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元素周期表口诀 初中化学元素记忆窍门

化学元素是初中生必须掌握的知识点,下面我为大家总结了 化学 元素周期表口诀,仅供大家参考。化学元素按周期分 第一周期:氢 氦 ---- 侵害 第二周期:锂 铍 硼 碳 氮 氧 氟 氖 ---- 鲤皮捧碳 蛋养福奶 第三周期:钠 镁 铝 硅 磷 硫 氯 氩 ---- 那美女桂林留绿牙(那美女鬼 流露绿牙) 第四周期:钾 钙 钪 钛 钒 铬 锰 ---- 嫁改康太反革命 铁 钴 镍 铜 锌 镓 锗 ---- 铁姑捏痛新嫁者 砷 硒 溴 氪 ---- 生气 休克 第五周期:铷 锶 钇 锆 铌 ---- 如此一告你 钼 锝 钌 ---- 不得了 铑 钯 银 镉 铟 锡 锑 ---- 老把银哥印西堤 碲 碘 氙 ---- 地点仙 第六周期:铯 钡 镧 铪 ----(彩)色贝(壳)蓝(色)河 钽 钨 铼 锇 ---- 但(见)乌(鸦)(引)来鹅 铱 铂 金 汞 砣 铅 ---- 一白巾 供它牵 铋 钋 砹 氡 ---- 必不爱冬(天) 第七周期:钫 镭 锕 ---- 很简单了~就是---- 防雷啊! 元素周期表中元素及其化合物的递变性规律 1、原子半径 (1)除第1周期外,其他周期元素(惰性气体元素除外)的原子半径随原子序数的递增而减小; (2)同一族的元素从上到下,随电子层数增多,原子半径增大。 2、元素化合价 (1)除第1周期外,同周期从左到右,元素最高正价由碱金属+1递增到+7,非金属元素负价由碳族-4递增到-1(氟无正价,氧无+6价,除外); (2)同一主族的元素的最高正价、负价均相同。 3、单质的熔点 (1)同一周期元素随原子序数的递增,元素组成的金属单质的熔点递增,非金属单质的熔点递减; (2)同一族元素从上到下,元素组成的金属单质的熔点递减,非金属单质的熔点递增。 判断元素在周期表中位置应牢记的规律 1、元素周期数等于核外电子层数; 2、主族元素的序数等于最外层电子数; 3、确定族数应先确定是主族还是副族,其方法是采用原子序数逐步减去各周期的元素种数,即可由最后的差数来确定。最后的差数就是族序数,差为8、9、10时为VIII族,差数大于10时,则再减去10,最后结果为族序数。 以上就是我为大家总结的 元素周期表 口诀,仅供参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


糖原属于多糖,构成元素为C、H、O; 核酸的基本单位是核苷酸,含有一分子的磷酸、一分子的含N碱基、一分子的五碳糖,则含有C、H、O、N、P元素. 故选:B.

