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The science of medicine, _ we owe a great deal,is perhaps the most important of all the science

Bwe owe a great deal to the science of medicine

matter等于to be important吗?

tourism was not as important as it is today in china


be important for和be important to的区别是什么呢?


How many species are most important to our present food supply?

【答案】:AA[解析]细节理解题。从文章第三段中的“A mere hundred species(物种)are the basis of our food supply.of which but twenty carry the load.”可知对我们的食物供给的物种最重要的有20种。

写一篇保护环境的英语作文初四作文用上take good care,important,only one earth,our duty to

How to Protect Our Envirnoment We have only one earth where we human beings are living in and relying on, so it is important to take good care of our environment. First, we should live a low-carbon life, and we"d better travel by bike or on foot instead of taking a car. We should take a bag with us when we go shopping instead of using plastic bags. We"d better not waste electricity,paper and so on. Second, we shouldn"t spit in public places or litter things. It is good to collect battery for recycling. We should put the rubbish into the dustbin. We"d better plant more trees, grass and flowers instead of cutting down the trees. What"s more, it is also our duty to protect animals, especially the ones in danger of dying out. I believe if everyone makes a contribution to the environment, our world will become more and more beautiful.呵呵,在别人的作文的基础上,修饰成你所需的作文如有不适,自己修改一下

which is more important?

citizenship 你看到现在有多少人为了拿到美国国籍嫁给一个很丑很老的人吗?

英语作文:early rising is important

首先你要找到观点,可以说早起能腾出很多时间做其他事情,还有早起有利于身体健康,当然需要对上述观点进行展开,最后可以写写早起其实不难,多加坚持就可以了。英文作文切记不要为了堆砌复杂句式忽视了行文逻辑。说清楚你的观点才是最重要的。Early rising is a good habit. It saves time. It does much good to us. He who rises early begins his work early in the morning. He can finish his work in due time. A later riser is always in hurry. But he can do a little or no work. So he lags behind in the race of life.Early rising is good for health. An early riser breathes the morning air which is fresh and pure. This refreshes his mind and body. He can enjoy the beauty of nature. It gives him much joy. Early rising is the best period for communication with the Almighty. A student should rise early. It will sharpen his memory and help him in learning his lessons. Reading early in the morning proves to be effective. On the other hand, a late riser loses his health. He always feels unwell. We should all rise early in the morning. Sleeping is necessary for health. But too much of it is bad, it makes a man idle.Early rising gives a man a long lease of life. It gives us wealth. It gives us joy. It gives us wealth living. There is the old saying:- Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”It is not a tough job to get up early. It only needs practice. If one makes the habit of early rising from his early life then that becomes so easy for him. He never gets up late. He becomes habituated with this. But once the bad habit of late rising is practiced, it becomes difficult for one to get up early. Even if he get up early sometimes for definite purpose, he does not fell well. He always feels dizzy. And this is a common trait.So we should practice early rising from early period of our life. And this is a must. It is only a matter of being habituated. May be for the starting it is difficult for a person. But the result of this habit is that much joyful.

"We cannot emphasize the important of protecting our eyes too much"为什么不能翻译成“我们不

We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much

inconsequential, trivial, unimportant 都作为 不重要 意思时,它们有什么区别吗?

unimportant 用法最广,口语书面都可以,表示“不重要的”inconsequential 是指某些看法的不重要,因为不值得考虑、不合理,所以显得不重要的意思trivial 是因为价值不高而不重要

When entertaining clients,sincerity appears to be more important,upon which a long and steady


important 的同义词,越多越好



crucial (extremelyimportant),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)

A subway is not just an important form of transport. It is also a window for other people to le...

