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public static void main(String[ ] args){}






为什么audioFormat.getChannels(), 一次后还要再一个audioFormat.getChannels()*2每声道每帧字节数2字节,再加上双声道所以用声道数(2)*字节数(2) = 每帧的总字节数看来你的audioFormat不是从AudioInputStream中产生的啊?刚才回答你的问题我还没注意。原来audioFormat也可以new出来的啊,嘿嘿。




.....你想象力很丰富 可以编一个同人 哈哈



Lucky 歌词jason marz配翻译.谢谢

can"tyouseeyouaretheone 难道你看不见你是唯一的 I"malways thinkingof 我一直都是这样谯的 inmydreamsyouarealreadymine 在我的梦里你一直是我的ifyoushowmeloveIpromiseI"ll bethereforsure 如果你能够爱我,我保证我会一直在这Iwouldstayforeverbyyourside 我愿意永远呆在你身边lookatmenow 现在看着我canyouseealltheloveinmyeyes 你能够看见我眼里所有的爱吗?willyougiveitatry 你愿意给一个机会吗?willyoubemyluckystar? 你愿意做我的luckystar(幸运星)吗?betheonetoshowmewhoyouare 做那唯一的在我面前展现你的人willyougidemethroughthenights 你愿意指引我穿过夜晚吗?bemyever shiningnights 成为我发光的夜晚willyoubemyluckystar? 你愿意做我的luckystar(幸运星)吗?betheonetoshowmewhoyouare 做那唯一的在我面前展现你的人causeIknowthiscouldbe 因为我知道这有可能loveshiningonmyheart 爱的光芒在我心中whatifIwouldtellexactly 倘若我愿意具体地告诉(你)howIfeelforyou 我对你的感觉wouldyourun 你会逃跑吗?wouldyouletmedown 你会让我失望吗lookatmenow 现在看着我willyougivethisloveatry 你愿意给这样的爱一次尝试吗Igotnothingtohide 我没有什么可以躲藏的willyoubemyluckystar? 你愿意做我的luckystar(幸运星)吗?betheonetoshowmewhoyouare 做那唯一的在我面前展现你的人willyougidemethroughthenights 你愿意指引我穿过夜晚吗?bemyevershininglight 成为我发光的夜晚willyoubemyluckystar? 你愿意做我的luckystar(幸运星)吗?betheonetoshowmewhoyouare 做那唯一的在我面前展现你的人causeIknowthiscouldbe 因为我知道这有可能(以后都差不多了,是重复的)loveshiningonmyheart lookatmenowcanyouseealltheloveinmyeyeswillyougiveitatrywillyoubemyluckystar?betheonetoshowme whoyouarewillyougidemethroughthenightsbemyevershininglightwillyoubemyluckystar?betheonetoshowmewhoyouarecauseIknowthiscouldbeloveshiningonmyheart纯手工翻译,无机器。






lang 是 language(语言) 的简写是java中常用方法最多的包 包含常用类 软件包 java.lang 的描述提供利用 Java 编程语言进行程序设计的基础类。最重要的类是 Object(它是类层次结构的根)和 Class(它的实例表示正在运行的应用程序中的类)。   把基本类型的值当成一个对象来表示通常很有必要。包装器类 Boolean、Character、Integer、Long、Float 和 Double 就是用于这个目的。例如,一个 Double 类型的对象包含了一个类型为 double 的字段,这表示如果引用某个值,则可以将该值存储在引用类型的变量中。这些类还提供了大量用于转换基值的方法,并支持一些标准方法,比如 equals 和 hashCode。Void 类是一个非实例化的类,它保持一个对表示基本类型 void 的 Class 对象的引用。   类 Math 提供了常用的数学函数,比如正弦、余弦和平方根。类似地,类 String 和 StringBuffer 提供了常用的字符串操作。   类 ClassLoader、Process、Runtime、SecurityManager 和 System 提供了管理类的动态加载、外部进程创建、主机环境查询(比如时间)和安全策略实施等“系统操作”。   类 Throwable 包含了可能由 throw 语句抛出的对象(§14.16)。Throwable 的子类表示错误和异常。   包规范  字符编码  java.nio.charset.Charset 类的规范描述了字符编码的命名约定,以及每个 Java 平台实现必须支持的标准编码集。

在上海,City God Temple,zhujiajiao Water Town, 和Jade Buddle Temple

City God Temple 城隍庙zhujiajiao Water Town 朱家角水乡古镇Jade Buddle Temple 玉佛寺



red lights Jayme Dee歌词

Trapped in your box, its suffocatingI"m tied up in knots, so close to breakingCome on [x3]Why we waitingCome on [x3]The colours changingWe"re gonna run through red lightsWe"re gonna cross the front lineI know its wrong, but it feels so rightWhen we"re running through red lightsRun with me, run run with meRun with me through red lightsPack up your clothes, we leave before the sunriseI can"t do this alone, we cant turn back not this timeCome on [x3]Why we waitingCome on [x3]The colours changingWe"re gonna run through red lightsWe"re gonna cross the front lineI know its wrong, but it feels so rightWhen we"re running through red lightsRun with me, run run with meRun with me through red lightsWe"re gonna run through red lightsWe"re gonna cross the front lineI know its wrong, but it feels so rightWhen we"re running through red lightsRun with me, run run with meRun with me through red lights

