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put in 和put into的在用法上的区别

put inv.放进,提出,提交,插入,进入,使就职,种植,进港To interpose:插入,插话:He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话To spend (time) at a location or job:花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间...

put sth in 和put sth into的区别

1.如果两个后面都接宾语,into 动作意味强些 2.put sth in 中的in 可作副词,即后面不接名词,代词,而介词into 后面必须有宾语

put into/ in的区别是什么?

一、put into的用法:put into的意思是插入,注入,(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。put into后只能接名词构成复合宾语。二、put in的用法:put in的意思是做,(使)在内;在某人或某物上花费,强调的是动作。后后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。三、重点词汇解释:1、putvt. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予vi. 出发;击;航行;发芽n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人adj. 固定不动的2、intoprep. 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;对……很有兴趣3、inprep. 在……内;在……之中(用于较大和较小数字之间);以……的数量;带……颜色的;以……方式;具有……特性;按照(表示方式)adv. 进入;在里头;到达;当选;涨潮;在屋里;在车站;收到;递交,送到;填写,着色;朝里,向中间;击球;(球)落在界内;(服装等)时髦扩展资料:put的用法:put的基本含义是放,搁,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。引申还可作提出,提交,估算,估价,评价,使从事活动,使致力于,推,送,继续行程的意思。put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。put的过去式和过去分词均为put。

put into 和put in 的用法

put into :投入put in :放在put in 用在大范围put into特指在什么容器内

put in和put into的区别

put in的意思是做;(使)在内;在…上花费;选举…执政;put into的意思是投入;使处于某种状态;把…译成,用…表达。 区别 具体含义不同 put的意思是放;安置等,强调的是动作本身。put into的意思是插入;注入;(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。 用法不同 put后后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。而put into只能接名词构成复合宾语。

put in 和put into的在用法上的区别

put into是开始制定 才开始计划好 还没开始做put in是实施 开始动工了

put into的用法是什么?

一、put into的用法:put into的意思是插入,注入,(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。put into后只能接名词构成复合宾语。二、put in的用法:put in的意思是做,(使)在内;在某人或某物上花费,强调的是动作。后后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。三、重点词汇解释:1、putvt. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予vi. 出发;击;航行;发芽n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人adj. 固定不动的2、intoprep. 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;对……很有兴趣3、inprep. 在……内;在……之中(用于较大和较小数字之间);以……的数量;带……颜色的;以……方式;具有……特性;按照(表示方式)adv. 进入;在里头;到达;当选;涨潮;在屋里;在车站;收到;递交,送到;填写,着色;朝里,向中间;击球;(球)落在界内;(服装等)时髦扩展资料:put的用法:put的基本含义是放,搁,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。引申还可作提出,提交,估算,估价,评价,使从事活动,使致力于,推,送,继续行程的意思。put主要用作及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to/for的宾语。有时还可接以形容词、副词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。put的过去式和过去分词均为put。 和put...into的区别

一、意思不同1、put to:使(某人)进入。2、put in:放在。3、put into:插入,注入。二、用法不同1、put to:to表示在某范围之外,两者之间可以互相连接,也可以不连接。2、put in:in表示在某范围之内,是其中的一部分。3、put into:into介词,它引导介词短语,在句中用作状语,表示“进入...之中”或“变成”之意。

put into的用法及例句

put into的用法:put into的意思注入,(船)入港,侧重于使某物处于某种状态,强调的是状态。put into后只能接名词构成复合宾语。 例句:He quickly put the money into his pocket(他快速把钱放到口袋,这是过程) 扩展资料   1、put   vt. 放;表达;移动;安置;赋予   vi. 出发;击;航行;发芽   n. 掷;笨蛋;投击;怪人   adj. 固定不动的   2、into   prep. 到……里面;触及,碰撞;朝,向;转向;关于;转变成;造成(某种结果);除;对……很有兴趣


put into 英[put u02c8u026antuu02d0]美[pu028at u02c8u026antu][词典] 投入; 使处于某种状态; 把…译成,用…表达;[例句]These and other such measures ought to have been put into effect in 1985.这些以及其他类似的措施在1985年就应该开始实施了。

put into place a ban on sth.是什么意思?


