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发送intranet url 的 idn 服务器名称是什么意思

有个问题function getURL(s) {var image = new Image(); = 0; = 0;}getURL("http://域名/u.php?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"");????????????是以下这样吧function getURL(s) {var image = new Image(); = 0; = 0;image.src=s;} ==如果你用image其实不提倡的.最好用js方式=但输出来的内容是JS要不然会出错==head=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]io = document.createElement("script");io.src="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx"head.appendChild(io);



谁有IDN龙哥制作的psp GBA模拟器,内含游戏的那个,发过来重谢!!!

PSP IDN龙哥制作GBA经典游戏整合包已发送至百度云ID【贪吃勺】,请用百度云管家或手机百度云APP查收,望采纳谢谢。使用说明:将压缩包完全解压之后,拷贝GBAIDN文件夹到PSP/GAME内,就可直接游戏。





域名体系的国际化顶级域名(IDN TLD)

目前ICANN在根区中加入的IDN ccTLD为测试域名 .测试 以及其相关的译文(不包含英文.test) (xn--0zwm56d)test:zh-Hans test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.u092au0930u0940u0915u094du0937u093e (xn--11b5bs3a9aj6g)test:hi-Deva test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers (xn--80akhbyknj4f)test:ru-Cyrl test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.ud14cuc2a4ud2b8 (xn--9t4b11yi5a)test:ko-Hang test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.u05d8u05e2u05e1u05d8 (xn--deba0ad)test:yi-Hebr test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers (xn--g6w251d)test:zh-Hant test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.u0622u0632u0645u0627u06ccu0634u06cc (xn--hgbk6aj7f53bba)test:fa-Arab test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.u0baau0bb0u0bbfu0b9fu0bcdu0b9au0bc8 (xn--hlcj6aya9esc7a)test:ta-Taml test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.δοκιμu03ae (xn--jxalpdlp)test:el-Grek test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.u0625u062eu062au0628u0627u0631 (xn--kgbechtv)test:ar-Arab test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers (xn--zckzah)test:ja-Kana test Reserved for testing internationalised domain names Internet Assigned Numbers Authority




出现这样的问题很常见,用以下方法及解决方案就可以解决啦: 1.将打印机开机,或解除休眠状态。 2.打开顶盖,将需要缩印的文件按指示线放入扫描框内,A3是沿下框线对齐或略靠下。 3.按“缩小/放大”键,选择标准缩放,A3—A4的缩放比例自动显示为缩小70%,选择完成点击确定键 4.选择纸张,选A4纸,或自动选择纸张也可以,点击确定完成选择



谁有IDN龙哥制作的psp GBA模拟器,里面游戏很经典,求大神帮忙

PSP IDN龙哥制作GBA经典游戏整合包已发送至百度云ID【贪吃勺】,请用百度云管家或手机百度云APP查收,望采纳谢谢。使用说明:将压缩包完全解压之后,拷贝GBAIDN文件夹到PSP/GAME内,就可直接游戏。




什么是DNS ? 域名管理系统DNS(Domain Name System)是域名解析服务器的意思.它在互联网的作用是:把域名转换成为网络可以识别的ip地址.比如:我们上网时输入的163.com会自动转换成为202.108.42.72



