only see when you"re here, here with me. And I wish that I could make it better, I"d give anything for you to call me, Maybe just a little letter Oh it could start again. Chorus: And I know that it"s a wonderful world But I cant feel it right now, I thought I was doing well but I just want to cry now, Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea, but I can only see when you"re here, here with me. I know that its a wonderful world but I cant feel it right now, Iv got all the right clothes to wear i just wana cry now, I kno that it"s a wonderful world from the sky down 2 the sea, But I can only see well when ur here, here with me. And I kno that it"s a wonderful world When your with me.

James的《Come Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Home歌手:James专辑:James: The Best OfLene Marlin - Come HomeI just wanna lock the doorLeave it all outsideTurn off the lampsI just wanna hideDon"t bother look for meNot even sure that you wereSo I don"t have to tellI am not feeling well this staysJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeI just wanna stay in backStay right here for nowLeft it with my thoughtsI don"t know howI do face another dayAnd I tragedy for it yetSo I don"t have to show that I am not OK this wayJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeAh Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah AhJust give me directions I go anywhereI need to find something I can not find hereGive me a chance I prove that you are wrongI manage to find I can be strongAnd maybe I wanna come homeThat maybe I wanna come homeMaybe I wanna come homeListened by John Lee from LK Lyrics Grouphttp://music.baidu.com/song/10300695

Our Town James Taylor 歌词

Long ago, but not so very long ago The world was different, oh yes it was You settled down and you built a town and made it live And you watched it grow It was your town Time goes by, time brings changes, you change, too Nothing comes that you can"t handle, so on you go Never see it coming, the world caves in on you On your town Nothing you can do. Main street isn"t main street anymore Lights don"t shine as brightly as they shone before Tell the truth, lights don"t shine at all In our town Sun comes up each morning Just like it"s always done Get up, go to work, start the day, Open up for business that"s never gonna come As the world rolls by a million miles away Main street isn"t main street anymore No one seems to need us like they did before It"s hard to find a reason left to stay But it"s our town Love it anyway Come what may, it"s our town. 很久以前,但不是太久 世界不同了,是的它不同了 你建造一个城市在那里安家,并看着它成长,那是属于你的城市 时光流逝,时间带来了变化,你也改变了 没有什么是你处理不了的,还没有,世界向你屈服,向你的城市屈服 你什么都不能做 主要街道己经不在是主要街道 霓虹灯已不再像以前那样闪耀 说实话,在我们的城市霓虹灯从来就没有闪耀过 太阳依旧像每天一样升起 起床,去工作,开始新的一天, 开始你的工作就像什么都没有改变 世界快速旋转 主要街道己经不再 没有人像以前那样需要我们 找不到一个理由生存 但我们依然爱我们的城市 那是我们的城市