put in ,put inside , put into 有什么区别啊?

put in 是静态态,put into 是动态。put inside 是放进社么的里面

put into 等于什么?_?

put in

throw into和put into 的区别

1. throw into表示“扔进去”,而put into是“放进去”,两个动作不一样,要看情景。2. lose表示“失去,丢了”,而leave是离开“两个单词的意思不一样呀。


put into[英][put u02c8u026antuu02d0][美][pu028at u02c8u026antu]使处于某种状态; 把…译成,用…表达; 投入; pour into[英][pu0254:u02c8u026antuu02d0][美][pu0254r u02c8u026antu]不断地[大量地]流进[涌进]; 注入; 灌注; 倾注; 前者注重固体后者倾向于液体

put in ,put inside ,put into 有什么区别啊? 这三个有什么区别啊?

put A inside put A in B put A into B into更强调过程, in 状态 这不是固定短语,就是动词和介词/副词的搭配,不要死记哦要活用!



put into,putout,put up,put on区别

不止一楼的那几个意思 如果不清楚的话可以查询专业词典 学会查词典才能学好英语



put in 和put into 可以替换使用吗【急勒】

可以的,其实这两个短语基本上没什么太大的却别put in 强调的是动作put into 则强调的是放进哪里

这里句子用put into还是been put into?

用is put into因为a move 是被实施的,故用被动

put at put up put off put into各什么意思

put at = estimate at = 估计到:Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero.= 会谈没有成功的希望put at 不可以和 put up at 混合:put up at = find accommodation:They put up at an inn for the night. = 他们在一家小客栈里过夜.The traveler put up at a motel. = 这位旅客在汽车旅馆里过夜。put up with = 忍受,容忍:We have to put up with her bad temper. = 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。put off =推迟,拖延; 延期:postponeDon"t put me off when I"m trying to concentrate. =我正要集中注意力呢,别打搅我。She keeps putting off going to the dentist. = 她老是拖延著不去看牙病。put into =防在...里面;进港,插入The deceiver was put into prison. =那个骗子被关进监狱。

put into后加什么词性啊


put in 和 put into有什么区别

你好两个的意思基本一样 没有很大的区别主要是in 和 into 的区别 如果 强调进入 放入 用 intoput in 可以单独使用,put....into....最后要跟地点。。 put the book into your bag

put into 和 put in一样么?

put的过去式是put,过去分词也是put. 另外注意这个问题:请将下句分别变一般疑问句和否定句:He put his book on the desk.答案为:Did he put his book on the desk?He didn"t put his book on the desk.说明:此小题今后应特别注意,它特殊在put 的原形和过去式在写法上相同。所以我们遇到这种题应首先判断它是原形还是过去式,就从主语he (三单)下手。你想想,如果它是原形,那么动词上就应加有 S ,写成 puts 。反之,它上面没有加有 s ,只能说明它在此处是 过去式 。你说呢?今后类似的动词都要留意呢!

put sth in 和put sth into的区别 求高手解释下,谢谢

1. 如果两个后面都接宾语, into 动作意味强些2. put sth in 中的in 可作副词, 即后面不接名词,代词, 而介词into 后面必须有宾语【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

put in和put into有啥区别

put in 是放在表面的,,而put into是把某物放在什么里面的意思,有范围限制.

put…into与pour…into的区别 put…into与pour…into到底有什么区别

put…into 放进去(也可以代替pour…into 但也可以说 把钱存入银行帐号 put money into bank account) pour…into倒进去(一般说的是液体) pour water into the glass


put to,把什么放到,(那个东西不一定已经到位,但是在途)put into,东西已经被放到里面了,到位了

put into是什么句子成分

he put the Chinese into English. 他把中文译成英文. he:主语 put:谓语动词 宾语就不说了 还有什么不明白的

用be put into a position 被放在一个位置上/处境中。 造句 简单易懂


put into中间可以加什么的用法?

