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自己看是不一样的 都是一家产的基本一样 您可以去拍拍 SWISSWIN官方旗舰店 看看


很多人在市面上经常看到swisswin的箱包专柜,于是想了解,现在瑞士军刀威戈背包品牌关系官网就给大家介绍一下。Swisswin就是祥兴厂注册的牌子,广东某个公司经营.他们以前也自称是瑞士品牌,现在基本上不牵涉瑞士军刀品牌了!wenger威戈是正品瑞士军刀牌子。Swisswin是福建国产的牌子,以前是给正品威戈代工的,现在是自有品牌。wenger的品牌介绍,大家可以参看:瑞士军刀品牌威戈wenger百年发展历史本站为了分辨清楚swisswin和wenger的区别,以及swissgear与wenger的区别,写了不少文章,如果你翻看一下,品牌关系这个栏目的文章,你就会恍然大悟,找到你想了解的内容。 品牌关系2012/06/09


真正的瑞士军刀品牌只有二个wenger和VICTORINOX ,前者叫威戈,它的标志是方形中间一个十字,后者叫维氏,标志是盾形中间一个十字。 这二者的关系是威戈兼并了维氏,保留了品牌各自生产自己的军刀,作为高低端面向不同的市场,威戈wenger面向高端,价格高出维氏不少,维氏走平民化路线,其实二者各方面差距不如价格上体现得这么悬殊,除非特殊爱好,维氏已经能满足绝大多数要求。swisswin是彻底的中国生产的XX货,其实也不是假的,因为他有自己的合法商标。你懂的!swissgear是瑞士军刀威戈wenger品牌的一个系列,主要生产背包产品。现在大街小巷很多人背的笔记本电脑双肩包,很多都是swissgear系列的,不信你留意一下就知道了。品牌关系2012/04/23




swissgear是威戈Wenger旗下子系列,好像没有注册商标,不是牌子。算是低端产品,主要是给学生之类的人群用,听说正品的swissgear后面有BY Wenger的标明,反正我在京东买过一个是没有的,应该是我买到假的了。前面的gem没听过。倒是有一个swsswin,是国产的,公司以前是威戈代工厂吧,后来不合作了自己出的品牌,质量应该有保障。UTC行家能买到正品,不过太贵了。我知道的也不多,可能有也不对,看看就行。

WENGER 威戈和SwissGear 瑞士军刀哪个是中国品牌,哪个才是正宗的瑞士军刀牌子?

SwissGear 是中国品牌,WENGER 威戈才是正宗的瑞士军刀牌子SwissGear主要产品是箱包


那么瑞士军刀wenger威戈是怎么回事?威戈是什么牌子?瑞士威戈品牌悠久,创立于1893年。Wenger威戈瑞士军刀是世界公认最好的军刀品牌,它的标志是方形中间一个十字。除了军刀之外,Wenger还有很多产品也很出名,其中包括手表和背包。Wenger代表着世界箱包的颠峰,因此每一个电脑包都符合国际标准,在全球众多的国家畅销,全球信赖倍受人爱。由于Wenger的背包对品质要求比较高,所以价格也不低,适合对背包要求时尚性、重要性和可靠性的朋友选购。   Wenger威戈背包采用世界知名扣具u2013NIFCO,强弯曲度及低温下表现出色,外观紧凑大方,功能划分合理,各种栏位分明,储物空间大,携带方便。瑞士军刀Wenger电脑包采用1680D防水面料,并已经成为世界电脑包销量第一的品牌。2011年wenger鞋进入中国,并在wengermall上销售。Wenger品牌的箱包也以其深厚的品牌文化、富有内涵的设计和优良的工艺而在国际享有很高的名誉。那么如何鉴别瑞士军刀威戈wenger真假?网友一:目前威戈在国内的唯一代理商是UTC,没有其他二级代理。所以你如果想买正品瑞士军刀WENGER包,可以去UTC实体店或者去淘宝威戈官方旗舰店买,淘宝上收到货确认没问题不须要退换货后可以跟他们联系,要求其开具****,一般15天内会挂号信件形式发给你,这样你就可以享受三年质保了。其他淘宝店经销的威戈都不敢保证是否正品,威戈以前的授权代工厂福建祥兴生产的,不过现在授权又转给了上海的一个代工厂,所谓福建假货一般较多,福建合约到期,继续生产的包就是官方意义上的假货。如需了解汉客拉杆箱的朋友也可以了解一下,性价比也是不错的!网友二:很简单的告诉你,是.而且只有UTC行家是wenger等大牌大陆总代,其余一些炒作。这个打假过程也很漫长。UTC行家是华美国际旗下销售wenger等大牌箱包的一个子项目,其实他们主要重心还是线下,所以网络上的销售及宣传就少了.大家比较难辨别.但是任意一家实体店,你去购买wenger包。你所看到的吊牌等等指向,只有utc行家。