Michael James Owen个人资料

【个人资料】全名:迈克尔.詹姆斯.欧文(Michael James Owen)昵称:米杰特.杰姆(Midget Gem)生日:1979年12月14日身高:5英尺8英寸(1.76米)体重:10st91b(70千克)百米速度:10秒9眼睛颜色:棕绿色出生地:英国的切斯特(Chester)现居地:哈瓦登(Hawarden)学历:艾德索中学(Idsall High School)资格:10 GCSE"S成为利物浦的队员:1996年作为YTS Pro初次登场:1997年5月对温布尔登的比赛第一个进球:1997年5月对温布尔登的比赛参加的第一场国际比赛:1997年2月对智利(成为英格兰历史上最年轻的国家队队员,年仅18岁59天)第一个国际比赛的入球:1998年对摩洛哥获得的奖项:97年度年轻队员奖(Young Player of the Year for"97)拥有的车:一辆蓝色宝马和红色美洲豹【欧文之最】最喜欢的颜色:红色最喜欢的饮料:百事可乐最喜欢的菜肴:比萨饼 鱼糊最喜欢的食物:中国菜最喜欢的电影:Cool Running最理想的家庭旅行目的地:加勒比海最理想的车:Jaguar XKR最有趣的歌:给利物浦前队友梅耶尔(Erik Meijer)的一首歌“He"s Dutch, He"s Red, He"s off his ****ing head”心目中最好的球场:温布利大球场(Wimbley)年幼时最珍爱的签名:伊安.鲁什(Ian Rush)心目中最佳的英格兰国家队:1990年打入意大利世界杯4强的英格兰队最喜欢的VCD:《迈克尔.欧文射门集锦》最满意的进球:1994年英格兰学院男孩队(School Boys)对苏格兰的比赛中 (也许已经变了)最满意的部分:笑容最喜欢的体育运动:足球、乒乓球、高尔夫球最喜欢的乐队:闪电种子(Lighting Staffordshire Bull Terrier)最喜欢的旅游地:美国童年最喜欢的足球明星:加利.莱因克尔童年最喜欢的运动:足球童年最要好的朋友:克莱格.罗宾森(Craig Robinson)买过的最贵的东西:8+0音响记忆中最早的世界杯:1990年意大利世界杯如果可以变成一个人,他最想变成弗兰基.德托里(Frankie Dettori)——一位骑师最想认识的电影明星是:埃迪.墨菲(Eddie Murphy)心目中最理想的高尔夫搭档是科林.蒙哥马利(Colin Montgomerie)最后一次打架:他的拳击赛场上(9~12岁之间)最早参加的少年队:莫尔德.亚历山大(Mold Alexandra)家庭状况:父亲——特瑞(Terry) 母亲——杰斯特(Janette) 姐姐——卡伦(Karen)哥哥——安德鲁(Andrew),(Terry)妹妹——莱斯利(Lesley) 妻子--路易斯.伯索(Louise Bonsall) 大女儿——杰玛(Gemma rose owen) 2003年5月1日出生儿子——占姆斯(James michael owen) 2006年2月7日出生小女儿——艾米丽.梅 (Emily May owen)2007年10月29日生【备忘录】欧文,生于1979年12月14日切斯特的切斯特医院 (Countess of Chester Hospital)。切斯特只有十二万人口,是一个宁静的小镇,不说不知道,切斯特的美术和建筑由中古时代已是闻名世界。因为欧文,令这个小镇更加令人注目。大约两岁的欧文,刚懂得步行便懂得踢足球,他第一次踢足球是和两位哥哥一起踢。由于两位哥的球技十分了得,欧文从小便想和两位哥哥一样,也能成为一位职业足球员,就像他的父亲一样。在欧文7岁时得到了他的第一对足球鞋,而且在那时加入了他的第一对球队—Hawarden Pathfinders Cubs,开始他的足球生涯。在球队里欧文的技术和速度令到很多人注意他。8岁的欧文在学校里的联赛第一赛季打入了97球,成了校内联赛的纪录,欧文当时踢的位置竟然是中场,但在十二场比赛中入了30球之多,让当时很多大球会注意他。球队内的教练更派他代表郡外出参加联赛,在郡的联赛他一季入了98球,打破了利物浦名宿鲁什 (Ian Rush) 的记录。当时阿森纳、切尔西、热刺等大球会也希望签到欧文,但欧文最后决定了利物浦。因为当时的欧文还小,而利物浦离切斯特比较近。欧文14岁便被派到列特梳尔足球学校里读书两年,欧文当时是年龄最小的。在15岁生日那年 (1995年) 利物浦正式签了欧文,欧文的职业足球生涯正式开始。收到六百镑支票的欧文第一时间便将支持传入银行。1996年在青年军足总杯 (FA Youth Cup) 5场赛事中射入11球。1997年,17岁143日的欧文首次参加职业联赛,当时的对阵的球队是温布尔登,在参加的第一场超级联赛中便有进球。虽然在这场比赛中利物浦以1:2输掉了比赛,但欧文成为了利物浦历史上最年轻的球员和最年轻入球者。赛季结束更被选为96/97 PFA最佳年轻球员和96/97 BBC最佳年轻球员。到了18岁59日,在温布利球场对摩洛哥的比赛让欧文成为了英格兰本世纪最年轻上阵球员和最年轻入球者。在98法国世界杯英格兰对阿根廷赛事,欧文射入一球世纪波,令全世界都认识欧文!一夜间成为球坛的天之骄子!到目前为止欧文夺得过两届英格兰超级联赛神射手宝座,分别是97-98赛季以18个入球成为联赛最佳射手以及98-99赛季再以18个入球与成为联赛最佳射手。2001年为利物浦取得英格兰联赛杯,英格兰足总杯,欧洲足协杯及欧洲超霸杯。在世界杯外围赛中英格兰作客对德国队的比赛更是神奇地连中三元,协助英格兰以5:1大胜德国队!并协助英格兰顺利以小组第一的成绩打入2002世界杯决赛圈。同一年他更为自己取到欧洲足球先生和为利物浦踢入自己的第一百个联赛入球。1996年与利物浦签约,在青训队进行训练1996年获得青年队的英格兰足总杯并当选为最佳球员1996年与一线队正式签约1997年5月6号在对阵温布尔登的比赛中攻进自己代表利物浦正式队比赛的第一粒入球1997年11月18号在对阵格林斯比的比赛中上演自己在利物浦正式队的第一个帽子戏法1998年2月7号在与谢菲尔德星期三德比赛中上演在联赛中德第一个帽子戏法1998年成为英格兰有史以来最年轻的球员,那时他18岁零59天1998年2月11号,在英格兰与智利的友谊赛中首次代表国家队登场亮相1998年,当选为年度体育风云人物,在这个赛季中联赛进球是18粒1998年当选最佳新人1998年5月Carling Player of the Year award1998年5月份入选了英格兰世界杯的大名单1998年5月27号在与摩洛哥的比赛中攻进了第一粒国家队进球1998年6月15号在世界杯对阵突尼斯的比赛中首次在世界杯上亮相1998年6月22号在对阵罗马尼亚的比赛中攻入了他个人在世界杯的第一粒入球1998年6月30号在对阵阿根廷的比赛中攻进了让世界震惊的一球1998年12月13号被bbc评为最佳体育人2001年的worthington cup01年的联盟杯冠军01年的超级杯冠军01年的足总杯冠军01年的慈善盾杯冠军01年获得当年的欧洲足球先生01年9月1号在对阵德国队的比赛中上演了在国家队的第一个帽子戏法01年在利物浦的进球数达到10001年获得bbc的Sports Personality Award04年以800万英镑的价格加盟黄马04年10月19号攻入了代表黄马比赛的第一粒入球04赛季西甲进球效率最高的球员05年以1600万英镑的价格加盟纽卡05年9月10号攻入为纽卡出战的第一个入球05年11月12号在与阿根廷的比赛中在最后时刻连入两球帮助英格兰获胜05年12月17号在纽卡上演第一个帽子戏法

out of mind James Blunt中文歌词

James Blunt《Out Of My Mind》Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,He"ll judge me by the fact that my face don"t fit.It"s touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.He"s waiting for the day when he gets me,But I don"t need no alibi - I"m a puppet on a string.I just need this stage to be seen.We all need a pantomime to remind us what is real.Hold my eye and know what it means.Cause I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.Judging by the look on the organ-grinder,He"ll judge me by the fact that my face don"t fit.It"s touching that the monkey sits on my shoulder.He"s waiting for the day when he gets me,But I won"t be your concubineI"m a puppet not a whore.I just need this stage to be seen.Will you be a friend of mine to remind me what is real?Hold my heart and see that it bleeds.Cause I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind.I"m out of my mind. 从目前的研究对器官磨床 他一定判断我的是,我的脸不适合. 它的感人,咱们就坐在我的肩膀. 他等待着这一天,当他到达我, 不过,我不需要任何借口-我是一个傀儡一个字符串. 我只是需要这个阶段将拭目以待.我们都需要一个哑剧,提醒我们什么是真实的.持有我国眼科及知道这意味着什么. 事业我出了主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 从目前的研究对器官磨床,就会引起他的判断我的是,我的脸不适合. 它的感人,咱们就坐在我的肩膀. 他等待着这一天,当他到达我, 但我不会是你的小老婆我是一个傀儡,而不是婊子. 我只是需要这个阶段将拭目以待. 你是我的朋友,我想起什么是真正的? 持我的心,看到它流血. 事业我出了主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意. 我出的主意.



