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listen 感觉到没有我的心脏停掉了节奏(my heart be breakin)泪水曾经愤怒的掉落大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后(my pain be creepin)灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩 纯粹的执著原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的 historybreak 破陈旧的规矩move it 让谎言作废(no more shakin like that)倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲崭新的经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on)当你什么都会寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或许明天之后没有未来留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手越爱越完美暖爱这个星球悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线one more two more three four more这一瞬间迎接翼望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动 急速跳动doong doong doong徘徊过多久在这新的起点始点站这是我yeah exom—m exo-k要打开我们未来的 history我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线无限的延长线i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的 history




history的形容词是historical 历史的;史学的;基于史实的; historic 有历史意义的;历史上著名的; historied 有历史的;史上所载的; history:n. 历史,历史学;历史记录;来历 扩展资料   I hate homework. Specially history.   我讨厌家庭作业,特别是历史。   She majored in History at Stanford.   她在斯坦福主修历史。   He"s doing an A2 (level) in History.   他正在学习A2证书考试的历史科目。   I have a history class at 9 o"clock.   我9点钟有历史课。   I loved history when I was at school.   我上学时喜欢历史。

EXO history 韩文音译歌词加歌词分配

History Listen 你的速为你的心江你对几了兰那(My heart be breakin")内马额米无老豆坡够搜里几楼 Ha!为乔豆怕搜(My pain be creepin)一夫哎陪嘎进南瓜木度嘎几嘎样呢强几sing土咯南顿 忒样嘎jiuo满莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 HistoryBreak it!有满诶办几可Move it!怕亏了米豆可(No more shakin"like that)Magic 西嘎你干(米昂)豆西四的西 活西加森对几攻干呢滴安南莫搜诶得阿几满攻古呢古搜卡家无丁哭龙囧姐莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh oh 无没应特哈嫩那无林大西一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那用我汉过拉米古西扑得on见旦汉过兰过满搜里得内一里怕咯跟进及多木拉无为嘎疼刚一交波聊土聊哇马切白撒狼黑撒狼黑撒狼黑求哇多速咯玩表卡家那莫度四扑米ki扑米有gi也闹哇 闹嫩汉sei秒嫩过 (呀)无林过为那了哈嫩过为阿那喷孙嘎内嘎四莫求gi了一四满了孙干无林囧囧囧 木咯求嘎囧囧土了给jiuo波林欠hin莫一咯波力忒呀卡所咯 卡所咯 卡多咯 卡多咯 到嘎托咯古没忒呀大西满囧哇咯送干内嘎四米(吞云)旦 马不(吞云)旦Doong doong doong doong doong doong莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜Yeah EXO-M,EXO-K 无里嘎西加看了米 History乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Ohoh无林嘎心江忒样诶哭东西无林那了看嫩几古一搜I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 History


history=hei si te rui或黑丝特瑞.He got kicked in the back[hei,gao te,kei ke de,in,ze,bai ke]He say that he needed that[hei,sei,zai te,hei,ni dei de,zai te]He hot willed in the face[hei,hao te,wei l de,in,ze,fei si]Keep daring to motivate[kei pu,da ring,tu,mao ti vei te]He say one day you will see[hei,sei,wan,dei,yu,wei l,sei]His place in world history[hei s,pu lei s,in,wer de,hei si te rui]He dares to be recognized[hei,da rui s,tu,bi,rui kang ge ni z de]The fires deep in his eyes[ze,fai er s,di pu,in,hei s,ai s]How many victims must there be[hao,mai nei,vei ke ti m s,ma s te,zei er,bi]Slaughtered in vain across the land[s lang fu tai rue de,in,ven,e ke rao s,ze,lan de]And how many struggles must there be[an de,hao,mai nei,s chu gou s,ma s te,zei er,bi]Before we choose to live the prophet"s plan[bi fou,wei,qiu s,tu,li vu,ze,pu rao hei te s,pu lan]Everybody...[ai rui bao dei...]Every day create your history[ai rui,dei,ke ruai te,you er,hei si te rui]Every path you take you"re leaving your legacy[ai rui,pa s,you,tei ke,you a,li ving,you er,lei ga sei]Every soldier dies in his glory[ai rui,sou jier,dai s,in,hei s,ge lao rui]Every legend tells of conquest and liberty[ai rui,lei gen de,tai l s,ou f,kang kui s te,an de,lai ber rui]


If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago,we should probably have to say that we could not remember But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day,we should be able to give an answer to the question.   It is the same in history Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country,but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war.Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to Write.For example,we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them.But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa. because they had not learned to write. Sometimes.of course,even if the people cannot write,they may know something of the past.They have heard about it from older people,and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings,and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past.This we may call u201fremembered history".Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is,because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing.But where there are no written records,such spoken stories are often very helpful.   41. Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage?   A.“Remembered history”,compared with written history,is less reliable   B.Written records of the past play the most important role in our learning of the human history.   C.A written account of our daily activities helps US to be able to answer many questions.   D.Where there are no written records.there is no history.   42.We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because   A.there was nothing worth being written down at that time   B .the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record   C.the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire   D.the people there did not know how to write   43.“Remembered history”refers to   A.history based on a personu201fs imagination   B .stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth   C .songs and dances about the most important events   D .both B and C   44.“Remembered history”is regarded as valuable only when   A. it is written down   B .no written account is available   C.it proves to be time   D.people are interested in it   45 .The passage suggests that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if the ancient people had   A.kept a written record of every past event   B. not burnt their written records in wars   C.told exact stories of the most important happenings   D.made more songs and dances


LUHAN鹿晗:listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏停掉了节奏KRIS吴凡: (my heart be breakin)TAO黄子韬: 泪水曾经愤怒的掉落 大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后KRIS吴凡: (my pain be creepin)CHEN金钟大: 灰的眼留恋蓝的天 让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩 纯粹的执著合:原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的 historyCHEN金钟大:break 破陈旧的规矩move it 让谎言作废KRIS吴凡: (no more shakin like that)LAY张艺兴: 倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬LUHAN鹿晗: 时间还有空间穿越与游走 梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞合:原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on)LUHAN鹿晗: 当你什么都会寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天 CHEN金钟大: 或许明天之后没有未来 留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃LUHAN鹿晗: 抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手 越爱越完美热爱这个星球CHEN金钟大: 悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由KRIS吴凡: ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间 却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界 距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远TAO黄子韬: 隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线 KRIS吴凡: one more two more threefour moreTAO黄子韬: 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久 梦里完美世界KRIS吴凡: 心脏开始跳动 急速跳动 doong doong doong合:徘徊过多久在这新的起点始点站这是我KRIS吴凡: yeah exom—mexo-k 要打开我们未来的 history合:我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构TAO黄子韬: oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线合:i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的 history


