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more and mor+than对吗?

more and more...是同一个人或事物“越来越……”You are more and more beautiful. 你越来越漂亮了。(是你和自己比较)more... than是两个人或事物之间的比较You are more beautiful than her. 你比她漂亮

常温下,向100 mL 0.01 mol·L - 1 HA溶液中逐滴加入0.02 mol·L - 1 MOH溶液,图中所示曲线表示混

(1)强 0.01 mol·L - 1 HA的pH为2,说明HA完全电离(2)< M + +H 2 O??MOH+H +  1×10 - a mol·L - 1 (3)c(M + )>c(A - )>c(OH - )>c(H + )(4)= 0.005 (1)由图像看出0.01 mol/L HA溶液,pH=2,说明其完全电离,故为强电解质。(2)由题目图像可知100 mL 0.01 mol/L HA溶液中滴加51 mL 0.02 mol/L MOH溶液,pH=7,说明MOH是弱碱,故其对应的MA是弱碱强酸盐,水解显酸性,溶液中H + 全部是水电离出来的,故水电离出的c(OH - )=1×10 - a mol·L - 1 。(3)~(4)在K点时向100 mL 0.01 mol/L HA溶液中滴加100 mL 0.02 mol/L MOH溶液反应,反应后的溶液为等浓度的MA和MOH溶液,故c(M + )>c(A - )>c(OH - )>c(H + )。由物料守恒可得c(M + )+c(MOH)=2c(A - ),结合电荷守恒:c(M + )+c(H + )=c(A - )+c(OH - ),c(M + )-c(OH - )=c(A - )-c(H + )≈0.005 mol·L - 1

常温下,向100mL 0.01mol?L-1 MOH溶液中逐滴加入0.02mo1?L-1 HA溶液,图中所示曲线表示混合溶液的pOH变化

A.N点时溶液呈中性,HA的物质的量大于MOH的物质的量,说明HA是弱酸,故A正确;B.0.01mol?L-1 MOH溶液中pOH=2,说明MOH是强碱,故B正确;C.N点溶液呈中性,K点溶液呈酸性,酸性溶液抑制水电离,所以N点水的电离程度大于K点水的电离程度,故C正确;D.在K点时混合溶液体积是酸溶液的物质的量是碱的2倍,根据物料守恒结合溶液体积变化知,c(HA)+c(A-)=0.022mol/L…①,根据电荷守恒可知,c(M+)+c(H+)=c(OH-)+c(A-)…②,由①+②得:c(HA)+c(M+)+c(H+)=c(OH-)+0.01,得c(HA)+c(H+)-c(OH-)=0.01-0.012=0.005mol?L-1,故D错误;故选D.

常温下,向100mL0.01mol·L -1 HA溶液中逐滴加入0.02mol·L -1 MOH溶液,图中所示的曲线表示混合溶液的p

C 试题分析:分析图像中的pH变化曲线,起始时溶液的pH值为2,说明HA酸为一元强酸,A对;由于是向100mL0.01mol·L -1 HA溶液中逐滴加入0.02mol·L -1 MOH溶液,可知当加入50mL时,两者恰好完全反应,此时溶液的pH值小于7,说明碱是一元弱碱,B对;N点时溶液中的碱稍过量,K点时碱过量较多,碱能抑制水的电离,C错;K点时pH=10,则溶液中c(MOH)+c(M + )=10 -2 mol·L -1 ,HA为一元强酸,故c(A - )=0.005mol·L -1 ,根据溶液中的电荷守恒,可得出:c(A - )+ c(OH - )=" c" (H + )+ c(M + ),将上述两式代入可得:c (MOH)+ c(OH - )-c (H + )=0.005mol·L -1 ,D对。

为什么python3 pickleshare

加工数据的,可以用来存取结构化数据。举个例子: 一个字典a = {"name":"Tom","age":22},用pickle.dump存到本地文件,所存数据的结构就是字典,而普通的file.write写入文件的是字符串。读取时,pickle.load返回的是一个字典


C 试题分析:本题考查酸碱混合溶液中离子浓度的关系,明确混合后溶液中的溶质及盐类水解是解答的关键;MOH强碱溶液和等体积、等浓度的HA弱酸溶液混合后,恰好反应为MA,为强碱弱酸盐,水解显碱性,A - 水解,则c(M + )>c(A - ),水解显碱性,则c(OH - )>c(H + ),盐类的水解是微弱的,则c(A - )>c(OH - ),则浓度关系为(M + )>c(A - )>c(OH - )>c(H + ),选C。







常温下,向25mL 0.1mol/L MOH溶液中逐滴加入0.2mol/L HA溶液,曲线如图所示(体积变化忽略不计).回答下

(1)由图象可知0.1mol/L MOH溶液的pH=13,c(OH-)=0.1mol/L,说明为强碱,完全电离,则电离方程式为MOH═M++OH-,故答案为:MOH═M++OH-;(2)由图象可知,当加入13mL 0.2mol/L HA溶液时,n(HA)=0.0026mol,而n(MOH)=0.0025mol,说明HA过量,但溶液呈中性,说明HA为弱酸,如二者恰好反应,应生成强碱弱酸盐,水解呈碱性,发生A-+H2O?HA+OH-,促进水的电离,则混合溶液中由水电离出的c(H+)大于0.2mol/L HA溶液中由水电离出的c(H+),故答案为:碱;A-+H2O?HA+OH-;>;(3)B点溶液呈中性,溶液中存在c(M+)=c(A-)>c(H+)=c(OH-),C点反应已进行完全,HA过量,溶液呈酸性,但MA的物质的量大于HA的物质的量,应存在c(A-)>c(M+)>c(H+)>c(OH-),故答案为:c(M+)=c(A-)>c(H+)=c(OH-);c(A-)>c(M+)>c(H+)>c(OH-);(4)D点时,加入n(HA)=0.005mol,而加入n(MOH)=0.0025mol,A元素以A-和HA两种形式存在,而M全以M+形式存在,溶液中c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+),c(M+)=0.05mol/L,c(OH-)=1×10-11mol/L,由电荷守恒c(M+)+c(H+)=c(A-)+c(OH-)和物料守恒c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+),求得c(HA)+c(H+)=c(M+)+c(OH-)≈0.05mol/L故答案为:=;0.05.

i have tow big eyes对划线提问划线部分是tow

How many big eyes do you have?