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:A 试题分析:地铁不只是重要的交通工具,它也是让别人了解当地文化的窗口。中国北京,开放于1969年,最中国最老的地铁系统。已经加入了一些现代技术。现在所有车站有触摸屏,一些车站能看到中国传统文化。瑞典斯德哥尔摩,斯德哥尔摩地铁系统有100站使用,47个是地下的,53个是地上的。第一个地铁线路开放于1950年,斯德哥尔摩地铁以车站的装饰而闻名。被称为世界上最长的艺术长廊。英国伦敦,伦敦地铁是世界上最古老的,开放于1863年,是城市的象征,车内没有空调,夏天非常热。美国纽约,纽约地铁是世界上最广的公交系统,有469站,也是最古老的公交系统之一。一天24小时运转,你可以看到有人做像麦克.杰克逊的太空步,弹吉他和唱歌。小题1:细节理解题。根据It is called the longest art gallery in the world.被称为世界上最长的艺术长廊, 可知答案选B小题2:细节理解题。根据For example, on the walls of a few stations of Line 8, there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain例如,在8号线的一些站台的墙上,有一些蓝白色陶瓷画,可知答案选D小题3:推理判断题。根据A subway is not just an important form of transport. It is also a window for other people to learn about local cultures.地铁不只是重要的交通工具,它也是让别人了解当地文化的窗口,可知地铁会接待各国旅行的人们,故答案选A

以Talk about a book that is very important or meaningful to you为题 写一篇150字的英文作文~~

第一篇: I don‘t think I have read many books; nevertheless, I attach much importance to reading。 A Chinese proverb says, "It‘s always a good thing to open a book; " in other words, reading is always beneficial。 Despite the fact I am not widely read, I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge。 Still, if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life, I will definitely say it is the Bible。 We know human life consists of three parts: first, physical life; second, mental and intellectual life; third, spiritual life。 The second and third parts I fine in the Bible。 The Bible has two portions, the Old Testament and the New Testament。 You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it。 It covers a wide range of subject matters: law, history, prophecy, gospels, history of churches and visions of the future, and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language。 I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance。 I like it and take it with me everywhere I go。 Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay, yet even form so little can I learn so much。 It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life。 In a word, this book plays an important role in my life。 The Bible is not simply great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone。 第二篇: The most influential book in my life is, so far, "The Life of Fire and Iron" by a Japanese author。 Among other things, it introduces the mind of Voto von Bismarck, a prominent European in the 19th century who laid the foundation of modern German。 Small wonder that I as a teenager was carried away when I first read the biography, not so much by the intriguing process in which the nation was founded as by the personality of Bismarck as described in the book。 Though this formidable figure was long since dead, he remains a statesman par excellence。 It was a pity that such a man of strength and character like Bismarck who, swimming against the stream of constitutionalism, could not give full vent to his talent simply because the German emperor Wilhelm II was jealous of his fame。 Nevertheless, what whit his loyalty to the country and what with his indefatigable personality, he did win himself the reputation as a patriotic fighter reminiscent of Winston Churchill in contemporary time。 Again and again I attempted to grasp every trait of the fighter‘s Brought to life by the biographer, wishing that someday I could be like him。 Thus when I was still a starry-eyed lad I took to heart whatever Bismarck thought, did and valued saw him as the pole-star of many years I used to meditate on what the book said whenever I was faced with troubles and could not make decisions off hand。 To speak the truth, what the book inspired, whether it was in connection with Bismarck himself or not, did help me in solving problems without fall。 In short, I can never praise the book too much for it has influenced me so greatly in the past and will, I am afraid, continue to do so in days to come。 第三篇: As a senior high school student I am all the time weighed down with an seemingly endless series of exams and can hardly take a rest, let alone read extracurricular books, seeing that I am really pressed for time in preparing for the upcoming "Big Exam。" Therefore, I can‘t say I had any deep impression of a certain book until a few days ago。 It was during the Spring Recess that I went alone to school to get some study done。 There, I met by chance an alumna studying in college。 Being always nervous and worried about the coming College Entrance Exam, I was rather eager to get some information on how to use the limited time wisely and stop worrying。 So I asked for advice based on experience。 After realizing my trouble, she fetched me a book by the name of "studying and Exams" by way of an answer。 Before I ever read the book I was quite poor at arranging my study scheme and could not make the of the time available。 So the time I spent and the result I got were not always proportional。 Under such circumstances I never did a good job the academic side in the pursuit of knowledge during the past years。 It was really regretful that after so many years of studying I didn‘t even know a bit about the right way to study。 And all this had kept bothering me。 But my misgivings were all dispelled the time I finished reading this book。 Under the proper guidance of the book I now find myself studying with ease and more efficiently。 All I can say is that the power of the book is truly amazing。 In other words, "studying and exams" is indeed the most influential book in my life。

Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied


be important和be vital后面接动词形式不一样吗


important, critical, vital区别有哪些呢?