用英文介绍下化学元素 AI 就是铝



Lead is a kind of chemical element, chemical symbol mensa, chemical symbol is the Pb (Latin), the Plumbum 207.2 atomic weight, atomic number for 82. Lead is all stable chemical element of atomic number.Lead as heavy silvery blue, it is toxic, a group of metal extensibility. 327.502 melting, boiling 17.4 degrees c, g / 11.3437 density, hardness is 1.5 cm ^ 3, texture is soft, tensile strength is small.Lead is one of the earliest use of humans, 3000 BC metal from ore, humans will already lead smelting in. Lead in the content of 0.0016% crust, main mineral is galena. Lead in nature have four stable isotopes: lead 204, 206, 207, 208, and more than 20 kinds of radioactive isotopes.Metal lead in the air, water and carbon dioxide by oxygen, its surface oxidation generating protection film will soon, In heating, can quickly lead with oxygen, sulfur compounds, halogen, Lead and cold, cold sulfuric acid, with little effect to heat or strong sulfuric acid, reaction, Lead and dilute nitric acid reaction, but not with strong nitric acid reaction, Lead to slow in alkaline solution is strong.Lead is mainly used to produce lead battery, Lead alloys can be used to cast type, make soldering, Lead is also used to manufacture radioactive radiation, X-ray protective equipment, Lead and compounds are bigger toxicity of human body, and in the human body. Lead used in building materials, lead acid battery, as bullets and shells, soldering, trophies and some alloys are lead.Lead in the crust is in the nature of content, there is a natural lead. But because contain lead things together, melting and low (ep), lead in ancient times was used by people.Galena until today (PbS) is the main source of extracting lead people. In ancient times, people had accidentally put into bonfires, galena it burned into oxide, and then by the reduction of carbon, formed a metal lead.In the British museum boasts more than worshipped in Egypt, mosques, found the paste 3000 BC. In the Iraqi city of ur excavation sites and other cities of materials, not only find all sorts of 4,000 years BC, and metal objects of ancient Persian use text clay board type fellowship records. These records, B.C., already from ore 23.5 extract large iron, copper, silver and lead. In 1792 before 1750 BC - HanMuLaBi reign of emperor, has large production of lead. Yin and burial in China are also found in the attic, come late shang and amraphel, etc.Han Chinese in Yin to the amount of lead in the bronze has the tendency of increase. The increase in bronze lead in liquid alloy liquidity plays an important role in improving their grain, make casting.However, the ancient respectively to lead and tin and not very clear. Roma said lead to black lead, says that later, as it BaiQian element symbols as Pb.Sino-foreign ancient alchemists and LianDan economists to lead and lead some compounds, such as in the view that received zhou yi can tong qi said: "hu powder fire, color bad shots for lead." With today"s chemical formula that is:Pb3O4 + 2C -- - 3Pb + 2CO2Until 16 centuries ago, graphite in pencil, made in Europe, from the Greek, Roman times, people is in the hands of QianTiao stick on paper writing, it"s a pencil. "today" name. In the middle ages, to lead the American oil-rich, some churches, houses, especially the roof is built with QianBan lead, because of laziness, chemical corrosion. First use of lead acid made by the method of room also lead the characteristics.Lead element symbols Pb is derived from Latin name plumbum.Lead pollutionIn all known in the toxic substances, the book is the largest lead. On record that lead a water pipe. There are many ways of public contact lead. In recent years, a major concern for the public petroleum products contain lead. Lead-based paint, especially some old lead-based paints, higher, has caused many deaths, so some special formulated the environmental standards in the contents of lead paint should be controlled in 600PPM.Some countries have a high standard, but the market sell when the lead paint posted labels warning users. Food also found the residue, or lead in the air pollution, or lead showers of canned food lead pollution canned food. Another important sources of the lead is lead tube. Decades ago when building houses with lead tube lined pipe, or lead with the natural refrigerator in the summer, has banned lead lining, plastic, or other materials.General safety of drinking water amount is 100 microgram/boundaries, and maximum acceptable level is 50 micrograms/litre. Then further regulation in tap water is acceptable for the largest concentration of lead 50 ug/liter (0.05 mg/litre). In addition, in order to study the influence of lead to human body health, scientists to lead human blood test, as if the concentration of lead first index. Data shows that: if the water nearly 50 ug/litre, so the patient"s blood lead levels in about 30 micrograms/litres. The infant requirements should be more strictly, average blood lead levels or more than 10-15 microgram/litre.Water treatment process of water can join the calcium carbonate in water and keep in alkaline, then to reduce water conveyance pipeline corrosion, this process will bring new risks. But the corrosion problems are complicated, isn"t so, should be solved, but overall purification and expensive.Many chemicals in the residence environment after a period of time for the final may degrade harmless, but cannot lead compounds, once into the environmental degradation long remained the usability. Due to lead in the environment of long-term durability, and many lives have stronger organization of potential toxicity, so the lead has been listed as strong pollutants.Acute poisoning the present study more thoroughly, the symptom is: the stomach, headache, trembling, neurological fidgety, in the most severe cases, could not wake up until the death of personnel. In very low concentrations and lead the chronic health effects: on the brain and nervous system. Scientists found that even the blood lead children maintain acceptable level of concentration, still significantly affect children"s intelligence development and performance. We only lower levels in drinking water can ensure people to lead the total. The popularization and application of the unleaded gasoline to reduce the environment pollution have made of lead, especially reduces the atmospheric particulates lead.Lead and particulates from the urban transportation by the wind to the suburbs, from one province to another, even to other regions, became the effects of pollution. Scientists in north area of Greenland ice on the tip of the region by drill drilling, the year old icicles, top years trying to different levels, determination of lead ice. Results: 1750 in lead to 20 micrograms per ton alone, 1860 for 50 ug/tons. In 1950 to 120 microgram/tons. In 1965 to 210 micrograms per ton. The development of modern industry, the serious pollution worldwide.Toxicology material and environmental behaviortoxicityAcute toxicity: LD5070mg/kg (rat transvenous)Subacute toxicity: 10 mu g/m3, rats contact 30 to 40 days, the red and ALAD (bravery pigment 80% ~ 90%), blood lead levels as high as 150 to 200 mu g / 100 ml. Overt symptoms. 10 mu g/m3, rats inhaled 3-12 months, from the lungs elution down macrophages reduced 60%, poisoning. 0.01 mg/m3, occupational exposure, urinary system pressure changes, death, inflammation, women fetal deaths.Chronic toxicity: long-term exposure to lead and compounds Yi palpitations, will lead to increased erythrocyte, adopted. After the nervous system, lead infringement insomnia, dream, memory drops,, and development for the weary manic, blindness, sane fuzzy, coma, finally died due to cerebral oxygen. Blood lead levels tend to be higher than 2.16 micro Moore/litre, clinical symptoms occur, so many children"s body blood lead levels, although high, but no particular discomfort, mild mental or changes in behaviour is difficult to parents or doctors found. This is why children lead poisoning in foreign countries are called "hidden killer".Cancer: lead the animal experiment of inorganic compounds that may cause cancer. Another according to the document, the lead is a chronic and accumulating poisons, individual sensitivity is not identical, to people lead is a potential carcinogens urinary system.Teratogenic: there is not enough to provide evidence of animal experiment and lead compounds have teratogenic role.Cause mutation: with 1% of pbch3 feed fed mice, cultivating the chromosome fissure - white fracture type, the increase in the number of distortion that individual chromosomes, change involves DNA damage in duplicate.Metabolism and degradation of inorganic lead and environment is very stable, not easy metabolic compounds and degradation. Lead poisoning is accumulating on the human body, inhaled lead in the lungs, 25% of sedimentary water soluble part through the blood. If a person contact air lead 1 muon g/m3, human blood leels of the lead for 1 ~ 2 muon g / 100 ml of blood. From the intake of food and beverage lead approximately 10% is absorbed. If intake of food every day from 10 mu g, contain blood lead for 6 ~ 18 mu g / 100 ml of blood, these lead compounds can be through a digestive system, which mainly through urine discharge (76%) and intestinal (16%), and the rest is not known by all kinds of ways, such as by sweating, peeling and removal of metabolic product to pass.And the residue accumulation: lead is a kind of accumulating human food intake by poison, and can also lead from polluted air intake of lead, the American lung contain more than Africa, near and far east area is high, it is because of the atmospheric pollution than these areas lead in serious cause. The results from the human anatomy, invades the body"s lead 70% ~ 90% in phosphoric acid PbHPO4 lead (last) attached to the bone deposition and the form of organization, the bones of modern American vendors and 100 times higher than ancient. This part of the content of lead, and gradually increase the lifetime accumulation in the human body tissue, including blood lead to a certain extent (man), and then after early adulthood, almost no longer part will be pa ontaneously external surplus (as described above), showed obvious turnover. Fish to lead strong enrichment.Migration and transformation: according to national research council of Canada, Ottawa in 1978 to lead in the world environment, migration concentration of lead in the sea world mean 0.03 muon g/L, freshwater 0.5 muon g/L. Rural atmosphere around the average levels of 0.1 g/m3, the city through the atmosphere lead concentration range 1 ~ 10 mu g/m3. The soil and rock lead in the bottom 13mg average value/kg. Lead in the world of soil environmental outcomes is: from the air to 15 million tons of soil from the air, sea 25 million tons, transferred from the soil to Marine 41.6y/o tons. Every year from water transfer to the beach for 40 to 60 tons. Due to water, soil, air is the lead to absorb and biological organisms, resulted in the world of plant food vendors in the range of 0.1 ~ mean 1mg/kg (dry weight, food products in the lead) mean for 2.5 mg/kg, fish contain lead 0.2 ~ 0.6 mg average range, part coastal/kg polluted areas crustaceans and molluscs with even more 3000mg up/kg.Lead industrial pollution from mining and smelting, rubber production, dyestuff, printing, ceramics, glass, lead solder, cable and lead tube manufacturing wastewater and waste. In addition, the automobile exhaust is poisonous substances tetraethyl lead. Water pollution by lead Pb0.3 (mg/L) 0.5 ~, inhibit the water from the net effect, 2 ~ 4mg/L, water is a murky.DangerWhen heated, powder in flame or contact will cause burning antioxidant.Combustion (decomposition product)Lead oxideOn-site monitoring methodFour carboxy quinone dipstick colorimetric method of harmful substances in the air, HangShiPing determination methodSpeed measuring instrument, Spectrophotometric method, Anodic stripping voltammetry the environment pollution accident emergency monitoring and disposal technology WanBenTai editorLaboratory monitoring methodMonitoring method source categoryAtomic absorption spectrophotometry GB7475-87MCSO - 4 (were) of sulfonylurea porphyrin spectrophotometric WS/T126-1999 workplaces airHydride atomic absorption spectrophotometry - WS/T127-1999 workplaces airAtomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T15555.2-95 solid waste leaching solutionGraphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T17141-1997 soilFlame atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T17140-1997 soilFlame atomic absorption spectrophotometry GB/T15264-94 air qualityAtomic absorption spectrophotometry CJ/T101-99 of urban living garbageAtomic absorption spectrophotometry "solid wastes test analysis and evaluation of China environmental monitoring station handbook of solid wasteEnvironmental standardsChina (TJ36-79) in the air of workplace of the maximum allowed harmful material concentration 0.03 mg/m3 / lead smoke], 0.05 mg/m3 / lead dust]China (TJ36-79) residential air harmful substances in the allowable concentration 0.0007 mg/m3 (mean),China (1996) GB3092 - air environmental quality standard season average: 1.50 ug/m3Average annual: 1.00 ug/m3China (1996) GB16297 - comprehensive discharge atmospheric pollutants standard (lead) and (the highest emission concentrations (mg/m3) :0.90 (table 1), 0.70 (table 2.)2 the highest emission rate (kg/h) :Secondary 0.005 ~ 0.39, 3 0.007 ~ 0.60 (table 1)Secondary 0.004 ~ 0.33, 3 0.006 ~ 0.51 (table 2.)3 no organization emissions monitoring concentration limits:0.0060 mg/m3 (table 2), 0.






