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为什么说在家是AT HOME,而在办公室是AT THE OFFICE ?


Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 破解怎么找不到

现在最新款是联想Thinkpad Sl410系列的4000—5300之间是上网学习的最佳选择。配置高价格又宜,是学生的最佳选品。现在最新款现在最新款

求 Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 产品密匙

安装office 2010 professional plus vol版:请看我的空间http://hi.baidu.com/hellozyty/blog/item/c44d8b0f121f00c77acbe10f.html

office 2013 home and business 和office 2013 pro plus 有什么区别啊?

一个是家庭版的,一个是专业版的,专业版相对家庭版功能更多一些,适合企业办公家庭版价格大概 600 专业版价格大概 4800

下载office2010 但刚想安装的时候出现了“安装Microsoft office home and student 2010 所需的文件已损”

主要原因是文件损坏,你把原来的那个版本的卸载了,然后清下注册表,再安装新的就没事了。Microsoft Office 2010,是微软推出的新一代办公软件,开发代号为Office 14,实际是第12个发行版。该软件共有6个版本,分别是初级版、家庭及学生版、家庭及商业版、标准版、专业版和专业高级版,此外还推出Office 2010免费版本,其中仅包括Word和Excel应用。Microsoft Office 2010的新界面简洁明快,标识也改为了全橙色。Office 2010将采用新界面主题,由于程序功能的日益增多,微软专门为Office 2010开发了这套界面。从2010界面可以看出,与 2003和2007相比,新界面干净整洁,清晰明了,没有丝毫混淆感。对开发者来讲,为了支持64位,VBA(应用程序的可视化基础)进行了升级,而Office2010对象模型也已经得到了更新。因此,当企业用户自Office2003升级至Office2010的时候,很有可能需要处理旧的、不兼容的程序代码。在Office2010中,Outlook可能是受到影响最大的应用程序,对象模型的变化导致了MAPI接口界面以及导航窗口的调整。

Office Home and Student是什么软件,有什么用

Office 家庭和学生版 2016是Office软件的一种版本,价格低廉,包含了大多数软件功能。适合一般个人或学生使用。

office home and business 2010和professional plus版本有什么区别啊??

主要是软件包里的软件数量和各软件功能不一样,比如Office Home and Student只有Word、Excep、PowerPoint和Onenote的功能简化版本(只包括基本功能),售价为398元;而Office Business则包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint 、Outlook和 OneNote的全功能版,售价为3349元;Professional 包括Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook、OneNote、Access 和 Publisher的全功能版,售价为4899元。

microsoft office Home and Student 2010密钥

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdn7PMr 安装前先看说明

Office Home and Student是什么软件,有什么用

微软公司推出的办公软件,Home and Student是其家庭学生版。就是功能会比专业版的少一些但是也足够你的使用了记得采纳

微软office 2010 Home and Students好吗?对于普通人那4个软件够使吗?顺便跪求office2010完整版及密钥


Office home

更新1: Sorry Tyler if my question is not clear, I want to open a normal trading office but it is at my home and no need to rent an area to start the biz. I want to know the procedure (e.g. registration, open office account...etc), what pany asset (e.g. puter, fax machine..etc). ,我一看过后立刻参加了。 我即时加入此网上公司的九大理由: 1.参加这个工作是完全免费的、 2.不须登记信用卡、(不怕被盗用) 3.继yahoo/ *** 后最热网站、(全球已有数以百万计的人参加了) 4.它的价值将会是天文数字,所以能真正支付利润给成员的可靠性亦不必怀疑、 5.超简单工作、 6.每月可赚取现金及公司股份、(即将上市,任何合资格人仕一加入即可分股) 7.已有中文介面,说明更清晰、 8.完全合法,国际公司、 9.绝非传销、 agloco/r/BBBW4586 Agloco并非传销,因永远不须任何人士付费参加或推销物品给别人。 * 由于Agloco短期内势将如 Yahoo/Google/Youtube般出名, ( 比尔`盖茨和赫利(YouTube创始人)亦分别评价认为AGLOCO会跑赢!) Agloco是否一般网赚?唔….Agloco就好比网赚界的汇丰银行, 而其他的都只是一般找换店而矣!而更不可相比的就是,任何人士, 只要一踏进这间好比大银行的Agloco公司,它就让你白白的成为其永久股东, 并按照你以后的表现来给你不停增值的股票 ( 可于上市后随意买卖 ) , 及每月的上网奖金 ( 公司将尽可能以本地币值以银行过户、 利用中介公司如Paypal或寄支票形式付款给成员 )。,

下载office2010 但刚想安装的时候出现了“安装Microsoft office home and student 2010 所需的文件已损”

主要原因是文件损坏,你把原来的那个版本的卸载了,然后清下注册表,再安装新的就没事了。Microsoft Office 2010,是微软推出的新一代办公软件,开发代号为Office 14,实际是第12个发行版。该软件共有6个版本,分别是初级版、家庭及学生版、家庭及商业版、标准版、专业版和专业高级版,此外还推出Office 2010免费版本,其中仅包括Word和Excel应用。Microsoft Office 2010的新界面简洁明快,标识也改为了全橙色。Office 2010将采用新界面主题,由于程序功能的日益增多,微软专门为Office 2010开发了这套界面。从2010界面可以看出,与 2003和2007相比,新界面干净整洁,清晰明了,没有丝毫混淆感。对开发者来讲,为了支持64位,VBA(应用程序的可视化基础)进行了升级,而Office2010对象模型也已经得到了更新。因此,当企业用户自Office2003升级至Office2010的时候,很有可能需要处理旧的、不兼容的程序代码。在Office2010中,Outlook可能是受到影响最大的应用程序,对象模型的变化导致了MAPI接口界面以及导航窗口的调整。





Microsoft Office home and student 2010 激活密钥及步骤,成功后追加100分!

以下为几个OfFice个人解决方案,都是最合理的,可以自由选择:方案一 (安装office 2010免激活版)Office Professional Plus 2010免激活版(包含32位和64位):http://www.vcbeta.cn/article.asp?id=320由VOL版本封装,集成了“MAK”密钥,跟方案三很相似。只是做了封装。方案二 (安装Office 2010企业版+KMS激活——推荐):Microsoft Office 2010 Pro VOL简体中文正式版+迷你KMS激活: http://www.vkni.org/a/office/word/20100517/23035.htmlKMS 激活方法:http://www.vkni.org/a/office/word/20100519/23036.html方案三(安装Office 2010专业版+密钥激活):Microsoft Office Pro 2010 简体中文正式版下载: http://www.vcbeta.cn/article.asp?id=316最新Microsoft Office Pro 2010 简体中文正式版激活密钥(密钥激活过程): http://www.vkni.org/a/office/word/20100625/24111.html目前网上大多数密钥已封,这是最新的密钥。看运气吧,有的人能直接激活,有的人要电话激活,有的则不行。附教程:《Microsoft Office 2010实用技巧宝典》微软官方光盘下载:http://www.vcbeta.cn/article.asp?id=319因为密钥的激活次数有限,个人推荐方案二,希望对你有帮助

office home and student 2019在哪

在Windows菜单中找到Office。打开任何项目。下面以Excel为例进行说明。打开其他工作簿-帐户-登录或注册一个新帐户。单击Office Update首先更新Office。更新完成后重新启动Office。在激活列表中选择当前软件的license。有些是办公室家庭和学生2019,有些是家庭和学生2019。激活成功后,它将被永久使用。Non-office 365订阅如果之前有多个产品被激活过,请务必激活没有激活时间的产品。不要犯激活前一个的错误



lighting and bulb and furniture office and home furniture

lighting:照明bulb:灯泡furniture office一般是写作office furniture:办公室家俱home furniture:家居家俱



我的英国签证递交了两多月了,到目前不仅没有消息,还收到home office(内政部)的遣返信!

最好确认下是否被拒,因为像你提到的,如果正常通过的话,你和其他人的审理进度应该是保持基本一致的。有一种可能就是你的签证被拒了,而你没有收到通知,所以才会收到邮件让你再次申请,否则就要被遣返。被遣返的原因是你的原签证有效期即将失效或已经失效,而你又没有新的有效签证,你当然不可以继续留在英国。当务之急除了让你就读的学校工作人员帮忙询问外,你自己也要积极的和home office沟通,搞清楚是miss了哪一条信息导致收到了必须在14天内再次申请的通知。而且如果是拒签,一定要搞清楚拒签的理由,是担保金材料的问题?还是cas上面的信息问题?把这些问题解决了,再次递签才能确保通过率。而且再次申请的时候,最好选个premium service可以当天得知结果的,这样你会更主动些,不用天天等等等。





microsoft office home是什么软件

microsoft office home是frontpage软件。这个就是办公软件Office,至少应该包含个 Word (文字处理) ,Excel (电子表格)可能还包含个数据库 Access , 还有做PPT的 PowerPoint, 还有收发邮件的 OUTLOOK,至于 Home and Student 2010 Version就是家庭/学生版本。PowerPoint:用户不仅可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用 Powerpoint 不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。Powerpoint 做出来的东西叫演示文稿,它是一个文件,其格式后缀名为:. ppt,或者也可以保存为.pdf、图片格式等,2010和2013版本中可保存为视频格式。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片,每张幻灯片都是演示文稿中既相互独立又相互联系的内容。

英语small office home office怎么翻译?


居家办公Home Office真的适合你吗?

