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gotta have you 有我爱你的意思吗


the weepies-gotta have you

有女生独唱且有男声独唱,亦有男女声混唱,美丽却不张扬。 淡淡的感觉带着简洁和清新的味道,细腻的吉他,抒情的歌词,非常值得品味。 是一男一女Deb Talan 和Steve Tannen 唱No amount of coffee   No amount of crying    No amount of whiskey   No amount of wine   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do 是Deb Talan 和Steve Tannen 一起(第二次) 第一次是Steve Tannen 歌词Gray, quiet and tired and mean   苍白,安静和疲倦   Picking at a worried seam   尝试着浅忆不快的往事   I try to make you mad at me over the phone   通过电话,我想让你为我疯狂   Red eyes and fire and signs   面红耳赤,激情似火   I"m taken by a nursery rhyme   我被儿时的歌谣带走   I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home   我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   The road gets cold   长路慢慢变冷   There"s no spring in the meadow this year   今年的草地感觉不到春天的气息   I"m the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears   我此时就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡   Oh, such a prima donna   哦,这样的首席女角   Sorry for myself   我为我自己难过   But green, it is also summer   但是这是绿色,这也是夏天   And I won"t be warm till I"m lying in your arms   我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的双臂   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I see it all through a telescope:   我通过望远镜看到这一切   Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat   吉他 衣箱还有温暖的外套   Lying in the back of the blue boat, humming a tune   躺在蓝色的小船上,轻轻地哼唱   Hmmmmmmm   嗯……(此时为哼唱)   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No wine   再多的美酒   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you, gotta have you   我必须拥有你,必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你    流淌在娓娓道来里的舒缓,好美丽的歌。   No amount of coffee   No amount of crying   No amount of whiskey   No amount of wine   No, no, no, no, no. Nothing else will do   轻轻暖暖的节奏,深深浅浅的低唱,让人想到阳光铺陈的咖啡馆,午后,你和我坐拥一片昏黄,被温暖环抱。   浓浓的倾诉,深情化不开。你弹起吉他,我浅吟低唱,没有咖啡,没有美酒,只有淡淡的爱情。

Gotta Have you的罗马音,歌词是中文读

决(き)めつけばかり ki me tsuke bakari自惚(うぬぼ)れを着(ぎ)た unubo re wo gi taチープなhokoriで 音荒(おとあら)げてもchiipu na hokori de oto aragetemo棚(たな)に隠(かく)した tanani kakushita哀(あわ)れな awa re na耻(はじ)に濡(ぬ)れた镜(かがみ)の中(なか)hajini nureta kagamino naka都合(つご)の伤(きず)だけひけらかしてtsugo no kizu dake hikerakashite 手軽(てがる)な强(つよ)さで胜取(かちと)る术(すべ)をtegaru na tsuyosa de kachitoru subewoどれだけ磨(と)いでも気(き)はやつれる dore dake toidemo kiha yatsureruふらついた思想(しそう)通(どお)りだfuratsuita shisou doorida爱(あい)-same-CRIERai same crier 爱抚(あいぶ)-save-LIARaibu save liarEid-圣(せい)-Rising HELLeid sei rising hell爱(あい)してる Game世界(せかい)のDayai shiteru game sekai no dayDon*t-生(せい)-Wardont sei warLie-兵士(へいし)-War-Worldlie heishi war worldEyes-Hate-WarA-Z Looser-Krankheit-Was IS das?-受(う)け売(う)り盾(たて)にuke uri tateni见下(みくだ)しててもmikudashitetemo そこには地面(じめん)しかない事(こと)さえsokoniha jimenn shikanaikoto sae気付(きづ)かぬままに 壊(こわ)れた过去(かこ)に负(ま)けた镜(かがみ)の奥(おく)kizukanu mamani kowareta kako ni maketa kagami no okuどこまで叫(さけ)べば位置(いち)を知(し)れる doko made sakebeba ichi wo shireruとどめもないまま息(いき)が切(き)れるtodomemonai mama ikiga kireru堂々(どうどう)さらした罪(つみ)の群(む)れとdoudou sarashita tsumi no mure to 后(うし)ろ向(む)きにあらがうushiro muki ni aragau爱(あい)-same-CRIER ai same crier爱抚(あいぶ)-save-LIARaibu save liarAid-圣(せい)-Rising HELLaid sei rising hellI*ll-ness Reset-Endじゃない BurstDon*t-生(せい)-Warill ness reset end jyanai burst dont sei warLie-兵士(へいし)-War-Worldlie heishi war worldEyes-Hate-WarA-Z 想像(そうぞう)High-de-Siehst YOU das?A-Z souzou High-de-Siehst YOU das?--伪(にせ)の态度(たいど)な 臆病(おくびょ)Loud Voicenise no taidona okubyo loud voice気高(けたか)さを 勘违(かんちが)いした心臓(しんぞう)音(おん)ketakasawo kannchigaishita shinnzou onn狙(ねら)い通(とお)りの netaitoorino幻(まぼろし)见(み)てもmaboroshi mitemo満(み)たせない mitasenai何度(なんど)も目(め)を开(あ)けてもnanndomo mewo aketemo-どこまで叫(さけ)べば位置(いち)を知(し)れる dokomade sakebeba ichi wo shireruとどめもないまま息(いき)が切(き)れるtodomemonai mama ikigakireru堂々(どうどう)さらした罪(つみ)の群(む)れと doudou sarashita tsumino mureto后(うし)ろ向(む)きにあらがうuchiro mukini aragau爱(あい)-same-CRIER ai same crier爱抚(あいぶ)-save-LIARaibu save liarEid-圣(せい)-Rising HELLeid sei rising hell爱(あい)してる Game世界(せかい)のDayaishiteru game sekai no dayDon*t-生(せい)-Wardont sei warLie-兵士(へいし)-War-Worldlie heishi war worldEyes-Hate-WarA-Z Looser-Krankheit-Was IS das?Leben, was ist das?Signal, Siehst du das?Rade, die du nicht weisstAus eigenem WillenLeben, was ist das?Signal, Siehst du das?Rade, die du nicht weisstSieh mit deinen Augen中文歌词:决めつけばかり 自惚れを着た チープなhokori(夸り)で 音荒げても一直施予成见 身裹著傲慢  那种廉价的荣誉 吹嘘到哑也没用棚に隠した 哀れな 耻に濡れた镜の中藏在列柜里 那可怜的 被耻辱淋溼的镜子之中 都合の伤だけひけらかして 手軽强さで胜取る术を与其宣扬伤痕的种种 不如去找可轻易掠夺胜利的方法どれだけ磨いでも気はやつれる ふらついた思想通りだ再怎麼钻牛角尖也只是消磨心志 如同那轻如鹅毛的想法爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR  《○》Repeat爱(我)就像噙哭者 安慰(我)拯救了说谎者Eid-圣-Rising HELL誓言 让 地狱再次甦醒爱してる Game世界のDay我爱你 游戏世界般的一天Don"t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World别制造战争 欺骗兵士战场就是世界(全部)Eyes-Hate-War大家都憎恨战争A-Z Looser-Krankheit-Was IS das?A-Z 轻率从古至今都是一种病态?*受け売り盾に 见下してても そこには地面しかない事さえ从那二手盾底下周围 再怎麼看 都只有地面这种事  気付かぬままに 壊れた 过去に负けた镜の奥都无法察觉的话 等於输给镜子里那崩毁的过去 どこまで叫ベば位置を知れる とどめもないまま息が切れる  《●》Repeat到处呐喊暴露行踪 放下杀手任人宰割堂々さらした罪の群れと 後ろ向きにあらがう让在光天化日下的罪犯们 前後夹攻爱-same-CRIER 爱抚-save-LIAR爱(我)就像噙哭者 安慰(我)拯救了说谎者Aid-圣-Rising HELL帮助 让 地狱再次甦醒I"ll-ness Reset-Endじゃない Burst我将成为怪物 重生不是终点 砰 Don"t-生-War Lie-兵士-War-World别制造战争 欺骗兵士战场就是世界(全部)Eyes-Hate-War大家都憎恨战争A-Z 想像High-de-Siehst YOU das?A-Z 你看到你想要的东西了?*伪の态度な 臆病Loud Voice神经质的叫嚣 就一定是假装的吗?気高さを 勘违いした心臓音错认为不可一世的心跳声狙い通りの 幻见ても就算被狙击 看见幻觉了満たせない 何度も目を开けても也满足不了 反覆狰狞也不会改变《●》Repeat《○》RepeatLeben, was ist das?这才叫生活?Signal, Siehst du das?你看到信号了吗?Rade, die du nicht weisstRade 你其实不知道Aus eigenem Willen全用自我意志去想Leben, was ist das?这才叫生活?Signal, Siehst du das?你看到信号了吗?Rade, die du nicht weisstRade 你其实不知道Sieh mit deinen Augen把它烙印在眼眸满意的话请采纳哦谢谢~~


