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花费我的时间。 一步步地。

英语Cumulative time怎么翻译?



i Mei Me是由中国内地造星工厂天娱传媒2010年重金打造的女子团体组合,由中国籍成员李媛希、易易紫、刘美含、韩国籍成员泫京、泰国籍成员那琳组● 组合名称写法:i Me   ● 组合内成员: 李媛希、易易紫、刘美含、泫京、那琳    ● 官方歌迷名称:蜜粉     iMe成员合照(1)[1]● 官方歌迷颜色:蜜桃色   ● 所属经纪公司:天娱传媒   ● 唱片发行公司:DOREMI MUSIC   ● 组合出道时间:2010年6月30日    ● 主要发展国家:中国、韩国、日本、泰国   ● 组合名称含义:i代表“international ”、“idol”、 “idea”;me表示“自我”、“团队”[2] [3] 星路历程  造星工厂天娱传媒秘密在中、韩、泰三国挑选出五位少女,经过在韩国为期一年的封闭式训练,正式成军女子组合“i Me”,已于2010年6月30日正式出道。[4][5] iMe成员合照(2)[6] 早前媒体透露一向致力于打造大众全民型偶像的天娱传媒,其从2009年快女比赛开始就有意组建一支进军亚洲的女子团体。2010年5月,经过在韩国为期近一年的封闭训练,五位少女成员终于曝光,而一直处于保密状态的两位外籍成员也终于揭开神秘面纱。组合成员从亚洲三个国家万名选手中层层筛选而出,“I Me”组合五位人选确定为:中国成员李媛希、刘美含、易易紫,韩国成员泫京,泰国成员那琳。组合成员均拥有全面的舞蹈与演唱实力又个性不同,远赴韩国长期的魔鬼培训,让几位成员不但实力提升,而且相互感情日密,个性的不同又增加了彼此之间的互补性,展现在歌迷面前不但是完美的整体,又各自风格鲜明、突出。[7] 足球宝贝i Me组合[8] “i me”组合成员五位少女,由业界顶尖娱乐制作班底培训,为其量身定夺,外形包装上更是砸下重金,精心磨砺之后,首张专辑《哎咿呀》已于2010年6月惊艳问世,是一个集合5国语言(中文、英语、韩文、泰文、日语),3国(中国、韩国、泰国)艺人的组合。[7] 内地乐坛长期以来空缺偶像与实力兼具的女子组合,造星体制和平台的限制令大多数组合的发展趋势都不太乐观。因此国内组合市场的挖掘空间很大,诸多内地经纪公司和电视台都在向日韩学习打造属于自己的组合。此次,拥有丰富造星经验和强势传媒平台的天娱传媒,继成功打造男团至上励合之后,再次抢占先机,组建国内第一支国际化九零后少女团,结合了很多中国现有的情况,不断调整修改,吸收到中韩泰三地精英,全面进军亚洲,掌舵内地组合市场。[7]   如今是个价值多元化的时代,每个人都有捍卫自己审美标准的权利,“i Me”五位成员足以代表年轻人多种偏好特质。组合强调自我主张,立志成为国际化、知识化、时尚感的偶像团队,一改内地流行乐市场一直缺少内在与外在俱佳的女子团体的现状。[7] 成员介绍  邻家女孩—李媛希   英文名: Mocika    邻家女孩-李媛希出生地:四川省雅安市   出生日期:1990年2月10 日    队内职务:队长,主唱,领舞   负责音部:中低音   体重:42kg    身高:160cm   星座:水瓶座    擅长爱好:唱歌、舞蹈[9]   可爱公主—刘美含   英文名:Mikan    可爱公主-刘美含出生地:广东深圳    出生日期:1991年4月9日   队内职务:主唱,组合形象担当,领舞    负责音部:中音   体重:38kg    身高:158cm   星座:白羊座   擅长爱好:唱歌 表演 游泳 跳舞 绘画[10]   性感短发—易易紫   英文名:Niki     性感短发-易易紫出生地:四川成都   出生日期:1987年11月8日   队内职务:主领舞   负责音部:Rap   体重:45KG    身高:165cm    星座:天蝎座    擅长爱好:唱歌、跳舞、表演、美食、旅游[11]   奔放小猫—那琳   英文名:Zara(2928232028)     奔放小猫-那琳户籍地:清迈   出生日期:1986年12月2日   队内职务:副主唱   负责音部:中音   身高:160cm   体重:45kg   星座:射手座   擅长爱好:唱歌、跳舞[12]   冷艳美女—泫京   英文名:PureNess   出生地:富川市     冷艳美女-泫京出生日期 :1988年10月05日   身高:165cm   体重:42kg   星座:天秤座   队内职务:主唱   负责音部:高音   擅长爱好:看电影、购物、听音乐、游泳、料理[13] 音乐作品  首张EP—i Me《哎咿呀》   发行时间:2010年6月26日    《哎咿呀》封面[14]演唱歌手:i Me   Ep语种:国语   制作人:司捷   EP曲目:   01、哎咿呀   作词:陈立志 作曲 :MASTER KEY 编曲 :MASTER KEY   首波主打歌曲《哎咿呀》,由韩国“舞曲顽童”MASTER KEY量身定做 ,简单易于流传的旋律,非常贴合90后自信张扬,个性自由的特点,用中文哎呀的可爱发音贴近90后的语言习惯,引发听者的共鸣。简单的旋律,清纯可爱又充满谐趣性的描述,使歌迷留下深刻的印象。歌曲副歌部分舞蹈编排突出可爱幽默的动作,让舞蹈更加的简单易学,便于流传。堪称即将引发全国青少年哼唱的“全民舞曲”。    EP《哎咿呀》02、完美世界   作词:张彰 作曲:徐在河 编曲:徐在河   《完美世界》——未来的美丽,恰恰在于未知,作为90后追崇的i Me组合,对于未来的想象也和所有同龄人一样,既有不安又充满了期待,《完美世界》这首歌曲像是90后的宣言,只要勇敢的去面对,未来对于每一个人都是完美的,轻快爽朗的节奏和旋律充满了律动性,让听者都不自觉的想到合着节拍跳跃起来,愉悦的感觉简单直接。   03、我有想念   作词:张彰 作曲:刘美含 编曲:具滋勇   《我有想念》——由组员刘美含作曲,至上励合御用词人张彰联手创作的一首慢板情歌,表达了女孩在初恋的过程中的中中辛酸与渴望,是一首标准的KTV中毒情歌,具有很强的传播性和感染力,作为90后的女孩,i Me组合几位成员的完美演绎也让人称赞她们的演唱实力和对于歌曲的把握能力,歌曲旋律舒缓,娓娓道来,虽然辛酸但又不到痛彻心扉,加深了90后对于爱情的懵懂和无奈。   04、一直很喜欢   作词:刘美含 作曲:刘美含 编曲:赵盛贤    《哎咿呀》背面《一直很喜欢》是一首清新可爱的音乐小品,描写校园中的暗恋情怀,表现出一个女孩爱上一个男孩的故事,喜欢却不知道怎么表白,只希望男孩子能再有勇气一点点,憧憬两个人在一起的种种甜蜜。作为组员刘美含亲自创作的词曲,非常清新可爱,旋律朗朗上口,给人一种浪漫与梦幻的感觉。   05、友情的界限   06、友情的界限(对唱版)   作词:陈立志 作曲:Park Deok Sang(EYAGI) 编曲:Park Deok Sang(EYAGI)   《友情的界限》——两版不同味道的中速情歌,一版由i Me组合演绎,另一版则为师兄组合至上励合的队长张远亲自力挺发声。唱片中“FEAT,至上励合-张远”几个字中深深的领悟到同为师兄的至上励合的师妹的关爱和支持。著名词人陈立志的歌词也恰如其分的表达了主题,对于爱情的憧憬,对于友情的难分难舍,在友情与感情之间,有时是那么的模糊,也很难可以说的清楚,i Me组合的演唱也让整首歌曲更加的具有说服力。 [15][16] 通告行程  2010年   6.04 湖南卫视《天天向上》 开场舞   6.07 湖南卫视《天天向上》节目录制   6.09 做客《此时乐动听》   6.11 湖南卫视《天天向上》 开场舞    iMe做客《勇往直前》图[17] 6.18 湖南卫视《天天向上》开场舞 自我介绍+《哎咿呀》   6.25 湖南卫视《快乐大本营》节目录制   6.28 安徽卫视《周日我最大》节目录制   6.30 发布会《2010 i Me出道成人礼全国媒体认证会》   7.13 做客《红网红人堂》   7.14 湖南卫视《越淘越开心》节目录制   7.15 做客《金鹰访谈》   7.18 助阵《昕薇》10周年庆典   7.20 天津卫视《快乐转转转》节目录制   7.22 湖南卫视《汉语桥》节目录制   7.27 湖南卫视《一呼百应》节目录制[18]成,并于2010年06月30日正式出道。

