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英语翻译Additional recipients to whom acknowledgement is to be sent by IRS




请问这个句子是什么意思:the comrade with whom i came

whom I came with跟我一起去的整句的意思是跟我一起去的同志懂法语

My hometown is about 60 kilometers () from here .

My hometown is about 60 kilometers (distance) from here.

bowers home是什么意思?

bowers home 鲍尔斯之家酒店


absent affect attribute back bat bear bow can capture change clear combine commune compact compost compound compress conduct conscript console consort construct consult content contest contrast converse convert convict cool dear default defect digest discharge dismount display effect engage entrances exploit extract finance impact implant import impound incline increase insert insult intercept interchange intrigue invalid invite letter light live match may object offense overcount overlay overlook park perfect perfume permit pervert proceeds progress protest purpose quail quarry rebel recall recap recess redress refund regress reject relapse remake research retake retard retract rock rose row sink skied subject survey suspect sign tear transfer transform transplant transport transpose undercount update uplift upset yard

求Avril《滑板少年》《Innocence》《nobody’s home》 中英歌词


关于Thomas Mann 的作品 buddenbrooks (布登勃洛克一家)的德语评论文章



在家里做的如home-cooked meal家常饭 ; 家常便饭

what did the teacher you to doat home

She asked me whether I have finished my homework or not.



psp3000 6.20每次开机要打开tn homebrew enabler 才能玩游戏?

你好,楼主系统的破解补丁有点老了,建议升级到6.20 pro-C的固化补丁,关机重启不用再次手动破解!相关详细升级教程请参照下面链接:http://hi.baidu.com/xsglrnkjujacqze/item/f5ba3e00e9d12d3bacdc700b

泰剧Pleaw Fai Nai Fun(男主是O-anuchyd,女主是Chompoo Araya )剧情是什么?无字幕的看不懂啊。


my opinion on copying others homework英语作文

As student ,we often do our homework at school , but sometimes we have too many homework ,which are too difficult for us . On the other hand , some of us are lazy and don"t work hard at their lessons .So when doing homework ,they sometimes copy others homework in order to complete the task of teacher to please their parents and teachers . In my opinion , it is wrong to copy others homework because it breaks the rules of school . We should be honest and try to completed the task by studying hard instead of copying others homework . what"s more ,we should improve our study methods and get help from our teacher an classmates .

以 MyOpinionsCopyingOthers,Homework为题写一篇作文,怎么写

My opinion on copying others" homeworkIt is konwn to us all that some students copy others" homework,their reasons are as below:first of all,the homework is too much and always difficult;the second,they are not intrested in the lessons;and the third,the aim of finishing their homework is to please the teacher.In my opinion,copying others" homework is not good,because it"s against the rules of the school.We should be honest and work hard to get high scores.If we have difficulties,we can even ask the teacher or our classmates fo写了这些::作业量大,偏难 对功课不感兴趣,懒惰抄袭不对,违反校规 要诚实,勤奋学习 有困难可以请教老师和同学 望采纳

以"Say no to copying homework "为题,写一篇100字作文

Say No to Copying HomeworkNowadays, copying othersu2019 homework is quite common in some schools. There are two main reasons for this.Firstly, some students spend too much time playing so that they have no time for homework. Another reason is that some donu2019t listen to their teachers attentively in the class so they canu2019t do their homework by themselves. In order to hand it in, they have no choice but to copy.As we all know, homework plays an important part in our studies. It is used to check our study and help us review our lessons. If we hand in the homework copied from others, our teachers will not know what we havenu2019t understood.So, itu2019s time that we said no to copying homework. Only by doing homework on our own can we really make progress in our studies.

Please tell him that copying others homework is wrong.为什么copy 要加ing

copying others homework(抄作业)动名词短语作宾语从句that copying others homework is wrong里的主语

1._____that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg ,she hurried back home.

1._____that her son had fallen from a tree and broken his leg ,she hurried back home. A. Having been told B.Telling C.Having told D.To be told 为什么选A?希望解释一下。 这里是用了一个省略句首先,told是tell不用说,光看后面she hurried back home其中she与tell的关系是被动的。可以理解为在她被告知什么什么之后,她急忙离开房子。这里可以先排除BC,它们都有主动地意思。然后hurried是过去式吧,to do sth有将来的意思,所以排除,所以最终就算不知道为什么是A还是能排除的。 2. I can"t _____ the sight of that poor man. A. suffer B. endure C. bear D. put up 当自己忍受痛苦的时候,用 endure。在这里是不忍心看见别人痛苦的样子的意思。 再举例子:两个人要分手,如果是提出分手的人自己难受到受不了,用 I can"t endure the suffer any more;如果是提出分手的人不愿意让对方难受,用 I can"t bear your suffering any more. 3. I could not do anything except just _____for him to come round. A.waiting B.to wait C.waited D.wait 为什么是选B不选A?希望解释一下。 句子表示我除了等他苏醒/改变主意什么事情也做不了。这里couldn"t do anything but to do 甚至可以作为一个句型了,表示:除了什么,其他什么都不能做。为什么会想选A?不会是看到expcet了吧~这里的except是可以省略的。 4.The stormy weather gradually gave _____to a period of sunshine. A.room B.way C.space D.place 为什么是选B?顺便翻译一下句子! give way to表示给。。。让路。在这里是习惯用法。 这里可以解释为 暴风雨雪天气渐渐给阳光/晴天让路。/ 暴风天气渐渐转向晴天,

all his money has been donated to a charity organization for homeless by he,对吗?

