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开启skype 后,再运行时都会出现 意外停止,怎么解决。


raid0 和raider5 能同时存在吗


绝地求生RAIDER箱子怎么得 RAIDER CRATE能开出什么奖励

  绝地求生中将推出一款RAIDERCRATE箱子,不少玩家非常关注新箱子中的奖励。绝地求生RAIDERCRATE箱子怎么得?RAIDERCRATE能开出什么奖励?小编分享下绝地求生RAIDERCRATE箱子获取途径,RAIDERCRATE奖励。  绝地求生RAIDER箱子怎么得?  RAIDERCRATE箱子获取途径:免费获得,BP兑换  RAIDERCRATE开出奖励介绍:  主要为武器皮肤  RAIDERCRATE箱子目前仅曝光了部分奖励内容,比较引人注目的就是武器皮肤了。此前有玩家爆料,绝地求生将推出武器皮肤。箱子看来,武器皮肤是通过加入箱子的方式上线。

微星X99A RAIDER好不好,优缺点,微星 X99A RAIDER是否值得买

我就用这个主板,没有oc socket超频的时候ring超不过3.5,建议加点钱上华硕x99a II,也就2700,我的感觉是不值得买,x99跟民用级z170等不一样,如果主板不带oc socket,ring是无论如何超不上去的。


年前RTX 20系游戏本扎堆,实在是没时间做微星GE 75 Raider的评测。虽然错过了第一波爆发,但好的一方面是给了我更多的时间去细致体验这款新产品。接下来就跟大家分享一下我对微星这款RTX 20系游戏本的一些看法。参考价:24999元我个人在游戏本的需求上主要有两点:其一,屏幕要好。包括显示效果、分辨率等因素。而且鉴于笔记本屏幕尺寸和硬件性能,我认为目前游戏本配1080P分辨率是最合适的。既不让硬件性能捉襟见肘,又不会因为缩放显示而显得别扭,所以微星GE75 Raider 17.3英寸屏配1080P分辨率深得我心。其二,硬件性能没必要太强,够用就好。由于我个人的游戏习惯,所以不需要顶尖的硬件配置。当然如果像GE75Raider这样i7 8750H+RTX 2080配置的本能借着评测白用一段时间还是不会拒绝的。配144Hz高色域窄边框显示屏去年PC厂商铆足了劲把144Hz刷新率、以及窄边框显示屏全面推向游戏本,现在基本已经成标配。所以GE75Raider这样的游戏本自然是不会错过。17.3英寸显示屏配上左右5.7mm窄边框能做到15英寸级别的机身里,同时又兼顾17英寸大屏体验,不得不为技术进步点个赞!17.3英寸窄边框显示屏的体验真的赞5.7mm窄边框144Hz刷新率刚出来的时候,我觉得这就是个唬人的玩意儿,乍看之下没啥区别。显示器频道同事表示不服说借我用一段时间144Hz显示器再来评价。结果,真是回不去了啊144Hz刷新率虽然主要宣传点是避免高帧数下的画面撕裂,但实际体验下总体来说就是让一些动态的画面更加顺滑。而且高帧数在某些游戏上也会有更好的优势。比如过年期间世界范围内的《生化危机2重制版》速通比拼,120Hz刷新率下会比60Hz表现更好。而XBox one X的稳定60Hz又比PS4 Pro要强上不少(具体自行百度),这一点足以说明高刷新率在未来游戏中的重要性。另外就是老生常谈的话题,144Hz可以保证游戏在高帧数下运行不会产生画面撕裂,这一点对于FPS类游戏至关重要。E值绝大多数在1以下说回到微星GE75Raider。据官方说这块屏幕经过了微星True Color色彩调校技术调校,sRGB色域接近100%。年后回来我用Spyder 5测试了一下,果不其然这块屏的sRGB色域还是相当不错的,我手上这台实测达到95%。另外,AdobeRGB色域也有72%,整体表现不错。这里也要额外表扬一下微星,京东产品页面关于色域的描述使用了接近,相当的实事求是,是个老实人儿。另外这块屏幕的色彩精确度也还不错,48色测试中,E值平均1.04,绝大多数色彩的值在1以下,能够对色彩实现精准还原。灯效再升级有着DIY背景的微星在玩灯上也不含糊。这次的微星GE75Raider强化了机身灯光的呈现。除了老伙伴赛睿合作的RGB背光键盘之外,还在接口内部增加了背光。华丽的同时又很实用,再也不用担心找不着口了。顶盖红龙logo配有白色背光左右侧USB接口配有红色背光在体验GE75 Raider的过程中,一个小细节让我感觉微星在设计产品上很用心。如下图所示。默认情况下用户可以通过软件调整不同的背光效果,这一点并不新鲜,毕竟现在大多数游戏本都有这个功能。不过当我单独按下Fn键之后,键盘默认背光效果会中断,具有Fn功能的按键此时会单独点亮并呈现红色。这是因为微星的Fn功能键并没有集中在传统的F1-F12键位上。而是分布于方向键、+/-号键等区域,单独亮起红光进行提示,让用户不用费力去寻找Fn功能键图标。这一点小小的细节让人感受到了微星的用心。赛睿合作RGB背光键盘炫彩RGB背光丨单点Fn键的时候可以看到具备Fn功能的按键单独点亮不过键盘部分有一点还是要提一下。由于GE75 Raider并没有采用17英寸级别的机身,同时还配有数字键区,因此不得不把键帽做的小一些,所以这款游戏本的键帽尺寸较小。如果手指比较粗的话可能按起来会有一些不适。但是整个键盘的按键手感还是比较不错的,键程适中,按键回弹反馈鲜明。另外有一点不便的地方是,如果你像我一样习惯使用Windows组合键调用一些系统窗口或功能的话,那么可能会感到不便。因为GE75Raider的Windows键设计在键盘右侧,左侧没有,所以像Windows+E、Windows+R这些快捷组合键按起来不太方便。另外赛睿为其提供了ENGINE 3控制软件,可以自定义背光,而且可以根据游戏做定制化的背光设置。赛睿ENGINE 3控制软件接口集中在左右两侧接口方面,GE75 Raider并未在尾部配备接口,而是集中在了机身左右两侧。左侧配有安全锁孔、以太网口、HDMI接口、Mini DP接口、USB 3.1接口、TYPE-C接口,而3.5mm耳机麦克风插孔是独立开来的。尾部没有配备接口左右两侧接口分布右侧配有读卡器和2个USB 3.1接口,另外电源插孔也分布在这一侧。此外还可以看到GE75 Raider左右两侧都有散热口,加上尾部左右两侧的散热口,也是采用了时下游戏本普遍的四风口散热设计。Killer双网卡保证网络稳定性现下很多人买游戏本都是为了玩网游,所以良好的网络环境必不可少。微星GE75 Raider起码在硬件上打下了好的基础,搭载了Killer双网卡。搭载Killer双网卡我使用系统自己的cmd命令简单测试了一下丢包率。在比较一般的网络环境下,丢包率基本为0。而且网络延时平均在4ms,双杀手网卡的可靠性还是值得信赖的。另外,对玩家来说稳定的网络环境还是很重要的。网络延时与丢包率测试散热表现较好拆开微星GE75 Raider的底盖,可以看到内部采用了双风扇八铜管的散热设计,加上四个出风口,起码在散热设计上毫无保留。此外我们还可以看到微星GE75 Raider的扬声单元配置非常奢华。音盆体积极大,四个低音炮使得整体的音效非常符合用户对游戏和电影音效表现的需求,能够营造出不错的声音氛围。双风扇八铜管散热、丹拿扬声单元另外微星GE75 Raider底盖拆卸在当下来说不是太方便。螺丝比较多,底盖与机身之间还通过塑料卡扣固定,不注意的话有可能会撬断卡扣。而且撕毁无效标签也贴在了其中一个螺丝孔的上方,所以建议个人用户没必要的话还是不要拆机为好。整机散热测试对游戏本的散热我一直要求不高。毕竟选择用笔记本玩游戏,就得先对散热看得开。而且一般日常玩游戏的话不像做测试这么极限,相对硬件温度也会更低一些。我使用AIDA 64和Furmark对CPU和GPU进行了双拷机测试,GPU核心温度77℃,i7 8750H处理器六个核心的平均温度为90℃。不过我们看到在极限测试过程中CPU有12%左右的降频,TDP基本跑在42W左右。顶配机型性能强劲这次有机会体验到的是微星GE75 Raider系列的顶配机型。其搭载了英特尔第八代酷睿i7 8750H六核心处理器、32GB DDR4-2666MHz内存,1TB HDD+512GB SSD存储方案。显卡搭载了NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080独显,以及Intel UHD 630核显,硬件配置十分豪华。硬件配置概况现在高配游戏本基本都采用的是英特尔酷睿i7 8750H处理器,6核心12线程非常适合游戏。主频2.2GHz,睿频4.1GHz,标准TDP 45W,基于14nm制程工艺的Coffee Lake架构打造。i7 8750H处理器信息使用CINEBENCH R15测试可以看到,微星GE75 Raider搭载的这颗i7 8750H处理器多核跑分969cb,单核167cb,表现还算不错。不过之前的散热测试我们也看到了,处理器在高负载下会有降频现象出现。处理器性能测试顶配版GE75 Raider搭载了一块512GB固态硬盘。通过软件实测可以看到,在队列深度为1,3次100MiB数据Seq32读取中,速度为1673MB/s,写入为1454MB/s。写入速度表现不错,读取速度目前来说在同级别产品中表现尚可。硬盘性能测试搭载RTX 2080独立显卡NVIDIA RTX 20系独显除了图形性能提升之外,最重要的三个特性是:增加了光线追踪功能,DLSS深度学习抗锯齿功能,以及NAS高级着色功能。对于玩家来说,光线追踪的感受最为直接。如下面两张图所示:光线追踪关光线追踪开总体而言,开启光线追踪功能之后,游戏画面的物理效果加载会更加顺滑自然,不会一块一块的渲染出来。NVIDIA RTX 20系显卡年前我们针对第一批RTX 20系游戏本做了集中评测,相信大家对RTX 2070、RTX 2060独显已经有了比较全面的了解。这次微星GE75 Raider是一款搭载RTX 2080独显的产品,图形性能表现肯定会更强。显卡基本参数一览用GPU-Z可以看到显卡的基本参数:2944个流处理器、256bit显存位宽、8GB GDDR6显存、核心频率1380MHz,Boost频率1590MHz。相对于桌面级公版RTX 2080来说,移动版在流处理器个数、显存规格方面没有差别,只是在频率范围上略低。公版为1515~1800MHz,而移动版为1380~1590MHz。所以最终的游戏帧数差异其实不会很大。显卡测试还是老规矩,使用的是3DMark的三个模式,FSE模式是为了与GTX 10系跑分做对比。Port Royal是3DMark新增的专门针对光线追踪功能的测试,而Time Spy则是针对DX 12性能进行测试。光线追踪测试结果5383分首先Port Royal是专门针对RTX 20系显卡的光线追踪功能进行的测试。RTX 2060移动版跑分为3227分,RTX 2070移动版跑分为3932分。而RTX 2080移动版跑分直接上到5383分,所以单从光追性能角度来说,RTX 2080机型最值得买。TimeSpy DX12图形分数9736分TimeSpy是专门的DX12测试项目,RTX 2080在此项的得分为9736分。而RTX 2060独显和RTX 2070独显此前测得的分数分别为5758和7232分。在DX 12性能方面,RTX 2080的提升幅度也是最大的。FSE模式图形分数11987分FSE项目最能看出RTX 20系显卡与GTX 10系显卡的差异。此前测试的RTX 2060独显图形分数为7168分,而RTX 2080独显图形分数破万,达到了11987分。另外RTX 2070独显图形分为9093分。游戏体验接下来看看实际的游戏表现。为了了解光线追踪功能开启和关闭时对性能的影响,我选择了《战地V》进行游戏体验。《战地V》多人模式保持了一贯的高水准,但单人战役模式却备受吐槽。目前《战地V》开启光线追踪功能需要Windows 10系统升级到1809版本、更新最新的N卡驱动,同时开启DX12。微星GE75 Raider搭载了RTX 2080独立显卡,所以性能不成问题。我直接选择了最高画质进行体验。不过目前开启和关闭光线追踪都要重新启动一遍游戏,略有些麻烦。打开DX12功能之后,就可以选择开启或关闭光线追踪了远景贴图细腻《战地V》场景画面效果非常不错《战地V》整体画面效果没得说,但是单人战役模式的剧本真是不太行。微星GE75 Raider得益于RTX 2080独显的性能助力,能够很好的演绎出游戏画面的细腻和氛围。我在开启和关闭光线追踪功能下分别进行了帧数记录,详情如下:《战地V》最高画质/光线追踪开启和关闭帧数测试关闭光线追踪功能时,最高帧数达到144.1fps,最低为71.7fps,整体波动比较明显。同样场景下开启光线追踪功能之后,帧数最低为54.3fps,最高为92.3fps。整体波动相对较为平缓,大部分时间在70-80fps之间,非常稳定。所以目前想要最为流畅的游戏体验的话,RTX 2080独显是游戏本目前最好的选择。另外GE75 Raider配备的144Hz显示屏使得游戏画面全程无撕裂,非常的顺滑,视觉体验非常舒服。接下来我体验了《孤岛惊魂5》这款游戏,同样开启最高画质。《孤岛惊魂5》最高画质自带帧数曲线绘制《孤岛惊魂5》游戏内自带帧数曲线绘制功能,通过测试可以看到最高帧数128fps,最低72fps,平均99fps,流畅运行无压力。平均帧数99fps最后体验的是《古墓丽影:暗影》。原本《古墓丽影:暗影》也是会加入光线追踪功能支持的,不过目前还没有更新,所以无法体验到这款游戏的光线追踪效果。我将画质还是开到了最高,并且开启了8倍抗锯齿。最高画质进行测试《古墓丽影:暗影》目前还未更新光线追踪支持《古墓丽影:暗影》游戏内同样自带帧数曲线绘制功能,平均画面帧数53fps。可见这款游戏最高画质下对硬件的要求也是非常高的,即便RTX 2080移动级独显也会感到些许压力。不过从另一方面来说,这款游戏在画面优化上可能并没有前面两款好。平均帧数53fps购买与结语最后谈谈购买。微星GE75 Raider系列目前共有五款产品在售,全系采用英特尔酷睿i7 8750H高性能处理器,内存16GB与32GB两种规格,可见其整体定位要更高一些。系列起步价14299元,体验的这款顶配版售价24599元。比较适合预算充足的游戏发烧友购买。另外其实单纯想要体验RTX 20系显卡性能又没有那么多预算的话。可以选择微星旗下的GE63系列,RTX 2080独显版本的价格更低一些。32GB内存、RTX 2080独显机型京东售价24599元说回到这次体验的GE75 Raider本身,可以看出微星在这款产品上确实是下了不少的功夫。无论是灯光的布局,硬件的选配,以及外观设计、做工方面的打磨,都与其最终偏高的定位很好的契合。可以说是首批RTX 20系独显游戏本中非常值得考虑的一款产品。






