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英文介绍Allen Iverson

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allen iverson的传记

中文名称: 阿伦-艾弗森英文名称:Allen Ezail Iverson简介:阿伦-艾弗森(allen iverson)位置:后卫生日:1975年6月7日高度:1.83m体重:74.8kg选秀: 1996年第1轮第1位本赛季工资: 1828万美元合同情况: 4年 7670万,2003/9/23 续签,2009夏到期经典名言:· 我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人.你有才能,我就喜爱你。· 只有我才能使自己停下来·那些都是关于信念,我经历了生活中黑暗的一面而生存下来了,我要享受美好的一面了!我不要往回看!我的过去教了我很多很多,我并不引以为耻,它使我明白身边的东西是一眨眼就会失去的.它告诉我永远相信自己无论别人怎么看是多么的重要.从原来的世界中醒来并不容易,而退出就简单多了.我没有 退出.我奋斗着度过了最艰难的时期!所属球队:丹佛掘金(Denver Nuggets)2006年12月20日,艾弗森被交换到丹佛掘金队1996年NBA选秀大会上,以状元郎的身份加盟76人并效力至2006年赛季毕业学校:乔治城大学(georgetown)98年毕业作为新秀,赛季得分1787分,创NBA最高记录获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的球员获得“本月最佳球员”称号(1996年11月),平均得分21.8,助攻6.4,抢断2.67,均列新秀第1位1997年4月,连续5场比赛得分超过40分,创NBA新秀最高纪录参加1997年全明星周末“新秀大赛”,得到19分,9次助攻;获得“最有价值球员”称号1998-99赛季,入选nba“最佳阵容”,平均每场得分26.8,列nba第1位入选1999-2000赛季nba“第二阵容”参加2001年NBA“全明星大赛”,荣获“最有价值球员”称号荣获2000-01赛季nba“最有价值球员称号”,平均每场得分31.1,抢断2.51次,均列全联盟第1位入选2001-02赛季nba“第二阵容”;参加“全明星大赛”,并且首发出场2001-02赛季,平均每场得分31.4,抢断2.80,出场时间43.7,均列nba第1位建立“cross over基金会”,为费城居民提供福利喜欢画画和读体育画报最喜欢的演员是萨谬尔-杰克逊最喜欢的食物是烤宽面条有一个女儿:迪奥拉;一个儿子:阿伦ii05-06 赛季技术统计技术统计球队 出场 首发 时间 投篮 3分球 罚球 进攻篮板 防守篮板 总篮板 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分场均 76人 73 0.98 41.4 3.95% 32.4% 81.4% 0.60 2.56 3.16 7.28 1.91 0.13 3.39 1.65 32.5总和 73 72 3029 814-1819 72-222 675-829 44 187 231 532 140 10 248 121 2375常规赛 平均数据表赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分96-97 76人 76 40.1 41.6% 34.1% 70.2% 1.5 2.6 4.1 7.5 2.07 0.32 4.43 3.07 23.597-98 76人 80 39.4 46.1% 29.8% 72.9% 1.1 2.6 3.7 6.2 2.20 0.31 3.05 2.50 22.098-99 76人 48 41.5 41.2% 29.1% 75.1% 1.4 3.5 4.9 4.6 2.29 0.15 3.48 2.04 26.899-00 76人 70 40.8 42.1% 34.1% 71.3% 1.0 2.8 3.8 4.7 2.06 0.07 3.29 2.31 28.400-01 76人 71 42.0 42.0% 32.0% 81.4% 0.7 3.1 3.8 4.6 2.51 0.28 3.34 2.07 31.101-02 76人 60 43.7 39.8% 29.1% 81.2% 0.7 3.8 4.5 5.5 2.80 0.22 3.95 1.70 31.402-03 76人 82 42.5 41.4% 27.7% 