正确的表达是:1)All his money have been donated to a charity organization for homeless by him.或者:2)He has donated all of his money to a charity organization for homeless.



dorm ,apratment ,flat-share ,homestay的区别

我刚刚从英国回来,自己找房时候也茫然了一段时间,现在算是小了解一些。dorm:指宿舍啦。学校里面的比较安全,但是如果室友不安静的话,也蛮麻烦的。一般价格比较合理,100P/W。apartment: 其实跟flat是一个意思啦,不过我在英国是都叫flat的。flat:公寓啦。英国蛮多公寓出租的,一般是一个客厅,一个厨房,厕所和洗漱间的,几个卧室。和人share的话比较便宜,我花的是80P/w,但是有时后老外带朋友回来玩,party什么的有点吵。homestay: 一般的都是和当地居民一起住,他们子女,配偶什么的不在家,房子正好空着。这种遇到好房东的话,会比较温馨啦。口语提高也比较快。但是价格一般不便宜。

postfix+dovecot 如何更改maildir路径,不使用home路径..

好像是vi /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf编辑里面的virtual_mailbox_base =等号后面输入你指定的路径


They do well at home.他/她们在家干得很好.


downtown 最常作副词,和home一样 例如:I went downtown to see my friends. 此外downtown 还可以作形容词和名词,不过用的频率不高.


homie是“兄弟、朋友”的意思。homie最初源于黑人之间互相称呼,是一个用在称呼非常亲密和熟悉的朋友的词。该词作为网络梗是由于的嘻哈音乐中经常见到该词,歌词当中常常提及,指代兄弟。这些原本陌生的词汇随着Hip Hop音乐更多的走入大众视野开始不断走红网络。homied的近义词brother“兄”是“elder brother”,“弟”是“younger brother”。但除了必须分清是“兄”还是“弟”时外,习惯上不论“兄”还是“弟”,都用brother。brother可指亲兄弟,也可指同父异母或同母异父兄弟,或继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫之子。但引申可指“同行,同事”解。brother作“教友”“会友”解时,复数形式是brethren。


Homebrew的安装非常简单,在终端程序中输入以下命令即可。ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL /homebrew/go)"由于Homebrew的安装地址可能变化,请到官方网站查看最新的安装方法。安装过程需要输入root口令。Homebrew的使用Homebrew的可执行命令是brew,其基本使用方法如下(以wget为例)。查找软件包brew search wget安装软件包brew install wget列出已安装的软件包brew list删除软件包brew remove wget查看软件包信息brew info wget列出软件包的依赖关系brew deps wget更新brewbrew update列出过时的软件包(已安装但不是最新版本)brew outdated更新过时的软件包(全部或指定)brew upgrade 或 brew upgrade wget


安装homebrew caskhomebrew cask可用于mac应用程序或套件,比如mactex,xtrafinder等。brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask使用homebrew管理软件1、安装软件比如安装emacs和vim的命令分别如下。2、安装emacsbrew install emacs --with-cocoa --with-gnutls3、安装macvimbrew install macvim --with-override-system-vim安装ack和ag,比grep好用brew install ack ag4、安装autojump,非常高效的目录跳转工具brew install autojump查找软件包比如查找和pdf相关的软件包。1、查找和pdf相关的软件包brew search pdf删除软件包1、移除macvimbrew remove macvim清除老版本的安装包1、homebrew 会缓存下载的安装包,长时间不清理会占用大量的磁盘空间,因此需要定期清理,清理命令如下:brew cleanup


打开“终端”程序,输入ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)",搞定,昨天刚安完。

关于 Homebrew——— 你所要了解的一切

Homebrew 是 OSX 下的包管理器。和 Ubuntu 的 apt-get 类似,如果你用过,那么你就会对 Homebrew 很熟悉。Homebrew 直译就是“家酿”的意思,这个名字是由它的发起者马克斯·霍威尔 (Max Howell) 起。Max 最初没想到得这个项目会火,就很随意地取了这个名字。当想改的时候,已经太迟了。 第一次接触 brew 的时候,其中的一些名词会让人有些迷惑。就像初遇 git ,看到 branch、head、commit 等名词时的感觉(what?这到底是个啥?)。下面来一探究竟。 直译就是“公式”,这样翻译有些太生硬。还是直接叫它 formula。可以简单理解为一个软件包。 在路径 /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/foo.rb 下可以看到 formula 的定义。 formula 定义了一个软件包。包括了这个软件的,依赖、源码位置及编译方法等 下面就是我们常用的 vim 这个命令的 formula (省略版): formula 安装的前缀路径 在 formula 在 /usr/local/Cellar/foo/0.1 中安装好后,brew 会创建在 /usr/bin/opt/ 目录下建立对应的链接 ( 也就是 opt prefix ) keg 的安装路径 一个包含 formula 的 git 仓库 homebrew 的一个扩展,用来安装 GUI 的 macOS app。 homebrew 提供的已经编译好的 formula。这些 bottle 可以在 这里 看到。在大部分的情况下,执行 都会优先选择预先编译好的 bottle 来安装。 有一些例外, 主要用于安装命令行程序 我们来安装一个查看目录结构命令 主要用于安装图形(GUI)app 在安装完 app 后,会自动把 app 链接到 Application 文件夹 在了解了这些基本概念之后,就可以愉快地 man 一下 brew,来慢慢看它的用法了 [1] Homebrew [2] Homebrew-Cask


