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It is likely to set up a school 正确吗?


I like you, from one to the end.

imhe smelled the ocea

They are like living textbooks for young people

对年轻人来说,他们就象活教科书.They 主语are 谓语like living textbooks for young people 表语

是不是like detective要加ing?


scum like me准确歌词

ChorusThere磗 a part of mewho just cant seewhy you believe ina scum like meI don磘 care no moreof your honestyjust tell me why?(tell me why)do you believeIn a scum like me?It磗 early morningI feellike I been hit by a carI thoughtsomething was wrong with meI was differentStanding on the outsidelooking inall the happy peoplesmiling their way thru lifenot even close to sinacting in joypain withinAll my worries,stupid thoughtsnever seemed to come to and endI try to pretendlocked myself innever share, never talknot even to my closest friendswhat happened to this childfrom where did she getthat selfdestructive side?Where along the roadwas she toldThat she was notgood enough to being loved?Accusing myselfI am not woth this goodthere needs to come a wolffrom the woodswhat I wantedyears agoto be seen and loved, and cared forSo now Instead of being proudI run away and hidecause I feel like I have fooled you allthen you finally look under the surfaceand you磍l see........all this you think so big and strongIs just little me, a fake, all along

This songs like the voice of sea是什么结构?

This song like the voice of sea从字面意思看这个句子要表达的意思是这首歌像海的声音,这时候like作为介词,是“像”的意思,所以正确的句子应该是:This song is like the voice of sea.主语是this song, 谓语是is,后面的是表语。


strike造句如下:The workers decided to go on strike to demand better pay and working conditions.(工人们决定罢工,要求更好的薪资和工作条件。)The lightning strike caused a power outage in the entire city.(闪电击中导致整个城市停电。)The baseball player made a strike and the crowd cheered.(棒球运动员投出了一个好球,观众欢呼起来。)The clock struck twelve and it was time to go to bed.(时钟敲响了十二下,是该睡觉的时间了。)The snake struck at its prey and caught it with its sharp teeth.(蛇向猎物发起攻击,用锋利的牙齿咬住了它。)strike解析如下:一、读音英式发音:/straɪk/美式发音:/straɪk/二、释义v. 打;敲;罢工;袭击;撞击n. 罢工;打击;攻击;击球三、词形变化第三人称单数:strikes现在分词:striking过去式:struck过去分词:struck形容词:striking四、常用短语go on strike:罢工strike a balance:取得平衡strike a deal:达成协议strike up a conversation:开始交谈strike out:失败;划掉五、用法strike用作动词的基本意思是“打”“击”“敲”,多指用手、拳、器具、武器、子弹等急速地、突然地敲击或击打,强调行为的有意性。其程度可从轻微的碰撞到毁坏性的撞击,也可用于表示时钟“敲响”。引申可表示“袭击”“划(火柴等)”“偶然发现(矿藏等)”“用冲压法制造(钱币、奖章等)”“罢工”“产生于(某人的)脑海中”“给…以(深刻)印象”“划去”“引起(感情、情绪等)”“使喜爱”“达成(交易等)”“铸造”“摆…姿态”“遇到”“扎根”“生根”等。 strike既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。作“打,击”解时还可接双宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。作“给…以(深刻)印象”解时,还可接以as加名词、形容词或现在分词充当补足语复合宾语。strike用作不及物动词作“划(火柴等)”解时,其主动形式含有被动意义。 表示“敲击某人身体的某部位”或引申指“(灯光)照到脸〔身〕上”时,要用strike sb on〔in〕 the...结构。 strike作“罢工”解时用作不及物动词,与介词for搭配表示“为…而罢工”,与 against 搭配表示“为反对…而罢工”。 strike的现在分词striking可用作形容词,在句中作定语或表语,表示“突出的”“显著的”“鲜明的”等。 六、例句The clock struck twelve and the party was over.(时钟敲响了十二下,派对结束了。)The workers threatened to strike if their demands were not met.(工人们威胁说如果他们的要求没有得到满足就会罢工。)The boxer struck his opponent with a powerful blow.(拳击手用有力的一击打中了对手。)The lightning struck the tree and split it in half.(闪电击中了树,将其劈成了两半。)The orchestra struck up a lively tune and the dancers took to the floor.(管弦乐队奏起了欢快的曲子,舞者们开始跳舞。)

listen!the voice ----(sound)like the singing of birds

答案:填sounds 即:Listen!The voice sounds like the singing of birds. 解析:sound不能用于进行时,所以用一般现在时,而且主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词也要用单三形式 翻译:听,声音听起来像鸟儿在歌唱. 有不明白的请继续追问,

listen!the voice ----(sound)like the singing of birds




It is something I like the most, but I have to give it to someone else.翻译成中文


翻译if you would like to take good photographs of real-life situations but have




Just do it as you like! Keep moving Here we go 请问有没有语法错误?

