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歌手:蕾哈娜Rihanna性别: 女 生日: 1988年 2月 18日 星座: 水瓶座 北美年轻的R&B/Soul女歌手Rihanna,1988年,Rihanna出生于加勒比海地区巴巴多斯岛的St. Michael教区,原名Robyn Rihanna Fenty。在进入美国流行音乐界之前,Rihanna只是一位经历普通,热爱唱歌的小女孩。当然,Rihanna拥有极佳的歌唱天赋并曾在2004年获得过Combermere中学歌唱比赛的冠军。虽然Rihanna在当地已经小有名气而且时常在朋友和家庭聚会时演唱,但她只是把唱歌当作一种爱好而已。然而一个人命运的改变有时候往往就在一夜之间。2003年12月的一天,来自美国纽约的著名音乐制作人伊万·罗杰斯(Evan Rogers)和他巴巴多斯岛长大的妻子一同回到该岛度假。由于Evan Rogers妻子和Rihanna拥有共同的朋友,因此Rihanna就有机会被朋友推荐给了Evan Rogers。经Evan Rogers制作过专辑的畅销歌手包括:超级男孩(NSYNC),克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera),杰西卡·辛普森(Jessica Simpson),修成正果的首届美国偶像冠军凯丽·克拉克森(Kelly Clarkson),意大利著名女歌手劳拉·保希尼(Laura Pausini)和“豆沙嗓”罗德(Rod Stewart)。 独具慧眼的Evan Rogers看到了Rihanna的潜质,很快就答应给她一次录制小样的机会。在Evan Rogers以及另一位制作人Carl Sturken的帮助下,Rihanna完成了这张共有12首歌曲小样的录制,而这其中就包括她的首支大获成功的单曲《Pon de Replay》。之后,这张Demo唱片被寄往各大唱片公司。是金子迟早都会发光,在说唱巨星,Def Jam公司CEO Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter听到这张专辑之后,他立刻决定将这块大金子揽入怀中。2005年夏,Def Jam公司发行了Rihanna的首支单曲《Pon de Replay》,而这首歌曲同时也是Rihanna首张专辑《Music of the Sun》中的主打单曲。由Evan Rogers和Carl Sturken制作的《Pon de Replay》在发行之后大受欢迎,勇夺Billboard Hot 100单曲榜亚军,仅惜败于前辈玛丽亚·凯丽(Mariah Carey)的14周冠军单曲《We Belong Together》。这支单曲的成功使年轻的Rihanna在美国一夜之间家喻户晓。2006年,Rihanna的第二张个人专辑《A Girl Like Me》面世,首周名列Billboard 200专辑榜第五位。很多人会把Rihanna归为传统的dancehall歌手,但其实Rihanna的音乐是dancehall和reggae的混合,并带有一些清新的R&B曲风。历年专辑:2005 Music From The Sun2006 A Girl Like Me2007 Good Girl Gone Bad

hannah montana电影男主角是谁啊?不是他老爸,也不是他哥,是年轻的那个

卢卡斯·威廉·提尔Lucas William Till 百度百科已登录该信息,请查询 那个片没这个人存在呢~~

hannah montana第一季12集里的麦蒂的扮演者是谁?

他们都说了Ashley Tisdale 如果喜欢她的话 可以看看High school musical哦第三部在10.24在美国上映很不错的哦PS:我再多说一句 camp rock 也很好看

求Hannah Montana 的《rock star》英文歌词

Sometimes I walk a little fasterIn the school hallwayJust to get next to youSome days I spend a little extraTime in the morningdress to impress youGuess you don"t noticeGuess you don"t need thisSad you"re not seein what you"re missin"On the outside shyin" awayOn the inside dying to sayI"m unusualNot so typicalWay too smart to be waiting aroundTai chi practics"Snowboard championI could fix the flat on your carI might even be a rock starI might even be a rock starSometimes I wish when the phone ringsThat it would be youSaying let"s hang outThen you confessThat there"s something specialIn between usWhy don"t we find outBut you don"t know meGuess you don"t need meWhy you"re not seein" what you"re missin"On the outside shyin" awayOn the inside dying to sayI"m unusualNot so typicalWay too smart to be waiting aroundTai chi practicsSnowboard championI could fix the flat on your carI might even be a rock starA rock starIf you only knew the real meI might even be a rock starI"m telling you that we are meant to beNow wouldn"t it be nice if you could seeThat I really am a rock staryeah yeah yeahI really am a rockstarA rock starI"m unusualNot so typicalWay too smart to be waiting aroundTai chi practicsSnowboard championI could fix the flat on your carRocking it wherever we areYeah i really am a rock starCuz i′m really a rock stari am a rock star

Hannah Montana第四季当中为什么Miley和Lilly住到了一起呢?


推荐好看的搞笑型美剧(类似老友记(六人行)或HANNAH MONTANA的)

http://tieba.baidu.com/%C0%CF%B0%D6%C0%CF%C2%E8%C0%CB%C2%FE%CA%B7/shipin/ 老爸老妈浪漫史~这里是在线的~要是下载可以去伊甸园论坛~~


【Hannah Moatana介绍及剧情】 Disney频道推出的电视电影,由当红女生Miley Cyrus主演。做为青春流行片的代言人,Disney频道已成功占领了青少年的市场,在背后雄厚的财力支持下,品牌效应以及对潮流的敏感为Disney带来了滚滚财源。从06年初的High School Musical到The Cheetah Girls 2在到这部Hannah Montana,每一部都无不是横扫市场的宠儿,而无孔不入的商业策略注定不会放过有关影片的每一个可利用的细节,比如以上提到的三部剧的原声集都创造了现在唱片市场不是奇迹的奇迹——发行首周就杀入Billboard专辑榜的首名,而二个月之内必破白金销量的神话也在Disney频道变为比吃个汉堡还容易的事。总之,一切合理的存在就是适应市场的所为,做为美国娱乐界乃至全球娱乐市场的榜样,目前来看,Disney领军的步伐真是太潇洒了一些。超搞笑的青春期喜剧,从一个从田纳西来到加州Malibu的女孩开始,一个表面平凡的女孩Miley Cyrus,在平凡的日常生活以外她还有另外一个作为非常出名的少女歌星Hannah Montana 的秘密生活。还爱这一个男孩,名字是Jake。故事就从她周围的朋友亲戚开始.。知道她的双重身份的只有她的爸爸兼经纪人罗比以及哥哥杰克森两人,不过当Miley从德州搬到加州的一个小镇之后,她极力隐瞒的秘密身份,因为常常必须巡回演出而逐渐露出破绽…… Miley在舞台上虽然是耀眼的摇滚小天后,然而在家里她却过着和你我一样的平凡生活。在学校里她是Miley,同学们都很喜欢 Hannah Montana,但是不知道Miley和Hannah Montana其实是同一个人。她超酷的老爸跟搞笑的老哥,还有不小心知道她秘密身份的超要好的朋友Lily和Oliver,为了要守护这个共同秘密而笑料百出。 【Hannah Montana主要演员】 Miley Cyrus ... Hannah Montana / ... (43 episodes, 2006-2007) Jason Earles ... Jackson Stewart (43 episodes, 2006-2007) Emily Osment ... Lilly Truscott / ... (42 episodes, 2006-2007) Billy Ray Cyrus ... Robbie Stewart / ... (42 episodes, 2006-2007) Mitchel Musso ... Oliver Oken (40 episodes, 2006-2007) 【Hannah Montana 第一季原声带歌曲】 现在ICS播的是第一季,第一季的歌有以下这些: 《Hannah Montana》 专辑曲目: 1. Best of Both Worlds 【双面孟汉娜主题歌】 2. Who Said 3. Just Like You 4. Pumpin" Up the Party - Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana 5. If We Were a Movie 6. I Got Nerve 7. Other Side of Me 8. This Is the Life 9. Pop Princess - The Click Five 10. She"s No You - Jesse McCartney 11. Find Yourself in You - Everlife 12. Shining Star - B5, B5, 13. I Learned from You - Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus 【Hannah Montana 第二季原声带歌曲】 第二季的歌有以下这些: 《Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus》 专辑曲目: CD1 1. We Got the Party 2. Nobody"s Perfect 3. Make Some Noise 4. Rock Star 5. Old Blue Jeans 6. Life"s What You Make It 7. One in a Million 8. Bigger than Us 9. You and Me Together 10. True Friend CD2 1. See You Again 2. East Northumberland High 3. Let"s Dance 4. G.N.O. (Girl"s Night Out) 5. Right Here 6. As I Am 7. Start All Over 8. Clear 9. Good and Broken 10. I Miss You 【Hannah Montana歌曲剧集综合下载地址】 下载地址:第一季的原声带 - http://www.verycd.com/topics/150377/ 第二季的原声带 - http://www.verycd.com/topics/171476/【【Miley的资料】】麦莉·赛鲁斯 演员/歌手 生日: 1992.11.23 出生地: 美国纳什维尔(田纳西) 出生时的姓名: 黛丝蒂妮·霍普·赛鲁斯 麦莉·赛鲁斯在13岁时因在美国迪士尼频道的电视剧<Hannah Montana>中实验主角而成为影视明星.麦莉是曾在1992年因歌曲<疼痛的破碎之心>达到事业颠峰的乡村歌手比利·雷·赛鲁斯的大女儿.她的名字麦莉是她的一个昵称斯麦莉的简写..麦莉很小就开始表演,9岁时,她试着开始了职业生涯.在<Hannah Montana>之前,她有少数的作品.最显著的一小部分实在蒂姆·巴尔顿的<大鱼>(2003,主演:伊万·麦克格莱格).在一系列的试听之后,一切都开始了,当时她11岁.麦莉拥有了扮演主角Hannah的资格,Hannah是一个烦恼的流行歌手假装,在学校自己只是一个普通女孩.麦莉的父亲,比利·雷,在这个系列中被选中饰演Hannah寡居的爸爸.为了麦莉的事业,赛鲁斯一家从纳什维尔搬到了南加利福尼亚.麦莉在影视事业上的成功使她有了录音的机会,她沙哑的嗓音常常成为演出的焦点.2006年10月,<Hannah Montana>的电视原声带出版了,8首歌来自麦莉或和爸爸的合唱,这使这张专辑在Billboard"s Top 200上拿到了第一名的成绩.

hannah montana的《Supergirl》 歌词

歌曲名:Supergirl歌手:hannah montana专辑:Hannah Montana 3Super girl Hannah Montana(Hannah Montana第3季)By Eliza@@Lambert ^~^When I feel all aloneAnd nobody knowsStill gotta smile for a whileI can′t let it showDrop my tearsDrop my tearsHave no fearsHave no fearsAnd when I"m backstageFeelin" downGotta hurryGotta sing my songGotta shake it offShake it offJust strike a poseStrike a poseSnap my fingers just like thatDon"t get what I want and that′s a factSnap my fingers just like thatDon′t get what I wantCause I want itI′m super coolSuper hotLivin" like a rockstarYou think I′m superYou think I′m superI′m on the cover of your magazineWherever I go they make a sceneI" m super superI" m super superSo you wanna be just likeSo you wanna be just likeThink you wanna be just like meEverybody"s watching meIt"s not as easy as it seemsTo be a super superTo be super super girlWhen I walk in the roomEverybody stopsCameras flashingPeople fightingFor the better shotThey like my hairLike my hairThe clothes I wearClothes I wearEverybody wants to knowWhat I"m doing nextSometimes I wish I could stay homeJust be by myselfI wanna beI wanna beLook at meLook at meSnap my fingers just like thatDon′t get what I want and that′s a factSnap my fingers just like thatDon′t get what I wantJust cause I want itI′m super coolSuper hotLiving like a rockstarYou think I"m superYou think I"m superI′m on the cover of your magazineWherever I go they make a sceneI′m super superI′m super superSo you wanna be just likeSo you wanna be just likeThink you wanna be just like meEverybody"s watching meIt"s not as easy as it seemsTo be a super superTo be super super girlWish you could seeI"m like everybody elseStruggling to let goAnd always be myselfI"m super coolSuper hotSuperI"m super superI"m super superI′m on the cover of your magazineWherever I go they make a sceneI′m super superI′m super superSo you wanna be just likeSo you wanna be just likeThink you wanna be just like meEverybody"s watching meIt"s not as easy as it seemsTo be a super superTo be super super girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2174263

推荐一点类似于Hannah Montana好看的美剧

桑尼明星梦~!!!!超搞笑,虽然不是校园的,但也是迪士尼出的~ 而且还是Demi Lovato黛米·洛瓦托 演的哦~~~~!!! 绝对推荐~! 少年魔法师 汉娜蒙塔娜 桑尼明星梦! 迪士尼重点培养而且大爱的三个女明星演的~ 不错!

hannah montana


《Hannah Montana/乖乖女是大明星>的内容是什么

1miley回到了家乡,和儿时的好朋友之间的故事,她为了朋友之间的友谊说出了自己就是HANNAH MONTANA的秘密2i know friendship is more important than money。(这么认真回答了,就奖励我把~~)

