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请详细介绍一下次女中音芭托莉唱的《Agitata da due venti》


谁有意大利歌剧高音曲目,类似Vitas的OP2?拜托各位了 3Q

A.斯卡拉蒂(Alessandro Scarlatti, 1660-1725)——《 Qui resta...L"alta Roma 》(选自清唱剧《San Filippo Neri》): 。卡尔达拉(Antonio Caldara, c.1670-1736)——《 Lo seguitai felice 》(选自歌剧《L"Olimpiade》): 。维瓦尔第(Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, 1678-1741)——《 Vanne Perdida Va...Fra Le Procelle 》【选自歌剧《蒂托·曼里奥》(Tito Manlio, RV738)】: (5、6曲)。亨德尔(Georg Friedrich Hndel, 1685-1759)——《 Se ne viene Ariodate... Crude furie degl"orridi abissi 》【选自以早期威尼斯歌剧剧本作依据的歌剧《赛尔斯》(HWV40)】: 。D.斯卡拉蒂(Domenico Scarlatti,1685-1757)——《 Ti ricorda, o bella Irene 》(选自室内康塔塔《Ti ricorda, o bella Irene》)。波波拉(Niccolò Porpora, 1686-1768)——《 Come Nave In Mezzo All"onde 》(选自歌剧《Siface》): 。里卡尔多·布洛斯基(Ricardo Broschi, c.1698-1756)——《 Son qual nave ch"agitata 》(选自歌剧《Artaserse》): 。维瓦尔第/R.布洛斯基——《 Qual guerriero in campo armato 》【选自歌剧《巴亚捷》(Bajazet, RV703)/歌剧《Idaspe》】: 。J.C.巴赫(Johann Christian Bach, 1735-1782)——《 Cara, la dolce fiamma 》(选自歌剧《Adriano in Siria》): 。萨列里(Antonio Salieri, 1750-1825)——《 Vi sono sposa e amante 》(选自歌剧《La Fiera di Venezia》): 。W.A.莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)——《 Nel grave tormento 》【选自歌剧《Mitridate, re di Ponto》(K.87/74a)】: 。

yes lolita no touch什么意思?