代词做宾语时用宾格放中间Please put it into the box .请把它放进箱子里。

put …into 的反义词是什么?


put to,put in,put into,put on的区别~

put to:放到 put in:放入,多指较抽象的,exp:put in some salt in my water put into:放入(箱子等,盒子·,抽屉) put on放在(多是桌面) 希望的帮助你:)

把消息输进电脑是用put in还是put into

put into

put... into什么意思

putinto 使处于某种状态; 把…译成,用…表达; 投入 1. 使进入,输入

put to,put in , put into 的区别



put in的意思是做;(使)在内;在…上花费;选举…执政;put into的意思是投入;使处于某种状态;把…译成,用…表达。


put……in 把……放入,放到……里面put……on 把…放到…上面,放到……的表面put……into 放入,和put in 差不多,更强调“进入”的动作

put和put into的区别

put及物动词 vt. 1.放,摆,装Where did you put the spanner? 你把扳钳放哪儿啦? He put his textbooks on the table by the window. 他把课本放在窗边的桌上。 2.使处于(某种状态)They have just put through a business deal. 他们刚刚达成一笔生意。 The situation put us at a serious disadvantage. 形势使我们处于非常不利的地位。 3.施加,强加[(+on)]They tried to put the blame on him. 他们力图将责任推在他身上。 4.表达,表述;翻译Can you put it in simpler English? 你能用更简单的英语说吗? 5.提出[(+to/before)]I will put your views to the committee. 我将把你的看法提交委员会。 6.写上;标上Put a question mark at the end of the sentence. 句末写上问号。 7.使从事;把...用于;使受到He put his children to work on his farm during the summer vacation. 他让他的孩子在暑假里去自家的农场劳动。 8.使渡过;使航行9.投掷;发射Some astronauts were put into space. 几名宇航员被送上太空。;拨动11.穿(衣)[(+on)]12.延后[(+off)]13.课(税);投(资);下(赌注)She put all her money in that company. 她将所有的钱投资到该公司。 14.为...配曲[(+to)]Some of his poems have been put to music. 他有些诗歌已谱成曲子。 不及物动词 vi. 1.【口】出发,匆忙离开He put for home after a hurried meal. 他匆匆吃完饭就出发回家了。 2.开航,航行3.(植物)发芽4.(河水)流向名词 n. 1.投掷,推2.【商】股票出售权,约期出售选择权形容词 a. 1.【口】固定不动的She told the child to stay put and wait for her return. 她叫小孩呆在原地不要动,等她回来。 put into+n(名词)v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel.船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies."那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。"

put into 、put in 意思

put into基本翻译vt. 翻译成(进港,插入)网络释义put into:使进入,输入|使进入|放进,翻译put…into…:把……译成put… into:把…放入put in基本翻译vt. 提交(任命,插入,实行,度过,买进待售,种植)网络释义put in:申请,正式提出|花费,付出(时间、精力等)|驶进to put in:加上be put in:进宫

put in 和put into的区别是什么?

put in提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职put into使进入;把...放进;在……上种植望采纳哦!

put into是什么意思

21世纪大英汉词典put into把…放进(或关进、投入);使进入…(状态)[亦作 put in]把…翻译成;把…表达为在(土地上)种植(船)入港,驶入,开进(港口,码头等)[亦作 put in]把…花在…上,把…用在…上使…具有(生气,勇气)使穿上;使睡入把…交由…(照管)排列把钱存入;投资于 收起结果以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》

return to、return back与return into的区别 求求你们了!


run into an old friend

第一个空:were waiting (过去进行时态) 第二个空:ran (一般过去时态) 翻译:当我们在等公共汽车时,我遇到了一位老朋友.

Run Into Me 歌词

歌曲名:Run Into Me歌手:Taylor Thrash专辑:Taylor Thrash - EPTaylor Thrash - Run Into MeQQ : 349777127Girl y"know I might not know your name but everyday is the same,I hope to see you again.You"d think we"re close and you never know, need someone to hold.Don"t wanna be just friends.And lately, baby, my heart just takes me,Where the wind blows more like where you may go.Baby take a chance on romance and hope and pray that you could...Run into me like they do in the movies,like when Harry met Sally baby that would be groovy.And I could linger, and sing her a song or two,fall in love happily ever after, just say I do.And run into me, baby,"cause that would be so cool.Girl y"know I wanna know your name and it"s a, new day,Can I just see you again?You"d think we"re close but the story goes I want you to hold,So tell all of your friends.And lately, baby, my heart just takes me,Where the wind blows more like where you may go.Baby take a chance on romance and hope and pray that you could...Run into me like they do in the movies,like when Harry met Sally baby that would be groovy.And I could linger, and sing her a song or two,fall in love happily ever after, just say I do.And run into me, baby,"cause that would be so cool.Run-a run-a run-a run-a little closer babe.Stay stay stay stay a little longer babe.Where ya gotta be, where ya gotta go,don"tcha wanna see, don"tcha wanna kn-kn-kn-kn-know?


