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have somebody do something help somebody to do something的区别

"Have somebody do something"和"Help somebody to do something"的意思有些不同。"Have somebody do something"意味着让某人做某事,强调的是指挥或授权他人去完成某项任务。这种结构常常被用于描述将任务委托给他人,或者强调别人为我们完成某项任务的重要性。例如:I had my assistant book my flight. (我让我的助手给我预订了航班。)She had her hair done at the salon. (她在沙龙里理了发。)"Help somebody to do something"则意味着帮助某人完成某项任务,强调的是协助他人去完成某项任务。这种结构常常被用于描述帮助别人解决问题或完成任务的行为。例如:Can you help me to carry this box upstairs? (你能帮我把这个盒子搬到楼上吗?)The tutor helps the student to understand the difficult math problems. (导师帮助学生理解难题。)

Help~请帮我翻译一下下面的句子. 中译英and英译中. 无比感谢

1. In love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid, afraid he get his lost.2. Also king double tears hanging, pearl hate not to meet when not to marry.3. Disappointed, sometimes is also a kind of happiness, because something to look forward to so it will be disappointed. Because of love, just can have expectations, so even though disappointed, is also a kind of happiness, although this is a little pain happiness.4. When love comes, of course is also happy. But, this kind of happy is to pay of, also want to learn to accept disappointment, pain and leaves.

with no small amount of unwitting help是什么意思


He ______ you more help even though he was very busy. A.might have given B.might give C.m

A 试题分析:考查虚拟语气:“might have done”可以用来表示“本来有可能做某事,事实上却没做”,表达一种婉转的批评或责备。本题是说“他即使很忙也可能帮助你的(但实际上却并没有)”。因为是谈论过去的事情,情态动词应与不定式的完成式连用,排除B和D。C是对过去事实的推测,与后文不符。选A.点评:在even if, even though 所引导的让步状语从句中,可用虚拟语气,主句、从句的结构与if所引导的条件从句的各种时态、结构相同。如: Even if he were here himself, he should not know what to do. 即是他亲自来也不知该怎么办。

bitch! suck my dick and go to hell .i will fuck you call for help!有没有错?英语达人们??

let me fuck your hell

it can help hurt people 这句话对吗?受伤的人英语怎么说

受伤的人 the injured It can help the injured man


He can help the boys find their balls.改为一般疑问句:Can he help the boys find their balls?

we helpped him find the way to the bank.这句话,哪儿错了?


can you help me find the way

不需要啊~ help sb,后面可以加to 可以不加~ 两种方式都是被认可的呢~ 记住就OK~

他们经常帮我们找路they often help us find road(这样翻译可以不?)


help my dear friend

judge show your mark,please cancel a highest mark and a lowest mark the last mark is~


the shopping mall is two kilometers away from the school.

God helps those who help themselves.是求人不如求己的自己么



This is Jame .How can I help you?我是Name.我怎样帮你

how can i help you?还是what can i help you?


How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别

how can i help you : 我如何可以能帮到你?What can i help you : 我有什么可以帮到你的?

How can I help you是什么意思

HowcanIhelpyou中文:我能帮你什么忙?我怎样才能帮助你?  例句:  SohowcanIhelpyou?  那幺我有什么能帮你的呢?  Uh,howcanIhelpyou?  呃有什么我能效劳的?  Honey,howcanIhelpyou?  亲爱的我能为你做点什么?  HowcanIhelpyou,noblesir?  我能帮你什么?尊贵的先生?

How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别

How can I help you是对的,What can I do to help you

how can i help you 和 what can i help you 的区别

楼主 你好相同的意思,可以用不同的语言表达方式.只要语法上正确,人家能听懂,不限于只有一种表达方法.不同的人还有不同的语言习惯.譬如yes,all right,OK,yeah都一样.如果一定要细究的话:What can I do for you? 适合于未在别人请求的情况下,主动询问是否要帮助;How can I help you? 适合于得到别人请求时,询问如何帮助.

