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A intense


intense 和intensive的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,固定词组不同一、指代不同1、intense:十分强烈的。2、intensive:短时间内集中紧张进行的。二、用法不同1、intense:用来形容某种性质或感情,表示很高或达到极端的程度。还可作“强烈的,浓烈的,深刻的”“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解,作“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解时,常与介词on〔in〕连用。2、intensive:intensive含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的,集中的”。三、固定词组不同1、intense:intense cold〔heat〕 酷冷〔酷热〕、intense pain 剧痛2、intensive:intensive care unit 特级护理病房、intensive grasp of 彻底掌握…的


intense 和intensive的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,固定词组不同一、指代不同1、intense:十分强烈的。2、intensive:短时间内集中紧张进行的。二、用法不同1、intense:用来形容某种性质或感情,表示很高或达到极端的程度。还可作“强烈的,浓烈的,深刻的”“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解,作“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解时,常与介词on〔in〕连用。2、intensive:intensive含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的,集中的”。三、固定词组不同1、intense:intense cold〔heat〕 酷冷〔酷热〕、intense pain 剧痛2、intensive:intensive care unit 特级护理病房、intensive grasp of 彻底掌握…的

intense 和intensive的区别

ntense形容词 a. 1.强烈的,剧烈的;极度的The fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。 2.热情的;热切的The candidate has many intense supporters. 这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者。 intensive形容词 a. 1.加强的;密集的an intensive bombardment 密集轰炸 2.精深的;透彻的an intensive course in English 英语精读课程 3.特别护理的Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. 医院对危重病人作特别护理。 4.集约栽培的;精耕细作的intensive farming 集约农业 5.【语】加强语意的


intense 和intensive的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,固定词组不同一、指代不同1、intense:十分强烈的。2、intensive:短时间内集中紧张进行的。二、用法不同1、intense:用来形容某种性质或感情,表示很高或达到极端的程度。还可作“强烈的,浓烈的,深刻的”“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解,作“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解时,常与介词on〔in〕连用。2、intensive:intensive含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的,集中的”。三、固定词组不同1、intense:intense cold〔heat〕 酷冷〔酷热〕、intense pain 剧痛2、intensive:intensive care unit 特级护理病房、intensive grasp of 彻底掌握…的

intense 和intensive都是强烈的意思,怎么区分啊

intensea.1. 强烈的,剧烈的;极度的The fracture caused him intense pain.骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。2. 热情的;热切的The candidate has many intense supporters.这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者。intensivea.1. 加强的;密集的an intensive bombardment密集轰炸2. 精深的;透彻的an intensive course in English英语精读课程3. 特别护理的Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.医院对危重病人作特别护理。4. 集约栽培的;精耕细作的intensive farming集约农业5. 【语】加强语意的n.[C]1. 加强器;增强剂2. 【语】强调成分比较:intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的,但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心,它特别适于用来描写感情状态:intense pleasure, dislike, loyalty, and so forth. Intensive 极度的快乐,极为厌恶,非常忠诚等等。 Intensive 更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。


intense形容词 a. 1.强烈的,剧烈的;极度的The fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。 2.热情的;热切的The candidate has many intense supporters. 这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者。 intensive形容词 a. 1.加强的;密集的an intensive bombardment 密集轰炸 2.精深的;透彻的an intensive course in English 英语精读课程 3.特别护理的Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. 医院对危重病人作特别护理。 4.集约栽培的;精耕细作的intensive farming 集约农业 5.【语】加强语意的


intense 和intensive的区别为:指代不同,用法不同,固定词组不同一、指代不同1、intense:十分强烈的。2、intensive:短时间内集中紧张进行的。二、用法不同1、intense:用来形容某种性质或感情,表示很高或达到极端的程度。还可作“强烈的,浓烈的,深刻的”“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解,作“擅长于…的”“对…很热心的”解时,常与介词on〔in〕连用。2、intensive:intensive含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的,集中的”。三、固定词组不同1、intense:intense cold〔heat〕 酷冷〔酷热〕、intense pain 剧痛2、intensive:intensive care unit 特级护理病房、intensive grasp of 彻底掌握…的


intensive adj. 加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的 n. 加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份 名词复数:intensives [例句]It has also been highly resource intensive.这也一直是一种资源高度密集型的模式。




intensive,中文意思是加强的、集中的。intensive 英[u026anu02c8tensu026av]美[u026anu02c8tu025bnsu026av]adj. 加强的,强烈的; [农] 精耕细作的; [语] 加强语意的; (农业方法) 集约的;n. 加强器; [语] 强义词,强调成份;[例句]Has partied himself into intensive care.已经住在加护病房.复数:intensives

联邦快递单中 FedEx Intl. Priority 和FedEx Intl. first的区别?