首先transfor是最不一样的,是变换的意思 transport的意思是运输,交通 transmission的意思是传送,播送 transport运输的是货物或者指交通 但是,transmission是传送无线电或播送新闻 希望对你有帮助。补充:用法区别:首先,transmission是名词,这是它和其他词的最大的不同之处如:transmission oil 传动用油transmission shaft 传动轴transmission of news 消息的传播而,transport是动词,如:transport mail by train 以火车运邮件be transported with grief 悲不自胜On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy. 听到胜利的消息, 全国人民一片欢腾。习惯用语:be transported with 万分激动; 心荡神移in a transport [transports] of 在...的激动情绪之中, (喜)不自胜; (怒)不可遏transfor也是动词,但经常用于学术术语之中。希望对你有帮助。

我不知道歌名歌词但是我有这首歌不知道叫什么怎么办 是一首英文歌,有一段的歌词是 come on kiss me

turn me on

soft commission怎么翻译啊?是“软佣金”?具体支付形式是什么呢?谢谢~

Soft commission 指的是非现金形式支付的佣金或者手续费。比方说某家机构向别家企业提供咨询服务,以换取免费交易。值得注意的是这种佣金形式不算非常规范,容易引起利益冲突。

Bliss 66的《Trip》 歌词

歌曲名:Trip歌手:Bliss 66专辑:Trip To The 13Th爱内里菜 - TRIP作词:Rina Aiuchi作曲:KAZUHITO TSUKUI想像は时に快楽の香りで甘い甘い甘い空想が胸を包む想像は时に恐怖の香りで苦い苦い苦い妄想が胸を壊す狭い心のスペースでプラスとマイナスとがループし続けている缲り返しながら味わう感覚はHeaven or Hellどこへ行き着くの近づくため歩いてるのか远ざかるために歩くのか明日さえも见えぬ场所で目眩起こせば落ちてくBlack holeTRIP Catch your brand new day蔷薇色の香りする方ヘ一人悩むならここで共に歌おう Let"s sing a song!眠れぬ夜はParty in the nightMirror ball と Dance Dance DanceMint colorの夜明けにきっと见つかるさ Go my way不自由なものだね 気持ちというのは膨らんでみたり缩んでしまったり自由に形を変えてしまうくせにもう元には戻せなくなるの何を映し何を感じ望めばいいのか立ち止まる时は巡り世界は回り"今"が逃げていく はまっていくLabyrinthTRIP Catch your brand new day何もかも忘れた世界ヘ一人じゃ见つけられない物共に探そう Let"s find out!満たし合えるBeatでSession热いLight浴びstep step stepClimaxには好きなリズムに乗せて Feel my soul"希望 绝望"重ね"喜び 悲しみ"受けて"光 闇"を彷徨い 理想と现実を行き交うTRIP Catch your brand new day蔷薇色の香りする方ヘ一人悩むならここで共に歌おう Let"s sing a song!眠れぬ夜はParty in the nightMirror ball と Dance Dance DanceMint colorの夜明けにきっと见つかるさ Go my way终わり

MAN WITH A MISSION的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:MAN WITH A MISSION专辑:Emotions歌:Emotions呗:MAN WITH A MISSION映画『 HK / 変态仮面 』主题歌sm19970502编集:LyiceThis is the message for tomorrowIt"s the beginning of our new daysHope is all in ourselvesI will rise bestir myselfTHIS TIME !!!!Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there with my motionBlow out the feeling deadI don"t care about the past...Killing the emotion of mineand I just use my mind forget my lifeApathy ,impassivity and indifferece of all the cautions to my lifeYou were alive and saidWe"re the ones who changes the world we know by our handsYou"ld always saved , rescued and loved your neighbors as yourselfCome and see , just call my name孤独(こどく)に别れ(わかれ)を手(て)を広げ(ひろげ)高く(たかく)空(そら)へ叫ぶ(さけぶ)Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there to liveNothing but the emotions in motionWow....Wow....Sailing the emotion of mineI go paint it black again and againScare by all the things I faceand the future that just leads to the white world"s endBut you just tool my hand , and you took me all aboveWe"re the ones who changes the worldI close my eyes and urge myself to determine my faith.....FAITH....手(て)を広げ(ひろげ)高く(たかく)空(そら)へ飞ぶ(とぶ)だけ目(め)を闭じ(とじ)心(こころ)の声(こえ)を叫ぶ(さけぶ)Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there to liveNothing but the emotions in motionWow....Wow....

英文翻译中文词典 when you fill alone ,I would stay you arlowdy ,this is my think ,I reary miss you

when you feeling alone ,i would stay with you ,that is what in my mind ,i really miss you and care about you当你感觉孤单的时候,我会和你在一起,之就是我一直想为你而做的事,因为我真的很想你that is correct way



Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:Gold - Deluxe Sound + VisionShock -

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:Gold (Deluxe Sound & Vision) - PalShock -

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:ClassicsShock -

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:Alive! 1975-2000『SHOCK!』作词∶つんく作曲∶つんく歌∶℃-uteもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてさあり得ないない一年近く続いたこんなの初めてだから突然だったから信じていたからもうすぐ记念日なんだしすっごく楽しみだった内绪の计画も全部台无しねズルいよ 二股 ショック ショック元彼女(かの) なんでしょ ショック恋にルールなんて无いんだねもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてさあり得ないないまったくそぶり见せないあなたがすごいのかしら気づかない方が钝感なのかな涙が今夜も止まらないあんなに优しい日々が天国地狱だわ震えが止まらないやめてよ 今更 ショック ショック话しも出来ない ショック大人になる为の 仪式なの?ああ そうだわ良い男は まだまだ居るから绮丽に なってやるわ後悔しなさいもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてあり得ないないああ そうだわ良い男は まだまだ居るから绮丽に なってやるわ後悔しなさい【 おわり 】

