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in the middle of 和at the centre of的区别

区别一表示立体事物的中心(如球心等),一般只用centre,而不能用middle.如:the centre of the ball 球心区别二centre 多指物体的正中心,而 middle 则指中间或中部,因而它表示的位置不如 centre 精确.比较:the centre...

in the middle是什么意思

in the middle 在......中间in the middle of the road 在大路中间

有首歌的歌词有这么一句 come back to the middle,,,[come+back+to+the+middle]&cat=0&gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,back+to+the+middle++%B2%BB%B2%E5%B5%E7&si=back+to+the+middle;;india.arie;;0;;18446744073709173697&lm=-1&mtid=1&d=1&size=4928307&attr=256,0&titlekey=3845168288,1204044724&mtype=2

android:scheme和 android:host 有什么用

引用开发文档里边的说明:Each <data> element can specify a URI and a data type (MIME media type). There are separate attributes — scheme, host, port, and path — for each part of the URI:scheme://host:port/pathFor example, in the following URI,content://com.example.project:200/folder/subfolder/etc~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助,谢谢。


中级的middle school中学





求一首女声英文歌,歌名是什么什么in the middle

the middleuff01uff01

Android URL Scheme唤醒之门

1、scheme的作用 Android的scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议。通过scheme 可以进行页面跳转,可以是app之间的跳转, 也可以是网页和app之间的跳转。 2、scheme的定义 协议://协议地址/端口/路径/参数 scheme://nade/startapp?data= "123456" 协议:scheme(可以自定义) 协议地址:(可以自定义) 端口:(可以自定义) 路径: 参数: 3、scheme的使用 1、app内使用: /** * scheme跳转 * @param s */ private void schemeJump(String s) { if (!checkScheme(s)) { showToast("页面不存在"); } Intent schemeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); schemeIntent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); startActivity(schemeIntent); } 2、网页内使用 // h5调用 <a href="scheme://nade/startapp?data=123456">app目标页面</a> 3、app解析处理 Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.getData() != null) { Uri uri = intent.getData(); //获取uri链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.toString()); //获取协议 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getScheme()); //获取协议链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getHost()); //获取端口 LogUtils.d("nade",String.valueOf(uri.getPort())); //获取路径 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getPath()); //获取参数 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getQueryParameter("data")); //获取参数集合 for (String data : uri.getQueryParameters("data")) { LogUtils.d("nade",data); } } /** * 检测scheme链接是否可用 * @param s * @return */ public boolean checkScheme(String s){ PackageManager manager = getPackageManager(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); List<ResolveInfo> uris = manager.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER); return uris != null && uris.size() > 0; }


MidJourner关键词旷野之息篇Hyrule - 海拉鲁Link - 林克Princess Zelda - 塞尔达公主Master Sword - 圣剑Sheikah Slate - 希卡石板Breath of the Wild - 旷野之息Divine Beasts - 圣兽Guardians - 守护者Korok - 科罗克Hylian Shield - 海拉鲁盾牌Paraglider - 降落伞Shrines - 圣殿Talus - 巨石妖Hinox - 巨型哥布林Lynel - 狮鹫兽Bokoblin - 哥布林Moblin - 精灵巨人Stal - 骷髅兵Great Plateau - 大高原Kakariko Village - 卡卡里哥村Hateno Village - 哈特诺村Gerudo Desert - 盖尔多沙漠Zora"s Domain - 祖拉领地Rito Village - 莉托村Goron City - 戈隆城Korok Forest - 科罗克森林Akkala - 阿卡拉Faron - 法伦Lanayru - 拉奈鲁Eldin - 埃尔丁Hateno Ancient Tech Lab - 哈特诺古代科技实验室Mount Lanayru - 拉奈鲁山Death Mountain - 死亡山Hyrule Castle - 海拉鲁城堡Calamity Ganon - 灾厄加农Champions - 王者Urbosa - 乌尔波萨Daruk - 达鲁克Mipha - 米法Revali - 瑞瓦利Great Fairy - 大妖精Ancient Armor - 古代盔甲Sheikah Tower - 希卡之塔Korok Seeds - 科罗克种子Cooking - 烹饪Climbing - 攀爬Shield Surfing - 盾牌冲浪Horseback Riding - 骑马Bow and Arrow - 弓箭Ancient Technology - 古代科技Divine Beast Vah Ruta - 圣兽瑞塔Divine Beast Vah Medoh - 圣兽美都Divine Beast Vah Rudania - 圣兽鲁达尼亚Divine Beast Vah Naboris - 圣兽纳波利斯Memories - 记忆Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - 海拉鲁战士:灾厄时代The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 塞尔达传说:天空之剑The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 塞尔达传说:黄昏公主The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 塞尔达传说:时之笛The Legend of Zelda: Majora"s Mask - 塞尔达传说:马乔拉面具

middle和center 做名词用时,有什么区别

Center中心,该词大体上接近于几何概念,即一个圆或一个球内的一点,这一点与周围的任何一点的距离相等,也可喻为政治商业中心.Middle表示的中间,是相对而言,笼统的中部包括了中心再加上中心周围部分,middle可用于空间、时间或某项活动中间. 比如in the center of the park一般翻译成“公园中心”,而in the middle of the park是“公园中部”,范围比center大. middle是指一段的中间 比如,He"s in the middle of line 他在队伍的中间 center是指一片的中间 比如,The bank is at the center of the town 银行在市中心 另外,center有重点的意思,这个含义Middle没有


Middle常常指“中间的”、“中级的”、“中央的”、“中央地带”等含义。具体来说,Middle可以表示以下几个概念:1.位置层面:指的是处于中间的、居中的位置或区域,例如middle school(初中)、Middle East(中东)等。2.时间层面:指的是处于某一时间段或历史时期的中间,例如middle age (中年)、midterm exam(期中考试)等。3.程度层面:指的是处于某一等级、级别或状态的中间,例如middle class(中产阶级)。4.概念层面:指的是中间、中介或连接的概念,例如middleman(中间商)、middle ground(妥协地带)等。总之,Middle是一个英语单词,可用于描述位置、时间、程度以及概念层面,并存在多种用途。