它是分 次日达 隔日达 和 普达的 前面是24 后面是48的 还有72和99的 具体发件时讲清楚


adj. 加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的n. 加强器

intensive cream

1.intensive toner 高效爽肤水 2.intensive essence 深层/高效 精华 3.intensive lotion 特效/高效 乳液 4.intensive cream 深层/高效 霜 爽肤水是洁面后用的 洗完脸 拍爽肤水 然后使用精华 然后在用 乳液 或者 霜 霜可以白天用 乳液可以晚上用

intensive-care unit是什么意思

intensive-care unitICU双语对照例句:1.Others die in an intensive-care unit or other hospital locale. 其他的病人则死在加护病房或者是医院的其他病房里。

intensive-care unit是什么意思


ncef intensive化妆品中的意思


intensive reading是什么意思

intensive reading精读; 例句.I think when the chinese students study english, they spend a lot of time doing intensivereading, but reading speed is sometimes a problem. 我认为,中国学生学英语时,他们在精读上花了大量时间,但阅读速度有时很成问题。

英语intensive listening怎么翻译?

intensive listening强化听力


water-intensive 耗水量较大water intensive industry 耗水量大的工业

Capital Intensive 代表什么意思??

capital intensive adj.资本大量投资的资本密集;资本密集型;资本密集型的例句筛选1.You should note that this project is highly capital intensive.请注意这项计划是高度资本密集。2.These incinerators are costly to run and capital intensive in cost and requirelarge chimney stacks.这些焚化炉运行费用昂贵,并且为资本密集型,需要大型烟囱。

intensive motivation stimulus inducement之间有何区别

  我的认识:  1 Intensive一般多用作形容词,我从不用它,也不大见到作为刺激物,激励的用法;  2 Motivation:更多的用作人的“动机”这个意思,例如某人某项行为的动机,目的是什么,多为主动。  3 Stimulus多用作物理、生物学等方面的刺激,如电刺激,食物刺激(会引起生理反应的刺激)。  4 inducement多不作刺激解,而是一些引诱物,例如国家减免税作为吸引外资或开办企业的优惠措施,多为被动。  一般褒义或中性的词还有Incentive很常用。





intensive reading是什么意思

intensive reading 精读 [例句]I think when the chinese students study english , they spend a lot of time doing intensive reading , but reading speed is sometimes a problem.我认为,中国学生学英语时,他们在精读上花了大量时间,但阅读速度有时很成问题。

intense intensive的名词分别是有名词嘛,有的话分别是什么?

intense是形容词,intension 是名词,intensive 是名词intensive的派生形容词。也就是说,名词intention 有两个形容词形式,含义有差别。

intensive listening practice是什么意思



intensify 才是intensive 的动词形式



dense和 intensive都有 密集的 意思,用法有什么区别

dense:密集的,稠密的;浓密的,浓厚的;愚钝的 这是一个形容词intensive:作为形容词是,意思是:加强的,强烈的;[农]精耕细作的;[语]加强语意的;(农业方法)集约的作为名词时,意思是:加强器;[语]强义词,强调成份因此,两者的区别在于,前者主要是对浓稠度和密集度的修饰,而后者则多在强调程度的加深。




intensive是形容词,意思是加强。intensify是动词,意思是强化。词性不同需要用在不用的成分和语境下,如the light is intensive和 He intensifies the amount of drug.


intensive / u026anu02c8tensu026av; u026anˋtu025bnsu026av/ adj (a) concentrating all one"s effort on a specific area 集中的; 密集的: intensive bombardment of a town 密集轰击某城镇 * intensive farming, ie aimed at producing large quantities of food by concentrating labour and care in small areas 集约耕作(旨在小块土地上集中劳力精耕细作以获高产的方法). (b) involving hard work concentrated into a limited amount of time 在有限时间内紧张工作的: They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it"s quite an intensive few days! 他们用一周时间教速成英语课程, 那几天可真紧张! extremely thorough 彻底的: An intensive search failed to reveal any clues. 经过彻底搜查未发现任何线索. (grammar) giving force and emphasis 加强语气的: In `It"s a bloody miracle!", `bloody" is used as an intensive word. 在`It"s a bloody miracle!"一句中, `bloody"是用作加强语气的词.> intensive n (grammar) intensive word; intensifier 增强语气的词; 强调成分.-intensive (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) using or requiring a lot of the stated thing 集约的; 密集的: a capital-intensive/labour-intensive industry.intensively adv.# in,tensive `care (part of a hospital giving) constant attention in the treatment of seriously ill patients (医院中对重病人的)特别护理(病房): The accident victims are in/have been taken into intensive care. 事故受害者在特别护理中[已送进特别护理病房].

