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与hero 发音差不多的英文名字





Hayden Panettiere英文名:Hayden Leslie Panettiere 中文名:海顿·潘提尔 出生日期:1989年 8月 21日 出生地点:美国纽约新泽西 昵称:Mushroom(小蘑菇) 身高:5英尺1英寸 1.55米 名言:When the camera comes on, I am not Hayden any more, I am Lizzie!I hate how people say I"m growing up fast. 当镜头对着我,我就不再是Hayden,而是Lizzie!(1952年就开播的超长寿剧The Guiding Light的一个角色) 我讨厌人们说我如何成熟。 经历: Hayden直到现在依然和她的父母还有弟弟Jansen住在纽约,她出生的地方。 当她的妈妈第一次带她参加商业广告的拍摄时,她只有11月大。 然后,在她4岁半的时候,她就被选上参演肥皂剧“our life to live”(1968),直到1997年。 从那时起,她就已经出现在许多影片和电视专题片中。 不过她为全美国人熟悉,还是因为饰演了著名电视剧“The guiding light”系列中的Lizzie。 至于电影,她自从和丹泽尔*华盛顿一起出演Remember the Titans (2000) 以及和蒂姆*艾伦一起出演Joe Somebody (2001) 之后,就开始出名了。 在不拍片的时候,Hayden喜爱唱歌,跳舞,骑马和体操,以及参加钢琴课和游泳。 她的演艺生涯开始于11个月大的时候拍摄的Playskool商业广告。 她已经在至少50个以上的广告中出现 获得2000年度的Childstarlets.com青少年心目中最佳女艺人 父母名字是 Lesley Panettiere和Skip Panettiere 《肥皂剧杂志》一周票选明星第一,98年7月21日发行 1998年12月30日出现在Jay Leno电视秀 在"The Guiding Light" (1952)剧中,Hayden的角色Lizzie由于登革热而患上白血病,因此剧组收到了来自白血病和淋巴瘤协会的特别嘉奖,因为该剧使人们意识到登革热的危险。 2000年度获提名格莱美最佳儿童专辑配音大奖(《虫虫危机》里的Dot) 在"Discovery Girls"杂志上,她的姓氏被印错了。 她的母亲曾经是一位演员。 本来应在Panic Room (2002)中饰演Sarah Altman,但是后来被Kristen Stewart抢去了角色。 有一个弟弟叫Jansen Panettiere.这孩子也刚拍完电影,是个童星too。 她的姓氏发音类似于"Pan-Uh-Tee-Air"意大利语,类似于美语姓氏中的“贝克”(Baker)。 和美国邮政服务和“检查全国失踪和被剥削儿童中心”长期网络联系,致力于在线追踪罪犯,网名为2 SMRT 4U。主要作品:《美少女啦啦队3》尘土工厂虫虫特攻队 冰雪公主英雄上海之吻 Heroes 英雄





heightened heroism是什么意思

heightened heroism高度的英雄主义

gym class heros乐队简介

  一张绝对欢乐满分的专辑,一组很难让你介定乐种区块的乐团,他们的青春活力感染每位聆听者的心,他们很嘻哈/饶舌,却没有黑帮硬派声韵,以摇滚编制加入大量真实乐器配衬;他们很摇滚,却不如Nu-Metal般狂哮撞击,以轻松自在的放克或庞克律动取代,有趣的团名,好听的曲调,Gym Class Heroes企图吸引广泛音乐各界的朋友注意力。编辑本段乐队成员  中文名: 体操课英雄   英文名: Gym Class Heroes   来自纽约的Gym Class Heroes,起源于1997年负责说及唱的Travis “Schleprok” McCoy与鼓手Matt McGinley在高中一同上体育课而结识为好友,两位以嘻哈曲式跟几位乐手开始合作,直到2001年遇上吉他手Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo和贝斯手Eric Roberts后,Gym Class Heroes四人团体便告成型。1999-2001年间独立发行三张专辑,吸引踢爆时下做作男孩偶像团体假面具,给你最热血新世代之音的芝加哥庞克团Fall Out Boys贝斯手Pete Wentz的目光,穿针引线进入庞克大团Less Than Jake灵魂支柱Vinnie Fiorello所设立之音乐厂牌Fueled By Ramen旗下,后来Pete也组织品牌Decaydance,顺势拥有FBR发行权,进入华纳音乐集团怀抱,准备站上国际舞台一展身手。  请来S*A*M(Method Man、Baha Man、Earth、Wind & Fire)以及Sluggo共通监制的『As Cruel As School Children』,将调和变化多端的音乐元素,为GCH增添趣味的听觉引诱,越卖越旺地挺入全美Top49。开场首波攻势的「The Queen And I」,吉他快意拨弦不断来回穿绕整曲,时而饶舌时而演唱的效果,都恰如其分掌控声音表情在曲子各桥段中;加入更为顺畅动听声线的「Shoot Down The Stars」,放克嘻哈跳跃式节拍仍不时渗进刮盘声效,摇滚/嘻哈各半的分配,相信均能引起拥护这两派乐种之粉丝;已经攻入全美流行榜Top5、下载榜亚军的「Cupid"s Chokehold」以及激起舞动情绪的「Clothes Off」,皆请来Fall Out Boys主唱Patrick Stump欢乐助唱;新生代Emo-Punk团The Academy Is…主唱William Beckett,在排行实力作「7 Weeks」中亦献出平实动人嗓音;曾获葛莱美青睐的饶舌团体Arrested Development之创作首脑Speech,在「Biters Block」里头再展饶舌长才;复古柔软的中版抒情小品「On My Own Time」,是专辑中极为出色的推荐佳作。GCH的纯真可爱以及天马行空的音乐想像,架构出轻松无压的音符配置,会让你上瘾般想一听再听。  发现Gym Class Heroes是在他们单曲Cupid"s Chokehold上榜之后,而这首歌曲还是团体在2005年发行的专辑The Papercut Chronicles之中的一首歌曲,四人团体Gym Class Heroes是来自美国纽约州的Geneva,我还是没有搞清楚为什么这首两年前乐队的知名作品才在今天开始悄然走红,反而去年发行的专辑As Cruel as School Children没有什么激起大的反应,如果把Gym Class Heroes说成是一支金说团体,那有有些偏差,他们实际上是用现场乐器来代替说唱中经常使用的合成器,这一点和Linkin Park比较重的摇滚歌曲还是有些不同的,他们的旋律在没有强烈电子的伴奏下显得acoustic一点,吉他在乐队中就充当一个合成器,如果需要loop,吉他就会弹出那一段不变,却是歌曲灵魂的riff,而他们的音乐和power pop也差不了多远,也许不是全黑阵容会让人觉得他们的说唱有些虚伪,这样别样的说唱其实也是乐队所希望的,Cupid"s Chokehold之所以成功的一大原因也许是歌曲的chorus部分是由在两年前还不够走红的Fall Out Boy的主唱Patrick Stump来演唱的,自然他catchy的chorus和轻松的节奏也是歌曲成功的前提。  Cupid"s Chokehold 是该乐队的成名作之一,可以说喜欢上该乐队的同志都是被这首歌打动的。该单曲在2007年曾连续两周停留在billboard前10,最高位次为第3.在大牌如云的07billboard榜上可以算得上是惊人的成绩。该单曲有两种版本的MV,一种有女声vocal,另一版本则没有。   这首单曲的旋律和副歌是出之Supertramp 的大热单曲 Breakfast in America   另外Gym class heroes也有为空中蛇灾 新忍者神龟 篮球兄弟等配乐