Scheme这个词语我们可以在Uri使用时见到,有 uri.getScheme() 方法。在android中scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,是一种非常好的实现机制,通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面;通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转那个页面,可以通过通知栏消息定制化跳转页面,可以通过H5页面跳转页面等。 我们来看看谷歌官方对其data描述:见 还有其filter的描述: 以上两个网址我在关掉代理的情况下上不了,讲的很清晰,我只能搬过来了。 翻译过来就是, <data> 是写在 <intent-filter> 中的,格式可以是数据的类型,或者是一个URI。其格式最终为 <scheme>://<host>:<port>[<path>|<pathPrefix>|<pathPattern>] 这些属性是可选的,但是也有一些是有依赖关系的,比如如果没有设置 scheme ,则其他的URI属性将被忽略,又或是如果 host 没有被设置,那么 port 属性不生效。 通过manifest,应用向系统注册一个URL scheme,该scheme 用于从浏览器或其他应用中启动本应用。通过指定的 URL 字段,可以让应用在被调起后直接打开某些特定页面,比如商品详情页、活动详情页等等。也可以执行某些指定动作,如完成支付等。也可以在应用内通过 html 页来直接调用显示 app 内的某个页面。 我们最常见的应用场景就是别人分享的一个购物优惠,点开后直接进去了京东的客户端或者是淘宝的客户端。 我们设置了上面的 <intent-filter /> 后,其实就可以通过下面的链接打开我们的activity了。 点击后,若手机安装了我们应用便会直接打开。 也可以原生调用: 通过 Intent ,我们能够拿到跳转的参数,便可以进行应用内的业务处理了。 通过scheme跳转是一个很好的方式,不过后来谷歌2015年的I/O大会上提出了一个新方案 Android M 的"App Links"实现详解 ,感兴趣的可以看看。 好了安卓系统自带的就这么简单的集成,不过这种的缺点是,一个Activity要写一个,如果入口多了,要写很多个,工程大了难以管理。下一章将讲解应用内的路由 Arouter



Android 利用scheme协议进行跳转

干货! 从其他APP跳转到自家APP,从APP中接入的三方公司的SDK跳转的自己写的页面,都可以用到这个方法! 第一步,在AndroidManifest.xml中,activity标签下:第二步,在需要发起跳转的地方:第三部,在需要打开的目标页面: 获取到需要的数据(10086) 可以通过获取到的10086,继续进行操作:

on the middle对吗

结构正确,不过,意思不太明确.有些小错误:most of the water 倒装句, facing...是状语 相当于: Two persons stand in the middle, facing a bottle with most of the water flowing on the floor 两个人站在中间,面对着一个大量的水在地上流的瓶子.

the middle前加什么介词





Android模块化页面跳转Scheme Github 通过注解实现Uri页面跳转 支持参数自动解析 使用场景: 1、应用内服务端下发uri进行页面跳转 2、通知栏点击,携带uri进行页面跳转 3、其他应用通过uri调起进行页面跳转 注:activity的注解格式:group/path group为各个模块的唯一字符串,不同模块不可重复 接入: 使用姿势: 根build.gradle module依赖: 使用姿势: 场景1:应用内服务端下发uri进行页面跳转 1、在需要支持uri跳转的Activity增加注解@SchemePath("{随意填,唯一字符串}") 2、跳转事件 注:参数支持 uri支持参数,如" scheme://ModuleA/Activity?data=1&time=20200714&hasData=true " Activity的参数增加@SchemeExtra注解,如 场景2:通知栏点击,携带uri进行页面跳转 1、应用首页Activity增加注解@SchemePath("{随意填}") 2、application调用初始化 3、启动页,通知栏点击入口 场景三:其他应用通过uri调起进行页面跳转 1、注册中转activity

The Middle 歌词

歌曲名:The Middle 歌手:Jimmy Eat World专辑:iTunes Festival London 2011 - EPHey, don"t write yourself off yetIt"s only in your head you feel left out or looked down onJust try your best, try everything you canAnd don"t you worry what they tell themselves when you"re awayIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightHey, you know they"re all the sameYou know you"re doing better on your own, so don"t buy inLive right nowYeah, just be yourselfIt doesn"t matter if it"s good enough for someone elseIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightHey, don"t write yourself off yetIt"s only in your head you feel left out or looked down onJust do your best, do everything you canAnd don"t you worry what the bitter hearts are gonna sayIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright, alrightIt just takes some timeLittle girl, you"re in the middle of the rideEverything, everything will be just fineEverything, everything will be alright



in the middle是什么意思

In the middle是在中间的意思。

Android页面跳转协议_URL Scheme详解

android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,是一种非常好的实现机制,通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面;通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转那个页面,可以通过通知栏消息定制化跳转页面,可以通过H5页面跳转页面等。 客户端应用可以在服务端注册一个URL Scheme,该Scheme用于从浏览器或其他应用启动本应用。通过指定的URL字段,可以让应用在被调起后直接打开某些特定界面,比如商品详情页,活动详情页等。也可以执行某些特定的动作,如完成支付等。也可以在应用内通过html页来直接调用显示app内的某个界面。综上URL Schema使用场景大致分以下几种: 一个完整的Scheme的协议格式由 scheme、userInfo、host、port、path、query和fragment 组成。结构如下: scheme://是固定的格式。userInfo@ 可以省略,host 是必须的。port 、query 和 fragment 也是可以省略的。 其中scheme既可以是Android已经定义好的协议,也可使用我们自定义的。Android 常见的scheme 协议有:content 、file、http 等。如果我们自定义协议就可以随意使用一些字符串来限定协议。当然最好是有一定含义的字符串。如下面的协议: 首先配置需要跳转的Activity,Mainifest文件配置如下: SchemeActivity 在网页中调用: 运行结果如下: 其他运用方式都基于样例,源码地址: URL_SchemeDemo


(俗话说文章不配图,香味少一半) 该效果是A应用使用scheme方式调起B应用,并且在B应用中获取到A应用传来的信息。 第一种是通过Intent使用类的路径名进行跳转,第二种就是通过scheme方式跳转了。那scheme跳转可以使用在哪些场景下呢?可以有如下场景: scheme使用的Uri的拼接规则,形如 scheme://authority/path?param1&params2 , 这里scheme和authority是必须要有,其余可以没有,params为各个键值对参数。 具体例如: myscheme://domain/path?type=0&content=12345678 。 在被调起的目标Activity中的onCreate方法中,通过 获取整个Uri的内容,然后根据所需截取参数值。 好啦就到这了,最简单是使用教程

3道高考英语单选题 求详解 The new idea _ first in Japan has been_to other parts of the world.

1.选B ;brought about带来,发生,引起, brought out 出现(出版,初次参加社交活动),brought over 转入下页 , brought in:带来,引进首先排除A和C(一个独立句子只能有一个谓语),再根据题意该选B2.选C;It"s my pleasure.是事后的回答,With pleasure是事前的回答3.选A;被动语态,are being exposed to是指被动进行时,跟题意不符望采纳!