第四周期各元素的价层电子排布式: K 4s1 Ca 4s2 Sc 3d1 4s2 Ti 3d2 4s2 V 3d3 4s2 Cr 3d5 4s1 Mn 3d5 4s2 Fe 3d6 4s2 Co 3d7 4s2 Ni 3d8 4s2 Cu 3d10 4s2 Zn 3d10 4s2 Ga 4s2 4p1 Ge 4s2 4p2 As 4s2 4p3 Se 4s2 4p4 Br 4s2 4p5 Kr 4s2 4p6










氟化银,也称作氟化银(I),是银(I)的氟化物,化学式为AgF。在常温下为白色固体或黄棕色固体,熔点435°C,暴露于潮湿空气时变黑。   与其他卤化银不同,氟化银极易溶于水,在标况下(0摄氏度,298K,101kPa)溶解度为1800g/L,合约14.17mol/L,也可溶于乙腈,也能溶于硝酸等强酸。   其中Ag-F键长:246pm,小于其它卤化银.共价半径为246pm,与Ag-F键长相同,应区别于其它卤化银.   AgF可由碳酸银或氧化银与氢氟酸反应制备。   键型为离子键,也与其它卤化银相异.晶格类型类似于氯化钠,与氯化银/溴化银相同(碘化银晶格类型类似于硫化锌.)(其它卤化银均有共价键倾向:氯化银/溴化银的键型为过渡键,碘化银键型为共价键)   由于AgF易溶,可将Ag2O溶于氢氟酸中制取:Ag2O+2HF===2AgF+H2O   需要注意的是,长期大量接触氟化银者可能导致慢性氟中毒,吞咽氟化银者可导致急性氟中毒而死.   有机氟化学中常用氟化银来对不饱和键加成。例如,AgF在乙腈中与全氟烯烃反应,产物是全氟烷基银(I)衍生物。   RCF=CF2 + AgF → RFCF(CF3)Ag。所生成的RFCF(CF3)-离子是强碱,能和CO2反应生成RFCF(CF2)COOAg。


氟化银,也称作氟化银(I),是银(I)的氟化物,化学式为AgF。在常温下为白色固体或黄棕色固体,熔点435°C,暴露于潮湿空气时变黑。  与其他卤化银不同,氟化银极易溶于水,在标况下(0摄氏度,298K,101kPa)溶解度为1800g/L,合约14.17mol/L,也可溶于乙腈,也能溶于硝酸等强酸。  其中Ag-F键长:246pm,小于其它卤化银.共价半径为246pm,与Ag-F键长相同,应区别于其它卤化银.  AgF可由碳酸银或氧化银与氢氟酸反应制备。  键型为离子键,也与其它卤化银相异.晶格类型类似于氯化钠,与氯化银/溴化银相同(碘化银晶格类型类似于硫化锌.)(其它卤化银均有共价键倾向:氯化银/溴化银的键型为过渡键,碘化银键型为共价键)  由于AgF易溶,可将Ag2O溶于氢氟酸中制取:Ag2O+2HF===2AgF+H2O  需要注意的是,长期大量接触氟化银者可能导致慢性氟中毒,吞咽氟化银者可导致急性氟中毒而死.  有机氟化学中常用氟化银来对不饱和键加成。例如,AgF在乙腈中与全氟烯烃反应,产物是全氟烷基银(I)衍生物。  RCF=CF2+AgF→RFCF(CF3)Ag。所生成的RFCF(CF3)-离子是强碱,能和CO2反应生成RFCF(CF2)COOAg。


氟化银,也称作氟化银(I),是银(I)的氟化物,化学式为AgF.在常温下为白色固体或黄棕色固体,熔点435°C,暴露于潮湿空气时变黑.   与其他卤化银不同,氟化银极易溶于水,在标况下(0摄氏度,298K,101kPa)溶解度为1800g/L,合约14.17mol/L,也可溶于乙腈,也能溶于硝酸等强酸.   其中Ag-F键长:246pm,小于其它卤化银.共价半径为246pm,与Ag-F键长相同,应区别于其它卤化银.   AgF可由碳酸银或氧化银与氢氟酸反应制备.   键型为离子键,也与其它卤化银相异.晶格类型类似于氯化钠,与氯化银/溴化银相同(碘化银晶格类型类似于硫化锌.)(其它卤化银均有共价键倾向:氯化银/溴化银的键型为过渡键,碘化银键型为共价键)   由于AgF易溶,可将Ag2O溶于氢氟酸中制取:Ag2O+2HF===2AgF+H2O   需要注意的是,长期大量接触氟化银者可能导致慢性氟中毒,吞咽氟化银者可导致急性氟中毒而死.   有机氟化学中常用氟化银来对不饱和键加成.例如,AgF在乙腈中与全氟烯烃反应,产物是全氟烷基银(I)衍生物.   RCF=CF2 + AgF → RFCF(CF3)Ag.所生成的RFCF(CF3)-离子是强碱,能和CO2反应生成RFCF(CF2)COOAg.


