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Change the following sentences into passive voice.

Many trees have been cut down by the farmers in the past years.A train station will be built by us in the future.My new house is being painted by me so I haven"t moved in,When you check in at a hotel, you will be asked to fill in a form by them.


The note can"t be changed by them.含有情态动词的被动语态

change the active voice into the passive voice.主动改被动

Are the sick been taken care of?The old patient is being operated on by him.The matter will be taken good care of.(the matter will be looked into)This kind of trees can be found everywhere.

foreign exchange receipt是什么意思

foreign exchange receipt英 [u02c8fu0254rin iksu02c8tu0283eindu0292 riu02c8si:t] 美 [u02c8fu0254ru026an u026aksu02c8tu0283endu0292 ru026au02c8sit]外汇收入双语例句1. Foreign exchange receipt and payment. 外汇收支.来自互联网42. A joint venture shall at least balance its foreign exchange receipt andpayment. 合资企业的外汇收支至少应保持平衡.来自互联网43. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remained strong. 荷兰盾在外汇交易市场的动荡中保持坚挺。来自柯林斯例句654. To earn foreign exchange we must export. 要想获得外汇,我们必须出口。来自柯林斯例句15. The bank has been intervening in foreign exchange markets. 银行一直干预外汇市场.来自《简明英汉词典》276. The pound rallied just before the foreign exchange market closed. 外汇市场将要收盘时,英镑价格回升了.来自《简明英汉词典》1327. Some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism. 有些国家靠旅游业赚取大量外汇.来自《现代汉英综合大词典》148. These factories have displaced tourism as the country"s largest source offoreign exchange. 这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源。来自柯林斯例句9. The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday. 昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。来自柯林斯例句10. China"s foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably. 国家外汇储备大幅度增加.来自汉英非文学 - 十六大报告

hold on 和hang on的区别或联系

一、hold on的含义和用法1.grasp;hold tightly to sth.抓住Hold on to my hand while we cross the street.过马路时,抓住我的手。It"s pretty windy.You"d better hold on to your hat.风很大,你最好抓住你的帽子。2.continue;go on继续We held on our way.我们继续赶路。Rain held on steadily all afternoon.雨下了整整一个下午。3.wait and not hang up a telephone(电话)别挂掉When he left the telephone to find a pencil, he asked me to hold on.离开电话找铅笔的时候,他让我别挂掉。Could you hold on a minute?你能等一会儿,不要挂掉电话好吗?4. keep on with a business or job in spite of difficulties; endure不顾困难继续经营;继续坚持;忍受It was hard to keep the store going during the depression, but he held on and at last met with success.经济不景气时生意很难维持,但是他继续经营,最后终于成功。If he can just hold on a little longer, we can get help to him.如果他能再坚持一会儿,我们就可以帮助他了。The soldiers held on in that isolated position for more than two hours.战士们孤军奋战,坚持了两个多小时。5.wait a minute;stop(usu.used as a command)等一下;停止(常用于命令式)Hold on!I can"t hear what you are saying.等一等!我听不清楚你在说什么。Just hold on a second while I get my breath back.等一下,让我喘口 气。二、hang on的含义和用法1.continue listening on a telephone继续听电话;不要挂断Please hang on a second;I"ll look for the manager and tell him you are on the phone for him.请稍等片刻,不要挂掉,我去找经理并告诉他你在电话里等他。2.lean or support oneself upon倚;靠Her head hanging on her mother"s arm,the girl fell asleep.这女孩倚在她妈妈怀里,睡着了。3.persevere;continue doing sth.坚持;坚忍;继续做It is a hard task,but if you hang on,you will succeed in the end.任务虽然艰巨,但如果你坚持下去,你最终是会成功的。4.cling to;hold on to sth.tightly抓住;握紧The climber almost fell off the cliff,but managed to hang on until help came.登山者差点掉下悬崖,但他设法抓住崖边直到有人救他。5.depend on;wait on 取决于;依赖于;有待于Everything hangs on his decision.一切取决于他的决定。It all hangs on whether he is willing to cooperate with us.一切都取决于他是否愿意和我们合作。6.listen with fascination听得着迷;注意听The students hung on his every word.学生们全神贯注地听着他的每一句话。Everyone was hanging on his answer,but he kept silent.大家都在注意听他怎么回答,但他却一直不吭声。7.continue to sound;continue to cause suffering继续响着;继续存在(疾病)The concert had come to an end,but the strains of music seemed to hang on in our ears.音乐会已经结束,但乐曲声似乎仍在我们耳边回荡。My cold has hung on for weeks,I just can"t shake it off.我感冒已经好几个星期,就是好不了。

Chain Hang Low借用的美国民歌叫什么?谢谢!!!

名字叫做<The Turkey In The Straw>,哥们我找的好辛苦,给我加分吧,我听了,给你链接。http://ia301114.us.archive.org/1/items/misstring2005-08-30.shnf/misstring2005-08-30d3t07_vbr.mp3可爱有趣的<Chain Hang Low>,登上全美饶舌榜Top6+流行榜Top7+节奏蓝调/嘻哈榜Top16+数位下载榜Top8,取样改编自美国儿歌<The Turkey In The Straw>,此曲更被HBO自制影集Entourage(我家也有大明星)选为重点趁乐

”If you are still looking for that one person who will change your life, 。。“里为什么有that

that 引领的强调句

hanger Keepers liability是甚么保险啊

中文可以翻译为航空器库管保险,主要负责租借的航空器或者航空设备在停放期间发生的财产损失。一般是机场来投保的以下英文可以参考Hangarkeepers liabilityHangarkeepers liability insurance covers property damage to aircraft or aircraft equipment, not owned, rented or leased by you, whilst on the ground in your care, custody or control.The coverage is subject to exclusions and conditions, which are available to you on request.

transform change exchange的区别

对于你的提问:1. Change是部分的改变,如人和物的改变,最普通的词。例如:这个人长变了,城市变样了等。2. Transform是完全改变(通常结果是变好),例如:普京完全改变了俄罗斯经济。3. Exchange是交流交换,和改变的意思相差甚远。如文化交流(Cultural Exchange),汇率(Exchange Rate)等。赞同!!!


