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t and really see itu2026u2026live itu2026u2026and never give it

i hated being treated with v

i hated being treated with v我讨厌被人对待

a hated burden to their sons和helpless old people是什么关系?是什么语法结构?

同位语吧,前者修饰后面的old people,是不是中间少了个逗号啊。。

"The monster hated the colour red"句中red 为什么要在colour的后面,形容词修饰名词不应该在前面的吗?


There was a time when I hatedto go to school. 此句中的when 可不可以用that 来代替?

不能! 你把句子分词两句;There was a time.I hated go to school at that time. 很清楚:when 指代 at that time,在定语从句中作时间状语.

高一英语题求解:There was ____ time ___ I hated to go to


There was a time when I hatedto go to school.


Hated Sunday 歌词

歌曲名:Hated Sunday歌手:Black Box Recorder专辑:England Made Me(Haines & Moore)Close the windows, draw the blindsI can"t stand it if the sun shinesOn SundayHated SundayDisturbing pictures on the newsDistant wars but they won"t touch youOn SundayHated SundayYour mother calls, she"s alrightYour sister calls, she"s in hospitalHonouring politician deadCar found parked on Beachy HeadOn SundayHated SundayOh to be in England on a SundayDear old dismal England on a Sunday-ayHated SundaySunday night, time stands stillOne last drag, it still feels like schoolTomorrowHated SundayYour mother calls, she"s alrightYour brother calls, he wants moneyOh to be in England on a SundayDear old dismal England on a SundayOh to be in England on a SundayDear old dismal England on a Sunday-ayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3464618

为什莫是Have hated

have+always+过去分词,可以当做固定搭配,是过去尝尝做的事,强调曾经。可 结合be+always+doing记忆。

[ A] hated[ B ] enjoyed[ C] cared[ D] bothered


hate的形容词形是什么? 是hating?令人讨厌的意思吗?有hated的形容词形吗?

hateful可恶的 友好的 adj 而hated 和hating 还是 动词


恨之入骨 希望能够帮到你!还有不懂可以追问!满意请采纳!谢谢!



Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their son


[VOA英译汉-双语][7]Andrew Jackson: Loved/Hated 安德鲁·杰克逊:又爱又恨

VOA Learning English presents America"s Presidents. 美国之音慢速英语介绍美国总统栏目。 Andrew Jackson, the seventh president, was unlike the earlier U.S. presidents . 安德鲁·杰克逊,美国第七任总统,与前面几任总统不同。 His family was poor, he had little education, and he lived on what was then the western part of the country. 他家境贫困,没受过多少教育,并且居住在当时还是美国的西部边远地区。 Jackson became nationally known in the early 1800s – first as a fighter against Native American tribes, and then as a general in the War of 1812 against the British. 19世纪初,杰克逊举国闻名 — 起初作为一名对抗美洲印第安部落的斗士,然后作为一名1812年战争中对抗英国的将军。 His image as a military hero and man of the people [1] made him a popular choice for the presidency. 他的军事英雄以及人民公仆的形象使他成为总统的热门人选。 But critics said Jackson did not accept any limits on his power. 但评论家认为杰克逊不接受对自己的任何限权。 He is also remembered for supporting slavery, and for forcing Native Americans from their homes. 人们记得他还因为他支持蓄奴,以及迫使美洲印第安人离开家园。 Andrew Jackson"s parents were immigrants from Ireland. His father died in an accident before Andrew, the third and youngest son, was born. 安德鲁·杰克逊的父母是爱尔兰移民。他的父亲死于一场意外,当时,安德鲁还没出生,是他们第三个也是最小的一个儿子。 When the American colonies entered a war of independence, Andrew and his two brothers fought against the British – although Andrew was too young to be a regular soldier. 美国殖民地进入独立战争时期,安德鲁和他的两个哥哥都参加了抗英战争 — 尽管安德鲁还太年轻,并不能成为一名 合格的 战士。 Andrew"s oldest brother soon died. 不久,安德鲁的大哥便牺牲了。 Then Andrew and his other brother were both captured by British soldiers. One cut Andrew"s face, leaving a scar that remained his entire life. 接着,安德鲁和他的二哥都被英国士兵俘获。有个军官砍伤了安德鲁的面部,造成了一道永久性的疤痕。 But Andrew, unlike his brother, survived captivity [2] . 然而,安德鲁活了下来,他的二哥却没有。 A short time later, Andrew"s mother became sick and died. 不久之后,安德鲁的母亲病故。 By age 15, Andrew Jackson had no living immediate family [3] . 15岁时,安德鲁·杰克逊失去了所有的直系亲人。 He had already stopped attending school, but taught himself enough to become a lawyer. He moved to what became Nashville, Tennessee, where he developed a successful law career. 那时他已经辍学,但通过自学成为了一名律师。他搬到了田纳西州的纳什维尔,在那里成功地发展了律师执业。 In time, he bought land and slaves. 后来,他买了土地和奴隶。 Jackson was tall and thin, with red hair and bright blue eyes. Sometimes Jackson was playful. He loved to dance, hold parties, and play games where he could win money. 杰克逊身形瘦削,一头红发,双眸湛蓝深邃。有时,杰克逊会嬉戏。他喜欢跳舞,举办舞会,玩他能赢钱的游戏。 Sometimes he was violent. He was known for getting angry easily. Jackson fought duels with [4] several men. In one, he killed a man who insulted his wife. 有时,他很暴力,人人都知道他易怒。杰克逊与很多人决斗,其中一个人因辱及他妻子而为他所杀。 Yet many people liked Jackson"s passionate, action-first personality. By the time the United States entered the War of 1812, Jackson had been a congressman, senator, and judge. 然而,很多人喜欢杰克逊有激情,行动第一的个性。时值美国处于1812年战争,杰克逊就已经当过国会众议员,参议员(6个月)和法官(6年)。 Jackson did not have any officially recognized military training. But during the War of 1812, he volunteered in the Tennessee militia and quickly took control of troops. 杰克逊没有接受过任何正统的军事训练。但是,1812年战争期间,他自愿参加了田纳西州的 民兵组织 ,并很快领导了这支军队。 Many of his soldiers came to respect him. Jackson refused to give up, even when the government ordered the militia to disband . And, when some of the men wanted to leave, he threatened them with a gun. 许多战士都很尊敬他。杰克逊永不言弃,甚至在政府下令 解散 民兵队的时候也是这样。当时,一些人想要离开民兵队,他用枪威胁他们。 Because he was uncompromising and strong as a tree, soldiers called Jackson “Old Hickory.” 由于他不妥协以及强韧如大树的个性,战士们称他为“老山胡桃”。 A group of Creek Indians gave him another name. After he defeated them in battle, Jackson negotiated a treaty that punished both his Native American enemies and his Native American allies. 克里克印第安人给他起了另一个名字。杰克逊战胜他们后,与他们签署了条约,条约既惩罚了敌对的北克里克族,也惩罚了结盟的南克里克族。 The treaty was more severe than the U.S. government had asked. In time, it forced the Creeks – as well as several other tribes – off their land. 此条约比美国政府签署的条约还苛刻。最终,它迫使克里克族以及其他几个部落离开了他们的土地。 