  EXO-M history  LUHAN鹿晗:listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏停掉了节奏  KRIS吴凡: (my heart be breakin)  TAO黄子韬: 泪水曾经愤怒的掉落  大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后  KRIS吴凡: (my pain be creepin)  CHEN金钟大: 灰的眼留恋蓝的天  让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩 纯粹的执著  合:原地踏步过多久  在这新的起始站点站这是我  关卡一一都击破  放弃在我字典没录入过  我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由  i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  every enery eyeryday 我创造的 history  CHEN金钟大:break 破陈旧的规矩  move it 让谎言作废  KRIS吴凡: (no more shakin like that)  LAY张艺兴: 倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬  LUHAN鹿晗: 时间还有空间穿越与游走  梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞  合:原地踏步过多久  在这新的起始站点站这是我  关卡一一都击破  放弃在我字典没录入过  我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由  i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候  turn it up turn it up turn it up  (turn it on)  LUHAN鹿晗: 当你什么都会寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天  CHEN金钟大: 或许明天之后没有未来 留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃  LUHAN鹿晗: 抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手 越爱越完美热爱这个星球  CHEN金钟大: 悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由  KRIS吴凡: ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间  却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界  距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远  TAO黄子韬: 隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线  KRIS吴凡: one more two more threefour more  TAO黄子韬: 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久 梦里完美世界  KRIS吴凡: 心脏开始跳动 急速跳动  doong doong doong  合:徘徊过多久  在这新的起点始点站这是我  KRIS吴凡: yeah exom—mexo-k  要打开我们未来的 history  合:我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  TAO黄子韬: oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线  合:i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  very enery eyeryday 我创造的 history  希望可以帮到你,求采纳

history是可数还是不可数名词?比如:a history of...怎么有a?

history既是可数名词也是不可数名词,1. 历史;史学[U] 2. 来历,沿革,由来[U] 3. 历史书[C]4. 履历;病历;经历[C] 5. 过去的事;过时的事物[U] ,a history of...是指一段。。。的经历。

HISTORY 韩文歌词分配


EXO M《History》歌词是怎样分配的

LUHAN Listen 感觉到没有?我的心脏停掉了节奏KRIS my heart be breakin"TAO 泪水曾经愤怒地掉落 大声嘶吼 Ha! 移步向以后KRIS my pain be creepin"CHEN 灰的眼留恋蓝的天,让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩, 纯粹的执著合 原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我 关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构 Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh Every every eyeryday 我创造的HistoryCHEN Break it!破陈旧的规 Move it!让谎言作废KRIS no more shakin" like thatLAY 倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬LUHAN 时间还有空间穿越与游走 梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞合 原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我 关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构 Oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh 让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候 Turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on) Turn it up turn it up turn it upLUHAN 当你什么都会寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天CHEN 或许明天之后没有未来 留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃LAY 抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手 越爱越完美暖热这个星球CHEN 悲伤在左手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由KRIS Ya!我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间 却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界 距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远TAO 隔离分开成两边 太阳不需要分界线KRIS One more two more three four moreTAO 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久 梦里完美世界KRIS 心脏开始跳动 急速跳动 doong doong doong合 徘徊过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我KRIS Yeah!EXO-M EXO-K 要打开我们的未来History合 我们一分两头 本是太阳般一体结构TAO Oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线合 I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh oh oh Every every eyeryday 我创造的History楼上两位的均有错误~满意请采纳~

history exok 歌词分配

歌名:History专辑名:《MAMA》发行时间:2012年3月语言:国语,韩语填词:刘源 谱曲:Troelsen,Thomas/Remee Mikkel Sigvardt Jackman/Yoo,Young Jin歌手:EXO-K,EXO-M歌词:灿烈:uc601uc6d0ud560uac70ub77c ubbffuace0 uc2f6uc744 ub54c.uc5b8uc820uac00 ud560 uac70 ub77cuace0 ub9dduc124uc77c ub54cD.O.:ub0b4uc77cuc774 ubc14ub85c ub05duc778uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c.ud6c4ud68c uac19uc740 uac74 uc78auc5b4ubc84ub824 ub450ub824uc6ccub9c8俊绵:uc81cubc1c uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574, uc0acub791ud574uc870ud654ub85cuc6b8uc218ub85d uc644ubcbdud558uc796uc544白贤:ubaa8ub4e0 uc2acud514uc774 uae30uc068uc774 uc5ecuae30uc5d0ub098uc640 ub108ub294 ud55c uc0dduba85uc778 uac78灿烈:Ya! uc6b0ub9acuac00 uc6d0ub798 ud558ub098ub85c ud0dcuc5b4ub0acub358 uc21cuac04,uac08uc218ub85d uc18cubaa8uc801uc778 uc774 uc138uacc4ub97c ub9ccub09c uc21cuac04ALL:uc6b0ub9b0 uc810uc810uc810uba40uc5b4uc838uac00 uc810uc810KAI:ub458ub85c uae68uc838ubc84ub9b0 ucc44 ud798uc744 uc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ud0dcuc591ALL:uac08uc218ub85d, uac08uc218ub85d, uac08uc218ub85d, uac08uc218ub85d ub354世勋:uac04uc808ud588ub358 uafc8uc758 uc138uacc4ub97c ub2e4uc2dc ub9c8uc8fcud558ub294 uc21cuac04KAI:ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ub6f4ub2e4, ub9c8uad6c ub6f4ub2e4. ub465 ub465 ub465 ub465 ub465 ub465ALL:ub3ccuace0 ub3ccuc544uc11c ub2e4uc2dc uc2dcuc791ud558ub294 uacf3uc5d0 ub2e4 uc654uc5b4灿烈:Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-Kuc6b0ub9acuac00 uc2dcuc791ud558ub294 ubbf8ub798 HistoryALL:uc800 ud0dcuc591ucc98ub7fc uac70ub300ud55c ud558ub098ub780 uac78 uc544ub294 ub0a0KAI:Oh- ud558ub098uc758 uc2ecuc7a5uc5d0, ud0dcuc591uc5d0ub05duc5c6uc774 uc6b0ub9b0 ud558ub098ub85c uac15ud574uc9c0uace0 uc788uc5b4ALL:I need you and you want me,uc9c0uad6cub780 uc774 ubcc4uc5d0uc11c uc624uc624 uc624uc624Every, every, everyday ub0b4uac00 ub9ccub4e0 History.EXO-K history(中文翻译歌词)KAI:listen 感觉到没有?我的心脏不再跳动灿烈:(my heart be breakin)白贤&世勋:曾经在心里愤怒流泪,呐喊吧“ha!” 也曾经怒吼过灿烈:(my pain be creepin)D.O:黑和白,还在南与北,无休止的战争Scene 被一分为二的太阳的绝望ALL:在远方徘徊后又回到最初的原点 即便会出错 吸取教训会变得更强融为像太阳般巨大力量的那天 oh oh 我们一起向着未来i need you and you want me 在这颗叫做地球的星球 oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的 historySOHU:break it!野心的犯规 move it !所谓破坏的美德灿烈:(no more shakin like that)D.O:magic 时光历史如被洗刷后的重生白贤:在时间空间中游走 梦想着伊甸园的清晨出发吧!我们为此而生*REPEAT ALLALL:i need you and you want me 在这颗叫做地球的星球 oh oh孕育梦想的那天我们再次崛起崛起,崛起,崛起(turn it on)崛起,崛起,崛起灿烈:当你想相信永远,犹豫着如何出手D.O:也许明天就是终结,忘记后悔不要惧怕SOHU:拜托去爱吧,去爱吧,去爱吧 越和谐的才越完美白贤:所有悲伤 喜悦 都在这里 我和你共同的生命体灿烈:YA!我们原来一体而生的瞬间慢慢与这被消耗的世界相遇的瞬间ALL:我们 渐渐渐 变得遥远 渐渐被摔成两半 失去了力量的太阳越来越,越来越,越来越,越来越世勋:与曾恳切的梦想世界再次相遇的世界KAI:我的心在跳动 强烈跳动doong doong doong doong doong doongALL:徘徊后又回到最初的原点灿烈:yeah exom—mexo-k 我们开启的未来 historyALL:融为像那太阳般巨大的力量的那天KAI:oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下无限的我们合为更强的一体ALL:i need you and you want me,在这颗叫做地球的星球 oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的 history