JavaScript 拖动和缩放


janet jackson -rope burn 歌词的中文翻译


Which is__country,china or japan?A.the largeB.the largercC.largerD.largest


《火炬木小组中》Jack Harkness到底是什么人





这首歌曲收录于他的专辑《Relapse》中歌词: As I fall deeper into a manic state Im a prime candidate for the gene to receive the drug outta trate The blood pressure climbs to a dramatic rate I seem to gravitate to the bottle of Nyquil than i salivate Start off with the Nyquil with like I think I will just have a taste Couple of sips of that than I gradually graduate To a harder prescription drug called valium like yah thats great I go to just take one than i end up like having eight Now i need something in my stomach because i haven"t ate Maybe ill grab a plate of nachos and ill have a steak And youd think with all i have at stake look at my daughters face Mommy something is wrong with dad I thank Hes acting weird again he"s really beginnings to scare me Wont shave his beard again and he pretends that he doesn"t hear me And all he does eat dorritos and cheetos and he just Fell asleep in his car eating three muskateers in the rear seat Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo Maybe just a nice cold brew, whats a beer Thats the devil in my ear ive been sober a fuckin year And that fucker still talks to me hes all i can fuckign hear Marshall c"mon well watch the game its the cowboys and buccanears And maybe if i just drink half ill be half buzzed For half of the time, whose the mastermind behind that little line With that kind of rational man i got half a mind To have another half a glass of wine sounds assenine Yeah i know, but i never had no problem with alcohol Ouch look out for the wall aim for the couch im about to fall I miss the couch and down go like a bouncy ball Shit must of knocked me out cause i didn"t feel the ground at all Wow what the fuck happened last night where am i Man fuck am i hung over and god damn i Got a headache shit half a vicodin, why cant i All systems ready for take off, please stand by Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo So i take a vicodin splash it hits my stomach and ahhhhhh Couple of weeks go by and it aint even like i am getting high Now i need it to not feel sick yah im getting by Wouldn"t even be taking this shit if deshauwn didn"t die Oh yeah theres an excuse you lose proof so you use Theres new rules its cool if its helping you to get through Its twelve noon aint no harm in self inducing a snooze What else is new fuck it what would elvis do in your shoes Now here i am three months later full blown relapse Just get high until the kids get home from school holmes relax And since im convince that im an in-somni-ac I need these pills to be able to sleep so i take three naps Just to be able to function throughout the day Lets see thats an ambian each nap how many valium three And that averages out to one good hour of sleep So now you see the reason how come he Has taken four years to just put out an album b See me and you we almost had the same outcome heath Cause that Christmas you know that whole neumonia thing It was bolognia was it the methadonia think But hydrocordone ya hide inside ya pornos Ya vcr tape cases put ya ambiants see great places To hide em aint it, so you can lie to haily Im going beddy by whitney baby good night elaina Go in the room and shut the bedroom door And wake up in an ambulance they say they found me on the bathroom floor Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo

java 中launch是什么意思?





使用layer弹出框使用ajax方法:1.你可以自定义按钮,写在你的页面里面2.使用 layer 的按钮的话,按钮的回调函数的参数中有两个参数,一个是弹层的对象,一个是弹层的 index,你可以使用这个弹层的对象读取弹层中的数据,比如 layero.find("xxx").val()


通过JS设置css样式么? 可以查找下CSS的定位,然后JS操作CSS属性值。


<SCRIPT language=javascript> var divshow; function divshow() { divshow=new Chip("divshow",120,60); movechip("divshow"); } function Chip(chipname,width,height) { this.named=chipname; this.w=width; this.h=height; this.xx=0; this.yy=0; this.timer1=null; } var chip; var timer1; function movechip(chipname) { eval("chip="+chipname); pageX=window.document.body.scrollLeft; pageY=window.document.body.scrollTop; pageW=window.document.body.offsetWidth-40; pageH=window.document.body.offsetHeight-20; chip.xx=pageX+pageW-chip.w; chip.yy=pageY+pageH-chip.h; eval("document.all."+chip.named+".style.pixelLeft="+chip.xx); eval("document.all."+chip.named+".style.pixelTop ="+chip.yy); chip.timer1=setTimeout("movechip(""+chip.named+"")",100); }</SCRIPT><BODY onload=divshow()><table height=800><tr><td>你说的是这种东东吗?</td></tr></table><DIV id=divshow style="POSITION: absolute"> </A> </DIV></BODY></HTML>






一般用String就可以了, 如果文本过大的话, 可以使用 java.sql 包下的Clob类。


补充楼上的还有02VUK的DVDETERNAL MELODY2在china x freaks里面可以找到下载

x-japan 2008 创造之夜演唱会里一起演奏ORGASM的两个外国人是谁啊



LZ是问这个BAND么? X早于1997年9月22日便正式宣告解散了,在次年hide葬礼上一曲Forever Love是其最后的演出(当然hide缺席...).如果是问各个MEMBER的话,YO还是住在LA豪宅中,前几天刚刚在网络上发布了VUK(新乐团)的新曲试听.YO的日子物质上是滋润的,精神上的话...我祝愿他能幸福.hide已故.我不想再说了...TOSHI继续着他的诗旅,但愿他已获得平凡的幸福.PATA和HEATH依旧在日本做音乐.TAIJI也回归了,虽然他这几年的历史,怎能用一个惨字概况...还是不说了,越说越难过.无论是X时期,还是X JAPAN时期,大家在一起的日子总是最最美好的.叹.