_____any time you are in town 。 Thank you.i will. A.Dress up B.Show up C.Care about D.Drop by


06年德国世界杯主题曲《Time Of Our Lives》中 除了英语,IL Divo唱的是西班牙么



李媛希 刘美含 易易紫 沈泫京


i Me是由中国内地造星工厂天娱传媒2010年重金打造的女子团体组合,由中国籍成员李媛希、易易紫、刘美含、韩国籍成员泫京、泰国籍成员那琳组成,并于2010年06月30日正式出道。 ● 组合名称写法:i Me ● 组合内成员: 李媛希、易易紫、刘美含、泫京、那琳 ● 官方歌迷名称:蜜粉 ● 官方歌迷颜色:蜜桃色 ● 所属经纪公司:天娱传媒 ● 唱片发行公司:DOREMI MUSIC ● 组合出道时间:2010年6月30日 ● 主要发展国度:中国、韩国、日本、泰国   ● 组合名称含义:i代表“international ”、“idol”、 “idea”;me表示“自我”、“团队” 星路过程 造星工厂天娱传媒机密在中、韩、泰三国挑选出五位少女,经过在韩国为期一年的封闭式训练,正式成军女子组合“i Me”,已于2010年6月30日正式出道。   早前媒体透露一向致力于打造大众全民型偶像的天娱传媒,其从2009年快女比赛开始就有意组建一支进军亚洲的女子团体。2010年5月,经过在韩国为期近一年的封闭训练,五位少女成员终于曝光,而一直处于保密状态的两位外籍成员也终于揭开神秘面纱。组合成员从亚洲三个国度万名选手中层层筛选而出,“I Me”组合五位人选断定为:中国成员李媛希、刘美含、易易紫,韩国成员泫京,泰国成员那琳。组合成员均拥有全面的舞蹈与演唱实力又个性不同,远赴韩国长期的魔鬼培训,让几位成员不但实力提升,而且相互感情日密,个性的不同又增加了彼此之间的互补性,展现在歌迷面前不但是完美的整体,又各自风格鲜明、突出。   “i me”组合成员五位少女,由业界顶尖娱乐制作班底培训,为其量身定夺,外形包装上更是砸下重金,精心磨砺之后,首张专辑《哎咿呀》已于2010年6月惊艳问世,是一个聚集5国语言(中文、英语、韩文、泰文、日语),3国(中国、韩国、泰国)艺人的组合。   内地乐坛长期以来空缺偶像与实力兼具的女子组合,造星体制和平台的111ttt.com令大多数组合的发展趋势都不太乐观。因此国内组合市场的发掘空间很大,诸多内地经纪公司和电视台都在向日韩学习打造属于自己的组合。此次,拥有丰盛造星经验和强势传媒平台的天娱传媒,继成功打造男团至上励合之后,再次抢占先机,组建国内第一支国际化九零后少女团,结合了很多中国现有的情况,不断调整修改,吸收到中韩泰三地精英,全面进军亚洲,掌舵内地组合市场。   如今是个价值多元化的时代,每个人都有保卫自己审美标准的权利,“i Me”五位成员足以代表年轻人多种偏好特质。组合强调自我主张,立志成为国际化、知识化、时尚感的偶像团队,一改内地风行乐市场一直缺少内在与外在俱佳的女子团体的现状。 成员介绍 邻家女孩—李媛希 英文名: Mocika 出生地:四川省雅安市 出生日期:1990年2月10 日 队内职务:队长,主唱,领舞 负责音部:中低音 体重:42kg 身高:160cm 星座:水瓶座 擅长喜好:唱歌、舞蹈 可爱公主—刘美含 英文名:Mikan 出生地:广东深圳 出生日期:1991年4月9日 队内职务:主唱, 组合形象担当,领舞 负责音部:高音 体重:38kg 身高:158cm 星座:白羊座 擅长喜好:唱歌 表演 游泳 跳舞 绘画 111ttt.com短发—易紫紫 英文名:Niki 出生地:四川成都 出生日期:1987年11月8日 队内职务:主领舞 负责音部:Rap 体重:45KG 身高:165cm 星座:天蝎座 擅长喜好:唱歌、跳舞、表演、美食、旅游 奔放小猫—那琳 英文名:Zara 户籍地:清迈 出生日期:1986年12月2日 队内职务:副主唱 负责音部:中音 身高:160cm 体重:45kg 星座:射手座 擅长喜好:唱歌、跳舞 冷艳—泫京 英文名:PureNess 出生地:富川市 出生日期 :1988年10月05日 身高:165cm 体重:42kg 星座:天秤座 队内职务:主唱 负责音部:低音 擅长喜好:看电影、购物、听音乐、游泳、料理 首张EP—i Me《哎咿呀》 发行时间:2010年6月26日 演唱歌手:i Me Ep语种:国语 制作人:司捷 EP曲目: 01、哎咿呀 作词:陈立志 作曲 :MASTER KEY 编曲 :MASTER KEY   首波主打歌曲《哎咿呀》,由韩国“舞曲顽童”MASTER KEY量身定做 ,简单易于流传的旋律,非常贴合90后自信张扬,个性自由的特点,用中文哎呀的可爱发音贴近90后的语言习惯,引发听者的共识。简单的旋律,清纯可爱又充满谐趣性的描述,使歌迷留下深刻的印象。歌曲副歌部分舞蹈编排突出可爱风趣的动作,让舞蹈更加的简单易学,便于流传。堪称即将引发全国青少年哼唱的“全民舞曲”。 02、完美世界 作词:张彰 作曲:徐在河 编曲:徐在河   《完美世界》——未来的漂亮,恰恰在于未知,作为90后追崇的i Me组合,对于未来的想象也和所有同龄人一样,既有不安又充满了期待,《完美世界》这首歌曲像是90后的宣言,只要勇敢的去面对,未来对于每一个人都是完美的,轻快爽朗的节奏和旋律充满了律动性,让听者都不自觉的想到合着节拍跳跃起来,愉悦的感到简单直接。 03、我有想念 作词:张彰 作曲:刘美含 编曲:具滋勇   《我有想念》——由组员刘美含作曲,至上励合御用词人张彰联手创作的一首慢板情歌,表达了女孩在初恋的进程中的中中辛酸与渴望,是一首标准的KTV中毒情歌,具有很强的传播性和感染力,作为90后的女孩,i Me组合几位成员的完美演绎也让人称赞她们的演唱实力和对于歌曲的把握能力,歌曲旋律舒缓,娓娓道来,虽然辛酸但又不到痛彻心扉,加深了90后对于爱情的懵懂和无奈。 04、一直很爱好 作词:刘美含 作曲:刘美含 编曲:赵盛贤   《一直很爱好》是一首清新可爱的音乐小品,描写校园中的暗恋情怀,表现出一个女孩爱上一个男孩的故事,爱好却不知道怎么表白,只希望男孩子能再有勇气一点点,憧憬两个人在一起的种种甜蜜。作为组员刘美含亲自创作的词曲,非常清新可爱,旋律朗朗上口,给人一种浪漫与梦幻的感到。 05、友情的界限 06、友情的界限(对唱版) 作词:陈立志 作曲:Park Deok Sang(EYAGI) 编曲:Park Deok Sang(EYAGI)   《友情的界限》——两版不同味道的中速情歌,一版由i Me组合演绎,另一版则为师兄组合至上励合的队长张远亲自力挺发声。唱片中“FEAT,至上励合-张远”几个字中深深的领悟到同为师兄的至上励合的师妹的关爱和支持。著名词人陈立志的歌词也恰如其分的表达了主题,对于爱情的憧憬,对于友情的难分难舍,在友情与感情之间,有时是那么的含混,也很难可以说的清楚,i Me组合的演唱也让整首歌曲更加的具有说服力