The raider stays on the air . 《突击队员》还要继续联播。 The raiders disguised themselves as security guards 袭击者都装扮成了保安人员。 Battlefront : u - boat war merce raiders 第二次世界大战:大西洋潜艇战长驱直进 I have a visual confirmation on raider base 我们已经从视觉上确认了海盗基地。 Who refer to themselves as quantrill " s raiders 那些自称为关崔尔的入侵者的人 Who refer to themselves as quantrill " s raiders 那些自称为关崔尔的入侵者的人 You " re being strangled by the psychotic raider fans 你被那些有精神病的袭击者扼死了 You " re being strangled by the psychotic raider fans 你被那些有精神病的袭击者扼死了 I only took the book to protect it from the raiders 我拿那本书只是防止被袭击者抢走 Batman building an ice castle raiders introduction 蝙蝠侠冰城攻略游戏攻略 - are you a tomb raider ? - you have to seize the day -你想当古墓丽影? -你要抓住每一天 Are you a tomb raider ? - you have to seize the day 你想当古墓丽影? -你要抓住每一天 After all tomb raider isn " t a shoot " em up 毕竟《古墓丽影》不是一个充满枪战暴力的游戏。 The original sound track of seoul raiders 韩城攻略电影原声大碟avcd Even the blessed prophet was a raider in his time 甚至受祝福的先知在他的时代也是个袭击者 The raider can only do this for his or her own mount 该能力只能对掠袭者自己的坐骑起作用。 Tomb raider made its way to the drawing board in 1993 1993年, “古墓丽影”进入了筹划阶段。 Browse more free tomb raider pictures from our gallery 从我们的图库浏览更多免费古墓丽影图片 Half the world " s raiders are already here , 全世界的探险家几乎都到了 Raiders now have pght armor instead of heavy armor 狼骑现在具有轻型护甲而不是原来的重型。 Tomb raider games - 4455 minicpp games 古墓丽影小游戏- 4399小游戏 Tomb raider was one of the best selpng games ever 《古墓丽影》是迄今为止销量最好的游戏之一。 Batman building an ice castle raiders games 蝙蝠侠冰城攻略小游戏 Purchase tomb raider s merchandises at amazon . 返回到电影海报 The pursuing troops failed to find a trace of the raiders 追赶的军队连袭击者的影子都找不著了。 Batman building an ice castle raiders games - 4455 minicpp games 蝙蝠侠冰城攻略小游戏- 4399小游戏 We know you are corporate raiders 我们知道你是合伙的入侵者。 The raider also gains a + 1 defence bonus while mounted 当骑于马背,掠袭者还可以得到1点防御加值。 Call yourself a great bedou raider for kilpng a camel boy 自称为贝都大盗,只因为你杀死一名驼童 Introduction : special adventure game raiders 特别探险游戏攻略 Players gacjy the raiders 1 . department wake up in the pool 玩家gacjy提供的攻略1 .在游泳池处醒来。 What represented tomb raider first name in all that 古墓丽影初代在日后整个系列中处于怎样一个地位呢? Cinespot : three - seoul raiders Cinespot动映地带:韩城攻略 Ferocious fighter : the raider gains a + 2 bonus to initiative 凶猛斗士:掠袭者的先攻骰可以得到+ 2加值。 The desert raider is an israep - designed fast attack vehicle 沙漠袭击者是一种以色列设计的快速攻击车。 Seoul raiders original sound track 韩城攻略电影原声大碟 Raiders game : it is hard to di *** al 游戏攻略:很难玩啊。 Gad , raiders will raid him , but he will raid at their heel 19迦得必被追击者追击,他却要追击他们的脚跟。 Additionally , the raider gains a + 2 bonus to any ride checks 同时,掠袭者在任何骑乘检定中都得到+ 2加值。 Browse tomb raider pictures gallery 浏览古墓丽影图片库 Raiders do have a very good defense , but i would still go with k . c 攻略做有一个很好的防御,但我想跟著k . c Tomb raider 2 : the cradle of pfe 古墓丽影2 :生命之源 Tomb raider : the cradle of pfe 盗墓者罗拉:生命之匙 Black hands , flame tanks , venoms and raider buggies also work well 用黑手、火焰坦克、毒液和四驱车也可以。 Browse tomb raider photos gallery 浏览古墓丽影照片库 Find tomb raider s news at google . 返回到电影海报 Batman building an ice castle raiders 蝙蝠侠冰城攻略 To protect this county from yankee raiders and traitors to the cause , 保护本郡不受北佬突击队侵犯和叛徒的玷污 To protect this county from yankee raiders and traitors to the cause , 保护本郡不受北佬突击队侵犯和叛徒的玷污 Special adventure game raiders 特别探险游戏攻略


