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whatever be will be是什么意思


Whatever will be,will be中文歌词 这首歌的中文翻译

Sometimes I feel like I"m a bird with broken wings 有时候我觉得自己是断翅的小鸟 At times I dread my now and envy where I"ve been 优势我害怕现在的我,羡慕自己的从前 But that"s when quiet wisdom takes control 但那只是当缄默的智慧占据上峰 At least I"ve got a story no one"s told 至少我的故事没有人能够讲述 I finally learned to say 最后我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 不管今后如何 I"ve learned to take 我都学会承受 The good,the bad and breathe 不管好的,坏的还是我的呼吸(我觉得理解为我的存在或者我的命运更好) "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 These days it feels naive to put your faith in hope 逝去的那些日子里,我觉得你把梦想当作希望是如此天真 To imitate a child,fall backwards on the snow 像个孩子一样,躺倒在皑皑白雪之上 "Cause that"s when fears will usually lead you blind 那是因为恐惧往往让你感到迷惘 But now I try to under-analyse 但是现在我深深的思考 I finally learned to say 我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 无论今后的日子如何 I"ve learned to take 我都会学着承受 The good,the bad and breathe 无论好的,坏的还是我的命运 "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 Is the rope I walk wearing thin? 我走过的绳索是不是越来越细了? Is the life I love caving in? 我所热爱的生活是不是沉沦了? Is the weight on your mind 你心中沉重的负担 A heavy black bird caged inside? 像一只黑色的大鸟被关在囚笼里? Say 说出来 Whatever will be will be 无论今后日子如何 Take 承受吧 The good,the bad 无论好的,坏的 Just breathe 只要呼吸(好好活着) "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 No one knows if shooting stars will land 没人知道流星是否会坠落 (I finally learned to say) 我终于能够说出 Whatever will be will be 无论今后生活如何 And I learned to take 我都学着承受 The good,the bad and breathe 无论好的坏的和呼吸 "Cause although we like 因为尽管我们希望 To know what life"s got planned 知道命运如何安排 Thing like that are never in your hands 命运如何从不在你掌握 No one knows if shooting stars will land

Whatever will be will be汉语什么意思

少了个逗号,whatever will be, will be 这句话意思是:不管将来会怎样,顺其自然吧!

"Whatever will be,will be?"什么意思啊?(谢谢)


Whatever will be, wil be.第二个will be 是什么意思?全句可否翻译为“爱咋咋地”?

第二个will be的意思是会发生. 全句 Whatever will be,will be ==Anything that will happen will happen. 任何会发生的事情都会发生./该来的一定会来,该你的一定是你的./世事不可强求 whatever为复合关系代词,等于anything which 或anything that,而be为完全不及物动词,此处可等于happen.

whatever be will be是什么意思?


whatever will be will be是什么意思?

您好,Whatever will be will be. 的汉语意思是【无论什么都会是。】。句中 whatever will be 引导(主语从句)作主句的(主语),所以 (Whatever will be) will be. 是句子结构。这种用法类似于(I am who I am. 【我就是我。】)的用法。

That night,for the last time in my life but one f

the last time but one 含义是 “除了一次外的最后一次”,所以既不是第一次也不是第二次,而是 “倒数第二次” 。整句话的意思是 “我有生以来倒数第二次哭了,因为我是个 12 岁的大孩子”。

What type of writing is Text A in this unit ?

What type of writing is Text A in this unit ? A.Argumentation B.Description C.Exposition D.Narration 正确答案:D

int printf(const char *format,[argument]);这个argument是什么意思?

首先,我给你解释一下 printf()这个函数他是一个有返回值的int型函数,返回的是 输出字符个数。他的参数是可变的。例如 ret = printf(“ ”);printf("%d ",ret);结果应为 1。

