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i have a pen 是什么歌


i have a pen 是谁

日本艺人,Pico-Taro歌名是,PPAP Pen Pineapple Apple Pen


do you have a pen?

I have a pen 变否定句和一般疑问句并做回答


I have a pen ,I have a apple. en~Apple pen 这是什么歌?



I have pens.


I have apen.

PPAP I have a pen,I have an apple.中文谐音 一整首

英文PPAPI have a pen,I have an apple.(Uhh~)Apple-pen!I have a pen,I have pineapple.(Uhh~)Pineapple-pen!Apple-pen~Pineapple-pen(Uhhh~)Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!中文谐音皮皮诶皮啊诶 哈无 额 盆,啊诶 哈无 嗯 唉婆。(啊~)唉婆 盆!啊诶 哈无 额 盆,啊诶 哈无 怕嗯唉婆。 (啊~) 怕嗯唉婆 盆!唉婆 盆 怕嗯唉婆 盆 (啊~)盆 怕嗯唉婆 唉婆 盆!盆 怕嗯唉婆 唉婆 盆!

我有支笔 1.I have a pen 2.I have got a pen 3.I got

我又一支钢笔和尺子 我有一支钢笔和一把尺子 我有一支钢笔和一个尺子 I have got a pen and a ruler :我有一只钢笔和一把尺子。 我已经有了1枝钢笔和1把尺子(望采纳,谢谢.)

i have a pen 这个里面主语是i 宾语是是什么?谓语是什么?改成第三人称单数是不是she has a pen ?

宾语 a pen 谓语have 是的。

I have a pen. A pen is blue. 那里有错?

I have a pen, the pen is blue

i have a pen怎样变成一般疑问句

Do you have a pen ?祝学习进步!

 为什么I have a pen.有被动语态


I have a pen 划线部分是a 答案是什么


i have a pen pal(作文)


I have a pen.l have an apple.Un下一句是什么

apple pen

I have a pen. 改一般疑问句 并做肯定和否定回答


I haveau2006pen


i have a pen?翻译成疑问句和否定句

Do you have a pen?(疑问句) I don"t have a pen.(否定句)

i have a pen


I have a pen的特殊疑问词是什么?

特殊疑问句是:What do you have? 你有什么(文具)?或者Who has a pen? 谁有一只钢笔?这两句话都可以用 I have a pen 来回答。希望可以帮到你~

i have a pen it is red 中,a的用法?

a或an加在名词前,表示数量“一个”,如a pen 意思是“一支钢笔”,an apple 一个苹果。这个句子要分成两句话,即: I have a pen. It is red. 我有一支钢笔。它是红色的。

i have a pen什么歌

是日本歌 PEN-PINEAPPLE-APPLE-PEN 由日本搞笑艺人「PICO太郎」自创。歌名缩写是PPAP.歌曲歌词编辑英文I have a pen,I have an apple.(Uhh~)Apple-pen!I have a pen,I have pineapple.(Uhh~)Pineapple-pen!Apple-pen~Pineapple-pen(Uhhh~)Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!中文我有一支笔,我有一个苹果。(嗯~)苹果笔!我有一支笔,我有一个菠萝。(嗯~)菠萝笔!苹果笔~菠萝笔(嗯~)笔 菠萝 苹果 笔!笔 菠萝 苹果 笔!

i have a pen i have an apple


i have a pen是什么歌

是日本歌 PPAP(PEN-PINEAPPLE-APPLE-PEN ) 由日本搞笑艺人「PICO太郎」自创歌词:I have a pen,I have an apple.(Eh~)Apple-pen!I have a pen,I have pineapple.(Eh~)Pineapple-pen!Apple-pen~Pineapple-pen(Eh~)Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!Pen-Pineapple-Apple-pen!请采纳谢谢

肯定回答:l have apen

Do you have a pen?你有一支笔吗?肯定回答:Yes, I have.= Yes, I have a pen.是的, 我有一支笔.

i have a pen和i have one pen的区别?


i have a pen 是什么歌


You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.


1.It seems oil____ from this pipe for some time,we will have?

