
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

1、The children climbed a hill. 2.They studied English in 1980. 3.My father bought a big ice cream

1.The children didn"t climb a hill. Did the children climb a hill? Yes, they did. No, they didin"t.2.They didn"t study English in 1980.Did they study English in 1980? Yes, they did. No, they didin"t.3. My father didn"t buy a big ice cream.Did your father buy an ice cream? Yes, he did. No, he didin"t.4.We didn"t go to the zoo yesterday. Did you go to the zoo yesterday? Yes, we did. No, we didin"t.5.She wasn"t nine last year. Was she nine last year? Yes, she was. No, she wasn"t.

Bally,hugo boss ,dunhill 这几个牌子,那个牌子最牛,东西好。


杰尼亚 Ermenegildo Zegna和登喜路DUNHILL买钱包哪只牌子好??


Bally,hugo boss ,dunhill,Ermenegildo Zegna 这几个牌子,那个牌子最牛,东西好。

Ermenegildo Zegna


The broom grows down the arid sand hill . 金雀草蔓延在干燥的沙丘下。 The soldiers encamped at the foot of the hill . 士兵们在山脚下安营。 You have to shift down to cpmb steep hills . 为了爬陡坡你得换低挡。 He tented his men on the top of the hill . 他使他的部下扎营于山顶。 The hills seemed rolled in a sullen mist . 山峦好像在阴沉的雾里翻腾。 The shepherd guided his sheep down the hill . 牧羊人引领羊下了山。 The hill mands a fine distant view . 从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。 The slopes of the hills were planted tea bushes . 山坡上植了茶树。 She outfooted me in a cpmb up a hill . 在一次爬山中她比我走得快。 A tram was just arriving at the hill foot . 一辆驿车刚到达山脚下。 The lorry ran down the hill out of control . 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。 The jam was up the hill above town . 拥塞的地点在小镇上边的山上。 The new tax program is now over the hill . 新的税法已渡过了危机。 Mr. hill is our new next-door neighbor . 希尔先生是我们新来的隔壁邻居。 The park is on a hill overlooking the town ... 公园在俯瞰城市的小山上。 As we crested the hill , we saw the castle . 我们登上山顶,看见了城堡。 His last resting-place is on that hill . 他的长眠处就在那座山上。 The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes . 山坡上种了茶树。 The procession passed slowly down the hill . 队伍从山上慢慢向山下移动。 The farm was tucked away in the hills . 那个农场隐蔽在群山之中。 The echoes of the hills awakened his distrust . 那隆隆的回音引起了他的警惕。 Mrs. hill is keen on tom "s marrying susan . 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和蘇珊结婚。 One hill cannot shelter o tigers . 一座山不能藏两只老虎。 The hills are covered with verdure . 山上覆盖著葱茏的草木。 The hill is steep , and the cpmb is dangerous . 山陡路险。 Several miles away, a hill emerged . 在几英里以外的地方,有一座小山映入眼帘。 The town nestles among the hills . 这个城市座落在群山之中。 I will beat you to the top of the hill . 我能比你先到山顶。 There was a riot round stones hill . 乱石岗外面发生过暴动。



跑步机的rolling hills

manual手动的 intervals间隔时间 weight loss减肥 hill run斜坡跑步 rolling滚动 saved manual自动 saved interval无间隔………… Press and hold a MyKEY for three seconds to set key to current incline. 按住并握住一个MYKEY三秒以设定现实的角度


花了些时间写的,希望对你有帮助~#include<stdio.h>#define N 3 //可加密的字符串长度char plaintext[N]=; //明文,输入时输入字符,参与运算时强制转换成整数int ciphertext[N]=; //密文,保存成整数,输出时强制转换成字符int key[N][N]; //密钥矩阵 void getPlainText() //获得明文字符串{ printf("请输入明文:"); scanf("%s",plaintext); printf(" ");}void getKey() //输入密钥矩阵{ int i,j; printf("请输入加密矩阵: "); for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<N;j++) scanf("%d",&key[i][j]); printf(" ");}void hill() //Hill加密算法{ int i,j; for(i=0;i<N;i++){ //矩阵的乘法 for(j=0;j<N;j++){ //计算转换依据,0~25对应a~z ciphertext[i]+=key[i][j]*(int)(plaintext[j]-"a"); ciphertext[i]%=26; } } printf(" ");}void printCipherText() //输出加密后的密文{ int i; printf("加密后的密文是:"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) //把参与计算后是整数强制转换成对应的字符 printf("%c",(char)(ciphertext[i]+"a")); printf(" ");}void main(){ getPlainText(); //明文 getKey(); //密钥 hill(); //加密 printCipherText(); //密文}


花了些时间写的,希望对你有帮助~#include<stdio.h>#define N 3 //可加密的字符串长度char plaintext[N]=; //明文,输入时输入字符,参与运算时强制转换成整数int ciphertext[N]=; //密文,保存成整数,输出时强制转换成字符int key[N][N]; //密钥矩阵 void getPlainText() //获得明文字符串{ printf("请输入明文:"); scanf("%s",plaintext); printf(" ");}void getKey() //输入密钥矩阵{ int i,j; printf("请输入加密矩阵: "); for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<N;j++) scanf("%d",&key[i][j]); printf(" ");}void hill() //Hill加密算法{ int i,j; for(i=0;i<N;i++){ //矩阵的乘法 for(j=0;j<N;j++){ //计算转换依据,0~25对应a~z ciphertext[i]+=key[i][j]*(int)(plaintext[j]-"a"); ciphertext[i]%=26; } } printf(" ");}void printCipherText() //输出加密后的密文{ int i; printf("加密后的密文是:"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) //把参与计算后是整数强制转换成对应的字符 printf("%c",(char)(ciphertext[i]+"a")); printf(" ");}void main(){ getPlainText(); //明文 getKey(); //密钥 hill(); //加密 printCipherText(); //密文}

Hillsong的《One Way》 歌词

  歌曲:《One Way》  所属专辑:Ultimate Worship  演唱者:Hillsong  作曲:Douglass, Houston  歌词:  I lay my life down at Your feet  Cause You"re the only one I need  I turn to You and You are always there  In troubled times it"s You I seek  I put You first that"s all I need  I humble all I am all to You  (Here we go!)  One way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  You are always, always there  Every how and everywhere  Your grace abounds so deeply within me  You will never ever change  Yesterday today the same  Forever till forever meets no end  (Here we go!)  One way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  You are the Way the Truth and the Life  We live by faith and not by sight for You  We"re living all for You  You are the Way the Truth and the Life  We live by faith and not by sight for You  We"re living all for You  One way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for  One Way  Jesus  You"re the only one that I could live for

Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent .

过去分词短语做状语,表被动含义。因为整句主语是the city,城市只能“被”看。整句:从山上看下来,这座城市美呆了!

Hillstone 山石网科 运营商行业金牌只有北京网信元公司一家吗?



