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求hit the road jack 的歌词加翻译?谢谢

hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)what you say?(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)woah woman, oh woman, don"t treat me so mean,you"re the meanest old woman that i"ve ever seen.i guess if you said soi"d have to pack my things and go.(that"s right)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)what you say?(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)now baby, listen baby, don"t ya treat me this-a waycause i"ll be back on my feet some day.(don"t care if you do "cause it"s understood)(you ain"t got no money and you just ain"t goodwell, i guess if you say soi"d have to pack my things and go.(that"s right)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)what you say?(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(hit the road jack and don"t you come back no more.)well(don"t you come back no more.)uh, what you say?(don"t you come back no more.)i didn"t understand you(don"t you come back no more.)you can"t mean that

Hit The Road, Jack 歌词

歌曲名:Hit The Road, Jack歌手:Helen Reddy专辑:I Am Woman (Digital Only)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)What you say?(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)Woah Woman, oh woman, don"t treat me so mean,You"re the meanest old woman that I"ve ever seen.I guess if you said soI"d have to pack my things and go. (That"s right)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)What you say?(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)Now baby, listen baby, don"t ya treat me this-a wayCause I"ll be back on my feet some day.(Don"t care if you do "cause it"s understood)(you ain"t got no money and you just ain"t no good)Well, I guess if you say soI"d have to pack my things and go. (That"s right)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)What you say?(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.)(Hit the road Jack and don"t you come back no more.)Well(don"t you come back no more.)Uh, what you say?(don"t you come back no more.)I didn"t understand you(don"t you come back no more.)You can"t mean that(don"t you come back no more.)Oh, now baby, please(don"t you come back no more.)What you tryin" to do to me?(don"t you come back no more.)Oh, don"t treat me like that(don"t you come back no more.)http://music.baidu.com/song/2662605

hit the road jack翻译成中文

hit the road jack翻译成中文 hit the road 是上路的意思。 有不同的用法。 如果很不客气的叫别人上路, 那就是叫别人滚啦。 I will *** ile to the end of the road.翻译成中文? I will *** ile to the end of the road. 翻译成中文: 我会笑到最后。 the most hit heart ! D. 翻译成中文 最感人的 i will stay with you to walk the road 求翻译成中文 我将和你一起去散步 39 Fishery Port Road, Jurong Singapore 619745 如何翻译成中文? 39渔港路,新加坡裕廊 619745(这是邮编吧) 1710 Opelika Road Auburn,AL36830 翻译成中文是? 美国阿拉巴马州奥本市欧匹利卡路1710号 (居住地址) AL 是Alabama之简写 36830 是邮区号码 把(Lucy was angry with Jack because he played a joke on her.)翻译成中文 Lucy生气是因为Jack拿她开玩笑。 his name is jack.翻译成中文是什么? 他叫Jack All experiences Road only of me!翻译成中文是什么? 所有的体验之路只有我自己(去走) You should walk at the sidewalk or at tile side of tile road. 求翻译成中文 你应该走在人行道上。 sidewalk,人行道。at tile side of tile road直译是指道路上贴瓷砖的那边,其实也就是指人行道。

hit the road jack表达什么

hit the road 是个词组,表示:上路、出发等Hit the road Jack. 杰克,你走吧(客气的说法)

Hit The Road Jack?中文歌词是什么?

上路吧!杰克     永远永远都别回来了上路吧!永远别再回来了你还要说什么?老女人啊!老女人(注:old woman此处可能译成“老娘儿们”更好)你对我可真是残酷你是我见过的不讲人情的老女人果真如此那我只好收拾东西开路了(女:哈,哈,这就对了!)听好了,宝贝别这样对我总有一天我会东山再起我才不在乎你呢,显然,你没钱,且算不上好人如果你真的这么说我只好收拾东西走人了(女:这就对了)啊?你说什么!?我没怎么听明白你不能这样........宝贝,拜托你准备对我怎么样?!你,你,你真得不能这样对我 额......应该是这样翻译的把......

hit the road jack 的中文意思和翻译。要准确一点的。

hit the road 是“开始流浪,上路”的意思。jack 做及物动词是“增加,提醒,抬起,用千斤顶顶起某物”的意思。做形容词是“雄的”,做名词是“千斤顶,电插座,男人”的意思。但Jack 也可以翻译成人名杰克。所以这句话翻译成“上路,杰克!”最为准确和贴切。望采纳。

hit the road jack 的中文意思和翻译。要准确一点的。


hit the road jack翻译成中文

hit the road 是上路,离开的意思

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翻译一篇短文(在线等,高悬赏) Australians have a national holiday on january 26th to .....

Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember theirorigins1. It"s called Australia Day. On January 26, 1788, a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia. These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had brought many prisoners fromEngland. The prisoners on the ships were not all bad people. Many of them werearrested2because the government didn"t like what they had to say. And some were poor people who were arrested because they owed money. These prisoners were the first Europeans tosettle3inAustralia. Since then, millions more have chosenAustraliaas their home. And wherever they are from, they all take part in celebrating Australia Day. There are so many ways for people to celebrate Australia Day. You can take part in an official event, like a concert, a fireworks display or a parade. There are also activities in the neighborhood or town. The most interesting might be the acting of Captain Arthur Phillip"s landing in Sydney. A team of ships land like the ships of Captain Arthur Phillip. You can also hold a party at home, inviting all your friends together to celebrate. On that day, people usually dress in red, white and blue, the color of the Australian flag, or paint the flag on their faces.澳大利亚人在一月二十六日国庆节记得theirorigins1。它被称为澳大利亚的一天。1788年1月26日,一队船停靠在现在的悉尼,澳大利亚。这些船只被由亚瑟船长率领菲利浦,带来了许多囚犯都。船上的囚犯都不坏的人。他们中的许多人werearrested2because政府并没有像他们所说的。有些是可怜的人被逮捕,因为他们欠的钱。这些囚犯是第一批欧洲人tosettle3inaustralia。自那时以来,数以百万计的chosenaustraliaas家园。他们来自哪里,他们都参加了庆祝澳大利亚国庆日。人们有很多方式庆祝澳大利亚日。你可以参加官方活动,如音乐会,焰火表演和游行。也有在街道或镇的活动。最有趣的可能是亚瑟船长菲利浦登陆悉尼的作用。一队船只土地像亚瑟船长菲利浦船。你也可以在家里举办一个派对,邀请你所有的朋友一起庆祝。在这一天,人们通常穿着红色,白色和蓝色的,澳大利亚国旗的颜色,或油漆国旗在他们的脸。你有没有打错字啊?????

Shanghai is larger than____city in japan

A 上海比日本的任何一座城市都大。若选B表示上海属于日本,选C表特指,此处不合适,选D犯逻辑错误,others不能做定语,即不能修饰名词。


















Written expression, you call Jackson, your friend Justin failed in the last week, the National English speech contest, please write a letter that comfort to him, the main 1, heard that he has not obtained the position, you are surprised, 2 he had participated in the school"s English speech contest, and won good grades, 3 although the English speech contest, he failed to qualify for the finals, but have worked hard without regret, 4 encouraged him not to lose heart, to redouble their efforts, the next time will be able to get good grades. Need ah





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Fastjson vs Jackson, Jackson配置Null时返回空值

最近在使用apifox进行自动化接口测试时,发现当String, Integer等返回Null时,无法通过默认的返回数据结构校验。 于是开始寻找响应解决方案,满足以下需求: 基于Fastjson的解决方案相对比较简单,但是Spring默认的Json处理框架是Jackson,如果替换为Fastjson,会导入引入一些额外问题,遇到过的比如有wx的反方授权回调接口参数解析错误,返回的字段外面多套了一层“”。 另外参考了 maven repository 上 ,jackson的使用还是大大大于fastjson,且最近fastjson又有爆出安全漏洞,最终还是决定改回Jackson,基于Jackson来解决Null的返回值问题。 试了几种方案,走了一些弯路,这里直接上最终方案吧。 自定义JacksonConfig类,设置返回所有字段,实现自定义BeanSerializerModifier,注入到SerializerFactory中,判断字段类型如果为列表、字符、数字、Boolean,则指定自定义的Null序列化实现 同时,由于Jackson针对日志时间处理的默认处理格式为yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss,在配置类中改为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式。 如果对你有帮助,请点赞