这个提示是说你的电脑上已经安装过了Homebrew,如果你需要重新安装你的Homebrew的话,运行下面的代码: rm -rf /usr/local/Cellar /usr/local/.git && brew cleanup 如果不想重新安装就直接使用就可以了。。brew install 要安装的名称。


Homebrew的安装非常简单,在终端程序中输入以下命令即可。ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL /homebrew/go)"由于Homebrew的安装地址可能变化,请到官方网站查看最新的安装方法。安装过程需要输入root口令。Homebrew的使用Homebrew的可执行命令是brew,其基本使用方法如下(以wget为例)。查找软件包brew search wget安装软件包brew install wget列出已安装的软件包brew list删除软件包brew remove wget查看软件包信息brew info wget列出软件包的依赖关系brew deps wget更新brewbrew update列出过时的软件包(已安装但不是最新版本)brew outdated更新过时的软件包(全部或指定)brew upgrade 或 brew upgrade wget

如何在本地安装 Homebrew

Homebrew 是一个 Mac 下的安装管理 Unix 工具的工具。安装好之后,在命令行下使用 brew install FORMULANAME就可以安装 FORMULANAME 对应的工具,它会处理好依赖关系,非常方便。默认情况下,安装最新版本。但是在某些情况下,我们可能需要安装“旧”版本的工具,或者说安装指定/特定版本的工具,该怎么办呢?还好,Homebrew 已经提供了这类的支持。今天安装 gsl 这个 rubygem ,编译本地库时失败了。我机器的环境是:gsl-1.15ruby-1.9.3p125其中 gsl 是使用 brew install gsl 安装的,安装了最新的1.15版本。执行 gem install gsl 时的一条错误信息是:conflicting types for ‘gsl_matrix_complex_equal"于是顺着这条错误信息 Google ,发现很多人都遇到这个问题了。有人说,应该安装 gsl-1.14 而不是 gsl-1.15 。而最新的 gem 版本为 1.14.7 。看来很可能是版本不兼容。所以我需要给 gsl 降级。 由于 gsl 是通过 Homebrew 安装的,所以需要找到安装特定版本工具的方法。于是在 Stackoverflow 上找到了方法。其实很简单:1. 查看 brew 支持哪些版本的 gsl$ brew versions gsl1.15 git checkout 164c57f /usr/local/Library/Formula/gsl.rb1.14 git checkout 83ed494 /usr/local/Library/Formula/gsl.rb1.13 git checkout b0b2584 /usr/local/Library/Formula/gsl.rb非常幸运,1.14 包括在内。2. 进入 brew 所在的git仓库cd `brew --prefix`3. 复制粘贴刚才 brew versions sql 命令的提示。执行git checkout 83ed494 /usr/local/Library/Formula/gsl.rb4. 此时安装使用 brew install gsl 会提示错误Error: gsl-1.15 already installedTo install this version, first `brew unlink gsl"因此需要先取消之前的链接,执行brew unlink gsl提示Unlinking /usr/local/Cellar/gsl/1.15... 16 links removed5. 安装成功brew install gsl

mac在执行brew update是失败,出现error: fetching /user/local/homebrew错误,请问怎么解决?

安装没成功吧,错误信息不够,但你可以看看这里brew update慢,brew install慢如何解决?



it can be used ashome _help for old peopl




you is ashome的中文是什么意思

你被张全蛋给拐沟里去了吧。他说如家是as home,是错的,应该是 home innsas home 和某个英文骂人话是谐音

苹果手机能控制Aqara Home的产品么?



as :像。。 一样;如home:家Ashome 中文直译:像家一样→ 如家【如家是一个快捷酒店的名字;如家酒店,其外文翻译是Home Inn】【不排除借这个幽默点,植入广告】但是外国人当然不会中文直译,听发音就像是asshole,是个贬义词,骂人的话。




as :像。。 一样;如home:家Ashome 中文直译:像家一样→ 如家【如家是一个快捷酒店的名字;如家酒店,其外文翻译是Home Inn】【不排除借这个幽默点,植入广告】但是外国人当然不会中文直译,听发音就像是asshole,是个贬义词,骂人的话。Asshole:1.Asshole可看作Ass(屁股)与hole(洞,眼)的复合名词。2.Asshole也是形容词,意思为愚蠢的;窝囊的;可恶的3.Asshole为名词时:屁眼儿,肛门;令人讨厌的人在使用英语的国家中,这个词是熟为人知和被广泛使用的粗语,还频频出现于歌曲、电影、书籍之中,使用带有玩笑之意。希望能帮到你。



2010eswc总决赛ehome vs lgd那场DOTA比赛阵容谁有?




Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 每个都中文翻译一下,谢谢。

国语 粤语(香港)鲍勃 Bob 伯 Robert的简称约翰 John 尊托马斯 Thomas 汤马士 简称Tom迪伊 Dean 典保罗 Paul 保罗杰克 Jack 积布鲁克 Brooke 布陆




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When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My brothers and I all.

小题1:D小题2:B 试题分析:小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them .可知小狗总是陪着生病的人。选D小题2:推理题:从第二段的句子:she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.说明小狗很后悔。选B考点:考查故事类短文阅读点评:本文讲述了作者家的一个小狗Brownie的故事。从作者讲述的故事看出小狗很爱主人,很忠诚,题目集中考查细节题,仔细辨析文章,在重点地方做好标志,提高阅读的速度和效率。

When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, w

我六岁的时候,爸爸有一天买了一条叫做“巧克力蛋糕”的狗回家。Brownie 这个单词本意是巧克力蛋糕,还可以表示棕仙,是外国童话故事里的一个小精灵。图省事还可以直接翻译成 布朗尼。

一个很dry的homuros boy翻译

一个很dry(拽)的humorous boy原歌词及歌词翻译原歌词:一个很dry(拽)的humorous boy TF家族——左航I don" t wanna be an Internet rappercause I have been trying to get sober and better and cash bunot my favourite, I" m thinking that this song gonnamake them scatternever afraid of biasyou" Il be piousnever mind bout any painI" d crush my enemies again and againcome back my style is always onlinecan you get it from my eyesalthough they "two bro" have been got short-sighted Wowmove a finger I can achieve my goalsI will swallow success wholeget me feeling so great and reallyI" m ready to takes photos这条路充满迷雾道路高低起伏他们企图把我抵触靠着技术还有艺术这把利斧十倍力度给他制度无法立住我也不会喜怒把嘴闭住给找记住就这密度我的义务就是换来他的嫉妒没人把他庇护他们那些态度我都不屑

“i do not wana go home........”一首英文歌副歌里的一句歌词 旋律很轻快男生唱的

Jimmy Wayne--《I Didn"t Come Here To Lose》试听地址 http://www.1ting.com/player/8e/player_253886.html另附歌词:Dug through the ashtrayUnder the cushionsShook all my blue jeansSpent all day lookingFor enough changeto get the rent paidJust so I can hanghere another weekI"ve been passed on Shown the way outWorn out these steel toeskicking some doors downJust need that one chanceDon"t tell me that I can"tI"ve gotta do it manAin"t got no plan bI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep ongetting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to loseGive me your "heck no"s"you"ll never make it"sAll those cynicalback handed praisesI"ll turn them into something I can useA little rocket fuel for my shooting starJust need that one chanceDon"t tell me that I can"tI"ve gotta do it manAin"t got no plan bI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to loseI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and I"m bruisedI didn"t come here to loseI don"t wanna go homeand give into all these peoplewho say I can"t do itI don"t want to prove them all rightI"ll take my licks and keep on getting up swingingIs that all you got bring itSo what I"m beat up and bruisedI didn"t come here to lose我顺便把这个也答了,呵呵,一起采纳吧。

take-home exam是什么意思


please _to bring your homework to school tomorrow.AtakeBrememberC.getD.forget(后面为什么用tobring)

选择:B。记得要带来,没带,将来带的用to do。

寻求 homophong 的例子


帮我找关于My Home in the Future(我未来的家)的英语短文.满意追加积分.

oh,please help yourself.













求Windows XP Home Edition 英文版的正版产品序列号


http://home.pomoho.com/baohuwo/2314834里面 最后一分钟的歌叫什么名字

歌名:星星 歌手:Vitas 歌词: 中俄对照: Оченьмногоразясебе /woqin munoga laz ya siebie 多少次我 задавалвопрос / zadawal waplos 问自己 длячегородилсянасвет / dlia xievo la jilxia na swiet为何我降生于世 Явзрослелирос. / ya fzlasliel i los 长 大成人 Длячегоиплывут. / dlia xievo yi pleiw ut为何云层流动 облакаидутдожди / ablaga yidu dariji 天 空下雨 вэтоммиретыдлясебя / v-eidam milie dei dlia xiebia ничегонежди / nixievo nie riji在这个世上别为自 己期盼什么 Ябыулетелкоблакам / ya bei wuliejiel дакрыльевнет / da kleiliyev niet我想飞向云彩 却没有翅膀 манитменяиздалека / manit mienia yiz daliega тотзвездныйсвет / duot zviezdneiyi svi et那遥远的星光吸引着我 Нозвездудостатьнелегко / nuo zviezdu dasdaqi nielieggo但要触到星星却如此困艰难 хотьцельблизка / huoqi ciel blizga尽管它近 在咫尺 Инезнаюхватитлисил /yi nie znayo he vajit li xil也不知我是否有力量 дляброска / dlia blasga朝它奔去 Яподождуещечуть-чуть/ ya badaridu yex iao qiu-qiu我会稍做等待 исобиратьсябудувпуть / yi sabilaqixi a budu fu buqi然后开始上路 вследзанадеждойимечтой / fuxieliet z a najieridayi yi mieqidouyi跟随着希望和梦想 Недогорайзвездамоя / nie dagalayi zvi ezda maya不要熄灭,我的星星 постой... / basidouyi等着我 сколькожемнеещёдорог / sguoliga rie munie yexiao dalouge在我前面还有多少路 Предстоитпройти / pliedsdayit playiji要走 сколькопокоритьвершин / sguoliga bagal iji vielshin我多少山峰要去翻越 чтобысебянайти / shiduobei xiebia nayi ji为了寻找自己 Сколькожесотвеснойскалы / sguoliga r ie s-adviesnayi sgalei我又将有多少次 мнепадатьвниз / munie badaqi v niz跌下悬 崖 Скольконачинатьвсёснуля / sguoliga n aqinaji fuxiao s nulia一切从零开始 иестьлисмысл / yi yesqi li smeisl而这是否 会有意义 Яподождуещечуть-чуть / ya badaridu ye xiao qiu-qiu我会梢做等待 исобиратьсябудувпуть/ yi sabilaqixia budu fu buqi然后开始上路 вследзанадеждойимечтой / fusiliet za najieridayi yi mieshiduoyi跟随着希望与梦想 Недогорайзвездамоя / nie dagalayi zvi ezda maya不要熄灭,我的星星

