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请问 just short of 在下面这个句子中是副词短语吗


be lack of 和 be short of 的区别,

no significant difference.but "short of" seem to be more oral.

being short of money还是short of money

being short of money是对的。short的基本意思是“短的”,既可指持续的时间“短”,也可指长度“短”、高度“矮”或在重量、数量等方面“短缺的,不足的,未达标的”。short指持续时间短时,有不完全、缩短或突然停止的意味。money的基本意思是“钱,货币”,包括纸币和硬币。money还可指某人所拥有的一切,即“财富,财产”。money多用作不可数名词,指多种货币时也可用作可数名词,其复数形式为moneys,此时多用于指特种钱币或数额较大的钱,或用于法律用语。相关词组:accept money 接受钱。accumulate money 积聚钱。allot money 拨款。amass money 积聚金钱。appropriate money 拨款。bank money 在银行存钱。borrow money 借钱。carry money 带钱。change money 换钱。circulate money 使货币流通。

nothing short of是什么意思


be short of 等于什么?

be lack of缺乏

a pair of shorts是什么意思?

一条运动短裤(指宽松的) 或 一条短衬裤(指美式男用的)^_^



be short of是什么意思?

the shipment is __ of 1540lbs ,用short如何填写

the shipment is short of 1540lbsbe short of是固定词组吧算是shipment英 ["u0283u026apm(u0259)nt] 美 ["u0283u026apmu0259nt] n. 装货;装载的货物网络释义专业释义英英释义 装运2、交货与装运的关系 装运(Shipment)是指将货物交由船方运往约定目的地的行为, 也就是一般所说的装船。基于948个网页-相关网页 装船 装载的货物 交运short of 缺乏;不足;除…以外网络释义专业释义 缺乏2010考博英语词组复习(七) ... settle down 坐下来;安居下来;安家;安定下来;冷静下来;降临 short of 不足;缺乏 show off 卖弄;夸示;显眼;炫耀;展示;(在…衬托下)显得好看 ...基于241个网页-相关网页 缺少 不足 若无短语Short moments of time 这会是光阴的一刹那 ; 那些短暂的瞬间 ; 那些短暂的瞬间啊Short period of time 短时期 ; 短的时间 ; 短一段时间 ; 短时间内make short shrift of 敷衍了事 ; 很快解决 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典short of短缺,不足少于;次于除…之外离开;距离(…有多远)以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》柯林斯英汉双解大词典 shipment /u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt/ CET6 TEM4 ( shipments )1. N-COUNT A shipment is an amount of a particular kind of cargo that is sent to another country on a ship, train, aeroplane, or other vehicle. 运送的货物 (量)例:After that, food shipments to the port could begin in a matter of weeks.之后,到该港口的食物运送可能在几周之内开始。2. N-UNCOUNT The shipment of a cargo or goods somewhere is the sending of it there by ship, train, aeroplane, or some other vehicle. 运送例:Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉先要装箱,然后送到码头运往海外。

they are short of money 为啥加are和of 代表什么

他们欠钱,他们当然用 are, “short of” 是个phrase 套词,所以一定用of.

be short of 与be lack of有什么区别吗

be lack of 是指不具备什么,本来就没有。be short of 能够具备而短缺。

He is short of money. short句中的是名词还是动词


short on cash=short of cash吗?

我觉得是不是这样理解,前面be short 和on chash是分开的,另外的是short of 词组

short of breath是什么意思


a lack of a short of的区别


短语 fall short of 中的 short 是什么词性?为什么?


short of breath是什么意思???


请问short of 与a lack of 怎么区分

我本来以为: short of 后面加的名词不是实物,换句话来说是触摸不到的. lack of就相反,接着的名词是实物. 不过...你说答案是A的话我就不知道了

as倒装句中 short of 和lack of 区别

肯定是dlack of 才是缺什么

short of中的short是名词还是形容词?


be falling short of 与fall short of 有啥区别?

1.fall short of 与 be short of 都有不bai足,缺少之意2.但fall short of 更强du调zhi动作,一般含瞬时之意,陷入短dao缺,不表示状态3.be short of 更强调状态,可与zhuan表示一段时间的状语搭配4.可配合 fall asleep与be asleep 这组短语的区别进行理解


【 #英语资源# 导语】short有短的;矮的;短期的;短缺的;简略的等意思,那么你知道short的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】short的用法大全   short的用法1:short的基本意思是“短的”,既可指持续的时间“短”,也可指长度“短”、高度“矮”或在重量、数量等方面“短缺的,不足的,未达标的”。short指持续时间短时,有不完全、缩短或突然停止的意味。   short的用法2:short和表示时间的time, hour(s), year(s)等连用,可表示“不足”“不到”“短暂的”; 修饰动作或声音,可表示“短促的”。   short的用法3:short也可作“简称的,简略形式的”“简单粗暴的,唐突无礼的”“少而浓的,烈性的”“短音的”“短期的,即将兑现的”“油酥的”等解。   short的用法4:short在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。   short的用法5:short用作副词的意思是“突然地,唐突地”,有时也可作“达不到目的地”解。   short的用法6:short在句中多用作状语。   short的用法7:short用作名词的基本意思是“短路”“短片”“短裤”,还可作“烈酒”解。   short的用法8:short作“烈酒”“短裤”解时通常用复数形式。用作主语时谓语动词须用复数形式,“一条短裤”是a pair of shorts。 【篇二】short的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   for short   in short   用作形容词 (adj.)   at short notice   be little short of   come short of   fall short (of)   give short shrift   go short (of)   in a short time 【篇三】short的用法例句   1. I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news.   我用短波收音机收听最新的战事新闻。   2. The letter was short — a simple recitation of their problem.   信写得很短——只是简单地说了一下他们的问题。   3. They"ve come a long way in a short space of time.   他们在很短的时间之内就大老远地赶了过来。   4. There was a net outflow of about £50m in short-term capital.   短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。   5. I"ll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams.   我会开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。   6. She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories.   她一直因其优秀的短篇小说享有很高的声望。   7. Women are in fact still being short-changed in the press.   实际上女性在新闻界仍然没有受到公平对待。   8. Food is in short supply all over the country.   全国普遍食品供应不足。   9. There"s no one available at such short notice to take her class.   只提前这么短的时间通知,找不到人替她的课。   10. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.   指南上有对每个饭店的简评。   11. People still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.   人们还留着短发、穿着传统服饰。   12. He was short and fat, with a large beer belly.   他又矮又胖,挺着个大啤酒肚。   13. A short time later they sat down to eat.   过了一小会儿,他们坐下来吃东西。   14. This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain.   这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。   15. There was a short sharp shower followed by a strengthening breeze.   一场短时强阵雨后风势渐长。