如今,居家办公Home Office是不少公司在尝试的工作制度,也是不少职场人向往的方式。我们希望居家办公,原因无他,在于Home,不在于Office,以居家的感觉来工作,感觉很爽啊! 只是,居家办公真的适合你吗?居家办公更考验一个人的自律和品质。少了在公司办公的有形约束,没有人看着你了。你也不用维持自己的形象了,不用捯饬自己了;不用按时起床了,可以多睡会懒觉了;你还可以一边看电视,一边看电脑.....多了很多的诱惑,你经得起诱惑吗? 居家办公是一个新的体验,也是对你的考验。对于自律的人,居家办公是锦上添花,对于散漫的人,居家办公是火上浇油。做一个自律的人,不是工作的要求,不是公司的事情,而是你自己对自己人生的态度。 如何做一名自律的人,即可以高效工作,还可以享受居家办公的温馨?可以尝试以下几点: 1. 增加仪式感:比如清晨起床,穿上舒适的衣服,洗漱用餐后,泡上一杯咖啡或冲上一杯茶,选定一个专门办公的地方,开始一天的工作。一天结束后,小结一下一天的工作,用个有仪式感的方法,比如听首音乐,跑个步来结束今天的工作。 2. 消除干扰。在家办公,难免要和家人一起。如果有小孩,要和孩子提前沟通好,自己在哪个时间段,坐在哪个地方,就不能打扰,让孩子知道和理解“工作”的界限感。这样可以提高自己的工作效率。 3. 制定计划:在家办公,不代表事情可以慢慢做,或者拖延。因为无环境的约束,更要制定好计划,严格执行,不要让自己散漫下来。为了加强与同事沟通,可以主动安排电话或视频会议,交流工作想法。 总之,在习惯上,居家办公是与人性的一种对抗。当我们选择放纵,我们也就选择了放弃。出来混总是要还的。你做的任何选择,最直接影响或受益的人也是你自己。种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。


  HOME OFFICE,这里全用大写的原因,是因为我懒得切换大小写。而且感觉这样更加有力。毕竟HOME OFFICE不是传统意义上的居住空间的东西,所以有必要醒目一点。  HOME OFFICE是什么?  首先,它是一个空间,家庭成员可以在里面工作、学习、阅读、静思、刷微博知乎AB站、看片、撸管等。这是个综合性的空间,不复杂,但是很实用。其次,它是整个家的一部分,所以,它不能突兀、跳脱、浪费。  HOME OFFICE跟书房有什么区别?  书房更强调书和房,也就是对书的收纳,和对完整空间的需求。书房是一个系统。从这个意义上讲,它比HOME OFFICE高一级,换句话说,HOME OFFICE最大化之后,也是个书房。  HOME OFFICE跟SOHO有什么区别?  首先SOHO这个词太土了,已经过时了,我不喜欢。第二,SOHO要求承担各种办公的功能,它首先是OFFICE,而HOME OFFICE则首先是HOME。第三,HOME OFFICE完全按照OFFICE来设计的话,它就是个SOHO了。  为什么要有个HOME OFFICE呢?  一因为实用。二因为有效利用空间。三因为有助于提升居住品质。  好了,回到正题,如何设计HOME OFFICE。分三部分展开叙述:风格、空间、功能。  风格  现在的家装,普遍被生硬的划分为各种风格,欧式美式地中海,乡村田园新古典,韩式日式新中式,现代简约无印良……品……所以存在于整体空间中的HOME OFFICE,也需要搭配整体的风格。当然,如果能有自信混搭的好,这点可以无视,比如这个:其实这个也说不上混搭啦,只是这木地板上墙还有铁艺小装饰,非常有味道,而且整个成本也不高。这里所谓的搭配,有两种实现方式。第一种比较简单,就是根据已有/已确定的风格来选择,比如欧式或者简欧,可以这样做:  简单自然,又不缺乏装饰元素,还很有趣味。  第二种更简单,就是选择百搭的风格。所谓的万金油。这种方式多半需要设计的更简单一些,甚至是只要满足功能就可以了。没办法,百搭在某种程度上,是百不搭。背后墙上这块板子看久了眼睛会花,有兴趣的可以尝试一下。  空间  房价很贵,装修很贵,还得考虑家里来个客人住哪里,有了小孩还要有儿童房,寸土寸金,恨不得开辟异次元空间来扩大面积……这就是残酷的现实,我们都没有太大的房子,所以“浪费空间就是谋财害命”——高尔基。在这样的前提下,传统意义上的书房,其实是个尴尬的存在。比如90平米的套二,要有两个卧室,那么是要硬隔一间书房出来呢,还是不要书房了呢?前者会导致卧室的空间变小,后者实在让人不爽。而家居空间里,由于KFS设计户型的各种奇葩,你会发现总有些难以利用的空间。比如转角遇到爱,不,遇到柱子,或者留下一截不宽不窄不深不浅食之无味弃之可惜的空间。是再摆个柜子呢?还是直接不管它了呢?前者容易导致满满当当的局促感,后者又真是不甘心。  到这里你可能发现了,我为啥总是给出两个选项呢?因为我是天平座。所以我对于这种选择题总是很痛恨。  所以我义不容辞的要找出一个两全的方案来。方案的名字叫HOME OFFICE。  这部分有多宽呢?桌面600mm,加上过道一共有1500mm左右。用来做这么一个HOME OFFICE区域,合适的紧。  这卷帘门是怎么回事?其实这是个车库。你家没车库是吧?但是深度800mm宽度2000mm的空间总能找的出来吧。另外,那些个吵吵着要后现代工业风水泥自流平的人儿啊,这卷帘门内藏玄机的设计一定符合你的要求啊!  楼梯浪费不少空间对吧,那就找补回来。  前面的几个案例都是单独划分小空间加以利用,那要是连这点小空间都没有怎么办?没啥问题,做点延伸即可。请看:  这种风格叫什么呢?ZEN,禅。或许你会说,这啥玩意啊,不就是博古架多个桌子吗?没错啊,可是就是因为这个桌子,才是真正大彻大悟的禅味——不拘一格,信手拈来。  这个案例我非常非常喜欢,甚至我觉得年轻人的小家就该这么搞。客厅+厨房+餐厅+HOME OFFICE,几乎是无缝融合,不铺张,不浮夸,有格调,有态度。  功能  说到功能,其实这才是本质。你觉得家里的HOME OFFICE应该有哪些功能呢?首先桌子是必不可少,有桌子肯定要有椅子。有了桌椅,还得能放点文具吧,储物也不能少。还要有各种书刊杂志,兴趣相关的物件,都得有地方放才行,所以再多点储物空间吧……这是强调储物的一套设计,而且比较符合大部分国人的喜好——有门。这个更偏居家,设想一下跟孩子一起坐在这边写作业。或者你刚好有两个小孩。  这个更符合办公之需。还带会议桌的呢。黑板上还可以画甘特图。对于有些小型团队不得不租民房办公的,可以考虑用这种。  这个不用多说了。加班狗应该会喜欢。  你说你工作需要很多的参考书?来吧,如果你有LOFT,就大胆的这么搞吧。  这个设计让我不禁想起了LOL里劫的台词:无形装逼,最为致命。  井井有条,收放自如,成熟味道,尽在其中。储物收纳也合理。  就知道你们要北欧风,要MUJI风,来吧,要注意吉他面板颜色千万选错。另外我很喜欢上面的搁架。实现  有了想法就要付诸实现,怎么做呢?大致也有两种方式,定制或者买成品。把本文上面的几点都考虑清楚,然后用断舍离的原则再梳理一遍,再着手去进行选择。  最后再说一点,尽量让HOME OFFICE可以满足两个人或者更多人共同使用的要求。  转载仅供参考,版权属于原作者


2020年,一个特别的春节。对于上班人士、即将毕业的朋友,这个意外的长假,挺赚的!当然了,在家办公、毕业论文临头,也挺难过的! 2018年5月,我加入职慧公益运营团队,与企业、其他公益机构不同,职慧一直都是home-office风格,一方面为了最大化节约成本;另一方面因为机构的工作并没有集中办公的必要。 Everything has two sides!home-office,对于不同人群而言,喜欢或不喜欢,适应或不适应,都是正常现象。不得不说,home-office,绝对能检验一个人的自律程度! 从实习生到“半个全职”,在家办公时间也有1年8个月了,分享一点点。 对我而言,在家办公最难的是? (1)容易困,想睡觉。 平时在学校每天只睡4-6小时,但回到家里大脑会自动转入困意绵绵的状态,一天24小时几乎有2/3的时间处于睡着的状态。 (2)周围环境吵,诱惑多,容易分心。 住在学校的时候,有室友看剧直接声音外放,有室友打电话说话声特别大,还有室友来回倒腾得噼里啪啦响;住在家里的时候,乡下的老母鸡咯咯叫、鸟叽叽喳喳、邻家小孩大喊大叫,即便紧闭门窗也听得分外清晰。 在学校既要学习又要工作,能有时间睡觉就不错了,不要提刷微博、看剧了。但家里不比学校,总想着刷微博豆瓣、追剧、嗑cp,一刷就难停下来。 后来这些难点,怎么解决的呢? (1)白天想睡觉,那就晚上工作,哈哈哈!但这和同事们的节奏不在一个点上,长远来看不是个好办法。所以,如果有可能的话,我把需要高度紧张、集中注意力的事情(比如:远程会议)安排在容易睡觉、容易困的时间(比如:上午起不来,中午吃完饭想睡觉)。 1月31日上午9点半有一场线上团辅主持,这对于一觉睡到吃午饭的我来说可太难了。你猜猜我怎么没让自己睡过头的?前一天晚上,我没敢盖冬天的厚被子,盖了一床夏天的空调被,这样早上就会冷醒、不会留恋暖暖的床了。(2)“众人皆醉我独醒”,此乃夜猫党的共鸣啊!凌晨两三点睡是家常便饭,我不是为了熬夜而熬夜,而是晚上特别安静,有利于大脑冷静思考。想象一下,“周围一片漆黑,书桌上只有电脑屏幕和台灯发着光”,感觉全世界的能量都凝聚在这小小的空间里。 你猜猜我怎么在白天营造这种氛围的?拉上窗帘,这样大部分的日光照不进来;反锁房门,这样不用担心随时有人闯入;关闭大灯、打开台灯,在灯光下工作、看书、或者写作业。平时在学校寝室,看书、写作业、工作的时候,我也会拉上桌帘、开台灯,这样就不会受室友的影响了。 回顾在家办公的日子,有什么诚恳/搞笑/实用的建议吗? (1)想象自己的家居办公地点是公司的某某城市分部,是不是很拽、很高逼格,哈哈哈! (2)被人关注和独自在家,我的表现真的会有所不同吗? home-office是训练自律的绝佳机会呀!我的自律小妙招:坚持每天工作,每天至少完成一项工作事情,有时时间不充裕,可以做一件耗时短的事情,但不管怎样一定要做;打表计时,真实准确记录每一项工作花费的时间。 (3) 2020年这个与众不同的春节,我在做什么? 前几天,罗辑思维讲了这么件事:1348年意大利佛罗伦萨疫病大流行,十位青年男女跑到乡下的别墅进行自我隔离。为了打发无聊,每个人每天讲一个故事。那些故事被记录下来,就是我们熟知的《十日谈》。其实,每一个非常的历史关口,我们是不是得做点什么。想一想,多年之后,当有人问起 “2020年那个与众不同的春节,你在做什么?” 这个问题的时候,我们不该没有话说啊! 每天记录自己做了点什么、做到了什么程度,这样等到回到学校的时候,我会这样总结:2020年这个特别的春节,我精读了n本书,听完了n本书评,学完了n节网课,完成了n项工作。而不是整个寒假都躺着刷剧、刷微博、吃瓜看热闹。 最后再说点什么吧? 1月13日回家,原本计划2月3日回学校,这样还能有充足时间写作业、学习、工作。但这一切计划被打破了。说实话,能在家好好学习、好好工作,听起来天方夜谭。至少从小到大,特别是学生时代,每次放假回家背着满满的书回家,想着要全部看完,怎么可能呢?一个学期都看不完的书,怎么可能一个假期就看得完呢?所以, 管理好自己的预期,像赌博一样做好最坏的打算,然后脚踏实地干点实事,我可不想当有人问起 “2020年那个与众不同的春节,你在做什么?” 时候,我哑口无言。 写给自己:加油写寒假作业,绝不可以留到学校再写哦,要做一个合格、成熟的硕士生呐! 2020.2.5.1:27





