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“hen”的中文意思是“母鸡”。母鸡,一种家禽,头小,眼椭圆,嘴尖且硬,毛多而密又长,故又名圆毛母鸡,开食迟,采食慢。同一鸡,20.5天出的公鸡多,21天后出的母鸡多。注意事项:1、 抗寒力差,初出壳的雏鸡,体温比成年鸡低3℃,要10天后才能达到正常体温,加上雏鸡绒毛短而稀,不能御寒,所以对环境的适应能力不强,必须依靠人工保温,雏鸡才能正常生长发育。1-30天的雏鸡都要保温,并放在清洁卫生的环境中饲养。30天以上的小鸡,羽毛基本上长满长齐,可以不用保温。2、 体温高,发育快,一般鸡的体温在40.8-41.5℃之间,所以必须在冬暖夏凉、通风良好的环境中饲养,另外鸡的消化道短,新陈代谢旺盛,生长发育快,因此要喂给营养充足,易消化的饲料才能满足需要。3、 抵抗力弱,特别是雏鸡,很容易受到有害微生物的侵袭。因此,除做好环境的清洁卫生外,还要做好预防工作。如鸡舍严禁外人进出,环境和笼具要消毒,各种鸡都要定期注射各种预防针。4、 易惊群,鸡胆小,特别是雏鸡很容易惊群,轻者拥挤,生长发育受阻,重者相互践踏引起伤残和死亡。因此,要在安静的地方养鸡。粗暴的管理,突来的噪音,狗猫闯入,扑捉等都能导致鸡群骚乱、影响生长。5、 怕潮湿,鸡宜在干爽通风的环境中生长,如果环境潮湿,一些病原菌和霉菌易于生长繁殖。如果鸡舍内潮湿,鸡粪会发酵产生有毒气体,使鸡容易得病。






hen开头的成语有:恨海难填 拼音:[ hèn hǎi nán tián ] 释义:恨海:怨恨如海;难填:难于填塞。比喻怨气难平。恨入骨髓 拼音:[ hèn rù gǔ suǐ ] 释义:形容痛恨到极点。恨如头醋 拼音:[ hèn rú tóu cù ] 释义:比喻非常可恶,令人痛恨。恨铁不成钢 拼音:[ hèn tiě bù chéng gāng ] 释义:形容对所期望的人不争气不上进感到不满,急切希望他变好。恨相见晚 拼音:[ hèn xiāng jiàn wǎn ] 释义:后悔彼此建立友谊太迟了。形容新结交而感情深厚。同“恨相知晚”。






hen 英[hen] 美[hɛn] n. 母鸡;雌禽;女人 名词复数:hens [例句]The prodigious and ever-watchful hen was a worldwide symbol of nurturance and fertility.威风凛凛、时刻警惕的母鸡被普遍当做养育和生殖力的象征。



母鸡 的意思啊




hen有两个音素构成,分别是h和en。声调举例:一声:hēn汉字:无二声:hén汉字:痕意思:痕迹。组词:印痕 、痕迹 、伤痕 、污痕 、泪痕、 裂痕。三声:hěn汉字:狠意思:凶恶;残忍;控制感情,下定决心。组词:狠心 、狠命、 发狠、 狠毒、 凶狠、 狠劣。四声:hèn汉字:恨    意思:仇视;怨恨。组词:恼恨、 悔恨、 嫉恨、 愤恨、 仇恨、 怨恨。


哼 哼哼哼 哼 哼 詪




rooster(公鸡)、cock(公鸡)、hen(母鸡) 单词解析:1、rooster 读音:英 ["ruːstə(r)] 美 ["ruːstər]    n. 公鸡;雄禽;狂妄自负的人The rooster clawed a hole in the earth.那只公鸡在地上扒出个洞来。2、cock读音:英 [kɒk]  美 [kɑːk]    n. 雄禽;公鸡;<粗俚>阴茎;旋塞 v. 翘起;竖起The cock crowed at dawn.公鸡在黎明时啼叫。3、hen  读音:英 [hen] 美 [hen]    n. 母鸡;雌禽The hen laid a large brown egg.这只母鸡下了一个大红皮蛋。扩展资料:近义词1、chick  读音:英 [tʃɪk]  美 [tʃɪk]    n. 小鸡;少妇 adj. 胆小的;懦弱的The chick will soon feather out.这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。2、chickling 读音:英 ["tʃɪklɪŋ] 美 ["tʃɪklɪŋ]    n. 雏鸡;小鸡;野豌豆He still has another similar design after several years, me-too is a chickling.数年后他还有另一个类似的设计,模拟的是小鸡。3、chickabiddy 读音:英 ["tʃɪkəbɪdɪ] 美 ["tʃɪkəbɪdɪ]    n. 小鸡;鸡宝宝;乖宝宝Is that hen incubating chickabiddy? 那只母鸡正在孵小鸡呢?