氟化银,也称作氟化银(I),是银(I)的氟化物,化学式为AgF.在常温下为白色固体或黄棕色固体,熔点435°C,暴露于潮湿空气时变黑.   与其他卤化银不同,氟化银极易溶于水,在标况下(0摄氏度,298K,101kPa)溶解度为1800g/L,合约14.17mol/L,也可溶于乙腈,也能溶于硝酸等强酸.   其中Ag-F键长:246pm,小于其它卤化银.共价半径为246pm,与Ag-F键长相同,应区别于其它卤化银.   AgF可由碳酸银或氧化银与氢氟酸反应制备.   键型为离子键,也与其它卤化银相异.晶格类型类似于氯化钠,与氯化银/溴化银相同(碘化银晶格类型类似于硫化锌.)(其它卤化银均有共价键倾向:氯化银/溴化银的键型为过渡键,碘化银键型为共价键)   由于AgF易溶,可将Ag2O溶于氢氟酸中制取:Ag2O+2HF===2AgF+H2O   需要注意的是,长期大量接触氟化银者可能导致慢性氟中毒,吞咽氟化银者可导致急性氟中毒而死.   有机氟化学中常用氟化银来对不饱和键加成.例如,AgF在乙腈中与全氟烯烃反应,产物是全氟烷基银(I)衍生物.   RCF=CF2 + AgF → RFCF(CF3)Ag.所生成的RFCF(CF3)-离子是强碱,能和CO2反应生成RFCF(CF2)COOAg.




