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Traffic lights are very important for us.?

这篇短文主要介绍了红绿灯的发明和他的发明者加略特摩根. 小题1:通过阅读短文,可知红绿灯有助于车辆在城市中有规律的通行.故选B.交通灯,红绿灯. 小题2:根据第二段Garrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He was an American.描述,可知他来自美国,.故选C. 小题3:根据第二短文He always looked for better ways to do things. 描述,可知他总是在探索做事的更好的办法.故选A. 小题4:根据短文第二段He left school at the age of 14. 描述,可知他在十四岁时离开了学校.故选C.,6, Traffic lights are very important for us. I think you know this. But do you know how they were born? Garrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He was an American. His family was very poor. He left school at the age of 14. He was clever. He always looked for better ways to do things. And he liked to make new things. At that time, every American wanted to have a car. The streets were full of cars. The traffic was really bad. “Why not put three lights at each corner ? They should be red,green,and yellow,” Morgan said , “ Let them tell cars to go or stop.” He made a timer (定时器)to change the lights. So we have traffic lights today . 小题1:Todaycan help buses or cars to go regularly in cities . A.Americans B.Traffic lights C.Chinese D.policemen 小题2:Garrett A.Morgan was the father of traffic lights. He came from. A. Canada B. England C. America D. Japan 小题3:Why could Garrett A.Morgan invent traffic lights? Because. A. he always looked for better ways to do things B. his family was very poor C. he wanted to have a car D. He was clever 小题4:What did Garrett A.Morgan do when he was 14 years old ? A.He studied at school. B. He put three lights in the street. C. He was away from school. D. The streets were full of cars. 小题5:What color are the traffic lights ? They are. and white and yellow , green and yellow.

Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents...

小题1:Parents.小题2:Yes, they do.小题3:They like to ask if the children are speaking to a boy or a girl.小题4:I could keep a diary.小题5:4 suggestions. 小题1:本文第二行有一句为Parents are the closest people to you in the world.所表示的含义为父母对你来说是最亲密的人,故本题答案为父母的单词Parents.小题2:本文第一段最后一句为They feel they"re not as close to their parents as before.表示的含义为绝大多数孩子们认为他们和父母的关系不像以前那样亲密了,故本题为肯定回答,故本题答案为 Yes, they do.小题3:本文第二段第三行为Others say when they"re making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if the children are speaking to a boy or a girl. 所表示的含义为当孩子们打电话给朋友们,他们的父母喜欢问他们同一个男孩还是女孩在说话,故本题答案为They like to ask if the children are speaking to a boy or a girl.小题4:本文倒数第三行为Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.所表示的含义为写日志可以有助于使你对你自己和你的感受更加明白,故本题的答案为I could keep a diary.小题5:本位最后6行提了四点解决问题的建议,故本题的答案为4点建议4 suggestions.




valuable = 有价值precious = 珍贵main = 主要important = 重要

Che Cosa Importa Se 歌词

歌曲名:Che Cosa Importa Se歌手:Gianluca Grignani专辑:Natura UmanaChe Cosa Importa SeChe cosa importa se, se ballo sopra un fuoco,io sono quello che non va...Che cosa importa se, io in fondo conto poco,in questa stronza società...C"è la guerra qua giù, la benza costa di piùe cosa dicono i giornali?Copertine ai più famosi di Gesù e più appari e meno vali,ma non eravamo uguali?Cos"è che volete adesso?non vi basta tutto il resto?vendo tutto, ma non questo, la mia identità...continuate a darmi addosso,mi dispiace ma io esisto,sono un cattivo acquisto...sono la mia volontà...Che cosa importa se, se vivo o pressapoco,se sono un immigrato, un provinciale o di città...che cosa importa se, in fondo e tutto un gioco,e non ha importanza se hai rispetto per la libertà...E l"aria non basta più, l"energia la fai tue le canzoni sempre più banali..c"è qualcuno alla porta, c"è qualcuno che ascoltae hai paura dei tuoi ideali?ma non eravamo uguali?Cos"è che volete adesso?non vi basta tutto il resto?vendo tutto, ma non questo, la mia identità...continuate a darmi addosso, mi dispiace ma io esistosono un cattivo acquisto...sono la mia volontà...Io non lo so qual"è il mio postoso solo che non mi va bene così...oh oh ohnon sono vostro a basso costo,ma è per me stesso, che io sono qui...Cos"è che volete adesso?non vi basta tutto il resto?vendo tutto, ma non questo, la mia identità...continuate a darmi addosso, mi dispiace ma io esistosono un cattivo acquisto...sono la mia volontà...per le strade c"è chi, sa ancora dir di sie se soffre lo fa, non ha paura di una verità...chi cammina a testa alta, chi sogna in una stanzae al diavolo chi ci va, chi vuole andare ma non se ne va...siamo ancora tutti qui,siamo gente, non un film...oh oh oh oh...