77.4% 0.8 3.4 4.2 5.5 2.74 0.16 3.49 1.82 27.603-04 76人 48 42.5 38.7% 28.6% 74.5% 0.7 3.0 3.7 6.8 2.40 0.10 4.35 1.81 26.404-05 76人 75 42.3 42.4% 30.8% 83.5% 0.7 3.3 4.0 8.0 2.40 0.12 4.59 1.87 30.705-06 76人 72 42.7 44.7% 32.3% 81.4% 0.6 2.6 3.2 7.4 1.94 0.14 3.44 1.68 33.006-07 76人 15 42.7 41.3% 22.6% 88.5% 0.5 2.3 2.7 7.3 2.20 0.07 4.40 1.40 31.206-07 掘金 50 42.5 45.4% 34.7% 75.9% 0.3 2.7 3.0 7.2 1.80 0.24 4.04 1.48 24.8职业生涯 700 41.6 42.2% 31.2% 77.4% 0.9 3.1 3.9 6.1 2.31 0.19 3.72 2.10 27.9季后赛 平均数据表赛季 球队 出场 时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前场 后场 总篮板 助攻 抢断 封盖 失误 犯规 得分98-99 76人 8 44.8 41.1% 28.3% 71.2% 1.8 2.4 4.1 4.9 2.50 0.25 3.00 2.38 28.599-00 76人 10 44.4 38.4% 30.8% 73.9% 1.4 2.6 4.0 4.5 1.20 0.10 3.20 2.40 26.200-01 76人 22 46.2 38.9% 33.8% 77.4% 0.7 4.0 4.7 6.1 2.36 0.32 2.86 2.50 32.901-02 76人 5 41.8 38.1% 33.3% 81.0% 0.2 3.4 3.6 4.2 2.60 0.00 2.40 1.60 30.002-03 76人 12 46.5 41.6% 34.5% 73.7% 0.9 3.4 4.3 7.4 2.42 0.08 3.92 2.08 31.704-05 76人 5 47.6 46.8% 41.4% 89.7% 0.0 2.2 2.2 10.0 2.00 0.40 4.20 2.40 31.22006-07季后赛┏━ 篮板 ━┓球队 场次 首发 时间 投篮命中率 三分球命中率 罚球命中率 进攻 防守 总数 助攻 抢断 盖帽 失误 犯规 得分丹佛掘金 5 5 44.6 36.8% 29.4% 80.6% 0.0 0.6 0.6 5.8 1.40 0.00 3.00 2.20 22.8单场技术统计赛季纪录/生涯纪录项目 NBA生涯纪录 05-06赛季纪录得分 60 vs. 奥兰多魔术队 02/12/05 53 vs 老鹰 12月24日命中球数 21 vs. 休斯顿火箭队 01/15/02 17 7 次投篮数 42 vs. 休斯顿火箭队 01/15/02 37 vs 马刺 02月16日3分命中数 6 3 次 5 vs 森林狼 01月23日3分投篮数 14 @ 芝加哥公牛队 04/07/97 9 vs 尼克斯 04月01日罚球命中数 24 vs. 奥兰多魔术队 02/12/05 20 vs 火箭 02月07日罚球投篮数 27 vs. 奥兰多魔术队 02/12/05 24 vs 火箭 02月07日进攻篮板 5 4 次 5 vs 掘金 03月10日防守篮板 9 3 次 8 vs 森林狼 01月23日总篮板 11 vs. 金州勇士队 03/30/01 9 vs 森林狼 01月23日助攻 16 2 次 15 6 次抢断 9 2 次 5 4 次盖帽 3 vs. 芝加哥公牛队 04/17/98 2 vs 国王 01月04日出场时间 54 vs. 奥兰多魔术队 02/02/01艾弗森代表乔治敦大学在两个赛季的大学联赛表现不俗,1996年作为新秀状元入选NBA,加盟费城76人队。第一年他就以23.5的平均得分据全队之首。98-99赛季他平均每场得分23.8分,列联盟之首,并入选全NBA一队。接下来的赛季他平均得分列全联盟第二,抢断和上场时间名列第三,并入选全NBA二队。同样在这两个赛季,由于艾弗森的出色发挥,76人队在阔别季后赛八年后连续两年打入季后赛,并进入第二轮比赛。