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had to 与have to用法有什么不同

had to是have to的过去形式,意思上没多大差别,只是had to指的是过去,have to指的是现在一般情况。例如:I have to do my homework nowI had to do my homework last night, so I couldn"t go shopping with you


have a look at the room now 现在看看房间

would have to是什么意思


got to 和have to 的区别

1, 在表示一次性动作时,have to和 have got to 是能够互换的: I have (got) to be back by ten o"clock. 本人必需10点前返回来。 I haven"t got to work tomorrow. 本人明天不用上班。 I"ve got to do something! Langdon thought. 兰登想:“本人得做点什么!” 2, 但是,当表示习气性动作时,特别是当句中含有表示经常性的副词(如always, often, sometimes等)时,则应运用have to , 而不运用have got to: I don"t usually have to work on Sundays. 通常本人再星期天不用工作。 I often have to get up at 5. 本人常常必需五点起床。 3, have to 与 have got to 的另一区别,就是后者不大用于过去时。 They didn"t have to worry about money. 他们那时不用为金钱而操心。 I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 为了赶上你,本人不得不走得很快。 4, 最后一个区别,就是have to 前可加助动词或神态动词,或者用在停止体和完成体构造中,而have got to却不能: I shall have to help him as much as I can. 本人将不得不尽本人所能去协助他。 He may have to cancel his plan. 他或许不得不取消这个方案。 People are having to boil their drinking water during this emergency. 在这个紧急状况下,老百姓必需煮沸他们的饮用水。 The administration has had to make unpopular decisions. 行政部门不得不做出不得人心的决议。希望对你有帮助

have to和have got to 的区别是什么?

1, 在表示一次性动作时,have to和 have got to 是能够互换的: I have (got) to be back by ten o"clock. 本人必需10点前返回来。 I haven"t got to work tomorrow. 本人明天不用上班。 I"ve got to do something! Langdon thought. 兰登想:“本人得做点什么!” 2, 但是,当表示习气性动作时,特别是当句中含有表示经常性的副词(如always, often, sometimes等)时,则应运用have to , 而不运用have got to: I don"t usually have to work on Sundays. 通常本人再星期天不用工作。 I often have to get up at 5. 本人常常必需五点起床。 3, have to 与 have got to 的另一区别,就是后者不大用于过去时。 They didn"t have to worry about money. 他们那时不用为金钱而操心。 I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 为了赶上你,本人不得不走得很快。 4, 最后一个区别,就是have to 前可加助动词或神态动词,或者用在停止体和完成体构造中,而have got to却不能: I shall have to help him as much as I can. 本人将不得不尽本人所能去协助他。 He may have to cancel his plan. 他或许不得不取消这个方案。 People are having to boil their drinking water during this emergency. 在这个紧急状况下,老百姓必需煮沸他们的饮用水。 The administration has had to make unpopular decisions. 行政部门不得不做出不得人心的决议。希望对你有帮助

have to 和need to 的区别

have to 是一个比较特殊的情态习语,虽然也具有情态动词的功能,但却与其他的情态动词不同.它有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式的构成方式也与情态动词不一样.一、have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性.含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”.二、have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to.have to 还可以用在其他的情态动词之后.例如:I have to do some washing.我必须洗洗衣服.She has to look after her little sister.她不得不照顾她的小妹妹.I had to do my homework last night.昨晚我不得不做作业.I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸.三、have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成.have to 的否定式是don"t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn"t have to; had to 的否定式是didn"t have to.have to的疑问式同样也借用助动词do的相应形式构成.例如:He doesn"t have to do the homework now.他没有必要现在做作业.—Do I have to go there now?我现在就得去那儿吗?—Yes,you do.(No,you don"t have to.) 是的,你必须去.(不,你不必.) We didn"t have to answer the question yesterday.昨天我们没有必要回答这个问题.need to 是主动形式,表示的也是主动的意思need to 与have to 的区别就在于 have to是主观上的 而need to 是客观上的

请告诉我have to是不是情态动词

have to 属于情态动词但比较特殊,它有人称的变化主语是第三人称单数时用has to

have to+uff1f


have to和have有什么区别?