SO dark the room was that we felt afraid






There"s a hero有一位英雄If you look inside your heart如果你往你的内心深处寻觅You don"t have to be afraid你无需恐惧Of what you are自己是什么There"s an answer会有一个答案If you reach into your soul如果你往你的灵魂深处探索And the sorrow that you know你所了解的悲伤Will melt away将会消散And then a hero comes along然后一位英雄走来With the strength to carry on充满了力量继续着And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时Look inside you and be strong正视自己并且要坚强And you"ll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实That a hero lies in you你就是英雄It"s a long road这是一条漫长的路When you face the world alone当你独自面对这个世界的时候No one reaches out a hand For you to hold没人向你伸出援助之手You can find love你能够发现爱If you search within yourself如果你往自身寻找And the emptiness you felt你感觉到的空虚Will disappear将会消散And then a hero comes along然后英雄来了With the strength to carry on充满力量的进行着一切And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时Look inside you and be strong正视自己要坚强And you"ll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实That a hero lies in you你就是英雄Lord knows上帝知道Dreams are hard to follow梦想总是很难实现But don"t let anyone但是不要让任何人Tear them away, hey yeah将梦想打碎Hold on再坚持一下There will be tomorrow还有希望In time You"ll find the way你终将找到路And then a hero comes along然后有一位英雄走来With the strength to carry on充满力量的进行着And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时Look inside you and be strong正视自己要坚强And you"ll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实That a hero lies in you你就是一位英雄


hero 英雄 hero"s是所有格形式heroical 英雄的 (形容词形式)




hero 基本解释:作名词时意思是“英雄;男主角,男主人公”。短语搭配:Hero Fighter英雄大作战 ; 英雄大作战X ; 豪杰大作战 ; 英雄大作战小游戏culture hero文化英雄Subway Hero地铁英雄hero 用法和例句:The story is concerned with a national hero .这个故事牵涉到一个民族英雄。We meet the hero , who has a problem .我们认识了一位遇到困难的男主人公。The young russian hero travelled to america to settle a few scores .电影讲述年轻的俄罗斯男主角飞往美国处理几笔旧账。To supporters , though , mr trichet is the hero of the hour for resorting to unorthodox policies even as others dither .而支持者说,特里谢先生是及时采取非常规策略的英雄人物,而其他人甚至还正在发抖。This is what a hero looks like .这就是一位英雄的本色。


hero是可数名词,词义为英雄,复数为heroes。 hero也可指某人心目中的“偶像”,还可指小说、诗歌、戏剧等中的“男主角”。有时还可指某一事件、行动、时期或领域的“中心人物”。 扩展资料   The hero dies in Act 5, Scene 3.   男主角在第五幕第三场死去。   He was tall, dark and handsome, like a Mills and Boon hero.   他个头高大、皮肤黝黑、相貌堂堂,像通俗爱情小说的男主角。   Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions.   南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。




Christopher Wilde 的 Hero 完整的Hey Yeaah I"m no superman I can"t take your hand And fly you anywhere you want to go Yeaah I can"t read your mind Like a billboard sign And tell you everything you want to hear But I"ll be your hero I, I can be everything you need If your the one for me Like gravity I"ll be unstoppable I, yeah believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy Without his soul But if your the one for me Then I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) Then I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) Then I"ll be your hero Searching high and low Trying every road If I see your face I"ll rarely know (yeah) I put my trust in fate That you will come away And if its right its undeniable (yeah) I"ll be your hero I, I can be everything you need If your the one for me Like gravity I"ll be unstoppable I yeah believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy Without his soul But if your the one for me Then I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) I"ll be your hero So incredible Some kind of miracle That when it"s meant to be I"ll become a hero (oh) So I wait wait wait wait for you Yeah I"ll be your hero I, I can be everything you need If your the one for me Like gravity I"ll be unstoppable I, yeah believe in destiny I may be an ordinary guy Without his soul But if your the one for me Then I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) Then I"ll be your hero (Could you be the one) x2 (Could you be the one for me) Then I"ll be your hero








hero英 ["hɪərəʊ]美 ["hɪroʊ]


Hero 歌手:Mariah Carey 专辑:Grammy1995 《Hero》Sung By "Mariah Carey"There"s a hero If you look inside your heart You don"t have to be afraidOf what you areThere"s an answerIf you reach into your soulAnd the sorrow that you knowWill meit awayAnd then a hero comes alongWith the strength to carry onAnd you cast your fears asideAnd you know you can surviveSo when you feel like hope is goneLook inside you and be strongAnd you"ll finally see the truthThat a hero lies in youIt"s a long roadWhen you face the world aloneNo one reaches out a handFor you to holdYou can find loveIf you search within yourselfAnd the emptiness you felt will disappearAnd then a hero comes alongWith the strength to carry onAnd you cast your fears aside[02;14]And you know you can surviveSo when you feel like hope is goneLook inside you and be strongAnd you"ll finally see the truthThat a hero lies in youLord knows......Dreams are hard to followBut don"t let anyoneTear them away hold onThere will be tomorrow In time you"ll find the awayAnd then a hero comes alongWith the strength to carry onAnd you cast your fears asideAnd you know you can surviveSo when you feel like hope is goneLook inside you and be strongAnd you"ll finally see the truthThat a hero lies in youThat a hero lies in you...That a hero lies in you......