Dior Homme 的洗标上为什么写的ONLY FOR JAPAN

日单,,,日单比意产的价格低很多,但是质量一样,,我是做国际贸易的,具体不方便透露,不过可以告诉你一件正品的dior homme 外套出口含税价格只有89美元,卖到专柜,那个价差,你懂得。

DIOR HOMME大衣 又写着made in Italy 又有only for Japan 还


Maurice Jarre的《Molly》 歌词

歌曲名:Molly歌手:Maurice Jarre专辑:GhostMolly Ban主唱 Alison Krausscome all ye young fellasthat handle a gunbeware of night ramblingby the setting of the sunand beware of an accidentthat happened of lateto young molly banand sad was her fateshe was going to her uncleswhen a shower came onshe went under a green bushthe shower to shunher white apron wrapped around herhe took her for a swanbut a hush and sighwas his own molly banhe quickly ran to herand found she was deadand there on her bosomwhere he soaked, tears he shedhe ran home to his fatherwith his gun in his handsaying "father dear fatheri have shot molly ban"her white apron wrapped around herhe took her for a swanbut a hush and a sigh"twas his own molly banhe roamed near the placewhere his true love was slainhe wept bitter tearsbut his cries were in vainas he look on the lakea swan glided byand the sun slowly sankin the gray up skyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8393754

Jailhouse Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Jailhouse Rock歌手:Telex专辑:How Do You Dance?Elvis Presley - Jailhouse RockThe warden threw a party in the county jail.The prison band was there and they began to wail.The band was jumpin" and the joint began to swing.You should"ve heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone,Little Joe was blowin" on the slide trombone.The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang,The whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang.Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Number forty-seven said to number three:"You"re the cutest jailbird I ever did see.I sure would be delighted with your company,Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.The sad sack was a sittin" on a block of stoneWay over in the corner weepin" all alone.The warden said, "Hey, buddy, don"t you be no square.If you can"t find a partner use a wooden chair."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Shifty Henry said to Bugs, "For Heaven"s sake,No one"s lookin", now"s our chance to make a break."Bugsy turned to Shifty and he said, "Nix nix,I wanna stick around a while and get my kicks."Let"s rock, everybody, let"s rock.Everybody in the whole cell blockWas dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock.Dancin" to the Jailhouse Rock...http://music.baidu.com/song/2545266





求 夏恋–Otokaze feat Rhyzz&Bell&Jas Mace 的歌词的罗马音 就是有日语和rap的那

「夏恋 feat. Rhyzz & Bell & Jas Mace」作词∶Rhyzz/Bell/The 49ers作曲∶Otokaze歌∶Otokaze散(ち)り逝(ゆ)く花火(はなび)の欠片(かけら)chiriyuku hanabino kakera 诱(いざな)う夏(なつ)の夜(よ)の终(お)わりizanau natuno yono owariあと少(すこ)しだけ…atosukoshi dakeもう少し(すこ)だけ…mousukoshi dake空(そら)に愿(なが)い(の)せ辉(かがや)いてsorani nagaino kagayaite雨上(あめあ)がりの夏岚(なつ あらし)ameaganrino natuarashiいつかと同(おな)じ风(かぜ)が伝(つた)うitukato onaji kazegatutauもう一度(いちど)だけ…mouichido dakeもう一度(いちど)だけ…mouichido dake泡沫(うたかた)の梦(ゆめ)で眠(ねむ)りたいutakatano yumede nemuritai朝焼(あさや)けはもうすぐそばにasayakeha mousugu sobani夏草(なつくさ)揺(ゆ)らす风(かぜ) 涙(なみだ)拐(かど)う natukusa yurasu kaze namida kadou季语(きご)を取(と)り入(いれ)れながらkigowo toriirere nagara夏(なつ)を惜(お)しむ切(せつ)ない歌词(かし)になっていますがnatuwo oshimusetunai kashini natteimasuga闻(き)きかたによっては、恋爱(れんあい)の切(せつ)なさも连想(れんそう)していただけるよう作(つく)りました。kikikatani yotteha rennaino setunasamo rennsoushiteita dakeruyou tukurimashitaもう、すっかり夏(なつ)も终盤(しゅうばん)を迎(うか)えてます。mou sukkari natumo syuubannwo ukaetemasuまだ游(あそ)び足(たり)りない人(ひと)もmada asobitarinai hitomoすでに仕事(しごと)に追(お)われてる方(ほう)も、sudeni shigotoni owareteru houmo夏休(なつや)みの宿题(しゅくだい)を畳(たた)み挂(か)けてる人(ひと)も、natuyamino syukudaiwo tatami kaketeruhitomoこの夏(なつ)、いい恋爱(れんあい)をした人(ひと)、もしくは失恋(しつれん)してしまった人(ひと)も、kononatu iirennaiwo shitahito moshikuha shiturennshiteshimatta hitomo色々(いろいろ)个々(ここ)に思(おも)う感覚(かんかく)で、iroiro kokoni omou kannkakudeこの曲(きょく)を闻(き)いていただけたら嬉(うれ)しいです。konokyokuwo kiiteitadaketara ureshiidesu.感想(かんそう)ももらえたら嬉(うれ)しいなぁ★kannsoumo moraetara ureshiinaa



jack plant造句 jack plantの例文 "jack plant"是什么意思

Metz became the first leader of the party in 1987, and served until 1994 when he was replaced by Jack Plant . Undeterred by his mother"s disappointment over bringing home only beans, Jack plants them and a gigantic beanstalk grows overnight. In the second half, the Saints came back into the game with Alf Milward and Jack Plant , who shot " low and hard " past Robinson to plete a " football lesson " for the Southampton players. Jack plants the bean in the forest near the location where the giant was discovered, and the bean grows into a huge beanstalk leading Jack into the world of the giants, a magical world where a single day passes for every year that passes on the ground below. It"s difficult to find jack plant in a sentence. 用 jack plant 造句挺难的