汞是化学元素,元素周期表第80位。俗称水银。还有“白澒、姹女、澒、神胶、元水、铅精、流珠、元珠、赤汞、砂汞、灵液、活宝、子明”等别称。元素符号Hg,在化学元素周期表中位于第6周期、第IIB族,是常温常压下唯一以液态存在的金属(从严格的意义上说,镓(符号Ga,31号元素)和铯(符号Cs,55号元素)在室温下(29.76℃和28.44℃)也呈液态)。汞是银白色闪亮的重质液体,化学性质稳定,不溶于酸也不溶于碱。汞常温下即可蒸发,汞蒸气和汞的化合物多有剧毒(慢性)。汞使用的历史很悠久,用途很广泛。[1] 在中世纪炼金术中与硫磺、盐共称炼金术神圣三元素。 基本介绍 中文名 :汞 外文名 :Hg 类别 :化学元素 元素周期表 :80位 汞信息,水银中药, 汞信息 1.汞(mercury,Hg),又称水银,是唯一在常温下呈液态并易流动的金属。密度13.5939克/立方厘米,蒸气比重6.9。汞很易蒸发到空气中引起危害,因为:1、在0℃时已蒸发,气温愈高,蒸发愈快愈多;每增加10℃蒸发速度约增加1.2~1.5倍,空气流动时蒸发更多。2、汞不溶于水,可通过表面的水封层蒸发到空气中。3、粘度小而流动性大,很易碎成小汞珠,无孔不入地留存于工作台、地面等处的缝隙中,既难清除,又使表面面积增加而大量蒸发,形成二次污染源。4、地面、工作台、墙壁十天花板等的表面都吸附汞蒸气,有时,汞作业车间移作它用,仍残留有汞危害的问题。工人衣着及皮肤上的污染可带到家庭中引起危害。 原子化焓:kJ /mol @25℃ 61.5 热容:J /(mol· K) 27.983 导热系数:W/(m·K) 8.30 导电性:10^6/(cm ·Ω ) 0.0104 熔化热:(千焦/摩尔) 2.295 汽化热:(千焦/摩尔) 59.229 元素在宇宙中的含量:(ppm) 0.001 有关金属汞的生产很多,例如汞矿的开采与汞的冶炼,尤其是土法火式炼汞,空气、土壤、水质都有污染;制造。校验和维修汞温度计、血压计。流量仪、液面计、控制仪、气压表、汞整流器等,尤其用热汞法生产危害更大;制造萤光灯、紫外光灯、电影放映灯、X线球管等;化学工业中作为生产汞化合物的原料,或作为催化剂如食盐电解用汞阴极制造氯气、烧碱等;以汞齐方式提取金银等贵金属以及镀金、馏金等;口腔科以银汞齐填补龋齿;钸反应堆的冷却剂,等等。 汞的无机化合物如硝酸汞(Hg(NO3)2)、升汞(HgCl2)、甘汞(HgCl)、溴化汞(HgBr2)、砷酸汞(HgAsO4)、硫化汞(HgS)、硫酸汞(HgSO4)、氧化汞(HgO)、氰化汞(Hg(CN)2)等,用于汞化合物的合成,或作为催化剂、颜料、涂料等;有的还作为药物,口服、过量吸入其粉尘及皮肤涂布时均可引起中毒。此外,雷汞(Hg(CNO)2?1/2H2O)用于制造雷管等。 元素序号:80 元素符号:Hg 元素名称:汞 元素原子量:200.6 元素类型:金属 发现人: 发现年代: 发现过程: 古代即已经发现。 元素描述: 是在常温下唯一以液态存在的金属。熔点-39℃,沸点356.6℃,密度13.59克/厘米3。银白色液体金属。内聚力很强,在空气中稳定。蒸气有剧毒。溶于硝酸和热浓硫酸,但与稀硫酸、盐酸、碱都不起作用。能溶解许多金属。化合价为+1和+2。汞的七种同位素的混合物。 元素来源: 自然界中主要有辰砂矿(HgS),也有少量的自然汞。常用辰沙矿加少许碳在空气中加热而制得。 元素用途: 常用于制造科学测量仪器(如气压计、温度计等)、药物、催化剂、汞蒸气灯、电极、雷汞等。 元素辅助资料: 汞在自然界中分布量最小,被认为是稀有金属,但是人们很早就发现了水银。天然的硫化汞又称为朱砂,由于具有鲜红的色泽,因而很早就被人们用作红色颜料。根据殷虚出土的甲骨文上涂有丹砂,可以证明我国在有史以前就使用了天然的硫化汞。 根据我国古文献记载:在秦始皇死以前,一些王侯在墓葬中也早已使用了灌输水银,例如齐桓公葬在今山东临淄县,其墓中倾水银为池。这就是说,我国在公元前6世纪或更早已经取得大量汞。 我国古代还把汞作为外科用药。1973年长沙马王堆汉墓出土的帛书中有《五十二药方》。抄写年代在秦汉之际,是现已发掘的我国最古医方,可能处于战国时代。其中有四个药方就套用了水银。例如用水银,雄黄混合,治疗疥疮等。 东西方的炼金术士们都对水银发生了兴趣。西方的炼金术士们认为水银是一切金属的共同性——金属性的化身。他们所认为的金属性是一种组成一切金属的“元素”。 我国古代劳动人民是如何取得大量水银的?——把丹砂,也就是硫化汞,在空气中烧,是会得到汞的: HgS + O2 ——→ Hg + SO2 但是生成的汞容易挥发,不易蒐集,而且操作人员会发生汞中毒。我国劳动人民在实践中积累经验,改用密闭方式制汞,有的是密闭在竹筒中,有的是密闭的石榴罐中。 根据西方化学史的资料,曾在埃及古墓中发现一小管水银,据历史考证是公元前16—前15世纪的产物。但我国古代劳动人民首先制得了大量水银。 