Hanna Lee



UVERworld的《CHANGE》 歌词

歌曲名:CHANGE歌手:UVERworld专辑:GOLDプライドも全部无くした日に 过ちを悔やむその日に仆は君にこう言う 「やっと全てが揃ったね」「明日へ向かうにはどっちへいけば良いんですか?」と访ねられる「马鹿だな、そんな意味も无いものを探すなよ」邪気なき 光 今 キラキラに光る眼その美しさをも取り込み 夺おうとするもの爱を杀したのは仆なんだきっとこの世界はもう その犠牲のもとで成り立っているあの嘘をついたのは仆だから 一人おびえてなかった 心が冻っていた何も恐れないその瞳に 初めて臆病を浮かべた时仆は君にこう言う 「やっと全てが揃ったね」眠れずに今夜もまた 当たらない予感を马鹿だな そんな意味も无い夜を过ごすなよ邪気なき 光 今 キラキラに光る眼见抜けよ 慰め优しさは骗す为の手口さオーロラの姿をした砂漠の元凶ども达のあの手を离したのは仆だから 惊きはしなかった夜光虫の光に纷れ 幸せを愿うよと うそぶいてるけど 骨まで透けてるよ言いたい事はこう言う事だろ简単に裏切る様を见せりゃ 防卫本能が无意识に「痛い思いはしたくない」と 楯突きゃしないだろ歌曲:CHANGE歌手:UVERworld爱を杀したのは仆なんだきっとこの世界は もうその犠牲のもと成り立っているあの嘘をついたのは仆だから一人おびえてなかったそんな事吐いてる人达のイメージする その唇が後悔の念を唤くたび仆は君に こう言う「やっと人らしくなれたね」何も恐れないその瞳に初めて臆病を浮かべた时仆は君にこう言う「やっと全てが揃ったね」一人で生きようと决めた夜に无性に逢いたくなる想いに 人らしさ感じてた映画「机动戦士ガンダム00 -A wakening of the Trailblazer-」イメージソング収録:UVERworld - GOLD(通常盤)/発売日:2010/03/31作词/作曲:TAKUYA∞/编曲:UVERworld/平出悟http://music.baidu.com/song/615014

方大同的" nothing is gonna change my love to you "的歌词?

方大同 - nothing is gonna change my love for youif i had to live my life without you near methe days would all be emptythe nights would seem so longyou i see forever oh so clearlyi might have been in love beforebut i"ve never felt this strongour dreams are young and we both knowthey take us where we want to gohold me now touch me nowi don"t want to live without younothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youone thing you can be sure ofi never ask for more than your lovenothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youthe world may change my whole life throughbut nothing"s gonna change my love for youif the road ahead is not so easyour love will lead the way for uslike a guiding stari"ll be there for you if you should need meyou don"t have to change a thingi love you just the way you areso come with me and share the viewi help you see forever toohold me now

Nothing’S Gonna Change My Love For You 歌词

Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You演唱:方大同if i had to live my life without you near methe days would all be emptythe nights would seem so longyou i see forever oh so clearlyi might have been in love beforebut i"ve never felt this strongour dreams are young and we both knowthey take us where we want to gohold me now touch me nowi don"t want to live without younothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youone thing you can be sure ofi never ask for more than your lovenothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youthe world may change my whole life throughbut nothing"s gonna change my love for youif the road ahead is not so easyour love will lead the way for uslike a guiding stari"ll be there for you if you should need meyou don"t have to change a thingi love you just the way you areso come with me and share the viewi help you see forever toohold me now touch me nowi don"t want to live without younothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youone thing you can be sure ofi never ask for more than your lovenothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youthe world may change my whole life throughbut nothing"s gonna change my love for younothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youone thing you can be sure ofi never ask for more than your lovenothing"s gonna change my love for youyou oughta know by now how much i love youthe world may change my whole life throughbut nothing"s gonna change my love for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/345350

nothing s gonna change my love for you

  持方大同  if i had to live my life without you near me  如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活  the days would all be empty  白天会变得很空虚  the nights would seem so long  黑夜会变得很漫长  you i see forever oh so clearly  我看见你 是如此的清晰  i might have been in love before  我可能曾经爱过  but i"ve never felt this strong  但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈  our dreams are young and we both know  我们两个都知道 我们的梦想还很年轻  they"ll take us where we want to go  它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方  hold me now touch me now  现在 抱紧我 触摸我  i don"t want to live without you  我不想过没有你的生活  nothing"s gonna change my love for you  没有什么能够改变我对你爱  you oughta know by now how much i love you  你现在应该知道我有多爱你  one thing you can be sure of  你可以确信一点  i never ask for more than your love  除了你的爱 我别无所求  nothing"s gonna change my love for you  没有什么能够改变我对你的爱  you oughta know by now how much i love you  你现在应该知道我有多爱你  the world may change my whole life through  这世界可能会将我的一生改变  but nothing"s gonna change my love for you  但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱  if the road ahead is not so easy  如果前面的路不是那么容易走  our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star  我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行  i"ll be there for you if you should need me  当你可能需要我时 我就会出现  you don"t have to change a thing  你不需要做什么改变  i love you just the way you are  我爱你 就爱你现在这样  so come with me and share the view  所以 跟我来吧 一起分享风景  i help you see forever too  我会永远帮助你去感受  hold ......

跪求nothing is going to change my love for you 的歌词 要中英相对的

是Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You么???? If I had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不生活在没有你陪伴的世界 The days would all be empty 白天都会变得很空虚 The nights would seem so long 夜晚会变得很漫长 With you I see forever oh so clearly 和你在一起我能清楚地看到未来 I might have been in love before 我可能曾经有过爱 But it never felt this strong 但它从来没有感觉到如此强烈 Our dreams are young and we both know 我们的梦想是年轻,我们都知道 They"ll take us where we want to go 它们能带我们去我们想去的地方 Hold me now, 立即抱紧我 touch me now, 立即触碰我 I don"t want to live without you 我不想生活在没有你的地方 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定 I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 The world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活 But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱 If the road ahead is not so easy 如果前方的路不再平坦 Our love will lead a way for us 我们的爱会为我们引导方向 Just like a guiding star 就像一颗启明星 I"ll be there for you If you should need me 我会等候在你需要我的地方 You don"t have to change a thing 你不必改变什么 I love you just the way you are 我按照你的方式爱你 So come with me and share the view 跟我来,分享眼前的风景 I"ll help you see forever too 我会永远帮助你欣赏 Hold me now 立即抱紧我 Touch me now 立即触碰我 I don"t want to live without you 我不想生活在没有你的地方 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定 I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 The world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活 But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定 I"ll never ask for more than your love 我从没对你的爱要求太多 Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能改变我对你的爱 You oughta know by now how much I love you 你现在应当知道我有多爱你 Thw world may change my whole life through 世界可能改变我的整个生活 But nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但是没有什么能改变我对你的爱

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You Glenn Medeiros 中文歌词


nothing`s gonna change my love for you 这首歌有没有中文版本?有的话是谁唱的?


方大同 Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love for you歌词中文大意

if i had to live my life without you near me 如果我不得不过一种没有你陪伴的生活the days would all be empty 白天会变得很空虚 the nights would seem so long 黑夜会变得很漫长 you i see forever oh so clearly 我看见你 是如此的清晰i might have been in love before 我可能曾经爱过but i"ve never felt this strong 但从没有像这次感觉这般强烈 our dreams are young and we both know 我们两个都知道 我们的梦想还很年轻 they"ll take us where we want to go 它们会带我们到达我们向往的地方hold me now touch me now 现在 抱紧我 触摸我i don"t want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你one thing you can be sure of 你可以确信一点 i never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱 我别无所求 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有什么能够改变我对你的爱you oughta know by now how much i love you 你现在应该知道我有多爱你 the world may change my whole life through 这世界可能会将我的一生改变but nothing"s gonna change my love for you 但没有什么能够改变我对你的爱if the road ahead is not so easy 如果前面的路不是那么容易走 our love will lead the way for us like a guiding star 我们的爱会像启明星一样迎领我们前行 i"ll be there for you if you should need me 当你可能需要我时 我就会出现you don"t have to change a thing 你不需要做什么改变 i love you just the way you are 我爱你 就爱你现在这样so come with me and share the view 所以 跟我来吧 一起分享风景i help you see forever too 我会永远帮助你去感受hold me now touch me now 现在 抱紧我 触摸我i don"t want to live without you 我不想过没有你的生活 想不到这么多人翻唱了这经典歌曲,不过还是Westlife和Oli.P翻唱的好一些。

"nothing could change my love for you"歌名

nothing could change my love for you

Nothing’s gonna change my love for you作曲作词是谁的?