你好!yes lolita no touch是的,洛丽塔,不碰

以下的日文名字怎么翻译:1 Atsushi Noro 2 Yoshio Sageshima 3 Shigeo Arai 4 Yushu Matsushita


英语文库 > 杰克和露丝的TITANIC

一次海底远征试图搜索失事的泰坦尼克号上一粒价值连城的钻石,不料找到一幅素描人体画,画的是十七岁的露丝·迪维特·布凯特。在被迫嫁给一个大富豪的途中,绝望的露丝企图跳海自尽,但被杰克救下。于是,她爱上了杰克·唐逊,一位充满自由精神的艺术家、三等舱的乘客,因为杰克点燃了她心中激情的烈火。然而,由于船员们狂妄地试图打破横跨大西洋航行速度的记录,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。一个激情缠绵的爱情故事和一场惊心动魄的灾难悲壮地交织在一起,这一切难道都是命运?   1. You let goue584 and I'm gonna have to jump in there after you.   (On deck. Rose is cryingue584 and runs past Jackue584 who is lying on a benchue584 smoking. She climbs over the ship's railingsue584 and hangs on with her back to the shipue584 about to jump into the sea.)   JACK: Don"t do it!   ROSE: Stay back! Don"t come any closer!   JACK: Come on! Just give me your hand and I"ll pull you back over.   ROSE: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I"ll let go!   JACK: No, you won"t!   ROSE: What do you mean, No I won"t? Don"t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don"t know me.   JACK: Well, you would have done it already.   ROSE: You"re distracting me. Go away!   JACK: I can"t. I"m involved now. You let go, and I"m gonna have to jump in there after you.   (Jack starts taking off his shoes.)   ROSE: Don"t be absurd. You"d be killed.   JACK: I"m a good swimmer.   ROSE: The fall alone would kill you.   JACK: It would hurt; I"m not saying it wouldn"t. To tell you the truth, I"m a lot more concerned about that water being so cold.   ROSE: How cold?   JACK:Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever, uh, ever been to Wisconsin?   ROSE: What?   JACK:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice-fishing out on Lake Wisota. Ice-fishing is, you know, when you...   ROSE: I know what ice-fishing is!   JACK: Sorry. You just seemed like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I uh, fell through some thin ice, and I"m telling ya, water that cold, like right down there, it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body. You can"t breathe, you can"t think, at least not about anything but the pain. Which is why I"m not looking forward to jumping in there after you. Like I said, I don"t have a choice. I guess I"m kind of hoping that you"ll come back over the railing and get me off the hook here.   (He starts to take off his coat).   ROSE: You"re crazy!   JACK: That"s what everybody says, but with all due respect, miss, I"m not the one hanging off the back of a ship here. Come on! Come on, give me your hand. You don"t want to do this.   (She takes his handue584 and turns around. They are facing each otherue584 but Rose is on the other side of the railing.)   JACK: Whew. I"m Jack Dawson.   ROSE: I"m Rose Dewitt Buchater.   2. Only you can do that.   (Rose and Jack are alone in the room.)   ROSE: Jack, this is impossible. I can"t see you.   JACK: I need to talk to you!   ROSE: No, Jack, no! Jack, I"m engaged. I"m marrying Cal. I love Cal.   JACK: Rose, you"re no picnic. All right, you"re a spoiled little brat even, but under that you"re the most amazingly astoundingly wonderful girl—woman I"ve ever known and...   ROSE: Jack, I...   JACK: No, no. Let me try to get this out. You, you"re amazing. I"m not an idiot. I know how the world works. I"ve got ten bucks in my pocket. I have nothing to offer you, and I know that. I understand. But I"m too involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can"t turn away without knowin" that you"ll be all right. That"s all that I want.   ROSE: Well, I"m fine, I"ll be fine. Really.   JACK: Really? I don"t think so. They"ve got you trapped, Rose and you"re goin" to die if you don"t break free. Maybe not right away, because you"re strong. But sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose, that fire is going to burn out.   ROSE: It"s not up to you to save me, Jack.   JACK: You"re right. Only you can do that.   3. Ohue584 god. I couldn't go.   (Rose's lifeboat is lowered slowly into the sea. Rose looks up at Jackue584 tears pouring down her face. Suddenlyue584 she climbs back onto the Titanicue584 scrambling onto the deck below Cal and Jack.)   JACK: Rose! Noooo!   CAL: Stop her!   JACK: Rose! What are you doing?   CAL: Stop her!   JACK: No!   (Jack runs down the stairs to meet her as she runs towards himue584 wearing Cal's coatue584 which has the diamond in its pocket. They embrace.)   JACK: Rose, you"re so stupid! Why did you do that, huh? You"re so stupid, Rose! Why did you do that? Why?   ROSE: You jump, I jump, right?   JACK: Right.   ROSE: Oh, god. I couldn"t go. I couldn"t go, Jack.   JACK: It"s all right. We"ll think of something.   ROSE: At least I"m with you.   JACK: We"ll think of something.   4. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive...   (Both Rose and Jack are in the icy-cold sea now.)   ROSE: I love you, Jack.   JACK: No... Don"t you do that. Don"t say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand me?   ROSE: I"m so cold.   JACK: Listen, Rose. You"re going to get out of here. You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?   ROSE: I can"t feel my body.   JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I"m thankful for that, Rose, I"m thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive... that you won"t give matter what matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.   ROSE: I promise.   JACK: Never let go.   ROSE: I will never let go, Jack, I"ll never let go. 电影故事:杰克和露丝的TITANIC   1. 你要跳的话,我也只好跳下去了。   (甲板上。露丝哭着跑过甲板,被正躺在椅子上抽烟的杰克看到。露丝爬上船舷,背对着船站着,正要跳进大海。)   杰克:别这样。   露丝:别过来!别靠近我!   杰克:来,把手给我,我把你拉过来。   露丝:不!站在那儿别动!我是认真的!我要跳了!   杰克:不,你不会跳的。   露丝:你说我不会跳是什么意思?别妄想跟我讲该怎么不该怎么的废话。你不了解我。   杰克:你真想跳的话早就跳了。   露丝:你在分散我的注意力。滚开!   杰克:不行,现在我给卷进来了。你要跳的话,我也只好跳下去。   (杰克开始脱鞋子。)   露丝:别傻了,你会死的。   杰克:我水性很好。   露丝:这么高跳下去,摔也摔死了。   杰克:可能很痛,我没说不痛,不过实话讲,我更怕水太凉了。   露丝:多凉?   杰克:像冰一样。顶多高几度。你,呃,你去过威斯康辛州没有?   露丝:什么州?   杰克: 那儿的冬天最冷。我在那儿长大,在奇普瓦瀑布那儿。我记得小时候我爸爸和我去委索塔冰湖钓鱼,在冰湖上钓鱼,你知道吗,就是当你……   露丝:我知道!   杰克:对不起,我以为你是那种足不出户的女孩子呢。总之,我,呃,踩到一片薄冰上掉下水去,我告诉你吧,水真冷,就像下面的水一样,打在身上,就像千万把小刀刺进身体一样,你不能呼吸,不能思考,只觉得浑身刺痛。所以我不想跟你跳下去。不过,我也没有别的选择。所以我还是希望你能从船舷爬进来,让我得到解脱。   (他开始脱上衣。)   露丝:你疯了。   杰克: 人人都这么说,不过不管从哪方面说,我没像你一样让自己挂在船舷上。来,来,把手给我,你不想往下跳。   (她抓住他的手,转过身来,他们互相看着,中间隔着船舷。)   杰克:我叫杰克·唐逊。   露丝:我叫露丝·迪维特·布凯特。   2. 只有你自己能够救自己。   (露丝和杰克单独一起在房间里。)   露丝:杰克,这不可能。我不能见你。   杰克:我需要与你谈谈。   露丝:不行,杰克,不。杰克,我已和卡尔订婚,我爱卡尔。   杰克:露丝,你不轻松,你知道吗?你甚至给宠坏了。但你是一个内心高尚的棒女孩——,是我从未遇见过的女人……   露丝:杰克,我……   杰克:不,听我说完。你,你很美。我不是傻瓜,知道是怎么回事。我口袋里只有十元,我知道不能给你什么,我知道。但我不能自拔。你跳下,我也跳下,记得吗?我不能不顾你而转身离去。我只想这样。   露丝:哦,我很好。我会很好的,真的。   杰克:真的?我不觉得。他们已将你困住,露丝。如果不早日挣脱出来,你便会死去。也许不是现在,因为你还年轻。但迟早,我所爱的那团火,露丝,你身上的那团火终究会燃尽。   露丝:不用你来救我,杰克。   杰克:对,只有你自己能够救自己。   3. 哦,上帝。我不能走。   (露丝的救生艇徐徐降下。露丝抬头望着杰克,泪如雨下。突然,她爬回泰坦尼克号,从卡尔和杰克脚下的甲板跌跌撞撞地爬上船。)   杰克:露丝。不要!   卡尔:拦住她!   杰克:露丝,你干嘛?   卡尔:拦住她!   杰克:不要!   (杰克奔下楼去,两人朝着对方跑去。露丝身穿卡尔的外套,口袋里有那枚钻石。他们拥抱。)   杰克: 露丝,你真蠢!你为什么这样做?你真蠢,露丝!你为什么这样做?为什么?   露丝:你跳下,我就跳下,对吗?   杰克:对。   露丝:哦,上帝。我不能走。我不能,杰克。   杰克:好了,没事了。我们想别的办法。   露丝:至少我和你在一起了。   杰克:我们想想别的办法。   4. 你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……   (露丝和杰克都在冰冷的海水中)   露丝:杰克,我爱你。   杰克:别,别这样。不要说再见。还不是时候。你明白了吗?   露丝:我觉得很冷。   杰克: 听我说,露丝。你一定能脱险的。你要活下去,生许多孩子,看着他们长大。你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上。而不是今晚在这里,不是像这样死去。你明白了吗?   露丝:我失去知觉了。   杰克:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事。让我认识了你。感谢上苍,露丝,我是那么感激它!你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃。答应我,露丝,永不放弃你对我的。   露丝:我答应你。   杰克:永不放弃。   露丝:我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。