Walking for the Heart DiseaseWalking is one of the most important steps for the recovery of hea...

小题1:D小题2:A小题3:C小题4:G小题5:E 试题分析:这篇题目是为心脏病而步行 的文章提到:心脏病人的要想康复最好的运动方式是走路。文章是从为什么走?、如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?如何开始?和注意事项四个方面讲述的。最重要的是注意步行的时间和速度,同时注意生活中不要有过大的压力。小题1:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:一个人必须每天至少走35分钟。与D(这样做好处多多。)前后衔接恰当。小题2:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前一句的意思是:步行是心脏病人必须做的。与A(步行在帮助心脏病人恢复方面起到了很重要的作用。)构成因果关系。小题3:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据下文的内容(先慢走,逐渐增加速度。如果有心绞痛的感觉就停止,然后再慢些走,如果感觉不到疼,这时就是合适的速度。)可知,与C(如何粗略地判断合适的步行速度?)相符合。小题4:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空前的意思(先一分钟,然后2分钟)可知,这里与G(他们应该渐渐增加时间而不是速度。)前后衔接恰当。小题5:考查上下文的语境理解能力。根据空后的意思(事实上,压力也会导致其他的疾病。)可知,这里与E(但是要避免各种各样的压力,因为压力会加速心跳。)前后衔接恰当。。

阅读理解。 Trees are useful to man in three important ways: they give him wood...

1-4: DDDA

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. The first important way is that they prov...

小题1:No, it isn"t.小题2:They provide man with food, wood and other products.小题3:Under the shade of a tree.小题4:It means trees.小题5:Use both sides of paper./ Plant trees. 试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是树木的重要性,他们在三个重要的方面对我们来说是非常有用的。一是树木可以为人类和其他动物提供食物、木材和其他的产品;二是树木可以为我们提供阴凉;三是树木可以防止干旱和洪水。所以保护树木是很重要的。小题1:根据短文第一段的最后两句话Trees provide man and animals with food to live on the earth. It"s not easy for man to live on the earth without trees可知,树木给人类和动物提供食物,让他们住在地球上。对于人类而言,没有了树住在地球上是困难的。故这个题的答案是否定的。小题2:根据短文的第一段第二句话The first important way is that they provide man with food,wood and other products可知,树对于人类来说第一个重要的方面是他们为人类提供食物、木材和其他的产品。故由此可知,这个题的答案为They provide man with food, wood and other products。小题3:根据短文第二段中On a hot summer day,people are eager to have a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way.可知,在炎热的夏天,人们在走了很长的路之后,急于在树荫下休息一下。故答案为Under the shade of a tree。小题4:在短文的最后一段中,作者告诉了我们树的第三个重要的方面,即树木可以防止干旱和洪水。可是在世界上的很多地方,人们没有意识到树的这个作用。他们还是大量的砍伐树木,最后,他们就会失去这个最好的朋友。这里最好的朋友指的就是trees,即树木。小题5:这是一个开放性的问题,答案并不是唯一的。题目中问到的是为了保护树木,我们应该做些什么。例如我们可以节约用纸,用纸的两面书写;或者在生活中我们要保护树木,故乱砍滥伐,多种树等。

Why is English education important in rural China?

Because English is good

Why is enthusiasm so important in our life?What can we do

拉尔夫 瓦尔多 爱默生曾经说过,“没有热情成就不了伟业”。当一切变得越来越艰难的时候,这是让你坚持下去的动力。当别人对你说你不能够做什么事情的时候,这是让你继续下去的动力,你会发自内心的说,是的,我可以。我们天生就拥有一对明亮天真的大眼,对好奇的事物充满了热情,正如婴儿听到钥匙的声音以及汽车的行驶声音会激动地睁开双眼一样。孩童般的好奇使得充满热情的人们更加年轻。不论他们到底多大。那么,你应该怎样重新激发你孩提般得热情呢?我认为答案就在激情这个单词里面。“Enthusiasm” 这个单词起源于希腊,意思是“里面有神”。什么叫里面有神呢?这是一个爱的归属感。包括爱自己和爱别人。我们不能把眼泪浪费在那些本应该发生而没有发生的事情上,我们应该将眼泪变为在追寻梦想过程中的汗水。

Your heart is the most important not to me. 这句话的解释 是 你心里最重要的人不是我吗?