He has got tow sistee,怎么变成疑问句?

就two提问用How many即How many sisters has he got?

only tow /that's all/just soso什么意思




tow/ haul是什么意思






This, That, These, There, Those的分别,用法及解释?

This= 这个 (系一个 singular先可以用) 用 This is a apple 这是一个苹果 That = 那个 (系一个 singular先可以用) 用法: That is a apple 那是一个苹果 These = 这些 (系2个或以上 plural先可以用) 用法: These are some apples 这些是苹果 There = 那里(冇分几多个 但系有"果到"既意思) 用法: There are some apples. 那里有一些苹果 Those = 那些(系2个或以上 plural先可以用) 用法:Those are apples 那些是苹果 佢地既分别系单数同众数 仲有"这"同埋"那"既分别 This 相反系 That These 相反系 Those There 相反系 Here(这里) 参考: ME This that---> singular! They"re used when speaking of a single object. You may consider this as a "closer" object while "that" usually refers to an object not as close as "this" refers to. These those ----> plural Used to speak of multiple objects. These: "closer" Those: not as close as "these" There---> depends on what follows it ( is are? ) Usually used to say the amount of object. EX. There"re 2 pens. / There"s a pen. 参考: myself

此句的句型是:suspect+(that从句).还是:suspect +...+of 名

suspect+(that从句).his party have little chance of winning the next election做宾语从句

writen by harriet rosenbloom

30. living 31. had ended 32. that 33. putting 34. for 35. to be sold 36. as/though 37. firmly 38. an 39. her



Jackie Deshannon的《Nicole》 歌词

歌曲名:Nicole歌手:Jackie Deshannon专辑:Me About You / To Be FreeNico - Lucy van Pelt目を覚ましたら 闻こえてくる雨音に耳をすます明けない夜に 升るはずの阳の位置を思い浮かべるふつりあいな程大きな黒い伞薄明るい空に手を伸ばしさしたら小さな闇になった近すぎた影 远い嘘静かすぎる部屋は嫌い确かめる间も ないままになぜ急いで沈むのだろう何も见えない夜は见失わないように苛立ちと愿いをろうそくに 灯せば寂し気な天体になったもしも言叶が星よりも数え切れない程あるなら伝えられるかもしれないけどそんな大切なものではないと思うそこまで 歩いてゆこう雨が降りやんだら穏やかな朝焼けが眩しいだろうhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2616989

正手扣杀 英语是不是full hand drive?

full hand 我不太清楚正确性,但我觉得drive应该用smash 代替吧?

粤语发音“看”怎么说? 是tei还是han?


《something just like that》歌词请教~

Something Just Like This歌手:The Chainsmokers / ColdplayI"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍The legends and the myths那些传说与神话Achilles and his gold阿喀琉斯和他的战利品Hercules and his gifts大力神与他的天赋Spiderman"s control蜘蛛侠的控制力And Batman with his fists和蝙蝠侠的铁拳And clearly I don"t see myself upon that list显而易见我未能名列其中She said, where"d you wanna go?她说,你想去何方?How much you wanna risk?你能承担多大的风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求With some superhuman gifts那些超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can kiss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些I want something just like this我只想要这些I"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍The legends and the myths那些传说与神话The testaments they told他们所讲述的圣约The moon and its eclipse月亮的阴晴圆缺And Superman unrolls还有超人展示A suit before he lifts他飞天前的装束But I"m not the kind of person that it fits但我不是这样的英雄She said, where"d you wanna go?她说,你想去何方?How much you wanna risk?你能承担多大的风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求With some superhuman gifts那些超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can miss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this我想要的不过是这些I want something just like this我我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooWhere"d ya wanna go?你想要到何方?How much you wanna risk?你能经受得住多少风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求那些With some superhuman gifts超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can kiss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this这就是我想要的Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些阿喀琉斯(希腊语:u1f08χιλλεu03cdu03c2、英语:Achilles),又译阿基里斯、阿基琉斯、阿奇里斯。是荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中参加特洛伊战争的一个半神英雄,希腊联军第一勇士。海洋女神忒提斯(Thetis)和英雄珀琉斯(Peleus)之子。因出生后被母亲浸在冥河水中,除因为忒提斯(Thetis)怕其淹死而抓住未沾到冥河水的脚踵(或用天火烧去凡人部分的躯体用神膏恢复,后忒提斯(Thetis)因被珀琉斯(Peleus)发现而停手离开,所以留下脚踵)外,全身刀枪不入。在特洛伊战争中杀死特洛伊第一勇士赫克托耳,使希腊军转败为胜。后被受到太阳神阿波罗指引或加护的帕里斯发出的暗箭射中脚踵而死。阿喀琉斯作为一个半神在众多主神、大神的世界里都占有一定地位,其传奇色彩可见一斑。

But the myths that have grown

  是后置定语,修饰conditions,意思是脱离这些仪式的条件下。under conditions,under的是什么样的conditions呢?就是divorced from these rites的条件下。

请问Shall 和 Will 有什么分别, (在 tense里)??