搜索一片关于thanks for 的作文

Thanks for EverythingMy wife, Shirley, and I have gone on vacations to a quiet beach in southwestern Florida for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds who sunned and wrote "I love you" on its sands. It would tell of a little girl with eyes the color of the sea gathering seashells and of three wild boys leaping and diving into the surf. It would tell of joyous visits over the years from friends, parents, grandparents, new brides and grooms -- and now grandchildren. The beach would tell glorious tales of warmth and gratitude. But I realized one day that I had rarely expressed my gratitude to the one who‘d lived those years with me. On our 40th wedding anniversary, Shirley and I walked again the familiar margin of the sea. I told her then how thankful I was that she shared my life.We don‘t have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us -- the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: Give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the world‘s happiness.A few years ago, a young woman from a neighboring town won a scholarship to a prestigious college. Although the inner-city high school she attended was plagued with problems, she overcame them and excelled. When she graduated, she commended the often-maligned school for its challenging courses and her teachers for their special interest and encouragement. "I can‘t say enough good things about the school and the teachers who gave me so much of themselves," she said. "I shall be eternally grateful to them."Saying thanks not only brightens someone else‘s world, it brightens yours. If you‘re feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need.Before A. J. Cronin became a bestselling author, he was a doctor. Once he told about a colleague who gave an unusual prescription to patients afflicted with worry, fear, discouragement or self-doubt. The doctor called it his thank-you cure. "For six weeks I want you to say thank you whenever anyone does you a favor. And to show you mean it, emphasize the words with a smile." Within six weeks most of the doctor‘s patients showed great improvement.Of course, there are times when you can‘t express gratitude immediately. In that case don‘t let embarrassment sink you into silence -- speak up the first time you have the chance.I recently returned home to Montpelier, Ohio, for a short visit. Memories of my boyhood flooded back as I walked the familiar streets. Then I saw Mrs. Bible, and my mind flashed back to high school.I was a freshman, more interested in sports than school work, and I was falling behind in my Latin class. Then Violet Bible, a neighbor who was a schoolteacher, found out about my problem. "Oh, Latin‘s great fun," she told me. "Come over tonight after dinner and I‘ll show you." For the next several weeks, she tutored me until I could conjugate with the best of them -- well, almost. Anyway, I passed. At the callow age of 14 it seemed perfectly natural to me that a working wife and mother had nothing better to do after a hard day‘s work than tutor me in Latin.Now as I saw her, I realized what an uncommon sacrifice it had been. And, after all those years, I told her so! "What you did was way beyond the call of duty," I said. "Thank you." I was rewarded with a surprised smile and a sparkle in her eyes.Each human being is yearning for kind words of appreciation. In December 1991, 17-year-old Candi Brown‘s car overturned; the roof collapsed and crushed her skull. The crews of Engine Company 8 and Med 15 in Grayson, Ga., rushed her to Gwinnett Medical Center. Doctors told her parents to prepare for the worst. But Candi survived. A year later the family served a holiday dinner to the Gwinnett County firefighters and emergency medical technicians. During dinner Candi, whose goal is to walk naturally again, rose painfully and said, "Thank you for helping God save my life and giving me a second chance. I love you.""It‘s rare that we receive this kind of thanks," fire department lieutenant Bobby McKinzie said. "We were glad to have a part in her life. Today she‘s definitely touched ours."Maybe we are so used to being served by professionals that we forget to thank the teacher, police officer, doctor, firefighter or preacher who goes out of the way to help us. Maybe we need to be more creative in showing our thanks.In the novel I Heard the Owl Call My Name, Margaret Craven tells of a young minister, Mark Brian, who is sent by his bishop to a remote parish of Kwakiutl Indians in British Columbia. The Indians, he is told, do not have a word for thank you. But Brian soon finds that these people have exceptional generosity. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. They do their thanks.I wonder if we had no word in our vocabulary for thank you, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? Would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?As the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony faced their second winter in 1621, they had much to be grateful for. Their efforts to raise barley and peas had been disappointing, and they would have faced starvation, but thanks to an Indian named Squanto, whom Gov. William Bradford called "a special instrument of God," they had harvested 20 acres of corn. Squanto had also helped the settlers keep peace with neighboring tribes.So when it was decided to celebrate the harvest and thank God, Governor Bradford sent a messenger to Chief Massasoit, inviting the Indians to whom they were so indebted.Massasoit brought 90 men with him, and they celebrated for three days. Squanto, who spoke English, helped the Indians and Pilgrims communicate, but food and drink were the language of their thanksgiving festivities. And they were enjoyed to the fullest.Thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us -- including ourselves. For no one ever misunderstands the melody of a grateful heart. Its message is universal; its lyrics transcend all earthly barriers; its music touches the heavens.


初学echarts,也碰到同样的问题,加载了echarts.js文件,但是demo的图示在浏览器里没有显示,后来捣鼓了半天发现原来是js文件有问题。建议换一个echarts JS文件试一试。

He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right.


calvin harris tinashe 5am歌词中文翻译是什么意思?

卡尔文·哈里斯 表演者 5点


在PyCharm中,usage通常指代码的使用情况或使用方式。PyCharm是一款强大的Python开发工具,它提供了丰富的功能来帮助开发者编写、调试和测试Python代码。其中包括代码分析、自动补全、调试器、版本控制等功能,这些功能都需要开发者正确地使用才能发挥最大的作用。使用usage功能可以帮助开发者了解自己的代码在运行时的使用情况。通过分析代码的使用情况,开发者可以优化代码的性能,减少资源的浪费,提高代码的可维护性和可读性。在PyCharm中,通过选择"Analyze"->"Show Usage",可以查看代码的使用情况。除了usage功能,PyCharm还提供了许多其他的功能,例如代码重构、代码格式化、代码模板等。这些功能都可以帮助开发者提高开发效率,减少错误,使代码更加规范化。

it hit me that是什么意思

t hit me that它击中了我拼音双语对照双语例句1It hit me that I had a choice.我突然意识到我有选择的馀地。




BLUE MOON 演唱:孝琳&CHANGMO奥扫 那 啊啦剖gi 怕来那 奥嫩 闹 按 对改大够 吗还改够 都 改奥那都班剖对嫩 gi够 色喷 古一再 困产大够 吗还买吗len 闹也 怒比陈make me crazy度 撒一 怕啦够 为台漏文大了了 高闹那怕改 某啦扫大 闹撒狼一 草不要到 那可够色漏 男 都拉嘎gi 怕来那 个老当高 咋跟 特都 奥改 还找奶改 按高 几亲 吗么 岁够 洗跑吧力 当爱 大几 按嫩 一表 为了混杂 好无早带秒 高几 按改 还找I walk on the moon in the airI walk on the moon in the air吧大 出新奶 新撒嘎 闹 玩奶一 新撒嫩 never leave you lonely哦呢 那 哦呢 吧 啊 哦呢 大闹喊台 奶祖来 目留漏 大 草赛奶 懂奶漏 哇 都洗了 那哇找都洗也 工祖你 那爱改 吗高 闹靠早 吗 都 报老 古买哈来 你 洗干吗 按 哈来嫩带奶嘎 色他来 扫无洗嘎闹 他吗嫩 男家嫩 villain要无嗯 但报奶 啊当额 killin呀忙一 卡的看 男 可 胡 闹 按够冲 某样 哦len搜呢 喊 拆楼 1llinBaby girl 那哇 可单 奥聊洗干嫩 慢咋那那哇 秒 奥 抽了 赛报聊Mooooah 哦呢不鸟都 yes祖个 带嘎几啦秒 套 yes princess那 个老当高 咋跟 特都 奥改 还找奶改 按高 几亲 吗么 岁够 洗跑吧力 当爱 大几 按嗯 一表 为了混杂 好无早带秒 高几 按改 还找I walk on the moon in the airI walk on the moon in the airI walk on the moon in the airI walk on the moon in the air转自微博“鸟宝宝韩语音译站”