汉娜·蒙塔娜的Hannah Montana 2

Meet Miley Cyrus(as Miley Cyrus)* 推出日期(美国): 2007年6月26日* 商标: 好莱坞唱片(Hollywood Record), 华特迪士尼唱片(Walt Disney Record)* 推出后在美国乐坛的排行: #1* 美国国内销量: 1,200,000* 全球销量: 2,000,000* RIAA certification:Disc 1 - 孟汉娜* 2007: We Got The Party* 2007: Nobody"s Perfect* 2007: Rock Star* 2007: Make Some Noise* 2007: Old Blue Jeans* 2007: Life"s What You Make It* 2007: One In a Million* 2007: Bigger Than Us* 2007: You And Me Together* 2007: True FriendDisc 2 - 麦莉·赫拉* 2007: See You Again* 2007: East North Umberland High* 2007: Let"s Dance* 2007: Girl"s Night Out* 2007: Right Here* 2007: As I Am* 2007: Clear* 2007: Start All Over* 2007: Good and Broken* 2007: I Miss You

Johanna (Sweeney Todd) 歌词

歌曲名:Johanna (Sweeney Todd)歌手:Lambert Wilson - John Mcglinn - Orchestre Philharmonic de Monte Carlo专辑:50 Best Songs from the MusicalsI feel you, JohannaI feel youDo they think that walls can hide you?Even now I"m at your windowI am in the dark beside youburied sweetly in your yellow hair,JohannaAnd are you beautiful and pale, with yellow hair, like her?I"d want you beautiful and pale, the way I"ve dreamed you were,(both)JohannaAnd if you"re beautiful what then with yellow hair, like wheatI think we shall not meet again my little dove, my sweetJohanna (Anthony)I"ll steal you, JohannaGoodbye, JohannaYou"re gone, and yet you"re mineI"m fine, Johanna, I"m fine (Anthony) JohannaSmoke! Smoke! Sign of the devil, sign of the devil, set it on fireWitch! Witch! Smell it sir, an evil smell,every night at the Vespers" bell, smoke that comes from the mouth of hell,set it on fire,set it on fireMIschief, mischief! Mischief!And if I never hear your voice, my turtle-dove, my dearI still have reason to rejoice the way your head is clearJohanna(Anthony)I feel you,(Todd)And in that darkeness when I"m blind with what I can"t forget(Anthony)Johanna(Todd)It"s always morning in my mind, my little lamb, my pet(Todd)Johanna(Todd)You stay, Johanna(Anthony)Johanna(Todd)The way I dreamed you were(Todd)Oh look, Johanna, a star(Anthony)Buried sweetly in your yellow hair(Todd)A shooting starThere, there! Somebody somebody, look up there,didn"t I tell you, smell that air, set it on fireQuick, Sir, run and tell! Go on "a Mole little ratchet spell,There it is, there it is, the ungodly smell, tell it to thefiddle and police as well, tell "em, tell "em, help, fiend!set it on fireset it on fireMischief, mischief!And though I"ll think of you I guess, until the day I die,I think I miss you less and less as every day goes byJohanna (Anthony) JohannaAnd you"d be beautiful and pale and look too much like herIf only angels could prevail we"d be the way we wereJohanna(Anthony) I feel you, JohannaWake up, Johanna!Unnerve the bright red dayWe learn Johanna, to sayGoodbye(Anthony) I"ll steal youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16355797

visions of johanna 歌词

歌曲名:visions of johanna歌手:Robyn Hitchcock专辑:robyn singsAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa musta had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezI can"t find my knees."Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him."But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14588539

Visions Of Johanna 歌词

歌曲名:Visions Of Johanna歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Live 1966 "The Royal Albert Hall Concert" The Bootleg Series Vol. 4Visions of johannaBob DylanAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa must had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezeI can"t find my knees"Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him"But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8778018

我想请问这幅图 的含义是什么(图片来自《生死朗读》hanna的监狱工作者打给micheal的情形)




求Rihanna的一首歌歌词,第一句是:on the first page...

就 是 love the way you lie 的第2部 也是是riri和艾米一起唱的 这次是riri feat 艾米



求rihanna skin 中英对照歌词

Baby baby宝贝 宝贝When we first met I never felt something so strong当我们初次见面时 我从未有过如此强烈的感受You were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on it你好比兼具是我的爱人与死党以蝴蝶结绑好的二者合一完美包装And all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to follow但出乎意料你说走就走 我不知该怎麼跟随你的脚步It"s like a shock that spun me around这一切就像电击使我晕头转向And now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollow而现在我的心已死我感到无限的空虚And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我再也无法爱别人像爱你那样深You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你永远也不知道你是如何的伤害我 不是吗It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back除非奇迹 任谁也无法将我挽回And you"re the one to blame而这一切都该由你承担And now I feel like....oh!而我现在觉得...oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是引我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我再也不想抽这些菸了I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那就是我一厢情愿的结果Should"ve never let you enter my door真不该让你介入我的生活Next time you wanna go on and leave下次当你想一走了之的时候I should just let you go on and do it我就该如你所愿放手让你走"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我会运用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我已康复And baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我已康复And baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我必须康复"Cause baby you"re my disease宝贝 你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我必须康复"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝 你是我的病Damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re loveswept (?)该死的 当你的爱席卷而过一切都变疯狂了 不是吗You"d do anything for the one you love为了你所爱的你愿付出所有"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be there因为当你需要我的时候 我随时都在It"s like you were my favorite drug你就像是让我上瘾的毒药The only problem is that you was using me但唯一的问题是你利用了我In a different way than I was using you用了别於我利用你的方式But now that I know it"s not meant to be不过我现在知道这一切并非注定I gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you我必须离开 我必须戒掉你

Rihanna Rehab歌词翻译

Baby baby宝贝宝贝When we first met I never felt something so strong当我们第一次见面,我从未有过如此强烈的感觉You were like my lover and my best friend你就像我的爱人和我最好的朋友All wrapped in one with a ribbon on it都包裹在一个有丝带上And all of a sudden you went and left突然你就离开了I didn"t know how to follow我不知道怎么走It"s like a shock that spun me around它就像一个冲击使我And now my heart"s dead而现在我的心已死I feel so empty and hollow我感觉如此的空泛And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错And now I feel like....oh!现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love slams该死的,它不疯狂,当你爱的大满贯You"d do anything for the one you love你什么都愿意为你所爱的人"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be there因为任何时候你需要我我会在那里It"s like you were my favorite drug你是我最喜欢的毒品The only problem is that you was using me唯一的问题是你利用了我In a different way than I was using you在於我利用你的方式But now that I know it"s not meant to be但现在,我知道这不是注定的I gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you我要走了,我必须让自己远离你And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错"Cause now I feel like....oh!因为现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Now ladies gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,My ladies gimme that...我的女士给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Oh! You"re the reason why I"m thinking哦。你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病

never歌词翻译 rihanna

《Rehab》——Rihanna ft. Justin Timberlake:baby baby 宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在

Rihanna的《Rehab》 歌词

歌曲名:Rehab歌手:Rihanna专辑:NOW That"s What I Call Music! 30Rihanna - RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....Oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re lovesweptYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...My ladies gimme that...Oh!http://music.baidu.com/song/59340737

rehab rihanna 歌词是什么意思?

《Rehab》——Rihanna ft. Justin Timberlake:baby baby 宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在


Rihanna-RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me do youIt"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn ain"t it crazy when you"re love slamsYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go I gotta wean myself off of youAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me do youIt"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blame"Cause now I feel like oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseNow ladies gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhNow gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhMy ladies gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhNow gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhOh! You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseEND

rihanna rehab 歌词翻译

《Rehab》——Rihanna ft. Justin Timberlake:baby baby 宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在#rehab<rehabilitation> :康复,恢复健康正常的生活;有酒瘾或毒瘾#wishful thinking :如意算盘;主观愿望,一相情愿的想法;痴心妄想很cool的歌呀^^^^^^^^^

Rihanna的《Rehab》 歌词

歌曲名:Rehab歌手:Rihanna专辑:Hits 3Rihanna - RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....Oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re lovesweptYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...My ladies gimme that...Oh!http://music.baidu.com/song/8223905

求Rihanna的Where Have You Been中文歌词。

《Where Have You Been》中英歌词对照:  i"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for someone  Someone who can please me  Love me all night long  I"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for you babe  Looking for you babe  Searching for you babe  Where have you been  Cause I never see you out  Are you hiding from me, yeah  Somewhere in the crowd  Where have you been  All my life all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  I"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for someone  Someone who can please me  Love me all night long  I"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for you babe  Looking for you babe  Searching for you babe  Where have you been  Cause I never see you out  Are you hiding from me, yeah?  Somewhere in the crowd  Where have you been  All my life, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  Where have you been, all my life  You can have all you want  Any way, any day  To show me where you are tonight  I"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for someone  Someone who can please me  Love me all night long  I"ve been everywhere, man  Looking for you babe  Looking for you babe  Searching for you babe  我在到处寻找  寻找一个人  他能取悦我  他能和我整晚**  我到处寻找你  搜寻着你的踪迹  你去哪里了  我一直都没有发现你  你在躲着我么  躲在人群中的某处  你去哪里了 我生命里的他  今晚就现身在我面前吧  你可以做你想做的事  在任何时候 无论用什么方式  我一直在到处寻找你

Rihanna的《where have you been》 的中英文歌词

I"ve been everywhere, manLooking for someoneSomeone who can please meLove me all night longI"ve been everywhere, manLooking for you babeLooking for you babeSearching for you babeWhere have you beenCause I never see you outAre you hiding from me, yeahSomewhere in the crowdWhere have you beenAll my life all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeI"ve been everywhere, manLooking for someoneSomeone who can please meLove me all night longI"ve been everywhere, manLooking for you babeLooking for you babeSearching for you babeWhere have you beenCause I never see you outAre you hiding from me, yeah?Somewhere in the crowdWhere have you beenAll my life, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeWhere have you been, all my lifeYou can have all you wantAny way, any dayTo show me where you are tonightI"ve been everywhere, manLooking for someoneSomeone who can please meLove me all night longI"ve been everywhere, manLooking for you babeLooking for you babeSearching for you babe 我在到处寻找寻找一个人他能取悦我他能整晚都爱我我到处寻找你 搜寻着你的踪迹你去哪里了我一直都没有发现你你在躲着我么躲在人群中的某处你去哪里了 我生命里的他今晚就现身在我面前吧你可以做你想做的事在任何时候 无论用什么方式我一直在到处寻找你重复了很多遍,就不一个一个列出来了

Rihanna的《where have you been》 的中英文歌词

 i"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for someone   Someone who can please me   Love me all night long   I"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for you babe   Looking for you babe   Searching for you babe   Where have you been   Cause I never see you out   Are you hiding from me, yeah   Somewhere in the crowd   Where have you been   All my life all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   I"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for someone   Someone who can please me   Love me all night long   I"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for you babe   Looking for you babe   Searching for you babe   Where have you been   Cause I never see you out   Are you hiding from me, yeah?   Somewhere in the crowd   Where have you been   All my life, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   Where have you been, all my life   You can have all you want   Any way, any day   To show me where you are tonight   I"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for someone   Someone who can please me   Love me all night long   I"ve been everywhere, man   Looking for you babe   Looking for you babe   Searching for you babe 我在到处寻找寻找一个人他能取悦我他能和我整晚**(自己理解→_→)我到处寻找你 搜寻着你的踪迹你去哪里了我一直都没有发现你你在躲着我么躲在人群中的某处你去哪里了 我生命里的他今晚就现身在我面前吧你可以做你想做的事在任何时候 无论用什么方式我一直在到处寻找你

one in a million中文翻译是hannah montana的那首


Rihanna的《G4L》 歌词

歌曲名:G4L歌手:Rihanna专辑:Rated RRihanna - G4LI lick the gun when I"m done"Cause I know revenge is sweet, so sweetThis is a gang.Ladies bang, baby, bang.Tell me what you need? Ohh…Any motherfucker wanna disrespectPlayin" with fire funna get you wetHow it feel down there on your knees?Got these girls like a soilderTrippin", it"s goin down, down, downI"m ready to rollGirl, I"m with youIf they get you they get meCome on! Let"s go!Bitch, I"m with youIf he whip you he whip meYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…We drivin" by with them headlights offWe know where you stayKnow what you didWe don"t play that shitNigga, we don"t play, no…Everybody quiet when you did your dirtActin" like a Bitch funna get you hurtBreak your life down to the knees, ohI got these girls like a soilderTrippin", it"s going down, down, downI"m ready to rollGirl, I"m with youIf they get you they get meCome on! Let"s go!Bitch, I"m with youIf he whip you he whip meYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…Come on we ain"t done yetGot a lot to handleWe ain"t take over the world yetBoom!We a armyBetter yet a navyBetter yet crazyGuns in the airGuns in the airGuns in the airCan"t hurt us again when you come around hereWe got our guns, got our guns, got our guns, got our gunsWe got our guns in the motherfucking air, ohhI"m down for lifeGangsta for lifeI"m down for lifeGangsta for lifeYou know I"m downI"m down for life…loaded, reloadedLet"s go!Gangsta for life…"til the day that I dieYeah, I promise I"ll stand in highYou know that I"m there, you know we downGangsta for life…I lick the gun when I"m down"Cause I know revenge is sweethttp://music.baidu.com/song/525728