A Very Important Person 翻译


除了importantance significance 还有什么英语单词或短语可以表达出“xx很重要”的意思?

critical crucial

以 ____is very important in my life. 为题写一篇英语作文

njkfgzdfginvh zsdgh opzrg jzckvz

在线等!main important之间有什么区别


smalltalk is not at all important这句话对吗?

不对应该是 Small talk is not important at all.

why insurance is so important in the international trade?what is your opinion?用英语回答,谢谢!

Insurance is important particularly in the international trade as nowadays a great number of men experience the problem of impotence. Insurance therefore is important because it offers men an opportunity to gain back their strengths which will help them satisfy their other halves. In detail, insurance helps men"s reproductive organ to quickly fill with blood in order to maintain its hardness. Women will then have a higher chance of experiencing organisms which give them sensational stimulations. 自己写的,老师保证佩服的哑口无言. :D

In the United States, it is important to be on time, for a date, a class, a meeting, etc. Howev...

TFFFT 小题1:根据In the United States, it is important to be on time,可知本句表述正确。小题2:Brazil巴西,可知本句表述错误。小题3:根据in Brazil, neither the teachers nor the students arrive at the starting time.可知本句表述错误。小题4:根据So he was able to understand and felt comfortable in the new culture.可知本句表述错误。小题5:本文讲述美国和巴西两个国家在守时这方面的差异,故本句表述正确。

US presidents,writers,businessmen,and other important people were once students there.意思


I (yet) have some more important problems to deal with.yet 和still的区别

这里用yet么?我觉得yet一般用于否定句,not yet,表示还没有still仍然

what is an important skill that a person needs to be successful in the world today?why?

more and more people are really like today"s things,such as the money, the friendship.They don"t want to learn more about knowledges,they don"t think studying is important,they also think the money is moreiportant in them lifes.Form my point of view,l think we should study in the school at the moment.Everything will be ok in the futrue.

An important question about eating out is whopays for the meal这是哪篇文章的开头?写出全文

An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this. I"m afraidIt"ll have to be some place cheap, as I have very little money. The other person may say,“OK. I"ll meet you at McDonald"s.”This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say,“Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Smith"s,”or“I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They"re great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly toward this person, you can go with him and you needn"t pay for the meal. You may just say,“Thank you. That would be very nice.”American customs(风俗)about who pays for dates (约会) are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means.“come, as my guest(客人).”So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.( )1. The passage tells us __________________.A. how to eat out B. where to eat outC. what to eat out D. who pays for the meal( )2.If you have little money, ____________.A. you"ll have a cheap mealB. you"ll borrow some from othersC. you"ll ask your friend to pay for your mealD. you won"t want you friends to ask you to dinner( )3.“go Dutch”in this passage means __________ in Chinese.A.去饭馆 B.就餐 C.订餐 D.各自付款( )4.Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means _______________.A. he"s going to lend some money to youB. he"s going to pay for your meal, tooC. he"ll be angry with youD. he can"t understand you( )5.In America, some girls and women __________ now.A. ask men to pay for their mealsB. try to pay for the men"s mealsC. try to pay for their own mealsD. never have anything outside答案D A D B C

急求翻译!!An important question about eating out is who pay

关于饮食的一个重要问题是谁付饭钱。如果你的一个朋友问你和他一起吃午饭,你可以这样说,“我担心它会便宜一些的地方,因为我已经很少的钱过日子。“另一个人可以说,“好吧,我可以和你在麦当劳。”  这意味着两个同意各付各的,那就是,每个人支付自己。他还会说,“噢,不。我想带你去吃午饭史密斯的”,或“我想要你试着中国饺子。他们太棒了。“本我

Jan reminded me how important it is as a parent to remember our priorities.语法分析U0001f64f