“Cyber-shot”是索尼在1996年推出其第一部数码相机DSC-F1时所开创的品牌。Cyber源自Cybernetics,代表“与电脑相关的”,而shot代表“拍照”的意思。“Cyber-shot”的含义非常明确,就是专指数码相机!经由1996年到2006年这11年间,“Cyber-shot”数码相机家族已经推出了近百款产品,而“Cyber-shot”这个品牌,几乎可以称作是数码相机的象征。K790c、k550c等上使用了“Cyber-shot”品牌,说明索爱对其拍照功能的重视与自信,是索尼数码相机的特有名称。手机只有索爱有CYBER SHOT这样叫。就像WALKMAN代表的是索尼的随身听一样. k750c的quick share是指随时随地共同分享你的成果。在你的图片铃声还有主题等文件的更多里,都会有发送,各种方式都有。蓝牙,红外,彩信,等等。非常方便。

Shorty Be Mine (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shorty Be Mine (Album Version)歌手:Pretty Ricky专辑:BluestarsPretty Ricky - Shorty Be MineYou hit me up on your cellphoneYou go girl wit your thon...thon..thon...thongsSexy black come over hereAnd let me put a few love buzzes in your earYou smile at meGirl your so flyShorty, you never had a thug like I....Say shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?I"m like shorty would you be mine?Think about you all the timeYou on my speed dialDon"t answer the phone and I"ll be damned if I hit redial(Can you hear me now?)Good,from the first time I called I knew you understoodBut do you comprehend?Girl,get wit the planI"m like one hour,compared to a minutemanI"m everlastingI want longevityUnder Pretty Ricky baby where you need to beSay shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?I know you young, but you readySee, we can bump and grind like R. KellyBaby we aint gotta fuss and fightLet"s take our time and do it rightWe gonna make love tonightI"m like a love rollercoasterFlip you overMake you scream my real nameHolla Diamond Blue Smith when you feel the painAint runnin gameThat aint my territoryAsk Remy Martin whats the real true storyWhen I push pull me closerLet me put this thing on yaLike your lover suppose toI"m the one you need girlGirl,let me show yaI"ll turn you to a woman from a childI"m yo destinyBaby I"ma soldierOHHHH......We gonna break it downWe gonna break it downShorty,shorty,say would you be mine?Shorty,shorty,say would you be mine?I"m not gonna leave yaI"m not a cheataA heartbreaker and deceiverI wanna be wit yaNow shorty would you be mine?Through hard timesEaster,Christmas,Thanksgiving,even ValentinesForever and a day and beyondBaby whats wrong?Aint nothing wrong with slow grindin to a slow songNow give me my neckbonesYou feelin so tenderLet me play some of this Teddy PendaWhats on my agenda?Putting ice on ya ring finga,yeahSay shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say shorty would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Say would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Say would you be mine? (Would you be mine?)Shorty would you be mine?OHHHHH.....OHHHHH.....http://music.baidu.com/song/7886208

she is a bit short的同义句

she is a bit short的同义句她是一个有点短的同义句

But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts 是哪首歌的?

Taylor Swift 的 you belong with me

Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, an



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slim more slim thin thinner clever cleverer healthy healthier short shorter heavy heavier tall taller long longer fat fatter beautiful more beautiful interesting more interesting good better many more little less few fewe



Ifind what I haveone shortcoming in my character.

what 改为that


SHORTY - 田中圣 (KAT-TUN)J-O-K-E-R Show me イニシャルJ bluahhhn...get U hands up thugなRhymeこれは别注Manl-ight シャバ憎分かるか?その目覚まそう J.O.K.E.R yeah Shorty见たかこれがhustler 俺のテクでいつしかslaveとmastershorty エグいBaby はべらす フロア中の注目かっさらう フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby 甘い蜜とsexyなブレス Da dan da dan da da da da 俺様が切り札a.k.a.J chain out. Da dan da dan da da da da east side. west side.あげてput your hands up フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby 甘い蜜とsexyなブレス Da dan da dan da da da da MICはlike aダイアはたまたRhymer Da dan da dan da da da da ランニングホップ跳ねろギンギンRock フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby フロア揺らせchic lady body shakeしなブーティーシェーカー スピーカーの裏Come baby 甘い蜜とsexyなブレスRomaji Shorty: Let"s Bounce!J.O.K.E.RYEAH ShortyInitial J bronk get your hands upThup na rhyme korewa betsuchiyu maynJapan shabun ruka sono memi ma so uJ.O.K.E.RYEAH SHORTY mitaka korega hustleore no tekude yitsushika slave to masterSHORTY egui baby haherazuFloor nakano chiyumikassarau"Floor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breathFloor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breath"MIC wa like a guiya hatamata rythmeRunning pop daneru kick it rockClappingStopping PleaceThis is a superdomekikena super show rappy show danchikaikono samitemina horariki jiyankukorimotte MIC mi re represent japaneseShorty arega what can seeRAP no yimisura tirazuMAKE A SENSEShorty orewa gentelman24 kouke mo kimitake wo rock on""Floor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breathFloor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breath""oresamaka setsurire A.K.A.J chain outEast side west side agete put your hands up"Amai mitsu to sexy na breath""""Floor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breathFloor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breath"""MIC wa like a guiya hatamata rythmeRunning pop daneru kick it rock""Amai mitsu to sexy na breath""Floor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breathFloor yurase chick ladiesBody sexy na booty shakeSpeaker no ura come babyamai mitsu to sexy na breath

