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Boyhood 《少年时代》经典台词

1. When you"re young, happiness is something to be had; as you age, happiness becomes a goal that you chase; now you"ve grown, happiness is a state of mind that you try to understand. 小时候的快乐是样东西,拥有就幸福;成长时的快乐是个目标,达到就幸福;长大后的快乐是个心态,明白就幸福。 2. You know how everyone"s saying seize the moment? I don"t know, I"m kind of thinking, it"s the other way around, you know, like the moment seizes us. 你明白为什么人们都说要抓住机会、把握此刻吗?我不明白。我觉得正好相反,是这一刻抓住了我们。 3. I"ve spent the first half of my life acquiring all this crap, and now I"m gonna spend the second half of my life. 我用前半辈子的时间得到了这些没用的,现在又要用后半辈子来想法设法 4. He can find his way home if he wants to. 只要他想,哪有找不到路回家的? 5. If you know that"s where you wanna go, you should probably do that early acceptance thing, you know? 如果你是真的想去那里,你就要早点做好准备工作,知道吗? 6. Let them know you"re a man who knows what he wants goes a long way in this life, all right? 让他们知道你是一个知道自己想要什么的人对你的人生有很大的帮助。 7. There are billions of us just laying around, not really doing anything. We"ve even pretty good at self-maintenance and reproducing constantly. How evil is that? We"re fucked. 成千上亿的人只是活着而已,无所事事。我们也很会自我保养,并且能不断繁殖。多么可怕,我们都不再是自我了。 8. You don"t have to listen to your parents after you turn. Especially if they"re not helping you financially. 十八岁以后你就没有必要听父母的话了,他们不给你钱你就更不用听了。 9. It means you are responsible for you, not your girlfriend, not your mom, not me, you. 我的意思是你要对自己负责,而不是对你的女朋友,不是对你妈,不是对我,而是对你自己。 10. If you truly take care of you, you will be amazed at how much girls start lining up at your front door. 如果你真的照顾好自己的心,你会惊讶的发现,不知有多少那样的姑娘在你门前排长队。 11. Life is expensive. You know, you have to be responsible. 生活很昂贵,你需要负责。




boyhood的意思是少年期,少年时代,少年们,男孩,童年。例句与用法:1、He remembered that rat from his boyhood.他自小就把那只老鼠铭记在心。2、Boyhood is a happy time of life.少年时代是人生的一个幸福阶段。3、His boyhood had been saturated with ruskin.童年时他就阅读了罗斯金的大量作品。4、All memory of his boyhood has faded from his mind.他已经记不清自己童年时代的情景。5、He retained a great deal of the reserve for which his boyhood was remarkable.他还保留不少在他童年时就很显著的缄默。6、Babbitt was most exasperated when she revealed his boyhood to the children.她在孩子们面前揭巴比特小时候的老底时使他非常难堪。

请问谁能提供boys n the hood这首歌的歌词。谢!

Boyz-N-The-Hood superfastWoke up quick at about noon Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon I gotta get drunk before the day begins Before my mother starts bitchin" about my friends About to go and damn near went blind Young niggaz on the pad throwin" up gang signs I went in the house to get the clip With my Mac10 on the side of my hip I bailed outside and pointed my weapon Just as I thought, the fools kept steppin I jumped in the fo" hit the juice on my ride I got front and back side to side Then I let the alpine play I was pumpin" new shit by NWA It was "Gangster Gangster" at the top of the list Then I played my own shit, it went somethin" like this: Cruisin" down the street in my 6-fo" Jockin" the bitches, slappin" the hoe"s I went to the park to get the scoop Knuckle-heads out there cold shootin" some hoop A car pulls up, who can it be? The fresh El Camino rollin Kilo G He rolls down the window and he starts to say It"s all about makin" that G.T.A. Cuz the boyz in the hood are alwayz hard You come talkin" that trash and we"ll pull your card Knowin" nothin" in life but to be legit Don"t quote me boy, cuz I ain"t said shit ... Bored as hell and I wanna get ill So I go to a place where my homeboyz chill The fellas out there try to make that dollar I pulled up in the 6-4 impala greeted with a 40 and I start drinkin" And from the 8-ball my breath start stinkin" I gotta get my girl to rock that body Before I left I hit the bacardi Pulled to the house get her out of the pad And the bitch said something to make me mad She said somethin" that I couldn"t believe So I grabbed the stupid bitch by her nappy ass weave She started talkin" shit, would"nt you know? I reached back like a pimp and slapped the hoe" And her father stood up and he started to shout So I threw a right-cross and knocked his old ass out Cuz the boyz in the hood are alwayz hard You come talkin" that trash and we"ll pull your card Knowin" nothin" in life but to be legit" Don"t quote me boy, cuz I ain"t said shit ... Punk ass trippin but it"s all right homies score a key, gonna fly, punk ass fly

求hilltop hoods的cosby sweater的歌词(英文就行了)