Jan remind me ... 是主句,后面是how 引导的宾语从句it is important to remember our priorities 在宾语从句中 it 作为形式主语,to remember our priorities才是宾从的真正主语 as a parent 是介词短语,作为补语,起补充说明的作用。简使我回想起: 记住我们的优先权,作为一个父亲或母亲,是多么重要。

focused 做谓语吗?on important rituals做状语吗?

focused on作谓语important rituals作宾语

this message is very important.Can you make sure that Helen___it? B.gets C.get getting


______ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later...

C 试题分析:考查现在分词做状语:句意:把重要的决定更多的建立在情感而不是原因上,你迟早会后悔的。Base…on..,把…建立在…的基础上,you和base是主谓关心,用现在分词做状语,选C。

Basing an important decision more on emotion than one reason, you will regret it sooner or later.


Basing an important decision more on emotion than one reason, you will regret it sooner or later.


play important roles in

both A and B play an important role是对的,play的单复数形式由它前面的主语决定,由于前面是both A and B所以要用复数

I volunteered for a very important meeting

我为一个非常重要的会议做自愿者.句子中:volunteer for sth表示为:志愿为某事(出力)a very important meeting是一个重要会议这句说说明 I 我 自愿为某事(一个重要的会议)出力. 所以 可以翻译为: 我为一个非常重要的会议做自愿者.

position:fixed !important什么意思


69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.


Is strong will an important quality for success?用英文回答原因

yes it is

essential, vital, important的区别是什么?


How important It is to limit air and water pollution 句子有错吗

limit air and water pollution It is How important.这样比较好吧。。(英语渣,别喷)




important的高级替换词是:significant。significant英 [su026aɡ"nu026afu026aku0259nt]     美 [su026aɡ"nu026afu026aku0259nt]    adj. 重要的;有意义的;意味深长的;显著的。Economic conditions are significant in many ways.经济条件在许多方面都是很重要的。辨析:significant, important, vital这组词都可表示“重要的”。significant指某事特别有意义,尤其突出、为人所记忆或长远看很有贡献,但不一定有紧迫的或强有力的含意; important既可指某事意味深长,也可指有一点价值的; vital指对整体的安宁或成功能起到重大的、不可缺少的作用。




significant:有意义的,相当数量的,意味深长的,重要的,重大的意指由于特别地富有意义或特别的优秀而非常突出的事物,不一定意示紧迫或强有力.This is an event of worldwide significance.这是一个具有世界意义(重要性)的事件.A student"s school result prove significant for his or her future career.事实表明,学生的学习成绩对他(她)未来的事业具有重要意义important:重要的这是最为通用的,也远比其他各词(significant;consequential;momentous;vital)较非正式的词,它几乎可以含示此处其他各词较为确切指明的每一种含义.Nothing is more important than health in one"s life.在人们的生活中,没有任何东西比健康更重要了This is one of the most important battles of the war.这是这场战争中最重要的战斗之一.

be of significant importance=be significantly important怎么理解

介词of与名词importance(重要性)之间,可以用表示程度的形容词来加强语气,如:of great importance。 significant在这里意思与great 类似,表示“非常,极度,及其”。e.g. This book is of great importance to me.这本书对我来说非常重要。 Water is of significant importance to human being.水对人类至关重要。另外,如果将Importance换成形容词Important的话,只需要将前面的形容词换成副词即可:of significant importance = significantly important


important 重要的 significant 有重要意义的前者是 广义的"重要的",用法比较宽泛.后者强调"有重要意义的",一般用于重大事件等.

it seemed that the girl()为什么要填had lost something important;而不是填lost important things?

it seemed 是过去时了,即说话者用的过去时来表述。所以女孩丢东西是在说话者(过去时)再往后一个时态,即过去完成时,望采纳!

there are some important reasons why you are maki


some of the most important concepts

Some of the most important concepts in physics owe their success to these mathematical systems. 物理学上一些重要的概念归功于数学体系.(意思是 :数学对物理的进步有促进作用)