  Hillstone山石网科是近几年来迅速崛起的安全厂商,以提供集成化的安全网关产品/解决方案而著称。计算机世界实验室两年内先后测试过该公司提供的3款产品,感觉功能方面在逐步完善,性能也屡创新高。最近G5150测试报告的发布引发了新一轮热议,我们索性有请山石网科副总裁莫宁及CTO刘向明献身说法,为读者朋友们揭开高性能的奥秘。      需求改变架构      韩勖:我注意到山石网科即将发布的SG-6000系列产品采用了新的多核Plus G2系统架构。从多核Plus到多核Plus G2,都有哪些改进呢?这些改进的意义何在?   莫宁:这个改进的过程其实是利用自主创新能力去满足市场需求的一个过程。第一代的多核Plus基于单个CPU共享内存的并行处理方式,做到比较高的性能。但客户的要求越来越高,有时候不是简单成倍的增长,甚至是几十倍的增长; 我们产品又发展很快,功能不断丰富,加入了IPS、上网行为管理等应用层安全特性。芯片厂商提供的产品并不能很好地适应这些变化,在这种情况下,我们不能依赖别人。多核Plus G2的重大改进就是多核多CPU的并行处理,摆脱芯片处理能力方面的限制,使向更高端延伸成为一种可能。   刘向明:比如我们去年发布的SA-5180,是SA系列中性能最高的产品,但还是有客户希望在打开AV、IPS的时候达到更高的性能。这种情况就不是依靠单一的芯片能解决的,多核Plus G2就是瓶颈被突破时一种非常自然的进化。   韩勖:那么在多核Plus G2的研发过程中遇到过什么难题?在分布式处理方面采用了什么样的解决方式?   莫宁:路由器的实现相对简单,它可以针对每个数据包去做处理,因为这里没有流的概念; 安全网关做的是应用层方面的业务,必须对每一个完整的流去做处理。所以,我们最大的难点在于任务调度的实现方式,要么把整个流在所有内核间做同步,然后每个包在不同的内核上进行处理,要么把流合理分配到某些内核上,减少同步工作的复杂度。这是最大的一个问题。我们的软件相对灵活,既可以做到任务的全并行处理,也可以使用几个内核去做性能开销比较大的工作,例如病毒过滤等等。   韩勖:所以才会有单独用于病毒过滤的业务处理模块了?但我看到SG-6000系列产品支持的扩展模块中,各种接口卡占了很大比例。这又是出于什么考虑?   莫宁:主要还是用户使用的灵活性。举个例子,万兆接口如果放在主板上,大部分用户应该都用不上,支持Bypass的接口也一样。但这样一来设备成本也会增加很多,产品就缺乏竞争力。我们是经过权衡才决定设备上固化多少个接口的,应该可以满足大部分用户的需求。个别用户需要更多的光/电/万兆或者带有Bypass特性的接口时,可以利用模块进行扩展。   刘向明:这次发布的扩展模块有业务加速、接口扩展和存储三大类,未来我们会根据用户需求推出有针对性的扩展模块。集中式处理的产品肯定要有各种扩展模块,把选择权留给用户。比如说有的用户比较关注病毒过滤或者行为审计,那只需将相应的模块插到SG-6000上就行了。   韩勖:刚刚测试过的G5150可以通过扩展模块增加最多32个千兆接口,我想请教一下,提供远超产品处理能力的接口数量用意何在?   莫宁:这样设计主要是为了满足用户需求。例如最近一个客户购买了几十台的G3150,每个地区中心都部署一台,每台配满4个8光口模块。分支机构的流量并不大,但距离相隔很远,需要直接通过光纤连到地区中心的G3150。在国内,这种部署方式还是比较普遍的,流量都是从各分支到总部然后再到互联网。如果通过交换机汇聚的话,它的安全不能得到保证,有可能因为某个节点出现问题影响到其他节点。      软件:高效+实用      韩勖:对于安全网关的功能模块来说,与各领域领导厂商进行合作是业内比较常见的做法,比如你们也在使用卡巴斯基的病毒特征库。那么在UTM Plus新增的功能里,自行研发占多大比例?   莫宁:像以前的病毒过滤引擎一样,IPS、上网行为管理、URL过滤功能的引擎也都是我们自己研发的。IPS和应用的特征库是我们自己在做维护更新; URL特征库采用合作的方式,目前有超过2000万条地址信息。   韩勖:测试中IPS的性能表现给我留下了深刻的印象,不知IPS的引擎采用了哪些技术实现?   刘向明:应用层业务实际上都有一套统一的处理机制,不是病毒过滤做一遍、IPS再做一遍,行为分析又做一遍,是不同的功能看不同的点,这是效率提升的根本原因。一开始要把包分析成会话,数据来了可能会有重复,这个关联所需要的时间比较长。流解析完之后,不同的功能模块开始并行处理。病毒过滤更多地对数据部分感兴趣,IPS更多地对协议部分感兴趣。实际上,大部分开销都消耗在组包、协议分析等步骤上,而不是特征比对部分。   莫宁:独立的功能模块有独立的部分。我们有一个好的处理方式,一个包进来,不同的信息可以反馈到不同的模块去,同时保证一边收包,一边发包。这也是综合性能可以做到很高的原因。   韩勖:现在,管理与审计的可视化是大家都看到的一个需求,但真正实现了的产品还不多。山石网科的可视化做到了什么程度?   刘向明:可视化的重要性不言而喻,传统的安全产品在这方面做得还很不够。安全产品的功能越来越多,但从管理员的角度看,反而越来越难知道到底是怎么一个状况、出现什么问题。实际上他更关心如何去管理网络,而不是攻击到底如何发起。现在可视化做的就是把各类信息关联起来的工作,管理员可以实时地看到什么角色有着什么样的行为。存储模块也可以把这些信息都保存下来,如果要审计几个月前某人干了什么事情,用软件把数据提取出来进行分析就行。这个软件是随上网行为管理模块一起交付给用户的。   韩勖:那么可视化实现过程中的难点主要有哪些呢?   刘向明:主要还是技术方面。首先实现可视化需要不小的系统开销,传统的硬件平台可能比较难满足。其次,越来越多的应用开始转向P2P模式,其中有些是加密的,数据的识别判断是一个难点。另外,有很多用户可能出差或者在家工作,能不能把行为准确定位到人,也是一个技术难点。其实就是对应用、角色和行为的判断识别,一定要准确。行为分析也很重要,例如某个账号很久没有使用,突然开始活动,是正常的状态还是被黑客所利用?这就涉及到对应用模型的分析,也是可视化需求的一部分。

mac chill(小辣椒)上色效果怎么样?值不值得买?

you are so chill to hang out with

你和我在一起真是冷啊词汇释义chill寒冷; 寒意; 凉意; 着凉; 受寒; 害怕的感觉; 使很冷; 使冰冷; 冷却; 冷藏; 使恐惧; 恐吓; 吓唬; 寒冷的; 冷飕飕的; 阴冷的hang out晾晒; 闲逛; 逗留with和…在一起; 和; 同; 跟; 有; 具有; 带有; 用; 使用; 以; 借

谁有BABY CHILLOUT 这首歌的MP3格式网址?


Chill the fuck out什么意思


[求解]iphone的chill out 成就怎么过?