Android 跨应用间调用: URL Scheme

Android中的自定义的 URL Scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议,也可以被称为 URLRouter ,就是通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,而非直接通过显式Intent方式去进行跳转。这样隐式intent的方法跳转好处如下: 上文已经说过, URL Scheme 是就通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,其协议格式和我们打开网页输入的网址类似。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: 其中scheme既可以是Android中常见的协议,也可以是我们自定义的协议。Android中常见的协议包括content协议、http协议、file协议等,自定义协议可以使用自定义的字符串,当我们启动第三方的应用时候,多是使用自定义协议。 如下是一个自定义协议的URI: 通过上面的路径 Scheme、Host、port、path、query全部包含: URL Scheme 的使用方法简要言之就是先在manifest中配置能接受Scheme方式启动的activity;当需要调用时,将Scheme协议的URi以Data的形式加入到Intent中,隐式调用该activity。 1). 在AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签增加<intent-filter>设置Scheme 上面的设置中可以看到,MainActivity包含多个<intent-filter>设置,第一个是正常的启动,也就是在应用列表中启动;第二个是通过 URL Scheme 方式启动,其本身也是隐式Intent调用的一种,不同在于添加了<data>属性,定义了其接受 URL Scheme 协议格式为 urlschemel://auth_activity 这里需要说明下, URL Scheme 协议格式中,组成URI的这些属性在<data >标签中都是可选的 ,但存在如下的依赖关系: 当我们将intent对象中的Uri参数与intent-filter中的<data>标签指定的URI格式进行对比时,我们只对比intent-filter的<data>标签指定的部分,例如: 需要注意的是,intent-filter的<data>标签在指定path的值时,可以在里面使用通配符*,起到部分匹配的效果。 2). 使用URL启动Activity 当然可以在网页中调用 或者是在JS中调用 3.)如何判断URL Scheme是否有效 有时候需要把一些辅助性的、较为独立的APP在Home Launcher中隐藏起来,只允许一些特定的APP调用。这个时候,我们可以利用 URL Scheme 协议来做到这一点,设置AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签如下 因为Home Launcher列出的应用图标要求必须有Activity同时满足 上面的配置中有多余的category和data限制存在,所以并不匹配,不会在Home Launcher出现,但是可以使用 URL Scheme 来启动。 这样就可以将一组APP设置一个统一的入口,然后根据实际需要在调用不同子APP,即所谓的 APP业务组件化 , URL Scheme 在其中有着重要的作用,更进一步讨论会在以后的文章中呈现,敬请期待。 参考文献:


原文: android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议。 通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面; 通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转到APP内部页面。 之前项目都是我们客户端和服务器端用自定义json串的形式来告诉客户端如何跳转,这种方式要手动解析字段,有点麻烦。然而scheme协议自带字段解析,非常之方便,后面我们就放弃了json解析的方式。 Scheme协议在Android中使用场景 H5跳转到native页面 客户端获取push消息中后,点击消息跳转到APP内部页面 APP根据URL跳转到另外一个APP指定页面 利用scheme协议跳转的一个完整实例 在Mainefest配置文件中配置需要用scheme协议跳转的Activity 模拟从网络中获取scheme协议的url 获取scheme协议参数

台湾Proad Identity设计公司

台湾著名设计师蔡慧贞女士于1987年成立了PROAD IDENTITY(台湾知本形象设计),是服务於品牌策划,产品设计与空间设计为一体的综合性设计公司。擅长将东方美学意象融入创新的知本公司,在短短四年内斩获如IF, RED-DOT, PENTAWARDS, JPDA等众多国际设计大奖。此外蔡女士连续三年应邀担任多个设计大奖的国际评审,并於2011年代表台湾设计界接受马英九先生颁赠的「台湾之光」荣誉奖项。  PROAD IDENTITY将再次携横跨高档茶叶,精致食品及品牌策划等众多领域的精湛作品,参加第五届LUXEPACK SHANGHAI(上海国际奢侈品包装展)。作为首次举办的绿色革命包装大奖的参赛者,跟业界分享其独特的设计理念。更多精彩详情请关注2012年3月28-29日第五届上海国际奢侈品包装展!

the next friday用什么时态


next Friday 和 the next Friday 有啥区别

加了the就是特指了嘛 是具体的日期 没有加the 的一般用于叙述性的语言。就好比说 25号 和 就这个25号 的区别咯

Time ____,we will go to South Korea for holiday.uff08

【答案】:B该句为条件状语从句,if time permits=Time permitting。句意为:时间允许的话我们将去韩国度假。

在c++中 派生类 继承类怎么理解 以及 void show 什么意思


Intellij IDEA run coverage之覆盖率测试

如图所示在文件夹上点击Run Test 便可以在右边的框里看到Coverage 的结果,包括每个类的覆盖率。 idea更强大的地方可以看到哪一行是否覆盖,如图所示绿色部分表示已经覆盖的地方,红色部分表示单元测试还没有覆盖的行。 甚至,你还可以将单元测试报告导出成html



英语in her mid-thirties怎么翻译?


