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voa clothing-idioms 听力原文?

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.Last week, I explained some English expressions about clothes. Everything I told you was true. I did not talk through my hat or say something without knowing the facts.Everyone knows there are many English expressions about clothes. There is no need to keep it a secret, orkeep it under your hat. In fact, if I keep talking, soon enough you will start to think I am an old hat about this -- a real expert. Do not be fooled, though. My friends sometimes call me a wolf in sheepu2019s clothing. This is someone who acts like a good person, but is really a bad person.Iu2019m not really a bad person. But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up. I look great in my best clothes. When I put them on, I feel decked out. You might say when I wear my best clothes, I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth. In fact, my husband says I look dressed to kill. Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye.My best clothes are not modern or fashionable. Maybe someday they will come into fashion. But I really do not care. They certainly look better on me than mybirthday suit. Did you know that everyone has a birthday suit? You wear it when you are wearing no clothes at all. Babies are born wearing their birthday suits.I am very careful with my clothes. I handle them with kid gloves. I try not to get them dirty or torn. Most of my clothes fit like a glove. They fit perfectly. But when I eat too much, I feel like my clothes might burst at the seams. My clothes feel too restrictive and tight.Some of the clothes I like best are hand-me-downs. My older sister gave them to me when she no longer wanted them. Hand-me-downs are great because clothes often cost too much money. I live on a shoestring. I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes. However, my sister has a lot of money to spend on clothes. Maybe someday the shoe will be on the other foot. The opposite will be true. I will have a lot of money to buy clothes and my sister will get hand-me-downs from me.I admit I dream of being rich. I dream that someday I will be able to live like a rich person. I will know what it is like to walk in another personu2019s shoes. Some of my friends got rich by riding someone elseu2019s coat tails. They are successful today as a result of someone else being successful. But, I believe you should never criticize others for something you would do yourself. What is said about someone else can also be said about you. Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.

Chinese Idioms Congress是什么意思

  Chinese Idioms Congress的中文翻译  Chinese Idioms Congress  中国成语大会  --  congress英 [u02c8ku0252u014bgres] 美 [u02c8kɑ:u014bgru0259s]  n.国会; 代表大会; (用于某些国家的政党名称) 国民大会; 社交;  vi.开会,集合;  [网络]美国国会; 国大党; 大会;  [例句]A lot has changed after the party congress.  党代会后发生了很多变化。  [其他]第三人称单数:congresses 复数:congresses 现在分词:congressing 过去式:congressed 过去分词:congressed 形近词: digress egress progress

汉语成语翻译为Chinese idioms 可以吗?还是直接拼音Chengyu?




where we teach you all about idioms想问这句话的意思。特别是where的用法(意思),

where we teach you all about idioms翻译为:我们教你所有关于成语whereadv.哪里,在哪里; 到哪里; 某种情势或位置; conj.在…的地方; n.地方,场所; pron.哪里;

翻译The more words and idioms you know, the easier


【英语阅读】 A year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms (习惯用语),though my teacher said


关于cold idioms,麻烦英语大神解释一下图片里的词

cold draughty room: 干冷的房间 - 寒酸,什么也没有,不一定要真的又冷又干,跟西北风差不多意思cold drink:冷饮。跟一杯冷茶差不多意思,不是诚心诚意的给你饮料cold greeting:冷冷地问好 - 不带感情的,形式化的问好cold audience:不热情的观众,观众对你冷眼旁观,不给予你任何反应cold nature:性格本来就很冷淡cold facts:这里不是只冷,有点没有感情的意思 ,就是这些事实就是事实,没有任何虚假的地方,有点惊讶的,不愿意承认的意思 - 冰冷的事实cold grey skies:crisp weather,天气冷淡cold scent:冷的味道 - 不友好的气死/味道 (尸体,陌生人)cold news:跟那个cold facts一样。代表冰冷的新闻 - 没有任何虚假的新闻knock sb cold:没有感情地敲着a cold 5000: 冰冷的钱,代表没有任何感情的很多钱。比如做了什么违背良心的事情以后,别人给你付的钱。be cold sober:强硬地戒酒quit a job cold:没有找到下家地辞职,非理性的情况下快速辞职cold cash:冰冷的钱,很实际的,当你需要钱的时候,不是需要别人的同情而是需要实际的钱望采纳~ 有问题可以再问~~