《Nothing"s gonna change my love for you》(中文:没有什么能够改变我对你的爱,也译作:痴心不改;此情永不移), 是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。这首歌演唱版本众多(Glenn Medeiros、杜德伟等等)。原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson,令人遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红(而多年以后经过其他歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球)。那略带沙哑,又充满悲伤的声音,感动着每一位用心聆听人。中文名称此情永不移外文名称Nothing"s gonna change my love for you所属专辑《20/20》歌曲时长4.03发行时间1984歌曲原唱George Benson填 词Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin谱 曲Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin编 曲Michael Masser,Gerry Goffin音乐风格爵士,流行歌曲语言英语详情见百科:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=t3wZ_67Vlkzlyor99pYmZPfSXkDtGL8JdB32fKvhiwP94vG1kxAs6-jaFeiMjdRjbz5UYBzkUx8K_XhKlSJ4CfMYnpV_QmPWtjFJMFrLERS6xlfkhDG2ktEvrfUcB-vqRI5oO7AkVMGK3uoW_2YYFQarFSOdtlj5j2TySOp4sn5ZYTT9aEoIUU17E06M8voT

Nothing`s ganna change my love for you歌词。

Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 此情永不移 ——Westlifeif i had to live my life without you near me 假使身边没有你的话 the days would all be empty 生活将会多么的空虚 the nights would seem so long 深夜将会显的是那么的漫长 with you i see forever oh so clearly 有你在,我是如此清晰的看见永恒 i might have been in love before 我以前也许也有过恋情 but it never felt this strong 但却没有如此的强烈 our dreams are young and we both know 我们都知道我们的梦很年轻 they"ll take us where we want to go 它们将把我们带向我们所向往的地方 hold me now, touch me now 抓住我,贴紧我 i don"t want to live without you 我永远不想生活没有你 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你该知道我究竟有多么的爱你 one thing you can be sure of 有一点你可以肯定 i"ll never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱我别无他求 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你该知道我究竟有多么的爱你 the world may change my whole life through 也许世界将会改变我的生活 but nothing"s gonna change my love for you 可是没有任何事情能够改变我对你的爱 if the road ahead is not so easy 如果前方的路不是那么的平坦 our love will lead the way for us 我们的爱将会为我们导航 like a guiding star 就如一颗璀璨的启明星 i"ll be there for you if you should need me 只要你需要我的话,我将马上出现在你面前 you don"t have to change a thing 你不必做任何改变 i love you just the way you are 我是喜欢如此真实的你 so come with me and share the view 那么跟我来吧来一同与我持这观点 i"ll help you see forever too 我将帮你同样看见永恒 hold me now, touch me now 抓住我,贴紧我 i don"t want to live without you 我永远不想生活没有你 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你该知道我究竟有多么的爱你 one thing you can be sure of 有一点你可以肯定 i"ll never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱我别无他求 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你该知道我究竟有多么的爱你 the world may change my whole life through 也许世界将会改变我的生活 but nothing"s gonna change my love for you 可是没有任何事情能够改变我对你的爱 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你该知道我究竟有多么的爱你 one thing you can be sure of 有一点你可以肯定 i"ll never ask for more than your love 除了你的爱我别无他求 nothing"s gonna change my love for you 没有任何东西能够改变我对你的爱 you ought to know by now how much i love you 到现在为止你

nothing's gonna change my love for you什么意思

《Nothing"s gonna change my love for you》中文翻译:没有什么能够改变我对你的爱;也译作:痴心不改、此情永不移, 是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。这首歌演唱版本众多(Glenn Medeiros、杜德伟等等)。原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson,令人遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红(而多年以后经过其他歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球)。

nothing is gonna change my love for you的创作背景以及最初创作者,求详细。还有这首歌的表达意思。

《Nothing"s Gonna Change My Love For You》出自电影《廊桥遗梦》,创作背景就是因为这部电影的需要。最初创作者是George Benson(乔治·班森)。听着这首歌感觉好像沉浸在 如此深情优美的旋律中,倾听着,似在倾听罗伯特深情暗含遗憾的表白。抹不去的是影片中面临选择的那一幕,一场急雨冲刷着天地、冲刷着车窗、冲刷着心灵、冲刷着意志,弗兰西丝卡那复杂的眼神传达着一种躁动而又无奈的生命火花,还有那紧握住车门把手又放开的手......一切的一切都体现着一种理性与情感相互搏击挣扎般的缠纠。万般无奈!爱情本身就是一个美丽得极绚烂的悲剧,本身就是一种艳凄恸恻之美。世上只有天长地久的婚姻,而没有一成不变的情感,经典的爱情只是存于片刻,只能定格在那唯美的千古绝唱里。  故爱情似昙花,只在午夜里悄然绽放。那美的气息,美的经典使人隔绝,那美好而灿烂的辉煌只在瞬间,剩下的就是长久的等待与想念,即是片刻辉煌的想像奢华斑斓,却终是可望而不可及。为何真正的爱与哀同在?难道爱是哀的源头?经典的爱情是缘尽了,可情还在。那种残缺的美,给人一种悬念一种牵挂一种启示。经典的爱情一半于天一半在地,一半在现实一半在虚拟,一半在远方一半在心里,一半在梦外一半在梦里…… 至于为什么这首歌能深深印在人们心中,成为经典。可能是因为电影《廊桥遗梦》中选这首歌当主题曲,再加上电影很有名,歌也很好听。所以这首歌能深深印在人们心中,成为经典

Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You 是什么意思?


英文nothing s gonna change my love for you是什么意思?

此情永不移<Nothing"sGonnaChangeMyLoveForYou>是一首曾风靡全球的老歌,中文译为“此情永不移”。 这也是经典伦理爱情片《廊桥遗梦》的插曲。原唱是一位黑人歌手GeorgeBenson(乔治本森)但是当时他并没有因此歌而走红。后来来自美国夏威夷的GlennMedeiros凭借他优美的嗓音和英俊的外表,不仅将这首歌捧红,而且自己也从只能在旅游车上卖唱的境地到开始自己的歌手生涯。这首歌在后来更是被多人翻唱,包括著名的westlife,杜德伟,DanaWinner,方大同等。

