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residence halls是什么意思

residence halls生词本宿舍楼;学生宿舍(residence hall的复数)网 络集体宿舍;宿舍大楼双语例句1. In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct. 在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。2. All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls. 所有单身的全日制学生都必须住大学宿舍。3. The university has two halls of residence for its postgraduate students. 这所大学有两座研究生宿舍.

hall of residence是什么意思

hall of residence宿舍双语对照词典结果:hall of residence[英][hu0254:l u0254v u02c8rezidu0259ns][美][hu0254l u028cv u02c8ru025bzu026adu0259ns]学校公寓; 复数:halls of residence例句:1.His vision of a new hall of residence for the girls has also been realised.

halls of residence是什么意思

halls of residence居住大厅双语对照词典结果:halloysite[英][hu0259"lu0254u026asau026at][美][hu0259"lu0254u026asau026at]n.多水高岭石,叙永石(准)埃洛石; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The Paragon House halls of residence serves a number of London education institutions.

歌词中有i shall you and here walking in the run

just one last dance




hall n. 门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍 livingroom n. 客厅,起居室 diningroom n. 餐厅,食堂 要区分这一间房子三个词的话,hall 一般指门厅,livingroom 指卧室,diningroom 指餐厅





这句话出自哪里啊?“and my soul...shall be lifted

Edgar Allan Poe的诗,The Raven. 全诗如下你说的那句话在最后两句Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.`"Tis some visitor," I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door -Only this, and nothing more."Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrowFrom my books surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Nameless here for evermore.And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtainThrilled me - filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating`"Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door -Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -This it is, and nothing more,"Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,`Sir," said I, `or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,That I scarce was sure I heard you" - here I opened wide the door; -Darkness there, and nothing more.Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, `Lenore!"This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, `Lenore!"Merely this and nothing more.Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.`Surely," said I, `surely that is something at my window lattice;Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -"Tis the wind and nothing more!"Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore.Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door -Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door -Perched, and sat, and nothing more.Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,`Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, `art sure no craven.Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night"s Plutonian shore!"Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,Though its answer little meaning - little relevancy bore;For we cannot help agreeing that no living human beingEver yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door -Bird or beast above the sculptured bust above his chamber door,With such name as `Nevermore."But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered -Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before."Then the bird said, `Nevermore."Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,`Doubtless," said I, `what it utters is its only stock and store,Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful disasterFollowed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore -Till the dirges of his hope that melancholy burden boreOf "Never-nevermore.""But the raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird and bust and door;Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linkingFancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore -What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yoreMeant in croaking `Nevermore."This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressingTo the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom"s core;This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease recliningOn the cushion"s velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o"er,But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o"er,She shall press, ah, nevermore!Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censerSwung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.`Wretch," I cried, `thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he has sent theeRespite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!"Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."`Prophet!" said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! -Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted -On this home by horror haunted - tell me truly, I implore -Is there - is there balm in Gilead? - tell me - tell me, I implore!"Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."`Prophet!" said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!By that Heaven that bends above us - by that God we both adore -Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels named Lenore -Clasp a rare and radiant maiden, whom the angels named Lenore?"Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."`Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked upstarting -`Get thee back into the tempest and the Night"s Plutonian shore!Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door!Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"Quoth the raven, `Nevermore."And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sittingOn the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon"s that is dreaming,And the lamp-light o"er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floorShall be lifted - nevermore!


fed challenge美联储的挑战;联邦经济竞赛 双语例句1The move marks a decisive exercise of authority by Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman whose term ends in 2014, but could pose a difficult challenge for a successor bound by the open-ended action. 此举标志着将于2014年卸任的美联储主席本伯南克(Ben Bernanke)对权力的果断运用,但这种无限量举措也可能为其继任者带来艰难挑战。

Massachusetts Hall 是什么?麻省的一个什么建筑?或地点?

一般是指哈佛大学的MASSACHUSETTS HALL MASSACHUSETTS HALL(马塞诸萨厅) 建于1720年,是哈佛大学现存最古老的建筑物,已有近300年的历史。独立战争时期曾被用做大陆军(the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War)的避难场所。大厅的一、二层是哈佛大学校长、副校长及其他行政人员的办公场所,上面是大一新生宿舍。每年6月,在大厅前面的广场上举行隆重的毕业典礼,新老毕业生欢聚一堂,热闹非凡。


大学毕业多年以后,一直习惯在技术文件中以should来表达要求。原因之一,在读过的各类文章中,很少见到shall的使用,而should用得很多,形成了所谓的语感。原因之二,should在字典中翻译为“应该”,复合中文表达要求的语言习惯。国语中表达强制要求的情况下也常用“应该”,而不是生硬的“必须”。所以自己写出来的技术文档或合同规范通篇都是should、should、should,直到有一天和公司里一位新来的老工程师一起写设计规范,这个习惯才被纠正过来。那个汗颜和感叹啊!一是汗英语学习教育和实际脱节,二是叹语言的学无止境,苦海无涯,看来得活到老学到老了。在法律或技术的合同、规范、协议里,怎么正确地运用shall和should呢?Shall:必须。用来表达强制的,硬性的要求 (mandatory requirements)。不达标、不执行则被视为违规。The device shall turn on within 200 milliseconds after receiving the start command.All reports shall be submitted to FDA in English.Incoming materials shall be inspected. Should: 应该。用来表达期望、建议,或指导性的要求(guidelines,recommendations or desired items)。做到了,客户很感谢,做不到、不执行不被认为是违规。

Hoophall Classic是什么?


call me you my shaphone?一首英文歌的高潮 我也不知道shall phon

《Hotline Bling》—— Drake 歌词:You used to call me on my, 你曾经常常打电话给我you used to, you used to 不过那是曾经 也只是曾经You used to【 call me on my cell phone 】你曾经常常打电话给我Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里【Call me on my cell phone】 你拨通我的电话Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里I know when that hotline bling 其实当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我就大概猜到发生了什么I know when that hotline bling 当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我已经知道你会说些什么Ever since I left the city you 自从我离开你的城市之后Got a reputation for yourself now 你便开始有了名气Everybody knows and I feel left out 你无人不知无人不晓 而我却形同被遗忘Girl you got me down, you got me stressed out 宝贝 你让我失望透顶 又让我倍感压力Cause ever since I left the city, you 因为自从我离开你的城市之后Started wearing less and goin" out more 你打扮得越来越性感 社交越来越多Glasses of champagne out on the dance floor 过着灯红酒绿纸醉金迷的生活Hangin" with some girls I"ve never seen before 与那些我从未见过的女孩们交往You used to 【call me on my cell phone 】你曾经常常打电话给我Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里【Call me on my cell phone】 你拨通我的电话Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我陪伴的深夜里I know when that hotline bling 其实当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我就大概猜到发生了什么I know when that hotline bling 当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我已经知道你会说些什么Ever since I left the city, you, you, you 自从我离开了你的城市You and me we just don"t get along 你我之间再也没有好好相处过You make me feel like I did you wrong 你让我心生对你的负罪感Going places where you don"t belong 仿佛是我把你带去了你本不该踏足的那些地方Ever since I left the city, you 自从我离开了你的城市You got exactly what you asked for 你似乎就得到了你所追求的一切Running out of pages on your passport 你开始满世界地疯玩Hanging with some girls I"ve never seen before 与那些我从未见过的女孩们交往You used to 【call me on my cell phone 】你曾经常常打电话给我Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我的深夜里【Call me on my cell phone 】你拨通我的电话Late night when you need my love 在每个你需要我的深夜里I know when that hotline bling 其实当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我就大概猜到发生了什么I know when that hotline bling 当电话铃响起的时候That can only mean one thing 我已经知道你会说些什么These days, all I do is 这些天 我每分每秒都在想着Wonder if you bendin" over backwards for someone else 你是否还会为了谁而回头Wonder if your rollin" backwoods for someone else 你是否还会为了谁而变回过去的样子Doing things I taught you gettin" nasty for someone else 你是否还会为了谁 做我教你的那些事变得令人生厌You don"t need no one else 其实你并不需要其他人的陪伴You don"t need nobody else, no 你根本不需要其他人 不需要Why you never alone 可为什么你又从未独身一人过Why you always touching road 你为什么总是走上这条歪路Used to always stay at home, be a good girl 你曾经可是个爱待在家里的You was in the zone 循规蹈矩的乖乖女啊You should just be yourself 你真的应该做你自己......满意望采纳!


《Dancehall》是英国Tribes乐队演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《Wish to Scream》中。She"s a gypsy queen real tall and mean她是高挑又挑剔的吉卜赛女王She"s an airplane no one"s ever seen她是一架从未有人见过的飞机She"s a firecracker real dancehall master她是绚烂的烟火,一个真正的舞蹈大师She"s a hurricane when you walk past her当你经过她身旁,她宛如飓风吹袭She"s the morning sun in the midnight wind她是午夜的微风中熠熠生辉的朝阳She"d sell her soul for all her sins她会用她全部的灵魂赎犯下的罪She"ll come right at you real Cleopatra她朝你走来,就像一个真正的埃及艳后You take all you got and you give it to her你倾其所有全部给予了她Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我灵的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我脑中的毒It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方She"s a striptease real hard to please她是难以取悦的脱衣舞女郎She"ll cheer you up bring you to your knees她能令你奋不顾身成为裙下之臣She"s a movie star fast sports car她像电影明星一样闪亮,极速的跑车一样狂野She"s a razor blade she"ll take you far她就像剃刀的刀锋,她能带你远走高飞She"s the ocean"s cool and your midnight ride她能像海洋般冷酷,也能在午夜载你一程She"s a devil"s church and a preacher"s wife她就像恶魔的教堂,传教士的妻子She"ll come right at you real Cleopatra她朝你走来,就像一个真正的埃及艳后You take all you got and you give it to her你倾其所有,并全部给予了她Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我灵的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我脑中的毒It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方I don"t care for dancing我并不喜欢跳舞but thanks for asking但还是多谢邀请Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我心的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我意识中的毒药It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方

It was April 29,2011____Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding

如果是强调句,那么前面应该是 It was on April 29,2011 that.....没有on,则只能用when,作定语从句解释。

找Henry Hall--hush hush hush(here comes the bogey man)的英文歌词

Children, have you ever met the bogey man before?No, of course you haven"t for you"re much too good I"m sureDon"t you be afraid of him if he should visit youHe"s a great big coward so I"ll tell you what to doHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manDon"t let him come too close to you, he"ll catch you if he canJust pretend that you"re a crocodileand you will find the bogey man will run away a mileSay shoo shoo and stick him with a pinBogey man will very nearly jump out of his skinSay buzz buzz just like the wasp that stingsBogey man will think you are an elephant with wingsHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manTell him you"ve got soldiers in your bedFor he will never guess that they are only made of leadSay hush hush, he"ll think that you"re asleepIf you make a lovely snore, away he"ll softly creepSing this tune, you children, one and allBogey man will run away, he"ll think it"s Henry Hall!When the shadows of the evening creep across the skyAnd your mummy comes upstairs to sing a lullabyTell her that the bogey man no longer frightens youUncle Henry"s very kindly told you what to doHush hush hush, here comes the bogey manDon"t let him come too close to you, he"ll catch you if he canJust pretend your teddy bear"s a dogand shout out "Fetch him teddy!" and he"ll hop off like a frogSay miaoow, he"ll think that you"re a catHe"ll think you may scratch him, that will make him fall down flatJust pretend he isn"t really thereYou will find the bogey man will finish in thin airHere"s one way to catch him without failJust keep a little salt with you and pop it on his tail!

shall we have a meal at Pizza Hut this evening?