I know I am not important, no one cares about me 这是什么意思



是在important前面加the most, 形容词的最高级前的the通常保留,而副词的最高级前的the 则可以省略。一方面,高级词汇总是精准比如形容人强壮 你会说strong 但是robust更高级,比如你想说important 但是significant vital crucial更高级,比如你想反驳某人 可以说retort 但是refute更正式。用法:(1)性质形容词一般能受“不”和“很”的修饰。如“不大、很大、不生动、很生动”。少数状态形容词不受“不”和“很”的修饰,如不说“不冰凉、很冰凉、不雪白、很雪白、不初级、很初级”。(2)能修饰名词,经常作谓语或定语。如“大眼睛、高楼、冰凉的酸梅汤、初级职称。”(3)部分形容词可以重叠。如“大大、长长、高高”。(4)可以带宾语。


important最高级是most important e现在分词是ing sun形容词形式是sunny warm反义词是cold five序数词是fifth wind形容词形式是windy run本身可作名词 high比较级是higher no同音异义词know drive名词形式driver 谢谢!,5,前面那个问题答案是most important. 补充问题答案为:came, sunny, cold, fifth, windy, runner, highest, know, driver 求采纳!谢谢!,0,important最高级是什么? 4 分钟前1050811505 | 分类:文学 | 浏览10次 e现在分词 sun形容词形式 warm反义词 five序数词 wind形容词形式 run名词形式 high比较级 no同音异义词 drive名词形式

important to do/doing sth.?

important to do sth.


important 重要的(adj.)important的用法 :It"s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth,所以正确的是It"s important (for sb) to do sth1. 重要的,重大的[(+to/for)]It is important to see that everything goes well. 重要的是确保一切顺利。 It is important to learn to communicate. 学会沟通思想很重要。2. 地位高的,有权力的He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员。3. 狂妄自大的He has an important air about him. 他显得盛气凌人。


important的名词是importance. importance:n.重要性;重要;重大 important复数: importances 扩展资料   Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation.   层次较高的"学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。   The importance of the town is due to its geographical location.   这座城镇的重要性在于它的地理位置。   They attach great importance to the project.   他们高度重视这个项目。


more importantmost important


important[英][u026amu02c8pu0254:tnt] [美][u026amu02c8pu0254rtnt] 生词本简明释义adj.重要的;权威的;有势力的;有地位的比较级:more important最高级:most important以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED重要的;必要的;非常有价值的Something that is important is very significant, is highly valued, or is necessary. Her sons are the most important thing in her life... 她生命中最重要的是她的儿子们。The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government...这场有计划的总罢工是政府面临的一个重大经济挑战。This gold is every bit as important to me as it is to you...这块金牌对你很重要,对我也一样重要。

essential、 vital、 important有什么区别?



important的用法和搭配如下:一、important的用法 :(1)It"s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth,所以正确的是It"s important (for sb) to do sth1、重要的,重大的[(+to/for)]It is important to learn to communicate.学会沟通思想很重要。2、地位高的,有权力的He is an important official in the government.他是政府的要员。3、狂妄自大的He has an important air about him.他显得盛气凌人。(2)important是表示状态的形容词,可用于以it作形式主语替代后面动词不定式(不是动名词)的句式中,这个动词不定式要用主动语态。(3)important所跟的由that引导的主语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟式,即用动词原形或“should+动词原形”。(4)It"s important (for sb) to do sthIt"s important for students to keep healthy.对于学生来说保持健康很重要。二、短语搭配be important是重要的;look important显得了不起;less important不太重要的;the most important最重要的;very important很重要的;highly important很重要的




sth. be important for sb It is important for sb to do sth. 做某事对某人来说很重要名词:importance


important的名词形式是importance n.重要性;重要;重大 复数: importances 扩展资料   They attach great importance to the project.   他们高度重视这个项目。   The building is of historical importance.   这栋建筑有重要的历史研究价值。   Our society accords the family great importance.   我们的社会赋予家庭以十分重要的"地位。   Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of critical importance.   减少大气层中的二氧化碳含量极其重要。




important[英][u026amu02c8pu0254:tnt] [美][u026amu02c8pu0254rtnt]生词本简明释义adj.重要的;权威的;有势力的;有地位的比较级:more important最高级:most important扩展资料:柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED重要的;必要的;非常有价值的Something that is important is very significant, is highly valued, or is necessary.Her sons are the most important thing in her life...她生命中最重要的是她的儿子们。The planned general strike represents an important economic challenge to the government...这场有计划的总罢工是政府面临的一个重大经济挑战。This gold is every bit as important to me as it is to you...