《history》总共有三季,共7集。顺序:《My Hero》、《离我远一点》、《着魔》、《是非》、《越界》、《圈套》、《那一天》。剧情设定:死神白常常在执行任务时,原本要带走弱不禁风、阳寿将尽的古思任,却不小心勾错了魂,把命不该绝的蓝熙给弄死了,白常常怕被上头发现责罚,只好想办法让蓝熙复活、回到她伤心欲绝的男友麦英雄身边。没想到,蓝熙的身体竟然已经被火化!为了弥补这一过失,白常常将蓝熙安置在刚好撞到脑袋而死去的古思任身体里。白常常告诉蓝熙,死者回魂是大忌,绝对不能对任何人说出,否则不只自己会死,还会拖着英雄一起陪葬,而且,她必须想办法让英雄在七天内爱上新的自己、得到真爱之吻。剧中重要人物:1、古思任:从小到大都被人欺负,直到遇上麦英雄,得到他的关怀,更暗恋麦英雄,然而在打算表白前却阳寿已尽。因为一场意外,蓝熙的灵魂附在他的躯体上,更开始了与麦英雄的同居生活。2、麦英雄:救了受伤的古思任还让他住进自己与蓝熙的房子。在和古思任的相处期间发现自己的真正心意,最后与之交往。3、蓝熙:发现英雄早已对自己生前的爱感到窒息,更发现古思任一直暗恋着英雄。附身期限届满时,吻别麦英雄后,将躯体交还古思任的灵魂。






两个都可以怎么顺口怎么读 没什么区别







history系列 顺序是什么?

history系列电视剧的观看顺序是:1.《My Hero》2.《离我远一点》3.《着魔》4.《是非》5.《越界》6.《圈套》7.《那一天》希望以上信息对您有帮助,如果您还有其他问题,欢迎告诉我。

with a long history是什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: 有悠久的历史

in history和in the history的区别以及用法

“in history”和“in the history”都是“在历史上”的意思,其区别在于:“in history”泛指整个历史时期,一般单独使用;而“in the history”特指历史上的某个时期,或者特指某个事物的发展历史,后面一般加介词“of”,再加某个时期或者某个事物。例如:1)We have entered upon a new phase in history. 我们已开始了历史的新纪元。2)Melia tells not only an interesting, but an important story in the history of physics. 米利亚讲述的一个不仅仅是有趣的故事,更是一段重要的物理学历史。



求EXO—K history韩文歌词及它的中文翻译,要句句对照。最好注明每句是谁唱的。

Listen 感觉到没有?我的心脏停掉了节奏(My heart be breakin")   泪水曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼“Ha!”移步向以后(My pain be creepin")   灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫   不含畏缩纯粹的执著   *原地踏步过多久在这新的起始点站著是我   关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过   我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构   Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由   I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体   Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.   Break it! 破陈旧的规 Move it! 让谎言作废(No more shakin" like that)   倒数归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬   时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉   会让我们牵起手飞   * Repeat   I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体   Oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候   Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)   Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up   当你什么都寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天   或许明天之后没有未来留下的只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃   抓住爱的手爱的手爱的手   越爱越完美暖热这个星球   悲伤在左手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由   YA! 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间   却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界   距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远   隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线   One more, two more, three four more   这一瞬间迎接冀望已久梦里完美世界   心脏开始跳动极速跳动   Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong   徘徊过多久在这新的起始点站著是我   Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们的未来 History   我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构   Oh-同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线   I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体   Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.


Listen 你的速为你的心江你对几了兰那(My heart be breakin")内马额米无老豆坡够搜里几楼 Ha!为乔豆怕搜(My pain be creepin)一夫哎陪嘎进南瓜木度嘎几嘎样呢强几sing土咯南顿 忒样嘎jiuo满莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 HistoryBreak it!有满诶办几可Move it!怕亏了米豆可(No more shakin"like that)Magic 西嘎你干(米昂)豆西四的西 活西加森对几攻干呢滴安南莫搜诶得阿几满攻古呢古搜卡家无丁哭龙囧姐莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh oh 无没应特哈嫩那无林大西一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那用我汉过拉米古西扑得on见旦汉过兰过满搜里得内一里怕咯跟进及多木拉无为嘎疼刚一交波聊土聊哇马切白撒狼黑撒狼黑撒狼黑求哇多速咯玩表卡家那莫度四扑米ki扑米有gi也闹哇 闹嫩汉sei秒嫩过(呀)无林过为那了哈嫩过为阿那喷孙嘎内嘎四莫求gi了一四满了孙干无林囧囧囧 木咯求嘎囧囧土了给jiuo波林欠hin莫一咯波力忒呀卡所咯 卡所咯 卡多咯 卡多咯 到嘎托咯古没忒呀大西满囧哇咯送干内嘎四米(吞云)旦 马不(吞云)旦Doong doong doong doong doong doong莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜Yeah EXO-M,EXO-K 无里嘎西加看了米 History乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Ohoh无林嘎心江忒样诶哭东西无林那了看嫩几古一搜I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 History




history的正确读音是 /ˈhɪstəri/,其中“h”发音为清音。1.history这个单词的发音规则是什么?history这个单词的发音规则是h发音为清音,i发音为短音“ɪ”,s发音为清音“s”,t发音为浊音“d”,o发音为短音“ə”,ry发音为长音“ri”。2.英语中的 “h” 发音有哪些规律?在英语中,h发音有清音和浊音两种。在单词开头,h通常发清音,例如history、house等;在单词中间或结尾,h通常不发音,例如hour、honest等。但是,有些单词的h发音是浊音,例如have、he等。3.为什么要注意英语的发音?正确的英语发音对于学习者来说非常重要,因为它涉及到交流的准确性和流利度。如果发音不正确,可能会造成误解或者影响交流效果。同时,英语发音也是英语口语能力的重要组成部分,正确的发音可以提高听说能力,增强自信心。4.如何提高英语发音?提高英语发音需要不断的练习和反复听、模仿。可以通过听力训练、跟读练习、口语练习等方式来提高发音。同时,要注意学习英语的音标和发音规则,理解和掌握英语的语音体系,这样才能更准确地发音。5.英语发音的重音规律英语单词中的重音对于正确的发音非常重要。大多数英语单词的重音都是有规律的,例如单词的后缀、词性等都会对重音产生影响。学习者需要了解这些规律,才能正确地发出单词的重音。总结:history的正确发音是 /ˈhɪstəri/,其中“h”发音为清音。在英语中,h发音有清音和浊音两种,正确的英语发音对于学习者来说非常重要,可以通过练习和掌握英语语音体系来提高发音。





EXO History韩文版歌词(注明每句分别是谁唱的)