参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/12414375.html?si=3



英雄,崇拜的人初中英语书上有个解释是:someone you admire very much

hero的意思 原来它还有这个意思

1、hero是英雄的意思,故事、小说或是电影清节中的男主人公、男主角、崇拜的对象,这个词语一般用来形容男性,于14世纪晚期的时候进入英语,hero也是美国流行女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉演唱的歌曲的名称。 2、hero是英雄的意思,故事、小说或是电影清节中的男主人公、男主角、崇拜的对象,该词语一般是用来形容男性,hero单词于14世纪晚期的时候进入英语,直接源自于拉丁语,翻译成中文为英雄。 3、hero单词在英语阅读或是电影情节中经常会出现,可以指某个人的偶像,也可指小说、诗歌、戏剧中的男主角,同时也可以指某一件事情、行动、时期或领域中的中心人物。 4、hero是美国流行女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉演唱的一首歌曲,于1993年开始发行,改单发行后连续4周获得冠军,此外这首歌在全球十几个国家的音乐排行榜登顶。


hero是名词。 hero n.英雄,豪杰(尤指男性);(故事、小说、电影等的)男主人公,男主角;崇拜的对象,偶像(尤指男性) 复数: heroes 扩展资料   The hero of the novel is a ten-year old boy.   这部小说的"主人公是个十岁的男孩。   The hero makes his entrance in Scene 2.   男主角在第2幕出场。   The hero gets to shoot all the bad guys.   主人公结果射杀了所有的坏蛋。


begins音标的区别答:hero的音标是美[u02c8hu026arou028a]、英[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028a]。例句有如下:1.He begins to realize that being a hero is not quite as simple as he once might have thought.他开


是可数名词,词义为英雄,复数为heroes。hero也可指某人心目中的“偶像”,还可指小说、诗歌、戏剧等中的“男主角”。有时还可指某一事件、行动、时期或领域的“中心人物”。 hero短语搭配 Hero Fighter英雄大作战 culture hero文化英雄 Subway Hero地铁英雄 hero用作名词的用法例句 The hero smote the giant with his sword.英雄用剑猛劈巨人。 He is the hero of an old legend.他是一个古老传说中的英雄。 They say the hero is played by Tom Cruise.据说男主角是汤姆·克鲁斯。




hero的读音是[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028a]。资料扩展:hero的意思是英雄。英雄,汉语词汇。拼音是:yīng xióng,指才能勇武过人的人、有英勇品质的人。英雄者,有凌云之壮志,气吞山河之势,腹纳九州之量,包藏四海之胸襟!肩扛正义,救黎民于水火,解百姓于倒悬。“英雄造时势,时势造英雄”的辩证道理,其本旨离不开“国”“民”两字。《载敬堂集·民说》:“国之兴,盗贼随英雄立功;国之败,官吏同无赖轻法。”文旨关涉着这种精神。英雄者,拥有藐视一切之能力,傲视群雄之气势,世人对其不但敬畏,且难以捉摸。古今中外,英雄如天上星群,多不胜数。然最为特别者,皆寥寥可数,而终极完美者则放眼望去皆无,皆因没人达到上述之要求,即使宇宙再大,皆无长生不灭者。然若果有此人,皆生命之总和,方能达到长盛不衰。在国家出现危难之时,总有一些人挺身而出,为国效力,这样的人,称为英雄。天地英雄气,千秋尚凛然。无论工人、农民、知识分子、军人、商人,还是海外华侨,他们中间都涌现出大批民族英雄,他们为中华民族的独立与自由、利益与安全、尊严与荣誉无私奉献、无怨无悔。竹林七贤之一的阮籍,一次登上广武山参观楚汉战争遗址后,曾感叹:“时无英雄,遂使竖子成名!”事实上,没有谁天生就是英雄,英雄都来自小人物。他们之所以能成为英雄,是因为他们赶得巧,既不早一步,也不迟一步,他们恰好踩着时代最需要的步点,在最恰当的时候及时出现了。2021年2月,《最高人民法院最高人民检察院关于执行<中华人民共和国刑法>确定罪名的补充规定(七)》规定了侵害英雄烈士名誉、荣誉罪罪名。


hero是英雄的意思。读音:英[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028a]。美[u02c8hu026arou028a,u02c8hiu02d0rou028a]释义:n.英雄;男主角,男主人公例句:A war hero deserves the respect of all.战斗英雄应该得到所有人的尊敬。变:形复数heroeshero用法hero可以用作名词,hero的基本意思是“英雄”“豪杰”,也可指某人心目中的“偶像”,还可指小说、诗歌、戏剧等中的“男主角,男主人公”。有时还可指某一事件、行动、时期或领域的“中心人物”。hero作“英雄”解时,是可数名词,其复数形式为heroes,作“男主角,男主人公”解时常用单数形式。hero的阴性名词是heroine。例句:The hero smote the giant with his sword.英雄用剑猛劈巨人。They say the hero is played by Tom Cruise.据说男主角是汤姆·克鲁斯。




hero的读音是:英 [u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028a] 、美 [u02c8hu026arou028a] 。Hero是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意思是“英雄;男主角,男主人公”。例句:1、Does the hero or the villain inside us?我们内心存在的是英雄还是恶棍?2、I can be your hero.我可以是你的英雄。3、I love him, he is my hero.我喜欢他,他是我的英雄。


hi er ruo...