import后加to、for 都可以,而suitable 则是固定搭配。




important 形容词 重要的就是名词,放在名词前做定语,修饰不定代词要放在代词的后面。名词形式是 importance


important 英[u026amu02c8pu0254:tnt]美[u026amu02c8pu0254:rtnt]adj. 重要的; 权威的; 有势力的; 有地位的;[网络] 要; 形容词; 至关重要;[例句]It is important for the state"s future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.对国家日后的统治者来说,摆脱首都过于清高的氛围是很重要的。




important的高级替换词有:1、crucial至关重要的;关键的;决定性的。crucial的重要性要比important高一些,表示关键的、至关重要的。这个词来自拉丁语的crux,意为十字架,穿过,比如:crucifix十字架,cruise巡航。例:The success of this experiment is crucial to the project as a whole.这次试验的成功是整个工程的关键所在。2、vital必不可少的;极其重要的;生机勃勃的。vital表示重大的、不可缺少的,所以它比crucial语气更强一些,比如:play a vital role发挥重要作用。例:She had found out some information of vital importance.她已经查出了一些极为重要的信息。3、significant重要的;有特殊意义的。sign-这个词根表示mark(记号,符号),你把某件事情记下来,因为它很重要。significant指某事特别有意义,尤其突出,但不一定有紧迫的或强有力的含义。例:Your success today may be significant for your whole future.你今天的成功对你的整个未来可能是重要的。4、essential必要的,必不可少的。essential一般与to或for连用,表示“对…是要紧的”;这个词也可以做名词,表示“必需品;不可缺少的东西”。例:Water is essential for/to living things.水对于生物来说是必不可少的。5、principal最重要的。作形容词表示“主要的;首要的”,形容人的时候指的是起的作用最大,不是指职位最高;用于物时,表示起决定作用。所以,principal没有比较级和最高级形式。例:He was principal dancer at the Dance Theatre of Harlem.他是哈莱姆舞剧院的头牌舞蹈演员。Iraq"s principal export is oil.伊拉克最重要的出口商品是石油。


important的高级替换词crucial。除important外,还有14个更高级的替换词形容重要的:crucial、vital、significant、essential、principal、primary、considerable、major、staple、momentous、count、front-page、meat-and-potatoes、on the map。1、crucial至关重要的;关键的;决定性的。crucial的重要性要比important高一些,表示关键的、至关重要的。这个词来自拉丁语的crux,意为十字架,穿过。2、vital必不可少的;极其重要的;生机勃勃的。vital表示重大的、不可缺少的,所以它比crucial语气更强一些。3、significant重要的;有特殊意义的。sign-这个词根表示mark(记号,符号),你把某件事情记下来,想必也是因为它很重要吧。significant指某事特别有意义,尤其突出,但不一定有紧迫的或强有力的含义。4、essential必要的,必不可少的。essential一般与to或for连用,表示“对…是要紧的”;这个词也可以做名词,表示“必需品;不可缺少的东西”。5、principal最重要的。作形容词表示“主要的;首要的”,形容人的时候指的是起的作用最大,不是指职位最高;用于物时,表示起决定作用。所以,principal没有比较级和最高级形式。6、primary首要的;主要的。形容在进展顺序上占首位,也指在重要性方面占主导地位。注意primary也不用于比较等级,在句中只用作定语。7、considerable重要的;相当大的;可观的。8、major较重要的;主要的;重大的。major也没有比较级和最高级形式。9、staple基本的,主要的;标准的,常规的。10、momentous重大的,重要的。the momentous news of the president"s death.总统去世的重大消息。11、count有价值;很重要;要紧。count的基本意思是“计算”,引申为“计算在内、重要、有价值”,常见搭配是count for sth。12、front-page(消息)头版的,重要的,轰动的。可以这样理解,放在头版的新闻一定是轰动的、重要的事件。13、meat-and-potatoes基本的;根本的;重要的。肉加土豆就是主食,这应该可以满足基本生活需要。14、on the map重要的;出名的。字面意思是“在地图上”,引申为“重要的,出名的,存在的”。