1.D 2.Before she took her seat at the back of the church,she waved to the bride. 3.Testing the effects of contemporary music on different people appeals to them. 4.I feel very guilty about having not written to you for quite a long time. 5.She told us explicitly how the rug should be cleaned.,7,没有分哦。。。不太想回答呢。,1,1.It seems oil____ from this pipe for some time,we will have to take the machine apart to put it right. A.had leaked B.is leaking C.leaked D.has been leaking 2.She waved to the bride before talking her seat at the back of the church. Before she ____________________________________. 3.They are interested in testing the effects of contemporary music on different people. ( appeal to ) _____________________________________. 4.I feel very guilty ,because I have not written to you for quite a long time. ( I feel very guilty about ) __________________________. 5.She gave us explicit directions about the way the rug should be cleaned. She told us explicitly _____________________________________.

Shall we stop and have ( _) tea now? A.any B.some 请问为什么要选B?? some不是表示不可数名词么??


You Have Loved Enough谁唱的

Leonard Cohen唱的,求采纳OVO

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that correspon

建主键那里少个逗号","CREATE TABLE `[Table]plugin_lottery_term` (`termid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default 1,`num1` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`num2` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`num3` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`num4` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`num5` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`num6` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`seldout` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,`run` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default 0, `num7` int(2) unsigned default NULL,`opendate` date NOT NULL default "0000-00-00",`realopen` varchar(20) NOT NULL default " ",`forceflg` tinyint(1) default 0,PRIMARY KEY (`termid`));

have a reputation to还是for,有什么区别

for ,没有to的搭配例句:1.party bosses have a reputation for corruption.党魁以贪污腐化堕落而臭名昭著.2.Our hotel have a worldwide reputation for good service.我们出色的饭店服务享誉世界.3.They have a reputation for being intuitive and insightful.他们既有敏锐的洞察力,又有深刻的见解.4.Our peanuts have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years.我们的花生多年以其质量上乘享有盛誉.5.These people have a reputation for being hot-blooded.这些人以易感情冲动而闻名.

求西野加奈 have a nice day 的罗马音!求大神帮忙!

5分おきに鸣る目覚ましgofun okini naru mezamashiお愿い寝かせてもう少しonegai nekasete mou sukoshiまだ眠いしテレビも见たいしお腹すいたmada nemuishi terebimo mitaishi onaka suita(Good morning!)スマホを片手にコーヒーsumahowo katateni kohi気づけばヤバいもう8时kidukeba yabai mou hachijiよっしゃ!駅まではダッシュするしかないyossha ekimadewa dasshu suru shikanai爱とか恋とかラララララaitoka koitoka rarara...気になる彼は彼女がいたkininaru karewa kanojo gaitaドンマイ ドンマイdonmai donmaiこれも运命koremo unmeiI sayがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「行ってきます」「行ってらっしゃい」itte kimasu itte rasshaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day行け!行け!私! その调子、いい感じ!ike ike watashi sono choushi iikanjiがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「行ってきます」「行ってらっしゃい」itte kimasu itte rasshaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day伟いぞ私 负けるな 焦るな くじけるなeraizo watashi makeruna aseruna kujikerunaそうやって今日だってsouyatte kyou datte一生悬命生きてるからisshoukenmei ikiteru karaI say, Have a nice dayたまにはパーっとしたいのにtamaniwa patto shitai noniまだまだやること山积みmada mada yarukoto yamadumiもう眠いしまだ终わんないしお腹すいたmou nemuishi mada owan naishi onaka suita(I"m hungry!)みんな帰っちゃうお先にminna kaecchau osakini気づけば夜も10时过ぎkidukeba yorumo juuji sugiよっしゃ!こうなれば本気出すしかないyossha kou nareba honki dasu shikanai夜中のスイーツラララララyonaka no suitsu rara...ダイエットはまた明日からdaiettowa mata ashita karaドンマイ ドンマイdonmai donmaiこれはご褒美korewa gohoubiI sayがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「お疲れさん」「おやすみなさい」otsukare san oyasumi nasaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day周末まではあと2日 あと2日shuumatsu dewa ato futsuka ato futsukaがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「お疲れさん」「おやすみなさい」otsukare san oyasumi nasaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day凄いぞ私 优しく 可爱く イラつかずsugoizo watashi yasashiku kawaiku iratsukazuそうやって今日だってsouyatte kyoudatte一生悬命生きてるからisshoukenmei ikiteru karaI say,Have a nice dayMondayブルーな溜め息のburuna tameikinoTuesdayWednesday乗り切ったらやっとnorikittara yattoThursday华のhananoFriday夜更かしのyofukashinoSaturdayあっという间 眠りたくないattoiuma nemuri takunaiSunday起きたらokitaraMondayI sayがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「行ってきます」「行ってらっしゃい」itte kimasu itte rasshaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day行け!行け!私! その调子、いい感じ!ike ike watashi sono choushi iikanjiがんばれ私! がんばれ今日もganbare watashi ganbare kyoumo「行ってきます」「行ってらっしゃい」itte kimasu itte rasshaiHappy Lucky Sunny Day伟いぞ私 负けるな 焦るな くじけるなeraizo watashi makeruna aseruna kujikerunaそうやって今日だってsouyatte kyoudatte一生悬命生きてるからisshoukenmei ikiteru karaI say,Have a nice day

run a temperature 和 have a temperatrue的区别


Buses have routes.They(  )and(  )people at different places on the routes.