你设置了内容上限 我的歌词显示不出来 要的话,给邮箱

i gotta have you 是什么意思

= I am going to have 我要拥有你

gotta have you是那部电影的歌曲?

必须拥有你(Gotta Have You) - The Weepies The Weepies,一只由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的流行民谣二重奏。 两人初次相遇是在Tannen的波士顿音乐会上。在此之前,两人都已各自发表过自己的作品(Deb Talan发行过3张,Steve Tannen发行过2张)。 二人相互钦佩,很快就一起开始了创作歌曲,并且Weepies很快诞生了。这支《Gotta Have You》出自他们mar 7,2006发行的专辑《Say I Am You》。 简单的旋律,舒缓的女声,细腻的吉他伴奏。当一切交融在一起的时候就是美妙,清新而自然。

lhave gotta haveyou是什么意思

gotta have you 目录简介 歌词大意编辑本段简介  必须拥有你(Gotta Have You) - The Weepies   The Weepies,一只由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的流行民谣二重奏。 专辑图片  两人初次相遇是在Tannen的波士顿音乐会上。在此之前,两人都已各自发表过自己的作品(Deb Talan发行过3张,Steve Tannen发行过2张)。   二人相互钦佩,很快就一起开始了创作歌曲,并且Weepies很快诞生了。这支《Gotta Have You》出自他们mar 7,2006发行的专辑《Say I Am You》。   简单的旋律,舒缓的女声,细腻的吉他伴奏。当一切交融在一起的时候就是美妙,清新而自然。 编辑本段歌词大意  歌词:   Gray, quiet and tired and mean   苍白,安静和疲倦   Picking at a worried seam   尝试着浅忆不快的往事   I try to make you mad at me over the phone   通过电话,我想让你为我疯狂   Red eyes and fire and signs   面红耳赤,激情似火   I"m taken by a nursery rhyme   我被儿时的歌谣带走   I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home   我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No,no,no,no,no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   The road gets cold   长路慢慢变冷   There"s no spring in the middle this year   今年的六月感觉不到春天的气息   I"m the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears   我此时就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡   Oh, such a prima donna   哦,这样的首席女角   Sorry for myself   我为我自己难过   But green, it is also summer   但是这是绿色,这也是夏天   And I won"t be warm till I""m lying in your arms   我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的双臂   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No,no,no,no,no. Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I see it all through a telescope:   我通过望远镜看到这一切   Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat   吉他 衣箱还有温暖的外套   Lying in the back of the blue boat,Humming a tune   躺在蓝色的小船上,轻轻的哼唱   oh.................................................   噢................................................. (此时为哼唱)   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No wine   再多的美酒   No,no,no,no,no.Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   No amount of coffee   再多的咖啡   No amount of crying   再多的尖叫   No amount of whiskey   再多的威士忌   No amount of wine   再多的美酒   No,no,no,no,no.Nothing else will do   不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你   gotta have you   必须拥有你   I"ve gotta have you   我必须拥有你    流淌在娓娓道来里的舒缓,好美丽的歌。   No amount of coffee   No amount of crying   No amount of whiskey   No amount of wine   No,no,no, no,no,nothing else will do   轻轻暖暖的节奏,深深浅浅的低唱,让人想到阳光铺陈的咖啡馆,午后,你和我坐拥一片昏黄,被温暖环抱。   浓浓的倾诉,深情化不开。你弹起吉他,我浅吟低唱,没有咖啡,没有美酒,只有淡淡的爱情。


歌手:史提夫汪达专辑:丛林热:音乐电影 从来没有太多收看 有事业的东西太多了,以查看 而当眼睛开始漂移 他们多有可能从来没有获得通过 但出乎我自己的诱惑 我很诱惑我见 我不会感到满意 直到她的,我希望她能得到 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 i的宝贝,让你我的现实 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 来对女孩,让你我的现实 从来没有太多说话 有事业的东西太多了说 和由时间,我开始发言 在适当的时候已经下滑距离 但我必须打破这种旧的传统 并尝试鼓起了话 虽然可能有其他人说他们 我会说,他们在你从未听说过 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 我的宝贝,让你我的现实 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 来对女孩,让你我的现实 奥谢,奥谢,奥谢被现实,婴儿 奥谢,奥谢,奥谢被现实,婴儿 [重复] 从来没有太多感人 有事业的东西太多了感觉 再加上有太多的失望 当您找到那些感情是不是真正的 但这里的时候,异度空间 是哪里有照轻 原因我已过于承诺 我自己在思想,您好吗 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 i的宝贝,让你我的现实 i的宝贝,有你,我的宝贝,有你 i的宝贝,你为我 你是一个观光为喉咙痛,眼睛看到的 来对女孩,让你我的现实 奥谢,奥谢,奥谢被现实,婴儿 奥谢,奥谢,奥谢被现实,婴儿

