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happen与take place的区别

take place 有计划地发生/举行/进行happen 突然发生一般情况下可换用但都没有被动语态的

take place和happen的区别是什么

1).take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.(2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened.I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.详情 http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=F-7LZYPE9zNFZFJEYEHP43zFQA55gW7DuKI7VAq949e1-z3eLqNHr-IgktEbJccdrue4QiIzUnHN5AaxuzTd7muPI5wVN6hsIfjjx8Ytpsu

take place, happen 的区别

happen :偶然发生take please :必然发生

happen和take place的区别

take place与 happen的用法与区别 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如: (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换) (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换) 动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如: (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.) (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.) happen to do 意思是:碰巧。 It happened to be a fine one that day. 那天碰巧天气好。 I happened to see him this morning. 今天早上我碰巧看见他。 It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。 It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine. 碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。 It so happened that both of them were there. 正好他们两人都在那儿。

take place和happen的区别

happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.


区别:1、take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”例如:Great changes have taken place in China since. 中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。 此外take place还有“举行”之意。(本课即是如此)例如:The meeting will take place next Friday. 会议将在下周五举行。2、happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。例如:New things are happening all around us. 我们身边总有新事发生。

take place 跟happen的区别

happen与take place的区别

1、发生的性质不同happen往往表示事情的发生带有偶然性, happen是一般用语, take place常指按计划“发生”。2、主语的条件不同如果不是表示具体事情的词则多用happen。3、搭配不同take place表示“发生”,可与 happen 换用,但其后面一般不接 to sb./sth.结构。扩展资料固定词组take place,意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事);happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 首映将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place可用happened换)动词happen和take place只用作不及物,不能用被动语态。(1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。不能说:The car accident was happened last week.(2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。不能说:The war was broken out in October.其他用法:1、happen to do 意思是:碰巧It happened to be a fine one that day.那天碰巧天气好。2、It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine.碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。

take place和happen的区别

  happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别。1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情。例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place。例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

happened to do和‘happen to do ;区别?


take place和happen的区别是什么


take place和happen的区别是什么

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing. happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened. I happened to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home.take place与 happen的用法 固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:(1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)(2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如: (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.) (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.) 注意:词组take sb."s place 或take the place of sb. / sth. 意为代替某人,某物,不可与take place混淆。如: (1)My brother is ill, and I"ve come to take his place.我兄弟生病了,所以我来代替他。 (2)Plastics have taken the place of many old materials.塑料已经取代许多旧材料。

happen与take place的区别和用法,详细一点!

happen / take place它们都表“发生”的意思, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place和happen的区别


take place和happen有什么区别?

take place和happen在意思上很相似,通常都表示某个事件或情况的发生。但是它们的用法有些不同。happen通常指不可控的事情自然地发生,较为中性。例如:It happened to rain on the day of the picnic.(野餐的日子恰巧下雨了。)take place强调有计划地、有组织地、可控地发生。例如:The meeting will take place at 2 p.m.(会议将在下午 2 点进行。)总的来说,happen和take place的区别在于是否强调事件的可控性和有序性。举例说明:happen:Did anything interesting happen at the party last night?(昨晚的派对上有什么有趣的事情发生了吗?)take place:The concert is scheduled to take place on June 15th.(音乐会定于 6 月 15 日举行。)个人总结:虽然它们都表示某种事件或情况的发生,但是 take place 和 happen 在语义上有细微的区别。如果想要表达一件有序、计划好的事件,可以使用 take place,如果想要表达一件自然发生的事件,则可以使用 happen。

happen和take place的区别

happen一般是碰巧,意料之外的发生,突发事件take place 是计划好的,事先安排的

happen和take place的区别是什么?

happen / take place它们都可以表示“发生”, 但是在用法上有区别.1)happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指偶然的或未能预见的事情.例如:A storm happened across the river in another country.2)如要指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生时,通常要用take place.例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

take place 和happen的所有用法

take place指有预谋有策划的事情,比如某个运动呀,罢工呀之类的,发生了happen指偶然性事件,比如车祸,发生了

take place和happen的区别是什么

take place和happen的区别:1.take place 常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”如:   Great changes have taken place in China since.   take place还有“举行”之意。如:   The meeting will take place next Friday.   2.happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。如:   New things are happening all around us.   Happen还可表示“碰巧;恰好”之意。如:   It happened that I had no money on me.

happen to和take place有什么区别?

  1)take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排  例如:  Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.  The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.  (2) happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件  例如:  What happened to you?(一般不说:What did you happen?)  Maybe something unexpected happened.  I happened to see him on my way home.  = It happened that I saw him on my way home.  take place与 happen的用法  固定词组take place意为发生,举行,多指举行活动,发生某事(可指发生好事或不好的事),happen多指发生意外事故,不幸的事。如:  (1)The opening of the play will take place tomorrow night. 剧的首演式将于明晚举行。(take place不能用happen代换)  (2)The accident took place only a block from my home. 事故发生地离我家只一个街区。(took place 可以用happened代换)  ▲动词happen以及词组take place, break out 等只能用作不及物动词,不能用被动语态形式。如:  (1)The car accident happened last week. 交通事故发生在上星期。(不能说:The car accident was happened last week.)  (2) The war broke out in October. 战争于10月份爆发。(不能说:The war was broken out in October.)  happen to do 意思是:碰巧。  It happened to be a fine one that day.  那天碰巧天气好。  I happened to see him this morning.  今天早上我碰巧看见他。  It happens that...后接从句,意思也是碰巧。  It happens that his sister is a closed friend of mine.  碰巧她姐姐是我的一个好朋友。  It so happened that both of them were there.  正好他们两人都在那儿。