以下为个人见解: nathan本来是应该死的,但Matt这时候出来捣乱,他把nathan的意识或者说灵魂放到slyar的身体里,于是以后拥有slyar的身体的nathan就可以使用slyar的各种能力,从地里爬出来的是就是他,由于nathan搞不清楚自己是谁,于是他身体中slyar的变身能力一会把他的外貌变成nathan一会变成slyar。至于slyar的意识,侧被封印在Matt的脑子里,于是slyar的意识努力想要Matt换给他原来的身体。也就是说nathan的意识在slyar的身体里,slyar的意识在Matt的脑子里,nathan的身体被烧掉了。




n. 英雄n. 男主角;男主人公hero用法要点:hero的基本意思是“英雄”“豪杰”,也可指某人心目中的“偶像”,还可指小说、诗歌、戏剧等中的“男主角,男主人公”。有时还可指某一事件、行动、时期或领域的“中心人物”。hero作“英雄”解时,是可数名词,其复数形式为heroes; 作“男主角,男主人公”解时常用单数形式。扩展资料例句1、The hero smote the giant with his sword.英雄用剑猛劈巨人。2、He is the hero of an old legend.他是一个古老传说中的英雄。





heroes&generals 怎么注册啊

Heroes & Generals : 英雄与将军 或 英雄和将军。sign in :签到;注册;登记;签收;register ["redu0292u026astu0259] n. 登记;注册;记录;寄存器;登记簿 ;vt. 登记;注册;记录;挂号邮寄;把…挂号;正式提出 ;vi. 登记;注册;挂号;n. (Register)人名;(英)雷吉斯特你要先打开 heroes&generals,这很可能是一个英文游戏网站。 怎么注册呢?你要在网站的页面上找到,我上面给你提供的注册单词:register 或者 sign in 。然后点击它,在其后打开的页面中,输入“用户名”和“密码”进行注册。看来学习英文还是很有必要的啦!

Reprazent&Roni Size的《Heroes》 歌词

歌曲名:Heroes歌手:Reprazent&Roni Size专辑:New FormsAshe Watson - HeroBaby I see you crying again and I know it ain"t your faultYou got that look in your eyes like you wanna talkTell me what he"s don"t too you damn I can"t believe it"s trueHow could he hurt someone like you.You can tell me thing"s that got you scared and thought thatYou should stay I"ll you right now baby you should run awayYou say that is impossible staying would be impossibleIt"s so unforgivable.Come to me with these tearsIn your eyes what do you expect me to doWhen secretly I"m in love with youSwallow my pride put my emotion asideWhen want I really want to say is.Baby I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.I just wanna take your hand and lead you awayFrom this pain baby wrap yourself up in my capeAnd we will just fly away to places you never beenBefore I know you can"t ignore I"ve beenKnocking at your door baby let me in.Come to me with these tearsIn your eyes what do you expect me to doWhen secretly I"m in love with youSwallow my pride put my emotion asideWhen want I really want to say is baby.Baby I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.Girl it"s killing me to see you cry cause I know whyGirl it"s killing me to see you hurt because I knowYou deserve more just let me be the one to changeYour life just give me one chance I can beThe man he never could.Baby I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.I can be your hero your hero not a bird not planeJust call my name and I"ll be thereI can be your hero your hero justTell me I"m what you need and I"ll be your hero.……http://music.baidu.com/song/8040788


出完了。时报讯 据国外媒体报道,NBC电视台近日决定砍掉科幻剧《英雄》(Heroes),也就说这部曾经红极一时的剧集,将不会再有第五季。虽然之前已经被很多人预料到这一结果,但消息一出还是让人有些惊讶。今年,《英雄》的平均收视只有650万人,而2月8日播出的最后一集更是勉强获得440万的收视。   虽然很多人仍然在回味该剧当年首季播出时创造的高达1450万的平均收视,但不得不承认,《英雄》已无法再现辉煌。有消息称,NBC高层将用电影的方式让主创为该剧故事画上一个句号。

Heroes (we could be)的中英歌词

We go hideaway in daylight光天化日 我们隐藏自己We go undercover when under sun阳光下 我们暗地行动Got a secret side in plain sight众目睽睽 我们保守秘密Where the streets are empty空旷的街道That"s where we run才是我们奔忙的地方Everyday people do每个人Everyday things but I各司其职Can"t be one of them但我却例外I know you hear me now你应该懂我的意思We are a different kind我们是与众不同的We can do anything我们无所不能We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be我们可以Anybody"s got the power任何人都拥有强大的力量They don"t see it他们没有发觉这点they don"t understand因为他们不明白Spin around and run for hours兜兜转转 为之付出You and me we got the world in our hands你和我 整个世界就在我们掌中Everyday people do每个人Everyday things but I各司其职Can"t be one of them但我却例外I know you hear me now你应该懂我的意思We are a different kind我们是与众不同的We can do anything我们无所不能We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be我们可以We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be我们可以always we looking for the loving the little light我们寻求的是爱还有一些光loving the little light是爱还有一些光We could be我们可以always we looking for the loving the little light我们寻求的是爱还有一些光loving the little light是爱还有一些光We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄We could be heroes我们可以成为英雄Me and you我和你We could be我们可以

james blunt 《heroes》的歌词,英文的就行!

You can see it on her faceHer red eyes say she"s not safeHow should she know what it meansShe is only just a teenUnder her duvet"s where she hidesTo block the screaming late at nightShe can"t remember life beforeMama and Daddy went to warAll little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bonesPacked the small bag of things she lovesDeep inside she blames herselfShe has nowhere else to goBut that sounds better than what she knowsAnd as she steps into the darkDirty hair and heavy heartCold, cold air inside her lungsCatch a snowflake on her tongue All little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bonesAnd as I heard you shut the doorWent through the window and I sawThe footsteps of my big sister in the snowSince then not a single day has passedWhere I don"t say your name and askWhere, where did you go?All little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bones

james blunt 《heroes》的歌词是什么?