SMPP协议3.1SMPP规范简介SMPP接口协议最初由ETSI收录在 GSM03.39规范中,描述了短消息中心与短消息实体之间通信交互的协议关系及数据传输格式,本规范对SMPP接口协议的描述主要面向简单的通信交互,制定规范的厂家将其协议版本号定为V3.30;后由SMPP开发者论坛将协议版本向前演进为V3.40,SMPP V3.40协议规范完全兼容GSM 03.39协议标准。本规范中,所采用的短消息中心设备与短消息股票交易业务处理平台之间的接口采用GSM03.39 V3.30协议规范,如无特殊说明全部以此协议规范为准。SMPP协议可以以TCP/IP或X.25作为底层通讯承载。与SMPP协议规范相关的参考资料如下:1、 《GSM 03.39(Version 5.0.0)》:European digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2);Interface protocols for the connection of Short Message Service Centres(SMSCs)to Short Message Entities(SMEs);2、 《GSM 03.39(Version 6.0.0)》:European digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+);Interface protocols for the connection of Short Message Service Centres(SMSCs)to Short Message Entities(SMEs);3、 《GSM 03.40(Version 4.8.1):European digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2);Technical realization of the Short Message Service Point to Point》4、 《GSM 03.38(Version 5.2.0):Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+);Alphabets and language_specific information》5、 《GSM 03.47(Version 5.0.0):Digital cellular telecommunications system;Example protocol stacks for interconnecting Service Center(SC) and Mobile_services Switching Center(s)(MSC)》6、 《900/1800 MHz 数字蜂窝移动通信系统短消息中心设备规范(第一分册点对点短消息业务)》缩略语SME 短消息实体SMPP 短消息点对点协议SMSC 短消息服务中心ESME 扩展短消息实体3.2 系统结构、功能概述通过SMPP,ESME(例如寻呼台、语音邮箱系统、股票交易业务处理平台等)能连接(Bind)或断连(UnBind)短消息中心,提交(Submit)短消息或从短消息中心下发(Deliver)。此协议包含以下两部分:*(协议)ESME到SMSC的消息*(协议)SMSC到扩展ESME的消息其中用户管理部分只适用于SMSC有用户数据库支持的情况SMSC和ESME之间的关系如下图所示:图3-1:SMSC和ESME连接的短消息系统网络3.3 消息协议按短消息信息的流向,可以将ESME与SMSC之间的短消息信息分为两类:1、从SMSC到ESME的消息;2、从ESME到SMSC的消息。对于所有请求消息,无论始发于ESME还是SMSC,都必须产生一个响应消息(acknowledge)。从ESME到SMSC所提交的消息,可能有两种响应:*SMSC收到消息的响应(ACK)*如果这条短消息设置了需要状态报告,那么当这条短消息到达目标地之后,SMSC会产生一个状态报告的消息给ESME。.1 SMSC到ESME的消息以下消息是从SMSC到ESME的消息命令描述bind_receiver_respbind_receiver的响应,status表示连接成功与否bind_transmitter_respbind_transmitter的响应,status表示连接成功与否unbind_respunbind的响应,status表示断开连接成功与否submit_sm_respsubmit_sm的响应,status表明提交短消息是否成功deliver_smSMSC下发短消息到ESMEenquire_link_respEnquire_link的响应generic_nak表示消息头有错误的响应.2 ESME到SMSC的消息以下为ESME到SMSC的消息命令描述bind_receiver短消息实体(ESME/SME)作为服务器与短消息中心(SMSC)建立连接,本连接建立起来后,允许短消息实体接受短消息中心下发的短消。bind_transmitter短消息实体(ESME/SME)作为客户端与短消息中心(SMSC)建立连接,本连接建立起来后,允许短消息实体向短消息中心提交短消息。Unbind短消息实体(ESME/SME)与短消息中心系统(SMSC)断开会话连接。submit_smESME提交短消息到SMSC,以便SMSC下发此短消息到指定的移动台。deliver_sm_respdeliver_sm的响应。status表示此次下发是否成功。Enquire_link短消息实体向短消息中心发起的连路保持查询请求,以保证通讯链路的畅通。一般情况下约每5秒发送一次ENQUIRE_LINK消息。Generic_nak表示消息头有错误的响应3.4消息语法3.4.1语法定义规则在以下语法说明中,遵从以下规则:A.未使用的字段,依据类型必须设置为0或NULL。B.消息由消息头和消息体组成C.状态(status)如在命令语法中未加说明 0:表示成功 非0:表示失败<0x80000000:未定义值保留D.在类型中,可能用到以下定义l integer :一定字节数所组成的整数,高位在前,低位在后。例如:1字节(BYTE),2字节(WORD ) , 4字节(DWORD)。l C_String :以NULL结束的ASCII字符串l C_DecString :以NULL结束的ASCII字符串,它由一系列的10进制字符组成(‘0"---‘9")。l C_OctetString :由任意8位字节组成数据流串。l C_HexString :以NULL结束的ASCII字符串,它由一系列的16进制字符组成(‘0"---‘9",‘A"(‘a")---‘F"(‘f"))l C_StringTime :表示时间的字符串,它为以下格式 “YYMMDDhhmmsstnnp" ,格式如下说明YY"年份的最后2位 (00-99)MM月份(01-12)DD日 (01-31)Hh小时 (00-23)Mm分 (00-59)Ss秒 (00-59)T十分之一秒 (0-9)Nn与UTC (Universal Time Constant) 时间超前或落后的差距(00-48).‘+"(p)时间超前于UTC time.‘-"(p)时间落后于 UTC time.l C_UnicodeString :Unicode编码的字符串。3.4.2消息头语法字段长度(字节)类型Command Length4IntegerCommand ID4IntegerCommand_status4IntegerSequence No.4IntegerOptional Message Body可变混合具体字段描述说明:l Command Length:整个包的长度(包括该字段本身)。l Command ID :这个字段表明该条短消息的类型,相当于标识符。例如ESME_SUB_SM表示此消息为ESME向SMSC提交短消息。