Wayne Shorter的《Atlantis》 歌词

歌曲名:Atlantis歌手:Wayne Shorter专辑:AtlantisAtlantisWith pure innocence in heart she walks through the woods,Her long coat embraces her like raven wings.Cold steel in her hands, a red thin traceFollows her steps through the snow.In this cold world of hypocrisy she"s a true word.In the nights, one hidden placeHis arms covered her, protected herForbidden loveEbony found ivoryA perfect fusion, unperfect endOld tree-trunks hide the senseless tragedyOf a young despaired girland Only heaven criesBut life still goes on a few yards awayIn the old grey abbey which was homeNow her lips remain closed and the white skin is coldOh look what condemnation brought.In the nights, one hidden placeIn the nights, the silent nightsHis arms covered her, protected herForbidden loveIn the nights, the silent nightsEbony found ivoryA perfect fusion, unperfect endEbony found ivoryEbony found ivoryA perfect fusion, unperfect endHe could not help herHe was already deadBanned in a pictureA hundred years oldIn the nights, one hidden placeHis arms covered her, protected herForbidden loveIn the nights, the silent nightsEbony found ivoryA perfect fusion, unperfect endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8244873

"我让人把我的头发剪短了."是不是 I have my hair cut short


size comparison, extro petite inseam, tall inseam, short inseam 的汉语意思?

size comparison 比较大小extro petite inseam最小值tall inseam 高脚长short inseam 短脚长仅供参考


short men矮小的男人例句:1.So most short men wear big wedge heels. 所以大部分的矮小男人都会穿大坡跟鞋。2.Jakesullycrewcuthairstyle crew cut short men hairstyles for summer 2010. 平头短发型的男子2010年夏季。

谁有高中英语选修六unit 1课文a short history of western painting的中文翻译?



short名词是short、shortage、shortness。short,英语单词,形容词、名词、副词,作名词时意为“短;缺乏;短路;短裤”。作形容词时意为“短的;不足的;矮的,低的”。作副词时意为“不足;突然;唐突地”。shortcircuit[电]短路;霹雳五号;捷径最少运算inhort简言之总之简而言之;简单地说short position空头;空头头寸;淡仓;空仓shortbill[金融]短期汇票;短期国库券短期票据;短期期票Short Cuts银色·性·男女;银色性男女;人生交叉点;银色shortcut快捷方式;走捷径;缩短球路;捷径short trousers短裤;裤衩;服装类型英语;中裤Short stay短暂停留;短支索;短暂逗留;近锚泊Short Stirling斯特林轰炸机;斯特林例句如下:1.For a short while, WE should have no marshal.很短的一段时间,我们应该没有元帅。2.What have you learnt from this short experience?从这么短的工作经历中你学到了什么?3.It was short, so I went back into our records to get some background for you.它是短暂的,这样我回到我们的记录中来为你们获得一些背景。

short stories是什么意思


HortScience 是SCI期刊吗,具体情况怎样

是SCI期刊,挺不错的!我有个朋友投的就是这个,不过是找的熟人,速度挺快的HortScience,园艺科学(美国),这个刊物在整个园艺学刊物中并非很出名的刊物,影响因子较低,所以与其它刊物(美国园艺学报,英国园艺学报)比较起来应该比较容易。通常情况下审稿会在2个月左右结束,之后如果是小修,那么大概再需要一个月就差不多知道消息了;如果需要大修和重新审稿,就再需要大概2个月。之后接受定稿也要一个月吧,而且这个刊物是双月刊,每年6期,所以要想印刷发表出来还是需要一定时间的。我看了你说的研究内容,投HortScience符合他们之中soil management部分的内容要求,不过应该还有其他方面的刊物,比如plant and siol或者土壤科学方面的问题。其实作为一个要毕业的研究生,你应该最清楚那些刊物属于你的选择范围,因为你平时的文献阅读让你对自己的研究有一个大体定位。多数情况下文章都是可以发表的,关键是要找到合适的刊物。同时你在写作的时候也需要引用相关的文献,从那些文献所载的刊物,你也应该有个大体的目标刊物。通常情况下在开始写一个文章的时候,心里应该已经有了自己的目标刊物,之后根据这个刊物的文章风格和格式进行书写,之后修改尝试投稿。因为可以做到有的放矢!关于hortscience的具体准备稿件和投递稿件的信息请参看他们网站的介绍:http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/misc/ifora.dtl详细研读,并在准备稿件的时候严格遵守提到的格式,会让稿件的接收几率更高,速度更快。注意,sci的发表往往细节决定失败,所以要有耐心。同时在论文投稿版应该有比较全面的,关于初次投稿和准备稿件的注意事项及相关诀窍。


加字母 S ,变成单词short,



HORT HM-A318打印机多出纸的原因





Hort是英语单词horticulture的缩写,可以翻译为园艺。下面将详细介绍这个词的含义和相关内容:Horticulture是一种农业科学,专注于植物栽培和种植。这包括果树、蔬菜、花卉、草坪和其他景观植物的种植和管理。园艺是一种广泛的活动,包括从家庭花园到商业农场的各种规模和类型。它可以用于食品生产、药用植物、景观设计、环境保护等方面。园艺的技术和实践涵盖了许多领域,包括土壤管理、肥料应用、种植和繁殖技术、植物保护、灌溉、剪枝和修剪、温室管理等。园艺师和园艺专业人员通常需要掌握一定的植物学和生物学知识,以及相关的技术和管理技能,以确保植物的健康和生长。园艺在世界各地都有许多的支持者和爱好者,有许多的组织和团体致力于推广和发展园艺事业。例如,国际园艺生产者协会(International Association of Horticultural Producers, AIPH)就是一个致力于促进园艺产业和发展的国际组织。

Ironing a shirt is easy to learn. Just follow the steps in this short guide (指南), and you’ll le