Mohombi的《Bumpy Ride》 歌词

歌曲名:Bumpy Ride歌手:Mohombi专辑:Europa Fm: Levantate Y Cardenas / Ponte a PruebaMohombi - Bumpy RideI wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna pull you over, pull you underMake your body surrender to mine (heeeee hooooo)Girl you can make me suffer, do whateverCuz I know you"re one of a kind(heeeee hoooooo)Tell me who can love you, nobodyHold you, nobodyMake your body wind, like meYou will never find someone like meWho can love you, nobodyHold you, nobodyMake your body wind, like meYou will never find someone like meI wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)Imma spin you around, push your buttonsBuy you plenty of stuff (heee hoooo)Then me take you down, to the bottomWork you all the way to the top(heeeee hoooo)Tell me who can love you, nobodyHold you, nobodyMake your body wind, like meYou will never find someone like meWho can love you, nobodyHold you, nobodyMake your body wind, like meYou will never find someone like meI wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I"m on top of my love game and your"re gonna get it tonightI"m focused I"m ready girl I"m gonna give it to you rightI gonna pull you over, pull you underMake your body surrender to mineGirl you can make me suffer, do whateverCuz I know youre one of a kind(heeeee hooooo)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)I wanna boom bang bang with your body-oWe"re gonna rough it up before we take it slowGirl let me rock you rock you like a rodeo(It"s gonna be a bumpy ride)http://music.baidu.com/song/62084747

after a dinner of pizza at her mother head home




in many respects living Native Americans remain as mysterious, exotic , and unfathomable to their




i happened to see her on my way home at dusk。汉语怎

i happened to see her on my way home at dusk傍晚在回家的路上,我碰巧看到她


虽然没有看明白你说的是什么:一、如果你的商标是"busen" ,在你使用的时候在它后面加上homme成这样”busen homme" 如果是这样,,那就是改变了商标的样式,,不行的,等于你没有在使用你的商标,会出问题的,能海关呀,有工商的检查时候都会出问题二、如果你还没有注册,那想怎么加都可以,只要能通过(我就是干这行的)

come home to roost是什么意思


Young Homie 歌词

Open up my mind with these spoken words,Let this music heal like an overture,She"s the only one, one, one, yeah, yeahAnd so I roll with her, ooh,That"s how it"s supposed to be,Living life with loved ones close to me,Shh, ahh, this is the remedy,And I got the recipe, I don"t need no Hennessy,Yeah, it"s been nine months now,Haven"t had a drink and I"m starting to see clear now,I"m putting all my fears down,I can hear the cheers now,Seeing peace signs when I look aroundHey, young homie what you trippin" onLooking at life, like how did I get it wrong,Life"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters, when will we get along,Hey, young homie what you trippin" on,Looking at life, like how did I get it wrong,Life"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters when will we get alongOpen up your eyes, look aroundHomie, can you see how it"s going down?Brothers locked up, sisters knocked upIf you wanna build your love up, put your hate downOoh, that"s the only way to liveTurnin" negatives to positives"It"s gonna be alright" Bob Marley saidF*ck the dumb sh*t, keep it movin", that"s what time it isHey, young homie what you trippin" onLooking at life, like how did I get it wrong,Life"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters, when will we get alongHey, young homie what you trippin" onLooking at life, like how did I get it wrong,Life"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters, when will we get alongGive peace to the war in the streets,Give peace to the evil that creeps, yeah,I just ride, put my hand to the sky,Live life like I"m never gon" die,See we be fighting and fussing over nothing,So much destruction, looking like puppets,Combusting like nothing, now listen,It takes education, to change your reputation,From bad to good, you"re gettin" better now you"re elevating,They be singing, family"s hanging, everybody"s chillin"Not gonna stop this, living on the feeling,Man this is the real thing, tell me can you feel me,Wait ‘til they drop this, dancing on the ceilingHey, young homie what you trippin" onAh, what you really trippin" on,Life"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters when will we get along,Hey, young homie what you trippin" on,Looking at life, like how did I get it wrongLife"s too short, gotta live it long,To my brothers and sisters when will we get alongWhat you really trippin" onYoung homie what you trippin" on

far from home 词性 My school is not far away from my home.中awa?

away 副词 from介词 my形容词性物主代词 home名词 你要搞清梦:词性是指单个词的 整个短语不能说是什么词性,只能说是作什么成分. not far away from my home 作表语. be 动词后的叫表语,3,away 副词 from介词 my形容词性物主代词 home名词,1,far from home 词性 My school is not far away from my home.中away from my home是什么词性. RT.形容词+名词做表语是什么词性的?