中文:listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏停掉了节奏 (my heart be breakin) 泪水曾经愤怒的掉落 大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后 (my pain be creepin) 灰的眼留恋蓝的天 让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩 纯粹的执著 原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始站点站这是我 关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构 oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 i need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh every enery eyeryday 我创造的 history break 破陈旧的规矩 move it 让谎言作废 (no more shakin like that) 倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬 时间还有空间穿越与游走 梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞 原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始站点站这是我 关卡一一都击破 放弃在我字典没录入过 我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构 oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由 i need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh 让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候 turn it up turn it up turn it up (turn it on) 当你什么都会寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天 或许明天之后没有未来 留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃 抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手 越爱越完美暖爱这个星球 悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由 ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间 却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界 距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远 隔离分开成两边 太阳不需要分界线 one more two more three four more 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久 梦里完美世界 心脏开始跳动 急速跳动 doong doong doong 徘徊过多久 在这新的起点始点站这是我 yeah exom—m exo-k 要打开我们未来的 history 我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构 oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线 i need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh very enery eyeryday 我创造的 history音译:Listen 你的速为你的心江你对几了兰那(My heart be breakin")内马额米无老豆坡够搜里几楼 Ha!为乔豆怕搜(My pain be creepin)一夫哎陪嘎进南瓜木度嘎几嘎样呢强几sing土咯南顿 忒样嘎jiuo满莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 HistoryBreak it!有满诶办几可Move it!怕亏了米豆可(No more shakin"like that)Magic 西嘎你干(米昂)豆西四的西 活西加森对几攻干呢滴安南莫搜诶得阿几满攻古呢古搜卡家无丁哭龙囧姐莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜无里陪搜一几满忒我刚秒刚我几搜位嫩那乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Oh oh莫度汉给刚呢诺也米的咯I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh oh 无没应特哈嫩那无林大西一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那一冷那 一冷那 一冷那用我汉过拉米古西扑得on见旦汉过兰过满搜里得内一里怕咯跟进及多木拉无为嘎疼刚一交波聊土聊哇马切白撒狼黑撒狼黑撒狼黑求哇多速咯玩表卡家那莫度四扑米ki扑米有gi也闹哇 闹嫩汉sei秒嫩过 (呀)无林过为那了哈嫩过为阿那喷孙嘎内嘎四莫求gi了一四满了孙干无林囧囧囧 木咯求嘎囧囧hin莫一咯波力忒呀卡所咯 卡所咯 卡多咯 卡多咯 到嘎托咯古没忒呀大西满囧哇咯送干内嘎四米(吞云)旦 马不(吞云)旦Doong doong doong doong doong doong莫里退古土拉搜他西西加卡嫩古sei他哇搜Yeah EXO-M,EXO-K 无里嘎西加看了米 History乔忒样求龙过忒拉汉大兰过阿恩诺 Ohoh无林嘎心江忒样诶哭东西无林那了看嫩几古一搜I need you and you want me几度兰ki飘累搜 oh ohEvery every everyday 内嘎满等 History土了给jiuo波林欠


HISTORY演唱:EXO-MListen 感觉到没有?我的心脏停掉了节奏My heart be breakin曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼Ha!移步向以后My pain be creepin灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩 纯粹的执著原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.Break it! 破陈旧的规 Move it! 让谎言作废No more shakin" like that倒数归零后就会 洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站著是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up当你什么都寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或许明天之后没有未来留下的只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手越爱越完美暖热这个星球悲伤在左手 握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由YA! 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线One more, two more, three four more这一瞬间迎接冀望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动极速跳动Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong徘徊过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我Yeah EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们的未来 History我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh Oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.

EXO history 歌词

HISTORY演唱:Listen 感觉到没有?我的心脏停掉了节奏My heart be breakin曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼Ha!移步向以后My pain be creepin灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩 纯粹的执著过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色Oh oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.Break it! 破陈旧的规 Move it! 让谎言作废No more shakin" like that后就会 洗净了伤悲 崭新的时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞过多久 在这新的起始点站著是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色Oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up当你什么都给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或天之后没有未来留下的只有悔恨的和尘埃抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手越爱越完美暖热这个星球悲伤在左手 握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由YA! 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要One more, two more, three four more这一瞬间迎接已久梦里心脏开始跳动极速跳动Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong徘徊过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我Yeah , 要打开我们的未来 History我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色Oh Oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.




HISTORY演唱:EXO-MListen 感觉到没有?我的心脏停掉了节奏My heart be breakin曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼Ha!移步向以后My pain be creepin灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩 纯粹的执著原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.Break it! 破陈旧的规 Move it! 让谎言作废No more shakin" like that倒数归零后就会 洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞原地踏步过多久 在这新的起始点站著是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh oh我降落这个世界的理由I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up当你什么都寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或许明天之后没有未来留下的只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手越爱越完美暖热这个星球悲伤在左手 握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由YA! 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线One more, two more, three four more这一瞬间迎接冀望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动极速跳动Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong徘徊过多久 在这新的起始点站着是我Yeah EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们的未来 History我们一分两头本是太阳般一体结构Oh同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线I need you and you want me 在这颗蓝色星体Oh Oh Every, every, everyday 我创造的 History.

history significance 和 cause and consequence是什么意思

三者都有重要性的意思 consequence强调的是后果,结果的影响。 importance 比较中性,只是重要性,重要程度的意思。 significance 强调的是意义,比较深层一点的意义和重要性,这方面上讲,比较正式和偏向于重大事件的重要意义。 希望可以帮到你

请问“what patterns of settlement and immigration has the UK demonstrated in history?”是啥意思?

汗 我怎么进来了 英文我不懂啊 不好意思 帮不 了 顺便祝你高考顺利



Culture and History of Greenland

格陵兰的文化和历史   大家听说过Greenland吗?与它的名字,绿色岛屿,恰恰相反,它实际上是个冰雪世界。它就是“格陵兰岛”,世界上的岛。格陵兰岛位于加拿大北部,大部分地区都在北极圈内,当然是终年冰封雪冻了。居住在那里的居民叫Inuit(因纽特人),就是我们常说的爱斯基摩人。他们在这冰天雪地中是如何生存呢?看完下文你就知道了。   Greenland is blessed with a peaceable people that has never waged war with anyone, and people generally show great openness to visitors.   * People:大家都知道people是“人”的意思,不过在这里我要提醒大家:people还有一个含义是“民族”,如本文第一句话就出现了两个people,第一个表示 “民族”,第二个才表示“人”。体会一下它们的区别!   * Wage:“工资”、“薪水”的意思,是名词用法,a living wage就是“能够维持生活的工资”。那么wage作动词是什么意思呢?表示“开展、进行”等,最常见的用法就是本文的wage war(进行战争)了。   The population of Greenland is predominantly Inuit, a people bearing an affinity and solidarity with the Inuits of Canada, Alaska and Siberia. It is only 130 years since the last immigration from Canada took place.   The Greenlandic people are few in number: 55,000 in an enormous country. Approx. 20 percent of the population was born outside Greenland.   * Inuit:“因纽特人”,就是我们现在常说的Eskimo爱斯基摩人。他们主要住在北美洲极地附近,以捕鱼、打猎为生。   * Affinity:“密切关系”、“姻亲”、“亲戚关系”等意思,如:The French and Italian languages have many affinities(法语与意大利语彼此有很多密切之关联)。另外,affinity还有一个意思,表示“强大的吸引力”,He feels a strong affinity for/to her(她对他很有吸引力)。   * Solidarity:“团结”、“一致”、“抱有共同工作目标”等,它是由 solid(固体、紧密)引申而来的。   Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but since the introduction of Home Rule in 1979 Greenland has moved towards relative independence based on parliamentary democracy.   Today fishing is the all-dominating trade and accounts for 95 percent of total exports, but in the hunter districts of the outer areas, the seal and whale catch is of great importance. It actually forms the stable existence for one fifth of the Greenlandic population. For millennia the philosophy has been to live at one with nature. The hunters live with nature and follow the natural seasons.   In South Greenland ruins from the norse (viking) settlers 1,000 years ago are well preserved, including the ruins of the first Christian churches on the North America continent.   * Seal:是“海豹”的意思。   * Whale:“鲸鱼”的意思,whale是世界上的动物,由此,我们得到一个很有趣的词组,a whale of time(玩得很痛快)。   * For millennia the philosophy has been to live at one with nature.这是一个非常精彩的句子,它的意思是“几千年来,与大自然溶为一体——即依靠大自然——成为格陵兰人的生存哲学”。   * Norse:“古代斯堪的纳维亚人”、“古代挪威人”。   The symbols of the ancient culture are still alive even in the larger towns. Many people build and use their own kayak as you"ll see in every harbor. The old drum dance is performed by a growing number of artists. The musical and theatrical life is largely based on myths and sagas conveyed in a modern form.   Arts and crafts often express perceptions of ancient myths. The tupilaks - small grotesque figures carved in narwhal or walrus tooth or reindeer antler - were originally evil spirits. Today they are popular souvenirs, and many skilled artists carve the tupilaks - each and every with a unique character.   * Kayak:“爱斯基摩划子”、“小艇”。   * Sagas:“中世纪挪威、冰岛历史事件和传说”、“英雄传奇”等。   * grotesque:“风格奇异的”、“奇形怪状的”等意思。small grotesque figures就是“风格奇异的小人物像”。本文的tupilaks就是指这种small grotesque。   *narwhal:“一角鲸”、“独角鲸”。   *walrus:“海象”,在俚语里也表示“身材矮胖的人”。   *reindeer antler:reindeer是“驯鹿”的意思,antler是“鹿角”的意思。reindeer antler就是“驯鹿的角”。   * Souvenir:“纪念品”的意思。

