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Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:3 Cd CollectionMyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567932

Jay sean的All or nothing歌词。

All Or Nothing   I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他   That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离   I thought with time you"d realize It"s over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束   It"s not the way I choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式   But something, somewhere"s gotta give 但毕竟我有所付出   As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时   You know I"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过   But how can I fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢   If I had the rest of you 我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否   Chorus(合唱):   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开   There are times it seems to me 有很多时候   I"m sharing you with memories 我在回忆中思念你   I feel it in my heart But I don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来   Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我   As though I"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一   Those times I don"t believe 我虽然不相信   It"s right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了   Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守   I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了   Chorus(合唱)   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing 你孑然一身地离开   Cause you and I Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了   If you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Chorus(合唱)   Is it all Or nothing at all 是你的全部,还是什么也没有   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开

Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers的《One By One》 歌词

歌曲名:One By One歌手:Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers专辑:UgetsuHey.......Here am IYet another goodbye!He says Adiós, says Adiós,And do you know whyShe won"t break down and cry?- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.It"s no lieShe is yearning to fly.She says Adiós, says Adiós,And now you know whyHe"s a reason to sign- she says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.One by one my leaves fall.One by one my tales are told.My, oh my!She was aiming too high.He says Adiós, AdiósAnd now you know whyThere"s no moon in her sky- he says Adiós, says Adiós, Goodbye.La-li-la-li-lang.......No GoodbyesFor love brightens their eyesDon"t say Adiós, say Adiós,And do you know whyThere"s a love that won"t die?- don"t say Adiós, say Adiós, Goodbye.http://music.baidu.com/song/8209205

Sun Java控制台是什么东西来的?

您可以为 Windows 平台启用 Java 控制台。为 Windows 平台启用 Java 控制台1. 单击“开始”--“设置”--“控制面板”。2. 双击“Java Plug-in”图标。3. 单击“初级”选项卡。4. 选择“显示控制台”并单击“应用”。查看用于浏览器的 Java 控制台Internet Explorer1. 在浏览器菜单条中单击“工具”。2. 选择“Sun Java 控制台”。Mozilla 和 Netscape 7.11. 在浏览器菜单条中单击“工具”。2. 选择“Web 开发”--“Java 控制台”。Netscape Communicator 4.791. 在浏览器菜单条中单击“Communicator”。2. 选择“工具”--“Java 控制台”




将Object page = pages.get(0);改成Map page = pages.get(0);int i = page.get("pageNo");



Trojan/Rootkit.o 是什么病毒,有什么危害?

木马,可能是远程控制或盗密码你可以搜索 xinshouwudu 这个词来看下




for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++){ System.out.println("第"+i+"个值="+list.get(i));}

用hibernate:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0

HQL中"from test where userid="001""的test要大写,是对象。

java 中java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException一般是什么异常呢


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 3, size is 0怎么解决?

Invalid index 0, size is 0表示看到这个很蛋疼。。。难道你在 list.get(index) 的时候不先判断 if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ list.get(index);}不先判断么?然后你再看做了什么之后你的list 是变为size = 0的

java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Remember that ordinal parameters are 1-

String hql="from Liuyan liuyan where liuyan.name like :name"; q.setString("name",name);你改成这样试一下安? liuyan = q.list();需要强转一下

exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 9, Size: 9





只是因为 超出范围了再看看报错的行,然后解决问题~~~~~~~~~集合中的数量一直是在变化的,却使用一个固定的值去移除

the king of pop,super star Michael Jackson is an[ ] 急 各位英语高手帮忙啊


redis keys* 用java代码怎么写

代码如下:local food=redis.call("hget",KEYS[1],"food");food=food+ARGV[1];redis.call("hset",KEYS[1],"food",food);local diamond=redis.call("hget",KEYS[1],"diamond");diamond=diamond+ARGV[2];redis.call("hset",KEYS[1],"diamond",diamond);

The O Jays的《Lies》 歌词

歌曲名:Lies歌手:The O Jays专辑:Emotionally YoursBlack Keys - :iesBY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengSaid the moon was ours, yeahSaid the moon was ours, the hell with the dayThe sunlight is always gonna take love awayBrings up suspicions and alibiesBut I can see blue, tear-blinded eyesLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI got a stone where my heart should beI got a stone where my heart should beAnd nothing I do will make you love meI"d leave this time, break all my tiesBe no more use for any disguiseLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI wanna die without painI wanna die, oh, without painAll this desception I just can"t maintainThe sun, moon, the stars in the skyIt"d hurt me too bad if you said goodbyeLies, lies, lies, ohh lieshttp://music.baidu.com/song/3487991

求Jay Sean-The Mistress 歌词 先谢谢了、、、




南阳理工OJ第一题A+B problem 用java编程在eclipse上能运行正确,为什么在OJ上提交时总是CompileError!

CompileError一般是由jdk版本不同引起的,有些类的使用需要高版本才可以。Online Judge系统(简称OJ)是一个在线的判题系统。用户可以在线提交程序多种程序(如C、C++)源代码,系统对源代码进行编译和执行,并通过预先设计的测试数据来检验程序源代码的正确性。一个用户提交的程序在Online Judge系统下执行时将受到比较严格的限制,包括运行时间限制,内存使用限制和安全限制等。用户程序执行的结果将被Online Judge系统捕捉并保存,然后再转交给一个裁判程序。该裁判程序或者比较用户程序的输出数据和标准输出样例的差别,或者检验用户程序的输出数据是否满足一定的逻辑条件。最后系统返回给用户一个状态:通过(Accepted,AC)、答案错误(Wrong Answer,WA)、超时(Time Limit Exceed,TLE)、超过输出限制(Output Limit Exceed,OLE)、超内存(Memory Limit Exceed,MLE)、运行时错误(Runtime Error,RE)、格式错误(Presentation Error,PE)、或是无法编译(Compile Error,CE),并返回程序使用的内存、运行时间等信息。

谁能给我 slow jam 的歌词翻译???