Let"s go to Pizza Hut for a dinner, will we?




dancehall不是雷鬼舞。Dancehall是牙买加街头的一个舞种。它的英文名来自DANCE(舞蹈), HALL(厅),形容跳舞的场地无论是室内或室外。Dancehall这个名字形容在1980年的牙买加出现的音乐,同时也形容在此音乐上即兴创作的舞蹈。接下来,Dancehall在牙买加发展了,同时开始扩散到安的列斯群岛(Antilles), 留尼汪岛(Reunion),毛里求斯岛 (Ile Maurice)等。1990年在法国开始出现。这个舞种原来强调胸和腰的波动,然后慢慢的融合了不同的其他元素。现在dancehall经常会融合一些和hiphop、爵士、非洲舞蹈的元素。扩展资料:雷鬼舞:雷鬼音译为Reggae,起源于60年代。B.P.M约在80-100拍。中文翻译成雷鬼(音译)。 据考证Reggae舞曲的源头是牙买加,然后才渐渐的传到世界各地。Reggae这个字是源自于「Ragged」, 代表牙买加不修边幅的舞蹈形式。Reggae较注重音乐中鼓和人声的部份,Reggae和Funk一样有明显的节奏和固定的旋律线。只是现代的Reggae混血了一些R&B和Hip-Hop的曲风,听Reggae有跳伦巴一样的起伏感,四四拍的轻重节拍(二四拍)中明显地体现Reggae热情及轻快的感觉,所以有人说Reggae是夏天的音乐。参考资料:百度百科-雷鬼舞

memcached 的flushAll,是不是不清除数据


Geri Halliwell的《Look At Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Look At Me歌手:Geri Halliwell专辑:SchizophonicGeri Halliwell - Look At Meby: dalloweenGood-looking, bad-tastingFull-bodied, butt-wastingLoose-living, tight-fittingWhat you see ain"t what you are gettingBig make-up, little break-upShe wants it, he"s got itCold-blooded, hot gossipSuperficial expectationsLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realityFake honey, real plasticStupid cupid, fantasticQueer thinking, straight talkingWhat you see ain"t what you are gettingFast loving, slow movingNo rhythm, but I"m groovingOld feeling, new beginningSuperficial expectationsLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realitySometimes I don"t recognise my own faceMy little white lies tell a storyI see it all, it has no gloryHahahaLook at meYou can take it all because this face is freeMaybe next time use your eyes and look at meI"m a drama queen if that"s your thing babyI can even do realityCome and look at meThis face is freeI"m your fantasySo who do you wannabe?Not what you seeI"m a drama queen if that"s your thingCome on and look at meI"m your fantasyThis face is freeCome on and look at mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/3461378

Shall we go to the zoo?怎么回答?

yes, we couldno,we couldn"t

Shall we keep animals in zoo?英语作文

两篇文章供你选择 (一)I think on the one hand we should let animals to the zoo or acrobatic because if we let animals to the zoo animals will can have eat well and drink well they not fell hungry look like this their life can assure the few"s animals can to become many the animal will not to die out On the other hand we shoud not let aninals to the zoo or acrobatic because if we let animals to the zoo the people will to use they gain money and some bad egg will make they hurt And if we let they to the acrobatic the people will to use they gain money too and need they to play every day they will fell very hard so on the one hand we should let they to the zoo and on the other hand we should not let they to the zoo or acrobatic.(二)In the modern society,zoos are almost indispensable places in large cities for people to visit.In some large zoos,there are various animals from space to sea,and from primitive invertebrates to advanced and intelligent mammals.In the zoos,all animals,including those rare animals,such as panda,Africa elephant,and North-East tiger,could enjoy good care and protection away from any hurt.However,along with the stronger natural environmental protection consciousness,many people think that to put animals into small cages will change their living instincts,and therefore break the ecological balance.Viewed from the basic relations between animals and human beings,animals should have the equal freedom with human beings.They are all forms of life.Animals have their own living instinct,and it is this instinct that forms the biological chain of the Earth.This relation is called Ecological Balance academically.For example,insectbirdsnake.If most birds in a region are killed and locked into cages by human beings,the pests will eat out all crops,and snakes will lose a large part of food (bird)-resources,therefore leading to starvation and death.This opinion sounds ideal theoretically.However in reality,human beings and other animals cannot stay together peacefully on the Earth.Because of human beings lust for fortune,many valuable animals are killed or sold,especially those endangered species.Therefore,zoos appear as an active way for people to protect those poor animals.First,this is an action not only for animals but also for human being itself.Once the biological chain is broken,human beings will be punished inevitably.Next,zoos can serve a purpose of educating and entertaining people,narrowing the distance between human beings and animals.Last,zoos can be a scientific study center to rescue more endangered spices and make animals better serve peoples need.The key point of this topic is freedom or protection.In my opinion,those two aspects can be unified.It is necessary to keep animals in zoos for the purpose of protection,teaching and study.Lets think it further,the purpose of all these actions is to make animals live happier,therefore,maintain the ecological balance,hence protect our own living environment.

john marshall productions 怎么回事

一个冰恋片制作商 和rainforest studio差不多

Johnny Hallyday的《Always》 歌词

歌曲名:Always歌手:Johnny Hallyday专辑:AlwaysAlwaysAtlantic StarrGirl you are to meAll that a woman should beand I dedicate my life to you, alwaysA love like yours is rareIt must have been sent from up aboveand I know you"ll stay this way, for alwaysAnd we both knowThat our love will growand forever it will be you and meOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysCome with me my sweetLet"s go make a familyand they will bring us joy for alwaysOh boy I love you soI can"t find enough ways to let you knowBut you can be sure, I"m yours, for alwaysAnd we both knowThat our love will growand forever it will be you and meOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysOoh, You"re like the sunChasing all the rain awayWhen you come aroundYou bring brighter daysYou"re the perfect one for meand you forever will beand I will love you so, for alwaysOoh~~http://music.baidu.com/song/9680437



with what shall I fill the void 这句有语病吗

这个句子没有毛病,完全正确。这里是"fill...with..."结构,“用......装满......”。上句的意思是“我用什么来填满空白?”如果不这样说,就得写成这样:“What shall I fill the void with ?",从语法上来说是没毛病的,但是,疑问词作with 的宾语,尤其是waht, 更习惯于把with等介词提前。再如:In what country were you born ? 不说”What country were you born in ?"

This Is Halloween 歌词

歌曲名:This Is Halloween歌手:The Party Cats专辑:Kids Dance Party: Halloween JamsBoys and girls of every ageWouldn"t you like to see something strange?Come with us and you will seeThis, our town of HalloweenThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenPumpkins scream in the dead of nightThis is Halloween, everybody make a sceneTrick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of frightIt"s our town, everybody screamIn this town of HalloweenI am the one hiding under your bedTeeth ground sharp and eyes glowing redI am the one hiding under yours stairsFingers like snakes and spiders in my hairThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songIn this town, don"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriseRound that corner, man hiding in the trash canSomething"s waiting no to pounce, and how you"ll.Scream! This is HalloweenRed "n" black, slimy greenAren"t you scared?Well, that"s just fineSay it once, say it twiceTake a chance and roll the diceRide with the moon in the dead of nightEverybody scream, everybody screamIn our town of Halloween!I am the clown with the tear-away faceHere in a flash and gone without a traceI am the "who" when you call, "Who"s there?"I am the wind blowing through your hairI am the shadow on the moon at nightFilling your dreams to the brim with frightThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!Halloween! Halloween!Tender lumplings everywhereLife"s no fun without a good scareThat"s our job, but we"re not meanIn our town of HalloweenIn this townDon"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriceSkeleton Jack might catch you in the backAnd scream like a bansheeMake you jump out of your skinThis is Halloween, everyone screamWont" ya please make way for a very special guyOur man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patchEveryone hail to the Pumpkin KingThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songLa la-la la, Halloween! Halloween!http://music.baidu.com/song/2881093

急需美国版shall we dance的英语影评,一两百字~非常感谢

Richard Gere plays John Clark, not an unhappy man, in "Shall We Dance?" He loves his wife and daughter, he enjoys his job as a lawyer, and when his wife gets that funny look in her eye and asks him if everything is OK, he says sure, of course, everything is fine. But there is something missing. One night as he is returning home on the L train, he notices a woman standing alone in the window of Miss Mitzi"s Dance Studio. There is something intriguing about her solitude, her pensive attitude and, let it be said, her figure. A few days later, he gets off the train, walks into the studio and signs up for classes in ballroom dancing.Is he interested in dancing? No. Is he interested in the woman, named Paulina and played by Jennifer Lopez? Yes. Is she interested in him? No: "I prefer not to socialize with students." What does he think of the others, including the giant-sized Vern (Omar Benson Miller), the homophobic Chic (Bobby Cannavale), the would-be bombshell Bobbie (Lisa Ann Walter), the manic dynamo Link (Stanley Tucci), and of course dear Miss Mitzi (Anita Gillette)? Let us say these are not the kinds of people he usually associates with.But Paulina exudes a true fascination, especially when she personally dances the rumba with him. In talking about dance, she allows herself a feedom and sensuality she denies herself in life. Listen to her: "The rumba is the vertical expression of a horizontal wish. You have to hold her, like the skin on her thigh is your reason for living. Let her go, like your heart"s being ripped from your chest. Throw her back, like you"re going to have your way with her right here on the dance floor. And then finish, like she"s ruined you for life."And then ask her if it was as good for her as it was for you. "Shall We Dance?" is a reasonably close remake of "Dansu Wo Shimasho Ka" (aka "Shall We Dansu?"), a 1996 Japanese film that set box-office records at home and won audiences around the world. If you"ve seen it, you know precisely what happens in the Hollywood version, but the movie is a star vehicle; the plot isn"t the point, Gere and Lopez are. When they dance together, it"s a reminder that when dancing became rare in the movies, so did a lot of grace and sexiness.This is not a cutting-edge movie. The characters are broad, what happens is predictable, and of course, everything ends up in a big ballroom dancing competition, and (are you ready for this?) at the crucial moment, we get the obligatory scene where the loved one arrives in the audience, sees what is happening and understands all. I"m averaging two versions of that scene a month, most recently in "Raise Your Voice."Conventional as it may be, "Shall We Dance?" offers genuine delights. The fact that Paulina is uninterested in romance with John comes as sort of a relief, freeing the story to be about something other than the inexorable collision of their genitals. It can be about how John feels about his life, about why it might be useful for a middle-aged lawyer to jump the rails and take up ballroom dance. And about the gallery of supporting characters, who get enough screen time to become engaging.Stanley Tucci, for example, has fun with Link, who is John Clark"s mild-mannered colleague in a Loop law firm. On the dance floor, wearing a flamboyant hairpiece, he becomes a wild man. His dream: "I want to dance before the world in my own name." He fears he would lose his job if he did that, but when John joins the class, he gains courage. He"s one of the reasons John stays at Miss Mitzi"s even after it becomes clear that Paulina is not available. "Ballroom is all or nothing," Link tells him.There"s one area where the American remake is less than convincing. In the Japanese version, we believe that a faithful wife might remain at home evening after evening while her salaryman husband returned long after work. That"s part of the Japanese office culture. That an American wife would put up with it is more problematical. The Clark household, including their teenagers, is not very realistic, but then it exists only as the staging area for the last big scene. I enjoyed the Japanese version so much I invited it to my Overlooked Film Festival a few years ago, but this remake offers pleasures of its own. 李察·基尔扮演约翰克拉克,没有一个不快乐的人,“我们跳舞吗?”他很爱他的妻子和女儿,他喜欢他的工作作为一个律师,当他的妻子得到有趣的看着她的眼睛,问他是否一切都好,他说:当然,当然,一切都好。但缺少什么。一天晚上,他回到家里对我的火车,他注意到一个女人独自站在窗口米兹小姐舞蹈工作室。有一些有趣的关于她的孤独,她沉思的态度,让我们说,她的身影。几天后,他下了火车,走进工作室和报班在舞厅跳舞。他对舞蹈感兴趣?号是他感兴趣的女人,命名和由珍妮弗·洛佩兹?可以。她对他感兴趣?:“我不喜欢社交与学生。”他是怎么想的人,包括巨型韦恩(奥玛尔·本森),同性恋熙(博比·卡纳威),潜在的炸弹博比(丽莎安·),躁狂发电机连接(斯坦利图奇),当然,亲爱的米兹小姐(安妮塔吉列)?让我们说这些都不是类型的人,他通常同伙。但宝琳娜散发出真正的魅力,尤其是当她亲自与他跳伦巴。谈舞蹈,她允许自己自由和感性她否认自己在生活。听她说:“伦巴舞是一个垂直的表达水平。你要抱着她,像她大腿上的皮肤是你生存的理由。让她走,就如同你的心被撕裂你的胸膛。把她带回,你将有你与她就在这舞池。最后,如同她毁了你的生活。”然后问她如果是好,她是你的。”我们跳舞好吗?”是一个相当接近的重拍“石塑禾shimasho卡”(又名“我们石塑?”)日本电影,1996集的票房纪录,在国内赢得了全世界的观众。如果你看到它,你知道什么发生在好莱坞的版本,但电影是星车辆;情节并不重要,基尔和洛佩兹。当他们一起跳舞,这是一种提醒,当舞蹈成了罕见的电影,所以做了大量的优雅和性感。这不是一个尖端的电影。特点是广泛的,发生的事情是可以预见的,当然,一切都结束了在一个大舞厅跳舞比赛,和(你准备好了吗?)在关键时刻,我们得到的爱的人到现场观众,看到发生了什么,明白了一切。我场均2个版本的场景一个月,最近在“提高你的声音。”传统的因为它可能是,“我们跳舞吗?”提供真正的快乐。事实上,宝琳娜是不感兴趣的浪漫与约翰来作为一种解脱,让这个故事是关于其他的东西比他们的生殖器的碰撞。它能够对于如何约翰对他的生活,为什么它可能是有用的一个中年律师跳轨,以国标舞。和画廊的配角,谁获得足够的屏幕时间成为从事。斯坦利图奇,例如,有一个有趣的链接,谁是约翰克拉克的温和的同事在环法律公司。在舞池,穿着华丽的假发,他成了一个野人。他的梦想:“我想跳舞之前,世界在我自己的名字。”他担心他会失去他的工作,如果他那样做,但当约翰加入班级,他获得的勇气。他是原因之一,约翰住在米兹小姐的即使它变得清楚,宝琳娜不可用。”舞厅是一切或什么都不是,”链接,告诉他。有一个地区,美国版是不太令人信服。在日本,我们相信,忠实的妻子留在家里每晚在她丈夫很久以后工作的上班族。这是日本文化办公。一个美国老婆忍受较多。克拉克的家庭,包括他们的孩子,是不现实的,但它只是临时区域的最后一个大场景。我很喜欢日本版这么多我邀请到我忽略了电影节的前几年,但这种改造提供自有乐趣。 I don"t want to write this review because feel very generalBut then I think I spent four hours in the Japanese version and the United States edition watch again do a record dealLike the previous look" feeling of love" and" the departed".I saw all the American remake version of it in a complete mess whenFeel the United States version looks betterIn" Shell we dance".The Japanese version is too slow that I get more than two hours (136m/118m )And the Japanese edition that make me laugh jokeIs the Jennifer Lopez than the grass mowed and much more.The mouth of artistic don"t say with me. I a laity say I refined is to scold meDon"t say I was the Hollywood poisonCan be said that except HongkongOther countries and regions of the film I have seen more than a lot of people