2004年入选全明星赛东部队首发阵容2003年入选全明星赛东部队首发阵容入选2001-02赛季NBA“第二阵容”;参加2002年全明星赛,并且首发出场2001-02赛季,平均每场得分31.4,抢断2.80,出场时间43.7,均列NBA第1位荣获2000-01赛季NBA“最有价值球员称号”,平均每场得分31.1,抢断2.51次,均列全联盟第1位参加2001年全明星赛,荣获“最有价值球员”称号入选1999-2000赛季NBA“第二阵容”1998-99赛季,平均每场得分26.8,列NBA第1位,入选NBA“最佳阵容”获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的新秀球员,赛季得分1787分,创76人队新秀最高纪录1997年4月,连续5场比赛得分超过40分,创NBA新秀最高纪录参加1997年全明星周末“新秀大赛”,得到19分,9次助攻;获得“最有价值球员”称号艾弗森各类资料(都是很难搜集到的哦)2007-04-29 19:18基本资料 [1]名字:阿伦-艾弗森(Allen Ezail Iverson)三号 | 得分后卫(Point Guard)2) | 丹佛掘金队(Denver Nuggets)身高:1.83米 | 体重:74.8千克生日:1975年6月7日 | 出生地:弗吉尼亚州汉普敦市(Hampton, Virginia)大学:乔治城大学(Georgetown College ‘98) | 高中:Bethel in Hampton, VA职业生涯:10年,由费城76人队于1996年选秀首轮第一顺位选中,2006年12月被交易至丹佛掘金队基本资料 [2]原居住地:费城郊区”Mainline”4)绰号:AI;答案(The Answer);三趾树獭(bubba chuck);垂直起跳高度:44英寸(110厘米)鞋子尺寸:10.5 (us)代言品牌:Reebok和SEGA行为榜样:母亲, Ann Iverson个人喜好最喜爱的歌:”Unbelievable” - Notorious B.I.G最喜爱的男演员:Samuel L. Jackson和Al Pacino最喜爱的女演员:Halle Berry & Jennifer Lopez最喜爱的书:《The Color Purple》闲暇时光:Cartoon caricatures(绘画),喜欢读《Sports Illustrated》杂志最喜爱的食物:Lists lasagna(烤宽面条)和Fried Shrimp(油炸虾)最喜欢去旅游的地方是纽约(New York)最喜欢的NBA城市是费城(Philadelphia)他的家庭母亲:Ann Iverson;父亲:Allen Broughton;继父:Michael Freemen;妹妹:Brandy & Liesha妻子:Tawanna Turner(2001年8月3日成婚)女儿:Tiaura[1995年出生] 和 Messiah[2005年8月16日出生]儿子:Allen II (Duece) [1998年出生] 和 Isaiah Rahsaan [2003年8月8日出生]巨星说小艾“他是那种会让我愿意花钱买票看他打球的年轻人。”——菲尔·杰克逊“身为NBA球员,应该要建立起如同艾弗森一般的自信。”——迈克尔·乔丹“对我而言,守艾弗森的确是一项艰苦的挑战,他的速度实在是太快了!——斯科蒂·皮蓬“充满天赋与才气的艾弗森显然更有挑战性,如果你听到观众席上发出赞叹声与惊讶声,那肯定是艾弗森又做出什么样的高难度动做了了。”——“魔术师”·约翰逊“或许他真的走步了,但我一点儿也不在乎,看他运球,就像是鉴赏一件艺术品。真的让人陶醉。”——菲尔·杰克逊“他老喜欢拿了就跳,但却非中距离跳投的筐中好手。请问你,上一次看见他为队友做挡拆 动作是多久前的历史了?”——拉里·布朗“以他的身材人们认为很多事情他做不到,但是他却用行动证明人们错了,他是个伟大的球 员,谁也否认不了。”——乔丹“艾弗森就是那种在每一天都全力以赴,全力争胜的球员。”他是名人堂级别的球员,你会 不愿意和这样的球员做队友么?”——詹姆斯“与艾弗森一样,他也拿到过联盟得分王的头衔,“你在过去两年中一直都听到关于艾弗森的转会说法,谁都明白这只是时间问题。费城在这两年中什么都没有做,不过改变或许对艾弗森和球队都更有好处。”——麦迪“答案”是“不可思议的天才球员”,——加内特“他就像一个小号版本的我——勇往直前,所向披靡,而且从不抱怨。——热火队奥尼尔“很少人能让他停下来。”——网队卡特“你可以阻止他,但你没法让他停下来。他从来没有放弃过比赛。”——魔术队希尔“艾弗森是位伟大的球员,我们都不舍得让他离开球队。”——76人队韦伯“他(艾弗森)从来都是一位有号召力的球员,这一点我们深信不疑。”——NBA总裁大卫·斯特恩至于传记 原来 篮球先锋报连载过 叫 强者生存 可以去找找