jamelia know my name 的歌词

  Songtext: Jamelia - Know my name  Aus dem Album: nicht angegeben [Album hinzufügen]  Diesen Song gratis und legal downloaden  It was the hottest day in summer of the London town  I was dressed to impress, you know how I gets down  Every guy that I passed looked at my ass like "woah!"  And this one in particular couldn"t hold it down  He said...  Hi,  Do you wanna go for a ride?  I got it all ,  I"ll give it to you, I"ll give it to you,  I said you"re promising the world,  Thinking better make me your girl,  But if promises are comfort to a bull,  And you don"t know my name  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Now me and my girls are ringing at the hottest bar  And their ain"t no doubt, it going on is what we got  Now this boy slides over here like he"s a roller skates  Puts his lips to my ear, one hand around my waist  He says:  Girl, I wanna make you my world  And all I have, I give it to you, I give it to you  And I say baby boy you failed  Tonight you made no sale  Cos my promises are comfort to a bull  And you don"t know my name  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Don"t wanna be too hard on you fellas, fellas, fellas  I just wanna teach you a lesson  Don"t need to know what you"re sittin" on baby  All you gotta do is get to know my name...  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name...  Is it some guys are idiots?  And their dumb lines are getting me  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it, but you wont  Don"t even know my name  Ladies if you with me, let em know  They gotta up their game  You better brush up your ediquette  A girl like me, you"ll never get  Think you"re gonna win it but you wont  Don"t even know my name.


人们总是谈论嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊所有事情都是有嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊它写在一张纸上有一种感觉现在回头见有什么东西回合箱让我们保持移动如果这是好让只是找些烹调定制我真的想与你摇滚我感觉有些方面的东西你(你做什么,你这样做)我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打婴儿看看周围嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊每个人都获得"下跌嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊解决所有问题后坏男孩上有最好的行为这里有些比赛你让我们保持移动如果这是好让只是找些烹调定制我真的想与你摇滚我感觉有些方面的东西你(你做什么,你这样做)我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打我喜欢你movin "嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊我只是给到槽,然后你刚才让我想打如果你只是把笔纸嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊还没feelin "现在回头见嘿啊嘿啊嘿啊让您的移动我们不能有点更密切?您岩石它就像是您的支持嘿男孩我是没有nothin "更多的话要说定制你只是让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样否否得是得是一个超级巨星所有的目光都聚焦在你的眼睛你ohhh你让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打我不知道它是什么这让我感觉像这样我不知道你是谁但是,你必须是某种超级巨星定制你所有的目光都聚焦在你无论您身在何处你刚才让我想打

Jamelia的《Taxi》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi歌手:Jamelia专辑:See It In A Boy S Eyes络めた指を解く度「缠绕的手指松开的时候」その温もりを握り返した…「收回的手中还留有些许你的温度…」东方神起 - TAXI君に逢えると思う度「每当想起与你相遇的情形」仆の心は彩られてく「我的心也会变得多彩起来」他爱のない出来事も「就算是微不足道的小事也好」ふたりでいれば思い出に出来るのに…「只要两人在一起就会变成美好的回忆…」君の声も その细い肩も「你的声音和你那纤细的肩膀」その瞳も 仆のものじゃない「还有那眼中的神情全都不属于我」どんなに 傍にいても…「即使我这样陪伴在你身旁…」君の未来 壊さない限り「只要不破坏到你的未来」この想いを 叶えることは出来ないよ「即使这份感情将再也不能实现」ひとときの梦「只是一时的美好梦境」痛いほど好きなのに「爱到钻心般的疼」夜が终わってく…「夜晚即将过去…」中文歌词来源:HEY!JJ逢えない时间を埋めるように「像是把不能相见的日子深深掩埋一样」煌めく街の舗道を歩く「走在灯火辉煌的街道上」初めて手に触れた时「第一次触碰双手的时候」戯けた君の笑颜が蘇る「你脸上展开的笑颜被再次唤醒」抱きしめたい「想要抱着你」抱きしめていたい「想这样拥抱着你」だけど君は 仆のものじゃない「但是你从不属于我」歪な 心が今…「如今 心已经开始动摇」抱きしめたい「想要抱着你」抱きしめちゃいけない「却不能拥抱你」溢れるほど 溶けるほど「这满溢般的 像要融化般的心情」求めているのに「我是如此热切地追求着你」タクシー止めて「伸手叫停了出租车」约束も交さずに「连再见面的时间也没有约定」君は手を振る…「你挥着手…」作词:Shinjiroh Inoue作曲:Nao TanakaHa ha ha ha a a君の声も その细い肩も「你的声音和你那纤细的肩膀」その瞳も 仆のものじゃない「还有那眼中的神情全都不属于我」どんなに 傍にいても…「即使我这样陪伴在你身旁…」君の未来 壊さない限り「只要不破坏到你的未来」この想いを 叶えることは出来ないよ「即使这份感情将再也不能实现」ひとときの梦「只是一时的美好梦境」痛いほど好きなのに「爱到钻心般的疼」夜が终わってく…「夜晚即将过去…」-End-http://music.baidu.com/song/2672804