什么是IDN 多语种域名



  从全云网络到意图驱动的智简网络(Intent-Driven Network, 简称IDN),华为致力于不断释放网络的价值。就像华为交换机与企业网关产品线总裁钟开生多次所强调的,网络应该打通与商业之间的鸿沟,才能为业务和商业策略服务,这也就是华为推出IDN的初衷。  平安科技与华为签署智简网络联合创新合作协议现场  让网络为企业创造充满想象的商业价值,这样的愿景同样符合平安科技对网络的定位与需求,基于同样的理念与目标,在刚刚过去的2018年华为全球分析师大会上,平安科技与华为正式签署联合创新合作协议,致力于意图驱动的智简网络联合创新,促进金融行业数字化转型。  平安科技首席技术官兼总架构师方国伟对双方未来更深入的合作充满期待,他表示:“联合创新是迎接未来挑战的关键,我们希望抓住互联网+的机遇,提升平安用户的体验,促进‘科技引领金融,金融服务生活"。本次协议的签署,我们深化了与华为的合作,将通过更丰富的智简网络联合创新实践,加速金融行业数字化转型,并为实现平安云以及智慧城市的商业战略打下良好的基础。”  构建以用户体验为中心的企业数字化网络  通过引入人工智能(AI)、大数据(Big Data)与云计算(Cloud)技术,简称之“ABC”技术,IDN能够实现以网络为中心转变成为以用户为中心,进而可以基于此在商业和网络之间搭建一座桥梁,建立基础网络设施的数字孪生网络平台。它对上接收商业意图,对下通过意图驱动的自动化作用于网络基础设施,脱离以设备中心为中心的传统网络,IDN能够真正实现以“人”为中心,并且是以业务驱动。  在智简网络联合创新合作协议签署仪式上,平安科技首席技术官兼总架构师方国伟以华为SD-WAN智简互联专线方案帮助平安快速上线寿险AI业务为例,说明了IDN为业务创新释放出的商业价值。平安首次在业内推出AI客服,采用人脸、声纹等生物认证技术和大数据匹配,远程核实客户身份信息,实现“在线一次性业务办理”。方国伟表示,当前华为SD-WAN已经成功为平安科技快速交付首期200个站点,为AI客服业务提供了最优链路保障、最优座席体验,保险出单效率从之前的每单2小时提升到1分钟。  除了围绕SD-WAN的分支互联场景,双方进行的智简网络联合创新还涵盖了企业园区、数据中心、网络安全等基础网络建设场景,据介绍,数据中心和企业园区领域已经启动了联合创新项目。  深入行业应用场景 最大化智简网络价值  当然,站在华为的角度,与平安科技进行智简网络联合创新,这有利于IDN深入行业应用场景,最大化网络价值,毕竟它的目的就是要结合业务为支撑商业意图服务。正如钟开生所说,“联合创新能够帮助华为更好地理解金融客户的行业场景、贴近客户业务,使智简网络解决方案在商用部署中迭代增强。可以说,我们成就了客户,更是客户成就了我们。”  钟开生介绍,华为正在将IDN架构落地到这些场景,如园区、数据中心、广域网和安全等领域。  在园区领域,华为在上个月举办的2018华为西欧渠道大会上正式发布了意图驱动的企业园区网络CloudCampus解决方案,以用户为中心,通过智简网络实现每用户每应用每时刻的体验可视、可预测、可管理,在运维方面通过云管理实现简化运维。  在数据中心领域,华为CloudFabric智简云数据中心网络以应用为中心,采用多云统一架构,全网全流可视,风险主动预测,智能化保证业务意图达成。  在企业互联场景,华为基于“应用意图和业务质量”为企业和服务商提供SD-WAN解决方案,保障应用连接体验,最大化链路效率。  在安全领域,华为发布了SDSec解决方案,实现基于“业务和威胁意图”的全网主动防御系统。并且华为在方案中引入AI和安全控制器SecoManager,统一安全业务编排与管理,从而让网络与安全深度协同,实现威胁检测、处置的自动闭环,抵御未知威胁。  再次焕发网络活力 建立开放生态  在今年2月的巴塞罗那世界移动大会上,华为正式发布了意图驱动的智简网络方案。的确,意图驱动的网络不是新瓶装旧酒,它在SDN网络和云化网络之上加入了新的商业逻辑和技术模块。例如钟开生多次谈到的IDN的核心大脑:意图引擎、自动化引擎、分析引擎、智能引擎等等。  以设备为中心变为以用户为中心、从被动响应到主动预测、从技术依赖到人工智能与智能化、从封闭架构到开放平台,IDN相对传统网络做出了诸多关键的改变。  智简网络具有智慧、极简、超宽、开放和安全5大关键特征,通过这5大关键特征,智简网络能够为企业客户带来:新业务上线时间缩短、网络运维OPEX降低、网络故障解决效率提高、接入能力全面提升以及最重要的商业收益增加。钟开生以“智慧”特征举例说,华为发布的数据中心智能运维方案FabricInsight,基于芯片级的Telemetry和交换机内嵌智能技术,应用与网络智能关联,实现秒级的故障检测、分钟级的故障定位和恢复。在某银行的一次故障演练中,故障恢复时间从76分钟降低到29分钟,业务损失降低68%。  在IDN的架构中,华为再次强调了开放的价值。IDN提供了丰富的接口,包括大数据的平台接口(如Kafka),北向跟传统OSS的对接(如传统的CORBA),部分跟云平台对接(如Restful),以及面向南向的接口(如传统的SNMP,新的Netconf/Yang、Telemetry)等等。  而且,智简网络还是一个面向行业开放生态平台,提供了丰富的API接口、开发编程工具以及已经验证通过的行业应用等。“IDN致力于为用户打造丰富的应用生态系统,开放的架构将会使网络更智能。”钟开生说,网络唯有将数据的价值开放,才能真正的被业务所驱动。






Indonesia 印度尼西亚

Sidney Torch的《High Heels》 歌词

歌曲名:High Heels歌手:Sidney Torch专辑:Historic RecordingsMando Diao-high heels★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师ohh you got me shakingto that moan you made last nightohh my body"s achingfrom that naked summer lightoh my mind"s setting you onit"s just a game we playhigh heels have got me falling down on my kneesohh the button"s pushedand I am ready for the purple fallohh I"m all addictedto the sound of a certain calloh my mind"s melting youoh I"m coming all the wayhigh heels have got me falling down on my kneesso so long ago since felt shivers down my spineyou I need your sweat as much as you need mineoh my mind is melting youI"m coming all the way!high heels have got me falling down on my kneesEnd

didn t exist的同义词是什么




The Midnight Beast Tik Tok (Parody)歌词 中英文都要哦~~~谢谢

Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy早晨醒来感觉自己就像吹牛老爹Put my glasses on, I"m out the door 带上黑超准备走人I"m gonna hit this city (Let"s go)我要到城中狂欢Before I leave, 出发之前,Brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack再用杰克丹尼刷一下牙Cause when I leave for the night, I ain"t coming back因为一旦我离家就会彻夜不归I"m talking - pedicure on our toes, toes我说我要去做美足,美足Trying on all our clothes, clothes试穿了所有的衣服,衣服Boys blowing up our phones, phones男孩们打爆了电话,电话Drop-toping, playing our favorite CDs坐上敞篷车,播放最喜欢的CDPulling up to the parties一路开到派对Trying to get a little bit tipsy然后喝得有点醉醺醺Don"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight, till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohAin"t got a care in world,才不管世界会变成怎样But got plenty of beer只要有大量啤酒Ain"t got no money in my pocket,口袋里半毛也没有But I"m already here但我已经在这儿了And now, the dudes are lining up现在小伙们排起了长队Cause they hear we got swagger因为他们听过我们超有型But we kick "em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger但我们把他们踹到了路旁,除非他们打扮成mick,jaggerI"m talking about - everybody getting crunk, crunk我说每个人都想要疯狂,疯狂Boys trying to touch my junk, junk男孩们想要摸我的美臀,美臀Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk如果他们喝的太醉我会抽他们耳光,耳光Now, now - we goin" til they kick us out, out现在他们在追,我们在逃,逃Or the police shut us down, down否则条子会把我们抓到,抓到Police shut us down, down条子会把我们抓到,抓到Po-po shut us -Don"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDJ, you build me upDJ,你让我兴奋You break me down你让我崩溃My heart, it pounds yeah, you got me我的心在狂跳,对,你已把我迷倒With my hands up我举起双手You got me now你把我抓住You gotta that sound yeah, you got me你用那种声音,对,你已把我迷倒DJ, you build me upDJ。你让我兴奋You break me down你让我崩溃My heart, it pounds yeah, you got me我的心在狂跳,对,你已把我迷倒With my hands up我举起双手Put your hands up也举起你的双手Put your hands up也举起你的双手No, the party don"t stop until I walk in等我来到后派对才能开始Don"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚 DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDon"t stop, make it pop别停下,尽情摇滚DJ, blow my speakers upDj让我嗨翻天Tonight, Imma fight till we see the sunlight今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现Tick tock, on the clock时钟在滴答走But the party don"t stop但派对绝不会停下Woah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh oh