Jack and the beans is based on true story?!!不过那不是真的发生的故事啊?

jack and beanstalk的英文简介

Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale, closely associated with the tale of Jack the Giant Killer. It is known under a number of versions. Benjamin Talbart"s moralized version of 1807 is the first appearance in print, but Joseph Jacobs popularized it in English Fairy Tales (1890). Jacobs"s version is most commonly reprinted today and is believed to more closely adhere to the oral versions than Tabart"s, because it lacks the moralizing of that version. The story was made into a play by Charles Ludlam.【Plot summary】The story tells of a boy named [[Jack wwwww rrtrrr (hero)|Jack]] who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession, the cow. As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow. Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket. Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept, the beans germinated in the soil, and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning. When Jack saw the huge beanstalk, he immediately decided to climb it. He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant. When he broke into the giant"s castle, the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman. Be he "live, or be he dead, I"ll grind his bones to make my bread. However, Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace, he took a bag of gold coins with him. Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk. This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs. Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time. This time, he stole a magical harp that played by itself. The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help. The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk, but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did. Jack, seeing an axe on the ground beside him, immediately chopped the beanstalk down. The giant fell to earth, hitting the ground so hard that it split, pulling the beanstalk down with him. That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.【Origin】In Walter Crane"s woodcut the harp reaches out to cling to the vineThe origin of Jack and the Beanstalk is unknown, although the author was almost certainly British or German.[4] The earliest printed edition which has survived is the 1807 book The History of Jack and the Bean Stalk, printed by Benjamin Tabart, although the story was already in existence sometime before this, as a burlesque of the story entitled The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean was included in the 1734 second edition of Round About Our Coal-Fire.In the usual version of the tale, the giant is unnamed, but many plays based on the story name him as Blunderbore; a giant of that name also appears in Jack the Giant Killer.The giant"s "Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!" was included in William Shakespeare"s King Lear.【Variants】Other tales of this type include the Italian Thirteenth and the French How the Dragon was Tricked.The Brothers Grimm drew analogies between this tale and the German The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs, where the devil"s mother or grandmother acted much like the wife in this tale: a female figure protecting the child from the evil male figure.The tale is unusual in that the hero, although grown, does not marry at the end of it but returns to his mother; this is found in few other i love you tales, although some, such as some variants of Vasilisa the Beautiful, do feature it.【Controversies】The story portrays a hero unscrupulously hiding in a man"s house, playing on his wife"s sympathies in order to rob and finally murder the owner of the house. In Tabart"s moralized version, a fairy woman explains to Jack that the giant had robbed and killed his father, thus transforming the acts into justified retribution.Jacobs dropped the justification on the grounds that it had not been in the version he had heard as a child, and because children knew that robbery and murder were wrong without being told so by a fairy tale.Many modern interpretations have followed Tabart and painted the giant as a villain, terrorizing smaller folk and often stealing items of value, so that Jack becomes a legitimate protagonist. For example, the 1952 film starring Abbott and Costello blames the giant for Jack"s ill fortunes and impoverishment, as he has been stealing food and wealth from the smaller folk of the lands below his home, including the hen that lays golden eggs, which in this version originally belonged to Jack"s family. In other versions it is implied that the giant had stolen the hen and the harp from Jack"s father. However, Brian Henson"s 2001 TV miniseries Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story is an alternative version of the tale which abandons Tabart"s additions and significantly vilifies Jack, due to Henson"s disgust with Jack"s morally questionable actions in the original story.

jack and the beanstalk 的大意

杰克和豌豆茎是一个童话故事一个小男孩顺着豌豆藤爬上了天。。。。 Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor. The only thing they have is a milking cow. Jack goes to the market to sell the cow. On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans. Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans. When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window. The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window. Jack climbs the beanstalk. At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle. He goes into the castle and he hears a giant. He hides in the cupboard. Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him. The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk. The hen lays more and more golden eggs. Jack and his mother lives happily. 下载地址:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODc4ODk5MDQ=_rss.html



jack and the beanstalk 的大意 用英文写

杰克和豌豆茎是一个童话故事一个小男孩顺着豌豆藤爬上了天.Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor.The only thing they have is a milking cow.Jack goes to the market to sell the cow.On th...