Paul Brown的《Chill Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Chill Out歌手:Paul Brown专辑:Up FrontNelly - Chill (Feat. St. Lunatics)Yo, what you tell a muh"fucker with two black eyes?Nothin, you done already told his punk-ass twiceD, E, R, R, T, Y (we back, we back, we back)We all we got, yo, know I want y"all do?Aiyyo stand at attention, raise your right arm, saluteRoll the carpet out, watch all the Bloods "woot-woot"Watch the Crips loc" it up, we back, we got our focus upSt. Lunatics, nigga know that, know thatSupreme team, if we lose you open your mindsStart readin some things, we got it, holla at us, c"monEasy with that murder murder murder, kill killWe did that back when I was born, Bill BillBut I still do the knowledge, let me give you the mathI rock a 7-and-a-half for my 7-and-a-halfI be with Moses and Kane & Abel puttin in workI slap a nun, beat the reverend up, spit in his churchMy Derrty niggaz come through, we turn the heat up in JuneWe at the party mackin, even throw a bitch in the roomMénage-à-trois, Murph" is {?}, me and LawCause we the baddest muh"fuckers that you seen thus far, soNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)Look, learn, listen, check itAnd we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Start your cars up, trick your broads outPump your hard up, homie now put your guard upYou throw that one-two but, look how I jab youNo need you run in the derrty, homie I had toYou was doin a lot of talkin (yup) a lot of barkinBut your bite was nothin, guess you mighta been frontinYo ain"t no mic to it, City see right through itI was born to be the shit like I was Mike Hewitt{?}Don"t, test me though, homie I might do itCheck my track record, the feelin go right to itIt was easy for me, I was born to winYou was born to hate me, you should be born againYou with Mike and Kevin, we with Law and themYou cop American cars, we cop foreign "emTake a look at us derrty, we put the star in themNo slow stray bullets nigga, we Brett Favre"n themYou gots to chill, and let your conscience be freeLil" boy, obviously y"all ain"t fuckin with Ky"You see I stays real high, but I be"s low-keyI"m so allergic to the line e"rybody know meYou know what? (What?) Why shouldn"t y"all hate?Cause y"all so half decent, we Frosted Flakes greatAnd these ain"t came out yet, I know y"all so lateI smoke zips, you pop 8"s, damn what a wasteMy lady is so happy, yours masturbatesYou wash up in a sink, nigga I bathe in a lakeThe way y"all copy our style ASCAP should make y"all payBut they don"t, so I"ma smoke a joint and get to the pointThe muh"fuckin point is keep my name out your mouthUnless you sayin how we repped the Lou, since we came outWe"ve been winners since we came out, yo" mouth keep my name outYou don"t wanna see thirty cardinal birds with they thangs outNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Murphy Lee God-body (like) take shit from nobody (nope)Nelly bought it for me so that"s my Maserati (yup)Y"all know about me, I"m so far from sloppy (dirty)You not a female nigga, so how can you top me?My style can"t be copied people trust me (trust me)Even though you look like me, your flow musty (musty)That means you stinkin, what you think"s extinctBeen gone too long to even dig up the bonesI"m on my new-new, upgrade the kush from the doo-dooThat"s a big step, but that"s how niggaz from the Lou doLast rap was too cool, but this one is too damn hotYou wack rappers think you hot when you not (this is why I"m hot)All this I talk slick shit as if you really did shitThinkin you deserve my spot, well thurr it is thenGave niggaz time but now I"m back with a few of my friendsLunatics "bout to do this again, ohhNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)You should see their faces when I walk in the facilityMean mug, what"s the purpose of you ice-grillin me?You"re killin me but really B, you ain"t on my radarAlways used the right amount of strokes, that"s why I stayed parI ain"t no killer lil" silly nigga but they areYou got the same ride as me but that"s just my day carMy décor, might be Levi"s and a A-R15 G"s in my pocket just to play cardsSo meet me in the casino, way in the backMe and her fleein the scene, away in the "LlacShe say she feelin her bean, a green of a stackShe say she like it obscene, I"m way in the knack{?}In fact, you niggaz ain"t like me, you salty (nah)Me, I"m like pepper cause I spice shit upThe Flavor Flav of the game cause I hype shit upMight call my hundred watt niggaz in to light shit upYou better chillNigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)Nigga chill (chill) calm down (calm down)Watch your words (watch your words) don"t let your mouth get ahead of yaYou really talkin wreckless right now (right now)And we know you ain"t built for that (nope)http://music.baidu.com/song/8199253

David Lyndon Huff的《Chillout》 歌词

歌曲名:Chillout歌手:David Lyndon Huff专辑:Metro LoungeBlake Shelton - ChillBeen wound up tighter than a banjo stringPrice of gas groceries and all those thingsThey sound little till you add "em all upThen you really feel the crunch.Man, I"ve had enough.I need to chill, give it a restGet down to the lake with a full ice chestAnd chill, and let a cold coronaLift this world right off my shouldersLime in the water, steak on the grillI think it"s way past time for me to chillJust chill.This morning 65 was a parking lotBumper to bumper just start and stopSometimes I think we"re like a bunch of ratsGetting caught in our own trapsWell, I say to hell with that.I need to chill give it a restGet down to the lake with a full ice chestAnd chill, and let a cold coronaLift this world right off my shouldersLime in the water, steak on the grillI think it"s way past time for me to chillJust chill.Before we go to therapy and take another pillWe just need to chill, give it a restLay down in a hammock and take a deep breathAnd chill, it don"t cost a dimeTo reel in your troubles and just unwindCork in the water and time to killYou can"t tell me this ain"t a great way to chillJust chillMan, I need to chill.Just chill.http://music.baidu.com/song/2540226

歌词翻译 can we chill

歌词不太健康= =

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大约6100左右很高兴能回答您的提问,您不用添加任何财富,只要及时采纳就是对我们最好的回报。若提问人还有任何不懂的地方可随时追问,我会尽量解答,祝您学业进步,谢谢。☆⌒_⌒☆ 如果问题解决后,请点击下面的“选为满意答案”

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菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 是华裔美籍设计师林能平 (Phillip Lim) 于2005年创立的品牌,是众多新兴时尚品牌中的成功典范。林能平 (Phillip Lim) 是继周仰杰(Jimmy Choo) 、王薇薇(Vera Wang) 等之后又一位红遍欧美的华裔设计师。2005年秋天创立,经过短短几年时间的发展,如今的3.1 Phillip Lim已经在全美有250个销售点,遍布26个国家,深得卡梅隆·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz) 、妮可·里奇(Nicole Richie) 等明星的追捧【参考网址【http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=R5F4aVwLCQpxjG-nVH8NE5EzDm0X7D09I9yX9YjE3dE9Gw9GLl_UxdT6bXpBGi2faSoS5Js7DZmkDkFZlfFUdyzMbxdx9N8PhiGGxugXfPq】

phillip lim是什么牌子

菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 是华裔美籍设计师林能平 (Phillip Lim) 于2005年创立的品牌,是众多新兴时尚品牌中的成功典范。林能平 (Phillip Lim) 是继周仰杰(Jimmy Choo) 、王薇薇(Vera Wang) 等之后又一位红遍欧美的华裔设计师。2005年秋天创立,经过短短几年时间的发展,如今的3.1 Phillip Lim已经在全美有250个销售点,遍布26个国家,深得卡梅隆·迪亚兹(Cameron Diaz) 、妮可·里奇(Nicole Richie) 等明星的追捧

3.1 Phillip Lim的五周年庆

作为时装界最著名的华裔设计师之一,Phillip Lim10月16日在北京首次举办时装秀,以此庆祝品牌成立五周年,而Phillip Lim的首次中国之行成为媒体关注的焦点。这次庆典选在古色古香的北京东便门角楼举行,并展出3.1 Phillip Lim 2011春/夏季男女装系列以及五套灵感来自于传统旗袍的定制女装。 当晚,时尚名流齐聚北京东便门角楼,《VOGUE服饰与美容》总编张宇、《VOGUE TV》 主编黄薇、“东田造型”创始人李东田、体坛名将中田英寿、超模马艳丽、“灵歌”女歌手爱戴、果味VC乐队、好男儿刘心纷纷亮相 。