Your heart is the most important not to me.你的心是最重要的不是我.The most important person in your heart is not me?你心里最重要的人不是我

以Forests are important to us为题写一篇为60字的英语作文,继续瓦 今天就要!!! 望大家速度瓦

Froests are very useful to people. They provide us with wood and other products. They give us shade and they help to prevent drought and floods.Unfortunately, in many parts of our country, people haven"t realized the importance of froests. They cut them down at will. They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. As a result, the forests continue to disappear.Where there are no froests the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless deserted.The big floods of 1998, in parts of China, have already taught us a good lesson. So every one of us must love trees, protect forests, and keep on planting trees each year.

帮忙翻译下:Confidentiality & Disclaimer Important: Th


Team s____ is very important to a football team(根据句意和首字母提示完成句子)


We find it important for us teenagers to learn team spirit.我对这个句子有疑惑,us 代词后接名词。

这样是对的,我们青少年,英语里面有很多这样的用法。如we children like computer games. teachers are kind to us students.


important在文章句子中一般作形容词使用,有“重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的”等意思。 不同国家的语言学习,让我们每个人与世界有了更多的交流,如今英语作为我们的国际通用语,我们对待英语的学习就更加不能马虎了,今天就带大家来学习一下important这个单词。 详细内容 01 在体育的专业用词上,important也可译为“节奏”。 The physical performance affects the skill level of hurdle race athletes, Quick and rhythm velocity is the important character. 身体素质综合水平的高低直接制约着高水平运动员跨栏成绩的潜力,快而有节奏的动作速率是跨栏运动的重要素质能力。 02 词组短句: most important 意为“最重要的;首要的;最关键的” more important 意为“更加重要” play an important role 意为“起到重要作用” vitally important 意为“极其重要的” important event 意为“重大事件” 03 双语例句: Time is another important consideration. 时间是另一个需要考虑的重要因素。 She performs an important role in our organization. 她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。 Your friendship is very important to me. 你的友情对我非常重要。 04 近义词:crucial / considerable / material / big / significant 05 momentous,significant,important 这组词都有“重要的,重大的”的意思,其区别是: “momentous”指极其重要的。 “significant”指某事物由于特别优秀或特别有意义而显得重要与突出。 “important”是最普通用词,指有权威、有影响的人或值得注意的、有价值的事物。


important 重要的(adj.)形容词important的用法 :It"s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth所以正确的是It"s important (for sb) to do sth1.重要的,重大的[(+to/for)]It is important to see that everything goes well.重要的是确保一切顺利.It is important to learn to communicate.学会沟通思想很重要.2.地位高的,有权力的He is an important official in the government.他是政府的要员.3.狂妄自大的He has an important air about him.他显得盛气凌人.


1、important形容事物时表示“重大,重要,紧急”; 形容人时表示“有权力〔地位〕”“自以为了不起”,在句中一般用作定语、表语。2、important是表示状态的形容词,可用于以it作形式主语替代后面动词不定式(不是动名词)的句式中,这个动词不定式要用主动语态。3、important所跟的由that引导的主语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟式,即用动词原形或“should+动词原形”。4、important的比较级是more important; 最高级为most important。

important 用法

important 重要的(adj.)important的用法 :It"s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth,所以正确的是It"s important (for sb) to do sth1. 重要的,重大的[(+to/for)]It is important to see that everything goes well. 重要的是确保一切顺利。 It is important to learn to communicate. 学会沟通思想很重要。2. 地位高的,有权力的He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员。3. 狂妄自大的He has an important air about him. 他显得盛气凌人。以上回答你满意么?


important只能作为形容词,表示重要的;important是表示状态的形容词,可用于以it作形式主语替代后面动词不定式(不是动名词)的句式中,这个动词不定式要用主动语态。一.important只能作为形容词 1.重要的,重大的[(+to/for)] It is important to see that everything goes well. 重要的是确保一切顺利。 It is important to learn to communicate. 学会沟通思想很重要。 2.地位高的,有权力的 He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员。 3.狂妄自大的 He has an important air about him. 他显得盛气凌人。 二.important是表示状态的形容词,可用于以it作形式主语替代后面动词不定式(不是动名词)的句式中,这个动词不定式要用主动语态。 三.important所跟的由that引导的主语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟式,即用动词原形或“should+动词原形”。 四.It"s important (for sb) to do sth It"s important for students to keep healthy. 对于学生来说保持健康很重要。