At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. ...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D小题5:C 小题1:细节理解题。结合We may feel excited when we have success in a school play可知答案。小题2:细节理解题。结合Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook. 可知答案。小题3:细节理解题。结合A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. 可知答案。小题4:推理判断题。结合It"s usually made at the end of the year. 可知答案。小题5:细节理解题。结合Finally our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook.和文章最后两段可知答案。

I explained all what happended 这是一个错误的句子;没有all ;但是为什么要去掉all?详细解答。

这个句子并没有错,按照字面翻译就是“我解释所有发生过的事情。至于"All", 在这里的性质是“限定词”,用来限定“what happened".

anything could happen even in the last minute


求MJ的Whatever happens简谱,谢谢!


whatever happens in the city can be devoured by

whatever happens in the city, can be devoured by the city.在这城事发生的大小事情 , 都终会给这城市吞噬

oh well whatever happens

I"ll be with you whatever happens【无论发生什么,我都会陪伴你】 Even a little bit【即使是一点点】 可以接着说Please trust me that I will take good care of you【请相信我,我会好好照顾你.】或Oh believe me darling You 【亲爱的,请你相信我】或 Please believe me !【请你相信我~!】或 So please don"t walk away 【所以,请你不要走开.】 可以回答thank you

杰克逊的《Whatever happen》的歌词

中文名称:不论发生什么外文名称:Whatever Happens所属专辑:INVINCIBLE歌曲原唱:Michael Jackson歌词:Whatever Happens 不论发生什么He gives a nervous smile, tries to understand her side 他不安微笑,试图站在她的角度去理解她To show that he cares来体现对她的关心(She can"t stay in the room)(她在房间里呆不下去了)She"s consumed with everything that"s been goin" on所发生的一切另她心力交瘁She says她说[Chorus]Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生什么,不要放开我的手Everything will be alright, he assures her他向她保证,一切都会好起来的But she doesn"t hear a word that he says可她听不进只字片语Preoccupied, she"s afraid她一心担心Afraid that what they"re doing is not right担心他们在犯错He doesn"t know what to say, so he prays他哑口无言,于是祈祷道Whatever, whatever, whatever不论如何,不论如何,不论如何[Chorus]Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t you let go of my hand不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我Don"t let go of my hand不要放开我的手Don"t let go of my hand不要放开我的手He"s working day and night, thinks he"ll make her happy他日夜不停地工作,以为会另她开心Forgetting all the dreams that he had忘记曾经追逐的所有梦想He doesn"t realize it"s not the end of the world他不知晓这并不是世界的尽头It doesn"t have to be that bad这并没有那么糟She tries to explain, It"s you that makes me happy她试图解释:“你是我幸福的源泉,”Whatever, whatever, whatever不论如何,不论如何,不论如何[Chorus]Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t you let go of my hand不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手Whatever happens, don"t you let go of my hand不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我Whatever happens, don"t let go of my hand不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手

Whatever happens 求翻译 Michael的歌

WhateverHappens不论发生什么  Hegivesanothersmile,triestounderstandherside  他再次微笑,试图站在她的角度去理解她  Toshowthathecares  来体现对她的关心  (Shecan"tstayintheroom)  (她在房间里呆不下去了)  She"sconsumedwitheverythingthat"sbeengoin"on  所发生的一切另她心力交瘁  Shesays  她说  [Chorus]  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生什么,不要放开我的手  Everythingwillbealright,heassuresher  他向她保证,一切都会好起来的  Butshedoesn"thearawordthathesays  可她听不进只字片语  Preoccupied,she"safraid  她一心担心  Afraidthatwhatthey"redoingisnotright  担心他们在犯错  Hedoesn"tknowwhattosay,soheprays  他哑口无言,于是祈祷道  Whatever,whatever,whatever  不论如何,不论如何,不论如何  [Chorus]  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  Don"tletgoofmyhand  不要放开我的手  Don"tletgoofmyhand  不要放开我的手  He"sworkingdayandnight,thinkshe"llmakeherhappy  他日夜不停地工作,以为会另她开心  Forgettingallthedreamsthathehad  忘记曾经追逐的所有梦想  Hedoesn"trealizeit"snottheendoftheworld  他不知晓这并不是世界的尽头  Itdoesn"thavetobethatbad  这并没有那么糟  Shetriestoexplain,It"syouthatmakesmehappy  她试图解释:“你是我幸福的源泉,”  Whatever,whatever,whatever  不论如何,不论如何,不论如何  [Chorus]  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手  Whateverhappens,don"tyouletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,你都不要离开我  Whateverhappens,don"tletgoofmyhand  不论发生了什么,不要放开我的手

求michael jackson的whatever happen歌词中文翻译


whatever happens happens for the best是状语从句吗

你好,是的。Whatever happens.意思是【无论发生什么事。】大部分情况下,在主从复合句当中,这句话起到一种无条件地执主句的作用,相当于副词修饰整个主句。当然Whatever引导的从句,既可以做名词性从句,也可以作状语从句。关键是要看它可以在主句中充当什么样的成分?Whatever happens happens for the best。无论发生什么,都是为了节拍。里Whatever happens.在这句里面起到状语作用,这是状语从句。

whatever happens为什么加s?