当该标识符表示该条消息是请求消息(request)时,标识符的保留取值范围是0h到FFh。当该标识符表示该条消息是应答消息(response)时,标识符的保留取值范围是080000000h到0800000FFh。一般来说,应答消息的类型对应相应的请求消息的类型,所不同的是,应答消息的类型在第31位比特处是置位的。Command ID命令取值:Command ID 编码Command ID描述Command ID取值ESME_BNDRCVbind_receiverESME要求以接收者身份连接到SMSC0X00000001ESME_BNDRCV_RESPbind_receiver_respbind_receiver的响应0X80000001ESME_BNDTRNbind_transmitterESME要求以发送者身份连接到SMSC0X00000002ESME_BNDTRN_RESPbind_transmitrer_respbind_transmitter的响应0X80000002ESME_UBDUnbindESME要求断开连接到SMSC0X00000006ESME_UBD_RESPUnbind_respUnbind的响应0X80000006ESME_SUB_SMSubmit_smESME提交短消息到SMSC0X00000004ESME_SUB_SM_RESPSubmit_sm_respsubmit_sm的响应0X80000004SMSC_DELIVER_SMDeliver_smSMSC下发短消息到ESME0X00000005SMSC_DELIVER_SM_RESPDeliver_sm_respdeliver_sm的响应0X80000005ESME_QRYLINKEnquire_linkESME询问与SMSC的连接情况0X00000015ESME_QRYLINK_RESPEnquire_link_respenquire_link的响应0X80000015ESME_NACKNack表示消息头有错误的响应0X80000000l Command Status :此字段表示一个请求消息的成功与失败,如失败,指示引起失败的错误类型等信息。该字段只用在应答消息中,在请求消息中,该字段必须为NULL。Command Status取值说明 :错误代码错误值描述E_SUCCESS0X00000000成功E_OTHERERR0X00000001其他错误0X00000002 – 0X0000000F保留给SMSC厂商定义错误E_MSGLENERR0X00000010消息长度错误E_CMDLENERR0X00000011命令长度错误E_INVLDCMDID0X00000012消息ID无效E_NORIGHT(0X00000013)0X00000013没有执行此命令的权限0X00000014 – 0X0000001F保留E_INVLDSYSTEMID0X00000020无效的SYSTEMIDE_INVLDPASSWORD0X00000021无效的密码E_INVLDSYSTEMTYPE0X00000022无效的SYSTEMTYPE0X00000023 – 0X0000003F保留E_ADDRERR0X00000040地址错误E_MOEXCEED0X00000041超过最大提交数E_MTEXCEED0X00000042超过最大下发数E_INVLDUSER0X00000043无效的用户E_INVLDDATAFMT0X00000044无效的数据格式E_CREATEMSGFAILURE0X00000045创建消息失败E_INVLDMSGID0X00000046无效的短消息IDE_DATABASEFAILURE0X00000047数据库失败E_CANCELMSGFAILURE0X00000048取消消息失败E_MSGSTATEERR0X00000049短消息状态错误E_REPLACEMSGFAILURE0X0000004A替换消息失败E_INVLDRPLADDR0X0000004B替换消息源地址错误0X0000004C – 0X0000005F保留E_INVLDORGTON0X00000060无效的源地址TONE_INVLDORGNPI0X00000061无效的源地址NPIE_ORGADDRERR0X00000062源地址错误E_INVLDDESTTON0X00000063无效的目的地址TONE_INVLDDESTNPI0X00000064无效的目的地址NPIE_DESTADDRERR0X00000065目的地址错误E_INVLDSCHEDULE0X00000066无效的定时时间E_INVLDEXPIRE0X00000067无效的超时时间E_INVLDESM0X00000068无效的ESM_CALSSE_INVLDUDLEN0X00000069无效的UDLENE_INVLDPRI0X0000006A无效的PRIE_INVLDRDF0X0000006B无效的Registered_delivery_flagE_INVLDRPF0X0000006C无效的Replace_if_present_flag0X0000006D – 0X0000007F保留用户管理部分(可选)E_USERALREADYEXIST0X00000080指定用户已经存在E_CREATEUSERERR0X00000081创建用户失败E_USERIDERR0X00000082用户ID错误E_USERNOTEXIST0X00000083指定用户不存在0X00000084 – 0X0000008F保留0X00000090 – 0X00000FFF保留给SMSC厂商定义错误其他保留l Sequence No .:此字段表示消息的序列号,它由ESME产生,它是消息和它的应答之间的对应标志,数值在01h到07FFFFFFFh间。对于每条请求消息,该字段的取值必须保证严格单调递增,当序列号值达到最大值时,返回继续从01h开始。l Optional Message Body:此字段表示短消息的消息体部分,在移动股票交易应用中承载STK卡应用协议内容。3.4.3各命令消息体具体格式1、generic_Nak命令此命令用于当接收消息头有错误的时候的响应,该响应只能由收到请求方发出。该命令只有消息头,没有消息体。2、BIND_RECEIVER命令在扩展短消息实体和短消息中心之间建立虚连接,接收SMSC转发的短消息。字段长度(字节)类型System_id最大 16C_StringPassword最大 9C_StringSystem_type最大 13C_StringInterface_version1IntegerAddr_ton1IntegerAddr_npi1IntegerAddress_range最大 41C_DecString具体字段描述说明:system_id :该字段是系统登录到短消息中心所用的接口号。Password :该字段是系统登录到短消息中心所用的密码。system_type :该字段标明登录的接口类型。interface_version :该字段标明登录的接口版本号。addr_ton :该字段指明编码类型。如不需要,可设为NULL。取值说明:0 未知,当用户或网络不含关于编码方案的较早信息1 国际号码,2 国内号码3 网络特殊号码4 用户号码5 字符数字6 缩写号码7 保留addr_npi :该字段指明编码方案。如不需要,可设为NULL。取值说明:0 未知1   ISDN或电话号码编码方案(E164/E163),对于任意实体SC,MSC或MS,都有效2 保留3 数据编码方案(X121)4 电报编码方案5-7 保留8 国内编码方案9 私有编码方案10 ERMES编码方案(ETSI DE/PS 3 01-3)11-15 保留address_range :该字段用来给短消息指明路由,和将状态报告转发给ESME。如不需要,可设置为NULL。3、BIND_RECEIVER_RESP语法此命令用于对MI_BIND_RECEIVER响应。字段大小(字节)类型System_id最大 16C_String