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:Gold (1974-1982)ShockBeastEvery day I just can"t controlEvery night the loneliness my love(So beast in the cube)Can"t breathe, like freeze

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:The Complete CollectionShockBeastEvery day I just can"t controlEvery night the loneliness my love(So beast in the cube)Can"t breathe, like freeze

Kiss的《Shock Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Shock Me歌手:Kiss专辑:Ikons『SHOCK!』作词∶つんく作曲∶つんく歌∶℃-uteもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてさあり得ないない一年近く続いたこんなの初めてだから突然だったから信じていたからもうすぐ记念日なんだしすっごく楽しみだった内绪の计画も全部台无しねズルいよ 二股 ショック ショック元彼女(かの) なんでしょ ショック恋にルールなんて无いんだねもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてさあり得ないないまったくそぶり见せないあなたがすごいのかしら気づかない方が钝感なのかな涙が今夜も止まらないあんなに优しい日々が天国地狱だわ震えが止まらないやめてよ 今更 ショック ショック话しも出来ない ショック大人になる为の 仪式なの?ああ そうだわ良い男は まだまだ居るから绮丽に なってやるわ後悔しなさいもう そろそろいい加减に 吹っ切らなければ新しい 恋なんてあり得ないないああ そうだわ良い男は まだまだ居るから绮丽に なってやるわ後悔しなさい【 おわり 】

记得有一首歌的歌词是 kiss me kikikiss me take tatatake me,是一首外国歌,女的唱的请问是什么,谢谢

Blow me a kiss.

missha谜尚4重功效神奇红BB 和BAGEN铂肌白金系列极效BB霜



据您的问题及相关音乐歌曲资讯得知,kissmetakeme是一首歌曲的歌名,也了解到该首歌曲并不是非常热门,但是由美国独立音乐人 Will Joseph Cook演唱,并且发行于2017年。

求一首歌名!高潮部分是“kiss me k k kiss me………………take me ta t

Katy Perry - E.T


闹ki大力等半qio龙gi够奥度b等无力撒一工白一该个起阿你gi八来 i wanna go back 闹噶往哈等高大够亲几跟美丫闹n奥迪罗噶能几男后楼那马 loney哦能大拉不能巴拉m多仓西林高噶疼带闹为一里莫就还波一能工几轮起多奥b能闹几慢也接qio龙慢无扫ju秒n对爱那诶该闹哈那盆您高r闹单慢阿怕哈能高r闹一节鸟够诺鸟开bwa多恰安对爱闹r米我哈能高n去奥g搜闹诶该莫等一里拉男哈r素噶奥b扫一老开闹r克里我哈能那r爱高一能几那诶该闹哈那盆您高r闹单慢阿怕哈能高r闹一节鸟够诺鸟开bwa多恰安对爱闹r米我哈能高ntoo hard 闹木奥鸟我那r莫拉ju能闹多扫老我im officialy missing you officialy missing youye im officially missing youyou know how i"ve been through一节闹瓦乃噶亲故撒一罗那马乃撒r米穷不进不哈该慢呢kiao叫马亲西里怕金金ju后跟卡表n提秀无力度噶内 issuemakin 嗯一节奥b扫高丫闹阿姆嫩kim多安娜给几慢扫多那奥b能八米gin等后蓝色老b给几那要g西药古里西林 just sandle几鹿晗色看等r乃安替盼等一度诶爆林你ju问撒狼挂不林韩 game 额哈gi多穷内 over 乐巧几慢 just painfulyei just can do it but can"t be single撒狼诺来特老多 where the melodies at很懂哈那哈那莫度大外冷米对爱soim officially missing you那r到男闹几慢阿几那r高罗拼内那诶该闹哈那盆您高r闹单慢阿怕哈能高r闹一节鸟够诺鸟开bwa多恰安对爱闹r米我哈能高n去奥g搜闹诶该莫等一里拉男哈r素噶奥b扫一老开闹r克里我哈能那r爱高一能几那诶该闹哈那盆您高r闹单慢阿怕哈能高r闹一节鸟够诺鸟开bwa多恰安对爱闹r米我哈能高ntoo hard 闹木奥鸟我那r莫拉ju能闹多扫老我im officialy missing you officialy missing you

谁知道《最终幻想》里“Kiss me goodbye”的歌词


这是world girl...kiss一个女生唱的 请问这个歌叫什么?