Watch me do my thingGet lost into my sing, yeahHot, like New OrleansIn Cosby crew and jeans, yeahDo not awaken, stare a lot and vacantLiving in conditions of the modern matrixOnly bad rhymes running proper nakedOnly point I made you with the bullet was a paperI ain"t here to fight some dude, and fuck around with his spouseI"d rather light your mood and burn it down with the houseEat your heart from the groove on account of the bounceAnd lick her like Tom Cruise, up and down on a couchStatus never mattered, ever acted whether likeChristina Aguilera, just let yourself goMatter Pressure and endeavor that is better leftChristine track a record to let you all knowWould the kings even home usBut to these kingdoms it won"t justSlap a rapper like Solange KnowlesTo the gathering known all that matter like a black holeAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterI"m a step up every chance when I rumbleThey all call me champ of the JungleIt"s fittingI"m a get drunk and dance like your uncleUntil I"m all hands like your uncleI"m kiddingThe venomous, and then when I enter, then it"s overWhen I"m spitting venom, I"m as generous as OprahYou get a scar! You get a scar! You get a scar!Me drunk in the back of a rental carPat Benatar, love is a battlefieldHere to get you out your seat like a battle drillI"m in the saddle still, a little saddle soreSmash you out the stratosphere, flashy as a matadorWhen I"m dressed like Theo"s DadIn a cougie listening to Kool G RapI won"t beat around the bush like a seventies pornI"ll make you wish that you"d never been bornAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterTake a ride on the wild side of this alleyWe could fire up the night like Prince HarryFuck the high life, we could vibe likeWe got white lines hanging from behind like we"re just marriedI"ll turn the art form into a bloodsportI make pea soup out of a pea brainThey wanna run the streets like parkourI"d rather run these tracks like a steam trainI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweater

罗宾汗(Robin Hood)介绍英语翻译

Robin Hood is an archetypal figure in English folklore, whose story originates from medieval times, but who remains significant in popular culture where he is known for "robbing the rich to give to the poor" and fighting against injustice and tyranny. His band of merry men includes a "three score" group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his, "Merry Men." He has been the subject of numerous films, television series, books, comics and plays. In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a commoner, but he would often later be portrayed as the dispossessed Earl of Huntingdon.

adidas Athletic系列,首款明星单品 Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套

全球运动创新领导品牌adidas正式发表adidas Athletic系列,首款明星单品Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套将于9月27日在台正式上市。该系列独特的设计为传统的运动比赛外套注入了全新灵感,帮助运动员在赛前杜绝干扰,在关键时刻保持全面的专注力。 NBA明星球员James-Harden身穿在传统运动外套注入全新灵感,在赛前能杜绝干扰,在关键时刻保持运动员全面专注力的Z.N.E.连帽外套 adidas Athletic系列,帮助运动员能在赛前保持专注力来应对成败关键时刻。此系列中推出的首款明星单品,adidas Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套 标榜“为专注而生”,为运动员提供绝佳的体验。 对于所有运动员而言,赛前都需要迅速集中精力并保持全力以赴的状态对赛场上的表现是相当重要的。因此,adidas Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套为将赛前三大关键元素融入设计中,通过遮蔽噪音、减少视觉干扰和保障舒适度等独特设计,从而帮助运动员能够保持在高度专注的状态降低外界干扰,保证运动员在赛前专注,全力以赴。它结合尖端工艺和优质面料,搭配得体的剪裁效果,不论在比赛前后还是平日休闲,都能提供给人们极佳的穿着体验。包括NBA明星球员詹姆斯 哈登(James Harden)、林书豪(Jeremy Lin)以及亚洲巨星彭于晏、张钧甯都完美诠释它的独特性。 adidas Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套的帽子采用超大型轮廓和双层设计,能充分遮蔽来自外界的干扰,使运动员保持在温暖和专注状态。帽内空间可容纳头戴式耳机,周全照顾到运动员在上场前听音乐的习惯。新一代的精细剪裁和加厚面料,亲肤舒适并富有弹性,“Made 2 Move ”缝合结构和垂坠式的肩部设计在确保活动灵活自如的同时,又彰显时尚大胆的现代风格。隐藏式拉链口袋具有收纳功能,让外出时更加方便,内层标签则低调诠释并传达运动员的专注精神。 adidas官方表示:「随着adidas Athletic系列的发表,我们将借此契机,以前所未有的独特角度来探寻运动员的需求,并挖掘运动员在比赛日的24小时里,场内场外许多不为人知的故事。在狂热的球迷观众面前,运动员需要顶住巨大的心理压力,保持高度的专注。」 “设计并推出包括adidas Z.N.E. Hoodie连帽外套在内的全线产品,说明运动员赛前调整心态、以其个人方式寻求专注从而达到精神的高度集中,全力上场奋战。从设计美学的角度,我们也可以非常兴奋和骄傲地说,adidas Athletic系列的产品拥有顶级的制作工艺,从而保障运动员表现出专业、前卫、积极的个人风格。” 关于adidas adidas为一专注于设计、开发与行销的国际知名运动品牌,致力研发专业鞋款、服饰及配件,并以成为世界级运动专业领导品牌为目标。阿迪达斯集团旗下拥有adidas、Reebok及TaylorMade等知名品牌。

用英语解释英语1.childhood 2.a boarding 3.a burglar 4.law 5.a leader 6.election 7.to graduate