citation和reference有什么区别?bibliography和reference list有什么区别

cication格式在英语论文里是引用论文或文献的专用词。比较专业 reference 是引用别人的观点 语言 或者网站啊 什么的 bibiography 和reference 的作用差不多


cication格式在英语论文里是引用论文或文献的专用词。比较专业 reference 是引用别人的观点 语言 或者网站啊 什么的 bibiography 和reference 的作用差不多

vital structures是什么意思

  vital structures的中文翻译  vital structures  生命结构


是他自己将两首歌合成后改编的,西班牙部分是Volare-Gipsy kings ,中文部分就叫senorita,是沙宝亮唱的,个人觉得原版还没他唱的好听,仅代表个人看法啊。

reasons for first settlers: siberian tribes, christopher columbus, john cabot, puritans回答不是翻译


gross capital formation是什么意思


Ave Maria (1987 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Ave Maria (1987 Digital Remaster)歌手:Maurice André&Jane Parker-Smith专辑:Music For TrumpetAVE MARIA作词:平原绫香作曲:Giulio Caccini歌:平原绫香AVE MARIAAVE MARIA今を生きている 【生存于此刻】それがこの私の真実 【这便是我当下的真实】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA信じることの灯火で 【点起那支信念的火把】心残りだけを燃やして 【燃烧心中不舍的眷恋】AVE MARIA爱からすべてがはじまるように 【如同一切由爱而始】すべてが爱で终わりますように 【也愿一切随爱而终】AVE MARIAAVE MARIA死ぬまで 【直至死亡来临之日】音楽と共に生きるために 【只愿与音乐共伴此生】どうか私に力を 【为此 请赐予我力量】AVE MARIA终わり

ave maria的歌词,要vitas版的



regurgitate美 [ru026a"ɡu025crdu0292u026a.teu026at] 英 [ru026a"ɡu025cu02d0(r)du0292u026ateu026at]v.反刍;使(咽下的食物)返回到口中;照搬;拾人牙慧反胃;回流;喷回第三人称单数:regurgitates 现在分词:regurgitating 过去式:regurgitated 例句筛选1.For the exam, you must be able to regurgitate the information.对于考试,你必须能够让知识重现。2.regurgitate : To cause to pour back, especially to cast up (partiallydigested food).造成回翻,特别是反胃(部分消化的食物)

highest occupied molecular orbital是什么意思

highest occupied molecular orbital最高占有分子轨道; 例句Molecular orbital of the conjugated diene. 共轭二烯基态的分子轨道。

什么是分子轨道理论(molecular orbital theory)?


digital transformation什么意思

digital transformation数字化转换; 例句:1.By minimizing the need for workers to change their work habits, while mitigating thefinancial risk in investing in new and unproven technologies, a fail-safe methodology forembracing the digital transformation can be created and adoption barriers can beremoved. 这种方式是融入数字化变革的万全之策,既减少了员工工作习惯的变化,同时又缓和了对新型前沿技术的投资风险,而且对新技术的适应障碍也迎刃而解。2.Ces is the burning man of digital transformation, "says neil ashe, the head of wal-mart"s$13 billion--but money-losing--e-commerce effort. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)电子商务业务负责人尼尔u2022阿什指出“CES是数字化转型领域的火人节


whose:his her their 他的/她的/他们的 hospital :infirmary clinic 、Academy 医务室/诊所/研究院 skip:cut hop skim 切开/登上/使掠过 his:my your、our 我的/你的/我们的




是www.italki.com网站吧,我专门查询了下 服务器是在美国 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司 最近国内访问外国的网站比较不稳定可能过段时间就好了可以通过修改自己的dns 来改善如把自己的dns改成google的还有一种办法就是加host文件 可以找到对应网站ip添加到host文件里面 具体可以自己百度看看怎么改

英语an xml-based digital publishing format翻译?

an xml-based digital publishing format一种基于xml的数字出版格式

capital, cost,和 principal的区别

capital:资本,资金;财富,财产;解释:主要指用来投资或建立企业等所需要的大笔资金;或者是个人或企业所拥有的财富;principal:本金;解释:在投资上,指没有利息等其他损益的原始资金。cost n. 价钱,代价; 花费,费用; 牺牲; [用复数][法律] 诉讼费; vi. 价钱为,花费; 估计成本; vt. 付出代价; 估价; 使丧失; 使付出努力; [例句]Three is the cost of raw materials.第三个是原材料成本。

请问什么是竞争定量PCR(competitive quantitative PCR)

去哪里找最出色的生命科学学术交流论坛?>>> 竞争定量PCR(competitive quantitative PCR) 竞争定量PCR是先构建一个与靶基因相同的扩增效率和引物结合位点仅探针结合位点不同的内标,在同一反应管内,靶基因和内标物和引物(primer)竞争性结合,进行同步扩增,由于竞争作用,当一种模板量逐渐增加时,另一种模板的扩增产物相对逐渐减少,但两种扩增产物的比值和两种初始状态时模板分子数的比值是一致的。根据标准品的准确含量制作标准曲线,从而进行准确核酸定量。由于内标品构建中特别要求是Ev与靶基因扩增效率一致,如果靶基因序列和内标相同,那么扩增过程中两者的实际扩增效率就接近一致,就可以对靶基因进行绝对定量,即确定样品中靶基因准确分子数,否则只能相对定量,即确定样本间靶基因分子数的差异,总体上说,加入内标物,消除PCR扩增过程中于反应管和反应管间以及标本之间存在差异。因此,内标法是目前PCR定量方法中最准确的方法,但构建内标物是建立本方法的关键。 构建内标物的基本原则是内标物具有靶基因的相同扩增条件和相同扩增效率。和可区别于靶基因探针结合位点与不干扰靶基因的扩增。因此,理想的内标物应具备与靶基因序列待分析序列相同的引物结合位点,相似的或相同大小、相似的碱基排列顺序。

Capital Investment是资本什么的意思啊?