You can see it on her faceHer red eyes say she"s not safeHow should she know what it meansShe is only just a teenUnder her duvet"s where she hidesTo block the screaming late at nightShe can"t remember life beforeMama and Daddy went to warAll little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bonesPacked the small bag of things she lovesDeep inside she blames herselfShe has nowhere else to goBut that sounds better than what she knowsAnd as she steps into the darkDirty hair and heavy heartCold, cold air inside her lungsCatch a snowflake on her tongue All little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bonesAnd as I heard you shut the doorWent through the window and I sawThe footsteps of my big sister in the snowSince then not a single day has passedWhere I don"t say your name and askWhere, where did you go?All little girls are full of confusionCry all you want coz you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Cry before the guilty clap your wingsCoz all you"re heroesAre skin and bones若满意 谢谢加好评



What are Heroes? – The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land

Heroesare recruited by collecting Hero Tokensof the character. Once you have enough, you can unlock and add them permanently to your team. Hero characters have their own survivor slots and thus you don"t have to worry about clearing space for them. Heroes" starting level are always unlocked at the same level as as your highest level survivor. You can, however, upgrade them using XP (Experience Points) and upgradetheir traits with Hero Tokens. Heroes are also slightly stronger and have more health points than normal survivors. Each Hero has their own individual Leader Traitthat gives special benefits to the whole team when you going to missions. Specific Heroes have always the same traits.

no more heroes 歌词

no more heroes 歌手:stranglers 专辑:no more heroes Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?He got an ice pickThat made his ears burnWhatever happened to dear old Lenny?The great Elmyra and Sancho Panza?StranglersWhatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to all the heroes?All the Shakespearoes?They watched their Rome burnWhatever happened to all the heroes?Whatever happened to all the heroes?No more heroes any moreNo more heroes any moreWhatever happened to all the heroes?All the Shakespearoes?They watched their Rome burnWhatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to the heroes?No more heroes any moreNo more heroes any more


海顿-派娜提瑞(Hayden Panettiere)

英语作文 heroes

我们发现英雄在所有社会和文化在,无时不在。你如何考虑是什么?许多人认为英雄"了特殊材料" ,但作者似乎表明,我们每一个有能力成为一个英雄。你怎么看待这些意见? 怎么写?


纠结的三角关系:这并不是你所期待的爱情三角恋,仅仅只是男人间的恩怨情仇。Adrian Pasdar(内森)告诉我们他喜欢“救赎”之处:“整个故事的大前提就是Zachary [Quinto](塞勒),我,和Greg [Grunberg](马特·帕克曼)之间错综复杂的三角关系。在马特将塞勒的记忆消除并让我成为他时,塞勒的思想进入了马特,所以我的身体有部分记忆缺失。而塞勒的身体表现的都是我的内森式的行为。这个三角关系将会在本季第三集揭晓。 塞勒和马特:现在让我们从三角关系的各个面进行分析,首先从摧毁塞勒的那个人开始讲起。可悲的是,这样做并没有一劳永逸。”当我进行思想转换时,结果并不尽如人意,”Greg说道,“他一部分思想在我脑中并且他需要我。他一直在寻找他的躯体,为重回身体他不择手段,甚至绑架了我的儿子。”当然,当你脑中有个坏人时,你也会去做坏事。“他在我潜意思中挥之不去,让我做一些我不愿做的事情。我必须把持自己,我不能摆脱他,所以我决定去忽视他。但是你是不能很长时间忽略像塞勒这样的人的。” 塞勒和内森:接下去来到三角关系中两个人共享一个躯体这一部分。Pasdar(内森)说他一直在致力于学习Quinto(塞勒)的举止行为。然而别指望所有人都能长期对内森的真实身份蒙在鼓里。Adrian说“我想从第四季开始就明显可以看出来有些事在不知不觉中发生,至少对内森来说他能感到些不适应。他没有意识到这点。我想他比观众知道的慢了半拍。只是他有些时候会在瞬间感觉自己不知道何去何从和有些事情出错了。最后他还是追上了观众的进度,明白过来。 克莱尔变同性恋:说道三角关系我们不能不提本季中的真正动作。克莱尔有了一个新的室友——《加州靡情》女星Madeline Zima。”这段关系将非常有趣,“Hayden说道,”克莱尔从来没有真正和亲近的人发展过关系——不论是朋友关系还是其他关系——自从她在第一季中与朋友Zach(Thomas Dekker)交往后。所以我认为这段关系大家会乐于见到,也乐于见到我们俩在一起。她们俩的互动将会很有趣。“至于克莱尔从这段友谊中得到了什么,Hayden告诉我们,”她获得了一个朋友,一个知己,一个她可以信赖的人,不用去独自守着秘密,从而可以做真正的自己,一个一路上帮助她的伙伴和密友。“这看起来似乎有点浪漫,对吗?说完后Hayden害羞地对我们耸耸肩,接着承认道,”是的,我确实害羞地耸肩了。“ 规模庞大的邪恶的Carnival组织:《英雄》好像每一季都会有一个邪恶的组织。Hayden开玩笑说,”Carnival 和之前的公司是对立的。公司想隐藏我们和我们的能力。他们想把这些内容保密。而Carnival与其背道而驰,它想让人们知道这些。“然而,还不能轻易对他们的好坏下结论。”当你认为它可靠时,它并不可靠。当你认为它是邪恶的时,结果恰恰是我们需要他们比他们需要我们要多些。“Greg透露说。至于这帮人的头领Samuel (Robert Knepper),James Kyson Lee 说他和越狱里面的T-Bag一样坏透了,他说:”我认为是这样的,但故事甚至会更有趣。“ 想要知道些冒险故事吗?说道Ando,他本季将和Hiro (Masi Oka) 一起从商。James说,”Ando和Hiro将会开始一项新的风险投资。这将会让我们一直忙碌下去。9月21号你们将会看到一块巨大的广告牌。我是找工作的,想要被他们雇佣。“可悲的是,不能再指望看到Ando和Hiro往常的争吵打闹的玩笑场面了,因为他们中的一个将不久于人世。James透露说:”Hiro有一份遗愿清单因为他将死去。Ando想要去改变这件事,但我们能看到的整个的主题是‘命运真的能够改变吗?"有时候你能改变历史,有时候你无能为力。”