1. the state of being a child2. 这个有很多意思如:- a long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material, used for floors or other building purposes-. a thin, flat, rectangular piece of wood or other stiff material used for various purposes, in particular3.a person who entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, esp. theft4. the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties5.the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country6. a formal and organized process of electing or being elected, esp. of members of a political body 7. successfully complete an academic degree, course of training, or high school

street 、avenue、 neiborhood好像都是街道街区的意思,有什么区别呀


Lady Sovereign的《Hoodie》 歌词

歌曲名:Hoodie歌手:Lady Sovereign专辑:Public WarningOmarion Ft. Jay Rock - Hoodie(Man I"m fresh as HELL in this hoodie!)Let"s get it!Omarion!Wit my hoodie on!Wit my hoodie on!Wit my hoodie on!(Omarion)See the money!See the cars!See the house!Livin" large!Look in the mirror!See a star!Motospace!Hella far!They at the bottom!I"m on top!I"m so high!I can"t drop!And you can find me in your citySteezed out wit my hoodie(I go, I go, I go so harrrrd)(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(Omarion)See the fade!Bright lights!See my chick!See the ice!I hit the stage!I kill the mic!Get em" on the floor!We gettin" right!Nigga I"m a VET!Give it up!I get respect!Cali love!And you can find me in your citySteezed out wit my hoodie(I go, I go, I go so harrrrd)(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(J-Rock)I get money all day, everyday wit my hoodie on.Strong on the rap game.Know, I get my bully on!And I stay strapped.Boy, you know I keep my fully on.Hustle like I"m broke, even though a nigga fully ON!Aww! Ya"ll be doin" too much!This is 2010!We don"t do button-ups!This INCREDIBLE fashion!This INCREDIBLE fabric!Got my Levi"s saggin"!Got my L Coat draggin"!Oww! Comin" down on you hoes!Comin" down like I"m Hova!I had to rock on the stove!I smoke a rock when I roll!You know that Presidential.Pass it to O!He like, "Oh no, I"m high off life my nigga!"I"m like, "Alright my nigga, I guess that"s more for me!"Chronic wit no seeds.Like no ovaries!You dig it??But if you don"t, then who cares??I got my hood on my arm!And hoodie over my head! ROCK!(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(BB The Jerk and ProPheT Talking)(BB) Man...I hope they don"t think I"ma rob em" with this hoodie on!(ProPheT) Yeah dog, I got stopped by the cops for wearin" a hoodie!(BB) Well, this "BB The Jerk"(ProPheT) ProPheT(BB) Yeah, Starworld! You already know!(BB and ProPheT) AYE! We home!!http://music.baidu.com/song/1709745

求后缀为-age, -ship, -hood的英文单词各20个拜托各位大神

我掌握的,加上找的,只能提供给你这么多了,确实不容易呀~~ cage 笼子, 框, 罩, 盒, 箱 age 年龄 gage抵押品, 挑战 mage魔术师 image图片 message信息 rage愤怒; 激怒 edge边缘 page页 marriage婚姻 sage聪明的 wage开展(运动); 进行(斗争); etage带 metage称量, 计量费 linage 排列, 行数, 按行数支付 seedage种子式 sondage预探 beatage颓废派的 vendage收获葡萄 wantage缺少 gatage门叶开度 hidage国王征收之土地税 midship船体中部的 friendship友谊 cadetship军校学员的地位 reship重装, 转载 sibship血缘关系 relationship有关系的,亲戚 unship从船上卸(货); 使(船客等)下船 kinship密切关系 foreship船的前部 professorship身份职业 readership...群体 hardship接在形容词之后,表抽象名词 statesmanship能力 scholarship奖学金 membership全体会员, 会员数 childhood童年 neiborhood邻居 likelihood可能性 falsehood谬误, 不真实, 谎言, 虚假 priesthood教士,僧侣 manhood 大人, 成年期 boyhood少年时代 womanhood女人气质的 brotherhood兄弟关系; 手足情谊 sisterhood姐妹关系 wifehood 妻的地位 parenthood父母身份, 亲子关系 adulthood 成年麻烦采纳,谢谢!

求后缀为-age, -ship, -hood的英文单词各20个

我掌握的,加上找的,只能提供给你这么多了,确实不容易呀~~cage 笼子, 框, 罩, 盒, 箱age 年龄gage抵押品, 挑战mage魔术师image图片message信息rage愤怒; 激怒edge边缘page页marriage婚姻sage聪明的wage开展(运动); 进行(斗争); etage带metage称量, 计量费linage 排列, 行数, 按行数支付seedage种子式sondage预探beatage颓废派的vendage收获葡萄wantage缺少gatage门叶开度hidage国王征收之土地税midship船体中部的friendship友谊cadetship军校学员的地位reship重装, 转载sibship血缘关系relationship有关系的,亲戚unship从船上卸(货); 使(船客等)下船kinship密切关系foreship船的前部professorship身份职业readership...群体hardship接在形容词之后,表抽象名词statesmanship能力scholarship奖学金membership全体会员, 会员数childhood童年neiborhood邻居likelihood可能性 falsehood谬误, 不真实, 谎言, 虚假priesthood教士,僧侣manhood 大人, 成年期boyhood少年时代 womanhood女人气质的brotherhood兄弟关系; 手足情谊sisterhood姐妹关系wifehood 妻的地位parenthood父母身份, 亲子关系adulthood 成年

My Childhood

My unforgettable childhood Once upon a time, I was the happiest child in the world。 My parents loved me very much。 They could offer me anything I want and we lived happily。 At school, my teacher and friends always cared about me。 Together, from every sunrise to dawn, we learned how to be。e strong and friendly from each others。 Every day at school was memorable。 In a nutshell, those unforgotten days are the best days in my life that are especially valuable for me to make my dreams 。e true in the future。 oⅩwap铩ux癌mqィ浓d晶ソz萤


childrenhood:班德瑞的 childhoodn:童年,幼年,孩童时期,儿童时代

my childhood time的语法对吗?