Rammstein的《Halleluja》 歌词

歌曲名:Halleluja歌手:Rammstein专辑:Resident Evil ( Music from and Inspired by the Original Motion Picture)Artist: RammsteinSong: HallelujahEr ist fromm und sehr sensibelan seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrner wischt die Flecken von der Bibeldas Abendmahl verteilt er gernEr liebt die Knaben aus dem Chorsie halten ihre Seelen reindoch Sorge macht ihm der Tenorso muss er ihm am nachsten seinauf seinem Nachttisch still und stummein Bild des Herrn er dreht es langsam umWenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlagthallelujahfaltet er die Hande zum Gebethallelujaher ist ohne Weib gebliebenhallelujahso muss er seinen Nachsten liebenhallelujahDer junge Mann darf bei ihm bleibendie Sunde nistet uberm Beinso hilft er gern sie auszutreibenbei Musik und KerzenscheinWenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlagthallelujahfaltet er die Hande zum Gebethallelujaher ist ohne Weib gebliebenhallelujahso muss er seinen Nachsten liebenhallelujahWenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlagthallelujahnimmt er den Jungen ins Gebethallelujaher ist der wahre Christhallelujahund weiss, was Nachstenliebe isthallelujahDreh dich langsam umdreh dich umhttp://music.baidu.com/song/58996061

shall we have some chicken 的同义句是什么



Yeah, you could be the greatest, you can be the best是的,你可以成为最伟大的,你可以成为最好的You can be the King Kong banging on your chest你可以成为敲打着胸膛的金刚You could beat the world, you could beat the war你可以打败世界,你可以打败战争You could talk to God, go banging on His door你可以与上帝交谈,敲打他的大门You can throw your hands up, you can beat the clock你可以举起双手,你可以赶上时间You can move a mountain, you can break rocks你可以移动山峰,你可以击碎岩石You could be a master, don"t wait for luck你可以成为主人,不需要等待幸运降临Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself奉献你自己,然后你便可以找到自我Standing in the hall of fame站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you"re burning with the brightest flame因为你为最明亮的火焰所燃And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame而你会位列名人堂之墙You could go the distance, you can run the mile你可以坚持到底,你可以跑到极限You can walk straight through hell with a smile你可以微笑着穿越地狱You could be the hero, you could get the gold你可以成为英雄,你可以获得金牌Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke打破所有那些别人认为牢不可破的记录Do it for your people, do it for your pride行动吧,为你的人民,为你的骄傲Never gonna know if you never even try如果不尝试就永远不会知道结果Do it for your country, do it for you name行动吧,为你的国家,为你的名誉Cause there gonna be a day因为将会有一天When you"re standing in the hall of fame当你站在名人堂中And the world"s gonna know your name全世界都会知道你的名字Cause you"re burning with the brightest flame、因为你为最明亮的火焰所燃And the world"s gonna know your name而全世界都会知道你的名字And you"ll be on the walls of the hall of fame你会位列名人堂之墙Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion,成为冠军Be a champion成为冠军On the walls of the hall of fame在名人堂之墙上Be students成为学生Be teachers成为导师Be politicians成为政客Be preachers成为传教士Be believers成为信徒Be leaders成为领导者Be astronauts成为航天员Be champions成为冠军Be truth seekers成为真理的探索者

Hall Of Fame是谁的歌(英文),详细的,谢谢

the script手创乐队手稿乐队(The Script)保有U2、The Cranberries的摇滚风格,散发The Corrs的流行步调、Clannad的民谣曲式,成为爱尔兰新世纪最受瞩目的接班乐团 。The Script,更结合黑人音乐风格、嘻哈+节奏蓝调的乐种概念,强势力拼Maroon5,不可思议的组合出极巨风格旋律,拓展你的视听领域。 爱尔兰摇滚近年声势比较微弱,U2退出录音室专辑已是几年前的事,The Cranberries解散,Sinead O"connor则把音乐转向了静谧的神学,老一辈的音乐人似乎都在休养生息当中。不过最近几个月一支来自都柏林的新鲜血液——The Script重新夺回了大家对爱尔兰摇滚的关注。[1] The Script是一支三人摇滚乐队,成员包括主唱Danny O"Donoghue(生于1980.10.3)、光头吉他手Mark Sheehan、鼓手Glen Power。但颇令人迷惑的是,单从曲风上来说,The Script的音乐听起来不太像爱尔兰摇滚,反而美国的味道更浓一些。原来The Script三位成员的其中两位,Mark与Danny在青少年时期就在都柏林的詹姆士街区相识,两人均对美国黑人音乐情有独钟。而且Danny O"Donoghue和Mark Sheehan在乐队还未成立之前,就由于他们在录音室出众的制作才能而被邀请到美国LA去和R%26amp;B的巨头如Rodney Jerkins、Dallas Austin等著名音乐人一起工作。在这段经历之后,The Script把R&B、Soul等黑人音乐调和到他们的音乐中,像来自LA的Maroon5那样迷上了节奏感十足、让人精神爽利的新灵魂流行摇滚,就连主唱Danny的唱腔、声线也跟Maroon 5的主唱Adam有八分相似。然而音乐的外壳只是表象,The Script与生俱来地继续了U2等老一辈爱尔兰音乐人的摇滚精神,把反战、反思批判社会弊端、宣扬人道主义、倡导爱与和平等作为音乐的内容主题,在爽朗流畅、易入耳的音乐外壳输送下,这些理念反而更轻易感染并影响乐迷,比起沉重的说教更有效果。融合Hip-Hop节拍的《We Cry》首先拉开序幕,叙述人世苦难的歌词在轻快畅达的节奏下像是连发子弹般击中听者的内心并令人动容;《Talk You Down》中Danny布满悲怆及人文关怀的演绎,听起来也有几分Bono的影子;清淡原音吉他相伴下的《I"m Yours》则缓缓渲染出深情凄美的意境。

有没有类似The Script - Hall Of Fame 风格的励志歌曲 让人听了热血沸腾 激动想哭的!求推荐!多多推荐!

The Mass (弥撒) - Era

lounge / lobby / hall 的区别

lounge休息室hall 大厅lobby两个意思都有

catchall provisions 怎么翻译?

有多种翻译,不过意思是一样,就是总括性的条款,包含一切的条款。1)第17(d)条作为有关利益冲突的【“全能性”条款】,(“catch-all”provision),并非自我执行条款(self executing provision),亦没有禁止任何特定行为2)【兜底条款或规定】是“catch-all”provision3)【包罗条款】): [bāo luó tiáo kuǎn]. catch-all provision4)警察职权行使法第二八条第一项作为警察法上之【概括条款】

急求神谷浩史的 shall we circus 罗马音

Shall We Circus!作词:古屋真作曲:本田光史郎歌:神谷浩史语らせんなよ Baby girlkatarasen nayo Baby girlアイラビューじゃ駄目なのかairabyu^ ja dame nanokaLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Paホントの爱ならトーゼンhonto no ai nara to^zen叫ぶしかないぜオーライsakebu shika naize o^rai何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai乙女心はビンカンotomegokoro wa binkan解りたいけどワカラナイwakaritai kedo wakaranaiLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa夕阳を见せてもバイバイyuuhi wo misete mo baibaiギターを弾いてもナイナイgita^ wo hiite mo nainai毎晩 Up↑ Down↓ オマエを见せてくれmaiban Up↑ Down↓ omae wo misete kureもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda泣きたいんなら Don"t mindnakitain nara Don"t mind俺も共に泣いてやる!ore mo tomo ni naite yaru !La Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa何で Oh No オマエは泣き止まないnande Oh No omae wa naki yamanai男だったら全部otoko dattara zenbu失ったって守るだけushinattatte mamoru dakeLa Pa Do it Do Pa PaLa Pa Do it Do Pa Pa楽観主义とはシンガイrakukan shugi towa shingai雰囲気作りにシッパイfun"iki tsukuri ni shippaiFriday Sunday オマエの梦を见たFriday Sunday omae no yume wo mitaずっと 前よりもzutto mae yori moずっと 热くなるzutto atsuku naruずっと キスをしようぜzutto kisu wo shiyouze谁のせいだ スリリングな サーカスdare no sei da suriringu na sa^kasu燃えさかった 涙くぐってmoe sakatta namida kugutte饲いならしたって 猛獣なのさkai narashitatte moujuu nanosa君だけは 俺のもんだkimi dake wa ore no mondaずっと 居たいのさzutto itai nosaもっと なやんでもmotto nayande moきっと 笑わせるからkitto warawaseru karaもっと 言叶よりmotto kotoba yoriもっと 燃えるようなmotto moeru younaもっと 恋をしようぜmotto koi wo shiyouze君と逢って 见つけたのさビーナスkimi to atte mitsuketa nosa bi^nasu无重力のアクロバットでmujuuryoku no akurobatto deどんなときでも 受け止めてやるdonna toki demo uke tomete yaru大丈夫さdaijoubu sa君のせいで 胸の中はサーカスkimi no sei de mune no naka wa sa^kasu纲渡りで 爱を探してtsunawatari de ai wo sagashiteピエロのままで 抱きしめてやるpiero no mama de dakishimete yaruいつだって 本気なんだitsudatte honki nanda

-when shall we meet again ? -make it ( ) day you like ; it is all the same to you A some B another



百度知道that‘s all和at all各自的意思和用法 有什么...展开贝贝爱教育把复杂的事情简单说给你听that"s all和at all的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,意思和用法如下:一、意思不同1、that"s all:没别的了。2、at all:根本,究竟。二、用法不同1、that"s all:已经完美了,还有什么要说的,反问,是的,正如你想到那样,就这些了..还有些就要看特定环境不同了。2、at all:用于回答感谢,意为“不用谢;不客气”。用于回答带有感谢性质的客套话。意为“没什么;哪里哪里”。用于回答道歉,意为“没关系”。用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不:完全不”。三、侧重点不同1、that"s all:that"all用于文章结尾。2、at all:at all常与not连用 Not at all是口语中一个十分常见的表达,由于其实际意思往往与其字面意思相去甚远,所以许多同学常常用错。

Hurt的《Shallow》 歌词

歌曲名:Shallow歌手:Hurt专辑:Vol. 1-= Morcheeba 《 Shallow End 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Driving home nowWe got awayHere"s to our future at leastThat"s what they sayPouring rainAll through my headMakes me wonder if I"dBe better of deadI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow endIn control nowOf my defeatI"ve made mistakes that were boundTo repeatI"m through the feeling deeplyLet"s dive into the shallow end……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……You know it"s time to see things clearlyLet"s dive into the shallow endI"d love to drive ferrarisI"d love to have it allI"d love to walk the tightropeYou"d love to see the fallshttp://music.baidu.com/song/2961951

阿斯顿·马丁Valhalla官图发布 纽博格林目标圈速6分30秒

易车讯 日前,阿斯顿·马丁Valhalla官图发布,新车搭载一套插电混合动力系统,由4.0升V8发动机与电动机组成,系统总输出功率699千瓦,百公里加速时间2.5秒,其纽博格林目标圈速6分30秒。传统发动机与前后轴电动机一起工作,电动机的额定功率为157千瓦,给Valhalla提供699千瓦的总输出功率和1,000牛·米的巨大扭矩。混合动力系统使阿斯顿马丁的最新超级跑车能够在2.5秒内达到62英里/小时(100 公里/小时),并且其极速达到了330公里/小时。此外,更令人印象深刻的是其纽博格林赛道的目标圈速时间仅为6分30秒。这比当前记录缩短13秒。Valhalla将使用八速双离合自动变速器,阿斯顿马丁官方表示,它是专门为该公司开发和制造的。它在后轴上配备了电子限滑差速器,并通过利用两个电动马达拥有全电动倒车模式。这样做可以通过取消传统的倒档来减轻重量。混动系统的设定主要考虑了性能,电池组只有15公里的续航。Valhalla在EV模式开启时可以用作前轮驱动车辆。官方预计每个WLTP的综合排放量将低于200克/公里,这对于真正的V8超级跑车来说是非常了不起的。<!--5f39ae17-8c62-4a45-bc43-b32064c9388a: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


李宁飞电challenger没有明确使用寿命,能穿多久要靠自己日常养护的。这类品牌鞋子的洗刷非常的讲究,在以往的认知里,鞋子都要使用水洗,但是现在这些鞋子,采用的都是特殊的材质,使用水洗很容易造成鞋子材质损伤,缩短鞋子使用寿命。正确的办法是不能使用水洗,不能使用强酸强碱之类的清洗剂,也不能放在太阳底下暴晒,应该使用湿抹布擦拭,喷一些舒足速乐的快速清洁喷雾,自然晾干就可以了。养护的好可以穿很多年的。鞋子介绍飞电 Challenger:跖枕科技 + 半掌异构碳板 + 全掌气垫+ GCU 全天候止滑耐磨科技 + Coolshell,单只重量:214.7g(42 1/3 码),定位:比赛竞速、竞速训练。发售价格:¥1299 RMB。作为李宁跑步旗舰款飞电 2.0 ELITE的延续,同样定位于竞速跑鞋的飞电 Challenger 外观采用相同的设计语言,速度感拉满。鞋头渐变的醒目 Logo 与中底涂装呼应,搭配后跟数码迷彩,释放出难以抗拒的活力气氛。

鬼泣4的shall never surrender纯男音的全部歌词,共5:08


鬼泣四主题曲we shall never surrender歌词(英汉均可)!