不相同,一个读|[hi: ]一个读[ hen]母鸡的意思


hen是英文单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意为“母鸡;雌禽,人名;(日)边(姓);(法)昂;(波、柬)亨”。hen 用法和例句:He found that the fertilised egg had developed within the hen "s reproductive他发现受精卵是在母鸡的生殖系统内形成的,In actuality , color is simply an indication of the breed of hen .事实上,鸡蛋颜色的区别仅仅表明母鸡的品种不同。A free-range hen scratching around might lay one or two eggs a week .自由放养的母鸡跑来跑去,每周下一个或两个鸡蛋。You are just as likely to have a hen thrust into your lap as a small child .一只母鸡很可能会像一个孩子一样撞进你的怀里。But the little red hen lived happily ever after , in her own little farmhouse .而小红母鸡从此在自己的小农家过上了幸福的生活。



歌词中有when i behold the beauty

Holy Captivated 演唱者Nicole C. MullenWhen I Behold the BeautyOf Your Many WondersAnd I"m Captivated byYour MajestyOh my Soul Rings Outa Sacred HallelujahBack to the SourceFrom Whence it CameAnd when I"m Searching for the FaceOf the InvisibleWhen I Reach to hold the Hand That Formedmy BeingAll of a SuddenEverything thatis Within meBlesses your NameAgain and AgainCrying Holy is theLord God AlmightyWorthy is the LambWho was SlainTo Receive our Greatest AdorationJesus Son of GodIs His NameWhen I am Overwhelmed byAll that is Around meAnd the Tears That Flood my HeartRun Down my FaceI"ll Remember thatYour Heart and Soul was BrokenAnd Even in PainYour Worthy of PraiseCrying Holy is the Lord God AlmightyWorthy is the LambWho was SlainTo Receive our Greatest AdorationJesus Son of GodIs His NameWhen I Contemplatethe Day of our ReunionAnd I Anticipate the OneWho Calls my NameThere"s a Yearning Rising up fromDeep Within meto be Swept AwayForev"r and a DayCause I can Wait to See the OnesWho"ve Gone Before meHear the Music Taste the LaughterWalk the SeaBut the Moment I will Live andI will Die forIs to Hear His VoiceWelcoming me.And I Cry, Holy is theLord God AlmightyWorthy is the Lamb who was SlainTo Receive our Greatest AdorationJesus Son of God Is His NameWe"ll Cry Holy is theLord God AlmightyWorthy is the Lamb who was SlainTo Receive our Greatest AdorationJesus Son of God Is His NameJesus Son of God Is His NameJesus Son of God Is His NameJesus Son of God Is Your Name

Authentic Almighty什么牌子


There was an almighty row when I asked them to leave.请问almighty row啥意思,谢谢?

大吵大闹求采纳 谢谢

Authentic Almighty什么牌子




when you deny childhood怎么理解

当你放弃童年。when you deny childhood。翻译为:当你放弃童年。childhood童年的意思。

我想知道chicks、 pigs 、hens 加了s之后,后面的s发什么音?



chichen既是可数又是不可数。 chicken做小鸡的时候可以用复数chickens,作为鸡肉只能用chicken是鸡肉的意思。作为鸡肉时不可数,作为小鸡时可数。 扩展资料   chicken基本字义:   n.鸡;鸡肉   adj.胆怯;懦弱;怯懦   vi.以畏缩的`方式去做;失去勇气;在最后一刻因胆怯而退出了   双语例句:   1.chicken-filled crepes   薄煎饼鸡肉卷   2.This chicken"s rubbery.   这只鸡像胶皮一样,嚼不动。   3.Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.   卢克用力嚼着鸡肉三明治。   4.Chicken pieces are available in five-pound packs.   有5磅一盒的盒装鸡块供应。   5.Why are you so chicken, Gregory?   格雷戈里,你为什么如此胆小呢?

super junior-m里Hengry的个人资料.

不会自己查啊~!!网上什么都有有你这点问问题的功夫早就查到了~= =|||~

用英语如何询问别人生日;和出生日期用when 还是what 举个例子吧

when is your birthday

用英语如何询问别人生日;和出生日期用when 还是what 举个例子吧

When‘s your birthday?你的生日在何时? What date is it today?今天是几月几日?



