
阅读 / 问答 / 标签


Miss White is Tom and Tim"s teacher.


不正确。应该是goes to Beijing



应该是 hello i"m miss white读法。。这个真心帮不了你,抱歉了。。这玩应这么回答啊。。意思是你好我是white小姐(白小姐,怀特小姐,分别是意译,音译)如有疑问请追问谢谢,望采纳。

bye miss white怎么读

拜 密斯外特

Miss White的中文名字

Miss White的中文名字怀特女士

This is Miss White.是什么意思?

rom your respiratory tract







翻译下面句子 This is Miss WhIte


英语miss white怎么读?

miss white谐音 咪使外特miss white谐音 咪使外特望采纳

英文miss white怎么读?

[mɪs] 类似于“密斯”[waɪt] 类似于“歪特”




Miss White.是怀特家的女孩。Mrs. White.是怀特家的媳妇。

Miss white是什么意思,还要中文读音?



Hello im mesiy。

hello im miss white用英语怎么读


英语翻译“其中一个叫Miss White.她23岁。是一个数学老师。她说法语。她的业余爱好是看书和跳舞。”

其中一个叫Miss White.她23岁。是一个数学老师。她说法语。她的业余爱好是看书和跳舞。One call to white.on.. she 23 years old. Is a math teacher. She speak French. Her hobbies are reading and dancing. "

Miss white是什么意思,还要中文读音?


GOodbye ,MissWhite怎么读

because the road to success is not easy, but if we treat these experience as the treasure,




Miss White英[mu026as wau026at] 美[mu026as wau026at] 怀特小姐在英文中Miss 小姐,对所有未婚女性的常用称呼。放在全名或者姓氏的前面,不可以只用在名的前面,也不可以单独使用。例:可以说Miss.Kate Clinton(凯特·克林顿小姐)或者说Miss.Clinton(克林顿小姐)不可以说 Miss.Kate



miss white是什么意思



miss [mɪs]n. 未中; 达不到; 得不到; 失败#小姐; 少女, 姑娘; 冒失女孩v. 未击中; 未达到; 未得到; 未看到; 未击中; 打偏white [hwaɪt /w-]n. 白色, 蛋白, 白种人adj. 白色的, 白种的, 纯洁的

Miss White的中文意思

你好!Miss White怀特小姐

Miss White是什么意思

Miss White怀特小姐



英文miss white什么意思




miss white怎么读发音




英文miss white什么意思



white 本来是白色的颜色。另外,也可以当作英语中的姓氏,Miss white 就是怀特小姐,或怀特女生。根据读音翻译过来的。



英语miss white怎么读




“miss white”怎么读发音?


miss white怎么读

密死 喂取


miss White的翻译就是怀特小姐例句:I want to introduce my English teacher Miss White.我想把你介绍给我的英语教师怀特小姐。Miss·whiteMiss·white中文译为【怀特小姐】性别:女国籍:加拿大职业:老师(在三年级上册到六年级下册均有登场)