求nothing gonna change my love for you的完整歌词和翻译

Nothing"s gonna change my love for you[00:07.11]对你的爱永远不变[00:12.32][00:19.16]If I had to live my life without you near me 如果我必须没有你而活下去[00:24.61]The days would all be empty 日子将会是一片空白[00:29.70]The nights would seem so long 夜晚将显得漫长[00:33.39]And with you I see forever oh so clearly 有了你,我清楚的看见永恒[00:38.52]I might have been in love before 从前我也曾谈恋爱[00:42.97]But it never felt this strong 但不曾感觉这麽强烈[00:47.36]Our dreams are young and we both know 我俩的梦未央,且我们都明白[00:50.68]They"ll take us where we want to go 它们将带我俩到心向往的地方[00:54.23]Hold me now, touch me now 拥抱我,触摸我[00:57.80]I don"t want to live without you 我不想没有你而活下去[01:01.82][01:03.12]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[01:06.40]You ought to know by now how much I love you 现在,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[01:10.50]One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定[01:14.06]I"ll never ask for more than your love 我绝不要求你更多的爱[01:16.76][01:17.11]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[01:20.40]You ought to know by now how much I love you 如今,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[01:24.61]You"ll only change my whole life through 你改变了我的一生[01:27.66]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永不渝[01:33.55][01:35.10]If the road ahead is not so easy 如果前方的路不好走[01:39.96]Our love will lead a way for us 爱将为我们指引一条出路[01:45.05]Like a guiding star 像一颗导航的星[01:48.91]I"ll be there for you if you should need me 若你需要我,我就在你身旁[01:54.06]You don"t have to change a thing 你不必改变什麽[01:58.91]I love you just the way you are 我就是爱你现在的样子[02:02.77]So come with me and share the view 跟我来,分享这个景致[02:06.11]I"ll help you see forever too 我将帮你也看见永恒[02:09.74]Hold me now, touch me now 拥抱我,触摸我[02:13.34]I don"t want to live without you 我不想没有你而活下去[02:17.35][02:18.59]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[02:21.96]You ought to know by now how much I love you 现在,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[02:25.98]One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定[02:29.51]I"ll never ask for more than your love 我绝不要求你更多的爱[02:32.66]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[02:35.94]You ought to know by now how much I love you 如今,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[02:39.90]You"ll only change my whole life through 你改变了我的一生[02:43.01]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永不渝[02:46.67]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[02:50.02]You ought to know by now how much I love you 现在,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[02:54.15]One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定[02:57.59]I"ll never ask for more than your love 我绝不要求你更多的爱[03:02.25][03:14.72]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[03:18.08]You ought to know by now how much I love you 现在,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[03:23.00]You"ll only change my whole life through 你改变了我的一生[03:25.27]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永不渝[03:29.82]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[03:32.47]You ought to know by now how much I love you 如今,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[03:37.14]One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定[03:39.82]I"ll never ask for more than your love 我绝不要求你更多的爱[03:42.97]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变[03:46.40]You ought to know by now how much I love you 如今,你应该明白我有多麽爱你[03:51.03]One thing you can be sure of 有一件事你可以确定[03:53.55]Nothing"s gonna change my love for you 对你的爱永远不变

They are the last to hold the light When evening changes into light. 求这两句的翻译,出自百家争鸣

有背景吗?字面意思是 天亮了,但他们是最后一群仍持着灯的人根据 "百家争鸣"这唯一的线索可以意译为:当所有人都迷失信时,他们是最后坚持自己的人。(语死早,希望LZ能看懂) (天亮了,已经不需要灯了,比喻当人们都相信一样看似正常正确的事物时,他们却仍坚持自己的看法,或有不同的看法,而不是随大流)

What is leader-member exchange theory and what does it say about leadership?

【答案】:Leader-member exchange theory states that fades establish “in- groups" and“out- groups." Those in the in- group will have higher performance, lower mover, and greater job satisfaction. This is due to the leader and folksinger investing in the interrelationship.

上海滩用英语说是 the Shanghai Bunch吗?

是the Beach of Shanghai才对。


things[英][θu026au014bz][美][θu026au014bz]n.(个人的)用品; 需要的东西; 生物; 事实; 物( thing的名词复数 ); 网络形势; 用具; 事情; A taster of things to come即将推出之物的试用品

设计一个学生类Stu,包括学生姓名、成绩(char*name;double score),并求出下列一组学生:{Stu(“zhang”,

#include<stdio.h>struct Stu { char name[10]; float score; }student[5]={{"zhang",78},{"wang",80},{"zhao",92},{"li",65},{"chen",50}};int highscore(struct Stu *pst){ struct Stu stu; int i,j; stu=pst[0]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(pst[i].score>stu.score) { stu=pst[i];j=i; } }return j;}int lowscore(struct Stu *pst){ struct Stu stu; int i,j; stu=pst[0]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(pst[i].score<stu.score) { stu=pst[i];j=i; } }return j;}void main(){ int lowindex,highindex; lowindex=lowscore(student); highindex=highscore(student); printf("最高分是%s,分数:%.2f ",student[highindex].name,student[highindex].score); printf("最低分是%s,分数:%.2f ",student[lowindex].name,student[lowindex].score);}调试过了,可以出结果

求lana del rey change的歌词

Change (改变) - Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷) 歌词:Written by:Lana Del Rey/Rick NowelsThere"s something in the windI can feel it blowing inIt"s coming in softlyOn the wings of a bombThere"s something in the windI can feel it blowing inIt"s coming in hotlyAnd it"s coming in strongLately I"ve been thinking it"s just someone else"s job to careWho am I to sympathize when no one gave a damnI"ve been thinking it"s just someone else"s job to careWho am I to wanna try butChange is a powerful thingPeople are powerful beingsTrying to find the power in me to be faithfulChange is a powerful thingI feel it coming in meMaybe by the time this song is doneI will be ableTo be honest capableOf holding you in my arms without letting you fallWhen I don"t feel beautiful and stableMaybe it"s enough to just be where we are becauseEverytime that we runWe don"t know what it"s fromNow we finally slow downWe feel close to itThere"s a change gonna comeI don"t know where or whenBut whenever it doesWe"ll be here for itThere"s something in the windI can feel it blowing inIt"s coming in softlyOn the wings of a songThere"s something in the waterI can taste it turning sourIt"s bitter I"m coughingBut now it"s in my bloodLately I"ve been thinkingIt"s just someone else"s job to careWho am I to sympathize when no one gave a damnI"ve been thinking it"s just someone else"s job to careCause who am I to wanna try butChange is a powerful thingPeople are powerful beingsTrying to find the power in me to be faithfulChange is a powerful thingI feel it coming in meMaybe by the time this song is doneI will be ableTo be honest capableOf holding you in my arms without letting you fallWhen I don"t feel beautiful or stableMaybe it"s enough to just be where we are becauseEverytime that we runWe don"t know what it"s fromNow we finally slow downWe feel close to itThere"s a change gonna comeI don"t know where or whenBut whenever it doesWe"ll be here for itHmmmYeah whenever it doesWe"ll be here for itHmmmWhenever it doesWe"ll be here for it

跪求英语情景对话!要求:3分钟左右,2个人的对话! 题目:1、The Change in My Life。2、How to Keep Fit

How to keep fit ?A: Good morning !B: Good morning !A: Could you tell me ? How to keep fit ?B: Sure, you can do exercises every day. And you must have some fruit and vegetables. Don"t eat junk food. You"d better have some meat in winter, have some tufo in summer. If you do these, I believe you will be better soon.A: I"d love to do. Thank you.B: You"re welcome.A: Bye!B. See you!