THEY ARE THE SAME SHALL:NO PAST TENSE WILL:WOULD 参考: ME 这是一个好问题,相信很多中国香港人都唔系好明两者的分别。其实,Shall和Will两个字在英文中算是古字,用法也有不同。不过,由于时代交替和文化改变,现在这两个字的用法已经变得糢糊了。甚至英语地区的人,也不一定能分辨出来。所以,要认识两者的分别,不得不由历史开始。 在古代英语里,其实没有Future Tense。Present Tense已包含了Future Tesne的意思。而Shall字本身有命令(mand)的意思,所以当时的人指将要发生的事,而又是一项命令的时候,便会说You shall He shall They shall等。例如:You shall go to school tomorrow 即明天你将要回学校(命令式;可能是校长,老师或家长说的)。注意,由于Shall本身带有命令的含意,所以绝少人会用I shall,因为没有人会命令自己的!不过当问人指令时,却可以用Shall I ... ? Will的意思则是意愿(it is my will to...),所以会说I will,但不会说He will You will They will等,因为很难从表面看出其他人的意愿。不过,当然可以问人的意愿,所以会用Will he Will you Will they...? 由此可见,Shall和Will的意思和用法其实有很大的分别。不过,现代人有多少人还会跟随,就是一个大疑问! 后来英文「进化」成有了Future Tense(Simple Future),就发展出第一身(I/We)要用Shall,而第二(You)或第三身(He/She/It)要用Will的定律。中国香港老师所教的,相信就是源于此处。 再后来出现了Modal Future的文法,Shall可以用在第二和第三身上,而Will又可以用在第一身上,两者开始变成共通,但又变得糢糊。 直至现在,Shall和Will是共通的,不过Shall很多时给人比较严肃和正统的感觉,所以都用了Will。只有在法律或 *** 文件中,Shall字才比较普遍。比如:Company A shall pay Company B $x dollars,即A公司将要(带有命令的)付B公司$x元。当然,你也可以用You shall或He shall,文法没错,只是看者或听者不习惯。正如在美国,大部份人都惯用Will,一般都说I will They will He will,跟美国人说I shall,他们还会以为你在拍古装片!但在英国说I shall,仍有大部份人接受。 另外要注意,古文里Shall的Past Tense是Should,Will的Past Tense是Would,不过现代英语中,Should已变成应该(ought),而Would就有不太肯定的意愿的意思;都是英文因时代变化的例子。 参考: en. *** /wiki/Shall_and_will bartleby/116/213 shall or will 后面加 verb 是简单未来时态的形成 (The Formation of Simple Future Tense) (1) Shall is used with the First Person. Shall 多用于第一身的未来时态, 如(I we)。 e.g. I shall learn to swim next week. We shall go to Macau tomorrow. (2) Will is used with the Second and Third Person. Will 多用于第二身或第三身的未来时态, 如(you he she it they)。 e.g. He/She will go next week. They will arrive on time. You will lend him the money. 而 Should 和 Would 就是 Shall 和 Will 的过去时态, 但这里就不讲太多了。 但要注意:有时 shall 都会用于第二身或第三身, 而 will 都会用于第一身的。 当出现这个情况时 shall 和 will 就不是一个辅助的动词, 就变成表达的(命令mand) (承诺promise) (确定determination) 等意思。 e.g. I will lend him the money.(我承诺借钱给他) You shall follow the doctors advice.(你决心跟随医生的劝告) We will spend a holiday there.(我们确定在那里度过假期) 希望帮到你﹗ 参考: 以上取材于 ESSENCE OF ENGLISH FOR UPPER CLASSES 冇分别,大家都系future tense,只系学校会叫学生,系 I 同we 之后,要用shall做future tense,其他都用will。 例: I shall go to the zoo tomorrow. 例2: We shall see the teacher tomorrow. 例3: They will do their homework later. 例4: You will pay for the bill after lunch. 参考: Myself 我们很多时把shall和will混淆。何时说I shall,何时说I will?现代英文的shall和will用法,和一百年前的英文分别很大。基本上,现在只有We和I会跟shall,he、she、they不会跟shall。至于will,若用于I will,那意思是「我情愿」、「我相信我会做」。I will see you.是说我相信我会来见你,这是我的意愿。I shall die one day.就用shall,因为那没甚么意愿可言,是定律。小童说I shall go to school tomorrow.这也不是他可以选择的,没意愿可言,所以用shall。要认真地讲究shall和will的分别,可以很复杂,但大致的分别就是这样。 future tense 除了用will 和shall表达之外,亦可以用am/is/are going to。 will 和shall通常是说unplanned future。 am/is/are going to通常是说planned future。 例如: I shall/will go to the pinic tomorrow. 上面是指我之前没想过明天会去旅行,现在突然决定明天去旅行。 I am going to go to pinictomorrow. 上面是指我在很久之前已经决定了明天去旅行。 首先系will同shall既问题 原来will 同shall 既分别已经没太多被重视 参考: rt/elearning/yangtl/studyroom_topic2_p11 nakuz/viewthread?tid=3287878

Error updating changes: svn: E155036

Error updating changes: svn: E155036: Please see the "svn upgrade"..........” 解决方法: 1、执行cmd命令,并切换目录到idea的工程目录文件夹 2、执行svn upgrade 3、回到intellij idea工具中,点开Version Control,工具栏,点击左上角的“刷新”按钮

hard as he tried 这句话什么意思? 什么结构?什么用法?

这是as引导的让步状语,有下面这几种用法1.形容词 + as + 主语 + 系动词.如:Tired as he is,he offers to help me.尽管他已经很累了,他还是主动提出帮助我.2.过去分词 + as + 主语 + 系动词.如:Well-written as the...

I have tried 和 I tried 有什么不同

I have tried表示“我已经努力了” 强调对现在的结果和影响 I tried 仅仅表示“我努力过了”只是强调行为 没有特殊意义

He tried to make me happy 。分一下主谓宾定状补什么的。有人说tried

主 he 谓语 try 宾语是动词不定式


I have tried是现在完成时,tried是过去时。

I tried so hard And got so far的中文意思是什么?