[00:07.78]Shall Never Surrender 永不投降 [00:11.17]Dmc4-OST 鬼泣 4 原声带 [00:17.73]Lrc made by IceVong [00:22.16] [00:27.03] [00:32.96]The time has come and so have I 时机来临,该我出场了 [00:36.46]I"ll laugh last cause you came to die 我将要大笑,因为你们将自取灭亡 [00:39.53]The damage done~the pain subsides 在伤痛过去后,痛苦也随之沉没 [00:42.16]And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye. 当我看着你的眼睛时,我清楚看见了你的恐惧 [00:46.52] [00:50.54] [00:55.90] [00:58.86]I never kneel and I"ll never rest 我永不祈祷 也永不罢休 [01:02.37]You can tear the heart from my chest 虽然你可以撕裂我胸口内的心脏 [01:05.57]I"ll make you see what I do best, 我却会让你看到什么是完美 [01:08.28]I"ll succeed as you breathe your very last breathe 当我成功时,你将会呼吸你最后的一口气 [01:10.90] [01:11.68]Now I know how the angel fell ( just kneel ) 现在我终於明白天使是如何堕落的。(只需要下跪) [01:14.67]I know the tale and I know it too well ( just bow ) 我知道那个传说,而且我很了解它(只需要屈服) [01:17.82]I"ll make you wish you had a soul to sell ( soul to sell ) 你会祈求可以将你的灵魂出卖(出卖灵魂) [01:21.06]When I strike you down and send you straight to hell 那时我将你击败并送你回去地狱 [01:24.24] [01:24.56]My army comes from deep within 我的力量源自内心深处 [01:27.47]Beneath my soul--beneath my skin 存在与我的灵魂和肉体之内 [01:30.68]As you"re ending, I"m about to begin 当你面临死亡时,我才要刚开始认真 [01:33.18]My strength~His bane~and I will never give in. 我的力量、他的毁灭、而我将永不放弃 [01:37.36]I"ll tell you now I"m the one to survive 现在我告诉你,我将是唯一能生存下去的人 [01:40.54]You never break my faith or my stride 你永远无法打破我的信念或阻碍我的脚步 [01:43.75]I"ll have you choke on your own demise 我会令你窒息、然后去迎接你的死亡 [01:47.20]I make the angel scream, and the devil cry 因为我不仅能令天使惨叫,还能让恶魔哭泣 [01:50.22] [01:51.85]My honored brethren 我尊敬的教友们 [01:55.46]We come together 我们聚到一起 [01:59.22]To unite as one 团结成为一体 [02:03.66]Against those that are damned 对抗那些该打进地狱的敌人 [02:08.66]We show no mercy 我们将不会显出任何怜悯 [02:12.76]For we have none 因我们一无所有 [02:16.91]Our enemy shall fall 我们的敌人将会倒下 [02:22.40]As we apprise 就如同预料的一样 [02:27.24]To claim our fate 去宣布我们的命运 [02:31.21]Now and forever 从现在直到永远 [02:35.12]We"ll be together 我们会永远在一起 [02:38.80]In love and in hate 一起爱、一起恨 [02:41.43] [02:43.32]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [02:49.50]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [02:55.82]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [03:01.13]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [03:09.81] [03:12.21]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [03:19.07]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [03:25.44]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [03:31.16]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [03:39.05] [03:41.79]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [03:49.28]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [03:55.24]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [04:00.85]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [04:06.91] [04:11.02]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity 他们会看见,我们将会战斗到永远 [04:17.42]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together 来跟我一起,我们一同战斗 [04:24.21]Through our strength we"ll make a better day 用我们的力量创造一个更好的未来 [04:30.60]Tomorrow we shall never surrender. 明天,我们也永不投降 [04:38.90] [04:39.62]We shall never surrender 我们永不投降

求鬼泣4主题曲shall never surrender祈祷的歌词

The time has come and so have I   那刻来临,该我出场    Dante ,Trish and LadyI"ll laugh last cause you came to die   我将大笑,你们自取灭亡   The damage done the pain subsides   伤害逝去,痛苦沉沦   And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye.   如你眼中清晰的恐惧   I never kneel and I"ll never rest   我从不跪祷,如我从不安歇   You can tear the heart from my chest   于我胸中,你能撕开我的心脏   I"ll make you see what I do best   使你目睹我的完美所为   I"ll succeed as you breathe your very last breath   我将成功,当你呼吸着最后一次呼吸   Now I know how the angel fell [just kneel]   现在我明白天使为何堕落(跪下)   I know the tale and I know it too well [just bow]   我知道那个传说,了解的太多(屈服)   I"ll make you wish you had a soul to sell [soul to sell]   我让你祈求出卖自己的灵魂(出卖灵魂)   When I strike you down and send you straight to hell   当我将你打倒直入地狱的那刻   My army comes from deep within   我的军队来自幽暗深壑   Beneath my soul--beneath my skin   在我灵魂之下——寄寓皮肤之下   As you"re ending, I"m about to begin   当你终结,而我将开始    NeroMy strength His bane and I will never give in.   我的力量,他的毁灭,我永不屈服   I"ll tell you now I"m the one to survive   告诉你,我是最后残存的那个   You never break my faith or my stride   你无法破坏我的信仰,或是我的脚步   I"ll have you choke on your own demise   我阻你于你自身的灭亡   I make the angel scream, and the devil cry   我让天使尖叫,让恶魔哭泣后半段   My honored brethren   我亲爱的兄弟姐妹们   We come together   我们来到一起   To unite as one   为了团结一致   Against those that are damned   相对于被诅咒的那些   We show no mercy    我们不会仁慈   For we have none   因为我们一无所有   Our enemy shall fall   我们的敌人将倒下   As we apprise   当我们告知   To claim our fate   主张我们的命运时   Now and forever   从现在直到永远   We"ll be together   我们将在一起   In love and in hate   同爱,同恨They will see. We"ll fight until eternity   他们会看到,我们将战斗至永生永远。   Come with me We"ll stand and fight together   和我一起来吧,我们将并肩作战。   Through our strength we"ll make a better day   以我们的力量,可以创造更美好的明天   Tomorrow we shall never surrender   即使在将来,我们也永不投降

Shall we take()rest? A a few minute B a few minutes Ca few minutes D a few minutes


We shall go on to the end,we shall never surrender是谁说的







Halliburton是一个美国石油和天然气公司的名字,其名字是由创始人Erle P. Halliburton的姓氏拼写而来。在中文中,Halliburton通常被翻译为“哈里伯顿”或“哈利伯顿”,这是因为中文语言中没有“r”和“l”的清晰区别,因此这两种翻译都是可以接受的。但是,“哈里伯顿”似乎更加普遍,可能是因为在英文中,Halliburton中的“r”是发音的,而不是被忽略的。此外,翻译中也需要考虑到品牌的知名度和传播效果等因素,因此选择较为常见或易于被接受的翻译也是常见的做法。

Tribes的《Dancehall》 歌词

歌曲名:Dancehall歌手:Tribes专辑:Wish To ScreamDancehall - TribesShe"s a gypsy queen real tall and meanShe"s an airplane no one"s ever seenShe"s a firecracker real dancehall masterShe"s a hurricane when you walk past herShe"s the morning sun in the midnight windShe"d sell her soul for all her sinsShe"ll come right at you real CleopatraYou take all you got and you give it to herDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterShe"s a striptease real hard to pleaseShe"ll cheer you up bring you to your kneesShe"s a movie star fast sports carShe"s a razor blade she"ll take you farShe"s the ocean"s cool and your midnight rideShe"s a devil"s church and a preacher"s wifeShe"ll come right at you real CleopatraYou take all you got and you give it to herDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterI don"t care for dancingbut thanks for askingDid you see that lightning in the skyA window to my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterDid you feel that thunder hit last nightA poison in my mindIt leaves me hypnotizedSomewhere betterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/45318722

Born in a Mourning Hall 歌词

歌曲名:Born in a Mourning Hall歌手:Blind Guardian专辑:LiveIn fact it was close to a real fallouteverything"s under controlthe speaker said with a serious smilebehind his maskhe knew the truthI"ll bring a new age of better waysthe TV preacher saidjust pay todaypay todayWorld"s dressed in blackon earth"s judgement dayand I?I know it can"t go onforbidden signs increaseI"m sitting still at homeand watchingRef.:Born in a mourning hallpale clouds feared the unborn childthen it grew up with growing plansof suicideBlind Guardianborn in a mourning hallshadows left the fear insidethat Peter Pan will never reachthe other sideIt"s frighteningexciting to sit at homeand watch the burning fieldsgethypnotized by the TV snakeObey and work hardand feel no angerjust sympathy for the higher classthere"s no chance in changing thingscause I amRef.:born in a mourning hallsilent cries ran outwhen the cradle breaksbroken dreams were unheared onthe other sideborn in a mourning hallshadows left the fearin the new born childthat Peter Pan will never reach(Solo)And I"m a part of the machinea puppet on the stringsa rebel, oncenow I"m an old manOh, I know this can"t go onbut the ghost called fear insidelames my tongue, my nerves, my mindeternal fall downsomeone cut the strings offI can"t moveto get back courageI"ve to face the truthbut not todaygoodbyeRef.:Born in a mourning hallcaught inside a web called lifethe only way to get out soonis suicideborn in a mourning hallpale souls built a frozen worldinfected brainswill never reach the other sidethe other sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/56556126

I Shall Be Free 歌词

歌曲名:I Shall Be Free歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Slipcase Containing 3 Cd"SSong: Be FreeArtist: Do As InfinityAlbum: Need Your Loveby:YAMANdoko made tsuzuitenda kono VOISU waatsui natsu no hizashi gayatte kurundasono ryoute hirogete sugu ni mitsuageyouhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari na mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kagae) kawaru sadekinai koto nante naiyume ni mabumita shuumatsukyou wa nan mo shinaikinou made no namida wadokka icchattatokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomattari shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjitemite hoshiiitsuka shika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundanani datte narerunda yotokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomatte ni shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari no mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kangae) kawaru sahadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjite mite hoshiiitsukashika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8765848

自从我的高中生活开始以来 我发现他非常具有挑战性(challenging) 汉译英

1,Since the beginning of my high school life, I found him very challenging.2, I must devote more time and effort to my study.3, I made use of all my free time to complete the job in all the subjects.4, Teachers often say that we need some time to get used to the high school life.5, But I have to study very hard, because I really hope I can get high grades.