名词:importance.副词:importantly.important的意思:主要用作形容词,作形容词时意思是“重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的”。1、单词读音英式读音:[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0rtnt]美式读音:[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0rtnt]2、其它形式比较级:more important最高级:most important派生词:importantly3、短语搭配Important explanation重要说明 ; 主要阐明。vitally important极其重要的 ; 性命攸关 ; 至关重要的。distinctly important极为重要的 ; 非常重要的 ; 极其重要 ; 详细翻译。4、双语例句(1)I have something important to do.我有很重要的事情要做。(2)I have an important message for you.我有一个重要的讯息要给你。(3)I have an important thing to do.再如,我有一件重要的事情要做。(4)Her sons are the most important thing in her life.她生命中最重要的是她的儿子们。(5)He was the most important person on the island.他是岛上最有声望的人。


important 重要的(adj.) important的用法 : It"s + adj +(for sb)+to do sth,所以正确的是It"s important (for sb) to do sth 1.重要的,重大的[(+to/for)] It is important to see that everything goes well. 重要的是确保一切顺利. It is important to learn to communicate. 学会沟通思想很重要. 2.地位高的,有权力的 He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员. 3.狂妄自大的 He has an important air about him. 他显得盛气凌人.




important,英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时意思是“重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的”。短语搭配:Important explanation重要说明 ; 主要阐明vitally important极其重要的 ; 性命攸关 ; 至关重要的distinctly important极为重要的 ; 非常重要的 ; 极其重要 ; 详细翻译双语例句:1、I have something important to do.我有很重要的事情要做。2、I have an important message for you.我有一个重要的讯息要给你。3、I have an important thing to do.再如,我有一件重要的事情要做。

be of importance 与be important有什么不同

be of importance=be important 一般可通用.但有很细微的差别.it is important to do sth 强调 to do sth is important 的整个这句话.强调这个时候 应该去做什么.it is of importance to do sth 强调 to do sth 是具有重要意义的.这个时候 to do sth 已经成为共识,但重要与否尚未得到评论.这样的说法给予了评论.


这个问题我会,虽然本人英语口语不是很好,但是对英语四六级词汇还是很熟悉的~给大家总结了一个表格可以先粗略看一下:一、含义解释:important(/u026amu02c8pu0254rtu0259nt/)是一个形容词,意为“重要的”、“有价值的”。importance(/u026amu02c8pu0254rtu0259ns/)是一个名词,意为“重要性”、“价值”。二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:important 是一个形容词,通常用于修饰名词或代词,作定语或表语。importance 是一个名词,通常用于表示事物的重要性或价值。三、具体用法举例:important:It"s important to have a balanced diet.(有一个均衡的饮食很重要。)Family is important to me.(家庭对我很重要。)This is an important issue that needs to be addressed.(这是一个需要解决的重要问题。)importance:The importance of education cannot be overstated.(教育的重要性不容忽视。)He emphasized the importance of teamwork.(他强调了团队合作的重要性。)We need to understand the importance of protecting the environment.(我们需要了解保护环境的重要性。)虽然 important 和 importance 的含义有所不同,但是它们之间也存在一定的联系。在实际应用中,我们可能需要同时使用它们两个来表达更准确、更完整的意思。例如:The importance of sleep is often overlooked, but it"s actually very important to our overall health.(睡眠的重要性经常被忽视,但实际上它对我们的整体健康非常重要。)It"s important to recognize the importance of taking breaks throughout the workday.(意识到在工作日间休息的重要性非常重要。)在以上例句中,important 和 importance 相互补充,共同表达了一个更完整的意思。因此,在实际应用中,我们需要根据具体情境和需要,恰当地选用它们两个。希望这个补充能够帮助您更好地理解 important 和 importance 的关系。


important,读音:英[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0tnt],美[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0rtnt]。释义:adj.重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的。变形:比较级more important,最高级most important。词源:源自中古法语的important;最初源自古典拉丁语的importare,意为介绍,引入。短语:unusually important异常重要的。vitally important至关重要的。important for对?很重要。important occasion重大场合。important的例句1、It"s important to spend your time productively.重要的是要有效地利用时间。2、It"s important to keep the punters happy.重要的是让顾客满意。3、Image is very important in the music world.在音乐界,个人形象很重要。4、I"m leading up to something quite important.我正要说到很重要的事情上。5、Let"s get on to more important matters.咱们谈些更重要的事吧。