How can I help you 和 What can I help you 的区别


How can I help you是什么意思


can I help you的同义句

can I help you的同义句有may I help you?how can i help you?do you need any help?can I help you的意思是我能帮助你吗?can用作情态动词的基本意思是“能,能够”“可以”“可能,会”。1.may I help you?翻译:需要我帮忙吗? may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化。 例句:Tina,may I help you?翻译:蒂娜,需要我帮忙吗? can i help you?翻译:需要我帮忙吗;有什么可以帮您。 例句:HowcanIhelpyoutothatgoal?翻译:我怎样能使你达到那个目标呢? you need any help?翻译:你需要帮助吗? 例句:Theteachersaystome:Doyouneedanyhelp?翻译:老师对我说:你需要帮助吗?

一首女生唱的英文歌,有很多i am 什么 i am什么,歌的最后一句是help me to

lonely 很早的歌 不知道对不对

point helper怎么删除

一些正常的电脑进程 1.进程文件:vnetclient.exe 进程名称:vnet client 描述:网络快车(vnetclient) 2.进程文件:notepad或者notepad.exe 进程名称:notepad 描述:notepad.exe是windows自带的记事本程序。是windows默认用来打开和编辑文本文件的程序 3.进程文件:taskmgr 或者 taskmgr.exe 进程名称: the windows task manager. 描述: taskmgr.exe用于windows任务管理器。它显示你系统中正在运行的进程 4.进程文件:svchost或者svchost.exe 进程名称:microsoft service host process 描述:svchost.exe是一个属于微软windows操作系统的系统程序,用于执行dll文件。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 5.进程文件:smagent.exe 进程名称:smagent 描述:smagent.exe是analog devices声卡驱动程序。 6.进程文件:nvsvc32或者nvsvc32.exe 进程名称:nvidiadriverhelperservice 描述:nvsvc32.exe是nvidia显示卡相关程序。不要删除此进程,以确保你的图形显示卡的正常运行。 7.进程文件:kavsvc.exe 进程名称:kavsvc 描述:kavsvc.exe是卡巴斯基antivirus服务 8.进程文件:ctfmon 或者 ctfmon.exe 进程名称: alternative user input services 描述: ctfmon.exe是microsoft office产品套装的一部分。它可以选择用户文字输入程序,和微软office xp语言条。 9.进程文件:vm_sti.exe 进程名称:摄像头驱程文件 描述:vm sti.exe来自于pc机的摄像头驱程文件. 10.进程文件:smax4.exe 进程名称:soundmax control center 描述:smax4.exe是soundmax声卡控制中心程序。 11.进程文件: smax4pnp.exe 进程名称:smax4pnp mfc application 描述:smax4pnp.exe来一个自于声卡设备产品的进程。 12.进程文件:rundll32或者rundll32.exe 进程名称:microsoftrundll32 描述:rundll32.exe用于在内存中运行dll文件,它们会在应用程序中被使用。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 13.进程文件:kav或者kav.exe 进程名称:kaspersky antivirus personalcomponent 描述:kav.exe来自于卡巴斯基反病毒软件,为了你的系统安全,不应被移除。 14.进程文件:alg 或者 alg.exe 进程名称: application layer gateway service 描述: alg.exe是微软windows操作系统自带的程序。