元素符号: Hg 英文名: Mercury 中文名: 汞 相对原子质量: 200.59 常见化合价: +1,+2 电负性: 1.9 外围电子排布: 5d10 6s2 核外电子排布: 2,8,18,32,18,2 同位素及放射线: Hg-194[520y] Hg-196 Hg-197[2.7d] Hg-198 Hg-199 Hg-200 Hg-201 *Hg-202 Hg-203[46.6d] Hg-204 Hg-206[8.2m] 电子亲合和能: -18 KJ·mol-1 第一电离能: 1007.1 KJ·mol-1 第二电离能: 1809.7 KJ·mol-1 第三电离能: 0 KJ·mol-1 单质密度: 13.456 g/cm3 单质熔点: -38.87 ℃ 单质沸点: 356.68 ℃ 原子半径: 1.76 埃 离子半径: 1.02(+2) 埃 共价半径: 1.49 埃 常见化合物: HgO HgSO4 发现人: 远古就被发现 时间: 0 地点: 名称由来: 得名于罗马神话中墨丘利神的名字“Mercury”;元素符号来自拉丁文“hydrargyrus”(液态的银)。 元素描述: 沉重的银白色金属,常温下为液态。 元素来源: 实际上所有的汞都来自朱砂也即硫化汞(HgS)。某些朱砂含汞如此丰富,乃至于在随机样本中能见到汞的液滴。 元素用途: 用于温度计、气压计和电池,也用于电气开关和水银蒸气灯具{如日光灯}。 2.高达模型的一个版本 HG(high grade)有1:100和1:144两种,制作比FG更加精细,可动部位也更多,可以比较完美的再现动画中的机体,组装比前两种要更加复杂,价格也更贵. HG(high grade)大多是1:100的产品.早在1990年高达模型发行10周年之际,在90年3月第一款HG1:144 RX-78发售,经过10年的发展,技术有很大的提高,高精细筑模也能使1:144十分完美的再现机体,可以说HG以达到极高水准.HG不仅满足初学者的简单组装,而且那些"高手"们也能在此一展身手! 水银中药 水银·中药 【药名】水银 【别名】白澒、姹女、澒、汞、神胶、元水、铅精、流珠、元珠、赤汞、砂汞、灵液、活宝 【汉语拼音】shuǐ yín 【英文名】Mercury 【拉丁植物动物矿物名】Cinnabar;Mercury or Quicksilver Hydrargyrum 【归经】心;肝;肾经 【药理作用】 1.水银(汞)的化合物有消毒、泻下、利尿作用,现已不用或罕用。元素汞不引起药理作用,解离后的汞离子能与疏基结合而干扰细胞的代谢及功能。元素汞不能自肠胃道吸收,但其表面暴露于空气中时可形成氧化物或硫化物,因而吞食后有时可引起轻度泻下、利尿。吞食水银的人,大多数并无症状,水银自粪便排出,少数人可有某些症状,而极少数(敏感或其他未知原因)可引起立即死亡。 2.水银为一种原生质毒,能和病原微生物呼吸酶中的硫氢基结合而抑制其生活力,最后使其窒息而致死。 3.汞剂排泄主要由肾,其次是大肠。 【中药化学成分】为单体金属元素汞(Hg),并含有微量的银。 【功效】杀虫;攻毒 【科属分类】汞及其化合物类 【拉丁文名】Hydrargyrum 【药(毒)理学】汞剂对消化道有腐蚀作用,对肾脏,毛细血管均有损害作用。急性中毒多半由误服升汞引起,有消化道腐蚀所致的症状,吸收后产生肾脏损害而致尿闭和毛细血管损害而引起血浆损失,甚至发生休克。早期套用二巯基丙醇及其他对症措施,多数有效。慢性中毒一般见于工业中毒,发生口腔炎和中毒性脑病,后者表现为忧郁、畏缩等精神症状和肌肉震颤。 【主治】疥癣;梅毒;恶疮;痔痿 【生态环境】 1.常呈矿脉产于石灰岩、板岩、砂岩中。产于辰砂矿的氧化带,常成小珠球存在于矿脉及岩石的洞隙内和浮土中。 2.自然汞大多在火山地区或与温泉形成的辰砂相伴产出。常含银,还可能含铜、铁、铅、锑、锡等杂质。自然汞数量远少于共存的辰砂,且难采集。近年曾有自然汞产出于陕西(略阳)、湖南(省溪、新晃)、云南(蒙自)等地汞矿中。 【采收和储藏】通常用辰砂矿石砸碎,置炉中通空气(或加石炭及铁质)加热蒸馏,再经过滤而得。自然汞不甚多见。 【资源分布】 1.产于湖北、湖南、广西贵州、四川、云南等省区。 2.主产于贵州、湖南、四川及广西、云南、湖北;其他省区亦有产出。 【选方】水银膏《圣惠方》:癣疮;小升丹《验方》: 【用药禁忌】 1.大毒之品,不宜内服,孕妇尤忌。 2.外用亦不可过量或久用,以免中毒。 3.《本草拾遗》:人患疮疥,多以水银涂之,性滑重,直入肉,宜慎之。 4.《本草经疏》:头疮切不可用,恐入筋络,必缓筋骨,惟宜外敷,不宜内服。 【动植物形态】 1.辰砂 三方晶系。晶体成厚板状或菱面体,在自然界中单体少见,多呈粒状、致密状块体出现,也有呈粉末状被膜者。颜色为朱红色至黑红色,有时带铅灰色。条痕为红色。金刚光泽,半透明。有平行的完全解理。断口呈半贝壳状或参差状。硬度2-2.5。比重8.09-8.2。性脆。 2.自然汞 常温下为液体,-38.87℃以下为三方晶系晶体。晶体汞为菱面体状。液体呈小珠分散,或呈薄膜依附于辰砂等共存矿物表面及裂隙中,亦呈小水滴状集中于岩石裂隙。银白或锡白色,金属光泽,不透明。晶体汞相对密度14.26-14.4;液体汞相对密度13.546(20℃)。气化点356.58℃,蒸气有剧毒;常温下在空气中稳定为液态,受热易挥发。 【功效分类】外用药 【药物套用鉴别】水银、砒石均具剧毒,为以毒攻毒之猛药。可治疥癣,恶疮肿毒。其攻毒杀虫功效显著,但砒石兼有蚀疮去腐作用,为治恶疮死肌坚硬,腐肉不去的要药。近代水银不作内服,而砒石尚可内服,治疟疾等,二者不能同用,属配伍禁忌。 【性味】辛;寒;有毒 【药材基源】为一种液态金属。主要由辰砂矿炼出,少数取自自然汞。 【用法用量】外用:适量,涂擦。 【出处】《中华本草》《中药大辞典》 HG其他含义 HG 家庭网关 HG(HIGH GRADE)高等级钢弹模型,比例一般为1:144 1:60 1:100,没有内构造。面向的是低年龄段的FANS