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C小题5:B 试题分析:本文介绍了在录像的帮助下学会熨衣服的方法。在熨衣服之前,你需要准备的是一个熨斗,一个熨衣板和一瓶水。大部分人喜欢从上部——领子开始熨衬衫。在要熨的地方喷上水,由里到外,由上到下的熨,最后熨衬衣前面,一共七个步骤。熨完衬衫,要把衬衫晾干。小题1:细节理解题。根据The most important thing is this: don"t try to iron a dry shirt.可知熨衣服时,最重要的是不要熨一件干的衬衫。故选B。小题2:细节理解题。根据You will need an iron, an ironing board and a bottle of water.可知在熨衣服之前,你需要准备的是一个熨斗,一个熨衣板和一瓶水。故不需要一个尺子。故选A。小题3:细节理解题。根据but most people like to start at the top — the collar. 但是大部分人喜欢从上部——领子开始熨衬衫。故选D。小题4:推理判断题。根据First, iron the inside of the collar. Second, turn the collar over and iron the other side. Third, iron the back shoulders of the shirt. Fourth, iron the cuffs. Iron the inside, then the outside of the cuffs. Fifth, iron the sleeves. Sixth, iron the back of the shirt. Finally, iron the front of the shirt. Do one side, and then do the other side.可知熨衣服需要七个步骤。故选C。小题5:细节理解题。根据you"ll learn how to iron your shirt properly with the help of the video.可知观看录像就可以学会熨衬衫,故选B。

英语阅读:The Conflict of the Short Story

On the Conflict of the Short Story “Everyday use for your grandmama” is a story about an Africa-American family"s daily life and their spiritual world, reflecting their embarrassed condition and cultural plight. There are three primary characters in the passage: mom, Maggieand Dee and their different characters form the conflicts in the story. The most incompatible conflict is their different views on the African culture. Mom and Maggie living a traditional way of the black clashed with Dee who praised the opinion of the white. Mom was a typical black woman, “large, big-boned, with rough, man-working hands” and little education. Doing very hard work like “knocking a bull calf straight in the brain with a sledge hammer” and “breaking ice to get water for washing”, she sustained the whole family laboriously. From her, we see the glittery virtue of hard working of the black women and the great love of a mother as well. Her little daughter Maggie was a shy and conservative girl inheriting theculture from her mom. While without the beauty and braveness, she knew the exact way of THEIR life. However, Dee was very different from them. Accepting the education and culture of the white people, she knew littleabout her culture, despised the black and even hated her identity. She hated their house very much and she did not want to bring her friends to her mom and sister. Her mother tolerated her, raised the money to send her to school and felt proud of her. But she returned this love by detesting and leaving the family. The great virtue and the bitter experience of the black could not evoke her respect and understanding, but the anger and shame instead. The infection of the white"s culture made her ignoring the love and beauty of her family and her race. However, Dee had a big change later. Influenced by the Black Power Movement, she got interested in her own culture. The house, the bench, the churn and the quilt, all these things that were used to make her disgusted delighted her then. Following the “fashion” of the movement, she intangibly and surprisingly found the “value” of her family. But it is a pitythat Dee only formed a shallow view on her culture. She said the language of the East Africa “a-su-so-tean-o” to her mother, knowing little that they came to America from West Africa. Neglecting the history and the love of the everyday use, she just wanted to keep them as ornaments to make a parade. Maggie, to the opposite, had a different view on the culture. Though did not realize the “value” of the everyday use, she knew everything"s history------who made it, how to use it and how to make it. The typical representative of their culture is the quilt made from pieces of dresses. Through the skillful hands and united work, the old pieces turned into beautiful quilts, with lone star pattern and the picture of walk aroundthe mountain. These quilts are not only the reflection of the wisdom and diligence of the black women, but also impregnated with the love of the family members. Different from Dee"s opinion of “hanging them”, Maggie considered them to be a souvenir of the grandma Dee and she knew how to quilt herself. She would use them as quilts, as the way the black should do. In her hand, the quilts could hold that family-love and pass down from generation to generation, with the traditional living way of black people. Comparing with Dee, the real value of quilts could show only in Maggie"s hands. And that was why mom gave the quilts to Maggie at last. Through the conflicts between the characters, the story reflects the conflict of the society to us. Dee is a black girl trying to enter the mainstream of America, namely the white world, well-educated but knowing little about her culture. Maggie is capable to pass down the precious culture, but she pays the price of living in a less-open environment and giving up high education. And that is the problem. Living in America, being educated in America and attempting to succeed in America inevitably force black people accept the opinions and living way of the white world, possibly make them forgetting or despising or abounding their culture. The disdaining and banishing to the black culture from the white world is the main reason of that. That is Dee who is typicalof the conflict between the black and the white world. Through the conflict, we see clearly the plight of furious collision between the two cultures and also the writer"s hope of preserving the blacks" culture.







用所给单词适当形式填空 1Tom is _____.But Jack is much _____(short) 2Who is _____(fat),Sue or Jim?