raider,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“袭击者,抢劫者;蓄意收购公司者”短语搭配Raider Buggy 突袭者侦察车 ; 轻型突击战车 ; 突击车Blocky Raider 方块侠影 ; 破解版Star Raider 星际入侵者Sky Raider 天空入侵者Rescue Raider 拯救入侵者SAND RAIDER 沙漠袭击者 ; 戈壁袭击者Rooftop Raider 屋顶入侵者Crater Raider 太空救难艇Treasure Raider 萧十一郎

outside the key

选C 这里不在于是否同类,而是根据意思去选. 后半句主语是attitude,后面play用单数,排除BD except for 是补充说明,for后面的内容是实际包含在主句中,属于包含关系; apart from是并列说明,from后面的内容与主句中所阐述的内容,通常是并列关系; 句中外部援助 和 灾民乐观的态度,是并列的两个成分,所以选C

1.现在新闻为什么都把主席叫“president”? 2.内蒙古干嘛叫“Inner Mongolia”?

首相 总理英文为prime minister为了和 蒙古 区分开,个人观点,

A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车) on a very dark night in the middle of a terr

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了在一个暴风雨的午夜,一个男人在路边搭便车,当他上了一辆车后发现没有司机,汽车在自己行使,而在转弯处的时候,却突然又冒出来一只手,他非常害怕,就跳下了车,后来才知道,这辆车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。小题1:细节题。根据文章The man looked at the road and saw a curve(拐弯处) coming his way. Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.可知,当汽车第一次靠近转弯处的时候,这个男人非常的恐惧。故选B小题2:细节题。根据文章when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!可知,这个男人合理的行为使人们相信他的经历。故选A小题3:细节题。根据文章one said to the other,“Hey, there"s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”可知,这个男人跳上的这个车坏掉了,司机在后面推车。故选C点评:记叙文是高考必考题型,此类题型比较好解答,在答题过程中注意结合题目在文章中找到答案的位置,注意理解作者所叙述事情的起因,经过,结果。 同时,如果第一遍不能理解,结合题目来进行理解全文,也不失为一个好的方法。

the voice inside my heart中文歌词

THE VOICE INSIDE MY HEART 内心的声音BY: PATTI LABELLEWalking underneath the moonless sky 走在阴霾的夜空下I"m alone tonight 今晚我是如此的孤寂Every stranger that I pass 每个经过身边的陌生人 Is stranger than the last 比之前的更陌生了And leave them all behind 把所有的都抛下了Nothing they say 她们说的任何事情Can turn me away 都不能让我回头I keep going 我继续向前Cause I know you are 因为我知道The voice inside my heart 这是我内心的声音I always hear 我总是听到Remingding me 提醒我What matters in this life 生命中什么最重要Like an angel 像天使一样I can see your face 我能看见你的脸Right before my eyes 就在我眼前Yes, I can almost 是的Read your thoughts 我几乎能够知道你的想法And that"s what keeps me 就是这让我Breathing and believing 活着和相信You"re all right 你是对的I don"t know when 我并不知道I"ll see you again 什么时候我会再见你But you"re with me 但是你和我在一起You"ll forever be 你会永远和我在一起The voice inside my heart 我总是听见I always hear 内心的声音Reminding me 提醒我What matters in this life 生命中什么最重要Whenever we"re apart 无论何时我们分开I think of you, yeah 我都会想你And listen to 听The voice inside my heart 我内心的声音Say it here 说吧Whisper in my ear 在我耳边私语You and I 你和我Will always be here 会永远在一起TogetherForeverOh, you"re the voice inside my heart 你就是我内心的声音My guiding light 我的指路灯What matters in this life 生命中还有什么是重要的呢Whenever we"re apart 无论何时我们分开I think of you 我会想你And listen to 听吧The voice inside my heart 我内心的声音No matter where you are 无论你在哪里I am with you 我都和你在一起You"ll alway hear 你总可以听见The voice inside my heart 我内心的声音Whisper in my ear 在我耳边低语The voice inside my heart 我内心的声音


countryside和country都有“乡村”和“国家”的意思,但是它们在某些方面有所不同。countryside通常指的是乡村地区,包括农村、农田、森林和农村地区的自然风光。 countryside也是一个更广泛的概念,可以指代农村地区,也可以指代与农村地区相关的经济、文化和社会事务。在许多情况下, countryside这个词还可以指代那些受到贫困、污染和落后状况影响的地区。country则更侧重于“国家”或“国家领土”的概念。 country通常指的是一个国家的乡村地区或农村地区,也可以指一个国家内部的其他地区。在这个意义上, countryside通常与城市和其他地区相对应。 country还可以指代一个国家所拥有的自然风光、文化、历史和传统等。countryside和country之间的区别主要在于所涵盖的范围和重点。 countryside更多指代农村地区,而country则更侧重于国家或地区的总体概念。



台湾Proad Identity设计公司

台湾著名设计师蔡慧贞女士于1987年成立了PROAD IDENTITY(台湾知本形象设计),是服务於品牌策划,产品设计与空间设计为一体的综合性设计公司。擅长将东方美学意象融入创新的知本公司,在短短四年内斩获如IF, RED-DOT, PENTAWARDS, JPDA等众多国际设计大奖。此外蔡女士连续三年应邀担任多个设计大奖的国际评审,并於2011年代表台湾设计界接受马英九先生颁赠的「台湾之光」荣誉奖项。  PROAD IDENTITY将再次携横跨高档茶叶,精致食品及品牌策划等众多领域的精湛作品,参加第五届LUXEPACK SHANGHAI(上海国际奢侈品包装展)。作为首次举办的绿色革命包装大奖的参赛者,跟业界分享其独特的设计理念。更多精彩详情请关注2012年3月28-29日第五届上海国际奢侈品包装展!

on the other side 和on the other hand分别是什么意思


求EMINEM的一首歌,,,歌词中有,,too late for the other side ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25 to life......

