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首先你要明白,icy是adj. 意思是冰冷的,冰冻的,覆盖着冰的,冷冰冰的,冷峻的。是形容词,因此没有进行时没有过去时也没有将来时。只有动词才有!你说的ing形式应该是问有没有进行时!icy只有程度。比较冷的icier,最冷的iciest。

英文名用Ice 好听还是Icy? 从含义上看呢。


英文名用Ice 好听还是Icy? 从含义上看呢。







icy 形容词 ,冰冷的,冰冻的ice 作“冰”这种物质来讲,是不可数名词; 作“冰块”或“冰激凌”讲是可数名词。复数是ices。


icy是形容词,没有过去式。icy英-["aɪsɪ]美-["aɪsi]释义adj. 冰冷的;冷淡的;结满冰的





icy 什么意思啊?





adj. 寒冷的,冰冷的;结冰的;冷冰冰的,不友好的


  icy的中文意思   英 [asi] 美 [asi]   比较级:icier最高级:iciest   icy基本解释   形容词:结冰的;寒冷的,冰冷的;冷冰冰的,不友好的   例句   1、She gave me an icy look.   她冷冷地看了我一眼。   2、Icy roads are dangerous.   覆盖着冰的道路很危险。   3、There is an icy wind blowing.   外面正刮着凛冽的寒风。   4、My hands are icy.   我两手冰冷。   icy的单语例句   1、One idea is that an icy object from the outer solar system was lured in close and broken apart by Saturn"s impressive gravity.   2、A subtly lit spirits cellar at Atmosphere"s entrance provides a hint of icy cool and ethereal elegance.   3、To escape the chilling winds and icy streets, you might consider a visit to one of China"s many hotsprings.   4、Her icy features are brushed and combed into a mask of slick professionalism, and she plays it murderously chilly.   5、Starting on Saturday, a new wave of cold weather and icy rain is expected to hit Huaihua.   6、The Snow Cave is another piece of giant limestone adjoining Icy Hill.   7、In an admirable effort to bring sanity to the crowds, the icy lake is divided into various sections according to the chosen activity.   8、Animals at the zoo get icy gifts to cool off sweltering heat during summer.   9、The Oriental restaurant at Traders Hotel Beijing prepares soft and tender crab fished from the depths of icy seas.   icy的词典解释   1、冰冷的;极冷的"   If you describe something as icy or icy cold, you mean that it is extremely cold.   e.g、An icy wind blew hard across the open spaces...   刺骨的寒风于开阔处呼啸着。   e.g、His shoes and clothing were wet through and icy cold.   他的鞋和衣服都湿透了,冰冷冰冷的。   2、结冰的;冰冻的   An icy road has ice on it.   3、冷冰冰的;不友好的;冷漠的   If you describe a person or their behaviour as icy, you mean that they are not affectionate or friendly, and they show their dislike or anger in a quiet, controlled way.   e.g、His response was icy.   他反应冷淡。

icy是什么意思 icy的解释

1、icy是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意思是“冰冷的;结满冰的;冷淡的;(语气、态度)非常不友好的,带有敌意的”。 2、双语例句:That is an icy road.那是一条结了冰的路。I would like to bear the weight of the coats , if they can warm my icy heart .如果多穿几件棉衣就能保暖那颗冰冷的心,那我愿意承受棉衣的重量。


英文名字 发音嘛...类似于I see

icy怎么读 icy的意思

1、icy的读音:英[u02c8au026asi]美[u02c8au026asi] 2、释义:adj.冰冷的;结满冰的;冷淡的;(语气、态度)非常不友好的,带有敌意的 3、例句:I trudged along in the icy wind.我在凛冽的风中艰难地行走。 4、比较级icier 最高级iciest


In case you missed it.出于某种原因你错过了它

Alice is ( ) a bicycle 括号里面应该填A、playing B、running c、riding




honesty is the best policy是什么意思


honesty is the best policy是什么意思


急!!!求高手帮忙!以Honesty is the policy为题写一篇英语作文,字数150,高中水平就可以了!