Slaptones的《Heroes》 歌词

歌曲名:Heroes歌手:Slaptones专辑:Amplify「HERO」作词∶twenty4-7作曲∶TAZZ/MIKA歌∶twenty4-7You can do it その手掲げ明日にYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)You can do it 向かうならすぐにYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)人生におけるやらなアカン瞬间刻んで行く冲动口头では表せない程 向かって来るは见えぬ成功そこにある感情や思考が人生を创造する相当负けん気は强いはずだろ?行动起こして堂々と go行くか行かないかで言ったら行くしかないから胜って帰って来いビビる自分も浓い but 向かう自分自身はもっともっと浓いやるかやらないかで言ったらやるしかないから持って帰って来いLet"s go 今行きな one day You are my hero…You can do it その手掲げ明日にYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)You can do it 向かうならすぐにYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)once again, chance come again one chance のみの胜负に赌ける縁最短よりも大胆 最低一歩行ってから决める that placeHERO は英雄だ Ah yeah つまり谁でもなれるさ I say赌けに赌けてみるもアリだぜ 大抵ダセぇ事もあったぜ谁でも本当は知っているはず自分の中に HERO がいるって事をスポットライト浴びるのは Why do you think you are?このままじゃ Repentance comes too lateYou can do it その手掲げ明日にYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)You can do it 向かうならすぐにYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say( Yeah!)We all know that people are the same,people over there その先へWe could really get there 飞び出してfly so high yeah…I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeah…I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)You can do it その手掲げ明日にYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)You can do it 向かうならすぐにYou will go, just wanna beYou are my hero (ei!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahEverybody say (Yeah!)I just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeahI just want to stay, I stand up once again,I want you to say yeah【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2780201


if you want english one, here it is:Claire BennetA high school cheerleader who has a regenerative ability. She is Noah Bennet"s adopted daughter, as well as Nathan Petrelli"s biological daughter.Noah BennetBennet works with and then against the Primatech Paper Company, a cover operation for an organization that investigates people with superhuman abilities. He has no known superpowers.Elle BishopElle has the power of electric manipulation. Her father, Robert Bishop, is head of The Company.Monica DawsonMonica is D.L."s niece and Micah"s cousin. Monica can replicate any physical motion she witnesses.Simone DeveauxSimone is an art dealer and gallery owner whose skepticism and complicated romantic life are tested. She has no superpowers.D.L. HawkinsA construction worker and gang leader with the power to alter his physical tangibility and phase through solid objects, D.L. is Niki"s husband and Micah"s father.Maya HerreraWhen stressed, Maya can create a deadly illness which is fatal to those around her, except her twin brother Alejandro, who can heal it. Wanted for murder in Central America, she is on the run to the United States.Ando MasahashiAndo is Hiro"s friend, co-worker, and traveling companion. He has no superpowers.Isaac MendezAn artist living in New York who can paint future events during precognitive trances, Isaac also writes and illustrates the comic book 9th Wonders! which has also been shown to depict the future of Hiro and Ando.Adam Monroe/Takezo KenseiAn Englishman who originates the role of legendary warrior Kensei in feudal Japan, Monroe has a spontaneous regenerative ability which has made him effectively immortal.Hiro NakamuraHiro is a programmer from Osaka with the ability to manipulate the space-time continuum. He is convinced that he is a hero who can use his gift to help those in need around the world.Matt ParkmanParkman possesses the ability of telepathy. At the start of the series, Parkman was an LAPD detective. Currently, he is a NYPD detective and a guardian of Molly Walker along with Mohinder Suresh.Nathan PetrelliNathan, who is able to fly, is a New York Congressional candidate.Peter PetrelliPeter is a hospice nurse with the ability to absorb the powers of others he has been near and recall them.Micah SandersA child prodigy and technopath, Micah has the ability to "talk" to electrical devices, giving him control of machines and electronic devices. He is D.L. and Niki"s son.Niki SandersAn internet stripper from Las Vegas who exhibits superhuman strength and has multiple personalities. She is D.L."s wife and Micah"s mother.Mohinder SureshSuresh is a professor of genetics from India who travels to New York to investigate the death of his father, Chandra. Through his investigations, he comes into contact with people his father listed as possessing superhuman abilities. He does not have any super powers.Sylar/Gabriel GraySylar is a serial killer who seeks out superhuman individuals, killing them in order to take their powers. He has multiple acquired abilities.如果你有什么不明白的,可以发消息给我 :) 我也很喜欢看Heroes!


"Heroes"You can see it on her faceHer red eyes say she"s not safeHow should she know what it meansShe is only just thirteenUnder her duvet"s where she hidesTo block the screaming late at nightShe can"t remember life beforeMama and Daddy went to warPoor little girl"s so full of confusionCry all you want cause you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Fly before the guilty clip your wingsCause all your heroesAre skin and bonesPacked the small bag of things she lovesDeep inside she blames herselfShe has nowhere else to goBut that sounds better than what she knowsAnd as she steps into the darkDirty hair and heavy heartCold, cold air inside her lungsCatch a snowflake on her tonguePoor little girl"s so full of confusionCry all you want cause you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Fly before the guilty clip your wingsCause all your heroesAre skin and bonesAnd as I heard you shut the doorWent to the window and I sawThe footsteps of my big sister in the snowSince then not a single day has passedWhen I don"t say your name and askWhere, where did you go?Poor little girl"s so full of confusionCry all you want cause you"re only humanWas all the love just an illusion?Daddy"s not coming homeMama"s asleep and she smells of whiskeyPromise that won"t be you when you"re 50Fly before the guilty clip your wingsCause all your heroesAre skin and bones

Heroes-小安 的歌词!!