求:有关团结的英语习语(English idioms)。越多越好

no pain no gain

食物成语(food idioms)

bring home the bacon谋生(make a living)   bread and butter食物(food)   bad egg坏蛋,恶棍(scoundrel)   big cheese老板(boss)   the cream of the crop秀的人(the best)   one smart cookie聪明人(intelligent person)   use one‘s noodles思考(think)   chew the fat闲聊(chat)   half-baked还不成熟的(not yet mature)   spil the beans吐露秘密(share confidential information)   hot potatoes烫手山芋,棘手问题(problematic issues)   one‘s cup of tea某人所喜欢的人或物(the type of person or stuff one likes)   butter sb up奉承某人(flatter sb)   be nuts about…对…十分热衷(crazy about)   out to lunch有点脱离现实(a little out of touch with reality)   nutty as a fruitcake有点疯狂(a little crazy)   In a nutshell根本上说(basically)   polish the apple拍马*(flatter)   a piece of cake十分容易(very easy)   gravy train轻松可挣的大钱(big money easy way)

____ the idioms are not easy to remember and use


试着翻译以下的English idioms:


Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the m...

小题1:Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say.小题2:Can you help me ?小题3:In spoken English. 小题1:从文章第一段的句子:Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say.可知答案是Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say.小题2:从第三段的句子:可知"Give me a hand", you don"t necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful.是要我帮忙吗? Can you help me ?小题3:细节题:从第二段的句子:English idioms are more common in spoken English. 可知答案是In spoken English.

中考英语语法:英语当中常见的 body idioms

《英语当中常见的 body idioms》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 英语当中常见的 body idioms 16. stand on one"s own feet ( be independent ) 不依赖他人,独立自主 I don"t need your help-I can stand on my own feet. 我不需要你的帮助,我能自立。 17. have two left feet ( be awkward or clumsy ) 非常笨拙 He"s a terrible dancer-he"s got two left feet. 他跳舞很蹩脚,笨得很。 18. walk on eggshells ( be careful about what you say or do ) 谨慎说话或小心行事 She"s in a terrible mood today-you"ll have to walk on eggshells around her. 她今天心情很坏,在她身边你得小心点。 19. foot the bill ( pay the bill ) 支付帐单,负担费用 He had to foot the bill for the party. 他不得不支付晚会的费用。 20. bite one"s back off (scold someone)对某人大声怒吼,呵斥某人 I only asked you a question. There is no need to bite my back off. 我只是问你一个问题。你何必对我这么凶。 21. back down (give up ) 取消前言,打退堂鼓 He said he could swim, but he backed down when we got to the lake. 他说他会游泳,可是等我们到了湖边他却畏缩不前了。 22. back out (withdraw of, quit) 退出,撒手 He has decided to back out of the scheme. 他已决定撒手不参与这项计划。 23. back someone up ( support someone ) 支持某人,为某人撑腰 Thank you for backing me up in the meeting. 谢谢你在会上支持我。 24. put one"s back into something ( work very hard at something ) 竭尽全力地去做某事 She put her back into it and got good results. 她全力以赴地去做并取得了好成绩。 25. have a good head for ( be good at something ) 在某方面有特殊的头脑,有u2026u2026的才能 He"s an accountant and he has a good head for figures. 他是个会计师,很有数字天分。 26. have one"s head in the clouds ( dream ) 心不在焉,想入非非 He"s always got his head in the clouds-he makes all these impossible plans. 他总爱想入非非,拟出所有这些做不到的方案。 27. keep one"s head (stay calm) 保持冷静 Luckily the driver kept his head, or there might have been a serious accident. 幸亏司机保持镇定,否则可能发生严重车祸。 28. keep one"s head above water ( manage to survive financially ) 不负债,(生意)能维持 Despite the recession, they kept their heads above water. 尽管经济萧条,他们还是设法把生意维持下去。 29. have a mind of one"s own ( not be influenced by other people ) 有自己的看法,能独立思考 Don"t tell me what to do!I"ve a mind of my own, you know. 不要告诉我做什么,你知道我有自己的主张。 30. go out of one"s mind (be forgotten by someone) 被某人忘记 She should have answered the letter yesterday, but it went right out of her mind. 她本应昨天回信,但她却忘得一干二净。 - 《英语当中常见的 body idioms》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