in the rapidly changing world还是rapid


magic change是什么意思

magic change神奇变化;魔术变化例句1.I try to change my disposition with the magic, change my life.我试着用魔术来改变我的性格,改变我的人生。2.Magic is change and change is magic, and both are boons from their Master, the Changer of the Ways.魔法就是变化,变化就是魔法,二者皆是其主,即万变之宗的恩惠所化。3.Just saying the magic word "change" does not justify judges grabbing the power to make whatever changes they please in the law.说说“改变”这个神奇的词并不能使法官的夺权合理化,从而按照他们的喜好改变法律。4.With no one else to stop this evil, Bandi the good wizard used his magic to change himself into a dragon.没有人可以阻止这个邪恶之王。魔法师邦迪用魔法将自己变成了一条飞龙。5.But, as if by magic, each change has had the effect of flattering the numbers.但是,就像是施了魔法一般,每次变更都会让通货膨胀数字变得更漂亮。

Society Of Soul的《Changes》 歌词

歌曲名:Changes歌手:Society Of Soul专辑:BrainchildChangeLyrics&Music:Yoko TakahashiArranged:Koichiro TashiroGuitars&Programmed:Koichiro TashiroSong:高桥 洋子浜辺(はまべ)の夕闇(ゆうやみ) 诱(さそ)われて风(かぜ)に揺(ゆ)れるあなたは手(て)をとり踊(おど)るようにただ抱(いだ)き寄(よ)せて「爱(あい)してる」そう言(い)った今(いま)はどうしてるの?运命(うんめい)は切(せつ)ないものもう戻(もど)れないふたりで选(えら)んだ未来(みらい)が泣(な)いている 泣(な)いている···*Life is what we make it,always has been, always will be.あなたがいないこと My lifeうまく理解(りかい)できないけれど私(わたし)はここにいる Change my life!朝(あさ)の光(ひかり)ならあたためてくれるでしょう···でも目(め)は开(あ)けない谁(だれ)かが揺(ゆ)すって起(お)こすまでは小(ちい)さなゆめを见(み)たい月曜(げつよう)は无情(むじょう)に 现実(げんじつ)のドアを叩(たた)くひとりきりの朝(あさ)あなたの颜(かお)を忘(わす)れそうでこわかった こわかった···Life is what we make it,always has been, always will be.あなたに逢(あ)えたこと My lifeうまく手放(てばな)せない思(おも)い出(で)私(わたし)はここにいる Change my life!ながい梦(ゆめ)から突然(とつぜん)に目覚(めざ)めたふたりはもう迷(まよ)わずあの日(ひ)の风(かぜ) 空(そら)へ还(かえ)す···*Repeat*Life is what we make it,always has been, always will be.あなたがいないこと My lifeうまく理解(りかい)できないけれど私(わたし)はここにいる Change my life!群号:16226565By 龙FINhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8923413


China Chinese这只是常用的变换法

he changehis idea to climb the mountion这句话有没有错?

这句话有一些语法错误。应该是“The man changed his idea to climb the mountain.” 词语“man”表示“男人”,“he”不能只用单独的代词,应该放在句子中才能体现出“男人”这个主体。再者,“mountion”应该是“mountain”,英语中是“山”的意思。因此应该这样写:“The man changed his idea to climb the mountain.” ,即“这个男人改变了他的想法,决定攀登这座山。”

求首英文歌,歌词里有句just one more change还是chance的记不清了

before we say goodbye just onemore chance

请各位翻译《One more change》歌词呗

    one more chance有两个版本,一个是michael jackson的,还有一个是Ferras的。    One More Chance (MJ版)  This Time, Gonna do my best to make it right,  这一次,我将尽全力保证不再犯错  Can"t go on without you by my side.  我的生命里,不可以没有你在身边  (Hold On)  (等等)  Shelter, come and rescue me out of this storm,  你是我在风暴中的避风港  And, out of this cold I need someone,  且在冰雨之中,我需要你  (Oh Why, Oh Why, Why, Why)  (为什么,为什么……)  If you see her?  若你遇见她  Tell her this from me,  告诉她我的心声  All I need is  我所期望的是  One More Chance at Love 让爱重生 (x8)  Searching,for that one,  一生都在追寻  who is going to make me whole  一份令我生命圆满的真爱  Help me make these mysteries unfold.  帮助我解开这些迷团  (Hold On)  (等等我)  Lightning, about to strike in rain only on me...  闪电,将在风雨里把我击中  Hurt so bad, sometimes it"s hard to breathe.  心痛得,连呼吸都困难  (Oh Why, Oh Why, Why, Why)  (为什么,为什么……)  If you see her?  若你遇见她  Tell her this from me,  告诉她我的心声  All I need is  我所期望的是  One More Chance at Love 让爱重生  One More Chance at Love 请让爱重生  (One More)  One More Chance at Love让爱重生  One More Chance at Love请让爱重生  (One More Chance for love 让爱重生)  One More Chance IN Love让爱重生  One More Chance at Love请让爱重生  (One More)  One More Chance at Love让爱重生  One More Chance at Love , 请让爱重生  I would walk around this world to find her,  我愿寻她到天涯海角  And, I don"t care what it takes,no (Why)  并且,我不在乎任何变迁,是的  I"d sail the seven seas,  我将为她航五湖四海  And, If you happen to see her,  只为再临芳泽  See,Tell her this from me,  明白吗?请转达我的心声  One More Chance at Love  我想让爱重生  (Yeah Yeah)  One More Chance at Love  请让爱重生  One More Chance(Ferras版)  Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有  All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来  Ever knew I paid that what can Fade 我曾经付出的可能会褪色  I wanna be back there again 我希望再回到那里  Life goes on 生命在继续  The journey is on 旅途在继续  When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活  You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会  I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过  Cause you believe in me 因为你在期待我  Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下  I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着  Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会  Oh yeah…  Ever know the moment turn time 过去的时光倒转  Mirror is in the dail and shine 镜子里折射出光芒  Everything of friend picks to flow 朋友们的一切都流逝  We should wish you get them all我们希望你能抓住  The show goes on 表演还在继续  You have to be strong 你要坚强  When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活  You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会  I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过  Cause you awaiting me 因为你在期待我  Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下  I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着  Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会  And to I have none 我一无所有  And the day when you fall 当你失败时  Was a moment I need it I"m afraid 此刻我想我需要它  I need it I"m afraid 我想我需要它  You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会  I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过  Cause u awaiting (Only to) me 因为你在期待我  Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下  I turn to you and smile because you 我转向你微笑着  Give me one more chance 因为你又给了我一次机会  You give me one more one more chance to living 给我再多一次生的机会  You give me one more one more chance to read now 给我最多一次阅读的机会  You give me one more one more one more one more chance to live now 给我再多一次机会  You give me gave me gave me 请在给我多一次机会  One more oh yeah…    

shanghai jungle怎么样

Shanghai Jungle is a Nordic owned and fully China-focused online solutions agency specialized in helping foreign companies achieve online results in ChinaNordic 英[u02c8nu0254:du026ak] 美[u02c8nu0254:rdu026ak] n. 北欧人; 日耳曼民族; 具有北欧日尔曼民族外貌特征的人; [体] 北欧两项滑雪; adj. 北欧人的; 日耳曼民族的; 斯堪的纳维亚的; 北欧式滑雪赛的; [网络] 挪威; 北欧; 诺迪克; [例句]The Nordic countries have been quick to assert their interest in the development of the Baltic States.北欧诸国很快就表示它们对波罗的海诸国的发展感兴趣。[其他] 复数:nordics 形近词: Nordin 双语例句 柯林斯词典 百度知道

H&M Shanghai Sourcing office怎么样

很好的!公司性质: 代表处公司规模:20-99人公司行业: 耐用消费品(服饰/纺织/皮革/家具/家电) 加工制造(原料加工/模具)Steinhoff is one of the top five furniture groups in Europe, and the largest in Africa, the Steinhoff Group manufactures, warehouses and distributes a wide range of household goods (mainly bedding, case goods and lounge furniture) as well as raw materials used primarily in manufacturing household goods.