Allen Iverson身上一共有多少文身?大神们帮帮忙


Allen iverson 的血型是什么?

o 啦!!!!!!!!哎这个也不知道 看过NBA 么 ??

Allen Iverson到底有多高.好点回答. ~! ?

阿伦-艾弗森的详细资料 姓名:阿伦.艾弗森(Allen Ezail Iverson) 绰号:答案(The Answer);三趾树獭(bubba chuck);中国人叫他小艾; 出生地:Hampton,VA (弗吉尼亚,汉普敦) 生日:1975年6月7日 高度:1.83m(6英尺) 体重:165磅(74.8公斤) 垂直起跳高度:44英寸(110cm) 鞋子尺寸:11 纹身的数字:22 高中:汉普顿 大学:乔治成大学 98年毕业 加入NBA日期:1996年7月1日(96年选秀第一) 效力球队:费城76人(Philadelphia 76ers) 球衣号码:3 位置:得分后卫(刚开始时为控球后卫) 母亲:Ann Iverson 父亲:Allen Broughton 继父:Michael Freemen 妻子:Tawanna Turner 妹妹:Brandy & Iiesha 女儿:Tiaura Iverson 儿子:Allen Deuce Iverson,Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson 汽车:Bentley Azure, Mercedes CL600, Range Rover 4.6 特征:充满信心,有永不服输的精神 业余爱好:绘画;读书 喜爱的演员:萨默尔.L ,杰克逊 ,艾文.Pacino 喜爱的食物:姑妈的扁形面条;是烤宽面条 喜爱的杂志: Sports Illustrated 喜爱的图书: "The color purple" 喜爱的歌: Notorious B.I.G - "Unbelievable" 合同:76人队6年7100万美元,为锐步终身代言 建立“Cross Over基金会”,为费城居民提供福利 全名:Allen Ezail Iverson "外号:Answer,AI,Bubba Chuck "生日:1975.6.7 "出生地:Hampton,VA (弗吉尼亚,汉普敦) "身高:1.83米 "体重:74.8公斤 "母亲:Ann Iverson "父亲:Allen Broughton "继父:Michael Freemen "妻子:Tawanna Turner "妹妹:Brandy & Iiesha "弟弟:Mister Allen Iverson "女儿:Tiaura Iverson "儿子:Allen Deuce Iverson & Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson "中学:Bethel High "大学:Georgetown (乔治城) "效力球队:Philadelphia 76ers(费城76人) "垂直弹跳:44寸(1.10米) "背号:3 "鞋码:11(US) "代言品牌:Reebok,Sega "车子: Bentley Azure, Mercedes CL600, Range Rover 4.6 "爱好:绘画,阅读 "最喜欢男演员:Samuel L. Jackson, Al Pacino "最喜欢女演员:Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez "最喜欢食物:Lasagna "最喜欢杂志:Sports Illustrated "最喜欢的书:"The color purple" "最喜欢的歌:Notorious B.I.G - "Unbelievable 1993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球年度最佳球员 "1993-弗吉尼亚州篮球年度最佳球员 "1993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球冠军 "1993-弗吉尼亚州篮球冠军 "1994-1995:东部(Big East)最佳新秀 "1994-1995:东部(Big East)最佳防守队员 "1995-1996:东部(Big East)最佳防守队员 "1995-1996:东部(Big East)第一队 "1995-1996:全美(All America)联盟第一队 "1996-NBA选秀状元 "1996-1997:新秀全明星MVP "1996-1997:年度最佳新秀 "1996-1997:新秀第一队 "1998-1999:常规赛得分王 "1998-1999:最佳阵容第一队 "1999-2000:最佳阵容第二队 "2000-2001:最佳阵容第一队 "2000-2001:全明星MVP "2000-2001:常规赛MVP 东部分区冠军 "2000-2001:常规赛得分王 ,抢断王 "2001-2002:最佳阵容第二队 "2001-2002:常规赛得分王, 抢断王 "2002-2003:最佳阵容第二队 "2002-2003:常规赛抢断王 "2004-奥运会男篮季军 "2004-2005:全明星MVP "2004-2005:常规赛得分王 "2004-2005:最佳阵容第一队

Allen Iverson的个人资料?


Allen Iverson是什么意思

Allen Iverson阿伦艾弗森 Allen Iverson阿伦·艾弗森; NBA历史上最矮的得分王、MVP; 1975年6月7日出生于美国弗吉尼亚的纽波特镇; 1996年以第1顺位的状元被选入费城76人队; 例句:1.When he was a child, he pretended to be Allen Iverson.