【答案】:B观察题干可知空缺处所在的句子的主语they指的是buses,选项中的短语均是pick和drop短语。pick up:搭人;drop off:让…下车,故根据句意可知选项B是正确答案。故本题正确答案选B。

have a threesome是什么意思

  have a threesome的中文翻译  have a threesome  有三  双语例句  1  You have to sleep now? Does that mean having a threesome?  你们现在要睡觉?意思就是你们要三个一起睡了?  2  And, in case you were wondering, my man says that he will still love me even if we don " t have a threesome.  还有,为了免得你误会,我的伴侣说明他会一直爱我即使我们不去做什么三人行。  3  But you must go threesome day to have a look for yourself.  不过你哪一天一定要去中国亲眼看看。

These young men have great ______ in computer work.(able)根据所给单词填空


英语语法分析young men who have reason to fear that they will be ki?

young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in the battle 是主语 其中 young men 是作主语的主词 后面是定语从句修饰young men. who 是关系代词 代替先行词 引导定从 并作定从中的主语 have是定从中的谓语 reason是定从中的宾语 后面是不定式短语作定语 to fear是不定式 后面是宾语从句 作不定式的宾语 that是引导宾语从句的连接词 并作句子成分 本身也没有意思 只起连接作用 they是宾从中的主语 will be killed是宾从中的谓语 in the battle是宾从中的状语 may justifiably feel是主句的系动词 bitter是表语 in the thought是状语 后面是 同位语从句 说明 thought that是连词 they是同位语从句中的主语 have been cheated是同位语从句中的谓语 of the best things是状语 后面是定语从句 修饰the best things that是关系代词 引导定从 并作定从中的宾语 life是定从中的主语 has to offer是定从中的谓语. 这句话中 may justifiably feel bitter是整个句子中的谓语,2,young men may justifiably feel bitter in the thought 以上是主句的成分,因此显然你所指的部分做谓语及宾语。who引导定语从句修饰young men.that引导定语从句修饰thought.在定语从句中分别又包含宾语从句与定语从句。这是一较为复杂的复合句。 希望我的回答对你有所帮助...,3,may justifiably feel是谓语,bitter是宾语 意思是有理由害怕他们将在战争中被杀害的年轻人可能在他们被剥夺了生活提供的最美好的东西的思想中感到痛苦,3,may justifiabley feel bitter是这个句子的谓语部分。即:young men...may justifiably feel bitter in... 句子的主语是young men。who引导的是一个定语从句,修饰young men,先行词young men在定语从句中作主语。,3,justifiably是副词,may 情态动词,feel...是系表结构,主语是young men,后面who...是定语从句。,2,这是一个复合句。 young men为句子主语 who have reason to fear that they will be killed in the battle 为定语从句,修饰主语 may justifiably feel bitter为系表结构 in the thought that they have been cheated of the b...,1,英语语法分析 young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in the battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best thingsthat life has to offer. 这句话中 may justifiably feel bitter 做什么成分,修饰谁的