Home Office是什么意思

Home Officen.(英国)内政部; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In britain, the home office is also considering a third gender category on passports,according to reports. 在英国,据报道,内政部也正在考虑护照上的第三个性别类。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

home office什么意思

home office的意思是在家办公;家庭办公室;英国内务部;民政厅;总店。一、相关短语:1、home office service:公司本部服务。2、Home Office Overhead:总部办公费用。3、Home Office Computing:家居办公计算机。4、Corel Home Office:柯勒尔办公套装软件;Corel办公室套件。5、Home office furniture:家庭办公家具;家庭办公众具;家子办公众具;家庭。二、双语例句:1、The company has moved its home office.公司迁移了其总部。2、The Home Office has been remiss about security devices.内部对于安全设备问题一直不在意。3、The Home Office finally admitted that several prisoners had been injured.内部终于承认有一些囚犯受伤了。

to be submitted by home institution什么意思

to be submitted by home institution是由国内机构提交双语对照例句:1.Completed projects must be submitted by 10 march. 已经完成的项目必须在3月10号之前递交. 2.For poster presentation, an abstract must be submitted byseptember 1. 展示壁报者,论文摘要必须在9月1号之前提交。

一首男生唱的慢歌,,歌词有一句是“take me home tonight。。。you 。。baby。。”什么的。

johnta austin的《call you tonight》

take it home with me 和 take it home?


Thomas Jefferson 中文简介

托马斯-杰弗逊作者:Wyatt Blassingame 翻译:张丽霞译自《美国历届总统》(look-it-up book of president 由Random House New York出版)美国第三任总统:1801—1809生于:1743年4月13日 弗吉尼亚州 古什兰(现阿尔巴马尔)死于:1826年7月4日 弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨威尔购买路易斯安那地区,使美国的面积翻了一番。确保联邦政府的权力掌握在民众的手中,被历史学家评价为“伟大”或“接近伟大”的总统 。当托马斯-杰弗逊出生的时候,古什兰还处于边境地区。托马斯的父亲彼得?杰弗逊(Peter Jefferson)是一个性情温和的富裕农场主,他是当地的土地测量员。托马斯的母亲出生于弗吉尼亚州最有声望的家族之一。杰弗逊又高又瘦,脸上长着雀斑,头发黄中带红。他是美国历史上才华横溢的人物之一。在30岁之前,他已经学习了6门语言、法律、数学、科学和哲学;他是自学成材的建筑师,设计了不少世界上最漂亮的住房;他是发明家,设计了美国的货币系统;同时,他还是出色的音乐家。26岁时,杰弗逊选举进入了弗吉尼亚州议会。令人奇怪的是,他并不是一个出色的公共演说家,因此,他写了很多信和文章来代替演讲。这些信和文章的主要内容是关于美国殖民地和英国之间日益增长的矛盾,其中一篇的内容是杰弗逊所称的“美国人的权利”的问题。这篇文章使杰弗逊的名字传遍了整个北美殖民地。他反对英国政府的态度如此强硬,以至于英国政府宣布他为叛徒,一旦他被抓住,就会被绞死。1772年,杰弗逊和玛莎?斯凯尔顿(Martha Skelton)结婚了。3年之后,他被选进了大陆议会。由于善于写作,他被指定为独立宣言的撰写人。在独立战争中,杰弗逊是弗吉尼亚州议会的第一名成员,然后任州长。他为了通过一项保证宗教信仰自由的法律而辛苦工作。这一法案是美国历史上同类法案中最早的一个。独立战争结束后,杰弗逊为驻法国公使。当新的联邦宪法通过、华盛顿当选为第一任总统后,杰弗逊被任命为国务卿。从一开始,杰弗逊就担心合众国有一天会演变为独裁政体。他全身心地相信,全体民众应该而且可以管理他们自己。由于在边境地区长大,杰弗逊希望美国成为一个需要很少法律的国家。他相信,只有受过教育的公民才能够保护这个新生的民主政体。同样,他认为所有的孩子都应该至少上到三年级。对于今天的我们来说这算不上接受多少教育,但是在杰弗逊时代,很多人根本就没有接受过任何教育。华盛顿的财政部长亚历山大?汉密尔顿同杰弗逊一样强烈地热爱着这个国家。但是他不同意杰弗逊如何使政府成为好政府的观点。他赞同英国的政治体系,即由国王或者一个至少是终身制的总统作为最高领袖的政治体制是最好的。每个人都由衷地认同汉密尔顿的观点。但是,杰弗逊坚信,按照汉密尔顿的观点,合众国最终会变为独裁政体。而汉密尔顿认为,杰弗逊的观念将会导致暴民统治。开始,杰弗逊不想成立一个政党,但不久,拥护他观点的人拥戴他为领袖,这些人被称为共和党。(几年之后,这些共和党人自称为民主党人)同意汉密尔顿观点的人被称为联邦党人。没有人刻意设计,但这成为美国政党制度的开端。华盛顿总统在更多的时候同意汉密尔顿的观点。华盛顿第一任期结束后,杰弗逊辞职返回到故乡弗吉尼亚。当华盛顿拒绝担任第三任期总统之后,约翰?亚当斯当选为总统,而托马斯-杰弗逊当选为副总统。亚当斯属于联邦党人,杰弗逊则属于共和党人,这种混合组合方式的产生是因为撰写联邦宪法的人没有意识到政治派别的问题。他们的计划是,让获得最多选票的人当总统,让选票得数为第二的人担任副总统。后来,联邦宪法作了修改,规定总统和副总统应属于同一个政治派别。亚当斯只担任了一任总统,之后,杰弗逊当选为总统。由于他认为国家应该尽可能地以低成本运转,所以他对陆军和海军进行了裁军。同华盛顿不同,杰弗逊从不穿潇洒漂亮的制服,他也不乘坐由很多马拉着的四轮车,只是以步代车或者骑马。这个时候,法国宣布密西西比河以西的大片广袤的未知土地为法国所有。在新奥尔良,法国控制着密西西比河河口两岸的地区。这意味着,如果法国人不想让美国的船只出入的话,它可以随时关闭河道。但是这条水道对于阿拉巴契亚山以西的美国定居者来说实在是太重要了。1803年,杰弗逊决定从法国手中购买新奥尔良。出乎他的意料,法国的帝王拿破仑竟然同意出售从密西西比河到落基山脉的整个路易斯安那地区。杰弗逊认为,总统除了具有宪法规定的权力之外不能拥有其他的权力。但是宪法中没有任何规定说总统可以拥有使美国国土翻倍的权力。但是杰弗逊同样相信,美国的未来取决于西部。这个机会对美国来说实在是太好了,失去这个机会真是可惜。他签署了购买路易斯安那地区的协议。之后,他要求国会同意他已经做的一切。一些人对杰弗逊超越联邦宪法所赋予其的权限行事非常恼怒,另一些人则说杰弗逊想成为新领土的皇帝。与此同时的问题还有巴巴里(北非除埃及以外的伊斯兰国家的总称)的海盗,这些人居住在北非海岸地区。很多年以来,这些海盗战船虏掠来往于地中海的美国商船,并且将船员扣留以索取赎金。虽然付给海盗们钱要比同他们打仗要经济多,但是杰弗逊不想这麽做。他派遣一小支美国海军去攻打这些海盗。这些海盗们吃了几次败仗之后,被迫同意让美国的船只平安地来往于地中海地区。1804年,杰弗逊第二次当选总统,开始了他的第二个任期。法国和英国又开战了。英国的战舰经常俘获美国的商船,以阻止美国人与法国做生意。为避免战争,杰弗逊使国会通过了一项禁止美国商船同英国和法国做生意的法律。但是,同英国人的生意是新英格兰地区很大的一笔对外贸易,这些地区的商人们开始亏损。过了一段时间,杰弗逊意识到,这项法律对自己的国家来说是弊大于利。在他总统任期即将结束的时候,他要求国会通过了几项法案,其中之一就是废除这项不得人心的法案。如果杰弗逊愿意的话,他还可以再次当选为总统。但是他总是担心,如果一个总统的任期太长的话,他就有可能试图成为一名独裁者。杰弗逊认为,任何总统的任期都不应该超过两届。当然,当总统从来没有让他感到过真正的幸福。因此,他拒绝参加第三任期的竞选。他回到了被称为蒙提萨罗(Monticello)的漂亮的家,也回到了当种植园主的生活。像其他南方种植园主一样(包括乔治?华盛顿),杰弗逊也是是奴隶主。他为奴隶制度而烦恼,在他的遗嘱中,他使一部分奴隶获得了自由。他之所以不愿意在生前释放这些奴隶,是因为他这样做看起来好像是在批评他的拥有奴隶的邻居,他不想这麽做。有证据显示,杰弗逊同他的一名叫萨利?海明(Sally Hemings) 的奴隶保持着长期的紧密关系,据说后者还给他生了几个孩子。杰弗逊对这个国家的服务并没有结束。他规划并帮助成立了弗吉尼亚州立大学。他将老师们召集在一起,并帮助他们决定应该教授哪些课程。他还给继任的总统提供建议。托马斯-杰弗逊同约翰?亚当斯同一天逝世,都是1826年7月4日,正好是他撰写的独立宣言发表50周年纪念日。杰弗逊亲自为自己撰写了墓志铭:“这里埋葬着托马斯-杰弗逊,他是独立宣言的作者,弗吉尼亚州宗教信仰自由法案的作者,弗吉尼亚州立大学之父。” 他甚至没有提及自己曾经是美国的总统。Thomas Jefferson 托马斯-杰弗逊Goochland County古什兰Charlottesville 夏洛茨威尔