1、Capital Investment直接翻译是资金总额,大多数翻译为投资资本。一般用在投资后会有长期固定收益的资产上,譬如投资在土地 房地产开发、厂房 、生产机械设备。2、投资资本是指所有投资者投入企业经营的全部资金的账面价值,包括债务资本和股本资本。其中,债务资本是指债权人提供的短期和长期贷款,不包括应付账款、应付单据、其他应付款等商业信用负债。投资资本也是企业全部资产减去其商业信用债务后的净值。投资资本=权益资本投入额+债务资本投入额  =股东权益+全部利息债务=营运资本+长期资产净值-无息长期负债

Capital Investment是资本投资的意思吗?

是资金总额或者是资本投资的意思 。Capital 是资本之意而Investment 有投资之意

capital investment是什么意思

capital investment资本投资

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City Lights (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

City lights作词: Eduard swoboda 作曲: 张咪编曲: Mike Ottis演唱: 张咪When the sun goes downAnd the night comes than I feel aloneSo I"m searching for you out thereIn the streets of this cityMemorys are everywhereThousend dreams with you to shareAnd I feel you so deep in meYou are always in my mindTears are making me just blindAnd I can"t stop thinking of youOu ou ou ouI wanna tell youHow much I need youHow much I want you – tonightI wanna touch youI wanna kiss youI wont you – with me - tonightAhhhhhhhh city lightAhhhhhhhh city lightI walk alone by nightWithout you is this city so quietAnd I see your eyes around meIn the lights of this cityI don"t know what"s going onI"m waiting for you by the phoneAnd I wish you – come back to meIf I hurt you with my wordsPlease give me one more chanceAnd I don"t want stop loving youOuouououI wanna tell youHow much I need youHow much I want you - tonightI wanna touch youI wanna kiss youI wont you - with me - tonightAhhhhhhhh city lightAhhhhhhhh city light

Fast Cars (1996 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fast Cars (1996 Digital Remaster)歌手:Buzzcocks专辑:Another Music In A Different Kitchen (Special Edition)You got a fast carI want a ticket to anywhereMaybe we make a dealMaybe together we can get somewhereAnyplace is betterStarting from zero got nothing to loseMaybe we"ll make somethingBut me myself I got nothing to proveYou got a fast carAnd I got a plan to get us out of hereI been working at the convenience storeManaged to save just a little bit of moneyWe won"t have to drive too farJust "cross the border and into the cityYou and I can both get jobsAnd finally see what it means to be livingYou see my old man"s got a problemHe live with the bottle that"s the way it isHe says his body"s too old for workingI say his body"s too young to look like hisMy mama went off and left himShe wanted more from life than he could giveI said somebody"s got to take care of himSo I quit school and that"s what I didYou got a fast carBut is it fast enough so we can fly awayWe gotta make a decisionWe leave tonight or live and die this wayI remember we were driving driving in your carThe speed so fast I felt like I was drunkCity lights lay out before usAnd your arm felt nice wrapped "round my shoulderAnd I had a feeling that I belongedAnd I had feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someoneYou got a fast carAnd we go cruising to entertain ourselvesYou still ain"t got a jobAnd I work in a market as a checkout girlI know things will get betterYou"ll find work and I"ll get promotedWe"ll move out of the shelterBuy a big house and live in the suburbsYou got a fast carAnd I got a job that pays all our billsYou stay out drinking late at the barSee more of your friends than you do of your kidsI"d always hoped for betterThought maybe together you and me would find itI got no plans I ain"t going nowhereSo take your fast car and keep on drivingYou got a fast carBut is it fast enough so you can fly awayYou gotta make a decision


doctor 医生operation 动手术surgery 开刀surgeon 动手术的医生disease,illness,疾病medication,medicine 药物不如你要什么词你写出来,我帮你翻译英语好了

habitational和residential 的区别

区别是:habitational指的是访客。residential 指的是住宅的,适于作住宅的。例句辨析:habitational1、The other day we had some habitational from Switzerland 前几天我们接待了几位来自瑞士的参观者。2、As a student I lived in Oxford but was a frequent habitational to Belfast. 求学时我住在牛津,但常常去贝尔法斯特。3、His habitational"s visa expired. 他的访问签证过期了。residential 1、Fontbonne is a liberal arts college, located in a residential suburb of St. Louis.大学是一所文科大学,位于圣路易斯市郊的居民区。2、Training involves a two-year residential course 培训包含一门为期两年的住校学习课程。3、Small residential areas have become a priority with the Ministry of Construction.建设居民小区是建设部要优先解决的问题。

suitable for还可以用什么单词替换。

fitting for / appropriate for,基本能通用吧?

american depositary shares是什么意思

american depositary shares [经] 美国保管人股份 [例句]Its initial public offering of 7.5 million american depositary shares was priced at $ 15 each , topping the expected pricing range of $ 11 to $ 13.新东方通过首次公开招股共发行750万股美国存托凭证,每股发行价为15美元,超过了此前预期的11至13美元。

Adelitas Way的《Scream》 歌词

歌曲名:Scream歌手:Adelitas Way专辑:Adelitas WayAdelitas Way - ScreamLight the gasolineI"ve got the remedyTo burn your memoriesI don"t know if you canNever be afraidTo live with the lies of painYou"re never gonna be the sameI don"t know if you canI wanna take it too farCome on, don"t be shyI wanna make you go down, downWant to make you screamHow I live my lifeWhen I have no choiceI see it in your eyes, you"re crazyJust scream how it feels insideLet me hear your voiceAnd make it loud this timeIt opens up my mindTell me what you seeI"m not your enemyIf that"s what you wanna beI don"t know if you canWhen you scream my nameWhen I take all the blameIt"s never gonna be the sameI don"t know if you canI wanna take it too farCome on, don"t be shyI wanna make you go down, downWant to make you screamHow I live my lifeWhen I have no choiceI see it in your eyes, you"re crazyJust scream how it feels insideLet me hear your voiceAnd make it loud this timeIt opens up my mind(When you scream)Maybe you"re in denial(It kills me)I can see it, it"s on your face(Just scream)Now I"m breaking the silence(When you scream)Let it go, I can take it awayWant to make you screamHow I live my lifeWhen I have no choiceI see it in your eyes, you"re crazyJust scream how it feels insideLet me hear your voiceAnd make it loud this timeIt opens up my mindMaybe you"re in denialWant to make you screamI can see it, it"s on your faceWhen you screamNow I"m breaking the silenceWant to make you screamLet it go, I can take it away