有缘碰到和你一样的问题,这是我搜到的,希望有所帮助本人在配置PROXOOL联接池时,发现一个奇怪的事情。。 以前在配置文件时,可以直接设置 houseKeepingSleepTime属性,但是在用proxool-0.9.1时,发现有些属性是不允许你设置的。。 在你配置完成后,运行时,会发现说这个属性不是可写的。。 其后本人把proxool-0.9.1源代码下来了 .有个奇怪的地方: Java代码 private long houseKeepingSleepTime; private long maximumConnectionLifetime /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getHouseKeepingSleepTime */ public long getHouseKeepingSleepTime() { return houseKeepingSleepTime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getHouseKeepingSleepTime */ public void setHouseKeepingSleepTime(int houseKeepingSleepTime) { this.houseKeepingSleepTime = houseKeepingSleepTime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getMaximumConnectionLifetime */ public long getMaximumConnectionLifetime() { return maximumConnectionLifetime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getMaximumConnectionLifetime */ public void setMaximumConnectionLifetime(int maximumConnectionLifetime) { this.maximumConnectionLifetime = maximumConnectionLifetime; } private long houseKeepingSleepTime; private long maximumConnectionLifetime /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getHouseKeepingSleepTime */ public long getHouseKeepingSleepTime() { return houseKeepingSleepTime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getHouseKeepingSleepTime */ public void setHouseKeepingSleepTime(int houseKeepingSleepTime) { this.houseKeepingSleepTime = houseKeepingSleepTime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getMaximumConnectionLifetime */ public long getMaximumConnectionLifetime() { return maximumConnectionLifetime; } /** * @see ConnectionPoolDefinitionIF#getMaximumConnectionLifetime */ public void setMaximumConnectionLifetime(int maximumConnectionLifetime) { this.maximumConnectionLifetime = maximumConnectionLifetime; }这是为何?? 下面是源代码中作者对文件做的修改说明: Revision 1.9 2007/06/19 11:33:35 billhorsman Changed time (millisecond) properties from int to long: maximumConnectionLifetime, houseKeepingSleepTime, recentlyStartedThreshold, overloadWithoutRefusalLifetime, maximumActiveTime 不知道是不是下一个版本准备把接收INT值改为long值?? 百思不得其解。。最后还是用proxool-0.9.0sr2 就没有这个问题。。。。

意大利歌曲come prima(for the first time)的歌词(中意对照) 满意的加10分

Come Prima(For The First Time)For the first time, for the first time, I"m in loveFor the first time, for the first time, I found loveFrom the moment I saw you I was in raptureEvery moment after that I"ve lived in the cloudsCome prima, come prima, I can thrillCome prima, I love you and always willYou"re the first one, yes the the first oneYou"re my one-and-only oneCome prima, come prima, I"m in loveCome prima, piu di prima, t"ameroPer la vita, la mia vita ti daroSembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzarti!Le tue mani tra le mani stringere ancor!Il mio mondo, tutto il mondo sei per meE a nessuna voglio bene come a te...Ogni giorno, ogni istante, dolcemente ti diro:Come prima, piu di prima t"amero!Sembra un sogno rivederti, accarezzartiLe tue mani tra le mani stringere ancor !Il mio mondo, tutto il mondo sei per meE a nessuna voglio bene come a te...Ogni giorno, ogni istante, dolcemente ti diro:Come prima... piu di prima.... t"a-me-ro!只能找到这个了如果你还是想要中文版的话,而且不介意是我给你翻译的话,记得百度hi我



Il Se Peut Que Je T Aime Encore 歌词

歌曲名:Il Se Peut Que Je T Aime Encore歌手:Charles Dumont专辑:Platinum Charles DumontDion CelineLive A ParisPour Que Tu Maimes EncoreJean-Jacques GoldmanFor you to still love me.Jai compris tous les mots, jai bien compris, merciRaisonnable et nouveau, cest ainsi par iciQue les choses ont chang?que les fleurs ont fan?R> Que le temps davant, c?it le temps davantQue si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passentI understood all the words, I well understood, thanksReasonable and new, thats the way hereThings have changed, that flowers get fadeThat the time before, was the time beforeIf all zap and tire, loves also go byIl faut que tu sachesYou must knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to still love meFallait pas commencer mattirer me toucherFallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouerOn me dit quaujourdhui, on me dit que les autres font ainsiJe ne suis pas les autresAvant que lon sattache, avant que lon se g?eShouldnt begin tease me touch meShouldnt give so much I dont know how to playThey say that today, they say others do soIm not the othersBefore we attach to the other, before we spoil each otherJe veux que tu sachesI want you to knowJirai chercher ton coeur si tu lemportes ailleursM? si dans tes danses dautres dansent tes heuresJirai chercher ton ? dans les froids dans les flammesJe te jetterai des sorts pour que tu maimes encoreIll go get your heart if you take it somewhere elseEven if in your dances others dance your hoursIll go get your soul in the colds in the flammesIll cast a spell on you for you to to still love meJe trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louangesJe ferai nos bagages pour dinfinies vendangesLes formules magiques des marabouts dAfriqueJles dirai sans remords pour que tu maimes encoreIll find languages to sing your praisesIll make my luggages for infinite vintagesMagic spells from African priestsIll say them without remorse for you to still love meJe minventerai reine pour que tu me retiennesJe me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenneJe deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisirVos jeux seront les n?s si tel est ton d?rPlus brillante plus belle pour une autre ?ncelle



英语翻译 take one"s time

是个词组,有两个意思: 1 要用多少时间就用多少;不着急 Take your time -- there"s no rush. 你用多长时间都行--不着急. 2 (反语)晚得或慢得离谱 You certainly tool your time getting here! 你来得这么晚,也太不像话了!