EMINEM - 25 TO LIFE完整歌词:"25 To Life"[Intro]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeYeahToo lateI can"t keep chasing emI"m taking my life backCaught in a chase25 to life[Verse 1]I don"t think she understands the sacrifices that I madeMaybe if this bitch had acted right I would"ve stayedBut I"ve already wasted over half of my life I would"ve laidDown and died for you I no longer cry for youNo more pain bitch youTook me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planetInto the dirt I can no longer stand itNow my respect I demand itImma take control of this relationshipCommand it, and imma be the boss of you now goddamnitAnd what I mean is that I will no longer let you control meSo you better hear me out this much you owe meI gave up my life for you, totally devoted to you while I"ve stayedFaithful all the way this is how I fucking get repaidLook at how I dress fucking baggy sweats, go to work a messAlways in a rush to get back to you I ain"t heard you yetNot even once say you appreciate me I deserve respectIve done my best to give you nothing less than perfectnessAnd I know that if I end this I"ll no longer have nothing leftBut you keep treating me like a staircase it"s time to fucking stepAnd I wont be coming back so don"t hold your fucking breathYou know what you"ve done no need to go in depthI told you, you"d be sorry if I fucking leftId laugh while you weptHows it feel now, yeah, funny ain"t it, you neglected meDid me a favor although my spirit free you"ve setBut a special place for you in my heart I have keptIt"s unfortunate but it"s,[Chorus]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to life[Verse 2]I feel like when I bend over backwards for you all you do is laughCause that ain"t good enough you expect me to fold myself in halfTil I snapDon"t think I"m loyalAll I do is rapHow can I moonlight on the sideI have no life outside of thatDon"t I give you enough of my timeYou don"t think so do youJealous when I spend time with the girlsWhy I"m married to you still man I don"t knowBut tonight I"m serving you with papersI"m divorcing youGo marry someone else and make em famousAnd take away their freedom like you did to meTreat em like you don"t need them and they ain"t worthy of youFeed em the same shit you made me eatI"m moving on forget you oh,Now I"m special? Oh, I didn"t feel special when i was with youAll I ever felt was thisHelplessnessImprisoned by a selfish bitchChew me up and spit me outI fell for this so many timesIt"s ridiculousAnd still I stick with thisI"m sick of this but in my sickness and addictionYou"re as addictive as they getEvil as they come vindictive as they make emMy friends keep asking why I can"t just walk away fromI"m addictedTo the pain, the stress, the dramaI"m drawn in so I guess imma messCursed and blessedBut this time immaAin"t changing my mindI"m climbing out this abyssYou screaming as I walk out that I"ll be missedBut when you spoke to people who meant the most to youYou left me off your listFuck you hip-hopI"m leaving you, my life sentence is served bitchAnd it"s just[Chorus]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo lateCaught in a chase25 to life 希望可以帮到你~

to get to the other side意思是什么?

to get to the other side 到另一边to get to the other side 到另一边to get to the other side 到另一边

Break On Through [To The Other Side] [Live At The Matrix] 歌词

歌曲名:Break On Through [To The Other Side] [Live At The Matrix]歌手:The Doors专辑:Live At The MatrixDay destroys the night...night divides the day...Tried to run, tried to hide...Break on through to the other side... (3x)Break on through to the other side... (3x)Break on through to the other side... (3x)Yeah...We chased our troubles there, dug our treasures there...Can you still recall the time we cried?Break on through to the other side... (2x)Break on through to the other side... (2x)Yeah...Dead cat, a dead ratDid you see where they were at?Dead cat, doll pathDid you see where they were at?Everybody loves my baby...everybody does my baby...She gets... (4x)She gets... (4x)She gets... (4x)She gets... (4x)Hot...ahh, yeah...Found an island in your in your eyes...Arms that train us, arms that lie...Break on through to the other side... (2x)Break on through to the other side... (2x)Break on...yeah...Wait to see...week to to day...hour to hour...Pain is great, deep and wide...Break on through to the other side... (2x)Break on through to the other side... (2x)Break on through... (4x)Break on through... (4x)Break on through... (4x)Break on through... (4x)Yeah... (9x)Yeah... (9x)Yeah... (9x)Yeah... (9x)Yeah... (9x)Yeah... (9x)

一首女声英文歌,一句歌词是follow the way on the other side

Moonlight Shadow是far away on the other side(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

the other side of 翻译


Travis的《Side》 歌词

歌曲名:Side歌手:Travis专辑:Invisible BandTravis - SideWell I believe there"s someone watching over youThey"re watching every single thing you sayAnd when you dieThey"ll set you down and take you throughYou"ll realise one dayThat the grass is always greener on the other sideThe neighbour"s got a new car that you wanna driveAnd when time is running out you wanna stay aliveWe all live under the same skyWe all will live, we all will dieThere is no wrong, there is no rightThe circle only has one sideWe all try hard to live our lives in harmonyFor fear of falling swiftly overboardBut life is both a major and minor keyJust open up the chordBut the grass is always greener on the other sideThe neighbour"s got a new car that you wanna driveAnd when time is running out you wanna stay aliveWe all live under the same skyWe all will live, we all will dieThere is no wrong, there is no rightThe circle only has one side

travis - side 歌词帮翻译下。。

好,我相信存在的,有人看你 他们看着每一事,你说 当你死的时候 他们将你订下来,并通过你们 你知道一天 即喜新厌旧,对其他方 *邻居得到一辆新车,你要驾驶 当时间紧迫,你要活命 我们都生活在同一天空下 我们都将生活,我们都将死 是没有错的,是没有权利 圈只有一方* 我们都努力活在我们的生活中的和谐 害怕高空迅速下海 但生命是一个主要和次要的关键 刚刚开放弦

the other side of me

这里有一些:《The Other Side Of Me》歌词:The other side, the other side, the other side of meby day, I play, the part in every wayAll simple,sweet,calm,and collectedPretend, to my friends, I"m a chameleonYou make a girl feel disconnectedFeel like a star, a superheroSometimes its hard to seperate(got too much on my plate)If you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody else, can"t you tell?I hold the key, (the key) to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to see (oh)The other side, the other side, the other side of meInside, I try, to make the pieces fit rightA jigsaw puzzle everywhere,cuz I flip(I flip), the script(the script), so many times I forgetWho"s on stage, who"s in the mirrorBack in the spotlight, the crowd is callingthe paparazzi and the fame(they can drive a girl insane!)If you could see, the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key, to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to seeThe other side, the other side, the other side of meDown inside I"m not that differentLike everyone I have a dreamDon"t wanna hide, just wanna fit insometimesthat is harder then it seemsIf you could see, the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key, to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf you could see, (come on!) the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key (the key), to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to see (yeah)The other side, the other side, the other side of meThe other side, the other side, I want you to see(oh)The other side, the other side of me

The Other Side Of The Sun 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of The Sun歌手:林一峰专辑:Travelogue 1作词:Janis Lan&Albert Hammond 作曲:Janis Lan&Albert Hammondby santacruzleaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the oceanbet you in the morning you won"t even know i"m gonetired of living here in middle of mixed emotionmight as well be living on the other side of the sunleaving with a feeling i don"t know how i"m dealing with loving youthough once i knew the special wayand what to do to make you stay forever & evereven as i"m leaving i"ll never stop believingyou are the one who can make me laughand can bring me back from beyond the other side of the sunsailing down the river i hope i can deliver the morningwishing on a star for the sun to come out and playain"t it funny when it"s over you really don"t remember the warningsmight as well be living out beyond the milky way forever & ever*by santacruz+


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:side翻译:n. 方面;侧面;旁边vi. 支持;赞助;偏袒adj. 旁的,侧的vt. 同意,支持知识补充:on the side 另外;作为兼职on the other side 另一方面other side 另一面,对方one side 一方side by side 并肩;一起;并排side effect 副作用by the side of 在...附近;和...在一起比较right side n. 正面on one side 在一旁;斜着left side 左侧at the side of 与…相比;在…旁边;在……的边上on the side of 拥护…;站在…一边;赞助both side 双方side with 支持;站在…的一边on side 符合规则的位置by my side 逆风天使,在我身边west side n. (美国纽约)曼哈顿西区side by side with adv. 与...并肩(与...并排;与...同时)dark side 阴暗面;暗边on the right side 在右边side wall[建] 鞋边墙;侧壁;侧墙;[建] 边墙SIDE MARK侧唛;边规;侧麦side gate侧浇口;侧向浇口;横浇口;大水口side stroke侧泳;侧击;侧击雷side view侧视图;侧面图;侧视;侧视视图side light侧光;舷灯;舷窗;边灯灯泡坏side leather半开皮;半张牛皮;蛇皮;半合皮side steal侧边偷牌;侧偷法;侧边side opening侧骨拉链开口;侧孔;偏襟;侧骨拉链启齿百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

给我翻译一下迈克学摇滚的 Shadow Side of Me的歌词,中文大意


at the other side of the castle在句中是什么成分,为什么要放在right后面?