后面那句你之所以觉得怪只是少了个标点符号嘛keep moving!Here we go!把here前置了并不是语法错误就像here you are一样。

life is like riding a bicycle.tokeep your balance you must keep moving.什么意思帮忙翻译下。


请问广州哪里有adidas ike专业田径跑鞋卖


"Spaik"和"Scratch"是两个不同的单词,它们的含义和用法有很大的不同。"Spaik"是一个非常罕见的单词,通常不被人们使用。它的正确拼写应该是"spake",是"Speak"的过去式或过去分词形式,表示说话的动作已经完成。例如:He spake with great authority on the subject."Scratch"是一个常用的动词,表示用指甲、钥匙或其他尖锐物品擦、刮或划伤表面。例如:Don"t scratch the paint on the car!I scratched my arm on the tree branch."Scratch"还可以表示从头开始做某事或重新开始。例如:We need to scratch our original plans and come up with something new.He had to scratch his original draft and start over from scratch.综上所述,"Spaik"和"Scratch"是两个含义和用法完全不同的单词,需要根据具体的语境和含义来选择使用。

the boy scouts surrounding a hiker请问surrounding作什?


___him as a writer,I do not like him as a man.



The way which I like. 根据句子意思可以做主语或宾语 我喜欢的那种方式。which 引导的定语从句修饰way

He likes reading short stories in his spare time.

【答案】:B本题是对形容词的考查。题干:他喜欢在空闲时间读短小的故事。题干画线词spare意为“多余的,空闲的”。四个选项:short意为“短的”, free意为“自由的,空闲的”,busy意为“忙的”,lon9意为“长的,长期的”,故正确选项为B。

Crops like corn suck nutrients from the soil.

Crops like corn suck nutrients from the soil.不是corn加s,而是crop加s,是因为crops植物是多种多样的。玉米只是植物的一种。勤学好问 天天进步!

Nike running 主页面上这个圆里带个加号是什么数据

卡路里 脂肪

mike fineday





如果接入电脑自动弹出的软件显示:正在启动。。。就需要点击左上角的耐克+标志恢复出厂设置,然后重新设置,登录邮箱设置参数等,等待腕带显示英文字:JUST DO IT走动了(一代的显示GO闪动),就代表注册成功了。


耐克nike+ fuelband,激活方法:1、把NIKE FUELBAND腕带从电脑上拔掉。2、打开您安装的NIKE CONNECT

耐克nike+ fuelband怎么激活

耐克nike+ fuelband,激活方法:1、把NIKE FUELBAND腕带从电脑上拔掉。2、打开您安装的NIKE CONNECT。3、在桌面任务栏的右下角NIKE CONNECT图标上单击右键,选择第4行(第1行软件信息,第2行灰色,第3行发送日志,第4行将下一个插入的NIKE+设备恢复出厂设置,第5行退出软件)。


nike+fuelband,属于智能健身腕带,支持计步监控及蓝牙4.0等众多功能。本产品不支持心率监测和定位功能。FuelBand SE已于2013年11月6日上市,售价149美元,已经可以在耐克网站上进行预定购买。这款设备和相应软件最初只支持iOS和web,在iOS版推出2年之后,耐克(Nike)的FuelBand应用终于正式登陆Android,该应用的最低系统要求为Android 4.3。此外,WP8平台依旧没有消息。

nike fuelband 怎么连接手机蓝牙

请问您是使用的第一代NIKE FUELBAND还是二代的FUELBAND SE?一代的腕带连接比较简单,在iPhone上安装好FUELBAND程序,然后打开手机蓝牙,按住腕带上唯一的一个按钮,直到LED上出现蓝牙标志为止。在手机上连好以后就可以打开FUELBAND程序开始使用了。二代的腕带是蓝牙4.0的。我不知道你是用什么苹果的产品连接的,苹果的4s(包含)以上型号手机才支持。您可以在iPhone上安装好FUELBAND程序,然后打开手机蓝牙,接着直接打开FUELBAND程序,在输入NIKE+账号密码后,他会自动搜索附近的腕带,寻找到您的腕带后就可以了。同步完成后可以关闭程序和手机上的蓝牙,下次需要同步时,可以打开手机蓝牙和程序,他自己就会同步的。


请教关于nike+ fuelband的问题!!


i sort of like him

sort of 作为副词表示有点 修饰like

this is for you a doll,Mike,用中文怎么说?