One biggest issue China faces is the lost of trusty. We should make it clear, honesty is the policy. Everyone should respect each others" credibility. There are couple reasons why honesty makes the society better as a whole. First overall, in business circumstance, being honest just makes everything very easy. People don"t have to fake in front of each other and just make trading very efficient. Also, in school, if all students can be honest, there will be no cheating and everyone get credit for what they"ve done. It is more fair for everyone.主要讲,在失信在中国是一个很大的问题.很诚实的做人好处两点,一,在商场,诚实面对对方,这样交易就不会那么假,交易很有效率.第二点,在学校,很诚实让大家知道自己做事可以拿到应有的奖赏.这样大家都公平. 大概这样...有什么其他的可以追问继续问.

honesty is the best policy是什么意思




1.She thinks spicy sausage is delicious(对is delicious提问)

1. How does she think of spicy sausage.2.Does a refrierator keep food fresh.3. What did Jack give you4.my father is going to make pancakes.5. When does mather make fried eggs in the frying pan

ipsec policy 1 1 isakmp 中的两个1是什么意思


为什么在cisco packet tracer中 router(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10 没有这条命令啊


If you_ faults but you still want bicyle ,you can request shop assigent reduce money.A come acro...


at only twenty dollars,this bicycle is a bargain。at 是什么意思, bargain能做主语吗

bargain指讨价还价得来的特价商品,以……的价格讨来的,用介词at。bargain有三个词性:n. 交易;契约;特价商品vi. 讨价还价;成交vt. 讨价还价;拿…做交易这里很明显用它的名词形式,作的是表语。既然bargain可以是名词,当然它也可以作主语。

Jackson was a mailman. Five days a week he rode his bicycle from village to village

1u3001By bicycle.2u3001Five.3u3001In the bag.4u3001Mrs Lin"s.5u3001Because he"s afraid of the dog.6u3001Yesuff0che did.

who is riding a bicycle

答案为D. 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词,定冠词the表示特指,不定冠词a an表示泛指.本题_______girl who is riding a bike 其中who is riding a bike 是用来修饰girl的定语从句,由此可知表示特指,用定冠词the,用于句首首字母大写;后一空________university student一个大学生表示泛指,用不定冠词,又由于university的读音不是以元音开头,不用an.故选D

ride a bicycle 和by bus 含义和用法相同吗?

ride a bicycle 坐自行车by bus 坐公共汽车用法不同的ride作是“骑”(马、自行车)比如说ride a bike/horseby是介词 (指交通等)乘;用 比如说The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。 They went to Shanghai by air. 他们坐飞机去上海。

I would have a bicycle 哪错了

没有错,只是感觉这样说的人很少。 一般现在会说 i would like to have a bike.要么你的意思 是说 你会有,但是自己不是非常的确定 这种感觉。

ride a bicycle的过去式

未来时-will ride a bike 现在时-ride a bike 现在进行时-riding a bike 过去时-rode a bike 过去进行时-had ridden a bike


ride a bicycle=ride a bike骑自行车。其中,自行车,有两种写法。简单形式就是bike,较复杂形式就是bicycle。

Grants Policy Statement是啥意思?