Never Should Have Let You Go (Bonus Track) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Should Have Let You Go (Bonus Track)歌手:Simple Plan专辑:Get Your Heart On!╰ Album: Get Your Heart On! ╯Album released on June 21, 2011I"m coming homeTo an empty roomMy head is spinning on a sunday afternoonThere was a timeWhen I had it allI can still remember but I"m barely hanging onSo tell me what to do to make you change you"re mindI wish that I could find a way to turn back time"Cause lifes just not the same since you"ve been goneI never should have let you go !"Cause I"m falling to piecesI just wanna let you knowThat I can"t keep pretendingI never should have let you go !You"re so far awayAnd I just can"t live without youI just can"t breathe without youI never should have let you go !What"s on you"re mindAnd tell me what do you seeAnd tell me who you think ofWhen you just can"t fall asleepAnd all the things I took for grantedMoments gone forever wastedAll the stupid things I didI"d take them backSo tell me what to do to make you change you"re mindI wish that I could find a way to turn back time"Cause I"m just not the same since you"ve been goneI never should have let you go !"Cause I"m falling to piecesAnd I just wanna let you knowThat I can"t keep pretendingI never should have let you go !You"re so far awayAnd I just can"t live without youI just can"t breathe without youI never should have let you go...And now every single day that I spend without youGetting through the night is the hardest thing to doSince you walked awayI guess you"ll never know what it"s like to miss youI try to get a grip put my life back into placeIt"s not the sameI"m coming homeTo an empty roomMy head is spinning on a sunday afternoon"Cause I"m falling to piecesI just wanna let you knowThat I can"t keep pretendingI never should have let you go !You"re so far awayAnd I just can"t live without youI just can"t breathe without youI never should have let you go !I"m never gonna let you go !I never should have let you go...I"m never gonna let you go !http://music.baidu.com/song/7308909

have a night有这种说法吗


i have to find you tell you i need you这是哪首歌的歌词

I need you

我有一些事要告诉你的翻译为什么不是I have some things to tell to you

tell sb sth or tell something to sbI"ll tell you something或者I‘ll tell something to you

寻一首英文歌是以嘟嘟声开头 歌词只记得一句 I am here again where have you been是男生唱的


Do you know that I have trouble __________ the work? A.to do B.doing C.do D.don

B 试题分析:考查词组:have trouble/difficulty(in) doing做…有困难,句意:你知道我做这个工作有困难吗?选B。

stand for=mean 还是 have

stand for 也可译为 意指,意味着,和mean同义。如:White stands for purity and innocence.白色意味着纯洁和清白。


Firstly I know I myself well.And always try to follow the world, advance with the times.I always believe that self-confidence is the key of success.But what"s even more important?--Goal,yes,that"s it.No matter how hard you work,how capable you are,you need to know what you are eager for.I"m glad that I"ve set up my goals already,and I"m experiencing all of my wildest dreams.I seek there for I am.And I still remember a very sucessful person ever said that "rudeness never enrich any man,so try to be polite,you"ll gain more."

【考研英语】have them by the throat在这句话中是什么意思啊

But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat 但许多客户却抱怨说,对于长途运输的大宗货物来说,如煤炭,化学制品和粮食,公路运输成本太高,因此铁路公司就成了他们依靠的主要对象。 也就是铁路扼住了这些客户的要害,因为成本低而不得不依靠铁路运输。我是这么想的,不知道阁下?

we have embarked on anew scheme

别靠在那个架子上,你会后悔的! 我们已经着手于一个新的方案了. 我确信时间够用! 他们先以在老鼠身上做试验开始. 请你集中注意力在你所做的事情上. 她以她洁净的房子而感到自豪. 登山者在他试图达到顶峰的时候失败了.

连词成句 a,you,time,did,good,New,York,have,in

Did you have a good time in New York?你在纽约过的好吗?

By the time you get to New York, I _______ for London. A. would be leaving B. have already left C. a

will have leftby + 将来时点 时主句要用将来完成时请及时采纳,不懂继续问(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

I __(have) a lovely time in New York

填had 或者will have 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可继续追问

34. The young man did not have enough money; otherwise he (buy) ________ a more expensive watch.

这句话的翻译是"这个人没有足够的钱,否则他就能买到一个更贵的手表"。这里用的是虚拟语气,因为最终结果是他没能买成更贵的手表。同时,前面用的是过去时态,所以应该是would buy

have trouble 后跟什么动词形式

have trouble in doing.

have trouble 后跟什么动词形式


must have been driving用来表示什么肯定的推测?

您好,must have been driving 是用来表示(对过去)的肯定推测。结构为:1)must be(doing)= 对现在的肯定推测;2)must have been(doing)= 对过去的肯定推测;

have made和made的区别和用法

have made和made 时态不同,用法也不同。1、have made 是现在完成时态。2、made 是一般过去时态。如:1). He made a kite yesterday . 他昨天做了一个风筝。2). He has made a kite . 他已做了一个风筝。拓展(现在完成时与一般过去时的区别):一、现在完成时1、定义:表示过去发生的动词对现在造成的影响或结果。2、结构:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词。3、用法:常与already , yet , ever , never ,just ,before ,for +一段时间,since +表示过去的时间点;how long 等连用。现在完成时不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:How long have you lived here ? I have lived here for ten years .二、一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 常与yesterday (morning / afternoon / evening ),last week /year /month ; two/three/...years / weeks /... ago 等表示过去的时间状语连用。如:1.He went to the park last weekend . 他上周末去公园。2. Jim called me yesterday . 吉姆昨天打电话给我。

为什么have birthday cakes加了s, 而have cake 没有s

cake 是可数名词,所以要加s

he will have a birthday cake问句是什么?