only hallelujah in the dark中间有段是这样的是什么歌,女声。

Shot In The Dark黑夜中的枪声I"ve been left out alone like a damn criminal我就像该死的罪犯被这个世界抛弃I"ve been praying for help cause I can"t take it all一直祈祷着希望的降临,因为我无法承受下去I"m not done,但我还没放弃It"s not over.一切都未尝为时已晚Now I"m fighting this war since the day of the fall从这个世界堕落的那一天开始,我艰难的对抗着And I"m desperately holding on to it all我不顾一切的继续挣扎,从不放手But I"m lost但我像只迷途的羔羊I"m so damn lost迷失了Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声In the blink of an eye在眨眼之际I can see through your eyes我能在你的眼睛中看到些许自己As I"m lying awake I"m still hearing the cries在我清醒的时候我仍能听到哭泣声And it hurts它们在我心上划着刀子Hurts me so bad好疼And I"m wondering why I still fight in this life我疑惑着为何我仍然在挣扎和对抗‘Cause I"ve lost all my faith in this damn bitter strife因为在这场战争中,我已经丧失了所有的信念And it"s sad这很悲哀It"s so damn sad真的很悲哀Oh I wish it was over,我希望这世界的苦难能消弭殆尽And I wish you were here我真希望世界的美好在我身边守候着Still I"m hoping that somehow直到现在,我一直希望着‘Cause your soul is on fire因为你的灵魂在燃烧A shot in the dark,就像黑夜中的一鸣枪声What did they aim for when they missed your heart?当苦难没有使你丧命,那么你失去的是什么呢?I breathe underwater我窒息着It"s all in my hands世界的美好仍然在我手中What can I do?我能怎么办Don"t let it fall apart我一定不会让它们变得四分五裂A shot in the dark就像黑夜中的一记枪声I feel you fading away我觉得我内心的美好快要消散

Shallow relationships 是什么意思?

shallow是浅的意思,但是只有引申到人的时候才是“肤浅”shallow relationships 有点像借喻,指的是人情浅薄,淡漠

i shall i always love you的意思


Lost in the Twilight Hall 歌词

歌曲名:Lost in the Twilight Hall歌手:Blind Guardian专辑:LiveAwaiting my last breaththe mirror calls my nameit"s showing me the wayinto the darkthe bridge appearsI jump into the dark sideand hear the voice it"s cold as ice"Welcome to reality"Where am I now?Darkness surroundscan"t go forwardcan"t go backKai: I see planets dyingHansi: I fall into the lightK: a new universe awakesH: I"m a Traveler in TimeBlind GuardianK: pray for the lightH: Where"s the keyK: to the gateH/K: of a new life - noH: I search for deliveranceK: but I cannot find(Lead: Andre)Ref.:Look behind the mirrorI"m lost in the twilight hallonce I"ll be back for a moment in timethat"s when the mirror"s falling down(Lead: Andre)Take me awayfrom the place I"ve beento another lifein another worlda sign of lifethe bridge appears in the darkI"m freeI fly aloneleaving the darkness now, forever?the memories of childrenand the wisdom of many lifesburns deep in meWhere will the light go to?Where will the light go to?Is this deliverance?Is it the end?Ref.(Solo: Andre)I"m back there"s a new chance for meand all my memories are goneI can feel what"s happening to meand the mirrow will burstRef. (2x)(Lead: Andre)http://music.baidu.com/song/56556365

Shall we go and listen to the reviewers __________ on the new film?


Smiles,Tears,of all my life! and,if God choose,I shall but love thee better after death.出自哪里?

How do I love thee?How do I thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height toMy soul can reach, when feeling out of sightFor the ends of Being and ideal Grace.I love thee to the level of every day"sMost quiet need, by sun and candlelightI love thee freely, as men strive for Right;I love thee purely, as the turn from Praise.I love thee with the passion put to useIn my old grieves, and with my childhoods faith.I love thee with a love I seemed to loseWith my lose saints,-I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life!-and if god choose.I shall but love thee better after death.Sonnets from the Portuguese 43th By Elizabeth Barrett Browning我是何等的爱你?我是何等的爱你,说不尽的千言万语。我爱你之深邃,之宽广,之高远尽我灵魂所能到之处,犹如探求冥冥之中神的存在和恩赐。我爱你如同生活的每一天,所需要的日出和黄昏我自由的爱着你,像人们争取他们的权利;我纯洁的爱着你,如人们在赞美前的垂首。我爱你,带着昔日悲伤的那种激情,童年的那种诚意;我爱你,带着我似乎失去的对往日圣者所怀有的爱。我要用我的呼吸用我的微笑,用我的眼泪,用我的整个生命来爱你!如果上帝愿意,我愿意在死后更加爱你! 葡萄牙十四行诗集 第四十三首 伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁(著)


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---Shall we go swimming? ---Ok, I’ll just go and get . ...

A 考查情景交际和固定短语。“我们去游泳怎样?”“好的,我换下衣服马上去。”get changed“换衣服”。故选A。

伟大的英国花园:坎布里亚的Levens Hall——荷兰风格的标志性园林

坎布里亚的 莱文斯大厅是荷兰风格的少数保留下来的例子之一,流行于17世纪末。除了100多棵修剪过的树,每一棵都有不同的形状,这个花园有美丽的草本植物的边界和其他适合花园年龄的园艺风格的例子。这座房子是伊丽莎白时代一座罕见的豪宅,这是通往湖区的大门,湖区是英格兰最美丽的自然区域之一。 的故事 英格兰和苏格兰之间的边界有过战乱的历史。在13世纪,设防的房子是常见的,这是在那段时间,第一次建设发生在莱文斯。在伊丽莎白时代较为平静的时期,贝林厄姆家族购买了中世纪的防御塔,并于1562年将其改造成一座更大、更舒适的伊丽莎白式豪宅,至今仍屹立不倒。1688年,这一财产被卖给了詹姆斯格雷姆上校,以清偿当时贝灵汉积累的赌债。 格拉姆上校曾在詹姆斯二世国王的宫廷里担任“私人钱袋的保管人”和“国王猎犬的主人”,但随着那一年的“光荣革命”,格雷姆上校出局了在威廉和玛丽的新法庭上,他很受欢迎,所以他退到莱文斯大厅等待时机。他带走了詹姆斯的园丁,法国人纪尧姆·博蒙特先生,他曾在汉普顿宫廷建造了一些花园。 这座房子被扩建了,博蒙特建造了一个当时流行的荷兰风格的花园,也许是为了承认新国王的背景。这种风格起源于欧洲,特别是法国宏伟的文艺复兴时期的花园,它是由长而直的草路和树木组成的,通常被修剪成相当高的水平。第二个重要特征是花坛(字面意思是“分割的土地”),由低矮的树篱组成,在地面上形成华丽的图案,有不同颜色的砾石和后来的植物,填充其间的空间。 当这种 *** 的味道传到荷兰时,可利用的小空间使法式花园变得不可能,所以荷兰人把树篱剪短而不是穿过树篱,使树篱本身成为装饰品,并用剪短的植物创造出精致的形状。这种荷兰风格在英国也很受欢迎,在那里,空间往往是一个溢价。这种将植物剪成形状的艺术被称为“opiary”,来自法语opiaire,而法语opiaire又来源于拉丁语中的园艺师opines。 的园艺品味随着时代的变化而变化,通过这些历史巧合中的一个,带来下一个变化的人,诗人亚历山大·波普,1688年出生,那一年格雷姆买下了莱文斯大厅。教皇的园艺弟子威廉·肯特(William Ken)和能力布朗(Capabiliy Brown)发展了英国园林风格。用英国20世纪著名景观设计师罗素·佩奇的话说,布朗忙着“鼓励他的富有的客户拆除他们华丽的正式花园,代之以他那草丛、树丛和相当不成形的池塘和湖泊组成的简易花园”。 格拉姆上校有一个儿子,亨利,他改名了对格雷厄姆,并成为保守党议员,尽管他是一个秘密的罗马天主教徒的指控。他娶了国王查尔斯二世的一个私生女,这就制造了这样一个丑闻:他在安妮女王的丈夫、丹麦的乔治王子、坎伯兰公爵的宫廷中失去了职位。 上校格雷姆的女儿凯瑟琳嫁给了亨利·鲍斯·霍华德,伯克郡第四伯爵,1730年上校去世时,遗产归她所有。亨利·霍华德有几个更重要的庄园,这意味着莱文斯庄园很少受到关注,花园也没有受到周围风格变化的影响。他死后,凯瑟琳拒绝了一系列的要求,把花园拆了,改成了放牧用的花园d代表绵羊。 1803年,庄园通过另一位女性继承人,传给了巴戈家族,一个追溯到11世纪的男爵家族。今天,Levens大厅被Bago家族的“初级分支”Charles(哈尔)和Susie Bago占据。他们扩大和发展了花园,增加了新的特点,但保留了原来的茶园。在变化莫测的历史中,莱文斯大厅是这种风格仅存的几个例子之一,当然也是最突出的一个。 花园 花园的主要特征当然是黄果树。有100多件,每件都剪成一个独特的形状。从8月下旬到1月上旬,所有作品都要收到年度剪辑。这座花园由克里斯·克劳德管理,他是自19世纪90年代博蒙特设计花园以来,这座花园的第十位园丁。这些花园由五名 *** 园丁组成的团队在志愿者和国际实习生的帮助下进行维护。 这些托儿所花园就在房子的前面,有些是原创的——超过三百年的历史。这些木片是紫杉木或黄杨木做的。大多数都是抽象的,但有些代表棋子、孔雀、狮子或伊丽莎白女王及其伴娘。花坛是一个花坛,每年两次用15000株以上的一年生花卉和鳞茎进行季节性种植。 双面草本边界横贯整个庄园,包含多种多年生植物,在夏季以一年生花卉和植物作为补充。 玫瑰园完全种植了一种玫瑰,这种玫瑰是由玫瑰育种家大卫奥斯汀(David Ausin)开发的,由现代的、重复开花的玫瑰和“古董”玫瑰杂交而成,或多或少地以一种老式玫瑰的形式持续开花。 有这是一个有着古老的苹果树的果园,春天开满了鲜花,还有木瓜和李子,都是用郁金香和野花点缀在草地上的。 还有一个正式的草本植物园和一个最近在房子后面加建的17世纪的花园。 实用信息 花园的地址是肯德尔的Levens Hall,坎布里亚。 花园从4月初到10月初开放,从周日到周四开放(周五和周六关闭)。花园从上午10点到下午5点开放,房子从中午到下午4点半开放。

忍者神龟2007challenge map秘籍

秘籍 1代的 Raph RDSRL DLDRS DSRRS LMMDR(加属性) SMLSR(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Don DRLDS LRLDD SDDLS(加属性) SDDLS(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Miky MSRMM LMLMS LSSDR(加属性) MDMSL(获得一种无限武器) MMMSL(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Leo LDDRS LMLSD SSRSL(加属性) MSRLR(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) SRRDM(获得一种无限武器) 斯普林特 LDRSM(开启斯普林特故事模式) LSDRM(PLARMATES 解锁) 2代的 忍者神龟2-秘籍 游戏作弊码,password 里面输入的东西。 其中"D" 在 pc版里面改成 "A" Password notes: Use the following key when entering the passwords. Note: The codes have no effect in tournament mode. L: Leonardo M: Michaelangelo D: Donatello R: Raphael S: Shredder Self Recovery: Enter DRMSRLR as a password. Your character will slowly regain HP.(慢速恢复HP) Health: Enter DSRDMRM as a password. Your character will always have full health.(一直满血) Mighty Turtle: Enter LSDRRDR as a password. Your characters will no longer be hurt by damage.(无敌??) Squeaking: Enter MLDSRDM as a password. Alternate sounds will play when objects are hit. (当物体被攻击时,声音XXX ???) Pizza Paradise: Enter MRLMRMR as a password. All health items will be replaced by full HP pizzas.(所有含有食物的箱子,里面都变成皮萨) Toddling: Enter SSSMRDD as a password. There will be strange sounds when your character walks.(当你走路的时候会有奇怪的声音) Super-Tough: Enter RDSRMRL as a password. All enemies will have their defense doubled.(敌人防御加倍) Nightmare: Enter SLSDRDL as a password. All enemies will have their attacks doubled.(敌人攻击加倍) Super Offense Power: Enter SDLSRLL as a password. Your attacks will be doubled.(我放供给加倍) Super Defense Power: Enter LDRMRLM as a password. Your defense will be doubled.(我放防御加倍) Infinite Shuriken: Enter RSRLRSM as a password.(无限飞镖) Lose Shuriken: Enter RLMRDSL as a password. You will not be able to use shuriken.(禁止使用飞镖) ***以下为特殊装束***** New Nexus outfit for Donatello: Enter DSLRDRM as a password. New Nexus outfit for Leonardo: Enter LMRMDRD as a password. New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo: Enter MLMRDRM as a password. New Nexus outfit for Raphael: Enter RMSRMDR as a password. ******装束部分结束******* Playmates unlocked in bonus materials: Enter SRMLDDR as a password.(我没看明白....) Fatal Blow: Enter LRSRDRD as a password. Enemies have one hit kill ability.(敌人有一击杀的能力) Abyss: Enter SDSDRLD as a password. You will lose all health after falling.(直接摔死.....够狠) Poison: Enter DRSLLSR as a password. Your character will slowly lose HP.(中毒,慢慢少血) Challenge Mode Endurance: Enter MRMDRMD as a password. Stamina restore will no longer be available.(精力恢复不能??) Play as Splinter: Successfully complete level 11-7. Alternately, Splinter is unlocked ten days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this. Splinter replaces Donatello.(成功完成leve11-7后,可以使用老鼠) Play as Casey Jones: Win the Open Brawl Tournament. Alternately, Casey Jones is unlocked(比赛模式开启,可以使用Jones) five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this. Casey Jones replaces Raphael.(创建存档5天后,你可以通过修改 系统日期来实现这个功能??????) Play as Slashuur: Win the Battle Nexus Tournament. Alternately, Slashuur is unlocked forty five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this. Slashuur replaces Leonardo.(通过Nexus的比赛模式,可以使用Slashuur,后者等待存档后45天........) Play as Karai: Defeat Karai in the Foot Fight Tournament in less than 150 seconds. Alternately, Karai is unlocked thirty five days after a saved game file is created; you can change the system date to do this. Karai replaces Michaelangelo.(在 Foot Fight比赛中,150秒内干掉Karai,可以使用Karai,后者35天后.......) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game: Got to level 9-1 and get the hidden Antique. Do this by going down one of the alleyways. There will be a pile of crates and a broken down bus. Jump on the crate and onto the bus. From the bus, jump onto the building . There should be two crates here, containing Pizza and the Antique. Then, complete the level and defeat all the Purple Dragons, Foot, and Mobsters. Next, go to the " 2nd Time Around". If you look through the different objects in the "NY" section, you will see the image of an arcade. Select the arcade to see information on it. When you exit out of the information, the message "Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked" will appear, and that option is now on the main menu at the title screen. Note: Do not worry if the screen remains black, or the arcade main screen takes a long time to load; this is normal.(Arc模式:9-1关,在一个小巷里有个破的公交车,通过他上到房顶,打开两个箱子,吃到宝箱,通关后,回到家里,看"2nd Time"模式,里面有张卡片,上面画着一个街机,看介绍后推出,屏幕上会出现“Classic Arcade Mode Unlocked",然后退到主画面,出现街机模式.) *****后面由于没弄出街机模式,所以没有测试*** In the arcade game, press Circle to get more lives instead of quarters. The joystick and certain buttons including the pause feature do not work. The character selection is just like the arcade. Each controller controls a different turtle. You cannot which turtle to assign to a controller. Controller one is Leonardo, controller two is Michaelangelo, controller three is Donatello, and Controller four is Raphael. Glitch: Character"s feet pass through wall: Whenever you do a wall-jump, look very carefully to see that your character"s toes (or sometimes even their feet) are passing through the wall. ARC模式我没有弄出来,可能还需要什么条件,这里面所说的方法我试过了,没有成功。 MLASRAM 打敌人有青蛙叫