intense 和intensive的区别

intense 强烈的意思。intensive 即有强烈也有专著,重要,广泛的意思。intensive care 重症监护。intensive study 专著的学习 


hello大家好,今天我们要学习的单词是intensive,intensive是一个形容词也是一个名词,作为形容词的意思是加强的、集中的、透彻的、加强语气的,作为名词的意思是加强器,复数形式是intensives,intensive这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词可以划分为三个音节【in】【ten】和【sive】,第一个音节in的发音为【?n】,第二个音节ten的发音为【ten】,第三个音节sive的发音为【s?v】,合在一起的话它的发音就是【?n?tens?v】,intensive这个单词还有许多近义词,例如,enhanced、reinforced、concentrated、searching、mass,我们再来看一下用法 ,intensive通常翻译为强化;例如,Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training,我们还要进行十天的强化训练,还有下面这句 ,They secure their degrees by slogging through,an intensive 11-month course,他们通过苦读11个月强化课程而获得学位,还能翻译为强化,例如,There have been intensive discussions,between the two governments in recent days,最近两国政府之间进行了集中的会议,intensive还有些短语词组,例如,intensive care重病特别护理,intensive management集约化经营、集约管理,intensive reading精读、英语精读,intensive这个单词你学会了吗?


intensea.1. 强烈的,剧烈的;极度的The fracture caused him intense pain.骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。2. 热情的;热切的The candidate has many intense supporters.这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者。intensivea.1. 加强的;密集的an intensive bombardment密集轰炸2. 精深的;透彻的an intensive course in English英语精读课程3. 特别护理的Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.医院对危重病人作特别护理。4. 集约栽培的;精耕细作的intensive farming集约农业5. 【语】加强语意的n.[C]1. 加强器;增强剂2. 【语】强调成分比较:intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的,但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心,它特别适于用来描写感情状态:intense pleasure, dislike, loyalty, and so forth. Intensive 极度的快乐,极为厌恶,非常忠诚等等。 Intensive 更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。


化妆品中的intensive可以理解为高效的、深层的意思。intensive的翻译为密集的;彻底的;精细的;强调的n.(语法)强调成份例如:intensive toner 高效爽肤水;intensive lotion 高效乳液;intensive essence 深层精华;intensive cream 深层/高效 霜。扩展资料各类英文护肤专业术语:Acne/Spot(青春痘用品),Active(活用),After sun(日晒后用品),Alcohol-free(无酒精),Anti-(抗、防),Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱),Balancing(平衡酸硷),Clean-/Purify-(清洁用),Combination(混合性皮肤),Dry(干性皮肤),Essence(精华液),Facial(脸部用),Fast/Quick dry(快干),Firm(紧肤),Foam(泡沫),Gentle(温和用),Hydra-(保湿用),Long lasting(持久性),Milk(乳),Mult-(多元),Normal(中性皮肤),Nutritious(滋养),Oil-control(抑制油脂),Oily(油性皮肤),Pack(剥撕式面膜),Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜),Remover(去除、卸妆),Repair(修护),Revitalite(活化),Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)),Sensitive(敏感性皮肤),Solvent(溶解),Sun block(防晒用),Toning lotion(化妆水),Trentment(修护),Wash(洗),Waterproof(防水)。

privacy and integrity 可数吗

privacy[英] [u02c8praivu0259si] [美] [u02c8prau026avu0259si] n. 隐私,秘密;隐居;私事;不受公众干扰的状态;privacies [u02c8praivu0259siz] n. 隐居( privacy的名词复数 ); (不受干扰的)独处; 私事; 不受公众干扰的状态 integrity[英] [inu02c8teɡriti] [美] [u026anu02c8tu025bɡru026ati] n. 正直,诚实;完整;[计算机]保存;健全;integrities英 [u026an"teɡru026atu026az] 美 [u026an"teɡru026atu026az] n. 正直( integrity的名词复数 ); 完整; [计算机]保存; 健全





intensive 什么意思

intensive [inˈtensiv]a.加强的,密集的;精工细作的,集约的


intensive 英[u026anu02c8tensu026av] 美[u026anu02c8tu025bnsu026av] adj. 加强的,强烈的; [农] 精耕细作的; [语] 加强语意的; (农业方法) 集约的; n. 加强器; [语] 强义词,强调成份; [网络] 集约; 精深的; 加强语气; [例句]Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。

笔记本电脑上“Print Screen”这个键在哪里?