英文miss white怎么读


提供下 Craig Smart 的I Miss You 中英文对照 歌词

I did some things i shouldnt have done我做了一些不该做的事Said some things that were wrong说了一些错话Girl, i was just too scared to fall in love我只是怕陷入爱河I have to cuz of my complications我这样做是因为我的复杂wore out all your patience用尽了你的耐心girl, i dont blame you for being fed up我不责备你对我的厌倦but then it hit me all at once, when you left但当你离开时我像立即被打了一拳just like a hundred thousAnd tons, in my chest就像几百几千吨的东西压在了我的胸膛wishing this pain would go away, And leave me希望这些痛苦远去,留下我but it gets worse, everyday, cuz babyyy但一天天的,一切更糟了,因为...I cant let you go, I keep tryin but I cant girl我不想让你走,我试着但我不能its impossible, i miss you too bad这是不可能的,我早已错过你I cant wish away the pain that i cannot do girl我不能让自己的痛苦减少我不能做到And all i can say is... i miss you. 我能说的只有...我想你tryin to tell myself to move on, to grow up And be strong试图说服自己向前看,成熟点坚强点girl, i keep thinkin bout those better days我想念那些美好的日子so many things i wanna tell you我想告诉你太多的事like how much i love you像我有多么爱你but girl, cant believe you"re really gone away但是宝贝,不敢相信你真的这么离开我and then it hit me all at once, when you left当你离开时我像立即被打了一拳just like a hundred thousAnd tons, in my chest就像几百几千吨的东西压在了我的胸膛wishing this pain would go away, And leave me希望这些痛苦远去,留下我but it gets worse, everyday, cuz babyyy但一天天的,一切更糟了,因为...I cant let you go, I keep tryin but I cant girl我不想让你走,我试着但我不能its impossible, i miss you too bad这是不可能的,我早已错过你I cant wish away the pain that i cannot do girl我不能让自己的痛苦减少我不能做到And all i can say is... i miss you. 我能说的只有...我想你Damn baby girl i miss you so much该死宝贝我太想你了wanna hear your voice, wanna feel your touch想听到你的声音,想感受你的抚慰wanna feel your heart beating next to mines想感受你的心跳在我身边but i know that i cant just press rewind但我知道我不能让一切从头再来if i could, then i would in an instant如果我可以,那么我会马上这么做promise that things would be so damn different我发誓一切会TMD不同promise that i wouldnt be so distant我发誓我不会这么远离你i cant believe that my best friends gone我不敢相信我最好的朋友离开了我without you, it just feel so wrong没有你,生活不在正轨what i would give to sing a different song我想唱一首不同的歌but your tellin me my chance is blown但你告诉我我已经没有机会了all i can do now is just sit And dream我现在能做的只有坐下然后向往reminiscing on what might have been会发生什么情景wishing you would come back to me希望你能回到我身边but i know you just want me to set you free 但我知道你只想我让你自由I can"t let you go, i keep tryin but i cant girl我不能让你走,我试着但我不能宝贝its impossible这不可能

求一首歌的歌词 《Shoot Me》歌手Miss Li

有这首歌,但是找不到歌词,只有shoot me down的歌词《Shoot Me》shoot me down

maybe we meet miss out on jet lag是什么意思


someone like you sissel 中文歌词翻译


someone like you sissel 中文歌词翻译

someone like you 爱人如你/ 像你的他   </B>   I heard, that your settled down.   听说 你心有所属   That you, found a girl and your married now.   找到真命天女即将步入婚姻殿堂   I heard that your dreams came true.   听说你美梦成真   Guess she gave you things, I didn"t give to you.   看起来与我相比,她才是满分   Old friend, why are you so shy?   都老朋友了,干嘛那么害羞   It ain"t like you to hold back or hide from the lie.   一点都不像你了,好像你在掩饰谎言   I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.   我不想出其不意不请自来   But I couldn"t stay away, I couldn"t fight it.   但是我无法逃避,无法抗拒   I"d hoped you"d see my face & that you"d be reminded,   我希望你能看到我的脸,然后想起   That for me, it isn"t over.   对我来说,一切都还没结束   Nevermind, I"ll find someone like you.   没关系,我会找到某个像你的他   I wish nothing but the best, for you too.   并送给你我最诚挚的祝福   Don"t forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-   不要忘记我,我恳求你,我记得你说过   "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人   Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人,确实   You know, how the time flies.   知道吗,时光已经飞逝   Only yesterday, was the time of our lives.   只有昨天,才是我们最珍贵的回忆   We were born and raised in a summer haze.   我们的爱在夏日的薄雾中萌芽   Bound by the surprise of our glory days.   青涩的岁月满载辉煌与惊喜   I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.   我不想出其不意不请自来   But I couldn"t stay away, I couldn"t fight it.   但是我无法逃避,无法抗拒   I"d hoped you"d see my face & that you"d be reminded,   我希望你能看到我的脸,然后想起   That for me, it isn"t over.   对我来说,一切都还没结束   Nevermind, I"ll find someone like you.   没关系,我会找到某个像你的他   I wish nothing but the best, for you too.   并送给你我最诚挚的祝福   Don"t forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-   不要忘记我,我恳求你,我记得你说过   "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人   Nothing compares, no worries or cares.   无人能够与你相比,无人担心无人在意   Regrets and mistakes they"re memories made.   记忆里满是悔恨与错误   Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?   有谁能知晓这其中的酸甜苦楚   Nevermind, I"ll find someone like you.   没关系,我会找到某个像你的他   I wish nothing but the best, for you too.   并送给你我最诚挚的祝福   Don"t forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-   不要忘记我,我恳求你,我记得你说过   "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人   Nevermind, I"ll find someone like you.   没关系,我会找到某个像你的他   I wish nothing but the best, for you too.   并送给你我最诚挚的祝福   Don"t forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-   不要忘记我,我恳求你,我记得你说过   "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人   Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.   有时候爱情能成为永恒,但有时爱又如此伤人,确实


Open your eyes what"s missing?欧盆 要 阿艾思 卧次 密斯因

openyoureyes,what is missing?什么意思


openyoureyes,what is missing?什么意思

openyoureyes,what is missing?什么意思睁开你的眼,看看少了什么东西?