short shorter fater

apple-touch-icon,shortcut icon和icon的区别

apple-touch-icon 可以了解到这是一个类似网站favicon的图标文件,用来在iphone和ipod上创建快捷键时使用。这个文件应当是png格式,57x57像素大小,放在网站根目录之下。如果准备的文件不是57x57的话,它会自己缩放的。在页面的head部分,用下面的格式表示。<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png"/>02语句一:<link rel="shortcut icon " href="favicon.ico" />语句二<link rel="icon" href="animated_favicon.gif" type="image/gif" />备注:语句一 Shortcut Icon 就是在网址列前面出现的Icon问题:语句二 icon的作用是怎么?和语句一有什么区别 ?指导 过去,为保证favicon出现,网站设计者和开发者采用了多种方法。很难明确地保证favicon可以在所有电脑上显示,即使是用同一版本的一种浏览器。下列代码另一个局限就是它把favicon关联到了某个特定的HTML或XHTML文档上。为避免这一点,favicon.ico文件应置于根目录下。多数浏览器将自动检测并使用它。建议包含以下两行HTML代码:CODE:然而,只有第一行是必须的,因为“shortcut icon”字符串将被多数遵守标准的浏览器识别为列出可能的关键词(“shortcut”将被忽略,而仅适用“icon”);而Internet Explorer将会把它作为一个单独的名称(“shortcut icon”)。这样做的结果是所有浏览器都可以理解此代码。只有当希望为新浏览器提供另一种备用图像(例如动画GIF)时,才有必要添加第二行。 在HTML中,link元件必须在head元件里(在<head>和</head>之间)。 对于XHTML,link必须使用“ />”结束(或“></link>”),而不可以使用“>”结束。 href可以,但不必,指向/favicon.ico的位置。它可以指向任何URL。 图像通常可以使用任何被浏览器支持的图像格式。 .ico文件格式通常可以被所有可以显示favicon的浏览器读取。 设置服务器 ,以发送正确的MIME标识: ICO 文件 image/vnd.microsoft.icon(或者亦可出于兼容性原因使用image/x-icon。然而最好使用IANA注册的MIME类型,因为多数主流浏览器现在支持它) GIF 文件 image/gifPNG 文件 image/png 使用适当的分辨率和色深。 ICO:包括多种分辨率(最常使用的是16×16和32×32,Mac OS X有时使用64×64和128×128)以及位深(比特每像素)(多数使用4、8、24 bpp,即16、256和1600万色)。 GIF: 使用16×16,256色。 PNG: 使用16×16,256色或24位。 注意: 当favicon.ico被置于文档根目录时,将会被一些不处理link元件的浏览器找到,即使没有您的站点上没有指向它的链接。标准化 Favicon功能最早由微软创设,而微软公司的Internet Explorer网页浏览器会对每一个网站都请求favicon。微软支持的link标签不遵从World Wide Web Consortium(W3C,万维网联盟)的HTML建议[1],因为:rel属性必须包含一个用空格作分隔符的link类型的列表,所以一个包含两词的link类型不能被遵守标准的浏览器理解。 “.ico”文件类型(一种用于Microsoft Windows上图标的光栅格式)没有一个注册的MIME类型,而且似乎在当时也不能被多数浏览器理解。然而2003年,这一格式在IANA获得注册,其 MIME类型是image/vnd.microsoft.icon,进而消除了此问题的第一部分。 在网站上使用保留地址(reserved location)与Architecture of the World Wide Web(互联网的结构)矛盾,同时被认为是link squatting(链接劫持)或URI squatting(URI劫持)。 Mozilla浏览器通过一种遵从Web标准的方法添加了对favicon的支持。它采用rel="icon"并允许网络设计人员添加任何支持的图像格式 的favicon。例如<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/path/image.png">。后来鉴于此功能将被用于所有新内容,多数浏览器都对此功能增加了支持。

网站默认图标shortcut icon和icon的区别

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico"type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"><link rel="icon"href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon">建议包含上面两行HTML代码,可以支持ico格式的图标然而,只有第一行是必须的,因为“shortcut icon”字符串将被多数遵守标准的浏览器识别为列出可能的关键词(“shortcut”将被忽略,而仅适用“icon”);而Internet Explorer将会把它作为一个单独的名称(“shortcut icon”)。这样做的结果是所有浏览器都可以理解此代码。只有当希望为新浏览器提供另一种备用图像(例如动画GIF)时,才有必要添加第二行。在HTML中,link元件必须在head元件里(在<head>和</head>之间)。对于XHTML,link必须使用“ />”结束(或“></link>”),而不可以使用“>”结束。href可以,但不必,指向/favicon.ico的位置。它可以指向任何URL。图像通常可以使用任何被浏览器支持的图像格式。.ico文件格式通常可以被所有可以显示favicon的浏览器读取。设置服务器,以发送正确的MIME标识:ICO 文件 image/vnd.microsoft.icon(或者亦可出于兼容性原因使用image/x-icon。然而最好使用IANA注册的MIME类型,因为多数主流浏览器现在支持它)GIF 文件 image/gifPNG 文件 image/png使用适当的分辨率和色深。ICO:包括多种分辨率(最常使用的是16×16和32×32,Mac OS X有时使用64×64和128×128)以及位深(比特每像素)(多数使用4、8、24 bpp,即16、256和1600万色)。GIF: 使用16×16,256色。PNG: 使用16×16,256色或24位。注意:当favicon.ico被置于文档根目录时,将会被一些不处理link元件的浏览器找到,即使没有您的站点上没有指向它的链接。标准化Favicon 功能最早由微软创设,而微软公司的Internet Explorer网页浏览器会对每一个网站都请求favicon。微软支持的link标签不遵从World Wide Web Consortium(W3C,万维网联盟)的HTML建议[1],因为:rel属性必须包含一个用空格作分隔符的link类型的列表,所以一个包含两词的link类型不能被遵守标准的浏览器理解。