a belgian couple tour china by bicycle翻译

在从梧州路,广西壮族自治区阳朔,我见到了第一次帕特里克德科斯泰和纳塔莉Meert。这是毛毛细雨,所以很少有人在路上。外国夫妇,他们的自行车挂满了包,是相当突出。起初我以为他们只是像骑在桂林阳朔或其他有趣的自行车旅游,但后来他们告诉我他们会已有约9000公里缠身。 两年前,德科斯泰,一名警卫和Meert,在布鲁塞尔超市收银员,离开了他们的工作,开始他们的世界自行车游览。到目前为止,他们已经参观了东欧,东南亚,香港和澳门。 1997年4月,他们飞往深圳,他们计划用3个月的巡回演出中国。 德科斯泰认为,最好的方式看世界是骑自行车。他们有比一般旅客更多的经验。他们所遇到的危险和敌对行动,但没有灾害,只有事件,增添不少色彩的旅程。 在梧州的路上,他们住在一村民的家中。女主人给他们带来食物和为他们一张床。她甚至用热水供应和盆地超出她的范围为他们服务。 "我们觉得她很真诚的,真正想帮助我们,"他们说。 "的那天晚上付款的食品和住宿只有20元。我们感到惊讶的低价格。Meert说,这是非常寂寞,以满足旅客欣慰的热情善良的人们。 一天后,我意外地遇到一个著名的旅游街的情侣再次,西大街,也被称为外国人街。 Meert表示,他们已经失去了我们分开。一名男子告诉他们只是一直往前走,但他们走进了一个狭窄的车道上运行。 德科斯泰说:"任何事情都有可能发生时,骑自行车旅游。",但他们仍然认为中国是一个旅游的好地方骑自行车,广泛道路状况良好。 "为人民的居住空间非常拥挤,但似乎宽敞的欧洲人民,"Meert评论。这是新的知识灌输给他们。学习第一手的资料,完全是通过媒体获取它的不同。 "当他第一次提出这一建议自行车游览,我以为他疯了。但是,现在我觉得他是对的,"Meert说。 幸运的是他们在布鲁塞尔的工作仍然在等待他们。



雅思范文里面 :“within the policy adopted ”这个短语里为何要用within 而不用with呢

within和with是有区别的。within表示的是在一段时间内,在一个星期内用within a week。这句话意思是在这个政策实施的过程中,雅思不明白的可以追问我。

Were it not for the adoption of the open policy, things ______ they are today.

你想复杂了啊..不是错综时间虚拟条件句..都是过去了. 按基本的虚拟条件句的格式

The adoption of this policy would relieve them of


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操作系统中的dll文件被程序调用无法直接删除,只能通过特殊方式进行删除,步骤如下:1、在运行里输入cmd进入命令提示符。2、输入命令tasklist /m > 123.txt查看dll文件是哪个程序在调用,结束该程序或进程,然后删除dll文件。3、如果查出来的占用dll文件的进程是svhost.exe进程,这个进程一般系统有7、8个之多,则可以根据PID进程号来结束进程,然后删除dll文件。手动停止方法如下:准备材料:被占用DLL文件的文件名:例如“GDI32.dll”、电脑1、用管理员权限打开命令提示符。2、在命令提示符中输入命令tasklist /m>c:listdll.txt,然后按键盘上【Enter】键。3、系统将会在你的C盘根目录下生成【listdll.txt】文件,将此文本文件打开。4、同时按下【Ctrl】+【F】进行查找。5、并在查找框中输入要查找的DLL文件名称。示例DLL文件名为”GDI32.dll“。完成后点击查找下一个。6、在查找到的地方的左边有一个后缀名为”.exe“的,就是这个程序在占用你的DLL文件。可以在任务管理器中结束该进程。7、去掉进程后再回到文档内继续查找,对找到的程序都重复执行第四个步骤的处理。直到显示无法找到为止,如下图。然后就可以正常的安装或者使用提示DLL占用的软件了。

bicycles need less space than cars.为什么不是need space less

当然可以,不过:Bicycles need space less than cars do.进步。

英语作文“the history of bicycles” 急用.

Bicycle History in Debate Some history books will state that Pierre and Ernest Michaux,the French father and son team of carriage-makers,invented the first bicycle during the 1860s.Historians now disagree and there is evidence that the bicycle is older than that.However,historians do agree that Ernest Michaux did invent the modern bicycle pedal and cranks in 1861.Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn - Early Bicycles The German Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn invented the "Laufmaschine" or "Running Machine",a type of pre-bicycle.The steerable Laufmaschine was made entirely of wood and had no pedals; a rider would push his/her feet against the ground to make the machine go forward.Sauerbronn"s bicycle was first exhibited in Paris on April 6,1818.The celerifere was another similar early bicycle precursor invented in 1790 by Frenchmen,Comte Mede de Sivrac,however,it had no steering.查来的,

They like readily bicycles.哪个错了?

改成They like riding bicycles.