翻译:玛丽现在正忙着写作业 Mary( )( )( )her homework now

is busy doing

smart home butler什么意思

smart home butler智能家居管家

有一首英文歌里,歌词中有一句"i want go home me."感觉旋律挺特别的

有一首英文歌里,歌词中有一句"i want go home me."感觉旋律挺特别的 On the first page of our story 当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候 The future seemed so bright 我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬 Then this thing turned out so evil 但是天意弄人 I don"t know why i"m still surprised 面对如今这急转直下的爱情,我已愕然失措 Even angels have they"re wicked schemes 我现在才明白,就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧 And you"ll take that to new extremes 我对未来已经失去了信仰 But you"ll always be my hero 但你任然是我的挚爱 Even though you"ve lost your mind 就算你变得狂暴 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 我已然五脏如焚,而你只会冷眼旁观 Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts 不过没有关系,我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 我已然痛哭流涕,而你却置若罔闻 Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie 不过没有关系,我就是喜欢这种欺骗 Love the way you lie 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 Ohh I love the way you lie 哦,我爱上你的谎言 Now there"s gravel in our voices 争吵之中 As they shatter from the fight 我们唇枪舌剑 In this tug of war you"ll always win 而你总是苦战中的胜利者 Even when i"m right 即使本事你犯了错 Cos you feed me fables from your head 你总是用谎言抚慰我 With violent words and empty threats 充满暴力的语言,凭空而来的恐吓 And it"s sick that all these battles 但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足 Are what keeps me satisfied 使我满足 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 我已然五脏如焚 Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts 不过没有关系,我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 我已然痛哭流涕,而你却置若罔闻 Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie 不过没有关系,我就是喜欢这种欺骗 Love the way you lie 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 Ohh I love the way you lie 哦,我爱上你的谎言 Ohhh 哦哦 So maybe i"m a masochist 也许我就是受虐狂 I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave 我尝试逃跑却从未真正离开 Till the walls are going up 氤氲之中 There"s *** oke with all our memories 脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困 It"s morning you wake a sunray hits your face 这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 Smeared make up as we lay in the wake of destruction 躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然 Hush baby speak softly 嘘 心爱的 Tell me you"re awfully sorry that you pushed me 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错 Into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me 昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上 我只好反过来把你推开 Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me 你试着过来拥抱我 逼我怒吼理我远一点 Run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy 你跑出了屋子让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后 Baby without you I"m nothing I"m so lost hug me 亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我 Then tell me how ugly I am but that you"ll always love me 告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我 Then after that shove me in the aftermath of the 我可以理解你会推开我 Destructive path that we"re on o psychopaths but we 破坏性的争吵让你心存余震 Know that 知道 no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs 我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀 That we"ll have each other"s backs cause we"re that lucky 我们仍然拥有对方我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起 Together we move mountains 我们可以解决各种大难 let"s not make mountains outta mo" hills 告诉我你不会小题大做 You hit me ice yeah but who"s countin" 你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着 I may have hit you three times I"m startin" to lose count but 也许我会一生气反过来打你三 Together we"ll live forever we found the youth fountain 但是我们会在一起 永远在一起因为我们找到了永存的秘方 Our love is crazy we"re nuts but I refuse counselin" 我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛 And this house is too huge 这座房子很大 if you move out I"ll burn all o thousand 如果你搬走了 我会把整个两千平方英尺的 Square feet of it to the ground ain"t shit you can do about it 土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由 Cause with you I"m in my *** ing mind 和你在一起我会疯狂 and without you I"m out it 失去你 我会一片空白 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn 我已然五脏如焚而你只会冷眼旁观 Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts 不过没有关系我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry 我已然痛哭流涕而你却置若罔闻 Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie 不过没有关系我就是喜欢这种欺骗 Love the way you lie 我就是喜欢这种欺骗 I love the way you lie 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 I love the way you lie 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 I love the way you lie 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 有一首英文歌 挺欢快的 有一句歌词是 i want ruck you baby i want ruck you Frankie Lucas – IWant To RockYouBaby 不知道是不是,不是的话追问我哦 有一首英文歌歌词中有iwant to marry me Original - Mystikal&Birdman&Lil Wayne (Mystikal what"s poppin? Wele to the team) I"m a political refugee That"s how the *** I felt Birds for the summer Hummers for the runners Candy on the paint 9 for the thunder Throw a couple hundreds Fishing on a fishtail Big money shit, Cash Money oil well High roller, shot caller, big boss Original, real nigga from the start Head huntin", price on a nigga tab Hit ‘em up for playing with a nigga mail Niggas sound better than Beethoven To the beat that I rap over Stay outta that medicine cabi Yeah, that what they told me They giving us piss test cause we stay rollin" And know a nigga act better than a .45 caliber pistol when they loading They penalize us, tryna slow us down They constantly *** ing us up That"s why we"re buck wild Call me porch monkey, call me jigaboo When you know you wanna *** my woman and eat my barbeque How the *** you gon" watch my house? But don"t wanna live on my street The ape man told Tarzan: “how the *** you better than me?” Rap, I run that rock and got a jump shot Who we got? that blood wife up in that white house I took a look and didn"t sell out I was in the building, didn"t bail out Hoping mother *** er didn"t fell out Back to the from the jail house Nigga lace ‘em up, tie ya shoe Catch a cut, we know what pressure do Birds for the summer Hummers for the runners Candy on the paint 9 for the thunder Throw a couple hundreds Fishing on a fishtail Big money shit, Cash Money oil well High roller, shot caller, big boss Original, real nigga from the start Head huntin", price on a nigga tab Hit ‘em