chinese idioms是可数名词吗


求关于idioms proverbs and sayings 的区别 用英文 用中文也行 最好是英文

idiom--习语,一般是短语 proverb--格言,书面语,有寓意的句子 saying--说法,包括idiom,proverb在类,用的最广


更新1: 要30个唔好比小啊! 英文情绪idioms 1.- When I received the concert tickets for Muse I was on cloud nine!-overjoyed. 2.- When my sister opened her birthday card and a cheque fell out she was tickled pink. - pleased 3.- When my brother returned home from the pub late last night I could see that he was pie-eyed. - drunk 4.- When I was waiting to go on stage to perform in front of the whole school I had butterflies in my stomach. - nervous 5.- When I finished my elve hour shift at the supermarket I was pletely zonked out. - exhausted 6.- When Alan Forrester looked me in the eye at registration this morning I went weak at the knees. - in love 7.- When my brother kept playing the same Rihanna song over and over again at full volume I told him "You"re driving me up the wall!" - annoying. 8.- When I went on the Big One rollercoaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach my heart was in my mouth. - terrified. 9.- When my brother wouldn"t stop going on about problems with his love life I told him not to be such a moaning Minnie. - plaining. 10.- When my dad came home from work and just slumped in his armchair without saying a word I asked him "Why the long face?" - sad Idioms that mean that you are absolutely delighted! 11.-over the moon: "He was over the moon when he heard the news." 12.-thrilled to bits: "She was thrilled to bits with her new bicycle." 13.-in seventh heaven: "They were in seventh heaven when they learned they"d won a cruise." 14.-on cloud nine: "When I got the job I was on cloud nine for several weeks." 15.-jump for joy: "We jumped for joy when we got the mortgage." These idioms mean you are feeling sad. 16.-down in the dumps: "When she left him he was down in the dumps for a couple of weeks." 17.-feel blue: "She felt a little blue when she lost her job." 18.beside yourself (with grief worry): "When her son went missing she was beside herself with worry." Annoyed because missing an opportunity 19.-sick as a parrot: "He was as sick as a parrot when he realised he had thrown away his lottery ticket." 2012-04-15 20:46:34 补充: :-V These idioms mean that you are very angry. 20.-see red: "Don"t talk to him about his boss - it just makes him see red!" 21.-hopping mad: "She was hopping mad when she found out her daughter had disobeyed her." 2012-04-15 20:47:20 补充: 22.-in a black mood: "Be careful what you say - she"s in a black mood today." Less angry idioms. 23.-cheesed off: "I was really cheesed off when I lost the petition." 24.-to not be on speaking terms: "They"re not on speaking terms at the moment after their row." 2012-04-15 20:48:07 补充: 25.-To be off someone"s Christmas card list: "Oh dear. I think I"m off her Christmas card list after insulting her hu *** and!" 26.-have a downer on someone: "What"s John done? You seem to have a real downer on him." 2012-04-15 20:49:04 补充: 27.-rub someone up the wrong way: "Those o are always arguing. They just seem to rub each other up the wrong way." 2012-04-15 20:49:21 补充: In desperation These idioms mean you don"t know what to do. 28.-at the end of your tether: "I just can"t cope. I"m at the end of my tether with all these bills and debts." 2012-04-15 20:49:47 补充: 29.-at your wits" end: "He"s at his wits" end. He"s tried everything to solve the problem but nothing has worked." In fear 30.- scared to death: You scared him to death. (scared him a lot) 31.- shaking in our boots:We were all shaking in our boots.(trembling with fear) 参考: english-at-home/idioms/english-idioms-of-emotion/ At his wits" end (esp. in US ) "drive me up the wall" oftentimes (especially in US) also me "drive me crazy".