如何起诉德国汽车供应商Autohaus Schron(Schron DAS AUTO)"Langenfelderstr.108 36433 Bad Salzungen



hope和wish的区别 hope用作动词时,后面可接不定式或that从句,但不能接“宾语+不定式”。如: ①We hope to see you again.(= We hope we can see you again.) 我希望能再次见到你。 ②I hope you can help me with my maths. 希望你能帮助我学数学。 (不能说 I hope you to help me with my maths.) wish后面接不定式或“宾语+不定式”都可以,其意义相当于“想要”,“希望”(=would like或want)。wish接 that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的“愿望”,而hope表示的是可以实现或能达到的“希望”。例如: ①I wish to place an order right now. 我想马上订购。 ②I wish him to make progress. 我希望他取得进步。 ③I wish I could fly like a bird. 但愿我能象鸟一样飞。(从句中的could表示其动作不可能实现,不能用can。) ④I hope he can do that. 我希望他能干那件事。(本句表示有可能实现的一种希望,can不能用could代替。) wish可表示良好的“祝愿”,后面接“宾语+宾补(形容词或名词)。而hope不能这样用。如: ①I wish you happy.祝你幸福。(不用hope) ②I wish you a pleasant journey.祝你旅途愉快。(不用hope) 在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说I hope not,而不说 I don"t hope so。 http://www.qnr.cn/waiyu/sy/chyf/ how修饰形容词what修饰名词how后面是绝对不会接a,an的what修饰名词,不代表后面必须接词eg:what clean water(it is) clean是修饰water的,主语是waterwhat clean water( it is)=how clean (the water is)所以句子末尾的词也是判断的重要方法:how的末尾是主语加谓语,what末尾是代词加谓语,做题时可以补充完整来判断 o(∩_∩)o


How I wish myself to have a good future!感叹句也是倒装句语序。

Hannah montana 中的I miss you歌词

Sha-la-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la-laYou used to call me your angelSaid I was sent straight down from heavenYou"d hold me close in your armsI loved the way you felt so strongI never wanted you to leaveI wanted you to stay here holding me[CHORUS:]I miss youI miss your smileAnd I still shed a tearEvery once in a whileAnd even though it"s different nowYou"re still here somehowMy heart won"t let you goAnd I need you to knowI miss you, sha la la la laI miss youYou used to call me your dreamerAnd now I"m living out my dreamOh how I wish you could seeEverything that"s happening for meI"m thinking back on the pastIt"s true that time is flying by too fast[CHORUS]I know you"re in a better place, yeahBut I wish that I could see your face, ohI know you"re where you need to beEven though it"s not here with me[CHORUS x2]我很喜欢这首歌,这是Miley写给她过世的外公的,歌词很感人!

英语里would have和would有什么区别


I wish to pay a visit to Hongkong! A.How do B.What do C.What D.Ho

D 考查感叹句。How I wish...!意为“我是多么想......啊!”故选D。

You have never seen dinosaur eggs,have you ? ( ).How I wish to visit the Dinosaur world.


you haven`t been to Beijing,have you ? ___.how i wish to go there!

D 是,我没去 ,我多么希望去那儿啊告诉你一个好记的方法:先看后面,去了就是Ihave ,没去就是Ihaven"t.然后前面对应的分别就是yes和No 。但翻译对应的分别是“不,我去了”和“是,我没去”。

How i wish I ---------with you when you were here last week. A.can be B.wereC.could be D.could have

D 对过去的虚拟则用过去完成时

how i wish i had come here before 为什么用过去完成时?


Consulate General in Shanghai是什么意思

Consulate General in Shanghai 意思驻上海总领事馆例句:双语英语1.Certain country consulate general in shanghai, commerce section commissioner. 某国驻上海总领事馆,商务处负责人。2.Royal thai consulate general in shanghai investment division. 泰王国驻上海总领事馆投资处。3.Ireland opened a consulate general in shanghai in 2000, and has an honorary consulate in hong kong. 爱尔兰于2000年在中国上海设立总领事馆,并在香港设立名誉领事馆。

How I wish I could hold hands withyouforalifetime


pull up a chair是什么意思


what i want to be ,150字英语作文

Every person has his own dream job.Some people wish to be doctors,while others want to be teachers and so on. As far as I am concerned,I have been dreaming of being a writer for a long time.First,my major is xxxxx,so I want to xxxxxx.Secondly,xxxxxxxxxxxxx.Finally,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To achieve my dream of being a good writer,I have to make sufficient preparations.For one thing,I must xxxxxxxxxxxxx For another,I should xxxxxx so that I can xxxxxxx What"s more important ,I should xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. As a saying goes "well began is half done",being a good writer is difficult,but I believe if I endeavor to do this things in all hands.I"ll be successful sooner or later.