疲劳,努力。hard 作副词时常用来表示程度,意为“努力地;猛烈地;剧烈地”。 tired意为“疲劳的,疲倦的”,普通用语,常作表语,泛指因工作或紧张引起的疲惫

论述题 What is a periodic sentence?

n. a complex sentence in which the main clause comes last and is preceded by the subordinate clause中文翻译 :n. 圆周句(指主要意义至句尾始明白的句子)The Periodic Sentence It is a good habit to write something in your leisure time. Every day lots of friends ask me how to write a composition. Today let me explain Periodic Sentence for you. You"d better hold your pen tightly . A Periodic sentence is one in which the main thought is not completed until the very end of the sentence. Often this type of sentence is more effective than one in which the main thought is given first,followed by one or more modifying clauses or phrases. This is so because withholding the key word or words of the sentence until the end creates a sense of anticipation in the reader. Therefore, a periodic sentence is likely to be more emphatic than a sentence with a loose construction. Notice the difference between the loose and periodic constructions in the following example: Loose construction She was offered a professional contract after winning the Olympic gold medal for figure skating, according to newspaper reports. Periodic Sentence According to newspaper reports,after winning the Olympic gold medal for figure skating, she was offered a professional contract. Loose Construction There have been many great discoveries made by scientists in the twentieth century. Periodic Sentence Scientists in the twentieth century have made many great discoveries.


wheelchairwheelchair ["hwi:l,tu0283εu0259]n. [美国英语]轮椅以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》双语例句原声例句权威例句The patient was put into a wheelchair and trundled to the garden.病人被放进一辆轮椅并被推到了花园。《21世纪大英汉词典》That cannot be, not with his wheelchair stacked high with all he owns, like apickup truck.但那时不可能的,同他的轮椅以及他的全部家当在一起就像一辆小货车。article.yeeyan.orgThe next day, Peterson felt well enough to ask his wife to get a wheelchair andtake him to Yancey.第二天,彼得森觉得自己身体够好了,他向他的妻子要一个轮椅,想让她带他去燕西家。article.yeeyan.org1.Could the team really succeed in a place so accessible to humans?小队真的能在这个人类"触手可及"的地方找到吗?2.It wants to make mobile devices and software more accessible to raise demand for advertising, the segment it dominates.它希望使手机和软件变得更容易获取,从而提升广告的需求这是它所主宰的领域

a portion 和a share 都可以表示一份,有什么区别?

a share一般都是指 有好处的分成,比如股息,利润,赃款什么的。a portion可以指没有什么的好处的甚至不好的,责任呀,过错呀,什么的。


如果在Google上搜索"Netty 高性能 易用",在找到的一大批文章,你大概率会看到这张图,外加关键字 NIO , Reactor多线程模型 , 异步串行无锁化 , 堆外内存 , pipeline ,翻看完这些文章后可以让你对Netty的原理有大致了解,但是Netty如何实现这些的呢? 本文将尽可能简单的解释Netty中Reactor多线程的实现,如有错误感谢指出. Selector是NIO的重要组件, Selector上可以注册Channel. Channel在注册的时候会标注自己感兴趣的事件: Channel,通道,为了便于理解,我把它分为 三类 Reactor多线程模型可以分为三块 mainReactor负责客户端接入 acceptor负责将接入的连接移交给subReactor subReactor负责连接的读写 关键知识: 运行流程图 关键知识: ChannelPipeline的设计思想是 责任链设计模式 ,是由ChannelHandlerContext组成的 双向链表 , ,首尾固定为 HeadContext 和 TailContext ,它们作为哨兵存在.当我们添加一个ChannelHandler到ChannelPipeline时,会先 包装成ChannelHandlerContext 再添加进去. inbound事件传播 客户端向服务端发送消息,这个流向就称为inbound. 消息会从Head开始由左向右传递直到Tail,由Tail进行收尾操作 outbound事件传播 服务端向客户端发送信息,这个流向称为outbound,消息会从Tail开始由右向左传递知道Head,由Head进行收尾操作 异常传递 当某个ChannelHandler操作抛出异常,会从该handler开始向Tail传递.由Tail做收尾操作. 学习Netty,要理解Reactor模型,并把它和Netty的实现结合起来, 我学习Netty的时候就因为这块认识不深刻,浪费了很多时间也没有成效,共勉 https://blog.csdn.net/difffate/article/details/69458588 https://blog.csdn.net/jjzhk/article/details/39553613 https://www.jianshu.com/p/a9b2fec31fd1 https://www.jianshu.com/p/a9d030fec081 https://juejin.im/post/5b4570cce51d451984695a9b https://www.jianshu.com/p/2461535c38f3 https://juejin.im/post/5a126b146fb9a0450c490201

求C# mschart stackedbar的代码



在drawable文件夹中创建bg_oval_shape.xml的xml文件文件中添加如下代码1234567 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="oval" > <solid android:color="#676767" /> </shape>3.在需要添加oval的控件中引用,代码如下:1234 <ImageView android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#00000000" /> </shape>


which pron. 1.(用作疑问代词)哪一个,哪一些 Which is my seat? 哪个座位是我的? 2.(用做关系代词)那一个,那一些 He also had a gun with which to defend himself. 他还有一把自卫用的枪. He invited us to dinner,which was very kind of him. 他邀请我们吃晚饭,他这么做真是太客气了. She was very fond of speaking French,which indeed she spoke well. 她很喜欢讲法语,而且确实讲得不错. He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里. a. 1.(用作疑问形容词)哪一个,哪一些 Which university did you go to,Oxford or Cambridge? 你上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? 2.(用作关系形容词)这个,这些 The doctor told him to give up smoking,which advice he took. 医生叮嘱他戒烟,他接受了这一忠告. that pron. 1.那;那个,那人,那事,那东西 That"s my English teacher over there. 那边是我的英文老师. 2.(已被提到的)那个,那人,那事,那东西 Who told her that? 那是谁告诉她那件事的? 3.前者 4.(用作关系代词的先行词)那,那个 What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup? 你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西? 5.(代替句中名词,避免重复) The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that in 1992. 今年钢产量比一九九二年增长了百分之二十. 6.(用作关系代词,引导关系从句) a. 1.那,那个 That book isn"t mine. 那本书不是我的. ad. 1.【口】那样,那么 Is the problem that easy? 问题有那么简单吗? conj. 1.(引导名词从句) He expressed the hope that we would keep in touch with his firm. 他表示希望我们与他的公司保持联系. My idea is that we should act on his suggestion. 我的意见是我们应当按照他的建议去办. That she is still alive is a relief. 她还活着,这是令人感到宽慰的. 2.(引导状语从句,表示原因或理由)因为,由于 We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task. 我们都感到高兴因为又完成了一项艰巨的任务. 3.(引导状语从句,表示目的或结果)为了,以至于 He is working hard that he can catch up with the class. 他努力用功,以便赶上班上同学. 4.(引导表示愿望,感叹的从句,主句常省略) That I could stay at home today! 今天要是我能呆在家里多好呀!