whatever happens为什么加s双方商业往来这场对决然队友草皮上嘶吼起来主场球迷不间歇的战术意图走去机会成熟在巴塞罗那而后空白出去发了冲到了门将了

Whatever Happens I Love You 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever Happens I Love You歌手:Morrissey专辑:Singles Box Set - Hmv Parlophone Singles 91-95 Id like to run away from youBut if I were to leave you I would dieId like to break the chains you put around meAnd yet Ill never tryNo matter what you do you drive me crazyId rather be aloneBut then I know my life would be so emptyAs soon as you were goneImpossible to live with youBut I could never live without youFor whatever you do (for whatever you do)I never, never, neverWant to be in love with anyone but youYou make me sadYou make me strongYou make me madYou make me long for you (you make me long for you)You make me liveYou make me dieYou make me laughYou make me cry for you (you make me cry for you)I hate youThen I love youThen I love youThen I hate youThen I love you, I love you moreFor whatever you doI never, never, neverWant to be in love with anyone but youYou treat me wrongYou treat me rightYou let me beYou make me fight with you (I could never live without you)You make me highYou bring me downYou set me freeYou hold me bound to youI hate youThen I love youThen I love youThen I hate youThen I love you moreFor whatever you do (whatever you do)I never, never, neverWant to be in love with anyone but youI never, never, neverI never, never, neverI never, never, neverWant to be in love with anyone but youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2708806

whatever happens happens for good

真正的朋友,是帮助你的人,是触动你心房的人 记住:无论发生什么,总有其理由. 有多少人事实上有八个真正的朋友?我认识的人几乎没有一个.但我们有些人拥有的朋友却都是益友好友.

whatever happens ,keep clam.为什么填keep原型?

该句中whatever引导状语从句,主句为keep calm。主句为祈使句,故省略主语,主语为听话对象“你”,是第二人称,因此谓语动词keep用原形。

whatever happened......为什么happen要加ed


Whatever Happens (Uncut Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Whatever Happens (Uncut Demo)歌手:Downhere专辑:Thunder After Lightning- The Uncut DemosNicole Scherzinger - Whatever HappensIf you"re the air that I breathe,Tell me why I"m suffocatingIf you"re the promise that I keepTell me why it"s breakingDon"t let go of my handI need you to keep holding on(I need you to keep holding on)You"re the wings, let me flyNow my altitude is fadingYou had me up so highIt"s too far, now to face itThis can"t be the endI need you to keep holding on(I need you to keep holding on)You been here from the startAnd baby, now, you want my heart (heart)If we let this fall apartWe lose everythingWhatever happensWhen this world is closing inWe keep paying for our sinsI can feel the cost of this lovingWhatever happensIf our truth becomes a lieI don"t know how I"ll surviveCan"t you see me hanging on for lifeWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isDon"t let go of my handWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isDon"t let go of my handSee my knuckles, still and whiteNow I feel my hands slippingEvery day and every nightThink I"m losing grip andThe way inside is becoming too much to hold(too much to hold)You"re my sun, you"re my starUuh, you"re my God givenLet you inside my worldI still want you in itI need you in my lifeAnd I just can"t let you go(can"t let you go)You been here from the start (start)And baby, now, you want my heart (heart)If we let this fall apartWe lose everythingWhatever happensWhen this world is closing inWe keep paying for our sinsI can feel the cost of this lovingWhatever happensIf our truth becomes a lieI don"t know how I"ll surviveCan"t you see me hanging on for lifeWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isDon"t let go of my handWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isDon"t let go of my handI"m holding on to a love sceneNo matter moreWanna love this oneLast grip and don"tLose the chance to findAll that we were living forI would hold on foreverPaste our love back togetherJust promise meWhatever happens(Whatever happens)When this world is closing inWe keep paying for our sinsI can feel the cost of this lovingWhatever happensIf our truth becomes a lieI don"t know how I"ll surviveCan"t you see me hanging on for lifeWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is isDon"t let go of my hand (don"t let go)Whatever happens is isWhatever happens is isWhatever happens is ?sDon"t let go of my handhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2954839

Let whatever happens happen.语法对吗,什么意思呢、

正确。整个句子是祈使句,let是使役动词,后面跟动词原形,故用happen作宾语补足语,而whatever happens作let的宾语,在整个宾语中whatever 是主语,单数,后接happens做谓语动词。

whatever happens, happens for good


whatever happenes

这是不管发生过什么的意思.或者写成,No matter what has happened……,用现在完成时来做. 如果要问不管将来会发生什么,应该用一般时态表示将来时态, 写成,Whatever happens 或 No matter what happens

whatever happens,just be tough 请问这句话是什么意思?


whatever happens为何是状语从句


whatever happens为何是状语从句

whatever happens是一个主谓结构不是主句,本身不完整在全句是作状语无论发生什么事,……都……(逗号后的才是主句)所以,whatever happens是状语从句!

whatever happened life goes on 请问是什么意思?

不管发生什么生活都会继续 希望采纳:)

shit happens,life goes on.的意思与“他一生极苦,却最喜糖。”相近吗?


连词成句: 1、when,happens,take,not,fire,the,do,lift (.)