Thomas Jefferson既资料

English version: whitehouse/history/presidents/tj3 no chinese available. sorry.,other wer is better,汤玛斯·杰佛逊 汤玛斯·杰佛逊(Thomas Jefferson,1743年4月13日—1826年7月4日)为美利坚合众国第三任总统(1801年─1809年)。同时也是美国宣言(1776年)主要起草人,及美国开国元勋中最具影响力者之一。其任期中之重大事件包括路易西安那购地案(Louisiana Purchase, 1803)、1807年禁运法案(Embargo Act of 1807)、以及路易斯与克拉克探勘(Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804–1806)。 身为政治学家,杰佛逊秉持古典自由主义(classical liberali *** )与共和主义(republicani *** ),制定了维吉尼亚宗教自由法(Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779, 1786)。该法日后成为美国宪法第一修正案创设条文之基础,杰佛逊式民主(Jeffersonian democracy)因他而得名。他创立并领导民主共和党(Democratic-Republican Party),成为今日民主党之前身,统治美国政治达四分之一世纪。杰佛逊曾为第二任维吉尼亚州州长(1779年─1781年)、第一任国务卿(1789年─1793年)、与第二任美国副总统(1797年─1801年)。 除了政治事业外,杰佛逊同时也是农业学、园艺学、建筑学、词源学、考古学、数学、密码学、测量学、与古生物学等学科的专家;又身兼作家、律师、与小提琴手;也是维吉尼亚大学之创办者。许多人认为他是历任美国总统中,智慧最高者。在1962年一个宴请49位诺贝尔奖(Nobel Prize)得主的晚宴上,约翰·甘乃迪对满堂社会菁英致词说:『我觉得今晚的白宫聚集了最多的天份和人类知识-或许撇开当年杰佛逊独自在这里吃饭的时候不计。』 早年生涯与教育 依其出世当时所采行的儒略历,杰佛逊生于1743年4月2日;但若依其在世时改用的格雷高里历,则杰佛逊的生日为4月13日。 杰佛逊出生于富足兴旺之家,在十名手足间排行第三(有两名死产)。父亲名彼得·杰佛逊,为农民兼测量员,在维吉尼亚的阿尔伯马尔郡(Albemarle County)拥有一座名为沙德维尔(Shadwell)的农场;母亲珍·蓝道夫(Jane Randolph),为伊沙汉·蓝道夫(Isham Randolph)与珍·罗杰斯(Jane Rogers)之女,培顿·蓝道夫(Peter Jefferson)之表亲。伊沙汉是在英国伦敦城东的沙德维尔教区教堂(Shadwell Parish church)结的婚。汤玛斯·杰佛逊的双亲皆为世居维吉尼亚的移民家庭。 彼得·杰佛逊在宅第为大火所毁后,举家迁至业吉岭(Edge Hill)。该岭以十七世纪时,帮助约翰·李伯内(John Lilburne)发展政治事业的英国内战第一场战役而得名。杰佛逊之妹露西(Lucy)嫁予查尔斯·李伯内·路易斯(Charles Lilburne Lewis),并将一个儿子命名为李伯内;而弟弟蓝道夫也将一个儿子命名为李伯内。 1752年,杰佛逊受教于苏格兰教士威廉·道格拉斯(William Douglas)所经营的学校,年仅九岁时即开始学习古拉丁文、古希腊文、以及法文。1757年,十四岁的杰佛逊丧父,他继承了约五千英亩(约20平方公里)的土地及数十名黑奴。杰佛逊在所继承的土地建造自宅,该地其后名为蒙地沙罗(Monticello)。 父丧后,杰佛逊在1758年至1760年间,受业于由博学的詹姆斯·毛瑞(James Maury)教士所开设的学堂。学堂位于弗雷德里克斯堡教区(Frederick *** urg),距沙德维尔(Shadwell)12英哩(19公里)。杰佛逊寄宿于毛瑞家中,接受古典教育(classical education),并研习历史与自然科学。 16岁时,杰佛逊入学威廉斯堡(William *** urg)的威廉与玛丽学院(College of William and Mary)哲学系,自1760年起至1762年止,为时两年。杰佛逊追随威廉·史莫(William Small)教授,研究数学、形上学、与哲学。史莫引导充满热情的杰佛逊接触不列颠实证主义者(British Empiricists)们的著作,包括约翰·洛克、法兰西斯·培根、以及艾萨克·牛顿爵士。(杰佛逊后称其为『古往今来最伟大的三个人』("three greatest men the world had ever produced"))。据闻杰佛逊的学院生涯为每日读书15小时,随身携带希腊文法书,法文精熟,练习小提琴,喜好科尔涅里乌斯u2027塔西佗(Cornelius Tacitus)与荷马的著作。 杰佛逊在学院中曾为神秘的扁帽俱乐部(Flat Hat Club)之一员,学院现今的学生报纸即以此俱乐部为名。他在1762年以优秀成绩毕业后,转而跟随良师兼益友乔治·威勒(Gee Wythe)学习法律,于1767年取得维吉尼亚州的律师资格。 1772年,杰佛逊与守寡的玛莎·斯格尔顿(Martha Wayles Skelton, 1748-82)成婚,生下六名子女:玛莎·蓝道夫(Martha Jefferson Randolph, 1772-1836)、珍·蓝道夫(Jane Randolph, 1774-1775)、一名死产而未及命名的儿子(1777-1777)、玛丽·威勒斯(Mary Wayles, 1778-1804)、露西·伊莉沙白(Lucy Elizabeth, 1780-1781)、与露西·伊莉沙白(Lucy Elizabeth, 1782-1785)。玛莎·斯格尔顿逝于1782年9月6日,杰佛逊再未续弦。 1774年至1800年间之政治生涯 杰佛逊于维吉尼亚的城镇自治议会(House of Burgesses)中执法。他于1774年写下英属美州民权概观(A Summary View of the Rights of British America),引领维吉尼亚地方议会走向国会。这本小册成为美国人对英国殖民者们辩驳时的有力论据,促进美国人走向自主,标示著杰佛逊为爱国者中思想最深刻的辩士之一。 杰佛逊为美国宣言之主要撰稿人,献身于美国的政治文化与民间文化。大陆议会为撰写该宣言所委任的五人小组(Committee of Five)全体一致同意,由杰佛逊单独起草宣言全文。 1776年九月,杰佛逊回到维吉尼亚,并获选入新成立的维吉尼亚州代表议会(Virginia House of Delegates)。杰佛逊于其任期中锐意兴革州内法制体系,以使维吉尼亚成为民主的一州。他于三年间起草126条法案,包括废除长子继承权、建立宗教自由、并使司法体系现代化。1778年,杰佛逊的『知识大幅普及散播法案』("Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge")促成其母校的连串学术改革,包括美国各大学中第一个成立的选修制度。 杰佛逊于1779年1781至年间任维吉尼亚州州长,在1780年以州长的身份监督维吉尼亚州治由威廉斯堡迁移至里奇蒙。他不断在威廉与玛丽学院中呼吁教育改革,包括全国首创由学生自治的荣誉法则(honor code)。1779年,在杰佛逊的指示下,威廉与玛丽学院委任乔治·威勒为美国各大学中首位法学教授。因对改革的进程不满,杰佛逊后来创立了维吉尼亚大学,为美国第一所与宗教学说完全无关的高等学院。 维吉尼亚两次在杰佛逊入主政期间遭英军入侵。杰佛逊本人几遭奇袭薛伦斯维尔(Charlottesville)的英军骑兵纵队所俘,但终能脱身。民情因 *** 无力御侮而激愤不已,从而几乎毁了杰佛逊的政治前途;但在约克镇之围后,民愤逐渐平复。 杰佛逊于1785年至1789年间驻节法国,未及参与合众国宪法会议(Constitutional Convention)。他其后虽逐渐支持这部新宪,却仍认为新宪因缺乏权利法案而有缺陷。 自法返国后,杰佛逊于乔治·华盛顿的 *** 中担任首任国务卿(1789-1793)。他与亚历山大·汉弥尔顿两人之间开始对全国性的金融政策展开论战,杰佛逊将汉弥尔顿与其他狂热的联邦党人与保皇党等量齐观。1790年,杰佛逊深恐其拟之为『保皇主义』的『汉弥尔顿主义』占上风,写下『汉弥尔顿的信徒们跟着气喘嘘嘘…并渴求帝王之冠、诸候之冕、与主教法冠。』("Hamiltoni were panting after...and itching for crowns, coros and mitres")杰佛逊与詹姆斯·麦迪逊创立民主共和党,并成为党内领袖。他们二人与麦迪逊的的竞选总干事约翰·贝克利(John James Beckley)所建立的体系,史称第一党系统(First Party System)。1793年,英法两国爆发战争,杰佛逊强烈支持法国,而汉弥尔顿与华盛顿方面在缔结杰伊条约(Jay Treaty)后则支持英国,杰佛逊于是辞职隐退蒙地沙罗,后又获选为美国副总统。(1797─1801),

welcome home(you)歌词翻译

when i left home to be who i am 当我离开家去做我自己some people said no way 有人说,不可能but i laid it all down 但是我不会管它gave everything 放弃所有in my head rang the words 脑海中回响着that my father said 爸爸说的you′re never far 你永远不会远离i will be where you are 不管你在哪我会和你在一起and when you come to me 当你回来i will open my arms 我会欢迎你welcome home you 欢迎你i know you by name 我听说过你的名字how do you do 你好吗i shine because of you today 今天我为你骄傲so come and sit down 来坐下tell me how you are 告诉我你过得怎么样i know son, it′s good to just see your face 我知道,看到你我很高兴when i look at you 当我看着你holding my heart 捧着我的心i give to you all that i have 我把所有都给你son i know, there′ll be times that 儿子,我知道,会有这样的时候you′ll feel all alone 你感觉很孤单i will share with you 我会和你一起分担the words my father said 爸爸说you are never far 你永远不会远离i will be where you are 不管你在哪我会和你在一起and when you come to me 当你回来you can bet i will open my arms 我会欢迎你welcome home you 欢迎回家i know you by name 我知道你的名字how do you do 你还好吗i shine because of you today 今天我为你骄傲so come and sit down 来坐下tell me how you are 告诉我你过得怎么样i know son, it′s good just to see your face 孩子,我知道,看到你我很高兴i′ve been waiting for that day 我一直在等这一天just to feel your warm embrace 只为感受你的温暖your love has shown 我感受到你的爱that i will never be alone 我不再孤单for you will welcome me home 因为你欢迎我回家i′ll forever be 我不再孤单for you will say to me 因为你告诉我welcome home 欢迎回家i know you by name 我知道你的名字how do you do 你过得怎么样i shine because of you today 今天我为你骄傲so come and sit down 来坐下tell me how you are 告诉我你过的怎么样i know son, it′s good just to see your face 孩子,我知道,很高兴能看到你when i left home to be who i am 当我离开家去做我自己some people said no way有人说不可以

LeIe Ioves his home的否定句?