求Hannah Monatana第一季的英文剧本

这是第二季29集的1下面将要竞拍的是:和笑星Ray Romano一起打一场高尔夫球赛!2Ray Romano是谁?3他是《人人都爱雷蒙德》的主演4那是什么?(笑)5就是...一个大鼻子的男人一天到晚和他妻子对着干的那个(笑)6在电视里演了9年!7从来没听说过(继续吃)8Ray...你干嘛不站起来让大家看看他们竞拍的对象到底是谁?9噢-别这样各位,我知道他没我长得帅(笑)10- 但是,他好歹也拿过2次艾美奖- 3次11住嘴,Ray,别再让自己丢脸了!12孩子,你知道我是谁,对吧?13当然,你叫Ray Romano,是干嘛的?14真是可悲15呃,我就出...12块钱好了(LILY抢过去一张,擤鼻涕)1611块钱?17成交!18等等,你不说什么“1次”了吗?19好吧,1次2次成交,满意了?20好了,下面竞拍的是:和我们的流行小公主Hannah Montana一起共进晚餐!21五千块!22- 六千!- 七千!23好吧,你们干脆都过来给我脸上一记老拳算了!24七千块,1次!25说真的,我还真的有点担心万一要和哪个混蛋一起共进晚餐262次!27一万块!28- 那是?- 不可能!29(RICO登场)真是可恶!30嗨美女,那天穿得漂亮一点但高跟鞋就免了,我会够不到的31一万块1次!32- 两位,快想想办法!- 我把我所有的钱都花在Roy身上了!33Ray!我叫Ray...34知道吗...别担心亲爱的35这是100块,你干吗不和这位拖着鼻涕的蘑菇头小姐一起去打高尔夫呢?36一万块2次!37一万五千块!38成交!(笑)54难以置信居然是Johnny!55我大概有...2年没见到他了65一万五千块1次!66一万六!67一万七!68快带我回家,宝贝快带我回家69还记得他是多么喜欢Hannah吗?如果他赢了,这将成为一切美好的开端!70If we were a movie如果我们是一场电影71You"d be the right guy你就是正义男主角72And I"d be the best friend 而我就是你最要好的朋友73that you"d fall in love with同时也是你深爱的那个人74In the end we"d be laughing影片最后我们会放声大笑75- 一起眺望夕阳...- 一万八千块!(打断)76哈!77这个大款小鬼头出一万八千块!78怎样才能阻止他?79包在我身上80如果Rico赢了的话,会有多糟糕呢?81If we were a movie如果我们是一场电影82You"d be my main squeeze你就是我的心肝83And I"d be the big hunk而我就是那个大款84that you"d fall in love with让你深深迷恋85一万九千块!86呀!!87一万九千块1次!88- 2次!- 按住他宝贝,按住他!89- 成交!- 哈雷路亚!(笑)90两万块!91抱歉孩子,明年再来吧92除非Hannah Montana想募捐2倍的钱并且把它改成3个人的晚餐时光93没有Marie的Donny说啥?94这样也算是在做好事啊95我没有问题96让我们为Hannah Montana鼓掌!97嘿-哟!146嘿,袖珍小美女,你觉得这套衣服能不能让Hannah Montana为我疯狂呢?147只要做你自己她肯定会发疯的148说得对,这世上已经没有比我万人迷Rico更帅的了!149没错,她会成为我的!150难以置信!我终于得到可以和Johnny约会的机会但现在完全要被Rico给毁了151谢谢你把感冒传给我Lilly152不客气153两位,拜托,我现在绝不能被传染上感冒并且...154错过和Johnny的约会...有了!(笑)155把喷嚏留住两位,等会儿要派大用场的156离我远点,你感冒了!157没有,只是过敏而已,阿-欠!!158抱歉,能帮我把这个扔掉吗?159滚开,鼻涕男孩!160嘿帅哥,最近好吗?161离我远点!162我在星期六有个很重要的约会,没有人能把它给破坏!163因为我是万人迷Rico!164你对不起我!啊----------!!165这下就能搞定了!166嘿,能给我来份玉米片吗?167没问题168转念一想,还是算了169Rico感冒计划顺利完成170我的嘴里都是Rico的味道!171看来得回家把嘴蒸一下了172打扰一下173能给我个大点的勺子吗?174那是Hannah Montana!175- 我知道,她是来和我约会的- 对,谁信啊176- 嗨- 嗨177嗨...178你刚才已经说过了179没关系,我觉得很可爱180这就叫可爱了?你还没见识到我又帅又酷的...181对了,听说你转学到亚里桑那去了,那里怎么样?182不赖,我在那里打篮球183但是那里好热,我没办法专注到打球上面184我的耳朵刚才塞住了,你说了什么?185专注到打球上186专注到打球上?187- 把精神专注到打球上- 我知道了188派你用场的时间到了,卷毛头老兄我要拍下和我未来妻子首次约会的照片189笑啊,宝贝,这将会成为你的第1张圣诞卡片190对,美女与野兽版的节日快乐191你太了解我了192知道吗,如果你生病了可以回家去好好休息的193好主意,我们走,甜心宝贝194色拉留给你,主菜我这就带走了195慢着,小情圣,这个约会是我们一起的!196你不舒服的话可以回家,下次再共进晚餐好了1971年后,或者2年...下辈子,我一直奉陪198- 休想- 好吧199那,我们不理他就好了200请问您点的小虾(小矮子)要怎么弄?201把它千刀万剐!(指Rico)202别想偷吃,小滑头!203我可不是这么把你养大的!204可...可你根本没养过我啊!205别跟你妈妈顶嘴!206Roxy,你不是我的...妈妈207抱歉,因为聚会就是今晚而且Clarice...208噢...噢,他们来了...209Robbie Ray Stewart,快把你的脚从我的咖啡桌上挪开!210好,亲爱的211- Clarice- Roxy212- 这是我的丈夫Edward- 很高兴见到你213很高兴见到你Eddie这位是我的老公Robbie Ray!214我知道你们在想什么:我找帅哥结果挖到了金矿!215哟!!216- 你家的景色真不错- 谢谢217非常不错吧?而且我家的Robbie Ray最喜欢疼我了!218啊,我对我家的女士也是这样的219你肯定想不到的,Eddie220嘿,妈,你看到我的大学物理课本了吗,妈?221我不知道有客人来,妈222Edward,这位是我的继子:Jackson223- 噢,我们的儿子也是你这个年纪- 他还是位天才小提琴手!224我的Jackson也是个天才,我指钢琴225- 真的?- 没错?226当然了,他是难得一见的奇才227- 我们很想听你演奏些什么- 不,你们不想!228我喜欢添加一点嘻哈的元素229对,他这是跟我学的230我们非常骄傲231爵士之手232说真的孩子,你应该回家休息233噢,才不会让你得逞,你这会走路的“啦啦队彩球”234嘿Rico,你很不舒服吗?235太可惜了,因为这些食物真的很好吃耶,看到没有?236Hannah!237拜托,连你都这个样子,那个可怜的小鬼已经病了!238可是他破坏了我们的约会!239你还看不出来?他并不因为病了才这么坏的因为他本来就邪恶到了极点!240你怎么知道他邪恶呢?你才刚见到他241我能看透一个人,这是一种天赋!242看到没有?你帅呆了而他...243好耶!我一小时前就该想到这招了!244我付了2万美元就为了这个?245够了,我得走了!246等等,Johnny!Johnny,你去哪儿啊?247离你越远越好!听到你的歌时我还以为你是个很不错的人248《人无完人》?你还差得远呢!249Johnny,快回来!250干得好,这下电灯泡没了!251哟!252噢-看啊Robbie Ray,你能相信这个就是让你坠入爱河的女人吗?253我到现在都无法相信254只要和这位美丽的女士在一起,每一天都是崭新的255我完全明白你的意思Edward256噢-看啊,是Rebeca Franklin257我听说她到现在都没有结婚一个人开了家小超市258今天晚上的聚会她肯定不会来了259你怎么知道?260我是说也许她是没有找到一个称心的丈夫但她的生活依旧是可以非常幸福的261噢-拜托!怎么可能有人这样还觉得幸福?262很有可能,我是说只要你身边有爱你的人你一样可以过得很幸福263我就这么跟你说好了:如果今天晚上我看到了她,我绝不会跟她说话265我会说,实际上,我还要跟她坐在一起266看样子结果比起你来我还是跟她比较有共同语言!267这关你什么事了?268尊严!真正的属于我的尊严!269现在我要告诉你一件...在你刚到这里时就该对你说的事270什么?271滚出我的屋子!!272快滚!!273干得好Clarice,所以我们才一个朋友都没有!274别担心,我会在聚会上告诉她真相的我会和她讲话的275谢谢你Robbie,谢谢你所做的一切276好了,那个...蜜月时间结束了277再给我几秒钟,大帅哥278真高兴我的感冒终于痊愈了279就是,生病唯一的好处就是病好后的感觉是多么的棒280我可没这感觉,我觉得糟透了281噢,可怜的Miley282两个我都可怜,Johnny几乎已经忘记了Miley现在他又讨厌Ha...Ha...Hannah了!283这话可能不会让你好过但是...284有时事出必有因也许...你和Johnny本来就是注定走不到一起的285对,你说得没错...286这一点都没有让我觉得好过!287知道吗Miley,这是真的288我是说如果要问我从和以前女孩约会的经历里学到了什么那就是...289- 再也不要穿你那件“我是泡妞高手”的T恤?- 我只穿过1次,Lilly!290总之我要说的就是:如果老天爷不希望你和Johnny在一起的话...291- 你也完全无计可施- 没错292但老天爷突然之间又改变主意的话,那就...293我看上去怎样?294脸色有点发绿,呃...可爱的绿,真的非常可爱295Miley?Miley Stewrt?296嗨297我大概有2年没见到你了298你看上去很漂亮299谢谢,你也是300我...听说你和Hannah Montana约会过了...301噢,那真是一场灾难302抱歉,真是...可惜303她不适合我罢了,我还是喜欢比较淳朴的女孩子304就像你这样的305真的?306对,是真的307我...308老天爷开始说话了309她昨晚吃的是虾



Rihanna的《Silly Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Silly Boy歌手:Rihanna专辑:欧美2009年4月最新单曲Rihanna - Silly Boy (Feat. Lady GaGa)You"re callin" me more than ever, now that we"ve doneTwo keys back to my place we were havin" no funBut you"re not ok, tellin" me you miss my faceI remember when you would say you hate my waistI said im not comin" back its itYou fooled me once but you cant have that ego turnin"Just to bad for you that when you had meDidnt know what to do shes over youCause you had a good girl good girl girlThats a keeper k-k-k-k-keeperYou had a good girl good girl butDidnt know how to treat her t-t-t-t-treat her (treat her)So silly boy get out my face (my face)Why do you like the way regrets taste?So silly boy get out my hair my hair(get outta here)No I dont want you no more (get outta here)Silly boy (silly boy)Why you actin" silly boy?Silly boy boy (boyboy)Acting actin" silly boy?You comin" with those corny linesCant live without meIll get some flowers for the day that you are buriedNo people make mistakesBut I just think your ass is fakeOnly thing I want from you is for you to (stay away)I said im not comin" back its itYou fooled me once but you cant have that ego turnin"Just to bad for you that when you had meDidnt know what to do shes over youCause you had a good girl good girl girlThats a keeper k-k-k-k-keeperYou had a good girl good girl butDidnt know how to treat her t-t-t-t-treat her (treat her)So silly boy get out my face (my face)Why do you like the way regrets taste?So silly boy get out my hair my hair(Get outta here)No I dont want you no more (get outta here)No more no more no more (nooo ooohhh)(oooh)Silly boy (silly boy)Why you actin" silly boy?Silly boy boy (boyboy)Acting actin" silly boy?Silly boy (silly boy)Why you actin" silly boy?Silly boy boy (boyboy)Acting actin" silly boy?So silly boy get out my face (my face)Why do you like the way regrets taste?So silly boy get out my hair my hair(Get outta here)No I dont want you no more (get outta here)Silly boy (silly boy)Why you actin" silly boy?Silly boy boy (boyboy)Acting actin" silly boy?http://music.baidu.com/song/20733769

Hannah montana 中的I miss you歌词

Sha-la-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la-laYou used to call me your angelSaid I was sent straight down from heavenYou"d hold me close in your armsI loved the way you felt so strongI never wanted you to leaveI wanted you to stay here holding me[CHORUS:]I miss youI miss your smileAnd I still shed a tearEvery once in a whileAnd even though it"s different nowYou"re still here somehowMy heart won"t let you goAnd I need you to knowI miss you, sha la la la laI miss youYou used to call me your dreamerAnd now I"m living out my dreamOh how I wish you could seeEverything that"s happening for meI"m thinking back on the pastIt"s true that time is flying by too fast[CHORUS]I know you"re in a better place, yeahBut I wish that I could see your face, ohI know you"re where you need to beEven though it"s not here with me[CHORUS x2]我很喜欢这首歌,这是Miley写给她过世的外公的,歌词很感人!