enchantress和witch的区别两个单词词义差不多, 后者可以作动词.enchantressn. 妖妇,女巫witchn. 女巫,巫婆; <贬>讨人嫌的丑女人; 迫害的对象;vt. 施巫术





in face it is teamwork that——(make)us more confident

可以缩写为 it makes...当然用三单。

what do mike do yestertay

What did Mike do yesterday?迈克昨天做了什么?

求翻译一首英文歌词 歌是Ben Cocks联手Nikisha Reyes-Pile【So Cold】

哦,你能听见我哭泣看到我的梦想都死了从那里你站在在你自己的。它是如此安静的在这里而且我觉得那么冷这所房子不再感觉就像回家。哦,当你告诉我你要离开我觉得我不能呼吸我的身体疼痛倒在地上然后,我在家里给你打电话你说,你并不孤单我早该知道更好现在,它伤害更多。你使我的心脏出血和你还欠我一个理由我想不通为什么...为什么我孤单冻结当你在床上她是在我只是独自哭泣。Phoebe:哦...哦u301cu301c... Ehhhh... EHHH...Phoebe:哦...哦u301cu301c... Ehhhh... EHHH...Phoebe:哦...哦u301cu301c... Ehhhh... EHHH...Phoebe:哦...哦u301cu301c... Ehhhh... EHHH...你使我的心脏出血和你还欠我一个理由我想不通为什么...你使我的心脏出血和你还欠我一个理由我想不通为什么...哦,你能听见我哭泣看到我的梦想都死了从那里你站在在你自己的。它是如此安静的在这里而且我觉得那么冷这所房子不再感觉就像回家





日语歌词翻译:SIAM SHADE-Tears I cried

好吧 我来晚了

siam shade的《Let It Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Go歌手:siam shade专辑:Siam Shade Iii《Let It Be》Sung By "Paul McCartney"When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be,Let it be, Let it beLet it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/26676947

the students that she shut them out是什么从句

that在定语从句中可以指人且可以作主语。例句:1.The students that are playing basketball on the playground are in Grade Nine.正在操场上打球的学生是九年级的学生。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词students,that在定语从句中作主语。2.The man that said hello to you just now is Mary"s father.刚才向你问好的那个人是玛丽的爸爸。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词man,that在定语从句中作主语。3.The man that gave us a lecture yesterday in the hall is a professor.昨天在大厅里给我们作演讲的那个人是一位教授。关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰指人的先行词man,that在定语从句中作主语。

如何从saphan taksin bts skytrain station到siam station

曼谷的大型商场集中在市中心一带,乘坐BTS基本都能直达,下面是几个曼谷主要的shopping和BTS停靠站:Siam Discovery/Siam Center/ Siam Paragon这三家商场是挨在一起的,乘坐BTS到Siam Station下车就能找到2.Central World,从Chit Lom Station下车,9号口出。3.MKB Center,从National Stadium Station下车,4号口出来就能看到MKB的标识。4.Terminal 21,从Asok Station下车,1号或3号口出来都可以找到。


SIAM CONTAINER TERMINAL,THAILAND 不是泰国港口的名字。Siam Container Transport & Terminal Co., Ltd. 是一家集装箱运输公司,公司的位置在泰国的中部北榄府。Address:102 Moo2, Theparak Rd., Bangplee Km. 27, Samut Prakarn Tel: 662-3381425, 662-7081011 Fax: 662-3381441, 662-7081027

who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love 。 什嘛意思


求英文诗歌 shout out that moon 的全文和翻译,急!!!

月亮拒之门外 Thomas Hardy托马斯哈代 Shut Out that Moon月亮拒之门外 Close up the casement, draw the blind,关闭了窗户,画盲人, Shut out that stealing moon,关指出,偷月亮, She wears too much the guise she worse她穿太多的幌子她差 Before our lutes were strewn以前我们卢茨散落 With years-deep dust, and names we read经过多年深的尘土,我们读到的名字 On a white stone were hewn.在一个白色的石头被凿成。 Step not forth on the dew-dashed lawn步不结上的露水虚线草坪 To view the Lady"s Chair,要查看夫人的椅子上, Immense Orion"s glittering form,猎户座巨大的闪闪发光的形式, The Less and Greater Bear:越来越大的熊: Stay in; to such sights we were drawn留在;在我们得出这样的景点 When faded ones were fair.当褪色的是公平的。 Brush not the bough for midnight scent不是树枝刷子夜气味 That come forth lingeringly,这出来恋恋不舍, And wake the same sweet sentiments而同样的甜蜜情绪唤醒 They breathed to you and me他们呼吸着你和我 When living seemed a laugh, a love当生活似乎是笑,是爱 All it was said to be.有人说所有的人。 Within the common lamp-lit room在共同灯灯光的房间 Prison my eyes and thought;禁锢我的眼睛和思想; Let dingy details crudely loom,让肮脏的细节粗暴织机, Mechanic speech he wrought:技工演讲中,他紧张得要命: Too fragrant was Life"s early bloom,太香是生命的初花期, Too tart the fruit it brought!太酸的水果它拿来!