曲名:Kiss A Girl歌手:Skye Sweetnam 专辑:Sound SoliderI talk, you say I"m talking backIt escalades to full attackI"m going, you"re comingYour brain"s on pauseBut your mouth keeps runningDon"t know what planet you are fromWhat macho ego trip you onI"m giving, you"re takingYou think I"m there,but I"m really just fakingOh, you"re so the same clicheAnd it makes me wanna run the other wayMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlI"m trading your old dirty shirtFor high heels and a mini skirtYou"re over, I"m underI"ll spell it out it"s making me wonderWhy am I still with youWhen I know that it"ll never workWhy don"t I just hit youWhen you act like just some stupid jerkYou know that I love youBut you get on my last every nerveOh man I guess you"ll never understandOh, you"re so the same clicheAnd it makes me wanna run the other wayMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlI tried to tune you in and not to turn you onIf you don"t try to make a change,I"ll be good as gone(Maybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girl, whoah, whoah)Maybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girlMaybe I should change my <STRONG class=tx_hit>worldYou already know you make me sickAnd this could be the cure<STRONG class=tx_hit>Girls know how to make it funAnd you know how to mess it upMaybe you should learn to watch your tongue"Cause boy I"ve had enoughMaybe I should <STRONG class=tx_hit>kiss a girl本站歌词来自互联网


想说你真的太懦弱敢写不敢唱的借口是不是太过于虚荣虚拟中迷失了自我Yo!接下来绝对是你最难忘的时刻惹到了我雨菲怎么可能让你好过哎 戴雨诺 你说惹毛了我会怎么样在网络上毁掉你就是你应得的下场oh md see to you make me sick对于你这种垃圾就只能称作是shit难道你还嫌弃赐予我的伤害还不够多赶快跪下磕头叫娘给我雨菲认个错你给我的diss我听了很好笑不是你自己唱的还有脸拿出来炫耀你说你给我的diss是本兮帮你写的怎么现在是我和本兮对付你这垃圾你要永远记住我的名字张雨菲本孩子乃宇宙无敌霹雳灭掉“带鱼懦”是也我们两个之前已经出了歌曲警告你你怎么还大言不惭的跟你的歌迷说我们的歌曲盗的你的声音想说你真的太懦弱敢写不敢唱的借口是不是太过于虚荣虚拟中迷失了自我(at once)背起你虚伪的枷锁担负自己犯过的错被揭穿之后的失落想象你无辜的面孔you let me down本以为你会知道错就好但是你的做法真的让我发自内心的想笑我早都说过不想说bad sick feel you bitch你给雨菲的diss 写的时候有没有 brush u2 teeth脏字满篇飞阿飞歌词内容无限sui知不知道你在我心中的地位就是最卑微oh 自己谁都欺负不过就欺负13岁的小孩谁都看得出你一脸笑容的背后有多虚伪说我模仿你的声音看你病的不轻我唱怎么办 我爱你的时候还不知道你在哪里冒充要分个先来后到的道理敢不敢也录首歌让我们都知道你的实力不想说你很菜呛到你心潮澎湃哎 是不是教你录歌得时候你要问我什么是mic真的很期待你带给我们的精彩证明你的声音3天之内给我diss不然马上滚蛋想说你真的太懦弱敢写不敢唱的借口是不是太过于虚荣虚拟中迷失了自我(at once)背起你虚伪的枷锁担负自己犯过的错被揭穿之后的失落想象你无辜的面孔关于你说我照片是假的实力不是这么喊的连歌都不会录写了这么多diss都是空的说我照片是从网上拉的我说你眼睛是瞎的你说了这么多想证明你的演技不是盖的在我这边说“本兮姐姐 我不冒充你了 所有的事情我都会去给歌迷澄清的”maybe I get uI beat ubut I will give usome advicehope u get better in the future

本兮的一首歌 diss淋儿again 这首歌的歌词是什么左下角

求一首歌,歌词里有一句是love me love me for me for me Kiss me Kiss me?

lovefool 不是我吃



nba 直播中那首插曲,,baby you know that i miss you,的歌名是什么啊?

Sammie Soulja Boy 酱爆弟弟的《Kiss Me Thru the Phone》,看广体直播NBA的时候我也喜欢上这首歌了。歌词:Baby you know that I miss you I wanna get with you Tonight but I can not baby girl and that"s the issue Girl you know I miss you I just wanna kiss you But I can"t right now So baby kiss me through the phone Kiss me through the phone(I"ll see ya later on later on) Kiss me through the phone kiss me through the phone(see ya when I get home) Baby I know that u like me Your my future wify Soulja boy tell em yeah You can be my bonny I can be your clyde You can be my wife Text me call me I need you in my life Ya all day everyday I need ya And every time I see ya my feelings get deeper I miss ya I miss ya I really wanna kiss ya but I can"t 678 triple 9 8212 Baby you know that I miss you I wanna get with you Tonight but I can not baby girl and that"s the issue Girl you know I miss you I just wanna kiss you But I can"t right now So baby kiss me through the phone Kiss me through the phone(I"ll see ya later on) Kiss me through the phone kiss me through the phone(see ya when I get home) Baby I"ve been thinking lately So much about you Everything about you I like it I love it Kissing you in public Thinking nothing of it Roses by the dozens Talking on the phone Baby your so sexy Your voice is so lovely I love your complection I miss ya I miss ya I miss ya I really wanna kiss ya but I can"t 678 triple 9 8212 Baby you know that I miss you I wanna get with you Tonight but I can not baby girl and that"s the issue Girl you know I miss you I just wanna kiss you But I can"t right now So baby kiss me through the phone Kiss me through the phone(I"ll see ya later on) Kiss me through the phone kiss me through the phone(see ya when I get home) She call my phone like (da...) We on the phone like (da...) We taking pics like (da...) She dial my numba like (da...) 6 7 8 triple 9 8 2 1 2Baby you know that I miss you I wanna get with you Tonight but I can not baby girl and that"s the issue Girl you know I miss you I just wanna kiss you But I can"t right now So baby kiss me through the phone Kiss me through the phone(I"ll see ya later on) Kiss me through the phone kiss me through the phone(see ya when I get home)

Kiss in the dark一共几集??