“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。2、意思不同:have to的意思是“不得不”,强调客观上的必要,或由环境、习惯、协约等迫使而不得不做某事。has的基本意思是“有”,指物质上的所有、身心上的具有或构成上的含有。引申可作“享有”“容许”“招致”等解释。3、侧重点不同。have是动词原形。has是have的第三人称单数形式。4、用法不同。当主语为I、we、you、they时,用have。当主语为he、she、it或单数名词时,用has。

have to后面的动词用什么形式

have to后面的动词用原形形式。have to表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”、“不得不”.后跟动词原形,有人称、时态和数的变化,与情态动词must近义。 扩展资料 肯定式:have to+动词原形;have to的一般疑问形式必须借助助动词do或does;否定式:don"t (doesn"t)+have to+动词原形。

have to表示什么意思以及用法


have to的用法总结归纳

have to 是一个比较特殊的情态习语,虽然也具有情态动词的功能,但却与其他的情态动词不同。它有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式的构成方式也与情态动词不一样。同学们在使用have to 时必须弄清它的真面目,否则容易出错。 扩展资料   一、have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性。含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”。   二、have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to。 have to 还可以用在其他的情态动词之后。例如:   She has to look after her little sister.   她不得不照顾她的小妹妹。   I have to do some washing.   我必须洗洗衣服。   I had to do my homework last night.   昨晚我不得不做作业。   I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.   我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。   三、have to 的"否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。have to 的否定式是don"t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn"t have to; had to 的否定式是didn"t have to。have to的疑问式同样也借用助动词do的相应形式构成。例如:   He doesn"t have to do the homework now.   他没有必要现在做作业。   —Do I have to go there now?   我现在就得去那儿吗?   —Yes, you do. (No, you don"t have to.)   是的,你必须去。(不,你不必。)   We didn"t have to answer the question yesterday.   昨天我们没有必要回答这个问题。   注:情态习语是助动词、不定式或副词的组合。   四、翻译下面的句子。   1.我们必须自己动手去做。   2.玛丽必须在英语学习上努力吗?   3.上周日他不得不早起。   4.你没必要为你的功课担心。   5.彼得很累,不得不坐下来休息一会儿。   6.昨天他不得不待在家里。   7.他不得不跑回学校取他的作业本。   8.你必须早些离开吗?   9.我没必要躺在床上。   10.我们必须认真听老师讲课。   keys:   1. We have to do it ourselves.   2. Does Mary have to study hard at English?   3. He had to get up early last Sunday.   4. You don"t have to worry about your lessons.   5.Peter was very tired and he had to sit down and have a rest.   6. He had to stay at home yesterday.   7.Hehad to run back to school to get his exercise-books.   8. Did you have to leave early?   9. I don"t have to stay in bed.   10.We have to listen to the teachers carefully.

have to的用法

 一、have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性.含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”.   二、have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to. have to 还可以用在其他的情态动词之后.例如:   I have to do some washing.   我必须洗洗衣服.   She has to look after her little sister.   她不得不照顾她的小妹妹.   I had to do my homework last night.   昨晚我不得不做作业.   I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.   我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸.   三、have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成.have to 的否定式是don"t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn"t have to; had to 的否定式是didn"t have to.have to的疑问式同样也借用助动词do的相应形式构成.例如:   He doesn"t have to do the homework now.    他没有必要现在做作业.   —Do I have to go there now?    我现在就得去那儿吗?   —Yes, you do. (No, you don"t have to.)   是的,你必须去.(不,你不必.)   We didn"t have to answer the question yesterday.   昨天我们没有必要回答这个问题.   注:情态习语是助动词、不定式或副词的组合.   

have to的用法?