用FreeTTS实现Java语音程序1. Download FreeTTS: http://freetts.sourceforge.net/2. 解压后运行:D:softwarefreetts-1.2libjsapi.exe, 选择agree.3. 写helloworld程序,语音读出"MPLS alarm: link down":import java.util.Locale;import javax.speech.Central;import javax.speech.EngineList;import javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer;import javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc;import javax.speech.synthesis.Voice;public class HelloWorld { public HelloWorld() { } public static void main(String args[]) { try { SynthesizerModeDesc desc = new SynthesizerModeDesc("FreeTTS en_US general synthesizer", "general", Locale.US, null, null); Synthesizer synthesizer = Central.createSynthesizer(desc); if (synthesizer == null) { System.exit(1); } synthesizer.allocate(); synthesizer.resume(); desc = (SynthesizerModeDesc) synthesizer.getEngineModeDesc(); Voice voices[] = desc.getVoices(); if(voices != null && voices.length > 0){ synthesizer.getSynthesizerProperties().setVoice(voices[0]); synthesizer.speakPlainText("MPLS alarm: link down", null); synthesizer.waitEngineState(0x10000L); } synthesizer.deallocate(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }}

I have never been to Japan.为什么不用gone


谁有Reagan James - Where Did You Go 的歌词?

从网上听歌记下来的,如果有不准确的地方,还请谅解。谢谢Da da da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)You"re giving up,You"re leaving me,Said it"s unrealistic to think we aren"t on a missionThis is a chair, and I"ve been thereIf our eyes are on each otherHow can we tell there"s another watching?Da da da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)I"m watching.You"re taking a stairYou think it"s rightSaid three days they were certain treat forthree-hundred more restless nightYou don"t want me on your mindSaid it"s a fear to othersIf you compare there they did hurts to mineWheredid you goHowfar awayIfyou let me know, I"ll leave out on my wayBut untilthen I knowBewith you in your dreams,I"mcloser to youEverytime you fall asleep,Dada da da da ~~Da da~~(repeat)You sat so close,But now is so farSaid you didn"t need theDidn"t need any one of those shooting starsBut now I doubt if we could get outI should have wished on this starThere was always aboutWhere did you goHow far awayIf you letme know, I"ll leave out on my wayBut untilthen I"ll be with you in your dreamsI"m closerto youEvery timeyou fall asleep (Repeat) Oh~~Someday along the road,You"re gonna come to any,You"re drifting away into a dreamI"ll be waiting for you on the seeI"ll got the plane to rescue you meet whereyou set the ship on the bayYour heart in mine will be there to stayWill be there, there to stayWheredid you goHowfar awayIfyou let me know, I"ll leave out on my wayButuntil then I"ll be with you in your dreamsI"mcloser to youEverytime you fall asleep (Repeat) Oh~~

java quartz如何查看当前执行任务的线程数

1.Quartz中的触发器TriggerJob 包含了要执行任务的逻辑,但是 Job 对何时该执行却一无所知。这个事情留给了 Trigger。Quartz Trigger 继承了抽象的 org.quartz.Trigger 类。当前,Quartz 有三个可用的 Trigger:Java代码·org.quartz.SimpleTrigger·org.quartz.CronTrigger·org.quartz.NthIncludeDayTrigger2.SimpleTrigger的介绍正如其名所示,SimpleTrigger对于设置和使用是最为简单的一种 Quartz Trigger。它是为那种需要在特定的日期/时间启动,且以一个可能的间隔时间重复执行 n 次的 Job 所设计的。我们前面已经在一个简单的Quartz的例子里使用过了SimpleTrigger,我们通过Java代码Trigger trigger = TriggerUtils.makeSecondlyTrigger(10);来获取到我们的Trigger,而得到的实际上就是SimpleTrigger类的一个实现;我们实际上还可以对上面的代码进行小小的改造:Java代码Trigger trigger =new SimpleTrigger("myTrigger",Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP,new Date(),null,SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY,60000L);对于Quartz而言,它还不能满足我们的触发情况,所以它仅仅是用于一些简单的触发情况;3.org.quartz.CronTriggerCronTrigger 允许设定非常复杂的触发时间表。然而有时也许不得不使用两个或多个 SimpleTrigger 来满足你的触发需求,这时候,你仅仅需要一个 CronTrigger 实例就够了。顾名思义,CronTrigger 是基于 Unix 类似于 cron 的表达式。例如,你也许有一个 Job,要它在星期一和星期五的上午 8:00-9:00 间每五分钟执行一次。假如你试图用 SimpleTrigger 来实现,你或许要为这个 Job 配置多个 Trigger。然而,你可以使用如下的表达式来产生一个遵照这个时间表触发的 Trigger;比如:Java代码try {CronTrigger cTrigger = new CronTrigger("myTrigger",Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP, "0 0/5 8 ? *MON,FRI");} catch (ParseException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}因为 CronTrigger 内建的如此强的灵活性,也与生俱来可用于创建几乎无所限制的表达式,且因为支持unix的cron表达式,则做为企业应用,我们的操作系统一般也都以unxi操作系统为主,所以掌握CronTrigger 的使用费用有必要,我们将在后面对CronTrigger 进行详细的介绍;4.org.quartz.NthIncludedDayTriggerorg.quartz.NthIncludedDayTrigger 是 Quartz 开发团队最新加入到框架中的一个 Trigger。它设计用于在每一间隔类型的第几天执行 Job。例如,你要在每个月的 15 号执行开票的 Job,用 NthIncludedDayTrigger就再合适不过了。Quartz的 Caldendar 也可与 Trigger 关联以此把周末与节假日考虑进来,并在必要时跳开这些日期。接下来的代码片断描绘了如何创建一个 NthIncludedDayTrigger.Java代码NthIncludedDayTrigger trigger =new NthIncludedDayTrigger("MyTrigger",Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP);trigger.setN(15);trigger.setIntervalType(NthIncludedDayTrigger.INTERVAL_TYPE_MONTHLY);5.Job与Trigger的关系大家都知道,一个作业,比较重要的三个要素就是Schduler,jobDetail,Trigger;而Trigger对于job而言就好比一个驱动器;没有触发器来定时驱动作业,作业就无法运行;对于Job而言,一个job可以对应多个Trigger,但对于Trigger而言,一个Trigger只能对应一个job;所以一个 Trigger 只能被指派给一个 Job;