KISS IN THE DARK中文:KISS爸爸(全2集) 楼主已经看完了哟~~你的1-1,1-2,2-1,2-2估计是看的VCD版的```嘿嘿``


正确拼写是disappointed形容词,失望的例如It made me feel disappointed.它使我感到失望。

council 与comission有什么区别

council 是名词 “委员会,会议,理事会,地方议会,顾问班子”commision作为名词时“委员会,佣金,犯,委任,委任状”;作动词时及物,意思是“委任,服役”


council 委员会 董事会 the State Council 国务院 commission 比 committee 范围更广 指履行某种职能的机构 如教委 经委 the State Education Commission



英语commission和council有什么区别 吗

1.一般来说,在正式的场合或特指某个委员会是就用commission,其他情况可以用committee.而且committee的侧重点在于“全体委员”,就是在委员会的成员身上。 2.council: 侧重点在于“理事”,重点就是“理事会”、“董事会”的意思。


1、committee: n. 委员会;强调具有选举性质的居委会,即居委会成员是由某一团体内选举产生出来的。通常这么做是将某一团体的权力下放到此居委会上,行使一定的权力,解决某一事情。 如,我们国内小区常说的居委会:residents committee; 但是如果这个居委会特别大,代表国家的话,就用congress代替,如,全国人民代表大会:People"s Congress。 而全国人民代表大会常务委员会,为:Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress of the People"s Republic of China。 2、commission: n. 委员会;强调部门性质,成员并非选举出来的。不像committee一样对上级选举团体负责,有种上级向下一种派出机构的意味,但本身是“自由的”,是为了主持某些工作而成立的部门。如,美国证券委员会:SEC,U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION。 如,中国国家卫生委员会:National Health Commission of the People"s Republic of China。 3、council: n. 会议;委员会; 一般成立于于级别较低的地区,最高到市一级。成员组成为政府官员,有一定的政治权力。 council一般具有咨询,顾问委员会这样的性质。整体上,council对决策,立法(如咨询大家意见,以便制定政策,做出决定)有一定作用。 如,部长理事会:Council of Ministers。 如,立法委员会:legislative Council (如果做决策,立法时的会议听取民意,有普通老百姓参加,此时叫听证会,即Hearing,council是没有普通人参加的) 除此以外,其他较小等级的机构也可用council。如,学生会:student"s council。 此时的学生会council意味着学生会成员具有一定的政治权力,决策权力,有自己独立的行政体系。 英国等西方国家的学生会就是拥有着完全独立于学校的行政体系,有自己的财政预算,有自己的独立决策,所以此时叫作student"s council。 除此以外,学生会还有student"s union的说法,union一般指代的是如工会性质的委员会性质,目的是为了保护某些对象的合法权益而成立的。 除此以外,还有协会,协会是指某些势力为了某些目标而双双签订协议组成的委员会。此时,协会一般用association代替。

Committee, commission, council的区别是什么?

committee 既可以做普通名词,即强调委员会成员这个个体,也可作集体名词,强调委员会所有成员这个集体。 强调由很多人一起选举产生的委员会。强调非政府的委员会吧。(a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject)commission 该词由词根com-(表共同)和mission(任务)构成。所以一般指为完成某项任务而专门成立的委员会。但这个任务多事政府government的任务。而committee不具备这样的属性。(an official group of people who have been given responsibility to control something, or to find out about something, usually for the government) council 该词的govern属性更强,一般这个委员会是具备统制权利的,( a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county)例如local council。对比commission的话,the local council govern this area,and it has the responsibility to set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. 其实就是感觉council的government属性更强。


council 委员会 董事会 the State Council 国务院 commission 比 committee 范围更广 指履行某种职能的机构 如教委 经委 the State Education Commission

歌词里有 You are my kiss me 是什么歌?