jack and beanstalk 有什么寓意?能用英语来总结下吗

The story tells of a boy named Jack who was sent to market one day by his mother to sell their last possession,the cow.As Jack was on his way he met a stranger who offered to trade five "magic" beans for the cow.Jack accepted the trade and returned back home with the beans in his pocket.Jack"s mother was angered that he had not obeyed her instructions to sell the cow and threw the beans out of the window.As Jack slept,the beans germinated in the soil,and a gigantic beanstalk grew in their place by morning.When Jack saw the huge beanstalk,he immediately decided to climb it.He arrived in a land high up in the clouds that happened to be the home of a giant.When he broke into the giant"s castle,the giant quickly sensed a human was near:Fee-fi-fo-fum!I smell the blood of an Englishman.Be he "live,or be he dead,I"ll grind his bones to make my bread.However,Jack was saved by the giant"s wife and as he escaped from the palace,he took a bag of gold coins with him.Jack desired to seek out more treasures from the castle in the clouds and climbed once more up the beanstalk.This time he stole a hen which laid golden eggs.Again he was saved from harm by the giant"s wife.Jack disregarded being nearly discovered by the giant twice and decided to go up the beanstalk a third time.This time,he stole a magical harp that played by itself.The instrument did not appreciate being stolen and called out to the giant for help.The giant chased Jack down the beanstalk,but Jack managed to get to the ground before the giant did.Jack,seeing an axe on the ground beside him,immediately chopped the beanstalk down.The giant fell to earth,hitting the ground so hard that it split,pulling the beanstalk down with him.That was the end of the giant and the beanstalk.简单的:Jack lives with his mum ,a poor widow .They are very poor.The only thing they have is a milking cow.Jack goes to the market to sell the cow.On the way to the market he meets a kind man .The man tells Jack that he will buy his milking cow for some magic beans.Jack returns home and shows his mum the magic beans.When he tells his mum about the beans she is angry .She throws them out of the window.The next morning Jack wakes up to find a giant beanstalk outside his window.Jack climbs the beanstalk.At the top of the beanstalk he sees a beautiful castle.He goes into the castle and he hears a giant.He hides in the cupboard.Before the giant finds him ,Jack takes the hen and harp with him.The giant chases Jack down the beanstalk ,Jack chops the beanstalk.The hen lays more and more golden eggs.Jack and his mother lives happily.

jack and the beanstalk告诉我们什么道理








Dear Jane的《Goodbye》 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye歌手:Dear Jane专辑:Yellow Fever (EP)Dear Jane - Goodbye曲:Howie Yung 词:林若宁 编:Dear Jane监:Dear Jane & 陈考威(SpingWo)朋友与我忐忑中互勉 淘汰试里也一起锻链多少友情  随年龄搁浅承诺爱侣会朝思夜见 时间淡了每天少见面多少爱情 随时分开难避免Goodbye 最佳损友的祝福Goodbye 必需经过青春祭这程序理想的心态都粉碎 朝着新一天再追Goodbye 我的好友不必哭Goodbye 说多几次应该会再团聚最好於欢送会饮醉 庆祝各自畅游为明日争取同奋斗过每一位队友 离弃了这抗争的信念虽不咬弦 仍然高呼:「明日见!」Goodbye 最佳损友的祝福Goodbye 必需经过青春祭这程序理想的心态都粉碎 朝着新一天再追Goodbye 我的好友不必哭Goodbye 说多几次应该会再团聚最好於欢送会饮醉 庆祝各自畅游为明日争取惯了接受今天推翻昨天 转眼到达分岔点然後每日每夜都听见 Goodbye...Goodbye 最佳损友的祝福Goodbye 不必讲到很哀怨再流泪  已讲得很惯的一句 无论分开於哪区Goodbye 我的好友不必哭Goodbye 昨天分开过终於会再团聚那一天虽已很多岁 怀着昨日笑容不怕会失去Now it"s time say goodbye...Now it"s time say goodbye...http://music.baidu.com/song/24466252



java 关于创建txt文件并下载的实现方法

String name = Util.DOWNLOAD+"123.TXT"; FileOutputStream fos; try{ fos = new FileOutputStream(name); }catch (Exception e) { path = new File(name); if(!path.exists()){ path.mkdirs(); } fos = new FileOutputStream(name); }




import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.RandomAccessFile;public class Io{ public static void main(String [] s){ File filename = new File("F:\suncity.txt"); String filein="你好!"; RandomAccessFile mm = null; try { mm = new RandomAccessFile(filename,"rw"); mm.writeBytes(filein); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO 自动生成 catch 块 e1.printStackTrace(); } finally{ if(mm!=null){ try { mm.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { // TODO 自动生成 catch 块 e2.printStackTrace(); } } }}}


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FTP 连接报错 java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect




michael jackson-scream 的中文歌词?

SCREAM 嘶喊 译:allenkids SCREAM 嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of injustice 受够了不公平 Tired of the schemes 受够了阴谋诡计 Kinda disgusted 真的太讨厌了 So what does it mean 这是什么意思 Kicking me down 他们要击倒我 I got to get up 我必须重新屹立 As jacked as it sounds 它就像听起来那样低俗 The whole system sucks 整个事件都一样的恶心 (Janet) Peek in the shadow 躲在暗处的偷窥者 Come into the light 到日光下来吧 You tell me I"m wrong 你说我是错的 Then you better prove you"re right 那你最好证明自己的正确 You"re sellin" out souls but 你们正出卖灵魂 I care about mine 我却更珍惜自己的 I"ve got to get stronger 我必须更加坚强 And I won"t give up the fight绝对不会放弃抗争 (Michael) With such confusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品(Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Somebody please have mercy 好心人请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Michael) Tired of you tellin" the story your way 受不了你自顾自的编造故事 It"s causin" confusion 它造成的混乱还不够吗 You think it"s okay 你却希望这样最好 (Janet) Keep changin" the rules 你跟别人玩游戏 While you"re playin" the game 却不停的改变规则 I can"t take it much longer 我再也不能忍受了 I think I might go insane 我觉得我都要疯了 (Michael) With such confusion 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You find your pleasure scandalizin" every lie 用谎言中伤他人是你的乐趣 (Both) Oh father, please have mercy "cause 哦, 天父,请发发慈悲 I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop F*ckin" with me 别再强奸我 Make you just wanna scream 让你不由开始嘶喊 (Janet) Oh my God, can"t believe what I saw 哦,我的上帝,简直不敢相信 As I turned on the TV this evening 今天晚上我打开电视所看到的画面 I was disgusted by all the injustice 我对这一切的不公待遇感到厌倦极了 All the injustice” 这一切的不公待遇 (Michael) All the injustice这一切的不公待遇 (News Man) 新闻主播 A man has been brutally beaten to death by 一个男子被粗暴殴打致死 Police after being wrongly identified as a 他被警察误认为是 robbery suspect. The man was一个抢劫疑犯。 这个男子是an 18 year old black male一名18岁黑人男子 (Michael) With such collusions 他们如此颠倒黑白 Don"t it make you wanna scream 你难道不想发出叫喊吗 Your bash abusin" victimize within the scheme 你编织阴谋凌辱那些牺牲品 (Janet) You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize 你试图应付他们编造的每个谎言 (Both) Oh brother please have mercy哦 兄弟 请发发慈悲 "Cause I just can"t take it 因为我快受不了了 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Just stop pressurin" me 快别再逼迫我 Stop pressurin" me 别再逼迫我 Make me wanna scream 让我不由开始嘶喊 (Repeat 6 times) 重复六次