java 习题



import java.util.Scanner; public class bank { int number,id; int year,month,day; float money; String name; void set(int y,int m,int d) { year=y; month=m; day=d; } public String toString() { return year+"年"+month+"月"+day+"日"; } public float money1(int n) { money=money+n; return money; } public float money2(int x) { if(money<x) return 0; money=money-x; return money; } public static void main(String args[]) { bank b=new bank(); b.set(2009,8,6); b.money=0; b.number=1; b.id=20102; b.name="张三"; System.out.println("用户名:"+b.name); System.out.println("身份证号:"+b.id); System.out.println("开户日期是:"+b.toString()); System.out.print("请输入存入的数额:"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int i = sc.nextInt(); b.money1(i); System.out.print("账户余额:"+b.money); System.out.println(); System.out.print("请输入取款余额:"); Scanner cc = new Scanner(System.in); int j = cc.nextInt(); b.money2(j); System.out.print("账户余额:"+b.money); } }



java 结果集中list中根据每一个币种进行金额求和怎么写

代码写好了,币种和金额作为Money类的属性存储到List中,再将List中重复币种的金额相加,如下(注意在Eclipse或者MyEclispse里面运行时,添加相关的包):public class Money { private String type; //币种 private int value; //金额 //初始化币种和金额 public Money(String type,int value){ this.type=type; this.value=value; } //这个构造器仅仅用于获得一个Money类去调用isSameType()方法,注意这个类只能在本类中使用 Money(){} //获取相同类型的币种并且将它们的金额总和放在一个list中 public List isSameType(List<Money> list){ List l = new ArrayList<Money>(); if(list!=null){ for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { int sumMoney=list.get(i).value; for(int j = i+1;j<list.size();j++){ if(list.get(i).type.equals(list.get(j).type)){ sumMoney=sumMoney+list.get(j).value; list.remove(list.get(j)); j=j-1;//删除一个元素以后还原指针位置 } } Money m =new Money(list.get(i).type,sumMoney); l.add(m); } } return l; } public String toString(){ return "币种类型:"+ this.type+" 金额总和:"+this.value; } public static void main(String[] args) { //初始化 List<Money> list = new ArrayList<Money>(); Money m1 = new Money("dollar",6); Money m2 = new Money("renmbi",8); Money m3 = new Money("dollar",7); Money m4 = new Money("dollar",9); Money m5 = new Money("lubu",4); Money m6 = new Money("renmbi",10); Money m7 = new Money("lubu",3); Money m8 = new Money("taidao",15); list.add(m1);//注意这里加入两次m1 list.add(m1); list.add(m2); list.add(m3); list.add(m4); list.add(m5); list.add(m6); list.add(m7); list.add(m8); Money m = new Money(); //求和 List l = m.isSameType(list); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { System.out.println(l.get(i)); } }}


money实体类:public class Money {//1 定义整形成员变量yuan,jiao,fenprivate int yuan;private int jiao;private int fen;public Money(int yuan,int jiao,int fen){//2 构造方法,初始化成员yuan,jiao,fenthis.yuan = yuan;this.jiao = jiao;this.fen = fen;}public int getYuan() {return yuan;}public void setYuan(int yuan) {this.yuan = yuan;}public int getJiao() {return jiao;}public void setJiao(int jiao) {this.jiao = jiao;}public int getFen() {return fen;}public void setFen(int fen) {this.fen = fen;}}入口点/主方法:public class MoneyShow {public void show(Money money){//3 void show()方法按XX元XX角XX分格式输出System.out.println(money.getYuan()+"元"+money.getJiao()+"角"+money.getFen()+"分");}public static void main(String[] args) {int yuan = 10,jiao = 5,fen = 3;Money money = new Money(yuan,jiao,fen);//4 创建Money对象,再调用show()方法输出MoneyShow ms = new MoneyShow();ms.show(money);}}

求nas-ether中文歌词 据说里面有eminem和jay z 的事!!!