gotta-have-you 翻译成中文是什么


Gotta Have You 歌词

《Gotta Have You》中文翻译为《不能没有你》歌手:The weepies 发行时间:2006-03-07所属专辑:《Say I Am You》 专辑类型:Indie Folk/Pop歌词:Gray, quiet and tired and meanPicking at a worried seamI try to make you mad at me over the phoneRed eyes and fire and signsI"m taken by a nursery rhymeI want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave homeNo amount of coffeeNo amount of cryingNo amount of whiskeyNo amount of wineNo.., nothing else will doI"ve gotta have youI"ve gotta have youThe road gets coldThere"s no spring in the middle this yearI"m the new chicken clucking open hearts and earsOh, such a prima donnaSorry for myselfBut green, it is also summerAnd I won"t be warm till I"m lying in your armsNo amount of coffeeNo amount of cryingNo amount of whiskeyNo amount of wineNo, nothing else will doI"ve gotta have youI"ve gotta have youI see it all through a telescope:Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coatLying in the back of the blue boatHumming a tune....No amount of coffeeNo amount of cryingNo amount of whiskeyNo wineNo, nothing else will doI"ve gotta have youI"ve gotta have youNo amount of coffeeNo amount of cryingNo amount of whiskeyNo amount of wineNo, nothing else will doI"ve gotta have youI"ve gotta have youI"ve gotta have yougotta have youI"ve gotta have you

Gotta have you是哪部电影的主题曲

没找到是哪部电影的主题曲,找了一些相关的资料,希望对你有帮助。gotta have you专辑图片 必须拥有你(Gotta Have You) - The Weepies Weepies,一只由Deb Talan和Steve Tannen组成的流行民谣二重奏。 两人初次相遇是在Tannen的波士顿音乐会上。在此之前,两人都已各自发表过自己的作品(Deb Talan发行过3张,Steve Tannen发行过2张)。 二人相互钦佩,很快就一起开始了创作歌曲,并且Weepies很快诞生了。这支《Gotta Have You》出自他们mar 7,2006发行的专辑《Say I Am You》。 简单的旋律,舒缓的女声,细腻的吉他伴奏。当一切交融在一起的时候就是美妙,清新而自然。 歌词: Gray, quiet and tired and mean 苍白,安静和疲倦,尝试着浅忆不快的往事 Picking at a worried seam I try to make you mad at me over the phone 通过电话,我想让你为我疯狂 Red eyes and fire and signs 面红耳赤,激情似火, I"m taken by a nursery rhyme 我被儿时的歌谣带走 I want to make a ray of sunshine and never leave home 我想乘上阳光回来,再也不离开 No amount of coffee 再多的咖啡 No amount of crying 再多的尖叫 No amount of whiskey 再多的威士忌 No amount of wine 再多的美酒 No,no,no,no,no. Nothing else will do 不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 The road gets cold 长路慢慢变冷 There"s no spring in the middle this year 今天里的六月感觉不到春天的气息 I"m the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears 我此时就像那只敞开心扉咕咕轻啼的小鸡 Oh, such a prima donna 哦,这样的首席女角 Sorry for myself 我为我自己难过 But green, it is also summer 但是这是绿色,这也是夏天 And I won"t be warm till I""m lying in your arms 我不会觉得一丝温暖,除非躺在你的双臂 No amount of coffee 再多的咖啡 No amount of crying 再多的尖叫 No amount of whiskey 再多的威士忌 No amount of wine 再多的美酒 No,no,no,no,no. Nothing else will do 不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I see it all through a telescope: 我穿越时空看到这一切 Guitar, suitcase, and a warm coat 吉他 衣箱还有温暖的外套 Lying in the back of the blue boat,Humming a tune 躺在蓝色的小船上,轻轻的哼唱 oh................................................. 噢。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 (此时为哼唱) No amount of coffee 再多的咖啡 No amount of crying 再多的尖叫 No amount of whiskey 再多的威士忌 No wine 再多的美酒 No,no,no,no,no.Nothing else will do 不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 No amount of coffee 再多的咖啡 No amount of crying 再多的尖叫 No amount of whiskey 再多的威士忌 No amount of wine 再多的美酒 No,no,no,no,no.Nothing else will do 不不不不不,再多的一切也不能替代 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你 gotta have you 必须拥有你 I"ve gotta have you 我必须拥有你

gotta have you 的歌词 带有中文翻译的

格娜gotta have you 的歌词 带有中文翻译的2不知道!!y

gotta have you 怎么理解?


gotta have you译成中文是什么意思


gotta have you什么意思

gotta have you必须拥有你;要得到你;必须有你;虽然依然执着于拥有你双语例句1. It"s finally legal to smoke dope , but you gotta have cancer. 现在癌症患者吸大麻是合法的.2. Come here , sister. I gotta have a word with you. 过来, 我的朋友,我有话跟你说.

tomorrow will have heavy rain

原句应该是:Beijing will have a heavy rain tomorrow. = Beijing is going to have a heavy rain tomorrow. = It will rain heavily/hard in Beijing tomorrow. = It is going to rain heavily/hard in Beijing tomorrow. = There will be a heavy rain in Beijing tomorrow. = There is going to be a heavy rain in Beijing tomorrow.

On Fire (Have You Ever?) 歌词

歌曲名:On Fire (Have You Ever?)歌手:张敬轩专辑:酷爱张敬轩演唱会~On Fire~张敬轩Baby我从你的眼里看到我的爱这样一种感觉你我都曾期待原来的相爱的方式要怎么更改你的爱蔓延的速度就是那么快你的脸你的眼睛How can i denyBaby you drive me crazyBaby can i could i may i hold you tonightCause i need some love and kisses tonightShaking moving your hand making me highMy body is in your eyesAnd whenever you walking pass me byThen you tell me everything gonna be alrightHoney my love is on fire今天晚上我要给你我全部的爱张开双手闭上眼睛你就能明白给你的全部的眼神感觉有点坏你的手蔓延的速度就是那么快你的脸你的眼睛How can i denyBaby you drive me crazyBaby can i could i may i hold you tonightCause i need some love and kisses tonightShaking moving your hand making me highMy hody is in your eyesAnd whenever you walking pass me byThen you tell me everything gonna be alrightHoney my love is on fire爱就是一种期待谁知道它有多快Honey do you know what is it insideBaby i need some love this nightAll the love i had insideBaby You drive me crazyBaby can i could i may i hold you tonightCause i need some love and kisses tonightShaking moving your hand making me highMy body is in your eyesAnd whenever you walking pass me byThen you tell me everything gonna be alrightHoney my love is on firehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7316493

-A group of teen mountaineers have planned to conquer the second highest mountain in Europe.


there are 与 there have的区别?