它用于处理微软windows网络连接共享和网络连接防火墙。 这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 15.进程文件:explorer或者explorer.exe 进程名称:microsoft windows explorer 描述:explorer.exe是windows程序管理器或者windows资源管理器,它用于管理windows图形壳, 包括开始菜单、任务栏、桌面和文件管理。删除该程序会导致windows图形界面无法适用 16.进程文件:wscntfy 或者 wscntfy.exe 进程名称: microsoft windows 安全等级 center 描述: wscntfy.exe是windows安全相关策略的一部分。这个程序对你系统的正常运行是非常重要的。 17.进程文件:lsass或者lsass.exe 进程名称:local安全等级作者ityservice 描述:lsass.exe是一个关于微软安全机制的系统进程,主要处理一些特殊的安全机制和登录策略。 18.进程文件:services.exe 进程名称: windows service controller 描述: services.exe是微软windows操作系统的一部分。用于管理启动和停止服务。该进程也会处理在计算机启动和关机时运行的服务。 19.进程文件:winlogon.exe 进程名称:microsoft windows logon process 描述:winlogon.exe是windows域登陆管理器。它用于处理你登陆和退出系统过程。正常的进程应该是在windows的system32下面 20.进程文件:csrss.exe 进程名称:microsoft client/server runtime server subsystem 描述:csrss.exe是微软客户端/服务端运行时子系统。正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 21.进程文件:smss.exe 进程名称:session manager subsystem 描述:smss.exe是微软windows操作系统的一部分。该进程调用对话管理子系统和负责操作你系统的对话。 正常的进程应该是在windows的system32和servicepackfilesi386下面 22.进程文件:wdfmgr或者wdfmgr.exe 进程名称:windows driver foundation manager 描述:wdfmgr.exe是微软microsoftwindowsmediaplayer10播放器的相关程序。该进程用于减少兼容性问题。 23.进程文件:system或system process 进程名称:system process 描述:system process是windows页面内存管理进程,拥有0级优先。 24.进程文件:nwiz或者nwiz.exe 进程名称:nvidia nview wizard 描述:nwiz.exe是nvidia的nview特性相关程序。该程序用于用户对其特性进行配置,将桌面扩展到多台显示器上。 25.进程文件:imjpmig.exe 进程名称:imjpmig 描述:imjpmig.exe是微软microsoft输入法编辑器程序。 26.进程文件:tintsetp.exe 进程名称:tintsetp 描述:tintsetp.exe是输入法软件相关程序。 27.进程文件se 或者 ose.exe 进程名称: microsoft office source engine 描述: ose.exe是微软microsoft office套装的一部分,用于cd和web升级的附加安装支持。 28.进程文件:msiexec或者msiexec.exe 进程名称:windowsinstallercomponent 描述:msiexec属于一个安装组件,在安装新软件时调用这个“msi”安装包文件。此进程对机子的正常运行起着重要作用,不能终止。 29.进程文件:wuauclt.exe 进程名称:autoupdate for windows 描述:wuauclt.exe是windows自动升级管理程序。该进程会不断在线检测更新。删除该进程将使你无法得到最新更新信息。 30.进程文件:msiexec或者msiexec.exe 进程名称:windowsinstallercomponent 描述:msiexec属于一个安装组件,在安装新软件时调用这个“msi”安装包文件。此进程对机子的正常运行起着重要作用,不能终止。