请问一首英文歌的歌名,歌词是she said when you were the only thing, you get when you can let go

这首歌的名字叫《You were my everything》。中文名:you were my everything作者 :Aviation演唱:Aviation风格:Rap歌词:英文歌词you were my everythingthis goes out to someone that wasonce the most important person in my lifei didn"t realize it at the timei can"t forgive myself for the way i treated you soi don"t really expect you to eitherit"s just... i don"t even knowjust"re the one that i wait, the one that i needthe one that i gotta have just to succeedwhen i first saw you, i knew it was reali"m sorry about the pain i made you feelthat wasn"t me; let me show you the wayi looked for the sun, but it"s raining todayi remember when i first looked into your eyesit was like god was there, heaven in the skiesi wore a disguise "cause i didn"t want to get hurtbut i didn"t know i made everything worseyou told me we were crazy in lovebut you didn"t care when push came to shoveif you loved me as much as you said you didthen you wouldn"t have hurt me like i ain"t shitnow you pushed me away like you never even knew mei loved you with my heart, really and trulyi guess you forgot about the times that we sharedwhen i would run my fingers through your hairlate nights, just holding you in my armsi don"t know how i could do you so wrongi really wanna show you i really need to hold youi really wanna know you like no one else could know youyou"re number one, always in my heartand now i can"t believe that our love is torn apartrefrain:i need you andi miss you andi want you andi love you "causei wanna hold you,i wanna kiss youyou were my everythingand i really miss you (x2)i knew you gonna sit and play this with your new manand then sit and laugh as you"re holding his handthe thought of that just shatters my heartit breaks in my soul and it tears me apartat times we was off i was scared to show younow i wanna hold you until i can"t hold youwithout you, everything seems strangeyour name is forever planted in my braindamn it, i"m insane,take away the paintake away the hurtbaby, we can make it workwhat about when youlooked into my eyestold me you loved meas you would hugged mei guess everything you said was a liei think about it, it brings tears to my eyesnow i"m not even a thought in your mindi can see clearly, my love is not blindrefraini just wish everything could have turned out differentlyi had a special feeling about youi thought maybe you did tooyou would understand, matter what, you"ll always be in my heartyou"ll always be my babyour first day, it seemed so magicali remember all the time that i had with youremember when you first came to my house?you looked like an angel wearing that blousewe hit it off, i knew it was realbut now i can"t take all the pain that i feelreach in your heart, i know i"m still therei don"t wanna hear that you no longer careremember the times? remember when we kissed?i didn"t think you would ever do me like thisi didn"t think you"d wanna see me depressedi thought you"d be there for me, this i confessyou said you were my best friend, was that a lie?now i"m nothing to you, you"re with another guyi tried, i tried, i tried, and i"m tryingnow on the inside it feels like i"m dyingrefrain[talking] and i do miss youi just thought we were meant to bei guess now, we"ll never knowthe only thing i want is for you to be happywhether it be with me, or without mei just want you to be happy中文歌词曾经她是我生命中最重要的一个人但当时我却没有意识到当时那样的对你,直到现在我无法原谅我自己我也没有期望过你能原谅我从来没有我只是…我只是…我真的不知道结果会那样…你…你能听我讲吗你是我想要的那个唯一,也是我需要的那个唯一是唯一我想要成功的唯一当我第一次看到你的时候,我知道你是我真正的唯一但我却让你陷入了痛苦的境地,对不起,真的对不起!那不是我!那不是真正的我!但是世事就是这样无奈,就像我想要太阳,天空却偏偏下起了雨一样的无奈。我还记得第一次凝望你眼眸时的情景,在里面我仿佛看到了上帝,仿佛看到了天堂我害怕受到伤害,所以我总是披着伪装来保护自己但我却不知道,这样的我让每件事变得更加糟糕你告诉我我们疯狂地相爱着但是在紧要关头你却总是那样不在乎如果你像你所说的那样爱我那你一定不会像对待一个傻瓜那样地伤害我我爱你,真真正正、完完全全、全身心的爱你、可如今你却一把将我推开,好像你从来就没有认识过我我想你一定忘记了我们曾经一起渡过的美好时光那些午夜我轻轻地将你挽入臂弯,用手指柔柔地触摸着你的头发那时我绝不知道,我将怎样错误地对待你我真的想抱着你我真的想知道你比其他所有人都要理解我你永远都在我心里占据着重要的地位我永远也不相信我们的爱就这样被割裂了。我需要你我思念你我想要你我爱着你我想抱着你我想吻着你我真的很想你,你就是我的所有我知道你将要和一个新的男人重复发生在你我之间的爱情游戏我知道你会坐在他的身边,笑着牵住他的双手每当想到这些,我的心就像被撕裂了一样这种想法甚至撕开了我的灵魂,将我整个分成了两半当我们外出的时候,我真的很害怕让你看到现在的我非常非常的想抱住你直到我无法再能抱着你,没有你,所有的一切看起来都仿佛陌生了起来你的名字永远地铭刻在了我的大脑里愚蠢!我真的很愚蠢。拿走痛苦拿走伤害亲爱的!我们一定能够重新开始告诉我好吗!你在想些什么,但你凝视着我的眼眸告诉我好吗你还爱着我告诉我好吗你想拥抱我也许你说的一切都只是谎言一个弥天大谎想到这,我的眼里就会含满泪水我清楚地看到在你的内心里现在的我已不再重要我清楚地看到你的爱已不再像从前一般盲目我只希望一切能够会变得不一样对你我有一种特别的感觉我想:也许你对我也会这样吧也许你会理解我的这种感觉吧然而…不管怎样,你永远都会留在我的心里你永远都会是我的宝贝还记得我们相遇的那一天,那真是梦幻般的一天我还清楚地记得和你在一起渡过的分分秒秒我还清楚地记得你第一次来我家里时的情景你穿着那件宽松的衬衣,看起来就像一个天使一样美丽我们适合相爱,我知道我们真的适合相爱。但是现在我却不能摆脱内心的痛苦。因为我知道你的内心里依然有我的位置,因为我真的不想听你说,你不再在乎我。还记得那些时刻吗!记得那些我们双唇相接的时刻吗?我真的不相信你竟会那样对我!我真的不相信你会忍心看我难过!我只相信你会在那里为我停留,我只相信!你曾说过你是我最好的朋友!那是个谎言吗?现在你和我行同陌路,现在你已经和另一个男孩相守相依。我曾经试着忘记你我曾经试着忘记你,我曾经试着忘记你,或者我一直在努力地试着忘记。然而,现在我却也正在慢慢地死去,我真的想你,现在我们也许永远不会知道我唯一希望的只是你能快乐不管有我在你身边,或者没有我唯一希望的只是你能快乐

why did you leave me歌词,Snoop Dogg唱的

You were my sun You were my earth But you didn"t know all the ways I loved you, no So you took a chance And made other plans But I bet you didn"t think that they would come crashing down, no You don"t have to say, what you did, I already know, I found out from him Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be And don"t it make you sad about it You told me you loved me Why did you leave me, all alone Now you tell me you need me When you call me, on the phone Girl I refuse, you must have me confused With some other guy Your bridges were burned, and now it"s your turn To cry, cry me a river Cry me a river-er Cry me a river Cry me a river-er, yea yea I know that they say That somethings are better left unsaid It wasn"t like you only talked to him and you know it (Don"t act like you don"t know it) All of these things people told me Keep messing with my head (Messing with my head) You should"ve picked honesty Then you may not have blown it (Yea..) You don"t have to say, what you did, (Don"t have to say, what you did) I already know, I found out from him (I already know, uh) Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be (No chance, you and me) And don"t it make you sad about it You told me you loved me Why did you leave me, all alone (All alone) Now you tell me you need me When you call me, on the phone (When you call me on the phone) Girl I refuse, you must have me confused With some other guy (I"m not like them baby) Your bridges were burned, and now it"s your turn (It"s your turn) To cry, cry me a river (Go on and just) Cry me a river-er (Go on and just) Cry me a river (Baby go on and just) Cry me a river-er, yea yea Oh (Oh) The damage is done So I guess I be leaving Oh (Oh) The damage is done So I guess I be leaving Oh (Oh) The damage is done So I guess I be leaving Oh (Oh) The damage is done So I guess I be... leaving You don"t have to say, what you did, (Don"t have to say, what you did) I already know, I found out from him (I already know, uh) Now there"s just no chance, for you and me, there"ll never be (No chance, you and me) And don"t it make you sad about it Cry me a river (Go on and just) Cry me a river-er (Baby go on and just) Cry me a river (You can go on and just) Cry me a river-er, yea yea Cry me a river (Baby go on and just) Cry me a river-er (Go on and just) Cry me a river (Cause I"ve already cried) Cry me a river-er, yea yea (Ain"t gonna cry no more, yea-yea) Cry me a river Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river, oh (Cry me, cry me) Cry me a river (Cry me, cry me)