为什么是 MeeGo?虽然这个诞生于2010年的系统,最终没能逃脱被淘汰的命运。9 年过去,它仍然是最耐看的系统 UI 之一,其精髓在于图标。秉着“传承精髓”的精神,我轻量化“改造”了华为 P30 Pro,至少让它的桌面图标向 MeeGo 看齐。“改造”后桌面一览大弧度的图标边角、均衡的色调和统一的图标绘制风格,足以治愈我对桌面整理的强迫症。若是配合一张低面(Low Poly)风格的壁纸,它几乎就是 MeeGo 的经典再现。想要换到这样的效果,比“把大象放进冰箱里”还要简单。因为当我琢磨出一套华为可用的自制图标包方法之后,再到主题商店里一搜,才发现原来这里已经上架了对应的主题。这说明两个问题,第一是华为主题更新的速度足够快,第二是凡事都得先搜索。“改造”具体步骤为:主题商店搜索“meeye”点击下载,并应用主题根据个人喜好更换壁纸和字体,字体推荐使用“方正兰亭黑”meeye 是一套基于 MeeGo 系统风格进行绘制的软件图标,覆盖的软件已达 2900 多个。如果你发现有什么软件还未适配,可以向开发者提出适配申请。重要的是,meeye 目前是免费的。meeye 图标包一览有一点略显可惜,这款极度简洁且经典的主题,我翻遍了华为主题商店的首页推荐以及排行榜,都没看到它的身影,或许有不少用户错过了它。至于壁纸,我个人常用 Resplash 和 Cuto 两个软件,前者是一个基于 Unsplash 共享许可摄影作品的软件,它不仅能浏览和下载壁纸,还能搜索;后者则是一个经过人工挑选后,展现优质壁纸的软件,它一周更新一次。

How to Find Time for Yourself

Do you ever find yourself longing for some time for yourself? Many of us are so busy with work school and Home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy. What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to slow down enjoy life and rejuvenate yourself. Scheduling Time with Yourself 1. Evenings with Yourself. Try to save certain weeknights just for you. If others ask you to do things those nights just tell them you have plans. Use the time for gardening reading exercise thinking or the ultimate luxury of doing nothing! 2. Monthly Treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month. It could be on your lunch break a weekend or it could be leaving work early. Maybe you get a spa treatment go see a movie a haircut play golf or whatever treat you"re always thinking about but rarely get to. Schedule it in and it will happen! 3. Buy Tickets in Advance. sports theater concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen! 4. Leave Work on Time. Huh? Yes many of us stay at work late on a regular basis. If this is you make it a point to leave work exactly on time at least once a week if not more. And then enjoy that time! Leave work at work. 5. Join a Group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and Home: singing group gardening group astronomy society book club quilting (or any other craft) circle biking/walking/running/etc clubs ski club etc. What are you interested in? Strike while the iron is hot. Look up a club in your area today and join! If you can"t find a club consider starting one yourself! 6. Take an Adult Education Class. Take a fun class. If accounting is fun for you then go ahead. If not then think about some of these ideas: foreign language photography art creative writing or sports (kayaking archery golf yoga). Belly-dancing anyone? 7. Exercise. For busy people it can be difficult to make time for this. But you know what? You can do it!! All you have to do is decide today and then make it a reality tomorrow. A new habit is started with just one step. Take that first step tomorrow. Walk for 20 minutes in the morning. And then build on that success daily. Vary how you spend that time. On some days use the time for thinking and daydreaming. Other days listen to motivational audio and on days you want a real boost listen to your favorite music! Here are a couple travel audio books you could borrow from your local library that will take you on a journey to a foreign land while you are walking or jogging: “Holy Cow:An Indian Adventure” by Sarah MacDonald or “The Places in Beeen” by Rory Stewart. If you"ve been exercising for a while and you usually listen to music try go without any input for a change. Instead let your mind wander and expand. On the Go 1. Commute Via Public Transportation. If you can ditch your car and let someone else do the driving. Use that time to plan your day do some reading writing creative thinking or even meditation. 2. Driving in Your Car. Make the most of this time. Vary how you spend that time. If you always listen to music perhaps also try: educational radio (NPR) positive audio tapes (suggestion: “Follow Your Heart” by Andrew Matthews) or even totally quiet time. Use that quiet time for brain storming. Either think in your head or even talk your ideas out loud. Bring a voice recorder. You could write a book via voice recorder over time. 3. Waiting in the Car. If you find that you have a certain amount of “waiting time” in your life change how you perceive it. Instead of “waiting time” you can instantly change it into “me time” by bringing along reading writing or entertainment items. Or if you find yourself waiting and you don"t have any of these things use the time for creative thinking about your life or try some meditation. Synergy 1. 2 Birds One Stone. Look for ideas where you can fit in time for you within things you need to do already or that will have multiple benefits. See the ideas below to give you an idea. 2. Walk to Work. This is a a great one because you"re acplishing many things at once. You"re getting exercise you have time to think or enjoy music/audio and you"re helping to save the environment. 3. Arrive Early. Any appointment that you have plan to arrive 15-30 minutes early. Then use this time for you: reading writing meditation relaxation thinking whatever. 4. Volunteering. There are so many benefits with this. You make a difference for others you escape work and personal worries and you grow as a person. If you could help one anization or group which would it be? OK now go ahead and Google them and find out how you can help - even if it"s just once a year. 5. Side Job. Find a side job at which you can make money but that will also allow you to do something you love. Some ideas: coaching teaching a class (art writing sport hobby anything else you know well) or training others (what special skills do you have that you could share with others? singing windsurfing math?) 6. Lunch Alone. Try sneaking away for a quiet lunch alone on a park bench or even in your car. Enjoy some quiet time with no one to talk to and no audio inputs. Time Away from Kids 1. Organize “Mom"s Morning Out” Circle. If you have a friend or group of friends you could arrange to share babysitting services a few times a month so that others in the group get some time alone. 2. Babysitters. Make a plan to have a babysitter that you trust watch your children once a month or once a week so that you can get some time for yourself. The key here is to take action and make it happen. If you want more time for yourself you can get it. Just don"t be afraid to ask. 3. Gym with Babysitting Service. Find a gym that offers childcare so that you can take a yoga class do some strength training or even work with a personal trainer. Make sure you fully research the safety of their childcare program first though. Get some references.

求tamas wells的 The Crime At Edmond Lake 中文谐音歌词,英语不好,但是很想学习这首歌!