I shut love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.这句话有错吗?


Karaoke (Feat. Dj Khaled) 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke (Feat. Dj Khaled)歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Karaoke (Feat. DJ Khaled)Dear Akon ... Forgive me for what I"m bout to say...Dear Barry Wize, I know you told me not to worry about it man but, I can"t let it ride...Dear God... Let"s make it happen (ha ha ha...)Ha Ha I"m tryna be you nigga...Yeah NiggaWatch me do me! Watch me do me!Watch me do me! Watch me do me,Yeah! (Nappy Boy... Nappy Boy)(DJ Khaled) Ay yo Pain. I want you to go in.DJ Khaled, Let"s Go Man(We The Best!) (Listenn!!!)I got up out da streetsSo I ain"t gotta stealbut listen to the radio, it"s obvious I still killBut y"all was in the game way before meso why you wanna do some shit I did in "03I"m layin low key, for a long timeBut don"t act like you know me, this is the wrong timeso grab ya microphone, set yo auto tuneand I"ma bust a verse on you ass like I outta doI ain"t no gangsta dudeAin"t got a poppin" bangabut you know I"m powerful when I"m pissin off the gospel singasI"m tryin ta feed my kids y"all niggas can die slowlyCause to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeAy yo!T-Pain, they wanna live you life manThese are bitch ass niggas manIt"s the DJ khaled, nappy boysI"m goin in! I"m goin in!Ay yo, T-PainYou know what Khaled,I know you right now.Let me get em again, though.Ay Ay listenIt ain"t all bad, some of you please meBut the only niggas that"s cool is Kanye and Lil WeezyI"m a hit maker, not a comedianThis shit will never work or one hit wonder bitchBet all the shit that you do and not make me one of thisNow why its cool for you but it"s not for meAnd why you ain"t hop on my song and make it hot for me.You"re just a swagger jackerNow I"m a certified lamborghini-st and cadillac-erCuz I"m tryin to feed my kids.Y"all niggas can die slowlyCuz just to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeYou"re singing the same old songYou"re some karaoke niggasThis is Nappy BoyThis is DJ KhaledWe Global with this hood shitThis is what we doWhy you wanna live our lifeYou wanna live our life, STOPAy yo T-Pain,(What Up Khaled)Get EmLet me get a moment of silenceFor the late great groud that trout meY"all niggas ain"t holdin" "em downSo we had to put me at youBitch, I"m Teddy Pain, the son of Teddy RileyThe father of the game, you pussy niggas wileyHow many niggas really wanna test,Pain he originate I gotta be the bestTill a fool from a infant, style from a kid24 Years, 24 CarsBitch we the best, we got many more starThere"s been a more hits, been a more barsYayyy. That"s not cool babySo that"s not happenin"Y"all keep on stealing from meLet me try this rappin" thingI know you know I hear youIsn"t that embarassingSet the game on fire,Teddy got some lingPussy niggas step up if you really got good gameI gotta lot of shit to say about a nigga,but it"s really not good thangsIt ain"t no disrespect man, y"all keep doing your shitBut my daughter told me to tell you to get off of daddy"s dickAy yo Pain manI"ma call this niggas outI"ma pull them skirts manAy yo Let me get "emIt"s the DJ Khaled????????A.K.A we the bestA.K.A Shit On Niggas DOT comA.K.A Nappy Boy BITCHWE GLOBALWE GLOBALhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2216899

merchandising和sales department的区别


Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Nellie The Elephant (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke Kids PartyTo BombayA travelling circus cameThey brought an intelegent elephantand Nellie was her nameOne dark nightshe slipt her iron chain, and of she ranto Hindustan and was never seen againoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpNight by night she danced to the circus bandWhen Nellie was leading the big parade she lookedso proud and grandNo more tricks for Nellie to performeThey taught her how to take a bow and she tookedto crowd by stormoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpThe head of the heard was calling far far awaythey meet one night in silver lighton the road to Mandaleyoooooooooooooooooo...Nellie the elephant pack her trunk andsaid goodbye to the circusof she road with a trumety trumptrump trump trumpNellie the elephant packed her trunkand trumbled of to the jungleof she road with a thrumety trumptrump trump trumpBY 工藤夏子 06.08.05http://music.baidu.com/song/2859553

Merchandiser sourcing sales区别


have been 后面不是应该接ing或者ed吗?

Have been加 ed 也可以加Ing。

英文 Be likely to/ likely that 用法解析与中文意思!

英文 Be likely to/likely that 用法解析与中文意思 教学来罗!英文Be likely to 的中文意思是指「很可能的….」likely本身是形容词,意思是「很可能的」,主词 + be likely to ,就是某人或某事很可能会怎样怎样。 下面教学英文 Be likely to 用法解析与中文意思。 1.be likely to 很可能….. Likely 是指「很可能的」,Be likely to 就是指很可能会怎样怎样…. 例: I"m likely to fet. 我很可能会忘记。 例: The train is likely to be late. 火车可能要晚了。 2.be likely that… 有可能… Be likely to 还有另外一个句型,那就是likely that + 子句的用法。 句型:be likely that + 子句。 例: It is very likely that your assumption is wrong. 您的假设很有可能是错误的。 当你用very likely的时候,代表可能性非常高,你的意思是指「非常有可能…」。 例: It"s likely that she"ll ring me tonight. 她可能会今晚打给我。 likely, likely that, likely that 中文, likely that 意思, likely that 用法, likely to, likely to 中文, likely to 意思, likely to 用法, likely 中文, likely 意思, likely 用法

meg has a big fat red pen

meg has a big fat red pen迈克有一个大胖的红笔

mysql 中varchar tinyint text date smallint 这些怎么称呼?都怎么用啊?谢谢各位高手了!