歌词:  ++ Heroes ++  ++ 编曲:JAE CHONG ++  ++ 作词:三角Cool ++  ++ 改编/演唱:小安 ++  Ladies and gentlemen  Put your hands together  My prey is getting close  The trap is ready  The world famous hunters(yeah)  We stand alone together  And now let"s go!  蹄声呼啸划破天地一轮明月长空  藏匿丛林深处静候猎物影踪  四海为家身负箭弓谓道远而任重  万兽陪伴左右无惧命运捉弄  高深莫测来去如风  多少个猎人多少个英雄  oh~世界那么大,需要一个hero  oh~世界那么大,猎人就是hero  put your hands up wow put your hands up wowwow  put your hands up ooh come on  yeah yeah  少年背着AL剑  跨越黑门印证寓言  师承Zibba,精通枪械与弓箭  输出控制耍得悠闲  不怕路途遥远千惊万险  挑战风筝极限年复一年  豹守鹰眼蛇毒龙电  忠诚的猛禽总跟在身边  I feel it in the water.  I smell it in the air.  人说北极出没兽王,凶猛眼露魔光  多少猎手高强为此磨剑擦枪  无奈成为手下败将,任它耻笑风光  等待猎人之王,终将它来收降  高深莫测来去如风  多少个猎人多少个英雄  oh~Baby ,hunters are hero(es)~~oh yeah yeah  忙碌太爱拔刀相助  他们初生犊,我是老江湖  教给新手技术,帮忙任务  他们说猎人好cool  陷阱丢得娴熟,对手都认输  背包总是鼓鼓,肉要带足  养条狗叫来福放狗咬怪叔叔  MM都我来照顾  oh~世界那么大,需要一个hero  oh~世界那么大,猎人就是hero  In Azeroth  We hunters fight together  The dreams will come true baby yeah and you should stand up hey

美剧 英雄(heroes)的百度云分享




【双语写作】英雄是什么?what is hero?

2020,是灾难多发的一年,各地水生火热,却也是英雄辈出的一年。 2020 is a year full of disasters that the whole world is in an abyss of misery. However, it"s also a year which witnesses lots of heroes coming forth. 英雄到底是什么呢? But what the word hero means? 百度的解释是: “指才能勇武过人的人;指具有英勇品质的人;无私忘我,不辞艰险,为人民利益而英勇奋斗,令人敬佩的人”。 The explanation of Baidu is the people who are heroic, selfless,hardworking and fighting for the interests of the people, they are respected. 还有另两种解释: “英雄是一个比较主观的概念。一般是指在普通人中间有超出常人的能力的人,他们能够带领人们做出巨大的对人们有意义的事情,或者他们自己做出了重大的事情。” There are other two explanations. One is talking about it"s a subjective concept, generally is those who earn excellent abilities among common crowd. They lead people and achieve the respect goals or make magnificent influence and significant meaning itself. “英雄是文学分析与心理学常用的概念。童话中的主人翁就是容格分析心理学里的英雄。人生就是一场战争,人活着就是要扮演英雄的角色。” Another one claims hero is one of concepts in literature and psychology,the main characters of fairy tales are “heroes” in Jungian analytical psychology.Which deems that life is a fight and people live to play the role of heroes. 不论是人,是主观概念,还是文学概念,都是人们赞美,憧憬与崇拜的对象。说到本质上,是个代称,也是个标签,一种认知。 No matter it"s people, subjective concept, or literature concept, hero is a symbol means praise, admiration and respect. In fact, it"s a pronoun, a label and a cognition. 我们所接触到的印象深刻的英雄,大概就是银幕上的各种影视动画中的英雄角色,还有那些维护安全拯救民众的人。小孩子们看到英雄的故事总是会很兴奋,也总是会由此滋生出成为英雄的愿望;而就算是成年人,也难免不会对英雄心生崇拜。 The heroes our common people impressed may be characters on screens and live people who maintain safety and rescue the public. Children are always excited meeting heroes, even adults will adore those people. 这些英雄作为榜样,会带给我们幻想,也会为我们带来希望。尽管社会并没有规定谁应该成为英雄,但成为英雄时那种骄傲与万众瞩目的感觉总会让人热血沸腾。 As model, hero bring us fancy and hope. Although there is no one rule that someone should be a hero, but the feeling full of pried bring passion out. 而“是否应该成为英雄”这样的问题,大概本身就是个伪命题。那些已经成为英雄的人,大部分应该都不是抱着“想要成为英雄”的心态去处理眼前的事务的。 The question “if you should be a hero” may be a false proposition. Heroes become heroes without the belief of must being a hero. 你会想要去成为英雄吗?对于我来说答案是否定的。 Do you want to be a hero? My answer is negative. 我一直认为自己不能成为伟大的人,尽管会为他人考虑,但是二十年的岁月过去后,大概不会为了满足他们而完全牺牲自己的想法与利益;尽管会幻想自己成为英雄的事情,但白日梦终究不会成真,也终究不能打破现实。 I am not the one who has the talent to be great. I will consider about other people but won"t sacrifice myself to satisfy others. I will cherish illusions to be a hero myself but know daydreams won"t come true without external force and break reality. 做快乐的人,至多能让别人快乐的人就好了。 It"s good enough to be happy, and it"s better to make people happy.

张靓颖的《Heroes》 歌词

歌曲名:Heroes歌手:张靓颖专辑:HeroesHeroes - 张靓颖词:三角COOL;曲:Jae Chong蹄声呼啸划破河东 一轮明月长空行遍千山万水 步伐走得从容四海为家满身武功 谓道远而任重置天地于掌中 无惧命运捉弄高深莫测 来去如风每个人心中 都有个英雄OH~世界那么大 需要一个heroOH~世界那么大 你是我的hero有个 少年来自唐人 街跨越时空 印证寓言拜师鲁彦 邂逅默僧与金燕脱胎换骨 打着醉拳不怕路途遥远 千惊万险决斗 御林战士 九霄云天推翻暴君 拯救世界不朽的神话 在这天实现花果山有位美猴王 悟空大战玉疆本是武功高强 却弄丢金箍棒无奈成为手下败将 受困五指山上等待功夫之王 终将他来释放高深莫测 来去如风每个人心中 都有个英雄OH~世界那么大 需要一个heroOH~世界那么大 你是我的heroOH~ 你是我的hero忙碌 太爱拔刀相助他们初生犊 我是老江湖脚踩天龙八步 腾云驾雾英雄都穿三角cool练过功夫但一身排骨兄弟说我太酷 专吃排骨养条狗叫来福 放狗咬怪叔叔姑娘都我来照顾OH~世界那么大 需要一个heroOH~世界那么大 你是我的herohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1204737