1.there are表示某地有某物 there be结构主要表示“某地(某时)有……”,它不能表示“所有”,即“某人(物)有……”.There be中的动词be(is,are)是“存在”的意思.there在这种句型中是引导词,没有实际词义.由there引导的这种结构,主语应放在动词be(is,are)之后,与其在数方面保持一致. 2.没有there have 动词have表示“有”时,它通常有三个含义: A.表示“某人(在物质上的)所有.”这种情况下不能用there be替换. B.表示“某人或动物(在身体上的)长有”.这种情况也不能用there be替换. C.表示“某物体(在结构上的)装有”.这种情况可以用there be替换. 表示“某人手中有某物”时,也用have,3,一个是他们 一个是他们有,1,

歌词里有 we have a good time女声 注意!!!不是owl city 和 Carly Rae Jepsen唱的

radio edit 的 good time

the teacher and {} student {} been invited to the party 第一个空要不要加THE 第二个空加HAS 还是have


Do you have any openings?


How to Have a Healthy Life作文

How would it feel to rise early each day with abundant energy and a laser-sharp mind ..pletely free of aches and pains ...lean and perfectly toned? Imagine your immune system in peak condition,protecting you from illness and disease. How would it feel to look in the mirror and see yourself at your ideal weight? This can be much more than an exercise in imagination.You can experience this level of fitness and the profound sense of well-being that es with it -- and you can acplish it this year. Not only that ...you can do it while still eating foods that you enjoy and engaging in exercise that brings you pleasure. Here are 10 things you should do to make this the healthiest year of your life.Make these choices a habit and you"ll feel the difference within days.Within a week,you"ll see the difference.And within a few months,you will find yourself staring in the mirror at a vision of health and fitness. 1.Drink plenty of pure water. Drinking enough water strengthens the immune system,promotes weight loss,improves the skin,and carries waste from the body.Drink a quart of water each day for every 50 pounds of body weight.Drink spring water from a trusted source or tap water that has been filtered to remove chlorine,lead,and fluoride. 2.Increase your physical activity. Many of the diseases we are prone to are the result of a sedentary (see "Word to the Wise," below) lifestyle as well as an unhealthy diet.Your body is meant to be used and will quickly deteriorate if it"s not.Physical activity should be as high a priority as eating and sleeping.Do the things you enjoy,but be sure to engage in some form of aerobic exercise at least five days a week and some form of resistance exercise at least two or three times per week. 3.Limit your carbohydrate intake. Learn about the glycemic index and avoid carbohydrates that are too high on it.This includes potatoes,corn,grain products,baked goods,sugars,and other sweets.Stick to low- and mid-range glycemic-index foods,such as non-starchy vegetables,greens,nuts,berries,beans,and fruits. 4.Consume good sources of natural fats. Completely avoid any products made with hydrogenated oils.Start reading the ingredients on the labels of the foods you eat.You"ll be surprised at where these "artery bombs" are hiding.Replace vegetable oils with olive oil and organic unrefined coconut oil.Increase your intake of omega-3 fats found in fish oil,grass-fed meat,walnuts,olives,organic eggs,and flaxseeds. 5.Eat protein at every meal. Your body needs protein every day.A lack of protein sends your brain the signal that food is scarce and prompts the body to protect itself from this "famine" by storing excess fat.If you"re a vegetarian,rice protein powder is an excellent source of pure protein with no carbohydrates to raise insulin levels.Also consider spirulina,a microalgae that is 60% protein. 6.Eat a natural diet. Whenever possible,insist on organic fruits,vegetables,and berries.Organic produce is more nutritious,free of harmful pesticides,and it even tastes better than conventional produce.Don"t believe it?Have you ever eaten a perfect home-grown tomato?If so,pare that with the taste of a mass-produced tomato that looks beautiful but tastes like a rubber ball.Also,choose grass-fed meats,organic eggs and poultry,and wild-caught fish known to be free of contaminants. 7.Eliminate artificial sweeteners. As bad as sugar can be,artificial sweeteners are worse.The worst offender is aspartame,marketed as Nutrasweet or Equal.It has been responsible for more adverse reactions reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives bined.It has been linked to tumors,seizures,headaches,altered brain function,chronic fatigue,optic-nerve damage,and a host of other maladies.Avoid Splenda as well.For an all-natural,no-calorie sweetener,use Stevia extract. 8.Get enough rest. While the body is at rest,your brain organizes memories,muscles are repaired and restored,and the immune system is rejuvenated.The right amount of sleep will boost creativity,improve your mood,and even decrease your chances of obesity.For optimum health,most people need seven hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. 9.Expose your skin to sunlight. There are numerous health benefits associated with moderate sun exposure -- and despite what you may have heard or read to the contrary,populations with the most exposure to sunlight actually exhibit the lowest rates of cancer.The key is to never allow your skin to burn -- which means that it"s generally best to enjoy the sun before 10 a.m.and after 2 p.m.when UV rays are lower.If your lifestyle does not allow you to be in the sun for a short time each day,consider supplementing with cod liver oil.Among its other outstanding benefits,the cod liver oil will pensate for the vitamin D you may be lacking as a result of not getting enough sun. 10.Take a few sensible supplements. You should get most of your nutrients from high-quality whole foods,but any nutritional program can be enhanced by supplementing with appropriate vitamins and minerals. The road to total health and wellness is not about making a single decision that will take you to your goal.It is about making many *** all decisions every day.Decisions that bee habits.Habits that lead to success. It"s about taking a few minutes a day to plan what to eat and when to exercise.It"s about choosing a bottle of water when your mouth is craving a soft drink.It"s about sitting down to a salad when you"re tempted to snack on chips.It"s about going out for a 30-minute jog instead of hitting the couch after work.It"s about waking up an hour earlier to get in a workout before you start your day. If you mit to making these *** all,positive decisions and following the plan laid out above,you will very quickly begin to experience changes in your life. As Michael Masterson often says,"Your life is a blank page of limitless possibilities." And this applies -- regardless of your past achievements or present limitations -- whether we"re talking about your ability to attain wealth ...or wisdom ...or health. No matter what your age ...or prior bad habits ...or how overweight and unhealthy you might feel at the moment,you can attain a peak level of health and fitness.And when you do,you will notice that your thinking is improved ...you will have more creativity and energy to pursue your goals ...you will feel more confident and in control of your life ...your relationships will get better ...your success will be an inspiration to others ...and you will gain the respect of those around you. Health is more important than wealth.Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing. How can we keep healthy Here is some advice.Firstly,it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins,and we have to keep a balanced diet.So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly,we"d better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides,we have to avoid too much work pressure.Finally,we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health,such as drinking and *** oking. In conclusion,if we stick to the advice given above,we will lead a healthy life Today,more and more people are in poor health.If we want to keep healthy we should healthy diet. First,we should have a balanced diet.Though we may not like eating vegetables,but the vegetables have a lot of nutrition.They are very good for our health.Second,we"d better eat regular meals.We need to eat breakfast,lunch,and dinner every day.Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily activities. Third,we should get away from fast food,for it may cause a lot of disease.