Side By Side (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

破れている 中身出てる可鐖堡らのBABY 君だって糸の付いた閽垽颏铯ふさいでやろう BABY SIDE BY SIDE缂Α·筏盲辘如籍う 閾逗婴喂皮蓼まだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABY真っ赤でいて 冷めないでまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない破れている かなり深くここは十字にBABY SIDE BY SIDE缂Α·妞盲辘如籍う 鐖堡紊舷まだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABY真っ赤でいて 冷めないでまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃないまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない閿惱书攼利な喫茶店にはシガレット ボサノヴァ スィーツベーコンエッグサンド鏃犚馕钉疏繃去のテーブルでほおづえ付いたらまた鏂─椁欷毪そこ缂盲皮长崇籍って泣かないで泣かないでまだBABY耐えるんだまだ椤秸嗓袱恪¢〗丈じゃないまだBABY まだBABYまだBABY まだBABYまだBABY 鍗帳浃いまだ平穏じゃ 平穏じゃない一杩囆预捂ⅵ想でもない鏃犂恧诵ΔΔ韦瑜蝗绻馨锏侥悖榉车慊鳌坝杏谩保恍唬

请问"intellectual heritage "这个课程的中文翻译是什么?


《la isla bonita》中英文歌词与翻译结果

LAISLABONITA风光秀丽的小岛 last night i dream to fsanpedro昨夜,我梦见sanPedro just like i"d never gone, i knew the song仿佛我从未去过,我知道这首歌 a young girl with eyes like the desert一位女郎眼神冷如荒漠 it all seems like yesterday,not far away一切恍如昨日,并不遥远 tropica lthe island breeze热带小岛的微风 all of nature,wild and free所有的自然,疯狂和自由 this is where i long to be这正是我梦中的天堂 la is la bonita风光秀丽的小岛 and when the samba played还有当桑巴响起 the sun would set so high太阳高悬天际 ring through my ears and sting my eyes回响于我耳畔、灼伤我双目 you Spanish lullaby你西班牙的小夜曲 i fell in love with sanpedro我爱上了sanPedro warm wind carried on the sea,he called to me海上的暖风拂过,他呼唤着我 te djo teamo他说“我爱你”(西班牙语) i prayed that tthe days would last我祈祷时光凝滞 they went so fast它却匆匆而过 tropical the island breeze热带小岛的微风 all o fnature,wild and free所有的自然,疯狂和自由 this is where i long to be这正是我梦中的天堂 la is la bonita风光秀丽的小岛 and when the samba played还有当桑巴响起 the sun would set so high太阳高悬天际 ring through my ears and sting my eyes回响于我耳畔、灼伤我双目 you Spanish lullaby你西班牙的小夜曲 i want to be where the sun warms the sky我想悬浮于天空中--那里阳光温暖 when it"s time for siesta you can watch them go by当午眠之时你可看他们经过 beautiful faces,no cares in this world美丽的面孔,世上不再有忧伤 where a girl loves a boy当一个女孩爱上一个男孩 and a boy loves a girl一个男孩也爱着那个女孩

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我跟你一样。不过华威是Global media and communication,已经决定去华威了,谢大新闻不错,但是全球新闻专业确实理论性强~





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Robinson (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲:ロビンソン (robinson)歌手:スピッツ (spitz)作词:草野正宗作曲:草野正宗新しい季节は なぜかせつない日々で /在新的季节里 无缘无故闷热的每天河原の道を自転车で 走る君を追いかけた /骑著脚踏车在河原路上 追赶著奔跑的你思い出のレコードと 大げさなエピソードを /回忆的唱片和夸大的小插曲疲れた肩にぶらさげて しかめつら まぶしそうに /悬挂在疲累的肩上 愁眉苦脸是那样的刺眼同じセリフ 同じ时 思わず口にするような /不知不觉 在同样的时候说出同样的台词ありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ /用平常的魔法完成了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 君の手を离さぬように /谁也不能碰触你我的二人国度 就这样不放开你的手大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在强大的力量下 浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风片隅に舍てられて 呼吸をやめない猫も /被丢在角落却不放弃呼吸的猫どこか似ている 抱き上げて 无理やりに頬よせるよ / 不知和我有某个地方相似 无理取闹地抱起它贴近脸颊いつもの交差点で 见上げた丸い窓は /一如往常的十字路口 由下往上看圆型的窗子うす汚れてる ぎりぎりの 三日月も仆を见てた /稍微弄脏了的细细月牙也看到了我待ちぶせた梦のほとり 惊いた君の瞳 /埋伏在梦的岸边 被惊吓了的你的双眼そして仆ら今ここで 生まれ変わるよ /而且我们今天在这里都重生了谁も触われない 二人だけの国 终わらない歌ばらまいて /谁也不能碰触只有两人的国度 没有终止的放声歌唱大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风大きな力で 空に浮かべたら ルラ ラ 宇宙の风に乗る /在好大的力量下 若浮在空中 噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风ルララ 宇宙の风に乗る /噜啦啦---乘著宇宙的风

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tears on my guitar 的歌词!

Drew looks at meI fake a smile so he won"t seeWhat I want and needAnd everything that we should beI"ll bet she"s beautifulThat girl he talks aboutAnd she"s got everythingThat I have to live withoutDrew talks to meI laugh cause its so damn funnyBut I can"t even see anyone when he"s with meHe says he"s so in loveHe"s finally got it rightI wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at nightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singingDon"t know why I doDrew walks by meCan he tell that I can"t breatheAnd there he goes, so perfectlyThe kind of flawless I wish I could beShe better hold him tightGive him all her loveLook in those beautiful eyesAnd know she"s lucky causeHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singingDon"t know why I doSo I drive home one nightAs I turn out the lightI"ll put his picture downAnd maybe get some sleep tonightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only one that"s got enough of me to break my heartHe"s the song in the car I keep singingDon"t know why I doHe"s the time taken upBut there"s never enoughAnd he"s all that I need to fall intoDrew looks at meI fake a smile so he won"t see