请给我allen iverson的资料给我~

·阿伦·艾弗森(Allen Iverson) 位置:后卫 生日:6/07/75 高度:1.83M 体重:74.8kg 毕业学校: 乔治城大学(Geetown) 98年毕业   艾弗森进 *** 盟的第一年,场均砍下23.5分和7.5次助攻,获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的球员。并随后参加1997年全明星周末“新秀大赛”,得到19分,9次助攻;获得“最有价值球员”称号。   在近11年的征战中,艾弗森四次获得常规赛得分王称号,并在2000-01赛季获得NBA“最有价值球员称号”,并且参加2001年NBA“全明星大赛”,荣获“最有价值球员”称号。 _________________________________________________________________________ shifentudou_15/tudou_15_d8LIbwiFTbo _________________________________________________________________________ 荣誉] AI荣誉满身 就缺冠军了~~ u20221993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球年度最佳球员 u20221993-弗吉尼亚州篮球年度最佳球员 u20221993-弗吉尼亚州橄榄球冠军 u20221993-弗吉尼亚州篮球冠军 u20221994-1995: 大东区(Big East)最佳新秀 u20221994-1995: 大东区(Big East)最佳防守队员 u20221995-1996: 大东区(Big East)最佳防守队员 u20221995-1996: 大东区(Big East)第一队 u20221995-1996: 全美(All America)联盟第一队 u20221996-NBA选秀状元 u20221996-1997:新秀全明星MVP 年度最佳新秀 新秀第一队 u20221998-1999:常规赛得分王 最佳阵容第一队 u20221999-2000:最佳阵容第二队 u20222000-2001:最佳阵容第一队 全明星MVP 常规赛MVP u20222000-2001:常规赛得分 王 抢断王 u20222001-2002:最佳阵容第二队 常规赛得分 王 抢断王 u20222002-2003:最佳阵容第二队 常规赛抢断王 u20222004奥运会男篮季军 u20222004-2005:全明星MVP 得分王 最佳阵容第一队 参考: Me... crossover屈机-33333-" 跑步快 控球好 弹跳力ok 之前系费城76人 依家系...金块 Allen Iverson ( 亚伦艾佛逊 )#3 生日:1975年6月7日 身高6呎 183cm 体重165磅 74.8kg 背号3号 得分后卫...point guard 96年乔治城大学 绰号:The Answer Bubba Chuck A.I. 战神、The Answer(我最喜欢这个.....)、小艾(这是我自己取的........)、AI Iverson的垂直跳高度有40吋。 Iverson那头有名的发型,要靠一位一星期从新泽西来两次的发型师打理。 Iverson在停赛时沈溺于画画。 Iverson有两个妹妹,布兰黛和丽莎。 育有一儿一女,女儿Tiaura儿子Allen II。 最喜欢的演艺人员是:艾尔帕西诺(Al Pacino)和哈莉白丽(Halle Berry)。 最喜欢的书是:"紫色"(The Color Purple)。 最喜欢的歌是:由NotoriousB.I.G所唱的"不可思议"(Unbelievable)。   SEASON : 2000-2001 Ranks #1 in the NBA in Points Per Game(31.1) Ranks #1 in the NBA in Steals Per Game(2.51) Ranks #1 in the NBA in Minutes Per Game(42.0) Ranks #6 in the NBA in Field Goals Made(762.0) Ranks #2 in the NBA in Field Goal Attempts(1813.0) Ranks #2 in the NBA in Free Throws(585.0) Ranks #4 in the NBA in Free Throw Attempts(719.0) Ranks #2 in the NBA in Steals(178.0) Ranks #2 in the NBA in Points(2207.0) Ranks #3 in the NBA in Field Goals Per 48 Minutes(12.28) Ranks #1 in the NBA in Field-Goal Attempts Per 48 Minutes(29.21) Ranks #2 in the NBA in Free Throws Per 48 Minutes(9.43) Ranks #3 in the NBA in Free Throw Attempts Per 48 Minutes(11.59) Ranks #4 in the NBA in Steals Per 48 Minutes(2.87) Ranks #1 in the NBA in Points Per 48 Minutes(35.6) Allen Iverson History ( 亚伦艾佛逊记录 ) 96年第一轮第一顺位费城76人队 96年最佳年度新人奖 98-99 球季得分王平均26.8分 98-99 球季76人打进季后赛第二轮 99-00 球季首度入选明星赛 99-00 球季76人打进季后赛第二轮 00-01 球季二度入选明星赛 00-01 球季常规赛及明星赛MVP得主 Iverson是NBA历史上一场球能得分50分以上,第二年轻的球员。 Iverson是NBA史上首位连续5场,得分在40分或40分以上的新秀球员。 Iverson曾在1993入狱。

last night 是Allen Iverson 阿伦。艾弗森 唱的么


iverson的《last night》 歌词意思是什么?

昨夜last night you were so into it 昨夜我们如此专注you told me seerets that you never told a soul 你向我倾诉了从未有人知晓的秘密you were so nervous and,yet oh so comfortable 你很紧张却很安逸as we explored your image of love 因为我们找到了你心底的爱i drank yourwine as you tasted mine 我们欢畅淋漓 i missed your lips you felt my mind slip into your soul 我们互相亲吻 抵达彼此的灵魂深处i almost cried cuz it was so beautiful 我为那美丽而流泪1-last night i was inside of you 昨夜我在你的灵魂深出last night while making love to you 昨夜当我找到了你的爱 i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers我看到太阳 月亮 和山河 i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you 当我找到你甜蜜的爱 我看到了天堂last night there was no blood in it 昨夜 虽不是初次 it was so special and,so very innocent 却是如此特别 如此圣洁we talked of memories,our favorite fantasies 我们谈论回忆,那最美的幻境as we explored,our visious of love 当我们共同探索爱的时刻 deep in the night,right by the fireside 深夜,那卢火旁 you felt my candlelight in your soul 你感受到在你灵魂深出的我的烛火you felt incredible,istarted to explode 我由你那不可思议的感觉而开始探索i almost cried cuz it was so beautiful 我因那美丽而哭泣 1-last night i was inside of you 昨夜我在你的灵魂深处 last night while making love to you 昨夜当我找到你的爱i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers 我看到太阳 月亮 和山河i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you 当我找到你甜蜜的爱 我看到了天堂sunlight red roses 艳阳般的玫瑰the scent of you it calms the heart 你的美停止我心的跳动the sight of you i fall apart 你的美让我心碎moonlight the things we noticed 夜晚的月光oh,we"re in love,that"s when it comes 喔 当爱来临是我们坠出其中 and i"m so,i"m so in love 我是如此沉醉1-last night i was inside of you 昨夜 我在你灵魂深处last night while making love to you 昨夜 当我找到你的爱i saw the sun,the moon,the mountains and the rivers 我看到太阳 月亮 和山河i saw heaven when i made sweet love to you 当我找到你甜蜜的爱 我看到了天堂