with the goal to help end hunger in japan句子成分?

这不是一个句子 ,只是一个介词短语,with 介词 ,the goal 是介词的宾语,动词不定式短语 to help end hunger in Japan 作the goal 的定语。

its kind _you_(help)me

d .of it is +adj+of sb+to do sth kind(友好的)是修饰人的 而it is +adj+for sb +to do sth中的adj是修饰物的

You have no idea how you just helped us有什么错?

答:You have no idea how you have just helped us.

Helpless (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Helpless (Lp Version)歌手:Manhattan Transfer专辑:The Manhattan Transfer Anthology - Down In BirdlandAlbum:Time BombTitle:HelplessArtist:BuckcherrySing me a songBecause I don"t want to hear my life go bySing me a songAnd let the melody dance through our hearts tonightAnd if you face it you"ll find that,The love we can make is so strongForget what they"re sayingStay true to yourself and move onSee the city at nightSee the street life the restaurants, the passer bysSomebody"s homeTo the shower they go clean the stress awayIs anyone out thereTo the heartbreak stationI"m goneForget what they"re sayingStay true to yourself and move onI don"t want to live my life todayI"m all out of love and I"m tired of changing.I hope you could help pass the time awayIs anyone out thereTo the heartbreak stationI"m goneI fell out of love this time againI can"t one more fightI"m too tired and crazyI know someday I will be strong againForget what they"re sayingTo the heartbreak stationI"m gonesoloHeartbreak station I"m goneHeartbreak station I"m goneHeartbreak station I"m goneI don"t want to live my life todayI"m all out of love and I"m tired of changing.I hope you could help pass the time awayIs anyone out thereTo the heartbreak stationI"m goneI fell out of love this time againI can"t one more fightI"m too tired and crazyI know someday I will be strong againForget what they"re sayingStay true to yourselfThey"ll laugh and they"ll praise youAnd find all the guiltIs anyone out thereTo the heartbreak stationI"m gone


十分 很

有一句歌词是she is a good doctor she can help me 是什么歌

Dream - Priscilla AhnI was a little girl alone in my little world我是一个小女孩 独自在这小小的世界who dreamed of a little home for me梦想有一个小小的家I played pretend between the trees我计划将它隐蔽在树丛中间and fed my houseguests bark and leaves用书皮和叶子招待我的客人and laughed in my pretty bed of green在我可爱的绿色床上玩乐I had a dream我有一个梦想That I could fly from the highest swing我可以从最高的地方滑翔I had a dream我有一个梦想Long walks in the dark在深夜走很远的路through woods grown behind the park穿过公园后茂密的森林I asked God who I"m supposed to be我问上帝我将变成怎么样子The stars smiled down on me星星微笑的照耀着我God answered in silent reverie上帝用沉默的思考来回应我I said a prayer and fell asleep我祈祷后沉沉的睡去I had a dream我有一个梦想That I could fly from the highest tree我可以从最高的树上飞行I had a dream我有一个梦想oh...哦....Now I"m old and feeling grey现在我老了感觉有点糟I don"t know what"s left to say我不知道对这个世界说些什么about this life I"m willing to leave有关这样的生活我即将离开I lived it full and I lived it well我的生活充实而美好there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell我要告诉你很多生活中的故事I"m ready now, I"m ready now我准备好了 我准备好了I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing我准备好了 从最高的地方滑翔I had a dream我有一个梦想

The Beatles的《Help》 歌词

歌曲名:Help歌手:The Beatles专辑:The Beatles 1Help, I need somebody,Help, not just anybody,Help, you know I need someone, help.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these days are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,My independence seems to vanish in the haze.But every now and then I feel so insecure,I know that I just need you like I"ve never done before.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,Won"t you please, please help me.When I was younger, so much younger than today,I never needed anybody"s help in any way.But now these daya are gone, I"m not so self assured,Now I find I"ve changed my mind and opened up the doors.Help me if you can, I"m feeling downAnd I do appreciate you being round.Help me, get my feet back on the ground,

I couldn’t help praising the master’s鞋匠师傅 ________。后面应该填technique还是skill,他们到底有什

technique 指 科技。全写:scientific techskill 指技艺。你说呢?

英语Help us make it better怎么翻译?





1. Tim thinks a tour gulde"s jub is interesting. 2. Jenny thinks a zoo keeper"s job is rewarding. 3. Sam thinks a architect"s job is challenging. 4. Dories thinks a scientist"s job can explore more about science. 5. Bob thinks a writer"s job is boring. Tim: I like travelling. Taking people to different places makes me happy. This job is interesting Jenny: I like animals. I like looking after them. This job is rewarding. Sam: I like solving problems and repairing things. This job is challenging. Doris: I"m good at science. I hope I can explore Bob: I don"t have good ideas. I don"t like writing. I think this job is boring Answer : 1. Tim thinks a tour gulde"s jub is interesting. 2. Jenny thinks a zoo keeper"s job is rewarding. 3. Sam thinks a architect"s job is challenging. 4. Dories thinks a scientist"s job can explore more about science. 5. Bob thinks a writer"s job is boring. 希望可以帮到你啦 ~ 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_22 2008-08-24 13:34:20 补充: architect = 建筑师 参考: Myself Again