①表示“必需”“一定”“必要性”1.must表主观上的必需,而have to表职责或义务,强调客观。2.need作为情态动词用于疑问句或否定句。Need you……?的答句是Yes,I must.或No,I needn"t(don"t have to)对问句表示有必要做某事的肯定答语是Yes,you must/have to.否定答语是No,you needn"t./don"t have to/don"t need to.②表示“推测或可能性”1.must表推测仅用在肯定句中。(must用于否定句中表禁止)在否定句和疑问句中表推测用can或could,对过去的行为动作或状态的推测用must/may/might/can"t/couldn"t+have done2.may或might用于肯定句或否定句,might可能性较小3.should(ought to)表示推测时,是指有一定根据的推测、推论或可能性③表请求或许可1.may用于疑问句中表示询问许可。还可用can,could,might等表许可2.can表许可基本同may④表能够,有能力1.can的过去式为could,be able to do表示经过努力所具有的能力2.如果表示在过去某一特定的时候经过努力终于做成某事,用was/were able to do sth.相当于managed to do sth,/succeeded in doing sth.⑤表建议或征求意见1.shall用于第一、三人称表征求意见或建议。2.will的疑问句表请求,邀请3.would表愿望、意愿、建议或看法⑴表示强烈的愿望和意愿⑵表示请求语气时will委婉,并不表示过去的意义。wouldn"t表示请求邀请,没有否定的意思⑶would表示意愿用在一些固定的短语中,如would like/would love to do sth.;would rather do sth.4.had better表建议,意思是“最好……”强调现在或将来5.could/might/would表示委婉的请求,肯定答语分别是can/may/will⑥表示过去习惯做某事1.used to do/be sth.表示过去常做某事,暗示现在已经不做了。否定形式用usedn"t /didn"t use2.would do sth.不强调现在的情况,主要表示过去的倾向性动作或习惯,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,意思是“总要,总是”注意would不可表示过去的状态主要强调过去的动作,不能说would be/have……⑦表示 敢dare作为情态动词时表示“敢”,用于疑问句或否定句中;作为行为动词时,同其他行为动词一样用于各种句式中,跟动词不定式做宾语,在疑问句和否定句中可以省掉不定式的标志toI dare say 是一个固定短语 意为“我认为,我相信”⑧表应该should表示义务、责任、命令、劝告,意思是“应该”ought to表示义务、约束力,同should,的那是语气比should强,比must弱⑨表命令,警告,威胁1.shall与二、三人称连用表示命令等,表示说话者的强烈意志2.mustn"t是must的否定形式,表示“禁止、不准”是一种命令、威胁或警告⑩表示惊讶、难以置信1.should 用于疑问句中,可以表示惊讶、难以置信的事情2.can用于疑问句或否定句可以表示惊异、不相信等感情色彩 您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我共同携手传播『 爱心 』之种望采纳↖(^ω^)↗

have to用在什么情况下?

"Have to" 是一个情态动词短语,用于表示必须要做某事或者不得不接受某种情况,也可以表示义务、责任或建议意味。它通常在英语中用来表达强制性的、必须要遵守的规则、约定和法律等方面。例如:I have to go to work today.(我今天必须去工作。)You have to follow the rules.(你必须遵守规定。)They have to wear a mask in public places.(他们必须在公共场所戴口罩。)We have to be at the airport by 6 pm.(我们必须在下午6点前到达机场。)注意:在口语中,have to可以缩写成 "have got to" 或 "gotta"。

have to是实义动词还是情态动词

bTrue mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.,

have to是什么时态

在语法里是表示行为发生的时间和说话时的关系,一般分为过去时、现在时、将来时和过去将来时,通常也有与表示动作进行或终止的进行式和完成式。have to 是一个比较特殊的情态习语。 扩展资料   作为一般动词have to,它可用于多种时态,不同时态使用不同的形式。如一般现在时主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to。   如:She has to look after her little sister. 她不得不照顾她的小妹妹。   I had to do my homework last night. 昨晚我不得不做作业。   2. 但 have to(不得不,必须)作为具有情态动词的功能,情态动词一般没有完成式。   如:不能说 She has had to look after her little sister.   更不能说 I had had to do my homework last night. (过去完成时)