谁有KISS乐队的see you tonight吉他谱啊,是不插电的那个版本的

哇。。( ⊙o⊙ )。。 see you tonightO(∩_∩)O~ 什么时候唱呢

yea,see you tonight,I miss U all the time,kiss u是什么意思


谁有kiss乐队《see you tonight》的歌词

西方会计名词意思:income summary,promissory note,NRV,facto

income summary 收益汇总promissory note 本票; 期票Net Reserve Value (accounting) 净储备价值(会计) factoring 货款保收 [会计]materiality concept 重要性水平controlling account 控制科目 [会计] 控制帐户 [会计]

Miss Li,like a shining star. like为什么不用加s?


I miss you?(Do As Infinity)的罗马音歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 就是《LOVE FOR NANA》那张合辑里的第六首歌的歌词 不要日语版和中文翻译的歌词! 我只要罗马音的歌词!!! 解析: I miss you?作词:伴 都美子 作曲:长尾 大 Gozen 0(rei)ji yarikirenu mama kyou ga owaru TABAKO no kemuri ni mamire gomakasu tameiki Sameta me ni utsuru machi mo hito mo Marude MONOKUROMMU (Monochrome) de Konna yoru ni kagitte anata wa inai 24(Nijuu-yon)-jikan shihai saretemo Mitasarenai genjitsu Yureru kokoro o kakusenu mama Nemurenai yoru ni nomareteku Kotoba ni narenai omoi o kakaeta mama Torinokosarete jikan dake ga sugite yuku Jama shiteiru no wa dare demo nai Kako no kesenai kioku Konna yoru wa anata no soba ni itai Mujou no yoru tsuredashite hoshii Dokodemo ii tooku e to Owaranai ai o sagashiteiru Akenai sora o niranda mama 24(Nijuu-yon)-jikan shihai saretemo Mitasarenai genjitsu Yureru kokoro o kakusenu mama Nemurenai yoru ni nomareteku Mujou no yoru tsuredashite hoshii Dokodemo ii tooku e to Owaranai ai o sagashiteiru Akenai sora o niranda mama Anata no ai o motometeiru...

issuer-paid analyst是什么意思呢

Issuer-paid analyst 在中文里并没有确切的意思,这段话是来自CFA 官网的解释“The Analyst/Issuer Guidelines promote higher standards for relations between corporate issuers (corporations that issue publicly traded securities) and the analysts who cover them. They are voluntary and serve as a guide to best practices. They were developed in cooperation with the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI).”大概意思就是上市公司雇用研究员写该公司报告,以增加该公司的 知名度

"Trick or treat?" "Neither. A kiss."中文意思

Trick or treat?指的是万圣节当天晚上,外国小孩会化妆成鬼的样子去邻居家里要糖时候说的一句话,意思是:给糖还是让我捣乱?后半句意思是 都不是,只是一个吻

"trick or treat?" "neither. a kiss.