Prscrn 是截图键,一般在键盘右上方。不同的键盘PrtScr键位置不同1、大部分键盘位置在右上方,红框框起来的位置2、有的可能会在这里,不同键盘可能不一样,但上面印的字都是"Print Screen SysRq"或者"Prin"3、如果笔记本键盘比较小,像这个,可能需要按住左下角的Fn键,再按"Pri Sc"键才能截屏截图键的用法1、按一下PrtStr键截屏后,在开始菜单输入“画图”,打开画图软件2、点击左上角粘贴3、图片会被粘上去4、然后按ctrl+s保存5、也可以在像QQ等其他能粘贴的地方粘贴

JAVA中private int是什么意思?为什么要用private?


print video画面的software

print video画面的sofare 免费download的sofare睇吓 OK否? 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_22 PrintDeskTop is a freeware screen print utility for Windows. printdesktop/download 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_22 Using Print to Video好清楚教您每个step…see rippletraining/using_print_to_video 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_22 Tips for printing from the web If you want to print what you see on the web page we suggest you try HP"s Smart Web Printing. It"s free and takes but a few seconds (depending on your connection speed) to download and install. h71036.7.hp/hho/cache/344494-0-0-225-121 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_22 不过一般自己就唔需要咁多….用“PrtS”喺keyboard右手上边找找.. Capture a Screen Shot of your Desktop or the Active Window in Windows Learn how to capture a screen shot of your desktop or an active window to an image ... Have you ever pressed the PrtS (print screen) key on your Windows 见图... Capture 后: 图片参考:f20.yahoofs/blog/kQxfxd6FGRkI1f__DOT__7V5ADhvjJ6Q--_1/blog/ap_20080731102735123?ib_____DS.bjSjfm 您可以试用 “trim”来裁剪what you want!! 图片参考:f20.yahoofs/blog/kQxfxd6FGRkI1f__DOT__7V5ADhvjJ6Q--_1/blog/ap_20080731102744799?ib_____DsuMqGQgA 再有问题就question啦! 希望helpful!

JAVA中private int是什么意思?为什么要用private?


JAVA中private int是什么意思?为什么要用private?


int main, voit main, scanf, printf各自用于什么

main函数是C,C++的入口函数。如果你想让你的main函数有返回值,那么需要用int main如果你不想让你的main函数有返回值,那么需要用void mainscanf是C语言里的输入函数,比如你用键盘输入了数字12int input = 0;scanf("%d", &input); 这样input的值就变成了你输入的12.对于整型输入,要用%d,对于float型,要用%f,而double型则用%lf.printf正好和scanf的功能相反,是输出函数,又称为打印函数。输出的格式与scanf是相同的。如:int input = 12;printf("%d", input);

Let me introduce some special places in China whe


after going to several interviews,she eventually __ to get a job A.MANAGED B.SUCCEED


do an interview with和do interviews with是一个意思么?

do an interview with 和 do interviews with 都不是 “采访 ...”,但其中指一次采访,或者指多次采访。

how to succeed at job interviews

When you make it to an interview, perhaps one of the most important things to remember is that there is no real downside from here on, so long as you have done the preparation. Hopefully, you will end up getting the job, but even if you don"t, you"re getting valuable practice in doing interviews. Remember that practice definitely works to your advantage. Never let yourself become jaded, complacent, or pessimistic just because you"ve been to a few interviews without getting the job . That said, it can be difficult to know how to present yourself,especially when different sources offer contradictory advice. One employment agency"s website may advise you to maintain strong eye contact with the interviewer, use a firm hand shake, and rehearse answers to common questions beforehand. The next may talks about employers being turned off by the mechanical eye contact, crushing handshake, and scripted answers of candidates who just read a "How to succeed in a job interview" manual. There are some things on which there seems to be common agreement, including:Be on time, and be well and neatly dressed and groomed.Maintain good posture at all times, whether seated, standing, or walking Be enthusiastic, positive, and engaged. Do not appear apathetic, bored, or sullen.Make sure you have done your homework on researching the company in general, and the position in particular. Be polite and respectful, keep slang to a minimum.Do not be critical of current or former employers.Be self-confident but DO NOT come across as a know it all, arrogant, or cynical.Never betray any sense that you are only shopping around and not particularly interested in this particular job. Much of the above flows naturally from acting in a manner consistent with the Target。楼主看着改吧。

How to prepare for interviews ..3分钟演讲. 要容易懂的,

It"s really very excited if someday you received a call to attend a interview from one company.However,just a while after the exciting news,you have to face the fact on how to prepare the coming interview,and how to show your best sides to the people who will be present as judges during the interview. The interview is so important for your life and career that you must do all your best to plan it.To make sure you will pass the interview successfully,the following works shold be done, a.collect the informations about the interview as possible as you can,list all the questions maybe asked.Of courseanswers shall be fully prepared liberately . your dress and behavior.If you want to give a good inpression at first sight to others,it"s better to have suitable clothes and behave properly for the interview. c.full of confidence.Confidence is the source of success.Anytime,anywhere,don"t feel fear and just be confident to face any problems.Believe yourself,you will win. If you have fully prepare youself before you step into the interview room,I think the lucky and fortune will be with you all the time.

shortlists for job interviews中文翻译

recipients 这里指听众,观众之类的. 名单是按字母顺序来的,等念到Zysmans这名字的时候,听众们都睡着了 "ZZZ"表示睡着了,A打头的名字比较沾光.