EN: I"m running out of patience, but then you say, it"s over baby, so go on, we both need you to say this to us, you are, the only one for me.ZH: 我快没耐心,但后来你说,它是宝贝,所以走上,我们两个都需要你说这对我们来说,你是我的唯一。EN: Every night you stay with her.ZH: 每天晚上你陪伴她。EN: I pretend it doesn"t hurt cause the hardest part of this is wondering when all this is.ZH: 我假装它不伤害的最难的部分,这不知道,当这一切都是的原因。EN: It"s like it"s getting worse; she"ll always have had you first.ZH: 这就像它越来越差 ;她会始终有了你第一次。EN: You know the hardest part of this is wanting the two of us to begin.ZH: 你知道的最难的部分,这就希望我们两人要开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它正在发生。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: I"m so anxious that I"m shaken, we"re so close to being together, boy I, have almost giving up on this before, but it"s worth it, if it is forever.ZH: 我是那么急我很震撼,我们是如此接近在一起,男孩一,已几乎放弃了在这之前,但它是值得的如果它是永远的。EN: Every night you stay with her.ZH: 每天晚上你陪伴她。EN: I pretend it doesn"t hurt cause the hardest part of this is wondering when all this is.ZH: 我假装它不伤害的最难的部分,这不知道,当这一切都是的原因。EN: It"s like it"s getting worse; she"ll always have had you first.ZH: 这就像它越来越差 ;她会始终有了你第一次。EN: You know the hardest part of this is wanting the two of us to begin.ZH: 你知道的最难的部分,这就希望我们两人要开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它是发生的事情。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: Like winter turns to summer, like night turns into day, been missing you like the dessert needs the rain, the hardest part of this is wanting, the two of us to begin.ZH: 像冬天翻到夏天,像夜变成天,一直缺少你喜欢甜点需要雨中,最难的这一部分想,我们两个人开始。EN: Every single night I wait for you, every single day you say it"s through, you promised me the night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 每天晚上我等你,每一天你说它是通过,你答应过我 2 上午,它发生在夜间。EN: You"re gonna tell her what she needs to hear.ZH: 你要告诉她她需要听到什么。EN: You gotta be the one to make it clear you promised me that night at 2 am that it"s happening.ZH: 你得是一个使它明确你答应过我夜里 2 上午,它发生在。EN: That it"s happening. That it"s happening. That it"s happening.ZH: 它正在发生。它正在发生。它正在发生。EN: You gonna make it happen baby.ZH: 你会让它发生,宝贝。

dont change make it happen anyway歌词 求原曲啊

《Everything Changes》专辑:There"s More to Life歌手:Various Artists (欧美群星)流派:Classical语言:英语发行时间:2009-12-09If you just walked awayWhat could I really say?would it matter anyway?would it change how you feel?I am the mess you chosethe closet you can not closeThe devil in you I suppose"cuz the wounds never healBut everything changesif I could turn back the yearsIf you could learn to forgive methen I could learn to feelSometimes the things I sayIn moments of disarraySuccumbing to the games we playTo make sure that it"s realBut everything changesif I could turn back the yearsIf you could learn to forgive methen I could learn to feelWhen it"s just me and youWho knows what we could doIf we can just make it throughthrough this part of the dayBut everything changesif I could turn back the yearsIf you could learn to forgive methen I could learn to feelThen we couldStay here togetherAnd we couldConquer the worldIf we couldSay that foreverIt"s more than just a wordIf you just walked awayWhat could I really say?It wouldn"t matter anyway.It wouldn"t change how you feel.END

Once you make a decision,the universe conspires to make it happen.


“I made it happened”这句话有语法错误吗?

把happened 改成happen. made 已经是过去式了,happen就不用了。

求安室女神make it happen罗马音

Turn the lights onTurn the lights offTurn the lights onTurn the lights off

don,t wait for something to happen make it happen


安室奈美惠feat. After School - make it happen歌词罗马音

Tonight I feel excited mou munasawagi ga suru waitsumo to kawaranu setto risuto datte iu nonidare ka ga watashi wo matte iru noAll right, wait a moment, I"ll find you outI found a man who has his dreams and desiresmichibiite ageru That"s all I gottatenshi ka akuma ka sore wa nobody knowsJust follow "cause I know what you wantHazy tension (turn the lights on, turn the lights off)The sensationThe invitation to come here is ready for youCome on, come in subete mitasareruWe"re gonna make it happenThe globe, the castle subete afureteruCause we can make it happenDon"t be afraid, don"t be ashamednani mo kamo yurusareruLove and dream yume misete agerukoko wa Your wonderlandTurn the lights onTurn the lights offWhether you like it ima no wa chotto shita purebyu-I don"t know why mada nani wo tameratte iru no?You must be a favor, everybody feel the sameDo you know nakami wa ato de oshieru wa?Devil or angel?I promise you that you will never regret your comingCome on, come in subete mitasareruWe"re gonna make it happenThe globe, the castle subete afureteruCause we can make it happenDon"t be afraid, don"t be ashamednani mo kamo yurusareruLove and dream yume misete agerukoko wa Your wonderlandTurn the lights onTurn the lights offTurn the lights onTurn the lights offshinobiyoru kage ga horaIt"s time to decide your heartCome on, come in subete mitasareruWe"re gonna make it happenThe globe, the castle subete afureteruCause we can make it happenDon"t be afraid, don"t be ashamednani mo kamo yurusareruLove and dream yume misete agerukoko wa Your wonderlandTurn the lights onTurn the lights offTurn the lights onTurn the lights offLove and dream yume misete agerukoko wa Your wonderlandTurn the lights onTurn the lights offTurn the lights onTurn the lights off