He ran in the house and helped the little 改错

in-tokeeping-to keephave -hadsings-sing

急求!!!If you need more information, any of the clerks has/ have the expertise to help you.

has,any of 表示之一,单数

try cp help for more information是什么意思

try cp help for more information尝试帮助更多的信息try cp help for more information尝试帮助更多的信息

why he refused our help.中为什么是refused 而不是refuse?




魔兽世界中打 " /rl " 没有反应.. 显示黄字 "输入/help获得命令列表" 我有装插件什么的..现在用不了了..


You may rely on it that they will help you solve the problem.帮忙分析一下句子结构


Must I get someone to help her?no,you must not改错

Must I ask someone to help her ?No , you needn"t.

must i help you




what can help me这个句子正确吗

正确的表达是:1). Who can help me?2). What can I do for you?


can you help me, please


come and help me过来帮我双语例句1Come and help me to brush the horses down.来,帮我给马刷刷。2I"m going to change, come and help me out, ok?我要改变,去帮我出去,好吗?

he help me

I have a good friend. We have been friends for quite a long time. Whenever i have some problems in study,he will help



someone help me这里help为什么不用helps

Someone help me = Will someone please help me = 祈使句,所以 help 后面没有 s.

help me ,save me


someone help me这里help为什么不用helps

在口语里这样讲是没错的. 这是一个人在呼救的情况下说的祈使句,相当于 Someone please help me! Will someone help me? 省略了祈使部分就变成了someone help me.

Thank you for (helping) me为什么括号里不可以填help(当help是名词的时候 FOR后可加动名词 不也可加名词


Thank you to help me!正不正确?


Help me!!!!!

平均每人抬14千米 18*21*2/54=14

I can help me 什么意思

can"t help 例句:i can"t help falling love with you 我已经无法控制的和你坠入了爱河. can"t help 是“禁不住、忍不住”的意思 so I can help me, (1)我能控制住我自己、我能让自己忍住、 (2)我能帮助我自己

是give me a help hand还是give me a helping hand

为你解答。是give me a helping hand:相当于help me。

may you help me这样说对吗?还是can you help me?

May you be happy是对的。首先,may是情态动词,后面要接动词原形,所以要用后者。意思就是祝你快乐。这里就是一般现在时。may you help me这样说对吗?还是can you help me? 当然是后者。这是习惯用法。不是说may不对,就是不习惯用它。想想看,明明是天很热,你非得说成很热天,自己觉得别不别扭

help you help me是什么意思




Come and help me考点me为什么


can you help me怎么回答

回答和翻译如下:你会帮助我吗?Yes,I can.No,I can not.是的。不是的。(英语句子翻译,英语句子回答翻译)。

求一首耳熟能详的英文歌 男的唱的 高潮是什么Help me Help me的!

What makes you beautiful

什么you help me

Can You help me 有委婉地请求帮助的语气,有礼貌。Do You help me 翻译出来没有请求的意思,而且时态上不好解释说话人到底是什么意思,没有这么表达的场合。

help me help you 是什么意思

什么是官方点的答案?有一首歌叫help me help you……

who help me是什么意思


I have many friends ___me.横线上应该填help,to help还是helping为什么?

to help .have sb to do sth

Can You help me 跟 Do You help me最大的区别在哪

can you help me 是“你能帮助我么”的意思,用在请求帮助的时候,do you help me是“你帮我么”,现实中很少这么用,意思是你想不想帮我,但我不一定需要你的帮助。

let me help you是什么意思


help me!