应该表语吧,is 后面

on one hand , on the other hand与on the side,on the other side 的区别是什么?

on one hand 一方面 on the other hand另一方面on the side一边on the other side 另一边

on the other side of是什么意思



好,我相信存在的,有人看你他们看着每一事,你说当你死的时候他们将你订下来,并通过你们你知道一天即喜新厌旧,对其他方*邻居得到一辆新车,你要驾驶当时间紧迫,你要活命我们都生活在同一天空下我们都将生活,我们都将死是没有错的,是没有权利圈只有一方* 我们都努力活在我们的生活中的和谐害怕高空迅速下海但生命是一个主要和次要的关键刚刚开放弦*重复*就这样了啊,翻译不通了

at/on the other side有什么区别

楼主,您好 on the other side(另一方面) at the other side(在什么的另一边) 谢谢采纳!

求翻译“see you on the other side ”


the other side of the coin是什么意思


See You On The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:See You On The Other Side歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:The Essential Ozzy OsbourneVoices, a thousand, thousand voicesWhispering, the time has passed for choicesGolden days are passing over, yeahI cant seem to see you babyAlthough my eyes are open wideBut I know Ill see you once moreWhen I see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes, Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideLeaving, I hate to see you cryGrieving, I hate to say goodbyeDust and ash forever, yeahThough I know we must be partedAs sure as stars are in the skyIm gonna see when it comes to gloryAnd Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideNever thought Id feel like thisStrange to be alone, yeahBut well be togetherCarved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stoneHold me, hold me thight, Im fallingFar away. distant voices callingIm so cold. I need you darling, yeahI was down, but now Im flyingStraight across the great divideI know youre crying, but Ill stop you cryingWhen I see you, I see you on the other sideYes. Ill see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIll see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahI wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIm gonna see you. see you on the other side

by the other side of the road

on the other side:在路的另外一边,by 表示在路旁、路边

Hello from the other side.这是什么意思


The Other Side of the Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side of the Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

See You On The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:See You On The Other Side歌手:Ben Sidran专辑:The Doctor Is InVoices, a thousand, thousand voicesWhispering, the time has passed for choicesGolden days are passing over, yeahI cant seem to see you babyAlthough my eyes are open wideBut I know Ill see you once moreWhen I see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes, Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideLeaving, I hate to see you cryGrieving, I hate to say goodbyeDust and ash forever, yeahThough I know we must be partedAs sure as stars are in the skyIm gonna see when it comes to gloryAnd Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideNever thought Id feel like thisStrange to be alone, yeahBut well be togetherCarved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stoneHold me, hold me thight, Im fallingFar away. distant voices callingIm so cold. I need you darling, yeahI was down, but now Im flyingStraight across the great divideI know youre crying, but Ill stop you cryingWhen I see you, I see you on the other sideYes. Ill see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIll see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahI wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIm gonna see you. see you on the other side

问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


at the other side of和on the other side of

at the other side of在...另一边 在……的另一面,在(河)的对岸 | 在…另一边和on the other side of在…的另一边;在…的另一面 在……另一边 | 对岸 | 在……另一面 | 在…另一面in the other side of在另一边at the end of 在……最后,on the end of好像没这么个用法……by the end of的时态是一般是过去式,因为现在已经可以说出答案了,所以多是发生过的,不一定是完成时

The Other Side Of Me 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of Me歌手:Anita Sarawak专辑:Love SongsThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meBy day, I play the part in every wayOf simple, sweet, calm, and collectedPretend to my friendsI"m a chameleonCan make a girl feel disconnectedFeel like a star, a superheroSometimes it"s hard to separate(Got too much on my plate)If you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meInside I try to make the pieces fit rightA jigsaw puzzle everywhere"Cause I flip the scriptSo many times I forgetWho"s on stage, who"s in the mirrorBack in the spotlightThe crowd is callingThe paparazzi and the fame(It can drive a girl insane)If you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meDown inside I"m not that differentLike everyone I have a dreamDon"t wanna hide, just wanna fit inSometimes it"s harder than it seemsIf you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other side of me

in the other side,还是on the other side

on the other side of是最标准的用法in the other side of更强调在其内部

The Other Side Of The Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of The Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

on the other side of the forest

1.应该是to live,没有in live 的意思为-生存 而live in的意思为-住进 这句话的意思应该为 如果人类继续砍伐树木,他们(应该是动物吧.)就无处可活.是有些住在树里面,但是应该不是大部分. 有的时候用的是live in 要不是被动语态要不就是缺少介词.即使两题之间有很小的差别,答案也会不一样. 2.专业语法的名字什么的或者解释我都不太懂,我一般是靠感觉做题.我认为(我自己的方法)那个地方之所以是whether是因为whether后面接的是疑问句,就是因为有了个or not?这种情况应该用if:she is not sure if his father will com back.. ...有点担心 传送门不好使.贴上来算了 other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other,others,the others,another 等.它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如: Do you have any other question(s)? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里. 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如: He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人. the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词.如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树. Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多. He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸. 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如: Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动. Give me some others,please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了. 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如: Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍. 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词.如: I don"t like this one.Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个. I have three daughters.One is a nurse,another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿.一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人. -来自于 huangtingyu1- 最后鄙视下中国无聊的英语教育.专门学没用的,语法以后能用到多少,学语言不就是为了沟通么?整的学个语言为了考试,要是以后工作了没考试了,知识也就都废了.听力 口语才是王道.抒发下个人感情 敬请原谅

有首歌歌词是 far away on the other side 是什么歌

好像是moonlight shadowmoonlight shadowthe last that ever she saw himcarried away by a moonlight shadowhe passed on worried and warningcarried away by a moonlight shadowlost in a river last saturday nightfar away on the other sidehe was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn""t find how to push throughthe trees that whisper in the eveningcarried away by a moonlight shadowsing a song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadowall she saw was a silhouette of a gunfar away on the other sidehe was shot six times by a man on the runand she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven far awayi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayfour am in the morningcarried away by a moonlight shadowi watched your vision formingcarried away by a moonlight shadowstar was light in a silvery nightfar away on the other sidewill you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayi stayi praysee you in heaven one daycaught in the middle of a hundred and fivethe night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughfar away on the other side.the night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughshe couldn""t find how to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push through

at the other side of the other side of,on the other side of和in the other side of三者的区别不大,个人觉得没有必要去区分. 其中,on the other side of是最标准的用法; at the other side of是普通用法,没有特别的规定; in the other side of更强调在其内部. the end of可以指时间上“在...末尾/快结束时”,也可以指空间上“在...尽头/末端”. 而on the end of只指空间上的“在...的尽头/末端”. the end of的意思是“到...末为止”,一般是指时间. 含有此做时间状语的句子最好用完成时态,如过去完成时(到过去某个时间点结尾为止)/现在完成时(到现在为止)/将来完成时(到将来某个时刻结束为止). 不过,我也见过用一般时态的,如一般过去时等.此类语法叫少用,建议楼主还是用完成时态更好.

到底有没on one side,on the other side?