贴出你的这个文件/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.5.egg/pip/vendor/distlib/compat.py的第276行,return b""的上下30行


compareTo()是Comparable接口中的方法,compareTo()就是比较两个值,如果前者大于后者,返回1,等于返回0,小于返回-1,int型可以直接比较,可以不用compareTo比较,如果声明的是Date、String、Integer或者其他的,可以直接使用compareTo比较。示例代码:public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {String str1 = "1";String str2 = "2";System.out.println(compareTo(str1,str2));}public static int compareTo(String str1,String str2) { return str1.compareTo(str2);}}注意事项: 1、模型必须实现Comparable<T>接口 2、compateTo方法内必须做非空判断(规范问题),当然int类型就不用了。

mysql-connector-java 是干什么用的



public class Complex{ public int RealPart; public int ImaginPart; public Complex(){ this.RealPart = 0; this.ImaginPart = 0; } public Complex(int r, int i){ this.RealPart = r; this.ImaginPart = i } public Complex complexAdd(Complex a){ this.RealPart += a.RealPart; this.ImaginPart += a.ImaginPart; //这里返回什么?复数值是指哪个?还是复数对象?没有说清楚。我这里返回复数对象。 return this; } public String ToString(){ return ""+this.RealPart + this.ImaginPart;//return "" + 1 + 2 = "12";不知道这里要求是不是这样。有些话写的我没法理解。你的a + bi是个啥?如果是返回实数和虚数的和就给 1 + 2的部分加上括号。 }}






import java.io.*;public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double a,b,c,d,x,y; System.out.println("一元三次方程求解:y=ax3+bx2+cx+d"); System.out.println("请输入a值:"); BufferedReader in1=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); a=Double.parseDouble(in1.readLine()); System.out.println("请输入b值:"); BufferedReader in2=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); b=Double.parseDouble(in2.readLine()); System.out.println("请输入c值:"); BufferedReader in3=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); c=Double.parseDouble(in3.readLine()); System.out.println("请输入d值:"); BufferedReader in4=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); d=Double.parseDouble(in4.readLine()); System.out.println("请输入x值:"); BufferedReader in5=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); x=Double.parseDouble(in5.readLine()); y=a*Math.pow(x, 3)+b*Math.pow(b,2)+c*x+d; System.out.println("y值为:"+y); }}

用java怎么输出图形 X | X | X ---+---+--- | | ---+---+--- O | O | O



System.out.println(x+","+y+","+z); 完毕 ! 因为x,y,z 是变量,你用引号 干吗呢?

JAVA int x=73;System.out.println(x>>1);求x


JAVA 安置传递,system.out.println(t.x)

错在add方法中的参数 类型上,用面向对象的角度去写应该这样:public class Test{private Integer x=3; //Test类中的私有成员变量public Integer getX(){ //Test类中的公开成员方法,用于类的外部访问类中的私有成员 //增加此方法的目的就是便于成员的初始化;/**if(this.x==null|| this.x<=0){*this.x=18;*}*/ return this.x;}public void add(Integer n){ this.x=n+1;}public static void main(String[] args){ Test t = new Test(); //创建一个对象,他的类型是Test t.add(t.getX());//调用t对象的add方法,并传递参数,传递的参数又是t对象的一个成员x System.out.println(t.getX()); //输出结果19}}你原来的写法错在add方法中只是计算参数的值,并没有把计算结果赋值给t.x,或者把计算结果返回出来也可以比如:public int add(int n){ //定义一个方法,将参数+1 n = n+1;return n; }public static void main(String[] args){ Test t = new Test(); t.x = t.add(t.x); //按值传递,参数是int类型,计算结果返回后再赋值给t.x System.out.println(t.x); //输出结果3}

java中System.out.print("x="+x+".");可以写成 System.out

举个简单的例子 如果X等于1 那么前面的输出语句的结果是x=1.后面的输出语句的结果是1=1.先说明这两个输出语句的语法是完全没错的。 但是输出结果就看你要哪一种了 。我估计你是要第一种。




《Home (Cover)》Ash / JadAlabama, Arkansas阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州I do love my Ma & Pa我的确爱我的妈妈和爸爸But not the way that I do love you但也没有我爱你爱的那么深Holy roly, me, oh my, you"re the apple of my eye天哪,我,天哪,你是我的掌上明珠Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人Man, oh man, you"re my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness老兄啊 老兄,你是我最好的朋友,我再怎么大声喊出来There ain"t nothin" that I need也无法表达我对你的感情Well, hot & heavy, pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ好吧,刚出炉分量又足的南瓜派,巧克力糖果,上帝耶稣There ain"t nothin" please me more than you这些都无法给予我你给予我的快乐Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Alabama, Arkansas, I do love my Ma & Pa阿拉巴马州,阿肯色州,我的确爱我的妈妈和爸爸But not the way that I do love you但也没有我爱你爱的那么深Holy roly, me, oh my, you"re the apple of my eye天哪,我,天哪,你是我的掌上明珠Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人I"ll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark我跟随你到公园,跟随你穿过丛林,穿过黑暗Girl, I"ve never loved one like you女孩,我从没像爱你那样爱过别人Moats & boats & waterfalls, alley ways & pay phone calls河道,小船,瀑布,幽静小道,甚至付电话费I"ve been everywhere with you我到哪儿都和你在一起Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家Ahh, Home啊 家Let me come Home让我回家Home is wherever I"m with you只要和你在一起,哪里都是家

你可以给我发一下It Girl/It Boy - Jason Derulo(Cover)吗??