什么是 Design Hackathon

介绍下什么是 Design Hackathon?Hackathon,即「黑客马拉松」,是一个流传于技术爱好者中的活动。在该活动当中,很多程序员相聚在一起,以合作的形式去编程,而且整个编程的过程几乎没有任何限制或方向。Design Hackathon 更类似用「黑客马拉松」的思维做产品设计,这种方法论融合了来自 Google,IDEO 等业界顶尖公司的产品设计工具和方法,它将所有的产品设计师、视觉设计师甚至工程师聚在一起,在一定的时间内,以头脑风暴的方式,最大范围地搜集产品的各种可能性,然后抽象地整理出这些想法背后所隐藏的核心概念和产品需求,快速梳理出正确的产品设计方向,之后将想法转化成可视的手稿和线框图,最终变成产品雏形。快速发现海量可能性Design Hackathon 非常适合产品定义阶段。在产品定义阶段,面对确定的需求,设计方向和目标尚模糊,产品形态发展的可能性非常多。如果仅仅采用传统的设计手段(比如单人决策),非常容易走向片面和狭隘的方向,既可能出错,也会丧失许多机会。Design Hackathon 将所有与产品相关的人员聚在一起,利用头脑风暴法,快速产生海量想法和点子,让产品设计从个人经验、老板意愿和竞品预设的桎梏中脱离出来,搜集最大范围的产品可能性。确定方向的同时,拥有可落地的细节Design Hackathon 遵循了一个「从发散到抽象再到具体」的过程,从最直接的个人经验、想法或者灵机一动的点子出发,抽象地归纳出这些想法背后所隐藏的核心概念或产品需求,最后再回归到具体的产品设计草图表达当中。这个由「发散到抽象再到具体」的过程,既保证了思维发散阶段的丰富性和灵感的多元化,又能达到将想法现实化的目的。激发团队不同角色的创意Design Hackathon 参与人员并不局限于产品设计师和交互设计师,而是可以拓展到工程师等其他产品相关人员。不同背景和角色的人通过讨论和互动,能够相互激发灵感,获得丰富的创意。在产品的设计过程中,设计师、工程师和高层领导者由于背景和理解问题的角度不同,常常会产生分歧和争议,使产品设计的时间周期变得不可预测。Design Hackathon 的方法论可以让整个产品团队都加入其中,在平等、专注且高效的状态下,通过分类的方法,将所有人思考的亮点条理化,汇聚到最终的产品设计中。

The company has ___ (broad) its product range in the US.

应填broadened此句为现在完成时态,构成是have/has + 过去分词从句意来看,旨在表达拓展产品范围,its product range 作为拓展的宾语,则横线部分应填动词做谓语broad为形容词,对应动词为broaden,对应动词的过去分词则为broadened


broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的例句是Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。一、网络释义点此查看broad-brimmedhat的详细内容 宽边帽...bring...toanendroutine结束broad-brimmedhat宽边帽BronzeAge青铜器时代...二、例句Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。Thewide-brimmedhatwasworntoprotectcowboysfromthesun,dustandtherain.戴着宽边帽可使牛仔们免受日晒,风吹和雨淋。broad-brimmedhat的相关临近词broad、broadtail点此查看更多关于broad-brimmedhat的详细信息


broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的例句是Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。一、网络释义点此查看broad-brimmedhat的详细内容 宽边帽...bring...toanendroutine结束broad-brimmedhat宽边帽BronzeAge青铜器时代...二、例句Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。Thewide-brimmedhatwasworntoprotectcowboysfromthesun,dustandtherain.戴着宽边帽可使牛仔们免受日晒,风吹和雨淋。broad-brimmedhat的相关临近词broad、broadtail点此查看更多关于broad-brimmedhat的详细信息


broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的意思是:宽边帽。broad-brimmedhat的例句是Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。一、网络释义点此查看broad-brimmedhat的详细内容 宽边帽...bring...toanendroutine结束broad-brimmedhat宽边帽BronzeAge青铜器时代...二、例句Abroadhatshadowedmostofherface.一顶宽边帽遮住了她大半张脸。Thewide-brimmedhatwasworntoprotectcowboysfromthesun,dustandtherain.戴着宽边帽可使牛仔们免受日晒,风吹和雨淋。broad-brimmedhat的相关临近词broad、broadtail点此查看更多关于broad-brimmedhat的详细信息

she has a green leaf改为复数句

she has tennis rackets



typedef union {long i; int k[5]; char c;} DATE; struct data { int cat; DATE cow; double dog;} too;

楼主,有答案了吗?我觉着struct data { int cat; DATE cow; double dog;} too;>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(20+20+20)+20=80。{DATE cow; int cat; double dog;} >>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(20+4+8+(8))+20=60。{ int cat; double dog;DATE cow;}>>>>>>>>sizeof(struct date)+sizeof(max)=(4+(4)+8+(4)+20)+20=60。望赐教。


录音室专辑Badlands,个人单曲Closer,个人专辑Hopeless Fountain Kingdom,录音室专辑Manic,个人迷你专辑Room 93 。

what a nightmare 原文翻译

what a nightmare真是噩梦一场What a nightmare is there. I have looked. 真是个噩梦。我已经看过了。nightmare英 [u02c8nau026atmeu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nau026atmer] n.噩梦;<口>可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧;泛滥成灾;紧张adj.可怕的,噩梦似的All the victims still suffered nightmares 所有受害者仍然被恶梦困扰。I had a nightmare last night. 我昨夜做了一个恶梦。