she什么 history on fridays


英语in associated press history怎么翻译?

in Associated Press history在美联社历史上

We are seeing a ___ film.(history)


history book 与historical book的区别

history 历史,历史的; historical历史学的,有关历史的。history book 历史课本,经营史等;historical book 关于历史的书,历史上曾经有过的书

history historic historical都可以修饰名词那它们有什么区别呢?

history是名词,直接修饰名词时,是名词定语,用来说明被修饰词的内容、时间、用途等;historic和historical是形容词,“historic”意思是:adj. 有历史意义的、历史上著名的;“historical”意思是:adj. 历史的、史学的、基于史实的;historic:通常用于强调历史对后续历史的影响;例句:This is the pen with which he signed the historic document. 译文:这就是他用来签署那份历史性文件的笔。historical:通常用于强调跟过去这个时间有关的内容和性质;例句:He is writing a historical novel about nineteenth-century France.译文:他正在写一部关于19世纪的法国的历史小说。

history historian historical

history:名词all the events that happened in the past历史 historic形容词important in the history历史上著名的 historical形容词connected with the past有关历史的,历史学的 Historians always study historic events happened in the past,so they must read many historical books to grasp why and how they happened .


history,名词 历史 historical,形容词 意为 历史的 历史上的 historic,形容词 意为 有历史意义的 有纪念意义的



跪求[BBC:大脑:神秘的历史].The.Brain.A.Secret.History 中文字幕




history 的形容词有historic和historical,两个的区别,谢谢。

historical 来描述一般的历史事件或与历史有关的东西。historic 来形容一个具体的历史事件。historical 描述过去发生的一件事情。historic 描述过去发生的、并且非常重要的事件。



我需要英文回答 summaries the history of computer development ?

"Who invented the computer?" is not a question with a simple answer. The real answer is that many inventors contributed to the history of computers and that a computer is a complex piece of machinery made up of many parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention. "Computer" was defined as any programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. The basic idea of computing develops in the 1200"s when a Moslem cleric proposes solving problems with a series of written procedures. As early as the 1640"s mechanical calculators are manufactured for sale. Records exist of earlier machines, but Blaise Pascal invents the first commercial calculator, a hand powered adding machine. Although attempts to multiply mechanically were made by Gottfried Liebnitz in the 1670s the first true multiplying calculator appears in Germany shortly before the American Revolution. In 1801 a Frenchman, Joseph-Marie Jacquard builds a loom that weaves by reading punched holes stored on small sheets of hardwood. These plates are then inserted into the loom which reads (retrieves) the pattern and creates(process) the weave. Powered by water, this "machine" came 140 years before the development of the modern computer. Shortly after the first mass-produced calculator(1820), Charles Babbage begins his lifelong quest for a programmable machine. Although Babbage was a poor communicator and record-keeper, his difference engine is sufficiently developed by 1842 that Ada Lovelace uses it to mechanically translate a short written work. She is generally regarded as the first programmer. Twelve years later George Boole, while professor of Mathematics at Cork University, writes An Investigation of the Laws of Thought(1854), and is generally recognized as the father of computer science. The 1890 census is tabulated on punch cards similar to the ones used 90 years earlier to create weaves. Developed by Herman Hollerith of MIT, the system uses electric power(non-mechanical). The Hollerith Tabulating Company is a forerunner of today"s IBM. Just prior to the introduction of Hollerith"s machine the first printing calculator is introduced. In 1892 William Burroughs, a sickly ex-teller, introduces a commercially successful printing calculator. Although hand-powered, Burroughs quickly introduces an electronic model. In 1925, unaware of the work of Charles Babbage, Vannevar Bush of MIT builds a machine he calls the differential analyzer. Using a set of gears and shafts, much like Babbage, the machine can handle simple calculus problems, but accuracy is a problem. The period from 1935 through 1952 gets murky with claims and counterclaims of who invents what and when. Part of the problem lies in the international situation that makes much of the research secret. Other problems include poor record-keeping, deception and lack of definition. In 1935, Konrad Zuse, a German construction engineer, builds a mechanical calculator to handle the math involved in his profession. Shortly after completion, Zuse starts on a programmable electronic device which he completes in 1938. John Vincent Atanasoff begins work on a digital computer in 1936 in the basement of the Physics building on the campus of Iowa State. A graduate student, Clifford (John) Berry assists. The "ABC" is designed to solve linear equations common in physics. It displays some early features of later computers including electronic calculations. He shows it to others in 1939 and leaves the patent application with attorneys for the school when he leaves for a job in Washington during World War II. Unimpressed, the school never files and ABC is cannibalized by students. The Enigma, a complex mechanical encoder is used by the Germans and they believe it to be unbreakable. Several people involved, most notably Alan Turing, conceive machines to handle the problem, but none are technically feasible. Turing proposes a "Universal Machine" capable of "computing" any algorithm in 1937. That same year George Steblitz creates his Model K(itchen), a conglomeration of otherwise useless and leftover material, to solve complex calculations. He improves the design while working at Bell Labs and on September 11, 1940, Steblitz uses a teletype machine at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to transmit a problem to his Complex Number Calculator in New York and receives the results. It is the first example of a network. First in Poland, and later in Great Britain and the United States, the Enigma code is broken. Information gained by this shortens the war. To break the code, the British, led by Touring, build the Colossus Mark I. The existence of this machine is a closely guarded secret of the British Government until 1970. The United States Navy, aided to some extent by the British, builds a machine capable of breaking not only the German code but the Japanese code as well.

请问这课怎么翻译,Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. San


throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die

你说的很对,是要用一般现在时,而原句正用的就是一般现在时。!!throughout history man has to accept the fact that all living things must die. has to 是个情态词!!