The leaves were raked at the end of Edmond Lake啧 礼物斯 喔 瑞克的 阿特 啧 按的 欧服 诶得蒙得 类克埃德蒙湖畔的尽头 叶子被拔得精光For the teams to find the evidence of why佛 啧 挺m斯 兔 饭的 啧 诶vi等斯 欧服 歪(四声)全是那些家伙们干的 那些成群结队来找证据的人们They had failed to rise and run out and hide贼 哈的 飞儿 兔 热爱(连读热爱) 斯 安的 ruang 嗷特 安的 海的他们搞不懂自己为何无法起身 跑开 或者躲起来When they heard the voices calling from the flame trees温 zei 喝的 啧 窝一丝 扣林 佛ruang 啧 服来m 去斯每每听到火焰树的呼唤声I could see if the lovers hadn"t been to the lake that day爱 哭的 斯一 一副 啧 love额斯 哈等特 冰兔 啧 类克 咋特得(dei)我能看得出来 关于那一天 那一对对的情人们是不是真的没去过湖边They could have found a way贼 哭的 哈五 放的 额 喂他们应该知道该怎么干吧To escape to town and take the Greyhound兔 一丝盖噗 兔 烫 安的 忒克 啧 格雷汗恩德逃离小镇 带着那条灰色猎犬离开With the coins we found维啧 啧 孔恩死 维 放的顺便带上我们找到的那些硬币We went into the morning light微 温特 英兔 啧 摸凝 来特我们就这么一直走下去 走到天都亮了Won"t you wait" won"t you ever hesitate?翁特 油 维特 翁特 油 诶五耳 海斯特忒特你干吗不等等呢 你就不曾迟疑么In the leaves you rake at the end of Edmond Lake因 啧 礼物斯 油 瑞克 艾特 啧 恩的 欧服 诶得蒙得 类克那些你弄掉了的叶子当中 在埃德蒙湖的尽头You could find that trail of crumbs and details油 哭的 放的 咋特 特瑞而 欧服 克ruang不死 安得 第忒儿斯看见了吧 那连成串儿的碎屑一样的具体入微的Of a crime that made us shiver as we climbed back欧服 额 克莱m 咋特 没得 啊死 she喂 阿斯 喂 克莱姆的 吧克罪证 在我们往回爬的路上 它们令人瑟瑟发抖I could tell how a rabbit and a spell唉 哭的 忒儿 好 额 拉比特 安得 啊 思贝儿我能看得出来这是怎么回事:单凭一只兔子跟一个填字游戏Could relieve our eyes of plastic apple pies哭的 瑞丽五 凹我 爱死 欧服 噗啦斯提克斯 唉坡 派斯是怎么就足够我们望梅止渴了(让我们满足)And the strings that held our covers in well安得 啧 斯特林思 咋特 黑而得 嗷我 扣维斯 因 威尔还有那些架起了我们的伪装的绳线And the coins we found安得 啧 孔恩死 维 放的和我们找到的那些硬币We went into the morning light微 温特 英兔 啧 摸凝 来特我们就这么一直走,走进晨光里The leaves were raked at the end of Edmond Lake啧 礼物斯 喔 瑞克的 阿特 啧 按的 欧服 诶得蒙得 类克埃德蒙湖畔的尽头 叶子被拔得精光For the teams to find the evidence of why佛 啧 挺m斯 兔 饭的 啧 诶vi等斯 欧服 歪(四声)全是那些家伙们干的 那些成群结队来找证据的人们They had failed to rise and run out and hide贼 哈的 飞儿 兔 热爱(连读热爱) 斯 安的 ruang 嗷特 安的 海的他们搞不懂自己为何无法起身 跑开 或者躲起来With the coins we found维啧 啧 孔恩死 维 放的和我们找到的那些硬币We went into the morning light微 温特 英兔 啧 摸凝 来特我们就这么一直走,走进晨光里辛苦打字不容易.... 一定要唱出来啊!!望采纳...........

什么叫take you time?


the crime at edmond lake中文歌词

埃德蒙湖畔之罪 The leaves were raked at the end of Edmond Lake 埃德蒙湖畔的尽头 叶子被拔得精光 For the teams to find the evidence of why 全是那些家伙们干的 那些成群结队来找证据的人们 They had failed to rise and run out and hide 他们搞不懂自己为何无法起身 跑开 或者躲起来 When they heard the voices calling from the flame trees 每每听到火焰树的呼唤声 I could see if the lovers hadn"t been to the lake that day 我能看得出来 关于那一天 那一对对的情人们是不是真的没去过湖边 They could have found a way 他们应该知道该怎么干吧—— To escape to town and take the Greyhound 逃离小镇 带着那条灰色猎犬离开 With the coins we found 顺便带上我们找到的那些硬币 We went into the morning light 我们就这么一直走下去 走到天都亮了 Won"t you wait, won"t you ever hesitate? 你干吗不等等呢 你就不曾迟疑么 In the leaves you rake at the end of Edmond Lake 就在那些你弄掉了的叶子当中 在埃德蒙湖的尽头 You could find that trail of crumbs and details 看见了吧 那连成串儿的碎屑一样的具体入微的 Of a crime that made us shiver as we climbed back 罪证 在我们往回爬的路上 它们令人瑟瑟发抖 I could tell how a rabbit and a spell 我能看得出来这是怎么回事:单凭一只兔子跟一个填字游戏 Could relieve our eyes of plastic apple pies 是怎么就足够我们望梅止渴了(让我们满足) And the strings that held our covers in well 还有那些架起了我们的伪装的绳线 And the coins we found 和我们找到的那些硬币 We went into the morning light 我们就这么一直走下去 走到天都亮了 晨光出现 分享给你的朋友吧:

take you time.是什么意思


Sign Of The Times 歌词

歌曲名:Sign Of The Times歌手:Three Days Grace专辑:Transit of VenusThree Days Grace - Sign Of The Times.This is a sign of the timesAnother mountain to climbThe sun burns as hot as the flame in the devil""s eyesThis is a sign of the timesAnother mountain to climbThe sun burns as hot as the flame in the devil""s eyes.There""s chaos on the riseThe sky is raining knivesWe have mistakenThe toll that it""s taken on you and IYou and IYou and IYou and I.There""s chaos on the riseThe sky is raining knivesWe have mistakenThe toll that it""s taken onYou and I.The oceans have gone dryVenus is passing byYou and IYou and IYou and I.There""s chaos on the riseThe sky is raining knivesWe have mistakenThe toll that it""s taken on you and I.I""ll give you what you needI""ll give you what you needYouYouYouI gave what you need.We have mistakenThe toll that it""s taken onWe have mistakenThe toll that it""s taken on.I""ll give you what you needI""ll give you what you needI""ll give you what you need.

歌词第一句是take you time

Take your timeLove me in the middle of your lowest nightI"ll be sure to lift you if you promise meGive me your affectionAnd your honestyIf I could feel your touchIf I could be your loveI wanna go beyondI wanna go to farNow tell me I"m the only oneSkin to skinTake your timeI"ll be right here with you in the longest fightNever will neglect you I"ll stay by your sideNever would direct youIf I"m left behindWill I still feel your touchWill I still be your loveI wanna go beyondI wanna go to farNow tell me I"m the only oneSkin to skin

take you time是什么意思


take our time的意思,哪些机器翻译的人别来乱教。。。

take our time 是take one"s time 的变形take one"s time 是不急,慢慢来one"s 根据主语而变形take your time 你不用着急

Take your time,we have enough time left.


not bad.和takeyoutime的意思

not bad 还不错take your time慢慢来

never mind take your time

D 慢慢来 A 别介意 这两个短语的意思是不一样的,各自意思如上

Don′t hurry take your time 可以转换成Don′t be什么?

答:Don"t hurry. Take your time. 应该是可以转换成Don"t be in such a hurry. Take your time.


翻译成: 你可以慢慢来。它将会做(好),如果你让我知道你的决定在一天或两天内

客户说take your rush 怎么回?

答:你应该是说:Thank you.

take your time,nothing matters,sure go ahead

你好!take your time,nothing matters,sure go ahead慢慢来,没有什么问题,确定继续

与take your time相近的? hurry 别着急

take ur time如何回答

Please get down to your business.

you can take your time是什么意思



take your time.take it easy 是不要紧张. 放心好了.

take ur times什么意思

take one"s time 慢慢来 的意思

请问大家"take your time"和"take the time"分别是什么意思啊?