when it comes to that duality....求翻译。


Henry Chester怎么读

亨利 彻斯特,Chester可以分解读成cherry的读音去rry,加ster.ster的读法很简单就是斯特

henry fielding 生平用英语介绍下

Henry Fielding, the eldest of seven children, was born on April 22, 1707, at Sharpham Park, in Somerset, England. He was the son of General Edmund Fielding, His mother, Sarah Gould Fielding, was the daughter of a judge. Their marriage had been highly disapproved of by Sarah"s parents on the grounds that Edmund was too poor and could not even manage what little money he did have. When Henry was two, his father 憆etired?to an estate near East Stour in Dorset, where he was unsuccessful as a gentleman farmer and where Sarah Gould Fielding died when Henry was just ten years old.Henry had been raised by his father to dislike Catholics, so it is ironic that when two years later his father remarried a woman to kept an eating-house she was an ItalianHenry"s father and his maternal grandmother, Lady Gould, battled for custody of the children. His grandmother eventually sued for custody of Henry and his siblings, and won .Edmund eventually died in a debtor"s prison, leaving behind an estate valued at five pounds. Apparently his wife"s parents were on to something. It should be noted that Edmund spelled his name Feilding in the belief that it was the more aristocratic form. Under the influence of Lady Gould Henry was sent to school at Eton in 1719 where he reputedly enjoyed his time. Henry worked hard and made lifelong friends of his contemporaries Lyttleton, who later became a generous patron, and Pitt the Elder. Upon graduation in 1724, Fielding went to London were he was to spend the next several years as a man-about-town and writer.In the summer of 1725 Henry was to be found in Lyme Regis, ostensibly for a holiday, but more likely to visit his distant cousin Sara Andrews, with an eye on her fortune and to win her as a wife. (Sara at the age of 15 had just become a rich heiress on the early death of her father.) Henry, accompanied by several friends and a servant named James Lewis was soon involved in a drunken brawl. On September 2nd he was brought before the town"s magistrates on a charge of assault against Joseph Channon a servant of the town miller. Although the outcome is not known it is thought that the attack may have been at the instigation of Sara抯 guardian Andrew Miller who had hopes that Sara would marry his own son John.It seems that Henry was having some success in his pursuit of Sara, since he was still in Lyme two months later. On Sunday 11th November matters came to a head when Henry assisted by his servant attempted to abduct Sara as she was walking to church with Andrew Tucker and his family. The attempt failed and the same day Tucker laid a charge before the magistrates against Fielding and his servant for an attack on his person. His servant was soon captured, but Henry eluded capture by the constables and left the town the following day, but not before putting up a hand written poster ridiculing the Tuckers.In 1728 his first comedy, "Love in Several Masques", was staged. It was not a success, and at the age of 21 he left to study at the University of Leiden in The Netherlands where it was much cheaper than any of the London schools. Eventually, even Leiden was more than he could afford and about a year later he returned to England with all kinds of unpaid debts behind him. Henry began writing plays again, many of them ridiculing the society and politics of the time. Probably his best play, completed in 1731, was "The Tragedy of Tragedies; or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great". It was a spoof of heroic stage plays that took themselves too seriously.Henry still couldn"t manage his money and was never well off. In 1734, aged 27, he married Charlotte Cradock of Salisbury, one of the beauties of the city. Charlotte brought a settlement of ?,500 to the marriage and with the money they planned to live in Dorset as ?i>County?folk. Thus in 1735 the newly married couple took up residence in a small manor house at East Stour, settled into their comfortable lifestyle and produced a daughter Amelia. In the process becoming extremely popular with there neighbours. However within a year due to a combination of Henry抯 spendthrift ways and poor budgeting the Fieldings were stony-broke, the estate sold, and the penniless young couple left Dorset to return to London, taking with them Charlottes maid Mary Macdaniel.In London Fielding became the manager and chief playwright of the Little Theatre in the Haymarket. Even though he was rumored to be a terrible drunkard and something of a womanizer, Henry was a hard worker. He wrote several new plays a year, until the theatre was forced to close by the stage Licensing Act was of 1737 which provided that only plays licensed by the government could be performed. The act having been introduced largely as a result of Fielding"s plays ridiculing the politics of the day.By this time, Henry and Charlotte had two children needed another source of income. Henry took up the study of law and turned to writing for the newspapers, becoming editor of The Champion in 1739, and graduated as a lawyer in 1740. It was at this time that he developed gout, which was to get worse as he grew older. Henry Fielding"s novel "Joseph Andrews" was published in 1742. It was a comic takeoff on Samuel Richardson"s "Pamela," but the success of "Joseph Andrews" was made less sweet for Henry by the death of his daughter, Charlotte and a serious illness which afflicted his wife."Miscellanies", published in 1743, included the novel "Jonathan Wild", a mock biography of a criminal hero.The death of his wife in 1744 was a great blow, exasperating his already bad health. He took comfort largely in the company of his daughter Harriet, his sister Sarah, and his wife"s maid, Mary Daniel. Sarah had followed in her fathers literary footsteps and did some writing but none of it was very memorable; however her book for educating girls, "The Governess, or Little Female Academy", was used well into the next century.It was about a year before Fielding went back to newspaper writing, where he continued to work on various politically oriented newspapers and publish many political and satirical pamphlets, some of which the government actually approved of, and even distributed. These were often published anonymously, which unfortunately led to Henry being blamed for some atrociously mean pamphlets that he had nothing to do with.In 1747 defying convention Fielding married Mary Macdaniel, who was around six months pregnant with their son William at the time. The following year, Henry was appointed a judge at Middlesex. Over the next few years, Henry"s wife had four more children and Henry himself became increasingly angry with the state of the law and law enforcement."Tom Jones", Fielding"s comic masterpiece and best known work was published in 1749. It was a novel for all time. The life and robustness of "Tom Jones" were recreated in a 1963 movie, which featured perhaps the most sensuous meal ever filmed.The heroine is Sophia Weston, and it is claimed that Fielding based this character on Sara Andrews, his 慺irst love?Fielding"s last novel ?b>Amelia" was published in 1751. Allegedly a biography of his former wife Charlotte in which she is portrayed as the heroine. It was not up to his other work. Perhaps, because by this now he was a very sick man, suffering from asthma and jaundice in addition to his gout. The plot was contrived, the heroine conveniently inherits a large sum of money, and if indeed it was a biography, contained several factual errors.Also in 1751, Henry published a pamphlet entitled "An Inquiry into the Causes of the late Increase of Robbers, etc.," which called for sweeping changes in the laws and in the way they were enforced. Today these proposals would not appear to be anything special but by 1753, several of these reforms had been put into practice and Henry helped break up several large gangs by offering money and immunity to those who turned in their fellow criminals.Perhaps the most important result of his ideas was the reform of the police. It was as a direct consequence of this pamphlet that Home Secretary, Sir Robert Peel, was to form the Bow Street Runners, Britain"s first professional police force. Henry was directly responsible for improvements in record keeping, founding what was later to become the Criminal Record Office of Scotland Yard.Due to ill health, Henry reigned as a Judge in 1752 and in the hope that a warmer climate would be beneficial he sailed to Lisbon in 1754. Unfortunately he had contracted jaundice, and this combined with dropsy was to cause his death on 8 October 1754 just two months after his arrival in Portugal. Published after his death, his final work, Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, has been described as a classic example of the horrors of traveling.