Album:StillmaticTitle:Ether[gunshots][Nas talking](Fuck Jay-Z)What"s up niggas, ay yo, I know you ain"t talkin "bout me dogYou, what?(Fuck Jay-Z)You been on my dick nigga, you love my style, nigga(Fuck Jay-Z)[Chorus](I) Fuck with your soul like ether(Will) Teach you the king you know you(Not) God"s son across the belly(Lose) I prove you lost alreadyBrace yourself for the main eventY"all impatiently waitinIt"s like an AIDS test, what"s the results?Not positive, who"s the best? Pac, Nas and BigAin"t no best, East, West, North, South, flossed out, greedyI embrace y"all with napalmBlows up, no guts, left chest, face goneHow could Nas be garbage?Semi-autos at your cartilegeBurner at the side of your dome, come outta my throneI got this, locked since "9-1I am the truest, name a rapper that I ain"t influencedGave y"all chapters but now I keep my eyes on the JudasWith Hawaiin Sophie fame, kept my name in his musicCheck it[Chorus][talking]Ay yo, pass me the weed, pour my ashes out on these niggas man (no doubt)Ay, y"all faggots, y"all kneel and kiss the fuckin ring[Chorus]I"ve been fucked over, left for dead, dissed and fogottenLuck ran out, they hoped that I"d be gone, stiff and rottenY"all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave (uh)Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my faceY"all some well wishers, friendly actin, envy hidin snakesWith your hands out for my money, man, how much can I take?When these streets keep callin, heard it when I was sleepThat this Gay-Z and Cockafella Records wanted beefStarted cockin up my weapon, slowly loadin up this ammoTo explode it on a camel, and his soldiers, I can handleThis for dolo and it"s manuscript, just sound stupidWhen KRS already made an album called BlueprintFirst, Biggie"s ya man, then you got the nerve to say that you better than BigDick suckin lips, whyn"t you let the late, great veteran live[talking](I...will...not...lose)God"s son across the belly, I prove you lost alreadyThe king is back, where my crown at?(Ill...will) Ill Will rest in peace, let"s do it niggas[Chorus]Y"all niggas deal with emotions like bitchesWhat"s sad is I love you "cause you"re my brotherYou traded your soul for richesMy child, I"ve watched you grow up to be famousAnd now I smile like a proud dad, watchin his only son that made itYou seem to be only concerned with dissin womenWere you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?Well life is hard, hug me, don"t reject meOr make records to disrespect me, blatent or indirectlyIn "88 you was gettin chased through your buildinCallin my crib and I ain"t even give you my numbersAll I did was gave you a style for you to run withSmilin in my face, glad to break bread with the godWearin Jaz chains, no tecs, no cash, no carsNo jail bars Jigga, no pies, no caseJust Hawaiian shirts, hangin with little ChaseYou a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a StanI still whip your ass, you thirty-six in a karate classYou Tae-bo hoe, tryna" work it out, you tryna" get brolic?Ask me if I"m tryna" kick knowledgeNah, I"m tryna" kick the shit you need to learn thoughThat ether, that shit that make your soul burn slowIs he Dame Diddy, Dame Daddy or Dame Dummy?Oh, I get it, you Biggie and he"s PuffyRockafeller died of AIDS, that was the end of his chapterAnd that"s the guy y"all chose to name your company after?Put it together, I rock hoes, y"all rock fellasAnd now y"all try to take my spot, fellas?Philly"s hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot, fellasIn a pine box with nine shots from my glock, fellasFoxy got you hot "cause you kept your face in her pussWhat you think, you gettin girls now "cause of your looks?Ne-gro pleaseYou no mustache havin, with whiskers like a ratCompared to Beans you wackAnd your man stabbed Un and made you take the blameYou ass, went from Jaz to hangin with Caine, to Herb, to BigAnd, Eminem murdered you on your own shitYou a dick-ridin faggot, you love the attentionQueens niggas run you niggas, ask Russell SimmonsHa, R-O-C get gunned up and clapped quickJ.J. Evans get gunned up and clapped quickYour whole damn record label gunned up and clapped quickShaun Carter to Jay-Z, damn you on Jaz dickSo little shorty"s gettin gunned up and clapped quickHow much of Biggie"s rhymes is gon" come out your fat lips?Wanted to be on every last one of my classicsYou pop shit, apologize, nigga, just ask Kiss


c语言更容易。C++组报名量很大,占了一大多半,但发奖是按比例来的,所以c++选手拿省一相对来说是有难度的,国赛也是。Java组就很有优势了,只要你学的好,算法也精通,省一问题不大,压力更小。省赛每个组别设置一、二、三等奖,比例分别为10%、20%、30%,总比例为实际参赛人数的60%,零分卷不得奖。省赛一等奖选手获得直接进入全国总决赛资格。所有获奖选手均可获得由工业和信息化部人才交流中心及大赛组委会联合颁发的获奖证书。“蓝桥杯”不同组别所需知识:1、Java高职高专组:基本语法、面向对象、网络编程、接口、集合、IO、多线程、内部类、异常。(数据结构、swing等图形界面不涉及,不涉及html、JSP、Tomcat、开源框架等web开发方面,不涉及JDBC、SQL等数据库编程方面)。2、Java本科B组:解题所涉及的知识:Java高职高专组全部知识 + 数据结构(高校《数据结构》教材中出现的经典结构,及其通过组合、变形、改良等方法创造出的变种)。

Jay-Z 的《Blue Magic》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Magic歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:Blue MagicJay-Z - Blue Magic (Feat. Pharrel)American GangsterROC-A-Fella records...The Imperial Skateboard P (it"s alive... it"s alive, it"s alive)GREAT HOVA! (it"s alive)Y"all already know what it is!Come on!So What If U Flip A Couple Words, I Could Triple That In BirdsOpen Ya Mind, U See The Circus In The SkyI"m Ringlin Brothers, Barnum And Bailey Wit The PiesNo Matter How U Slice It I"m Ya Muthafuckin GuyAnd Just Like A B-Boy Wit 360 WavesDo The Same Wit The Pot, Still Come Back BeigeWhether Right Or SouthpawWhether Pot Or The JarWhip It Around, It Still Comes Back HardSo Easily Do I... W-H-I-PMy Repetition Wit Riches"ll Bring The Kilo BusinessI Got Creole C-O BitchesFor My Niggas Who Slipped, Became Prisoners, Treats Taped To The VisitorsU Already Know What The Business IsUnnecessary Commissary, Boy We Live This ShitNiggas Wanna Bring The 80s BackThat"s Okay Wit Me, That"s Where They Made Me AtExcept I Don"t Write On The WallI Write My Name In The History Book Hustlin In The HallNaw, I Don"t Spin On My HeadI Spin My Work In The PotSo I Could Spend My BreadAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)This 87 State Of Mind That I"m InIn My Prime, So For That Time I"m RakimIf It Wasn"t For The Crime That I Was InBut I Woudn"t Be The Guy Who Rhymes It Is That I"m In... No Pain, No ProfitPee I Repeat If U Show Me Where The Pot IsCherry M3s With The Top BackRed And Green Gs All On My HatNorth Beach LeathersMatchin Gucci SweatersGucci Sneaks On 2 Keep My Outfit TogetherWhatever... Hundred 4 The Diamond ChainCan"t U Tell That I Came From The Dope GameBlame Reagan For Making Me Into A MonsterBlame Oliver North And Iran ContraI Ran Contraband That They SponsoredBefore This Rhyming Stuff We Was In ConcertAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)Push...Money Ova Broads, U Got It, Fuck BushChef... Guess What I CookedBaked Alot Of Bread And Kept It Off Da BooksRock Star... LookWay B4 The Bars My Picture Was Gettin TookFeds... They Like Wack RappersTry As They May They Couldn"t Get Me On The Hook, UnhD.A. Wanna Indict Me"Cause Fishscales In My Veins Like A PiscesThe Pyrex Pot, Roll Up My SleavesTurn One Into 2 Like A Siamese...Twin, When It End I"m a Stand As A ManNeva Dyin On My Knees, Last Of A Dyin BreedSo Let The Champagne PopI Partied For A While Now I"m Back 2 The BlockAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)(American Gangster Movie Clip: Denzel Washington)Blue Magic... That"s A Brand NameLike Pepsi, That"s A Brand NameI Stand Behind It, I Guarantee ItThey Know That Even If They Don"t Know Me Anymore Than They Know The, The Chairman Of General Mills...(... My man)http://music.baidu.com/song/8176415