char 和 varchar (Transact-SQL)固定长度或可变长度的字符数据类型。 char [ ( n ) ] 固定长度,非 Unicode 字符数据,长度为 n 个字节。n 的取值范围为 1 至 8,000,存储大小是 n 个字节。char 的 SQL 2003 同义词为 character。varchar [ ( n | max ) ] 可变长度,非 Unicode 字符数据。n 的取值范围为 1 至 8,000。max 指示最大存储大小是 2^31-1 个字节。存储大小是输入数据的实际长度加 2 个字节。所输入数据的长度可以为 0 个字符。SQL-2003 中的 varchar 就是 char varying 或 character varying。备注如果未在数据定义或变量声明语句中指定 n,则默认长度为 1。如果在使用 CAST 和 CONVERT 函数时未指定 n,则默认长度为 30。将为使用 char 或 varchar 的对象指派数据库的默认排序规则,除非使用 COLLATE 子句指派了特定的排序规则。该排序规则控制用于存储字符数据的代码页。如果站点支持多语言,请考虑使用 Unicode nchar 或 nvarchar 数据类型,以最大限度地消除字符转换问题。如果使用 char 或 varchar,建议执行以下操作: 如果列数据项的大小一致,则使用 char。如果列数据项的大小差异相当大,则使用 varchar。如果列数据项大小相差很大,而且大小可能超过 8,000 字节,请使用 varchar(max)。当执行 CREATE TABLE 或 ALTER TABLE 时,如果 SET ANSI_PADDING 为 OFF,则定义为 NULL 的 char 列将作为 varchar 处理。当排序规则代码页使用双字节字符时,存储大小仍然为 n 个字节。根据字符串的不同,n 个字节的存储大小可能小于 n 个字符。-----------------------------------------------------------int、bigint、smallint 和 tinyint (Transact-SQL)使用整数数据的精确数字数据类型。 数据类型 范围 存储 bigint -2^63 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808) 到 2^63-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807) 8 字节int -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) 到 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) 4 字节smallint -2^15 (-32,768) 到 2^15-1 (32,767) 2 字节tinyint 0 到 255 1 字节备注int 数据类型是 SQL Server 2005 中的主要整数数据类型。bigint 数据类型用于整数值可能超过 int 数据类型支持范围的情况。在数据类型优先次序表中,bigint 介于 smallmoney 和 int 之间。只有当参数表达式为 bigint 数据类型时,函数才返回 bigint。SQL Server 不会自动将其他整数数据类型(tinyint、smallint 和 int)提升为 bigint。注意: 使用 +、-、*、/ 或 % 等算术运算符将 int、smallint、tinyint 或 bigint 常量值隐式或显式转换为 float、real、decimal 或 numeric 数据类型时,SQL Server 计算数据类型和表达式结果的精度时应用的规则有所不同,这取决于查询是否是自动参数化的。 因此,查询中的类似表达式有时可能会生成不同的结果。如果查询不是自动参数化的,则将常量值转换为指定的数据类型之前,首先将其转换为 numeric,该数据类型的精度很大足以保存常量的值。例如,常量值 1 转换为 numeric (1, 0),常量值 250 转换为 numeric (3, 0)。 如果查询是自动参数化的,则将常量值转换为最终数据类型之前,始终先将其转换为 numeric (10, 0)。如果涉及 / 运算符,则对于类似查询而言,不仅结果类型的精度可能不同,而且结果值也可能不同。例如,包含表达式 SELECT CAST (1.0 / 7 AS float) 的自动参数化查询的结果值将不同于非自动参数化的同一查询的结果值,因为自动参数化查询的结果将被截断以适合 numeric (10, 0) 数据类型。有关参数化查询的详细信息,请参阅简单参数化。 -----------------------------------------------------------ntext、text 和 image (Transact-SQL)重要事项: 在 Microsoft SQL Server 的未来版本中将删除 ntext、text 和 image 数据类型。请避免在新开发工作中使用这些数据类型,并考虑修改当前使用这些数据类型的应用程序。请改用 nvarchar(max)、varchar(max) 和 varbinary(max)。有关详细信息,请参阅 使用大值数据类型。用于存储大型非 Unicode 字符、Unicode 字符及二进制数据的固定长度数据类型和可变长度数据类型。Unicode 数据使用 UNICODE UCS-2 字符集。 ntext长度可变的 Unicode 数据,最大长度为 2^30 - 1 (1,073,741,823) 个字符。存储大小是所输入字符个数的两倍(以字节为单位)。ntext 的 SQL 2003 同义词为 national text。text服务器代码页中长度可变的非 Unicode 数据,最大长度为 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) 个字符。当服务器代码页使用双字节字符时,存储仍是 2,147,483,647 字节。根据字符串,存储大小可能小于 2,147,483,647 字节。image长度可变的二进制数据,从 0 到 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) 个字节。-----------------------------------------------------------日期和时间 (Transact-SQL)用于表示某天的日期和时间的数据类型。 datetime 和 smalldatetime表示某天的日期和时间。数据类型 范围 精确度 datetime 1753 年 1 月 1 日到 9999 年 12 月 31 日 3.33 毫秒smalldatetime 1900 年 1 月 1 日到 2079 年 6 月 6 日 1 分钟备注Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Engine 用两个 4 字节的整数内部存储 datetime 数据类型的值。 第一个 4 字节存储“基础日期”(即 1900 年 1 月 1 日)之前或之后的天数。基础日期是系统参照日期。另外一个 4 字节存储天的时间(以午夜后经过的毫秒数表示)。smalldatetime 数据类型存储天的日期和时间,但精确度低于 datetime。数据库引擎 将 smalldatetime 值存储为两个 2 字节的整数。第一个 2 字节存储 1900 年 1 月 1 日后的天数。另外一个 2 字节存储午夜后经过的分钟数。-----------------------------------------------------------这些东西MSDN里都有,自己看看就知道了。不过还是非常喜欢这种不用动脑筋的问题,嘿嘿……