you were my everything   this goes out to someone that was   once the most important person in my life   i didn"t realize it at the time   i can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you so   i don"t really expect you to either   it"s just... i don"t even know   just listen...   you"re the one that i want, the one that i need   the one that i gotta have just to succeed   when i first saw you, i knew it was real   i"m sorry about the pain i made you feel   that wasn"t me; let me show you the way   i looked for the sun, but it"s raining today   i remember when i first looked into your eyes   it was like god was there, heaven in the skies   i wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurt   but i didn"t know i made everything worse   you told me we were crazy in love   but you didn"t care when push came to shove   if you loved me as much as you said you did   then you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shit   now you pushed me away like you never even knew me   i loved you with my heart, really and truly   i guess you forgot about the times that we shared   when i would run my fingers through your hair   late nights, just holding you in my arms   i don"t know how i could do you so wrong   i really wanna show you i really need to hold you   i really wanna know you like no one could else know you   you"re number one, always in my heart   and now i can"t believe that our love is torn apart   refrain:i need you and   i miss you and   i want you and   i love you "cause   i wanna hold you,   i wanna kiss you   you were my everything   and i really miss you (x2)   i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new man   and then sit and laugh as you"re holding his hand   the thought of that just shatters my heart   it breaks in my soul and it tears me apart   at times we was off i was scared to show you   now i wanna hold you until i can"t hold you   without you, everything seems strange   your name is forever planted in my brain   damn it, i"m insane,   take away the pain   take away the hurt   baby, we can make it work   what about when you   looked into my eyes   told me you loved me   as you would hugged me   i guess everything you said was a lie   i think about it, it brings tears to my eyes   now i"m not even a thought in your mind   i can see clearly, my love is not blind   refrain   i just wish everything could have turned out differently   i had a special feeling about you   i thought maybe you did too   you would understand, but...   no matter what, you"ll always be in my heart   you"ll always be my baby   our first day, it seemed so magical   i remember all the time that i had with you   remember when you first came to my house?   you looked like an angel wearing that blouse   we hit it off, i knew it was real   but now i can"t take all the pain that i feel   reach in your heart, i know i"m still there   i don"t wanna hear that you no longer care   remember the times? remember when we kissed?   i didn"t think you would ever do me like this   i didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressed   i thought you"d be there for me, this i confess   you said you were my best friend, was that a lie?   now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guy   i tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m trying   now on the inside it feels like i"m dying   refrain   [talking] and i do miss you   i just thought we were meant to be   i guess now, we"ll never know   the only thing i want is for you to be happy   whether it be with me, or without me   i just want you to be happy

swisse叶绿素的禁忌 吃swisse叶绿素要注意这些

swisse叶绿素是一款澳洲保健品,排毒效果非常好,下面的我为你们介绍swisse叶绿素的禁忌 吃swisse叶绿素要注意这些。 swisse叶绿素的禁忌 叶绿素要早上起来空腹喝,然后吃饭是最好的。别的吃饭时间也都可以。 胶原蛋白就比较随意,准备吃饭时喝,或者饭中喝。 对于毫升问题,叶绿素直接一瓶盖就可以,胶原蛋白要多一些,两瓶盖也差不多的。 我两个都喝过一年,胶原蛋白喝了一瓶1000ML,一瓶500ML的,具体也没什么感觉。当时满脸痘印,后面都有在消,我也把我不准是它的原因还是别的。叶绿素是真的有用,现在已经不喝快一年了,再也没有便秘过。swisse叶绿素怎么样 英文名称:Swisse CHLOROPHYLL+ ORGANIC CHLORELLA SUPERFOOD 中文名称:澳洲Swisse叶绿素片100片 产地:澳大利亚 建议人群:贫血者;爱美人士、体内积毒者 食用方法:每日1次,每次6片,随餐服用 成分:有机绿藻粉99%、二氧化硅、硬脂酸镁 存储方法:低于30度环境中存储,避免太阳直射或者加热,如包装盖破损,请勿服用。 产品优势: 绿藻是一种微小的淡水植物,含有叶绿素,维生素B12和维生素C。 维生素B12和维生素C支持健康能量代谢,帮助减少疲劳和衰弱。 绿藻有抗氧化特性,同时是维生素C来源,帮助维护健康皮肤功能。 参考价格:88元/瓶健康小习惯 梳梳头:安神养心、助长寿我们头上也有很多重要的穴位,例如百会穴,但是可能你不太容易找准穴位。一个简单的方法,就是拿双手的手指按摩头部,刺激头部穴位。 通过梳理,可起到按摩、刺激作用,能平肝、熄风、开窍守神、止痛明目等。 睡前用双手指梳到头皮发红、发热,可疏通头部血流,提高大脑思维和记忆能力,促进发根营养,减少脱发,消除大脑疲劳,早入梦乡。 注意:按摩头部,还可以改善偏头疼等症状,每次按摩以5分钟为宜。身体排毒的五大表现 便秘 排便是人体排除废物及毒素的最重要途径,通常每天排便一次。如果排便不规律,或者有便秘的情况,甚至排便间隔时间多于3天,则说明肠道内留有宿便。粪便留 在肠道内,有害物质被再次吸收,可引起胃肠神经功能紊乱而致食欲不振、肠胃不适、腹部胀满、口苦等症状,甚至可诱发结肠癌。清除体内宿便的要诀是调节饮 食,增加膳食纤维的摄入,同时加强运动。不可轻易采用服泻药或洗肠的方法,否则易导致肠道功能紊乱。 口臭 口臭是指口内出气臭秽的一种症状,多由肺、脾、胃积热或食积不化所致。贪食辛辣食物或暴饮暴食,疲劳过度,虚火郁结,或某些口腔疾病,如口腔溃疡、龋齿以 及消化系统疾病都可以引起口气不清爽。解决口臭首先要多注意口腔卫生,养成饭后漱口的习惯;其次要调理肠胃,多吃些清淡食物,保持大便通畅。 黄褐斑 中医认为,黄褐斑与脏腑功能失调、气血失和、阴阳失衡等相互关联,并且与肝郁、脾虚、肾虚密不可分,这三种因素都会导致毒素淤积出现黄褐斑。要注意科学饮食,多吃水果,饮食以新鲜蔬菜及高蛋白、低脂肪的食物为主,少吃辛辣等刺激性食物,注意防晒。 痤疮 西医认为痤疮主要与内分泌失调有关,中医认为痤疮多由于过食肥甘、油腻、辛辣食物,脾胃蕴热,湿热内生而引起。因此,预防痤疮最重要是保持规律生活,不吸烟,不喝酒,不喝浓咖啡和浓茶,少食辛辣,少食糖果及高脂食物,多吃蔬菜水果,保持大便通畅。 面色发暗 肺脏是最易积存毒素的器官之一,每天的呼吸都会将空气中漂浮的细菌、病毒、粉尘等有害物质带入肺脏。中医认为肺管理全身的皮肤,皮肤是否润泽、白皙,都要 靠肺的良好功能。当肺中毒素比较多时,毒素会随着肺的作用沉积到皮肤上,使肤色看起来没有光泽。建议平时在空气清新的地方做深呼吸,然后主动咳嗽几声,可 以帮助肺脏排毒。平时可以多吃些有利肺脏的食物,如萝卜、百合等。