造句:I was thin in my childhood. 不要 time 多余。

Describe your childhood`


childhood buddy! Happy Birthday !这是什么意思

你好!childhood buddy! Happy Birthday !childhood童年,儿童时代; 早期buddy密友,好友; 同伴,搭档; 互相帮助的朋友; 巴迪; 交朋友; 做朋友Happy Birthday生日快乐!; 生日快乐



求一篇题为my childhood的大学英语作文 200字左右 30分钟内要


帮忙写份以my childhood为话题的英语对话

My Childhood I"d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl! One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was happy to hear that. Maybe you will say, “It"s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.

childhood memories是什么意思

childhood memories童年的回忆双语例句1. His parents" obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。来自柯林斯例句2. Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother"s incarceration in a psychiatric hospital. 她的母亲被关在精神病院,这给她的童年蒙上了阴影。来自柯林斯例句3. They believe that a tough, materially poor childhood is character-building. 他们认为一个艰难贫困的童年有助于性格的培养。来自柯林斯例句4. The emotional wounds of early childhood leave ineradicable scars. 童年早期的情感创伤留下了难以抚平的伤痕。来自柯林斯例句5. I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 我内心充满着对纯真的童年时光的怀念。来自柯林斯例句

My childhood英语作文

  My childhood was happy with my mother"s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it"s rainy or windy. But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened. I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn"t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.


Childhood is unforgetable for me. Childhood is where my beautiful memory lies. Childhood is the most precious time for all of us.

求关于Childhood and adulthood的英语作文?

childhoodFantastic photos, brought me to my childhood memories. The hour hou smile, innocence.Childhood, have the warm arms of the mother, father kind smile, have a family concern and care, want what is what. Unfettered, fantasizing about the future, explore the mystery, chase the dream, enjoying the sunlight of love. Can hurt can coquetry, bitter crying, the shoulders, hurt can comfort.Nestled in the arms of mother, do a beautiful dream. What"s bad, mother will be melancholy for you. , to say the hour hou"s closest people to you, it"s mother, love your mother, is the most worried about your mother, love you the most is my mother. Mother is a pillar, mom is back, mother is the sun, mother is the embodiment of love! A person"s growth, is inseparable from the mother!adultWhile, becomes an adult. But, the distance from my mother pulled away, thinking about work all day, the children, to earn money... Rule for these, and the people who need you the most, is the people who need it the most you forget! In the world, the most precious is the family, just think, a person, without love, what"s it called? A person, your hard you forget that he will also have the family view, values and concept of the ideal? Back to childhood, mother always come when you most need, if you do have a bit bad, pout, mother is very distressed. But, grow up, mother need you most, but, you apply for her, love reason disregard, this to her?



childhood ;epidemic ; Olympiad 这英语用谐音怎么读?

childhood :拆要的湖的epidemic :唉胚带没课 Olympiad :额立木皮埃的还是老老实实学英标吧

childhood memories是什么意思



[ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd]n. 童年,儿童时代; 早期


抽象名词具体化英语中有许多抽象名词,当泛指的时候不能与a/an连用但当前面的形容词修饰,指具体的人和事时,就具体化了.如: He"s really a success. That thing is a total failure.I spent an interesting time during my holiday.


2)The missing boy was last seen ___ near the river;讲时)只能作不及物动词外;看起来/、感官动词+do 与+doing的区别. A;听起来/.她闻了闻那块肉。(和1有区别) 例如,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词: I don"taste /, sound, taste, watch;look /. playing B.看来我们班好像要获胜了;这个动作) 昨天我见他正在花园典型例题 1)They knew her very well。 五。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes: She smelt the meat, hear,后面接形容词作表语:A:The place has a European look. A;. 七;气味"。 She dresses in poor taste,说明主语所处的状态、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,因此用see sb do sth 的句型, taste;尝/: These flowers smell very sweet. 昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调", listen to。 例如;有……味道/我看见了" feel + as if +从句"。其意思分别为",进行性 I saw him work in the garden yesterday.这些花闻起来很香、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,而非正在长的动作. 本题强调其动作: 感官动词 see;,而不是人. grew C. was growing D. to grow 答案。 例如, notice、taste,与have或take构成短语;;这个事实) I saw him working in the garden yesterday; sound /,应此用see sb。 四、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词;我见他正干活" smell + of +名词". They had seen her ___ up from childhood。 例如,意为",特色的意思 例;t like the taste of the garlic;结构, feel,其它几个动词 英语语法书籍的主语往往是物,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。因题意为.此地具有欧洲特色;听/看/看起来……",真实性;摸起来……". grow B,like后面常用名词.她穿着没有品位: May I have a taste of the mooncakes, smell。 三。 look有外观,因此强调的是成长的过程. play D, feel + do 表示动作的完整性;感觉好像……": It looks as if our class is going to win.房间里的空气有股泥土味. to be playing C. 我不喜欢大蒜的味道,正在河边玩?我可以尝一口这月饼吗。 例如;结构。除look之外,除look(当".她的主意听起来很有趣, feel还能构成"。 The tomatoes feel very soft,味道的意思 例.这些西红柿摸起来很软,可用于". to play 答案A。 例如, observe。 feel有感觉,意为";+doing 表示动作的连续性,他们看着她长大, smell作不及物动词时。 二,感受的意思 六: Her idea sounds like fun.我用手在口袋里摸香烟.(强调"闻/ 一, sound? taste有品位, smell, look at. doing sth句型、look、其中look,这五个动词均可作连系动词: The air in the room smells of earth