please help me后面加什么

please help me后面加名词,或用在结尾; please help me 请帮帮我;请帮我;请帮助我; help v. 帮助;协助;援助;改善状况;促进;促使;搀扶;带领; n. 帮助;协助;援助;有助益的东西(如忠告、钱等);有用 扩展资料   Please help me get this job ─ you know I would do as much for you.   请帮我弄到这份工作——你知道我也会为你的事同样尽力。   Please help me buy a tube of toothpaste on your way back.   请在回来的路上帮我买一管牙膏。   Please help me lift the bag of rice onto the truck.   请帮我把这包大米搭上卡车。   Please help me to dish out the vegetables.   请帮我把菜装盘端出。   Please help me off with my boots; they are so tight!   请帮我脱掉靴子,它们实在是太紧了。   The old man said slowly, "Excuse me.Could you please help me?"   老人慢慢地说:"对不起,你能帮帮我吗?"

蓝房子的HELP骷髅头ME 代表什么?

蓝色房间 过关密笈如下:  1。在抽屉里找到一支笔;   2。在红色沙发座垫下找到一张白纸;   3。点击墙上的画框(不要乱点,具体方法是:先点右上角,再点左上角,最后点正中央,画会掉下来),墙上有一张1万日元纸币;   4。左转,点击墙上的白色水管最下端,找到一个黄色的容器;   5。点白纸,纸放大。再点笔,笔会再纸上写上“HELP ME”;   6。点日元,再点笔,笔会在日元头像上画上眼镜头发和胡子;   7。点黄色的瓶子放大,打开,将纸放入。点击主画面,将黄色的瓶子放进管子里,按旁边红色的按钮,东西会在管子里上升(瓶子不见了);   8。过一会瓶子又回来了,取出瓶子,拿出纸,发现纸上被画了一个骷髅头的符号; (骷髅头代表什么?)   9。在电话机上拨号码 4357*63,听到“OK!”后(玩这个游戏时,电脑的音箱一定要打开啊。听不到声音提示就无法玩了!),点黄色瓶子放大,打开,将1万日元放入。点击主画面,将黄色的瓶子放进管子里,按旁边红色的按钮,东西会在管子里上升。   10。有人通过瓶子把钥匙给你了。可以开门了!   注:密码 4357*63是怎么得来的呢?HELP ME正好对应着电话机上的435763,那个“骷髅头”代表星号。这是最难破解的!!

may you help me这样说对吗?还是can you help me


是he helps me 还是he help me?

He helps me: 要用单数第三人称形式。



Help Me, Thank You 歌词

歌曲名:Help Me, Thank You 歌手:Jason Gray专辑:Everything Sad Is Coming Untrue (Special Edition)Jason Gray - Help Me, Thank YouThe two best prayers I knowEither one is always aproposLike my oldest friendsThey know just what to saySome days my cup of blessing fillsOther days I trip and when it spillsI"m not guessing either wayI know just what to prayHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"The more life I live I findThe two prayers intertwineLike my fingers doWhen I bow my head to prayBlessings can be so confusingWinning when I think I"m losingThe wounds of yesterdayMight be my saving grace todayHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"With eyes wide open at the wonder of it allOr with broken wingswhen I"m spinning in free fall"Hallelujah!""Deliver me!"They"re rising up inside of meRolling off my tongue,Before I thought to bid them comeHelp me, help meThank you, thank youWhether you"re riding high or feeling lowThese are the two best prayers I know"Help me" and "thank you"

let you help me 句型对吗?

对了,让你帮助我let和make have 构成使让动词,后面+动词原形help及物动词可以直接带宾语,后面加动词是to do中to可要可不要

求助!!!help me

在数学上,指函数与坐标轴所有交点的(横或纵)坐标之差,可取任何数.  曲线与x、y轴的交点(a,0),(0,b)其中a叫曲线在x轴上的截距在x轴的截距为 -3,所以x是不等于0如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

help me 把下面的中文改为英文:

If I say I love you, it must be kidding you. If I say I do not love you, then you must be kidding myself.
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