Careless, careless. shoot anonymous, anonymousHeartless, mindless. no one, who care about me?失落的感觉 谁在乎只有忍耐我再也无法接受 闭上了双眼MAMA 可不可以请告诉我 为什么人会变的不一样那些听说过的美丽日子是真的存在过吗早就忘了应该要更努力爱着他 早就忘了心去包容他自顾自的生活是否假装继续忙隐形在你的面具背后充满许多的表情到最后却始终如一 真的更好吗我们要这样 不再看彼此的眼神吗不再对我讲话吗 不再说你爱我吗就算受了伤 眼泪也如雨的下改变就能解答 改变就能到达 告诉我 MAMA MAMA都忘了什么时候开始我们被关在聪明里头我的世界只在0和1的制作中度过没有生命力 没感情 每天毫无根据越久就更寂寞 只有自己受伤和难过相遇和牵手 感受泪和笑容越贴近的频率 我们开心感应 可能回来吗隐形在你的面具背后充满许多的表情到最后却始终如一 这样真的更好吗我们要这样 不再看彼此的眼神吗不再对我讲话吗 不再说你爱我吗就算受了伤 眼泪也如雨的下改变就能解答 改变就能到达 告诉我 MAMA MAMATurnback!最后我怒吼 我狂奔 我回温 不想要世界变的冷请帮帮我 MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA turn back告诉我 MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA rolling back追逐 失控 看谁都很冷漠 游戏不会这样做请帮帮我MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA turn backYeahCareless, careless. (MAMA) Shoot anonymous, anonymous. (MAMA)Heartless, mindless. (MAMA) No one, who care about me? (MAMA)因为受到了祝福 我能感觉到真的快乐 多想要每天认识更多的人把碎了的心重温 只要有爱的单纯 找回我原本笑容里的真我们要这样 不再看彼此的眼神吗不再对我讲话吗 不再说你爱我吗就算受了伤 眼泪也如雨的下改变就能解答 改变就能到达 告诉我 MAMA MAMACareless, careless. shoot anonymous, anonymousHeartless, mindless. no one, who care about me?listen 感觉到没有我的心脏停掉了节奏(my heart be breakin)泪水曾经愤怒的掉落大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后(my pain be creepin)灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩 纯粹的执著原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的 historybreak 破陈旧的规矩move it 让谎言作废(no more shakin like that)倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲崭新的经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on)当你什么都会寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或许明天之后没有未来留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手越爱越完美暖爱这个星球悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线one more two more three four more这一瞬间迎接翼望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动 急速跳动doong doong doong徘徊过多久在这新的起点始点站这是我yeah exom—m exo-k要打开我们未来的 history我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线无限的延长线i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体 oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的 history


Listen! do you feel itMy heart stopped beating in sync (my heart be breakin")im crying out of angerLoudly shout Ha! step ito the future (my pain be creepin")Grey eyes nostalgic blue skys turn useless moaning into bubblesWithout changes pure persistenceI"ve been marching for so long, now I"m standing at the brand new starting breaking through the barriers one by one, I will never fighting till the endwe went our seperate waysbut our souls were bonded like the sunOh oh, the reason why i set foot in this worldI need you and you want me on this blue planet you live Every Every everyday I created historybreak itold rules are brokenMove it rumor are destroyed (no more shakin′ like that) move back to nilTravel through time space wash the tears awayDreams of perfect of gloryteleporting moving into different time space dont be afraidI"ve been marching for so long, now I"m standing at the brand new startingbreaking through the barriers one by one, I will never fighting till the endwe went our seperate waysbut our souls were bonded like the sunOh oh, the reason why i set foot in this worldI need you and you want me on this blue planet you live now lets we"re gona change some historyTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it upwhen future got your hopes and your fateyou delay everything into the next dayMaybe tomorrow will be your last day leaving remains of regret, ashes,dust and clayhold your lover"s hand, lover"s hand, lover"s handwarm up this blue world with the passion of your lovesadness is the left is my rightwe share the same reason and resultYeah!We hold tight so we can combine to one in our new lifebut we got used to the loneless in our own lifesThe between us is getting further and furthersun doesn"t need to be divided so we shouldn"t do that eitherone more, two more, three four morefor a moment i could see the world Ive always dreamed ofmy heart"s beating none stop, beating none stopdong dong dong dong dong dongI"ve been marching for so long, now I"m standing at the brand new startingyeah , , we are making our new future historywe went our seperate waysbut our souls were bonded like the sunOh a line that connect us forever, we are connecting under the sunI need you and you want me on this blue planet you live every every every day, i created history

Mac 文件夹里的 .bash_history和.bash_sessions是什么

Bash shell在“~/.bash_history”(“~/”表示用户目录)文件中保存了500条使用过的命令,这样可以使你输入使用过的长命令变得容易。每个在系统中拥有账号的用户在他的目录下都有一个“.bash_history”文件。bash shell应该保存少量的命令,并且在每次用户注销时都把这些历史命令删除。 第一步: “/etc/profile”文件中的“HISTFILESIZE”和“HISTSIZE”行确定所有用户的“.bash_history”文件中可以保存的旧命令条数。强烈建议把把“/etc/profile”文件中的“HISTFILESIZE”和“HISTSIZE”行的值设为一个较小的数,比如30。编辑profile文件(vi /etc/profile),把下面这行改为: HISTFILESIZE=30 HISTSIZE=30 这表示每个用户的“.bash_history”文件只可以保存30条旧命令。 第二步: 网管还应该在"/etc/skel/.bash_logout" 文件中添加下面这行"rm -f $HOME/.bash_history" 。这样,当用户每次注销时,“.bash_history”文件都会被删除.

我想知道BL台剧《history》中的主题曲是什么?歌词里有you are my hero这一句


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《A Briefer History》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《A Briefer History of Time》(Stephen Hawking)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vfFeiMV0q0hM3xCLQO-kCg 提取码: ru2v书名:A Briefer History of Time作者:Stephen Hawking豆瓣评分:9.0出版社:Bantam出版年份:2008-5-13页数:176内容简介:From One of the Most Brilliant Minds of Our TimeComes a Book that Clarifies His Most Important IdeasStephen Hawking"s worldwide bestseller, A Brief History of Time , remains one of the landmark volumes in scientific writing of our time. But for years readers have asked for a more accessible formulation of its key concepts—the nature of space and time, the role of God in creation, and the history and future of the universe.Professor Hawking"s response is this new work that will guide nonscientists everywhere in the ongoing search for the tantalizing secrets at the heart of time and space.…Although “briefer,” this book is much more than a mere explanation of Hawking"s earlier work. A Briefer History of Time both clarifies and expands on the great subjects of the original, and records the latest developments in the field—from string theory to the search for a unified theory of all the forces of physics. Thirty-seven full-color illustrations enhance the text and make A Briefer History of Time an exhilarating and must-have addition in its own right to the great literature of science and ideas.作者简介:史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking, 1942- ),现任剑桥大学卢卡斯数学教授。他广被推崇为继爱因斯坦后最杰出的理论物理学家。霍金的主要著作有《时间简史》、《霍金讲演录——黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他》和《果壳中的宇宙》。

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Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gif 什么意思?

我想,它可能是来源于此的Dear friends:To realize the value of ONE YEAR想知道一整年的价值ask the student who has failed a class就去问被当过的学生To realize the value of ONE MONTH想知道一个月的价值ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby就去问曾经早产的母亲To realize the value of ONE WEEK想知道一个礼拜的价值ask the editor of a weekly newspaper就去问周报的编辑To realize the value of ONE HOUR想知道一个小时的价值ask the lovers who are waiting to meet就去问等待见面的情侣To realize the value of ONE MINUTE想知道一分钟的价值ask a person who missed the train就去问刚错过火车的人To realize the value of ONE SECOND想知道一秒钟的价值ask a person who just avoided accident就去问刚闪过一场车祸的人To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND想知道百分之一秒的价值ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics就去问奥运会银牌的得主Treasure every moment that you have!珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.昨天已成为历史.明日却依然是谜.Today is a gift.今天是珍贵的礼物.That"s why it is called present*!!那就是它为什么被称作"当下"的原因.Show your friends how much you care...让你的朋友知道你有多在乎他们.