1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.2.眼见为实 Seeing is believing.3.比上不足比下有余 Worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.5.不眠之夜 White night.6.不以物喜,不以己悲 Not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses.7.不遗余力 Spare no effort; go all out; do one"s best.8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord.




对话常用idioms:1.Pull yourself together:(像个成年人一样)冷静下来,控制自己。e.g. After hearing some bad news he couldn"t pull himself together。2.Be in two minds about sth.犹豫不决,很矛盾。e.g, I"m in two minds about emigrating to a new country。3. To have a lot on one"s plate很忙,有点overwhelmed。e.g. I have a lot on my plate today since I have to finish all the projects.4.To get/have cold feet害怕做你计划中的某事(be afraid of doing what you"ve planned to do)。e.g. Did you get cold feet when you were getting married?5.Action speaks louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。e.g. I"m going to wait for him to show me he loves me because action speaks louder than words。6. Take a rain check on sth:改期。e.g. How about we take a raincheck on our dinner?7. Cry over spilled milk: 为无法改变的事懊恼生气。e.g.Move on and keep you chin up! There"s no use crying over spilled milk。8. Hit the nail on the head:一语中的,做的完全正确。e.g.She hit the nail when she chose a present for her boyfriend. He was over the moon。9. kill two birds with one stone.一个行动完成两件事情(不一定有汉语中“一石二鸟”形容的事情这么严重)。e.g.I tried to kill two birds with one stone by getting a manicure and going over my emails。10.Speak onesmind(非常直接的)表达你的想法。e.g.He spoke his mind to his boss and then quit。