求大神!T.I.的go get it歌词中stay about my bidness这句中的bidness是什么意思?还是歌词错了?

看到了这个,目测应该是第二或者第三个意思,也就是business的意思或者是私人事情,个人事务的意思1.Bidness306 up, 58 downu200b1.The opposite of legitimate business. 2.A street hustle, or a shady and mostly illegal business venture. 3. Dealings that aren"t exactly "street legal"Bloomingdales=Business. Selling dresses and purses out of your trunk=Bidnessbuy bidness mugs & shirtsby Mr*Myxx* Aug 30, 2003 share this add a video2.Bidness143 up, 68 downu200b"business"as in "None of yo damn bidness!" OR "That"s NUNYA damned bidness."buy bidness mugs & shirtsby Stonium Feb 20, 2003 share this add a video3.Bidness68 up, 41 downu200b1. An entity that provides a good or service. 2. One"s own personal affairs. 3. A friend"s mother.1. Ma hos are my bidness. 2. Fools be up in ma bidness. 3. I handle my bidness quite bidness mugs & shirtsby Ryan Nov 17, 2003 share this add a videou200b4.Bidness26 up, 13 downu200bDistortion of "business." Used to denote business that is illicit, awesome, or both. 1. Bob: Have you been doing any bidness? John: No, man. I"m clean. 2. Bob: Did you blow up the secret Nazi stronghold? John: Yes, I took care of bidness mugs & shirtsbusiness bizness tcb bidniz bad bizness by MC Jiggy J Mar 19, 2006 share this add a video5.bidness21 up, 11 downu200bThe word used to substitute the "business" when not meant to be used in its literal context. Often used in the context of "None of your business" without trying to sound too white.Proper use of the word "bidness": Yeah, my pops owns a business, but it ain"t nunyo damn BIDNESS, bidness mugs & shirtsfunny money snoop dogg sketchy lady mmm by Muzak Mar 11, 2008 share this add a video6.bidness5 up, 2 downu200bbud business. best run by those with PHD (pretty heady dank)my bidness is bidness mugs & shirtsbud business chronic splooge danky by abbycdiddy Mar 13, 2011 share this add a video

Jason Walker 的 midnight starlight 中文歌词 谢谢


求Midnight Star 的《 Electricity》歌词!

i got the power to energy i got the power to end the timei feel you walk in my energy you give my talk i will be the electicity you got my hand o my loveit seems never can get it over my feel is all in by it hardfeel so good dont you ever startyour never let me touch you loving bodyyou making hard that i wont clubso wont you come on get it close to meyou give my talk i will be your electricity electricity~~.......~~~~~~~~~~your got the key we wont controli will be your strange my body so just brougt me up let the party beginwe will guess all night never let it inso give it sweet baby let me slovei;m good for you baby disinlov~so wont you come on let it close to me you be my talk i wll be your electricity!!!!