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《The Right Sideof History》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Right Side of History》(Ben Shapiro)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Z6SLQ7FQoy899Ymc8gAmAg 提取码: 7jvz书名:The Right Side of History作者:Ben Shapiro豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:Broadside Books出版年份:2019-3-19页数:288内容简介:America has a God-shaped hole in its heart, argues New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro, and we shouldn"t fill it with politics and hate.In 2016, Ben Shapiro spoke at UC Berkeley. Hundreds of police officers were required from 10 UC campuses across the state to protect his speech, which was -- ironically -- about the necessity for free speech and rational debate.He came to argue that Western Civilization is in the midst of a crisis of purpose and ideas. Our freedoms are built upon the twin notions that every human being is made in God"s image and that human beings were created with reason capable of exploring God"s world.We can thank these values for the birth of science, the dream of progress, human rights, prosperity, peace, and artistic beauty. Jerusalem and Athens built America, ended slavery, defeated the Nazis and the Communists, lifted billions from poverty and gave billions spiritual purpose. Jerusalem and Athens were the foundations of the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Westphalia; they were the foundations of Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln"s Emancipation Proclamation, and Martin Luther King Jr."s Letter from Birmingham Jail.Civilizations that rejected Jerusalem and Athens have collapsed into dust. The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting a new utopian vision of “social justice” – and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejects Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.We are in the process of abandoning Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, favoring instead moral subjectivism and the rule of passion. And we are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism. We believe we can reject Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law and satisfy ourselves with intersectionality, or scientific materialism, or progressive politics, or authoritarian governance, or nationalistic solidarity.We can"t.The West is special, and in The Right Side of History, Ben Shapiro bravely explains that it"s because too many of us have lost sight of the moral purpose that drives us each to be better, or the sacred duty to work together for the greater good, or both. A stark warning, and a call to spiritual arms, this book may be the first step in getting our civilization back on track.

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you are my history是什么歌的歌词

MERCY-Saint saviour Prime-Alliex

in Chinese history.对吗?


in Chinese history.对吗

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Michael Jackson的《History》 歌词

歌曲名:History歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:History - Past, Present And Future - Book IHistoryMichael JacksonHe got kicked in the backHe say that he needed thatHe hot willed in the faceKeep daring to motivateHe say one day you will seeHis place in world historyHe dares to be recognizedThe fires deep in his eyesHow many victims must there beSlaughtered in vain across the landAnd how many struggles must there beBefore we choose to live the prophet"s planEverybodyEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyDon"t let no one get you downKeep movin" on higher groundKeep flying untilYou are the king of the hillNo force of nature can breakYour will to self motivateShe say this face that you seeIs destined for historyHow many people have to cryThe song of pain and grief across the landAnd how many children have to dieBefore we stand to lend a healing handEverybody singEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyEvery day create your historyEvery page you turn you"re writing your legacyEvery hero dreams of chivalryEvery child should sing together in harmonyAll nations singLet"s harmonize all around the worldHow many victims must there beSlaughtered in vain across the landAnd how many children must we seeBefore we learn to live as brothersAnd create one family ohEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyEvery day create your historyEvery page you turn you"re writing your legacyEvery hero dreams of chivalryEvery child should sing together in harmonyAll nations singLet"s harmonize all around the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7997181


Listen 感觉没有我心脏停掉了节奏(My heart be breakin")泪水曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼Ha!移步向(My pain be creepin")灰眼留恋蓝天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫含畏缩纯粹执著*原地踏步过多久新起始点站著我关卡都击破 放弃我字典没录入过我们分两头本太阳般体结构Oh oh我降落世界理由I need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Every, every, everyday 我创造 History.Break it! 破陈旧规 Move it! 让谎言作废(No more shakin" like that)倒数归零会洗净了伤悲 崭新经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度光辉会让我们牵起手飞* RepeatI need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Oh oh让时间逆向行走该转变时候Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up当都寄望给永远所有都推迟下明天或许明天之没有未来留下只有悔恨灰烬和尘埃抓住爱手爱手爱手越爱越完美暖热星球悲伤左手握喜悦右手 我们分享同理由YA! 我们抱紧体诞生瞬间却开始习惯疏离和人世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳需要分界线One more, two more, three four more瞬间迎接冀望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动极速跳动Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong徘徊过多久新起始点站著我Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们未来 History我们分两头本太阳般体结构Oh-同颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限延长线I need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Every, every, everyday 我创造 History.求采纳哦

yesterday is history 的整句名言是什么?

是:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God"s gift, that"s why we call it the present.Dear friends: To realize the value of ONE YEAR 想知道一整年的价值 ask the student who has failed a class 就去问被当过的学生 To realize the value of ONE MONTH 想知道一个月的价值 ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby 就去问曾经早产的母亲 To realize the value of ONE WEEK 想知道一个礼拜的价值 ask the editor of a weekly newspaper 就去问周报的编辑 To realize the value of ONE HOUR 想知道一个小时的价值 ask the lovers who are waiting to meet 就去问等待见面的情侣 To realize the value of ONE MINUTE 想知道一分钟的价值 ask a person who missed the train 就去问刚错过火车的人 To realize the value of ONE SECOND 想知道一秒钟的价值 ask a person who just avoided accident 就去问刚闪过一场车祸的人 To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND 想知道百分之一秒的价值 ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics 就去问奥运会银牌的得主 Treasure every moment that you have! 珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. 昨天已成为历史.明日却依然是谜. Today is a gift. 今天是珍贵的礼物. That"s why it is called present*!! 那就是它为什么被称作"当下"的原因. Show your friends how much you care... 让你的朋友知道你有多在乎他们.

如何理解这句话!In blue jeans,fashion reveals itself as a complex world of history and change.

In blue jeans,fashion reveals itself as a complex world of history and change.分析:In blue jeans壮语,in表示“方面、领域、范围”。fashion主语reveals谓语itself宾语,指的是fashionas a complex world of history and change.介词(引导的短语作宾语补语。大意:在牛仔裤方面,时尚展现了自身历史悠久而且变化无穷的复杂世界。

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求迈克尔杰克逊《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》专辑的全部歌曲的歌词的中英翻译