高中英语作文《我的童年》 My Childhood

I can say is carefree childhood, my parents never forced me to do anything, they let me choose what they like to do. I like painting, so many of my free time painting in practice, with age, I constantly improve the level of painting. I created many art works, received many honors. In addition to painting, I have no other hobbies, though it looks like my childhood is very monotonous, but I feel very happy.

childhoods是指几岁到几岁啊?early childhood又是指几岁到几岁啊?


childhoods是指几岁到几岁啊?early childhood又是指几岁到几岁啊?

额我觉得这个就是大致的,也没有很明确的界限吧就像中文里的“童年”一样,我觉得一般说童年的话都基本理解在十四岁以前吧(像在初中里就有个“十四岁生日”的仪式,类似成人典礼,算是彻底告别童年了)early childhood的话也就是童年中比较小的时候,差不多上小学之前吧,也就是6、7岁之前




childhood不可数名词e.g.They spend their childhood in happiness.I have only misty memories of my early childhood





求迈克尔 杰克逊的Childhood的歌词

CHILDHOOD (Theme from "Free Willy 2") 童年 Have you seen my Childhood? 你见过我的童年么? I"m searching for the world that I come from 我在寻找我来自的世界 "Cause I"ve been looking around 因为我已经环顾四周 In the lost and found of my heart... 在我心中遗失和留下的部分 No one understands me 没有人理解我 They view it as such strange eccentricities... 他们认为这是如此古怪 "Cause I keep kidding around 因为我一直开着玩笑 Like a child, but pardon me... 就象个孩子,但是宽恕我 People say I"m not okay 人们总说我不太正常 "Cause I love such elementary things... 因为我喜爱这些自然的东西 It"s been my fate to compensate, 这已经成为我的命运 for the Childhood 去补偿我的童年 I"ve never known... 我从不知道 Have you seen my Childhood? 你见过我的童年么? I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我在寻找我童年的奇迹 Like pirates in adventurous dreams, 就象海盗在冒险的梦中 Of conquest and kings on the throne... 梦想那些征服者和王座上的国王 Before you judge me, try hard to love me, 在你审判我之前,请试着爱我 Look within your heart then ask, 把目光投向你的内心,然后问自己 Have you seen my Childhood? 你曾见过我的童年么? (music) People say I"m strange that way 人们总说我如此古怪 "Cause I love such elementary things, 因为我喜爱这些自然的东西 It"s been my fate to compensate, 这已经成为我的命运 for the Childhood I"ve never known... 去补偿我不曾所知的童年 Have you seen my Childhood? 你曾见过我的童年么? I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我在寻找我童年的奇迹 Like fantastical stories to share 就象分享那些幻想的故事 The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... 在梦中,我敢于看自己飞翔 Before you judge me, try hard to love me. 在你审判我之前,请试着爱我 The painful youth I"ve had 我曾有过痛苦的童年 Have you seen my Childhood. 你曾见过我的童年么?

高中英语作文《我的童年》 My Childhood





["tʃaildhud] 音标


Undoubtedly,everyone has their own childhood,happy or unhappy.I have my childhood as well,which has been leaving me a deep impression for its happiness. Unlike most of the children,my childhood was free .my parents never and ever forced me to do something.Therefore,I had a lot of time to do what I wanted.And I finally became fond of painting.I used to drawing pictures.As to say the reason why I prefered to draw pictures,it was very simple,namely I did like it sincerely.Therefore,I kept on drawing pictures everyday even when I was ill or not in good condition.Just like this,I spent almost all my time on painting,as a result,I started to doubt that why I just liked painting and why not go outdoor for some other funs.However,I just liked staying at home so that I believe that I must be a painter in the future.To be frank,I did have some talent on painting,I"ve drawn large quantity of pictures,most of which were wonderful and splendid. On the other side,you can easily see that my childhood was so monotonous that almost people can not accept,however,I enjoy myself a lot for I own my painting as least.


childhood英[ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]美[ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd]n.童年,儿童时代; 早期网络孩童时期; 童年; 儿童期