Teardrops on my guitar 的中英文对照歌词

Taylor Swift《Tear drops on my guitar》的中英文歌词Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?德鲁经过我身旁, 他知道我难以呼吸吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,他那样走着, 多完美The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love她最好把他握紧, 给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我独自回家, 关了灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片放下, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart唯一能让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough他是我想抓住的时间, 但是却永远也不够And he"s all that I need to fall into..他是我所需要的所有Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着

Teardrops On My Guitar 歌词 翻译


tear drops on my guitar歌词翻译

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部。[Chorus:] [合唱:] He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 他使我的泪水滴在吉他原因 The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star 是唯一在许愿星里的希望He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do 在车上他的这首歌我一直唱,不知道为什么我不那样做 Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe? 德鲁陪我走,可他告诉我不能呼吸? And there he goes, so perfectly, 无论他去哪里,都如此完美, The kind of flawless I wish I could be 没有瑕疵的我希望能有爱心 She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love 她认为他最紧张给他所有的爱 Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause 看看那些美丽的眼睛 , 知道她的幸运事业 [Repeat Chorus] [重复合唱] So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light 因此 , 我独自驾车回家,我关了灯 I"ll put his picture down and maybe 也许我要把他的照片放下Get some sleep tonight 今晚会得到一些睡眠 He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 他使我的泪水滴在吉他原因 The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart 只有谁拥有足以让我打破我的心 He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do 在车上他的这首歌我一直唱,不知道为什么我不这么做 He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough 他所采取的时间从来没够 And he"s all that I need to fall into.. 我需要落入他的一切.. Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着

tear drops on my guitar 的中文歌词

Taylor Swift《Tear drops on my guitar》的中英文歌词Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?德鲁经过我身旁, 他知道我难以呼吸吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,他那样走着, 多完美The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love她最好把他握紧, 给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我独自回家, 关了灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片放下, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart唯一能让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough他是我想抓住的时间, 但是却永远也不够And he"s all that I need to fall into..他是我所需要的所有Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着

Teardrops On My Guitar 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrops On My Guitar歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Beautiful EyesDrew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t seeThat I want and I"m needing everything that we should beI"ll be she"s beautiful, that girl he talks aboutAnd she"s got everything that I have to live withoutDrew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funnyThat I can"t even see anyone when he"s with meHe says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at nightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doDrew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?And there he goes, so perfectly,The kind of flawless I wish I could beShe"d better hold him tight, give him all her loveLook in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky causeHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doSo I drive home alone, as I turn out the lightI"ll put his picture down and maybeGet some sleep tonightThe only one who"s got enough for me to break my heartHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doHe"s the time taken up, but there"s never enoughAnd he"s all that I need to fall into..Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.

Teardrops on My Guitar 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrops on My Guitar歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Journey To Fearless The Ultimate Live ExperienceDrew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t seeThat I want and I"m needing everything that we should beI"ll be she"s beautiful, that girl he talks aboutAnd she"s got everything that I have to live withoutDrew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funnyThat I can"t even see anyone when he"s with meHe says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at nightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doDrew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?And there he goes, so perfectly,The kind of flawless I wish I could beShe"d better hold him tight, give him all her loveLook in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky causeHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doSo I drive home alone, as I turn out the lightI"ll put his picture down and maybeGet some sleep tonightThe only one who"s got enough for me to break my heartHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doHe"s the time taken up, but there"s never enoughAnd he"s all that I need to fall into..Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.

一个女生对我唱了泰勒斯威夫特的teardrops on my guitar ,有什么含义在里面吗?


Teardrops On My Guitar (Pop Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Teardrops On My Guitar (Pop Version)歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Taylor SwiftTaylor Swift-Teardrops On My Guitar (Bonus Track)Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t seeThat I want and I"m needing everything that we should beI"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks aboutAnd she"s got everything that I have to live withoutDrew talks to me, I laugh "cause It"s just so damn funnyThat I can"t even see anyone when he"s with meHe says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it rightI wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at nightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doDrew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?And there he goes, so perfectlyThe kind of flawless I wish I could beShe"d better hold him tight, give him all her loveLook in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky causeHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing starHe"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I doSo I drive home alone, as I turn out the lightI"ll put his picture down and maybeGet some sleep tonightHe"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitarThe Only one who"s got enough of me to break my heartHe"s the song in the car I keep singing don"t know why I doHe"s the time taken up but there"s never enoughAnd he"s all that I need to fall into...Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.

泰勒斯威夫特teardrops on my guitar 中英对照歌词

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想要,我需要我们应该有的全部I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩肯定很漂亮, And she"s got everything that I have to live without她拥有我不能得到的一切Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so damn funny德鲁跟我说话, 我笑起来,因为真的很好笑That I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我居然谁也看不到He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他说他在热恋中, 他终于得到了命中注定的人I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night他知道吗, 他占据我夜晚时分脑子的全部He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?德鲁经过我身旁, 他知道我难以呼吸吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,他那样走着, 多完美The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love她最好把他握紧, 给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star这唯一让我一直向许愿星许愿的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我独自回家, 关了灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片放下, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart唯一能让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在小车中总唱的那首歌, 却不知我为什么那样做He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough他是我想抓住的时间, 但是却永远也不够And he"s all that I need to fall into..他是我所需要的所有Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.德鲁看着我, 我假装开心一笑,掩饰着