我写过这种代码,首先我觉得JSONObject和request.setAttribute()没有关系。JSONObject只是一种数据结构,可以理解为JSON格式的数据结构(key-value 结构),可以使用put方法给json对象添加元素。JSONObject可以很方便的转换成字符串,也可以很方便的把其他对象转换成JSONObject对象。你们使用request.setAttribute()是同步返回数据吧?如何同步或者异步返回页面数据与数据结构没有关系。如果是同步返回数据,就使用request.setAttribute("key",jsonObject),如果是异步返回数据就使用流方式把jsonObject.toString 返回给页面。我觉得使用JSONObject的好处就是可以减少自己定义的bean。在页面上也可以类似于对象的形式使用返回的数据。对于你的第二个问题,如果我理解了你的意思,我觉得struts2 的属性驱动(直接定义参数使用get set方法获取参数)和模型驱动(使用bean 来获取参数)和JSONObject更不相干了,两者没关系的。

Michael Jackson的《Scream》 歌词

歌曲名:Scream歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:King of PopSCREAMMichael JacksonTired of injusticeTired of the schemesKinda disgustedSo what does it meanKicking me downI got to get upAs jacked as it soundsThe whole system sucksPeek in the shadowCome into the lightYou tell me I"m wrongThen you better prove you"re rightYou"re sellin" out souls butI care about mineI"ve got to get strongerAnd I won"t give up the fightWith such confusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeSomebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamMake you just wanna screamTired of you tellin" the story your wayYou"re causin" confusionYou think it"s okayKeep changin" the rulesWhile you"re playin" the gameI can"t take it much longerI think I might go insaneWith such confusion don"t it make you wanna screamYou find your pleasure scandalizin" every lieOh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop fuckin" with me"Oh my God, can"t believe what I sawAs I turned on the TV this eveningI was disgusted by all the injusticeAll the injustice"With such collusions don"t it make you wanna screamOh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/56540785

Michael Jackson的《Scream》 歌词

歌曲名:Scream歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:History - Past, Present And Future - Book IScreamMichael JacksonTired of injusticeTired of the schemesKinda disgustedSo what does it meanKicking me downI got to get upAs jacked as it soundsThe whole system sucksPeek in the shadowCome into the lightYou tell me I"m wrongThen you better prove you"re rightYou"re sellin" out souls butI care about mineI"ve got to get strongerAnd I won"t give up the fightWith such confusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeSomebody please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake you just wanna screamTired of you tellin" the story your wayYou"re causin" confusionYou think it"s okayKeep changin" the rulesWhile you"re playin" the gameI can"t take it much longerI think I might go insaneWith such confusion don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou find your pleasure scandalizin" every lieOh father, please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop fuckin" with meMake me wanna scream"Oh my God, can"t believe what I sawAs I turned on the TV this eveningI was disgusted by all the injusticeAll the injustice"With such collusions don"t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin" victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeOh brother please have mercy "cause I just can"t take itStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin" meJust stop pressurin" meStop pressurin" meMake me wanna screamhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7997170