英语谚语:The grass is greener on the other side 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Practice what you preach 言必行。 Praise is not pudding 恭维不是布丁。 Praise makes good men better and bad men worse 赞扬使好人更好,坏人更坏。 Praise no man till he is dead 盖棺论定。 Preachers can talk but never teach Unless they practise what they preach 说教的人不身体力行,就只能空谈,不能起教育作用。 Prepare for a rain day 未雨绸缪。 Prevention is better than cure 预防胜于治疗。 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。 Pride apes humility 大巧若拙。 Pride goes before a fall (or destruction). 骄兵必败。 英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。

on the other side of是什么意思

on the other side of在另一边On the other side of the atlantic, america faces its most serious budget crisis for decades.在大西洋的另一边,美国正在面临几十年来最严重的预算危机。

on one side...on the other side什么意思


the other side歌词 susana拜托各位大神

<<the other side>>---susana 歌词RX--------谢谢采纳!! Rate This Your demons and your spirits Couldn"t talk them away Seeking traces of your yesterdays And the man you used to fray But I know you are still in there Waiting for a brand new day Again and again with the ones You hold so dear A bridge to take you over Deliver you from sin To the other side A moment changed it all Is all it takes to start anew To the other side To the other side To the other side


"the other side" 的一些同义词包括:the opposite sidethe far sidethe reverse sidethe back sidethe flip sidethe other end

The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side歌手:Brendan James专辑:The Day Is BraveThe Other SideBrendan JamesThe Day Is BraveI was a child onceThe fear of the world in my eyeFar from the safety of the other sideI colored by numbersLearned how to tie my own shoesLike all of the othersI just prayed I"d make it throughPrayed I would make it throughOh Motherlook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideI"ll always rememberThe kids and how mean they"d beenEleven years old and I could not fit inBut I made it through high schoolAnd college according to planWhere pressure was never greater to become a manWould I become a manOh MotherLook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideMother look how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townAnd Dad it hurt to watch you walking outHear the piano do the crying nowFor all the preachers and the teachers nowFor all the ones who never let me downI"m so satisfiedSo full of prideStanding here on the other sideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideOutro:Here on the other side I"m taking my timeThere"s nothing to fearThere"s nothing to worry about on the other sideI remember when I thought I"d never findThe other side

The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side歌手:Stereo Mc"S专辑:SupernaturalSirenia------The Other Sidefavor------------There"s a light and a darkened roadThere"s a night and a fading hopeThere was a dream that once was mineBut now it seems it has passed with timeSail away my little sisterSail away to the other sideSail away my little sisterSail away far into the nightWhere times seems much betterThan this void called lifeThere"s a voice inside my headThere was a hope,now long since deadIt"s all a wonder, will I abideI hear you calling from the other sideI hear you calling from the other sideSail away my little sisterSail away to the other sideSail away my little sisterSail away far into the nightWhere times seems much betterThan this void called life----chorus-------I hear you calling from the other sideSail away my little sisterSail away to the other sideSail away my little sisterSail away far into the nightWhere times seems much betterThan this void called life

The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side歌手:David Gray专辑:The Other Sidemm mm mm, mm mm mm mm mmYeah, come onLike the devil and the deep blue sea ( Take me to the other side)Forget about your foolish pride( Take me to the other side)Oh take me to the other side( Take me to the other side)My mama told me there"d be days like thisAnd man she wasn"t foolin"Cause I just can"t believe the way you kissYou opened up your mouth with bated breathYou said you"d never leave meYou love me, you hate me, I tried to take the lossYou"re cryin" me a river, but I got to get acrossLovin" you has got to be ( Take me to the other side)Like the devil and the deep blue sea( Take me to the other side)Forget about your foolish pride( Take me to the other side)A honey, take me to the other side( Take me to the other side)I"m lookin" for another kind of loveOh Lordy, how I need itThe kind that likes to leap without a shoveOh, honey, best believe itTo save a lot of time and foolish prideI"ll say what"s on my mind, girlYou loved me, you hate me, you cut me down to sizeYou blinded me with love and yeah it opened up my eyesLovin" you has got to be( Take me to the other side)Like the devil and the deep blue sea ( Take me to the other side)My conscience got to be my guide( Take me to the other side)Oh, honey, take me, take, take, take, take, take meTake me to the other sideI"m lookin" for another kind of loveOh Lordy, how I need itThe kind that likes to leap without a shoveHoney, you best believe itNow I ain"t one for sayin" long good-bye"sI hope all is forgivenYou love me, you hate me, I used to be your loverYou know you had it comin", girlSo take me to the other sideTake me to the other sideTake me to the other sideLovin" you has got to be ( Take me to the other side)Like the devil and the deep blue sea( Take me to the other side)You know my conscience got to be my guide ( Take me to the other side)Honey, take me to the other side( Take me to the other side)Lovin" you has got to be ( Take me to the other side)Like the devil and the deep blue sea( Take me to the other side)Forget about your foolish pride( Take me to the other side)Honey, take me, take me, take meTake me to the other sideTake me to the other side

The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side歌手:Evanescence专辑:Evanescence (Deluxe Edition)Evanescence - The Other SideMake me whole againOpen your eyesTaunted by the shadows of your lieCold and far awayLike you"re not even mineUndo everything and take me higherNever believing what they say "cause I"m...Counting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeI"m not giving inI want you backHolding together by shards of our pastStole my heart awayI can"t let you goBreak these chains and let me fly to you highabove or belowOver and over in my mindCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeI am so lost without my place inside your heartI won"t survive I need to know you hear meAwaken and release my loveCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeCounting the days to meet you on the other sideI will always be waitingUntil the day that I see you on the other sideCome and take me homeEnd

The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side歌手:Rachael Yamagata专辑:loose endsI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beEvery push of my feetIn the sandReminds meTogether is not where we standAnd every kiss to meet my handDefines meAnd opens a new doorAnd all the little liesWell they call and they waitAnd they comfortAnd save me from nothingI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beAnd I can feel alrightAbout whatever"s good for meBaby I wanna go backYou were supposed to come with meAll I ever wanted was to be with youYeah supposed come with meAnything ???And I would never doYou"re just a postcard outOr so they sayI"m holdingRecords for moreSent out in one dayAnd if there"s a roadI"m meant to takeI"m goingBack on the ones who sayAll the better timesWhen you were mineAnd the cats are fine but they miss youI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beAnd I can feel alrightAbout whatever"s good for meBaby I wanna go backYou were supposed to come with meAll I ever wanted was to be with youYeah supposed come with meAnything ???And I would never doI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beAnd I can feel alrightAbout whatever"s good for meI"m on the other sideOf where our lives used to beAnd I can feel alrightAbout what"s good for meYeahYeah butBaby I wanna go backOh baby I wanna go backYou were supposed to come with meAll I ever wantedWas to be with youYou"re supposed to come with meAnything ???And I would never doYou were supposed to come with meAll I ever wantedWas to be with youYou"re supposed to come with meAnything ???And I would never do

是another side还是the other side?


填语法(see) the cars on the other side.应该怎么填?

Without the large mirror at the street corner, it is impossible for the drivers to seethe cars on the other side.

See You On The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:See You On The Other Side歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:Essential Ozzy Osbourne 3.0Voices, a thousand, thousand voicesWhispering, the time has passed for choicesGolden days are passing over, yeahI cant seem to see you babyAlthough my eyes are open wideBut I know Ill see you once moreWhen I see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes, Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideLeaving, I hate to see you cryGrieving, I hate to say goodbyeDust and ash forever, yeahThough I know we must be partedAs sure as stars are in the skyIm gonna see when it comes to gloryAnd Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideNever thought Id feel like thisStrange to be alone, yeahBut well be togetherCarved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stoneHold me, hold me thight, Im fallingFar away. distant voices callingIm so cold. I need you darling, yeahI was down, but now Im flyingStraight across the great divideI know youre crying, but Ill stop you cryingWhen I see you, I see you on the other sideYes. Ill see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIll see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahI wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIm gonna see you. see you on the other side

on the other side of the road by the other side of the road. 区别在那里?


on the other side 属于过渡性词语吗?

on the other side意思是从另一方面来说。是过渡短语结构。举个例子,Money has a lot of benifit, it cab improve your life quality, on the other side, it can also keep you safe in society.

