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很多远古文明也随着时代的更迭消失了,比如玛雅文明,巴比伦文明,埃及文明等。 埃及是一个拥有伟大气度和充满神秘色彩的地方。远在遥远的几千年以前,生活在尼罗河畔的埃及就已经创造出了令后世惊叹不已的发达文明。众所周知的金字塔、狮身人面像、木乃伊等,都是他们的杰作。在物质层面,埃及文明的成就可谓空前;在精神层面,埃及文明的贡献也堪称绝后。漫长而厚重的历史赋予了埃及丰富多彩的社会生活及高深精妙的文化。举凡文学、宗教、科学、建筑、雕刻、绘画、音乐、舞蹈等,埃及人无不精通。埃及留给后世的财富挑战着人们的想象力。埃及文明的丰富内涵还表现在其独特的历史进程上。在约三千年之久的法老时代,埃及的土地上共出现过大大小小三十多个王朝,它们共同演绎了埃及人的前进之旅。然而,埃及支明最终没有将本身的卓越传统向更深广的维度延伸。在悠远绵渺的时空浓艳馥郁地绽放之后,这朵人类文明的奇葩就突然从人类的视界中神秘地消失了。


很多人说,喜欢北漂后回来的傅颖(Theresa)。因为,她变真了。 Theresa在17岁时便做兼职模特儿,其后加入女子组合Cookies正式闯娱圈,饼女九变四,Theresa与邓丽欣、杨爱瑾及吴雨霏幸运留下,四女在2005年尝试单飞发展,上位期间是非多,Theresa也爆出整容、走音、黑脸、寸爆等负面新闻。面对演艺事业低潮和感情挫折,Theresa受罗仲谦情伤一役打击,失意离港寻出路,北漂4年,沉淀后造就了傅颖2.0。 Theresa回想早年去北京发展,无依无靠,普通话不灵光,不敢外出,事事不如意,克服过渡期,她反而觉得外闯能扩阔眼光:记得有次同一位内地演员聊天,我讲到我在香港时好多负面新闻,对方说是好事,他认为有人报道、有noise,代表还有新闻价值,大家有一天不想看你,连负面新闻都不会有。 Theresa马上开窍,不再耿耿于怀。Theresa早年压力爆煲患上抑郁症:见到人多,想呕、想哭,整天唔开心,躲在家里不想出去,望窗看不到自己将来,只是想到一辈子要这样过,还有什么意思? 北漂让Theresa学会独立:那段日子,我一直维持单身状态,每日自己铺床,粘走猫毛,我发觉有个舒服家,有瓦遮头,应该要感恩。 Theresa不再执着,感受知足常乐:北京返港,丢掉以前的自己,整个人开心了,我钟意现在的自己。 再见Theresa,她已变得豁达率性,经常笑脸迎人:以前好多人对我第一印象是难相处同好嚣张,说我讲话不真,我想讲其实我讲话不知多真,只是自己不懂表达。我以前又什么都介意,介意人们看法、眼光同评价,所有事以我为中心,那段时间好消极,困入死胡同。我以前是完美主义者,太保护自己,上台跳错一个step,落台会好不开心,说我唱歌走音,好想用刀插自己。心情紧张把声就紧,走过一次音,我下次上台还怕,觉得全世界等看我笑话,思绪不宁,恶性循环。 其后在内地演出顺利才重拾自信,Theresa也想通:每个人都有优点缺点,自己都不例外,应该接受一切。 事业和爱情双失的日子,Theresa曾萌退出念头:2013年公司安排我第一次回内地,呆了半年都没事做做,我就想不如退出啦,反正性格都不适合 娱乐 圈,当年刚好有人说想找我转行做饮食工作。 最终转行想法不了了之。现在全新的Theresa凡事随心,对演艺工作,比出道时更有冲劲和热诚。 Theresa前年与蒙古男友分手后,感情生活都交白卷,不过,她已准备好迎接一段新关系:我不抗拒拍拖,亦不心急赶尾班车结婚生宝宝,我要等一个合适的人。 Theresa随缘:合适的人可遇不可求,二十几岁同男生拍拖,有激情、有火花就一齐,实际未必好了解对方,所以好快因了解而分开。人大了会理智,希望同对方先做朋友,互相观察沟通,看下大家是否适合先开始。 今日36岁牛一的Theresa,每天会保持30岁的心境和状况去等爱,过去情史,她早放下罗仲谦这段不愉快经历,Theresa淡然说:每个人都有过去,过去是经历,经历造就成长,才有今日的自己。 入行18年的Theresa,过往负面新闻不乏被指变脸,她听到这个问题先自嘲:我一定是冠军,十年前开始被人写。 她解画:我卸妆的样同以前差不多,这几年我都自己化妆多,深明化妆、画画、演技、煮饭都讲求创作,样子变化可能出于技术进步了,我小时候已知自己怎么化妆。 不少艺人用医美变靓点,Theresa不抗拒:做幕前keep住好状态给大家看,是工作性质,微调不是大件事,这东西普及同流行。将来我的脸多了皱纹爆出了,观众看着不舒服时,我到时可能要考虑呀! 访问当日,傅颖2.0全程笑不停,样子也变得随和:以前我怎样?是否整天黑口黑面?我不是好记得,可能以前太紧张,强颜欢笑,就笑得僵硬,现在心情平和,无大起大落,保持住好sweet状态,真的笑容多了! Theresa会用纯粹形容全新的自己,纯粹有纯正不杂的意思:人越大越不想的那么复杂,凡事想得简单点,自然开心。