have ever run into曾经碰到

谁知道run into the sun 的歌词

We will run, run, run into the sunWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run, run, baby, do run, run, baby do run, run, againDo run, run, baby, do run, run, we will never ever feel the sameOne more night and it"s holiday, I keep, I waiting just for youWe gonna make it right, all of my dreams will come trueWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run, run, baby, do run, run, baby do run, run, againDo run, run, baby, do run, run, will you help me just kill the rainNo one knows when we meet again, but there"s a changse for you and meWe gonna make it right, all of my dreams will come trueWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameRun, run, run into the sunOne more night and it"s holiday, I keep, I waiting just for youWe will run, run, run into the sunI"m happy when the music is soundWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sunSo happy when my troubels are goneWe run, run, run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run, run, run into the sun!



run into another car

答案是D.本题考查动名词的用法;题干中avoid(避免)后面必须接动名词做宾语,故排除B和C;run into表示"撞到…",后面不缺宾语,不用被动,所以排除A,答案选D.

All rivers run into sea是什么意思

all rivers run into sea海纳百川;

run across run into表相遇有什么区别?

run into:1. 撞到,例 run into a wall (撞到墙上)2. 陷入,例 run into trouble (陷入麻烦)3. 跑进,例 run into the store (跑进商店)4. 无意中遇见,例 I ran into her at the party. 我是在派对上无意中遇见她的。run across:1. 跑着穿过,例 run across the yard (跑着穿过院子)2. 无意中找到/遇见,语法类似 run into 的用法4。再给个例子:I ran across her name in the telephone directory.我无意中在电话簿里看见她的名字。

run into the air还是climb into the air?


谁有run into the sun 这首歌翻译

Run Into The SunWe will run run run into the sunWe run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run run run babyDo run run run babyDo run run run againDo run run run babyDo run run runWe will never fail the sameOne moon night and a tired dayI keep on waiting just for youWe gonna make a tryAll my dreams will come trueWe will run run run into the sunI"m happy when the music is onWe run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run run run into the sunSo happy when my trouble has goneRun run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameDo run run run babyDo run run run babyDo run run run againDo run run run babyDo run run runWhen you help me just caper the runNo one knows when we meet againBut it is a chance for you and meWe gonna make a tryAll my dreams will come trueWe will run run run into the sunI"m happy when the music is onWe run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run run run into the sunSo happy when my trouble is goneRun run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameOne moon night and tired dayI keep on waiting just for youWe will run run run into the sunI"m happy when the music is onrun run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run run run into the sunSo happy when my trouble is goneRun run run run into the sunAnd everybody calls my nameWe will run run run into the sun

run into后面加什么词性


Run into Run away Run after Run across 的意思

run into 碰上;遇到 He has run into trouble in his job.x05 他的工作遇到了麻烦. run away 逃跑,走掉; 逃脱 The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away. 警察突然出现,小偷就逃跑了. run after 追赶 If you run after two hares,you will catch neither.x05 两只兔都赶,一只也逮不着. run across 不期而遇;撞见 We ran across some old friends in the village.x05 我们在村里偶然碰见了一些老朋友.

run against和run into都有偶然遇到某人的意思,用法上有区别吗??

我知道 run across *** /sth 和 run into *** /sth 这两个词组,是一个意思,都是 to meet *** or find sth by chance 偶然遇到(或看见).但是 run against 我倒是没有见到过这种用法.,1,

Ran into中间可以加名词吗?

run into 中间可以加名词。即run sth into sb/sth的结构,意为“开(车)撞上”。例如:He ran his car into a tree. 他开车撞上了一棵树。

run into,run away,run out分别是什么意思?各有什么用法?