challenge用作名词的基本意思是:挑战,邀请比赛。用作动词的基本意思是:挑战,指通过决斗或其他较量方式解决争端。1、challenge用作名词:challenge用作名词的基本意思是“挑战,邀请比赛”。引申可指“具有挑战性的事物”“艰巨的任务”;也可指对某事的正确性或合法性的“质疑”,还可指哨兵发出的“止步命令,喝停盘问”。2、challenge用作动词:challenge用作动词的基本意思是“挑战”,指通过决斗或其他较量方式解决争端。引申指对某事的正确性、合法性提出“质疑”;也可指“考验某人的能力”“激发某人做某事”;还可指哨兵“喝令站住”,盘问诸如身份、姓名、意图等;亦指“要求”“需要”。例句:1、She relishes the challenge.她喜欢这项挑战。2、These ideas are open to challenge.这些看法容易受到质疑。3、Bill was stimulated by the challenge.这个挑战让比尔热情高涨。


你先采纳 哈哈哈哈

We shall fight them on the beaches

Winston Churchill 4 June 1940I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty"s Government —— every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God"s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

《鬼泣4》 求Shall Never Surrender(永不放弃)的歌词。。。最好配上钢琴版的。。。谢了

Devil May Cry 4 : Shall Never Surrender(永不放弃) [00:32.96]The time has come and so have I/那刻来临,该我出场 [00:36.46]I"ll laugh last cause you came to die/我将大笑,你们自取灭亡 [00:39.53]The damage done~the pain subsides/伤害逝去,痛苦沉沦 [00:42.16]And I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye/如你眼中清晰的恐惧 [00:46.52]OK! The Devil Boy [00:50.54]Welcome to Hell [00:55.90]A Ha~~~~~~~~~ [00:58.86]I never kneel and I"ll never rest/我从不跪祷,如我从不安歇 [01:02.37]You can tear the heart from my chest/于我胸中,你能撕开我的心脏 [01:05.57]I"ll make you see what I do best/使你目睹我的完美所为 [01:08.28]I"ll succeed as you breathe your very last breathe/我将成功,当你呼吸着最后一次呼吸 [01:10.90] [01:11.68]Now I know how the angel fell (just kneel)/现在我明白天使为何堕落(跪下) [01:14.67]I know the tale and I know it too well (just bow)/我知道那个传说,我了解太多(屈服) [01:17.82]I"ll make you wish you had a soul to sell (soul to sell)/我让你祈求出卖自己的灵魂(出卖灵魂) [01:21.06]When I strike you down and send you straight to hell/当我将你打倒直入地狱的那刻! [01:24.24] [01:24.56]My army comes from deep within/我的军队来自幽暗深壑 [01:27.47]Beneath my soul--beneath my skin/在我灵魂之下——寄寓皮肤之下 [01:30.68]As you"re ending, I"m about to begin/当你终结,而我将开始 [01:33.18]My strength--His bane--and I will never give in/我的力量,他的毁灭,我永不屈服 [01:37.36]I"ll tell you now I"m the one to survive/告诉你,我将是最后的幸存者 [01:40.54]You never break my faith or my stride/你无法破坏我的信仰,我的脚步 [01:43.75]I"ll have you choke on your own demise/我将阻止你,而你将自取灭亡 [01:47.20]I make the angel scream, and the devil cry/我能令天使恐慌尖叫,让恶魔害怕哭泣 [01:50.22](Prologue) [01:51.85]My honored brethren/我亲爱的兄弟姐妹们 [01:55.46]We come together/我们一同而来 [01:59.22]To unite as one/结合成为一体 [02:03.66]Against those that are damned/对抗那些该打进地狱之人 [02:08.66]We show no mercy/我们不会仁慈 [02:12.76]For we have none/对它们我们一无所有 [02:16.91]Our enemy shall fall/我们的敌人将倒下 [02:22.40]As we apprise/当我们告知 [02:27.24]To claim our fate/主张我们的命运时 [02:31.21]Now and forever/从现在起,直到永远 [02:35.12]We"ll be together/我们永远在一起 [02:38.80]In love and in hate/同爱、同恨 [02:43.32]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [02:49.50]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [02:55.82]Through our strength we"ll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:01.13]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [03:09.81] [03:11.21]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [03:18.07]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [03:24.44]Through our strength we"ll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:30.16]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [03:39.05] [03:40.79]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [03:48.28]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [03:54.24]Through our strength we"ll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [03:58.85]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [04:06.91] [04:11.02]They will see. We"ll fight until eternity/他们将看到,我们战斗直到永远 [04:17.42]Come with me We"ll stand and fight together/来和我一起,我们并肩战斗 [04:24.21]Through our strength we"ll make a better day/通过我们的力量,创造更好的未来 [04:29.60]Tomorrow we shall never surrender/即便明天来临,我们也永不放弃 [04:38.90] [04:39.62]We shall never surrender/我们永不放弃

teaching is a challenging andrewarding

challenging Teaching children is a challenging and rewarding job.


问:大虾们。我家音箱牌子是Vlai未来音箱... 我保证是收音机的声音。因为在 7点...

秋山澪hallow little girl 罗马音歌词

中文歌词心底深处 藏著娇小的女生一心只想要轻柔、闪亮 纯粹的东西对这样的她 请温柔地和她搭话就算看不见 那就是真的我It"s me, Call me每当用褶边去装饰 容易受伤的心灵时 就会不禁揪心要说的话 就是梦想著 遇上比巧克力还甜的恋爱那天 有个少女困惑於迷路中悸动与眼泪 都用左手来编织对於这样的她 希望谁来有力地拉她一把因为她只要夜深 就会害怕地无法动弹It"s me, Guide me只要缠住诱惑人的柔软戚风 就能稍微变强吗?我想看看 不只是有如熟成的草莓 红红地染上脸颊低下头的自己It"s me, Call me每当用褶边去装饰 容易受伤的心灵时 就会不禁揪心要说的话 就是梦想著 遇上比巧克力还甜的恋爱那天 请发觉 请招呼 邀请她就在这里喔 娇小的女生 罗马音:胸(むね)の奥(おく) 小(ちい)さな女(おんな)のコがいるのmune ( mune ) no oku ( oku ) shou ( chii ) sana onna ( onna ) no ko gairunoふわふわやきらきら ピュアなものばかり欲(ほ)しいのfuwafuwayakirakira pyua namonobakari yoku ( ho ) shiinoそんな彼女(かのじょ)に どうぞ优(やさ)しく声(こえ)かけてあげてsonna kanojo ( kanojo ) ni douzo 优 ( yasa ) shiku koe ( koe ) kaketeagete目(め)に见(み)えなくても それが本当(ほんとう)の私(わたし)だからme ( me ) ni 见 ( mi ) enakutemo sorega hontou ( hontou ) no watashi ( watashi ) dakaraIt"s me, Call meIt " s me, Call me壊(こわ)れやすいハート フリルで饰(かざ)るたび キュンて鸣(な)いちゃうkai ( kowa ) reyasui ha^to furiru de 饰 ( kaza ) rutabi kyun te 鸣 ( na ) ichauたとえばショコラより 甘(あま)い甘い恋(こい)にいつか出逢(であ)う日(ひ)をtatoeba shokora yori kan ( ama ) i amai koi ( koi ) niitsuka shutsu hou ( dea ) u nichi ( hi ) wo梦见(ゆめみ)でるyume 见 ( yumemi ) deru迷(まよ)い道(みち) 戸(と)惑(まど)う女(おんな)のコがいるのmei ( mayo ) i michi ( michi ) ko ( to ) waku ( mado ) u onna ( onna ) no ko gairunoドキドキも涙(なみだ)も 左手(ひだりて)で缀(つづ)るだけなのdokidoki mo namida ( namida ) mo hidarite ( hidarite ) de 缀 ( tsudu ) rudakenanoそんな彼女(かのじょ)を 谁(だれ)か逞(たくま)しく引(ひ)っ张(ぱ)ってあげてsonna kanojo ( kanojo ) wo 谁 ( dare ) ka tei ( takuma ) shiku hiki ( hi ) tsu 张 ( pa ) tteagete夜(よ)が更(ふ)けたなら 怖(こわ)くて动(うご)けなくなるからyoru ( yo ) ga kou ( fu ) ketanara fu ( kowa ) kute 动 ( ugo ) kenakunarukaraIt"s me, Guide meIt " s me, Guide me引(ひ)っ込(こ)みがちなソフト シフォン缠(まと)えば少(すこ)し 强(つよ)く変(か)われる?hiki ( hi ) tsu komi ( ko ) migachina sofuto shifon 缠 ( mato ) eba shou ( suko ) shi 强 ( tsuyo ) ku hen ( ka ) wareru ?熟(う)れた莓(いちご)のように 赤(あか)くあかく頬染(ほおそ)めうつむくだけじゃない自分(じぶん)juku ( u ) reta ichigo ( ichigo ) noyouni aka ( aka ) kuakaku hoo some ( hooso ) meutsumukudakejanai jibun ( jibun )见(み)せたいの见 ( mi ) setainoIt"s me, Call meIt " s me, Call me壊(こわ)れやすいハート フリルで饰(かざ)るたび キュンて鸣(な)いちゃうkai ( kowa ) reyasui ha^to furiru de 饰 ( kaza ) rutabi kyun te 鸣 ( na ) ichauたとえばショコラより 甘(あま)い甘い恋(こい)にいつか出逢(であ)う日(ひ)をtatoeba shokora yori kan ( ama ) i amai koi ( koi ) niitsuka shutsu hou ( dea ) u nichi ( hi ) wo梦见(ゆめみ)でるyume 见 ( yumemi ) deru気(き)がついて 声(こえ)かけて 诱(いざな)ってki ( ki ) gatsuite koe ( koe ) kakete 诱 ( izana ) tteここにいるよ 小(ちい)さな女(おんな)のコがkokoniiruyo shou ( chii ) sana onna ( onna ) no ko ga

英语单词造句 shall pick hit encourage host improve

答案是:1.weshallvisitBeiJingtomorrow2.pleasepickupyhewastepaperonthefloor3.Tomwashitbyacaryesterday4.myteacherusuallyencouragesmetostudyhard5.whowillhostthemeeting?6.myEnglishhasimprovedalot ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