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他的读法:菲利 林

3.1 Phillip Lim的大作疯卖

纽约向来是华裔设计的福地,对于许多设计师和模特来说,能够进入临时搭建在布莱恩公园的“白帐篷”,有如演员走上好莱坞红地毯,再加上美国版《Vogue》的武则天Anna Wintour煽风点火,不红都难。Vera Wang、Anna Sui、DerekLam都是从这里起航的,而2008年的好运轮到了两位新晋华裔Phillip Lim和Alexander Wang头上。2007纽约春夏时装周的某天清晨,《Vogue》美国版主编Anna Wintour的助理把Phillip Lim叫醒,紧接着AnnaWintour接过话筒说:“Phillip不要担心,你会成功的,而且我们会有很好的报道。此外,以后要敲走秀名模,打给我,我会帮你搞定”。30出头的Phillip Lim估计还恍惚这是白日梦呢。回顾他的发家史,我们还发现,这小子居然是靠男装发家的:31岁时建立3.1PhillipLim系列,自己怎么穿,就让男同胞怎么穿,结果他自己那文绉绉的带点闲散贵族气质的纯天然服饰,居然折服了一众古板精英男。在香港的哈维、法国的老佛爷,Phillip Lim的大作都卖疯了。

3.1 Phillip Lim的国内市场

08年12月Phillip Lim的北京之行让他开始对亚洲文化有了一番新的理解与情感释放。他坦言,年轻时、在美国成长的自己和大多数ABC一样,都经历过身份认同的模糊时期,但如今他却对自己不会说中文感到遗憾。让人欣慰的是3.1 phillip lim在亚洲深受欢迎——他们在2007年四月于东京开设了一家旗舰店,2008年也正与中国内地、香港的合作伙伴商讨在当地设立独立店铺的可能性。Phillip Lim表示中国市场越来越开放,时尚人并不只青睐大品牌,也对独立设计师很支持。“我觉得中国女性拥有让人赞叹的能量,在我看来,她们以非常柔和的方式来主导这个地方,上演了— 出又一出精彩的戏码。”Phillip Lim在北京逗留数天后,说出他对中国女性的看法。当然这些坚强却又不失温柔、深具国际观的中国女性,恰恰是适合穿上Phillip Lim作品的女性——独立自主的她们喜欢经典、低调的服饰,拥有—点点疯狂的特质,懂得自嘲的美丽。除了在商业上得到成功,Phillip Lim也得到了业界的肯定——他在2007年获CFDA颁发的最佳新人女装设计师奖项。此外来向欧洲的时尚猎头公司也和他接触,要求他加入历史悠久的时尚品牌担任设计师,当然基于职业道德,他不能透露品牌的名称。说起这些工作机会,Phillip Lim诚挚地笑着说道:“我当时的感觉是‘哇",觉得很荣幸。但是我没有选择加入他们,因为目前的我希望书写自己的历史,而不是他人的历史。”

3.1 Phillip Lim的设计特点

也许是成长环境使然,也许是本身个性的关系,Phillip Lim对于时尚有着非常私密的触觉,他喜欢实际、带有现代感、不失女性化的服饰。这也足一说明为什么他设计的衣服并不试图通过大量羽毛的包裹把女性改造成另一种动物,或是利用布条的捆绑来限制她们的行动。Phillip Lim温和的服装不会让人感到害怕或充满威胁,那些通过腰间折裥营造出服饰层次感的印花连身裙反倒轻易吸引了女性的目光,最重要的是,不同的女性都有办法把3.1 phillip lim的时装穿出不同的效果来。

菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 2019早秋女装系列Lookbook:凸显层次,玩转叠搭!

菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 2019早秋女装系列Lookbook 图片延伸阅读:女装3.1 Phillip LimLookbook早秋系列 无论是纯色还是印花给人感觉都是低调而高级的,摇曳的拖地长裤搭配轻盈垂感十足的长裙,简单的叠搭让整体造型丰富起来。菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 设计师林能平很注重整体造型的层次感,喜欢玩叠搭,虽说会显得有些繁杂,但丝毫不会影响整体的美感。服饰的面料轻薄舒适,也完全不会显得臃肿。将女性的柔美和飒爽通过同一套搭配展现出来,代表了当代女性的独立与自信。 菲利林3.1 (3.1 Phillip Lim) 2019早秋女装系列Lookbook 图片延伸阅读:女装3.1 Phillip LimLookbook早秋系列

3.1 Phillip Lim 2020-21秋冬时尚秀

3.1 Phillip Lim 3.1 Phillip Lim于2005年在纽约时装周首次亮相,其创始人Phillip Lim和Wen Zhou的友谊源于他。设计师和企业家自创立之初31岁起,便是可进入豪华空间的开拓者,其目标是为现代全球公民带来“凉爽,轻松,别致”的衣橱。 此后,该品牌已扩展到包括女装,男装,配饰和鞋类,目前在全球拥有14家独立零售店,分别在美国,伦敦和整个亚洲设有分支机构。3.1 Phillip Lim对行业的贡献已获得全球认可,包括3个CFDA女装奖(2007),男装奖(2012)和配饰奖(2013)。 在其14年的 历史 中,该品牌一直在不断变化的 时尚 领域中不断发展其定位,以继续成为美国 时尚 的领导者。 Badgley Mischka2020年秋冬纽约时装周 Son Jung Wan 2020年秋冬纽约时装周 Self-Portrait 2020年秋冬季纽约时装周

3.1phillip lim的主要设计风格是什么?

包包经典不过黑色,安全不过黑色,就连一向都很素的 Tilda Lindstam 都选用了红色迷你款,一瞬间就把旁边的 LV 比下去了。

No doubt the end of hills是什么意思




In Heaven (Phillips Craig And Dean Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:In Heaven (Phillips Craig And Dean Album Version)歌手:Phillips& Craig And Dean专辑:Phillips, Craig & DeanWhen I think of all the momentsFull of love and tendernessShivers running down my spineFeeling your caressAnd I linger in the memoryOf a love that"s so divineYou"re everything that I desireI wanna spend my timeIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueFrom the very start and heart to heartA love I never knewIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueHow I wanna see us walking hand in handYou and me in heavenEvery hour every minuteI pretend that you are nearWith the love that you"re givenIt"s almost like you"re hereFrom a distance I can"t touch youDream the wonder that we shareI want you here to stay with meYes.I will be thereIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueFrom the very start and heart to heartA love I never knewIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueHow I wanna see us walking hand in hand(In heaven...)In heaven with youIn heaven so trueFrom the very start and heart to heartA love I never knewIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueHow I wanna see us walking hand in hand(In heaven...)In heaven with youIn heaven so trueFrom the very start and heart to heartA love I never knewIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueHow I wanna see us walking talking...(In heaven...)In heaven with youIn heaven so trueFrom the very start and heart to heartA love I never knewIn heaven with youIn heaven so trueHow I wanna see us walking hand in handYou and me in ...heavenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2790631

Craigie hill 钢琴谱

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cara dillon - craigie hill 这首歌的英文歌词和中文翻译