What will he haveuff1f

英语题Now that the light went out,he_______have slept.

b.must 这是对一个过去时的肯定性的推测。

情侣签名英文带翻译 I have forget her

  If love is just passing by, and why going on it.   如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。   Love understands love, it needs no talk.   相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。   It is time to, what should I turn round and then walk don"t turn back.   是时候,我该转身就走不必再回头。   Is time, I don"t have to let go easily.   是时候,我该轻易放手不必再挽留。   Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery.   总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。   Every time in sweet happiness, hear the cruel goodbye.   每次在甜蜜的幸福中,听见残忍的再见。   I don"t care of jigsaw world, I only care about you.   我不在乎浮光掠影的尘世,我只在乎你。   If I don"t want to stay like snow flower can"t, I only miss you.   我不留恋似雪若花的浮生,我只留恋你。   Colorful lollipops, who can resist the charming temptation.   五彩的棒棒糖,谁抵抗得住那迷人的诱惑。   Fluffy cotton candy, who survive the sweet taste.   蓬松的棉花糖,谁经受得住那香甜的滋味。   Can you take my hand, just as my request   你可不可以牵着我的手,就当是我的请求   Can"t you looked at my eyes, just as I expect   你可不可以望着我的眼,就当是我的奢望   I still remember you join me for days.   我仍记得你和我一起呆过的日子。   i still remember me with you to stay over.   我仍记得我和你一起呆过的日子。   I were a princess, you love princess.   我是公主、你所爱恋的公主。   i"m prince, your prince. the attachment   我是王子、你所眷恋的王子。   I have forget her, beca use he"s so important.   我一直忘不了他、因为他对我那么重要。   i have forget her, because she gave me so important.   我一直忘不了她、因为她对我那么重要。   love me, i have a sweet smile.   爱我、就对我绽放甜美得微笑。   love comes to me, i have to release a warm embrace.   爱我、就对我释放温暖的拥抱。   if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, from whom he hath.   如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该向谁述说。   if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, whom should forever.   如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该与谁相伴。   My mortal, i did not hold to unchanging.   我是凡人、我没有那样坚持不变的能力。   i was vulgar people, i did not hold to unchanging.   我是俗人、我没有那样坚持不变的能力。   do you like or don"t love me, i here and do not yield.   你爱或不爱我、我都在这里不离不弃。   you read or me, i was here or not. no mercy   你念或不念我、我都在这里不悲不喜。   I die, i want you to perish, the life of the chaotic Love hurt   你为我死、我为你亡、生死相许的乱世情殇。   i live, i do for you to deposit, the life of the chaotic Love hurt   你为我活、我为你存、生死相许的乱世情殇。

you have no pending invitations.是什么意思

you have no pending invitations你没有待定的邀请函

I sent invitations to 60 people,______have replied. A. of whom only 20 B. only 20 of these who


Mother wants ________. A.to have a drink of tea B.a water C.to go home D.a little apple

为毛我觉得C也可以 从语法上来说B water是不可数名字 前面不能加a 可以用a cup of waterD apple是可数名词 不能用little 要用small


您好,这一句的语法并没有问题,但是语义上有一点不妥,不妥的地方是 little 的用法。当 little 作为形容词而不是量词,译为【小的】时,通常含有(情感色彩),也就是通常用于(有生命的)物体,或是带有回忆、情感的一些会引起人记起来某些东西时使用的。假如是用来修饰(无生命的)物体,或是不带有任何的情感色彩,通常会用 small 表示(小的)。所以这一句可能改成:I have a small apple and an orange. 会更好些。比较:a little boy(通常是认识的小男孩,比如邻居家里,或是经常见到的小男孩)a small boy(通常是不认识的陌生小男孩)

Five minutes earlier, and we______the last bus. A.had caught B.should have caught C.could


I have time还是have times

i have time. 关于 time 的可数性请注意以下几点: 1. 表示抽象意义的“时间”,不可数。如: Time will show which of us is right. 时间能证明咱们谁对谁错。 2. 表示“一段时间”,通常可数。如: She was away for quite a time. 她已经离开了相当一段时间。 3. 表示“次数”“??回”,为可数名词。如: The baby woke up three times in the night. 孩子夜里醒了3次。 4. 表示“倍数”“??倍”,为可数名词。如: The new method was ten times more efficient than the traditional one. 新方法比传统方法的效率提高了10倍。 5. 表示“时机”“机会”,通常用单数形式。如: The best time to invest is now. 现在是投资的最佳时机。 6. 表示“时代”“时期”,通常用复数形式。如: The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特征。 这里表示“机会,时机”

the times that you have thought其中的that引出什么从句?