Shangri-La (Outro) 歌词

歌曲名:Shangri-La (Outro)歌手:Grandaddy专辑:Just Like The Fambly CatA-Teens - Shangri LaWe got it going onI can"t tell right from wrongYou can say that when kiss we get lip syncI know it"s getting latebut like a twist of faithMy clock stops when I"m with youThough Time is ticking way to fastWe can make this moment lastI don"t want the night to endI can take you to my hide awayMy Shangri LaMy Shangri LaYou and I will see the break of dayIn Shangri LaIn Shangri LaCome on lets roll the diceThe look up on your eyesSaiz your mind"s made upYou don"t have to think twiceSo what"s it gonna beWill there be you and IWanna try to make you seeThat time is ticking way too fastWe can make this moment lastI don"t want the night to endI can take you to my hide awayMy Shangri LaMy Shangri LaYou and I will see the break of dayIn Shangri LaIn Shangri LaYou really make my head spinDon"t know where you and I beginBut it"s not like I careI can take you to my hide awayMy Shangri LaMy Shangri LaYou and I Will see the break of dayIn Shangri LaIn Shangri LaI can take you to my hide awayMy Shangri LaMy Shangri LaYou and I Will see the break of dayIn Shangri LaIn Shangri LaI can take you to my hide awayMy Shangri LaMy Shangri LaYou and I Will see the break of dayIn Shangri LaIn Shangri Lahttp://music.baidu.com/song/604902

constant changing

sb/sth be constantly changing一直在变constantly副词,修饰动词ing形式

constantly changing是什么意思

i"m constantly changing我在不断地变化例句She is constantly changing her mind.她经常改变主意。The objective world is constantly changing.外面世界是瞬息万变的。The car business is constantly changing.汽车业也在不断地变化。

a constantly changing seafloor为什么不能用constant,两个形容词并列同时修饰名词?


hang memory 是什么意思

发音: [美] ["memri] [英] ["memu0259ri] 词性: 名词 (pl. memories) 译意: 1.记忆;记忆力 EG:His phone number has slipped my memory. 他的电话号码我记不起来了。 She has a good memory for names. 她对名字的记性很好。 2记忆的范围 3.留在记忆中的人(或事物);回忆 EG:The photograph brings back many pleasant memories. 这张照片使人回想起许多愉快的往事。 4. 纪念 EG:They dedicated the library to their grandfather"s memory. 他们用这座图书馆来纪念他们的祖父。 5. 死后的名声 EG:People always cherish the memory of the national hero. 人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。 6. 动物因经验而造成的不停的行为修正 7.存储;存储器,内存 EG:The computer has two million bytes of memory. 该电脑的存储器有两百万单位。 ( 内存是由一群芯片所组成,是计算机的记忆单元,内存的数据存取时间影响计算机的处理速度,内存的容量大小及单位价格则决定计算机的系统成本,同时内存决定了计算机可同时执行程序的大小与多寡,还有处理数据的大小。所以内存是就构成了计算机工作的主要空间,来储存立即使用的数据。所以在计算机的发展过程中,大部分时期皆由内存的制造技术与单位成本所主宰,足见内存在计算机系统中的重要性。)英语字典: memory [m"emu0259ri] 1. Your memory is your ability to remember things.(oft poss N) 2.A memory is something that you remember from the past.(usu with supp) 3.A computer"s memory is the part of the computer where information is stored, especially for a short time before it is transferred to disks or magnetic tapes.(Tech:Computing)同义词 纪念,纪念品 [ 名词 ] :retention,retention, recall, mind,retrospection, recollection,remembrance, photographic remembrance, recollection, reminiscence, retrospect, thought,reminder, image, picture,vision, reputation, fame,renown,honour, repute, commemoration, memorial, memento, token, souvenir, keepsake,电脑术语中关于MEMORY的相应短语: auxiliary memory 辅助存储器 cache memory 高速缓冲存储器 commit to memory 记住 ... expanded memory 延展内存 extended memory 延伸内存 false-memory syndrome 不真实记忆综合症 (指患者相信自己记得事实上并未发生过的事件的心理状态) flash memory 快速记忆体, 快闪记忆体 (一种即使关闭电源仍能保存信息并可重新设置程序的记忆体) folk memory 民间记忆 from memory 凭记忆 ... holographic memory 全息照相存储器MEMORY歌曲 MEMORY 音乐剧 《猫》里的非常有名的唱段。 英文歌词 Midnight Not a sound from the pavement 午夜,大地一片死寂 Has the moon lost her memory 月亮是否失去了她的记忆 She is smiling alone 她独自在那里微笑 In the lamplight 灯光下,凋零的落叶在我脚下堆积 The withered leaves collect at my feet 而风也开始低泣 And the wind begins to moan Memory All alone in the moonlight 回忆,孤零零地站在月光里 I can smile at the old days 我可以微笑面对过去的日子 I was beautiful then 那时我曾经美丽 I remember the time I knew what happiness was 我还记得自己知道什么是幸福的岁月 Let the memory live again 请让回忆中的一切再度来到这里 Every street lamp seems to beat 每一盏街灯似乎都在发出致命的警讯 A fatalistic warning Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters有人喃喃低语,而街灯也在噼啪作响 And soon it will be morning 很快就会是清晨了 Daylight 白日, 我得等待着太阳升起 I must wait for the sunrise 我得想出一种新的生活 I must think of a new life And I mustn"t give in 我一定不能把希望绝弃 When the dawn comes 当黎明到来 Tonight will be a memory too 今夜也将成为回忆 And a new day will begin 而新的一天也将开始 Burnt out ends of smoky days 烟雾弥漫的日子烧尽的两头 The still cold smell of morning 清晨腐败冰冷的气息 A street lamp dies, another night is over 一盏街灯死去,又一个夜晚逝去 Another day is dawning 又是一天的黎明 Touch me, 抚慰我 It is so easy to leave me 要离开我真的太容易 All alone with the memory 让我独自留在回忆里 Of my days in the sun 回想着我灿烂的过去 If you touch me, 如果你碰碰我, You"ll understand what happiness is 你就会了解什么是幸福 Look, a new day has begun... 看哪,新的一天已经开始

Last summer we visited the West Lake,___Hangzhou is famous in the world

for which to be famous for以--而闻名。for which 为非限制性定语从句





nature climate change 是Nature吗




Climate change may be a big problem, but there ar

选C 。make a difference 有意义,气候变化可能是个大问题,但我们对此却少有作为。



climate change的change为什么不加s?不是可数吗


What do you think about climate change?不是要翻译 你的认为

warm house

Climate change may be a big problem, but there a

选c,make a difference是固定短语。

Climate change could drive more than 100 milli


climate change has no national boarders是什么意思啊??