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing, Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray, The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay. She said, my dear don"t leave me all for another season, Though fortune does be pleasing I "ll go along with you, I "ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation, And to the bonny Bann banks forever I "ll bid adieu. He said, my dear don"t grieve or yet annoy my patience, You know I love you dearly the more I"m going away, I"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation, To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y. Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing, T"will cause them for smile at our late going away, We"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory, We"ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y. If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying, The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you"d give o"er, Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower, Pleasure would surround you, you"d think on death no more. Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I"ve roved, I never thought my childhood days I "d part you any more, Now we"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion, And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore. 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 不久以后当一切都已经平息 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 <br>快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行

一首好听的歌 Cara Dillon ---Craigie Hill 求歌词

Craigie hillIt being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing, Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray, The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay. She said, my dear don"t leave me all for another season, Though fortune does be pleasing I "ll go along with you, I "ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation, And to the bonny Bann banks forever I "ll bid adieu. He said, my dear don"t grieve or yet annoy my patience, You know I love you dearly the more I"m going away, I"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation, To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y. Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing, T"will cause them for smile at our late going away, We"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory, We"ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y. If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying, The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you"d give o"er, Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower, Pleasure would surround you, you"d think on death no more. Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I"ve roved, I never thought my childhood days I "d part you any more, Now we"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion, And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore.

Craigie Hill-Cara Dillon这首歌的汉语译词

Craigie HillIt being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去Though fortune does be pleasing I ′ll go along with you虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起I ′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见He said, my dear don′t grieve or yet annoy my patience他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing不久以后当一切都已经平息T′will cause them for smile at our late going away我们将像维多利亚女一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭Pleasure would surround you, you′d think on death no more快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方I never thought my childhood days I ′d part you any more我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开Now we′re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行


歌词:It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay She said, my dear don\"t leave me all for another season Though fortune does be pleasing I\"ll go along with you I\"ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish Nation And to the bonny Bann banks forever I\"ll bid adieu He said, my dear don\"t grieve or yet annoy my patience You know I love you dearly the more I\"m going away I\"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation To comfort us hereafter all in America Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing “Twill cause them for to smile at our late going away We\"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory We\"ll be drinking wine and porter, all in America If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying The sight of the lovely Bann banks your sorrow you\"d give o\"er Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower Pleasure would surround you, you\"d think on death no more Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I\"ve roved I never thought my childhood days I\"d part you any more Now we\"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore

求《Craigie Hill》的中英文歌词!

t being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing, Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray, The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming To view fond lovers" talking, a while I did delay. She said, my dear don"t leave me for all another season, Though fortune does be pleasing I "ll go along with you, I "ll forsake friends and relations and bid this holy nation, And to the bonny Bann banks forever I "ll bid adieu. He said, my dear don"t grieve or yet annoy my patience, You know I love you dearly the more I"m going away, I"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation, To comfort us hereafter all in America. Then after a short while if fortune does be pleasing, It"ll cause them all to smile at our late going away, We"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory, We"ll be drinking wine and porter all in America. If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying, The sight of the lovely Bann banks sure sorrow you"d give over, Or if you were down one hour, down in yon shady bower, Pleasure would surround you, you"d think on death no more. Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I"ve roved, I never thought my childhood days I "d part you any more, Now we"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion, And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore. 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 她说亲爱的不要离开我,这一去又是一个季节 尽管此处生活如意,但我还会随你而去 我将挥手告别朋友,家人和神圣的爱尔兰 还有美丽的巴恩河岸,我将永远道别 他说亲爱的不要悲伤,也不要令我心烦 你知道即使别离,我只会更强烈地爱你 我要去一个陌生的国度,买下一处农场 从此我们将幸福地生活,在亚美利加的土地上 如果不久后天遂人愿 那一定是因为我们这次的别离,以大家的微笑收场 在女王维多利亚的荣光里,我们会像她那样欢喜 我们将享用佳肴美酒,在亚美利加的土地上 如果你卧病在床,正思量着死亡 想到美丽的巴恩河岸,你的哀伤定会停止 抑或你的思想能神游一个钟头,降临在那个幽暗的凉亭 欢乐将会围绕着你,你不会再想到死亡 所以再见吧,亲爱的克雷吉山峦,我常常流连往返之地 从我小时,就未想过与你分离 现在我们扬帆于大海,为了荣誉,为了前程 美丽的船儿沿着多里安海岸,乘风破浪

谁能介绍一下Craigie Hill这首歌的背景?

Craigie Hill -- 来自爱儿兰的女歌手Cara Dillion的歌,Cara Dillon当下爱尔兰最具号召力的女歌手,声音如此清透美丽而极具风格,是个不寻常的天才。很纯净的歌声 听这样的歌很容易忘记自己的存在,心仿佛要飞起来一样。给人空谷幽灵的感觉..天籁之音.. 有人说Cara Dillon的音乐是超越流行的从这首便可窥见一斑..歌词太好了..说一个离别的故事..漂泊的爱尔兰..凄婉动人 她出生于1975年,来自一个爱尔兰传统音乐世家。她的声音如此清透美丽而极具风格,让观众们觉得相间恨晚。用这样一句话来形容Cara Dillon不足为过:Cara Dillon是个不寻常的天才! The Gem Of The Roe-Cara Dillon迪伦的歌真正属于透明的爱尔兰.在这么多歌手里我是最喜欢她的声音和歌曲14岁的时候,Cara Dillon就赢得了全爱尔兰传统歌唱比赛冠军。在开始她自己喜欢的事业之前,她和她的伙伴Sam Lakeman和一家唱片公司签约想做流行歌手,可之后他们发现自己并不喜欢做流行音乐。于是他们出了一张凄美的民歌专集Cara Dillon/Rough Trade Records,出乎意料地赢得了广泛好评。这股随之而来的Cara Dillon效应让她和她的伙伴完全转型。而之后她所获得的无数奖项更加肯定了他们的转型。 Craigie Hill.和Lark in the Clear Air同样是她的两首好歌.很多人都喜欢她的这两首,我还是比较喜欢The Gem Of The Roe.灵感来源于她的童年.她所生长的小城和那里妙曼的故事.http://club.music.yule.sohu.com/read_art_sub.new.php?b=westernmusic&a=159921&sr=12&allchildnum=558http://6niansun.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!1p6_g5DZ52Vl5uBSFekafUDA!462.entry

推荐几首Cara Dillon的经典的歌 除了Craigie Hill之外的 一定要精哦

我最喜欢的是Lark in the clear air和blue mountain river 清澈透明的声音~~

Craigie Hill歌词的翻译

那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 不久以后当一切都已经平息 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行

Craigie Hill的中文歌词

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去 Though fortune does be pleasing I ′ll go along with you 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起 I ′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见 He said, my dear don′t grieve or yet annoy my patience 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你 I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地 To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 不久以后当一切都已经平息 T′will cause them for smile at our late going away 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 We′ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀 We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁 Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 Pleasure would surround you, you′d think on death no more 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡 Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方 I never thought my childhood days I ′d part you any more 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 Now we′re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里 And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行