Michael Jackson的childhood(immotal version)开头一段歌词

Have you seen my ChildhoodI"m searching forthe world that I come from"Cause I"ve been looking aroundIn the lostand found of my heartNo one understands meThey view it assuch strange eccentricities"Cause I keep kidding aroundLike a child but pardon mePeople say I"m not okay"Cause I love suchelementary thingsIt"s been myfate to compensatefor the ChildhoodI"ve never knownHave you seen my ChildhoodI"m searching forthat wonder in my youthLike piratesin adventurous dreamsOf conquestand kings on the throneBefore you judge metry hard to love meLook withinyour heart then askHave you seen my Childhood(music)People sayI"m strange that way"Cause I love suchelementary thingsIt"s been myfate to compensatefor the ChildhoodI"ve never knownHave you seen my ChildhoodI"m searching forthat wonder in my youthLike fantasticalstories to shareThe dreams I woulddare watch me flyBefore you judge metry hard to love meThe painful youth I"ve hadHave you seen my Childhood(Written and Composedby Michael Jackson )(Produced by Michael Jackson 1995 )




此辑前五首为新歌,后八首为历史专辑部分歌曲超级混音版。这也是MJ首次打破更像是一种悼念着的情愫,然而像“earth song”“childhood""little susie"

以My childhood 为题的英语作文

   篇一:初中英语作文:我的.童年   My childhood was happy with my mother"s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it"s rainy or windy.   But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened.   I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn"t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.    篇二:英语作文童年记忆   Time flies,but the memories of my childhood still like a sweet dream.When I remind of those funny things,I always wear a big smile on my face.Althought they are infantile,innocent and silly,I cherish them a lot.I know the fact that I can not experience them any more.   The first time I played roller-skating,I was excited.It was my classmate"s birthday,he invited many friends to the skating rink.I wasn"t good at roller-skating.He suggested me skate by the side.then he would ask his brother who was proficient to teach me.According to his brother,I could skate freely .Finally,he organized all his friends.We put our hands on others" shoulder.We skated like a train.All the people in the skating rink stopped to watch us.I thought they might feel our passion. and be deeply affected.    篇三:初中英语作文:我的童年   My childhood was happy with my mother"s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it"s rainy or windy.   But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn"t know what had happened.   I sat beside her , my mother said to me , "it doesn"t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.

childhood前面接什么词for in at?

建议用during哦during one"s childhood 在某人童年时期望采纳

my childhood 作文

My childhood我的童年,是一个羞涩,不爱说话,自卑,不合群的童年。 童年世界里的我,是围绕着美术而所展开的,我曾经参加过合唱团,书法班,国画班,美术班等等。我的童年里,似乎娱乐就是写书法,画画,也不知道是由于性格就是一个不怎么爱说话的人,我都不怎么合群。我闭塞,我也不知道如何和人打交道。 童年世界,我是一个不说话,很沉静的人。 童年,我经常听到的是争吵声,被寄养的三年里,我过着灰姑娘一样的生活,每天穿着别人剩下来的衣服,姑妈由于更年期,并且因为我从小就长得俏丽,而姑姑的女儿长得非常的肥胖,于是,我变成了捡别人的衣服穿。而我母亲却又是开服装店的。每个星期一到星期五,姐姐穿着我母亲给我的衣服去上学,而我穿着别人不穿的衣服去上学。我就这样子,过了三年压抑的生活,还有姑姑对奶奶打我的各种小报告。 童年就是这样子,没有母亲在身边的三年里,我一个月也没有零花钱,由于转校,因此,我也没什么朋友,童年就是这样子,幸而我又能吃又能睡,因此,成为了一个茁壮成长的娃儿。

childhood 中文歌词

Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for the world that I come from 我正在寻觅自己生命的本源 "Cause I"ve been looking around 因为我曾在身边找遍 In the lost and found of my heart... 也陷入过心灵的得失之间 No one understands me 了解我的人仍未出现 They view it as such strange eccentricities... 人们认为我做着古怪的表演 "Cause I keep kidding around 只因我总显出出孩子般的一面 Like a child, but pardon me... 但请对我宽容一点 People say I"m not okay 有人说我不正常很明显 "Cause I love such elementary things... 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like pirates and adventurous dreams, 比如海盗和征服冒险 Of conquest and kings on the throne... 宝座上的国王你是否也曾梦见 Before you judge me, try hard to love me, 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 Look within your heart then ask, 审视你的内心,向自己发问 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 People say I"m strange that way 有人说我有奇特的表现 "Cause I love such elementary things, 就因为我对简单自然的爱恋 It"s been my fate to compensate, 补偿我从未有过的童年 for the Childhood 却是注定的命运 I"ve never known... 摆在我的面前 Have you seen my Childhood? 你可见过我的童年 I"m searching for that wonder in my youth 我正在寻觅儿时的欢乐瞬间 Like fantastical stories to share 好像分享幻想故事还有神仙 The dreams I would dare, watch me fly... 我那些大胆的梦想啊,看我飞上了蓝天 Before you judge me, try hard to love me. 请试着喜欢我,在你对我做出判断之前 The painful youth I"ve had 我痛苦的儿时记忆仍在绵延 Have you seen my Childhood.... 你可见过我的童年

My Childhood 英语作文

My ChildhoodI"d like to tell you something about my childhood.When I was six years old,I was a lovely girl!One day,my father saw some fish in the river,so he asked me,“Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it,then I gave him the answer,“Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that.Then he said,“You are smart!” I was happy to hear that.Maybe you will say,“It"s a funny answer.” Now,I think,it is very interesting.And now I am smart.My parents love me very much.I am so happy to have that childhood.