have to通常指由于客观原因则不得不做某事,意思为“不得不” e.g.Its dark now.I have to go home. 天黑了,我不得不回家。 Its raining,and I have to stay at home. 外面在下雨,我不得不呆在家里。 扩展资料   have to与一般情态动词的异同   相同点:   一般的情态动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须接动词原形一起构成谓语,have to 也是这样.   不同点:   一般的情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而且所用的时态也受到一定的"限制,而have to 有人称和数的变化.可用于多种时态中:一般现在时中当主语是第三人称单数时要用has to,其余的人称用have to,一般过去时中要用had to; 一般将来时中则要用will have to.   e.g.She has to go to school by bus.   她不得不乘公汽上学.   You"ll have to see the doctor if you get ill.   如果你生病了,就得去看医生.  

have to是什么词性啊?

have to是一个比较特殊的情态习语,它也有情态动词的功能,但却与其他的情态动词不同。因为它有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式的构成方式也与情态动词不一样。严格地说,have to不是情态动词,只不过它后面也是加动词原形,为了方便理解,把它当作情态动词罢了。像need和dare to,既可以当情态动词,又可以当实义动词,当作为情态动词时,词形不变,而作为实义动词时,则会相应地改变词形。Have to的用法一、have to的陈述句形式A、肯定式:have to +动词原形I have to tidy my room.我得整理房间。B、否定式:don"t (doesn"t) + haveto +动词原形You don"t have to go if you don"t want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去。二、have to的一般疑问句形式及简略答语have to的一般疑问形式必须借助助动词do或does,例如:Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看你妹妹么?Yes, I do./ No, I don"t.是的,我得照看。/不,我不必照看。三、have to的特殊疑问句形式1、What do you have to do on Sundays?在星期天你得干什么?2、Where do they have to work?他们必须在哪里工作?

Have to的用法都有哪些

have to表示客观需要做的事情,意思是“必须”、“不得不”。后跟动词原形,有人称、时态和数的变化,与情态动词 must 近义。一、 have to 的陈述句形式A、 肯定式:have to + 动词原形1、 I have to tidy my room.我得整理房间。2、 She has to help with the washing.她得帮忙洗衣服。B、 否定式:don"t (doesn"t) + haveto + 动词原形1、You don"t have to go if you don"t want to.如果你不想去,你就不必去。2、He doesn"t have to stay at home all day. 他不必整天呆在家里。二、have to 的一般疑问句形式及简略答语have to的一般疑问形式必须借助助动词 do 或 does:1、 Do you have to look after your sister? 你得照看你妹妹么?Yes, I do./ No, I don"t. 是的,我得照看。/不,我不必照看。2、 Does Jim have to do his homework? 吉姆必须做家庭作业么?Yes, he does. / No, he doesn"t. 是,他必须做。/不,他不必做。三、haveto 的特殊疑问句形式1、 What do you have to do on Sundays?在星期天你得干什么?2、 Why does she have to move to Paris?她为什么得迁往巴黎?3、 Where do they have to work?他们必须在哪里工作?四、haveto 可用于各种时态A、一般现在时:I have to visit Mr Wang tomorrow.明天我得去拜访王先生。B、一般过去时:That night we had to walk home because there was no bus.那天晚上我们不得不步行回家,因为没有公共汽车。C、一般将来时:We"ll have to ask Zhang Ming instead.我们得请张明代替。D、与may 连用:I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.我想他可能得在花园里帮他爸爸干活。五、have to 与 must 的用法区别A、 have to 比较强调客观需要,而 must 着重说明主观看法。1、 My mother is ill. I have to look after her at home.妈妈病了,我得在家照看她。2、 You must finish your homework first.你必须先完成作业。B、 have to 有时态和人称变化,而 must 则没有。1、 Mary has to water the trees.玛莉得浇树。2、 He must bring a picnic tomorrow.他明天得带野餐。C、must 有“推测”之意,而 have to 则没有。He must be in the classroom.他一定在教室里

have to 是什么意思


i have signed the offer letter有没有语法的错误

不能用完成时吧。用过去式比较贴切些。即:I signed the offer letter

I have () brothers or sisters.括号里填no还是not?为什么?拜托讲仔细!

noI have no brothers or sisters.I have not any brothers or sisters.冠词

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot o...