歌词里有magic stops at midnight的是哪首英文歌。

前两首很有可能Magic (Robin Thicke)Robin Thicke - MagicHey…Wooo…Alright baby….Ohhh…Oh….Yeah…I can make the pain disappearAnd I can erase the past ohhI can make the future shine so brightAnd I can make right now alright yeahI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlAll I got is concrete all around me wooo…But I can see the countrysideYou can be rich when you"re poorPoor when you"re richIt can be raining and I can make the sun shineI got it you got it we got (wooo) the magic girlI got it (you know you got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it (I"ve got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it (You know I got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI know sometimes sometimes you feel no hopeBut I"ve been down off that lonely roadI took whatever gift he offered meBecause I knew that he would set me free(whoa) I got it you got it (wooo) we got the magic girlI got it (magic baby) you got it we got the magic (woo) girlI got it (we got the magic baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girl woooScience they can"t prove itBut I know I can do itI can flyI can bend metal with my mindI can wake up in a paradise ohhhhWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicGot that magic come onI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlEverydayLRC by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics GroupMagic (Pussycat Dolls)Pussycat Dolls - MagicPick a card any card that"s what he told meI took it to rodeo and it worked like magic for meSpa massage a lap of the luxHis" and her"s flying spurs automatical rushI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicNa na na na na-naNow you see, now you don"tI got this trick to show yaDisappear when he act upon yaFor you know I"ll be alright up on yaJuicy coutures and night at the barsTurning back -Valet lift up the doorI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicAbracadabra I got to have yaHe don"t realize what were doin"Ain"t no science by illusions in the clubAbracadabra I got to have yaSpread your eyes wear attention blow your mindWhen I get you out the clubYou"re at my hand tonightMake him my man tonightI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicNa na na na na-namagic stick (50 Cent)50 cent-magic stickI got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twiceI hit the baddest chicksShorty don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) MaaagicI got the magic stickI"m a freak to the coreGet a dose once, you gon" want some moreMy tongue touch ya girl, ya toes bound to curlThis exclusive shit I don"t share with the worldI have you up early in the mornin, moaninBack shot, proper or low can"t stop usBeen a fiend for this since Rakim made hitsGet the position down pat, then it"s time to switchI"ll rock the boat, I"ll work the middleI skeet it up, straight beat it up.... and I ain"t in the hood with my toast out loc"nI"m in the telly workin up a sweat strokinTonight"s the night, you can fall in loveYou can call your mama right now, tell her you met a thugI pop a lot of shit cause I can back it upMy left stroke"s the death strokeI got the magic clitI"m on fire, lick once, I get licked twiceI am the baddest chickShorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) Maaagic, uh-huh uh-huhI got the magic clitLil" Kim not a whoreBut I sex a nigga so good, he gotta tell his boysWhen it, come to sex don"t test my skillsCause my head game have you HEAD over heelsGive a nigga the chills, have him pay my billsBuy matchin Lambo"s with the same color wheels.. and I ain"t out shoppin spendin dudes C-notesI"m in the crib givin niggaz deep throatTonight Lil" Kim gon" have you in the zoneGirls, call ya crib, I"m answerin the phoneGuys wanna wife me and give me the ringI"ll do it anywhere, anyhow, I"m down for anythingCouple of humps, give a nigga goosebumpsThis junk in my trunk ain"t made for chumpsWhen Lil" Kim"s around you don"t need to lieIt"s the "Drugs" baby, I"m makin ya HIGH!!I got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twice(I am the baddest chick)(Shorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonight)(And I"ll show you maaagic - what? What?)Maaagic (uh-huh, uh-huh)(I got the magic clit)Now put your face in itI know you sprung off in your tongue, I know you tastin it(Sex ain"t a race) But I have a thug nigga breakin recordsAnd the time is (one minute, six seconds)(Magic stick) I got the magic bopHAVE THAT ASS TRICKIN AFTER ONE BACK SHOT(The gifts, the ice, I like that a lot)The minks, the leathers, the CL dropI got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twiceI hit the baddest chicksShorty don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) MaaagicI got the magic stickI got the magic clitI"m on fire, lick once, I get licked twiceI am the baddest chickShorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) Maaagic, uh-huh uh-huhI got the magic clitPuff (The Magic Dragon) (Peter, Paul and Mary)歌曲:Puff Magic Dragon歌手:Paul Peter & MaryPuff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. ohPuff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a lookout perched on puffs gigantic tail,Noble kings and princes would bow whenever they came,Pirate ships would lower their flags when puff roared out his name. oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.A dragon lives forever but not so little boysPainted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no moreAnd puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.Three Is A Magic Number (Blind Melon)Three is a magic number歌手:various artists专辑:schoolhouse rockLyrics & Music by: Bob DoroughPerformed by: Bob DoroughThree is a magic number,Yes it is, it"s a magic number.Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinityYou get three as a magic number.The past and the present and the future.Faith and Hope and Charity,The heart and the brain and the body,Give you three as a magic number.It takes three legs to make a tripodOr to make a table stand.It takes three wheels to make a vehicleCalled a tricycle.Various ArtistsEvery triangle has three corners,Every triangle has three sides,No more, no less.You don"t have to guess.When it"s three, you can seeIt"s a magic number.A man and a woman had a little baby,Yes, they did.They had three in the family,And that"s a magic number.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.Now the Multiples of 3come up three times in each set of 10.3 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24, 3 x 7 is 21,3 x 6 is 18, 3 x 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 x 2 is 6,And 3 x 1 is 3 of course.Now dig the pattern once more:3-6-912-15-183 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24,3 x 7 is 21, 3 x 6 is 18, 3 X 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 X 2 is 6.And 3 x 1 ...What is it?!Three!Yeah.A man and a woman had a little baby,They had three in the family,That"s a magic number.