关于shortcut icon和icon代码的区别介绍

语句一:<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> 语句二<link rel="icon" href="animated_favicon.gif" type="image/gif" /> 备注:语句一 Shortcut Icon 就是在网址列前面出现的Icon 问题:语句二 icon的作用是怎么?和语句一有什么区别? 指导 过去,为保证favicon出现,网站设计者和开发者采用了多种方法。很难明确地保证favicon可以在所有电脑上显示,即使是用同一版本的一种浏览器。 下列代码另一个局限就是它把favicon关联到了某个特定的HTML或XHTML文档上。为避免这一点,favicon.ico文件应置于根目录下。多数浏览器将自动检测并使用它。 建议包含以下两行HTML代码: CODE: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"> <link rel="icon" href="http://example.com/favicon.ico" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon"> 然而,只有第一行是必须的,因为“shortcut icon”字符串将被多数遵守标准的浏览器识别为列出可能的关键词(“shortcut”将被忽略,而仅适用“icon”);而Internet Explorer将会把它作为一个单独的名称(“shortcut icon”)。这样做的结果是所有浏览器都可以理解此代码。只有当希望为新浏览器提供另一种备用图像(例如动画GIF)时,才有必要添加第二行。 在HTML中,link元件必须在head元件里(在<head>和</head>之间)。 对于XHTML,link必须使用“ />”结束(或“></link>”),而不可以使用“>”结束。 href可以,但不必,指向/favicon.ico的位置。它可以指向任何URL。 图像通常可以使用任何被浏览器支持的图像格式。 .ico文件格式通常可以被所有可以显示favicon的浏览器读取。 设置服务器,以发送正确的MIME标识: ICO 文件 image/vnd.microsoft.icon(或者亦可出于兼容性原因使用image/x-icon。然而最好使用IANA注册的MIME类型,因为多数主流浏览器现在支持它) GIF 文件 image/gif PNG 文件 image/png 使用适当的分辨率和色深。 ICO:包括多种分辨率(最常使用的是16×16和32×32,Mac OS X有时使用64×64和128×128)以及位深(比特每像素)(多数使用4、8、24 bpp,即16、256和1600万色)。 GIF: 使用16×16,256色。 PNG: 使用16×16,256色或24位。 注意:当favicon.ico被置于文档根目录时,将会被一些不处理link元件的浏览器找到,即使没有您的站点上没有指向它的链接。 标准化 Favicon功能最早由微软创设,而微软公司的Internet Explorer网页浏览器会对每一个网站都请求favicon。微软支持的link标签不遵从World Wide Web Consortium(W3C,万维网联盟)的HTML建议[1],因为: rel属性必须包含一个用空格作分隔符的link类型的列表,所以一个包含两词的link类型不能被遵守标准的浏览器理解。 “.ico”文件类型(一种用于Microsoft Windows上图标的光栅格式)没有一个注册的MIME类型,而且似乎在当时也不能被多数浏览器理解。然而2003年,这一格式在IANA获得注册,其 MIME类型是image/vnd.microsoft.icon,进而消除了此问题的第一部分。 在网站上使用保留地址(reserved location)与Architecture of the World Wide Web(互联网的结构)矛盾,同时被认为是link squatting(链接劫持)或URI squatting(URI劫持)。 Mozilla浏览器通过一种遵从Web标准的方法添加了对favicon的支持。它采用rel="icon"并允许网络设计人员添加任何支持的图像格式的favicon。例如<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/path/image.png">。后来鉴于此功能将被用于所有新内容,多数浏览器都对此功能增加了支持。


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Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _____ in a short...


形容纸质材料里面 Grain:long/short? 怎么理解好 ? 是纸的纹理是长纹还是短纹吗?求专业人士解答 谢谢!

纸张的纹路(GRAIN),是指纸张纤维的走向,即与造纸机运动方向平行,也称为纵方向,即MACHINE DIRECTION(MD),与造纸机运行方向垂直的称为横方向CROSS DIRECTION(CD)。纸张许多性能都有显著的方向性。纵方向(MD)的拉力与耐揉度比较强,而撕裂度就较弱,容易撕下,因纹路是纵向的,横方向的则较难撕下。卷筒纸经裁切成平张后,其纹路GRAIN就有两种名称: 长纹(LONG GRAIN),也称直纹,简称LG,其纹路沿长边走,即纸张纤维与长边平行。短纹(SHORT GRAIN),也称横纹,简称SG,其纹路沿短边走,即纸张纤维与短边平行。



a short abrupt movement, as of the head. ....as

as of的意思:从.开始as of the head的意思:如头部

英语作文。。Directions: For this part, you are required to write a short composition accor

When it comes to cars,different people have different views.Some people think cars have a lot of advantages.In the first place,driving a car saves time.because competition is very fierce in this society ,time equals money .Secondly,people can go shopping o traveling at their spare time .But ,others people suggest that cars are bad for society,such as:cars will increasing air pollution ,which will influence our life and production .Meanwhile ,cars will make the energy crisis worsen.In addition ,with the number of cars growing,plenty of new drivers donu2019t abide by traffic regulation ,which leads to traffic accidents .


"Cease_life_is_short" 是一个英语句子,可以理解为“停止,生命很短暂”,或者更通俗的翻译是“停一停,人生苦短”。这个句子中的“cease”表示“停止”、“中止”,“life is short”表示“生命短暂”,这个短语常常用来提醒人们珍惜时间,抓住机会,做自己想做的事情,因为生命的时间很短暂,需要珍惜。需要注意的是,这个句子可能存在一些语法上的问题,因为它缺少主语和动词。但是作为一个独立的短语或标语,这个句子通常会被人们理解为上述意思。

short race mp3

GZA - SHORT RACEMP3- http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/ee4a8d35-5a91-11de-b3fe-0014221b798a/[GZA]He"s running in a short race, shoelace untiedHead down, facial expression he can"t hideKid with no direction, seems confusedA victim who spent years, being abusedHis moms a drug addict, she has a bug habitWas a seven day event, since she celebrated the SabbathBut she back slid, or that"s what the crack didShe used to shoot up, under her sleaves, the track hidA long time ago, the father left the pictureAnd as time went on, he was erased from the scriptureThe son, he don"t have much to treasureAnd these kids that be getting on him, they do it for pleasureDemons are gradually growing inside himWay before he ever knew the courts would divide himA wall around himself had became a shellWas a whole new person, by the time the bricks fell[Chorus: Rock Marcy]It"s a short race, duck the court datesThe pork gave chase, we had to walk straightYou know the forte, nigga it"s a portraitOr should I say a poor traitYou want to store very short cakeEstate, behind the gateN.Y. State, why wait?You trying to get paid by the lakeIn each state, and do the shit at high pace[GZA]Under the dirt, there was nothing left but bonesA lot of tall grass around his tombstoneHis mother left alone, her heart felt sorrowNo time to play with the precious time we borrowThey live next door, but he was worlds awayIn reality, but such a high price to payHe was easy to recognize from his dress codeNothing but a firework about to explodeA short fuse, who was bound to lose in the struggleHis grandparents went through a great deal of troubleTo keep him out of jail, they even put they house on saleTo post bail, but the kid still failedI remember when he called collect from behind barsSuffering from two injuries and nine scarsHe said he"d give anything to be out the penBut it would be his permanent home until the end[Chorus][Rock Marcy]Wait, I got to get minesWith a side of French fries, not kid sizedSixes fives, I give off a pimp"s vibeIs it the vines? Watch like a sitcomThrowing rocks with my pitching armMore bricks than when the Knicks is on, I"m sitting onShitting on your boss, been written offShots I"m licking off, the top like a different sourceRipping this raw like a kitchen choreThat"s a block not chicken brothHold the pot with your mittens onDicks kicking in the door, and went to pick me off like a lintballJumped out the fifth floor it"s a pit fallWhen I hit the lawn, shit it fell like a jigsawRather get hit at the board, then to get tossedWent to court, got shipped off like a brick of soft[Chorus]