up for playing with a nigga mail Who out c"here *** ing with me, huh? tell me that I"m "bout to drop that shit, where my pamper at? Try to answer that, or give me my mantle back I bury you cockroaches, shoulda left me where I was at You dun made that *** ing bed, you dun built this *** ing castle Buckwheat and his friend Alfalfa couldn"t do nothing with this little rascal I"m one slicker retarded, yeah nigga what the hell Talking Baby business, yea bitch dumb shit Don"t be *** ing with me, cause you won"t get off easy I feel just like Drew Brees when they kick off football season How I cut the ref, you can"t s it from bleeding Rappers better leave me alone if they wanna keep on breathing Now keep on starving and I"m gonna keep on eating And you keep on sucking, and I"mma keep on skeeting Nigga you can be the one bussing, or be the one fleeing Nigga better keep on trucking, ain"t no mother *** in" trouble this evening Birds for the summer Hummers for the runners Candy on the paint 9 for the thunder Throw a couple hundreds Fishing on a fishtail Big money shit, Cash Money oil well High roller, shot caller, big boss Original, real nigga from the start Head huntin", price on a nigga tab Hit ‘em up for playing with a nigga mail Uh, ain"t it crazy how shit be? that"s why I flush it I got the Tommy gun with the drum, that"s percussion I just popped a couple pain pills, self destruction I made something out of nothing, thanks for nothing I pistol whip ya bitch, knock her out, Robitussin Ran up in your house, killed everybody, no discussion Rep that mother *** ing red flag like a Russian Yeah, look, I told her: “baby, I"m a thrasher” We kissed, I lit her ass up then I ashed her No hard feelings, no car dealing, but I shuffle my queens Duffle bag too heavy to carry to the car, my Mary in a jar I"m food, I let the haters add a little salt That"s cool, I do it for all the niggas that try And all the bitches I"ve *** ed, and all my niggas that died Tunechi Birds for the summer Hummers for the runners Candy on the paint 9 for the thunder (yeah) Throw a couple hundreds Fishing on a fishtail (you know it wouldn"t be right without the boyyy) Big money shit, Cash Money oil well High roller, shot caller, big boss (yeah) Original, real nigga from the start (Fee, you remember that?) Head huntin", price on a nigga tab Hit ‘em up for playing with a nigga mail Yeah, we up there boy (They call me, erm, as a matter fact they don"t call me) Deep in this ocean Yeah, helichoppers (I call them) Uptown, we in the building (As a matter of fact, I call them out) 30504 boy, we the business, hah (haha) Yeah, billionaire minds, 100 (and the phone always of the hook) (You scared or something? ha If I was you I would be, haha) 有一首英文歌的一句歌词叫"tell me why."是什么 歌 I Want It That Way 打印此页 歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:Millennium Yeah-eh-heah You are, my fire, The one, desire Believe, when I say, I want it that way But we, are o worlds apart, Can"t reach to your heart, When you say, That I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Am I, your fire? Your one, desire, desire, it"s too late, But I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Now I can see that we"ve fallen apart, From the way that it used to be, Yeah, No matter the distance, I want you to know, That deep down inside of me... You are, my fire, The one, desire, You are (You are, You are, You are...) Don"t wanna hear you say, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, (Don"t wanna hear you say), I never wanna hear you say, I want it that way Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Tell me why, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, (Don"t wanna hear you say), I want it that way Tell me why... Ain"t nothin" but a heartache, Ain"t nothin" but a mistake, Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say, (Never wanna hear you say it), I want it that way Cause I want it that way 歌词中有一句i am your slave的英文歌 歌曲名:I"M A Slave 4 U 歌手:Britney Spears 专辑:Britney (Digital Deluxe Version) I know I may be young But, I"ve got feelin"s too And I need to do What I feel like doin" So Let Me go All you people look at me like I"m a little girl Well did you ever think it be ok for me to step into this world Always sayin little girl don"t step into the Well I"m just trying to find out why cuz dancin"s what I love (yea) Get it Get it (6x) (Do you like it) I know I may e off quiet, May e off shy But I feel like talkin, feel like dancin when I see this guy What"s practical is logical what the hell who cares All I know is that I"m so happy when you"re dancin there I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I cannot hold it I cannot control it I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I won"t deny it, I"m not tryin to hide it Baby, Dont You wanna dance upon me, to another time and place Baby, (ADon"t You wanna dance upon me Leaving behind my name, my age. (Let"s go) (Like that) (You like it) (Now watch me) Get it Get it (6x) (Do you like it) I really wanna dance tonight with you I really wanna do what you want me to I really wanna dance tonight with you I really wanna do what you wanna do ( Uh ) Baby, Dont You wanna dance upon me, to another time and place Baby, Don"t You wanna dance upon me Leaving behind my name, my age. I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I cannot hold it I cannot control it I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I won"t deny it, I"m not tryin to hide it Get it Get it (6x) I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I cannot hold it I cannot control it I"m a slaaaaaaaaaaave for you I won"t deny it, I"m not tryin to hide it Take that 我不知道有一首歌的歌词中有一句 "so ing baby"是哪一首歌 是英文歌 是这首吧 call me maybe-Carly Rae Jepsen 试听 :tudou./programs/view/AkBtg6aa5_U 有一首英文歌歌词中有一句i don"t think…詹姆斯跳过舞 Fireflies - Owl City You would not believe your eyes If ten-million fireflies Lit up the world As I fell asleep Cause they fill the open air And leave teardrops everywhere Youd think me rude But I would just stand and stare Id like to make myself believe That pla earth turns slowly It"s hard to say that I"d rather stay awake when I"m asleep Cause everything is never as it seems Cause I"d get a thousand hugs From ten-thousand lightning bugs As they try to teach me how to dance A fox trot above my head A sock hop be