Jamelia的《Dj》 歌词

歌曲名:Dj歌手:Jamelia专辑:Superstar - The HitsDjJameliacome on come on ah ah....You"re gonna rock to thisYou"re gonna rock to this10 o"clockWeekend bout to head out to the garden of edenGot my shelltoes and my kangolBefore I hit the door I got to grab my cellphoneBout to call my boys at see what"s upAre you rolling with the chick or whatMeet me at the spotI"ll be the one round the back in the drop topDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingTurn it up bump the baseCause we bout to tear the roof off this placeShake ya assCheak ya glassPut your hands up let the track blastThis beat"s so ridiculousI think the dancefloor"s about to bustEverybody on the wallBetter press it "cause it"s about to be the last callWe aint trying to leave the clubNow let me show you how to get a crunkHit the floor lock the doorIt"s time to goDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man andFeel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhIf you came to dance clap your handsLadies grab your man and feel the base go uhhuhhAll in your face go uhhuhhDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblingDj give me a beat I can rock toI want a joint you can drop toThe ceiling is caving inThe speakers is rumblinggive me a beat I canI want a joint you canDj give me a beat I canI want a joint you canrock to woo rock wooRock to stafi nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2894221

Jamelia的《No More》 歌词

歌曲名:No More歌手:Jamelia专辑:Jamelia - The CollectionChristian - No Moreunh unh unhlistenwhat took us so longto we feel what i saidi was reaching for the starswhen you were right in front of mefrontin like i was so hotdidnt wanna spend the time nodidnt wanna hold your hand in the malldidnt wanna take your call nofellas if this is youdont let the love of your life past bygo get her and tell her the turthcause you know the heart dont lie.no morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowit was you that was right therewhen i fell to my kneesfrom the weight of this worlddidnt think i would see the morning?got in trouble with the lawyour the one that took my car girllost my job my caryou were there to break my whole worldfellas if this is youdont let the love of your life past bygo get her and tell her the turthcause you know the heart dont lie.no morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtomorrow is not promise to anyoneso i left everyday for your lovei wont let you get awaynot promise to anyoneso i leave everydayeverydayfor your loveno morewill i let somebody get in the wayi had a feel about chu (about chu)no she cant get in the waycause my minds on youthis time i aint backin downcause your the one girland the time is nowso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outtime is runnin" outso if your feeling this wayethen tell her nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2585432

Jamelia的《Superstar》 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar歌手:Jamelia专辑:Playlist: WomanSuperstarJameliapeople always talk abouthey oh hey oh hey ohall the things there all abouthey oh hey oh hey ohwrite it on a piece of papergot a feeling now see you laterthere"s something bout melet"s keep it movingand if it"s good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youi"m feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playbaby take a look aroundhey oh hey oh hey oheverybody"s getting" downhey oh hey oh hey ohdeal with all the problems laterbad boys on there best behaviourthere"s something bout youlet"s keep it movingand if it"s good lets just get something cookingcus i really wanna rock with youi"m feeling some connection to the things you do(you do, you do)i don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playi like you movin"hey oh hey oh hey ohi just give into the groove and thenyou just make me wanna playif you just put pen to paperhey oh hey oh hey ohgot that feelin" now see you laterhey oh hey oh hey ohmake your movecan"t we get a little closer?you rock it just like your supposedhey boy i aint got nothin" more to saycus you just make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisno no gotta be gotta be a superstarall eyes on you ohhh eyes on youyou make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playi don"t know what it isthat makes me feel like thisi don"t know who you arebut you must be some kind of superstarcus you got all eyes on you no matter where you areyou just make me wanna playhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2573971


People always talk about 大家总是说些有关 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 All the things there all about 所有的事情都是有关 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 Write it on a piece of paper 将它写在一张纸上 Got a feeling now see you later 一种感觉,一会儿在见 There"s something bout me 有些关於我的事情 Let"s keep it moving 让我们继续前进 And if it"s good lets just get something cooking 如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理 Cus I really wanna rock with you 因为我真的很想为你摇滚 I"m feeling some connection to the things you do 你做的事情让我感到一些联系 (You do, you do) (你做的,你做的) I don"t know what it is 我不知道怎麽回事 That makes me feel like this 让我有如此的感觉 I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁 But you must be some kind of superstar 但你一定是某些影视明星 Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are 因为不敢在哪裏,你都吸引了所有目光 You just make me wanna play 你让我向往嬉戏 Baby take a look around baby,看看周围 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 Everybody"s getting" down 大家都下来了 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 Deal with all the problems later 以后再去理那些烦恼 Bad boys on there best behaviour 坏小子都在表现他们的最好 There"s something bout you 有些关於你的事情 Let"s keep it moving 让我们继续前进 And if it"s good lets just get something cooking 如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理 Cus I really wanna rock with you 因为我很想和你一起摇滚 I"m feeling some connection to the things you do 我感到一丝牵挂与你做的事情连在一起 (You do, you do) (你做的,你做的) I don"t know what it is 我不知道怎麽回事 That makes me feel like this 让我感到如此 I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁 But you must be some kind of superstar 但你一定是某种影视明星 Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are 因为你吸引了所有目光,不管你身在何处 You just make me wanna play 你让我向往嬉戏 I like you movin" 我希望你前进 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 I just give into the groove and then 我只需凿坑,之后 You just make me wanna play 你让我向往嬉戏 If you just put pen to paper 如果你将笔纸放在一起 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 Got that feelin" now see you later 感觉到,一会儿在见 Hey oh hey oh hey oh 嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦 Make your move 让你前进 Can"t we get a little closer? 我们感觉不到距离的缩短麽? You rock it just like your supposed 你摇摆著,好似你应该的 Hey boy I aint got nothin" more to say 少年,我无话好说 Cus you just make me wanna play 只因你让我向往嬉戏 I don"t know what it is 我不知道是怎麽回事 That makes me feel like this 让我感觉如此 No no gotta be gotta be a superstar 不,不,必须成为,必须成为一个影视明星 All eyes on you ohhh eyes on you 所有目光在看著你,oh,目光看著你 You make me wanna play 你让我向往嬉戏 I don"t know what it is 我不知道是怎麽回事 That makes me feel like this 让我感觉如此 I don"t know who you are 我不知道你是谁 But you must be some kind of superstar 但,你一定是某种影视明星 Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are 因为你吸引了所有目光,不管身在何处 You just make me wanna play 你让我向往嬉戏