新加坡奥数比赛when is cheryl"s birthday?谢莉尔的生日是什么时候

答案:7月16日不明白的话,欢迎追问 题目: 阿尔伯特(A)和伯纳德(B)刚刚和谢丽尔成为朋友,他们想知道谢丽尔的生日日期,谢丽尔最终给他们十个可能日期:5月15日、5月16日、5月19日6月17日、6月18日7月14日、7月16日8月14日、8月15日、8月17日谢丽尔分别告诉A她生日的月份和B她生日的日子。A:我不知道谢丽尔的生日,但我知道B也不会知道。B:一开始我不知道谢丽尔的生日,现在我知道了。A:那我也知道谢丽尔的生日了。题目要求学生们通过分析两个小伙子的几句对话,最终推理出谢丽尔的生日。解析如下: 1、阿尔伯特说自己不知道但伯纳德肯定也不知道说明月份不是5月、6月。因为如果伯纳德知道的日子是19日或者18日就马上知道了生日时5月19日,6月18日.因为这两个日子都是单独的。所以现在月份只剩下7月和8月。 2、伯纳德说自己一开始不知道,但是现在知道了,说明日子肯定不是14日。因为14日7、8月都有,即使知道是14日也还是不知道是哪月的,还是没办法确定。他能确定说明日子在15、16、17这三天中。 3、阿尔伯特说自己现在也知道了,说明月份是7月份。因为如果他听到的是8月份的话,伯纳德知道生日,他却还是无法确定是哪天。他既然说知道了,说明月份肯定是7月。 综上所述,日子肯定是7月16日。 纯手打,请采纳~~