I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half-hour nap ______ me. A.revived B.r.

选AA revivevi. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神vt. 使复兴;使苏醒;回想起;重演,重播B releasevt. 释放;发射;让与;允许发表n. 释放;发布;让与C relievevt. 解除,减轻;使不单调乏味;换…的班;解围;使放心D recovervt. 恢复;弥补;重新获得vi. 恢复;胜诉;重新得球

noboby`s home的歌词

歌手:Shania Twain&Mark McGrath Shania Twain&Mark McGrath - Party for TwoI"m having me a party(I don"t think I can come)Uh,uh, this ain"t just any kind of party(Nah, I think I"ll stay at home)Uh, oh, no It"s gonna be really, really hot(Startin" to sound good)I"m gonna put you on the spot(Baby, maybe I should)Yeah, there"ll be lots of one on one(Guess I could be there)Come on and join the fun(What should I wear?)I"ll tell you that it..BRIDGE:It doesn"t matter what you wear"Cause it"s only gonna beyou and me there (Whoa!)CHORUS:I"m having a partyA party for twoInvitin" nobodyNobody but youYou"ll be sexy in your socks(We could polish the floors)In case that anybody knocks(Let"s lock all the doors)Yeah, all the things I"m gonna do(I"m gonna do with you)I wanna try something new(I wanna try it, too)I tell you that it...BRIDGE:(It doesn"t matter)uh, uh(What I wear)("Cause it"s only gonna be)You and me thereCHORUS:I"m having a partyA party for two (yeah)Ain"t invitin" nobodyNobody but you (yeah)Yeah, youBRIDGE 2:(I"m here) You"re there(That"s all) we really need(We"re gonna) We"re gonna party hearty(Just) Just you and me(Don"t) Don"t think about it now(Don"t) Don"t even doubt it now(I"m inviting you to a) party for two(Whoa!)[GUITAR SOLO]shake it, shake it(Come on baby!)Aww, all the things I"m gonna do(I"m gonna do with you)I"m gonna try something new with you, boy(I wanna try that, too)I"ll tell you that it..BRIDGE:It doesn"t matter what you wear("Cause it"s only gonna be)It"s only gonna be you and me(Awwwww, yeah)I"m havin" a party(A little bitty party baby)A party for twoIt"s just me and you(That"s right)Invitin" nobobyI ain"t inviting anybody(Nobody baby)nobody but youChorus (alternating voices, double lyrics)I"m having a party(I"m having a party)A party for two (A party for two)Ain"t invitin" nobody(Ain"t invitin" nobody)Nobody but you (Nobody but you)Come on, Come on....(Just you and me there)That was great!(Let"s do it again!) end

求Mrs Bux,ThomasPrime,CL 的 《old skool 》的歌词

old skool yoits another beautiful day out there my peopletime to get up, thats rightI keep it old skoollets do thisI remember when life was just about riding bikes.Hanging with my boys through the night understreetlights.Simple times. Simple needs. Summertime breeze.Football in the street, getting high, climbing trees.New york New york to LA I see I you cant frown on whereyou from so I dont try.C L, yeah, thinkin blue, I keep it moving.Animal guitars man we still keep it grooving.We come a long way son I wish I could stay back itspacked its a wrap, it was le sayYou know how I do keep it freesh, Old Skool, with atwisted chill vibes to keep it cool.Back on the scene, some eyes turn green, I smile its beena while man I take it to your team.sit back and relax "cuz this is the last ride keep yourarms and legs inside, at all times.Old skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pieOld skool thats my vibe from 86 to about 95always tell the truth my momma say dont liewith an honest days work get a piece of the pie
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