taiji为什么被迫离开x japan



没有引用~ 或者说是一个匿名的引用。


Japanese has borrowed heavily from engpsh . 日语中借用了很多英语。 Her famiparity with japanese surprised me . 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。 The warm japanese current flows past the coast . 日本洋暖流流经海岸。 She has a passable knowledge of japanese . 她的日语(知识)还可以。 Dry land ( often used in japanese names ) . 旱地(多用于日本人姓名)。 Japanese leaders were equally alarmed . 日本首脑人物同样感到震惊。 When you speak japanese she cannot understand . 你讲日语她不懂。 Japanese cars have flooded the american market . 日本汽车已充斥美国市场。 We can"t ape the japanese system . 我们不能完全仿效日本的体系。 The last japanese thrusts had been hurled back . 日本人最后的突击被打退了。 The japanese were confident . 日军当时趾高气扬、不可一世。 The japanese war lords had looked for a certainty . 日本军阀要想寻求万全之策。 The girl interpreted for the old japanese very well . 女孩为这位老人翻译得很好。 He squatted down as a japanese . 他像日本人似的蹲坐著。 It did harm the relative power of the japanese state . 它损害了日本国的相对实力。 The japanese to a man had been plotting against them . 日本人个个都对他们居心叵测。 They are often found in chinese or japanese dishes . 经常是中国人或日本人的盤中菜。 There were dead japanese lying all about this ridge . 山梁的前后左右都是日军的遗尸。 Even the japanese dissent in discreet ways . 即使日本人,也是以谨慎的方式表示不同意。 The japanese can"t directly confront disagreement . 日本人对不同意见是不会直接抗争的。 Once more the japanese mand brought up reinforcements . 日军司令部又调集了增援部队。 In the end, the japanese agreed to change the machinery . 结果,日本人只好同意更换机器。 Japanese tv sets are , for the most part , of excellent quapty . 日本电视机大多质量优良。 Do you pke japanese people ? 你喜欢日本人吗? In the old days japanese women were confined to the household . 过去日本妇女被禁锢在家里。 The japanese ring around the wu tai mountains grew tighter . 日寇对五台山区的包围越来越紧。 In the basketball game china beat the japanese by a neck . 在那场篮球赛中中国队险胜日本队。 Japanese vegetable production in plastic tunnels were included . 包括日本塑料小棚的蔬菜生产。 A japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves . 日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。 Undoubtedly the japanese would not dare by-pass the islands . 日本军不敢超越该岛进攻是无疑的。 A japanese attack on the dutch possessions may be made at any time . 日本可以随时袭击荷兰属地。 The japanese team accumulated four points with one win and o losses . 日本队积四分,一胜两负。 This episode marked the end of the japanese offensive surge . 这个插曲标志著日本攻势高潮的终结。 He could not shake the death of the japanese prisoner . 那日本俘虏的死缠住了他,怎么也排遗不开。 Most of the students of our class take japanese as an elective course . 我们班大部分同学选修日语。 Japanese farmers give adamant support for import restrictions . 日本农业主对限制进口表示坚决支持。 The japanese had shown prime bat and logistical abipty . 日本人已经显示了出色的战斗和后勤能力。 In the imperial japanese fleet it was suicidal effrontery . 在日本帝国舰队中,这是自杀性的胆大妄为。 By september, the backbone of japanese resistance had been broken . 到了九月,日军抵抗的主力已经崩溃。 Roosevelt promised to use diplomacy to stop japanese immigration . 罗斯福答应通过外交途径停止日本移民。 The japanese machine gun raked through the bush at them . 日本人的机枪在矮树丛里来回扫射,不肯放过他们。 The work group is the basic building block of japanese organizations . 工作小组是日本组织的基本结构单元。 At four in the afternoon the first wave of japanese bombers came over . 下午4点,第一批日本轰炸机出现了。 First, invariably, the japanese firms made a big deal about"meaning". 首先日本的公司一贯地强调“信念”。 It is mon knowledge that zhang zoupn was murdered by the japanese . 人尽皆知,张作霖是被日本人谋杀的。 Most americans have been exposed to the aesthetic of japanese design . 大部分美国人已经感受到日本设计的美。 The japanese educational system seems to serve these needs well . 日本的教育制度似乎很有效地满足了这些需要。 It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained japanese customs . 它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。 He submitted just as o of the japanese gentlemen gave tongue . 他只好顺从,恰巧有两位日本绅士同时都开了口。 Lechenko understood that japanese do not grant friendship casually . 列夫钦科知道,日本人从不轻易施人以友谊。 上一篇: 郑士良等发起惠州起义 下一篇: 历史上有哪些一见钟情的故事?