外号:兄贵 ゆうやん 位置:Drum(Dr.) 经历:Clench Fists→SHULA→シド 生日:12月9日 星座:射手 身高:180 cm 体重:60 kg 血型:A型 出生地:千叶 香水:NAUTICA 弱点:不详 喜欢的颜色:不详 最喜欢的花:铃兰 最喜欢的动物: 食の烟:Seven Star,最近是Caster Mild 尊敬的人:ガッツ石松,椎名林檎 简介: - 座右铭是「努力」 - 很喜欢冬天 - 喜爱的运动是足球 - 没有耳洞的, 因为他很怕痛 - 喜欢可爱的女孩子 - 喜欢蒙面超人 (?) - 拍拖会想带那个女孩子去动物园 - 小时候得意的科目有算术和体育 - 小时候不得意的科目是社会, 理科和音乐 - 小时候想当老师和足球员 - 中学的时候跟朋友一起练吉他 - 歌喉(应该)不错! yuya的性格非常非常非常(省略1万次- -)的活泼以及外向,是sid之中的气氛活跃者,comment的时候基本只有他一个人在说话… yuya和mao之前都是shula的成员,所以到现在为止也是最好的朋友,并且是非常非常非常(省略1万次- -)的暧昧… yuya也写过sid中少量的曲子,一共4首,非常的少女系…通过曲风也可以看出yuya粗犷的外表下十分纤细的一面,其中[小さな幸せ]和之前的3首有着很大不同,曲风偏昭和年间哀愁阴暗的小调,sid特色十分强烈,绝对的推荐曲目之一。COOL轻音乐的6月精华版有SID,标题是雨之瞳缪~我是通过他认识的SID呢有一些可以在上面找到的,YUYA是个可爱的孩子~消极与积极并含~小时候喜欢下雨因为在雨里踢球很酷……比较喜欢潮湿安……



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on the other side 和on the other hand分别是什么意思


求EMINEM的一首歌,,,歌词中有,,too late for the other side ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25 to life......

EMINEM - 25 TO LIFE完整歌词:"25 To Life"[Intro]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeYeahToo lateI can"t keep chasing emI"m taking my life backCaught in a chase25 to life[Verse 1]I don"t think she understands the sacrifices that I madeMaybe if this bitch had acted right I would"ve stayedBut I"ve already wasted over half of my life I would"ve laidDown and died for you I no longer cry for youNo more pain bitch youTook me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planetInto the dirt I can no longer stand itNow my respect I demand itImma take control of this relationshipCommand it, and imma be the boss of you now goddamnitAnd what I mean is that I will no longer let you control meSo you better hear me out this much you owe meI gave up my life for you, totally devoted to you while I"ve stayedFaithful all the way this is how I fucking get repaidLook at how I dress fucking baggy sweats, go to work a messAlways in a rush to get back to you I ain"t heard you yetNot even once say you appreciate me I deserve respectIve done my best to give you nothing less than perfectnessAnd I know that if I end this I"ll no longer have nothing leftBut you keep treating me like a staircase it"s time to fucking stepAnd I wont be coming back so don"t hold your fucking breathYou know what you"ve done no need to go in depthI told you, you"d be sorry if I fucking leftId laugh while you weptHows it feel now, yeah, funny ain"t it, you neglected meDid me a favor although my spirit free you"ve setBut a special place for you in my heart I have keptIt"s unfortunate but it"s,[Chorus]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to life[Verse 2]I feel like when I bend over backwards for you all you do is laughCause that ain"t good enough you expect me to fold myself in halfTil I snapDon"t think I"m loyalAll I do is rapHow can I moonlight on the sideI have no life outside of thatDon"t I give you enough of my timeYou don"t think so do youJealous when I spend time with the girlsWhy I"m married to you still man I don"t knowBut tonight I"m serving you with papersI"m divorcing youGo marry someone else and make em famousAnd take away their freedom like you did to meTreat em like you don"t need them and they ain"t worthy of youFeed em the same shit you made me eatI"m moving on forget you oh,Now I"m special? Oh, I didn"t feel special when i was with youAll I ever felt was thisHelplessnessImprisoned by a selfish bitchChew me up and spit me outI fell for this so many timesIt"s ridiculousAnd still I stick with thisI"m sick of this but in my sickness and addictionYou"re as addictive as they getEvil as they come vindictive as they make emMy friends keep asking why I can"t just walk away fromI"m addictedTo the pain, the stress, the dramaI"m drawn in so I guess imma messCursed and blessedBut this time immaAin"t changing my mindI"m climbing out this abyssYou screaming as I walk out that I"ll be missedBut when you spoke to people who meant the most to youYou left me off your listFuck you hip-hopI"m leaving you, my life sentence is served bitchAnd it"s just[Chorus]Too late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo late for the other sideCaught in a chase25 to lifeToo lateCaught in a chase25 to life 希望可以帮到你~

to get to the other side意思是什么?

to get to the other side 到另一边to get to the other side 到另一边to get to the other side 到另一边

一首女声英文歌,一句歌词是follow the way on the other side

Moonlight Shadow是far away on the other side(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

the other side of 翻译


Travis的《Side》 歌词

歌曲名:Side歌手:Travis专辑:Invisible BandTravis - SideWell I believe there"s someone watching over youThey"re watching every single thing you sayAnd when you dieThey"ll set you down and take you throughYou"ll realise one dayThat the grass is always greener on the other sideThe neighbour"s got a new car that you wanna driveAnd when time is running out you wanna stay aliveWe all live under the same skyWe all will live, we all will dieThere is no wrong, there is no rightThe circle only has one sideWe all try hard to live our lives in harmonyFor fear of falling swiftly overboardBut life is both a major and minor keyJust open up the chordBut the grass is always greener on the other sideThe neighbour"s got a new car that you wanna driveAnd when time is running out you wanna stay aliveWe all live under the same skyWe all will live, we all will dieThere is no wrong, there is no rightThe circle only has one side