Timeshare Nightmare?万豪度假俱乐部推介会体验

本文无意对分时度假,亦或Vacation Club是否值得,妄加评论。只是记录了自己亲身经历的一场Presentation,让大家了解一下流程。为感兴趣的朋友,提供一些实际信息。 Marriott"s Grand Chateau 这次旅行最后入住拉斯维加斯万豪格兰德城堡酒店,实属巧合。因为我本身就是万豪的金卡会员,在选择酒店的时候,习惯性会先看一下万豪有什么选择。刚好这家不同于传统意义上的酒店,有带厨房、洗衣机的套房可以选。而一路行程已经被旧金山和洛杉矶的高房价吓到的我,面对500美刀一晚(3卧室套房),也并没有觉得贵。考虑到时行程的最后一站,冲着万豪的品牌,也因为毗邻赌城大道的绝佳地理位置,在完全不能取消退款的条件下,依然提前很久就预定了房间。而故事,则是从入住时给的一张,25美金的代金券开始的。 前台的小姐姐跟我介绍说,这张代金券可以抵扣在酒店“小卖部”买东西的钱,但是必须先到指定的服务柜台激活,并且反复强调必须在入住24小时内激活,否则过期作废。等我出门转了一圈回到房间以后,赫然发现房间的电话有留言。其内容,把上述的代金券使用规则又重复了一遍。如此有诚意,有看似天上掉免费的馅饼,莫不是我的金卡会籍有加成? 第二天出去玩之前,提前10分钟来到所谓的柜台前,激活代金券。让我填写了一个关于家庭信息和收入的问卷之后,问了一个核心问题,“你太太说英语吗?”(因为当时一直用英语和我交流,估计默认了我可以讲)。在得到了肯定的答复后,把我“移交”给隔壁的同事,说她能帮我激活。此时离我订好车子抵达的时间,已经比较紧张了,不过我还是耐着性子听她说完了。大意就是代金券已经激活,消费时直接报房间号,在最后退房的时候就可以抵扣。然后问我们有没有兴趣参加一个90分钟的推介会(通常我们会吧Presentation翻译成展示或者陈述,不过听完之后我觉得用推介会更加贴切),作为回报,我将可以得到30,000万豪积分,或者200美金Gift Card(可以像现金一样在美国的商店或者餐厅消费)。之前因为我听闻朋友参加其他度假酒店的推介会,因此大概也知道是怎么一回事。不过想想万豪3万积分还是能换几晚住宿的,而且前面提到的那位朋友,在听了推介会(非万豪)之后,已经入坑,我反而有点好奇这其中的奥妙。在征得老婆同意之后,约定第二天一早赴会。 出席之前,我简单搜索了一下万豪度假俱乐部,很显然并不等同于万豪酒店,虽然我是通过同一个APP预定的。同时也和老婆统一了思想,无论对方提供怎么样的Deal,我们都不会入坑,90分钟换3万积分是我们唯一的目的。由于我们参加的是早场,提供了所谓的免费早餐,星巴克包装的胶囊咖啡,外加三种甜甜圈。随后一位专职的顾问,就开始为我们提供一对一的服务。整个流程大致如下: 了解我们过去的旅行经历,以及未来的打算,家庭、教育、工作,感觉就是在锻炼口语。这当中最重要的是了解我们旅行的预算,后续介绍Plan时,有重大用处。 开始介绍度假酒店的各种优点,会结合我们前面提供的爱好,反正就是你喜欢的,都能提供。 把我们带到非常漂亮的套房,说着就是加入计划以后能够享受的住宿情况。 各种巨幅照片,详细展示世界各地的度假屋情况,当然不忘记点题,都是你之前说过喜欢玩的项目。 这个是我最关心的环节,我们回到顾问的办公桌前,他的电脑连接着一台大电视机,可以让我们清楚得看到报价。顾问会贴心地按照我们之前给出的旅行计划,三卧室套房,一年两到三周的频率,最后得出的结论是“只需要50,000美金!!!大哥,这个价格只在今天,出了这个门就再也没有这样的好事了。你要知道我干这行已经很多年了,价格每年都在上涨。如果你自己去订酒店,一年就要花XXXX美金,现在你出这些钱,未来每年都能住20多天……”。当然,这只是一个入会的费用, 每年 还需要交纳2,500美金左右的维护费,这个维护费会根据通货膨胀逐年上升。 我直接回答这个价格超过了我的承受范围,一个礼貌的笑容之后,“大哥,我怎么会让你吃亏呢,看(轻点鼠标),20%off,这是我给你准备的一份gift……” 当我提出依然太贵,而且自己未来计划削减旅游开支的时候。高级经理不出意料地出现了,不过令我比较惊讶的是,当我表明了自己坚定的立场之后,高级经理只问了一个问题,“是不是今天无论降低到什么价格,你都不会购买?”。等我坚定地说出“Yes”之后,就在几张纸上签字离开了。 之后我自然对耐心接待我们的顾问表示感谢,而他似乎对我们也没有太多留恋,只是希望在后面的问卷调查中,我们能够给与好评,这样质朴的要求我自然是不能拒绝的。 然鹅事实上这最后的问卷调查,也并不那么单纯。负责问卷调查的是另一位女士,她最关注的是我们为什么拒绝,我当然说是个人家庭的选择,并不是顾问介绍地不够清楚。在完成了简单的评分之后,她掏出一张塑封的A4纸,上面有20个美国主要城市的名称。然后问我们在未来两年有没有想过去上述城市旅行,我们说“有可能”,“OK,好事来了。只要付995美金,就可以在未来两年里,任选一个时间,在上面城市中的一家度假酒店,入住5晚,额外再赠送50,000万豪积分(这是认定我是万豪忠粉了嘛)”。其实考虑到曼哈顿的高房价,我有一刹那是犹豫的。不过换算了一下995$也不是一笔小数目,幸好贫穷让我保持理智。再次拒绝之后,女士给了我一张30,000万豪积分的收据,并感谢我付出的时间。前前后后,总共不到2个小时。 之所以用这么一个看似骇人听闻的标题,并不是我想哗众取宠危言耸听,而是刚好那天走出酒店的大堂,有一群老美在马路对面,举着“Timeshare Nightmare”的标语抗议。结合之后看了一些对于这种高压销售模式的抗诉视频,不得不说我的体验还是非常愉快的。一没有超时太久,二没有强买强卖。请原谅我将顾问的介绍,用国内房地产中介的口吻进行的转译,事实上英语的用词听上去是非常悦耳动听的,虽然实质上是差不多的。至于这种分时度假,Vacation Club的Deal是不是值得,这的确是一个非常仁者见仁智者见智的问题。借用那句,“财务自由,就是想不做什么,就可以不做什么”,如果加入了Plan以后,你根本不去入住,都不会觉得心疼的话,那是绝对没有问题的。有的人甚至会觉得,我花费的这点时间,只换取了区区这点酒店积分,是一件非常不值得的事情呢。