自行车的花费非常少:bicycles cost very little.可以吗

不好,你前面单独说bicycle便宜,再接一句用it做主语,因为cost一般来说是用it,考试中选择答案也是,如果句子中前面主语是it就要选cost 而不能选spend或者use那些.

Ride bicycles is very tiring.请问这句话那里错了,改正并解释.

动词做主语,要ing形式,即 Riding bicycles ,而且这里指骑单车这个运动,而且谓语动词用了单数is,要用单数形式.这里Riding bicycles指骑车,不要看有s就是复数,看语境中的整体意思.如果想表达骑一辆单车,则需要定冠词riding a bicycle Riding bicycles is very tiring.

let’sridebicycles 作文

u3000u3000Letu2019s Ride BicyclesBicycles are still welcomed at present.Either going to school or going to work by bicycle is very convenient.Now more and more people prefer going here and there on a bike.This is because riding a bicycle is good for oneu2019s health,and it can save energy; but the most important reason is that it can help protect our environment.If everyone buys a car,the air will be badly polluted,because a car will produce a lot of dirty smoke,and it smells terrible.So Iu2019d like to go somewhere by bicycle instead of by bus or by taxi.Our government should encourage everyone to use a bike to go to school or go to work.I am sure that the air will be fresh again,the water will be clear again and the sky will be blue again!

Lets Ride Bicycles也主题的英语作文

I like to ride my bike .I usually ride with a helmet ,and I usually ride my bike to school every day.It gives me more time to do other things.I think that bicycling is good exercise ,it is good for my health .My bike is new,and I like it very much .It is a good present from my father .Last month,my father gave it to me on my birthday.When it becomes dirty,I always clean it carefully,so it looks new and beautiful. I think bicycling is good for our health ,we should ride bicycles often. 望采纳

how many bicycle?还是how many bicycles?


These are (他们的) bicycles. (我们的

These are theirs.These are ours.

I think riding bicycles ( )花费 very little?

costs u3002u3002u3002u3002u3002u3002

ride bicycles to sp.为什么bicycle要加s

by + n 原形、by bus,by bike,by plane,by train.by 后交通工具的名词用单数,ride bicycles为什么要加s,是一个习惯吧,据说是因为2个轮子,有点像剪刀要复数一样。


riding our bicycles骑自行车双语例句1We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today. 今天我们骑自行车去海滩玩得很开心。

ride bicycles 的过去式和意思

答案是:wegotoschoolbybicycle 我们骑自行车上学 ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

ride bicycles 的过去式和意思

ride bicycles 网络 骑自行车; [例句]Many people ride bicycles for fun and exercise.许多人骑脚踏车中同时得到乐趣和锻炼。过去式:rode bicycles

ride bicycles to sp.为什么bicycle要加s




Bicycles in China,Bicycles in China范文

  Bicycles in China   Bicycles in China   Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Bicycles in China. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the following instructions.   1.自行车在中国是最普及的一种交通工具。   2.与汽车相比,自行车有哪些优点。   3.自行车带来的问题。   Bicycles in China   Bicycles are very popular in China. In this country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shop, and wherever the riders want to go. Therefore, China is known as "the kingdom of bicycles", where on the average every family has one or two bicycles.   Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars, which most Chinese can"t afford. Secondly, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a large piece of land to be parked. What"s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.   However, bicycles create some problems. Some riders don"t abide by traffic regulations and some don"t take others" safety into consideration while riding too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. Thereforet we have a long way to go to solve the problem.   Bicycles in China







bike和bicycle的用法区别 bike和bicycle的用法区别是什么

1、词义广泛性不一样。(1)bicycl,读音:英【baskl】美【baskl】,n.自行车;脚踏车。v.骑自行车。(2)bike,读音:英【bak】美【bak】,n.自行车;摩托车;电动自行车。vi.骑自行车。 2、变形词不一样。(1)bicycle,第三人称单数:bicycles复数:bicycles现在分词:bicycling过去式:bicycled过去分词:bicycled。(2)bike,第三人称单数:bikes复数:bikes现在分词:biking过去式:biked过去分词:biked。 3、词义解析不一样。(1)bicycle泛指脚踏自行车,需要人力去带动。(2)bike除了表示“自行车”之意,更多做“摩托车,电动车”解。