英语作文 how to prepare for interviews

It"s really very excited if someday you received a call to attend a interview from one company. However, just a while after the exciting news, you have to face the fact on how to prepare the coming interview, and how to show your best sides to the people who will be present as judges during the interview. The interview is so important for your life and career that you must do all your best to plan it. To make sure you will pass the interview successfully, the following works shold be done,a. collect the informations about the interview as possible as you can, list all the questions maybe asked. Of courseanswers shall be fully prepared liberately .b. design your dress and behavior. If you want to give a good inpression at first sight to others, it"s better to have suitable clothes and behave properly for the interview. c. full of confidence. Confidence is the source of success. Anytime, anywhere, don"t feel fear and just be confident to face any problems. Believe yourself, you will win.If you have fully prepare youself before you step into the interview room, I think the lucky and fortune will be with you all the time.

How to prepare for interviews

1.Before the InterviewThese basics all contribute to a professional demeanor that is fundamental in the interview process. Be on Time - You should arrive at least 5-10 minutes prior to the interview. Nothing leaves a worse first impression than keeping the interviewer waiting, regardless of the reason. If you are late due to an emergency, phone ahead.Know Where You Are Going - If you have not been to the place where your interview will be, it is a good idea to visit before the day of your interview so that you can plan what route you will take and where you will park. Once you know where you are going then you can make sure to give yourself sufficient time to get there. Get Food and Rest - Equip your body with enough food and rest before the interview. This will help you to feel your best, which in turn will help you to look and perform your best.Dress Properly - Dress for success - you will be judged by your appearance. As a general rule you should dress one stage up from what the position itself would require or suggest. For most office-type positions, both males and females should wear formal business attire. Also make sure that your clothing is clean and that you are well groomed with natural looking make-up and hair.Bring the Necessities - If possible, prepare a portfolio of your best work to show the employer. This is more relevant for certain occupations, but can be appropriate in many different circumstances. Before the interview you should prepare a list of references to bring with you. You may also want to bring letters of recommendation. Finally, extra copies of transcripts, resumes, or other relevant documents will be handly. You will look professional if you can save your employer the trouble of photocopying.2.On the Interview day Non-verbal Messages: Non-verbal language speaks larger than words. As you walk in the interview room, here are a few things that you must keep in mind: Start it off like a winner. The handshake: Offer your hand, and give a firm handshake, a pleasant smile and a positive and confident attitude. Introduce yourself. Posture: Stand and sit erect Don"t Fidget: There is nothing worse than people playing with their hair, clicking pen tops, tapping feet or unconsciously touching parts of the body.Eye Contact: Look the interviewer in the eye Move your hands: Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural, but keep it in moderation.Be comfortable. Take a seat facing the interviewer, however, slightly off center. Be sure that you are in a comfortable positionListen attentively. Look at the interviewer directly, but don"t get into a stare down! Sit up straight. Try to relax. It"s okay to take a few notes if the questions are lengthy, or you need to remind yourself of something you want to stressAvoid nervous mannerisms. Pay attention to nervous mannerisms. Everyone is nervous to some extent, the key is to appear calm and composedSpeak clearly. Use good grammar and a friendly tone. Never answer just "yes" or "no" to a question. Always clarify, expand on your answers. Be sure not to go on ramblingBe positive and enthusiastic.Pump up your enthusiasm prior to the interview. Never whine, gripe or complain about past employers, jobs, classes etcAsk pertinent questions. Be prepared to ask a few questions. Do not monopolize the interviewer"s time, particularly if you know they have appointments scheduled following your interview. Do ask thoughtful questions. Don"t ask about salary and benefits, this can be discussed when the company is definitely interested in youWhile giving answers to questions: Be Concise: Listen to the questions carefully and answer to the point. An interviewee rambling on is likely to turn off the interviewer. Provide Examples: Support your contentions with examples. Think of recent strong strategic examples of work you"ve done, then when the question is asked, answer with specifics, not in generalities. Be Honest: It is always better to state the truth than beating about the bush. If you don"t know something then state the fact. Keep Your Guard Up: Always maintain your professionalism. Don"t get swayed by the friendly behaviour of the interviewer and disclose everything. For all you know it might be a trap laid out by him. 3.After the Interviews Say thanks. The next day write the interviewer a brief note reiterating your interest in the job. Spell his or her name correctly! Follow up. If you haven"t heard from the interviewer within the time frame indicated at the close of the interview, call them to relay a polite reminder that you"re still interested in the job. Ask when they plan to make a hiring decision.