phenomenal 这首歌的中文翻译

I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡With every ounce of my blood流经身体每一盎司的血液都涌动着非凡With every breath in my lungs经由我肺叶的每一次呼吸都带着非凡Won"t stop until I"m phe-no-menal绝不会停步直至我成为非凡不朽的那一刻I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡However long that it takes无论这征程会有多漫长I"ll go to whatever rates我都会义无反顾 勇往直前It"s gonna make me a monster though尽管现实将我铸就成凶猛野兽I am phenomenal但我仍旧是不朽的非凡But I would never say "oh it"s impossible"我绝不会说 这绝无可能Cause I"m gonna be phenomenal因为老子就是不朽的非凡Unstoppable unpoppable thought bubbles无法阻挡我绝不会碎裂的幻想泡沫Untoppable thoughts fuckin" juggernaut that"ll我思想的火花绝不会梦碎Stomp you in the verse obstacles I"m drawn to "em所谓的世界主宰只会在我歌里逞强 坚定的我依然会迎难而上When the going got rough即便一切变得很糟糕Show "em what I done thought胆小鬼们 告诉他们that was the worse little sissy即便老子身处逆境我也会毅然不屈Who the fuck taught you how to persevere谁教你要坚持不懈There ain"t no situation没有情况that you ever had to respond to that"s adverse你从未曾在逆境中绝地反击The messiest thing you"ve ever gone through is your purse最糟糕的是你口袋里没有一毛钱Yeah I don"t try like captain I might as well我从没想过我能成为像美国队长Hang it up like a shelf gotta keep growin" with it evolve我会拿起我的盾牌继续坚持 实现我的成长蜕变Cause you can keep throwin" shit at the wall你只会不知所措 捶墙顿足But you"re gonna find你不会展现最好的自己that nothing"s gonna stick until you apply yourself除非你能找到让你坚定不移的信念Time to slip in that zone till" I find myself时光荏苒 进了贵圈我才发现真正的自我Inside the realm where the unknown and boldly go在这充满未知的领域 我勇敢探步前行In the waters where nobody else has gone before毅然踏足无人敢涉入的那片水域Or willing to go uncharted feeling is so愿意勇闯未知的神秘海域Bomb I"m feelin" myself I"m a giant我觉得我就是巨人 这感觉在心里汹涌激荡Sometimes I gotta remind myself that I am甚至有时候我需要提醒自己我是个...I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡With every ounce of my blood流经身体每一盎司的血液都涌动着非凡With every breath in my lungs经由我肺叶的每一次呼吸都带着非凡Won"t stop until I"m phe-no-menal绝不会停步直至我成为非凡不朽的那一刻I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡However long that it takes无论这征程会有多漫长I"ll go to whatever rates我都会义无反顾 勇往直前It"s gonna make me a monster though尽管现实将我铸就成凶猛野兽I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡But I would never say "oh it"s impossible"我绝不会说 这绝无可能Cause I"m gonna be phenomenal因为老子就是不朽的非凡Let me self-empower you让我自我赋权 让你们都为我臣服When you"re down and当你处于低谷时they"re tryin" to clown the fuck out of you他们只想让你出丑When you feel like you"re runnin" out of fuel当你只觉精疲力竭 灰心丧气时I"ll show you how to use doubt as fuel我会向你展示如何将怀疑转变为前进的动力Convert it to gunpowder too激发动力变成无法抵挡的火药Now what you do is put the match to the charcoal fluid现在你要做的是把火柴丢进火药般的木炭中Put a spark to it like martha stewart barbecuing点燃一丝火花像是玛莎·斯图尔特正在烧烤一样Ah screw it feel like you want to hit that wall then do it再搅乱火光像是你要摧毁那阻隔的壁障 就放手做吧Punch through it just cock back put your all into it一拳击垮 用尽全力将其摧毁Now you gon" take that rage and make that what you raise现在你可以利用心底的怒火让自己重新崛起Never take back what you say一言既出 驷马难追 绝不后悔If you stay trapped in your brain engage如果你仍在绞尽脑汁思索如何划燃in this fueled cage match这充满能量的火柴Ready to scrap asap只为尽快燃放Take your fists to his bones一拳狠狠揍他Show biggie who"s smallest you"re christopher wallace让那些大块头看看谁才是小块头 你就是christopher wallaceYeah I picture "em all as plastic and foam我把他们都当作不堪一击的塑料泡沫Lays flat where you put your dinner plates at将他们击倒在晚饭餐桌上And set it off like a placemat他们平直的躺着像是餐桌垫I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡With every ounce of my blood流经身体每一盎司的血液都涌动着非凡With every breath in my lungs经由我肺叶的每一次呼吸都带着非凡Won"t stop until I"m phe-no-menal绝不会停步直至我成为非凡不朽的那一刻I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡However long that it takes无论这征程会有多漫长I"ll go to whatever rates我都会义无反顾 勇往直前It"s gonna make me a monster though尽管现实将我铸就成凶猛野兽I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡But I would never say "oh it"s impossible"我绝不会说 这绝无可能Cause I"m gonna be phenomenal因为老子就是不朽的非凡Said I need you to make a note我说你需要牢记And find yourself your glory free ignoring person探寻你自己 你的荣耀 释放自己的个性Is that a fuckin" mouth with no shut-up valve是那张没有关闭开关的嘴?Can"t even cut the power to it when it"s what allowed甚至不会停下滔滔不绝的说唱Me to come up out from under the fuckin" ground我要离开这里绝地起飞Cause I worked my butt off now因为我早就准备好高飞It"s a subject I don"t know how to shut up about这个话题我可不知道怎样才能绝口不提Cause I stuck it out因为我会反嘴回击Like a mothafuckin" tongue to tie I responded我会滔滔不绝的反击when I got shoved around当我遭受排挤You"re gonna have down believers或许你会有失去信仰之时But when you"re beyond belief但当你质疑时you probably shouldn"t wonder how你不该怀疑Get it how you live如何生活 如何圆梦But are you prepared to give more than you get而你是否准备好接受付出多过收获的事实And put in twice what you get back from this shit当你准备付出时 你最好三思Though what you sacrifice barely is half never give即便事倍功半 也绝不要轻言放弃Rap is my shiftRap就是我人生的转折点But it"s like my shield at the same time正如我挥舞着盾牌之时I wield I"ma knife this will我也会亮起利剑Sometimes I feel just like b real from cypress hill有时我觉得自己就像《Cypress Hill》的B. RealHow I can just kill a cypher survivor"s guilt我该如何绝杀cypher却没有一丝幸存者的愧疚I rhyme like life is still an uphill climb我的说唱节奏像是不断登攀的人生旅途Ready to face it each challenge waitin"我早已准备面对未来的每一个挑战Taste it it"s salivation I"m wagin" retaliation好好体验一次 像是次绝杀游戏 我会浴血厮杀Look what I have built reputation is delegation看看我的建树 我的名气早已说明一切The only thing I"m capable of makin" is amazing我擅长的唯一就是卓越不凡Only thing you"re capable of makin" is a false statement而你唯一擅长的就是虚假言辞还有肆意指责An accusation I am legendary status in fact事实上 我就是不朽的传奇That is the only way you"ll ever be able to say而你唯一能说得就是Your legend is makin" an allegation你所谓的不朽只是妄下的断言I write with the left same hand I hold the mic with我用左手创作 也用这只手握麦As I fight to the death "till my last breath我会不懈战斗直至我生命的最后一刻Managed to prove who the best man is只为证明我才是不朽的那一个Surveil it all cards be the only ones left standing最好盯紧 因为只有一个人会在困境中崛起In the end but I ain"t gonna be the最后我并不是only one with the advantage那个最有天赋Of knowing what it"s like to be southpaw知晓做个左撇子会有怎样未来的人Cause you can bet your ass you"ll be left handed因为你绝对可以肯定你会是怪才I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡With every ounce of my blood流经身体每一盎司的血液都涌动着非凡With every breath in my lungs经由我肺叶的每一次呼吸都带着非凡Won"t stop until I"m phe-no-menal绝不会停步直至我成为非凡不朽的那一刻I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡However long that it takes无论这征程会有多漫长I"ll go to whatever rates我都会义无反顾 勇往直前It"s gonna make me a monster though尽管现实将我铸就成凶猛野兽I am phenomenal我就是不朽的非凡But I would never say "oh it"s impossible"我绝不会说 这绝无可能Cause I"m gonna be phenomenal因为老子就是不朽的非凡