可以run into陷入美[[ru028cnu02c8u026antu0259]]英[[ru028cnu02c8u026antu0259]]意思是遭遇,陷入;撞上,撞到;偶然遇见

run into造句

The sweat began to run into kunta"s eyes, making him blink to stop the stinging .汗珠已流进了昆塔的眼睛,使他不禁要眨一下眼以免刺痛。We won"t run into any problem of non-commutativity in constructing these operators .在构成这些算符时,我们不会陷入任何非对易性问题中。The second day he had a narrow escape when he ran into a patrol of british soldiers .第二天,他碰上了一队英国巡逻兵,好不容易才脱了险。Four days had gone past since the evening when he had run intoher outside the junk shop .自从那天晚上他在那家旧货铺门口碰到她以来已有四天了。Faber ran into the hall and up the stairs. david followed, stopping his wheelchair at the foot of the staircase .费伯跑进门厅上了楼,大卫紧随其后把轮椅摇到楼梯口。

run into,run away,run out分别是什么意思?各有什么用法?

run into有撞上的意思,但也可以引深为偶遇、碰巧遇到,等于come across,meet away是跑走,逃跑的意思 run out用完,如果是物作主语不用被动态,还有到期的意思.

run into & run across有什么区别?


解释一下词组:run into

run into 是遇到,或碰上

knock into 和run into

knock into是撞人

rush into和run into的分别用法?它们之间的联系和区别是什么?


come into ,run in 和run into 的区别




帮帮我翻译下这个run into词组的意思


run into和push into的区别

  run into表示“快速进入…;(使)碰撞;驱车造访…;加起来;遇到”  例如:  1、They agreed to sell last year after they ran into financial problems.  陷入财政困境以后,他们于去年同意出售。  2、The pilot told the control tower that he"d run into technical trouble.  飞行员报告机场控制塔他遇到了技术问题。  3、If I run into anything that might interest you, I"ll send it your way.  如果我碰上你可能感兴趣的东西,我就给你寄过去。  push into表示“推进,推动(做某事)”  例如:  1、Germany"s relentless push into renewable energy has implications far beyond itsshores.  德国在不断地推进可再生能源的开发利用,其影响远远超出了它的国界。  2、This too is not without its downside; one can easily select the wrong version to pushinto production.  这种方法也有弱点:人们很容易选择错误的版本推送到生产环境中。

用run into sb.怎么造句?

He runs into the bank

run into能分开吗?

run into 不能分开如He ran into the house quickly.

you have ever run into

你有史以来最投入的...举例:this is the most comfortable paper you have ever run into这是你有史以来书写过的最舒适的纸张

run to 和run into的区别

un into 表示撞上,偶遇,总计达,冲进(房间),(尖的东西)戳进 run to 表示(数量)达到,倾向于,有能力做 His car ran into the post.The needle ran into her finger. The costs will run to one hundred dollars. He is running to fat.

run to 和run into的区别


slid into和run into有什么不同

您好,slid 是 slide 的过去时,而 slide into 是固定搭配,表示【平稳、快速、悄悄的】做某事,通常可以认为是在不惊动其他人的情况下。用法来自于 slide 【滑行;滑动】,而滑行或滑动表示很顺利的意思。run into 在和 slide into 作同样解释时(因为run into 还有其他的用法是 slide into 无法使用的),表示【快速的,碰撞而进入的】,通常可以认为是在惊动了其他人的情况下而做成或是遇见一些困难。比如:1)Iquicklyslidintoaseatatthebackofthehall. (我快速而悄悄的坐到大厅后排座位上,应该是迟到而在不惊动其他人的情况下坐下)2)Iquicklyrunintoaseatatthebackofthehall. (我急忙而暴躁的坐到大厅后排座位上,应该是迟到但没有降低步伐速度,而急忙的找个后排的座位匆匆的坐下了,应该是影响到了其他接近后排座位的人)



run in 与run into的区别

run into是正在进行的

Run into和run over在表示“相撞”时有什么区别?谢谢

run into是跑进去例如:run into the wooden house.跑进小木屋里Run over是跑过。例如:He ran over the river.他跑过那条河

run into和come across区别是什么?_?

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