reconnaissance scout 区别

reconnaissance就是侦察兵的意思 Scout 除了侦察兵还有消防巡视员的意思竭诚相助,希望采纳!!!

dissappear 与gone区别,都是消失啊

disappear后面一般加adv.或prep.一般为sth disappeared ,gone一般为sth has或have gone,或者 be gone

英文名Narissa的读音 含义?

Narissa - name meaning and originRate this: What do you think of the name Narissa?The girl"s name Narissa (a)-rissa, nar(is)-sa is a variant of Nerine (Greek) and Nerissa (Italian), and the meaning of Narissa is "sea nymph; black-haired". The baby name Narissa sounds like Naryssa and Norissa. Other similar baby names are Carissa, Karissa, Darissa, Larissa, Marissa, Narcissa, Narsissa, Narkissa and Parissa. Narissa is an uncommon first name for women and an equally uncommon last name for both men and women. (1990 U.S. Census) Displayed below is the baby names popularity trend for the girl name Narissa. Compare Narissa with its source forms and related girl names.











禧玛诺BB-X Larissa怎么才能锁住不会双向转动?




王者荣耀五杀配音是Larissa Gallagher还是李百可

这些击杀语音都来自美国配音演员Larissa Gallagher(拉里萨·加拉赫),视频中还出现了即将上线的新模式五军之战中要用到的六杀、七杀、八杀、九杀、十杀,对应的英文分别是Hexa KIll、Hepta Kill、Octa Kill、Nona Kill、Deca Kill。


1、 PVC配皮系列:采用日本高科技原料为主料。2、 提花布配皮系列:采用韩国原料为主料。3、 软皮系列:才用意大利高档软皮为主料。款式:以软行为主,产品针对中产阶级消费群体。设计:以日本欧洲每年的流行趋势开发设计,针对中国中产消费群体的定位系列,产品一简约典雅的风格,浪漫与成熟的完美结合。



i sort of miss he这句话对吗?

he要改成him:I sort of miss him: 我有点想他。



REM的《Narcissus》 歌词

歌曲名:Narcissus歌手:REM专辑:Narcissu SoundtrackNarcissuありふれた 一日(いちにち)が终(お)えぬよう明日(あした)に届けNarcissu ~セツミのテーマ~作词:片冈とも作/编曲:Ebi歌:REM一月(いちがつ)の花を寻(たず)ねてみた憧れはナルキッソス(narukissosu)二人で望んでみたガラス越(こ)し 银の夜もしも愿えるのならばum..もっと近くにきてよ雨空(あまぞら)じゃ 颜も见えない星を灯(つ)けて华やかな 煌(きら)びやかな运命を梦见て 泣いた夜は银色の流星も泣いているナツシス(narushisu)に向けてあっけなく さよならを告(つ)げぬよう唇(くちびる)が告(つ)げぬように呟(つぶや)きに星空も木霊(こだま)するナツシス(narushisu)に向けていつまでも届け


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habe dich vermisst 什么意思啊


l miss you but l am the only one who knows是什么意思?



wis:古英语,“知道”的意思,wissing也许是它的动名词或者分词形式。wissing:维辛。可能是人名。德国有个人物肖像画家叫:Willem Wissing。Willem Wissing, also known as William Wissing (1656-10 September 1687), was a Dutch portrait artist.He was born in either Amsterdam or The Hague, and studied at The Hague under Willem Doudijns (1630–97) and Arnoldus van Ravestyn (1615–90). In 1676, he moved to England, where he studied with and assisted Peter Lely. After Lely"s death in 1680, Wissing emerged as his most important pupil. Godfrey Kneller was the only contemporary portrait artist in England to rival Wissing. Wissing"s royal sitters include Charles II of England, Queen Catharine of Braganza, Prince George of Denmark and James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth.In 1685, James II of England sent Wissing to the Netherlands to paint portraits of his Dutch son-in-law and daughter, the future William III of England and the future Mary II of England. The portraits are on display in the Great Hall of the Wren building at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Wissing died in 1687 at the peak of his fame as a portrait painter, at Burghley House, the home of Algernon Capell, 2nd Earl of Essex outside of London (probably Watford). Some suspected he was poisoned out of jealousy of his success. According to Houbraken his epitaph was Immodicis brevis est aetas, meaning Friendly artists don"t live long. He was buried in St Martin"s Church, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