short的读音是:英[???t]。short的读音是:英[???t]。short的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)短的,矮的,低的短暂的,短期的缩写的,简略的,简短的缺少的,短缺的,紧缺的,紧俏的,不足的未达到的【语音】短音的【冶】(金属)易裂的,易碎的,脆的,强度不够的【证券】即将到期的。short的意思是adj.短的;矮的;短期的;短缺的;简略的;粗暴无礼的;[语]短音的;adv.缺少;未达到;半中间(打断);过早地(终止);n.烈酒;电影短片;[电]短路;v.(使)短路。一、详尽释义点此查看short的详细内容adj.(形容词)短的,矮的,低的短暂的,短期的缩写的,简略的,简短的缺少的,短缺的,紧缺的,紧俏的,不足的未达到的【语音】短音的【冶】(金属)易裂的,易碎的,脆的,强度不够的【证券】即将到期的adv.(副词)不足地,缺乏地唐突地,突然地,忽然简短地,简单地未达到,不及简慢地半中间(打断),过早地(终止)(股票投机等)以空头方式n.(名词)概略,要点不足,缺乏萧特(音译名)【语音】短音节【音】短音符【商】卖空,空方,空头【棒】游击手烈酒,少量烈酒电影短片总之,简言之短裤短片,短文,短片小说v.(动词)故意少给,给的不足 ,短斤少两欺骗【电】使短路卖空(股票), 售卖借来的股票(证券用语)二、词典解释形容词和副词用法(ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB USES)1.-> see Please look at category 24 toif the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 以下义项中未列出的表达方式请参第24项。2.短暂的;短促的;短期的If something isshort or lasts for ashort time, it does not last very long.e.g. The announcement was made ashort time ago...通告是不久前才宣布的。e.g. How could you do it in such ashort period of time?...你是怎么在如此短的时间里做到的?3.似乎过得很快的;短暂的If you talk about ashort hour, day, or year, you mean that it seems to have passed very quickly or will seem to pass very quickly.short的反义词e.g. For a fewshort weeks there was peace...有过短短几周的和平。e.g. Only fiveshort years later, your money will have grown by $94,000.仅短短 5 年时间后,你的钱就会增多 94,000 美元。4.(演讲、信件、书等)短的,简短的Ashort speech, letter, or book does not have many words or pages in it.e.g. They were performing ashort extract from Shakespeare"s Two Gentlemen of Verona...他们正表演莎士比亚剧作《维洛那二绅士》中的一个片段。e.g. This is ashort note to say thank you.这是一封简短的致谢信。5.矮的;个子矮的Someone who isshort is not as tall as most people are.e.g. I"m tall and thin and he"sshort and fat.我又高又瘦,他又矮又胖。e.g. ...ashort, elderly woman with grey hair...头发灰白的矮个子老妇人6.(距离、长度等)短的,不长的,不远的Something that isshort measures only a small amount from one end to the other.e.g. The city centre and shops are only ashort distance away...市中心和商店离得很近。e.g. Ashort flight of steps led to a grand doorway...一段短短的台阶通向一个气派的大门口。7.短缺的;不足的If you areshort of something or if it isshort, you do not have enough of it. If you are runningshort of something or if it is runningshort, you do not have much of it left.e.g. Her father"s illness left the familyshort of money...她父亲的病造成家里经济拮据。e.g. Government forces are runningshort of ammunition and fuel...政府军的弹药和燃料都快用完了。8.少于;不及;未达到If someone or something is or stopsshort of a place, they have not quite reached it. If they are or fallshort of an amount, they have not quite achieved it.e.g. He stopped a hundred yardsshort of the building...他在离大楼 100 码处停下了。e.g. So what happens if the Socialists top the poll but fallshort of an absolute majority?...那么如果社会党人得票领先却又未达到绝对多数,那会怎么样呢?9.除…之外;没有;如果不Short of a particular thing means except for that thing or without actually doing that thing.e.g. Short of climbing railings four metres high, there was no way into the garden from this road...除非爬过 4 米高的栏杆,否则从这条路没办法进到园子里。e.g. They have no means,short of civil war, to enforce their will upon the minorities.他们只有通过内战才能将意志强加给少数派。10.终止;中断;打断If something iscut short orstops short, it is stopped before people expect it to or before it has finished.short的翻译e.g. His glittering career was cutshort by a heart attack...他辉煌的事业因心脏病发作而被迫终止。e.g. Jackson cutshort his trip to Africa...杰克逊提前结束了他的非洲之行。11.简略的;缩写的;简称的If a name or abbreviation isshort for another name, it is the short version of that name.e.g. Her friend Kes (short for Kesewa) was in tears...她的朋友凯斯(凯茜娃的简称)眼泪汪汪。e.g. "O.O.B.E." isshort for "Out Of Body Experience".O.O.B.E. 是 Out Of Body Experience (身外体验)的缩略形式。12.暴躁的;易怒的If you have ashort temper, you get angry very easily.e.g. ...an awkward, self-conscious woman with ashort temper.脾气暴躁、笨拙又忸怩的女人13.说话简短粗暴的;简慢无礼的If you areshort with someone, you speak briefly and rather rudely to them, because you are impatient or angry.e.g. She seemed nervous or tense, and she was definitelyshort with me.她似乎很焦虑,抑或是很紧张,对我明显很不客气。14.(尤指在一时找不到厕所的情况下)内急,突然感觉要上厕所If youare caught short orare taken short, you feel a sudden strong need to urinate, especially when you cannot easily find a toilet.15.作为简称;作为缩写If a person or thing is called somethingfor short, that is the short version of their name.shorte.g. Opposite me was a woman called Jasminder (Jazzy forshort)...我对面是一位名叫贾丝明德(简称杰丝)的女子。e.g. This condition is called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD forshort.这种病情叫做季节性情感失调症,或简称 SAD。16.缺乏(尤指食物)If yougo short of something, especially food, you do not have as much of it as you want or need.e.g. Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to goshort of essentials.