求make it happen-the teenagers歌词

I know it"s going to last all night It"s the only way to do it No other choice to make it happen Make it happen make it happen Might seem easy at first sight But you always talk like that And if you please we"ll make it happen Make it happen make it happen We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it Our life is for inspiration And memories are for construction Are we talking about you or something else? We have no clue And if we tell lies, we"ll look at you straight in the eyes We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it We know it"s the new hit We know we"re gonna make it You know you"re gonna like it for sure You"re gonna love it

bule 歌曲make it happen英文 歌词

bule 歌曲巨鲸音乐就有建议去。。。

Make It Happen翻译

Not more than three short years ago 短短三年之前I was abandoned and alone 我被抛弃了,孤单无助Without a penny to my name 身无分文So very young and so afraid 如此年轻,我非常害怕No proper shoes upon my feet 脚上没有像样的鞋Sometimes I couldn"t even eat 有时甚至还得挨饿I often cried myself to sleep 我常常哭着睡着But still I had to keep on going 但事情我依然得生存下去Never knowing if I could take it 从来不知道我能否做到If I would make it through the night 真希望过来黑夜就能做到I held on to my faith 我坚持着我的信念I struggled and I prayed 我奋斗,我祈祷And now I"ve found my way 现在,我找到了我的路If you believe in yourself enough 如果你足够相信你自己And know what you want 也知道你要什么You"re gonna make it happen 你就会做到(你就会使其发生)(Make it happen) (你会做到)And if you get down on your knees at night晚上你跪着 And pray to the lord 向天祈祷He"s gonna make it happen 神灵就会使其发生(Make it happen) (使其发生)I know life can be so tough我知道生活会由荆棘 And you feel like giving up 你想过放弃But you must be strong但你必须强大 Baby just hold on 亲爱的,坚持住You"ll never find the answers 你将永远找不出答案if you throw your life away 如果你抛弃了你的生活I used to feel the way you do 我对你的感受深有体会Still I have to keep going即使是现在,我还得继续 Never knowing if I could take it 从来不知道我是否能做到If I would make it through the night 真希望过了黑夜我就做到I held on to my faith 我坚持着我的信念I struggled and I prayed 我奋斗,我祈祷And now I"ve finally found my way我终于找到我要走的路 I once was lost 我曾经迷失方向But now I"m found 但现在我找到了I got my feet on solid ground 我踏上了坚实的土地Thank you Lord 多些(神灵)保佑If you believe within your soul 如果你灵魂相信自己Just hold on tight那就牢牢坚持 And don"t let go 不让它溜走You can make it happen 你就能做到(Make it happen) (就能做到)

Make it happen什么意思?

make it happen 实现它,让它发生

Make It Happen 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Happen歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Out In Japan 1996Not more than three short years agoI was abandoned and aloneWithout a penny to my nameSo very young and so afraidNo proper shoes upon my feetSometimes I couldn"t even eatI often cried myself to sleepBut still I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenHe"s gonna make it happenI know life can be so toughAnd you feel like giving upBut you must be strongBaby just hold onYou"ll never find the answersIf you throw your life awayI used to feel the way you doStill I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenMake it happenMake itHe"s gonna make itMake itgonna make itmake it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenI once was lostBut now I"m foundI got my feetOn solid groundThank you LordIf you believeWithin your soulJust hold on tightAnd don"t let goYou can make itMake it happengonna make itgonna make itgonna make itIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happen(END)http://music.baidu.com/song/17763125

Make It Happen 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Happen歌手:三浦大知专辑:D-Rock With UMake it happenThe Teenagers QQ.114076181I know it"s going to last all nightIt"s the only way to do itNo other choice to make it happenMake it happen make it happenMight seem easy at first sightBut you always talk like thatAnd if you please we"ll make it happenMake it happen make it happenWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like itWe know it"s the new hitWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like it for sureYou"re gonna love itOur life is for inspirationAnd memories are for constructionAre we talking about you or something else?We have no clueAnd if we tell lies, we"ll look at you straight in the eyesWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like itWe know it"s the new hitWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like it for sureYou"re gonna love itWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like itWe know it"s the new hitWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like it for sureYou"re gonna love itWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like itWe know it"s the new hitWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like it for sureYou"re gonna love itWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like itWe know it"s the new hitWe know we"re gonna make itYou know you"re gonna like it for sureYou"re gonna love ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/914510

Make It Happen 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Happen歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Greatest HitsNot more than three short years agoI was abandoned and aloneWithout a penny to my nameSo very young and so afraidNo proper shoes upon my feetSometimes I couldn"t even eatI often cried myself to sleepBut still I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenHe"s gonna make it happenI know life can be so toughAnd you feel like giving upBut you must be strongBaby just hold onYou"ll never find the answersIf you throw your life awayI used to feel the way you doStill I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenMake it happenMake itHe"s gonna make itMake itgonna make itmake it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenI once was lostBut now I"m foundI got my feetOn solid groundThank you LordIf you believeWithin your soulJust hold on tightAnd don"t let goYou can make itMake it happengonna make itgonna make itgonna make itIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happen(END)http://music.baidu.com/song/1037090

make it happen中文是什么意思

Make It Happen [词典] [电影] 舞梦成真; 唯舞独尊; [例句]Saying you channeled from me, will not make it happen.说你从我这里通灵,并不会使这转变发生。



This story reminds us that you can never know what′s possible unless you try to make it happen


:Some people want it happen , some wish it happen , others make it happen 什么意思?