LeIe Ioves his home.这句话的否定句是:LeIe doesn"t Iove his home.do的一般式 don"t 一般单三 doesn"t 过去式 didn"t

LeLe loves his home改为一般疑问句?

你好,很高兴为你解答:Does Lele love his home?词汇释义他的his; him; he; his his

Call Me (Come Back Home) 歌词

歌曲名:Call Me (Come Back Home)歌手:Ronnie Aldrich And His 2 Pianos&The London Festival Chorus&The London Festival Orchestra专辑:Soft & Wicked/Come To Where The Love Iscall meblondieColor me your color, baby.Color me your car.Color me your color, darling.I know who you are.Come up off your color chart.I know where you"re coming from.Call me (call me) on the line.Call me, call me any anytime.Call me(call me)au revoir.You can call me any day or night.Call me!Cover me with kisses, baby.Cover me with love.Roll me in designer sheets.I"ll never get enough.Emotions come, I don"t know why.Cover up love"s alibi.Call me (call me) on the line.Call me, call me any anytime.Call me (call me)au revoir.When you"re ready we can share the wine.Call me.Ooh, he speaks the languages of love.Ooh, amore, chiamami (chiamami).Ooh, appelle-moi, mon cheri (appelle-moi).Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, anyway!Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any day!Call me, call me any anytimeCall me (call me) in my life.Call me, call me any anytime.Call me (call me) au revoir.Call me, call me for some overtime.Call me (call me) in my life.Call me, call me any sweet desire.Call me, call me for your lover"s lover"s alibi.Call me (call me) inner line.Call me, call me any anytime.Call me.Oh, call me, ooh ooh ah.Call me in my life.http://music.baidu.com/song/8083874

首字母填空 Are you f--- tonight ?I want to invite you to my home.

free 译为:你今晚有空吗?

WINDOWS 下面有个ehome文件夹是什么?

XP也变Media Center Edition 【简 介】 “自己动手,丰衣足食”,想不用全新安装、也能体验一把Media Center Edition的魅力吗?只要你按着下面的步骤做,完全可以在原始操作系统上稍做修改便可尝鲜了。 “自己动手,丰衣足食”,想不用全新安装、也能体验一把Media Center Edition的魅力吗?只要你按着下面的步骤做,完全可以在原始操作系统上稍做修改便可尝鲜了。 一、准备改造工具 1.一个可以改造的操作系统,譬如: ①Windows XP Professional 英文版。 ②Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 英文随机版。 ③Windows Server 2003 英文版。 2.Windows XP Media Center Edition的安装光盘镜像(ISO)文件。 3.可更改NT系列操作系统设置的软件TweakNT。 二、实战系统换身大法 1.以Windows XP Professional为例,首先为它打上SP1补丁,并安装Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 及其SP2。 2.用DAEMON Tools打开WindowsXP Media Center Edition的安装光盘ISO文件。将光盘根目录下的“CMPNENTSMEDIACTRI386”子目录下的“MEDIACTR.CAB”解压缩到硬盘,并将目录名改为“ehome”。 3.将“ehome”文件夹拷贝到Windows安装目录,比如“C:Windows”。 4.打开记事本,新建一个“MCE.bat”文件,内容为: regsvr32 /s %systemroot%ehomeehPlayer.dll regsvr32 /s %systemroot%ehomeehProxy.dll regsvr32 /s %systemroot%ehomeehentt.dll regsvr32 /s %systemroot%ehomeehDrop.dll 5.打开记事本,再新建一个“MCE.reg”文件,内容为: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM WPAMediaCenter] "Installed"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM Setup] "SystemPrefix"=hex:ce,13,00,00,00,0 0,3e,c8 6.运行TweakNT.exe,勾选“Convert to:→Workstation→Media Center→Apply”,重启电脑后完成改造。 7.运行“MCE.bat”并导入“MCE.reg”。 8.运行ehome子目录里的medctrro.exe ,并等待约50秒。再运行ehome里的ehshell.exe,开始Media Center Edition的界面初始化。 经过以上步骤,你的Windows XP就已经成功改造成为Media Center Edition了。另外,改造好的英文版Windows XP Media Center Edition可以通过加装MUI(多国语言包)来实现简体中文化,如图。

翻译阅读理解A man got a new car and he was very proud1it. One day, when he2back home, he

一个男人买了一辆新车,他感到很骄傲。有一天,他回到家。他发现他三岁的儿子正用一个玩具榔头打他的车。他很生气,于是跑到他孩子面前,抢过他的榔头,并有榔头重重的打了他的儿子。他儿子大声哭喊,但这个男人并没有在意。 当他的爸爸(抱歉,不知道这里是什么词),他尽可能快的带他儿子去了医院。尽管医生已经尽力保住了男孩的骨头,但最后他不得不切掉男孩双手的手指。 当男孩在医院时,看到自己的双手,他天真地说:“爸爸,我很抱歉对你的车做了那种事。”然后他又说,“但是我的手指还会长回来吗?”爸爸非常伤心。 当别人冒犯你或你想报复别人时想一想这个故事。在你对某些人失去耐心之前要先思考一下。汽车还能再买,但失去的骨头和受伤的感觉不能。 人总会犯错。但我们应该记住原谅比报复更美好。当行动之前思考一下。 (希望采纳:-D)

we met at home at 7.00这个句子对吗?

we met at home at 7.00这个句子对是主谓结构的简单句

Dare you go home at night?_ A.Yes,I do B.No,I daren’t C.Yes,I dare to 选什么.

此题选B此处的Dare为情态动词,和can ,may 等用法一致.Dare还可以做为动词,后接to ,译为敢于….但此处显然不做动词,而是情态动词.排除A、C,故此处的回答为NO,I DAREN"T.



soon as i get home 歌词

歌曲名:soon as i get home歌手:2 pac2PACSoon as I get home.Soon as I get home.Dear baby it"s meAgain stuck inside this mad penTryin" to pay my debt fpor all my sinsThese is penitentiary timesBe so heavy on my mindAt times. it"s like I"m livin" just to dieI"m livin" in hellStuck in my jail cellStranded in the county jailWaitin" for my chance to post bailI wanna be paid in large stacksAnd mash in fast JagsI blast and wonder how long will I lastMy memories fade when I"m intoxicatedBustas is shadySo I"m dumpin" on cowards crazy whenever fadedI know I said it all before but now I mean itVisions of me and you ballin". so crystal clear I see itEven though you mad at meYou"ll be glad to see the strategyOf makin" these chips come. so easilyI max out in the morning baby life is goodMe and you against the whole hoodSoon as I come home.Garb my strapLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get the money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I come home.Sittin" here lookin" at pictures of me and you livin"But now you out in the world. while I"m twisted in prisonLove letters come dailyWords of affectionYou send me money and nude pictures. beggin" for some sexStay wide open keep your eyes peeledAnd my advice is keep it it real or you could die squealin"Plus I never have to worry about a visit"Cause you"re there dailyGaurds tryin" to get your numberYou don"t dare tell meTongue kissin" steady humpin"Tryin" to touch you somethin""Fore the C.O. in the corner jump inFrontin"Late nights reminiscin"Everybody"s queitI think somethin"s in the airPrepare for the riotIt"s padlocks in my socksSteel from the bed springsI touch "em with thug loveAnd then let they heads ringStarted a war but now I"m goneRelease me to the streets in the morningIt"s onSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backLet"s get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.KadafiSince you"ve been goneMy whole life"s been like a game of c-lowTake and pick like they keep a c-noteFillin" my dreams like Nino. BrownThe whole town be shook upAnd me and mama survivin"Depends on how many rocks. the young nigga cook upNarcotics got drasticSeen "em niggas you blatedWantin" me in a casketOn the grind coppin" plasticYeah nigga I heardLittle Moo gave the wordYou get parol on the thirdIt"s all out we just heardWe out here frontin"Still here but all about nothin"My double o"s what I"m wantin"And I"m tryin" to see somethin"That we ain"t never hadLuxury life results. livin" badTricks of the tradeShit that should"ve been taught by dadBut learned through the crewLessons between me and youAnd once we lock this shit downIt ain"t a thing they could doMeawhile I stay waitin" by the phoneHopin" I get the callTellin" a nigga that you home.2PACWhat?Grab the gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesGo get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I come home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesGo get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safeIt"s time to turn the streets into a warzoneSoon as I get home.Grab my gatsLocate my comradesLet"s get my enemies not knowin" I"m comin" backGo get my money out the safe.(fades gradually).http://music.baidu.com/song/14371156


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mile是可数名词吗,我家离学校2英里远是my home is two miles away from the school还是去掉is