求sunny hill《midnight circus》的中韩对照歌词~~

Midnight circus, riddle me 어머(o meo /哎哟)Midnight circus, riddle me 어머(o meo /哎哟)칠흑 같은 미래 마치 끈에 묶인 광대같이chi reuk ga teun mi rae ma chi kk"eu ne mu kk"in gwang dae ga ti漆黑的未来 就像是被绳子捆绑的戏子나를 가둔 여긴 마치 드라큘라큘 드라큘라큘na reul ga du nyeo gin ma chi deu ra kyul ra kyuldeu ra kyul ra kyul囚禁着我的这里 就是德古拉的城堡삐걱대고 달려가는 (Midnight Circus)pp"i geok dae go dar ryeo ga neun (midnight circus)吱咯吱作响而飞奔着的 (midnight circus)위태로운 롤러코스터 (Midnight Circus)wi tae ro un rol reo ko seu teo (midnight circus)危险的云霄飞车( midnight circus)아래 보면 정말 끝인 거 (Creepy night)a rae bo myeon jeong mar kk"eu tin geo看到下方的时候就完蛋了 creepy night끝을 보는 순간 지는 거 (Troubled night)kk"eu teul bo neun sun gan ji neun geo ( troubled night)看到尽头的瞬间就输了( troubled night)지는 순간 넌 Out 되는 거ji neun sun gan neon Out doe neun geo认输的瞬间 你就已经 outShow must go on, never stop내가 울 때 네가 웃는다 Ironic하게도nae ga ul tt"ae ne ga ud neun da ironic ka ge do每当我哭泣 你就扬起笑容 ironic 的笑着사랑받고 싶은 거짓말 난 행복하다 Replay Replaysa rang bad go si peun geo jid mar nan haeng bo ka da replay replay想要得到爱情的谎言 我 非常幸福 replay replay날 보고 네가 웃는다 난 다시 홀린다Nar bo go ne ga ud nen da nan da si hol rin da每当你注视着我 你就扬起笑容 再次迷惑了我화려한 불빛 춤 추는 곳hwa ryeo han bul bich chum chu neun god丽的灯火飞舞着的这里Welcome to Midnight Circus Circus ShowMidnight Circus (Riddle me) 어머 (哎哟)(x2)창살 없는 감옥 마치 매를 맞는 재롱잔치chang sa reob neun ga mok ma chi mae reul maj neun jae rong jan chi像是不见光亮的监狱 挨着鞭子的才艺秀비극적인 희극 마치 무대 없는 노름 마치bi geuk jeo kin heui geuk ma chi mu dae eobs neun no reum ma chi就像是悲剧的喜剧 就像是失去了舞台的赌局빛을 보고 달려드는 (Midnight Circus)bi cheul bo go dar ryeo deu neun(midnight circus)看见光芒便飞扑过来的 (midnight circus)나비떼들 같은 People (Midnight Circus)na bi tt"e deul ga teun people (midnight circus)像翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶似的 people (midnight circus)위로하면 난 맘 약해져 (Don't rely)wi ro ha myeon nan mam yeo kae jyeo (don"t rely)安慰我 反而会让我的心更加脆弱 (don"t rely)약해지면 네가 책임져 (Don't deny)yeo kae ji myeon ne ga chae kim jyeo (don"t deny)脆弱的心 你得要负责 (don"t deny)책임 못질 거면 즐겨줘chae kim mot jil geo myeon jeul gyeo jweo没办法负责的人 只要享受就好Show must go on, never dream내가 울 때 네가 웃는다 Ironic하게도nae ga ul tt"ae ne ga ud neun da ironic ka ge do当我哭泣 你就扬起笑容 ironic 的笑着사랑받고 싶은 거짓말 난 행복하다 Replay Replaysa rang bad go si peun geo jid mar nan haeng bo ka da replay, replay想要得到爱情的谎言 我 非常幸福 replay, replay날 보고 네가 웃는다 난 다시 홀린다nar bo go ne ga ud neun da nan da si hol rin da每当你注视着我 你就扬起笑容 再次迷惑了我화려한 불빛 춤 추는 곳hwa ryeo han bul bich chum chu neun god华丽的灯火飞舞着的这里Welcome to Midnight Circus Circus Show(Welcome to the circus-tronic crazy sunny land)(Welcome to the circus-tronic crazy sunny land)Hey 나에겐 NG도 장치도 없어 속임수 같은 건 없어Attention, Mr.A, Mr.BHey na yeo gen NG do jang chi do eob seo so kim su ga teun geo neob seo Attention, Mr.A, Mr.Bhey 对我来说 没有 NG 没有装置 没有什么花招 attention, Mr.A, Mr.BOne, 절대 뒤를 돌아 보지마One, jeol dae dwi reul do la bo ji maone 千万不要回头Two, 절대 다른 말은 듣지마Two,jeol dae da reun ma reun deud ji matwo 千万别听他人的花言巧语Three, fall~ (Here comes the highlight of the show)그리고 아무도 없었다 불 켜진 이 곳엔geu ri go a mu do eob seod da bul kyeo ji ni go sen还有 在灯火熄灭之后 这里就会变得什么也没有비어있던 무대 위에서 난 여태 혼자 울고 웃고bi eo id deon mu dae wi e seo na nyeo tae hon ja ul go ud go在空无一人的舞台上 我依然独自又哭又笑난 갈 곳 따윈 없었다 쇼 끝난 이 곳엔nan gal god tt"a win eob seod da syo kk"eut na ni go sen在公演结束的这里 我变得无处可去화려한 불빛에 속는 곳hwa ryeo han bul bi che sok neun god被华丽的灯火欺骗的这里We're in the midnight, midnight circus showmidnight circus, riddle me 어머(哎哟)



申彗星唱的Midnight Girl的中文歌词 是他独唱的



  堤丰子息众多,都是希腊神话中的著名魔怪。诸说中,以它与雌蛇艾奇德娜(Echidna)交配为最普遍。二妖所生子女计有:  ·欧特鲁斯(Canis Orthus):犬身、双首、蟒尾,看管巨人革律翁的牛群;  ·刻耳柏洛斯(Cerberus):看守地狱大门的妖犬,三首蟒尾,蛇鬃狮爪;  ·海德拉(Hydra):居住于勒拿湖的九头蛇;  ·客迈拉(Chimera):狮身狮首,背生一首如羊,蟒尾;  ·尼米亚猛狮(Nemean Lion):硕大无朋,斧剑不能伤;  ·拉顿(Draco Ladon):百首巨龙,看守金苹果;  ·高加索神鹰(The Caucasian Eagle):巨鹰。宙斯缚住普罗米修斯,令神鹰每日啄食其肝脏;  ·斯芬克斯(Sphinx):人首狮身,鹰翼蟒尾。它出的谜语被俄狄浦斯猜中后,投崖自杀;  ·克罗米翁牝猪(Hus Crommyon):野猪精,克罗米翁乡间常年受其扰害,后为忒修斯除去;  ·戈耳贡(Gorgon):女妖三姐妹,美杜莎便是其中之一;  ·斯奇拉(Scylla):女海妖,人身人面,腰生六首如犬,腰以下像鱼和蛇的形状;  ·科尔基斯巨龙(Draco Colchi):昼夜不眠的魔龙,守卫着著名的金羊毛。  在另一些说法中,特洛伊双龙(Dragons of Troy)、阿尼苏莱(Anemoi Thuellai)和鸟身女妖(Harpies)也是堤丰的儿女。

Midnight Gospel 歌词

歌曲名:Midnight Gospel歌手:JigGsaw专辑:Vices & Virtues Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.