Job Interview

To be honest Something in fashion, that"s for sure. Well ,first i just need to get some more experience. What are some of your strengths? I"m great with people, i"m hardworking and i"m a quicker learner. Checked his references. His boss says he"s lazy and has been pretty unreliable; She"s got sales experience, but she is inflexible and a bit unfriendly I"m afraid i"m going to have to start over and look for more applicants. What would you say is one of your biggest strengths. He included three references with his resume. i"ve already interviewed six applicants for the position. All the other people who were there to apply for the job, all the other candidates, were waiting in this room. Fifty or more people and not a word was spoken. Anyway, finally it was my turn There were three interviewers. A men who look like the boss asked the most difficult ones. Why did you think you suitable for the job. Anyway ,i got the job. That"s the important thing. I was given the chance. I"m going to work for an organization called Houses for Homeless. I"ll start off in the office, but after a few years , who knows? She had applied for 10 jobs before she was offered an interview. She felt really sad after she had failed the interview. he got the job after they had checked his references , the company want to be careful. They interviewed her three times before she got the job. You should send the company your resume before you go for an interview. They went to a nice restaurant to celebrate after he got the job. After he had sent out more than 20 resumes, he finally got an interview. Before he was interviewed in person, he had two interviews on the phone. After he had been interviewed three times, by different managers, he was finally hired . After he had worked at the company for six months, he quit. Home| Jobs |Category|News|Gallery|About Job interviews are stressful. You want to present yourself in the best possible way. Here is some advice about what to do and what not to do. Dos: Be on time for the interview – arrive 10 minutes early. Dress professionally. Answer all questions slowly and calmly. Look your interviewer in the eye. Ask for clarification if you need to. Write a thank-you email after the interview. Don"ts Don"t chew gum or smell like smoke. Don"t allow your cellphone to ring. Don"t say bad things about old jobs. Don"t be dishonest. INTERVIEWER: What do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses ? APPLICANT: Well, one of my biggest strengths is my ability to work with others. I"m a great team player . INTERVIEWER: And weaknesses? APPLICANT: Well, sometimes I just get too excited about things. I want everything to happen quickly. INTERVIEWER: I see. And why do you want to work for this company? APPLICANT: Because you"re number one. You have no real competition that I can see. INTERVIEWER: And what are your career goals - say, in two or three years? APPLICANT: I see myself in a management position. I graduated with a degree in computer programming. One of my short-term goals is to be a manager. One of my long-term goals is to have my own company. Would you be available for a follow-up interview? Ending an interview How you end an interview leaves an important impression on your interviewer. Here are some tips for how to leave a strong, positive impression. Ask your own questions. This shows that you are interested, prepared and curious. What you ask, of course, will depend on the position and the interview. For example, you can ask about the office environment, team members, the compensation or salary range, the benefits package and even how decisions are made in the company. Summarize why you"re a good fit. Briefly restate why you are suitable for the position and why you would like to work there. When you summarize your strengths and show your enthusiasm for the position, you show confidence and leave a good impression. Ask about next steps in the hiring process. For example, you can ask when they expect to make a decision. Ask if they need any additional information from you, such as personal references. The office environment is friendly but serious. People work hard. It leaves a bad impression to ask about salary at the beginning. When requested, give two names as your personal references. The interviewer said I was a good fit for the position. The benefits package includes health insurance and paid vacation time. The company offered excellent compensation , so I accepted the job. The hiring process took a month, from interview to final decision. 问面试问题 在面试过程中,你一定要问一些问题。这显示出你对这个职位感兴趣和好奇。间接问题通常比直接问题更有礼貌。看一下这些例子。 直接: What is the salary? 工资是多少? 间接: Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗? 这是更多一些间接问题的例子。 Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗? Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗? Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗? 问面试问题 在面试过程中,你一定要问一些问题。这显示出你对这个职位感兴趣和好奇。间接问题通常比直接问题更有礼貌。看一下这些例子。 直接: What is the salary? 工资是多少? 间接: Can you tell me what the salary is? 您能告诉我工资是多少吗? 这是更多一些间接问题的例子。 Could you tell me what the office environment is like? 您能告诉我办公环境是怎样的吗? Could you explain how decisions are made? 您能解释一下决策是如何制定的吗? Can you tell me who the team members are? 您能告诉我团队成员都是谁吗? 你也可以用这些表达方式来问间接问题。 Could you tell me a little more about the benefits package? 有关福利您能多跟我讲一点吗? I was wondering about the salary range. 我想知道薪金范围是什么。 Would you mind telling me more about your overtime policy? 您介不介意多跟我讲一些你们的加班政策? Can you tell me what the salary is? Could you explain how decisions are made? I was wondering about the salary range. Would you mind telling me more about the benefits package? Could you tell me about the office environment? Would you mind explaining how the hiring process works? 结束面试 在面试的结尾,习惯是站起来握手。这是一些有用的离开的方法。首先,感谢你的面试官。 首先,对面试官表示感谢。 It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。 Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。 表达你对职位的兴趣,提议提供更多的信息,并告别。 I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。 Please let me know if there"s any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。 结束面试 在面试的结尾,习惯是站起来握手。这是一些有用的离开的方法。首先,感谢你的面试官。 首先,对面试官表示感谢。 It was very nice to meet you. 很高兴跟您见面。 Thank you for the opportunity to interview with your company. 感谢有机会来您的公司面试。 表达你对职位的兴趣,提议提供更多的信息,并告别。 I enjoyed talking with you about the position. 我很喜欢和您谈论这个职位。 Please let me know if there"s any other information I can provide. 请告知是否有我能提供的任何其他信息。 I look forward to hearing from you soon. 希望能早日收到您的消息。 I see. Would you mind telling me about the compensation?