翻译如下:climate change has no national boarders气候变化没有国界意思是气候变化对所有国家都有影响。

climate change and a low-carbon life这篇课文的翻译是什么

Climate change and a low-carbon life气候变化与低碳生活There is no doubt that the world climate has beenchanging in recent years.毫无疑问,近年来世界气候一直都在变化着。Many people blame this change on gases such ascarbon dioxide.很多人把这种变化归咎于诸如二氧化碳的气体。Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide whenthey breathe.动物和人类在呼吸时会释放二氧化碳。However, many other human activities also let off carbon gases.然而,很多其他的人类活动也会释放出碳气体。Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put into the atmosphere.无论什么时候何时燃烧物品,碳都会被释放到大气层。Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most oftenburns fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity.汽车和其他交通工具的发动机燃烧汽油,电力型的工厂经常燃烧煤和油等燃料来发电。Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.因此,我们消耗越多的汽油和电,释放的碳也就越多。One thing we can all do to help solve this problem is to walk or use a bicycle when possible.想要解决这个问题,我们都可以做到的一件事就是尽可能的步行或骑自行车。Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than thatproduced by a car.尽管我们呼吸时释放碳,但我们释放的碳量远不及一辆汽车所产生的含量。Of course, there are times when we need to travel long distances.当然,有时候我们需要走很长的距离。In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground are always much betterchoices than a private car or a taxi.遇到这样的情况,可以选择公共交通,比如公共汽车和地铁,这比选择私家车或打车好得多。If you must drive a car, it is never good to travel alone--you should try to find other people totravel with you.如果必须要开车的话,最好还是不要独自旅行—你应该找其他人一起旅游。

关于climate change的英文演讲

Climate Change For over a decade, the IEA has been providing analyses on the energy dimension of climate change and the energy implications of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol. The Agency"s areas of expertise include emissions trading and the CDM (from international architecture to domestic implementation issues), the links between energy security and climate policy goals and, the effects of policy uncertainty on investment, and sectoral approaches to emission reductions.IEA"s activities on energy efficiency and future emission scenarios are also of direct relevance to climate change policy issues. In 2005, in Gleneagles, the G8 leaders mandated the IEA to provide advice on a range of energy policy issues linked to climate change.Since 1999, the IEA has also maintained a database of its Member countries" policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as databases on energy efficiency and renewable energy policy.Together with the OECD Environment Directorate, the IEA provides a Secretariat for the Annex I Expert Group (AIXG) on the UNFCCC, providing analysis of technical issues of relevance to the development of the Convention.另外我认为这个网站的资料会对你演讲的生动性有帮助http://www.exploratorium.edu/climate/

求一篇5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目关于《Climate change》

Our world is rapidly changing. Technology and economicdevelopment are perhaps the two most visible factors causingthis . In Chongqing we drive across the new bridges linkingformerly distant locations. We use electronic gadgets thatallow us to perform tasks quicker and more efficiently thanever before. Who would have imagined communicating viaa blog just a few years ago? However, the impact of technologyand development on our lives is increasingly being overshadowedby something that is in some ways harder to pin down butwhose enormous impact is undeniable – climate change.当今世界日新月异,这一切恐怕要归功于两大因素:科技进步和经济发展。在两江环抱的重庆,一座座大桥飞架南北,那些曾经为滔滔巨浪相隔的飞地,如今近在咫尺。而电子设备又更如虎添翼,使我们达到了前所未有的速度和效率。仅仅数年以前,谁能想象区区博客就可以实现沟通交流?但是,科技进步和经济发展对生活的作用,正因某些虽无法准确结论但其巨大影响却不容置疑的现象而不再那么理直气壮,这便是气候变化。Climate change is truly a global issue that impacts on allindividuals regardless of nationality, gender or wealth. It isshaping our world in ways we sometimes struggle to understand.In terms of our daily lives, it can seem hard to identify whatchanges result from climate change and as a result it issometimes ignored. However, in terms of our planet"s “lifecycle” it is happening extremely quickly. Arctic ice andglaciers are melting, desertification is speeding up andmajor floods are increasingly impacting on people in low-lyingareas.气候变化是一个真正的全球性问题,对每个人,不论他来自哪个国家,是男还是女,是贫还是富,都有着巨大的影响。气候变化正以某些我们很难理解的方式改变着世界。人们在日常生活中很难发现气候变化的足迹,因而人们又会忽略变化的痕迹。但是,对于我们星球的“生命”来说,变化却似白驹过隙。北极冰和冰川正在融化,沙漠化越来越快,巨大洪灾正日益影响着低洼地区的人们。Climate change is already impacting on our planet andwill increasingly affect our behaviour. Around the worldpeople are beginning to look to make “greener” choicesin their everyday lives. They are attempting to reducetheir “carbon footprint” by travelling in more sustainableways [given China"s size, increasing middle class andrising wealth, is this the right argument?], reducing theamount of food waste they produce and purchasing moreenergy-efficient goods and services. Even our languagesare being shaped by climate change! Who had evenheard of a “carbon footprint” until relatively recently?气候变化已经在影响着我们的星球,并且将会逐渐影响我们的行为。全球人民都开始追求更加“绿色”的生活。他们尝试以更加可持续的方式出行,以减少“碳足迹”[考虑到中国的巨大规模和越来越多的中产阶层人群和财富,这是不是也一样呢?];减少食物浪费,购买更加节能的商品和服务。气候变化甚至在形成我们的语言!谁不是在最近才听说到“碳足迹”这几个字呢?Given the importance of climate change, I am delightedto be launching this blog. It reflects the importance thatChongqing attaches to this issue. It also reflects theimportance attached to climate change by the UKGovernment and the British Consulate General. Our twoGovernments are engaged in wide-ranging activitiesin Chongqing and SW China to address the challengesposed by climate change – too many to list on thisblog! Major activities have included seminars onchanging policies to reduce carbon emissions; examining“green” building techniques; and visits to the UKby officials from SW China to examine solar powertechnology. Chongqing"s “Car Free Day” at the sametime as over 100 other Chinese cities was anexcellent example of an activity that promoted alow carbon lifestyle.气候变化情系万家,我临危受命开博客。这反映了重庆对这一问题的高度重视,也反映了英国政府和英国驻重庆总领事馆对气候变化的高度重视。中英两国政府在重庆和中国西南地区开展了一系列活动,以解决气候变化带来的挑战:包括为了降低碳排放的政策变化研讨会,考察“绿色”建筑技术,以及中国西南地区官员访问英国考察太阳能技术等等——活动太多请恕我无法一一罗列!重庆与中国其他100多个城市共同推行的“无车日”活动就是倡导低碳生活的最好例子。The UK is keen to continue this work and developeven closer links with Chongqing. There is much we canlearn from each other. The lessons we both learn indealing with our local problems undoubtedly contributeto body of knowledge on how to tackle this globalchallenge. I very much hope this blog will play its partin raising awareness and generating debate. I hope itwill spark creative ideas and will act as a catalyst forchange. To bring about this change we need to makepersonal choices, and in writing this blog today I havemade a new choice. I have decided to ensure that Iwill increasingly walk to my appointments in the JiefangBei district in order to reduce my carbon footprint. Onmy own my efforts will make only a small difference,but by acting together we really can make a change.What can you do differently?英国非常愿意继续这方面的工作并与重庆建立更加紧密的联系。双方之间都有很多可以相互学习借鉴的地方。在如何处理这个全球挑战上,英国自己的一些经验教训无疑为我们年积累了宝贵的知识。我很希望这个博客能够帮助启发人们对这一问题的关注和讨论。希望它点燃创意的种子,成为变革的催化剂。变革需要从我做起,今天我写这篇博客时,就已经作了一个新的选择。我已经决定,为了减少我的碳足迹,我将尽量步行去解放碑上班。一个人的努力只是沧海一粟,但是大家的贡献将使沧海变桑田。您说呢?