Natasha Jane&drag-on的《Top Model》 歌词

歌曲名:Top Model歌手:Natasha Jane&drag-on专辑:She Might BeOK, Im going to attempt to drown myselfYou can try this at homeYou can be just like me!Mic check one two.. we recordin?Im cancerous, so when I diss you wouldnt wanna answer thisIf you responded back with a battle rap you wrote for CanibusI strangled you to death then I choked you againThen break your fuckin legs till your bones poke through your skinYou beef wit me, Ima even the score equallyTake you on Jerry Springer, and beat yer ass legallyI get you blunted off of funny home grownCause when I smoke out I hit the trees harder than Sonny Bono(Ohh no!!) So if I said I never did drugsThat would mean I lie AND get fucked more than the President doesHillary Clinton tried to slap me and call me a pervertI ripped her fuckin tonsils out and fed her sherbet (Bitch!)My nerves hurt, and lately Im on edgeGrabbed Vanilla Ice and ripped out his blonde dreads (Fuck you!)Every girl I ever went out wit is goin lezFollow me and do exactly what the song says:smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people and drinkAnd jump behind the wheel like it was still legalIm dumb enough to walk in a store and stealSo Im dumb enough to ask for a date with Lauryn HillSome people only see that Im white, ignorin skillCause I stand out like a green hat with a orange billBut I dont get pissed, yall dont even see through the mistHow the fuck can I be white, I dont even existI get a clean shave, bathe, go to a raveDie from an overdose and dig myself up out of my graveMy middle finger wont go down, how do I wave?And this is how Im supposed to teach kids how to behave?Now follow me and do exactly what you seeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I slap women and eat shrooms then O.D.Now dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Me and Marcus Allen went over to see NicoleWhen we heard a knock at the door, must have been Ron GoldJumped behind the door, put the orgy on holdKilled em both and smeared blood in a white Bronco (we did it!)My mind wont work if my spine dont jerkI slapped Garth Brooks out of his Rhinestone shirtIm not a player just a ill rhyme sayerThatll spray an Aerosol can up at the ozone layer (psssssssh)My rap styles warped, Im runnin out the morguewitcha dead grandmothers corpse to throw it on your porchJumped in a Chickenhawk cartoon wit a cape onAnd beat up Foghorn Leghorn with an acornIm bout as normal as Norman Bates, with deformative traitsA premature birth that was four minutes lateMother.. are you there? I love youI never meant to hit you over the head with that shovelWill someone explain to my brain that I just severeda main vein with a chainsaw and Im in pain?I take a breather and sighed; either Im high, or Im nutsCause if you aint tiltin this room, neither am ISo when you see your mom with a thermometer shoved in her assThen it probably is obvious I got it on with herCause when I drop this solo shit its over withI bought Cages tape, opened it, and dubbed over itI came to the club drunk with a fake IDDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!Ive been with 10 women who got HIVNow dont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I got genital warts and it burns when I peeDont you wanna grow up to be just like me!I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a treeYou probably wanna grow up to be just like me!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/2946301

项链上的KIO JAPAN什么意思?


项链上的KIO JAPAN什么意思?



最后不要用这个 据说不怎么安全. 因为其它人可以进行直接传参数进行操作




取决于eval的参数字符串计算后返回的值。该方法只接受原始字符串作为参数,如果 string 参数不是原始字符串,那么该方法将不作任何改变地返回。

JavaScript 为什么不推荐使用 eval

1、eval 太神秘了,以至于很多人用错。所以不推荐使用。2、 eval不容易调试。用chromeDev等调试工具无法打断点调试,所以麻烦的东西也是不推荐使用的…3、说到性能问题,在旧的浏览器中如果你使用了eval,性能会下降10倍。在现代浏览器中有两种编译模式:fast path和slow path。fast path是编译那些稳定和可预测(stable and predictable)的代码。而明显的,eval不可预测,所以将会使用slow path ,所以会慢。还有一个是,在使用类似于Closure Compiler等压缩(混淆)代码时,使用eval会报错。(又慢又报错,我还推荐吗?)4、关于安全性,我们经常听到eval是魔鬼,他会引起XSS攻击,实际上,如果我们对信息源有足够的把握时,eval并不会引起很大的安全问题。而且不光是eval,其他方式也可能引起安全问题。比如:莫名其妙给你注入一个<script src="">标签,或者一段来历不明的JSON-P请求,再或者就是Ajax请求中的eval代码…所以啊,只要你的信息源不安全,你的代码就不安全。不单单是因为eval引起的。你用eval的时候会在意XSS的问题,你越在意就越出问题,出的多了,eval就成噩梦了。5、效率问题是程序逻辑问题。对于一些有执行字符串代码需求的程序中,不用eval而用其他方式模拟反而会带来更大的开销。

i feel good james brown属于什么音乐


JavaScript 为什么不推荐使用 eval

基本上所有语言(有eval的)都不建议用 eval, 除非您很确定知道自己在干甚麼又别无他法. eval 之所以不建议使用是因为安全性隐患, 此话适用於所有编程语言, 正常来说只有两种处境下才会用 eval, 一是在写病毒码, 如以 utf-7 (没写错, 是utf-7) 编写代码 让使用者, 甚至防毒软件都看不懂真正要执行的代码是甚麼, 另一个是做测试, 除错; 成品 (production) 绝不该出现 eval 的语句. 这是因为 eval 的东西都不会再有别的防御机制去审视要执行的是甚麼, 比如您要 eval 一个表单里的某串 text, 这就足以让植入式(病毒)码 (injection code) 长驱直入, 成为您页面里的一部分.当然, 一个更低层次的问题就是, 其实与其在 eval 里写代码, 还不如写句正正式式的代码, 在 eval 里要写很多 " " \ , 写著写著都眼花了.