求 (单身日记)插曲"STOP"by Jamelia

分类: 音乐 解析: 这个网页有下载17s8/DownMusic/34914(试过) 歌词: all that I have is all that you"ve given me did you never worry that I"d e to depend on youI"v gave you all my love I had in me now I found ur lying and I can"t believe It"s true wooooaahhhhh you better stop! before you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart wooooaahhhhh you better stop time after time I tried to walk away but it"s not that easy when your soul must run into so I just resign myself to it everyday yeah and now all I can do is to leave it up to you wooooaahhhhh you better stop! before you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart woooooo you better stop If you love me not the time to be sorry I want to believe that youd walk out on me baby yeahhhwoah! wooooaahhhhh you better stop! befor you tear me all apart you better stop! before you go and break my heart woooooo you better stop nooooo you better stop! stop! nooooo you better stop! stop! nooooo you better stop! stop! By the way,这是《BJ单身日记2:理性边缘Briget Jones Diary 2 》电影原声,不是第一部

jamelia 的superstar和萧亚轩的告白谁是翻唱

麻烦楼主再听一遍。 这两首歌完全不一样好不好?

Jamelia的《Taxi》 歌词

歌曲名:Taxi歌手:Jamelia专辑:Thank YouMonica - TaxiBaby I love itFor your future dreams, and everything you promised meBaby I love itThe materials thing, but they don"t mean that much to meWe could go on, to my roomBut you"re the only one that I"ll ever needIf I can"t please you, and you can"t please me...Then call me a taxiI would give it all awayTake everything I had from meThere ain"t nothing that can take your placeCause love ain"t a material thingI don"t care if we don"t have muchWe still got loveThat should be enoughBut if I can"t please you, and you can"t please meCall me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiBaby don"t stress your mindCause riches ain"t worth a dimeOoh was it worth itIf it takes all your time, and I"m here left alone to cryI can"t gambleIf I don"t know what"s insideBut if you rather be free instead of me...Call me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiLet"s be clear,Of what is realCause if we don"t,I"ll lose this feelAin"t nothing wrong with reaching goalsBut what matters to me the mostIs that further down the roadWe finally can be everything that I wished forOhhhh 0, OooooohhIf we can"t be happy baby,Call me a taxiMoney ain"t everythingI could of been everything you needed babeIf you want me to stayI"m telling you something gotta changeWe can struggle to the end, OhJust don"t let goLove is really all we needBut if you think money makes me happy...Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh hoCall me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,Call me a taxiOh ho, Oh ho,But if you think money makes me happyCall me a taxiI don"t wanna leave, but I will...http://music.baidu.com/song/2659362


Superstar—JameliaPeople always talk about (ey oh ey oh ey oh)All the things their all about (ey oh ey oh ey oh)Write it on a piece of paper,Got a feeling I"ll see you later.There"s something bout this,Lets keep it moving,And if its good lets just get something cooking.Coz i really wanna rock with you,I"m feeling some connection to the things you do.(you do, you do).I dont know what it is,That makes me feel like this,I dont know who you are,But you must be some kind of superstar,Coz you got all eyes on you no matter where you are,(you just make me wanna play)Baby take a look around (ey oh ey oh ey oh)Everybody"s getting down (ey oh ey oh ey oh)Deal with all the problems later,Bad boys on their best behaviour.There"s something bout you,Lets keep it moving,And if it"s good lets just get something cooking,Coz i really wanna rock with you,I"m feeling some connection to the things you do,(you do, you do).I don"t know what it is,That makes me feel like this,I don"t know who you are,But you must be some kind of superstar,Coz you got all eyes on you no matter where you are,(you just make me wanna play).I like the way your movin" (ey oh ey oh ey oh)I just get into the groove and then (you just make me wanna play),If you just put pen to paper (ey oh ey oh ey oh)Got that feeling i"ll see you later.Make your move, can"t we get a little closer,You rock it just like you"re supposed to,Hey boy i ain"t got nothing more to say,Coz you just make me wanna play,I don"t know what it is,That makes me feel like this, I don"t know,Gotta be, gotta be a superstar,All eyes on you.

Jamelia的《Thank You》 歌词

歌曲名:Thank You歌手:Jamelia专辑:Beware Of The DogThank you作词:Kyasu Morizuki作曲:Tetsuya_Komuro歌:AAA暗闇迷うときも いつも傍に君がいたから勇気が溢れたのは いつも傍に君がいたから何度も踬いても いつも傍に君がいたからここまで歩けたのはいつも君がいたから伝えたい思いは まだまだ足りないけど Thank You for Love世界がひとつだってこと 宇宙が无限大だってこと地球がまん丸ってこと 仆らがつながっている理由世界の一番先よりも 宇宙の一番远い梦よりも地球の一番上よりも 仆らは一番君の傍にいる涙で霞む明日も ずっと傍に君がいるなら无邪気に歩き出せる ずっと傍に君がいるならはだかる高い壁も ずっと傍に君がいるなら背中の羽で飞べる ずっと君がいるから重ねたい景色はまだまだ増えてくからStep by My Side季节が移り変わっても 时代が辉き始めても未来が扉开けても 仆らは変わらないまま行こう季节の一番薫る场所 时代の一番热い场所よりも未来の一番果てよりも 仆らは一番君の横が好き2011仆の元へ6712声 羽はひとつじゃ空も飞べないでも知ってた? 意外と世界は狭い海の向こう 目も手もあわせられやしない距离だとしても约束しようこの心と声必ず届ける 君の元へ世界がひとつだってこと 宇宙が无限大だってこと地球がまん丸ってこと 仆らがつながっている理由世界の一番先よりも 宇宙の一番远い梦よりも地球の一番上よりも 仆らは一番君の傍にいる季节が移り変わっても 时代が辉き始めても未来が扉开けても 仆らは変わらないまま行こう季节の一番薫る场所 时代の一番热い场所よりも未来の一番果てよりも 仆らは一番君の横が好き~END~http://music.baidu.com/song/2625910