不给糖就捣蛋 (在英语中是给我糖还是要我捣蛋),给不要,给我一个吻

"Trick or treat?" "Neither. A kiss." 是什么意思


求教高人 我有两瓶红酒 写的是 DE LOUISSUN BAIDISIJIN 1996 DRY RED WINE 还有一个是1998年的


仓木麻衣《future kiss》的歌词

FUTURE KISS 作詞: 倉木麻衣 作曲: 望月由絵、 平賀貴大 編曲: 小澤正澄 驚いた視線を 笑顔で横切る 目の眩むスポットライト 浴びて exaltation 変わったねと話す 仲間の向こうに 懐かしい横顔 相変わらず so cute ! 目立たないただの artist style で そう 安全に過ごしてきた 今 飛び出す chance & 願望 君と目が合いそう あと 5cm 左… ! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 私から Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 今 見つめて Future Kiss 常識の壁を叩いていたっけ 何度も そう壊そうと いつか飛び出せると ! 今日どう見えるのかな? 不安の向こうに 夢見てる私がいる限り never give up 刺激求めて boarding pass そう 握りしめて走るよ 今 飛び出す chance & 願望 君と目が合いそう あと 5cm 左… ! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 私から Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” もう見えるよ Future Kiss 立ち上がれない程のダメージで 強くなれた今 君が近づくよ 名前を呼ぶ声 ずっと夢見てたの 1 fight it 2 chance 3 destiny & make magic 私から Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 今 見つめて Future Kiss 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 私から Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” もう見えるよ Future Kiss 中文 笑着从容应对 你惊异的目光 沐浴在炫目的聚光灯之下 无比的 exaltation 大家讶于我的变化 他们眼中映出的 这熟悉的面孔 还是那么的 so cute! 曾以平凡无奇 artist style 的姿态 度过 相安无事的每个日夜 看chance & 愿望 接踵而至 与你视线交汇在即 再往左5cm…! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 是我的 Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 我 凝视着你 Futre Kiss 也曾试过去推翻常理的高墙 无数次 想打破这一切 一定能挣脱这束缚的 ! 今天的我看起来怎么样? 尽管仍感到不安 但只要心中还抱有梦想 never give up 寻求着刺激 boarding pass 来吧 紧握信念开始奔跑 看chance & 愿望 接踵而至 与你视线交汇在即 再往左5cm…! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 是我的 Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 美梦就要成真 Futre Kiss 曾经历过的那些无比沉重的打击 令我变得坚强 你走近我身边 唤着我的名字 这曾令我梦寐以求 1 fight it 2 chance 3 destiny & make magic 是我的 Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 我 凝视着你 Futre Kiss 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile 是我的 Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” 美梦就要成真 Futre Kiss 罗马音 odoroitashisenwo egaode yokogiru menokuramu supottoraito abite exaltation kawattane tohanasu nakamanomukouni natsukashii yokogao aikawarazu so cute ! metatanai tadano artist style de sou anzenni sugoshitekita ima tobidasu chance & ganbou kimito mega aisou ato gosenchi hidari… ! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile watashikara Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” ima mitsumete Future Kiss jyoushikinokabewo tataiteitakke nandomo soukowasouto itsuka tobidaseruto ! kyoudoumierunokana? fuannomukouni yumemiteru watashigairukagiri never give up shigeki motomete boarding pass sou nigirishimete hashiruyo ima tobidasu chance & ganbou kimito megaaisou ato gosenchi hidari… ! 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile watashikara Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” moumieruyo Future Kiss tachiagarenaihodono dameijide tsuyokunaretaima kimigachikadukuyo namaewoyobukoe zuttoyumemitetano 1 fight it 2 chance 3 destiny & make magic watashikara Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” ima mitsumete Future Kiss 1 sweetie 2 beauty 3 cool & make smile watashikara Future Kiss 1 feel me 2 make me 3 catch me “love” moumieruyo Future Kiss记得采纳啊

求One Direction Kiss you和One Direction 其他 好听的歌

怎么个推荐法,一专到五专每张都很好听.这里给你推荐四专五专的吧Where Do Broken Hearts GoFool"s GoldNight ChangesFireproofSteal My GirlPerfectHistoryInfinity......Kiss You收录于第二张专辑《Take Me Home》,这张里推几首大众化吧C"mon, C"monLittle Things I WouldOver AgainSummer LoveLast First Kiss太多了,就这样吧




Reiss购买主要有三个渠道:1. 官网,注意英国和美国官网的差价还挺大的,同一款商品英国比较便宜,所以尽量在英国官网买。官网有5镑英国境内运费,不支持直邮中国。2. Selfridges,这是英国的高级百货,有App也有网站,可以切换中文,对国内用户很友好。最值得一提的是,花40镑就可以开通全年全球包邮业务,可以直送中国,非常便捷。但这个网站国内很多姐妹在用,很容易断货。3. John Lewis,这是英国另一个中高端百货,满额就能免运费,服务也不错。但不支持直邮中国需要转运。





swiss marine手表价格

SWISS MARINE是腕表的牌子~国际知名品牌!一般设计男士腕表~而SWISS MARINE是一个人名SWISS MARINE 以海军军队风格为设计理念,由Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 公司所设立的品牌,制表大师Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 以他本身对於瑞士传统制作机械怀表的高度认知,在累积多年经验後,秉持对钟表的热情与坚持於1898年创立以本身为名的制表公司,也创造不同特色,不同主题~! 再过去SWISS MARINE一直以男性的款式居多,2008年为了打进广大的女性消费市场,推出多款典雅的珠宝系列腕表,以低调奢华的设计走向,突破以往给人比较刚性的品牌形象。【转】