一、作及物动词,意为“喜欢”,后接名词或代词,表示对某一事物的兴趣或爱好。例如: I like fish and vegetables very much. Jack doesn"t like his work. 二、常与would,should连用,表示“想要、愿意、希望”,语气较为客气委婉。例如: Would you like something to drink?你想要喝点什么吗? I would like a bottle of orange and two cakes, please.我想要一瓶桔子汁和两块蛋糕。 三、like后接动词不定式作宾语,表示喜欢某项特定的或具体的活动。例如: Do you like to play basketball? No. I like to paly table tennis. His mother doesn"t like to see a film. 四、like后也可跟动词的ing形式作宾语,强调喜欢和爱好的是一般性的行为或事实。例如: Do they like playing games? No. They like watching TV. The girl doesn"t like doing housework. 五、How do you like…?句型主要用以询问对方对某个地方或某件事物等的看法,意为“你觉得…怎么样?”例如: How do you like the city?你觉得这座城市怎么样? How do you like the film?你认为这部电影怎样? How do you like…?和What do you think of …?意义相近,它们在口语中常用How about …?或What about…?代替。还要注意别和What do you like…?相混,该句型主要用以询问对方的兴趣爱好,意为“你喜欢什么?”例如:What do you like? I like swimming. 六、like作介词,意为“像”、“和……一样”。例如: She looks like her mother. The boy jumps like a monkey. It looks like rain. We don"t need a man like him have AHD:[hv] D.J.[h#v] K.K.[h#v] v.(动词) had[hd] hav.ing, has[hz] v.tr.(及物动词) To be in possession of: 拥有: already had a car. 已经有一辆车 To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function: 气质:有…的特征、性质或功能: has a beard; had a great deal of energy. 蓄着胡子;精力充沛 To possess or contain as a constituent part: 包含:作为某物的组成部分而含有或包含: a car that has an automatic transmission. 有自动传动系统的汽车 To occupy a particular relation to: 有特殊关系: had a great many disciples. 有很多信徒 To possess knowledge of or facility in: 具有某方面的知识或才能: has very little Spanish. 懂很少一点西班牙语 To hold in the mind; entertain: 保持在脑中;怀抱: had doubts about their loyalty. 对他们的忠诚怀有疑虑 To use or exhibit in action: 发挥:通过行动来运用或显示: have compassion. 发挥同情心 To come into possession of; acquire: 占有;获得: Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town. 整个城镇都没有这本书 To receive; get: 收到;得到: I had a letter from my cousin. 我收到堂弟寄来的信 To accept; take: 接受;收纳: I"ll have the green peas instead of the spinach. 我想要份青豆而不是菠菜 To suffer from: 经受,遭受: have defective vision. 视力不好 To be subject to the experience of: 经历,经验: had a difficult time last winter. 去年冬天日子不好过 To cause to, as by persuasion or compulsion: 促使:通过劝说或强迫导致…: had my assistant run the errand. 让我的助手跑腿 To cause to be: 使…成为: had everyone fascinated. 把每个人都吸引住了 To permit; allow: 允许;许可: I won"t have that kind of behavior in my house. 在我家中我可不允许做那种事 To carry on, perform, or execute: 执行,做,实行: have an argument. 进行争吵 To place at a disadvantage: 把…置于不利状态: Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue. 你的对手在争论中使你在每个问题上都处于下风 Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception: 【非正式用语】 利用:尤指通过诡计或欺骗利用: They realized too late that they"d been had by a swindler. 他们发现被一个骗子耍了,但为时已晚 Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe: 【非正式用语】 贿赂:通过不正当手段影响;贿赂: an incorruptible official who could not be had. 一位不为贿赂所动的廉洁官员 To procreate (offspring): 繁殖(后代): wanted to have a child. 想要一个孩子 To give birth to; bear: 生;生育: She"s going to have a baby. 她就要生孩子了 To partake of: 吃喝: have lunch. 吃中饭 To be obliged to; must: 被迫:必须: We simply have to get there on time. 我们不得不准时赶到那里 To engage in sexual intercourse with. 性交:与…产生性关系 v.aux.(助动词) Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action: 与过去分词连用构成现在完成时、过去完成时或将来完成时以表示结束的行为: The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive. 那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的 n.(名词) One enjoying especially material wealth: 富人:尤指享受物质财富的人: “Almost overnight, there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots”(Thomas P. O"Neill, Jr.) “几乎是一夜之间,富人们就对穷人们滋生出一种新的和的仇恨”(小托马斯P.奥涅尔) have at To attack. 攻击 have on To wear: 穿戴: had on red shoes. 穿红色鞋子 To be scheduled: 策划:被安排在计划之内: We have a dinner party on for tomorrow evening. 明天晚上我们打算参加晚宴 have done with To stop; cease: 停止;结束: Have done with your foolish quibbling 结束你那愚蠢的诡辩 have had it【非正式用语】 To have endured all that one can: 忍无可忍:尽一个人最大的努力忍受: I"ve had it with their delays. 对他们的拖拉我已忍到头了 To be in a state beyond remedy, repair, or salvage: 无法恢复:处于一种无法治疗、修补或拯救的状态: That coat has had it. 那件上衣已经破烂不堪了 To have done everything that is possible or that will be permitted. 已做完可能做的或被允许的一切事情 have it in for (someone) To intend to harm, especially because of a grudge. 尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害 have it out To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion. 尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决 have (something) coming To deserve what one receives: 得到某人应得之物: You had that reprimand coming for a very long time. 你早该挨骂了 have to do with To be concerned or associated with. 与…有联系或关联 Middle English haven 中古英语 haven from Old English habban * see kap- 源自 古英语 habban *参见 kap- have [hAv; hEv, Ev, v; hAf] v.aux. (过去式和过去分词为had [hAd]; 第三人称单数现在式为 has [hAz; hEz, Ez]) [构成各种完成形式]业已, 曾经 You haven"t been abroad before, have you? 你以前没出过国, 是吧? ②[用于虚拟语气] If they had [had they] time, they would certainly come and help us. 如果他们有时间, 他们一定会来帮助我们。 have vt. 有, 怀有, 含有 知道, 了解, 懂得 吃; 吸(烟) 得到, 收到; 拿 允许, 容忍 体验; 享受; 经[遭]受; 碰到 [宾语补足语用不带 to 的不定式表示]使[让、 叫]某人做某事 [宾语补足语用过去分词等结构表示]使(在)某方面出现某种状态 不得不, 必须(to) 从事, 进行, 作(某事) 显示, 表现 表明, 说, 主张 [英俚]欺骗; [口]打败, 胜过 生 have one"s hair cut (请人)理发 H-a cup of tea? 喝杯茶吗? I had a parcel yesterday. 我昨天收到了包裹。 You were had! 你受骗了。 He had his hands burned. 他把手烧坏了。 I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 我不得不快走才能赶过你。 I won"t have it. 我受不了。 As he has it. 据他所说。 have n. [常用复][口]有产者, 有钱人; (天然资源多的)富国 [英俚]欺诈, 诈骗 the haves and the have-nots 有钱人和穷人; 富国和穷国 be had 受骗, 上当 had rather 宁愿, 宁可 had sooner 宁愿, 宁可 I won"t have it. [口]我不能容忍这样的事。 Let him have it. 给他一点颜色看看; 狠狠地收拾他; 给他一枪。 not having any [口]不同意; 不感兴趣 to have and to hold 【律】享有, 永远保有 What a have! [口]真会骗人! what have you 诸如此类的事物, 等等 have about one 随身带 have at sb. [口]扑向(某人); 袭击(某人); 与(某人)比高低 have back (have sth. back)要回, 收回 (have sb. back)允许(分离后的配偶或情人)回到自己身边 have by 同(某男人)生了(小孩) have had it 受够了, 忍无可忍了 错过机会; 完蛋了; 没希望了 (女人)被诱奸 have in (=have got...in) (have sb. in)邀请某人到家里来 (have sth. in)贮存[备] have it 优越, 有利 挨骂; 遭殃; 受惩罚 (亦作 have "it")有性感, 有性的诱惑力 恋爱 have it away [俚](同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通 have it off [俚](同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通 have it away with sb. [俚](同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通 have it off with sb. [俚](同某人)乱搞男女关系, 私通 have it coming (to one) [美](某人受奖, 受罚等)是应得的, 是理所当然的 have it good [口]生活好过[优裕] have it easy [口]生活好过[优裕] have it soft [口]生活好过[优裕] have it in for sb. [美, 口] 对某人怀恨在心, 伺机报复 have it in one [口]有本领, 有气概 have it out [口](同某人)一决雌雄; (同某人)讲个明白 have it out have it out [口](同某人)一决雌雄; (同某人)讲个明白 have it over (=have it all over) [口]胜过, 比...强 have it on (=have it all over) [口]胜过, 比...强 have it that... 坚持, 硬说 have not much to do with 与...无多大关系 have on 穿着; 戴着 有(某事)要做; 有(某项)约会 [口]欺骗捉弄 有理由认为(某人)应负责; 掌握(某人)的事实[证据] have sb. 欺骗某人 击败[胜过]某人 [口]难住某人; 抓住某人的错误 have sb. around 请某人来家做客(一般指请吃饭, 喝茶等) have sb. over 请某人来家做客(一般指请吃饭, 喝茶等) have sb. round 请某人来家做客(一般指请吃饭, 喝茶等) have sb. down 请某人来家做客(常指从城市到乡下, 从北方到南方) have sb. up 把某人请来作客(通常指从乡下到城内或从低地到高地) [口]传唤(某人)到上级面前 [口]传讯[控告]某人 have sth. to do with 与...有关 have sth. against sb 因某事不喜欢某人 have sth. off (= have got sth. off) 能背诵, 谙记 have sth. on one (或one"s person)随身带 have sth. about one (或one"s person)随身带 have sth. out (请牙医, 外科医生等)把某物取出[切除] 坦率地讨论某事; 把某事讲个明白 让(某人)做完(某事) have to [have got to] 不得不, 只好 have to be [美, 口]肯定是..., 毫无疑问是... have to do with 与...有关; 与...来往 have what it takes 具备成功的必要条件