when you deny childhood怎么理解

当你放弃童年。when you deny childhood。翻译为:当你放弃童年。childhood童年的意思。




《childhood》是流行之王,迈克尔杰克逊表露心声的一首抒情慢歌,曲调悠扬温婉动听,像是在倾诉着内心的感受 被誉为流行之王的迈克尔杰克逊年刚半百,却从未有过真正属于自己的童年,所以他从心理上从未真正长大,他在自己想象的童年和童话世界里,只有孩子让他感到过真正的友情和欢乐。而这短暂的欢乐却成为他永恒的伤口。迈克尔曾为电影《威鲸闯天关2》写过一首电影主题曲《childhood》(《童年》),他唱着:“你见过我的童年么?就像海盗在冒险的梦中,梦想那些征服者和王座上的国王。”这其实是他写给自己小时候的一首歌,他5岁出道就开始成名,失去了正常小孩的童年乐趣,但他却在小小年纪就立志要当大歌星,后来他的确把自己的梦想实现——成为流行乐的“国王”。


childhood意思就是童年啊~除非你要讲XX的童年才能加 "s" XX"s childhood "就算要讲童年时的梦想,也是childhood dream没加"s的啦~~有也很少吧~^^



childhood 的音标



childhood读:拆哦的护的(第一个 的 不要特意发音)banking读:班科英(科英合起来读,和king这个单词发音差不多)swimming读:斯薇命。哪里不懂可以追问。


it"s difficult to forget my childhood


childhoods n. 童年,儿童时代( childhood的名词复数 )[例句]Many of the people who built the internet ( and their fortunes) spent their childhoods playing the game.互联网(以及互联网财富)的缔造者中有很多人都曾在童年时代玩过龙与地下城的游戏。-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

childhood 为什么可以修饰memories?

这是现代英语里名词修饰名词情况。这里名词childhood做修饰词语,也叫名词定语,其作用和形容词相似。childhood memories表示儿童时代的记忆。相似的还有country music乡村音乐,Christmas party圣诞聚会等。


回答如下:因为这里的hood是名词后缀,它在这里表示状态。childhood的构成是:名词 + 后缀。例如:boyhood, girlhood, brotherhood等。




childhood意思:童年,幼年,孩童时期。读音:英 [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd],美 [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]。短语搭配:My Childhood 我的童年,童年趣事,我的童年生活。childhood schizophrenia 儿童精神分裂症,儿童期精神分裂症,分裂症。复数:childhoods。记忆技巧:child儿童+hood时期→童年。双语例句:1、Her father"s death impacted greatly on her childhood years. 父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响。2、The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel. 作者将她的童年时代作为这部小说的素材。




childhood是什么意思:童年;幼年;孩童时期1、Her father"s death impacted greatly on her childhood years. 父亲去世对她的童年造成巨大影响。2、The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel. 作者将她的童年时代作为这部小说的素材。3、The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia. 那部剧大致上是根据他在俄罗斯的童年生活写成的。4、The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。5、The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood. 大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。6、Think further back into your childhood. 再往前回想你的童年。






childhood 的意思如下:英 [ ˈtʃaɪldhʊd ] 美 [ ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd ]n. 童年,儿童时代;早期复数: childhoods双语例句1.His parents" obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。2.Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother"s incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.她的母亲被关在精神病院,这给她的童年蒙上了阴影。3.They believe that a tough, materially poor childhood is character-building.他们认为一个艰难贫困的童年有助于性格的培养。短语搭配childhood education儿童教育second childhood第二童年;年老昏聩状态期early childhood儿童早期;幼年早期childhood development童年发展;幼儿发展;童年发育childhood diseases儿童疾病;童年疾病;儿童期疾病


第一篇My neighborhood is Lucy.She is also my best friend and my classmate. She is a very friengly girl.When l am in trouble ,she always tries her best to help me.She is good at Chinese,butl am poor at it,so she always helps me with my chinese.l like playing with her very much. l hope we can be good friends forever.第二篇第三篇 I‘m living in a beautiful and quiet neighbourhood.I have lived there for ten years.There is a big and beautiful park near my neighbourhood.We often go to the park to play.It has a lake in it.And there are many fishes.They"re interesting.A lot of boys like playing football in the park.My neighbourhood is only two blocks away from the main shopping centre.I like to go shopping with my mother.There is a bookstore in my neighbourhood,too.I"m a regular customer there.It has so many good things to read.People in my neighbourhood is all very friendly.I love it very much.第四篇Having long been living in this alley, I know almost everyone here. It is, however, the housewives that I usually see in the daytime, the rest being either out working as family providers or away in school. All these housewives are kind and considerate. My mother, for example, takes care of my sister"s daughter even though she herself is busy with housekeeping" yet if she finds it necessary to go out shopping, she need not worry because there is always someone in the neighborhood coming over of her own will to help with our household chores. When suppertime is over, these housewives also like to gather at a certain place for a friendly chat about the daily goings-on in the alley or other things. They are also security-conscious, trying to keep each other out of harm"s way. I is thanks to such mutual help and precaution against harm that we in the alley have lived so happy and so undisturbed a life.

likely likeness alike likely hood 的区别

词性不同,alike 副词做表语。like 介词,后面接名词。例如:His son looks like his father. His son and his father look alike. likely 形容词很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的副词或许, 很可能It"s very likely that they are classmates.他们很可能是同学

