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you really should take a job that if you were independently wealthy that would be the

整个句子是一个if条件状语从句,句子意为你真的应该接受一份工作,如果你是独立富有的。重点词汇解释:1、ifconj. (表条件)如果;(表假设)要是,假如;无论何时;虽然,即使;(用于间接疑问)是否;(用于礼貌问询)是否;当,每次;(与情态动词连用)表婉转客气;或许不;就算;尽管n. 条件,设想;不确定的情况双语例句:You can go if you want.如果你想走就走吧。2、jobn. 工作;职业vt. 承包;代客买卖vi. 做零工双语例句:We could do a far better job of managing it than they have.我们会比他们管理得好得多。job的用法:job的基本意思是指为谋生或糊口而干的有报酬的工作。可泛指职业,职位,也可指一件具体的工作,尤指难以完成的工作,是可数名词。job引申可指职责,责任,这时通常用单数形式。job的动词不定式侧重一个完整的过程,表示一个事件。在广告用语中,job可指以…为宗旨。

advantageous education encourages the student to think independently and critically, and empowers t

与死记硬背(填鸭式教学)的学生相比较的是 先进的教学方法 advantageout education教出来的会进行独立思考并进行判断的那些学生们。最后一句 直译是 他们只是具备学习现成(预先准备好的)知识的能力

Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. In researching the LMN company, your mission statement and the job description, I could see similarities to my previous position where there were some assignments that required a great deal of independent work and research and others where the team effort was most effective. As I said, I"m comfortable with both.In high school, I enjoyed playing soccer and performing with the marching band. Each required a different kind of team play, but the overall goal of learning to be a member of a group was invaluable. I continued to grow as team member while on my sorority"s debate team and through my advanced marketing class where we had numerous team assignments. I"m very comfortably working on a team, but I can also work independently, as well.

高中英语作文thought we are young studentswe are old enough to do our own things independently


live independently of parents中的of是什么意思?


advantageous education encourages the student to think independently and critically 。 这句话critic


learn independently是什么意思

learn independently独立学习,自学


were in dependently a ssociated with全部释义和例句>> 在有关……的依赖性

independent of 与 independently of有什么区别,怎么用

independent of/from 独立于…之外的,不受…支配(或影响),不受…约束的;不依赖于…的independently of 与……无关,不取决于

independent of 与 independently of有什么区别,怎么用


work independently是什么意思


independent of 与 independently of有什么区别,怎么用

independent of 不受…支配(或影响);独立的;独立于;不依赖例:The northern wing of the splm says it is independent of south sudan"s government. 苏丹人民解放运动(北方局)称该组织是独立于南苏丹政府的。independently of 独立于…之外;与……无关,不取决于例:Information about design-time connections is stored on your local computer independently of a specific project or solution.有关设计时连接的信息独立于特定的项目或解决方案存储在本地计算机上。

the ability to think independently

As for the younger,the ability to think independently is very important.咱们先来分析一下这个句子,to think independently为动词不定式短语,放在ability(能力)这个名词后做定语.因此在做定语从句时应从这儿入手.As for the younger,the ability (that thinks independently) is very important.括号中是从句部分,其中thinks是从句的谓语,先行词是单数,因此用单三形式,要清楚关系代词that代指the ability在从句中做主语.主句是一个主系表节构的句子,而从句是一个主谓结构的句子.

independently and identically distributed是什么意思

independently and identically distributed独立同分布简明释义independently and identically distributed独立同分布