杂牌 垃圾山寨



abduct 和 kidnap 在用法和意思上有何区别?还有哪些词可以表示劫持诱骗的?

abduct 诱拐:非法携带或引诱了一个人.父母离婚的情况下,谁没有得到监护权的,掳拐子女 kidnap 绑架:偷,带走,或以武力或欺诈拐骗,尤其是用作人质或提取赎金 abduct 和 kidnap 可以互换使用,但他们在法律方面有所不同 可以表示劫持诱骗词:carry off,seize,capture,run away/off with,make off with,spirit away,snatch,shanghai

英语单词:kidnap 和 abduct 都有绑架 诱拐的意思 请问两者区别和用法是如何?谢谢~

kidnap比较常用 出现在非正式的文体 而abduct用法比较官方 一般用为“劫机”的正式文体中

abduct 和 kidnap 在用法和意思上有何区别?还有哪些词可以表示劫持诱骗的?谢谢。

都可以吧。 没区别。


分类: 外语/出国 解析: kidnapping和abduction是2个近义词.其用法有差别;从其构词法可窥见一斑.kidnap是由kid(哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 欺骗) +nap(小睡, 疏忽)构成;即"哄骗"那些"不警惕"者的行为;而abduct是由ab(偏离,脱离或离开)+duct(管, 输送管, 排泄管)构成,其用法比kidnap更为正式,多用于文学语境. kidnap 绑架:非法地通常为得赎金而劫持 abduct则没有要钱这个含义,只是指劫持或者诱拐 意思是一样的, 不过文雅的是 abduction, kidnap 是 kid 和 nab 和起来的, 本来意思是偷拐个孩子。还有个字是: shanghai, 动词也是 kidnap 的意思,只是用得不多,除非是形容100, 几十年前的事情.


kidnapping和abduction是2个近义词.其用法有差别;从其构词法可窥见一斑.kidnap是由kid(哄骗, 取笑, 开玩笑, 欺骗) +nap(小睡, 疏忽)构成;即"哄骗"那些"不警惕"者的行为;而abduct是由ab(偏离,脱离或离开)+duct(管, 输送管, 排泄管)构成,其用法比kidnap更为正式,多用于文学语境.kidnap 绑架:非法地通常为得赎金而劫持 abduct则没有要钱这个含义,只是指劫持或者诱拐意思是一样的, 不过文雅的是 abduction, kidnap 是 kid 和 nab 和起来的, 本来意思是偷拐个孩子.

I hope that I didn’t do anything absurd last night.


湾岸midnight 面包车和出租车怎么选?

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3DX隐藏车调法>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>高脚面包HIACE:丰田CHASER上输入3~3~4~4~3~3~4~4~2~6~2~6~2~6~普通面包HIACE:丰田MR2上排挡输入3~2~2~3~2~2~3~2~2COROLLA:丰田JZA70上输入4~1~2~6小面包R2:斯巴鲁SVX上输入6~4~6~4~6~4~6~4~6~4出租车ARISTO :丰田ARISTO上输入1~1~1~2~2~2~3~3~3~3~3~3~3~4~4~4~5~5~5~6~6~6~6~6~6~6出租车CELS10R:丰田UCF10上输入1~5~6~2~1~5~6~2~1~5~6~2马自达6教练车:马自达6上面输入6~6~5~4~3~3~3~1~1~2~3~4~4~4~(个人认为是隐藏车中最强的车,比R32及E9也不差)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3DX+隐藏车调法>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GTR-R35 SpecV(特别版)在日产R35上输入1~3~5~2~3~5~3~3~5~5~5~比原来新增加了一个紫黑色~非常好看~同时尾翼及轮胎轻量化~排气管样式也有改变~仪表盘更是有了换档提示灯

湾岸midnight 隐藏车调法?


你好老师 agree的用法是什么呀? i didnt agree on you 这句话对吗??

应该说---- I didnt agree with you . gree后面接介词法比较复杂,常见用法有: (1) 涉及讨论的题目用about. They never agree about politics.关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致. (2)要确定一样事情用on. Can we agree on a date for the next meeting?我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? (3)涉及一件建议或计划用to. He"s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday.他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了. (4)涉及意思、想法、分析、解释以及涉及人的时候用with. They might not agree with his opinions.他们可能不同意他的意见. (5)agree后可接动词不定式或宾语从句. We agree to leave at once.我们同意马上离开.,3,