side 什么意思

side n.边; 侧面, 面; 旁边; 方面(身体的)侧边; 胁; 肋肉(纸、布等的)面, 半面山和河岸的斜坡(敌对的)一派, 一方; [英](比赛的)队家系, 血统[俚]摆架子, 傲慢[美俚]一段[份, 页]台词;【微】纵线(台球)侧击转球【船】舷侧the six sides of a cube 立方体的六面on this side of the river 在河的这边have a pain in the right side 右胁痛study all the sides of a question 研究问题的各个方面a cousin on my father"s side 父系的堂亲Which is the right side of the cloth? 哪一面是这块布的正面?Which side are you on? 你属于哪一派?Both sides are ready for the contest. 双方均准备好比赛。Everything has its two sides. 任何事物都有两个方面。He is Chinese on his mother"s side. 他的母亲是中国人。习惯用语at the side of 在...旁边; [口]与...相比be on both sides of the fence [美]两面讨好be on sb."s side of the fence [美]支持某人be on the long side of the market (=go long of the market) 做多头(把持商品或证券以待涨价时卖出)be on the other side of the fence [美]在反对的一边be on the safe side 为了稳妥起见, 以防万一be on the same side of the fence 站在同一立场上blind side 弱点, 缺点weak side 弱点, 缺点born on the wrong side of the blanket 私生的both sides of the medal 问题的两面; 事情的正反方面bright side 光明的一面; 令人高兴的一面brush sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理put sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理place sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理burst one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮hold one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮shake one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮split one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮burst one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮hold one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮shake one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮split one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮by sb."s side (=by the side of) 在...的旁边, 在...的附近; 和...比较change sides (改变立场)投到对方去clear side 【航海】露出水面部分come down on one side or the other of the fence 支持两方中的一方come down on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方descend on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方err on the right side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法err on the safe side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法Every man has his weak side. [谚]人人都有缺点。flip side 唱片的背面; [转]对等的人或物from all sides (=from every side) 从四面八方; 全面地; 到处from side to side 左右(摇等)get on the right side of sb. 得到某人喜爱, 骗取某人的欢心get on the wrong side of sb. 同某人搞坏关系; 冒犯某人get out of bed on the wrong side [俚]清早一起就发脾气, 急躁不愉快, 心绪不好give sb. the rough side of one"s tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人give sb. a lick with the rough side of one"s tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人go over the side [美俚]私自离开船只(或基地)have lots of sides 架子十足have too much side 太傲慢put on too much side 太傲慢keep on the right side of sb. (出于希望日后获得好处而)避免得罪某人; 争取某人好感keep on the right side of the law 行为合法, 不违反法律know which side one"s bread is buttered (on) 知道 自已利益所在; 善于为个人的利益打算laugh on the other side of one"s face 由得意变失意, 转喜为悲let the side down [口]使自己的人(如朋友、同事等)失望, 辱没自己的一方(如家庭, 集体等)like the side of a house [口](指女人)非常肥胖look on all sides 到处细看look on the bright side 对事物抱乐观态度look on the sunny side 对事物抱乐观态度look on the bright side of things 对事物抱乐观态度look on the sunny side of things 对事物抱乐观态度look on the dark side 对事物抱悲观态度look on the gloomy side 对事物抱悲观态度look on the dark side of things 对事物抱悲观态度look on the gloomy side of things 对事物抱悲观态度off side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位]on side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位]on all sides 四面八方, 到处on both sides 双方, 两边on one side 在一旁(边), 斜着on one side ... on the side 一方面...另一方面on sb."s side 在某人方面; 就某人来说 站在某人一边(支持某人)on the high side (价格)偏高[低]on the low side (价格)偏高[低]on the other side 在对面, 反对方面的 (原系美语)大西洋彼岸on the right side (=on the side of the angels) 站在正确的[正义的]方面on the right side of the account 【商】在贷方on the right side of the hedge 站在正确的立场on the right side of the post 干得对; 行动正确on the right side of the tracks [美]在富裕居民区; 属于富裕阶层on the right side of 未过...岁on the better side of 未过...岁on the bright side of 未过...岁on the safe side 谨慎, 稳健on the ... side 趋向于..., 稍微...一点on the side [口]顺便, 附带 秘密地; 背地里on the side of 站在...一边, 袒护...on the shady side of 已过...岁on the wrong side of 已过...岁on the small side 相当小on the windy side of 【航海】吃风的一面; 迎风的一面 [转]不为...所害, 在...影响之外on the wrong side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内on the shady side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内on this side [美]大西洋的这一边on this side (of) the grave 在世时, 生前over the side 上[下]船pass sb. by on the other side 对某人坐视不救, 不帮助(不表示同情)prompt side [英]舞台左侧(提词人所站的一边) [美]舞台右侧(提词人 所站的一边)put on side 摆架子 (台球)侧击使旋转silver side 牛腿肉最好的部分(上股肉)sing on the wrong side of one"s mouth [口]转喜为悲; 由得意而失意stand by sb."s side 站在某人一边, 伙同某人sunny side 朝阳的一面; [转]光明面; 乐观[有利]的一面sunny-side up [美]只煎一面的蛋take sb. to one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈)take sb. on one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈)take sb."s side 拥护[袒护]某人take sides 偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take a side 偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take sides with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take a side with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面)the distaff side 母系the spindle side 母系the other side of the shield 问题的另一面the reverse side of the medal 事情的反面There is much to be said on both sides. 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。the seamy side 布的反面, 衣服的里面 [转]事物的阴暗面, 丑恶的一面the spear side 父系the wrong side out 表里倒置, 里朝外, 翻面地this side of (指时间)在...以前 (指数量范围等)不越出turn the best side outward 尽力使人看 到最好的一面side by side (with) 并排[肩]; 互相支持地; 连接着weak side 弱点weak point 弱点wrong side of the fence 争论中错误的一方, 失败的一方wrong side of the tracks [美]城市中贫民区, 贫民阶层side door trade [美]临时买票入场的观众side issue 附带问题; 次要问题side with 与(某人)站在同一边, 和(某人)抱同样的见解


英汉解释编辑side n.边, 旁边, 面, 侧面, 胁, 一方, (一个)方面, 摆架子adj.旁边的, 侧面的, 副的, 枝节的vi.站在同一边英英解释编辑名词side1. a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location2. one of two or more contesting groups3. either the left or right half of a body4. an extended outer surface of an object5. a surface forming part of the outside of an object同义词:face6. a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure7. an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect)8. a family line of descent9. a lengthwise dressed half of an animal"s carcass used for food同义词:side of meat10. an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute同义词:position11. an elevated geological formation同义词:slope, incline12. (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist同义词:English动词side1. take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for同义词:pull, root2. take the side of; be on the side of同义词:go with形容词side:1. located on a side习惯用语编辑at the side of 在...旁边; [口]与...相比 be on both sides of the fence [美]两面讨好 be on sb."s side of the fence [美]支持某人 be on the long side of the market (=go long of the market) 做多头(把持商品或证券以待涨价时卖出) be on the other side of the fence [美]在反对的一边 be on the safe side 为了稳妥起见, 以防万一 be on the same side of the fence 站在同一立场上 blind side 弱点, 缺点 weak side 弱点, 缺点 born on the wrong side of the blanket 私生的 both sides of the medal 问题的两面; 事情的正反方面 bright side 光明的一面; 令人高兴的一面 brush sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 put sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 place sth. to one side 把...撇在一边, 置之不理 burst one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 hold one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 shake one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 split one"s sides 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 burst one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 hold one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 shake one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 split one"s sides with laughter 捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 by sb."s side (=by the side of) 在...的旁边, 在...的附近; 和...比较 change sides (改变立场)投到对方去 clear side 【航海】露出水面部分 come down on one side or the other of the fence 支持两方中的一方 come down on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 descend on the rightside of the fence 倒向[附和]胜利的一方 err on the right side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法 err on the safe side 宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法 Every man has his weak side. [谚]人人都有缺点。 flip side 唱片的背面; [转]对等的人或物 from all sides (=from every side) 从四面八方; 全面地; 到处 from side to side 左右(摇等) get on the right side of sb. 得到某人喜爱, 骗取某人的欢心 get on the wrong side of sb. 同某人搞坏关系; 冒犯某人 get out of bed on the wrong side [俚]清早一起就发脾气, 急躁不愉快, 心绪不好 give sb. the rough side of one"s tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人 give sb. a lick with the rough side of one"s tongue 对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人 go over the side [美俚]私自离开船只(或基地) have lots of sides 架子十足 have too much side 太傲慢 put on too much side 太傲慢 keep on the right side of sb. (出于希望日后获得好处而)避免得罪某人; 争取某人好感 keep on the right side of the law 行为合法, 不违反法律 know which side one"s bread is buttered (on) 知道 自已利益所在; 善于为个人的利益打算 laugh on the other side of one"s face 由得意变失意, 转喜为悲 let the side down [口]使自己的人(如朋友、同事等)失望, 辱没自己的一方(如家庭, 集体等) like the side of a house [口](指女人)非常肥胖 look on all sides 到处细看 look on the bright side 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the sunny side 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the bright side of things 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the sunny side of things 对事物抱乐观态度 look on the dark side 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the gloomy side 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the dark side of things 对事物抱悲观态度 look on the gloomy side of things 对事物抱悲观态度 off side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] on side (橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位] on all sides 四面八方, 到处 on both sides 双方, 两边 on one side 在一旁(边), 斜着 on one side ... on the side 一方面...另一方面 on sb."s side 在某人方面; 就某人来说 站在某人一边(支持某人) on the high side (价格)偏高[低] on the low side (价格)偏高[低] on the other side 在对面, 反对方面的 (原系美语)大西洋彼岸 on the right side (=on the side of the angels) 站在正确的[正义的]方面 on the right side of the account 【商】在贷方 on the right side of the hedge 站在正确的立场 on the right side of the post 干得对; 行动正确 on the right side of the tracks [美]在富裕居民区; 属于富裕阶层 on the right side of 未过...岁 on the better side of 未过...岁 on the bright side of 未过...岁 on the safe side 谨慎, 稳健 on the ... side 趋向于..., 稍微...一点 on the side [口]顺便, 附带 秘密地; 背地里 on the side of 站在...一边, 袒护... on the shady side of 已过...岁 on the wrong side of 已过...岁 on the small side 相当小 on the windy side of 【航海】吃风的一面; 迎风的一面 [转]不为...所害, 在...影响之外 on the wrong side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内 on the shady side of the door 被关在门外, 被拒绝入内 on this side [美]大西洋的这一边 on this side (of) the grave 在世时, 生前 over the side 上[下]船 pass sb. by on the other side 对某人坐视不救, 不帮助(不表示同情) prompt side [英]舞台左侧(提词人所站的一边) [美]舞台右侧(提词人 所站的一边) put on side 摆架子 (台球)侧击使旋转 silver side 牛腿肉最好的部分(上股肉) sing on the wrong side of one"s mouth [口]转喜为悲; 由得意而失意 stand by sb."s side 站在某人一边, 伙同某人 sunny side 朝阳的一面; [转]光明面; 乐观[有利]的一面 sunny-side up [美]只煎一面的蛋 take sb. to one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈) take sb. on one side (=take sb. aside) 把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈) take sb."s side 拥护[袒护]某人 take sides 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take a side 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take sides with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) take a side with 偏袒; 拥护(某方面) the distaff side 母系 the spindle side 母系 the other side of the shield 问题的另一面 the reverse side of the medal 事情的反面 There is much to be said on both sides. 公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。 the seamy side 布的反面, 衣服的里面 [转]事物的阴暗面, 丑恶的一面 the spear side 父系 the wrong side out 表里倒置, 里朝外, 翻面地 this side of (指时间)在...以前 (指数量范围等)不越出 turn the best side outward 尽力使人看 到最好的一面 side by side (with) 并排[肩]; 互相支持地; 连接着 weak side 弱点 weak point 弱点 wrong side of the fence 争论中错误的一方, 失败的一方 wrong side of the tracks [美]城市中贫民区, 贫民阶层 side door trade [美]临时买票入场的观众 side issue 附带问题; 次要问题 side with 与(某人)站在同一边, 和(某人)抱同样的见解。