I have had a grand total of 2 defective products 这里的a grand of 怎么解释。。

grand total 的意思是“总计”defective 是 “有缺陷的”, “有瑕疵的”I have had a grand total of 2 defective products我一共有过两个有缺陷的产品。

i have got right here

这里的got等同于have got,现在的美国人说有什么,都用got sth.

Editors must check how there is enough space for the headlines they have written

how 后面应该跟倒装,也就是HOW IS THERE不过确切的说,整句话都别别扭扭的~改改可以变成Editors must check if there is enough space for the headlines they have written

Have a good weekend 可以怎么回答?

about you what thing

风格、旋律和Gotta have you差不多的歌,质量和数量最好对得起这个分

<free loopdays><the saltwater room><a little love><let the sun shine in><what if><traveling light>/<the seven days>/<sitting down here><that"s why>/<way we are>

you have the right to say no


Did you have a ____with him?


I have lunch with him句子对吗?

I have lunch with him句子对意思是和他一起吃午饭。

为什么the science and technology 后面可用has不用have

"科学技术"是一个整体,后面加动词名词的单数 一些集体名词也如此的

为什么要用I am to have而不能用Have?

祈使句的用法,分how 和what开头两种,how开头的,后跟形容词,如题(lucky)再加宾语(it或者i she he等)加be动词(am等),这是个完整的祈使句了,但后面仍可加补足语,交代究竟发生了什么,to+怎么样怎么样,比如你题目里加的 to have this new sience 。。。。当然,补足语可以省略,只要前后文交代清楚了

people have been interested in colour and its in


英文句子 I could not have done this without you


求一首英文歌,歌词有whatever i have without you,歌词里有很多处都会出现without you

Mariah Carey - Without YouDavid Guetta - Without You ft. Usher

This is the mose interesting book thet I have ever read的同义句是什么

I have never read such an interesting book.This is such an interesting book that I have never read.

what would you do和what would you have done有什么不同?

解答:what would you do 是将来你打算做什么what would have done 是将来一定会做成什么谢谢

--- What would you do if it ______tomorrow? --- We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everyth..

A 试题分析:考查时态,if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,句意:如果明天下雨你会怎么做?--既然我们一切都准备就绪了,我们只好继续。选A。点评:时间,条件状语从句的时态是考查的重点,也是考生总是出错的地方,要强化训练。

what would you do和what would you have done有什么不同?


have no comment on是什么意思


英文里i have no comment是生气的意思吗

i have no comment是无可奉告的意思。并不代表生气,要看具体语境。

we have a white horse改为一般疑问句?

Do we have a white horse?

be used to doing 与 have got used to doing 有什么区别

be used to doing = get used to doing 都是习惯于……have got used to doing 是get ……的完成式

ols estimates behave poorly中的poorly怎么理解?


偶尔听到一首英文歌,女声,很多句子都是以I开头,好像隐约听到个have it all和better

rolling in the deep?

Your life changes_____ when you have a baby.填什么?

1)My father had his hair cut at the barber"s. 我爸爸让理发店给他剪了头发。分析:过去分词”cut”作宾语his hair的补足语。宾语补足语cut与宾语his hair的逻辑上为被动关系,且表示为一次性的动作,故用过去分词done的形式。

Have you a better life…是什么意思?