Jamelia的《Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Life歌手:Jamelia专辑:Thank YouLife is a wonderLife is like a wonderlandLife is funny?缀(つつ)る 巡(めぐ)る 纺(つま)ど糸(いと)It"s my lifeLife作词:Lia·R作、编曲:Koma2 Kazu演唱:Lia砂糖菓子(さどやし)のよぅに冬化粧(げしょう)した街(まち)にひっそり话(はな)すずっと傍(そば)にいると誓(じか)ったのでも独(ひと)りうつむく 夕暮(ゆぅぐ)れ嗫(ささや)きあう 幸(しあ)せが灯(とも)っている 今日(きょう)は切(せつ)なさも 全(すべ)て包(つつ)み込(こ)む…Life is a wonderLife is full of happinessFeel me heart beat想(おも)い 描(えが)く 系(つま)ぐ径(みち)Love is wonderLove someone dearlyFeel my heart beat超(こ)える 想(おも)い 廻(まわ)る今(いま)It"s my life<music>舞(ま)い降(お)りて 消(き)えてく 雪(ゆき)のよぅに记忆(きおく)の棘(とえ)も 溶(と)けて柔(やわ)らかな 思(おも)い出(で)だけ 今(いま)心(こころ)の中(なか)に映(うつ)し出(だ)して微笑(ほほえ)みあう 优(やさ)しさが溢(あふ)れてる 今日(きょう)は少(すこ)しだけ 急(いそ)いで出(だ)かけよぅLove is wonderLove someone dearlyFeel my heart beat続(つづ)く 结(むす)ぶ 架(か)ける桥(はし)Life is a wonderLife is like a wonderlandLife is funny缀(つつ)る 巡(めぐ)る 纺(つま)ど糸(いと)It"s my life<music>「Life is a wonder……」「Feel the earth beat……」Life is a wonderLife is full of happinessFeel me heart beat想(おも)い 描(えが)く 系(つま)ぐ径(みち)Love is fuzzyLove is like a wonderlandLife is a wonder超(こ)える 想(おも)い 廻(まわ)る今(いま)It"s my lifeFINhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2659428


People always talk about大家总是说些有关Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦All the things there all about所有的事情都是有关Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Write it on a piece of paper将它写在一张纸上Got a feeling now see you later一种感觉,一会儿在见There"s something bout me有些关於我的事情Let"s keep it moving让我们继续前进And if it"s good lets just get something cooking如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理Cus I really wanna rock with you因为我真的很想为你摇滚I"m feeling some connection to the things you do你做的事情让我感到一些联系(You do, you do)(你做的,你做的)I don"t know what it is我不知道怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我有如此的感觉I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但你一定是某些影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为不敢在哪裏,你都吸引了所有目光You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏Baby take a look aroundbaby,看看周围Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Everybody"s getting" down大家都下来了Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Deal with all the problems later以后再去理那些烦恼Bad boys on there best behaviour坏小子都在表现他们的最好There"s something bout you有些关於你的事情Let"s keep it moving让我们继续前进And if it"s good lets just get something cooking如果是好事,让我们找些烹饪料理Cus I really wanna rock with you因为我很想和你一起摇滚I"m feeling some connection to the things you do我感到一丝牵挂与你做的事情连在一起(You do, you do)(你做的,你做的)I don"t know what it is我不知道怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感到如此I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但你一定是某种影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为你吸引了所有目光,不管你身在何处You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏I like you movin"我希望你前进Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦I just give into the groove and then我只需凿坑,之后You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏If you just put pen to paper如果你将笔纸放在一起Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Got that feelin" now see you later感觉到,一会儿在见Hey oh hey oh hey oh嗨哦嗨哦嗨哦Make your move让你前进Can"t we get a little closer?我们感觉不到距离的缩短麽?You rock it just like your supposed你摇摆著,好似你应该的Hey boy I aint got nothin" more to say少年,我无话好说Cus you just make me wanna play只因你让我向往嬉戏I don"t know what it is 我不知道是怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感觉如此No no gotta be gotta be a superstar不,不,必须成为,必须成为一个影视明星All eyes on you ohhh eyes on you所有目光在看著你,oh,目光看著你You make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏I don"t know what it is我不知道是怎麽回事That makes me feel like this让我感觉如此I don"t know who you are我不知道你是谁But you must be some kind of superstar但,你一定是某种影视明星Cus you got all eyes on you no matter where you are因为你吸引了所有目光,不管身在何处You just make me wanna play你让我向往嬉戏

Jamelia的《Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Go歌手:Jamelia专辑:Walk With MeJamelia - GoYou say why don"t you change your mindThink it over one last timeLike you don"t know yourselfall depend on youThere"s consequence in what you chooseBut if you loose I won"t forgive myselfShowing that much self controlWon"t bring back your life when you"re oldDo something for yourselfCause oh,If you don"tYou will never know, oh noGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youI say go ahead and save your lifeDo something for the first timeIt"s the least you could doWho cares if they won"t take the riskYour biggest one"s not doing thisI cannot live for youInfinite responsibilities, how about living duty freeEmancipate yourselfCause oh,If you don"tYou will never know, oh noGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youFor heavens sake I can take disappointmentBut I can"t understand why you won"t leaveYou"ve been quiet, awful quiet, no enjoymentComes a point when you have to take what you needDon"t forget I respect what you gave upBut you lost such a lot along the lineGet it back, get it back, wise upGet it back, get it back, oh you gotta goGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youOh no no no no no NOGo, why would stay when it does nothing for youGo, watching your pain only makes me surerGo, holding you down there"s no wayI can? keep youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3486656