如果你想了解互联网的未来,可以上Google的地图网站上去看一看。乍看上去,它似乎跟同类的其他网站没有太大区别。不过,你一旦输入了某个地址,这个网站马上带你进入一个城市,穿越一条又一条街道,而在此过程中你会发觉事情非常美妙。首先,你不会见到沙漏图标。网页会无缝地一下子转换到新的一页,你的电脑在等待下载更多数据时,屏幕不会出现任何间断。这种功能已经帮助创建了Google Earth网站。这个网站收集了全球各地的卫星图片,是去年点击率最高的网站之一。这些网站能够把信息平滑顺畅地下载到用户的电脑,因此大受欢迎,而美国许多其他行业的从业者有鉴于此,正纷纷利用它们来帮助拓展业务。在美国,如果你打算寻找一个新公寓,你可以在Housingmaps.com网站上输入你的目标街区的名字。然后,转眼间你会看到一个鸟瞰图,上边标了一些虚拟图钉,每个图钉代表一个待售或待租的房地产。如果你想知道这个目标地区的治安是否良好,可以进入mapsexoffender.com网站查看。这个网站会把Google的美国地图信息与各地区的犯罪记录集合起来,然后在地图上标出每一个有案底坏蛋的住址。 诸如此类的平滑滚屏互联网应用之所以能够实现,全靠一种叫Ajax的技术,Ajax其实是一组电脑程序,这些程序互相配合,能使网站无缝地运作,好像电脑程序在个人电脑中运行那样。尽管这种创新的技术在Google地图网站上最容易见到,它可不是Google专有的。在过去的几个月,Ajax已经成为一股推动力,催生了一系列基于互联网的新服务,包括免费文字处理程序Writely,电子数据表制作网站NumSum,以及人们用于编制日程和工作时间表的网站Voo2do。这些使用Ajax技术的网站的出现,已经促使人们开始重新思考互联网和个人电脑之间的关系。事实上,Ajax也许会导致许多基于个人电脑应用的软件应用遭到淘汰,进而导致电脑业中很多领域出现翻天覆地的变化。 几十年来,科技专家一直相信,数据和电脑软件迟早会从桌面转移到互联网。宽带互联网连接日益普及的同时,电脑将会越来越小巧轻便。将来电脑会摒弃笨重的硬盘,并且成为进入互联网和互联网服务器的主入口,让互联网服务器来承担大部分原本由文字处理,电子数据表制作等程序负责的工作,以及存储数据。今天互联网已经使一部分的预测得以实现,然而他还是存在着一些缺点,其中之一就是连接不稳定。当个人电脑等待服务器一点一滴地下载数据时,互联网连接不稳定的情况常会出现。与其说Ajax解决了这一问题,到不如说它把问题掩盖了。Ajax会在互联网服务器和个人电脑之间充当缓冲器,巧妙地令服务非常顺畅,让人以为没有中断。Google Earth网站,即使你的个人电脑还在下载那些更高分辨率图片的中途,你仍然能够滚动屏幕上的鸟瞰图。事实证明,这种细微的区别足以令网上冲浪者的心理改变。Ajax并不能提高数据下载的速度,可是能使等待的过程变得不那么令人沮丧。 到目前为止,基于互联网的应用程序仍然很少,对那些基于个人电脑的软件仍未构成威胁。然而,由于预期电脑软件将会从桌面转移到互联网,微软的管理层已开始感到忧虑。长期以来,微软一直几乎垄断整个桌面软件市场,因此它很迟才看到这一变化来临。Adaptice Path咨询公司的创办人加勒特说:“2001年的反垄断官司之后,主要的竞争对手Netscape消失之后,这几年来,微软好像有点不知所措。”在一份于去年10月被泄露的微软内部备忘录中,微软的首席技术官奥齐也承认了这一点。他在该备忘录中说:“我们公司在网络方面拥有雄厚资源,理应早就可以在开发Ajax的潜力上领先。” Ajax的冒起令微软感到特别尴尬,因为Ajax中的一些关键技术其实是微软在1997年发明的,可是该公司后来把它们搁置了。不过话得说回来,当时并没有任何人看到Ajax的潜力。Ajax并不是单一的发明物;它由一批电脑程序组成,而这些程序是分别在多个不同的公众领域研发出来的。大约1年前,一些独立软件开发商发现,如果将这些程序结合起来,它们能产生一些很有用的功能。软件公司Oddpost的创办人及编程师戴蒙德通过使用Ajax技术,使基于互联网的电邮程序变得和在桌面上运行几乎没有两样。他说:“1999年的时候,在家里时我使用(微软的)Outlook Express,出门在外时则使用Yahoo电邮系统。我在家里时不使用Yahoo,是因为它的界面比不上Outlook Express。但是我们确信,通过使用Ajax技术,我们能够制造出可以媲美Outlook Express的界面。”2004年,Yahoo收购了Okkpost,如今戴蒙德正在研发一种以Ajax为基础的Yahoo电邮系统。他说:“目前每一家电邮公司都在努力研发使用Ajax的应用程序。” 广受欢迎的图片共享网站Flickr已经采用了Ajax技术,让用户可以及时为他们的照片加入标题和说明、及时把照片放进自己的收藏影集,或者连续地观看照片,Flickr的创办人兼CEO巴特菲尔德说:“我相信,如果没有了Ajax,Flickr不可能像今天这么受欢迎。”Ajax使他的网站变得“更快、更酷、更有直觉力”。 Ajax并非仅仅能够模拟一个桌面系统。他还使网站能够从不同的来源收集信息,然后把信息无缝地呈现在浏览者眼前。Housingmaps.com从Craiglist网站收集待售房屋的地址,然后把这些资料与Google的地图结合起来。News&Bible网站(能根据新闻中的关键字词,找出相配的圣经章节。Dealmine.com则从许多来源收集商店的折扣优惠信息。 没有人会认为Ajax从能把桌面软件完全淘汰。现有的浏览器还没有一个能像PhotoShop或Final Cut等桌面程序那样处理复杂的图像或者视频。不过,将来桌面程序可能越来越专注于一些需要强大计算能力去处理的特殊人物。微软有一些主要产品(例如Word、Excel等)很有可能会遇到竞争,受到其他公司的Ajax版同类型产品挑战。面对这种前景,微软的对策是也把Ajax纳入它的产品中。该公司平台策略组的小组经理奥布赖恩说:“既然我们的秘密已经被泄露,而Ajax也正在从一种只有从研发者感兴趣的早期技术渐渐演变成为能够引起一般用户的好奇心,现在我们的任务……就是设法让这种技术能够被尽可能多的用户使用。”他又说,奥齐的备忘录可以说是晨钟暮鼓。如今微软已经推出了一种基于Ajax的绘制地图应用程序,命名为Windows Live Local。微软还正在研发一种基于暂时以Atlas为代号的产品,该公司称,这种新产品将使基于Ajax的编程工作更容易。该公司还在研发Ajax版的Office,一旦研发成功,Word和Excel程序将不再是独立的产品,而是服务。 然而,Ajax之战的第一仗显然只可能在Google和Yahoo等巨头之间发生。加勒特说:“Google已经炮制出了一种美味菜肴。他们利用这些技术,为用户创造更多姿多彩,更平滑流畅的浏览体验。”微软,轮到你出招了!(本文取材自newsweek)