有首歌(韩国)歌词有baby boy (副歌部分),然后在最后有 hurry back home

中文是 永远在身边 日文版的就是青山黛玛&SOUJIA 留在我身边

智慧家庭 - HA(1) - 在树莓派上架设 Home Assistant

本文索引: Home Assistant (以下简称 HA) 是一个开源的智能家居网关项目,它可以将市面上所有支持的智能硬件设备整合到一起进行统一管理,并提供了默认的 Web UI。HA 社区开发了海量组件以支持市面上主流的设备,在 IoT 中扮演了大脑的角色。在家庭服务器上架设 HA 有多种实现方式,官方也制作了对应的系统镜像 Hass.io ,并推荐使用「树莓派3B+」作为其宿主机器。 为了验证预期效果,最好提前准备好以下设备: 通过 Docker Image 安装及更新一种服务免去了为该服务准备依赖环境的繁琐步骤, HA 官方推出了对应的 Docker Image 且支持树莓派的 CPU 架构,本文主要介绍通过 Docker 安装 HomeAssistant 。如果你不喜欢 Docker ,可以参考 Install Home Assistant 以其他方式安装。 使用 Docker 安装 HA 是非常简单的,官方提供了支持 Raspberry Pi 3 的 Docker Image 和「 安装指南 」: 参数 /path/to/your/config:/config 映射 container 的 /config 至本地主机的物理路径,此处我选择了 ~/.homeassistant 。如果希望安装指定版本的 Image,参考「 HA 在 Docker Hub 上的 Tag 列表 」选择版本,例如 0.69.1: 安装完成后, HomeAssistant 的 container 已经开始运行: 查看刚刚指定的配置文件目录,出现了以下文件及目录: config 目录(此处为 ~/homeassistant/ )下的 configuration.yaml 是配置文件的入口点,其他由 yaml 为扩展名的配置文件均是为了实现独立管理而单独分离出来的文件,可在 configuration.yaml 文档中找到如下入口载入这些配置文件: 8123 是 Web UI 的默认端口,尝试在浏览器中输入 http://{ip-address-to-raspberry}:8123 访问,得到如下结果: HA 会自动查找接入同一网络中的智能设备,是因为 configuration.yaml 中默认配置了 Discovery 组件: 一切正常之后,每次重启树莓派必须手动执行 docker container start [Container ID]/NAME 的方式来启动 HA 服务,我们需要将其做成服务或加入开机启动脚本,编辑 /etc/rc.local 文件: 重启树莓派, HA 开机启动成功,至此,一个基本款的家庭 HA 搭建就完成了。 HA 目前仍然在快速迭代中,对应的 Docker Image 也会同步放出。要更新以 Docker Container 运行的 HA 实例,只要重新拉取最新版本的 Image 即可:

有跟Coming home 差不多的歌曲吗?

Lana Del Rey - Summertime SadnessResaid - Freed from DesireSelena Gomez - The Heart Wants What It WantsElla Henderson - Glow宇多田光 - Prisoner Of Love宫村优子 - It"s Only The Fairy TaleBirdy - Skinny LoveTove Lo - HabitsAdam Lambert - Outlaws Of LoveJain - ComeDido - Thank YouGiulia - Ce Frumoasa E IubireaThe Do - Song For LoversA Fine Frenzy - Almost LoverGlen Hansard、marketa Irglova - If You Want MeVarious Artists - Lubov Citizen Cope - PenitentiaryAdam Lambert - Outlaws Of LoveThe Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather有些不大符合要求,不过大致属于安静类,可以听一下~

老版诺基亚里有个铃声男的唱的coming home,找了好久,很想求这首完整的歌,谁有的?


求coming home的中文歌词谐音


John Tesh的《Homecoming》 歌词

歌曲名:Homecoming歌手:John Tesh专辑:Grand Piano WorshipGreen Day - HomecomingPart I: The death of St. JimmyMy heart is beating from meI am standing all alonePlease call me only if you are coming homeWaste another year flies byWaste a night or twoYou taught me how to liveIn the streets of shameWhere you"ve lost your dreams in the rainThere"s no sign of hopeThe stems and seeds of the last of the dopeThere"s a glow of lightThe St. Jimmy is the spark in the nightBearing gifts and trustThe fixture in the city lightWhat the hells your nameWhats your pleasure and whats your pain?Do you dream to much?Do you think what you need is a crutchIn the crowd of pain.St. Jimmy comes without any shameHe says “we"re fucked up”But we"re not the sameAnd mom and dad are the ones you can blameJimmy died todayHe blew out his brains into the bayIn the state of mind in my own private suicidePart II: East 12th ST.Well nobody caresWell nobody caresDoes anyone care if nobody cares?Jesus filling out paperwork nowAt the facility on east 12th st.He"s not listened to a word nowHe"s in his own worldAnd he"s daydreamingHe"d rather be doing something else nowLike cigarettes and coffee with the under bellyHis life is on the line with anxiety nowAnd she had enoughAnd he had plentySomebody get me out of hereAnybody get me out of hereSomebody get me out of hereGet me the fuck right out of hereSo far awayI don"t want to stayGet me out of here right nowI just wanna be freeIs there a responsibilityGet me out of here right nowThis life like dream aint for mePart III: Nobody likes you!I fell asleep while watching spike TVAfter 10 cups of coffeeAnd your still not hereDreaming of a songBut something went wrongAnd you can"t tell anyone"Cause no one"s hereLeft me here aloneWhen I should have stayed homeAfter 10 cups of coffeeI"m thinking were"d you goNobody likes youEveryone left youThey"re all out without you havin" funWhere"d you goEveryone left youNobody likes youThey"re all out without you havin" funWhere"d you go?Part IV Rock and roll girlfriendI got a rock and roll bandI got a rock and roll lifeI got a rock and roll girlfriendAnd another ex-wifeI got a rock and roll houseI got a rock and roll carI plat the shit out the drumsAnd I can play the guitarI got a kid in new yorkI got a kid in the bayI haven"t drank or smoked nothin"In over 22 daysSo get off my caseOff of my caseOff of my casePart V: We"re coming home againHere they come marching down the streetLike a desperation murmur of a heart beatComing back from the edge of townUnderneath their feetThe time has come and it going nowhereNobody ever said that life was fair nowGo-carts and guns are treasures they will bearIn the summer heatThe world is spinningAround and aroundOut of control againFrom the 7-11 to the fear of breaking downSo send my love a letterbombAnd visit me in hellWe"re the ones goingHomeWe"re coming home againI started fuckin" runningJust as soon as my feet touched the groundWe"re back in BarrioBut to you and me, that"s jingle townThat"s homeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeNo fucking control i need it i knowWe"re coming home againNobody likes youEveryone left youThey"re all out with out youHavin" funENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2899236


im coming home我回家-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

Coming Home To You 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home To You歌手:Blackstreet专辑:No Diggity: The Very Best Of BlackstreetSweetbox - Coming Home To YouHere I am in another placeAnother city another planeDifferent soul different faceWherever I goBut I see you in every crowdHear your voice I can"t keep it outFeel your breath like you"re all aroundCause I miss you soAnd I know you cryAnd it hurts me tooAnother day goes byThat I don"t think of youI know I"m so far away nowWe will get to it somehowCause I miss you the same way tooI"ll always be coming home to youBaby you don"t need to worryI"ll be there in a hurryI miss you the same way tooAnd I"m coming home to youComing home to youBaby I"m coming home I"m coming homeI"m coming home to youIt"s when I lie alone in nightWithout you right here by my sidePicturing how we talked about just anythingThat"s when I find it hard to sleepThat"s when it really hits me deepThat"s when I feel so incompleteAnd lost with"inAnd I know it hope to tryTo try and hide love inBut it"ll be alrightWhen I see you once againI know I"m so far away nowWe will get to it somehowCause I miss you the same way tooI"ll always be coming home to youBaby you don"t need to worryI"ll be there in a hurryCause I miss you the same way tooAnd I"ll always be coming home to youBaby I"m coming home I"m coming homeI"m Coming home to youOh baby all I need is something to hold on toFeels like we"ve been waiting foreverCounting days counting nightswhen I"d be coming home to youI know so far awayWe will be in get it when takeCause I miss you the same way tooI"m coming home to youI know I"m so far away nowWe will get to it somehowCause I miss you the same way tooI"ll always be coming home to youBaby you don"t need to worryI"ll be there in a hurryI miss you the same way tooI"ll always be coming home to youI know I"m so far away nowWe will get to it somehowCause I miss you the same way tooI"ll always be coming home to youComing home to youI"m coming home I"m coming homeI"m coming home to youComing home to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8020758

速度与激情 come onhome 是首什么歌女生唱的

Diddy Dirty Money - Coming HomeI"m coming homeI"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming homeLet the rain wash away all the pain of yesterdayI know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakesI"m coming home, I"m coming homeTell the World I"m comingBack where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong(I"m back baby)I feel like there"s nothing that I can"t tryAnd if you with me put your hands high(put your hands high)If you ever lost a light before, this ones for youAnd you, the dreams are for youI hear "The Tears of a Clown"I hate that songI always feel like they talking to me when it comes onAnother day another DawnAnother Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I"m goneWhat am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come onIts easy to be Puff, its harder to be SeanWhat if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)How do I respond?What if my son stares with a face like my ownAnd says he wants to be like me when he"s grownSh-t! But I aint finished growingAnother night the inevitible prolongsAnother day another DawnJust tell Taneka and Taresha I"ll be better in the morn"Another lie that I carry onI need to get back to the place I belongI"m coming homeI"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming homeLet the rain wash away all the pain of yesterdayI know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakesI"m coming home, I"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming ....home"A house is Not a Home", I hate this songIs a house really a home when your loved ones are goneAnd n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for itAnd you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw itBut you felt it and still feel itAnd money can"t make up for it or conceal itBut you deal with it and you keep ballin"Pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin"Baby we"ve been living in sin "cause we"ve been really in loveBut we"ve been living as friendsSo you"ve been a guest in your own homeIt"s time to make your house your homeI"m coming homePick up your phone, come onI"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming homeLet the rain wash away all the pain of yesterdayI know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakesI"m coming home, I"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming... home"Ain"t No Stopping Us Now", I love that songWhenever it comes on it makes me feel strongI thought I told y"all that we won"t stopWe back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocksIt"s what made me, saved me, drove me crazyDrove me away than embraced meForgave me for all of my shortcomingsWelcome to my homecomingYeah it"s been a long time comingLot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottlesLot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downsMade it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)And here I stand, a better man! (a better man)Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)I"m coming homeI"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming homeLet the rain wash away all the pain of yesterdayI know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakesI"m coming home, I"m coming homeTell the World I"m coming... home

跪求芬兰灵云乐队的Coming home的完整下载!

http://musictea.com/music/play_lyric_song.asp?song_id=32905&alb_id=2560这就是COMING HOME 歌词:I wake up in the morning so far away from home, trying to make it through the day. Many miles are between us, I"m sending my love from this payphone. Through the storms we"ve wandered, many mountains we have climbed but all the bad times are behind.The road is free - I"m coming Home.Without you I am like a ship without it"s sails, calling the wind to save me. I"d climb the highest mountain, I"d cross the seven seas just to see your smile again. All the trust that was built along the years is coming back to stay I know.Just look ahead the road is free - I"m coming Home.With every step I"m closer to home, when I"m back you won"t be alone. Soon I"ll see the familiar door before my eyes and you.