x.concat(y);注释:传入的参数String x使用concat方法(将指定字符串连接到此字符串的结尾,返回一个连接后的字符串),意思是将传入的参数String y连接到String x字符串的结尾 并返回 合并后的字符串。在这里并没有其他变量接收。 y=x;注释:注意y=x是将引用赋值,上面的concat连接字符串并影响不到此处的x的值。结果y的结果是B。这只是告诉你,x的concat的方法操作不会影响y=x


concat将指定字符串连接到此字符串的结尾。如果参数字符串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 对象。否则,创建一个新的 String 对象,用来表示由此 String 对象表示的字符序列和参数字符串表示的字符序列连接而成的字符序列。示例: "cares".concat("s") returns "caress" "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"参数:str - 连接到此 String 结尾的 String。返回:一个字符串,它表示在此对象字符后连接字符串参数字符而成的字符。+可以把任何类型的数据连接起来


java中string类concat方法和+的区别 说个简单易于理解的吧 concat("ss") 引数是字串型别 + 可以把任何型别的资料连线起来java中string类concat方法和+的区别如下: concat:将指定字串连线到此字串的结尾。如果引数字串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 物件。否则,建立一个新的 String 物件,用来表示由此 String 都可以将2个字串拼接到一块,这一点两者功能相同。 但是“ +” 还可以将 字串与非字串(比如数字),拼接在一起,成为字串。 我有一个微信公众号,每天都会分享一些Java相关的干货文章,还有一些学习资源。如果你喜欢我的分享,可以用微信搜寻“Java团长”或者“javatuanzhang”关注。 concat 将指定字串连线到此字串的结尾。 如果引数字串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 物件。否则,建立一个新的 String 物件,用来表示由此 String 物件表示的字元序列和引数字串表示的字元序列连线而成的字元序列。示例: "cares".concat("s") returns "caress" "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together"引数: str - 连线到此 String 结尾的 String。 返回: 一个字串,它表示在此物件字元后连线字串引数字元而成的字元。 +可以把任何型别的资料连线起来你好,其实没有什么太大的区别,可以分析concat函式的原始码, public String concat(String str) { int otherLen = str.length(); if (otherLen == 0) { return this; } char buf[] = new char[count + otherLen]; getChars(0, count, buf, 0); str.getChars(0, otherLen, buf, count); return new String(0, count + otherLen, buf); } 原始码中判断追加字串是否有长度,关键在最后一句return new String(0, count + otherLen, buf); 希望可以帮助到你




"我开门" 中, 开是个方法(method), 我和门都是对像(object)写 我.开(门) 比写 开(我,门) 好多了.



java 请教一下concat的用法

concatpublic String concat(String str)将指定字符串连接到此字符串的结尾。如果参数字符串的长度为 0,则返回此 String 对象。否则,创建一个新的 String 对象,用来表示由此 String 对象表示的字符序列和参数字符串表示的字符序列连接而成的字符序列。示例: "cares".concat("s") returns "caress" "to".concat("get").concat("her") returns "together" 参数:str - 连接到此 String 结尾的 String。返回:一个字符串,它表示在此对象字符后连接字符串参数字符而成的字符。--------------------------------------------也就是说该方法的返回值才是你所需要的abcabcabc;str1.concat("abc");这里的str1值并没有改变。输出的str1任然是abcabc

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Maja Morales - Zaplaka种子下载地址: 你要的是这个吧,满意的话记得采纳哦><记得采纳啊



Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:OutKast专辑:StankoniaYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/52190273

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:OutKast专辑:30 Jahre Hip HopYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/59341607

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:Outkast专辑:Essential Rb; Massive Urban, Soul And Rnb CollectionYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7514556

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:Outkast专辑:StankoniaYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7918186

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:OutKast专辑:Big Boi & Dre Present... OutKastYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/52188992

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:OutKast专辑:Girls In The City Volume 2Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/59323601

Ms. Jackson 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:Outkast专辑:Big Boi & Dre Present, OutkastYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.b***.com/song/9336437

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:OutKast专辑:2002 Grammy NomineesYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/59347547

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:Outkast专辑:Masters Series - R&B Party JamsYeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/9074816

Ms. Jackson 歌词

歌曲名:Ms. Jackson歌手:Outkast发行时间:2009-10-05所属专辑:《Essential Rb; Massive Urban, Soul And Rnb Collection》流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby"s mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas,baby mamas, mamasYeah, go like thisI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesA baby drama mama, don"t like meShe doing things like havin her boys come from her neighborhoodTo the studio tryin to fight meShe need to get a, piece of the american pie and take her bite outThat"s my house, I disconnect the cable and turn the lights outAnd let her know her grandchild is a baby, and not a paycheckPrivate schools, daycare, shit, medical bills, I"ll pay thatI love your mom and everything, see I aint the one who laid downShe wanna rip you up, start a custody war, my lawyer stay downShe never got a chance to hear my side of the story we was dividedShe had fish frys and cookoutsOn my child"s birthday I ain"t invitedDespite it, show her the utmost respect when I fall throughAll you, do is defend that lady when I call you, yeahI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesMe and your daughterGot a special thang goin onYou say it"s puppy loveWe say it"s full grownHope that we feel thisFeel this way foreverYou could plan a pretty picnicBut you can"t predict the weather, Ms. JacksonTen times out of nine, now if I"m blind fineThe quickest muzzle throw it on my mouth and I"ll declineKing meets queen, then the puppy love thing, together dreamBout that crib with the goodyear swingOn the oak tree, I hope we feel like this foreverForever, forever, ever, forever, ever?Forever never seems that long until you"re grownAnd notice that the day by day rule can"t be too longMs. Jackson my intentions were good I wish I couldBecome a magician to abacadabra off the sadderThoughts of me, thoughts of she, thoughts of heAskin what happened to the feelin that her and meHad, I pray so much about it need some knee, padsIt happened for a reason one can"t be, madSo know just know that everything is coolAnd yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduationI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times"Look at the way he treats me", shit, look at the way you treat meSee your lil nose ass homegirls got they ass up in the creek GWithout a paddle, you left the straddle and ride this thing on outAnd the union girl aint speakin no more cuz my dick all in her mouthKnow what I"m talkin about, jealousy, and fidelity, envyCheating, beating, and to the G"s they be the same thingSo who you placin the blame on, you keep on singin the same songLet bygones be bygones, you can go on and get the hell onYou and your mamaI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion timesI"m sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)I am for realNever meant to make your daughter cryI apologize a trillion times