It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing 那是在春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱 Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray 沿着远处婆娑的海港,我不经意间竟迷失了方向 The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放 To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步 She said, my dear don′t leave me all for another season 她说,亲爱的请不要在任何季节离我而去 Though fortune does be pleasing I ′ll go along with you 虽然命运将我们捉弄,我还要与你在一起 I′ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿 And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ′ll bid adieu 我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见 He said, my dear don′t grieve or yet annoy my patience 他说,亲爱的请不要悲伤,否则会困扰我的耐心 You know I love you dearly the more I′m going away 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你 I′m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation 我要去一个遥远的国度,去寻觅一片土地 To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y 来抚平灾难给我们带来的所有创伤 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 不久以后当一切都已经平息 T′will cause them for smile at our late going away 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 We′ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory 我们将像维多利亚女皇一样快乐,有着她最伟大的荣耀 We′ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y 我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡 The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you′d give o′er 爱之神的目光,将你的忧伤带到我身旁 Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower 或许瞬间就会降临,降临在那幽暗的凉亭 Pleasure would surround you, you′d think on death no more 快乐将围绕着你,你将不会再想到死亡 Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I′ve roved 所以永别了吧,我可爱的克雷吉山峦,我曾漫游数次的地方 I never thought my childhood days I ′d part you any more 我以为从我孩童时期起就不会再和你分开 Now we′re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion 而如今我们却航行在荣誉和重生的海洋里 And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 沿着多里安海岸,美丽的船儿在航行满意请采纳

求Craigie Hill的歌词

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing,Down by yon shady harbour I carelessly did stray,The the thrushes they were warbling,The violets they were charmingTo view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay.She said, my dear don"t leave me all for another season,Though fortune does be pleasing I "ll go along with you,I "ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation,And to the bonny Bann banks forever I "ll bid adieu.He said, my dear don"t grieve or yet annoy my patience,You know I love you dearly the more I"m going away,I"m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation,To comfort us hereafter all in Amerika y.Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing,T"will cause them for smile at our late going away,We"ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory,We"ll be drinking wine and porter all in Amerika y.If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying,The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you"d give o"er,Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower,Pleasure would surround you, you"d think on death no more.Then fare you well, sweet Cragie Hills, where often times I"ve roved,I never thought my childhood days I "d part you any more,Now we"re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion,And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore.

一首英文歌的名字,什么 hill 的, 一座山的名字 ,女生演唱的很轻柔,声音很甜美

<Craigie Hill>by Cara Dillon

craigie hill什么意思

有两个答案:一是以某人命名的小山。 Craigil Hill 克雷吉山二是一个人的名字。 Craigil Hill 克雷吉.希尔

Penang Hill怎么读


penang hill怎么读

英文原文:penang hill英式音标:penang [hu026al] 美式音标:penang [hu026al]

the train is going down thehill英语是什么意思


Lay Back & Chill 歌词

歌曲名:Lay Back & Chill歌手:Tiffany Evans专辑:Tiffany EvansTiffany Evans - Lay Back & ChillBreezy I can"t pick Tony"s trust no more (no more)That"s when he lost was messin up my flow (my flow)Steady hand cuffin, frontin and stuntinWas talkin love but he wasn"t sayin nun-inCause we together (yes), homie whateva (yah)Too young to be locked down nowTaka loss cut"um off when I found that outI couldn"t have that, (oh no wasn"t for me)Just wanna lay baaacck (so I can shook it you see)Um lookin for someone who don"t bring no strees to meI"d love to have some fun that is all that I needClick, click, click, click, if you really wanna turn me onClick, click, click, click lay back chill and be free...Okay if you really wanna get with meBaby this is how we gotta be(lay back lay back chill and be free)If you really wanna get with meOne day I caught the feva (uh huh)no drama yah me neitha (uh huh)And when we touch felt a crush let"s me know I needjaI"ve got somebody think the way I does (I does)Yah the reasons I got so caught uh oh up (oh oh ow)That"s even betta (Oh) so glad I meetcha (Oh)So much in common prefect timin and now he"s (Ow, ow ow)all mine an.Ain"t nuthin serious see we just kick it both of usHave fun and we just live it up until we get enough and then we lay-backBaby I"ll be your babywe"ll have some fun conversationAll day love occupationwe"ll be last boy tried to get with meKept actin all crazy wasn"t what I needhe called me asked where I"m atI said no ain"t havin that so I dumped him no hesitationThat"s when I met you,you keep me safe bayI can see us together ya eva like with youand me but for right now keep it layed back and chill yahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2219903

Anchor – Mindy Gledhill 歌词的中文什么意思

When all the world is spinning round 当整个世界都在旋转Like a red balloon way up in the clouds 像一只红色气球,漂浮在云端And my feet will not stay on the ground我的双脚离开地面 You anchor me back down 是你把我牢牢拴在这里I am nearly world renowned 我将要享誉世界 As a restless soul who always skips town 灵魂却焦躁不安 But I look for you to come around但我寻找你来到我身边 And anchor me back down 当我迷失方向,是你让我找回了自己There are those who think that I"m strange有人认为我很怪异 They would box me up and tell me to change他们锁住我并告诉我去改变自己But you hold me close and softly say但你抱紧我温柔地说 That you wouldn"t have me any other way 你爱本色的我

歌曲《Anchor 》– Mindy Gledhill 的歌词翻译

<锚> 当整个世界都在纺轮 像一个红色的气球在云里 我的脚就不会停留在地面上 你锚定我退缩 我已濒于闻名于世 为焦躁不安的家伙总是对城镇 但我找你来到我的身边 我回并锚定下来 有些人认为,我奇怪 他们会把我装在棺材里,告诉我改变 但你抱紧我,温柔地说 你不让我任何另外的方法 当人们销你作为一个小丑 你表现得好像我戴着王冠上 当我失去我觉得非常的发现 当你锚定我退缩 有些人认为我奇怪 他们会把我装在棺材里,告诉我改变 但你抱紧我,温柔地说 你不让我任何另外的方法 当整个世界都在纺轮 像一个红色的气球在云里 我的脚就不会停留在地面上 你锚定我退缩

kochia hill是哪里

日本常陆那珂市 Hitachinaka City



aftificial hills什么意思


Sen. Hillary Clinton 是谁?

Sen. Hillary Clinton 美国民主党候选人 Sen. Barack先后毕业于哥伦比亚大学和哈佛大学,于1996年首次当选为伊利诺伊州参议员,2004年在伊利诺伊州首次当选为国会参议员,成为美国国会历史上的第5位、本届国会中唯一一位黑人参议员。 有仇? 不会呀不过是政敌----Sen. Barack是首位在初选前民调获得全国性支持的明日之星,成为2008年民主党总统候选人的热门人选之一的Sen. Hillary Clinton(希拉里)的劲敌。

From the Inside out(谁能帮我翻译下这首歌啊、Hillsong United的、很急、很急、帮帮忙哎、、要翻译好点

Hillsong United - From The Inside Out爱由心生翻译: 济妮杨(Ginny Yang)A thousand times I"ve failed我失败了千万次Still Your mercy remains祢的恩典却一直都在And should I stumble again即使我再次跌倒I"m caught in Your grace祢的恩典依然眷顾我Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame祢的荣耀超越万物Your will above all else祢的旨意在万有之上My purpose remains我的心坚定不移The art of losing myself我愿降卑自己In bringing You praise来赞美祢Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame In my heart and my soul在我的心里,祢的荣耀超越一切Lord I give You contro主,我全部交托给祢Consume me from the inside out把我的全部奉献给祢Lord let justice and praise Become my embrace主,愿公义和赞美围绕着我To love you from the inside out让我全心全意来爱祢Everlasting直到永远Your light will shine when all else fades当万物暗淡唯有祢的真光闪耀Never ending永不止息Your glory goes beyond all fame祢的荣耀超越万有And the cry of my heart Is to bring You praise我的心声就是对祢的赞美From the inside out爱由心生Lord my soul cries out主,我的灵魂渴慕你