The move was popular with many white settlers. It was less popular with the Creeks, who called Jackson “Sharp Knife.” 这一举动在白人定居者当中很受欢迎。然而,却使克里克族人反感,他们称杰克逊为“锋利的刀子”。 His best-known military operation was in New Orleans, Louisiana. A large, experienced army of British soldiers moved to attack. Jackson defended the city with a small group of untrained soldiers. His group included volunteers, free blacks, Creoles, Native Americans, and pirates. 杰克逊最著名的军事行动是在路易斯安那州的新奥尔良。一大队训练有素的英军来犯,杰克逊仅用一小队未经训练的民兵就击退了英军。他的部队包括志愿军,自由黑人,克里克人,本土美洲人以及个人。 Jackson"s ragtag troops not only defeated the British force, but suffered only a few losses. 杰克逊这一杂牌军不仅打败了英军,而且仅付出了很少的代价。 Jackson didn"t know that the battle came after the British and Americans had already agreed to end the war. But his victory there gave many Americans a feeling of pride [5] . 然而,杰克逊并不知道英国和美国其实已经协议终止战争。但是这场胜利让美国人觉得很自豪。 It also made Jackson famous. He became known across the country as the “Hero of New Orleans.” 这场胜利也让杰克逊名扬全美,人们称他为“新奥尔良英雄”。 Voters across the country supported Jackson, too. He was especially well-liked in the South and West. 全国的选民也很支持杰克逊,尤其是在南部和西部。 Many Americans saw him as a man of the people. They believed his success came from experience and hard work, not wealth and family connections. 许多美国人视他为人民公仆。他们认为杰克逊的成功来自于经验和勤奋,而不是富有和家族关系。 In the presidential election of 1824, Jackson received more popular and electoral votes [6] than any of the other candidates. But, because no candidate had a majority, lawmakers in the House of Representatives decided the election. 1824年美国总统大选中,杰克逊获得比其他候选人更多的普选以及选举团选票。但因无人得票过半,而交由众议院来决定总统当选人。 Those lawmakers chose John Quincy Adams , the son of former president John Adams . They were persuaded, in part, because a leader in Congress, named Henry Clay, said Jackson did not have the temperament [7] to be president. 众议院推举了前总统约翰·亚当斯的儿子约翰·昆西·亚当斯作为总统。众议院此举,部分是因为国会众议院议长亨利·克雷的说服,他认为杰克逊的性情不适合当总统。 Immediately after Quincy Adams won, he appointed Clay secretary of state. 昆西·亚当斯赢得总统后,很快便任命克雷为国务卿。 The appointment angered Jackson. He believed Adams and Clay had entered into a “corrupt bargain.” 此举惹恼了杰克逊。他认为亚当斯和克雷之间进行了“腐败交易”。 In the next presidential election four years later, Jackson defeated Quincy Adams in a landslide . 四年后的总统大选中,杰克逊 以压倒性优势 击败了昆西·亚当斯。 And in the presidential election after that, he crushed Henry Clay. 在那之后的总统选举中,杰克逊粉碎了亨利·克雷的阴谋。 Jackson wanted to be a powerful leader who controlled a limited federal government. But he wanted that government to have power over state governments. 杰克逊想成为一名权威的领导来控制有限制的联邦政府。但是,他希望中央政府能够对州政府拥有实权。 For example, Jackson refused to let the state of South Carolina nullify [8] , or ignore, a federal law that state officials opposed. Jackson said if they failed to obey the law, he would consider them traitors and send in troops. 例如,杰克逊拒绝让南卡罗莱纳州撤销,或者说忽略,州政府官员反对的联邦法律。杰克逊说,如果他们不能遵守联邦法律,他会认为他们叛国并考虑出兵。 In time, South Carolina and Congress were able to reach a compromise on the law. 最终,南卡罗莱纳州和国会在这项法律上达成妥协。 Jackson also refused to extend the charter [9] of the National Bank. He believed the bank helped industrialists and businesses more than farmers and settlers. His move was popular with many voters – especially farmers and settlers. 杰克逊同样也拒绝延长中央银行之联邦特许状。他认为中央银行帮助工业家和商人多于农民和定居者。他的举动在许多选民当中很受欢迎 — 尤其是农民和定居者。 But Jackson"s opponents warned against the bank veto. They disagreed with his economic plan, and they objected to how he had operated outside of Congress. Senators censured Jackson for acting as if he did not have to follow the law. 但是杰克逊的反对者警告他的这个银行否决案。他们不同意杰克逊的经济计划,并且反对他绕过国会采取措施。参议员们对于杰克逊不遵循法律的行为提出了谴责案。 Jackson"s supporters fought back. They removed the official criticism from the Senate records. 杰克逊的支持者们进行了反击。他们从参议记录中删除了该谴责案。 Jackson vetoed more bills than the first six presidents combined. He actively worked for only one major law: the Indian Removal Act of 1830. 杰克逊否决的法案比前六位总统加起来都多。唯一让他积极应对的法律是:1830年印第安人迁移法案。 Jackson believed Native Americans occupied land that should belong to white settlers. He also thought Native Americans would be destroyed or lose their culture to white people anyway. 