求rihanna新曲《man down》的中英文对照歌词翻译

Rihanna - Man Down   I didn"t mean to end his life, I know it wasn"t right   我本意不是要结束他的生命 我知道这样做不对   I can"t even sleep at night, can"t get it off my mind   我甚至整夜失眠 无法把它从我脑海抹去   I need to get out of sight "for I end up behind, bars   我需要失去我的视觉 因为我结束了身后的一切   What started out as a simple altercation, turned into a real sticky situation   一件因为争吵开始的简单事情 却演变成棘手的局面   Me just thinkin" all the time that I"m best and makes me wanna cry   我只是想到每一次我都是最好的 就想要哭   Cus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s son   因为我本意不想伤害他 某人的儿子   And I took his heart when, I pulled out that gun   当我拉开枪的时候 我拿到了他的心脏   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)   Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down   哦妈妈 妈妈 妈妈 我刚枪杀了一个男人   In central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiii   在市中心 在一群白领面前   Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)   哦妈妈妈妈妈妈 我刚枪杀了一个男人   When she fits right down in my shoes, but you expect me to do it   当她穿我的鞋子正合脚 但你却要求我来做这个   You were there playin" me for a fool, I would lose my cool and reach for my firearm   你在那里像个白痴一样耍我 我就要失去冷静摸到我的武器   I didn"t mean to let em down", but it"s too late to turn back now   我并不想要他躺下 但是现在一切已经太晚   Don"t know what I was thinking, now he"s gone, I"m livin   不知道当时我在想什么 现在他死了 我还活着   So I"m bout" to leave town所以我快速的离开这里   Cus I didn"t mean to hurt him, coulda been somebody"s son   因为我本意并不想伤害他 可能是某人的儿子   And I took his heart when, I pulled out that gun   现在我射了抢 拿着他的心脏   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)   Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station,   infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiii   Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)   Said I never thought I"d do it,   never thought I"d do it,   never thought I"d do it (Oh gosh)   Whateva happened to meh,   eva happened to meh,   eva happened to meh   Why did I pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull di trigga (BOOM)   我为什么射向那个靶子 射向那个靶子 射向那个靶子?》   And end a nigga, end a nigga"s life so soon   杀了个黑鬼 这么快就杀掉一个黑鬼   When mi pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull it pon" you   当我射向那个靶子 射向那个把子 射向那个把子   Somebody tell mi what I"m gonna, what I"m gonna do ehhh   有人告诉我我将要 我将要结束一切   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm   mi say one man down   A woman say,   Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm   when mi went downtown   Cus" now I am a criminal, criminal, criminal   因为我是个罪犯 罪犯 罪犯   Oh lord have mercy, now I am a criminal   主人拥有宽恕 现在我是个罪犯   Man down tell di judge please gimme meeny more   Run outta town, nun of dem can ci mi now ci mi now   Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down   In central station, infront of a big ol" crowd,   iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)

求 man down歌词rihanna

man down - rihannaI didn"t mean to end his lifeI know it wasn"t rightI didn"t mean to end his lifeI know it wasn"t rightI cant even sleep at nightCant get it off my mindI need to get out of sightBefore I end up behind barsWhat started out as a simple altercationTurned into a real sticky situationMe just thinking on the time that im facingMakes me wanna cryCause I didn"t mean to hurt himCoulda been somebodies sonAnd I took his heart whenI pulled up that gunRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumMan DownRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumMan DownOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central stationIn front of a big ol crowdOh Why Oh WhyOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central stationIt"s a 22I Call her peggy sueWhen she fits right down in my shoesWhat do you expect me to doIf you"re playing me for a foolI will lose my coolAnd reach for my fire armI didn"t mean to lay him downBut its too late to turn back nowDon"t know what I was thinkingNow hes no longer livingSo imma bout to leave townCause I didn"t mean to hurt himCoulda been somebodies sonAnd I took his heart whenI pulled up that gunRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumMan DownRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumMan DownOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central stationIn front of a big ol crowdOh Why Oh WhyOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central stationLook I never thought id do itNever thought id do itNever thought id do itOh goshWhat ever happened to meEver happened to meEver happened to meWhy did I pull the triggerPull the trigger pull the trigger BOOMAnd end a ni**a end a ni**as life so soonWhen I pull the trigger pull the trigger pull it on youSomebody tell me what imma what imma doRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumThey say one man downRum bum bum bum rum bum bum bumm rum bum bum bumAnd I ran downtownCause now imma criminal criminal criminalOh lord oh mercy now I am a criminalMan DownTell the judge please give me minimalRun out of town on the Grand seminal seminalOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central stationIn front of a big ol crowdOh Why Oh WhyOh mama mama mamaI just shot a man downIn central station

Rihanna 的S&M是什么时候发的

发行时间: 2011年01月21日 专辑名: S&M  歌手: Rihanna  音乐风格:节奏布鲁斯  资源格式: MP3  版本: EP  发行时间: 2011年01月21日  地区:美国  语言:英语  专辑介绍:  Rihanna是北美年轻有实力红透半边天的R&B/Soul女歌手。此外,Rihanna也是海报网2008年度街拍明星曝光频率最高的明星之一。其脍炙人口的歌曲有《Umbrella》、《Love The Way You Lie》、《Dont Stop The Music》、《Disturbia》、《Live Your Life》、《Take a Bow》、《Russian Roulette》、《Rude boy》等。 Rihanna不仅拥有天使般美丽动人的脸庞,而且融合了成熟性感以及天真无邪韵味,刚出道的蕾安娜即被各大媒体杂志纷纷封上“最受期待的明日之星”的称号。  这是她2011年最新的一张EP:“S&M"。  很多人会把Rihanna归为传统的dancehall歌手,但其实Rihanna的音乐是dancehall和reggae的混合,并带有一些清新的R&B曲风。  专辑曲目:  01. S&M (Dave Aude Radio)  02. S&M (Joe Bermudez Chico Radio)  03. S&M (Sidney justice Radio)  04. S&M (Dave Aude Club)  05. S&M (Joe Bermudez Chico Club)  06. S&M (Sidney justice Club)  07. S&M (Dave Aude Dub)  08. S&M (Joe Bermudez Chico Dub)  09. S&M (Sidney justice Dub)

谁能给我说Rihanna-- Love the way you lie part2 歌词的中英文对照

On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised.但是面对如今这的爱情我已愕然失措Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.我现在才明白就连最善良的我对未来已经失去了信仰But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.但就算你变得狂暴你也仍然是我的挚爱Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,我已然五脏如焚而你只会But that"s alright because I like the way .不过没有关系我就是喜欢这的感觉Just gonna stand there and ,我已然痛哭流涕而你却But that"s alright because I , I .不过没有关系我就是喜欢这种欺骗I .我宁愿爱上你的谎言Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.争吵之中我们In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right.而你总是苦战中的胜者即使本是你犯了错Cause you feed me from your hand,你总是用谎言抚慰我With words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,But that"s alright because I like the way .Just gonna stand there and ,But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.Ohhh, I love the way you lie.[见上]So maybe I"m a masochist也许我就是个I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave.我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories.之中脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困[Eminem 说唱部分]This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上我只好反过来把你推开try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me你试着过来逼我怒吼理我远一点run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost 你跑出了屋子让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the我可以理解你会推开我destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we破坏性的争吵让你心存know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs就像是一对不管我们彼此诅咒that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that 我们仍然拥有对方我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills,我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin"你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll , we found the youth fountain但是我们会在一起 因为我们找到了永存的秘方our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin"我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我this is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand这座房子很大 如果你搬走了square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it我会把整个两千的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白

求Rihanna 独唱版 Love the Way You Lie 的歌词

麻烦我也要 这个歌词~~帮忙发下啊好?QQ:1652730134

求rihannRihanna的this is what you came for这首歌!

This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris & Rihanna Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 We go fast "til they can"t replay 我们很快离开 他们还来不及回放重播 Who knows why it"s gotta be this way 谁知道为什么会变成这样 We say nothing more than we need 我们不会过多奢求 I say your place when we leave 我们离开时我说去你的家 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦

求rihanna 《say it》歌词一份`请付上中文大意- -

歌曲:Say It歌手:RihannaRihanna - Say It Pre-chorus You should tell me whats buggin you And Imma tell ya bout me You should tell me your deepest thoughts And Imma make it easy You should tell me whats buggin you And Imma tell ya bout me You should tell me your deepest thoughts And Imma make it easy Verse 1 Emotions running wild I could feel it when I"m next to you, Something"s on ya mind You wanna stay but wont tell me, its about ya secrecy So what are you tryna hide? I know what the look means You hold my hand so tightly, Whenever we say goodbye Standing by the door, I could tell you can"t take no more Blow your secret open wide Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what I wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel So baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) Bridge-1 Wont", won"t you tell me What, what"s going on Why, why you waitin" on it What you waiting for? Soon you should tell me or I might be gone But I"m here for you baby, You should put me on Verse 2 I won"t shoot you down, Make you feel some kinda way If you"ll be honest with me Put away your pride, I can see it in your face You want me permanently (unh) Like how i wine when we dancing, I know how it happened And I"m right there wit you But I won"t be the first to put myself out there, The feeling is mutual But I bet if you Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel so baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) Bridge2- 2x Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chrous Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chrous So maybe if you say it (saa-ayyyy) Tell me what it is you likeeee (what it is you like)(likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)(oh no no) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what I wanna hear (you know what I wanna hear)(hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (so boy say it loud and clear) I need to know how you feel So baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) (saa-ayyyy ittt) Bridge2- 2x Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chorus Your eyes steady talking And your tryna fight it But some things baby are not worth hiding And we can find heaven, If we go look together So won"t, won"t you tell me, And get it off your chest Chorus So maybe if you say it Tell me what it is you likeeee (likee) Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy) Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt) If you say it But if you playin (oh baby) Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr) Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr) I need to know how you feel so baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) 中文大意:说白了就是他女朋友和他分手了。他心里很伤心。悲痛欲绝。就是这意思。这歌词那么多。其实就是我上述两句话。我自己翻译理解的。你可以考证下~~

Rihanna《Say it》的歌词

歌手名:Rihanna专辑名:Good Girl Gone BadRihanna - Say ItLRC制作:盛胡兵〈QQ 519376020 〉 Pre-chorusYou should tell me whats buggin youAnd Imma tell ya bout meYou should tell me your deepest thoughtsAnd Imma make it easyYou should tell me whats buggin youAnd Imma tell ya bout meYou should tell me your deepest thoughtsAnd Imma make it easyVerse 1Emotions running wildI could feel it when I"m next to you,Something"s on ya mindYou wanna stay but wont tell me,its about ya secrecySo what are you tryna hide?I know what the look meansYou hold my hand so tightly,Whenever we say goodbyeStanding by the door,I could tell you can"t take no moreBlow your secret open wideChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what I wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelSo baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)Bridge-1Wont", won"t you tell meWhat, what"s going onWhy, why you waitin" on itWhat you waiting for?Soon you should tell me or I might be goneBut I"m here for you baby,You should put me onVerse 2I won"t shoot you down,Make you feel some kinda wayIf you"ll be honest with mePut away your pride,I can see it in your faceYou want me permanently (unh)Like how i wine when we dancing,I know how it happenedAnd I"m right there wit youBut I won"t be the first to put myself out there,The feeling is mutualBut I bet if youChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelso baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)Bridge2- 2xYour eyes steady talkingAnd your tryna fight itBut some things baby are not worth hidingAnd we can find heaven,If we go look togetherSo won"t, won"t you tell me,And get it off your chestChrousSo maybe if you say it (saa-ayyyy)Tell me what it is you likeeee (what it is you like)(likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)(oh no no)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what I wanna hear(you know what I wanna hear)(hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear(so boy say it loud and clear)I need to know how you feelSo baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it) (saa-ayyyy ittt)Bridge2- 2xYour eyes steady talkingAnd your tryna fight itBut some things baby are not worth hidingAnd we can find heaven,If we go look togetherSo won"t, won"t you tell me,And get it off your chestChorusSo maybe if you say itTell me what it is you likeeee (likee)Baby baby dont be shyyy (shyy)Maybe you can spend the nighttt (nii-iii-iightt)If you say itBut if you playin (oh baby)Cuz you know what i wanna hear (hearr)Say it, that"ll make it more clear (clearr)I need to know how you feelso baby why wont you (say it), say it (say it)

that la la la歌词?Rihanna的


Rihanna的《Man Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Man Down歌手:Rihanna专辑:LoudMan DownRihannaI didn"t mean to end his life,I know it wasn"t rightI can"t even sleep at night,can"t get it off my mindI need to get out of sight "for I end up behind, barsWhat started out as a simple altercation,turned into a real sticky situationMe just thinkin" all the timethat I"m best and makes me wanna cryCus I didn"t mean to hurt him,coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)When she fits right down in my shoes,but you expect me to do itYou were there playin" me for a fool,I would lose my cool and reach for my firearmI didn"t mean to let em down",but it"s too late to turn back nowDon"t know what I was thinking, now he"s gone, I"m livinSo I"m bout" to leave townCus I didn"t mean to hurt him,coulda been somebody"s sonAnd I took his heart when, I pulled out that gunRumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Rumpumpumpum Ruupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm (Man Down)Oh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)Said I never thought I"d do it,never thought I"d do it,never thought I"d do it (Oh gosh)Whateva happened to meh,eva happened to meh, eva happened to mehWhy did I pull di trigga,pull di trigga, pull di trigga (BOOM)And end a nigga, end a nigga"s life so soonWhen mi pull di trigga, pull di trigga, pull it pon" youSomebody tell mi what I"m gonna, what I"m gonna do ehhhRumpumpumpum RuupumpumpumRuuupumpumpumm mi say one man downA woman say, RumpumpumpumRuupumpumpum Ruuupumpumpumm when mi went downtownCus" now I am a criminal, criminal, criminalOh lord have mercy, now I am a criminalMan down tell di judge please gimme meeny moreRun outta town, nun of dem can ci mi now ci mi nowOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man downIn central station, infront of a big ol" crowd, iiiiiiiiOh mama, mama, mama I just shot a man down (in central station)http://music.baidu.com/song/7478530