小题1:A小题1:D小题1:C 小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long,可知A正确。小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:Trees must be grown all over the world.可知D正确小题1:细节题:从文章的句子:More "Great Green Walls" are needed.可知我们需要越来越多的树。C项表达不对。

歌词有 You have to brave enough to try、try 、try 、求歌名!如题 谢谢了

try pink的

have qualified

后面一个是对的. 我没有资格爱你~ qualified是形容词,所以不是have qualified,而是be qualified 其实这个说法很不正规,如果要表达这个意思的话,可以说: I"m not good enough to love you.

这句话的 qualified为什么错了? 不是 have done吗?

这里的qualified 不是作动词讲,应该为a qualified research degree.

have a crash on sb.

have a crash on sb.喜欢某人(但喜欢的人并不知情)secret love 暗恋single love 单相思

They had a hard time __ the plan A.to carry out B.to have carried out


我想说Martin.Luther.king的Speech,(I have a dream)要怎么说呢?

马丁路德金的个人介绍: Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement. His main legacy was to secure progress on civil rights in the United States, and he has become a human rights icon: King is recognized as a martyr by two Christian churches.A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career.He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1957, serving as its first president. King"s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. There, he raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established himself as one of the greatest orators in U.S. history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and the Vietnam War, both from a religious perspective. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. national holiday in 1986.I Have a Dream的基本介绍: "I Have a Dream" is the famous name given to the sixteen minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. King"s delivery of the speech on August 28, 1963, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. Delivered to over 200,000 civil rights supporters,the speech is often considered to be one of the greatest and most notable speeches in human history and was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.According to U.S. Representative John Lewis, who also spoke that day as the President of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, "Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations." At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of "I have a dream", possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson"s cry, "Tell them about the dream, Martin!"He had delivered a speech incorporating some of the same sections in Detroit in June 1963, when he marched on Woodward Avenue with Walter Reuther and the Reverend C. L. Franklin, and had rehearsed other parts.你综合一下,然后说点原文的内容就可以啦

记得一点歌词。she was young she have fun until the morn

groove coverage的歌little june.歌词开头如下:she was out with her friends almost every night,she was young she had fun till the morning light.Never took always gave, that was new for us,cause love will never die ...Little June is living for tomorrow,taken away on a beautiful day.Little June is swallowing her sorrow,she closed her eyes as she left for the skies.every day she just wanted to stay.now that she"s gone we all have to move on.

have a discussion 和 have a discuss 哪个对,为什么?


九年级的完形填空 We have an English Corner in our classroom. Every morn……


have a discussion about造句并翻译?

We have a discussion about how to win the game. 我们讨论了如何赢得这场比赛。

they have expanded an investigation into the use

into.... 部分做状语。

In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner. People have bre


Dont forget to have fun too!这句话有没有语病,能用too吗?

Don"t forget to have fun,either.

“I have a good friend” 请高手给翻译一下。



his 代词,pron.(he的所有格)他的;(he的物主代词)他的东西;他的家属(或有关的人); have:作为助动词,用于构成完成式。v.有;持有;占有;由…组成;显示出,带有(性质、特征);aux.与过去分词连用构成完成时。 扩展资料   A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.   控制城市交通的`新系统已经设计出来。   I think you have made an error in calculating the total.   我想你在计算总数时出了差错。   He met his future wife at law school.   他在法学院结识了他未来的妻子。   He will make his debut for the first team this week.   本周他将在第一支出场的队伍中首次亮相。

I have begun to gradually got used to a person


Unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.


unfortunately,we now have plenty of evidence that many children do not do half as well on tests as


your heart is free have the courage to follow it是什么意思


有have stealed的说法吗?