Jam 困境 Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see. 全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题 Then maybe somehow we can work it out. 然后可能在某种程度上我们能解决这些问题 I asked my neighbor for a favor. 我请求我的邻居帮个忙 She said later. 她却说要等会儿 What has come of all the people? 所有的人都怎么了? Have we lost love of what it"s about? 我们失去了爱的意义吗? I have to find my peace 我不得不寻找我的安宁 cuz no one seems to let me be false prophets cry of doom. 因为似乎没有人想让我错误的对未来抱悲观态度 What are the possibilites? 可能性是什么? I told my brother there"ll be problem, times and tears for fears. 我告诉过我的兄弟这样会有恐惧的问题、时间和眼泪 But we must live each day like it"s the last. 但是我们必须把每天都当作最后的机会 Go with it. Go with it .来吧,来吧 Jam, 困境 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多东西 for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t 没有太多 Don"t you 你不认为这样吗? It ain"t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我 The world keeps changing, 这个世界总是在变化 rear ranging minds and thoughts predictions fly of doom. 改变了原有持有悲观的预想观点和思维 The baby boom has come of age. 婴儿潮的生人都已成年 We"ll work it out. 我们会解决它 I told my brother, don"t kyou ask me for no favors. 我告诉我的兄弟,你不要再请求我不给你帮助 I"m conditioned by the system 我被这个系统所影响 Don"t you preach to me. 你不要对我说教 Don"t scream and shout. 不要尖叫和叫嚷 She pray to god, to buddha 她向上帝佛祖祈祷 Then she sings a talmud song. 然后她唱了一支犹太法典之歌 Confusions contradict the self. 惶惑使她迷失了自我 Do we know right from wrong? 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗? I just want you to recognize me. 我只是想让你认识我 I"m the temple. 我是神庙 You can"t hurt me. 你们不能伤害我 I found peace within myself. 我找到了我心中的安宁 Go with it. Go with it .来吧,来吧 Jam, 困境 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多东西 for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t 没有太多 Don"t you 你不认为这样吗? It ain"t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我 Jam Jam. Here comes the man, hot damn 歌唱歌唱,来了个人,火辣得要命 The big boy stands moving up a hand, 这个大家伙站在那里挥手 making funky tracks with my man, 和我的英雄制作疯克的唱片 Michael Jackson,Smooth Criminal. Michael Jackson, 犯罪高手 That"s the man. 就是他 Mike"s so relaxed. Mike是那么轻松。 Mingle mingle 叮叮叮,当当当 jingle in the jungle 让我们一起去冒险 bum rushed the door 3 and 4"s in a bundle. 三三两两的男女冲出门去 Execute the plan. 执行计划 first I cooled like a fan 我第一次感觉到了像个歌迷 Got with Janet, then with Guy. 和Janet合作,然后是那个家伙 Now with Michael. 现在是Michael Cause it ain"t hard to 因为并不难去 Jam, 困境 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多 It ain"t too much 没有太多东西 for me to jam 可以限制我的歌唱 it ain"t too much stuff. 没有太多 It ain"t 没有太多 Don"t you 你不认为这样吗? It ain"t too much for me to 没有太多东西可以限制住我


  java.lang.Objet  Object类是所有Java类的祖先。每个类都使用 Object 作为超类。所有对象(包括数组)都实现这个类的方法。


一楼的对,但是yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss 那个hh 应该是 HH

要参加一个培训,时间是January 17th 5pm US EST,请问北京时间是什么时候。

6am January 18th Beijing time

求X-Japan的Art of life的歌词(要有中英文对照)

Desert Rose 沙漠玫瑰 Why do you live alone 为何你独自生存 If you are sad 若你悲哀 I"ll make you leave this life 我将使你离开此生 Are you white, blue or bloody red 你是蓝色、白色、还是如血般的红 All I can see is drowning in cold gray sand 我所能见的全都淹没在冷灰的沙中 The winds of time 时间之风 You knock me to the ground 你将我击倒在地 I"m dying of thirst 我渴而垂死 I wanna run away 我想逃离 I don"t know how to set me free to live 我不知如何让自己自由的生活 My mind cries out feeling pain 我的心因痛苦而呐喊 I"ve been roaming to find myself 我四处徘徊 寻找自我 How long have I been feeling endless hurt 这无尽的痛 我还得忍受多久 Falling down, rain flows into my heart 落雨流入我心中 In the pain I"m waiting for you 在痛苦中我等待你 Can"t go back 无法回去 No place to go back to 无处可归 Life is lost. Flowers fall 生命已逝 花坠落 If it"s all dream 如果这都是梦 Now wake me up 现在就唤醒我 If it"s all real 如果全是真的 Just kill me 就只好杀了我 I"m making the wall inside my heart 我正在自己的心中筑墙 I don"t wanna let my emotions get out 我不要让我的情感泄露 It scares me to look at the world 它恐吓我注视著世界 Don"t want to find myself lost in your eyes 不要让自己在你眼中消失 I tried to drown my past in gray 我试著埋葬我的过去 I never wanna feel more pain 不要再受更多的伤害 Run away from you without saying any words 无言的从你身旁逃开 What I don"t wanna lose is love 我不愿失去的是「爱」 Through my eyes 从我的眼中 Time goes by like tears 时光如泪水般流逝 My emotion"s losing the color of life 我的情感失去生命的色彩 Kill my heart 使我心死 Release all my pain 解除我所有的痛苦 I"m shouting out loud 我高声叫喊 Insanity takes hold over me 疯狂威胁著我 Turning away from the wall 从墙的那一面转过来 Nothing I can see 我什么都看不见 The scream deep inside 深处的呐喊 reflecting another person in my heart 在心中反射出另一个自己 He calls me from within 他从内心深处告诉我 "All existence you see before you must be wipe out: 「你必须消灭你能见的所有存在 Dream, Reality, Memories 梦 真实 记忆 and Yourself." 和你自己」 I begin to lose control of myself 我开始失去自制 My lust is so blind, destroys my mind 我盲目的欲望破坏理智 Nobody can stop my turning to madness 无人能阻止我转向疯狂 No matter how you try to hold me in your heart 无论你如何尝试在你心中抓住我 Why do you wanna raise these walls 为何你要筑高这堵墙 I don"t know the meaning of hatred 我不知憎恨的意义 My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies 我的脑因听见谎言而疲惫 I only want to hold your love 我只想拥有你的爱 Stab the doll filled with hate 戳刺充满憎恨的人偶 Wash yourself with their blood 用它们的血洗你自己 Drive into the raging current of time 在猛烈的时间之流中行进 Swing your murderous weapon into the belly 在贪欲中操纵你杀人的凶器 "the earth" 向著「世界」 Shout and start creating confusion 狂叫且开始困惑 Shed your blood for preasure 你流血为获得快乐 And what? For love? 还有什么?为了爱? What am I suppose to do? 什么是我该做的? I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Past and future prison my heart 过去和未来禁锢我的心 Time is blind 时间是盲目的 But I wanna trace my heart 但我要追溯我的爱 On the wall of time, over pain in my heart 在时间之壁上,越过我心中的痛苦 Art of life Art of life Insane blade stabbing dreams 疯狂的刀刃刺穿梦境 Try to break all truth now 试著破坏全部的事实 But I can"t heal this broken heart in pain 但我无法治愈这痛苦而破碎的心 Cannot start to live. Cannot end my life 无法开始生活,无法结束生命 Keep on crying 继续哭泣 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Time breath I can hear 我能听见时间的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my broody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 You can"t draw a picture of yesterday , so 你无法为昨日描绘影象,以致於 You"re painting your heart with your blood 你用你的血涂抹你的心 You can"t say "No" 你无法说「不」 Only turning the wheel of time 只能用环绕在颈中的绳索 with a rope around your neck 转动时间之轮 You build a wall of morality and take a breath 你建造美德之墙 from between the bricks 在砖缝之间 延残喘 You make up imaginary enemies and are chased by them 你制造假想敌并被他们追捕 You"re trying to commit suicide 你试著自杀 You"re satisfied with your prologue 你对你的序幕感到满意 Now you"re painting your first chapter black 现在你抹黑你的第一章 You are putting the scraps of life together 你把生命的碎片收集在一起 and trying to make an asylum for yourself 并尝试为你自己制造一个避难所 You"re hitting a bell at the edag of the stage 你在舞台边缘敲钟 and 而且 You are trying to kill me 你试著杀我 I believe in the madness called " Now " 我相信在被称为「现在」的疯狂中 Time goes flowing, breaking my heart 时光流逝,破坏我的心 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I haven"t found what I"m looking for 我仍未找到我要找寻的 Art of life Art of life I try to stop myself 我试著停止我自己 But my heart goes to destroy the truth 但我的心意欲毁灭这事实 Tell me why 告诉我为什么 I want the meaning of my life 我想知道我活著的意义 Do I try to live? Do I try to love 我该试著活下去吗 in my dream 我该试著去实现梦想中的爱吗 I am breaking the wall inside my heart 我破坏我心中的墙 I just wanna let my emotions get out 我想让我的情感流露 Nobody can stop 无人能阻止 I"m running to freedom 我奔向自由 No matter how you try to hold me in your world 无论你多想在你的世界中掌握我 Like a doll carried by the flow of time 像被流逝的时光控制的玩偶 I sacrificed the present moment for the future 我为未来牺牲此刻 I was in chains of memory half-blinded 我被半瞎的记忆束缚 Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dream 失去我的心,徘徊在梦之海里 Close my eyes 闭上眼睛 Rose breathes I can hear 我听见玫瑰的低语 All love and sadness melt in my heart 全部的爱与悲哀在我心中融化 Dry my tears 拭乾泪水 Wipe my bloody face 擦拭我满是血污的脸 I wanna feel me living my life outside my wall 我要在我的墙外感受我的存在 Dreams can make me mad 梦能使我疯狂 I can"t leave my dream 我无法离开梦境 I can"t stop myself 我无法阻止我自己 Don"t know what I am 不知我是什么 What lies are truth 什么是谎言 What truth are lies 什么是真实 Art of life Art of life An Eternal Bleeding heart 一颗永远滴血的心 You never wanna breathe your last 你永远不碰触你的过去 Wanna live 要活著 Can"t let my heart kill myself 不能让我的心毁了我自己 Still I am feeling for 我仍感觉到 A Rose is breathing love 一朵玫瑰正注入爱 in my life 在我生命