潘玮柏coming home


求歌词形式类似coming home的英文歌,女生从头到尾都是那一个旋律


Lisa Kelly的《Homecoming》 歌词

歌曲名:Homecoming歌手:Lisa Kelly专辑:Celtic Woman Presents: LisaGreen Day - HomecomingPart I: The death of St. JimmyMy heart is beating from meI am standing all alonePlease call me only if you are coming homeWaste another year flies byWaste a night or twoYou taught me how to liveIn the streets of shameWhere you"ve lost your dreams in the rainThere"s no sign of hopeThe stems and seeds of the last of the dopeThere"s a glow of lightThe St. Jimmy is the spark in the nightBearing gifts and trustThe fixture in the city lightWhat the hells your nameWhats your pleasure and whats your pain?Do you dream to much?Do you think what you need is a crutchIn the crowd of pain.St. Jimmy comes without any shameHe says “we"re fucked up”But we"re not the sameAnd mom and dad are the ones you can blameJimmy died todayHe blew out his brains into the bayIn the state of mind in my own private suicidePart II: East 12th ST.Well nobody caresWell nobody caresDoes anyone care if nobody cares?Jesus filling out paperwork nowAt the facility on east 12th st.He"s not listened to a word nowHe"s in his own worldAnd he"s daydreamingHe"d rather be doing something else nowLike cigarettes and coffee with the under bellyHis life is on the line with anxiety nowAnd she had enoughAnd he had plentySomebody get me out of hereAnybody get me out of hereSomebody get me out of hereGet me the fuck right out of hereSo far awayI don"t want to stayGet me out of here right nowI just wanna be freeIs there a responsibilityGet me out of here right nowThis life like dream aint for mePart III: Nobody likes you!I fell asleep while watching spike TVAfter 10 cups of coffeeAnd your still not hereDreaming of a songBut something went wrongAnd you can"t tell anyone"Cause no one"s hereLeft me here aloneWhen I should have stayed homeAfter 10 cups of coffeeI"m thinking were"d you goNobody likes youEveryone left youThey"re all out without you havin" funWhere"d you goEveryone left youNobody likes youThey"re all out without you havin" funWhere"d you go?Part IV Rock and roll girlfriendI got a rock and roll bandI got a rock and roll lifeI got a rock and roll girlfriendAnd another ex-wifeI got a rock and roll houseI got a rock and roll carI plat the shit out the drumsAnd I can play the guitarI got a kid in new yorkI got a kid in the bayI haven"t drank or smoked nothin"In over 22 daysSo get off my caseOff of my caseOff of my casePart V: We"re coming home againHere they come marching down the streetLike a desperation murmur of a heart beatComing back from the edge of townUnderneath their feetThe time has come and it going nowhereNobody ever said that life was fair nowGo-carts and guns are treasures they will bearIn the summer heatThe world is spinningAround and aroundOut of control againFrom the 7-11 to the fear of breaking downSo send my love a letterbombAnd visit me in hellWe"re the ones goingHomeWe"re coming home againI started fuckin" runningJust as soon as my feet touched the groundWe"re back in BarrioBut to you and me, that"s jingle townThat"s homeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeWe"re coming home againHomeNo fucking control i need it i knowWe"re coming home againNobody likes youEveryone left youThey"re all out with out youHavin" funENDhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2753565

when you come home 和 when you comin’home

when you come home 一般现在时,表示经常发生的动作,在状语从句中也用来表示将来的动作。例如When you come home, you"ll see it. 当你回到家里你就可以看到它了。when you are coming home 现在进行时,强调动作正在进行。例如When I was coming home, I saw him. 我在回家的路上看到他。 楼上说得对,说得快时When are you coming home? 你什么时候回来?

求skylar grey-coming home的吉他谱 简单和弦版

L-U-V Madonna爱 麦当娜 Y-O-U You wanna你 你想要 I see you coming and I dont wanna know your name我看你朝我的方向走来,但我没兴趣了解你 L-U-V Madonna爱 麦当娜 I see you coming and youre gonna have to change the game我看你朝我的方向走来,但你要为我改变游戏 Y-O-U You wanna你 你想要 Would you like to try?来试试吧? Give me a reason why给我个了解的理由 Give me all that you got给我你所得的一切 Maybe youll do fine或许你可以做得很好 As long as you dont lie to me当然是你不对我撒谎 And pretend to be what youre not也不做亏心事 Dont play the stupid game别玩这些低级游戏了 Cause Im a different kind of girl因为我是个与众不同的女孩 Every record sounds the same每一张唱片一早已厌倦 Youve got to step into my world而你却早已走进我的世界 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Give me all your love today今天我就要你给我你的爱 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Lets forget about time让我们忘记时间 And dance our lives away跳舞到生命终结 L-U-V Madonna爱 麦当娜 Y-O-U You wanna你 你想要 Keep trying dont give up" its if you want it bad enough继续加油不要放弃,这取决于你是不是想变坏 L-U-V Madonna爱 麦当娜 Its right in front of you" now tell me what youre thinking of我站在你面前,告诉我你想要的 Y-O-U You wanna你 你想要 In another place" at a different time在另一个时间点,另一个地点 You can be my lucky star你可以做我的幸运星 We can drink some wine我们也可以喝点酒 Burgundy is fine勃艮第酒也不赖 Lets drink the bottle every drop一起畅饮酒水直至最后一滴 (Chorus)Dont play the stupid game别玩这些低级游戏了 Cause Im a different kind of girl因为我是个与众不同的女孩 Every record sounds the same每一张唱片一早已厌倦 Youve got to step into my world而你却早已走进我的世界 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Give me all your love today今天我就要你给我你的爱 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Lets forget about time让我们忘记时间 And dance our lives away跳舞到生命终结 You have all the L-U-V给我所有的爱 I gave you everything you need我给你了所有你要的 Now its up to Y-O-U现在,随你便 Are you the one" shall we proceed?你是我的唯一吗,我们开始吧? M-A-D Dont make me疯了 不要让我 L-U-V Its time for爱 是时候了 Y-O-U Its up to你 随你便 L-U-V I want your爱 我想要你 (Chorus)Dont play the stupid game别玩这些低级游戏了 Cause Im a different kind of girl因为我是个与众不同的女孩 Every record sounds the same每一张唱片一早已厌倦 Youve got to step into my world而你却早已走进我的世界 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Give me all your love today今天我就要你给我你的爱 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Lets forget about time让我们忘记时间 And dance our lives away跳舞到生命终结 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Give me all your love today今天我就要你给我你的爱 Give me all your love and give me your love给我你所有的爱,就只要你的爱 Lets forget about time让我们忘记时间 And dance our lives away跳舞到生命终结

最近听到一首歌,歌词是:baby baby baby im coming home 好像是苹果广


一首男生的英文歌 韵律很像coming home

Out Of This Club - The Pussycat DollsYeahThe rollsI will bePussycatsEn ops opsGot some money woI"m in the club eoToss the money i"ve been in the clubBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come true hey heyBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyI smiled enoughI flirted enoughI posed enoughGot freaky enoughTook pictures enoughConversated enoughI sipped enoughI got enoughI see a cute boy chilling in some jeans and timsI think i like him and i just might leave this club with himAnd his swagger tight i"m feeling the tattoos on himMake me wanna wanna wanna got with himAnd vip like heyDissing with my girls like heyThen i call him off to meet meI couldn"t resist so sexyDj get on the micAnd make them from the front to the rearYall ain"t gotta go homeBut you gotta get the hell up outta hereBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come true hey heyBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyI drank enoughI danced enoughI partied enoughI sweated enoughI stuttered enoughI flossed enoughI snapped enoughTwo step enoughNow i want this awesome woman up in this clubAnd i like her and i wanna leave this club with herEver since the mama broke it down to the floorI say she ready she ready she ready to go to goAnd then i got behind her like heyShe pushed it on me like heyAnd she ain"t scared to get dirtyEven though she"s so pretty purdyDj get on the micAnd give us head from the front to the rearYall ain"t gotta go homeBut you gotta get the hell up outta hereBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come true hey heyBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with you hey heyIf you ain"t got no money(Take your broke ass home)And if you ain"t got no moneyThen you go be all aloneThey call me mister jones aka polow da donAka mister patron aka mister put onYeah this star right here something newI wanna cut you girl like dj clueMake lo-o-ove to ya hold up where the bartenderGet the girl a drink give her what she wantI ain"t ask you just acting like i"m drunkAnd it works everytime it goes wrong with meAnd now your girl going home with meBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with youBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come trueBaby won"t you take me out of this clubI wanna be with youI wanna be with youI wanna be with youBaby let me take you out of this clubI make your dreams come trueBaby take me out of this clubROBROBROBPCDPCDPCD

dreadful to me was the coming home in the raw twilight什么意思


找一首歌,诺基亚铃声自带的。名字显示叫Coming home。

mandy moore - walk me home? ms不对。。。。|||

I‘m coming home 是什么意思 是不是应该写成 I‘m coming back home ?


Coming Home的基本信息

演唱者: Cinderella巡演中 语种: 英语 唱片公司: Island / Mercury 发行时间: 1997年05月20日 专辑类别: 个人专辑 专辑:  Once Upon A

coming home写给谁的

  《Coming Home》是歌手王菲(当时还叫王靖雯)的第四张大碟,粤语专辑(1首英语),于1992年8月13日发行。这是王菲从美国回来后的第一张专辑,一共10首歌曲,6首为翻唱。其中翻唱日本歌后中岛みゆき(中岛美雪)70年代末的作品《容易受伤的女人》(原曲“ルージュ”)横扫全港,令她一举跃入香港一线女歌手的行列。专辑总体仍延续了上一张大碟《You"re the Only One》的R&B风格。她在专辑中第一次演唱了原创全英文歌曲“Kisses in the Wind”。  希望对你有所帮助!