travis - side 歌词帮翻译下。。

好,我相信存在的,有人看你 他们看着每一事,你说 当你死的时候 他们将你订下来,并通过你们 你知道一天 即喜新厌旧,对其他方 *邻居得到一辆新车,你要驾驶 当时间紧迫,你要活命 我们都生活在同一天空下 我们都将生活,我们都将死 是没有错的,是没有权利 圈只有一方* 我们都努力活在我们的生活中的和谐 害怕高空迅速下海 但生命是一个主要和次要的关键 刚刚开放弦

the other side of me

这里有一些:《The Other Side Of Me》歌词:The other side, the other side, the other side of meby day, I play, the part in every wayAll simple,sweet,calm,and collectedPretend, to my friends, I"m a chameleonYou make a girl feel disconnectedFeel like a star, a superheroSometimes its hard to seperate(got too much on my plate)If you could seethe other side of meI"m just like anybody else, can"t you tell?I hold the key, (the key) to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to see (oh)The other side, the other side, the other side of meInside, I try, to make the pieces fit rightA jigsaw puzzle everywhere,cuz I flip(I flip), the script(the script), so many times I forgetWho"s on stage, who"s in the mirrorBack in the spotlight, the crowd is callingthe paparazzi and the fame(they can drive a girl insane!)If you could see, the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key, to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to seeThe other side, the other side, the other side of meDown inside I"m not that differentLike everyone I have a dreamDon"t wanna hide, just wanna fit insometimesthat is harder then it seemsIf you could see, the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key, to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf you could see, (come on!) the other side of meI"m just like anybody else can"t you tell?I hold the key (the key), to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to know if only I could showThe other side, the other side, I want you to see (yeah)The other side, the other side, the other side of meThe other side, the other side, I want you to see(oh)The other side, the other side of me

The Other Side Of The Sun 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of The Sun歌手:林一峰专辑:Travelogue 1作词:Janis Lan&Albert Hammond 作曲:Janis Lan&Albert Hammondby santacruzleaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the oceanbet you in the morning you won"t even know i"m gonetired of living here in middle of mixed emotionmight as well be living on the other side of the sunleaving with a feeling i don"t know how i"m dealing with loving youthough once i knew the special wayand what to do to make you stay forever & evereven as i"m leaving i"ll never stop believingyou are the one who can make me laughand can bring me back from beyond the other side of the sunsailing down the river i hope i can deliver the morningwishing on a star for the sun to come out and playain"t it funny when it"s over you really don"t remember the warningsmight as well be living out beyond the milky way forever & ever*by santacruz+


您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:side翻译:n. 方面;侧面;旁边vi. 支持;赞助;偏袒adj. 旁的,侧的vt. 同意,支持知识补充:on the side 另外;作为兼职on the other side 另一方面other side 另一面,对方one side 一方side by side 并肩;一起;并排side effect 副作用by the side of 在...附近;和...在一起比较right side n. 正面on one side 在一旁;斜着left side 左侧at the side of 与…相比;在…旁边;在……的边上on the side of 拥护…;站在…一边;赞助both side 双方side with 支持;站在…的一边on side 符合规则的位置by my side 逆风天使,在我身边west side n. (美国纽约)曼哈顿西区side by side with adv. 与...并肩(与...并排;与...同时)dark side 阴暗面;暗边on the right side 在右边side wall[建] 鞋边墙;侧壁;侧墙;[建] 边墙SIDE MARK侧唛;边规;侧麦side gate侧浇口;侧向浇口;横浇口;大水口side stroke侧泳;侧击;侧击雷side view侧视图;侧面图;侧视;侧视视图side light侧光;舷灯;舷窗;边灯灯泡坏side leather半开皮;半张牛皮;蛇皮;半合皮side steal侧边偷牌;侧偷法;侧边side opening侧骨拉链开口;侧孔;偏襟;侧骨拉链启齿百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

给我翻译一下迈克学摇滚的 Shadow Side of Me的歌词,中文大意


at the other side of the castle在句中是什么成分,为什么要放在right后面?

应该表语吧,is 后面

on one hand , on the other hand与on the side,on the other side 的区别是什么?

on one hand 一方面 on the other hand另一方面on the side一边on the other side 另一边

on the other side of是什么意思



好,我相信存在的,有人看你他们看着每一事,你说当你死的时候他们将你订下来,并通过你们你知道一天即喜新厌旧,对其他方*邻居得到一辆新车,你要驾驶当时间紧迫,你要活命我们都生活在同一天空下我们都将生活,我们都将死是没有错的,是没有权利圈只有一方* 我们都努力活在我们的生活中的和谐害怕高空迅速下海但生命是一个主要和次要的关键刚刚开放弦*重复*就这样了啊,翻译不通了

at/on the other side有什么区别

楼主,您好 on the other side(另一方面) at the other side(在什么的另一边) 谢谢采纳!

求翻译“see you on the other side ”


the other side of the coin是什么意思


See You On The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:See You On The Other Side歌手:Ozzy Osbourne专辑:The Essential Ozzy OsbourneVoices, a thousand, thousand voicesWhispering, the time has passed for choicesGolden days are passing over, yeahI cant seem to see you babyAlthough my eyes are open wideBut I know Ill see you once moreWhen I see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes, Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideLeaving, I hate to see you cryGrieving, I hate to say goodbyeDust and ash forever, yeahThough I know we must be partedAs sure as stars are in the skyIm gonna see when it comes to gloryAnd Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideNever thought Id feel like thisStrange to be alone, yeahBut well be togetherCarved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stoneHold me, hold me thight, Im fallingFar away. distant voices callingIm so cold. I need you darling, yeahI was down, but now Im flyingStraight across the great divideI know youre crying, but Ill stop you cryingWhen I see you, I see you on the other sideYes. Ill see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIll see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahI wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIm gonna see you. see you on the other side

by the other side of the road

on the other side:在路的另外一边,by 表示在路旁、路边

Hello from the other side.这是什么意思


The Other Side of the Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side of the Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

See You On The Other Side 歌词

歌曲名:See You On The Other Side歌手:Ben Sidran专辑:The Doctor Is InVoices, a thousand, thousand voicesWhispering, the time has passed for choicesGolden days are passing over, yeahI cant seem to see you babyAlthough my eyes are open wideBut I know Ill see you once moreWhen I see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes, Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideLeaving, I hate to see you cryGrieving, I hate to say goodbyeDust and ash forever, yeahThough I know we must be partedAs sure as stars are in the skyIm gonna see when it comes to gloryAnd Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideYes Ill see you, Ill see you on the other sideNever thought Id feel like thisStrange to be alone, yeahBut well be togetherCarved in stone, carved in stone, carved in stoneHold me, hold me thight, Im fallingFar away. distant voices callingIm so cold. I need you darling, yeahI was down, but now Im flyingStraight across the great divideI know youre crying, but Ill stop you cryingWhen I see you, I see you on the other sideYes. Ill see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIll see you. see you on the othe sideIm gonna see you. see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahI wanna see you, yeah, yeah, yeah, see you on the other sideGod knows Ill see you, see you on the other side, yeahIm gonna see you. see you on the other side