问首歌,里面有句歌词是:far away on the other side

<moonlight shadow>这首歌好像一部电影一样 武士在树林中对决 公主在对岸观看 目睹她心爱的人战死... The last that ever she saw him 她最后一次看到他时候 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 He passed on worried and warning 他表现出忧虑和警告 Carried away by a moonlight shadow. 因为月夜光影而悸动 Lost in a river last saturday night 消失在上个星期六晚上 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight 他在一次激烈的对决中被抓走 And she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 The trees that whisper in the evening 夜晚树林低语 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Sing a song of sorrow and grieving 唱著哀伤苦恼之歌 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 All she saw was a silhouette of a gun 她只目睹那把枪的影子 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 He was shot six times by a man on the run 一个边跑边开枪的男人 射了他六枪 And she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 I stay 我站著不动 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 Four am in the morning 早上四点时 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 I watched your vision forming 我看到你模糊的身影在我面前显现 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Star was light in a silvery night 在银色的夜晚中 星星像灯光般 Far away on the other side 就在河远远的另一岸 Will you come to talk to me this night 今晚你会来和我说话吗? But she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法才能 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 I stay 我留在原地 I pray 祷告 I see you in heaven far away 能在天堂遇见你 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸 Caught in the middle of a hundred and five 他在一场战争中被抓走 The night was heavy but the air was alive 那晚气氛凝重 可是却又鲜明 But she couldn"t find how to push through 她想不到什麼方法解救他 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Carried away by a moonlight shadow 因为月夜光影而悸动 Far away on the other side. 就在河远远的另一岸

the other side of the picture is quite the opposite,句中quite可以修饰名词the opposite吗?

quite在这里是加强语气。类似与 You are quite a woman    It is rather a pity

See you on the other side.这句话真的代表另一边再见吗

不是的Well, I"ll see you on the other side. 好吧,我们另一个世界再会了。I hope I see you in heaven, far away on the other side. 我希望我看见您在天堂,很远在另一边。

Evidence的《Crash》 歌词

歌曲名:Crash歌手:Evidence专辑:Cats & DogsClaude Kelly - Crash (No Turning Back )it was a night like thisunder the stars, one kissand i totally know you are the oneand i have no reservations (no)that day is still on my mindi play it over in rewindbut i"ll never get why you never feltthe same way that i didi wish you could"ve crash into meno turning back, totally lost in the rushthe way that i was totally lost in youwhy couldn"t you crash into mewhy can"t you look passall the things holding you backthe way that i have been doing the same for youwhy can"t you crash in meone look is all that i needed to knowthat you are for meand i didn"t need no more conformationso why do you ask so many questionsdon"t understand what makes you keep holding backif you"d just let our world"s collide you"d feel so much betteri wish you could"ve crash into meno turning back, totally lost in the rushthe way that i was totally lost in youwhy couldn"t you crash into mewhy can"t you look passall the things holding you backthe way that i have been doing the same for youwhy can"t you crash in mewhy are you so afraid of letting goit"s like something"s got a holdbut instead of going down that roadwhy won"t you crash into meno turning back, totally lost in the rushthe way that i was totally into youwhy couldn"t you crash into mewhy can"t you look passall the things holding you backthe same way i have been doing the same for youwhy won"t you crash into mewhy won"t you crash into mewhy won"t you crash into mewhy won"t you crash (oh)why won"t you crash into me(fade out)

the other side of是什么意思

...的另一边。。。如:the other side of the board


at the other side of,on the other side of和in the other side of三者的区别不大,个人觉得没有必要去区分。其中,on the other side of是最标准的用法;at the other side of是普通用法,没有特别的规定;in the other side of更强调在其内部,比较少见。如果非要区分的话,主要是at、on和in的区别。on the other side of,在…的另一边;在…的另一面例句:They live on the other side of the street. 他们住在马路的另一边。at the other side of,在...另一边例句:One night, after coming out of a bar , he saw another bar at the other side of the road. 一天晚上,他从酒吧里出来,街对面另一家酒吧引起了他的注意。

on the other side

可以!作为独立成分做插入语,可以直接说on the other side.但是在此之前一定要先说明了一个方面,再由on the other side引出另一个方面.即on the other side不能放在所有陈述的最开始.

on the other side是什么意思


in the other side,还是on the other side问题补充:还是分情况

on the other side of是最标准的用法in the other side of更强调在其内部

on the other side 和on the other hand分别是什么意思


on one hand , on the other hand与on the side,on the other side 的区别是什么?


初中英语,求详细解释:both sides,other side,each side 的意思和用法

both sides=each side=either side两边应该加个the other side另一边(只有两边)

the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.why ther?

the opposite indicates “the other side”,using “the”here can make the sentence be balance ,and also it can make “opposite” emphasisable.,1,据我所知,“opposite”是个形容词,就像“quite”是副词一样,它能修饰形容词“opposite”不用定冠词“the” 但是从新概念英语第11课提取的文章里,原句是“the other side of the picture is quite the opposite(这幅图画的另一面却截然相反)” 谁能解释“the”在这里的用法? 电脑的中文输入法已被损坏所以不好...,1,opposite 名词 n. 1.对立面;对立物[C][the S][(+of)] My view is the very opposite of his. 我的看法正好于他相反。 Jack is considerate; his wife is just the opposite. 杰克能体贴人,而他妻子恰恰相反。 Black i...,1,the other side of the picture is quite the opposite.why there is (the )in front of "opposite"? As far as I know ,opposite is an adjective.And as "quite" is an adverb,it can modify the adjective"opposite" without the determiner "the" But in the article which it extracts from Lesson 11 of New Concept English,the original sentence is "the other side of the picture is quite the opposite." Can anyone explain the usage of this "the" here? the chinese input system on this puter is somehow damaged,so I"m sorry that I have to type english

one side the other side造句

A distributing frame carrying on one side ( vertical ) all outside lines and protective devices for those lines, and on the other side ( horizontal ) all connections of the outside lines toward the central office equipment. 一种配线框架,在垂直面上装有所有外部线路及这些线路的保护装置,在水平面上装有外部线路指向中心局设备的连接线。
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