Doyle Bramhall Ii的《Blame》 歌词

歌曲名:Blame歌手:Doyle Bramhall Ii专辑:Welcomeもう一度あの二つに别れた道へ戾れるとして君に触れないで迷わずこの道を选べるか解らないけれど仆か犯した罪は肌を切るより深い痕を残しただけど神であれ责めさせはしないあの时のように胸の奥に突き刺さったままの情景が拔けない息が出来ず いくらもがいてみてもPlease don"t blame it on meそれは仆のこの足迹をたどれば谁もが解るだろう果てない苦痛に歪まれた足迹をたどれば君を今も想う日々が仆の全てだとしてもいつか时が膝を抱えた仆を连れてゅくよ胸の奥に突き刺さったままの情景が拔けない息が出来ず いくらもがいてみてもPlease don"t blame it on me君を今も想う日々が仆の全てだとしてもいつか时が膝を抱えた仆を连れてゅくよ罪を数え暮す日々が仆の全てだとしても夜を踊り続けるだろう...BlameHYDEWORDS:HYDEMUSIC:TETSUhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8241755

City hall是什么意思

City hall词典结果:city hall[英][u02c8siti hu0254:l][美][u02c8su026ati hu0254l]n.市政厅; 复数:city halls以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Loyalists clash with police officers as they try to force their way into belfast city hall. 当警察试图阻挡示威者进入贝尔法斯特市政厅的时候,他们与警察发生了冲突。2.One day city hall may be as packed with screens as a formula 1 pit. 一天,市政府可能会像一级方程式赛车一样,全部装上大屏幕。


home名词,家, 住宅, 家乡, 本国, 产地, 避难所形容词,家庭的, 国内的, 有效的副词,在家, 回家, 深入地, 在本国例如:我要回家,I am going home.family名词,家庭, 家族, 家属, 亲属, 子女, 僚属形容词,家庭的, 家族的例如:这是我的一家,This is my family.house名词,房子, 住宅, 库房, 机构, 家庭, 家族, 议院, 剧场例如:这个房子很大,this house is huge.department名词,部, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系, 学部例如:人事部,Human Resource Departmentstore动词,贮藏, 贮备, 存储名词,商店, 店铺, 贮藏, 贮备,大商店shop名词,商店, 店铺,小商店动词,买东西, 购货hall名词,会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅


第一个发 倒e的音第二个发 哎的音



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深山新专辑《千鸟止飞》录制巡礼揭秘重金属专辑录制和混音背后的故事DeepMountains深山 - 千鸟止飞(2017黑胶同步录音版)6:17来自就爱重金属赵晓冬,Obsession着魔乐队吉他手,录音/混音师。2006年毕业于中国传媒大学音响导演专业,从事音乐制作行业10年以上,曾为国内多支金属乐队担任专辑录音/混音师。-= 录音篇 =-在前文的叙述中,我们已经大致制定好了所需录音设备的需求和录音方案。终于,激动人心的时刻就要到了。我还记得原定出发日期的前一天,我们棚新买的Marshall jvm410到了。我去楼下接了箱头和箱体,自己在录音棚爽了一下午,一看表已经下午六点了,当时正值冬季,华北平原被厚厚的雾霾所笼罩,本来打算趁着兴奋劲连夜开车过去,但刘强坚决不同意,他怕我打扰了他的酒局,只得第二天一早再走。回家洗澡收拾衣服,再把所有要带的设备打包装好放到后备箱里,睡觉!说实话我还真的没怎么睡着,平时的作息习惯是凌晨4,5点才睡,这10点多就躺倒床上着实无聊的紧。但无论如何也要睡了,施展出数吉他品格大法,终于不知不觉睡着了。第二天早上九点,和媳妇吻别,开车出发。一上高速就走错了一段路,在拐回来的途中还遭遇大堵车,整整拖延了1个半小时,中午在服务区补了个觉,下午三点到达泰安。刘强给我发了定位,到达时竟然发现他正在和史头儿搞基。于是我们把搞基的范围和时间扩大了一下,在一场xx的party过后,当我们再次醒来,已经是第二天早晨了。我带史头儿(冒充泰安地陪)去喝了“糁”,一种泰安当地著名的早餐,我每次来一定要吃,否则是不会开始工作的。国华糁馆位于岱庙对面的某一条小胡同里,吃饭的方式类似自助餐,油条什么的随便拿,不过我也没掏过钱,反正总之非常好吃就是了,大家下次去泰安,一定要去尝尝。史头儿礼貌性的说“还可以”之后(因为他是南方人),就离开泰安奔向他女朋友的怀抱,我们真正的工作即将开展。我所带的话筒里面,有一套AKG鼓话筒套装,携带方便,声音也还可以,最重要的是它很便宜。所以大家会看到设备列表里面有一大串的AKG话筒。当然我本人也是AKG话筒的死忠,从便宜的动圈D112,到中端电容C414,和高端的C12VR电子管话筒,都是我经常使用的手中利器。AKG话筒其实没有特别贵的,但是声音特质我非常喜欢,质朴,有劲,紧实,特别是低频,普遍会比较紧实,非常适合摇滚乐,金属乐的录音。录音设备列表:话筒类:底鼓:AKG P2 动圈军鼓:AKG P17 小震膜电容踩嚓:AKG P17 小震膜电容通鼓:AKG P4 动圈OVERHEAD: AKG C451B 小震膜电容吉他音箱A:Marshall AVT150H Head+Wangs 412(节奏吉他)Shure sm57(动圈)+Sennheiser MD421(动圈)+AKG 414(大振膜电容)吉他音箱B:Blackstar HT-Stage 100 Head+Laney 412(主音吉他)Sennheiser E906(动圈)+AKG 414(大振膜电容)贝斯音箱:Peavy Tour450 Head+Ashdown810Sennheiser MD 421(动圈)人声话筒:Neumann M147声卡:PreSonus AudioBox 1818VSL(8路模拟输入+8路ADAT数字输入)数字话放:Focusrite OctoPre 8通道数字话放(ADAT)DAW:Cubase 8 ai其实我们原定要使用的录音软件是Pro Tools 12.5.2,可是不知为何,我带过去的软件在泰安的电脑里死活装不上去,可能是因为没有让它搞基的缘故吧,可是不管如何,活人不能被软件憋死。不用你Pro Tools,难道还不录音了不成?这时候,某人机智的拿出了他的试(po)用(JIE)版的Cubase,哈哈,在我们大天朝,这个东西确实是百战百胜。懂录音设备的朋友应该能够发现,我们这次录音,并没有使用特别昂贵和豪华的设备。设备这个东西,当达到一定的层级以后,其实并不是好与不好的区分,而是风格上的差异。使用最合适的设备,比使用最好的设备要科学合理的多的多。世界上没有十全十美设备,重要的是玩好手中现在的设备,熟悉这个设备的特性,知道他的优缺点而扬长避短。我在做很多国内金属乐队的混音中,经常能收到很多音质非常“感人”的音轨,比较常见的问题有:录音电平过高导致声音爆掉的,一张专辑中同一件乐器音色天差地别的,录制方式不科学导致非常奇葩声音出现的等等,此中原因,大多是因为在前期录音过程中,缺乏对全局的思考,缺乏对混音的认识,缺乏对唱片制作规律的尊重。还有很多乐手对录音不重视,认为所有问题都可以靠混音来解决,这是非常严重的错误认识。诚然,好的混音确实可以让音乐作品增光添彩,但前提是录音质量要做到基本合格。如果以女孩子化妆举例子,录音质量可以认为是女孩的素颜水平,而混音后,也只是像画了淡妆,绝不可能像经过重度ps以后一样。如同做菜,给厨师一堆臭肉,怎么能要求他做出一桌满汉全席呢?不论是录音还是混音,最重要的是什么?不是设备档次的高低,也不是录音技术的好坏,我认为应该是工作思路一定要清晰。1:我们想要获得什么样的声音,2:如何去实现这样的目标。录音开始时,录音师的脑子里应该已经有了成品声音的样本,即要考虑如何给混音提供符合最佳条件的音轨,又要考虑每件乐器需要录制多少轨的素材,什么样的音色是能够让混音师有最大自由发挥的空间,混音时大致的音量平衡,空间感分布,频率范围分配等,当录音师脑子里面有这些东西的时候,其实整张作品的质量已经有50%的保证了。当所有的乐器设备都到位以后,由于录音空间已经布满了设备,有了乐手和工作人员,所以房间声学特性会和空房间时的状态有所差别。所以,我并没有着急开始录音,而是让乐手开始演奏此次录音的内容,而我在房间的各个空间开始走动,找出房间里有声学缺陷的地方,并思考如何通过调整乐器和音箱的摆放,话筒位置的摆放来弥补这些问题。但实际上最终录制出来的东西,还是有所遗憾的。比如,鼓被放在了一面带有小隔断的镜子前面,我本意是希望通过不规则的镜子,能够反射出来一些比较自然的房间混响,但是低估了镜子对于高频反射的能力,最终导致军鼓的高频反射比较厉害。贝斯音箱的摆放虽然避开了墙角低频聚集问题,但是角度没有选择好,箱体直对着主音吉他的音箱,导致主音吉他音箱的话筒中拾取了过多的贝斯音箱传来的低频。当然这些问题现在想来,也是没有办法的事情,录音空间只有那么大,可供回旋的余地也不是太多,有时候我们在录音的过程中,也只能选择“最合适”的方案,而非选择“最佳”方案。通过前期的沟通,我们知道深山乐队的吉他部分,主音和节奏琴的分工是很明确的,录音室录音中,节奏吉他一般会录制两遍,放在左右,主音和solo部分会放在中间附近的位置,并且节奏琴和主音琴的音色,空间,动态,频率都是要分开的。而这次同步录音,节奏吉他不可能像在录音室里一样弹奏两遍,所以,我选择了给节奏吉他架设了两只不同型号的动圈话筒,分别对应了箱体的两个不同的喇叭,一下子录制出来两套不同的话筒的声音,供后期混音时选择性使用,保证混音阶段不至于因为缺少某种音频素材而捉襟见肘(其实在混音阶段并没有用到备用素材)。吉他话筒的摆放是一个相当漫长的过程,一般来讲,录制吉他需要用到两只话筒,一支动圈话筒,负责收取吉他音箱最主要的音色和冲击力。由于距离较近,所以动圈话筒和音箱喇叭之间的位置关系相当敏感,1-2cm的移动就会产生很大差别,这个需要根据房间声学特性,乐队音乐风格,话筒话放的搭配来综合考虑。一般来讲越靠近喇叭纸盆的中心位置,音色会越明亮,但毛刺也会更多,越远离纸盆的中心位置,音色会暗淡,但也会更干净。所以我们要根据音乐风格来找到这个音色的平衡点。另外一支电容话筒,会在距离纸盆30-50cm的地方,负责拾取声音的空间感,动态感和丰富的细节,电容话筒摆放的好坏,直接决定了音色的丰富和细腻程度。我们要想获得一个既有冲击力而又细节丰富的声音,需要不断调整这两只话筒的位置关系,同时避免相位干扰,以达到最佳的平衡点。当找到这个平衡点的时候,可能单听其中某一支话筒的声音,并不是最好听的,但如果把两只话筒的声音合起来听,一定要是最平衡,最合适,音色也要符合要求的。这个平衡点,就如同刚才所说,并不是“最佳”方案,但一定要是“最合适”方案!关于鼓的OVERHEAD话筒摆放,可能有些同学会注意到,我并没有把这一对立体声话筒以整套鼓为中心点摆放。而是在整套鼓的左侧。之所以这样摆放,是因为立体声OVERHEAD话筒,除了拾取嚓片的声音以外,一套鼓所有的声音都会被OVERHEAD拾取,在这一组立体声声场中,对整套鼓的立体声定位有着重要的作用。而混音中,一般会把军鼓放在立体声声场的中间,所以,我是以军鼓为整套鼓的中轴线,摆放这一对OVERHEAD话筒。那么有同学会问,底鼓一般在混音中也会放在中间,这样摆放OVERHEAD的话,会不会使底鼓的立体声定位模糊呢?其实不会,因为底鼓主要是以低频为主,而在人耳的听觉中,低频的声像定位不是那么准确和敏感,所以并不会影响到后期混音的问题。我把所有的鼓话筒接入了8路数字话放,原因是这台数字话放的每一轨都带有一个简单的压缩器。而对于鼓这种瞬态冲击力很大的乐器来说,录音时有压缩器的存在,既能保证录入的信号足够大,又不会让声音出现削波失真(爆掉,冒红),这对一个合格的录音作品来说是至关重要的。其他所有的话筒全部接入声卡,使用声卡自带的话放,这个话放虽然不是什么好话放,但PreSonus毕竟是一个靠生产话放而起家的公司,其基本素质还是有保证的。关于人声录音,其实录完音以后,很多录音同行都问我,在同一个声场里面,有那么多乐器同时出声,人声录制是怎么保证的。其实说实话,确实无法保证,因为现场的声压级实在是太大了,所有的声音都窜进一个灵敏的电容话筒,怎么可能保证品质呢?我的做法是在同期录音结束以后,在同样的声场环境内,又让主唱听着录好的回放,又唱了一遍作为补充。这样既能保证声场的统一性,又能保证干净而良好的音质,这也是各种条件限制下的无奈之举吧。上面所叙述的并不是录音的全部,如果把整体的录音方案和思考过程都写下来,那将是一篇二万字以上的论文了。我也只是把其中比较重点的问题提了一下,希望能对大家有所帮助。-= 混音篇 =-DeepMountains深山 - 忘忧湖(2017黑胶同步录音版)6:45来自就爱重金属当我打算开始写“混音篇”的文章时,却迟迟没有动笔,一时不知道该从什么角度来阐述。由于文章阅读对象是广大的乐迷群体和乐手,而并不是专业音乐制作行业内的人,所以并不想写成一篇专业的混音介绍文章,而且读者听不到分轨的声音,而脱离了声音来谈声音,无异于水中望月,所以此文不会有太多具体效果器应用方面的内容,更多的是我个人在面对一个作品时的思考方式和工作流程的介绍。如何做好一个音乐作品的混音,牵涉到两方面,一是技术,二是艺术。这两者缺一不可,相辅相成。技术决定着成品的质量,艺术决定着成品的可听程度。我认为脱离了艺术范畴谈混音,都是耍流氓,脱离了音乐风格的考虑,技术指标再好,都将注定是失败的作品。所以,在混音阶段,混音师的作用,是对于整体音乐风格的把控,只有在特定的音乐风格的前提下,才能再谈频率,动态,空间等等技术问题。这就是为什么很多优秀的制作人,只专注于自己所喜爱和擅长的领域,而非什么都做,为什么有些制作人制作出来的东西,听起来总是怪怪的感觉的原因。说完了大前提,那么进入真正的混音阶段。混音和录音一样,我认为最重要的就是工作思路,除了工作思路以外,还需要混音师有一双“职业的耳朵”,而非“爱好者的耳朵”。什么叫做爱好者的耳朵?在播放音乐时,爱好者总是会不自觉的去注意那些最吸引人的地方,比如歌词,人声的好听程度等等,而职业的耳朵,除了要找到吸引人的地方(即“多”的地方),更要敏锐的觉察到“少”的地方,比如哪里的频率是缺失的,哪里的配器是不够丰满的,哪里的空间感是不够的。培养这样一双“金耳朵”,是建立在大量的实践的基础上的,没有上百套分轨的混音经验,很难完成从“爱好者”向“职业选手”的转变。当我们拿到分轨,一套科学的工作流程是非常重要的,有很多初学接触混音的人,面对几十条甚至上百条的分轨,往往会不知所措,不知道从哪里开始入手,导致在混音的过程中手忙脚乱,越做声音越脏,可想而知,成品质量往往是不过关的。下面,我将重点说明我个人的工作流程,这个流程不一定代表正确,因为混音其实并没有非常具体的流程,根据每个人习惯的不同和音乐风格的不同,会略有不同。但大的方向应该都是一致的。一般最开始,我会先播放几遍,了解音乐风格,熟悉歌曲段落的安排,并找出可能会出现问题的元素。同时记录混音笔记(我一般是以画图的形式,这样更直观)。如每件器乐大致的层次前后安排,所占空间大小,每件乐器大致的频率分配,前奏,主歌,副歌,连阶段,结尾的时间,和一些其他应该注意的问题,并随着混音的进展,随时添加或修改混音笔记,这样有助于混音师始终能以清晰的目标和思路持续工作。由于这次录音是我自己亲自去录,对整体音乐比较了解,所以这个步骤就省去了,直接开始第一步。类似这样的混音笔记第一步:整理音轨整理音轨包括:1:切除不需要的音轨或音轨没有声音的部分。何谓不需要的音轨,一般录音师给混音师的文件素材,都会只多不少,防止在后期混音中出现因为素材不够而捉襟见肘的情况发生。如何判断有哪些音轨是不需要的呢?这个需要混音师在头脑里有清晰的成品样本,每件乐器占据多大的频率范围,多大的空间,多余的,暂时可以把音轨mute掉。切除音轨中没有声音的部分,一般拿到的音轨都是头尾对齐导出的,而并不是每个音轨都在整首歌曲中占满所有的时间,所以我们要把多余的部分切掉。这样做有两个好处,一是能够在混音的过程中,很清晰明了的看出来每一个声音何时发声,二是能够节约CPU资源。2:给所有的音轨重新命名,排序,上色。这样可以在混音时快速准确的找到我们需要调整的音轨。命名是非常个人化的事情,你觉得什么名字顺眼,就起什么名字。音轨的排序,我一般是按组排列。1:鼓组,鼓组里面按照KICK,SNARE,HH,TOM,OVERHEAD,ROMM,PZM的音轨排练2:BASS3:吉他,节奏吉他,主音吉他,木吉他等等4:弦乐组,按照小中大低的顺便排列5:管乐:按照先木管后铜管的方式排列6:钢琴:古典钢琴,爵士钢琴,酒吧钢琴等等7:点缀型乐器:如三角铁,风铃等等8:铺底型乐器:如合成器铺底,电子声音铺底9:人声:主唱,主唱副音轨,和声最后根据个人喜好和习惯,给每一组的乐器标记同样的颜色,重点音轨要写备注。科学整齐的音轨整理,是做好一个工程的重要基础,这样整理出来音轨以后,很方便后续工作的开展,能够很迅速的在几十甚至上百轨的工程文件中找到想要的那一轨。下图以《千鸟止飞》为例,看一下我的音轨整理。不过因为这个工程比较小,所以没有那么多轨道。编辑界面混音界面第二步:电平管理(音量平衡)有很多人拿到工程以后,听不清声音的音轨就玩命往上推推子,直到有的推子推到头为止,这是非常错误的一种方式。如上图可见,我们俗称的推子,全称为“推拉衰减器”,当我们听不见某一轨声音的时候,正确的做法应该是拉低其他音轨的推子,这样听不见的声音自然就会透出来。同时,每个轨道在录音时,都会有设备的本底噪声录入,再好的设备都会有本底噪声,无非是大小的区别罢了,这也是为什么要求在录音时,本着在不冒红的条件下,尽量把电平录大的原因,这样在后期混音中,不会因为这一轨的声音不够大而去加大音量,同时也会增加本底噪声的音量,所以,在拉低每轨音量的同时,噪声音量也会随之降低。不过,拉低音量也并非无限制的拉低,有没有标准呢,有!标准就是当所有的音轨同时播放的时候,主输出音量一般控制在-12至-18DB之间,根据不同的音乐风格,会有不同的控制,但大致都是在这个范围区间内,这样在母带处理时,会有足够的动态余量来提升响度。千万不要在混音的过程中,随着效果器的添加和电平的调整,总电平不自觉的又增加上去。所以控制总电平,是在整个混音过程中都要持续关注的问题。如果在混音时就把主输出音量冲红,试想一下,母带处理时怎么可能还会有动态空间供提升响度?那么出现压缩的喘息效应,甚至失真就不可避免了,而且声音也大不起来。(主推子电平的一瞬间)第三步:声像平衡没有摆开声像的工程,当摆开声像以后,会有一种豁然开朗的感觉。在做音色之前,一定要把声像摆开,很难想象所有的声音都挤在中间,有那么多频率干扰的情况下,我们以什么标准去评判一个声音的音色是否合格。这个方面着重说一点,每个鼓组的单独乐器,一定要根据OVERHEAD音轨里的立体声定位来摆放,否则会出现声像定位不清晰,甚至相位失真等问题。(声像平衡示意图)第四步:音色、动态处理这时才介入我们最常谈论到的EQ,压缩等效果器。这些基础性效果器只要不乱作,一般不会把声音弄得太难听,或者可以说,正确的使用这些基础性效果器,能够给好听的声音搭建一个基础。但是无论如何,我有一个原则,就是能不通过效果器处理的,就不通过效果器处理,能尽量少通过效果器处理的,就尽量少用。声音每经过一次效果器,或多或少的会出现对音质的损失,模糊,甚至失真。可能一轨两轨没什么问题,试想一下如果一个上百轨的工程,每个轨道上都加载了3个以上的效果器,那声音会变得多么模糊,脏和无力度。在音色处理的顺序方面,我个人大体上会按频率由低向高的顺序做起,因为低频声音一般是比较难控制的,把低频乐器处理好,再加入高频段乐器,是相对比较容易的。以《千鸟止飞》为例,我的音色处理顺序是:底鼓-贝斯-军鼓-通鼓-踩嚓-OVERHEAD-节奏吉他-人声-主音吉他。在EQ效果器的使用上,除了要调出漂亮的音色外,更要注意同时发声乐器的频率避让。(插入式效果器插件栏)大家可以看到我在每一轨上面使用的效果器的量是比较少的,有一些轨道没有使用效果器,或者可以合并发送音轨的,我会把多个音轨合并发送到一轨,使用一套效果器,而不用把这个效果器在每个轨道上都插入。当然能够这样做的前提,是我自己亲自做的录音,对于分轨的质量有所保证,比较满意的基础上的。底鼓音色,这次录音由于条件所限,只录了一轨底鼓外的音轨,底鼓内由于没有找到合适的话筒架而放弃。导致底鼓音色松软有余而打击感不足。所以我在体现打击感的300hz左右的地方做了提升,在5khz的地方做了提升以突出空气感和高频,使声音可以从失真墙中透出来,由于过于松软,所以50hz的超低频略微的降低,以达到音色即不松软,也不会丧失低频空间感的目的。压缩方面则给了压缩比比较大的压缩量,使声音能够更集中,打击感更强。(底鼓效果器)底鼓做完,我会结合底鼓音色去做贝斯,这两件低频乐器的频率结合是非常重要的,如果结合的不好,低频会出现空档或叠加的现象。录贝斯时我特意使用了Sennheiser MD421话筒,这款话筒的特点是低频高频都非常好,而中频有所塌陷,泛音丰富。但拿到分轨后,还是觉得虽然低频很舒服,但高频差的太多,所以我在做了一个简单的低切后,在100hz做了一个窄频带的小提升,和底鼓的频率能够尽量互为补充,但在8Khz的地方做了一个相当大胆的大频带的大提升,当时也把我自己吓了一跳,但是没办法,这样贝斯漂亮的高频泛音才能出来。压缩则使用了经典的SSL G系列,做了一个相当平滑的压缩,控制了一下动态范围,提升一些细节,更多的是希望通过SSL效果器给贝斯以干净的力度感。贝斯eq贝斯压缩关于效果器运用就不一一详解了,如果全说完,恐怕又要是超万字的大工程,效果器使用方面的知识,网上到处都有,不需要多说,重点的思考方式前面已提到。五:空间处理所谓空间处理,包括声像,电平,EQ,混响,延时等等。构成一个声音的远近由音色,音量和空间构成。所以无论从eq,压缩,还是音量,包括混响,都能起到影响空间感的作用。而我对有一些立体声扩展器之类的效果器,则是本着能不用则不用的原则。只要混音做的好,空间感一定是够的,不需要用额外的专门效果器去辅助,额外的效果器会产生很多副作用,如相位干扰,定位缺失。《千鸟止飞》的混响,我一共使用了三个。第一个是主混响,主要是鼓组使用,第二个是板式人声混响,为了给人声增加清脆感,第三个是念白混响,这个混响时间很大,希望能够营造出一种古人站在山间读诗的感觉。三个人声混响六:自动化处理音乐是流动的,情绪也并非一成不变,所以有些混音的处理可能适合大部分的地方,但个别地方就不那么合适,这时候我们就需要自动化处理。关于自动化的具体方法方式,就不详细说了,这里面牵涉到了专业问题太多,有兴趣的同学可以单独探讨。这样,一首混音作品就基本出炉了。当然,我也仅仅是非常大略的介绍了一下混音流程,而一个完整的混音也并非只是上述的这些内容,除了各种效果器使用的技巧和规则以外,还牵涉到监听选择,路由分配,对比监听,实例对比音轨,响度控制等等方面的内容,一篇短短的文章篇幅是大大不够的。后续还有母带处理阶段,那又是一整套的方案,这次就不多说了。《千鸟止飞》专辑一共有三种媒介的方式出版(LP,CD,DVD),在母带阶段,根据不同的媒介特性,做了三种不同的母带处理方式,以后如果有时间,我会在详细的说明。-= 后记 =-DeepMountains深山 - 九黎之舞(217黑胶同步录音版)6:12来自就爱重金属由于篇幅和时间所限,还有很多地方没有一一说明,一时间我也无法照顾到每一个细节和要点,这是把这两天能够想到的,认为比较重要的内容叙述下来。但最重要的是,所有参与这张专辑的制作人员的齐心努力,才能造就出来这样一张优秀的专辑,感谢每一位为这张专辑提供帮助和付出努力的人,没有你们,就没有这一切。参与音频录制和视频录制的工作人员名单:制作人:刘强主唱/吉他手:刘强吉他手:李振贝斯手:秦建玺鼓手:邹强录音:赵晓冬/邢甲混音:赵晓冬母带处理:赵晓冬视频录制和剪辑:马翔/邢甲感谢所有人!
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