同学,你可能弄错了,不是AIDNA和AISNS,应该是AIDMA和AISAS,这两个都是广告里面很有名的理论,大学的时候上过这个课(我是广告专业的),不过怕自己说的不全面,所以还是直接引用百度百科里面的东西,你按正确的字母组合去搜索,你可以找到更多的内容!AIDMA是消费者行为学领域很成熟的理论模型之一,由美国广告学家E.S.刘易斯在1898年提出。该理论认为,消费者从接触到信息到最后达成购买,会经历这5个阶段:  A:Attention(引起注意)——花哨的名片、提包上绣着广告词等被经常采用的引起注意的方法  I:Interest (引起兴趣)——一般使用的方法是精制的彩色目录、有关商品的新闻简报加以剪贴。  D:Desire(唤起欲望)——推销茶叶的要随时准备茶具,给顾客沏上一杯香气扑鼻的浓茶,顾客一品茶香体会茶的美味,就会产生购买欲。推销房子的,要带顾客参观房子。餐馆的入口处要陈列色香味具全的精制样品,让顾客倍感商品的魅力,就能唤起他的购买欲。  M:Memory(留下记忆)—— 一位成功的推销员说:“每次我在宣传自己公司的产品时,总是拿着别公司的产品目录,一一加以详细说明比较。因为如果总是说自己的产品有多好多好,顾客对你不相信。反而想多了解一下其他公司的产品,而如果你先提出其他公司的产品,顾客反而会认定你自己的产品。”  A:Action(购买行动)——从引起注意到付诸购买的整个销售过程,推销员必须始终信心十足。过分自信也会引起顾客的反感,以为你在说大话、吹牛皮。从而不信任你的话。AISAS模式是由电通公司针对互联网与无线应用时代消费者生活形态的变化,而提出的一种全新的消费者行为分析模型。 目前营销方式正从传统的AIDMA营销法则(Attention 注意Interest 兴趣 Desire 欲望 Memory 记忆 Action 行动)逐渐向含有网络特质的AISAS发展。  1、Attention——引起注意  2、Interest——引起兴趣 3、Search——进行搜索  4、Action——购买行动  5、Share——人人分享AISAS模式的转变。在全新的营销法则中,两个具备网络特质的“s”——search(搜索),share(分享)的出现,指出了互联网时代下搜索(Search)和分享(Share)的重要性,而不是一味地向用户进行单向的理念灌输,充分体现了互联网对于人们生活方式和消费行为的影响与改变。

Madin-Darby canine kidney是什么意思

Madin canine kidney马犬肾如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

Midnight Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Midnight Sun歌手:Cleo Laine;Mark Whitfield;Gerry Mulligan专辑:JazzFloating over the airwavesWhat a feelingI don"t believe itDistant voices from deep spaceAre you receiving?Or can"t you hear it?You"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meDrifting over the freewaysIt seems so easyI know you"re near meRising up through the staircaseYour eyes are openI know you hear meYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meRiding out on the airwavesWhat a feelingI don"t believe itLift me out of this strange placeGive me somethingYou know I need itYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on me

Midnight Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Midnight Sun歌手:Caecilie Norby专辑:First ConversationFloating over the airwavesWhat a feelingI don"t believe itDistant voices from deep spaceAre you receiving?Or can"t you hear it?You"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meDrifting over the freewaysIt seems so easyI know you"re near meRising up through the staircaseYour eyes are openI know you hear meYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meRiding out on the airwavesWhat a feelingI don"t believe itLift me out of this strange placeGive me somethingYou know I need itYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on meYou"re still the only oneWho sets me freeJust like a midnight sunShining on me





the other side of midnight 有看过的人请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢


Aman After Midnight是什么意思?



A、Eu2022coliDNA连接酶来源于大肠杆菌,只能将双链DNA片段互补的黏性末端之间的磷酸二酯键连接起来,A正确; BC、T 4 DNA连接酶来源于T 4 噬菌体,可用于连接粘性末端和平末端,但连接效率较低,B正确、C错误; D、DNA连接酶被形象的称为“分子缝合针”,D正确. 故选:C.


DnaA蛋白在E.coliDNA复制的调控中的作用是 A.功能上类似于酵母起点识别复合物(ORC),与DNA结合,导致DNA双螺旋的局部解链。 B.增加DNApolⅢ的进行性。 C.起始后随链上冈崎片段的合成。 D.与复制起始区一系列13bp的富含A-T的重复序列结合,在复制叉前进时防止DNA的弯折。 E.在复制叉处解除解螺旋酶活性带来的扭曲张力 正确答案:A

高中生物选修3专题1第1节中的 EcoRI限制酶,E.coliDNA连接酶怎么读啊?

拼音:i kao li限制酶第二个读音相同


  E.coliDNA连接酶和T4连接酶的区别:E·coliDNA连接酶是从大肠杆菌中获得的DNA 连接酶 只能连接粘性末端,而平末端则要交给T4DNA连接酶了 它可以连接粘性末端也可以连接平末端。  连接酶通常是包括“连接酶”这个字,就如DNA连接酶是将脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)片段连接。其他普遍的名称包括“合成酶”,因为这些酶是用作合成新的分子,或当它们是将二氧化碳加入一个分子时则称为“羧化酶”。



高中生物选修3专题1第1节中的 EcoRI限制酶,E.coliDNA连接酶怎么读啊?

我在美国上大学,生物专业,美国人的读法肯定没问题 EcoRI限制酶:E(英语字母E) 、co(口)、R (英语字母R)、Ⅰ(one)就是这么读 E.coli 读作 E(就是E)co(口)li(赖) 全称Escherichia coli ,大肠杆菌,实验经常用 要音标的话是?ki?ko?la?

This is what Ecstasy gave me -- but it didnt stop therE.

【答案】:这就是摇头丸所带给我的——但还不止于此。[翻译指导] it在本句中作代词,代替前半句所提到的“摇头丸带来的痛苦”。

colhos oylvel atth gikridnn Wasiens各可以组成什么词?

school 学校lovely 可爱的that 那个drinking 正在喝第五个无法用全7个字母组成单词,使用6个字母可以组成anises:【植】大茴香,anise的名词复数sanies:【医】(由伤口,溃疡等流出之淡绿色稀薄)败液sinews:【解】腱,sinew的名词复数swains:乡村青年,swain的名词复数swines:猪;猪猡,下流坯,swine的名词复数

Android O 和AndroidN还有AOSP是什么意思??