汞元素(Hg) 望采纳!




Hg是汞元素的化学符号,是一种常温常压下呈液态的金属元素。元素周期表第80位,在化学元素周期表中位于第6周期、第IIB族,俗称水银,还有“白澒、姹女、澒、神胶、元水、铅精、流珠、元珠、赤汞、砂汞、灵液、活宝、子明”等别称,是常温常压下唯一以液态存在的金属。汞在自然界中分布量极小,被认为是稀有金属,但是人们很早就发现了水银。天然的硫化汞又称为朱砂,由于具有鲜红的色泽,因而很早就被人们用作红色颜料。根据殷虚出土的甲骨文上涂有丹砂,可以证明中国在有史以前就使用了天然的硫化汞。 根据中国古文献记载:在秦始皇死以前,一些王侯在墓葬中也早已使用了灌输水银,例如齐桓公葬在今山东临淄县,其墓中倾水银为池。这就是说,中国在公元前7世纪或更早已经取得大量汞。 中国古代还把汞作为外科用药。1973年长沙马王堆汉墓出土的帛书中的《五十二药方》,抄写年代在秦汉之际,是现已发掘的中国最古医方,可能处于战国时代。其中有四个药方就应用了水银。例如用水银、雄黄混合,治疗疥疮等。 东西方的炼金术士们都对水银发生了兴趣。西方的炼金术士们认为水银是一切金属的共同性——金属性的化身。他们所认为的金属性是一种组成一切金属的“元素”。 中国古代劳动人民把丹砂(也就是硫化汞),在空气中煅烧得到汞。但是生成的汞容易挥发,不易收集,而且操作人员会发生汞中毒。中国劳动人民在实践中积累经验,改用密闭方式制汞,有的是密闭在竹筒中,有的是密闭的石榴罐中。 根据西方化学史的资料,曾在埃及古墓中发现一小管水银,据历史考证是公元前16—前15世纪的产物。但中国古代劳动人民首先制得了大量水银。