SWISS MARINE是腕表的牌子~国际知名品牌!一般设计男士腕表~而SWISS MARINE是一个人名SWISS MARINE 以海军军队风格为设计理念,由Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 公司所设立的品牌,制表大师Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 以他本身对於瑞士传统制作机械怀表的高度认知,在累积多年经验後,秉持对钟表的热情与坚持於1898年创立以本身为名的制表公司,也创造不同特色,不同主题~! 再过去SWISS MARINE一直以男性的款式居多,2008年为了打进广大的女性消费市场,推出多款典雅的珠宝系列腕表,以低调奢华的设计走向,突破以往给人比较刚性的品牌形象。


一般设计男士腕表~ 而SWISS MARINE是一个人名 SWISS MARINE 以海军军队风格为设计理念,由Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 公司所设立的品牌,制表大师Auguste reymond (奥古斯特、雷蒙德) 以他本身对於瑞士传统制作机械怀表的高度认知,在累积多年经验後,秉持对钟表的热情与坚持於1898年创立以本身为名的制表公司,也创造不同特色,不同主题~! 再过去SWISS MARINE一直以男性的款式居多,2008年为了打进广大的女性消费市场,推出多款典雅的珠宝系列腕表,以低调奢华的设计走向,突破以往给人比较刚性的品牌形象。



2011Dream Concert u-kiss开头那个单个站在一旁的男生是谁啊?

是KiSeop 中文名叫李基变

有没有类似与I Miss You这样的歌?

1楼最佳了 都很好听~~

This Kiss (Pop Radio Version) 歌词

歌曲名:This Kiss (Pop Radio Version)歌手:Faith Hill专辑:There You Ll BeFaith Hill---This KissI don"t want another heartbreakI don"t need another turn to cryI don"t want to learn the hard wayBaby Hello, oh no, goodbyeBut you got me like a rocketShooting straight across the sky...It"s the way you love meIt"s a feeling like this-- It"s centrifical motionIt"s pertpetual bliss.It"s that pivotal momentIt"s ImpossibleThis Kiss, This Kiss(Unstoppable)This Kiss, This KissCinderella said to Snow WhiteHow does love get so off course?All I wanted was a white knightWith a good heart, soft touch, fast horse.Ride me off into the sunsetBaby, I"m forever yoursIt"s the way you love meIt"s a feeling like this-- It"s centrifical motionIt"s perpetual bliss.It"s that pivotal momentIt"s UnthinkableThis Kiss, This kKss(Unsinkable)This Kiss This KissYou can kiss me in the moonlightOn the rooftop under the skyYou can kiss me with the windows openWhile the rain comes pouring insideKiss me in sweet slow motionLet"s let every thing slideYou got me floating, You got me flyingIt"s the way you love meIt"s a feeling like this-- It"s centrifical motionIt"s perpetual bliss.It"s that pivotal momentIt"s SubliminalThis Kiss, This Kiss(It"s Criminal)This Kiss, This Kiss


BALCO---瑞士“拜戈”品牌名SWISS---瑞士(国名)STEEL----钢 RESISTANT---防止如果再加上WATER RESISTANT就是意指防水Sapphire ------蓝宝石由人工合成的蓝宝石水晶制成的手表玻璃表面。蓝宝石水晶的硬度极高,因此不易刮伤或磨损。

Gloria (Missa Alma Redemptoris, Movement 1) 歌词

歌曲名:Gloria (Missa Alma Redemptoris, Movement 1)歌手:Hilliard Ensemble专辑:Mass & MotetsYoung Divas - GloriaAlbum:Young Divas鹰飞雁武 编辑Gloria, you"re always on the run nowRunning after somebodyYou gotta get him somehowI think you"ve got to slow downBefore you start to blow itI think you"re headed for a breakdownSo be careful not to show itYou really don"t rememberWas it something that he saidAre the voices in your headCalling, GloriaGloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"If everybody wants youWhy isn"t anybody callin"You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria (Gloria)I think they got your number(Gloria)I think they got the alias(Gloria)That you"ve been living under(Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they saidAre the voices in your headCalling, GloriaA-ha-ha, a-ha-haGloria, how"s it gonna go downWill you meet him on the main lineOr will you catch him on the reboundWill you marry for the moneyTake a lover in the afternoonFeel your innocence slippin" awayDon"t believe it"s comin" back soonAnd you really don"t rememberWas it something that he saidAre the voices in your headCalling, GloriaGloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"If everybody wants youWhy isn"t anybody callin"You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria(Gloria)I think they got your number(Gloria)I think they got the alias(Gloria)That you"ve been living under(Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they saidAre the voices in your headCalling, Gloria(Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria)