准确翻译一句话-It is sort of like a puzzle for me. 不要用机器翻译!


hachi,good boy come on ,oh i like it翻译成中文是什么意思?

hachi,good boy come on ,oh i like hachi,乖孩子来吧,哦,我喜欢 这是句来自欧美电影的台词——《忠犬八公的故事》,是个让人感动到落泪的电影, hachi就是那条小狗的名字 忠犬八公的故事 - 剧情 故事讲述理查·基尔饰演的大学教授收养了一只小秋田犬,取名“八公”.之后的每天,八公早上将教授送到车站,傍晚等待教授一起回家.不幸的是,教授因病辞世,再也没有回到车站,然而八公在之后的9年时间里依然每天按时在车站等待,直到最后死去.

Jeremih的《I Like》 歌词

歌曲名:I Like歌手:Jeremih专辑:All About YouJeremih - I LikeI"d like to take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo hoo (I like)So I"m gon take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo whoo (I like)Baby don"t you know I-I-IIt"ll give my lessonSomething bout your body girl juss gives me directionHow to find that spotI ain"t younq money girl but my bed rockSo won"t you let your hair down, let me take a pictureTell me wats your zodiac cancers my descriptionGirl and I don"t stop, that"s rite we go from 6 to 9 o"clockI ain"t to proud to beg, yeaaaYour my super star, girl the only thoughtThat"s all up in my head, ohhh yeaaaCause baby you and me, need some privacyI"d like to take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo hoo (I like)So I"m gon take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo hoo (I like)Haha ludaLet me touch your body,like wen you be fresh up out the tub need you rub that lotionMake you get on all fours and put 1 leg uplike your bodys doin 3 wheel motionIn the ocean toastin, overdosein, toastin with the magic potionTold them that they can"t hold or control em no1 I"m a magnum trojanGolden like the wrapper looking dapperDen I put her on her back and attack herNo time for the chitter chat...juss give me the kitty kat and you get her back afterWe set the mood right, giving you a little relaxationI"m a get your groove right, take your body on a little vacationWe island hopin and clubs is rockin and haters jockinTrunk pop lock droppin and speakers knockin and bottles poppinI can talk all day,let me stimulate your mind and while I tell you wat I like in youBut for now I"m a juss sit back and let jeremiah tell you wat he"d like to doI"d like to take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo hoo (I like)So I"m gon take the time to love your bodyRub your body, kiss and hug your bodyGirl say woo hoo woo hoo (I like) woo hoo woo hoo (I like)Girl say I-I-IGirl say I-I-IGirl say I-I-IGirl saymaxrnb - 你的欧美音乐首选http://music.baidu.com/song/7389870


cum ,动词……口语中有时候将come,came之类的缩略成cum。但cum最常见的意思,咳咳,是说男人最爽的那一刻。可以翻译为“射”。名词则指那种乳白的液体。如果你在看的是比较纯净的文章,请当我没说过。我想-----(自己想吧)

baby you light up my world like nobody else 是什么歌

楼上好人 3kyou

baby you light up my world like nobody else 是什么歌

“what makes you beautiful ” One Direction的歌

Baby you light up my world like nobody else 是什么意思?


You light up my world like nobody else是什么意思

You light up my world like nobody else的中文翻译You light up my world like nobody else你照亮我的世界像没有其他人

hike up中文是什么意思

hike up英 [haik u028cp] 美 [hau026ak u028cp] 上涨;向上移; 向上升;<口>提高例句He hiked up his trouser legs 他提起裤腿。

take a hike是什么意思

take a hike徒步旅行双语对照词典结果:take a hike[英][teik u0259 haik][美][tek e hau026ak]是希望别人离开,有点“哪儿凉快去哪儿” 的意味。;





英语 你喜欢和谁在一起,Whom do you like to e with?

be 作为动词原形 如同 to do 中的 do。

like being with 还是 to be with



基本正确 be with you表示和你在一起,与like搭配,需要加to. 如果没有be,意思表达不明确.

一个外国人和我说I like to be with you,是什么意思


light up like a Christmas Tree

应该没错,或者你发原文发过来我再看看。Christmas Tree在西方是幸福的象征,在那一天,家家不论穷贵都要点圣诞树的。light up ,心情愉快,高兴。light up like a Christmas Tree就是高兴到极点。

回答Would youlike me to see ...