有些人可能极不善于理财,因而不得不缺衣少食地将就过活。17.总之;简而言之You usein short when you have been giving a lot of details and you want to give a conclusion or summary.e.g. Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. Inshort, anything challenging...试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。e.g. She was surrounded by doctors, lawyers, housewives — people, inshort, like herself.她被医生、律师、家庭主妇——总之是一群像她一样的人——所包围着。18.可以说是;简直;无异于You usenothing short of orlittle short of to emphasize how great or extreme something is. For example, if you say that something isnothing short of a miracle ornothing short of disastrous, you are emphasizing that it is a miracle or it is disastrous.e.g. The results are nothingshort of magnificent...结果非常不错。e.g. His last visit to Washington was littleshort of a fiasco.他最近对华盛顿的访问几乎是一场惨败。19.冒傻气的;不聪明的;愚蠢的;不理智的If you say that someone is, for example,several cards short of a full deck orone sandwich short of a picnic, you think they are stupid, foolish, or crazy.short20.缺乏,缺少(某种优良品质)If someone or somethingis short on a particular good quality, they do not have as much of it as you think they should have.e.g. He was veryshort on enthusiasm...他太缺乏热情。e.g. The proposals wereshort on detail.这些提议缺少细节。21.险些(做…);差点没(做…)If someonestops short of doing something, they come close to doing it but do not actually do it.short的翻译e.g. He stoppedshort of explicitly criticizing the government...他几乎要直言批评政府了。e.g. The resolution stoppedshort of an outright declaration of independence.这项决议几乎成为公开的独立宣言。22.(因雇主付不起全工时工钱而出现的)短工时,开工不足If workers are put onshort time, they are asked to work fewer hours than the normal working week, because their employer can not afford to pay them a full time wage.e.g. Workers across the country have been put onshort time because of the slump in demand...因需求量大幅下降,全国的工人都开工不足。e.g. Most manufacturers have had to introduceshort-time working.大多数制造商不得不推行短工时工作制。23.使突然终止;使突然中断If somethingpulls youup short orbrings youup short, it makes you suddenly stop what you are doing.e.g. The name on the gate pulled me upshort.大门上的名字让我突然停了下来。24.干净利落地处理(或打败);迅速解决If youmake short work of someone or something, you deal with them or defeat them very quickly.e.g. Agassi madeshort work of his opponent.阿加西干净利落地击败了对手。25. short of breath -> see breathatshort notice -> see noticeto sell someoneshort -> see sellto getshort shrift -> see shriftto cut a long storyshort -> see storyto draw theshort straw -> see strawinshort supply -> see supplyin theshort term -> see term名词用法(NOUN USES)1.短裤Shorts are trousers with very short legs, that people wear in hot weather or for taking part in sports.e.g. ...two women in bright cotton shorts and tee shirts.两名身着色彩艳丽的棉质短裤和T恤衫的女子2.(男式)内裤,衬裤Shorts are men"s underpants with short legs.3.少量烈酒(如威士忌、杜松子酒、伏特加等)Ashort is a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink such as whisky, gin, or vodka, rather than a weaker alcoholic drink that you can drink in larger quantities.4.(尤指正片放映前的)电影短片Ashort is a short film, especially one that is shown before the main film at the cinema.short三、网络解释1.1. 短的:Tns007 菊丸:好了,接下来要进行的是关于青学正选的 简短的(short) 问答大石:第一个问题:除了自己饰演的角色(character)外,你还想饰哪个角色?桃城:比赛模式(mode)也很多呢,可以随自己喜爱的选择练习比赛模式,决定双打的双打模式,(其他模式没听懂)啊~选择不过来呢四、例句You"ve cut my hair very short.你把我头发剪得太短了。In contrast with his brothers, Tom is rather short.与几位兄弟相比,汤姆的个子相当矮。Let"s take a short break for lunch.让我们休息一会儿,去吃午饭。These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。The usual word "pub" is short for "public house".常用的“pub”一词是“public house”的简略形式。He was short with me this morning.他今天早上对我无礼。Compare the short vowel in "full" and the long vowel in "fool".比较 full 中的短元音和 fool 中的长元音。The children mustn"t go short of food.孩子们不可以缺少食物。We often run short of staff in the summer.夏天我们的人手经常不够用。All too often you pitch the ball short.你投球老是距离不够。His achievements had fallen short of his hopes.他的成就没有达到他期望的那么大。Excuse me, but I"ll have to cut you short.对不起,打断你一下。Her singing career was cut short by a car accident.她的歌唱事业被一场车祸所终结。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.It will be a saving to take a short cut.走捷径能节省时间。His doctor suggested that he take a short leave of absence.他的医生建议他请假短时期休息休息。I never knew who could do so much in such a short time.我从未见过有人能在这样短的时间内做这么多的工作。She managed to pack a lot of sightseeing into the short period of time she had in London.她在伦敦逗留的短短一段时间中,紧凑地安排了一连串的观光活动。She worked the whole day with only a short interval at noon.她整天工作,仅仅在中午休息一会儿。He has a long trunk with short legs.他上身长而下身短。Short hair is cool in summ

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