杰克逊认为美洲印第安人占用了原本该属于白人定居者的土地。他还认为,无论如何,美洲印第安人将被摧毁或失去他们的文化。 So he offered several tribes what appeared to be generous [10] treaties to move onto land west of the Mississippi River. 所以,他提供给印第安部落若干看起来似乎很慷慨的条约,让他们迁移到密西西比河以西的地带。 But the treaties were often unfair or illegal. The tribes who accepted rarely received the benefits Jackson promised them. And some tribes, such as the Cherokees , simply refused to go. 但这些条约基本都是不公平或者非法的。接受条约的部落很少有得到杰克逊允诺他们的利益。一些部落,例如 切罗基人 ,直接拒绝迁移。 Empowered by Jackson"s Indian Removal Act, U.S. government officials eventually forced 15,000 Cherokees off their land. They were made to march over 1,600 kilometers. About 4,000 died on the march. It is remembered as the “ Trail of Tears. ” 然而,因授权于杰克逊的印第安人排除法案,美国政府官员最终迫使15000名切罗基人离开了他们的家园。他们被迫迁徙了1600公里,大约4000人死于迁徙途中。这段历史被铭记为“ 血泪之路 ”。 For white settlers, Jackson"s Indian removal policies resulted in over 100,000 square kilometers of new land to farm. Thousands of cotton planters moved west with their enslaved workers. 对于白人定居者而言,杰克逊的印第安人迁移政策为他们增加了超过100,000平方公里的新土地去耕种。成千上万的棉花种植园主带着奴隶劳动者迁居到西部。 The Indian Removal Act served not only to aid an economic boom in cotton, but to spread slavery further in the United States. Jackson had no objections. 印第安人迁移法案不仅有助于棉花的经济增长,而且进一步扩大了国内的奴隶制。杰克逊没有反对者。 In 1837, Jackson officially moved out of the White House – but he did not really leave the presidency. He advised the presidents who followed him from his home in Tennessee. 1837年,杰克逊正式离开白宫 — 但他并没有真正离任总统。他在田纳西州的家中,一直幕后建议跟随他的总统。 Jackson had particular influence over two future leaders: Martin Van Buren, his former vice president; and James Polk, who shared Jackson"s beliefs so closely that he was called “Young Hickory.” 杰克逊对未来的两位总统有着特殊的影响:马丁·范布伦,他的前副总统;詹姆斯·波尔克,是杰克逊坚定的支持者,被称为“小山胡桃”。 Jackson"s beloved wife, Rachel, had died before he took office. They did not have any children together, but they raised two boys: a Native American orphan who died as a teenager; and a nephew, whom they called Andrew Jackson, Jr. 杰克逊深爱的妻子瑞秋,于他就任总统前去世。他们没有任何孩子,但抚养了两个儿子:一个美洲印第安孤儿,年轻的时候就死了;一个外甥,叫做小安德鲁·杰克逊。 The younger Andrew Jackson and his wife lived with the former president in his final years. 前总统杰克逊晚年与小安德鲁·杰克逊及他的妻子生活在一起。 He died in his bed at 78 of old wounds and old age. But his legacy [11] remains very much alive. 杰克逊由于旧伤和年老逝世于床上,终年78岁。但是他所遗留的东西仍旧活跃于人们心目中。 Jackson changed the U.S. presidency. After him, presidential candidates had to show they could connect with voters, not just lawmakers. 杰克逊改变了美国总统。在他之后,总统候选人不得不展示他们与选民的联系,而不仅仅是与议员的联系。 He also increased the power of the chief executive [12] . Jackson often questioned – or dismissed – the power of Congress, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court. 他也提升了总统的权利。杰克逊经常质疑或驳回国会,宪法以及最高法院的权利。 And, he began the custom of replacing experienced government officials with people whose main qualification [13] was their loyalty to him. 而且,他开启了将有经验的政府官员替换为忠诚于总统的习惯。 Critics added to Jackson"s nicknames. They called him King Andrew, King Mob, or American Cesar. The opposition to Jackson led to a new political party called the Whigs . 批评家给杰克逊添加了一个绰号,叫做安德鲁国王,暴徒国王,或者美国凯撒。杰克逊的反对派领导了一支新的政治党派叫做 辉格党 。 Part of Jackson"s legacy is the two major party system that exists in the U.S. today. 杰克逊的部分遗产包括当今美国最主要的两个政治体系。 But those who loved Jackson really loved him. His humble beginnings, rise to power , and defense of the common man inspired them. 那些喜爱杰克逊的人是真正地喜爱他。他的卑微出生, 崛起之路 ,以及对普通人的保卫激励着他们。 In the U.S., the name of Andrew Jackson is still often used as a positive symbol of American democracy. 在美国,安德鲁·杰克逊的名字仍然经常被用于美国民主的积极象征。 https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/americas-presidents-andrew-jackson/3787327.html

____was her cruelty that we all hated her. A.It B what C that D such. 选择D的理由是什么

so/such ...that的变换形式而已,她如此残忍,以至于我们讨厌/恨他。这里你换别的形式句子意思上都是不对的。

————was her cruelty that we all hated her. 答案选的是Such

such和so that是一样的,懂吧?意思一样,用法不一样。