雍和宫Yonghegong (The Lama Temple) is a famous lamasery located in the northeastern part of the old city of Beijing. It was a palatial residence built in 1694 by Qing Emperor Kangxi for his fourth son, Prince Yongzheng who later succeeded to the throne. This magnificent temple consists of five main buildings lying on the?north-south axis, with annex halls standing on both sides. The temple is listed by the Chinese Government as one of the important historical monuments under special preservation. After the death of his father, Emperor Yongzheng moved to the Forbidden City. The compound was closed to ordinary people and was renamed yonghegong (the Palace of Harmony). Green roof tiles were replaced by yellow ones to suit a monarch"s home. In 1744 his successor Emperor Qianlong converted the palace into a lamasery.Several renovations?have been carried out since 1949.The temple has taken on a new look and was reopened to the public in 1981.It is now not only a functional lama temple, but also a tourist attraction.Of interest to visitors in the Lama Temple are the 18-metre-high Maitreya statue engraved from a 26-metre-long white sandal-wood log, "the Five hundred Arhats Hill" made of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin, and the niche carved out of nanmu (this kind of Phoebe nanmu can give off a unusual scent reputed to repel mosquitoes in summer). These three objects are accredited as the three matchless masterpieces in the Lama Temple.周口店北京猿人遗址Peking Man was discovered in Zhoukoudian village, on the Longgu Mountain, Fangshan district, Beijing, which was listed as a world cultural heritage site in 1987. In the 1920s archaeologists discovered a complete skull of an ape-man dating back 600,000 years which was later named as Peking Man. Stone tools and evidence of Peking Man"s use of fire were later found on the mountain. Studies have shown that Peking Man walked on his feet and lived 690,000 years ago. His society lived in groups in caves and survived by hunting. The group could make use of rough stone tools and knew how to use fire for heating and cooking.The discovery included six complete skulls of Peking Man, 12 skull fragments, 15 mandibles(1), 157 teeth and some sections of broken femur(2), shinbone(3), and upper arm bones belonging to more than 40 individuals of different ages and sexes. In addition 100,000 fragments of stone tools were found together with sites used for fire and burnt bones and stones.Peking Man created a unique Old Stone Culture which had much influence to the Old Stone Culture of north China. Stone tools are the principal relics of this remote culture. Also discovered in Zhoukoudian are stone points, a new production tool then, and bone articles made and used by Peking Man. Found in the caves were such tools as the larger end of an antler that had been used as a hammer and the sharp end of an antler used as a digging tool.The use of fire was a milestone of the development of civilization and the discovery of Peking Man has pushed back the time that man first used it by tens of thousands of years. The largest ash pile discovered in the caves is six meters thick. Fire allowed people to eat cooked food instead of raw food and promoted the development of the brain and improved health. With his rough tools and simple living conditions Peking man created a unique and very ancient culture.