急求短文翻译 One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot.


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Steven源自拉丁,希腊史蒂文,涵意:a crown 一顶王冠,女性名字Stephanie和Steffi同义词:Stephen昵称 Steve,Stevie

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"CIF CHENNAI Indian port "的CHENNAI是什么意思,在哪个地方




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你好chennai karina包包是皮革牛皮的都有如满意请采纳

请各位大大告诉我下 CHENNAI 和 MUNDRA 这2个港口的中文名字,都属于印度的,不胜感谢!

Chennai (Madras) 600015 清奈(金奈,原名:马德拉斯)(印度)chennai原来叫马德拉斯(Madras),位于印度南方省份泰米尔纳德邦,南印度重要城市,印度第四大城市。现在一般翻译为清奈,或金奈。印度古吉拉特邦的蒙德拉港(MUNDRA)。该港将新增16个泊位,2010年的吞吐能力将达到5000万吨,到2015年有望超过1亿吨。

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ICD: Inland Container Depot :内陆集装箱堆场多一程钦奈(Chennai)- 海得拉巴(HYDERABAD) 的内陆运费,具体多少钱,你问货运代理吧,他们会安排的.







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根据船公司来的 13-25 天不等”货代助手“ 价格和船期 船公司都可自由查询 以免被骗哦


金奈(泰米尔语Chennai)以前称为马德拉斯(英文 Madras),是印度东南沿海的一座城市。它坐落于孟加拉湾西岸,是泰米尔纳德邦的首府,印度第四大都市,世界35大都市地区之一。