求Make it happen 中译版

  舞梦成真  舞梦成真(Make it happen):导:Darren Grant|演:Mary Elizabeth Winstead  发生  不要只是许愿(wish)与空想(hope),而要让工作发生(make it happen)俗语说:”正人立定志愿长,小人常立定志愿”不少人每每立定志愿,差未几每年春天都立定志愿,但到每年秋日都忘了这并非立定志愿...  唯舞独尊  中秋节的晚上在梅门客栈的小型餐会之后,跟很多师兄姐和李凤山师父看了这出『唯舞独尊』(Make It Happen)的 DVD。其实我平常很少看这种歌舞型的电影,不过看完之后,电影应该算是励志电影,鼓励大家如果有梦想应该努力去追寻吧。  美梦成真  G-Music 商品基本资料 ...Hero 英雄 Make It Happen 美梦成真 We Belong Together 我要我们在一起 ...  -Winners make it happen: 赢家让事情办到 赢家让事情办到  ...Losers follow the philosophy, "Do it to others before they do it to you." (输家认为要在别人害你之前,先害他)Winners make it happen; (赢家让事情办到)Losers let it happen. (输家等事情发生) ...  -Make it happen.: 让理想变成现实 让理想变成现实  ...Live well, love lots, and laugh often.(善待生活,博爱,笑口常开)Make it happen.(让理想变成现实)Never lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal.(决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷窃,坚守公平交易) ...  -you make it happen: 靠自己去成功 靠自己去成功  近日有机会连续品读了这些名人或学者的作品,其中《靠自己去成功》(you make it happen)是刘墉写给女儿的一本书籍,在本书里,作者既是一位慈父,又是一位严父:他从怎样规划睡眠、怎样利用时间、怎样得体穿衣、怎样训...  -We MAKE IT HAPPEN: 梦想成真 梦想成真  [正版现货]玛丽亚·凯利:天后再临世界演唱会(DVD)全球销600万张 ...HERO 英雄We MAKE IT HAPPEN 梦想成真WE BELONG TOGETHER 我要我?*谝黄?br />18 BUTTERFLY REPRISE 蝴蝶高飞 ...  -And make it happen: 就让它发生吧 就让它发生吧  圣经-Bible-Alkitab ...47 他听见是拿撒勒人耶稣,就喊着说,大卫的子孙耶稣,可怜我罢! And when he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Ketika didengarnya, bahwa itu adalah Yesus orang Nazaret, mulailah ia berseru: ""Yesus, Anak Daud, kasihanilah aku!"" 48 有许多人责备他,叫他安静,他却越发喊着:大卫的子孙,可怜我罢! And many rebuked him so that he would be silent, but he cried out much more, Son of David, have mercy on me! Banyak orang menegornya supaya ia diam. Namun semakin keras ia berseru: ""Anak Daud, kasihanilah aku!"" 49 耶稣就站住,说,叫过他来。他们就叫那瞎子,对他说,放心,起来,他叫你了。 And Jesus, standing still, said, Call him here. And they called the blind man, saying to him, Take courage. Rise. He is calling you. Lalu Yesus berhenti dan berkata: ""Panggillah dia!"" Mereka memanggil orang buta itu dan berkata kepadanya: ""Kuatkan hatimu, berdirilah, Ia memanggil engkau."" ...  -I Can Make It Happen: 我能做到 我能做到  ... And I must have a house that"s all my own 我必须有间自己的房子 I can"t give you a house, She said 我不能给你一所房子,她说 The forest is my house 树林是我的家 ...  -You can make it happen: 你能实现它的 你能实现它的  Keep The Faith中英文歌词对照 ...Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你 You can make it happen 你能实现它的 But you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念 ...  -BYou can make it happen: 你能实现它的 你能实现它的  迈克尔杰克逊《Keep.the.faith》歌词 ... Don"t let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你 BYou can make it happen 你能实现它的 hBut you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念 ...  -You"re gonna make it happen: 你就会做到 你就会做到  ... And know what you want 也知道你要什么 You"re gonna make it happen 你就会做到(你就会使其发生) (Make it happen) (你会做到) ...  例句与用法This might seem straightforward, given that all parties have signed up to make it happen.  这看上去很容易,似乎只要让几个大党签订合约就可以做到。  If I decided to go to California to Hollywood, if that was my dream, I"ll make it happen.  如果我决定去加利福尼亚,去好莱坞,如果那是我的梦想,我会让它实现的。  Artificial evolution will probably require a certain amount of artificial learning and intelligence to make it happen within human time scales.  人工进化可能需要一定量的人工学习和人工智能,才能在人类的时间尺度内发生。