The old couple _________ live next to us have four grandchildren


Pursuit Of Happiness (Nightmare) 歌词

歌曲名:Pursuit Of Happiness (Nightmare)歌手:Kid Cudi专辑:Pursuit Of Happiness (Nightmare)KiD CuDi - Pursuit Of Happiness(Ft. MGMT And Ratatat)(Edited By YoYo)Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hitFeelin lit feelin light, 2 am summer night.I don"t care, hand on the wheel, drivin drunk, I"m doin my thingRollin the Midwest side and out livin my life getting out dreamsPeople told me slow my road I"m screaming out fuck thatImma do just what I want lookin ahead no turnin backif I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullestif I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bulletsI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shine ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good.I"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shine ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good.Tell me what you know about dreamin dreaminyou don"t really know about nothin nothintell me what you know about them night terrors every night5 am, cold sweats wakin up to the skiestell me what you know about dreams, dreamstell me what you know about night terrors, nothinyou don"t really care about the trials of tomorrowrather lay awake in a bed full of sorrowI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shines ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be goodI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knoweverything that shines ain"t always gonna be goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be good(Guitar Solo)I"m on the pursuit of happiness. I knoweverything that shines ain"t always goldI"ll be fine once I get it, I"ll be goodI"m on the pursuit of happiness and I knowEverything that shines ain"t always gonna be gold, heyI"ll be fine once I get it, yeahI"ll be goodPursuit of happiness, yeahI dont get it, Ill be goodhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7534874


HATE作词者名 RUKA作曲者名 RUKA呗 ナイトメア阳の当たらない浊る息の町【太阳照射不到(没有光照)的气息浑浊的城市】最期の糸も静かに切れた【连最后的绳线也安静地切断】数分前の君の言叶さえ【数分之前的你的话语】マダラ模様に溶けて渗んでいた【在斑点图纹中溶化浸渗】「汚い」なんてもしも言われても【即使说「肮脏」】胸痛むほど弱くありません【也没有心痛般的软弱】欲しいモノなら力で夺う【若是渴望之物 就用力量夺取】天下无敌の悪のカリスマ【天下无敌的邪恶神力】茨の道を 土足で歩く【赤脚走在荆棘之路上】仮面の裏の 本音は言えず【无法说出面具下的真心话】暗の中で震えてる 泣き虫な自分が【爱哭鬼般的自己在黑暗中颤抖着】呜呼 なのにどうして? 爱を叫べない【啊 那么是为什么? 无法呼喊爱】呜呼 なのにどうして?【啊 那么是为什么?】いつもすれ违い 缲り返す【总是擦身而过 循环往复】谁にも言えず 谁にも见せずに【不会对谁说出口 不会让任何人看见】最后の瞬间も 一人なのかな【连最后的那瞬间 都是我一个人(度过)吗?】暗の中で震えてる 泣き虫な自分が【爱哭鬼般的自己在黑暗中颤抖着】呜呼 なのにどうして? 爱を叫べない【啊 那么是为什么? 无法呼喊爱】闻いて 闻いて 谁よりも弱い仆の声を【请听听 请听听 比谁都要微弱的我的声音】呜呼 なのにどうして? いつもすれ违う【啊 那么是为什么?总是擦身而过】缲り返す もどかしい 自问自答は【循环往复 急不可待 自问自答】呜呼 悲しいかな 君を割り出せず【啊 悲伤吗?无法推断出你】投げ舍てた思いが 胸に芽生えて【抛弃的思念在心中萌生出嫩芽】呜呼 绮丽な花 开くことの无く 散るのかな【啊 美丽的花儿 将无法绽放而散落吗?】邪神,找不到了= = 罗马音也无能