A) import B) kidnap C) convey D) lure



kidnapped的翻译为《绑架》(或《历劫孤星》,此作品有多个译名)斯蒂文森(史蒂文森)为《绑架》的导演罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson),19世纪后半叶英国伟大的小说家。代表作品有长篇小说《金银岛》《化身博士》《绑架》《卡特丽娜》等。早期他到处游历,为其创作积累了资源,后期致力于小说创作,取得了极高的成就,其作品风格独特多变,对20世纪现代主义文学影响巨大。到了20世纪中期,评论家对其作品进行了新的评价,开始审视史蒂文森而且将他的作品放入西方经典中,并将他列为19世纪最伟大的作家之一。以下英文简介Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson (13 November 1850 – 3 December 1894) was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers, including Jorge Luis Borges, Bertolt Brecht, Marcel Proust, Arthur Conan Doyle, Henry James, Cesare Pavese, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, Vladimir Nabokov, J. M. Barrie, and G. K. Chesterton, who said of him that he "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins."



概括大意: A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old.



1、禁止IPC空连接 Cracker可以利用net use命令建立空连接,进而入侵,还有net view,nBTstat这些都是基于空连接的,禁止空连接就好了。打开注册表,找到Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetControlLSA-RestrictAnonymous 把这个值改成”1”即可。 2、禁止At命令 Cracker往往给你个木马,然后让它运行,这时他就需要at命令了。打开管理工具-服务,禁用task scheduler服务即可。 3、关闭超级终端服务 如果你开了的话,这个漏洞都烂了,我不说了。 4、关闭SSDP Discover Service服务 这个服务主要用于启动家庭网络设备上的UPnP设备,服务同时会启动5000端口。可能造成DDOS攻击,让CPU使用达到100%,从而使计算机崩溃。照理说没人会对个人机器费力去做DDOS,但这个使用过程中也非常的占用带宽,它会不断的向外界发送数据包,影响网络传输速率,所以还是关了好。 5、关闭Remote Regisry服务 看看就知道了,允许远程修改注册表?除非你真的脑子进水了。 6、禁用TCP/IP上的NetBIOS 网上邻居-属性-本地连接-属性-Internet协议(TCP/IP)属性-高级-WINS面板-NetBIOS设置-禁用TCP/IP上的NetBIOS。这样Cracker就无法用nBTstat命令来读取你的NetBIOS信息和网卡MAC地址了。 7、关闭DCOM服务 这就是135端口了,除了被用做查询服务外,它还可能引起直接的攻击,关闭方法是:在运行里输入dcomcnfg,在弹出的组件服务窗口里选择默认属性标签,取消“在此计算机上启用分布式COM”即可。 8、把共享文件的权限从“everyone”组改成“授权用户” “everyone” 在win2000中意味着任何有权进入你的网络的用户都能够获得这些共享资料。任何时候都不要把共享文件的用户设置成“everyone”组。包括打印共享,默认的属性就是“everyone”组的,一定不要忘了改。 9、取消其他不必要的服务 请根据自己需要自行决定,下面给出HTTP/FTP服务器需要最少的服务作为参考: Event Log License Logging Service Windows NTLM Security Support Provider Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service Windows NT Server or Windows NT Workstation IIS Admin Service MSDTC World Wide Web Publishing Service Protected Storage 10、更改TTL值 Cracker可以根据ping回的TTL值来大致判断你的操作系统,如: TTL=107(WINNT); TTL=108(win2000); TTL=127或128(win9x); TTL=240或241(linux); TTL=252(solaris); TTL=240(Irix); 实际上你可以自己更改的:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters:DefaultTTL REG_DWORD 0-0xff(0-255 十进制,默认值128)改成一个莫名其妙的数字如258,起码让那些小菜鸟晕上半天,就此放弃入侵你也不一定哦。 11、账户安全 首先禁止一切账户,除了你自己,呵呵。然后把Administrator改名。我呢就顺手又建了个Administrator账户,不过是什么权限都没有的那种,然后打开记事本,一阵乱敲,复制,粘贴到“密码”里去,呵呵,来破密码吧!破完了才发现是个低级账户,看你崩溃不? 12、取消显示最后登录用户 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrent VersionWinlogon:DontDisplayLastUserName把值改为1。 13、删除默认共享 有人问过我一开机就共享所有盘,改回来以后,重启又变成了共享是怎么回事,这是2K为管理而设置的默认共享,必须通过修改注册表的方式取消它: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanServerParameters:AutoShareServer类型是REG_DWORD把值改为0即可。 14、禁用LanManager 身份验证 Windows NT Servers Service Pack 4 和后续的版本都支持三种不同的身份验证方法: LanManager (LM) 身份验证;Windows NT(也叫NTLM)身份验证;Windows NT Version 2.0 (也叫NTLM2) 身份验证; 默认的情况下,当一个客户尝试连接一台同时支持LM 和 NTLM 身份验证方法的服务器时,LM 身份验证会优先被使用。所以建议禁止LM 身份验证方法。 1. 打开注册表编辑器; 2. 定位到 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlLsa; 3. 选择菜单“编辑”,“添加数值”; 4. 数值名称中输入:LMCompatibilityLevel ,数值类型为:DWORD,单击 确定; 5. 双击新建的数据,并根据具体情况设置以下值: 0 - 发送 LM 和 NTLM响应; 1 - 发送 LM 和 NTLM响应; 2 - 仅发送 NTLM响应; 3 - 仅发送 NTLMv2响应;(Windows 2000有效) 4 - 仅发送 NTLMv2响应,拒绝 LM;(Windows 2000有效) 5 - 仅发送 NTLMv2响应,拒绝 LM 和 NTLM;(Windows 2000有效) 6. 关闭注册表编辑器; 7. 重新启动机器
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