小胡同的诗 歌词

小胡同的诗作词:JANG作曲:JANG演唱:JANG混音:JANG女声:Rill统领七界 制作 QQ—841596240被岁月斑驳的墙 面朝东边的远方犹记得那个姑娘 更迭了谁的善良小胡同酒馆旁为你题诗两行琵琶掩面两束小辫长又长犒赏我两分想象 才赢得三碗酒香趁今晚月色明亮 你何不余音绕梁琵琶弦几尺长拨动尘世沧桑粉黛素装抚琴为君唱一唱诉一曲离殇十八年方含泪葬爹娘家乡门口堆放 两筐陈旧的粮回想故人当年的模样三年前时光抬头一晃且匆匆忙忙五更天才微亮 鸡鸣回荡牵肠故人当年模样已泛黄统领七界 制作 QQ—841596240轻轻唱 轻轻唱 雨冷冷清清的夜被酝酿 被窖藏 被落满枫叶的街轻轻唱 轻轻唱 雨冷冷清清的夜被酝酿 被窖藏 被落满枫叶的街RAP:打量 透过其中一展窗那一脸平静看着你面颊安详my name is JANG JANG被韵味渲染得泛黄最廉价的收藏是你还记得古老的墙听三年后的你诉那一曲离殇才十八年方哭干眼泪葬了爹娘家门口堆放 两筐陈旧的粮回想故人当年的模样诉一曲离殇十八年方含泪葬爹娘家乡门口堆放 两筐陈旧的粮回想故人当年的模样三年前时光抬头一晃且匆匆忙忙五更天才微亮 鸡鸣回荡牵肠故人当年模样已泛黄统领七界 制作 QQ—841596240http://music.baidu.com/song/14740759








HUTONG TOUR IN BEIJNGA "hutong" is an ancient city alleyway or lane typical of ancient Beijing, where hutongs once ran into the thousands. Hutongs were first built around the walled imperial compound known as the Forbidden City. The majority of these alleyways were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties (1271—1911). At the height of each era, the emperor arranged the residential areas surrounding his moat according to a system of etiquette hailing back to the Zhou Dynasty (C.1100—221 B.C.).At its heart was the Forbidden City, surrounded by main roadways travelling east-west and north-south. There were originally two kinds of hutongs. The first were grouped to the east and west of the Forbidden City and laid in an orderly design alongside main roadways. Most of these hutongs housed members of the royal family, officials, eunuchs and aristocrats. The second type of hutong was a crude version of the first, located far to the north and south of the sprawling imperial compound, inhabited by merchants and commoners. What both had in common was the type of structure lining the alleyways. The "siheyuan" known in English as a quadrangle, or courtyard complex, invariably comprised four main buildings facing each compass point and surrounded by a high wall. The size and design of each complex reflected the social status of the inhabitants. Wealthy families often boasted several walled courtyards surrounded by a main wall, each building decorated with intricately carved and painted beams and pillars. The quadrangles of the poor were of a much simpler construction with small gates and low ceilings. Beijing"s meandering hutongs are passageways formed by thousands of closely arranged quadrangles of different sizes. The main buildings of most of these structures face south for optimum sunlight, especially during the bitter Beijing winters. Because of this, the majority of the city"s hutongs run east to west. Between the major hutongs meandered narrow alleys running north to south to allow convenient passage through what was once a vast maze of gray brick and tiled roofs. Old Beijing is in essence a magnified quadrangle, symmetrically arranged and surrounded by a high city wall that was torn down half a century ago to make way for a beltway ringing the increasingly modern capital. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, China"s economy was in tatters. But pleasure-loving Beijing continued to cater to the emperor and his hangers-on. Life was mostly confined to the hutongs. The quadrangle reflected the way of life and social culture of the times.