Coming Home的歌词

Billy Gilman - Coming Home  When you change the way you look at things  The things you look at change  I can see the world so differently  Seeing things your way  There"s a path that"s right in front of me  That"s been calling me for days  And I know that when you walk with me  It will be for always  You give me everything I have  Everything I need  You are the reason why I believe  All my love  I wanna give to you all my life  I wanna see you in my dreams  You opened up my eyes to a world I have never seen  I"m coming home  When I see the way the early dawn drives the night away  To reveal a world that"s holding on to see a brighter day  I can only hope for everyone to feel the way I do  Live their life to love someone the way I love you  You give me everything I have  Everything I need  You are the reason why I believe  All my love  I wanna give to you all my life  I wanna see you in my dreams  You opened up my eyes to a world I have never seen  For always I will remain faithful  to the faith you have in me  Can"t believe how much I have grown with you  I"m finally coming home  Through you I see the light that will take me home  All the days of my life  For always I will remain faithful  to the faith you have in me  Can"t believe how much I have grown with you  I"m finally coming home  I"m coming home

Coming Home的歌词

Coming HomeCinderellaMike0532I took a walk down a roadIt"s the road I was meant to stayI see the fire in your eyesBut a man"s got to make his waySo are you tough enough for my loveJust close your eyes to the heaven aboveI"m coming homeI"m coming homeI took a ride in a worldI"ll be spinnin" for the rest of my lifeI feel your heart beatin" babyOoo sometimes it cuts like a knifeSo are you tough enough for my loveJust close your eyes to the heaven aboveI"m coming homeI"m coming homeI"m coming homeWhere your love tonight can shine on meI"m coming homeWhere your lovin" arms can set me freeI took a walk down a roadIt"s the road I was meant to stayI see the fire in your eyesBut a man"s got to make his waySo are you tough enough for my loveJust close your eyes to the heaven aboveI"m coming homeI"m coming homeI"m coming homeOh yeaI"m on my way oh yeaI"m coming homeI"m coming homeHere we go ooo yea, oooI"m on my wayCome on baby, come on nowLet your love, shine on meSing along, I"m on my wayCome on baby, oooShine on, shine on, shine on meCome on baby, I"m on my wayCome on baby, let you love shine on meOh yea, shine on meOh yea, shine on, shine on me> I"m on my wayI"m on my wayI"m on my wayEnd


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Coming Home 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home歌手:John Legend专辑:Once Again (Special Edition)Coming HomeJohn LegendOhoooooA father waits upon a sonA mother prays for his returnI just called to seeIf you still have a place for meWe know that like took us apartBut you"re still within my heartI go to sleep and feel your spirit next to meI"ll make it home againI pray you"ll fall in love againJust say you"ll entertain the possibilityI learned enough from my mistakesLearned from all I didn"t sayWon"t you wait for meIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeWe fight to stay aliveBut somebody"s got to dieIt"s so strange to meA new year, a new enemyAnother soldier gone to warAnother story told beforeNow it"s told againIt seems the wars will never endBut we"ll make it home againBack where we belong againWe"re holding on to whenWe used to dare to dreamWe pray we live to seeAnother day in historyYes we still believeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeI"m coming, I"m coming, I"m coming?You know that I"ll be coming homeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177685

Coming Home 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home歌手:Scorpions专辑:The Platinum CollectionComing HomeMusic :rudolf schenkerEvery moring when i wake up yawningI"m still far awayTrucks still rolling through the early morningTo the place we playBoy you"r home, you"re dreaming, don"t you knowThe tour"s still far awayBoy you"r home, you"re dreaming, don"t you knowYou"re having just a breakDream we"re going out on stage, it feels likeComing home againDream we"re going out on stage, it feels likeComing home againDream we"re going out on stage, it feels like ...Year after year out on the roadIt"s great to be here to see you allI know, for me it is likeComing homeDay after day out on the roadThere"s no place too far that we wouldn"t goWe go wherever you likeTo rock"n rollJump on the seats, put your hands in the airGive me a shout, let me hear you"re out thereThe wilder you scream for some more rock"n rollThe higher we"ll goYear after year out on the roadIt"s great to be here to rock you allI know, for me it is likeComing homeI know, for me it is likeComing homeLike coming home ...http://music.baidu.com/song/52679221

Coming Home 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home歌手:Alex Band专辑:Alex BandComing HomeLyric maker: 对错之间I have traveled acrossThrough the fear and the lossIn a world that has slipped from the pastWith all the joy and the painIt"s only pride that remainsThat"s the one thing that truly lastsBut like a sinking stoneThere"s a weight on my bonesAnd it"s trying to lead me astraySo I look deep insideI take it in strideAnd know that I"ll be OK…I"m coming homeI"m here to stayI"ve got the wind at my backAnd now I"m wide awakeIn this momentI am finallyComing homeIn this city whose soulHad been taken controlLeaving everything painted blackBut I"ll start over againAnd put every color inFind that love and take it backI"m coming homeI"m here to stayI"ve got the wind at my backAnd now I"m wide awakeIn this momentI am finallyLiving for todayI"m coming homeAnd now I can seeEverything I ever wasStaring right back at meIn this momentI am finallyComing homeAnd now the darkness turns to lightThis desperation it ends tonightNo longer aloneI"m coming homeI"m coming home…I"m coming homeI"m here to stayI"ve got the wind at my backAnd now I"m wide awakeIn this momentI am finallyLiving for todayI"m coming homeAnd now I can seeEverything I ever wasStaring right back at meIn this momentI am finallyComing homeI"m coming home…I"m coming home…I"m coming home…Lyric maker: 对错之间http://music.baidu.com/song/23640742

Coming Home 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Home歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaComing HomeJohn LegendOhoooooA father waits upon a sonA mother prays for his returnI just called to seeIf you still have a place for meWe know that like took us apartBut you"re still within my heartI go to sleep and feel your spirit next to meI"ll make it home againI pray you"ll fall in love againJust say you"ll entertain the possibilityI learned enough from my mistakesLearned from all I didn"t sayWon"t you wait for meIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeWe fight to stay aliveBut somebody"s got to dieIt"s so strange to meA new year, a new enemyAnother soldier gone to warAnother story told beforeNow it"s told againIt seems the wars will never endBut we"ll make it home againBack where we belong againWe"re holding on to whenWe used to dare to dreamWe pray we live to seeAnother day in historyYes we still believeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homeI"m coming, I"m coming, I"m coming?You know that I"ll be coming homeIt may be long to get me thereIt feels like I"ve been everywhereBut someday I"ll be coming homeRound and round the world will spinOh, the circle never endsSo you know that I"ll be coming homehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888770

求Diddy- Coming home 的正确歌词翻译

  I"m coming home  我就要回家了  I"m coming home  我就要回家了  tell the World I"m coming home  我的告诉整个世界 我就要回家了  Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday  让雨水洗去昨日所有的伤痛  I know my kingdom awaits and they"ve forgiven my mistakes  我知道我的小天地在等着我 他们会原谅我所有的过错  I"m coming home, I"m coming home  我就要会叫了 我就要回家了  tell the World that I"m coming  告诉这个世界 我就要回家了  Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong  回到那个属于我的地方 是的 我从来没有过如此强烈的感觉  (I"m back baby)  我回来了 宝贝  I feel like there"s nothing that I can"t try and if you with me put your hands high  我觉得这世上已经没有什么值得我去尝试了 如果你高举双手和我在一起的话  (put your hands high)  高举你的双手  If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you  如果你以前曾经失去过希望,那么只一个就是专为你而准备的  and you, the dreams are for you  这个梦是也是属于你的  I hear “The Tears of a Clown”  我听到了“小丑的哭声”(“The Tears of a Clown”是1967年 Smokey Robinson和他的搭档出的一首单曲 到1970年是位居英国单曲榜第一名 )  I hate that song  我讨厌那首歌  I feel like they talking to me when it comes on  当这首歌播放的时候我觉得他们似乎在对我说话  another day another Dawn  有过了一天 又会迎来另一个黎明  another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I"m gone  又一个Keisha见到你很高兴啊, 算一算 我离开了  what am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on  夜总会的灯光又开始闪烁 这个时候我应该做些什么呢?  its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean  what if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)  要是那对双胞胎问我为什么不娶他们的妈妈 为什么, 他妈的  how do I respond?我该怎么回答?  what if my son stares with a face like my own and says he wants to be like me when he"s grown  要是我的儿子开始有了和我一样的想法 并且说当他长大后想变得像我一样该怎么办?  sh-t! But I aint finished growing  胡扯 但是我自己还没有长大  another night the inevitible prolongs  又一个夜晚被不可避免的延长了  another day another Dawn  又一天过去了 又有一个黎明即将来临  just tell Taneka and Taresha I"ll be better in the morn"  告诉Taneka 和Taresha 我第二天早晨会好点的  another lie that I carry on  我又撒了一个谎  I need to get back to the place I belong  我需要回去那个我属于的地方了  “A house is Not a Home“, I hate this song“A house is Not a home” 我讨厌这首歌  is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone  当你的挚爱离你而去的时候 房子就是你的家  and n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it  想要责备你 应为你的所作所为让他们紧张  and you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it  你知道 如果你看到子弹向你飞来 你是不会自己撞上去的  but you felt it and still feel it  但是你还是能够感觉到它  and money can"t make up for it or conceal it  而且 钱不能弥补 也不能消除子弹所造成的过错  but you deal with it and you keep ballin"  但是你不在乎 你一如既往的玩球  pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin"  倒上一杯饮料 我们一起玩球  baby we"ve been living in sin "cause we"ve been really in love  宝贝 我们生活在罪恶之中 因为我们是如此的深爱着彼此  but we"ve been living as friends  但是我们却如普通朋友一般相处  so you"ve been a guest in your own home  那么你就变成了自己家的客人了  it"s time to make your house your home  是时候把房子变成家了  pick up your phone, come on  接电话吧 快啊  “Ain"t No Stopping Us Now“, I love that song  我喜欢“Ain"t No Stopping Us Now”这首歌  whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong  不论我什么时候听到它 它都会让我坚强  I thought I told y"all that we won"t stop  我也为我已经告诉你 告诉你我们不会停歇  we back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks让  我们从哈勒姆海上无尽的巡航上回来吧  it"s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy  这就是塑造我,拯救我,让我疯狂的东西  drove me away than embraced me  让我远远地躲开 而不是让我尴尬  forgave me for all of my shortcomings  请原谅我的那些缺点  welcome to my homecoming  情欢迎我的回归  yeah it"s been a long time coming  是啊 很久没有回来了  lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles  处处都是是打斗,让人如此的恐惧,这么多的战争  lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs  如此多的汽车,数不清的汽车来来去去  made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)  回来吧,我丢失的那只狗(我想你 BIG)  and here I stand, a better man! (a better man)  现在 我站在这里 一个全新的我!(一个全新的我)  Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)  谢谢你 上帝(谢谢你 上帝)

跪求coming home的中文歌词

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