中考英语作文:汽车和自行车(Cars and bicycles)

i like going to school by like, because i think i can keep healthy by riding. bicycles are still popular in beijing. some foreigners buy bicycles to ride. but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. in fact the exhaust gas from cars makes the air dirty and they waste energy.i think bicycles are better than cars.   bicycles are still popular in beijing. it"s convenient to go to school or go to work by bike. it can help people to keep healthy.but more and more people buy cars because they think they are faster than bicycles. the exhaust gas from cars pollutes the air and they waste energy. i prefer riding bicycles because it is cheap and keeps the air clean.   英语作文译文:   自行车在北京依然很流行,骑车上学或上班很方便,它能帮助人们保持健康。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。汽车的尾气污染了空气,浪费了能源。我喜欢骑车因为它便宜并且不会污染空气。   我喜欢骑自行车上学,因为我可以通过骑车保持健康。北京依然流行自行车,一些外国人也买自行车骑。但是越来越多的人买汽车,因为他们认为汽车比自行车快。事实上,汽车尾气污染了空气,浪费能源。我认为自行车比汽车好。




bicycle读音英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl]n.自行车;脚踏车;v.骑自行车;变形复数:bicycles过去式:bicycled过去分词:bicycled现在分词:bicycling第三人称单数:bicycles双语释义n.(名词)[C]自行车,脚踏车bicycle英英释义bicycle[ "baisikl ]n.a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals同义词:bikewheelcyclev.ride a bicycle同义词:cyclebikepedalwheel




bicycle是一个英语单词,即可作名词又可作动词,意为自行车,脚踏车;骑自行车。 其实不光在语文里面会有近义词这样的概念,在英语中也有,经常会有一意多词的,比如说自行车的英语除了常用的bike,bicycle也是自行车的意思,那么下面就来和大家说说bicycle这个单词。 详细内容 01 bicycle 英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] n.自行车;脚踏车 v.骑自行车 第三人称单数: bicycles 复数: bicycles 现在分词: bicycling 过去式: bicycled 过去分词: bicycled 02 词根词缀 词根 circ, cycl= ring, circle 圆, 环 bicyclen. 自行车 bi 二 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 两个轮子 → 自行车 circletn. 小环,小圈 circ 圆,环 + let 小 → 小环,小圈 circuitn. 环行;电路 circu〔= circ〕圆,环 + it 走 → 环行;电路 circularadj. 圆的;循环的 circ 圆,环 + ular 表形容词 → 圆的;循环的 circulatev. 循环;流通 circ 圆,环 + ul + ate 使… → 绕圈走 → 循环 circusn. 马戏团;圆形广场 circ 圆,环 + us 表名词 → 圆形的地方 → 圆形广场 cyclen. 周期;循环 cyclonen. 旋风;气旋 cycl 圆,环 + one → 转圈的东西 → 旋风 cyclopedian. 百科全书 cyclo〔= cycl〕圆,环 + ped 教育 + ia 某种病 → 囊括全部知识 → 百科全书 encirclev. 环绕,包围 en 加以 + circl 圆,环 + e → 用圆加以环绕 → 包围 recyclev. 再循环;回收 re 重新 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 再循环;回收 03 双语例句 I bicycled on towards the sea. 我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。 He was accused of stealing a small boy"s bicycle 他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。 I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 她摩托车都会骑,自行车更不在话下了。 The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了。 Teach me how to ride a bicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。 Can you get my bicycle fixed? 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?