Artie Shaw & His Orchestra的《Nightmare》 歌词

歌曲名:Nightmare歌手:Artie Shaw & His Orchestra专辑:Very Best Of Artie ShawNightmare作词:山野英明 作曲:SNoW呗:SNoWBy 琉璃(Ruri Hoshino)今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて廃墟の町に见覚えがあるあなたと潜った写真集の中どうして独り、あたしは独りすぐに、すぐに梦なんだと気づく瓦砾を走る、何か蹴飞ばす梦から覚める出口を探すの早く行かなきゃ、早く行かなきゃどこかであなたの声がしてるの动いている、时の中しか、永远のなんて、见えないんだ今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて止まりかけたあたしの心を动かして隣にあなたはいる、たぶん违う、梦を见て太阳なんか要らないあなたの笑颜が今恋しくてあなたを思う、こんなに思うそんなあたしを梦に见つけたのもっと知りたい、もっと知りたいあなたのことをもっともっと知りたい何とかしなきゃ、しっかりしなきゃどんな世界にも切なさが危ない时が爱しい、何故が爱しい今はもっとあなたを知りたい忘れてたよ、信じなければ、どんなことでも、始まらないわ一分一秒でもずっとずっと抱きしめて丸い梦を见ていただけどささやいて隣にあなたがいた、今もきっとそばにいるの抗ったまたって、あなたの声しか届かないな届けたいな、给いたいな君を守ったか、たまには闻きたいな走りたいな、笑ってたいな、始めたいな今何时か教えて、梦といって抱きしめて止まりかけたあたしの心を动かして隣にあなたはいる、たぶん违う、梦を见て太阳なんか要らないあなたの笑颜が今恋しくてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8251532



give out give away hand out 的区别 哪个有捐赠的意思啊?

give away记得是赠送或泄密的意思. give out是散发什么气味的意思,也有分发,用光的意思. hand out 是上交,提交的意思.

give away give out hand out的区别

1.Give away 赠送;泄露2.give away one"s position 暴露目标 3.right to give away 放弃权 4.give away a secret 泄露天机收藏指正 5.Don"t give away the secret. 这项机密不可泄露。 6.to give away a secret 泄露秘密收藏指正 7.give away free of charge; give for nothing 白给 8.Do not give away my secret . 不要泄露我的秘密。 9.tried to give away unwanted kittens. 试图丢掉不想要的小猫。 1.Give out 分发2.give out pay 发饷 3.give out orders 发命令4.give out light and heat 放出光和热5.Give out the books, please. 请把这些书发给大家。 1.Hand out 分发,散发 2.Hand out samples 赠送样品 3.Hand out the pencils. 把铅笔发下去。 4.Susie held her hand out shyly. 苏西害羞地伸出她的手。 5.His hand is out. 他已经不行了。 6.Hand in/out the schoolwork. 交/发作业。

Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Motown EssentialsMyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8694550

Michael Jackson的《My Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:My Girl歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:3 Cd CollectionMyGirlMichael JacksonBenI"ve got sunshineOn a cloudy dayWhen it"s cold outsideI"ve got the month of MayI guess you"d sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got so much honeythe bees envy meI"ve got a sweeter song thanthe birds in the treesI guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)Hey hey heyHey hey heyI love my babyShe makes me feel proudOoooh...I climb the highest mountainand say I"m in loveI don"t need no money,fortune or fameI"ve got all the riches babyone man can claimWell I guess you"ll sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl(My girl, my girl)Talkin" "bout my girl(My girl)I"ve got sunshine On a cloudy dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8567932

That is how most of the candy in the store is sold,如何翻译?有何语法?

That is how most of the candy in the store is sold.解析:这是一个由how引导的表语从句.句子的主干结构是:主语that,系动词is,表语 how most of the candy in the store is sold,因为做表语的是一个句子,所以这个...

i may look calm but in my head i have punched yo


sexually charged episode 如何翻译?

性(懵懂)冲动期。这句话的意思是: 婴幼儿期遗忘症是婴幼儿(早期)性(朦胧)冲动被压抑的表现,这种学说也不能很好地解释这种早期的遗忘现象。字面意思,charged = fully loaded, 充斥;episdoes = period (按:人生如戏的感觉)背景知识:这讨论的是人为什么对 婴幼儿期成长或事件的记忆很模糊不清的问题。 上面的学说,其实就是著名的弗洛伊德精神分析理论对这一现象的解释。弗氏把一切都归咎于xin的冲动起源。

main.c(54): warning C294: unreachable code

if (0 > 1){ printf("Hello world! ");}

翻译这句it is very hard to break a code without t


PCB板加工中以下缩写是什么工艺? 2PP+2SP+2LP+STH+Carbon key+Punched+V-CUT Y2+LF HAL 万分感谢!

1、PP:半固化片2、SP:不知道3、LP:不知道4、STH:银膏贯孔5、Carbon key:碳油按键6、Punched:冲板(也称:啤板)7、V-CUT:V割(即“V”型切割)8、LF HAL:无铅喷锡请楼下的高手们继续回答!



关于by的短语意思by hand 和 little by little?