你好 !直译为:你有更好的生活。或意译:你生活得更好。

have ...better life的用法,随便求例句

We can enjoy a better quality of life as long as taking everything easy .

翻译一篇短文(在线等,高悬赏) Australians have a national holiday on january 26th to .....

Australians have a national holiday on January 26th to remember theirorigins1. It"s called Australia Day. On January 26, 1788, a team of ships landed in what is now Sydney,Australia. These ships were led by Captain Arthur Phillip and had brought many prisoners fromEngland. The prisoners on the ships were not all bad people. Many of them werearrested2because the government didn"t like what they had to say. And some were poor people who were arrested because they owed money. These prisoners were the first Europeans tosettle3inAustralia. Since then, millions more have chosenAustraliaas their home. And wherever they are from, they all take part in celebrating Australia Day. There are so many ways for people to celebrate Australia Day. You can take part in an official event, like a concert, a fireworks display or a parade. There are also activities in the neighborhood or town. The most interesting might be the acting of Captain Arthur Phillip"s landing in Sydney. A team of ships land like the ships of Captain Arthur Phillip. You can also hold a party at home, inviting all your friends together to celebrate. On that day, people usually dress in red, white and blue, the color of the Australian flag, or paint the flag on their faces.澳大利亚人在一月二十六日国庆节记得theirorigins1。它被称为澳大利亚的一天。1788年1月26日,一队船停靠在现在的悉尼,澳大利亚。这些船只被由亚瑟船长率领菲利浦,带来了许多囚犯都。船上的囚犯都不坏的人。他们中的许多人werearrested2because政府并没有像他们所说的。有些是可怜的人被逮捕,因为他们欠的钱。这些囚犯是第一批欧洲人tosettle3inaustralia。自那时以来,数以百万计的chosenaustraliaas家园。他们来自哪里,他们都参加了庆祝澳大利亚国庆日。人们有很多方式庆祝澳大利亚日。你可以参加官方活动,如音乐会,焰火表演和游行。也有在街道或镇的活动。最有趣的可能是亚瑟船长菲利浦登陆悉尼的作用。一队船只土地像亚瑟船长菲利浦船。你也可以在家里举办一个派对,邀请你所有的朋友一起庆祝。在这一天,人们通常穿着红色,白色和蓝色的,澳大利亚国旗的颜色,或油漆国旗在他们的脸。你有没有打错字啊?????

if i have time i will go to your city in holidays什么意思



go go running 去跑步 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

would you like to have something more ? 老师说这是因为委婉


we have to try harder


i have to try harder

不是"学科"的关系 是学科前面有一些固定词组和语法 try hard with...努力... be good at... 擅长于

you have to try harder, you know


we will have the emotions哪错了?

因为emotion是不可数名词,所以正确的表达方式是:We will have emotion.

I have no time to read the book . I want to _____ A . look through it B . look it through

B学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

We often have meetings in the meeting room.(否定句?

We don"t often have meetings in the meeting room.

we often have meeting in the meeting room 一般疑问句?

Do you often have meeting in the meeting room?

请问I have arrived home safe and sound.这个句子中的safe and sound是形容词,却为什么可以放在最后?

为了凸显是safe and sound这样回到家的

—Have you heard of the nuclear test in that country? --Yes, _____news came as ___shock to me. ..