求英语作文一篇。 on interviews

On Interviews It"s not exaggerated to say that you can not get a job without an interview.Nowadays,interview has became a necessary way to recruit talent. Why an interview will become a necessity?Here are some reasons that maybe effect.First of all,the job has a limit on appearance, so the interviewers need to make an interview to find out whether you are suitable for this job or not.Then,an interview is more real than a resume,we can find out what the intervieweer good at more easily. So,what can we do in order to make a good interview.The most important thing,be confident!Show what you are good at meanwhile avoid show what you are not good at flucently.But remenber to be honest.


interview作为采访是可数名词; interview n. 面试;面谈;(常指公开的)记者采访,访谈;(私下的)面谈,会谈,晤谈; v. 对(某人)进行面试(或面谈);接受面试;(媒体)采访,访问 扩展资料   Did you hear the interview with him on the radio?   你有没有在广播里听到采访他的"情况?   She got herself into a real state before the interview.   她面试前格外地焦虑不安。   You"ll need to keep a clear head for your interview.   你面试时需要保持清醒的头脑。   They really put me through it at the interview.   面试的时候,他们真把我折腾了一番。   A series of five interviews will be spread over two days.   一共五次面谈,分两天进行。


interview的过去分词1.答案:interviewed。即该词的过去式。2.拓展内容①interview的用法作名词时:接见,采访;面试,面谈;作动词时:采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试。②interview的例句Who do you want to interview?你想要采访谁?The interviews were given to a random sample of students.随机选出部分学生进行采访。



interview 的词性?及词型变化?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: The _____ is now _______ the _______.(interview) 解析: 同意楼上的填空答案... interview [5intEvju:]n. 接见; 会见; 会谈 (记者的)访问(记), 采访 (对申请工作或报考学校者的)口头审查 interview [5intEvju:] vt. 接见; 会见; (记者的)访问 interviewee [intEvju:5i:] n. 被接见[被会见, 被采访]者 interviewer [`IntEvjU:E(r)] n. 接见[会见, 采访]者 interviewing n. 面试 give an interview to *** . 接见某人 have an interview with *** . 会见某人 job interviews (对申请工作者的)口头审查 depth interview 对顾客需要的深入查询 individual interview 个别谈话 panel interview 专门小组会谈 preliminary interview 初次访问 unstructured interview (对考生进行的)口头审查 interview 采访;接见;会谈;协商 interview [5intEvju:] vt. 接见, 会见 n. 接见, 会见

interview 可数吗

interview的意思是采访、面试,是可数名词,复数形式是interviews; 例句: She comes across well in interviews. 她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。 She insisted on being present at all the interviews. 她坚决要求出席所有的采访。 扩展资料   Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on.   许许多多的面试正在进行。   The interviews were given to a random sample of students.   随机抽选出部分学生进行了采访。   A series of five interviews will be spread over two days.   一共五次面谈,分两天进行。   Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.   柯林斯甚至在面试开始之前就处于暴躁情绪。

老师最近留了一篇英语作文作文求大神解救how to succeed at interviews 这个题目

行为面试(behavioral interviews)






用interviews sb.about sth.造句并说出句型?

she interviews him about her

interviews with什么意思



telephone interviews 是一个名词,不是去单独的interview

Tuks的《Interview》 歌词

歌曲名:Interview歌手:Tuks专辑:MonopolyTristan Prettyman - InterviewsAm I sick of giving the same answersAre you sick of asking the same questionsIf we go round and round repeatingWe ain"t got no directionAnd this system falling apartI can"t believe it all startedAt the heart of the matter of factI"d put it all in, but I won"t get it backAnd my love, my loveThe only thing that is stableWhen my time is all tied upBut my heart is ableSo come on"Cause I won"t let you downAnd when I come aroundWell I"ll be good as newSo don"t give up on me so soonThese interviews with whoCan"t tell the rumors from the truthDon"t let it get the best of youAnd don"t give up on me so soonDid the travel ever catch you in a hurryI can"t believe I even began to worryIn the big picture, we"re all so smallWe get so caught up, forgetting that we fallEverything about it takes time to growSo just learn to be loose, and let it all go"Cause the time goes by, so damn fastWe try to build it all up but is it ever gonna lastAnd my love, my loveThe only thing that is stableWhen my time is all tied upBut my heart is ableSo come on"Cause I won"t let you downAnd when I come aroundWell I"ll be good as newSo don"t give up on me so soonThese interviews with whoCan"t tell the rumors from the truthDon"t let it get the best of youAnd don"t give up on me so soon...