歌词里含有takeyourtime的韩歌第一句就是 花样青春朴宝剑放过谢谢


take it easy和no hurry和take your time的区别




Take your time 与It takes time有什么区别?

Take your time 意思是“慢慢来,别急”. It takes time意思是“这需要时间“

交际用语take your time什么意思?回答i am afraid...?


Take Your Time的歌曲歌词

I don"t know if you were looking at me or notYou probably smile like that all the timeAnd I don"t mean to bother you butI couldn"t just walk byAnd not say hiAnd I know your name"Cause everybody in here knows your nameAnd you"re not looking for anything right nowSo I don"t wanna come on strongBut don"t get me wrongYour eyes are so intimidatingMy heart is pounding butIt"s just a conversationNo girl I"m not gonna waste itYou don"t know meI don"t know you but I want toAnd I don"t wanna steal your freedomI don"t wanna change your mindI don"t have to make you love meI just want to take your timeI don"t wanna wreck your FridayI ain"t gonna waste my linesI don"t have to take your heartI just wanna take your timeAnd I know it starts with helloAnd the next thing you know you"re trying to be niceAnd some guys getting too closeTrying to pick you upTrying to get you drunkAnd I"m sure one of your friends is about to come over here"Cause she"s supposed to save you from random guysThat talk too much and wanna stay too longIt"s the same old song and dance but I think you know it wellYou could have rolled your eyesTold me to go to hellCould have walked awayBut you"re still hereAnd I"m still hereCome on let"s see where it goesI don"t wanna steal your freedomI don"t wanna change your mindI don"t have to make you love meI just wanna take your timeI don"t have to meet your motherWe don"t have to cross that lineI don"t wanna steal your coversI just wanna take your timeWoah, I don"t wanna go home with youWoah, I just wanna be alone with youI don"t wanna steal your freedomI don"t wanna change your mindI don"t have to make you love meI just wanna take your timeAnd I don"t wanna blow your phone upI just wanna blow your mindI don"t have to take your heartI just wanna take your timeNo, I ain"t gotta call you babyAnd I ain"t gotta call you mineI don"t have to take your heartI just wanna take your time, ooh I don"t know if you were looking at me or not我不知道你是否在看着我You probably smile like that all the time你也许一直在那样微笑And I don"t mean to bother you but而我不想去打扰你I couldn"t just walk by但我只是无法从你身边擦身而过And not say hi而不打声招呼And I know your name我知道你的名字Cuz everybody in here knows your name因为在这里的所有人都知道你的名字And you"re not looking for anything right now现在你似乎不是在找寻着什么So I don"t wanna come on strong我不想给别人留下强烈的印象But don"t get me wrong但是不要误解我Your eyes are so intimidating你的眼神是如此吓人My heart is pounding but我的心受了伤It"s just a conversation但是这只是一次交谈No girl I"m not gunna waste it不 女孩 我不想错过You don"t know me你不了解我I don"t know you but I want to我不了解你 但是我想了解你I don"t wanna steal your freedom我不想让你失去自由I don"t wanna change your mind我不想改变你的想法I don"t have to make you love me我没有必要让你爱上我I just want to take your time我只是想让你慢慢来I don"t wanna wreck your Friday我不想占用你星期五的时间I ain"t gunna waste my lies我不想浪费我的口舌I don"t have to take your heart我没有必要占据你的心I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来And I know it starts with hello我知道这是以一声问好开始And the next thing you know your trying to be nice下一件事 你就会知道你想要变得很好And some guys getting too close让一些男孩靠近你Tryin to pick you up可以让你搭个顺风车Trying to get you drunk想要把你灌醉And I"m sure one of your friends我确定你的朋友is about to come over here即将来到这里Cuz she"s supposed to save you from random guys因为她会把你从这些随意的家伙中拯救出来That talk to much and wanna stay too long是那些说得太多 想要待很长时间的家伙It"s the same old song and dance这是老调旧舞but I think you know it well但是我以为你很了解You coulda rolled your eyes你可能会不屑一顾Told me to go to hell告诉我见鬼去吧Coulda walked away你可能已经走了But your still here但是你依然在这里And I"m still here而我依然在这里Come on let"s see where it goes来吧 我们看看去哪里I don"t wanna steal your freedom我不想让你失去自由I don"t wanna change your mind我不想改变你的想法I don"t have to make you love me我没有必要让你爱上我I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来I don"t have to meet your mother我没有必要去拜见你的母亲We don"t have to cross that line我们没有必要越雷池一步I don"t wanna steal your covers我不想让你无处可藏I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来I don"t wanna go home with you我不想和你一起回家I just wanna be alone with you我只是想和你单独相处I don"t wanna steal your freedom我不想让你失去自由I don"t wanna change your mind我不想改变你的想法I don"t have to make you love me我没有必要让你爱上我I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来I don"t wanna blow your phone up我不想让你扔掉电话I just wanna blow your mind我只是想让你意乱情迷I don"t have to take your heart我不想占据你的心I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来No, I ain"t gotta call you baby不 我不会叫你宝贝And I ain"t gotta call you mine我不会让你属于我I don"t have to take your heart我没有必要占据你的心I just wanna take your time我只是想让你慢慢来

Take Your Time 歌词

歌曲名:Take Your Time歌手:Lynyrd Skynyrd专辑:ChroniclesHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahTake your timeIf you cage me I"d wanna be free right?when you"re tired you wanna sleep safe at nightWe"re not changing human nature nowSo when you need love I will show you howBut if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breatheIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your timeWhen you let go then your soul decidesIt is easy to enjoy the rideWe"re united, separated, trueAnd all that is yours you will never loseBut if I tell you my heart is yours then what does it mean?It is a lie to say that without you I cannot breatheIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your timeHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahHaaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaaahSo hardIf the butterfly wings were never meant to flyUnreachableMaybe we wouldn"t have to say goodbyeThough my heart callsWhen your heart wants to run with the windOh I"ll be fineAnd then maybe come back in the springSo take your time