跪求一首英文歌名,男女合唱,歌曲一开始是女生唱的一句happy to see you,各位高手帮帮忙


The merchant of Venice

Summary: Antonio was a merchant who possessed a lot of ships. His friend Bassanio fell love with the princess of Beimont, Portia. To voo to her, he need a somme of money. Antonio was generous and valued highly friendships. He agreed without hesitate that Bassanio could raise money in his name. Shylock lent Bassanio three thousands ducats at the price of a pound of Antonio"s flesh if he didn"t pay it back at time. Shylock was a Jew who have been suffering from the unfair treatment of Antonio. Antonio also lent money without interest, which brought down the interest rate by the law of supply and demand. Therefore Shylock hated him a lot. Unfortunately for Antonio, because of the bad weather, none of his ships came back from the sea. Regardless the persuation of the Duck and many merchants, Shylock insisted on his rights. For the law and the future of Venice, the Duke had to accept Shylock"s demand. But Portia and her maid Nerissa disguised as the lawyer and his clerk, saved Antonio from death in court. All of Shylock"s posssessions would be forfeit, and half of them would be held by Antonio in trust. After Shylock"s death, the property will go to his daughter Jessica and Lorenzo, Jessica"s husband. In return of their help, the lawyer and his clerk asked the ring of Bassanio and Gratiano. They are unwillingly as first because the rings were given as the first gift by their wife. But they gave them away finally. Portia and Nerissa was very angry about their husband for being so unrespectable to their gifts and promises. They reconcilied and Antonio has three ships back, he will still be a rich man.

The Merchant Of Venice威尼斯商人中bassanio 的经历


has been proven to be wrong能不能改成....?

has 是已经的意思 been是被动The search proved difficult search不能自己证明它需要被证明 所以是被动 如果已经被证明了就需要加has了

No.70,Nishi-gahara-machi,Kita ward ,Tokyo 请问是日本的什么地方?

东京都北区西ヶ原町。或者写成 东京都北区西原町 也可以。Nishi-gahara-machi,Kita ward,Tokyo: Tokyo   东京 Kita ward   北区 Nishi-gahara-machi 西 ヶ原 町

it has been proved和it has been proven两种现象

谁说prove不能用被动? 但我建议你强调动词用法用前者, 而proven多用作形容词

this too has proven to be unture 这句话中porven的用法?

this too has proven to be unture 这也被证明是不正确的。proven是主动表示被动语态。

have proven后面为什么能加形容词

因为它和be动词的用法差不多。prove作"证明是;结果是;事实说明"解时,可用作连系动词.连系动词解释起来有点复杂,最最常见的连系动词是“is/am/are”,其他连系动词的用法与"be"动词用法类似.1.一般情况下,句子结构是是谓语+宾语,但是连系动词后面加的不叫宾语,叫表语.连系动词+表语叫做“系表结构”(参考百度百科"连系动词")2.常见的连系动词有:be,look,sound,taste,smell,seem,appear,prove,keep,remain,continue,become,get,turn等等(参考百度百科"连系动词")3.表语通常是名词,形容词,动词不定式,介词短语或副词,从句来充当.名词作表语:His efforts,however,proved a failure形容词作表语:The medicine proved satisfactory.不定式作表语:Einstein"s theory proved to be correct.介词短语作表语:Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.

it has proven 对还是it has been proven对???求解

it has been proved!

What do not kill me makes me stronger?

出自尼采的《善恶的彼岸》。这句话的原版英文是:What does not kill me, makes me stronger.直接翻译过来就是:杀不死我的东西,只会让我变得更加强。更普遍的翻译是:凡不能毁灭我的,必使我强大。《善恶的彼岸》于1885年夏动笔,翌年冬完成。是尼采对一种新道德体系作出的最重要的贡献之一,触及了其哲学的许多最深层的原理。扩展资料关于尼采:尼采,全名弗里德里希·威廉·尼采,德国著名哲学家、语言学家、文化评论家、诗人、作曲家、思想家,被认为是西方现代哲学的开创者。他的著作对于宗教、道德、现代文化、哲学、以及科学等领域提出了广泛的批判和讨论。他对于后代哲学的发展影响极大,尤其是在存在主义与后现代主义上。在开始研究哲学前,尼采是一名文字学家。24岁时尼采成为了瑞士巴塞尔大学的德语区古典语文学教授,专攻古希腊语,拉丁文文献。但在1879年由于健康问题而辞职,之后一直饱受精神疾病煎熬。1889年尼采精神崩溃,从此再也没有恢复,在母亲和妹妹的照料下一直活到1900年去世。参考资料来源:百度百科-弗里德里希·威廉·尼采

Van Halen的《Panama》 歌词

歌曲名:Panama歌手:Van Halen专辑:Best of Van Halen, Vol. 1Jump back, what"s that sound ?Here she comes, full blast and top down.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue.Model citizen zero disciplineDon"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"l lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaAin"t nothin" like it, her shiny machine.Got the feel for the wheel, keep the moving parts clean.Hot shoe, burnin" down the avenue,Got an on-ramp comin" through my bedroom.Don"t you know she"s coming home with me?You"ll lose her in the turn.I"ll get her!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaYeah, we"re runnin" a little bit hot tonight.I can barely see the road from the heat comin" off of it.Ah, you reach down, between my legs,Ease the seat back.She"s blinding, I"m flying,Right behind the rear-view mirror now.Got the feeling, power steering,Pistons popping, ain"t no stopping now!Panama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,panamaPanama,http://music.baidu.com/song/52175407

老友记第六季第二集11分23秒,phoebe said:you could do a lot worse than joey 是什么意思


He left orders that nothing should be toucheduff1f

that nothing should be touched until the police arrived there是同位语,从句引导词是that, 解释orders的内容。
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