为何没分为何没分 ?

English idioms

1.冒充的,披着伪装骗人的2.乱花钱,挥霍的意思 3.败家子,害群之马 4.骑虎难下 5.居然有脸做../居然好意思做什么)........6.装模作样 7.蹩脚工匠总嫌自己工具差.或是拙匠常怨工具差. 8.搬起石头砸自己的脚 9.AA制 10.pidgin English都指的是英汉夹杂语:混杂英语,洋泾滨英语:以英语为基础的几种混杂语,现主要在太平洋岛屿和西非的人讲

分点谈谈english idioms

raining cats and dogs雨下得很大


今天咱们来聊聊“idioms习语”在雅思口语中的重要性。话说在前面,这是基于我用课堂内外的实际经历和经验的一些感受,如果你有不同意见,欢迎给我留言,跟我讨论。在讨论开始之前,咱们先说一下idiom是啥。 那么咱们可以看到,习语是由一个以上的单词组合而成,这些单词在这个组合里面的意思区别于它们单独的意思。常见的习语,举个例子:I"ve been feeling it in my bones that he"s gonna tell us something. 我一直有种预感他要跟我们说点儿什么。 (这里没有提到bone的原意,骨头) 大家觉得说话的时候偶尔冒出这样的习语是不是很酷呢? 偶尔为之,真的很有意思。 但是一直这么说话,真的很没有意思。 不信吗?昨天上课正好大家讨论到词汇分析,老师一语道破了一件事——英语习语在日常英语对话中 并不常见 。虽然老师并没有详细解释不常见的原因,但是基于我自己的经验,我觉得大概有这么几个:首先,习语一般都是一群词语的集合,一般都比单个词语要长;而在口头表达的时候的一般原则都是 简明扼要 ,因为既要考虑到说话者和听者的瞬时记忆,要是说着或者听着后面的忘了前面的,多少有些尴尬。所以啊,如果能用一个或者少量具体的词汇去表达清楚意思,就没有必要用习语了;或者也可以这么理解,习语只是 锦上添花 ,让表达出的语言具有多样化和生动性——这不是必需品,甚至有很多时候,这根本就不需要。 其次,习语一般都和文化相关。对于外语学习者而言,外语所承载的文化往往比外语本身更有挑战性,有些文化差异真的会“毁三观”。所以如果因为对文化的误解或者对文化差异的不敏感而导致言语上的误会,倒不如直截了当地表达心中所想。 比如,在中文中我们总说“忙成狗”,但是在英文中你要是说as busy as a dog,就会导致理解不畅了,因为在英文中的固定说法是as busy as a bee(虽然我真的好喜欢有个大牛把as busy as a bee翻译成“忙成SB”,但是在课堂上作为老师我还是要watch my languageU0001f639U0001f639U0001f639) 第三,就算在同一个文化中,我觉得教育背景相似的人用习语交流会比教育背景不相似的人交流起来要畅通一些,因为有些习语的文化要素是“阳春白雪”,有些习语则听起来像是“下里巴人”。 举个例子,比如今年的美国总统大选,剩下这俩候选人都会用到习语,但是希拉里明显用的就是“阳春白雪”类的,一张嘴就感觉是“精英”;而川普虽然也受过高等教育,却坚持用小学的词汇和句式,加上小学生都能听懂的习语,让他好像和广大没有受过高等教育不会也不愿“咬文嚼字”的选民们站在一起。从这个角度去看,不难理解俩候选人的辩论听起来纯粹就是吵架甚至人身攻击,原因之一是所用的习语不在同一个层次上。 好啦,咱们说回雅思口语。我看过很多同行写的教材,书的内容都会提及“习语”,且在上课的时候会跟学生们强调习语在口语考试中的重要性。然而基于自己的考试和交流经验,我觉得习语并没有那么重要。 英国人自己都承认在对话中习语不常见,而口语考试中对话占很大比重。反复分析完评分标准,其实就是 “你说的英语跟考官(也就是native speaker)说的英语听起来越相似,你的分数就越高” ,也就是说 “自然交流” 是最重要的。