Capital Hill,the Cabinet, White House代表不同立场吗?


lead on中文歌词phillips


哪位大神有美丽中国2008年上映的由Bernard Hill主演的百度云资源

《美丽中国》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MjFDcrzgM9irJ9uae5w8vw 提取码:vff5从灯火通明的大都市,到人烟稀少的深山老林;从广阔无垠的大草原,到人迹罕至的沙漠戈壁;从长年积雪的高海拨山区到一望无际的平原;从浩瀚大地到碧海蓝天……中国,这片古老而又神奇的土地,囊括了多种特质的地貌,哺育着各族儿女,也孕育着各类珍奇野兽,奇花异草。这次,通过镜头,我们去探访散落在这片土地上的美丽奇景。沿着长江流域,去看喀斯特地貌造就的奇石怪林;去云南的热带雨林,寻找亚洲野象、滇金丝猴;来到青藏高原,奔赴内蒙草地,攀爬山脉,眺望西部边陲。这里,是你我熟悉又陌生的美丽中国。本片是CCTV和BBC第一次联合摄制的作品,历时4年拍摄,使用了航拍、红外、高速、延时和水下等先进摄影技术。一共六集,分别为《富饶华南》、《彩云之南》、《青藏高原》、《长城以外》、《龙之疆域》和《喧闹海岸》。

Philly Joe Jones的《Gone》 歌词

歌曲名:Gone歌手:Philly Joe Jones专辑:Showcaseto XiaoJuanThere"s a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come home (yeah)Seems so long ago you walked awayAnd left me aloneAnd I remember what you said to meYou were acting so strangeAnd maybe I was too blind to seeThat you needed a changeWas it something I said, to make you turn awayTo make you walk out and leave me cold(Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh)If I could just find a wayTo make it so that you were right hereright nowChorus:I"ve been sittin hereCan"t get you off mindI try my best to be a man and be strongI drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face (touch your face)But the truth remains you"re gone(you"re) Gone(baby you"re) Gone(girl you"re gone. Baby girl you"re)Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re)Now I don"t wanna make excuses babyWon"t change the fact that your gone (no, no)But if there"s something that I could doWon"t you please let me knowThe time is passing so slowly nowGuess, that"s my life without you(Guess, that"s my life without you)And maybe I could change my every dayBut baby I don"t want toI"ll just hang around and find some things to doTo take my mind off missing you (take my mind off missing you)And I know in my heart you can"t say that you don"t love me tooPlease say you doYeah...Chorus:I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (get you off my mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man and be strong)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Wishing I could touch your face)But the truth remains(truth remains you"re)gone(you re) Gone(you re) Gone(you re gone)(you re) Gone(you re) GoneWhat will I doIf I can"t be with youTell me where will I turn toBaby, who will I beNow that we are apartAm I still in your heartBaby why don"t you seeThat I need you here with meOhh...I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insaneWishing I could touch your face(Oh could you baby)But the truth remains(the truth remains you"re gone)I"ve been sittin here (sitin" here)Can"t get you off mind (Can"t get you off mind)I try my best to be a man and be strong(my best to be a man)I drove myself insane (ohh)Wishing I could touch your face (ohh)But the truth remains(Ohh ohh baby the truth is you"re)gone(you"re) Gone(you"re) Gone(you"re gone)(baby girl you"re) Gone(you"re) GoneBut the truth remains you"reGonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8058531

Wilson Phillips的《Give It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Give It Up歌手:Wilson Phillips专辑:Shadows And LightGive it up Give it up每一天我们用谎言编织期待Give it up Give it up你们用期待破坏我的未来曲目:Give it up....(再见 勇敢)演唱:八三夭每一天 我们从绝望里找寻期盼每一夜 流着眼泪从睡梦中醒来我不明白 这一切让我想离开不顾一切的答案是否只是一场空白Give it up Give it up每一天我们用谎言编织期待Give it up Give it up你们用期待破坏我的未来每一天 我们从绝望里找寻期盼每一夜 流着眼泪从睡梦中醒来我不明白 这一切充满着无奈不顾一切的答案我们都辜负谁的等待Give it up Give it up每一天我们用谎言编织期待Give it up Give it up你们用期待破坏我的未来I"ll say goodbye 我会勇敢我知道Nothing"s gonna be alright我燃烧这座城市点亮你的期待曾经高举的双手不会只是一场空白我燃烧这座城市点亮你的期待用力大声的嘶吼 我会勇敢Give it up Give it up......Give it up Give it up每一天我们用谎言编织期待Give it up Give it up你们用期待破坏我的未来I"ll say goodbye 我会勇敢我知道Nothing"s gonna be alrightIt"s gonna be alright~~End~~http://music.baidu.com/song/2549905

急求Chillin In The Summertime歌词

Jonas Brothers - Chillin" in the Summertime Verse 1oh-ohIt was a beautiful dayI threw my worries awayI never knew it was the same old sameSo imma start a new phaseI turned the radio onand its my favorite songits so good to sing alongand feel so alone cuz u cant be homeI just want a good time Oh-wowI dont wanna fuss and fight nowLifes to short to waste time oh-noEvery little things gonna be alrightChorusCuz we journey in the summer time, not a cloud in the skyEverybodies feelin fine and Everything will be alrightcuz the sun never sleeps and shine not a worry on my mindEverybodies feelin fine and Everything will be alrightTheres a party tonightwhere the moon shines brightwe are friends and ill be mineit feels so good to be alrightand when the night is throughBaby girl its just me and youtheres only one thing left to do and thats to play this song for you CuzI just wanta have a good time Oh-wowI dont wanna fuss and fight nowLifes to short to waste time oh-noEvery little things gonna be alrightRepeat Chorusand in the morning we gonna risetrials and tribulations pass us bypass us byso dont u worry love is waitin on the other sideevery little things gonna be alrightRepeat Chorus