java Collections.sort实现的排序是升序还是降序

默认的是升序但你既然知道Comparator,你就可以让它降序例如:比如原来你的comparator方法,返回的是class A{int a;}comparator(A a1,A a2){return a1.a-a2.a}//升序comparator(A a1,A a2){return a2.a-a1.a}//降序

Java中的comparator 怎么使用Collections.max求出最大值




【Java基础语法】 (Comparator) Collections.reverseOrder() 为什么是错的?


Java 的 Collections 里面有个 EmptyList 类,它的具体作用是什么?使用它会有什么好处?

Collection是一个超级接口,有很多实现这个接口的类,具体用的话,是用这些实现它的那些类,比如ArrayList等,ArrayList是比较常用的。集合这个知识点在JAVA中还是比较重要的,而且内容也不是一两句能讲清楚的,建议去看看教程,或者API文档,里面有各个接口、类定义的具体方法,以及这些方法的使用方式。ArrayList的一些使用:List list = new ArrayList(); //创建一个ArrayListlist.add(这里存放要添加的元素); //添加元素list.get(int index) ; //返回此列表中指定位置上的元素。list.remove(int index); //移除此列表中指定位置上的元素。list.set(int index, E element) ; // 用指定的元素替代此列表中指定位置上的元素。list.toArray() ; //按适当顺序(从第一个到最后一个元素)返回包含此列表中所有元素的数组。Collection 也属于容器,容器的话,一般避免不了“增删改查”这四个操作!

Java Collections.sort 匿名内部类问题





Collection和Collections的区别如下:1、java.util.Collection 是一个集合接口。它提供了对集合对象进行基本操作的通用接口方法。Collection接口在Java 类库中有很多具体的实现。Collection接口的意义是为各种具体的集合提供了最大化的统一操作方式。Collection ├List │├LinkedList │├ArrayList │└Vector │ └Stack └Set 2、java.util.Collections 是一个包装类。它包含有各种有关集合操作的静态多态方法。此类不能实例化,就像一个工具类,服务于Java的Collection框架。
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