求像Jamelia的 superstar 这样类型的歌

AC DC乐队--You Shook Me All Night Long Anti-Flag乐队--Punks in vegas Blink182乐队--All The Small Things Blink182乐队--The Rock Show Blink182乐队--What"s my age again Bon Jovi乐队--Livin"on a Prayer Bon Jovi乐队--Someday I ll Be Saturday Night Brain failure脑浊乐队--Coming down to beijing Coldplay酷玩乐队--The scientist Coldplay酷玩乐队—Yellow Depeche Mode乐队---The Meaning of Love Dropkick Murphys乐队--Barroom Hero Dropkick Murphys乐队--the gauntlet Good charlotte乐队--The river Green Day乐队--American Idiot Green Day乐队--Basket Case Green Day乐队--Boulevard Of Broken Dreams Green Day乐队--Church on Sunday Green Day乐队—Longview Green Day乐队--Macy"s day parade Green Day乐队--One for the Razorbacks Green Day乐队—Outsider Green Day乐队--Pulling teeth Green Day乐队—She Green Day乐队--She"s a rebel Green Day乐队--Wake me up when septermber end Green Day乐队—Warning Green Day乐队--When I Come Around Kiss乐队--Crazy Crazy Nights Kiss乐队--I Was Made For Loving You Nirvana乐队--About a girl Nirvana乐队--Come As You Are Nirvana乐队--Heart Shaped Bo Nirvana乐队--Lake Of Fire Nirvana乐队--Rape Me Nirvana乐队--Smells Like Teen Spirit Nirvana乐队--Where did you sleep last night NOFX乐队--Cool and Unusual Punishment Oasis绿洲乐队--Stop crying your heart out Radioheard乐队—Creep Radioheard乐队--Karma Police Radioheard乐队--Nice Dream Rancid乐队--Red hot moon Rancid乐队--Ruby soho Rise against乐队--Blood to bleed Rise against乐队--Like the angel Simpleplan乐队—Crazy Simpleplan乐队--Welcome to my life Skid Row乐队--18 and life Social distortion乐队--Don"t drag me down Sum 41乐队--Dear father Sum 41乐队--In Too Deep Sum 41乐队—Pieces Sum 41乐队--Still Waiting Sum 41乐队--We"re All To Blame The Beatles披头士--From Me to You The Beatles披头士--Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da The Beatles披头士--She Loves You The Beatles披头士--The long and winding road The Beatles披头士--Yellow submarine The Beatles披头士--You"ll never walk alone The Clash乐队--Should I Stay Or Should I Go The Gala乐队--Young for you The OffSpring乐队--Gone away The OffSpring乐队--Hit That The OffSpring乐队--The Kids Arent Alright The OffSpring乐队--Why Don"t You Get A Job The ramones乐队--53rd & 3rd The ramones乐队--Blitzkrieg bop The ramones乐队--California sun The ramones乐队--Have you ever seen the rain The ramones乐队--I Just Want to Have Something To Do The ramones乐队--I Remember You The ramones乐队--I wanna be sedated The ramones乐队--I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend The ramones乐队--Judy is a punk The ramones乐队--Oh oh I love her so The ramones乐队--Poison Heart The ramones乐队--Rockaway Beach The ramones乐队--Siina on Punk Kari The ramones乐队--Swallow My Pride The ramones乐队--The K.K.K. Took My Baby Away The Rolling Stones滚石乐队—Angie The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--As tears go by The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Beast of Burden The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Brown sugar The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--It"s All Over Now The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Little Red Rooster The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Miss you The Rolling Stones滚石乐队—Satisfaction The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Start me up The Rolling Stones滚石乐队--Time Is On My Side Wands乐队--世界中の谁よりきっと x japan--Endless rain x japan--forever love x japan--rusty nail x japan--say anything x japan—tears x japan--红 枪花乐队(guns and roses)--Don"t cry

求greenday 新专辑[iuno!] rusty james的歌词啊...

This whiskeys sourAmateur hourRaise your glass and toast your friendsSomeday we will fight again, wellYour enemiesYour tragediesPocket knives and rusty chainsWhere the hell is the old gang atAnd all the losersCan"t even win for losingAnd the beginnersDon"t even know what song their singingWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundThis broken sceneIs turning greenAnd brass knuckles left in the rainThe devilish kids among the livingI wanna rideOn the dividedEverything but the mainstreamWhere the fuck is your old game atAnd all the losersCan"t even win for losingAnd the beginnersDon"t even know what song their singingWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiate It doesn"t even poundWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundSo longDidn"t even say goodnightSo longThere"s nowhere to go when your hiding in plain sightWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even poundWhen there"s no-one left aroundAnd you"re the last gang in townAnd your heart can"t even radiateIt doesn"t even pound满意请采纳 纯手写 浪费了我好多时间。 我也很喜欢green day

I am bond James Bond i will be back是007中的台词么?

I am bond James Bond是007系列中的经典台词。i will be back是终结者系列中阿诺的经典台词。



求James lilly - Just To Let You Know歌词

i shouldn"t love youbut i want to i just can"t turn awayi shouldn"t see you but i can"t movei can"t look awayi shouldn"t love youbut i want toi just can"t turn awayi shouldn"t see you but i can"t movei can"t look awayand i don"t knowhow to be fine when i"m notcuz i don"t knowhow to make a feeling stopjust so you knowthis feeling is taking controllove me and i can"t help iti won"t see around i can"t let them with nowthought you should knowi try my best to let go of youbut i don"t want to i just gonna say it all before i go just so you knowit"s getting hard to be around youcuz so much i can"t saydo you want me to have the feelingand look the other wayand i don"t knowhow to be fine when i"m notcuz i don"t knowhow to make a feeling stop

james blunt《 love love love》歌词

I"m not looking for usAnd neither should youAbsolutely gorgeousThat nothing I say is true.You won"t find yourself in these guilty eyes.Cause I love anybodyWho"s fool enough to believe.And your just one of manyWho broke their heart on me.And so I say I don"t love youThough it kills me.It"s a lie that sets you free.Love, love, loveI can"t take your love, love, loveAnd so I say I don"t love youThough it kills me.It"s a lie that sets you free.I will wrap my bodyIn another women"s arms.Make love in a hurryFeel better then I am.Hope you find yourselfIn someone else"s eyes.Cause I love anybodyWho"s fool enough to believe.And your just one of manyWho broke their heart on me.And so I say I don"t love youThough it kills me.It"s a lie that sets you free.Love, love, loveI can"t take your love, love, love.Cause I love anybodyWho"s fool enough of to believe.And your just one of manyWho broke there heart on me.And so I say I don"t love youThough it kills me.Cause it"s a lie.Cause I love anybodyWho"s fool enough to believe.And your just one of manyWho broke their heart on me.And so I say I don"t love youThough it kills me.It"s a lie that sets you free.That sets you free. It sets you free