Make It Happen的中英对照

No more than three short years ago 短短三年之前I was abandoned and alone 我被抛弃了,孤单无助Without a penny to my name 身无分文So very young and so afraid 如此年轻,我非常害怕No proper shoes upon my feet 脚上没有像样的鞋Sometimes I couldn"t even eat 有时甚至还得挨饿I often cried myself to sleep 我常常哭着睡着But still I had to keep on going 但事情我依然得生存下去Never knowing if I could take it 从来不知道我能否做到If I would make it through the night 我真希望能度过这漫长黑夜I held on to my faith 我坚持着我的信念I struggled and I prayed 我奋斗,我祈祷And now I"ve found my way 现在,我找到了我的路If you believe in yourself enough 如果你足够相信你自己And know what you want 也知道你要什么You"re gonna make it happen 你就会做到(你就会使其发生)(Make it happen) (你会做到)And if you get down on yourknees at night如果晚上你跪着And pray to the lord 向天祈祷He"s gonna make it happen 神灵就会使其发生(Make it happen) (使其发生)I know life can be so tough我知道生活会由荆棘And you feel like giving up 你想过放弃But you must be strong但你必须强大Baby just hold on 亲爱的,坚持住You"ll never find the answers 你将永远找不出答案if you throw your life away 如果你抛弃了你的生活I used to feel the way you do 我对你的感受深有体会Still I have to keep going即使是现在,我还得继续Never knowing if I could take it 从来不知道我是否能做到If I would make it through the night 我真希望能度过这漫长黑夜I held on to my faith 我坚持着我的信念I struggled and I prayed 我奋斗,我祈祷And now I"ve finally found my way我终于找到我要走的路I once was lost 我曾经迷失方向But now I"m found 但现在我找到了I got my feet on solid ground 我踏上了坚实的土地Thank you Lord 多些(神灵)保佑If you believe within your soul 如果你灵魂相信自己Just hold on tight那就牢牢坚持And don"t let go 不要放弃You can make it happen 你就能做到(Make it happen) (就能做到)

谁知道you make it happen的意思?


安室奈美惠的make it happen具体讲了表达了什么,还要中日歌词,英文的也帮忙翻译一下。

make it happen 作词︰DOUBLE/Jorgen Elofsson/Erik Lidbom/Bonnie McKee作曲︰DOUBLE/Jorgen Elofsson/Erik Lidbom/Bonnie McKeetonight feel excitement 胸骚ぎがするわいつもと变わらぬセットリストだっていうのに 谁かがあたしを待っているの?all right wait a moment I will find you outI found a man who has huge dreams and desires导いてあげる that"s all gotta do天使か恶魔かそれは nobody knowsjust follow me cuz I know what you wanthesitationturn the lights onturn the lights offdedicationthe invitation of coming here is only for youcome on come in 全て满たされるwe"re gonna make it happenthe gold the girls 全て溢れてるcuz we can make it happendon"t be afraid don"t be ashamed何もかも许されるlove and dream 梦见せてあげるここは your wonderlandturn the lights onturn the lights offhow"d you like it 今のはちょっとしたプレビュ一I don"t know why まだ何をためらっているのyou must be afraid but everybody feels the samedealの中身は後で教えるわdevil or angel?I promise you that you will never regret to comecome on come in 全て满たされるwe"re gonna make it happenthe gold the girls 全て溢れてるcuz we can make it happendon"t be afraid don"t be ashamed何もかも许されるlove and dream 梦见せてあげるここは your wonderlandturn the lights onturn the lights offturn the lights onturn the lights off忍び寄る影がほらit"s time to decide your heartcome on come in 全て满たされるwe"re gonna make it happenthe gold the girls 全て溢れてるcuz we can make it happendon"t be afraid don"t be ashamed何もかも许されるlove and dream 梦见せてあげるここは your wonderlandturn the lights onturn the lights offturn the lights onturn the lights offlove and dream 梦见せてあげるここは your wonderlandturn the lights onturn the lights offturn the lights on中文意思大概是,“我”发现了一个怀揣伟大梦想和心愿的人,鼓励他靠近我,不要害怕不要害羞,要让他跟我一起让梦想成真,爱情与梦想

Make It Happen的英文歌词

No more than three short years agoI was abandoned and aloneWithout a penny to my nameSo very young and so afraidNo proper shoes upon my feetSometimes I couldn"t even eatI often cried myself to sleepBut still I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happen(Make it happen)And if you get down on yourknees at nightAnd pray to the lordHe"s gonna make it happen(Make it happen)I know life can be so toughAnd you feel like giving upBut you must be strongBaby just hold onYou"ll never find the answersif you throw your life awayI used to feel the way you doStill I have to keep goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayYou"re gonna make it happenAnd if you get down on yourknees at nightAnd pray to the lordHe"s gonna make it happen(Make it happen)If I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayYou"re gonna make it happenAnd if you get down on yourknees at nightAnd pray to the lordHe"s gonna make it happen(Make it happen)I once was lostBut now I"m foundI got my feet on solid groundThank you LordThank you LordIf you believe within your soulJust hold on tightAnd don"t let goYou can make it happen(Make it happen)

Make It Happen 歌词

歌曲名:Make It Happen歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:EmotionsNot more than three short years agoI was abandoned and aloneWithout a penny to my nameSo very young and so afraidNo proper shoes upon my feetSometimes I couldn"t even eatI often cried myself to sleepBut still I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenHe"s gonna make it happenI know life can be so toughAnd you feel like giving upBut you must be strongBaby just hold onYou"ll never find the answersIf you throw your life awayI used to feel the way you doStill I had to keep on goingNever knowing if I could take itIf I would make it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenMake it happenMake itHe"s gonna make itMake itgonna make itmake it through the nightI held on to my faithI struggled and I prayedAnd now I"ve finally found my wayIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happenI once was lostBut now I"m foundI got my feetOn solid groundThank you LordIf you believeWithin your soulJust hold on tightAnd don"t let goYou can make itMake it happengonna make itgonna make itgonna make itIf you believe in yourself enoughAnd know what you wantYou"re gonna make it happenMake it happenAnd if you get down on your knees at nightAnd pray to the LordHe"s gonna make it happenMake it happen(END)http://music.baidu.com/song/1103064

BLue有首歌“make it happen”很好听,请问歌词大意讲什么?