independently[英][ˌɪndɪ"pendəntlɪ][美][ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ]adv.独立地,自立地,无关地; Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。学好英语发音的方法   一、读正语音语音是指语言的声音.就是人说话的声音。语言首先是通过声音来帮助交流思想的工具。在英语学习中很好地掌握正确的发音,不但有利于从声音方面来表达思想,而且还可以提高朗读水平。读正语音就必须认真读好48个音素,记住48个音标符号,能根据音标正确拼读出单词的读音,这是学习英语很重要的基本功。也是朗读好课文的基础。重要的是从一开始就要努力说得一口纯正的语音。只有多听、多模仿、多朗读。即Practice makes perfect(多练出真功)。二、读准语调发音纯正,读准了单词,语调不对,不但听起来不舒服,英美人甚至难以听懂言者的意思;相反如果语调正确,个别单词读不准,听起来像英语调子,英美人还能从语调上猜出言者的意思,所以语调比发音更重要。语调是说话的腔调,就是一句话里语音高低轻蘑的配置。英语语调主要表现在句子重音和声调上。语调不同,表达意思也各异。读准语调就是要读准句子的重音和声调:当然也应能抑扬顿挫地连读、弱读、失去爆破、同化等。在朗读时,认真模仿英语录音带提供的标准语调,坚持练习,使正确的语音语调牢同地同定下来,保证今后一开口就能渎得对、读得准。

Think independently


英语翻译 我们迟早要面对这样一个现实那就是我们总有一天要离开父母独立生活(independently

Sooner or later, We will have to face a fact that we have to leave our parents and live our lives independently in the end.

independently of 的反义词是什么呢,是depend on吗


independent of 与 independently of有什么区别,怎么用

independent of 不受…支配(或影响);独立的;独立于;不依赖例:The northern wing of the splm says it is independent of south sudan"s government. 苏丹人民解放运动(北方局)称该组织是独立于南苏丹政府的。independently of 独立于…之外;与……无关,不取决于例:Information about design-time connections is stored on your local computer independently of a specific project or solution.有关设计时连接的信息独立于特定的项目或解决方案存储在本地计算机上。

英语翻译 我们迟早要面对这样一个现实那就是我们总有一天要离开父母独立生活(independently

Sooner or later, We will have to face a fact that we have to leave our parents and live our lives independently in the end.

As for the younger,the ability to think independently is very important.



independently音节划分:in▪de▪pend▪ent英 [ˌɪndɪ"pendəntlɪ]美 [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ]adv. 独立地,自立地,无关地双语例句1. We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently.我们旨在帮助残疾学生尽可能独立地生活和学习。来自柯林斯例句2. Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。来自柯林斯例句3. The commission will operate independently of ministers.委员会将独立运作,不受各部部长管辖。来自柯林斯例句4. He is independently wealthy.他靠自己的努力而致富。来自柯林斯例句5. The student union is run independently of college authorities.学生会独立于学院当局.来自《简明英汉词典》同义词personally apart柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. ADJ形容词相互独立的;彼此不关联的 If one thing or person is independent of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second. 【搭配模式】:oft ADJ of/from nYour questions should be independent of each other...你的问题应该彼此无关。We"re going independent from the university and setting up our own group...我们马上就将从大学分离出去,成立我们自己的团体。Two independent studies have been carried out.两项彼此独立的研究已在进行中。


independently[英][ˌɪndɪ"pendəntlɪ][美][ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ]adv.独立地,自立地,无关地; Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。




independently音节划分:in▪de▪pend▪ent英 [ˌɪndɪ"pendəntlɪ]美 [ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəntlɪ]adv. 独立地,自立地,无关地双语例句1. We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently.我们旨在帮助残疾学生尽可能独立地生活和学习。来自柯林斯例句2. Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。来自柯林斯例句3. The commission will operate independently of ministers.委员会将独立运作,不受各部部长管辖。来自柯林斯例句4. He is independently wealthy.他靠自己的努力而致富。来自柯林斯例句5. The student union is run independently of college authorities.学生会独立于学院当局.来自《简明英汉词典》同义词personally apart柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典1. ADJ形容词相互独立的;彼此不关联的 If one thing or person is independent of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second. 【搭配模式】:oft ADJ of/from nYour questions should be independent of each other...你的问题应该彼此无关。We"re going independent from the university and setting up our own group...我们马上就将从大学分离出去,成立我们自己的团体。Two independent studies have been carried out.两项彼此独立的研究已在进行中。