  关于元素的学说,即把元素看成构成自然界中一切实在物体的最简单的组成部分的学说。早在远古就已经产生了,不过,在古代把元素看作是物质的一种具体形式的这种近代观念是不存在的。无论在我国古代的哲学中还是在印度或西方的古代哲学中,都把元素看作是抽象的、原始精神的一种表现形式,或是物质所具有的基本性质。  化学元素(英语:Chemical element),指自然界中一百多种基本的金属和非金属物质,它们只由一种原子组成,其原子中的每一核子具有同样数量的质子,用一般的化学方法不能使之分解,并且能构成一切物质。 一些常见元素的例子有氢,氮和碳。到2012年为止,总共有118种元素被发现,其中94种是存在于地球上。拥有原子序数大于83(即铋之后的元素)都是不稳定,并会进行放射衰变。 第43和第61种元素(即锝和钷)没有稳定的同位素,会进行衰变。可是,即使是原子序数高达95,没有稳定原子核的元素都一样能在自然中找到,这就是铀和钍的自然衰变。




元素周期表(注音版)qīng氢 hài氦 lǐ锂 pí铍 péng硼 tàn碳 dàn氮 yǎng氧 fú氟 nǎi氖 nà钠 měi镁lǚ铝 guī硅 lín磷 liú硫 lǜ氯 yà氩 jiǎ钾 gài钙 kàng钪 tài钛 fán钒 gè铬měng锰 tiě铁 gǔ钴 niè镍 tóng铜 xīn锌 jiā镓 zhě锗 shēn砷 xī硒 xiù溴 kè氪rú铷 sī锶 yǐ钇 gào锆 ní铌 mù钼 dé锝 liǎo钌 lǎo铑 pá钯 yín银 gé镉 yīn铟 xī锡 tī锑 dì碲 diǎn碘 xiān氙 sè铯 bèi钡 lán镧 shì铈 cuò错 nǚ钕pǒ钷 shān钐 yǒu铕 gá钆 tè铽 dí镝 huǒ钬 ěr铒 diū铥 yì镱 lǔ镥 hā铪 tǎn钽 wū钨 lái铼 é锇 yī铱 bó铂 jīn金 gǒng汞 tā铊 qiān铅 bì铋 pō钋ài砹 dōng氡 fāng钫 léi镭 ā锕 tǔ钍 pú镤 yóu铀 ná镎 bù钚 méi镅 jū锔péi锫 kāi锎 āi锿 fèi镄 mén钔 nuò锘 láo铹 4 331更多回答(5)化学高中化学式大全_学习方法大全根据化学相关内容为您推荐怎么学好化学高中化学式大全,很多同学上课听懂了,但是做题就没思路了,对学习的信..xr.rsywenh.cn广告高中化学怎么算_高中学习方法大全根据基础教育相关内容为您推荐高中化学怎么算,典型的盲学,盲考!只知闷头刷题不总结,学没方法,考试没技巧,累还..宝鸡梦飞翔教育咨询有限公司广告高中常用化学元素_相信榜样的力量_提高不仅是成绩根据基础教育相关内容为您推荐高中常用化学元素,高考是所有的家长及学生都面临的一道严峻的问题,高中常用化学元..study.pgsan.cn广告去"化学专业"专






ba是钡,碱土金属元素,化学元素符号Ba,周期表中ⅡA族第六周期元素,是一种柔软的有银白色光泽的碱土金属,是碱土金属中最活泼的元素。元素名来源于希腊文βαρύς (barys),原意是“重的”。由于钡的化学性质十分活泼,从来没有在自然界中发现钡单质。钡在自然界中最常见的矿物是重晶石(硫酸钡)和毒重石(碳酸钡),二者皆不溶于水。钡在1774年被确认为一个新元素,但直到1808年电解法发明不久后才被归纳为金属元素。扩展资料钡,和其它碱土金属一样,在地球上到处都有分布:在地壳上部的含量是0.026%,而在地壳中的平均值是0.022%。钡主要以重晶石形式存在,以硫酸盐或碳酸盐形式存在。自然界钡的主要矿物为重晶石(BaSO4)和毒重石(BaCO3)。重晶石矿床分布很广,中国的湖南、广西、山东等地都有较大的矿床。