1.金奈(泰米尔语:“Chennai”)以前称为马德拉斯,南印度东岸的一座城市。 2.它坐落于孟加拉湾的岸边,是泰米尔纳德邦的首府,印度第四大都市,世界100大都市地区之一。 3.金奈在印度半岛东南部的科罗曼德尔海岸上,面积130平方公里。 4.市区人口327万,包括郊区在内448万(1981)。 5.居民大部分操泰米尔语,还有泰卢固语、马拉雅拉姆语和英语。 6.城市以圣乔治堡为中心向南北方向延伸,市中心在圣乔治堡的东南角。 7.主要街道大多呈南北向。 8.城西和西南部为高级的住宅区,有岛地空间和公共建筑相隔,工业区分布在城北和西北郊区,尤以铁路和公路沿线发展迅速,在市区最西南和南部,为新居民区。 9.居民住房密集,一般按不同阶层和宗教信仰构成传统的居住区。

Chennai是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

Chennai 金奈。印度泰米尔纳德邦首府。港口城市。


chennai原来叫马德拉斯(Madras),位于印度南方省份泰米尔纳德邦,南印度重要城市,印度第四大城市。 现在一般翻译为清奈,或金奈。


chennai是哪里 chennai是哪里?很多人对于chennai不太了解。chennai是印度的港口,chennai原来叫马德拉斯,位于印度南方省份泰米尔纳德邦。我已经为大家搜集和整理好了chennai是哪里的相关信息,一起来看看吧。 chennai是哪里1 金奈(泰米尔语:Chennai )以前称为马德拉斯(英文 Madras),南印度东岸的一座城市。 它坐落于孟加拉湾的岸边,是泰米尔纳德邦的首府,印度第四大都市,世界100大都市地区之一。 金奈在印度半岛东南部的科罗曼德尔海岸上,面积130平方公里。市区人口327万,包括郊区在内448万(1981年)。居民大部分操泰米尔语,还有泰卢固语、马拉雅拉姆语和英语。 城市以圣乔治堡为中心向南北方向延伸,市中心在圣乔治堡的东南角。主要街道大多呈南北向。城西和西南部为高级的住宅区,有岛地空间和公共建筑相隔,工业区分布在城北和西北郊区,尤以铁路和公路沿线发展迅速,在市区最西南和南部,为新居民区。居民住房密集,一般按不同阶层和宗教信仰构成传统的居住区。金奈是南印度交通枢纽,印度第四大商业城市和最大的人工港。班加罗尔新经济中心,被誉为“印度硅谷”,为全球十大科技都市之一。 金奈还是印度南部最大的贸易中心,输出皮革、铁砂、机织和手织的棉织品、棉花、花生、云母、咖啡、烟草和檀香等;输入小麦、机械、钢铁、肥料、纸张、药材、煤、石油和石油制品等。印度独立后发展成工业中心之一,从1956年起发展较快,以轻工业、棉纺织工业为主,还有车辆、电机、橡胶、制革、榨糖等规模不一的工厂。除1969年设炼油厂提炼进口原油外,汽车、造船、化肥等重工业已渐占优势。 chennai是哪里2 chennai港口钦奈港口 回顾与历史 钦奈港口原名马德拉斯(Madras),被许多人称为“通往南印度的门户”。钦奈港口位于印度南部孟加拉湾外的科罗曼德海岸,距科钦港口东北约565公里,距孟买港口东南约一千公里。钦奈港口是重要的文化和行政中心,也是印度泰米尔纳德邦的首府。 2001年,超过430万人居住在城市中,超过650万人居住在钦奈港口的市区。 chennai港口钦奈港口是印度最古老,最大的商业港口之一。在开始其在海上贸易中的作用之前,它是旅行者的重要港口。钦奈港口是泰米尔纳德邦经济蓬勃发展的重要组成部分,特别是对于印度南部蓬勃发展的制造业的增长而言。它的主要产业包括生产车辆,橡胶和化肥的`工厂,以及电气工程和炼油厂。离开钦奈港口的主要出口商品是铁矿石,皮革和棉纺织品。进入钦奈港口的主要进口商品是小麦,原棉,机械和钢铁。 chennai港口港口历史 自公元一世纪以来,在许多南印度王朝(包括帕拉瓦(Pallava),潘迪亚(Pandya),乔拉(Chola)和维杰纳加尔王朝(Vijaynagar dynas))的统治下,金奈港口周围地区一直是重要的军事,行政和经济中心。 Mylapore的古镇,现在是Chennai港口的一部分,是6至9世纪统治的Pallavan王朝的重要港口。 1522年,葡萄牙人在今天的钦奈港口的所在地建造了一个港口,将其以圣托马斯的名字命名为圣多美。 荷兰人于1613年到达位于chennai港口钦奈港口以北约33公里处的Pulicat。1639年,英国东印度公司从Vihayanagara国王Peda Venkata Raya手中购买了一条海岸线,而地方统治者Damerla Venkatapathy则给了允许英国人在现场建造仓库和工厂。第二年,英国人建立了一个名为马德拉斯(Madras)的殖民地,并在未来的钦奈港口的所在地建造了圣乔治堡。 1746年,法国军队攻占并掠夺了马德拉斯,圣乔治堡和周边村庄。三年后,根据《艾克斯·拉·恰佩勒条约》,chennai港口钦奈港口和城镇被归还英国。然后,他们加强了防御法国和日益强大的迈索尔苏丹的钦奈港口的堡垒。 1700年代末期,印度南部大部分地区都被英国人征服,他们以马德拉斯/金奈为首府,建立了马德拉斯总统府。未来的chennai港口钦奈港在英国统治下繁荣昌盛,成为重要的海军基地和城市中心。 当时,天然港口是如此之浅,以至于船只不得不在海上锚定一公里,然后使用Masula船将货物运往金奈海岸。货物损失很高,在1861年建造了一个能够停泊较大船只的335米长的码头。一场飓风在1881年摧毁了该码头,并于1885年对其进行了重建。 在19世纪后期,印度的新铁路将钦奈港与其他重要城市相连,例如英国殖民地的孟买(孟买)和chennai港口加尔各答(加尔各答)。随着更强的通讯和贸易路线,港口继续发展。 1904年,增加了新的东北入口,以控制流域的淤积。在接下来的几十年中,在钦奈港口建造了新的码头。南码头于1913年开放。西码头的五个泊位在1916年至1920年之间开始运营。 chennai港口钦奈港口是第一次世界大战期间唯一遭到三军同盟攻击的城市。1914年,一艘德国巡洋舰SMS Emden炮击了该油库,并使用印度洋的运输航线突袭了船只,破坏了贸易。 在两次世界大战之间,金奈港口获得了新的设施。在内港,北码头始建于1931年,南码头II于1936年开始担任Ambedkar码头博士。 1947年,印度人赢得独立,钦奈港口成为马德拉斯州的首府,该州于1969年更名为泰米尔纳德邦。 1961年,印度总理巴哈杜尔·沙斯特里(Bahadur Shastri)为chennai港口钦奈的贾瓦哈尔码头(Jawahar Dock)揭幕。 Bharathi码头建在外港,可处理吃水深达16.2米的船只。 1970年,建造了一个石油码头来处理运往Manali炼油厂(今天的Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited)的原油进口。 1974年,铁矿石泊位被添加到chennai港口金奈港口,以出口到日本和其他远东国家。 1985年增加了另一个跳船码头,以满足对原油和石油产品日益增长的需求。