《teardrops on my guitar》的歌词加翻译

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t seeDrew他看着我, 我假装地摆出一个笑脸 ,但他看不出来...That I want and I"m needing everything that we should be我想得到是我正想要的,那我们本应有的所有东西I"ll bet she"s beautiful, that girl he talks about我打赌他说的那个女孩一定很漂亮,And she"s got everything that I have to live without并且她还能拥有我不能得到的一切东西Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it"s so funnyDrew和我一起聊天, 我笑起来,只因为真的很好笑But I can"t even see anyone when he"s with me他跟我在一起时, 我甚至无视了任何人He says he"s so in love, he"s finally got it right,他告诉我他正深爱着一个女孩, 可他也终有爱她的权利I wonder if he knows he"s all I think about at night我在想如果他知道我每天晚上想的都是他,他是会怎么样?He"sthe reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他让我的眼泪掉在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star是他让我天天向许愿星祈祷He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在车里一直一直唱着的歌,虽然我不知道为什么要这样做……Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can"t breathe?Drew从我身边走过,他知道我紧张地连呼吸都没有了吗?And there he goes, so perfectly,完美的他迈着完美的步伐The kind of flawless I wish I could be我希望我也可以那样无瑕She"d better hold him tight, give him all her love然后她也最好紧紧抱住他,给他她所有的爱Look in those beautiful eyes and know she"s lucky cause望进那双美丽的眼睛, 要知道她很幸运因为He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他使我的泪珠落在吉他上The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star是他让我天天向许愿星祈祷He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在车里一直一直唱着的歌,虽然我不知道为什么要这样做……So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light我自己开着车回了家,然后关掉车灯I"ll put his picture down and maybe我把他的相片收起来, 也许Get some sleep tonight今夜可以安眠He"s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar是他让我的眼泪掉在吉他上The only one who"s got enough for me to break my heart是他可以成为唯一足以让我心碎的人He"s the song in the car I keep singing, don"t know why I do他是我在车里一直一直唱着的歌,虽然我不知道为什么要这样做……He"s the time taken up, but there"s never enough是他占用了我那么多时间,可那远远不够...And he"s all that I need to fall into..我只需要他能在我需要时当我的依靠Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won"t see.Drew他看着我, 我假装地摆出一个笑脸 ,但他看不出来...




limit和limitation的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。imitation意思:限制;缺点。limit意思:限度;界限。一、用法不同。1.limitation用法:基本意思是“限制”“限定”,指对空间、时间、程度、数目等划定界限或极限,这个界限不可逾越或不允许逾越。2.limit用法:基本意思是“限度,限制”,指事物在某〔些〕方面(如空间、时间、程度、数量等)划定的不可逾越的界限。用于比喻则指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限,其前通常加不定冠词。也可指“无法忍受的人,糟糕得令人难以忍受的事”,此时常与定冠词the连用。二、侧重点不同。1.limitation侧重点: limitation只能作为主语或宾语。2.limit侧重点: limit只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以介词to引起的短语充当补足语的复合宾语,但不可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。


1、词性的不同:limitation只能作为名词使用,limit可以作为名词和动词使用。 2、名词意思不同:limitation作为名词除了限制,还有缺点的意思,而limit作为名词意思是限制和界限等。 3、作用不同:limit只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,limitation只能作为主语或宾语。 扩展资料   名词意思不同   limitation作为名词除了限制,还有缺点的意思,而limit作为名词意思是限制和界限。limit是指人、事、物由于自身属性或者规则限定导致的上下限、极限、限量或限额。limitation是指人或客观条件用行动、规则等去制约了某件事、行动或客体。   句子中的作用不同   limit只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以介词to引起的短语充当补足语的"复合宾语,但不可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语,limitation只能作为主语或宾语。   limit是指人、事、物由于自身属性或者规则限定导致的上下限、极限、限量或限额。   limitation是指人或客观条件用行动、规则等去制约了某件事、行动或客体。


虽然很多时候两个单词都可以被简单地译为限制,但是区别还是很大的。limit是指人、事、物由于自身属性或者规则限定导致的上下限、极限、限量或限额。例如:speed limit 限速 limits of power 权限limitation是指人或客观条件用行动、规则等去制约了某件事、行动或客体。例如:limitation on imports 进口限制 limitation of my mind 思想的局限性


limit:n.限度;限制;极限;限量;限额; limitation:n.限制;控制;起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件) 扩展资料   侧重点区别:   1.limitation侧重点:limitation只能作为主语或宾语。   2.limit侧重点:limit只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以介词to引起的短语充当补足语的`复合宾语,但不可接以动词不定式充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。   用法区别:   1.limitation用法:基本意思是“限制”“限定”,指对空间、时间、程度、数目等划定界限或极限,这个界限不可逾越或不允许逾越。   2.limit用法:基本意思是“限度,限制”,指事物在某〔些〕方面(如空间、时间、程度、数量等)划定的不可逾越的界限。用于比喻则指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限,其前通常加不定冠词,也可指“无法忍受的人,糟糕得令人难以忍受的事”,此时常与定冠词the连用。

limit limitation 含义和用法有什么区别

limitation是指限制(措施),而limit侧重所允许的最高量(时间、数目等)。如speed limit(限速),限制学生课外活动既涉及种类也涉及时间,甚至也可以表示激烈程度等,没有明确的量的衡量标准,或者说根本就不是在说“量”的问题,所以不能用limites.但可以说put a limit to the time spent on...

endnote里Convert Citations and Bibliography这个是干嘛用 的

Convert Citations and Bibliography 即转换引文及参考文献(的格式),你注意看后面还会有个下拉小箭头,点开之后就是 convert to plain text / convert to unformatted citations 以及 Converting Word 2007 Citations to EndNote 这样三个选项。原来的引文(就是正文里做的标注)和最后面的参考文献之间是通过域代码关联在一起的,比如不同的地方引用同一文献,引文可以有多个但最后的参考文献只有一个;再比如在原来的基础上再添加一些参考文献,引文的序号以及参考文献的顺序都会自动改变,这就是域的作用。但是有时候也需要把域代码去掉,不然参考文献中临时的一些格式修改会自动刷新成endnote中对应style的格式,等等。要去掉域代码,不让引文跟参考文献关联,就需要用到onvert Citations and Bibliography这个功能。注意转换会在一个新文档里进行,需要保存,原有的文档保持不变。百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~


  skinrevitalisingbodylotion:皮肤再生身体乳液  在正常情况下,表皮角质层细胞不断脱落,由基底细胞增殖补充,这是生理性再生。如皮肤受到损伤后修复愈合,则称补偿性再生,其再生过程和修复时间,因受伤的面积和深度而有不同。小面积的损伤,数天即能愈合,且不留瘢痕。  皮肤的再生过程是:  损伤面发生凝血,下面结缔组织内的成纤维细胞增殖,毛细血管增多,形成肉芽组织,接着产生胶原纤维和基质,形成新的结缔组织以修补伤口,同时,伤口处周围表皮的基底细胞,以及残存的毛囊和汗腺上皮细胞不断分裂,覆盖损伤表面,最后形成,复层上皮,伤口即完全愈合。如皮肤损伤面积较大较深时,表皮修复比较困难,需采取植皮的方法,帮助创伤修复,创伤修复后常留下瘢痕。