[nujabes]Luv (sic.) pt3






java 导出 word 怎么合并列。我用的是xml输出的办法,

cell1.setRowspan( 3 );


May 是五月



java poi 怎么控制输出word每行的内容

你好,试试以下代码行不行。package com.sample; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import com.lowagie.text.Cell; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.Image; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Phrase; import com.lowagie.text.Table; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.rtf.RtfWriter2; /** * * @author wangyanjun * @email bd_wyj@sina.com * @createDate Jun 12, 2008 */ public class CreateWordDemo { public void createDocContext(String file) throws DocumentException, IOException { // 设置纸张大小 Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); // 建立一个书写器(Writer)与document对象关联,通过书写器(Writer)可以将文档写入到磁盘中 RtfWriter2.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(file)); document.open(); // 设置中文字体 BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSongStd-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); // 标题字体风格 Font titleFont = new Font(bfChinese, 12, Font.BOLD); // 正文字体风格 Font contextFont = new Font(bfChinese, 10, Font.NORMAL); Paragraph title = new Paragraph("标题"); // 设置标题格式对齐方式 title.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); title.setFont(titleFont); document.add(title); String contextString = "iText是一个能够快速产生PDF文件的java类库。" + " "// 换行 + "iText的java类对于那些要产生包含文本," + "表格,图形的只读文档是很有用的。它的类库尤其与java Servlet有很好的给合。" + "使用iText与PDF能够使你正确的控制Servlet的输出。"; Paragraph context = new Paragraph(contextString); // 正文格式左对齐 context.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); context.setFont(contextFont); // 离上一段落(标题)空的行数 context.setSpacingBefore(5); // 设置第一行空的列数 context.setFirstLineIndent(20); document.add(context); //利用类FontFactory结合Font和Color可以设置各种各样字体样式 /** * Font.UNDERLINE 下划线,Font.BOLD 粗体 */ Paragraph underline = new Paragraph("下划线的实现", FontFactory.getFont( FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE, 18, Font.UNDERLINE, new Color(0, 0, 255))); document.add(underline); // 设置 Table 表格 Table aTable = new Table(3); int width[] = {25,25,50}; aTable.setWidths(width);//设置每列所占比例 aTable.setWidth(90); // 占页面宽度 90% aTable.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER);//居中显示 aTable.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE);//纵向居中显示 aTable.setAutoFillEmptyCells(true); //自动填满 aTable.setBorderWidth(1); //边框宽度 aTable.setBorderColor(new Color(0, 125, 255)); //边框颜色 aTable.setPadding(2);//衬距,看效果就知道什么意思了 aTable.setSpacing(3);//即单元格之间的间距 aTable.setBorder(2);//边框 //设置表头 /** * cell.setHeader(true);是将该单元格作为表头信息显示; * cell.setColspan(3);指定了该单元格占3列; * 为表格添加表头信息时,要注意的是一旦表头信息添加完了之后, * 必须调用 endHeaders()方法,否则当表格跨页后,表头信息不会再显示 */ Cell haderCell = new Cell("表格表头"); haderCell.setHeader(true); haderCell.setColspan(3); aTable.addCell(haderCell); aTable.endHeaders(); Font fontChinese = new Font(bfChinese, 12, Font.NORMAL, Color.GREEN); Cell cell = new Cell(new Phrase("这是一个测试的 3*3 Table 数据", fontChinese )); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setBorderColor(new Color(255, 0, 0)); cell.setRowspan(2); aTable.addCell(cell); aTable.addCell(new Cell("#1")); aTable.addCell(new Cell("#2")); aTable.addCell(new Cell("#3")); aTable.addCell(new Cell("#4")); Cell cell3 = new Cell(new Phrase("一行三列数据", fontChinese )); cell3.setColspan(3); cell3.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); aTable.addCell(cell3); document.add(aTable); document.add(new Paragraph(" ")); //添加图片 Image img=Image.getInstance("d:\img01800.jpg"); img.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0); img.setAlignment(Image.RIGHT);//设置图片显示位置 img.scaleAbsolute(12,35);//直接设定显示尺寸 img.scalePercent(50);//表示显示的大小为原尺寸的50% img.scalePercent(25, 12);//图像高宽的显示比例 img.setRotation(30);//图像旋转一定角度 document.add(img); document.close(); } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { CreateWordDemo word = new CreateWordDemo(); String file = "c:/demo1.doc"; try { word.createDocContext(file); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

java 有关word,excel,pdf转换成html 有几种方式

1.,jacob开源转换插件 优点:支持在线转换生成html静态模板,节约编写代码时间以及开源项目可以优化代码.缺点:目前指支持win系统,不支持linux2.poi优点:poi可以解析word/excel/pdf等相关格式数据,在此读取过程中可以拼成一个静态模板即可.可是大家都是excel模板不是固定所以在拼excel是非常痛苦的啊,pdf同理.3.jxl