韩剧插曲有一句you want kiss me女生唱得

是这一首吧Piece Of MeI"m Miss "American Dream"Since I was 17Don"t matter if I step on the sceneOr sneak away to the PhilippinesThey still got pictures of my derrière in the magazineYou want a piece of me?You want a piece of me?I"m Miss "Bad Media Karma"Another day, another dramaGuess I can"t see no harmIn working and being a mamaAnd with a kid on my armI"m still an exception, and everybodyWant a piece of meI"m Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney"s Shameless!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "she"s too big, now she"s too thin"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "You want a piece of me?"Tryin" and pissin" me offWell get in line with the paparazziWho"s flippin" me off?Hoping I"ll resort to startin" havocAnd end up settlin" in courtNow are you sure you want a piece of me?(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Most Likely To Get On TV For Strippin" On The Streets"When getting the groceries, no, for realAre you kidding me?Causing panic in the industryI mean, pleaseDo you want a piece of me?I"m Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney"s Shameless!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "she"s too big, now she"s too thin"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Miss "American Dream"Since I was 17Don"t matter if I step on the sceneOr sneak away to the PhilippinesThey still got pictures of my derrière in the magazineYou want a piece of me?You want a piece, piece of me?You want a piece of me?I"m Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney"s Shameless!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "she"s too big, now she"s too thin"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Oh My God, That Britney"s Shameless!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This Just In!"(You want a piece of me?)I"m Mrs. "she"s too big, now she"s too thin"(You want a piece of me?)Oh yeahYou want a piece of me

谁有Trademark的《Miss You Finally》的中文歌词

00:02.23]Trademark: Miss You Finally[00:06.50]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[00:15.94]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[00:25.16]Try to remember all these years试着去回忆全部的你 [00:29.86]We shared the love we shared the tears我们曾经的欢乐,曾经的悲伤[00:35.30]Hm..Year... 唉.... [00:39.47]Thought that forever it would be原认为我们会直到永远[00:44.20]I realize you lie to me我发现你在对我撒谎[00:48.90]I still hold on我还是坚持着[00:51.86]Still dream of days when we were one还是幻想着在那些我们密不可分的日子中[00:58.62]You played with my heart你玩弄着我的真心[01:01.00]You played with my mind你玩弄着我的真情[01:04.15]But I miss you finally但是最终我还是想念你了[01:08.40]Right from the start从一开始[01:10.62]My love made me blind我的爱使我盲目[01:13.76]But I miss you finally我终于失去了你[01:22.56]All of these promises you mad所有的誓言,似乎全是你的谎言[01:27.13]This 4 letter word it seems to flame...那个四字的词, 也许是命中注定[01:37.16]Baby it"s hard to understand宝贝我很难明白[01:41.92]Now that you"re gone为什么现在你要离开我[01:43.88]We reached the end我不能陪你到永远[01:46.77]I still believe 我仍然相信[01:49.51]Still dream of days when we were one 仍然梦想我们在一起的日子[01:56.28]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[01:58.33]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[02:01.42]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:05.99]Right from the start 从一开始[02:08.08]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[02:10.60]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:41.81]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[02:43.75]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[02:46.87]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[02:51.27]Right from the start 从一开始[02:53.25]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[02:56.44]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:00.65]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[03:02.83]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[03:05.67]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:10.43]Right from the start 从一开始[03:12.38]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目[03:15.02]But I miss you finally 但是我仍然想你[03:19.90]You played with my heart 你玩弄了我的心[03:22.11]You played with my mind 你玩弄了我的情感[03:29.43]Right from the start 从一开始[03:31.49]My love made me blind 我的爱使我盲目

歌词是loveme loveme loveme kissme kissme kissme的歌名叫什

Love fool - The Cardigans
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