HUTONG TOUR IN BEIJNGA "hutong" is an ancient city alleyway or lane typical of ancient Beijing,where hutongs once ran into the thousands.Hutongs were first built around the walled imperial compound known as the Forbidden City.The majority of these alleyways were built during the Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties (1271—1911).At the height of each era,the emperor arranged the residential areas surrounding his moat according to a system of etiquette hailing back to the Zhou Dynasty (C.1100—221 B.C.).At its heart was the Forbidden City,surrounded by main roadways travelling east-west and north-south.There were originally two kinds of hutongs.The first were grouped to the east and west of the Forbidden City and laid in an orderly design alongside main roadways.Most of these hutongs housed members of the royal family,officials,eunuchs and aristocrats.The second type of hutong was a crude version of the first,located far to the north and south of the sprawling imperial compound,inhabited by merchants and commoners.What both had in common was the type of structure lining the alleyways.The "siheyuan" known in English as a quadrangle,or courtyard complex,invariably comprised four main buildings facing each compass point and surrounded by a high wall.The size and design of each complex reflected the social status of the inhabitants.Wealthy families often boasted several walled courtyards surrounded by a main wall,each building decorated with intricately carved and painted beams and pillars.The quadrangles of the poor were of a much simpler construction with small gates and low ceilings.Beijing"s meandering hutongs are passageways formed by thousands of closely arranged quadrangles of different sizes.The main buildings of most of these structures face south for optimum sunlight,especially during the bitter Beijing winters.Because of this,the majority of the city"s hutongs run east to west.Between the major hutongs meandered narrow alleys running north to south to allow convenient passage through what was once a vast maze of gray brick and tiled roofs.Old Beijing is in essence a magnified quadrangle,symmetrically arranged and surrounded by a high city wall that was torn down half a century ago to make way for a beltway ringing the increasingly modern capital.By the end of the Qing Dynasty,China"s economy was in tatters.But pleasure-loving Beijing continued to cater to the emperor and his hangers-on.Life was mostly confined to the hutongs.The quadrangle reflected the way of life and social culture of the times.


Scholar alley Qingming the wind Green your alley Ewha rain Linshi a scholar"s dream Leaves children on the head with Nong Qiu-Yan? Outside the city did not paste your name Wind and snow of cough Yiwei in her chest You have to leave this poor such as water Xiangkou Will not go back out after She Lichun Liqiu her than her thin cream white flower heads The world after the first world gold housing Yan Ruyu EMI sad Old red brick wall glazed tile decorated archway has not seen through openings The situation in the silent days that love and hate Leihai gone into space It Lichun it Liqiu its barren repair it still Begonia The world after the first world gold Yan Ruyu sell a glass of house wine Old red brick demolition does not read glazed tile decorated archway opening It has the Gongming walk past the alley that has become empty Huangranrumeng Window lattices of paper that was missing on the permeability Chess-under siege, and so you rescue Huang lamp in line for your needle and drifting Punctured hand bearing red stars Clothes on the fold Easy to climb up his forehead You have to leave this Shanmenghaishi Xiangkou That a certain good return She Lichun Liqiu her than her thin yellow flower, such as the first white The world after the first world gold housing Yan Ruyu EMI sad Old red brick wall glazed tile decorated archway has not seen through openings The situation in the silent days that love and hate Leihai gone into space It Lichun it Liqiu its barren repair it still Begonia The world after the first world gold Yan Ruyu sell a glass of house wine Old red brick demolition does not read glazed tile decorated archway opening It has the Gongming walk past the alley that has become empty Huangranrumengsp;ans kjirhkjdfinw[rk]