跪求sweetbox《one kiss》 的中文歌词 求高手 原味翻译 谢谢


Sweetbox的《Miss You》 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You歌手:Sweetbox专辑:Sweetbox Complete BestDon"tbe afraid to cryIt wasn"t wasted timeWe just couldn"t win that fightAnd I knew you couldn"t stayYou had to go your wayThere"s really nothing left to sayBut every now and then you cross my mindAnd I try not to think about where you are tonightBut I miss youCause I really miss youThere"s no going back ‘cause what"s done is doneBut I miss you ‘cause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughHeyWe didn"t write the rulesIt wasn"t me wasn"t youWe both know that life is cruelI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have beenBut I miss youCause I really miss youThere"s no going back ‘cause what"s done is doneBut I miss you ‘cause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughBut I miss youCause I really miss youSometimesEnoughI miss youI miss youI miss youI miss youI know we can"t escapefrom the paths that we have chosenBut every now and then,I"m remindedI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have beenBut I miss youCause I really miss youThere"s no going back ‘cause what"s done is doneBut I miss you ‘cause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughBut I miss youCause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughBut I miss youBut I miss you

views on this issue vary from person to person

语法没错,it is +adj/adv that句型,可以更换同类的词



妖女迷行第二季hale和小k kiss是哪集

第九集在酒吧里他们灵魂互换的时候,其实是ciara 和 Dyson但用的是hale 和k的外表




形容词dismissive英[du026asu02c8mu026asu026av]美[du026asu02c8mu026asu026av]adj.拒绝的; 轻蔑的,鄙视的; [例句]Mr Jones was dismissive of the report, saying it was riddled with inaccuracies.琼斯先生对报告不屑一顾,称其中充斥着谬误。[其他]形近词: transmissiveadmissiveemissive



酒吧里常放的一首歌,中间有歌词是who kiss that girl

who kiss that girl

谁能给我 Deepside - Blow Me A Kiss 的歌词。谢谢了~


谁能介绍一些像snow dream,Kiss rain 这样有助于大脑进入α波状态的优美轻的音乐


爸爸回来了20150606最后甜心给奥力goodnight kiss的英文歌曲

Pumped Up KicksFoster the PeopleRobert"s got a quick hand.He"ll look around the room"he won"t tell you his plan.He"s got a rolled cigarette"hanging out his mouth he"s a cowboy kid.Yeah he found a six shooter gun.In his dads closet hidden in a box of fun things"and I don"t even know what.But he"s coming for you" yeah he"s coming for you.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.Daddy works a long day.He be coming home late" yeah he"s coming home late.And he"s bringing me a surprise."Cause dinner"s in the kitchen and it"s packed in ice.I"ve waited for a long time.Yeah the slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger"I reason with my cigarette"And say your hair"s on fireYou must have lost your wits" yeahAll the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bullet.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" outrun my gun.All the other kids with the pumped up kicksyou"d better run" better run" faster than my bul

ao bi ye the giss 是 all the other kids ruang my ruang是better run better runn 歌名不给分不告诉你,

Pumped Up Kicks (歌名) --- Foster the People (演唱者)Lyrics: (歌词)Robert"s got a quick handHe"ll look around the roomHe won"t tell you his planHe"s got a rolled cigarette hanging out of his mouthHe"s a cowboy kidHe found a six-shooter gunIn his dad"s closet hidden in a box of fun things, I don"t know whatBut he"s coming for you, yeah he"s coming for you"All the other kids with your pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, outrun my gunAll the other kids with the pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, faster than my bulletAll the other kids with the yoour pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, outrun my gunAll the other kids with the pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, faster than my bullet"Daddy works a long dayHe"ll be coming home late, Yeah he"s coming home lateAnd he"s bringing me a surprise, Cause dinner"s in the kitchen and it"s packed in iceI"ve waited for a long timeYeah the slight of my hand is now the pull of a triggerI reason with my cigaretteAnd say your hair"s on fire, you must of lost your wit, yeah"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You"d better run, better run, outrun my gunAll the other kids with the pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, faster than my bulletAll the other kids with the pumped up kicksYou"d better run, better run, outrun my gunAll the other kids with your pumped up kicks, You"d better run, better run, faster than my bullet."

英语谚语:A good mark *** an may miss 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A good mark *** an may miss 中文意思: 智者千虑,必有一失。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The path of duty is the path of safety 尽职的路是安全的路。 The path to glory is always rugged 通向光荣的道路常常是坎坷不平的。 The peacock has fair feathers but foul feet 孔雀虽有华羽,但有贱足。 The pen is mightier than the sword 文能胜武。 The pen is the tougue of the mind 笔是心之舌。 The person who arrives ect early will (probably) succeed 早起的鸟有食吃。 The poor are rich when they are satisfied 贫能知足即为富。 The poor man wants much the miser everything 贫穷人要求多,守财奴样样要。 The pot calls the kettle black 五十步笑百步。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating 空谈不如实验。(实践出真知) 英语谚语: A good mark *** an may miss 中文意思: 智者千虑,必有一失。
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