Jay-z historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighter)and the battles finally won (give me a lighter)victory is finally ours(lighters up)history so long so long so long so longin search of victory, she keeps saluting meif only we could be together momentarilywe could make love, and make historywhy wont you visit me, until she visit mei be stuck with her sister, her name is defeatshe give me agony, so much agonyshe bring me so much pain so much miserylike missin ya last shot, and fallin to ya kneesas the crowd screams, for the other teami pracitce so hard for this moment victory dont leavei know what this means, im stuck in this routinewhole new different day, same old thingall i got is dreams, nobody else can seenobody else believes, nobody else but mewhere are you victory, i need you desperatlynot just for the moment, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters)and the battles finally won (lighters)victory is finally ours (yeah) (yeah)history so long so long so long so longso now im flirting with death, hustlin like a gwhile vicotry wasnt watching, took chances repetedlyas a teenage boy, before acnebefore i got proactive, i couldnt face shei just threw up my hoodie, and headed to the streetsthats where i met success, we lived together shortlyand success is like lust, she"s good to the touchshe"s good for the moment, but she"s never enougheverybody"s had her, she"s nothing like Vbut success is all i got, unfortunatlybut im burning down the block, i been in and out of thebut something tells me, that theres much more to seebefore i get killed, cause i cant get robbedso before me, success and death monagei gotta get lost, i gotta find Vwe gotta be together, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters up)and the battles finally won (lighter up)victory is finally ours (lighters up)history so long so long so long so longnow victory is mine, tastes so sweetshe"s my trophy wife, coming with mewe"ll have a baby, who stutters repetedlywe"ll name him history, he"ll repete after mehe"s my legacy, son of my hardworkfuture of my past, he"ll explain who i berank me amongst the greats, either one, two, or threeif i aint number one, then i failed you victoryaint in it for the fame, that dies within weeksaint in it for the money, cant take it when you leavei wanna be remembered, long after you breathelong after im gone, long after i breathei leave all i am, in the hands of historythats my last will, testimonythis is much more than a song, its a baby showeri been waitin for this hour, history your oursnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longEnd现在,所有的烟雾消失 和最后的战斗上升 最后我们胜利了历史如此的爱,这么长时间,这么长时间,这么长时间? 在搜索的胜利,她随时 只要我们可以在一起瞬间 我们可以爱,创造历史 为什么你不来看我,我,直到她访问 我将坚持 ,她的名字是失败 她给我的痛苦,如此多的痛苦 她使我非常痛苦 如此多的苦难,愿您的最后一次失踪 和秋天到您的膝盖。 作为观众的尖叫声,为其他队 我喜欢练如此艰苦的胜利为这个时刻不会导致 我知道这意味着什么,我卡在这例行 整个新的不同的一天,但同样的旧事物 所有我的梦想,但没有人可以看到 没有人相信,没有人,但我 你是哪里的胜利,我需要你拼命 不只是暂时。创造历史 和最后的战斗上升(打火机) 胜利的最后我们(是啊,是啊,是啊) 所以我现在逼近死亡 就像一个骗子,而胜利是不看 在反复的机会 作为一个十几岁的男孩,前痤疮 在我主动,我无法面对资产负债表 我只是在我的地方领导街头 我发誓,我会见了成功,我们共同生活不久 就像是一个成功的欲望,巫婆是良好的触摸 女巫是良好的时刻,但她从来没有足够的 每个人的了她,她没有像我一样 成功是我,不幸的是 但我烧毁块 我已经在它失败 而是告诉我,还有更多地看到 之前我杀害,产地来源证我无法抢劫 所以在我面前,成功和死亡绷带 字母i爱会丢失,我总得找到免费 我们来一起创造历史 现在,所有的烟雾消失(打火机的) 和最后的战斗上升(打火机的) 胜利的最后我们(打火机的) 现在的历史是我的,它味道这么甜 她是我的冠军奖杯的妻子,她与我commin 我们有一个孩子谁stutters "反复 他的历史,我们的名字 他重复我的 他是我的遗产,儿子我是一个辛勤工作 未来的我过去,他将解释我是谁 排名箱中的伟人 要么12年或3 ,如果我不是一 然后我没有你们的胜利 是不是在它的名气,即在10周内死亡 是不是它的钱,不能把我当你生活 我要记住你很长时间后呼吸 很长时间后我走了,长在我呼吸 我住所有我,手中的历史 保佑我的最后将作证 这是更为然后一首歌曲 这是一个婴儿淋浴,我一直在等待这个小时 历史上的我们。 现在,所有的烟雾已经消失

Jay-z history歌词

Jay-z historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighter)and the battles finally won (give me a lighter)victory is finally ours(lighters up)history so long so long so long so longin search of victory, she keeps saluting meif only we could be together momentarilywe could make love, and make historywhy wont you visit me, until she visit mei be stuck with her sister, her name is defeatshe give me agony, so much agonyshe bring me so much pain so much miserylike missin ya last shot, and fallin to ya kneesas the crowd screams, for the other teami pracitce so hard for this moment victory dont leavei know what this means, im stuck in this routinewhole new different day, same old thingall i got is dreams, nobody else can seenobody else believes, nobody else but mewhere are you victory, i need you desperatlynot just for the moment, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters)and the battles finally won (lighters)victory is finally ours (yeah) (yeah)history so long so long so long so longso now im flirting with death, hustlin like a gwhile vicotry wasnt watching, took chances repetedlyas a teenage boy, before acnebefore i got proactive, i couldnt face shei just threw up my hoodie, and headed to the streetsthats where i met success, we lived together shortlyand success is like lust, she"s good to the touchshe"s good for the moment, but she"s never enougheverybody"s had her, she"s nothing like Vbut success is all i got, unfortunatlybut im burning down the block, i been in and out of thebut something tells me, that theres much more to seebefore i get killed, cause i cant get robbedso before me, success and death monagei gotta get lost, i gotta find Vwe gotta be together, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters up)and the battles finally won (lighter up)victory is finally ours (lighters up)history so long so long so long so longnow victory is mine, tastes so sweetshe"s my trophy wife, coming with mewe"ll have a baby, who stutters repetedlywe"ll name him history, he"ll repete after mehe"s my legacy, son of my hardworkfuture of my past, he"ll explain who i berank me amongst the greats, either one, two, or threeif i aint number one, then i failed you victoryaint in it for the fame, that dies within weeksaint in it for the money, cant take it when you leavei wanna be remembered, long after you breathelong after im gone, long after i breathei leave all i am, in the hands of historythats my last will, testimonythis is much more than a song, its a baby showeri been waitin for this hour, history your oursnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longEnd现在,所有的烟雾消失 和最后的战斗上升 最后我们胜利了历史如此的爱,这么长时间,这么长时间,这么长时间? 在搜索的胜利,她随时 只要我们可以在一起瞬间 我们可以爱,创造历史 为什么你不来看我,我,直到她访问 我将坚持 ,她的名字是失败 她给我的痛苦,如此多的痛苦 她使我非常痛苦 如此多的苦难,愿您的最后一次失踪 和秋天到您的膝盖。 作为观众的尖叫声,为其他队 我喜欢练如此艰苦的胜利为这个时刻不会导致 我知道这意味着什么,我卡在这例行 整个新的不同的一天,但同样的旧事物 所有我的梦想,但没有人可以看到 没有人相信,没有人,但我 你是哪里的胜利,我需要你拼命 不只是暂时。创造历史 和最后的战斗上升(打火机) 胜利的最后我们(是啊,是啊,是啊) 所以我现在逼近死亡 就像一个骗子,而胜利是不看 在反复的机会 作为一个十几岁的男孩,前痤疮 在我主动,我无法面对资产负债表 我只是在我的地方领导街头 我发誓,我会见了成功,我们共同生活不久 就像是一个成功的欲望,巫婆是良好的触摸 女巫是良好的时刻,但她从来没有足够的 每个人的了她,她没有像我一样 成功是我,不幸的是 但我烧毁块 我已经在它失败 而是告诉我,还有更多地看到 之前我杀害,产地来源证我无法抢劫 所以在我面前,成功和死亡绷带 字母i爱会丢失,我总得找到免费 我们来一起创造历史 现在,所有的烟雾消失(打火机的) 和最后的战斗上升(打火机的) 胜利的最后我们(打火机的) 现在的历史是我的,它味道这么甜 她是我的冠军奖杯的妻子,她与我commin 我们有一个孩子谁stutters "反复 他的历史,我们的名字 他重复我的 他是我的遗产,儿子我是一个辛勤工作 未来的我过去,他将解释我是谁 排名箱中的伟人 要么12年或3 ,如果我不是一 然后我没有你们的胜利 是不是在它的名气,即在10周内死亡 是不是它的钱,不能把我当你生活 我要记住你很长时间后呼吸 很长时间后我走了,长在我呼吸 我住所有我,手中的历史 保佑我的最后将作证 这是更为然后一首歌曲 这是一个婴儿淋浴,我一直在等待这个小时 历史上的我们。 现在,所有的烟雾已经消失 战斗终于崛起
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