chennai是泰米尔语,意思是金奈。金奈不是港口,它是印度第四大城市,泰米尔纳德邦首府。该市是印度的一个大型商业和工业中心,以其文化遗产而著称。它位于印度东南部的科罗曼德海岸,坐落于孟加拉湾的岸边。 chennai是泰米尔语,意思是金奈。金奈不是港口,它是印度第四大城市,泰米尔纳德邦首府。该市是印度的一个大型商业和工业中心,以其文化遗产而著称。它位于印度东南部的科罗曼德海岸,坐落于孟加拉湾的岸边。


心想事成 馨香是橙


① 盛饭② 盛器③ 盛水④ 盛粮食盛chéng【动】• 把东西放进去〖laddle;fill〗。如:盛水不漏(喻说理严密);盛饭•用勺舀或运送〖ladle〗。如:给他自己盛汤


称象、称功诵德、称斤掂两、繁称博引、称心如意。一、称象拼音:chèng xiàng白话释义:曹冲利用等量代换的数学原理,称出大象的重量。朝代:现代作者:北师大出处:北师大版小学二年级下册10单元二、称锤拼音:chèng chuí 白话释义:称颂别人的功绩德业。朝代:西汉作者:戴圣出处:《礼记·月令》“﹝仲春之月﹞角斗甬,正权概” 汉 郑玄 注:“称锤曰权。”翻译:[仲春的月份]角斗柄,正确的衡量标准”汉郑玄注:“称锤说权。三、称斤掂两拼音:chèng jīn diān liǎng白话释义:计算重量。谓计较多少、轻重。朝代:现代作者:王愿坚出处:《粮食的故事》:“有个别干部,称斤掂两的,怕任务重了完不成。”四、对称拼音:duì chèng白话释义:对称,就是物体相同部分有规律的重复。晶体具有对称性,这表现在晶体外形上是相等的晶面、晶棱和角顶有规律的重复出现。晶体具有对称性的原因不同于其他物体。朝代:现代作者:朱自清出处:《你我》:“利用呼位,将他称与对称拉在一块儿。”翻译:而论文只崇尚精要,不喜欢很多博引五、称心如意拼音:chèng xīn rú yì白话释义:适合心意,愿望能得到满足。朝代:宋作者:朱敦儒出处:·《樵歌·感皇恩》:“称心如意;剩活人间几岁?”翻译:称心如意;多活几岁人之间




饿 你要的是哪个cheng啊





成这个姓翻译成英文是cheng还是chan 还是其它??



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