Jura-Me (Jurame) (1994 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Jura-Me (Jurame) (1994 Digital Remaster)歌手:José Augusto专辑:Nova Bis - José Augusto「Juramento」作词:畑亜贵作曲.编曲:末广健一郎歌:结城アイラ谁(だれ)の为(ため)に?生(い)きながら消(き)えながら赛(さい)が投(な)げられたいまこそ感(かん)じるよ夺(うば)うよりも与(あた)えたい気持(きも)ちへと向(む)かう决断(けつだん)が谁(だれ)かを突(つ)き落(お)とす平和(へいわ)だったただの见(み)せかけでも笑颜(えがお)だけは真実(しんじつ)だと信(しん)じない寂(さび)しさは舍(す)てよう帰(かえ)るよ帰(かえ)るから君(きみ)の元(もと)へ泣(な)きながら明(あ)けない夜(よる)を呼(よ)ぶよりも美(うつく)しい梦见(ゆめみ)て静(しず)かに静(しず)かなる希望(きぼう)の路(みち)命(いのち)かけた自分(じぶん)へのEI Juramento迷(まよ)う度(たび)に寒(さむ)くなる怖(こわ)くなる告(つ)げるつもりじゃなかったと呟(つぶや)く孤独(こどく)なんて全部(ぜんぶ)人(ひと)のせいで无茶(むちゃ)と无理(むり)を押(お)しつけてた変(か)わるんだこの命(いのち)果(は)てても勇気(ゆうき)は勇気(ゆうき)など忘(わす)れ走(はし)る优(やさ)しさで戦(たたか)う者(もの)が宿(やど)す火(ひ)につかのま梦见(ゆめみ)る待(ま)ってて待(ま)つ时(とき)を长(なが)く思(おも)う少(すこ)し前(まえ)に终(お)われよと愿(ねが)う日(ひ)帰(かえ)るよ帰(かえ)るから君(きみ)の元(もと)へ泣(な)きながら明(あ)けない夜(よる)を呼(よ)ぶよりも美(うつく)しい梦见(ゆめみ)て静(しず)かに静(しず)かなる希望(きぼう)の路(みち)命(いのち)かけた自分(じぶん)へのEI Juramento强(つよ)き心(こころ)にて誓(ちか)うよ终わり


一汽大众sagitar就是一汽大众速腾。2016年6月7日,一汽大众新速腾GLI正式上市,新车仅提供一款车型,并且搭载2.0T涡轮增压发动机,售价为21.88万元。外观上,GLI延续了普通速腾的设计风格,不过在细节之处有所改变。大灯组方面,前大灯和尾灯都采用了普通版速腾的设计,并且配备了LED日间行车灯和近远光一体式氙气大灯,点亮后视觉效果不错。车身尺寸和老款速腾保持一致,尺寸依旧是4664/1785/1480mm,轴距为2651mm。尾部方面,新车比普通版速腾多出了一个扰流板,彰显其运动的风格,尾灯还进行了熏黑处理,采用了LED光源。扩展资料:新速腾GLI进行了校服的调整,中控台区域加入了钢琴烤漆材质,座椅采用了Alcantara双拼座椅,质感十分不错。另外在方向盘、换挡杆、手刹、以及前后排座椅等位置加入红色缝线进行点缀,努力营造更富激情的驾驶氛围。其他方面和普通版速腾基本保持一致。除此之外,四个车门处均配备了带有GLI车型专属的迎宾踏板,亮度可调的内饰氛围灯也提升了整车的高级感。动力方面,这款新车依旧搭载的是第二代EA888 2.0T发动机,其最大输出功率为200Ps,峰值扭矩为280Nm,传动系统与发动机匹配的是6速DSG湿式双离合变速箱,动力系统并没有搭载第三代的EA888发动机。参考资料来源:人民网——售21.88万元 一汽-大众新速腾GLI正式上市

Loraxx的《Titan》 歌词

歌曲名:Titan歌手:Loraxx专辑:CanadaEvery night in my dreamsI see you,I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we"re oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we"ll always go onNear...far...Wherever you areI believeThat the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you"re here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onYou"re hereThere"s nothing I fearAnd I knowThat my heart will go onWe"ll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on


音乐名:我心依旧(My Heart Will Go On) 电影《泰坦尼克号》的片尾曲也是主题曲My Heart Will Go On 。歌手:Celine Dion (席琳迪翁) 曾使celion.dion在第四十一届格莱美颁奖仪式上独拿三项大奖:最佳年度唱片, 最佳年度歌曲,最佳流行女歌手 席琳·迪翁出生于加拿大魁北克省。是最著名的法语和英语流行女歌手,有流行天后之称。她获得过5次格莱美奖、12次世界音乐奖、7次美国音乐奖、7次美国告示牌、21次朱诺奖和39次Félix Award音乐奖。席琳也被世界媒体誉为90年代至今的跨世纪天后歌手之一(另四位:惠特妮·休斯顿、麦当娜、仙妮亚·唐恩和玛丽亚·凯莉)。2008年5月22日席琳·迪翁在巴黎接受法国总统萨科齐亲自颁发的Legion d"Honneur骑士勋章。作为全球最畅销的女歌手,席琳·迪翁在全球的专辑销量已经超过了2亿张。电影主题曲由好莱坞主流电影著名作曲家詹姆斯u2022霍纳(James Horner)一手炮制。浓烈名族韵味的苏格兰风笛在他的精巧编排下,尽显悠扬婉转而又凄美动人。歌曲的旋律随着海风般上下波动,从最初的平缓低沉到激情高昂再到最后的缠绵,都映衬的电影情节,刚开始的平静欢快,到高潮部分的激情澎湃,到最后的悲痛感人场面结局收尾。电影中插曲在一个男孩抱着女孩腰,女孩张开双手站在船头享受海风迎面而来的经典动作中播放,再配上《我心永恒》插曲,不经给我们留下深刻的浪漫景象。

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