求beatles唱的the fool on the hill歌词解析

The Beatles,本世纪最知名的英国流行乐队,1956年成立於利物浦,成员包括John Lennon (1940-1980),节奏吉他、键盘乐及主唱;Paul McCartney (1942- ),低音吉他、键盘乐及主唱;以及George Harrison (1943-2001),主吉他、西达琴、钢琴及和音。1962年,Ringo Starr〔原名 Richard Starkey,1940~ )加入,负责鼓及和音。1970年,乐队解散,四人分道扬镳。   在1956到1962间,他们吸收美国流行音乐的要素(譬如蓝调,节奏蓝调,摇滚,以及恰克贝瑞 Chuck Berry,猫王 Elvis Presley 及比尔哈利 Bill Haley 等人的音乐),发展成一种跳舞音乐型态的风格。他们早期的作品往往是John Lennon写词,Paul McCartney谱曲,辅以George Harrison创新的主吉他配乐。1962年首先灌制了 Love Me Do 及 P.S I Love You;从第二张唱片 Please Please Me (1963)起,开始了他们一系列迭获赞美、热爱的唱片录制,一直到1970,可称是同时代最受欢迎的乐队。   1963年初英国本土的旅行演唱使The Beatles乐队陡然窜红,该年十月,他们的声誉到达空前的高度,世界各地激起了Beatlemania的现象,青少年一见到他们便尖叫、哭泣,而且变得歇斯底里。在纽约的一场演出,听众有五万五千人;在澳洲,有三十万以上的人群集欧洲南部的阿得雷城,只为一睹他们到达的风采。在表演事业的前半阶段,The Bealtles主要仍是一支巡回演唱的乐队。1966年8月,他们在旧金山做了他们最后一场舞台演出,此后即退居录音室。  The Beatles乐队的快速走红以及他们对国际流行音乐的影响是史无前例的。即使在他们解散之后,他们的唱片仍不断再发行,他们的歌曲和风格仍盛行不衰。(P.S. 1965年,他们获颁“大英帝国勋章”)。第一时期  The Beatles的早期风格可以 She Loves You (1963)一曲为代表;双拍子,几乎催眠的节拍,五声音阶的旋律,32小节的歌曲形式,主音-中音(第三度音)的音关系;歌词则率皆与青春期的恋爱有关,带着仪典般“Yeah、Yeah、Yeah”的反覆叫喊。Can"t Buy Me Love (1963)融合了12小节蓝调曲式和动感十足的摇滚节奏;Do You Want To Know A Secret (1963)一曲则驱使了衍自蓝调的半音过渡和声及技巧。  在他们的影片A Hard Day"s Night (1964)及Help! (1965)中,The Beatles自由地跳脱舞曲乐队的曲目,创作出像 Yesterday 这类精致、抒情的民歌。这首歌或许是六十年代最受欢迎的歌曲,一如The Beatles先前的作品,具有蓝调所特有的精妙,其中一段仍采五声音阶,但节拍已不像以前那麽样强烈,典型的摇滚乐合奏也被弦乐四重奏所取代。 第二时期  从1965年灌制的专辑 Rubber Soul 里,可看出乐团成员歧异日大的创作路线。John Lennon 的歌词包含更多强力的意象(例如 Run For Your Life),充满文字游戏,反语,嘲讽,悲观色彩,甚至怪诞的风格,配上浓烈、强敲重击的音乐。相对地,Paul McCartney乐观的抒情风格产生了更清澄、流畅而宽阔的歌曲,和声、音色、节奏巧妙地融合一体(例如 I"m Looking Through You)。George Harrison在 Thank For Yourself 及 If I Needed SomeOne 中,使用了催眠般重复再现的主题。   1966年的专辑 Revolver 从许多角度来看都可称得上是 The Beatles 风格的分水岭,青春浪漫的情歌减少,而普遍性的主题增加:童歌,政治嘲讽,显明的乐观主义及残酷的悲观主义。Paul McCartney 那首美得令人忘怀的 Eleanor Rigby 涉及悲悯与孤寂(这两个主题在The Beatles晚期作品中一再出现);此首歌以简朴的民谣风写成,有着多里安调式及弦乐四重奏的伴奏。  摇滚乐后来的许

Making Mountains Out of Molehills圣经上的话,什么意思?


not amount to a hill of beans是什么意思

not amount to a hill of beans不到山上的豆子双语例句not amount to a hill of beans<美俚>无足轻重

如何区分chill out和new age的音乐

作者:麦彤彤链接:http://www.zhihu.com/question/22195903/answer/23479097来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。New Age:百度百科:他们把这种非流行、非古典、具有实验性质的乐风取名为New Age,它指的是一种“划时代、新世纪的音乐”。NewAge不只是一个单纯界定乐风区别的名词,而是象征着时代的演变、精神内涵改良的世纪新风貌。特点* 大多很少具有强烈的节奏  * 相对流行音乐而言旋律感低,并充满重复的节奏  * 少有刺激和短促的声音,接近轻音乐  * 经常在音乐里利用人声合音与谐音以下音乐人:1. Yanni 被认为是新世纪音乐奠基人(以及Enya)2. 林海 国内新世纪音乐人,风格偏向new age、现代、爵士等3. 神思者 日本新世纪音乐三大巨头之一(以及喜多郎和姫神)4. Enigma乐队(德)始祖级人物,格力高丽圣歌和现代乐器结合,有浓厚的宗教和哲学意味(Deep Forest, Gregorian, Era与之类似)5.capozio 即capo productions(在虾米搜capo productions会得到更多,专辑serenity很棒)偏向house 、hip hop、classical6.Edlis(俄) new age 、ambient为主7.Hans Zimmer 配乐大师8.Vangelis 配乐大师,融合电子、古典、流行等元素Chill-out:百度百科:“Chill Out”泛指一种富于悠闲意象的电子音乐,常蕴涵强烈的ambient音乐元素,予以深沉的空间聆听感,其本意为放松、休闲。这种类型音乐与其它跳舞功能性较强的电子舞曲相比,更注重旋律性而不是强力的节奏,更多是结合不同电子音乐元素,并可融合民族音乐、古典、爵士等曲风各异的音乐类型,其范围可能涵盖Trip hop、Drum & Bass、Hip hop等具有懒洋洋、慢节奏特点的音乐类型。 特点*节奏舒缓 *优美女声的运用 *除了冷静、放松、平实的特点之外,也往往带有迷幻色彩。 *与其它跳舞功能性较强的电子舞曲相比, Chill Out更注重旋律性而不是强力的节奏。专门出品Chill-out音乐的公司,最有名的就是西班牙音乐厂牌Cafe Del Mar,而另一个则是英国唱片厂牌Ibizarre。


1. Dunhill Aperitif 成份:Orient, Latakia, Virginia, Black Cavendish 剪切: 1,5 mm 2. Dunhill Aromatic成份:Virginia, Black Cavendish剪切:短而细3. Dunhill Chocolate成份:Virginia, Burley剪切:1,5 mm4. Dunhill Dunbar / Durbar 成份:Orient, Virginia, Latakia剪切:2 mm ,中长5. Dunhill Early Morning Pipe 成份:Orientals, Virginia, Latakia6. Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture 成份:Virginia, Perique7. Dunhill Light Flake成份:Virginias剪切:flake8. Dunhill London Mixture成份:Virginia, Orientals9. Dunhill Mild Blend成份:VA, red Cavendish10. Dunhill My Mixture 965成份:Latakia, Oriental, Cavendish 11. Dunhill My Mixture #10成份:Virginia, Black Cavendish, Latakia, Orient备注:只有 Dunhill London Store 有售12. Dunhill De Luxe Navy Rolls成份:Virginia, Perique剪切:Curleys13. Dunhill Nightcap成份:Latakia, Virginia from Amerika,土耳其烟草, Perique14. Dunhill The Royal Yacht Mixture成份:Virginias (matured) 15. Dunhill Mix "Shell"成份:Brazilian and Milawi tobacco"s and orange and mahagony Virginia"s blended with a matured mild brown ready rubbed blend.16. Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium成份:Virginia und Orient with 20% Latakia17. Dunhill Standard Mixture Mild成份:Virginia"s from East Carolina and Georgia Latakia, Orient 自己对照一下吧 20左右吧

between two hills

is 因为介词短语between...是不可以做主语的,那个后面就不可以有谓语动词havehas了,其实只一句是倒装句,a deep river 是主语,is 是谓语动词,介词短语是做表语.整个句子正常顺序就是:A deep river is between the two hills.

between the two hills is a deep river

Between the two hills【is】 a deep river. 表位置关系的介词短语置于句首时,用倒装语序,主语是a deep river,单数,所以谓语是is 正常语序是: A deep river 【is】between the two hills.
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