求Rihanna《Loud》专辑内《Man down》的歌词翻译,谢~

你有我,你失去我了,你永远也不会得到机会了,我们分手了,你搞砸了,这一切都制定了最后。我不知道该怎么告诉你,我并不想成为你的,但是你为我做的,你打开,关上了同门。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,你不想做我的爱人,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒,它的比赛结束了。游戏结束。你想要我,你渴望我,你找错了树,我会动摇你,因为我不会带你,这是怎么回事的意思是。我不知道该怎么告诉你,我不爱了,尽管这是一个错误,告诉我走出大门,现在你要我回来,我将不符合,你给我发短信说“我爱你”,你知道我不会回答。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,<a href="http://pop.yinyueabc.com/lyrics_rihanna_song_man-down_zh-CN/">Man Down 歌词<a> <a href="http://www.yinyueabc.com">音乐 ABC<a>所以,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,我不是推覆,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒,它的比赛结束了。游戏结束。你就不能指望我,每次来运行,因为我快乐我的方式,而我做的很好,我觉得你的痴迷,就像你要我白天和晚上,你不应该让我走,或者至少提出了一个战斗。不,不,不,不是要奔向你,不不。您的游戏结束了。不会是你的门垫,不会流连忘返,它只是不喜欢这样,不要你点击你的手指,你说你不想要我,你不想做我的爱人,现在,你改变了这个故事,我很害怕,那人摔倒它的比赛结束了。它的比赛结束了,哦,不,不,比赛结束了,现在,你改变,这个故事,有人受伤了,它的比赛结束了。

谁有电影汉娜(hanna)Tom Hollander的那段口哨配乐啊,原声里面没有,而且电影不小心被我给删了

电影可以么已发送 要采纳啊


  是这个。<fly>-nicki minaj feat.rihanna(很好听的)  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  I wish today it will rain all day  maybe that will kinda make the pain go away  trying to forgive you for abandoning me  praying but I think I"m still an angel away  angel away, yeah strange in a way  maybe that is why I chase strangers away  they got their guns out aiming at me  but I become near when they aiming at me  me, me, me against them  me against enemies, me against friends  somehow they both seem to become one  A sea full of sharks and they all see blood  they start coming and I start rising  must be surprising, I"m just summising  win, thrive, soar, higher, higher, higher  more fire  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  Everybody wanna try to box me in  suffocating everytime it locks me in  paint they own pictures than they crop me in  but I will remain where the top begins  cause I am not a word, I am not a line  I am not a girl that can every be defined  I am not fly, I am levitation  I represent an entire generation  I hear the criticism loud and clear  that is how I know that the time is near  so we become alive in a time of fear  and I aint got no muthaf-cking time to spare  cry my eyes out for days upon days  such a heavy burden placed upon me  but when you go hard your nay"s become yay"s  Yankee Stadium with Jay"s and Kanye"s  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly  Get ready for it  get ready for it  get ready for it  I came to win  get ready for it  get ready for it  I came to win  I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive  I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise  to fly  to fly




On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised.但是天意弄人 面对如今这急转直下的爱情我已愕然失措Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.我现在才明白就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧我对未来已经失去了信仰But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.但就算你变得狂暴你也仍然是我的挚爱Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,我已然五脏如焚而你只会冷眼旁观But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉ust gonna stand there and hear me cry,我已然痛哭流涕而你却置若罔闻But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.不过没有关系我就是喜欢这种欺骗I love the way you lie.我宁愿爱上你的谎言Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.争吵之中我们唇枪舌剑In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right.而你总是苦战中的胜者即使本是你犯了错Cause you feed me fables from your hand,你总是用谎言抚慰我With violet words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied.充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts.Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.Ohhh, I love the way you lie.[副歌见上]So maybe I"m a masochist也许我就是个受虐狂I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave.我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories.氤氲之中脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困[Eminem 阿姆说唱部分]This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上我只好反过来把你推开try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me你试着过来拥抱我逼我怒吼理我远一点run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy你跑出了屋子让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the我可以理解你会推开我destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we破坏性的争吵让你心存余震know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that lucky我们仍然拥有对方我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills,我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会小题大做you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin"你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain但是我们会在一起 永远在一起因为我们找到了永存的秘方our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin"我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛this house is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand这座房子很大 如果你搬走了square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it我会把整个两千平方英尺的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白


“ Unfaithful 不忠 ”是北美年轻的 R&B 灵魂歌手 Rihanna (蕾哈娜)第二张专辑《 A Girl Like Me 》中的一首打榜单曲,描述因自身不忠而伤害心爱的男人,一段信任与背叛的情爱故事,是首值得慢慢欣赏的慢版 R&B 情歌。从这张专辑来看,Rihanna 已不是一个只会跟着简单舞曲节奏唱歌的小女孩了,她成熟了很多,无论是从唱功上,还是从对歌曲情境的掌握上。专辑在发行首周的销量为11万5千张,名列当周 Billboard 200 专辑榜第五位。 1988年,Rihanna 出生于加勒比海地区 Barbados (巴巴多斯岛)的 St. Michael 教区,原名 Robyn Rihanna Fenty 。在进入美国流行音乐界之前,Rihanna 只是一位经历普通,热爱唱歌的小女孩。当然,Rihanna 拥有极佳的歌唱天赋并曾在2004年获得过 Combermere 中学歌唱比赛的冠军,在当地已经小有名气,时常在朋友和家庭聚会等场合表演以娱乐家乡大众,但她只是把唱歌当作一种爱好而已。Rihanna 的出道颇具传奇色彩,命运的改变往往在一夜之间。传说适逢纽约著名音乐制作人 Evan Rogers (伊万·罗杰斯)和妻子在 Barbados 小岛上度假,Rihanna 的朋友把她介绍给 Evan Rogers ,听完 Rihanna 的声音后,Evan 立即就被她的演唱天赋所震惊,马上给她录制样片寄给各大唱片公司,最后,Rihanna 签至 Def Jam 唱片公司旗下,并随即推出了她首支大获成功的单曲“ Pon de Replay ”,勇夺 Billboard Hot 100 单曲榜亚军,仅惜败于前辈 Mariah Carey 的14周冠军单曲“ We Belong Together ”。这支单曲的成功使年轻的 Rihanna 在美国一夜之间家喻户晓。

turn up the music的Rihanna混音版歌词

[chris brown]turn up the music, cause this song just came onturn up the music, if they try to turn us downturn up the music, can i hear it til the speakers blowturn up the music, fill your cup and drink it downif you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airput your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upif you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airput your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up[chris brown & rihanna]turn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahturn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahoh, oh, oh, ohturn up the musicoh, oh, oh, ohturn up the music(electro)turn up the musictu-turn up the...[rihanna]turn up the music, cause i feel a little turned onturn up the music, don"t you try to turn me downturn up the music, and i feel just a little bountturn up the music,fill me up and take me down[chris brown]if you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airput your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands upif you"re sexy and you know it put your hands up in the airput your hands up in the air, girl, put your hands up[chris brown & rihanna]turn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahturn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahoh, oh, oh, ohturn up the musicoh, oh, oh, ohturn up the musicturn up the musictu-turn up the...I can see it in your baby you want a piece of meso let"s go tonight and do whatever it takes to make it rightjust turn it up just turn it upjust turn it up just turn it upjust turn it up just turn it upjust turn it up just turn it up[rihanna](I LOVE YOU BABY)[chris brown & rihanna]turn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahturn up the music, just turn it up loudturn up the music, i need it in my life, yeahoh, oh, oh, ohcan you turn up the musicoh, oh, oh, ohcan you turn it up babyturn it upturn it up[chris brown](RIRI, TURN IT UP)[rihanna](YEAH~)[chris brown & rihanna]turn it upturn it upturn it upturn up the music

急求nicki minaj ft rihanna fly 歌词

Nicki Minaj ft Rihanna – Fly Lyrics[Rihanna - Chorus]I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thriveI came to win, to survive, to prosper, to riseto flyto fly[Nicki Minaj]I wish today it will rain all daymaybe that will kinda make the pain go awaytrying to forgive you for abandoning mepraying but I think I"m still an angel awayangel away, yeah strange in a waymaybe that is why I chase strangers awaythey got their guns out aiming at mebut I become near when they aiming at meme, me, me against themme against enemies, me against friendssomehow they both seem to become oneA sea full of sharks and they all see bloodthey start coming and I start risingmust be surprising, I"m just summisingwin, thrive, soar, higher, higher, highermore fire[Rihanna - Chorus]I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thriveI came to win, to survive, to prosper, to riseto flyto fly[Nicki Minaj - Verse 2]Everybody wanna try to box me insuffocating everytime it locks me inpaint they own pictures than they crop me inbut I will remain where the top beginscause I am not a word, I am not a lineI am not a girl that can every be definedI am not fly, I am levitationI represent an entire generationlyrics courtesy of killer hip hop.comI hear the criticism loud and clearthat is how I know that the time is nearso we become alive in a time of fearand I aint got no muthaf-cking time to sparecry my eyes out for days upon dayssuch a heavy burden placed upon mebut when you go hard your nay"s become yay"sYankee Stadium with Jay"s and Kanye"s[Rihanna - Chorus]I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thriveI came to win, to survive, to prosper, to riseto flyto fly[Nicki Minaj - Bridge]Get ready for itget ready for itget ready for itI came to winget ready for itget ready for itI came to win[Rihanna - Chorus]I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thriveI came to win, to survive, to prosper, to riseto flyto flyThis is quite an uplifting track from the Young Money and Roc Nation artists.Let me know what you think of the Nicki Minaj Fly Lyrics featuring Rihanna?亲也喜欢Nicki??我也是啊~~

Rihanna《right now》的歌词?

right now rihannaTomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Baby tonight I need you And I feel it when I see you Wherever you wanna go Whenever baby i"m yours Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Cause all we got is right now So close I can taste you Ain"t scared I can take you Can"t fight the feeling Got me fiening You got me feeling Something you wanted to do all your life There"s no more waiting tonight is the night And it can"t be wrong not if it feels this right Turn it up, scream it loud yeah Tomorrow way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now So get up right now Cause all we got is Right Now Tomorrow"s way too far away And we can"t get back yesterday But we young right now We got right now, so get up right now Cause all we got is right now

Rihanna的Right now歌词

Tomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right NowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right Now[Beat break]Baby tonight I need youAnd I feel it when I see youWherever you wanna goWhenever baby I"m yoursTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right NowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is Right Now[Beat break]Cause all we got is Right Now....So close I can taste youAin"t scared I can take youCan"t fight the feelingGot me feel feelingYou got me feelingSomething you wanted to do all your lifeThere"s no more waiting tonight is the nightAnd it can"t be wrong not if it feels this rightTurn it up, scream it loud, yeahTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is right nowTomorrow way too far awayAnd we can"t get back yesterdayBut we young right nowWe got right nowSo get up right nowCause all we got is right nowCause all we got is right now....


my boyis yours

Rihanna rude boy中英歌词

Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma let you be the captainTonightI"mma let you do your thing, yeahTonightI"mma let you be a riderGiddy upGiddy upGiddy up, babe今夜我是让你成为队长今夜我是让你做你的事,是的今夜我是让你成为骑士晕了晕了头晕了,宝贝TonightI"mma let it be fireTonightI"mma let you take me higherTonightBaby we can get it on, yeahWe can get it on, yeah今夜我是让它成为火今夜我是让你把我高今夜小子,我们可以得到它的,是的我们可以得到它的,是的Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢吗,小子我要你要什么把它给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma give it to you harderTonightI"mma turn your body outRelaxLet me do it how I wannaIf you got itI need itAnd I"mma put it downBuckle upI"mma give it to you strongerHands upWe can go a little longer今夜我要给你更强烈的感觉今夜我要让你的身体得到放松让我做我想要做的如果你有它我需要它我要把它放下来扣上我是给你更强的感觉手举起来我们可以继续下去TonightI"mma get a little crazyGet a little crazy, baby今夜我是变得有点疯狂得到一个有点疯狂,小子Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢你的男孩我要你要什么把它送给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我I like the way you touch me thereI like the way you pull my hairBabe, if I don"t feel it I ain"t fakingNo, no我很喜欢你触摸我有我很喜欢你拉我的头发宝贝,如果我不觉得我是不是造假不,不I like when you tell me kiss it thereI like when you tell me move it there我喜欢当你告诉我它有吻我喜欢当你告诉我移到该处So giddy upTime to giddy upYou say you"re a rude boyShow me what you got nowCome here right now因此,头晕了时间晕了你说你是一个粗鲁的男孩让我看看你有什么现在现在来到这里Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我

rihanna rude boy 中英文对照歌词

Rude Boy 歌手: Rihanna所属专辑:《Rated R》Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma let you be the captainTonightI"mma let you do your thing, yeahTonightI"mma let you be a riderGiddy upGiddy upGiddy up, babe今夜我是让你成为队长今夜我是让你做你的事,是的今夜我是让你成为骑士晕了晕了头晕了,宝贝TonightI"mma let it be fireTonightI"mma let you take me higherTonightBaby we can get it on, yeahWe can get it on, yeah今夜我是让它成为火今夜我是让你把我高今夜小子,我们可以得到它的,是的我们可以得到它的,是的Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢吗,小子我要你要什么把它给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma give it to you harderTonightI"mma turn your body outRelaxLet me do it how I wannaIf you got itI need itAnd I"mma put it downBuckle upI"mma give it to you strongerHands upWe can go a little longer今夜我要给你更强烈的感觉今夜我要让你的身体得到放松让我做我想要做的如果你有它我需要它我要把它放下来扣上我是给你更强的感觉手举起来我们可以继续下去TonightI"mma get a little crazyGet a little crazy, baby今夜我是变得有点疯狂得到一个有点疯狂,小子Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢你的男孩我要你要什么把它送给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我I like the way you touch me thereI like the way you pull my hairBabe, if I don"t feel it I ain"t fakingNo, no我很喜欢你触摸我有我很喜欢你拉我的头发宝贝,如果我不觉得我是不是造假不,不I like when you tell me kiss it thereI like when you tell me move it there我喜欢当你告诉我它有吻我喜欢当你告诉我移到该处So giddy upTime to giddy upYou say you"re a rude boyShow me what you got nowCome here right now因此,头晕了时间晕了你说你是一个粗鲁的男孩让我看看你有什么现在现在来到这里Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我