James Blunt的《Billy》 歌词

歌曲名:Billy歌手:James Blunt专辑:Chasing Time: The Bedlam SessionsJames Blunt - BillyBilly"s leaving today (don"t know where he"s going).Holds his head in disgrace (he can"t escape the truth).He knows the price that he"s paid.He admits that it"s too late to admit that he"s afraid.Tomorrow comes. Sorrow becomes his soul mate.The damage is done. The prodigal son is too late.Old doors are closed but he"s always open,To relive time in his mind.Oh Billy.Billy"s leaving today (don"t know where he"s going).He"s got lines on his face(they tell the story of his pain).He accepts it"s his fate.He admits it took too long to admit that he was wrong.Tomorrow comes. Sorrow becomes his soul mate.The damage is done. The prodigal son is too late.Old doors are closed but he"s always open,To relive time in his mind.Oh Billy.Once he was a lover sleeping with another.Now he"s just known as a cheat.And he wish he"d had a mirror;looked a little clearer.Seen into the eyes of the weak.Tomorrow comes. Sorrow becomes his soul mate.The damage is done. The prodigal son is too late.Old doors are closed but he"s always open,To relive time in his mind.Oh Billy.http://music.baidu.com/song/2180034

Just Like Jesse James 歌词

歌曲名:Just Like Jesse James歌手:Cher专辑:Hits Of The 90SJust Like Jesse JameCherGiddyYou"re struttin" into town like you"re slingin" a gun.Just a small town dude with a big city attitude.Honey are ya lookin" for some trouble tonightWell alright.You think you"re so bad, drive the women folk wild.Shoot "em all down with the flash of your pearly smile.Honey but you met your match tonight.Oh that"s right!You think you"ll knock me off my feet till I"m flat on the floor.Till my heart is crying Indian and I"m beggin" for more.So come on baby, come on baby.Come on baby show me what that loaded gun is for.If you can give it, I can take itCause if this heart is gonna breakIt"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.You"re an outlaw lover and I"m after your hide.Well you ain"t so strong.Won"t be long till your hands are tied.Tonight I"m gonna take you in dead or alive.Thaaat"s right.You break the laws of love in the name of desire.Take ten steps back, Cause I"m ready baby aim and fire.Baby there"s no way you gonna run tonight.Ooooh, that"s right.Well you"ve had your way with love.But it"s the end of the day.Now a team of wild horses couldn"t drag your heart away.So come on baby, come on babyCome on baby you know there ain"t nothing left to say.If you can give it, I can take it.Cause if this heart is gonna break it"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Now you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.If you"ll knock me off my feet till I"m flat on the floorTill my heart is crying Indian and I"m begging for more.So come on baby, come on babyIf you can give it, I can take itCome on baby, Come onCause if this heart is gonna breakIt"s gonna take a lot to break it.I know tonight somebody"s gonna win the fight.So if you"re so tough come on and prove it.Your heart is down for the count and you know you"re gonna lose it.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.Tonight you"re gonna go down in flames just like Jesse James.I"m gonna shoot ya down Jesse James.http://music.baidu.com/song/8574661


假定你是李华,请给你的美国朋友James写一封八十词左右的邮件,谈谈做志愿工作的好处。英语作文:Hello James,I received your latest email in which you asked any good to be a volunteer.It is a good question indeed. You can gain working experience during the volunteer work. Also important is to have a team spirit as a volunteer.And other advantages are helping others and providing your capabilities to the society. In the work, you are taught to analyze and dissolve problems.You will be proud of your experience as a volunteer.Best regards.Lihua.

James Hurt的《Waterfall》 歌词

歌曲名:Waterfall歌手:James Hurt专辑:Dark Grooves - Mystical Rhythmsアリス九号. - Waterfall作词:将作曲:アリス九号.流れ落ちる记忆やがて川になり 海へ形成してゆく要素几つもの 爱 言叶几つもの 伤 犠牲I"m falling down to the dark,but I can"t say good-bye to yousearching for own piecesスローに映る过程积み重なる意志 希望选んだのは道じゃなく教えてくれた友と未来を愿う 誓いI"m falling down to the dark,but I can"t say good-bye to yousearching for own pieces涙落ちゆく时 拭えなかったものは安らぎにも似た 色褪せない碧の日々だから、仆は仆のままで 君と生きよう。痛まぬ伤は无い远すぎた あの空へI"ll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで仆は生まれ 四季の终わりを知る瓦砾の中から咲く花廻り巡る青き星の片隅で落ちてゆく雫 谁にも知られずにだから、仆は仆のままで 君と生きよう。美しく燃えた 涙が乾くまで宇宙というオルゴールが泣いてるだから、仆は仆のままで 君と生きようI"ll be with you, 君が望む 永久の先まで终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15207681



Richard、James、Charles、 Bruce、David 这些名字什么意思

RichardKK: []DJ: []n.1. 理查(男子名,涵义:勇猛的;大胆的)JamesKK: []DJ: []n.1. 詹姆斯(男人名)2. (圣经中的)雅各,雅各书CharlesKK: []DJ: []n.1. 查尔斯(男子名,涵义:强壮的;男性的;高贵心灵的)BruceKK: []DJ: []n.1. 布鲁斯(男子名,涵义:一座森林)DavidKK: []DJ: []n.1. 戴维(男子名)2. (圣经)大卫(以色列第二位国王)
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