求泰勒斯威夫特(taylor swift)的the other side of the door歌词

In the heat of the fight; 我怒火中烧 选择离开 I walked away. Ignoring words that you were saying, Trying make me stay. 我听不进那些你想让我留下的话语 I said, This time I had enough. 我说 这次我受够了 And you"ve called a hundred times, But I"m not pickin" up. 你打了几百个电话给我 我却一个也不想接 Cause Im so mad I might tell you that it"s over. 因为我正在气头上 我可能会说我们之间结束吧 But if you look a little closer 但是要是你再仔细看 I said Leave, but all I really want is you To stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming Im in love with you. 我说离开 但是我想要的全部却是你站在我的窗前 投掷小鹅卵石 叫喊我还爱着你 Wait there in the pouring rain, Come back for more. 一次又一次次回来 在暴雨中等着我 And don"t you leave, cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door. 你真的想要离开吗 因为我所需要的一切就是你出现在我的门口 Me and my stupid pride Sittin"here, alone. 我孤单的带着我那愚蠢的自尊坐着 Going through the photographs, Staring at the phone. 看着一张张照片 盯着电话 I keep going back over The things we both said. 我脑海中不断重现我们之前说的话 And I remember the slamming door, And all the things that I misread. 我记得我生气的摔门 还有那些我误解的一切 So baby you know everything, Tell me why you couldn"t see That when I left I wanted you to Chase after me? 所以宝贝你知道这一切 告诉我为什么你却看不清 当我离开的那一刻 我其实想要你来追赶我 I said Leave, but all I really want is you To stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming Im in love with you. Wait there in the pouring rain, Come back for more. And don"t you leave, cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door. And I scream out the window, I can"t even look at you, I don"t need you, But I do, I do, I do. 当我向着窗外大喊我不需要你了 我甚至都不敢看你 但是我真的真的需要你 I say, there"s nothing you can say To make this right again I mean it, I mean it What I mean is 当我说你说什么也不能弥补的时候 我是认真的 我是认真的 我真正的意思是 I said, Leave, baby all I want is you To stand outside my window throwing pebbles screaming Im in love with you. Wait there in the pouring rain, Come back for more. And don"t you leave, cause I know all I need is on the other side of the door. 你真的要离开吗?因为我想要的一切就是你能出现在我的门前 With your face and your beautiful eyes, And the conversation, With the little white lies. 还有你的脸庞 你美丽的脸庞 还有你的话语 和那些善意的谎言 And the faded picture Of a beautiful night You carry me from your car up the stairs 我有那褪色的相片记录着那美丽的夜晚 你拥着我走上台阶 And I"m broke-down crying Was she worth this mess?, 我崩溃了 哭泣着 她真的值得我们这样做吗 After everything in that little black dress 在这所有的关于那小黑裙一切之后 After everything I must confess, I need you 在所有这一切之后 我必须承认 我需要你

问一个句子: The other side of the picture is quite the opposite.


at the other side of和on the other side of

at the other side of在...另一边 在……的另一面,在(河)的对岸 | 在…另一边和on the other side of在…的另一边;在…的另一面 在……另一边 | 对岸 | 在……另一面 | 在…另一面in the other side of在另一边at the end of 在……最后,on the end of好像没这么个用法……by the end of的时态是一般是过去式,因为现在已经可以说出答案了,所以多是发生过的,不一定是完成时

The Other Side Of Me 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of Me歌手:Anita Sarawak专辑:Love SongsThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meBy day, I play the part in every wayOf simple, sweet, calm, and collectedPretend to my friendsI"m a chameleonCan make a girl feel disconnectedFeel like a star, a superheroSometimes it"s hard to separate(Got too much on my plate)If you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meInside I try to make the pieces fit rightA jigsaw puzzle everywhere"Cause I flip the scriptSo many times I forgetWho"s on stage, who"s in the mirrorBack in the spotlightThe crowd is callingThe paparazzi and the fame(It can drive a girl insane)If you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meDown inside I"m not that differentLike everyone I have a dreamDon"t wanna hide, just wanna fit inSometimes it"s harder than it seemsIf you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf you could seeThe other side of meI"m just like anybody elseCan"t you tell?I hold the key to both realitiesThe girl that I want you to knowIf only I could showThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other sideThe other side of meThe other side, the other sideI want you to seeThe other side, the other side of me

in the other side,还是on the other side

on the other side of是最标准的用法in the other side of更强调在其内部

The Other Side Of The Door 歌词

歌曲名:The Other Side Of The Door歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:FearlessTaylor Swift - The Other Side Of The DoorIn the heat of the fight I walked awayIgnoring words that you were saying trying to make me stayI said this time I"ve had enoughAnd you"ve called a hundred times but I"m not picking upCause I"m so mad I might tell you that it"s overBut if you look a little closerI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorMe and my stupid pride are sitting here aloneGoing through the photographs, staring at the phoneI keep going back over things we both saidAnd I remember the slamming doorAnd all the things that I misreadSo baby, if you know everythingTell me why you couldn"t seeWhen I left I wanted you to chase after meI said leave but all I really want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorAnd I"ll scream out the windowI can"t even look at youI don"t need youBut I do, I do, I doI"ll say there"s nothing you can sayTo make this right againI mean it, I mean itWhat I mean isI said leave, but baby all I want is youTo stand outside my window throwing pebblesScreaming I"m in love with youWait there in the pouring rain coming back for moreAnd don"t you leave cause I knowAll I need is on the other side of the doorWith your face and the beautiful eyesAnd the conversation with the little white liesAnd the faded picture of a beautiful nightYou carried me from your car up the stairsAnd I broke down crying, was she worth this messAfter everything and that little black dressAfter everything I must confessI need you