没有,steal的过去式和过去分词分别为stole, stolen现在完成时的结构为have+动词过去分词,所以要用have stolen。

have argument

argue 是动词 ,后接介词with 表与谁争论.argument 是名词,have an argument =argue这个不明白的话,想想这个.have a look 是不是等于 look 前面的look也是名词.

have 和 hold 的区别

have是广泛的举行,举行什么几乎都可。hold只可以举行几类项目,如spors meeting,party等。

have no homes还是have no home


In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven t...


have no home还是have no homes


people have homes.划分句子结构想主谓宾什么的?


It was only then ______ I began to have doubts about whether my story had ever been told. ...

C 试题分析:句意:只有在那时我才开始怀疑是否我的故事被讲过了。这里是强调句,结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that…,判断是否是强调句的方法是去掉强调结构,这句话仍然成立,就是强调句,这里如果去掉强调结构是I began to have doubts about whether my story had ever been told then.所以是强调句,选C。

It was only then that I began to have doubts whether my story would ever be told.


have a taste of是什么意思


I am a chinese girl , I want to learn english.but l have no money to get a tutor!


to have significance是什么意思

to have significance是什么意思具有意义的

One of the hotels______a big swimming pool. A.has B.have选哪个,为什么?


求歌名:最后一句歌词好像是just open your eyes and i have you in my world

曲婉婷唱 的Everything In The world

(1/2)下列应选什么?The rest money _spent so far. A,was. B,have been. C,influen

have been




i have been to city three times so far.这个句子错在been. 改为gone,另外在city前加上the谢谢。

you have your heads up your asses.是什么意思啊?


you have your heads up your asses.是什么意思啊?


believe or not .humans have been

believe or not .humans have been相信与否。人类已经

in the 100 years,humans will have fewer things to do中human应怎么填

human[英]["hju:mu0259nz][美]["hju:mu0259nz]n.人,人类 in the 100 years,humans will have fewer things to do就是用humans ,因为后面用的是haveIn these 100 years, there will be fewer things to be done.

I have some mooncake(中文是什么?)


不解的语法:All we have to do is to calm down when we are in trouble.

这句里all作代词表示:1.全部,所有,全体2.唯一的事物,一切,所有的事物all作代词,其单复数取决于其所指代的对象all of the people are Chinese.(可熟复数0all of the apple has been eaten.(可数单数)all of the tea has gone.(不可数)we have eaten it all(单数)你给出的例句中,all引导的主语的是一个从句,相当于all the thing that we have to do,从句在人称上相当于 it

女生英文歌歌词有三个tell me tell me tell me eeee 然后高潮是have you...oh,oh,接着是三个s开头的单词

tell me why ——taylor swift

have some/any/an idea表示知道,怎么不是ideas

both ok.You can say: Do you have an idea about...or, Do you have some idea about...or, Any ideas/idea about....Example, Do you have an idea about how to fix the problem?



I have some idea 为什么不是ideas?



idea是可数名词,some后面接复数,是some ideas。应该是你弄错了。

idae作为主意是可数吗?I have no idea还是ideas

idae作为主意是可数名词,复数为idaes。例:She told me she"d had a lot of brilliant ideas.她告诉我她有很多条好主意。应该为I have no idea。

if you have any idea为什么不用ideas

1.idea是可数名词,有复数形式ideas. 如:I have many good ideas. 我有许多好主意/想法. 2.此从句中的any翻译为“任何(一个)的”,指单数概念,所以后面用单数形式idea. 再如:Please ask me for help if you have any question. 如果你有任何问题,

I have some idea.的idea是加s还是不加s呢

idea 表示意见;看法;建议;主意时,是可数名词,这里就要用ideas. I have some ideas. 我有一些看法/意见.

是"have no ideas"还是"have no idea

have no idea 吧

have no ideas与idea区别

have no idea= I don"t knowhave no ideas = a wrong sentence for grammar.

Do you have any i___ (idea还是ideas)


I have no idea 还是 ideas

I have no idea.就可以了。表示我不知道/我不清楚

if you have any idea为什么不用ideas


The headlights of his car__ all night.A.has left on B.had left on C.have been left D.left on

The headlights of his car_c_ all night
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