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extreme ironing什么意思?


ironing free 和easy care区别?

ironing free是免烫面料的意思,主要是指面料含PLOYSTEReasy care是指面料经过处理不易起皱没有本质区别,叫法不同而已

Ironing a shirt is easy to learn. Just follow the steps in t?

小题1:B 小题2:A 小题3:D 小题4:C 小题5:B ,2, Ironing a shirt is easy to learn. Just follow the steps in this short guide (指南), and you"ll learn how to iron your shirt properly with the help of the video. The most important thing is this: don"t try to iron a dry shirt. ● Get ready You will need an iron, an ironing board and a bottle of water. Place the shirt on the ironing board. You can iron in whatever order you like, but most people like to start at the top — the collar. Have a bottle of water ready. Spray (喷) it onto the shirt to make it easier to iron. ● Do the ironing First, iron the inside of the collar. Second, turn the collar over and iron the other side. Third, iron the back shoulders of the shirt. Fourth, iron the cuffs. Iron the inside, then the outside of the cuffs. Fifth, iron the sleeves. Sixth, iron the back of the shirt. Finally, iron the front of the shirt. Do one side, and then do the other side. ● Dry the shirt Check your shirt and iron it again if you need to. Now put your shirt on a hanger and let it dry. 小题1: What"s the most important thing if you want to iron a shirt? A.Have a bottle of water ready. B.Don"t try to iron a dry shirt. C.Wash your shirt carefully. D.Place the shirt on the ironing board. 小题2:You will need all of the following things EXCEPT ________ before you iron a shirt. A.a ruler iron ironing board D.a bottle of water 小题3:Most people like to start with ironing ________ of a shirt. A.the sleeves B.the back shoulders C.the cuffs D.the collar 小题4:How many steps are there to do the ironing, according to this guide? A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven. D.Eight. 小题5:The writer tells us it"s easy to learn how to iron a shirt by ________. A.reading a book B.watching a video C.listening to the radio D.reading the newspaper

ironing shop什么意思

就是 洗衣店啦。 提供熨烫 干洗等业务的 。


ironing英 [u02c8au026au0259nu026au014b] 美 [u02c8au026au0259rnu026au014b] n.熨烫; 刚熨好的[待熨烫的]衣物v.熨平( iron的现在分词 ); 用鱼叉叉(鱼); 用铁铸成; 给…加铁具(以使牢固)双语例句 It was in the beginning, when we were still ironing out problems. 那是在刚开始,我们还在着力解决问题。

Ironing a shirt is easy to learn. Just follow the steps in this short guide (指南), and you’ll le

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C小题5:B 试题分析:本文介绍了在录像的帮助下学会熨衣服的方法。在熨衣服之前,你需要准备的是一个熨斗,一个熨衣板和一瓶水。大部分人喜欢从上部——领子开始熨衬衫。在要熨的地方喷上水,由里到外,由上到下的熨,最后熨衬衣前面,一共七个步骤。熨完衬衫,要把衬衫晾干。小题1:细节理解题。根据The most important thing is this: don"t try to iron a dry shirt.可知熨衣服时,最重要的是不要熨一件干的衬衫。故选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据You will need an iron, an ironing board and a bottle of water.可知在熨衣服之前,你需要准备的是一个熨斗,一个熨衣板和一瓶水。故不需要一个尺子。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据but most people like to start at the top — the collar. 但是大部分人喜欢从上部——领子开始熨衬衫。故选D。小题4:推理判断题。根据First, iron the inside of the collar. Second, turn the collar over and iron the other side. Third, iron the back shoulders of the shirt. Fourth, iron the cuffs. Iron the inside, then the outside of the cuffs. Fifth, iron the sleeves. Sixth, iron the back of the shirt. Finally, iron the front of the shirt. Do one side, and then do the other side.可知熨衣服需要七个步骤。故选C。小题5:细节理解题。根据you"ll learn how to iron your shirt properly with the help of the video.可知观看录像就可以学会熨衬衫,故选B。

extreme ironing 是什么意思

玩家带好衣服、熨斗及烫衣板,到悬崖边、雪山、海底、闹巿等地争奇斗怪!2.极限熨衣极限熨衣(extreme ironing)是另类的极限运动,指带着衣服、熨斗及熨衣板,在悬崖边、雪山、海底等极限条件下熨衣服。3.极限烫衣板运动例句与用法Is ironing your clothes boring? Maybe it"s time to do something extreme!觉得烫衣服无聊透顶吗?或许该来点刺激的!

请问extreme ironing是什么意思?看2010南京的中考题上的 谢谢诶


ironing ironning双写吗





iron的意思是:作名词时意为“熨斗;烙铁;坚强,人名;(英)艾恩”;作形容词时意为“铁的;残酷的;刚强的”;作及物动词时意为“熨;用铁铸成”;作不及物动词时意为“熨衣;烫平”;单词发音:英[u02c8au026au0259n],美[u02c8au026au0259rn]短语搭配iron Maiden铁娘子 ; 铁处女 ; 铁娘子乐团 ; 铁娘子乐队wrought iron[材]熟铁 ; 锻铁 ; 铸铁 ; 焊接钢iron sky钢铁苍穹 ; 钢铁天穹 ; 钢铁苍穹入侵 ; 铁幕苍穹pig iron[材]生铁 ; 生铁块 ; 生铁锭 ; 生铁生铁锭Iron grey[科技]铁灰色 ; 铁灰 ; 铁板色 ; 拿铁灰waffle iron窝夫烘烤模 ; 对开式铁心 ; 配有专用烤盘 ; 烘烤模Iron Hills铁丘陵 ; 及铁丘陵Iron Ring工程师之戒 ; 生铁戒指 ; 铁圈双语例句Could you iron this suit for me?你能替我熨这件衣服吗?Then flip pants over to iron the outside of that leg.然后翻过裤子,熨刚才熨过的那条裤腿的外侧。Soft materials, such as cloth, do not carry sounds so well as wood, iron and other solids.像布那样的柔软的材料,不如木材、铁和其它固体东西传导声音那样好。