急用。 《Heroes 》的歌词。david bowie 的

What are we searching for Can"t see the path "cause its least taken Have to explore more And find out the truth soon Cause if we don"t Our skies will no longer be blue So.e on, the chance Is right in front of your face And all you have to do is look inside Embrace yourself You are the world"s heroes Just look once and see You will discover you are not alone Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Why"s it all broken No way to understand why we fighting Got to keep on pushing through So many ways of life Out there it"s understood that it"s all good in you Can"t we agree to disagree And just take it slow No other real way to go Why can"t we all just see That the true hero lies inside of you and me Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Where are all the heroes in the world Too much hateful pollution in this world Why can"t it all just be good Everyone"s so misunderstood Judgments blatant attacks Come back to smack you flat till you crack It"s that, circular evolution Hitting hard mass contusion Cut, cut, free, free, free the illusion That there are no super heroes on This reality we call home You telling me nothing"s unknown We got to open the door to possibilities And see exactly what lays at our feet What are we searching for The truth is out there, that phrase is the core Our perceptions about things are not the same What"s real and true is just the name of the game Only special people have two sights To be able to see through the dark and the light If we can accept things just as they are The possibilities will jump to the stars Spreading consciousness is just the start for us Perspective, perspective, always remember there are Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Many ways to look at just one thing Open up your mind, make history Take it as it.es and don"t forget There is no such thing as victory Many days until the sun goes down Look around and feel how it is now When"s the right time to break the walls down Only one way you going to find out Only one way you going to find out




"Heroes"(feat. Tove Lo)We go hideaway in daylightWe go undercover when under sunGot a secret side in plain sightWhere the streets are emptyThat"s where we run Everyday people doEveryday things but ICan"t be one of themI know you hear me nowWe are a different kindWe can do anythingWe could be heroesWe could be heroesMe and youWe could be heroesWe could be heroesMe and youWe could beAnybody"s got the powerThey don"t see it‘Cos they don"t understandSpin around and run for hoursYou and me we got the world in our handsEveryday people doEveryday things but ICan"t be one of themI know you hear me nowWe are a different kindWe can do anythingWe could be heroesWe could be heroesMe and youWe could be heroesWe could be heroesMe and youWe could beWe could be heroesWe could be heroesMe and youWe could be光天化日里,我们隐藏自己阳光下,我们做着卧底 众目睽睽中,我们保守着秘密空旷的街道,才是我们奔忙的地方常人做日常的事情,但我 不能成为其中之一 你现在应该懂我的意思了 我们是与众不同的我们可以做任何事我们可以成为英雄我们可以成为英雄我和你我们可以成为英雄我们可以成为英雄我和你我们可以任何人都拥有强大的力量他们没有发觉这点因为他们不明白转来转去,跑几小时只要有你和我,我们掌中就能拥有整个世界常人做日常的事情,但我 不能成为其中之一 你现在应该懂我的意思了 我们是与众不同的我们可以做任何事我们可以成为英雄我们可以成为英雄我和你我们可以成为英雄我们可以成为英雄我和你我们可以我们可以成为英雄我们可以成为英雄我和你我们可以







heroes怎么读 英语heroes怎么读

1、heroes英[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028az]美[u02c8hu026arou028az],n.英雄,豪杰(尤指男性); (故事、小说、电影等的)男主人公,男主角; 崇拜的对象,偶像(尤指男性);hero的复数。 2、[例句]The team members were greeted like conquering heroes.队员像凯旋而归的英雄一样受到了人们的欢迎。


出到第2季了 没什么意思 第一季好象是24集


no no no 共有4季,第一季23集,第二季11集,第三季25集,第四季貌似有17集,希望对你有帮助~


您好,您可以根据音标进行拼读:英文原文:heroes英式音标:[u02c8hu026au0259ru0259u028az] 美式音标:[u02c8hu026aroz]

The Isaacs的《Heroes》 歌词

歌曲名:Heroes歌手:The Isaacs专辑:HeroesHero-Chard Kroegerspiderman soundtrackedisonI am so high, I can hear heavenI am so high, I can hear heavenWhoa, but heaven...no, heaven don"t hear meAnd they say That a hero could save usI"m not gonna stand here and waitI"ll hold onto the wings of the eaglesWatch as we all fly awaySomeone told meLove would all save usBut, how can that beLook what love gave usA world full of killingAnd blood spilling That world never cameAnd they say That a hero could save usI"m not gonna stand here and waitI"ll hold onto the wings of the eaglesWatch as we all fly awayAhNow that the world isn"t endingIt"s love that I"m sending to youIt isn"t the love of a heroAnd that"s why I fear it won"t doAnd they say That a hero could save usI"m not gonna stand here and waitI"ll hold onto the wings of the eaglesWatch as we all fly awayAnd they"re watching usThey"re watching us As we all fly awayAnd they"re watching usThey"re watching us As we all fly awayAnd they"re watching usThey"re watching us As we all fly awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2864486

heroes generals是什么游戏

《Heroes & Generals》是一款免费的多人在线的第一人称射击游戏。游戏集合了来自世界各地的玩家选择德、美和苏三方阵营在一场宏大的在线战争中为胜利而战。玩家在游戏中互动,结交朋友,组成战团,无论在团队中扮演步兵,战车,战机,伞兵,侦察兵还是将军的角色,都会在战局中发挥重要作用。游戏中玩家以可以选择不同的角色加入战场,如骑着自行车的步兵,驾驶战斗机的飞行员,伞兵,侦察兵甚至驾驶重型坦克加入战斗。在游戏中玩家由士兵起步,通过参与战斗获得提高等级,解锁缎带,战斗勋章及装备升级的经验和积分。扩展资料英雄与将军《Heroes & Generals》侧重团队协作,游戏中队友永远是你的坚实后盾,无论胜利还是失败,每一个玩家都与团队共进退。玩家在游戏的同时一起交流互动成为朋友。游戏中有时会面对拥有强人数大优势的对手,有组织的团队合作往往是以少胜多的关键。分工明确协同作战,充分利用装甲部队,侦察兵,伞兵的优势去支援军队的支柱步兵是胜利的保证。玩家可根据自己喜欢的风格选择加入不同角色的小队,如步兵,坦克战队,战斗机飞行员,伞兵或者侦察。









heroes 的读音

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