A 本题考查冠词的用法。第一空使用定冠词the,表示上文提到的这个消息;而第二空shock表示一件令人震惊的事,故为泛指,应用不定冠词a。

I have said that will not give me a shock什么意思


给Every coin have two sides.找错


求高中阶段与put take have go come break give有关的比较重要的高考需要的短语。

最新高考动词短语汇总l.动词+about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生 set about 着手,开始 come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走,使入迷 clear away 清除掉,消散 die away 逐渐消失,减弱 pass away 去世 wash away 冲走 take away 拿走,使消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来 give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送 wear away 磨掉,消耗 break away 摆脱 send away 让走开 turn away 把……打发走3.动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住 look back(on) 回顾 hold back 控制住 give back 归还 call back 回电话 take back 拿回,收回4.动词+for run for 竞选 ask for 要求得到 wait for 等候 stand for 代表,表示 long for 渴望 hope/wish for 希望得到 care for 关心,喜欢 beg for 乞求 search for 查找 look for 寻找 call for 需要,要求 hunt for 寻找 change…for 用……换 charge…for 收费,要价 apply for 申请 take…for 误以为……是 seek for 寻找 come for 来拿,来取5.动词+down burn down 烧毁 break down 坏了,垮了,分解 take down 记下,记录 turn down 调小,拒绝 cut down 削减,砍倒 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来 put down 记下,写下,镇压 calm down 平静下来 bring down 使……降低,使倒下 settle down 安家 come down 下落,传下 tear down 拆毁,拆除6.动词+at come at 向……袭击 shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷 run at 冲向,向……攻击 work at 干……活动(研究) tear at 用力撕 look at 看,注视 stare at 凝视 glare at 怒视 glance at 匆匆一瞥 laugh at 嘲笑 knock at 敲(门、窗等) point at 指向 smile at 冲(某人)笑 strike at 向……打击 aim at 向……瞄准 shoot at 向……射击 wonder at 惊讶 call at 拜访(地点)7.动词+from differ from 与……不同 suffer from 受……苦 hear from 收到……来信 die from 因……而死 keep/stop/prevent…from阻止…… learn from 向……学习 result from 由于 date from 始于……时期 separate…from 把……分离开8.动词+of think of 想到 dream of 梦到 consist of 由……组成 speak of 谈到 approve of 赞成 die of 死于 talk of 谈到 hear of 听说 complain of 抱怨 become of 发生……情况,怎么啦9.动词+off start off 出发 set off 出发 leave off 中断 show off 炫耀 get off 下车 take off 脱下,起飞 see off 送行 ring off 挂断电话 put off 延期,推迟 come off 脱落,褪色 cut off 切断,断绝 fall off 跌落,掉下 keep off 避开,勿走近 go off 消失;坏了,爆炸,不喜欢 knock…off 把……撞落 break off 打断 pay off 还清 carry off 携走带走,赢得 get off 脱下(衣服等) give off 散发出 turn(switch) off 关掉10.动词+on depend on 依靠 rely on 依靠 insist on 坚持 carry on 继续,进行 keep/go on 继续 spend…on 在……花钱 put on 穿上,戴上,上演 call on 拜访 move on 继续移动,往前走 live on 以……为生 feed on 以……为生 bring on 使……发展 take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿 have on 穿着 pass on 传授,传递 look on 旁观 turn(switch) on 打开11.动词+out break out 爆发 point out 指出 pick out 选出 figure out 算出,理解 burst out 进发 bring out 阐明,使表现出 carry out 执行,进行 help out 救助 hold out 坚持下去 set out 出发,着手,摆放 wear out 穿破,使……疲劳 turn out 结果是,生产,培养 make out 理解,看清楚 come out 出版,出来 cross out 划掉 leave out 省略,删掉 keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住 work out 算出,想出办法等 find out 查出,弄明白 give out 散发,分发,用完 try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防 put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出 hand out 散发 send out 发出,派遣 run out 用完 go out 熄灭 let out 泄漏,发出(声音),出租 die out 灭绝12.动词十in give in 让步 hand in 上交 bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访result in 导致 succeed in 在……获成功 join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小 get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话 fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访 cut in 插入 persist in 坚持 look in 来访,参观13.动词十into look into 研究,调查 turn into 变成 burst into 闯入,进发 divide…into 把……分成 change…into 把……变成 put/translate…into 把……译成 run into碰到 send sb to/into sleep 使进入状态14.动词+over turn over 翻倒,细想 think over 仔细考虑 go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查 get over 克服 run over 压死,看一遍 take over 接管,接替 watch over 看守,照看 fall over 跌倒,摔倒 roll over 翻滚15.动词十to belong to 属于 object to 反对 refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅 point to 指向 turn to 向……求助,查阅 stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于 see to 处理,料理 come to 共计,苏醒 reply to 答复 get to 到达 bring to 使苏醒把……比作 compare…to 与…相比;把…比作 agree to 同意 write to 写信给 supply…to 为……提供 lead to 导致,通向 add to 增添 attend to 处理,专心,照料 devote…to 贡献给16.动词+up grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出 build up 建立 set up 架起、建立 put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起 do up 整理,包装,打扮 go up 增长,上涨get up 起床,站起 pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到 bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出 出现 turn up 开大(音量等),出席 stay up 挺住,熬夜 take up 开始学,从事,占据sit up 熬夜 eat up 吃完 use up 用完 tear up 撕碎 lay up 储存 make up构成,组成 编造 弥补 cut up 切碎 join up 联结起来,参军 end up 总结 come up 上来,长出,出现 speed up 加快速度 throw up 呕吐 clear up 整理,收拾,放晴 look up 查找,找出 burn up 烧毁 catch up 赶上 hurry up 赶快 fix up 修理,安排,装置 keep up 保持 hold up 耽搁,使停顿 send up 发射 ring up 打电话 open up 开创,开辟 divide up 分配 break up 分解17.动词十through get through 通过,干完,接通电话 look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看 go through 审阅,检查,学习 put…through 接通电话 see through 识破 check through 核对 pull through 渡过危机,康复18.动词+with deal with 处理,对付 do with 处理,需要 meet with 遇到,遭受 talk with 同……交谈 agree with 同意,与……一致 compare with 与……相比 combine with 与……相联合 equip…with 以……装备 cover…with 用……覆盖 begin with 以……开始 end up with 以……结束 supply…with 以……供给 provide…with 以……供给 play with 玩,玩弄19.三词以上的短语动词 add up to 总计 break away from 摆脱 keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除 look down on 轻视 look up to 仰望,尊敬 put up with 忍受 catch up with 赶上 keep up with 赶上 run out of 用完 make up for 弥补 go on with 继续 get on(along) with 和……相处 look forward to 盼望 get close to 接近 take hold of 握住 get out of 逃避,避免 get down to 认真开始 set fire to 放火烧 pay attention to 注意 take notice of 注意 set an example to 为……榜样 do well in 在……干得好 pay a visit to 访问 take a photo of 拍……照片 take the place of 取代

conduct bahave do的区别

conduct:1、指挥音乐The orchestra was conducted by Peter Jones.这个管弦乐队是由彼得琼斯指挥的。 2、为某人做向导;引导;带领She conducted us on a tour of the museum.他带领我们参观了博物馆。 bahave:(与他人相处时)做事或相处的方式;表现;The children behaved badly all day.为人孩子们怎天都表现得很差。 do(有很多种意思~):其中一个意思是——进行一项活动What are you doing?你在干什么? 呵呵~希望能帮助你!

几个关于穿的动词的区别 put on wear dress have on take on

put on 强调动作 wear 强调状态 dress 强调状态 have on 强调状态 take on强调动作

you could have been my new choice什么意思

你本来是我新的选择对象,(但现在不是了)。这个句子采用的是虚拟语气,could have done 表示过去本来过去可以做但实际上没有做的事情,或本来过去出现的状态但实际上没有出现。主要考查could have done 的意义及用法。

I have no other choice(为社么不用加s)


Take your time,we have enough time left.


you have to be odd to be number one什么意思


Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below. Situation 4

Have a negotiation with your classmate based on each situation goven below.与你的同学有一个谈判基于下面每种情况进行统治。Situation 4情况4The attorney for an angry wife: You can threaten to delay the divorce and publicize his sexual scandal. And you may also concede a little in the marital assets claims. But you need the agreement from your client.愤怒的律师妻子:你可以威胁离婚延迟,宣传他的性丑闻。和你也承认婚姻资产索赔。但是你需要从你的客户协议。The lawyer for a man: 50% of the marital assets is your bottom line.律师对一个男人:50%的婚姻的资产是你的底线。Possible outcome: Win-win negotiation or win-lose negotiation可能结果:双赢的谈判或谈判赢输Situation 5情况5Mr. Brown: Emphasize the trees on the land in negotiation. If there are more than 80 trees,you can achieve your dream.布朗先生:强调谈判的土地上的树木。如果有超过80棵树,你可以实现你的梦想。Road commissioner: Try your best to save money for the government . Offer some attractive land price. But don"t make Mr. Brown angry.路专员:尽力为政府省钱。提供一些有吸引力的土地价格。但不要让布朗先生生气。Possible outcome: win-win negotiation可能结果:双赢的谈判Situation 6情况6MBA graduate: emphasize your experiences and skills in negotiation and stick to your salary and position expectation, for it"s the compensation for your MBA study.MBA毕业生:强调你的经验和技能在谈判和坚持你的薪水和职位的期望,这是补偿你的MBA学习。Personnel direction: show him the prosperous future, comfortable working environment and relationships of your company. State that you can give him or her a good job title and better future pay although you cannot increase your salary offer by more than 5% now.人员方向:给他未来繁荣、舒适的工作环境和人际关系的公司。状态,你可以给他或她一个好标题和更好的未来虽然不能增加你的薪水现在提供5%以上。Possible outcome: win-win or win-lose negotiation.可能结果:双赢或者输一赢的谈判。

已解决 求短信铃声“excuse me boss you have a text message ” 有的兄弟发到我的邮箱里面 835594452@...


i love my city of beijing because i have so manyf


-Have you got your test result?


求帮忙! I love the city ___I have lived in for three



Shall we have a school trip in all time?或Will you have a school trip in autumn?



Do you have a School Day at your school?

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