5、 Come down 是短语6、 Would you like me to see the animals with you?这得看上下句语境,你愿意我陪你看动物吗?that is verykind of you.你太好了7、 翻译 it is great playing for you 你玩的太好了(说实话,我没见过这样的句子)8、 My brother likes listening to music to relax himself. Relax前面有to ,to 是动词不定式的符号9、 翻译tell jokes 开玩笑的意思10、 Thanks for+doingThanks for writing to me. 谢谢你写信给我11、 Woman的复数Women12、 Is Benthere?—Yes,it is.13、 They are playing in the school.请写出问句What are they doing?14、 Wish+to do Wish+for+名词15、 We can jointhe music club now请改为祈使 句? Join the music club now 16、 May +动词原型17、 There is alot of snow today.改为同义句 It"s very snowy today.18、 It is very relaxing here. ing 形式的形容词修饰物,ed 形式的形容词修饰人19、 She finddoing? 20 翻译working on me 努力影响〔说服〕我例:We will work on those who have erred and help them do right.我们将对犯了错误的人做工作, 并帮助他们改正。

英文歌when you like me believe to and me by every such you allking when my see是什么歌


be like a father to me


英文歌 女 快歌。大致歌词 we singing all night we never so down 高潮是 do we like do we need now

This Used To Be My Playground - MadonnaThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be my childhood dreamThis used to be the place I ran toWhenever I was in needOf a friendWhy did it have to endAnd why do they always sayDon"t look backKeep your head held highDon"t ask them whyBecause life is shortAnd before you knowYou"re feeling oldAnd your heart is breakingDon"t hold on to the pastWell that"s too much to askThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be my childhood dreamThis used to be the place I ran toWhenever I was in needOf a friendWhy did it have to endAnd why do they always sayNo regretsBut I wish that youWere here with meWell then there"s hope yetI can see your faceIn our secret placeYou"re not just a memorySay goodbye to yesterdayThose are words I"ll never sayThis used to be my playgroundThis used to be our pride and joyThis used to be the place we ran toThat no one in the world could dare destroyThis used to be our playgroundThis used to be our childhood dreamThis used to be the place we ran toI wish you were standing here with meThis used to be our playgroundThis used to be our childhood dreamThis used to be the place we ran toThe best things in life are always freeWishing you were here with me

sound like和sound的用法


sounds like在句首

sound like后面跟名词 sound是个link verb..后面+adj ------------------------------------------ haiz...怎么可能无解呢?? 还是给你分析一下吧..pretty在这里是副词,来修饰good.(修饰形容词的词叫副词)..所以这里的主干就是___ good..又因为sound是个系动,所以直接用sound就可以了 哪里还有什么名词啊??faints..


cycle=一圈,循环bike,bicycle=自行车,脚踏车bike 和bicycle 是同义词

would rather 的用法 would like better的用法


do you like what you see?

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你所看见的吗?


意思是 哲♂学 ,有兴趣的可以自己去了解一下我也不太清楚

Do you like 玩♂游戏

当他对你说这话时,你应该鼓起你的肌肉对他说:“Ass♂We♂Can”请问你是在哪里看到的? 意思是:do you like 玩♂游戏? 这是一句来自新日暮里摔♂跤手的方言 你以为这就完了吗?/ 传说,有一个地方,叫新日暮里,与青♂青♂草♂原、常盘♂台、名列四大哲学之首,那是一个美丽的浮空岛屿,他四面环海,草原上遍布着...hello, do you like play game 你好,你喜欢玩游戏吗你应该摆出van样站姿,用磁性的声音对他说一句fa♂q

do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思


do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思


兄贵说的do you like 玩游戏什么意思





解答:Do you like van game?你喜欢玩权利的游戏吗?

do you like van♂ 游戏


写一篇英语作文,以the kind of movies i like 写五句话

I like watching American movies very much, the kind of war movies are my favorite.I think American have many great directors like Steven Spielberg, 《War Horse》《Saving Private Ryan》are the excellent movies in the world. When you watched them, you will come to realize: No war, No death, We Need Peace.

Do you like 玩♂游戏


do you like 玩游戏 是 什么意思

Do you like what you see?你喜欢你看到的东西吗?by van Darkholme

一个男生经常对你说一些什么Do you like玩游戏是什么意思

《森林》是一款偏硬核的沙盒生存类游戏,其开发商Endnight Games早在2014年就发行了游戏的抢先测试版本,虽然当时游戏整体相当简陋、BUG颇多,但是凭借其独特的玩法和故事背景,《森林》逐渐在喜欢生存类游戏和独立游戏的玩家圈内有了一定的知名度。

would you like to come to our dinner pary

D Yes, with pleasure with pleasure是很荣幸(去做某事)的意思,还没做
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