Allen Iverson的《Last Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Last Night歌手:Allen Iverson专辑:40barsyo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at ii beat show maker rule shake it shake it downi be the negro what a ha profaeverybody come onwe will be the shaker what"a crazy starso what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down)rock it in the sighchilly women happy (wow)be the big down explaining the heart but super cheaterbaby baby come onyou better rock with mei be the hasha blade for no what you may lay inmaking everybody screammaking everybody dancei am the king of the swearor will you rock in deadcause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the worldcause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a citylast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowyo wow wrong wanna a chairsuper negro wanna saidhanging out man negro show will lovesome of a faggotyou are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connectto yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-checkwe"ll be smoking a cigarso as bad as sharperrocking down somebody everywhere of a party over thereman (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad alltrain the city cause we the best drollsize the rockies to flat by a squashlike a super star try to right up at the topwhoever say no way, check it out the quality"s downwhoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff aroundlast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowshould get down jungle fibre getting tieboogy nightwe"ll be the one and the malesmoothy is looking for killwe"ll be the top place wrong place raping the worldcause we would have top place now start the pubwe"ll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit barman (snegro) rocks for its talebeating me in the dancemy moving making everybody dancei"ll be the dancekeep surprising everybody with a jetand never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with meyou taking over your mindcause where the jackets were the baselinechecking it hard cause we"ll be the place sudden start bald daylast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowdamn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come ondamn number rare yomoving (water bang) out yoswing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yolast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowlast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28236203

Allen Iverson的《Last Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Last Night歌手:Allen Iverson专辑:40barsyo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at ii beat show maker rule shake it shake it downi be the negro what a ha profaeverybody come onwe will be the shaker what"a crazy starso what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down)rock it in the sighchilly women happy (wow)be the big down explaining the heart but super cheaterbaby baby come onyou better rock with mei be the hasha blade for no what you may lay inmaking everybody screammaking everybody dancei am the king of the swearor will you rock in deadcause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the worldcause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a citylast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowyo wow wrong wanna a chairsuper negro wanna saidhanging out man negro show will lovesome of a faggotyou are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connectto yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-checkwe"ll be smoking a cigarso as bad as sharperrocking down somebody everywhere of a party over thereman (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad alltrain the city cause we the best drollsize the rockies to flat by a squashlike a super star try to right up at the topwhoever say no way, check it out the quality"s downwhoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff aroundlast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowshould get down jungle fibre getting tieboogy nightwe"ll be the one and the malesmoothy is looking for killwe"ll be the top place wrong place raping the worldcause we would have top place now start the pubwe"ll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit barman (snegro) rocks for its talebeating me in the dancemy moving making everybody dancei"ll be the dancekeep surprising everybody with a jetand never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with meyou taking over your mindcause where the jackets were the baselinechecking it hard cause we"ll be the place sudden start bald daylast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowdamn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come ondamn number rare yomoving (water bang) out yoswing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yolast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowlast night a jewel saved my life, now that all you wantlast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going onlast night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy timelast night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28236203

iverson唱的last night的歌词

中英对译的: yo yo whats boorgie town. sicken the mongness swing at i Yo Yo一个资产阶级的城镇(Boorgie就是bourgeoisie,但我觉得歌里面唱的是Boogie.也就是黑人~黑人的地方),使那狗杂种饶我转而晕旋. i beat show maker rule shake it shake it down 我打破组织表演的人所制定的规则. i be the negro what a ha profa everybody come on 我是一个黑鬼……(What a ha profa不知道是什么).大家一起来 we will be the shaker what"a crazy star 我们要举行一个在别墅里的大派对~一个疯狂的明星~ so what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down) 每一个人都乐在其中~我们都很疯狂~很尽兴~ rock it in the sigh 在呼喊声中摇摆~ chilling women happy (wow)让女人放松,高兴起来~ be the big down explaining the heart but super cheater 和一个人成为朋友~互相谈心~才知道是个大骗子~ baby baby come on 宝贝~来吧 you better rock with me 你最好和我一起摇摆~ i be the hasha blade for no what you may lay in 我抽大麻,和你上床不是为了你拥有的东西 making everybody scream 让大家尖叫 making everybody dance 让大家舞动 i am the king of the swear or will you rock in dead cause when we in the place that we talkin" shock in the world 因为当我们在一个地方谈论着世界上的冲突 cause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city 因为我们会胡说~让它在城市中摇摆~ [Chorus] last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want 昨晚~一颗宝石解救了我的生命~现在它是你想要的~ last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on 昨晚~一颗宝石解救了我的生命~派对还在继续~ last night a jewel saved my life, now is boogie time 昨晚~一颗宝石解救了我的生命~现在是流行舞会时间 last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on now 昨晚~一颗宝石解救了我的生命~派对还在继续~ yo wow wrong wanna a chair 一个错误想要椅子 super negro wanna said 超级黑人要说:“ hanging out man negro show will love 出去诳诳~黑人的表演你会喜欢~ some of a faggot 一些蠢人 you are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connect 当我和你联线时,你被谋杀了 to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check 宝贝不要尝试(helicopter pipe不好解释) we"ll be smoking a cigar so as bad as sharper 我们抽雪茄,象骗子一样坏 rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there 让某人在派对的任何地方摇摆 man (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll size the rockies to flat by a squash like a super star try to right up at the top whoever say no way, check it out the quality"s down whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around [Chorus] should get down jungle fibre getting tie 应该在生死关头站起来~ boogy night smoothy is looking for kill 舞会夜晚 花言巧语的男子在寻找目标 we"ll be the one and the male 我们将成为男人 we"ll be the top place wrong place raping the world 我们将在最高的地方~不公平的地方~操整个世界 cause we would have top place now start the pub 因为我们应该会占有最高位置~现在从一个pub开始~ we"ll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar 我们当然会遇到困难~…… man (snegro) rocks for its tale 男人为流言摇摆 beating me in the dance 在跳舞比赛中打败我 my moving making everybody dance 我的舞步让每个人都开始跳~ i"ll be the dance 我会一直跳 keep surprising everybody with a jet 用Jet保持着惊喜所有人~ and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me 永远别告诉我的~我的东西会一直陪伴着我~ you taking over your mind 你接管着你的想法 cause where the jackets were the baseline checking it hard cause we"ll be the place sudden start bald day [Chorus] damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on damn number rare yo moving (water bang) out yo swing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yo 晕~我觉得我翻译得莫名其妙~我都不知道在说些什么~