可以应用java中的上转型对象,实现java编程的多态。 上转型对象不是父类创建的对象,而是子类对象的“简化”状态,它不关心子类新增的功能,只关心子类继承和重写的功能。 当一个类有很多子类时,并且这些子类都重写了父类中的某个方法。当使用上转型对象在调用这个方法时就可能具有多种形态。因为不同的子类在重写父类的方法时可能产生不同的行为。也就是说,不同对象的上转型对象调用同一方法可能产生不同的行为。 例如下面的程序你测试一下就可以理解这样的用法。class Animal{ void cry(){}}class Dog extends Animal{ void cry(){ System.out.println("Wang!Wang!......"); } }class Cat extends Animal{ void cry(){ System.out.println("miao~~miao~~..."); } }public class Example5_9{ public static void main(String args[]){ Animal animal; animal=new Dog(); //animal是Dog对象的上转型对象 animal.cry(); animal=new Cat(); //animal是Cat对象的上转型对象 animal.cry(); }}


Java如何写Evaluate函数,函数内部能够动态执行Java代码:比如public String Evaluate(String S){...}S="return 5 ";Evaluate(S) 返回 5



eclipse java build path projects这个怎么用;




the cars made in japan are cheaper than ____ made in america.这一空填为什么填those







  写一个限制只能输入数字的例子:  public class T extends Frame {  private static final long serialVersionUID = -6941508797843011575L;  public static void main(String[] args) {  new T();  }  public T() {  setSize(200, 60);  TextField text = new TextField();  text.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {  @Override  public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {//限制只能输入数字  if (Character.isDigit(e.getKeyChar())) {//判断是否为数字  return;  } else {//不是则取消  e.consume();  }  }  });  add(text);  addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {  @Override  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {  System.exit(0);  }  });  setVisible(true);  }  }  

i do not miss you jason歌词

Every day is a day in paradiseI choose to view my lifeIs not a dream I can seeHow the world is aliveIs everchangingEvery season"s a brand new style and dressEvery day gets my sunday bestBut many hours I lie awakeWondering how the hell you are today"Cause as carefree as you came to meYou turn around and became a memoryYou know how I know god loves me?"Cause I"m still standingI don"t miss you "cause I"m always thinking about youIn my armsI don"t miss you "cause I"m always living with youIn my heartNot every night does the moon rise redLow in the sky just above our headsYou only get a little minute to hold itLet"s just enjoy each momentI enjoy the intensity of being your boyAnd you being there for meFor many moons I reminisceAnd keep the light forever led, yeahAs quickly as you came to meYou took a bow and became a memoryYou know how I know god loves me?"Cause I"m still standingI don"t miss you "cause I"m always thinking about youIn my armsI don"t miss you "cause I"m always living with youIn my heartI"m in a place of peaceAnd I"m holding you up to the highestWell I"m grateful for the ride, yesI still love youI don"t miss you "cause I"m always thinking about youIn my armsI don"t miss you "cause I"m always living with youDown in my heartI don"t miss you "cause I"m always thinking about youWherever you areI don"t miss you "cause I"m always living with youDeep down in my heartI don"t miss you "cause I"m always, alwaysAlways thinking about youI don"t miss you "cause I"m always, alwaysAlways living with youDown in my heartIn my heart是这个么?

The Jam的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:The Jam专辑:Direction Reaction CreationWilliams- presented by happyhuang :)Well, come on pretty baby won"t you walk with meCome on pretty baby won"t you talk with meCome on pretty baby give me one more chanceTry and save our romance Slow downBaby, now you"re moving way too fastYou gotta gimme little lovinggimme little lovingOw, if you want our love to lastWell I used to walk you home baby after schoolCarry your books home, tooBut now you got a boyfriend down the streetBaby what"re you trying to doYou better slow downBaby, now you"re moving way too fastYou gotta gimme little lovinggimme little lovingBrrr, if you want our love to last{music} >30 seconds :)Well you know that I love you, tell the world I doCome on pretty baby, why can"t you be trueI need you badly, baby, oh so badThe best little woman I ever had Slow downBaby, now you"re moving way too fastYou gotta gimme little lovinggimme little lovingOw, if you want our love to lasthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7553709

Matthau Mikojan的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Matthau Mikojan专辑:Mania For LifeSlow DownGreen Pitchace of heartSlow Downartist: Green Pitchalbum:"Ace of Hearts"It"s time to slow downstop choking on the thingsthat could have been"cause it"s all over nowperhaps it"s waiting inanother placeanother whenit"s all in my headI realize there"s nothing thereit"s not a big changeand somehow I have been preparedhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2863859

James Brown的《Evil》 歌词

歌曲名:Evil歌手:James Brown专辑:The Singles Volume 3: 1964-1965「EVIL」作词∶清春作曲∶清春歌∶sadsDearest evil「I long for your devilment.You like a heartache.」洗う玲珑 twisted火をつけろ 辺りは囲まれているYou ruddy. You sadist. I rallied lies.Newest evil.I know it"s so easy.狂い合って飞び越えられる depressed切り舍てる 明かりは阻まれていくYou got it. I bite it. I rally to die.Welcome to my lost babylon.You come to, You come toWelcome to black hole"s rave day.You come to Wasted 52.比を受けろ 当たりは夺われているYou ruddy. You sadist. I rally to lie.Welcome to my rude landscape.I come to this town, too.Please come to your lustful day.You come to playhouse 52.Welcome to my lost babylon.You come to, You come toWelcome to black hole"s rave day.You come to Wasted 52.【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/7522088

8. a heavy traffic jam on the highway the taxi driver had to take a different route.