RIHANNA的 rude boy ,的歌词大意

中文歌词:粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  今晚  我"mma让你成为队长  今晚  我"mma让你做你的事,是的  今晚  我"mma让你成为一个骑马的人  头晕了  头晕了  头晕,宝贝  今晚  我"mma让它成为火  今晚  我"mma让你带我更高  今晚  宝贝,我们可以把它对,是的  我们可以把它对,是的  做你喜欢的男孩吗  我wa-wa-want  你wa-wa-want   交给我的宝贝  如潮,繁荣、繁荣  我wa-wa-want   你wa-wa-want吗  na-aaaah,  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  今晚  我"mma拿给你更加困难  今晚  我"mma把身体  放松  让我做我想要  如果你得到了它  我需要它  我"mma放下来  扣起来  我"mma给你更坚强  举手。  我们可以走一会儿  今晚  我"mma变得有点疯狂  变得有点疯狂,宝贝  做你喜欢的男孩吗  我wa-wa-want  你wa-wa-want   交给我的宝贝  如潮,繁荣、繁荣  我wa-wa-want   你wa-wa-want吗  na-aaaah,  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  我喜欢你的触碰我  我要你把我的头发  宝贝,如果我不觉得那我不是在装病  没有,  我喜欢当你告诉我的吻  我喜欢当你告诉我,请把它搬开  所以头晕  时间头晕  你说你是一个粗鲁的男孩  告诉我你所得到的  现在来这里  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我

rihanna rude boy 中英文对照歌词

Rude Boy 歌手: Rihanna所属专辑:《Rated R》Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma let you be the captainTonightI"mma let you do your thing, yeahTonightI"mma let you be a riderGiddy upGiddy upGiddy up, babe今夜我是让你成为队长今夜我是让你做你的事,是的今夜我是让你成为骑士晕了晕了头晕了,宝贝TonightI"mma let it be fireTonightI"mma let you take me higherTonightBaby we can get it on, yeahWe can get it on, yeah今夜我是让它成为火今夜我是让你把我高今夜小子,我们可以得到它的,是的我们可以得到它的,是的Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢吗,小子我要你要什么把它给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我TonightI"mma give it to you harderTonightI"mma turn your body outRelaxLet me do it how I wannaIf you got itI need itAnd I"mma put it downBuckle upI"mma give it to you strongerHands upWe can go a little longer今夜我要给你更强烈的感觉今夜我要让你的身体得到放松让我做我想要做的如果你有它我需要它我要把它放下来扣上我是给你更强的感觉手举起来我们可以继续下去TonightI"mma get a little crazyGet a little crazy, baby今夜我是变得有点疯狂得到一个有点疯狂,小子Do you like it boyI wa-wa-wantWhat you wa-wa-wantGive it to me babyLike boom, boom, boomWhat I wa-wa-wantIs what you wa-wa-wantNa, na-aaaah你喜欢你的男孩我要你要什么把它送给我,小子像boom,boom,boom(隆隆响)我要你要什么Naaaah(呐,呐)Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来这里粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我I like the way you touch me thereI like the way you pull my hairBabe, if I don"t feel it I ain"t fakingNo, no我很喜欢你触摸我有我很喜欢你拉我的头发宝贝,如果我不觉得我是不是造假不,不I like when you tell me kiss it thereI like when you tell me move it there我喜欢当你告诉我它有吻我喜欢当你告诉我移到该处So giddy upTime to giddy upYou say you"re a rude boyShow me what you got nowCome here right now因此,头晕了时间晕了你说你是一个粗鲁的男孩让我看看你有什么现在现在来到这里Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Come on rude boy, boyCan you get it upCome on rude boy, boyIs you big enoughTake it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩你能得到它来吧粗鲁的男孩,男孩是你足够大拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我Take it, take itBaby, babyTake it, take itLove me, love me拿去吧,把它小子,小子拿去吧,把它爱我,爱我

Rihanna 唱的Rude boy 歌词

  Come here rude boy, boy  Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Tonight   I"mma let you be the captain   Tonight   I"mma let you do your thing, yeah   Tonight   I"mma let you be a rider   Giddy up   Giddy up   Giddy up, babe   Tonight   I"mma let it be fire   Tonight   I"mma let you take me higher   Tonight   Baby we can get it on, yeah   we can get it on, yeah   Do you like it boy   I wa-wa-want   What you wa-wa-want   Give it to me baby   Like boom, boom, boom   What I wa-wa-want   Is what you wa-wa-want   Na, na-aaaah   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Tonight   I"mma give it to you harder   Tonight   I"mma turn your body out   Relax   Let me do it how I wanna   If you got it   I need it   And I"mma put it down   Buckle up   I"mma give it to you stronger   Hands up   We can go a little longer   Tonight   I"mma get a little crazy   Get a little crazy, baby   Do you like it boy   I wa-wa-want   What you wa-wa-want   Give it to me baby   Like boom, boom, boom   What I wa-wa-want   Is what you wa-wa-want   Na, na-aaaah   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   I like the way you touch me there   I like the way you pull my hair   Babe, if I don"t feel it I ain"t faking   No, no   I like when you tell me kiss it there   I like when you tell me move it there   So giddy up   Time to giddy up   You say you"re a rude boy   Show me what you got now   Come here right now   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Come here rude boy, boy   Can you get it up   Come here rude boy, boy   Is you big enough   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Love me   Take it, take it   Baby, baby   Take it, take it   Love me, love me  中文版  快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   今晚我来让你当船长   今晚我让你为所欲为   今晚我让你风驰电擎   来吧 来吧 来吧 耶   今晚我让你尽情燃烧   今晚你要把我送入云霄   今晚我们可以一起玩闹   我们可以一起玩闹   你喜欢吗 男孩   我想要的 也是你想要的   快给我宝贝 就像“碰 碰 碰”   我想要的 也是你想要的   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   今晚我要全部奉献给你   今晚我要舒展你的身体   放轻松 让我随心所欲   如果你能满足我的要求那现在就开始   系好安全带 我要给你猛烈袭击   举起双手 让我们玩得更加长久   今晚我要疯狂起来   我要疯狂起来 宝贝   你喜欢吗 男孩   我想要的 也是你想要的   快给我宝贝 就像“碰 碰 碰”   我想要的 也是你想要的   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   我喜欢你触碰我的感觉   我喜欢你轻抚我的秀发   宝贝如果我没有感觉我就不会假装   我喜欢你要我吻你   我喜欢你要我摆动身体   所以快来   现在就开始   你说你是个坏男孩   让我看看你的本事   现在就过来   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够勇猛   快过来坏男孩,你是否足够巨大   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我   来吧 来吧 宝贝 宝贝   来吧 来吧 爱我 爱我

求Rihanna的Rude Boy歌词滴中文翻译

Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Tonight I"mma let you be the captain Tonight I"mma let you do your thing, yeah Tonight I"mma let you be a rider Giddy up Giddy up Giddy up, babe Tonight I"mma let it be fire Tonight I"mma let you take me higher Tonight Baby we can get it on, yeah We can get it on, yeah Do you like it boy I wa-wa-want What you wa-wa-want Give it to me baby Like boom, boom, boom What I wa-wa-want Is what you wa-wa-want Na, na-aaaah Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Tonight I"mma give it to you harder Tonight I"mma turn your body out Relax Let me do it how I wanna If you got it I need it And I"mma put it down Buckle up I"mma give it to you stronger Hands up We can go a little longer Tonight I"mma get a little crazy Get a little crazy, baby Do you like it boy I wa-wa-want What you wa-wa-want Give it to me baby Like boom, boom, boom What I wa-wa-want Is what you wa-wa-want Na, na-aaaah Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me I like the way you touch me there I like the way you pull my hair Babe, if I don"t feel it I ain"t faking No, no I like when you tell me kiss it there I like when you tell me move it there So giddy up Time to giddy up You say you"re a rude boy Show me what you got now Come here right now Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Come here rude boy, boy Can you get it up Come here rude boy, boy Is you big enough Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me Take it, take it Baby, baby Take it, take it Love me, love me 中文歌词:粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  今晚  我"mma让你成为队长  今晚  我"mma让你做你的事,是的  今晚  我"mma让你成为一个骑马的人  头晕了  头晕了  头晕,宝贝  今晚  我"mma让它成为火  今晚  我"mma让你带我更高  今晚  宝贝,我们可以把它对,是的  我们可以把它对,是的  做你喜欢的男孩吗  我wa-wa-want  你wa-wa-want   交给我的宝贝  如潮,繁荣、繁荣  我wa-wa-want   你wa-wa-want吗  na-aaaah,  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  今晚  我"mma拿给你更加困难  今晚  我"mma把身体  放松  让我做我想要  如果你得到了它  我需要它  我"mma放下来  扣起来  我"mma给你更坚强  举手。  我们可以走一会儿  今晚  我"mma变得有点疯狂  变得有点疯狂,宝贝  做你喜欢的男孩吗  我wa-wa-want  你wa-wa-want   交给我的宝贝  如潮,繁荣、繁荣  我wa-wa-want   你wa-wa-want吗  na-aaaah,  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  我喜欢你的触碰我  我要你把我的头发  宝贝,如果我不觉得那我不是在装病  没有,  我喜欢当你告诉我的吻  我喜欢当你告诉我,请把它搬开  所以头晕  时间头晕  你说你是一个粗鲁的男孩  告诉我你所得到的  现在来这里  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  你能得到它  粗鲁无礼的男孩,男孩来到这里  是你够大吗  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我  拿着它,把它  宝贝,  拿着它,把它  爱我,爱我

Rihanna - Happy Hour 歌词

好喜欢这首歌 不过没找到歌词 所以自己试着听出来有的地方可能有误!("?"问号的地方就是没听出来的)【Happy hour】——Rihanna★>How can I know what you mean>If you never ask>How can I drive you crazy>When I got no gas >How could we be together>when vessels fall apart>You tell me that you love me>Then you go and ? my heart>I admitted that I"ve got problems if you say that you will help me solve them Yes!>I realize some days I can be sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour★>just because I"m ever happy when I"m so worn out>I am only good if I can have a club>some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour>only way you go away and I can get my feet> I am only good if I can have a seat>some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour★>should I be your woman when you"ve got to ?>I shoulda said that I do when I know you don"t>why should I stay here with you when you"re always gone>and why should I be open ?★>I admitted that I"ve got problems if you say that you will help me solve them Yes!>I realize some days I can be sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour★>just because I"m ever happy when I"m so worn out>I am only good if I can have a club> some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour>only way you go away and I can get my feet>I am only good if I can have a seat>some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour★>You"re all I ever needed>You"re all I ever had>You"re all I ever wanted>But you"re making me bad ★>? drink>can I have a ? liquor>shake it, not stir >on the rocks ★>just because I"m ever happy when I"m so worn out>I am only good if I can have a club>some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour>only way you go away and I can get my feet> I am only good if I can have a seat> some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour★>just because I"m ever happy when I"m >so worn out and I"m liquory >with you some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour>just because I"m ever happy when I"m >so worn out and I"m liquory>with you some days I"m sweet and sour>but I can"t help drinking of you>cuz you"re my happy hour

Rihanna happy hour

http://monica.qy-movies.cn/mp3/Rihanna-Happy%20Hour.mp3 这个是下载地址





Rihanna Mashup - Jason Chen 歌词中文翻译

  天色已晚了  我正在做我的方式在去我最喜欢的地方  我得把我的身体移动震动应力掉了  我并不是在寻求没人的时候你看我的方式  合适的候选人    是啊  你知道你开始呢  我刚来这里的聚会  但是现在我们在dancefloor摇摆  表演顽皮的  你的手在我的腰  就让音乐玩耍  我们手拉手,  胸部胸部  并且现在我们面对面的交流    我想让你觉得你是唯一的女孩,在世界上    喜欢你是我的唯一,我永远的爱    喜欢你是唯一一个谁知道呢    所以请不要停止音乐    请不要停止音乐    我要让你觉得你是唯一一个可以接受一个男人    因为你是唯一一个懂得    如何让你觉得呢    所以请不要停止音乐    请不要停止音乐    所以女孩忘掉你的世界    因为它走了你和我今晚    我想让你乞求你的    然后Imma让你吞下你的骄傲    因为我想把你带走的  让我们逃过了音乐  DJ让它发挥  我只是不能拒绝  爱你的方式做这件事  继续摇摆    唯一的女孩在世界上    因为我想把你带走的  让我们逃过了音乐  DJ让它发挥  我只是不能拒绝  像你这样做  继续摇摆    噢只有女孩,在世界上    ——小提琴——)    我想要你让你觉得你是唯一的女孩,在世界上    喜欢你是我的唯一,我永远的爱    喜欢你是唯一一个谁知道呢    所以请不要停止音乐    请不要停止音乐    因为我想把你带走的  让我们逃过了音乐  DJ让它发挥  我只是不能拒绝  爱你的方式做这件事  继续摇摆    噢只有女孩,在世界上    自己做的,不知道对不对