不是了 IMPORTANT 有3个音节 (im)(po;) (tant). 建议你看看下面这个.1.音节 以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [] [l]例外).从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元字组就有几个音节. 2.音节的划分 ①在两个音节的相邻处有两个辅字组时,一个辅字组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节. 例如:let-ter mem-ber chil-dren daugh-ter ②在两个音节的相邻处只有一个辅字组时,如果前面音节里的元音是长元音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果前面一个音节里的元音是短元音,则辅字组属于前面一个音节. 例如:长元音 pa-per stu-dent fa-ther ze-ro mo-tor far-ther 短元音 sev-en stud-y moth-er ver-y mod-le weath-er


  过去式表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态,动词有过去式,形容词没有。下面是我为你整理的important的过去式的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   important的过去式   adj.重要的; 权威的; 有势力的; 有地位的   important是形容词,没有过去式   important造句   1. Fresh fruits and vegetables are important and so is bran.   新鲜的水果和蔬菜很重要,麦麸也是。   2. Charlton are about to play an important away match.   查尔顿队即将在客场进行一场重要比赛。   3. 1998 was an important year for everyone: a time of change.   1998年对所有人来说都是重要的一年:那是个变革的时期。   4. This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!   这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!   5. It is important that we dovetail our respective interests.   让我们各自的利益相吻合很重要。   6. These days work plays an important part in a single woman"s life.   现在,工作在单身女性的生活中起着重要作用。   7. Friendship is much more important to me than a stupid old ring!   友谊对我来说可比一个破戒指重要得多!   8. Lesley"s career in the church is vitally important to her.   莱斯莉在教堂的工作经历对她来说至关重要。   9. Zip drives help people to organise their important information.   压缩磁盘驱动器有助于人们管理重要信息。   10. I am expecting several important letters but nothing has arrived.   我正在等几封重要的信件,可是一封都没到。   important的词汇搭配   用作形容词 (adj.)   ~+名词   important announcement 重要的宣布   important book 重要的书   important day 重要的日子   important decisions 重要的决定   动词+~   be important 是重要的   look important 显得了不起   副词+~   less important 不太重要的   the most important 最重要的   very important 很重要的   highly important 很重要的   particularly important 尤其重要的   profoundly important 深为重要的   supremely important 最重要的   unusually important 异常重要的   vitally important 至关重要的   ~+介词   important for 对u2026很重要   important to 对u2026很重要

be important of与be important for区别

the+importance+of+the+important+forbe important of与be important for区别我来答有奖励fightoutLV.20 2017-10-02聊聊be important 是个系表结构, 可以和介词to 或者for 连用, 没有和of 连用的be important for sb/sth 和be important to sb/sth 汉译过来意思都是“对。。。。来说很重要”, 区别在:A: be important for sb/sth侧重相对for 的宾语来说很重要,而对他人/事物来说则不一定如此:例句:Irrigation is important for farming.灌溉对农业是非常重要的。B:be important to sb/sth用介词to 仅仅只是为了陈述一个客观事实,不管相关的人是否认识到,这一特性(很重要)客观上存在。Spending time with my children is important to me.花时间陪伴孩子对我来说很重要。The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.情报机构的工作对能否在这场战争中获得胜利至关重要。C: 注意:下列例句中的for则是在不定式的复合结构中引出不定式的逻辑主语, 即:for sb to do sthIt"s important for you to understand this.理解这一点对你来说很重要。如果不用复合结构,则为:It"s important to understand this.理解这一点很重要。to 则不是介词,而是和上句一样是不定式符号,后接动词原形

important nothing

something important这是固定搭配,不定代词的修饰成分要放在不定代词的后面,不要听楼上瞎说,您学过英语吗?something important和important something不是错误的,是要看句意情况来填写,还有anything的话只要记住anything else只跟这样的搭配就差不多了,这是初三的内容!

be important for和be important to的区别?

to表示客观,for表示主观看法(在某人看来)Water is important to us.Health is important to everyone.Healthy diet is important for me. 在我看来,健康饮食是重要的。Healthy diet is important to me.健康饮食对我来说是重要的。(可能我是健身教练或跳舞者,要保持身材)
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