Saint Jack 是奢侈品牌吗??


saint jack 包的价格区间






javascript confirm用法


Jazz 华尔兹曲风:fly me to the moon

这首歌原本叫作 "In other words" ,是首华而兹舞曲,1954年 Bart Howard 作,1962年由 Joe Hannel 改编而大受欢迎, Patty Page的演唱将此曲的名起大大的提升至经典之作的境界。 作词/ Bart Howard 作曲/Bart Howard Songwriter : Bart Howard Composed by : Bart Howard 编曲/Toshiyuki Ohmori 演唱/CLAIRE Arranged by : Toshiyuki Ohmori Vocal : CLAIRE 原文 译文 Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球 And let me play among the stars 并让我在群星之间嬉戏 Let me see what Spring is like 让我看看在木星和土星上的春天是怎样的 On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand! 换句话说,请握住我的手 In other words, daring, kiss me! 换句话说,亲爱的,吻我 Fill my heart with song 让我的心灵充满歌声 And let me sing forevermore 并让我永远歌唱 You are all I long for 你是我所有的渴望 All I worship and adore 我所敬仰与热爱的一切 In other words, please be true! 换句话说,请真心对我 In other words, I love you! 换句话说,我爱你 FLY ME TO THE MOON (Original Version) Composed by : Bart Howard ANITA O"DAY (Vo); Gene Harris (p); Andrew Simpkins (b); Bill Dowby(d). Recorded October 12, 1962 in New York City Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words,hold my hand! In other words,darling,kiss me! Fill my heart with song And let me sing forevermore You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words,please be true! In other words,I love you! 私のこと好き? ねぇ、キスしようか 私と一つにならない? あなた、谁? 寂しいって何? 心も体も一つにならない? あなた、谁? 快楽の、现実の世界…(以下闻き取り不能) それはそれは気持ちのいいことなのよ あなた、谁? Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me? Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words,hold my hand! In other words,darling,kiss me! Fill my heart with song And let me sing forevermore You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words,please be true! In other words,I love you! 我非常喜欢这首歌的,以前收集了个个版本的,但是有次不小误格式化了硬盘都没了,现在只有部分了。

Java对话框 Dialog怎么怎么退出



import java.awt.Color;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { JPanel card=new JPanel(); card.setBackground(new Color(122,200,255)); JButton rb=new JButton("红色"),gb=new JButton("绿色"),bb=new JButton("蓝色"); ActionListener l=new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { card.setBackground(((JButton)e.getSource()).getBackground()); } }; rb.setBackground(Color.red); gb.setBackground(Color.green); bb.setBackground(Color.blue); JButton[] options={rb,gb,bb}; for(int i=0;i<options.length;i++) options[i].addActionListener(l); showOptionDialog(card,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE,"Test",options,456,321); System.exit(0); } public static int showOptionDialog(Object message,int messageType,String title,Object[] options,int width,int height) { JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(message,messageType,JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,null,options,options[1]); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(title); dialog.setSize(width, height); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); dialog.setVisible(true); Object selectedValue=pane.getValue(); if(null==selectedValue) return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; if(null==options) { if(selectedValue instanceof Integer) return ((Integer)selectedValue).intValue(); return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; } for(int counter=0,maxCounter=options.length;counter<maxCounter;counter++) { if(options[counter].equals(selectedValue)) return counter; } return JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION; }}

Janet Jackson的《Take Care》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Care歌手:Janet Jackson专辑:20 Y.O.Drake - Take Care (Feat. Rihanna)Album:《Take Care》Know you"ve been hurtBy someone elseI can tell by the wayYou carry yourselfIf you let meHere"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostI"ve asked about you and they"ve told me things but my mind didn"t changeI still feel the same a life with no fun, please don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours we both knowWe know, they don"t get you like I will my only wish is I die realCause that truth hurts, and those lies healAnd you can"t sleep thinking that he lies stillSo you cry still, tears all in the pillow caseBig girls all get a little tastePushing me away so I give her spaceFeeling with a heart that I didn"t breakI"ll be there for you, I will care for youI keep thanking you, just don"t knowTry to run from that, say you"re done with that on your face girlIt just don"t showWhen you"re ready, just say you"re readyWhen all the baggage just ain"t as heavyAnd the parties over, just don"t forget meWe"ll change the pace we"ll just go slowYou won"t never have to worryYou won"t never have to hideIf you"ve seen all my mistakesSo look me in my eyesCause if you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve lostIt"s my birthday, I get high if I want toCan"t deny that I want to, but I lie if I have toCause you don"t say you love meTo your friend when they ask youEven though we both know that you do you doOne time, been in love one timeYou and all your girls in the club one timeAll so convinced that you"re following your heartCause your mind don"t control what it does sometimesWe all have our nights though, don"t be so ashamedI"ve had mine, you"ve had yours, we both knowWe knowYou hate being aloneYou ain"t the only oneYou hate the fact that you bought the dream and they sold you oneYou love your friends but somebody shoulda told you somin"To save youKnow you"ve been hurt by someone elseI can tell by the way you carry yourselfIf you let me, here"s what I"ll doI"ll take care of youI"ve loved and I"ve losthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2589640
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