求Eminem和Rihanna 合作的那首Love way you lie歌词以及歌词的汉语意思


Love the way you lie-Rihanna的歌词,有翻译更好。最好包括男生说唱部分的。

PART 1[Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧   But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  I can"t tell you what it really is  我说不出来它到底是什么  I can only tell you what it feels like  我只能告诉你它是一种什么感觉  And right now there"s a steel knife in my windpipe  现在我的气管里有一把匕首  I can"t breathe but I still fight while I can fight  无法呼吸 但是我仍在尽力坚持  As long as the wrong feels right it"s like I"m in flight  就像被驾到高空一样没有任何感觉  High off her love, drunk from my hate,  借酒泄愤想要挣脱束缚  It"s like I"m huffing paint and I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate  我就像这溺水一样越是挣扎就越窒息  And right before I"m about to drown, she resuscitates me  就在我马上要沉下去的时候,她拯救了我  She fucking hates me and I love it  我爱她恨我的感觉。  Wait! Where you going? I"m leaving you  等等!你要去哪儿?我要离开你。  No you ain"t. Come back we"re running right back.  不,你不能走。回来吧 我们重新来过!  Here we go again  我们重新来过。  It"s so insane cuz" when it"s going good it"s going great.  这真是神奇,因为它向着完美发展。  I"m superman with the wind in his back  我就像超人一样无往不利!  She"s Louis Lane but when it"s bad it"s awful, I feel so ashamed I snap  她就像超人的白痴女友,糟糕的时候一塌糊涂我都感到羞耻  Who"s that dude? I don"t even know his name  这人又是谁?我连他名字都不知道  I laid hands on her, I"ll never stoop so low again  我揍了她 ,我再也不会妥协了  I guess I don"t know my own strength  连我自己都不知道我有多强硬  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe  你曾经爱一个人爱到窒息么?  When you"re with "em  当你和他们在一起的时候  You meet and neither one of you even know what hit "em  你们满足了 而你们没一个人知道到底在干什么  Got that warm fuzzy feeling  慢慢享受你的暧昧感觉吧  Yeah, them chills you used to get "em  呵.那些你们曾经的欢乐时光  Now you"re getting fucking sick of looking at him  现在你看对方一眼都感觉到该死的恶心  You swore you"d never hit him; never do nothing to hurt him  你发过誓再不做出任何伤害他的事情。  Now you"re in each other"s face spewing venom in your words when you spit them  但是你现在却换了副嘴脸,恶语相加  You push pull each other"s hair, scratch claw hit him  你现在却把他推来搡去,不停地伤害着他  Throw him down pin him  你在蹂躏着他,像用针一样刺痛他  So lost in the moments when you"re in them  如此沉迷般的伤害着对方  It"s a race that"s the culprit controls your boat  这就如同一次比赛,但却是罪恶在掌控着你  So they say you"re best to go your separate ways  它告诉你分道扬镳是你最好的选择  Guess if they don"t know you cuz" today that was yesterday  他们大概不知道今日是非是因昨日而起  Yesterday is over it"s a different day  如果以前的事没发生就不会这样  Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her  听起来就像破唱片一样一遍又一遍的重复你对他的承诺  Next time you show restraint  下次你要克制自己  You don"t get another chance  不然你们之间就没有机会了  Life is no Nintendo game  生活不是任天堂的游戏  But you lied again  然而你又食言了  Now you get to watch her leave out the window  现在你只能眼睁睁的丢掉她给你的最后一次机会  I guess that"s why they call it window pane  我猜这也就是人们叫它窗玻璃的原因吧?(英语中玻璃pane与痛苦pain同音)  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱  [Eminem]  Now I know he said things hit things that we didn"t mean  现在我明白了他说的事与愿违、口是心非  And we fall back into the same patterns same routine  我们又回到了原来的套路上  But your temper"s just as bad as mine is  你脾气跟我一样坏  You"re the same as me  你跟我一样  But when it comes to love you"re just as blinded  但是每每当我们快修成正果时却总是错过  Baby, please come back  宝贝,拜托请回到我的身边。  It wasn"t you, baby it was me  好吧,宝贝儿都是我的错  Maybe our relationship isn"t as crazy as it seemed  也许我们的关系并没有看上去那么不可救药  Maybe that"s what happens when a tornado meets a volcano  也许我们就像是水火相容的结果  All I know is I love you too much to walk away though  我只知道我爱你爱得不能自拔  Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk  回家吧,拿上你的东西回家吧。  Don"t you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk  难道你没有听出我声音中的真诚么?  I told you this is my fault  我都说了,这都是我的错。  Look me in the eye ball  过来看着我的眼球。  Next time I"m pissed, I‘ll aim my fist at the drywall  下次发火的时候我会直接把拳头打向墙壁  Next time.There won"t be no next time  下次我绝不会再发火再动手了,决不会了  I apologize even though I know it"s lies  我明知道我的道歉是谎话  I"m tired of the games I just want her back  我受够这场争执了,我只想让她回来。  I know I"m a liar   我知道我就是个骗子  If she ever tries to fucking leave again  但是如果她再TM试图离开我的话  Im"a tie her to the bed and set this house on fire Just gonna......  我会把她绑在床上,点燃房子……  [Rihanna]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你是不是就打算站在那看着我燃烧  But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为我喜欢这心痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  你是不是就打算站在那听着我哭泣  But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie  不过没关系,因为我爱你说谎的方式,连你的谎言都爱PART 2On the first page of our story  从故事的开端看到  The future seemed so bright  未来似乎是如此的光明  Then this thing turned out so evil  可结局却异常的不幸  I don"t know why I"m still surprised  不知为何我仍惊诧  Even angels have their wicked schemes,  然而即使天使也有邪恶的一面  And you take that to new extremes.  惨淡的结果让你变得极端  But you"ll always be my hero,  但是你永远都是我的英雄  Even though you"ve lost your mind.  即使现在你已失去理智  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie ,  不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,爱着你的谎言  Ohh, I love the way you lie  那就更无所谓谎言了  [Rihanna - Verse 2]  Now there"s gravel in our voices  此时此刻我们都声音沙哑哽咽  As they shatter from the fight  如同将士战斗归来般精疲力竭  In this tug of war you"ll always win  在我们的拉锯战中你永远是胜方  Even when I"m right  即使有时候错的原因并不在我  Cos you feed me fables from your head  只因你对我洗脑教育进行得太彻底  With violent words and empty threats  同时并施之以口头上的咒骂和威胁  And it"s sick that all these battles  令人厌恶的竟然是这一切  Are what keeps me satisfied  这一切纷扰让我欲罢不能  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie, love the way you lie ,.  不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,爱着你的谎言   Ohh, I love the way you lie ,ohhh  那就更无所谓谎言了,你说是吧  [Rihanna - Bridge]  So maybe I"m a masochist  从上述来看我可能是个受虐狂吧  I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave  我试图摆脱它,但我骨子里却对它上瘾  Till the walls are going up   碉堡里的城墙一直加固升高  There"s smoke with all our memories  弥漫着硝烟的记忆挥之不去  [Eminem - Verse 3]  It"s morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face,  清晨你醒来,阳光洒落在你刚睡醒的面颊上  Smeared make up as we lay in the wake of destruction,  脏乱的妆容如同我们现在躺着的“废墟”  Hush baby, speak softly,  嘘,宝贝儿,别大吵大闹,说话烦请温声细气  Tell me you"re awfully sorry that you pushed me,  对我说,你为对我推推嚷嚷动手动脚感到十分抱歉  Into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me.  昨晚你把我推向咖啡桌,我是否能因此而以牙还牙  Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me,  动一下我吧,这样我就有理由对你大喊大叫不让你动  Run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy,  然后你夺门而出我也就会如迷途羔羊般跟在你身后  Baby without you I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me,  宝贝儿啊,你是我生命的意义,我好迷惘,给我一个拥抱吧  Then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me.  然后你就可以对我说我有多么落魄,但无论我怎样你都会永远爱我  Then after that shove me, in the aftermath of the,  经过这几番愿打愿挨的惯用伎俩,我们劫后余生  Destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we,  这穷途末路上只有我们两个变态,但我们俩将永远相伴  Know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs,  我们都明了无论我们相互作践,伤害对方有多深  That we"ll have each other"s backs, cause we"re that lucky.  我们都用并都是对方的坚强后盾,因缘分而促成彼此  Together we move mountains, let"s not make mountains outta mo" hills,  移山填海,不要无事生非,小事化大  You hit me twice, yeah but who"s countin",  你伤我比我伤你多,但谁会去数一数  I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count but,  可能实际上我伤的比你重,不计其数,  Together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain.  但我们绝不分离,我们已经找到爱情的不老泉  Our love, is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refuse counselin",  我们爱得疯狂,我们不会妥协,绝不  And this house is too huge, if you move out, I"ll burn all two thousand,  若你离我而去,这个家就会变得很大,比它本来要 大得多  Square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it,  因为我会将方圆千里都一把火烧光,你完全可以以身犯险  Cause with you I"m in my fucking mind, and without you I"m out it.  因为是你在才让我的理智尚存,但如果失去了你,我就会失心疯狂  [Rihanna - Chorus]  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn  你就隔岸观火好了  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts  不过没关系,因为其实心疼的感觉让我上瘾  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry  就让我在一旁哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie 不过没关系,因为连你对我说的谎都让我着迷,常言道“爱屋及乌”  I love the way you lie ,Ohh, I love the way you lie  那就更无所谓谎言了  Love The Way You Lie原创者Skylar Grey酒店钢琴自弹自唱  原创 Skylar Grey  翻译 neo & lisa du  On the first page of our story我们故事的开端  The future seemed so bright未来看似绚烂  Then the thing turned out so evil结果却是如此让人失望  I don"t know why I"m still surprised为什么我还是对此诧异  Even angels have their wicked schemes即使天使也会有邪恶的计划  And you take that to new extremes.而你将把这种邪恶发挥到极致  But you"ll always be my hero,但你永远是我的至爱  Even though you"ve lost your mind.即使你不再是你自己  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只要站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 因为我享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只要站在那听我哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  Love the way you lie沉醉于你的欺骗  Ohh, I love the way you lie为你的虚假倾尽真情  Now there"s treble in our voices As they shatter from the fight现在即使声音提高三倍亦被争吵撕得粉碎  In this tug of war you"ll always win在这场拉锯战中 你总是胜利者  Even when I"m right而我装作若无其事  cause you feed me fables from your hand因为你总是用谎言抚慰我  With violent words and empty threats 以及怒骂和恐吓  And it"s sick that all these battles就是这些病态的争论  Are what keeps me satisfied使我满足  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只要站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 我只是享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只要站在那听我哭泣吧  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  Love the way you lie沉醉于你的欺骗  Ohh, I love the way you lie为你的虚假倾诉真情  So maybe I"m a masochist可能我是受虐狂  I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave 我试着奔跑却从未想逃离  Till the walls are going down直到城墙缓缓倒塌  There"s smoke with all our memories烟雾里都是我们的回忆  Just gonna stand there and watch me burn只是站在那看着我燃烧吧  Well that"s alright because I like the way it hurts无所谓 我只是享受疼痛的感觉  Just gonna stand there and hear me cry只是站在那听我哭泣  Well that"s alright because I love the way you lie真的无所谓 我甚至钟情于你的谎言  I Love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情  I love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情  I love the way you lie我为你的虚假倾尽真情