如果native speaker都不常用习语,那么你总是用习语是不是听起来不够自然了呢?那考官听起来别扭的英语怎么会得高分呢? 不过有人会来challenge我,说,考试毕竟还是和日常交流有区别的,且也有过雅思考官说过用对了习语会是加分项。关于这点,我的理解是: 首先我也认为考试和日常交流有区别,所以我只是说习语没有很多人一直强调得那么重要,并不是不重要。重要程度不同,请不要误解。然后习语在对话中的出现是 “自然的”,是“锦上添花” ,所以当你需要 润色 自己已经表达得足够清楚的观点时,习语肯定是加分项;但是如果是不能表达清楚,不管是常用词汇用法不熟还是常用语法不扎实,习语只会让对话偏离既定轨道—— 在考试时,惊喜对考生而言并不是个好消息。 最后要说明一下,我看了雅思口语评分标准,也就是IELTS speaking band descriptors, 在band-8的级别才提到了idiomatic vocabulary,然而首先idiomatic vocabulary/language不只包含idioms,还有collocation(collocation的部分下次再分析),其次需要口语8分的学校和工作简直少之又少。不过还是很感谢当年我的口语组组长的严格要求,我口语拿到了8分,讲出来都觉得脸上很有光U0001f638U0001f638U0001f638 下面附上评分标准的截图,大家先自己看,有问题或者不同意见,欢迎跟我讨论。好了,关于“习语”的在雅思口语考试中的重要性,我已经阐述完毕。总结一下:习语是语言中很有研究价值的一部分,因为它们和文化紧密相关,从中可以学习到这门语言承载的文化的一些特点; 然而习语在日常交流中并不常见,因为很容易产生误解,作为外语学习者,因为外语文化和自己的文化的差异,误解来得比较容易,而且哪怕是说母语的时候,因为教育背景等因素也会造成误解; 口语考试中,最重要的是清楚表达自己的观点,语言的多样性是为了帮助自己表达自己的观点,不自然地使用习语,会影响观点的表达 至于怎样清楚表达观点,功夫还是要下在平常。我在课堂上推荐的音频视频资料和一些练习方法,都是我自己这么多年尝试并养成的习惯。多模仿native speaker,从内容到语气——学习语言的时候,很多时候就是鹦鹉学舌,比葫芦画瓢。 我明白这篇文章也许会让你对雅思口语有些新的认识,积极或者消极都可能。如果你真的能用英语表达清楚自己的观点,那么雅思口语考试真的不难,等你开始参与课堂讨论,就会发现雅思口语考试只是真正的挑战的前奏;而如果你还是寄希望于背诵模板,过度地不自然地使用英语交流中并不是那么常用的词汇习语和句式,那么雅思口语考试会一直很难,走进课堂之后更是难上加难。开口说一门语言,最直接的方法是模仿它被母语者说的方式和内容。 还有,既然在学习母语时,多数人是那么讨厌背诵,更喜欢做自然的口头交流,为什么在学习语的时候,反而迷上了背诵呢?

Idioms 有哪些如:the early bird catches the worm ,除了这个还有哪些???

rain cats and dogs (倾盆大雨)a friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真交)when there is a will,there is a way 有志者,事竟成walls have ears (隔墙有耳)screw one"s courage 鼓起勇气kill two birds with one stone (一石两鸟)feather in cap(炫耀)as close as an oyster 守口如瓶as fresh as an oyster 精力充沛go without saying 不言而喻