应该是引导定语从句 先行词是 time

“我已经递交了辞职申请书”用英文是不是这么说“ I have submited my resignation。”

I have already tendered my resignation application

《怪物公司》主题曲if i didnt have you 的歌词是什么

Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is an important target for antineoplastic therapy because of its required functions in cell division, as well as the enhanced sensitivity of cancer cells to its inactivation. Several Plk1-targeted drugs have emerged, including BI-2536 and ZK-thiazolidinone (TAL). These inhibitors of Plk1 arrest cells in mitosis and evoke phenotypes consistent with downregulating Plk1 by other means.BI-2536 and a pharmacologically optimized analogue (BI-6727) have shown promising signs of activity in preliminary clinical trials. A chemical genetic system for inhibiting Plk1 has also been developed. In this system, both copies of the PLK1 locus were deleted from immortalized human retinal pigment epithelial cells through targeting and Cre-lox-mediated recombination. After Cre-mediated excision, PLK1–/– clones are inviable unless they are complemented by expression of Plk1 in trans, either wildtype (Plk1wt) or a compound mutant (L130G C67V; hereafter Plk1as). By enlarging the kinase"s active site, the latter mutations allow Plk1 to accept bulky purine analogues as ATP-competitive inhibitors. We report here that these mutations also have the unexpected effect of desensitizing Plk1 to clinically useful inhibitors such as BI-2536 and TAL. (Structures for all chemicals used are shown in Supplementary Figure 1.)In the course of examining the anti-proliferative activity of BI-2536, we discovered that this compound strongly retarded the growth of Plk1wt cells but had little or no effect on Plk1as cells (Figure 1A,B). To determine if this change in inhibitor potency was unique to BI-2536, we performed similar growth-challenge experiments with TAL, a structurally distinct Plk1 inhibitor. Again, we observed a marked difference between Plk1as cells and their isogenic Plk1wt counterparts (Figure 1C,D). To understand the depth and breadth of inhibitor resistance, we queried multiple in vivo readouts of Plk1 activity. Plk1 is required throughout mitosis, with well-characterized roles in centrosome maturation, bipolar spindle assembly, stabilization of kinetochore-microtubule attachments, and initiation of cytokinesis. Each of these programs proved to be qualitatively and quantitatively resistant to both Plk1-targeted inhibitors. For instance, Plk1as cells continued to recruit γ-tubulin to centrosomes (a cardinal manifestation of centrosome maturation) and form bipolar spindles in the presence of BI-2536 (Figure 2A) and TAL (Figure 2B). Likewise, BubR1 hyper-phosphorylation by Plk1 (a crucial determinant of stable kinetochore-microtubule attachment) was undiminished, as reflected in the BubR1 polypeptide"s persistent mobility shift on SDS-PAGE (Figure 2C). Consistent with this broad array of defects, both compounds caused Plk1wt (but not Plk1as cells) to arrest in mitosis, as judged from their rounded appearance by phase-contrast microscopy (shown below in Figure 4).


此时句子的主语是我而不是something ,事情是我(主语)做得当然用主动形式,如果主语是被做用被动。一定要分清谁是主语!!!再多做几个这样的题!!

Have you ever been to the museum_________ was built last year?


我回到了温哥华 是i have come back vancouver 还是i have come back to vancouver


if you have time come to me 什么意思


Have you in my heart 的中文是什么


mine____black and white后面填is, are has还是have

首先这里一定填写 is或are但这个没有上下文,还真不能到底用复数还是单数因为mine是名词性特主代词,但单纯一句话看不出是单数还是复数为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Goodluck!

have a good feeling of 有这种表达么

have a good feeling of有一个良好的感觉例句:1.Being confident comes with feeling good about yourself. 当你自我感觉良好时,自信会随之而来。2.It gets you feeling good, and very inspired. 它让你心情愉快,并为你带来灵感。

look,l have a rabbit. A.OK B.super C.yes 应选哪个


(2/2)l often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do ”

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