谁知道Allen Iverson <Last night>的歌词

歌曲:40 bars 歌手:allen iverson [ti:40 bars] [ar:allen iverson] [al: misunderstood] [by:快乐重生] allen iverson -40 bars lyrics by 快乐重生@终极r b maximal r b - the freshest hottest r b hip-hop music! for the year 2g the rap game change for one name jewelz aim to slain anything on this plane remains are found when the best kept secret get heated you went platinum wit a ghost writer, so in the game you won you cheated my slang bang when you need it you man enuff to pull a gun be man enuff to squeeze it (*gunshots*) die if you don"t believe it anything to do wit millions i"ma be wit it hats off to the hardcore niggaz fuck the rest in my guess y"all useless, just talkin music never mistake me for a fake mc you got the wrong idea nigga i"m ct fool get murdered in a second in the first degree come to me wit faggot tendacies you"ll be sleepin where the maggots be ain"t nuthin kinda used to beef actually but when it"s on i raise first automatically won"t catch me as a victim and a rap casualty dynasty raiders hit va in the summertime ten bentleys in one line gats in each hand, twin 45"s in mines snipers hittin niggaz long distance for a rate sons and daughters, one order you"ll be floatin in water bad news home of the dynasty raiders one luv to the ol school niggaz they in the jail tryin to raise us even the ones that tried to blaze us but couldn"t even graze us see dem bitch azz niggaz y"all killin don"t amaze us y"all slobbin i"m spittin wit a mouf full of rage (dis my nigga jewels representin bad news yo my homie say dat shit) everybody stay fly get money kill and fuck bitches i"m hittin anything in plain view for my riches va"s finest fillin up ditches, when niggaz turn to bitches die for zero digits; i"ma giant yall midgets i know killaz that kill for a fee that"ll kill yo" ass for free, believe me how you wanna die fast or slowly? fast as a rolie, slow as a rolie polie i bought yo shit it was weak, trashed it now you owe me all the hardcore niggas know me i aint knockin, i"m jus gon" bust up in the motherfucker takin anything that"s rightfully mines lust, aks, rifles, and nines physique crew, thick designs wit jewels that shine all the time ain"t nuthin sweet about this rate of mystique got niggas while you eat shit sleep and beat yo meat die reachin fo heat, leave you leakin in da street niggas screamin he was a good boy ever since he was born but fuck it he gon life must go on niggas don"t live that long but hoes in wigs niggas that think they head strong got niggas hollerin jewelz dead wrong on this song this type of murda dont need no hook just forty fuckin bars from da mouf of a crook!!! yo!! 歌曲:last night 歌手:allen iverson [ti:last night] [ar:allen iverson] last night--allen iverson yo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at i i beat show maker rule shake it shake it down i be the negro what a ha profa everybody come on we will be the shaker what"a crazy star so what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down) rock it in the sigh chilly women happy (wow) be the big down explaining the heart but super cheater baby baby come on you better rock with me i be the hasha blade for no what you may lay in making everybody scream making everybody dance i am the king of the swear or will you rock in dead cause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the world cause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on now party~ yeah! party ah`ou`` yo wow wrong wanna a chair super negro wanna said hanging out man negro show will love some of a faggot you are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connect to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check we"ll be smoking a cigar so as bad as sharper rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there man (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll size the rockies to flat by a squash like a super star try to right up at the top whoever say no way, check it out the quality"s down whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on now should get down jungle fibre getting tie boogy night we"ll be the one and the male smoothy is looking for kill we"ll be the top place wrong place raping the world cause we would have top place now start the pub we"ll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar man (snegro) rocks for its tale beating me in the dance and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me my moving making everybody dance i"ll be the dance keep surprising everybody with a jet you taking over your mind cause where the jackets were the baseline checking it hard cause we"ll be the place sudden start bald day last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time last night a jewel saved my life, there"s a party going on now bergy time(come on),bergy time(show me now) bergy time(check,check it),bergy time damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on damn number rare yo moving (water bang) out yo swing twenty f满意请采纳

last night这首歌,到底是不是Allen Iverson唱的呢?