其实不光在语文里面会有近义词这样的概念,在英语中也有,经常会有一意多词的,比如说自行车的英语除了常用的bike,bicycle也是自行车的意思,那么下面就来和大家说说bicycle这个单词。 简要回答 bicycle是一个英语单词,即可作名词又可作动词,意为自行车,脚踏车;骑自行车。 详细内容 bicycle 英 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美 [u02c8bau026asu026akl] n.自行车;脚踏车 v.骑自行车 第三人称单数: bicycles 复数: bicycles 现在分词: bicycling 过去式: bicycled 过去分词: bicycled 词根词缀 词根 circ, cycl= ring, circle 圆, 环 bicyclen. 自行车 bi 二 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 两个轮子 → 自行车 circletn. 小环,小圈 circ 圆,环 + let 小 → 小环,小圈 circuitn. 环行;电路 circu〔= circ〕圆,环 + it 走 → 环行;电路 circularadj. 圆的;循环的 circ 圆,环 + ular 表形容词 → 圆的;循环的 circulatev. 循环;流通 circ 圆,环 + ul + ate 使… → 绕圈走 → 循环 circusn. 马戏团;圆形广场 circ 圆,环 + us 表名词 → 圆形的地方 → 圆形广场 cyclen. 周期;循环 cyclonen. 旋风;气旋 cycl 圆,环 + one → 转圈的东西 → 旋风 cyclopedian. 百科全书 cyclo〔= cycl〕圆,环 + ped 教育 + ia 某种病 → 囊括全部知识 → 百科全书 encirclev. 环绕,包围 en 加以 + circl 圆,环 + e → 用圆加以环绕 → 包围 recyclev. 再循环;回收 re 重新 + cycl 圆,环 + e → 再循环;回收 双语例句 I bicycled on towards the sea. 我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。 He was accused of stealing a small boy"s bicycle 他被指控偷了一个小男孩的自行车。 I was riding on the back of a friend"s bicycle 我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。 She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 她摩托车都会骑,自行车更不在话下了。 The front wheel of the bicycle was out of shape. 自行车的前轮变形了。 Teach me how to ride a bicycle. 请你教我怎样骑自行车。 Can you get my bicycle fixed? 你能把我的自行车弄好吗?

这个英文bicycle 用中文谐音怎么读

bicycle 英[u02c8bau026asu026akl] 美[u02c8bau026asu026akl] n. 自行车; 脚踏车; v. 骑自行车; [例句]I bicycled on towards the sea.我继续骑着自行车朝海边走。[其他] 第三人称单数:bicycles 复数:bicycles 现在分词:bicycling过去式:bicycled 过去分词:bicycled

he fixes bicycles和He fixes up the bicycles有区别吗?

有区别他们的意思在翻译上有细小的区别 第一句他修了自行车 第二句 他修了这些自行车he fixes bicycles 中文 他修理自行车 he fixes up the bicycles 中文 他修理自行车“up”用法归纳up具有两种词性:后边没有宾语或跟有其他介词时,up为副词,后边跟有宾语时,up为介词。

自行车店应该翻译成bicycle shop还是bicycles加一撇表示名词所有格再加shop?

名词做定语直接修饰不用加s自行车店:bike/bicycle shop/store

Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When...

在中国,自行车非常受欢迎。在我们国家,你几乎随处可见自行车。当...bicycles作主语,are作系动词,very popular作表语,in China作地点状语.in our country作地点状语,you作主语,can see作谓语,bicycles作宾语,almost是程度副词,表示看的程度,everywhere作地点状语.这两个句子分别是主系表结构与主谓宾结构。

they are bicycles。这个句子对吗?


Bicycles are loved by people为什么要加个by?

主动式:People love bicycles. 被动式:Bicycles are loved by people.用 by 是被动的特色。

many roands are only for bicycles翻译?



是不是说在by后面不能用复数? 表示乘坐某种交通工具时by后面只能直接加单数形式。精锐长宁天山

为什么字典里说bicycle不能用复数,且只能与by搭配? 是正规字典

你看错了吧? 应该是:与by 连用时 bicycle 不能用复数 如 He often goes to school by bicycle . bicycle 是可数名词,它的复数是:bicycles 如 He has two bicycles . 另外,bike是 bicycle 的简写



bicycles take_ (little) space than other vehicles

高兴为你解答。请采纳,谢谢!!!Bicycles take less spacethan other vehicles.后面有than... ,说明是在比较Bicycles(自行车)和other vehicles(其他车辆). 所以要用little的人比较级,little的比较级是 less .这句话的意思是:自行车比其他车辆占用的空间更小。
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