interviews的翻译是面试。一、网络释义1、访谈输入:项目章程、干系人列表。工具: 三种工具和技术来收集需求。访谈(interviews):是很重要的方式,可以让干系人解释他们将如何使用你的项目所创建的产品或服务。2、面试面试是通过书面、面谈或线上交流(视频、电话)的形式来考察一个人的工作能力与综合素质,通过面试可以初步判断应聘者是否可以融入自己的团队。3、谈法访谈法(Interviews)是指研究者通过与研究对象的交谈来收集有关对方心理特征数据资料的研究方法。访谈者的目的在于采集与心理研究有关的信息。4、采访网友们很喜欢这样的在线的调查和投票,可以利用调查来了解目标市场和潜在客户。采访(Interviews):如果你可以获得你网站和产品相关的权威人士的采访资料,并且率先发布,那这种传播带来的价值将不可估量。二、例句1、Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.柯林斯在采访还没开始时就暴躁不安起来。2、Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on.大量的采访在继续。3、10,000 pages of evidence were gleaned from hundreds and hundreds of interviews.从无数次的采访中收集到了长达一万页的证据。


interview 基本解释如下:n. 接见;采访;面试;会谈。vt.& vi. 面试。vt. 采访;访问;会见;(私下)提问。interview 变化形式复数: interviews第三人称单数: interviews过去式: interviewed过去分词: interviewed现在分词: interviewing易混淆的单词: Interview所属分类: CET4TEM4考 研CET6中文词源interview 面试,会谈。inter-,在内,在中间,相互,view,看。即相互看,引申词义面试,面谈等。interview 用法和Study this grid before your interview .面试之前好好研究这个表格。Hope you enjoy listening to the interview !希望你能喜欢采访的内容!What has been your most awkward interview ?您最尴尬的一次访谈?Seti astronomer seth shostak told in an email interview .seti的天文学家赛斯在一封电子邮件访问中告诉太空网。Jack had dreaded the interview .杰克对那次面谈挺害怕的。

pursue their own interests

选B.pursue在此意为“追求”,是及物动词,后+名词(their own intrests)作其宾语,“追求他们的兴趣”. C项persist意为”坚持”,是不及物动词,后不能直接加宾语,其搭配为“persist in (doing)sth或 persist with sth. D项proceed,意为“继续做”,也是不及物动词,搭配为“proceed with sth 或proceed to do sth. 虽然C、D的意思对,但是语法不对,只有B是及物动词,后能直接加宾语.故选B 整句话可翻译为“学生不仅应当做好功课,也应当追求他们的兴趣”

一首英文老歌,开头歌词是:Aint no sunshire when shes gone , Its not warm when shes away


java spring 环绕通知 ProceedingJoinPoint 执行proceed方法的作用是什么

环绕通知ProceedingJoinPoint 执行proceed方法的作用是让目标方法执行,这也是环绕通知和前置、后置通知方法的一个最大区别。这是Spring框架最基础的部分,它提供了依赖注入(DependencyInjection)特征来实现容器对Bean的管理。这里最基本的概念是BeanFactory,它是任何Spring应用的核心。BeanFactory是工厂模式的一个实现,它使用IoC将应用配置和依赖说明从实际的应用代码中分离出来。扩展资料:轻量——从大小与开销两方面而言Spring都是轻量的。完整的Spring框架可以在一个大小只有1MB多的JAR文件里发布。并且Spring所需的处理开销也是微不足道的。此外,Spring是非侵入式的:典型地,Spring应用中的对象不依赖于Spring的特定类。控制反转——Spring通过一种称作控制反转(IoC)的技术促进了松耦合。当应用了IoC,一个对象依赖的其它对象会通过被动的方式传递进来,而不是这个对象自己创建或者查找依赖对象。参考资料来源:百度百科-spring框架



在找一首曲子,名字叫Intro,是欧洲的曲子,演奏者应该是Karma 不认识,

piece for your heart

c语言 为什么下面语句会触发 triggered a breakpoint

因为你的指针变量e已经被上一句e = &i;给覆盖了,这个时候再free(e),程序根据e找不到被malloc的内存,所有就错了呗。
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