on the other side of the forest

1.应该是to live,没有in live 的意思为-生存 而live in的意思为-住进 这句话的意思应该为 如果人类继续砍伐树木,他们(应该是动物吧.)就无处可活.是有些住在树里面,但是应该不是大部分. 有的时候用的是live in 要不是被动语态要不就是缺少介词.即使两题之间有很小的差别,答案也会不一样. 2.专业语法的名字什么的或者解释我都不太懂,我一般是靠感觉做题.我认为(我自己的方法)那个地方之所以是whether是因为whether后面接的是疑问句,就是因为有了个or not?这种情况应该用if:she is not sure if his father will com back.. ...有点担心 传送门不好使.贴上来算了 other及其变化形式在初中教材中多次出现,而且它的变化形式很多,有以下几种:the other,others,the others,another 等.它们的用法现归纳如下; 1.other可作形容词或代词,做形容词时,意思是“别的,其他”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”.如: Do you have any other question(s)? Ask some other people. 问问别人吧! Put it in your other hand. 把它放在你另一只手里. 2.the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如: He has two daughters.One is a nurse,the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人. the other后可加单数名词,也可加复数名词,此时的other作形容词.如: On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一边,有一棵大树. Mary is much taller than the other girls. 玛丽比其他的女孩高得多. He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸. 3.others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个”,“其余的”.在句中可作主语、宾语.如: Some of us like singing and dancing,others go in for sports. 我们一些人喜欢唱歌和跳舞,其余的从事体育活动. Give me some others,please. 请给我别的东西吧! There are no others. 没有别的了. 4.the others意思是“其他东西,其余的人”.特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”.是the other的复数形式.如: Two boys will go to the zoo,and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里. the others=the other +复数名词,这在第2条中已经有所介绍. 5.another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词.如: I don"t like this one.Please show me another. 我不喜欢这一个,请给我看看另一个. I have three daughters.One is a nurse,another is a teacher and another is a worker. 我有三个女儿.一个是护士,另一个是教师,还有一个是工人. -来自于 huangtingyu1- 最后鄙视下中国无聊的英语教育.专门学没用的,语法以后能用到多少,学语言不就是为了沟通么?整的学个语言为了考试,要是以后工作了没考试了,知识也就都废了.听力 口语才是王道.抒发下个人感情 敬请原谅

有首歌歌词是 far away on the other side 是什么歌

好像是moonlight shadowmoonlight shadowthe last that ever she saw himcarried away by a moonlight shadowhe passed on worried and warningcarried away by a moonlight shadowlost in a river last saturday nightfar away on the other sidehe was caught in the middle of a desperate fightand she couldn""t find how to push throughthe trees that whisper in the eveningcarried away by a moonlight shadowsing a song of sorrow and grievingcarried away by a moonlight shadowall she saw was a silhouette of a gunfar away on the other sidehe was shot six times by a man on the runand she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven far awayi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayfour am in the morningcarried away by a moonlight shadowi watched your vision formingcarried away by a moonlight shadowstar was light in a silvery nightfar away on the other sidewill you come to talk to me this nightbut she couldn""t find how to push throughi stayi praysee you in heaven one dayi stayi praysee you in heaven one daycaught in the middle of a hundred and fivethe night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughfar away on the other side.the night was heavy but the air was alivebut she couldn""t find how to push throughshe couldn""t find how to push throughhow to push throughhow to push throughhow to push through

at the other side of the other side of,on the other side of和in the other side of三者的区别不大,个人觉得没有必要去区分. 其中,on the other side of是最标准的用法; at the other side of是普通用法,没有特别的规定; in the other side of更强调在其内部. the end of可以指时间上“在...末尾/快结束时”,也可以指空间上“在...尽头/末端”. 而on the end of只指空间上的“在...的尽头/末端”. the end of的意思是“到...末为止”,一般是指时间. 含有此做时间状语的句子最好用完成时态,如过去完成时(到过去某个时间点结尾为止)/现在完成时(到现在为止)/将来完成时(到将来某个时刻结束为止). 不过,我也见过用一般时态的,如一般过去时等.此类语法叫少用,建议楼主还是用完成时态更好.

到底有没on one side,on the other side?


英语谚语:The grass is greener on the other side 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Practice what you preach 言必行。 Praise is not pudding 恭维不是布丁。 Praise makes good men better and bad men worse 赞扬使好人更好,坏人更坏。 Praise no man till he is dead 盖棺论定。 Preachers can talk but never teach Unless they practise what they preach 说教的人不身体力行,就只能空谈,不能起教育作用。 Prepare for a rain day 未雨绸缪。 Prevention is better than cure 预防胜于治疗。 Pride and grace dwelt never in one place 傲慢和温雅决不会共处在一起。 Pride apes humility 大巧若拙。 Pride goes before a fall (or destruction). 骄兵必败。 英语谚语: The grass is greener on the other side 中文意思: 草是另一边的绿。


阿迪达斯logo是被大家所熟知的,而其中,adidas的logo标志也不只一个,相信对阿迪达斯logo有了解或者喜欢阿迪达斯的人都会知道adidas的logo演变历史过程。  一直出现在公众面前的阿迪达斯logo包括了三个,一个是阿迪达斯三条纹,一个是阿迪达斯三叶草,还有一个是阿迪达斯三条杠。三种阿迪达斯logo也并非从品牌创造时期就一直存在。可以说,阿迪达 斯标志的不断演变的历史也是阿迪达斯这一世界知名体育用品有限公司不断前进的一种佐证。 三条纹的阿迪达斯logo标志是最早被启用的,在阿迪达斯品牌成立第二年,也就是1949年就开始应用到阿迪达斯旗下的各类商品中了。其代表了不断前进、不断超越的体育精神。  到了1972年,阿迪达斯用三叶草标志逐步代替早期的三条纹阿迪达斯logo标志,以极具象征性的更为美观的三叶草来寓意延展到全世界的体育力量,也同时寄予自身品牌走向世界的愿景。  在运用三叶草标志十来年之后,也就是二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初期,阿迪达斯为了与耐克公司竞争,也为了提升本身的运动时尚感,再次将其品牌最早的三条纹阿迪达斯logo重新改造应用到产品中,作为阿迪达斯最为大众所熟知(同时也是价格最为大众化的)运动表现系列(adidas performance)。 1996年,在经历了一次股权收购风波后,阿迪达斯重新启用三叶草阿迪达斯logo标志,并将其专门应用到旗下与运动表现系列相区别的为中高阶层运动爱好者以及鞋迷们所量身打造的阿迪达斯传统经典系列(adidas Original)。  至于adidas style阿迪达斯logo标志则没有很悠久的历史,Y-3的Y代表Yohji Yamamoto,而3则代表adidas三条线的阿迪达斯logo,是由世界顶级设计师山本耀司(Yohji Yamamoto)担任创意总监与adidas合作的全新品牌。  这就是阿迪达斯logo的一个历史演变过程,每一个品牌的logo标志都有它背后的故事,了解它也就相当于了解了一个品牌的来源,从过去到现在的历史。

on the other side of是什么意思

on the other side of在另一边On the other side of the atlantic, america faces its most serious budget crisis for decades.在大西洋的另一边,美国正在面临几十年来最严重的预算危机。


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