Take Your Time 歌词

歌曲名:Take Your Time歌手:buckshot专辑:the bdi thugI invited you to the club so what, so whatDon"t mean you gotta hang all up under meYou a big girl don"t act out, word upCuz you ain"t gonna gain no clout, no doubtI know you wanna be wit me, but iStay single and remain mingle andCuz there"s so many out jinglin, oh my godSo i guess time will tell what"s out there for swanTo move it on, is what you always say to meThat"s what i always do, but you still pagin meWhat"s the deal? you ask keep it real, so it beBut i come to find out that got at least threeMore "fro"s that you braidin, on the d-lSo i guess it"s time for me to bounce the ball like sprewellSee well, you could of had it all, ms. doveBut you showin swan, ain"t that much loveGet control of your life, get control of your mindGet control of your body, girl, take your timeTake your time, take your timeTake your time, take your, take your timeTake your time, take your, take your timeTake your time, take your timeBuckshotListen up quick, baby jinkGotta lotta shit to get wit, stuck in the game and i can"tI"m thinkin of a master planBuck"s hot as cool, to see a fan when i"m on the spotNow some think i"m not, humanEven thought i got the bomb and my shit"s boominI"m leavin your room in, no spaceIf you wanna make a mistake, get up in my faceTalkin about, yo i gotta be offPause, just because you wanna get up in my drawersYou ready to break laws, visions of your clothes in my backJust because you stack, now you wanna actLike you know you got your rhyme on cockAnd everything i do, shit stop for you, shitPlease, thirty two degrees, of the breezeAbout to hit you wit the good law specialWhy did you, how could you, get upsetWhen i said my money comes first, i betYou don"t know, that i gotta lotta shit on my mindSo before i fall off, momma saidYou wanna know why i be trippin when i hear her nameCuz every rider in the hood, know she all about gameSee me on the block, she ask me where i beenShe know where i been, probably tryin to cash inGot my act together, she see me on flossNow you wanna fuck me, slow down girlI used to wanna fuck you, but i been around the worldI seen the more, dealt wit a lotNow what make you think i"m gonna pay for that twatThat"s what you here for? you exceedinDefinitely speedin, slow down girlGet control of your life, get control of your mindGet control of your body, girl, take your timeNow you wanna stress me out, you put me on a route til my hair fall outNow what"s that all about? i"mma bob and weaveDuck ya bullshit, see buck ain"t up, fuck ya bullshitBitch, tellin me my style was a flukeCuz i wouldn"t give you boots, and you thought i was cuteI got loot, see money is all that i"m aboutJust coolin wit my niggas and bustin it outI"m bdi, you could tell by the vision i useI see you fake bitches for blocks, i never snoozeSee she wanna put me on cruiseSet me on a straight path, what about i had to laugh at herCuz i ain"t gon" fall, runnin around talkin about new yorkCheck this out, now she ready to brawlI got a call from the c.o.p., tellin me to stand tallCaught me in the mall wit all, my homies wit meShorty had to be on the scale of one to threeDamn, a dime, but whatever poppa said, bdi, you gotta

take your time和take it easy的区别.以及分别在什么场合的时候用

take your time 慢慢来,不急take it easy 放松点,没什么大不了的例:You still have much time to do it, take your time!Take it easy,Sam, everybody can overcome it.take your time 是慢慢做,不着急。 主要强调要做的事时间上宽松,不必着急take it easy 是放轻松,别把他当回事。主要强调要做的事难度上没什么大不了,不必担心

take your time和take it easy分别是什么意思


take your time的中文的意思是什么

take your time.常常用于口语, 表示:你不必着急,慢慢来。比如,你去快递, 要包装, 你手忙脚乱, 对方说: take your time 。 意思是:不着急, 慢慢来。

take your time是什么意思?

基本解释take your timevi.从容做,不慌不忙例句1.Take your time.慢慢来。2.Just take your time.您不要着急。3.Please take your time.请慢用。4.Take your time, please.不要着急。5.Take your time, sir.:您请便,先生。

take your time是什么意思?

不着急 慢慢来……..

Take your time.是什么意思

慢慢来 不着急的意思

take your time是什么意思

词组原形是take one"s time 意思是“从容不迫,别着急,慢慢来”,如-Can I have a look at the menu?-Take your time.

take it easy 与take your time 什么区别、

take it easy从容;不急;松懈,别着急If you are sick, really, truly, terribly sick, you need to take it easy. 如果你病了的确是病了,很糟糕,你需要休息一天这个简单。take your time别着急;从容做Take your time with each resume, as it is the first impression you make on the hiring manager. 花时间去打造每一封简历,因为它将决定招聘经理对你的第一印象。take的用法作为动词,主要有以下几种用法: 一、 拿,取 I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室。 二、 吃,喝,服用,放 ① Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药。 ② Do you take sugar in your milk? 你喝的牛奶里放糖吗? 三、 乘车(船)等 ① Shall we go there by bike or take a taxi? 我们是骑自行车去那还是坐出租车去? ② They usually take a bus to work. 他们通常乘公交车上班。 四、 常常和it连用,it在句子中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。翻译成“花费(时间、金钱)等” ① How long will it take you to do your homework every day? 每天做作业要花费你多长时间? ② It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week. 每周买书通常要花费她20元钱。 五、“做……事情”, 常常和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作 例如:take a walk散步, take a rest休息一下, take a look看一看等等。 构成常用的重要词组: 1. take away 拿走 Tom takes the knife away from the little boy. 汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。 2. take care (=be careful=look out) Take care!The car is coming! 小心!车来了! 3. take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料 I can take care of the baby all by myself. 我自己能照顾这个小孩。

take your time按成分分析

主句的主语:you 谓语动词:will have 宾语:a great time 地点状语:in every situation if 引导条件状语从句 其中的主语:you 谓语:relax, take your time, and show confidence 意思:每一种场合,如果你放松下来,不着急,并展示信心,你就会感觉良好.(或过得开心)

take your time, time will tell

花时间慢慢告诉我不合理之处和合理之处. take the time意为花时间,慢慢来,不要急;与take your time 意思相同 unreasonable本来是形容词,前面加the可以看成名词,译为不合理之处


歌手名:crazy town歌曲名:waste of my time专辑名:DarkhorseCrazy Town - Waste Of My Time速配歌词 => 配词She was My Heart, my soul, my girl, my lifeI want that shit, I"ll make that sacrifice.You know I know, you know What"s on my mindI like the sex but where just wastin" timeNo replay"s, like Shifty please staySick of breakin" up every other week dayAnd we cant seem to see, eye to eyeYou even yell when I try to get highAnd I cant keep you, your evilAnd all my friends think that I should leave youIt"s a stand still that I try to see throughBut your actin" like a bitch so I got to leave youOh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorOh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorYour just a waste of my time, waste of my time,Waste of my time, waste of my timeMy timeYou came, I went, you sore, I fucked, I left.Went neck to neck, but now it"s sudden death.Get out of my bed, I came to make it mine.Don"t wont no head, stop all that wastin" time.Oh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorOh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorYour just a waste of my time, waste of my time,Waste of my time, waste of my timeMy timeWaste of my time, waste of my time,Waste of my time, waste of my timeMy timeI"m mad but, I packed your bags up.Put "em by the door, you can have that stuff.Story of them all, and a man"s bad luckBut it"s all for the best I guess, NextNow I feel like the man on the moon, likeStaring down on the world lookin" for a new girlAnd a new life, now I guess one day,Some day I"m a get it rightOh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorOh, I think I"v seen this once beforeI know the way it ends when you just walk out the front doorYour just a waste of my time, waste of my time,Waste of my time, waste of my timeYour just a waste of my time, waste of my time,Waste of my time, waste of myTimeEND

老外说不着急慢慢来take your time.,你应该怎么回?

all right ,let me have a try

Take Your Time的歌手简介

Sam Hunt,美国乡村歌手,前大学橄榄球运动员。因为Kenny Chesney、Keith Urban、和Billy Currington写歌而出名。2014年,签约MCA Nashville并且发行了其首张唱片《Montevallo》,其中包含乡村电台冠单《Leave the Night On》。另支单曲《Take Your Time》正在大热中。

slow down跟take your time有什么区别?


take your time和take it easy的区别.以及分别在什么场合的时候用

take your time 慢慢来,不急take it easy 放松点,没什么大不了的例:You still have much time to do it, take your time!Take it easy,Sam, everybody can overcome it.take your time 是慢慢做,不着急。 主要强调要做的事时间上宽松,不必着急take it easy 是放轻松,别把他当回事。主要强调要做的事难度上没什么大不了,不必担心

take your time什么意思?什么情景可以用?


take your time英解,中文意思,例句以及例句的中文意思。


英语Take your time having your breakfast怎么翻译?