Love The Way You Lie (Part II)—Eminem Rihanna歌词

On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright. 当我们的爱情故事刚刚翻开第一页的时候 我对我们的未来充满了无限的憧憬 And this thing turned out so evil, I don"t know why I"m still surprised. 但是天意弄人 面对如今这急转直下的爱情 我已愕然失措 Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes. 我现在才明白 就连最善良的天使也会恶作剧 我对未来已经失去了信仰 But you"ll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind. 但就算你变得狂暴 你也仍然是我的挚爱 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, 我已然五脏如焚 而你只会冷眼旁观 But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts. 不过没有关系 我就是喜欢这痛不欲生的感觉 Just gonna stand there and hear me cry, 我已然痛哭流涕 而你却置若罔闻 But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie. 不过没有关系 我就是喜欢这种欺骗 I love the way you lie. 我宁愿爱上你的谎言 Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight. 争吵之中我们唇枪舌剑 In this tug of war, you"ll always win, even when I"m right. 而你总是苦战中的胜者 即使本是你犯了错 Cause you feed me fables from your hand, 你总是用谎言抚慰我 With violet words and empty threats and it"s sick that all these battles are what keeps me satisfied. 充满暴力的语言 凭空而来的恐吓 但是最让我受不了得却是它们能让我满足 Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, But that"s alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry, But that"s alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie. Ohhh, I love the way you lie. [副歌见上] So maybe I"m a masochist 也许我就是个受虐狂 I try to run but I don"t wanna ever leave. 我尝试逃跑却从未真正想离开 Til the walls are goin" up in smoke with all our memories. 氤氲之中 脑海中的回忆会变成围墙将我围困 [Eminem 阿姆说唱部分] This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face 这天清晨 你醒之时 一束阳光打到了你的脸上 smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction 躺在硝烟中的你妆容已经颓然 hush baby, speak softly, tell me you"ll be sorry that you 嘘 心爱的 轻柔地告诉我 你是否犯了错 pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me 昨晚你把我推到咖啡桌上 我只好反过来把你推开 try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me 你试着过来拥抱我 逼我怒吼理我远一点 run out the room and I"ll follow you like a lost puppy 你跑出了屋子 让我像只迷路的小狗跟在你身后 baby, without you, I"m nothing, I"m so lost, hug me 亲爱的 失去了你 我就失去了一切 我将失去了方向 抱抱我 then tell me how ugly I am, but that you"ll always love me 告诉我我有多么的丑恶 然后告诉我你仍然没有放弃我 then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the 我可以理解你会推开我 destructive path that we"re on, two psychopaths but we 破坏性的争吵让你心存余震 know that no matter how many knives we put in each other"s backs 我们俩就像是一对神经病 不管我们彼此诅咒杀千刀 that we"ll have each other"s backs, "cause we"re that lucky 我们仍然拥有对方 我们就是如此的幸运的生活在一起 together, we move mountains, let"s not make mountains out of molehills, 我们可以解决各种大难 告诉我你不会小题大做 you hit me twice, yeah, but who"s countin" 你打了两次 好吧 但是谁会记着 I may have hit you three times, I"m startin" to lose count 也许我会一生气反过来打你三次 but together, we"ll live forever, we found the youth fountain 但是我们会在一起 永远在一起 因为我们找到了永存的秘方 our love is crazy, we"re nuts, but I refused counselin" 我们的爱是疯狂的 我们就像是一对疯子 但对此我怙恶不悛 this house is too huge, if you move out I"ll burn all two thousand 这座房子很大 如果你搬走了 square feet of it to the ground, ain"t shit you can do about it 我会把整个两千平方英尺的土地全部烧掉 这是我的自由 with you I"m in my f–kin" mind, without you, I"m out it 和你在一起我会疯狂 失去你 我会一片空白

Rihanna 的complicated歌词翻译

Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 You come over unannounced 你悄然而至 Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事 Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违 You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑 Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服 You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 When you"ve become 当你成为 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You would see 你会发觉 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不

SOS (Rescue Me) Rihanna这首歌帮我翻译一下(中文)

啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦 啦 啦啦 啦 哦 你知道我从来没有过这样的感觉 啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦 啦 啦啦 啦 哦 感觉如此真实 当我只想着你时,我就能感觉自己的分钟 当我只想着靠近你,我就异常勇敢 你让我有压力,不断提出问题 时光流逝,你要知道,我都是那么想念你 如果我是问题,那你就是答案 请紧紧的抱着我男孩,因为我是你的小舞者 你把我摇醒,不再犯错 但我无法控制我自己,想要一点帮助 S.O.S有没有人来救救我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难 看不见,摸不着,我不喜欢这感觉 你的存在让我感觉完整 是的,这是一个教训,这不公平,你偷走了我的空虚 我的胃在绞痛,当我看见你,我就感觉燥热无比 我的常识都不见,找不到出路 带我走(嗯嗯),你知道在内心深处你觉得那是对的 带我走,今晚我想投入你怀抱 和你走在一起,令我神魂颠倒 你让我感觉美好,你让我感觉 S.O.S有没有人来救救我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难 你让我辗转反侧,难以入睡 这样的时候有没有人来拯救我 因为我想着你,这让我迷失(因为我想着你) 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 爱是一种测试,但是我仍旧丧失了自己 这一次,有没有人来拯救我(谁来救救我) 因为我想着你,这让我迷失 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 我曾找到了最好的自己,但现在正在渐渐失去 男孩,你知道你让我的感觉全部放开 男孩,你的爱无须用言语来表达 我告诉你,是你让我全部放开 我不知道该怎样做,真的 我已经对你疯狂 我在乞求 S.O.S有没有人来帮助我 这种感觉并不健康 你让事情变得越来越艰难(你是否在让事情变得越来越艰难,宝贝?) 你让我辗转反侧,难以入睡 这样的时候有没有人来拯救我(谁来救救我) 因为我想着你,这让我迷失 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 爱是一种测试,但是我仍旧丧失了自己 这一次,有没有人来拯救我 因为我想着你,这让我迷失(因为每一次) 我已经迷失,是你让我寻找着另外的自己 我曾找到了最好的自己,但现在正在渐渐失去 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 哦 哦 哦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 哦 哦

求Rihanna新歌California king bed英文和中文歌词…而且一直不懂这个歌名的意思……麻烦高手解释一下

转感谢原译者“朗动MH”Chest to Chest胸紧贴着胸Nose to Nose鼻头碰着鼻头Palm to Palm掌心贴着掌心We were always just that close我们曾经是那么得亲密Wrist to wrist手腕缠绕手腕Toe to toe脚尖触着脚尖Lips that felt just like the inside of a 嘴唇感觉就像是一朵含苞待放的rose玫瑰So how come when i reach out my fingers可是当我伸出我的手指无意识的做着比较It feels like more than distance between我感觉到我和你之间的距离不仅仅只是那么一点usIn this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者Eye to Eye眼神对眼神Cheek to Cheek脸颊贴着脸颊Side by Side肩膀并着肩膀You were sleeping next to me仿佛你还沉睡在我身旁Arm in arm手臂紧贴手臂Dusk till dawn从黄昏直至黎明With the curtains drawn昨晚在温暖的被单之上,就连窗帘都已疲惫的落下And a little last night on these sheets我和你却感受不到一丝疲倦So how come when i reach out my fingers可是当我伸出我的手指无意识的做着比较It feels like more than distance between我感觉到我和你之间的距离不仅仅只是那么一点usIn this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者Just when I felt like giving up on us就当我想要放开手的时候You turn around and give me one last你回过身给了我最后的touch轻抚That made everything feel better我的世界仿佛雨过天晴And even then my eyes got Wetter即使我的眼睛湿润了Something feels when I ask you if you我可以感觉到当我问你你是否爱我时love me你的内心But I don"t wanna seem so weak但是我不想看起来令人怜悯Maybe I"ve been California Dreaming也许一直以来我都做着加州之梦In this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者In this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者


蕾哈娜的成名曲太多了,其中umbrella、 The monster、 Love the way you lie很好听


我昏死。回复的还说没有意义。。。按原意去翻译 肯定被河蟹。。。。。。翻译的都是字面的意思。。黑人 的歌曲 很多都很SEX有关的。。。。。。。。

截止到2014年 跪求Rihanna的所有冠单

2006 "SOS" 专辑A Girl Like Me2007 "Umbrella" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad2008 "Take a Bow" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded2008 "Disturbia" 专辑Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded2008 "Live Your Life" (T.I. featuring Rihanna) 专辑Paper Trail2010 "Rude Boy" 专辑Rated R2010 "Love the Way You Lie" (Eminem featuring Rihanna) 专辑Recovery2010 "What"s My Name?" 专辑LOUD2010 "Only Girl" 专辑LOUD2011 "S&M" 专辑LOUD2011 "We Found Love" 专辑Talk That Talk2012 "Diamonds" 专辑Unapologeticps 2014年Rihanna和Eminem合作的"The Monster“也是公告牌上的冠军单曲 也就是她的第13支公告牌冠军单曲 来自专辑The Marshall Mathers LP 2如果对你有帮助请采纳~谢谢

Rihanna - What Now 歌词讲的什么意思?大家听后体会是怎样

歌名: What Now歌手:Rihanna 所属专辑:Unapologetic发行时间:2012-11-19歌词:What Now-Rihanna&Jayko El Prototipo I"ve been ignoring this big lump in my throat 涩涩酸楚的鼻子 涩涩发紧的喉咙 I shouldn"t be crying, tears were for the weak 我不应该流泪 眼泪是留给弱者的 The days I"m stronger, now what, so I say 一路走来 我更加坚强 不曾软弱 但 But something"s missing 强势之路 有得有失 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 总感觉 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 透过双面镜 Whatever it is, it"s just laughing at me 无论是什么 它一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Woah, what now? 该如何 该如何 I found the one, he changed my life 本以为是他改变了我的生活 But was it me that changed 其实是我自己变了 And he just happened to come at the right time 他只是在对的时间走到了我的身旁 I"m supposed to be in love 我本应该坠入爱河 But I"m not mugging 但我不是傻瓜 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 总感觉透过双面镜 Whatever it is, 无论是什么 it"s just sitting there laughing at me 它就在那里一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Please tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 There"s no one to call 我没有一个可以倾诉的朋友 cause I"m just playing games with them all 因为我一直在和他们玩名利游戏 The more I swear I"m happy, 我的表面看似越开心 he more that I"m feeling alone 内心实则越孤独 Cause I spent every hour 因为我悉心准备一切 just going through the motions 只换来儿戏一场 I can"t even get the emotions to come out 积压的情绪都不能发泄出去 Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout 被包裹得像干尸 但我只想嘶吼 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Somebody tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 So what now 该如何呢 听了之后感觉非常不错,是她的风格。

Rihanna的《What Now》 歌词

《What Now》演唱: Rihanna&Jayko El Prototipo 所属专辑:《Unapologetic》发行时间:2012-11-19歌词:I"ve been ignoring this big lump in my throat 涩涩酸楚的鼻子 涩涩发紧的喉咙 I shouldn"t be crying, tears were for the weak 我不应该流泪 眼泪是留给弱者的 The days I"m stronger, now what, so I say 一路走来 我更加坚强 不曾软弱 但 But something"s missing 强势之路 有得有失 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 总感觉 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 透过双面镜 Whatever it is, it"s just laughing at me 无论是什么 它一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Woah, what now? 该如何 该如何 I found the one, he changed my life 本以为是他改变了我的生活 But was it me that changed 其实是我自己变了 And he just happened to come at the right time 他只是在对的时间走到了我的身旁 I"m supposed to be in love 我本应该坠入爱河 But I"m not mugging 但我不是傻瓜 Whatever it is, it feels like 不管遗失的是什么 It"s laughing at me 它在讥讽嘲笑着我 through the glass of a two-sided mirror 总感觉透过双面镜 Whatever it is, 无论是什么 it"s just sitting there laughing at me 它就在那里一直在嘲笑着我 And I just wanna scream 我只想声嘶力竭的呐喊 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Please tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 There"s no one to call 我没有一个可以倾诉的朋友 cause I"m just playing games with them all 因为我一直在和他们玩名利游戏 The more I swear I"m happy, 我的表面看似越开心 he more that I"m feeling alone 内心实则越孤独 Cause I spent every hour 因为我悉心准备一切 just going through the motions 只换来儿戏一场 I can"t even get the emotions to come out 积压的情绪都不能发泄出去 Dry as a bone, but I just wanna shout 被包裹得像干尸 但我只想嘶吼 What now? I just can"t figure it out 该如何 我已束手无策 What now? I guess I"ll just wait it out wait it out 该如何 也许时间才是解药 What now? Somebody tell me 该如何 请告诉我 What now? 该如何 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 I don"t know where to go 我不知该去向何方 I don"t know what to feel 我不知如何去感触 I don"t know how to cry 我不知如何去哭泣 I don"t know ow ow why 我不知为何会这样 So what now 该如何呢


  《Unapologetic》是巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜的第7张录音室专辑,由Def Jeam唱片公司于2012年11月19日发行,制作人包括Robyn Fenty、Roc Nation等。  《Unapologetic》首周凭借23万8千张的销量空降公告牌专辑榜冠军,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第一张冠军专辑。该专辑首周也在英国专辑榜上空降榜首,使蕾哈娜收获她本人的第七张英国榜冠军专辑。该专辑获得由第56届格莱美奖授予的最佳当代城市音乐专辑奖。  《Unapologetic》处于比较乐观的状态,收录的歌曲都十分大胆前卫。专辑封面十分挑逗,这张专辑不像蕾哈娜以前的几张专辑那样是为了应付应付。  在歌曲方面,《Stay》以钢琴重复旋律为基调,是一首优雅的民谣,一直重复着该专辑的主题——真爱无法抵挡。该歌曲和米绮·埃柯共同演绎,是继2011年蕾哈娜和加尔文·哈里斯的《We Found Love》之后,又一成功的合作,也是该专辑中的一大亮点之一;《What Now》也用钢琴作伴奏,蕾哈娜在该歌曲中的音域较低;《Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary》是蕾哈娜和卡洛斯·麦金尼联合创作的歌曲,长达七分钟,该歌曲从情歌摇身一变,仿佛充满忏悔之情,不与该专辑的主题接轨,这首歌曲是蕾哈娜的一个新的情感的空间;蕾哈娜还和她昔日的男朋友克里斯·布朗一起合作了《Nobody"s Business》,该歌曲比较引人注目,更加说明了蕾哈娜十分无悔;专辑中的《Diamonds》散发出阵阵忧郁,但是十分感人、动听,是写给蕾哈娜过世的外祖母的,唯一的缺点就是过于陈词泛滥。
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