一、by hand (1) 用手工(即不是用机器或其它手段).如: The letter was written by hand.这封信是用手写的(即不是打印的). My shoes were made by hand.我的鞋是手工做的(即不是机器做的). (2) 用专人(即不是通常邮寄等).如: Did the letter e by hand or through the post?这封信是专人送来的还是邮寄来的? 二、little by little,逐渐地 例句与用法: His English is improving little by little. 他的英语渐有提高. Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐消失. He has changed year by year and little by little. 他随时间逐渐改变. Little by little; gradually. 一点一点地;逐渐地,7,

JSP代码中for循环break退出循环的错误,报错Unreachable code在break那一行

看看你的那个js代码是不是有错误 多加alert试试 怎么现在还java和js代码一起写的

GBA三国志孔明传gameshark的作弊码 我用手机模拟器玩的只支持gameshark的作弊码 求

下面代码安卓手机gba模拟器能用,是codebreak码,gameshark转码太麻烦。你先试试。有用我再贴出更多。先是孔明的。等级8200BA15 0063经验8200BA16 0063武力8200BA09 00FF统帅8200BA10 00FF知力8200BA11 00FF回合数为0:820336B7 0000金钱820117FC 423F820117FD 0F00孔明无限移动82032E0A 0030兵数82032E10 270F策略82032E14 270F

说我现在感冒了可不可以说i’m having bad cold?

I"m sickI"ve got a bad cold.I"m having a terrible cold.

The doctor says that he () (come)soon.用所给动词的适当形式填空

will come 很快就来


楼上正解,不要看到PS就给差评啊。GIMP中打开 图像→模式→切换到RGB 滤镜就可用了。

求助sue for ,charge with,accuse of,的几个例句

The rebels were foced to sue for peace.反叛者被迫求和。The committee has been charged with the developnebt of sprot in the regin.委员会已经被赋予在该地区发展体育运动的职责。The room was charged with hatred.这个房间里充满了敌意。She accused him of lying.她指责他说谎。The government was accused of incompetence.政府被指责无能。其实,你翻一下字典就行。

intel cpu架构 一代是啥,二代sandy bridge 三代ivy bridge ,has


what is an important skill that a person needs to be successful in the world today?why?

more and more people are really like today"s things,such as the money, the friendship.They don"t want to learn more about knowledges,they don"t think studying is important,they also think the money is moreiportant in them lifes.Form my point of view,l think we should study in the school at the moment.Everything will be ok in the futrue.

it is important to have a traditional skill英语作文?

The world today is a very competitive place. Therefore, it is necessary to develop some skills to increase one"s chances of success. Many skills, for example, leadership, a second language, and technical skills such as computer programming, are very useful today. However, I believe that the most useful skill is the ability to communicate well with others.It is impossible to overstate the importance of good communication skills. In today"s society we have to work cooperatively with others. A good communicator finds it easier to put forth his ideas clearly. In this way there will be fewer misunderstandings, which can lead to bad feelings as well as lost time and effort. In addition, a person with good communication skills is a good mediator and negotiator. He or she can play a valuable role in resolving disputes and enhancing cooperation. This means that a good communicator is often a natural leader. Finally, with good communication skills, it is easier to persuade others to accept your point of view. Having your views and plans approved of by others is a vital step on the way to success.For all the above reasons, it is my belief that strong communication skills are the most important to have. Good communication is important in all situations, so a skillful communicator will always be in high demand.参考译文:一项重要的技能现今的世界竞争十分激烈,因此,必须培养一些技能以增加自己成功的机会。许多技能,如领导能力、第二语言能力,以及技术能力,如电脑程式设计等,现在都非常有用。然而,我认为最有用的技能是擅长和别人沟通的能力。良好的沟通技巧,其重要性再怎么强调也不为过。在现今的社会中,我们必须与他人合作。擅长沟通的人比较容易能将自己的意见清楚地表达出来。如此一来,便能减少误会,以免造成不良的感觉,甚至浪费时间和力气。此外,具有良好沟通技巧的人会是一个优秀的调停者与协商者,在解决纷争、加强合作时可以扮演重要的角色。这就表示,善于沟通的人常常就是天生的领导者。最后,具有良好的沟通技巧使你比较容易说服别人来接受你的观点,而你的意见和计划能被别人认同是迈向成功很重要的一步。基于上述理由,我相信,卓越的沟通技巧是最重要的必备技能。良好的沟通在所有的情况中都非常重要。所以,善于沟通的人总是非常受的。





我的电脑发现Hacktool Rootkit病毒,扫毒,永久删除后,过几天又反复出现,我该怎么办?

开机是,摁"F8" 选择"安全模式"进入系统.再按楼上那位说的步骤应该就OK了.


你可以用这个软件到安全模式下去处理试试: 按杀毒软件提供的路径,记下来 1.下载一个软件:冰刃(http://www.ttian.net/website/2005/0829/391.html) 这是一个绿色软件,下载解压缩后即可使用。然后重启机器到安全模式下。 2.在冰刃左侧的栏里通过“文件”直接定位到这个文件所在的文件夹下,找到这个文件。右击这个文件,选择--删除。 3.搜索注册表里这些文件的键值,删除搜索到的。(不一定有) 4.重启电脑,这个东西应该清除干净了。 如果重启后问题还在,请用同样的方法到Windows/system32和Windows/system32/drivers这2个文件去检查下。

haswell和Ivy Bridge的处理器接口一样吗?





stock是比较正式的说法。比如说股市就是stock market。share market是比较随便的说法。意思都相似,股票的意思。equity是权益的意思。是指股东所拥有的权益



equity stock security bond stock share 有什么区别

equity 权益、stock 股票、bond 债券、security 证券、share 股份证券(security)包括了股票(stock)和债券(bond)equity =share,stock是equity或者share的凭证

“股票”Share, equity, stock

Share 股票股利(送股或公积金转增的股份)equity 股份(占公司百分之多少的股份)stock 股本(会计报表里常用)
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