D. There being因为没连词, 不可选B. C等于As there was a heavy traffic jam on the highway, the taxi driver had to take a different route.独立主格结构做原因状语【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became fr

My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became frien全文汉语翻译ds quite--》My friend ,Jack , was a taxi driver .We became friends for quite a while 我的朋友杰克是个出租车司机,我们成为好朋友有一阵子了quite a while 英[kwait ei hwail] 美[kwaɪt e hwaɪl] [释义] 半晌; [网络] 有一阵子; [例句]For quite a while neither of them spoke.好半晌,两个人都不出声。进行更多翻译

Jaimee Paul的《Lover Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Lover Man歌手:Jaimee Paul专辑:At LastTheres a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)Theres a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)It is bucking and braying and pawing at the floor (How much longer?)And hes howling with pain and crawling up the walls (How much longer?)Theres a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)And hes weak with evil and broken by the world (How much longer?)Hes shouting your name and asking for more (How much longer?)Theres a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer?)LovermanSince the world beganForever, AmenTill end of timeTake off that dressIm coming downIm your lovermanCause I am what I am what I am what I am what I amL is for love, babyO is for only you that I doV is for loving virtually all that you areE is for loving almost everything that you doR is for rape meM is for murder meA is for answering all of my prayersN is for knowing your lovermans going toBe the answer to all of yoursLovermanTill the bitter endWhile empires burn downForever and ever and ever and ever ever AmenIm your lovermanSo help me, babySo help meCause I am what I am what I am what I am what I amIm your lovermanTheres a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)Theres a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)With a trembling heart, hes coming through your door (How much longer?)With his straining sex in his jumping paw (How much longer?)Theres a devil crawling along your floor (How much longer?)And hes old and hes stupid and hes hungry and hes soreAnd hes blind and hes lame and hes dirty and hes poorGimme more, gimme more, gimme more (How much longer?)Theres a devil crawling along your floorLovermanHere I standForever, AmenCause I am what I am what I am what I amForgive me, babyMy hands are tiedAnd I got no choice, no no no noI got no choice, no choice at allIll say it againL is for love, babyO is for O yes I doV is for virtue, so I aingt gonna hurt youE is for even if you want me toR is for render unto me, babyM is for that which is mineA is for any old how, darlingN is for any old timeLovermanI got the masterplanTo take off your dressAnd be your manSeize the throne ,Seize the mantle,Seize that crownCause I am what I am what I am what I am yes I amIll be your lovermanTheres a devil laying by your side (How much longer?)Theres a devil laying by your side (How much longer?)You might think hes asleep but take a look at his eyes (How much longer?)And he wants you, darling, to be his bride (How much longer?)Theres a devil lying by your side (How much longer?)Loverman,Loverman,LovermanIll be your lovermanTill the end of timeTill the empires burn downForever AmenIll be your loverman,Ill be your lovermanIm your loverman,Im your lovermanIm your loverman,Im your lovermanLovermanIm your loverman,Im your lovermanIm your loverman,Im your lovermanYes, Im your lovermanLoverman,LovermanForever Amen,LovermanLoverman (How much longer?)http://music.baidu.com/song/2540189

英语Jane is too young___in the house alone选什么?


Michael Jackson的《Too Young》 歌词

歌曲名:Too Young歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Music & MeNat King Cole - Too YoungThey try to tell us were too youngToo young to really be in loveThey say that love"s a wordA word weve only heardBut cant begin to know the meaning ofAnd yet were not too young to knowThis love will last though years may goAnd then some day they may recallWe were not too young at allinstrumental interludeAnd yet were not too young to knowThis love will last though years may goAnd then some day they may recallWe were not too young at allhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8019242

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var reg = /^d{6}$/; var re = reg.test(form.Zipcode.value); if (re==false) { var obj = document.getElementById("hdcode"); obj.style.display="block"; mark=false; }


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有木有人知道 The Jace-Kelly 是何方神圣




歌曲《一份爱就够了》Eliza Feat.Jace唱的 用中国字发音唱韩国话的歌词谁知道?

白智英-一份爱就够了하루만 더 기다리다 말거야 哈鲁慢得可大力大吗日咯呀이제 그만 너를 다 잊어내고 말거야 一在哥慢呢日达意则奈鼓吗日咯呀이 정도면 많이 기다렸잖아 一曾度米昂吗你可大料咋那얼마 못 가 잊었단 그 말은 하지마 俄日吗莫噶一则但哥吗棱哈吉吗알아 다 알아 많이 힘들 거 라서 阿拉达 阿拉 吗你himder哥啦搜끝내 다시 너를 찾을 나는 여자이니까 跟奈大系呢日擦子日那嫩夜咋一你噶사랑 하나면 돼 난 그거면 돼 다른 건 아무 것도 필요 없어 撒狼哈达秒对 楠可哥秒对 大冷哥啊目哥渎皮留哦不搜네 품에서만 행복해서 난 웃으며 살 수 있었나 봐 奈噗卖搜慢汗布凯搜 楠五四秒撒日速一搜那吧내 사라진 미소 짙어진 눈물 네 손길을 더 바라니까 奈萨拉进谜速 进图进怒目日 奈孙科日都巴拉你噶돌아와 제발 오늘이 지나면 度啦哇再巴日 哦嫩里基纳秒내 눈물은 끝을 모르고 흘러 奈怒目日跟特日目日股和日热메마른 이 가슴에 눈물꽃이 피고 买吗棱你卡色买怒目股其皮鼓네가 아니면 누구도 마음을 안 주는 그런 나니까 奈噶啊你秒 奴股都 吗恩们日 按阻嫩可聊那你噶너만 있으면 돼 난 그러면 돼 유난히 고집스런 나였지만 呢慢一丝秒对 楠可了秒对 有那你估进丝楞 那有机慢쓸 모가 없어 쓸 데가 없는 자존심까지 버렸잖아 丝日磨噶哦不搜 司日代噶俄木嫩 咋总新木噶即 播聊咋那내 마지막 사랑 간절한 사람 두 손을 모아 빌테니까 奈马季吗撒狼干则蓝撒狼度搜嫩日某啊比日太你噶돌아와 제발 내일이 지나도 기다릴 내게로 图拉瓦在巴日 乃一里辑那都可大力日奈该路奈该路






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