important,读音:英[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0tnt],美[u026amu02c8pu0254u02d0rtnt]。释义:adj.重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的。变形:比较级more important,最高级most important。词源:源自中古法语的important;最初源自古典拉丁语的importare,意为介绍,引入。短语:unusually important异常重要的。vitally important至关重要的。important for对…很重要。important occasion重大场合。important的例句1、It"s important to spend your time productively.重要的是要有效地利用时间。2、It"s important to keep the punters happy.重要的是让顾客满意。3、Image is very important in the music world.在音乐界,个人形象很重要。4、I"m leading up to something quite important.我正要说到很重要的事情上。5、Let"s get on to more important matters.咱们谈些更重要的事吧。


important的用法:important形容事物时表示重大,重要,紧急,形容人时表示有权力,自以为了不起,在句中一般用作定语、表语。important的搭配:it is important for sb to do sth。 扩展资料 important的.例句:Her sons are the most important thing in her life(她生命中最重要的是她的儿子们);He was the most important person on the island(他是岛上最有声望的人)。


important英 [ ɪmˈpɔːtnt ]美 [ ɪmˈpɔːrtnt ]释义adj.重要的,重大的;(人)影响很大的,权威的;大量的,许多的;自负的,自命不凡的变形比较级more important 最高级most important 例句1. He likes to feel important.他喜欢感到自己很重要。2. It is important not to skip meals.重要的是,不能不吃饭。3. Now comes the really important bit.现在到了非常重要的一小部分。

请问It is of vital importance...这里为什么会有of?

It is vitally important副词修饰形容词可以或者It is of vital importance均可,只有这两种正确表示形式


hold important implications for对....有着重要的影响.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

import surtax的英英解释是什么啊?

A tax levied on imported goods

Men were certainly found to be no more likely than women to discuss"important"or "highbrow"


The result is not very important to us ,but if we do win,then so much____.

因为前面的result 是特指的 the result. 所以后面的better 应该也加上the ------ the better.个人看法 :)

import coverage 什么意思

import coverage进口覆盖例句:Import coverage ratio: the rate at which imports are covered by exports. 进出覆盖比率:指出口对销进口的比率。

关于play an important role?

oth A and B play an important role是对的,play的单复数形式由它前面的主语决定,由于前面是both A and B所以要用复数,1, yonan315 举报  重点是后面的play an important role 还是play important roles 还是有其他的解决办法 play important roles 是固定用法,是要问这个吗?,关于play an important role both A and B plays an important role in today"s society.总感觉有点怪,both后有A 和 B 后面是play an!important role.不知道这种情况怎么处理,难道有play important roles?感觉略怪

公共演说的重要性(一) Why Public Speaking Is So Important?

Many students ask why they shouldlearn to give speeches. They often argue that they don"t plan to bepoliticians, members of board, or pany presidents. Students think that thoseare the only careers that require public speaking but overlook the fact thatmost of the thousands of speeches delivered every day are given by averagepeople. The coach who explains and demonstrates the right way to make a lay-upis giving a speech. So are the police officer who speaks to second gradersabout not talking to strangers and the parent who reports to 110 about atraffic accident.,许多学生问为什么他们要学会演讲。他们通常认为他们并没有要成为政治家,董事成员,或公司总裁的打算。学生们认为那些是唯一需要公共演讲的职业,但他们忽略了一个事实,在每天成千上万的演讲中有大部分是通过普通人来发表的。教练解释并演示了演讲是正确的休息方式。警察告知二年级的学生不要跟陌生人说话,而家长向110报告了一个交通事故。,If you think about it, you"vegiven and listened to more speeches than you realize. It only makes sense tostudy how to do it well, because speech-making is such an important part ofyour daily life. Most good speakers learn the speech-making skills; they weren"tborn with them. What is more, there are listening techniques that will help youget more out of the speeches you hear. You never know when you"ll have theopportunity to present a speech or to listen to one. By learning goodspeech-making techniques, you can take advantage of opportunities at school, onthe job and as a citizen in society.,如果你想一想,你做和听到的演讲比你意识到的还要多。理所当然你会学习如何把它做得更好,因为演讲在你日常生活中是如此重要的一部分。大多数优秀的演讲家都是通过学习演讲技巧而不是天生的。而且,有一些听力技巧会帮助你让你比所听到的演讲本身获益更多。你永远不知道你什么时候有机会做演讲或听演讲。通过学习良好的演讲技巧,你可以在学校,工作以及社会中利用更多的机会。

Some people say that,"Time is money." But I think time is important than money..

time is more important than money

you are so important to me是什么意思



功能性不一样。To do list可以列举每日的工作内容,Important list可以明确工作的重要性。如果你要做一件事情不确定时间,或者你正在做一件事情把它分成若干个项目,可以放在to do list上,就是待办事项嘛,没那么高大上。
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