1.罗德曼是一个优秀的防守者充满激情,小艾也不是一个打球很独的人。2.小艾是76人无愧的领袖。在掘金进入了职业生涯的中后期状态下滑也是正常。和球队队友都还好。没有什么传言流出。在活塞时。活塞是一直以来靠防守打球的。和小艾球风相反。交易天尊后活塞正式进入重建,小艾走人也实属正常。3“我听说卡特和科比都是联盟重点培养的对象”我不知道该怎么回答你。我没听说过。联盟很残酷,老了就得走人,大牌就有保护。4.小艾进总决赛那年,主帅是拉里.布朗只是用穆大叔对抗巅峰的大鲨鱼实在是太勉强了。球员的天赋也有限。在掘金时有很多优秀的球员。主帅也不可谓不好。只是还需要磨合的时间。5.看看巅峰的艾吧 你会热血沸腾的,他是一个充满激情的人。祝福小艾安度职业生涯的晚期吧!






阿伦-艾弗森(Allen Iverson) 位置: 控球后卫 (1号)身高: 1.83米 / 6尺 体重: 82公斤/180磅 生日: 1975-06-07 球队: NBA活塞选秀: 1996年第一轮第1位学校: Georgetown国籍: 美国 全名:Allen Iverson生日:1975年6月7日球衣号码:3号爱好:绘画,阅读,橄榄球,桌球,唱歌最喜欢食物:Lasagna,姑妈做的烤宽面条纹身详解:忠:带有对家人、朋友与队友忠诚之意 仰:代表尊敬、景仰的汉字 TIUARAANDDEUCE:女儿和儿子的名字 PANTHER:右小臂上的黑豹,以前一个抓着球的死神像 JEWELZ:艾弗森演唱时的艺名 IMISSMYHOMIES:我失去了我的家人,为纪念一个被谋杀的好友 FearNoOne:谁都不怕 DYNASTYRIDER:少年时期的艾弗森和好友昵称的团体名 STRENGTH:用梵语刻的,强壮的意思 THEANSWER:是艾弗森身上的第一个刺青 EAL:母亲名字的缩写个人简介:他来自弗吉尼亚的贫民窟,他来自汉普顿的街头,那里是他生命的发源地。在艾弗森的身上,融合了超常的霸气、逼人的杀气和最最纯正的街头气息,这也是他被奉为NBA篮球与美国街头文化结合始祖的最主要原因。而当这样一个如此具有典型性的代表人物又兼具一身在篮球场上可以恣意纵横的非凡武功时,阿伦·艾弗森理所当然成为了那个令人崇拜、同情和希冀的理想化偶像。为何艾弗森无论做了什么,遭遇到什么样的麻烦,他的拥趸从来都不曾背弃他?在过去的30年里,阿伦·艾弗森已经证明了,只有他才具有NBA最广泛意义上的代表性,才是NBA受众群体众心所向的真正旗帜。艾弗森出身卑微,经历坎坷,他由最初的懵懂街头少年力经艰辛打拼,最终变成了NBA联盟里一呼百应的领袖 人物。而在这个过程中,有一点从来不曾改变——他是一个坚贞忠诚的人,一个将“情义”二字看得高于一切的性情中人。他可以为朋友两肋插刀,可以为亲人倾家荡产,可以为心爱的女人献出生命,只要需要,他从来没有皱过眉头,从来没有含糊过,关于这一点,自始至终都没有改变,这是艾弗森坚持的人生信条,既是现在的,也是永远的。

Iverson《Bad Man》的歌词

Where is the moment we needed the mostYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostThey tell me your blue skies fade to greyThey tell me your passion"s gone awayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou stand in the line just to hit a new lowYou"re faking a smile with the coffee to goYou tell me your life"s been way off lineYou"re falling to pieces everytimeAnd I don"t need no carryin" onCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad dayYou had a bad day╯⊙╰Well you need a blue sky holidayThe point is they laugh at what you sayAnd I don"t need no carryin" onYou had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayThe camera don"t lieYou"re coming back down and you really don"t mindYou had a bad day(Oh.. Holiday..)Sometimes the system goes on the blinkAnd the whole thing turns out wrongYou might not make it back and you knowThat you could be well oh that strongAnd I"m not wrongSo where is the passion when you need it the mostOh you and IYou kick up the leaves and the magic is lostCause you had a bad dayYou"re taking one downYou sing a sad song just to turn it aroundYou say you don"t knowYou tell me don"t lieYou work at a smile and you go for a rideYou had a bad dayYou"ve seen what you likeAnd how does it feel for one more timeYou had a bad dayYou had a bad dayHad a bad dayHad a bad dayHad a bad day