climate change的change为什么不加s?不是可数吗

climate 专有名词

climatic change和climate change的区别


climate change可数吗

climate change,气候变化,这里应该是泛指,没有特指到那些气候变化.泛指一类的都用的是单三形式.所以这里并不是不可数,而是单三. 当不是指一类东西的时候,就可以加冠词a/an/the,或者用复数.



halting climate change is no easy句中的change是名词还是动词?




music is changing my life英语作文80字

Music is an important part in my life,I even can"t live without music.Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I"d like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it"s mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!I"m not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can"t hear them clearly.I can"t stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can"t live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I"m gonna fight him and never give up!

《Changingofthe Guard》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Changing of the Guard》(Perry, Steve/ Segriff, Larry/ Clancy, Tom (CON)/ Pieczenik, Steve R. (CON)/ Clancy, Tom/ Pieczenik, Steve R.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MXEehDul9gperL5DU3DAiQ 提取码: 67m3书名:Changing of the Guard作者:Perry, Steve/ Segriff, Larry/ Clancy, Tom (CON)/ Pieczenik, Steve R. (CON)/ Clancy, Tom/ Pieczenik, Steve R.出版社:Berkley Pub Group出版年份:2003-12页数:336内容简介:Created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, written by Steve Perry and Larry Segriff.

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オープニングテーマ「Shangri-La」作词 atsuko作曲 KATSUu30fbatsuko编曲 KATSU歌 angela【日文歌词】愚かでいいのだろう 见渡す梦の痕さよなら 苍き日々よ流れに身を任せ いつか大人になってゆく少しずつ汚れてゆく事なの?熟した果実だけ 选ばれてナイフで裂かれて 呑み込まれる前に仆等は目指した Shangri-La欲望は抑えきれずに空想にまみれた 「自由」を求め続けた今なら言えるだろう 此処がそう楽园ささよなら 苍き日々よ大切な何かを 踏み台にしてまでも一番高い林檎 掴みたかった无くしてから気付く 尊いモノ幼い仆等は 的はずれだらけさ満ち足りた日々の制圧は情绪不安定になる伤を负ってでも 羽ばたきたいと愿うよ愚かでいいのだろう 见渡す梦の痕さよなら 苍き日々よ辉く空は 无邪気さを装い全てを知っていた...仆等は目指した Shangri-La欲望は抑えきれずに空想にまみれた 「自由」を求め続けた距离をおいてこそ 自分の大きさを知る未熟な心は それさえ分からないまま今なら言えるだろう 此処がそう楽园ささよなら 苍き日々よ 【罗马歌词】oroka de ii no darou miwatsu yume no ato sayonara aoki hibi yo nagare ni mi o makase itsuka otona natte yuku sukoshi zutsu yogorete yuku koto na no? jukushita kajitsu dake erabarete naifu de sakarete nomikomareru mae ni bokura wa mezashita Shangri-La yokubou wa osaekirzu ni kuusou ni mamireta "jiyuu" o motome tsuzuketa ima nara ieru darou koko ga sou rakuensa sayonara aoki hibi yo taisetsu na nani ka o fumidai ni shite made mo ichiban takai ringo tsukami dakatta nakushite kara kizuku tattoi MONO osanai bokura wa mato hazuredarakesa michitarita hibi no seiatsu wa jouchou fuantei ni naru kizu o otte demo habatakitai tonegau yo oroka de ii no darou miwatasu yume no ato sayonara aoki hibi yo kagayaku sora wa mujaki sa o yosooi subete o shitteita... bokura wa mezashita Shangri-La yokubou wa osaekirzu ni kuusou ni mamireta "jiyuu" o motome tsuzuketa kyori o oite kuso jibun no ookisa o shiru mijuuku na kokoro wa sore sae wakaranai mama ima nara ieru darou koko ga sou rakuensa sayonara aoki hibi yo【中文歌词】我可以之懵懂无知吧 眺望著梦想的痕迹 再见了 湛蓝的岁月 随波逐流 我们终将长大 也代表我的将会逐渐污秽吗? 只选出已经成熟的果实 在以刀刃切开吞噬之前 我们所向往的香格里拉 无法压抑己身的欲望 沉浸於幻想 不断追求「自由」 现在就敢如此断言吧 这里便是乐园 再见了 湛蓝的岁月 即使将珍贵的事物当成跳板 也想摘下最高处的苹果 失去了才察觉到 职得尊祟的事物 年幼的我们总是不得要领 充盈於每一天的镇压 使得情绪变得不安定 即使受伤 也祈祷能拍动羽翼 我可以懵懂无知吧 眺望著梦想的痕迹 再见了 湛蓝的岁月 闪耀的天空假装天真无邪 不过却知道一切... 我们所向往的香格里拉 无法压抑己身的欲望 沉浸於幻想 不断追求「自由」 正因为保持距离 才能得知自由的份量 未成熟的心 甚至无法理解这一点 现在就敢如此断言吧 这里便是乐园 再见了 湛蓝的岁月

黑涩会丫头和薇安姐妹跳舞《Thang you》的歌词

<I thank you>Girl, you"d make me feel like I could take on the world It"s you girl (It"s you girl) When I am in the dark, you"d show me the light And you girl (And you girl) That always helps me down when time seems right, It"s true girl (Its true girl) So these words I say to you I thank you for the joy that you bring to me I thank you for always keeping love brand new I thank you for the kiss that made me fall in, into you Baby, Thank you, thank you, true love is you Oh girl, what you have is remarkable, unbelievable It"s you girl (It"s you girl) When I am lost in doubts, you"d show me the truth And you girl (And you girl) That always makes me try and think of the wrong It"s true girl (Its true girl) So these words I say to you I thank you for the joy that you bring to me I thank you for always keeping love brand new I thank you for the kiss that made me fall in, into you Baby, Thank you, thank you, true love is you I thank you for the kiss that made me fall in, into you Baby, Thank you, thank you, true love is you anybody know this song is by?? it"s from "Love In Magic" lemme know... thanks...

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