记得一两句,Don"t just talk,make it happen.歌词大意顾名思义就是别只说不做,要达目的(愿望)就要去Do...

make it happen中文歌词

make it happen 作词︰DOUBLE/Jorgen Elofsson/Erik Lidbom/Bonnie McKee 作曲︰DOUBLE/Jorgen Elofsson/Erik Lidbom/Bonnie McKee Tonight i feel excitement 胸口一阵骚动 明明只是一如往常的人生曲顺 难道有谁在等著我? all right wait a moment I"ll find you out I found a man who has huge dreams and desires 为你指引 that"s all I gotta do 是天使还是恶魔这作事 nobody knows just follow me cuz I know what you want Hesitation Turn the lights on Turn the lights off Dedication the invitation pf coming here is only for you Come on come in 一切获得满足 we"re gonna make it happen the gold the girls 一切满溢而出 cuz we make it happen don"t be afraid don"t be ashamed 一切都将被容许 love and dream 让你看见梦想 这里是 your wonderland Turn the lights on Turn the lights off How"d you like it 刚才只是先来个简单的预览而已 I don"t know why 你还在犹豫甚麼 you must be afraid but everybody feels the same deal的内容等一下我会告诉你 Devil or angel? I promise you that you will never regret to come Come on come in 一切获得满足 we"re gonna make it happen the gold the girls 一切满溢而出 cuz we make it happen don"t be afraid don"t be ashamed 一切都将被容许 love and dream 让你看见梦想 这里是 your wonderland Turn the lights on Turn the lights off Turn the lights on Turn the lights off 看那黑暗中袭来的身影 It"s time to decide your heart Come on come in 一切获得满足 we"re gonna make it happen the gold the girls 一切满溢而出 cuz we make it happen don"t be afraid don"t be ashamed 一切都将被容许 love and dream 让你看见梦想 这里是 your wonderland Turn the lights on Turn the lights off Turn the lights on Turn the lights off

Make It Happen的简介

Make It Happen是1991发行的《Emotions》中的一个歌曲,这首歌曲虽然没有夺冠,但也却得了第五名的成绩,这首歌曲也被许多乐迷们称为“上帝的怒音”,其原因是歌曲高潮部分恐怖的高音和怒音,如果你听了Mariah Carey当年嗓音黄金时期的诠释,这种说法一点也不为过。玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey),美国著名女歌手,词曲作家,唱片制作人,演员,慈善家。被美国媒体誉为90年代至今的跨世纪天后歌手之一。凯莉凭借其5个八度的高亢音域,洛可可式的演唱技巧,以及2亿张的唱片销量和辉煌的音乐史记录闻名于世。

Let‘s make it happen! 一句企业口号,如何翻译比较好,中文如何理解?



Make It Happen 美梦成真

make it happen, make it matter怎么理解

make it happen, make it matter让它实现,让它变得重要。意思就是:实现它,并让它有意义。

make it happen中文是什么意思

Make It Happen [词典] [电影] 舞梦成真; 唯舞独尊; [例句]Saying you channeled from me, will not make it happen.说你从我这里通灵,并不会使这转变发生。

make it happen是什么意思


make it happen是什么意思

美梦成真 的意思吧

英文 shit happens 如何翻译?


一篇英语的阅读理解填词,"what happened to the bottle of medicine?"he cou

2010年公共英语二级(PETS2)考试模拟试卷一(7)   "What"s happened to the bottle of medicine?" He couldn"t find it in its usual place on a table in the sitting room. "What have you done with it?" he asked his wife. She said she hadn"t seen it, and told him it was probably under his nose, if he"d only open his eyes and look.   He went into their son"s bedroom to read him his bedtime story (故事,新闻报道). On the floor there lay a bottle, the one he"d been looking for; but it was empty. "David, what have you done with those sweet tablets (药片) which were in that bottle? Did you eat them?" David nodded. "How many did you eat?" No reply. He called his wife. She came, realized what had happened and went very white. "There must have been twenty five or thirty tablets left in the bottle. He can"t have taken them all." But there were no tablets on the floor, or in David"s bed.   David and his mother and father hurried to the nearest hospital. "Put the boy on the stomach pump (胃唧筒) at once," said the doctor, as soon as he heard the facts. They could hear David crying as they sat in the waiting room; that was the worst of it, for they were wondering if the child was going to be all right, but unable (不能的,无能为力的) to do anything except wait. Then the crying stopped and the doctor came back. "Lucky you brought him quickly. The tablets don"t have time to dissolve (溶化) in his stomach, so we got them all out. He"s going to be all right." They took David home, and bought a medicine box with a lock on it the next day.   64.The medicine bottle was   .   found under David"s bed one day   probably under the nose of David"s father   usually kept in the sitting room   locked in the sitting room   65.Which of the following statements is TRUE?   The bottle was found empty on the floor in the sitting room.   David didn"t eat all the tablets.   About 25 tablets were still left in the bottle.   David had eaten all the tablets left in the bottle.   66.When David"s mother learnt what had happened she   .   was rather angry   was worried and anxious   was excited   sent for a doctor at once   67.When they heard David crying, they   .   thought David would die   could do nothing but wait in the waiting room   cried, too   worried about the doctor"s skill   68.David was going to be all right soon because   .   his parents sent him to the hospital   the doctor gave him some medicine   his parents took good care him   the doctor got out all the tablets 阅读原文加上题目,希望可以帮到你,还望及时采纳,谢谢~
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