Take Your Time 歌词

歌曲名:Take Your Time歌手:王力宏专辑:王力宏的音乐进化论(新曲+精选)Take Your Time作词:林夕 作曲:王力宏 编曲:刘志远我用一刹那 交换一个 天长地久我用我现在 交换你的 从此以后时间在你双手Time to fall in love不管什么时候 一秒一个梦转动爱的节奏 time to fall in love不管上下左右 一秒一个吻一点也不保留Time is in your handTake your time Take you time Take your time我听着全世界分针 绕过我的胸口也不会看着时间将你带走看着黑夜 白昼 流过我的宇宙也不会让你有一秒的哀愁Time to fall in love

Marian hill 的 take your time歌词是什么意思啊


英语take your time 是什么意思?

英汉通用句典 (10条) 1.I will not take any more of your time. 我不再占用你的时间了。来源: dj.iciba.com2.Take your time to reflect before doing important things. 在做重大的事情之前要从容不迫地思考一下。来源: dj.iciba.com3.Take your time and tell me all about it. 你从从容容给我讲讲全都情况。来源: dj.iciba.com4.You"d better take your time to do your homework. 你最好仔细做你的作业。来源: dj.iciba.com5.I mustn"t take up your time in office hours. 在上班时侯,我不能占你的时间了。来源: dj.iciba.com6.Take your time and think carefully--don"t get carried away! 你要好好地前前后后想一想不要感情用事!来源: dj.iciba.com7.Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding. 先花点时间估计你到底有多少成功的希望,然后再做决定。来源: dj.iciba.com8.We will take cognizance of your objections at the proper time. 在适当的时候我们将考虑你的异议。来源: dj.iciba.com9.Please take your time and let me know if you need any help. 请慢慢看。需要帮助的话,请告诉一声。来源: dj.iciba.com10.Well, please take your time and let me know if you need help. 好的,请便。需要帮忙的话,请告诉我一声。来源:

take you time是什么意思

请问是 Take your time 么?“别急,慢慢来”一般你比较匆忙的做某件事的时候,别人说take your time,是让你别急,放轻松点,慢慢来,他可以等。一般说这句话的人很有耐心。

take time,take your time是什么意思



to do

英文 Take your time 用法与中文意思!看例句一次搞懂

英文 Take your time 的用法跟中文意思 ,你都懂了吗? Take 的中文意思有「接受、拿取」的意思,但是可别以为 Take your time 是指拿走你的时间的意思,这么想可就大错特错啦!如果你还不知道英文里的 Take your time 是什么意思,那就赶快来看这篇英文教学吧! 下面说明英文 Take your time 的用法与中文意思。 内容目录 1. Take your time 慢慢来 英文 Take your time 其实是慢慢来的意思,也就是指叫别人不用急,还有时间,可以慢慢来。 例: That"s okay. Take your time. 没关系。 慢慢来。 例: Take your time – I"m not in any hurry. 慢慢来-我一点也不著急。 例: The builders are really taking their time. 那些建筑工人真会拖拖拉拉。 2.take it easy 不拼命工作;放松;休息 跟 Take your time 很容易搞混的另外一个英文片语叫 take it easy ,跟 Take your time 意思不太一样喔。 Take your time 是叫人慢慢来,take it easy 则是指叫人放松、休息的意思。 例: Take it easy. Don"t work so hard. 放松点,别那么努力。 例: You should take it easy. 你应该休息一下。 例: I like to take it easy. 我想放松一下。 3.have time to kill 有时间可以消磨 既然 Take your time 是指慢慢来,叫别人别急的意思。那么这种慢慢来的英文说法,还可以怎么说呢?类似的有 have time to kill,have time to kill 的中文意思是指「有时间可以消磨」。 例: We still have some time to kill before we leave – do you want to have some coffee. 出发之前我们还有些时间可以打发——你想喝咖啡吗? 上面就是英文 Take your time 的用法与中文意思教学啦!赶快学起来吧。 have time to kill, take it easy, Take your time, Take your time 用法, Take your time 翻译, Take your time. 中文, Take your time. 意思

take your time

英汉通用句典 (10条) 1.I will not take any more of your time. 我不再占用你的时间了。来源: dj.iciba.com2.Take your time to reflect before doing important things. 在做重大的事情之前要从容不迫地思考一下。来源: dj.iciba.com3.Take your time and tell me all about it. 你从从容容给我讲讲全都情况。来源: dj.iciba.com4.You"d better take your time to do your homework. 你最好仔细做你的作业。来源: dj.iciba.com5.I mustn"t take up your time in office hours. 在上班时侯,我不能占你的时间了。来源: dj.iciba.com6.Take your time and think carefully--don"t get carried away! 你要好好地前前后后想一想不要感情用事!来源: dj.iciba.com7.Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding. 先花点时间估计你到底有多少成功的希望,然后再做决定。来源: dj.iciba.com8.We will take cognizance of your objections at the proper time. 在适当的时候我们将考虑你的异议。来源: dj.iciba.com9.Please take your time and let me know if you need any help. 请慢慢看。需要帮助的话,请告诉一声。来源: dj.iciba.com10.Well, please take your time and let me know if you need help. 好的,请便。需要帮忙的话,请告诉我一声。来源:

take your time英解,中文意思,例句以及例句的中文意思。

Take one"s time不着急,不着慌3.Take your time.3.慢慢来。Just take your time.您不要着急。Please take your time.请慢用。Take your time, please.不要着急。基本解释take your timevi.从容做,不慌不忙 例句ufeff3.Take your time.3.慢慢来。Just take your time.您不要着急。Please take your time.请慢用。Take your time, please.不要着急。Take your time, sir.服:您请便,先生。一般是在商店你买东西,服务员说,take your time 请慢慢选,不用急的意思 谢谢哦,我也是在百度上面给你找的列子,但我确定这个解释没有错,只是自己不好举例谢谢你的采纳,祝你好运

take time,take your time是什么意思


take you time是什么意思


take your time是什么意思


take your time是什么意思?


take your time是什么意思


take your time是什么意思


imprimer是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

v. t. 1. 印, 压印:imprimer ses pas dans la neige 在雪中印下足迹imprimer la marque d"un cachet sur de la cire 在火漆上打上封印的印记imprimer un motif en relief (en creux) 压印凸形(凹形)图案imprimer des dessins sur une étoffe 在布上印图样imprimer une étoffe [引]印制花布2. 盖(章), 盖(印):imprimer un cachet sur de la cire 在火漆上盖封印3. 印刷; 印制; [引]出版, 发表:imprimer un livre à mille exemplaires 把一本书印一千册[宾语省略]Il écrit, mais n"a pas encore imprimé. 他从事写作, 但还没有出版过作品。 imprimer un auteur (un écrivain) [引]出版一个作家的作品4. 传递, 给予(运动, 速度等):imprimer un mouvement de rotation à un volant 使飞轮转动imprimer un grand essor à l"économie nationale 把国民经济搞上去5. [转]给以… 印象; 把… 印进; 使铭记:souvenirs imprimés dans la mémoire 牢记在心中的回忆6. [转]赋予(特性等)s"imprimer v. pr. 1. (被)印刷; 在印刷中:Ce livre s"imprime en ce moment 这书此时正在印刷中, 2. (被)铭刻, (被)铭记常见用法imprimer un souvenir dans la mémoire de qqn在某人的记忆中留下一个回忆

take your time是什么意思

take your time从容不迫

take your time是什么意思

take your time别着急;从容做
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