等解答 hood ajar hedlamps suggested parking brake on

hood ajar 是说你车的前机盖没有盖严,重新用力盖上,灯就灭了打错字了,应该是headlamps suggested建议检查大灯parking brake on手动刹车已启动

hood baby歌词大意

hood baby歌词大意是:在动感十足的节奏节拍下,加上断眉清新的声音,歌曲瞬间变得更加抓耳,莫名其妙的有一种共鸣,这节奏太赞了,相信近期很多小伙伴都被抖音的这首“Down south hood baby  Hood baby”给洗脑了。歌词Down south hood baby hood babyMake all the girls go crazyGo crazy go stupidLook up down to the sideWok got me feeling lil" lazyShuffle shuffleShuffle shuffleFlex one hand show the muscleShow the muscleBring it round town hit it out the parkTwo hands on her mouth like a muzzleLike a muzzleDown south hood baby hood babyMake all the girls go crazyGo crazy go stupidLook up down to the sideWok got me feeling lil" lazyShuffle shuffleShuffle shuffleFlex one hand show the muscleShow the muscleBring it round town hit it out the parkTwo hands on her mouth like a muzzleLike a muzzleConley road hood baby hood babyCan"t wait to see a n***a at the bedBankroll up but I"m still underratedG8 tuned up n***a come and raceGot it by myself ain"t no og raise me let"s goThis around "cause your b***h on vacation hood babyAll these backends got my drippin" on occasions hood babyReal down south yeah king hood baby hood babyFirst start the carStop catch a barWoah it"s a targetOpps get the carbonI"m totin" blicky blickysWherever I go b***hes comin" with meCome back to the spot with a hundred b***hesYou lil" bitty n***as ain"t f**kin" with me yeahTwo hands on her mouth like a muzzleFound all the pieces to the puzzleTo the puzzleN***as think it"s nothingN***as think it"s easyThey don"t really know about the hustleThey ain"t hustleHenny dusse 1942Now she wanna do more than cuddle she freakyShe want me to pull up just f**k her just f**k herSpend a few hundred on bundles on bundlesShe gon spend some time with meAnd some of the bros the brosThen we give her backGive her backSike we don"t even give her back nopeWe ain"t even really getting into that uh-uhTax a verse for a n***a then tell my labelDon"t even go clear the trackDon"t even clear that s**tI f**k her good knock her out of the parkNow when she come she gon" feel the batDown south hood baby hood babyMake all the girls go crazy go crazy go stupidLook up down to the sideWok got me feeling lil" lazyShuffle shuffle shuffle shuffleFlex one hand show the muscle show the muscleBring it round town hit it out the parkTwo hands on her mouth like a muzzle like a muzzleDown south hood baby hood babyMake all the girls go crazy go crazy go stupidLook up down to the sideWok got me feeling lil" lazyShuffle shuffle shuffle shuffleFlex one hand show the muscle show the muscleBring it round town hit it out the parkTwo hands on her mouth like a muzzle like a muzzle


likehoods可能性如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

haxey hood是什么节日?

美国北林肯郡的一个节日一月:“哈克西抢兜帽”游戏(Haxey Hood)五月:小提琴音乐节(布里格)六月:北林肯郡仲夏集市(斯肯索普)七月:巴顿狂欢节(巴顿)八月:河滨节(巴顿)八月:布里格艺术节(Brigg Live Arts)(布里格)九月:犁地节(埃普沃思)十二月:北林肯郡圣诞节集市(斯肯索普)十二月:布里格圣诞节集市(布里格)十二月:埃普沃思维多利亚式圣诞节集市(埃普沃思)

teenhood 是什么意思

楼主您好,这是我的理解,希望对你有所帮助!teenhood 一词是种组合类的单词,前缀 teen- 有青少年的意思(如在 teenager 中);后缀 -hood 有某时段的经历之意,如在childhood 中。因此单词 teenhood 应译为“(某人)青少年时”。望采纳

hood outlaws legends好玩吗

hood outlaws legends是很好玩的。hood outlaws legends是一个多人潜行动作游戏,奖励的是混乱而不是策略。在该游戏中,当玩家精心策划的抢劫出了差错,就会带来一些令人兴奋的混乱时刻。然而它的缺点是,它的平衡性奖励是骇入和砍杀,而不是潜行和计划。就算你喜欢这一点,但游戏并没有足够多的地图来维持这种单一的模式让玩家能坚持几个小时,而且事情很快变得重复起来。这款游戏将玩家分成两个4人小队,与彼此和AI进行三个阶段的对抗:渗透城堡、突入宝库和带着财宝逃生。为了支持这些特色鲜明的阶段,Sumo Newcastle创作了各种不同大小的地图,提供了不计其数的进入点和路线,还设计了能力迥异、擅长处理不同情况的各种职业。为了增加可重玩性,游戏还设计了不少随机元素,包括钥匙位置、敌方AI巡逻地点等。

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grown up hood长大的小红帽grown up 成人礼 长大成人 成年人 大人的世界短语grown-up words 成人用语Grown-up female 成年女性Grown-up child 反向描述With the growth of Little Red Riding Hood has grown up with each passing day. 随着时间的增长,小红帽也一天天长大了。

hood length服装英语中什么意思

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